Title: | Punishment For A Nine-Year-Old | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Donny | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | xxtripp6996xx@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gender: | Male | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Age: | 56 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posting Date: | 07/19/09 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Story Contents: |
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Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: | 7 (35%) |
My name is Donny. I am nine-years-old I have a three almost four-year- old brother his name is Bobby. He sleeps in a crib in the same bedroom as I do he still wets his bed too. We have two unused bedrooms in our house. I have been asking mom for one of the rooms for myself. That way I would not have to sleep in a baby room like my friends call it. They say my room has a crib in it so it is a baby room. On friend called it Donny�s nursery room. I have begged my mom to let me have one of the other rooms as my own room for the last month. I tell her I am a big boy not a baby like Bobby. So why can�t I have a room just for me the big boy of the house. She finely told when I stop wetting the bed like a little baby I could have a room all by myself. Until then I have to sleep in the same room as your baby brother Bobby. I hung my head in shame I do still wet the bed three or four times a week not every night like mom talks, she talks like I pee every night. I don�t pee that much. I told her I know three other kids in my class that do it too they have a room all their own. It�s not that big a deal to me it just happens when I am asleep I can�t stop it. Mom keeps getting on me every morning that I wet telling me if I don�t stop I will be sorry. I tell her I can�t help it I am asleep when it happens. What can I do to stop it? I try as hard as I can but it still happens the doctor says I will stop when I get older. Mom and dad had me try the wetting alarms with no success. Mom and dad even tried waking me up before they went to bed at 11:00 but I was already wet most of the time. Mom said summer vacation starts tomorrow so she has new rules about my bedwetting. Mom said I will have the same rules as Bobby does. If he has a wet bed he has to wear Pull-ups all day without pants to hide them. That has worked for him he has not wet the bed in more than two weeks. He is almost four and he doesn�t like to let everyone know that he is still being potty trained. He says he wants to be a real big boy not a baby being potty trained. That same rule should work for you too. I told mom yap sarcastically smug saying but Pull-ups will not fit me I am to big. Mom told me I wear the same size underwear as Bobby so she thinks they will fit me just fine. I was small for a nine-year-old and she has been threatening me with diapers for more than a year. I thought it was just another threat; I never gave it another thought. What could I do I am sleeping and pee comes out how can I stop it. That night I went to bed at 9:30 just like I always do one hour after Bobby. The next morning mom came to wake us up at 7:30. I watched her lift Bobby out of his crib to let him go potty. I heard him run to the bathroom that was connected to our room. Bobby peed in the potty for what seamed like ten minutes. I thought he must be some sort of camel holding that much pee. I listened to him wash his hands just before he came running back into our bedroom. I watched mom handed him his clothes for the day. I was watching him from under the sheets like I was still asleep. He removed his dry pajamas and regular underwear getting totally naked before putting on a fresh pair of underwear, summer shorts, and T- shirt. He was dressed in less than two minutes. He picked up his clothes and put them in the dirty clothes hamper in our room. I was waiting on them to leave the room like they always do. That way I could get out of my wet pajamas I had wet the bed again for the fourth night in a row. Mom told Bobby to wait we have to check to see if Donny peed the bed again. Until then Bobby did not know I was a bed wetter too mom helped me keep it a secret. The look on his face told it all. Bobby smiled with a big grin then let out a giggled Donny pees the bed. Bobby said Donny is a baby I don�t pee the bed I am a big boy I have not peed in a long time. Mom asked Bobby. What happens if you pee the bed Bobby? My eyes were wide looking at Bobby. Then Bobby giggled. You have to wear Pull-ups all day mommy that is the rules. Mom grabbed my sheet so quickly I could not react fast enough to prevent what happened next. Mom gave the sheet a quick pull revealing me lying with a pee ring on the bottom sheet from my knees to my shoulders. I had really done a number on it. Bobby said boy Donny pees a lots. Mom said yes he does let�s get him dress for the day. Mom asked what do we need to do first Bobby? Bobby said bath time. Mom said yes we take a bath first to get the pee smell off. I tried to tell mom can I take a shower I am a big boy not a baby. Mom said you wet the bed like a baby so you need a bath like a baby. I tried to stay in bed but mom just picked me up and carried me into the bathroom where she started my bath water running. By the time she had my wet pajamas and underwear off. I was struggling with mom at every step of getting my clothes off. Mom warned me if I don�t stop fighting her I would get spanked. She has never spanked me before only warned me. This time was different I kept up my fight not cooperating she was not going to give ME a bath. Quick as a blink of an eye I was over her knee receiving my first spanking I could ever remember. After the second spank I was crying hard like a little baby. It took only three spanks and I was very cooperative. The bath water was done so mom bathed me without me fighting I was now a cooperative little boy. I was a very well behaved little boy. When my bath was done mom dried me off with a big fluffy towel and carried me into our bed room with Bobby right behind us. Mom said for not cooperating I will be dressed like a little toddler when he don�t cooperate. I was on my back naked on the changing table mom asked Bobby to get a Pull-up from the stack. Bobby quickly handed mom a Pull-up for me just before the pull-up was pulled on mom put plenty of baby powder all over me. Mom put the Pull-up over my feet and I knew I was in trouble I did not want another spanking so I lay still as the Pull-up was slowly pulled up my legs. Then she lifted my legs so she could pull my new underwear over my bottom. The Pull-up did not feel that bad it had more padding then my regular underwear that was the only difference I could tell. Then Bobby handed mom a strange T-shirt that had snaps on the bottom. Mom snapped all four snaps with a lot of force each made a loud click. Mom held up my summer shorts telling me I don�t need these only well behaved little boys get to wear shorts. Mom let me stand in front of the mirror to get a good look at myself. I looked just like Bobby did when he was being daytime potty trained. I had the same little waddle when I walked with bulk around where my Pull-up was under my T-shirt. Bobby was wearing regular underwear and had no waddle or bulk plus HE HAD SUMMER SHORTS. Mom seated me in the highchair telling me this is where un-potty trained little boys eat. I objected saying I AM POTTY TRAINED. Mom asked me. What kind of underwear are you wearing NOW DONNY? I did not answer. She asked again. WHAT KIND? I sheepishly said Pull-ups. She asked what are Pull-ups are for? I did not answer. Then she asked Bobby what Pull-ups are for. Bobby quickly said potty training babies. Mom said that is right they are for babies that are starting potty training. I sat in the highchair where I had to eat with a bib tied around my neck. I was so mad now I wanted to get back at mom but I did not know what to do. I slowly ate my oatmeal drinking from a sippy cup. When I finished my food my bib and tray were clean I wanted to proved to mom I was not a baby and did not need a tray or bib. Mom said what a good baby I was as she removed me from the highchair. I was told to go play remember to ask me when you need the potty. Only potty trained kids are aloud to go potty by them self. Now that it was summer with no school that meant it was PLAY TIME. I ran outside with Bobby to play forgetting I was wearing the special T- shirt, Pull-ups and looked like a toddler not the big boy I really was. I put off going to the bathroom until the very last minute because I was having so much fun not having school. I played and played holding it and holding it knowing all I had to do is run to the house and pee in the potty like I always do. I got up made my mad dash to the house knowing I had just a few minutes before I would have an accident. I was a big boy, big boys don�t have accidents. I always planed my potty needs so I could get the max playtime that is what big boys do and I was a big boy not a toddler like mom thinks. I was so good at timing my need to go pee just like a clock always on time. I got to the bathroom just in time to pee in the potty. Then I ran into a big problem the T-shirt with snaps. I tried to pull the snaps open but they held tight. Then I tried to get my wee wee out around the Pull-up but the T-shirt was too tight at the legs. Pee started to leak out going into the front of my Pull-up in small squirts. No matter what I did I could not stop it. I danced and held my crotch finely the dam broke flooding my Pull-up. Wow what a feeling warm and neat I could not believe how good it felt. I could not believe wet the Pull-up would feel this good I stopped dancing and took in the new feeling. Then reality hit me what am I going to do now? I felt like a little toddler that had an accident but I was a big boy I was nine- years-old. Then I thought I could change it and no one would know. I worked on the snaps until I was finely able to unsnap the snaps with a small screwdriver I found in a drawer. I removed my wet bloated Pull- up and dropped it into the trash. I noticed that it could have held more pee but I did not want to chance it. I went to my underwear drawer and found nothing but Pull-ups. Mom had taken my underwear away and replaced them with Bobby�s PULL-UPS. I went to Bobby�s Pull-up drawer next to my underwear drawer. I thought she had just mixed the drawers up putting Pull-ups in the wrong drawer. I found no Pull-ups in Bobby�s drawer just bran new underwear with no brown and yellow stains like mine had. I grabbed one of the new pair of underwear and slipped them on. There is nothing like bran new underwear I was a big boy again not a baby. The snaps were real had to snap back but I did it. I ran out to play like nothing happened hoping no one would find out I had just wet my Pull-ups. Then I remembered the wet Pull-up in the trash. Mom might see it. I ran back to the bathroom just in time to see mom pull the wet Pull-up out of the trash. She told me to come to her. I knew I was in trouble now. Mom checked my bottom asking what kind of underwear I was wearing. I told her regular underwear. She asked me where I got the regular underwear. I told her they came from Bobby�s Pull-up drawer you put them in the wrong drawer they belong in my drawer not the baby Pull-up drawer. Mom said I should be in diapers now for wetting my Pull-ups that is the rules for wetting in Pull-ups. I told her it was an accident I did not mean to do it I could not get my T-shirt off. Mom said the rule is if I need to go potty I have to come to her. I told you when I put your Pull-ups on so you have just broke two potty rules. I found myself naked over her knee getting spanked until I thought I was going to die. Still crying mom put me on the table where she diapered me in Huggies size 6 diapers. They fit me just a little snuggly I looked like a real toddler. Still crying mom put another snapped T-shirt with Big Bird on the front. This time I was aloud to wear summer shorts but they only bulged out making my diapered condition more evident. Still crying I was led out to where Bobby was playing on the swings. Bobby looked at me and said Donny is wearing diapers mommy why is Donny wearing diapers. Mom said Donny went potty in his Pull-ups like a little baby. Bobby said me a big boy not a baby. Bobby said in his little boy voice, me pee and poop in potty not my pants only babies do that. Bobby started to say over and over pee, pee, poop, poop goes in the potty. He kept saying it in a sing song rhythm. I felt so ashamed of myself listening to my baby brother singing about going to the potty while I was the one wearing diapers not him. Bobby stood up still singing and said me going to go potty Donny me a big boy me not wear diapers. I wanted to punch him out but mom was watching from the kitchen window. I watched Bobby skip into the house and five minutes later came skipping back. Bobby said me go potty Donny me big boy not baby. I quietly played sulking thinking my mom is so mean to me for making me wear these stupid diapers. Well I have an idea maybe if I make a big mess she with think twice about diapering me again. I need to do my morning poop now but if I hold it until tomorrow or longer it will be a lot bigger. I played with Bobby until lunch then it was naptime. I have not taken a nap since I was four-years-old. Mom said today I start taking a nap with my brother from 1:00 until 3:00 in the afternoon. Mom led me to our room picked me up put ME in the crib telling me this is were a bed wetter needs to sleep. Mom said if I climb out I will get spanked. I remember she means what she says about spanking now. I lay down and watched her put Bobby in my bed. Bobby was smiling so big saying me a big boy now Donny the baby. Mom told him not to tease Donny or he would get spanked too. I was awakened by mom changing my wet diaper I had wet my bed while I napped. Mom said Donny you need to try to hold your potty needs more like Bobby does. By bedtime I had wet three more diapers. The next morning I need another diaper change I had wet the bed again. Mom said no Pull-ups for Donny he needs dry pants before he gets Pull-ups. I felt the need to poop but I held it in I was going to make a big load in my diaper soon so she would never do this again. All day I played with Bobby needing nine wet diaper changes through out the day. I wet my nap diaper too. I had forgotten about holding my poop now I did not even feel the need to poop. I kept thinking boy is mom going to get a surprise when I let go. That night I wet the bed again getting my morning diaper changed like normal. Bobby had stopped saying anything about me being diapered. He just told mom when I need a changed. The third diapered morning I woke up mom changed my night diaper without a word it was now routine to get a morning change before breakfast. I was sitting in my highchair eating my breakfast when I felt the need to fart. I let it go except a small amount of poop came out too but I was able to stop the rest of the load. I held the rest of my poop back I did not want to let go yet I wanted to make a huge mess mom would never forget. I let my pee go to relieve the pressure instead. I love the feeling of pee going into my diaper since I am wearing them why not enjoy them. Mom changed my diaper before I was aloud to go out and play with my brother. Mom did not even mention the poop so it must have been just a feeling not the real thing that was in my diaper. We had so much fun playing I did not have to stop to go potty now I used my diapers for that. Mom would just change me every two and a half hours. Bobby was holding his need for the potty sometimes three or four hours. Mom never pressured me to stop using my diaper so I never tried to hold it. Bobby asked mom if he could wear diapers like Donny. She told him he would loose his big boy bed and big boy chair at the table if he wants to be a baby too. I did not hear mom tell Bobby what he would have to do to be a baby again. Bobby said he don�t want to loose his big boy bed he likes his soft mattress. He said it don�t make that crackly noise when he moves around in it. He said the crib makes too much noise. He said the highchair is just for babies not big boys big boy can eat in a booster chair. I heard mom tell Bobby if he does not have a potty accident the rest of the week he will get the big boy room next to the nursery. Bobby was so excited when he heard that he was getting the big boy room with the XBOX. If you are wearing diapers or Pull-ups you are not aloud to play with big boy toys like the XBOX. The fourth diapered morning I was awakened by mom changing me on the changing table. I don�t know how she had carried me to the table without waking me. Mom was wiping a small amount of brown poop from my butt. I don�t remember pooping but when she pulled my diaper from under my butt I saw the small amount of poop in my wet diaper. I was ready for the day all clean and freshly diapered. Bobby woke up saying he smells poop. Mom told him Donny had a poopy diaper last night. I felt so ashamed I had pooped in my sleep. Bobby went into the bathroom to do his pee thing while mom carried me to the kitchen. Bobby was on his own getting dressed like a big boy should. I was eating my breakfast when Bobby walked into the kitchen to sit in his booster seat to start eating his. We were just about finished eating when Bobby said he smells poopy again. I knew it was not me I did not feel it come out. But then I moved in my highchair and felt poop in my diaper. How did poop get in there I did not do it. I didn�t even feel the need to poop so how did that happen. Mom said it smells like our baby Donny used his diaper again. I started to cry saying I did not do it. Mom said it was in my diaper so I had to have done it. I said I was nine years old I am a big boy I did not do it. I had lost all control of my poop I could not even tell poop was coming out of me or when it was about to come out. My pee control was so weak but I could at least hold it a short while maybe ten or twenty minutes. After four more days of no control mom made a doctors appointment to see why I had lost control of my poop. I was sitting in the waiting room with six or more kids from age two all the way too six years old. I was wearing just diapers and a short T-shirt. Even a potty trained two-year-old pointed at me and said. Looky mommy big baby. I was so ashamed I wanted to hide but had no place to hide. I was the last one to get called in to the doctor�s office. The doctor examined me and found I had a problem called encopresis it happens to kids (generally age 4 up to age 6 years-old) the doctor said it happens to kids who frequently hold their bowel movement so long they soil their underwear. The doctor said the condition is known as encopresis. It is caused from not having frequent enough bowel movements and holding back until it hurts when they go. So they hold it back more soon the nerves that say they need to go poop are dulled down. They now have a real problem they can�t control when they poop it just comes out on its own. Now they are having real accidents in their pants just like a baby. Donny can not help it until he starts having normal bowel movements once or twice a day. It might take him two to three months to correct. Donny will need to stay diapered until he can she you he can control himself again treat him just like you would a toddler not yet potty trained. Sometimes it takes months of intense potty training to totally correct, the older the kid the longer it takes. Donny is one of the oldest kids he has ever heard about. Donny needs to take these pills once a day for seven days and eat this diet. The doctor said Donny should be going once or twice a day instead of days before he goes. He has stretched his colon and sphincter muscles to twice their normal size so control will be hard form him even after he starts having normal bowel movements. Just wait before you start to potty training him again. When he shows he can tell you when he needs to poop before he poops in his diaper for three days he will be ready for potty training again. Just treat him like a normal toddler he is small so regular diapers will work. I was now in trouble I was the family baby. The diaper in the house belonged to me not Bobby with the doctors OK. When we got home mom told me since I was the baby of the house now Bobby is the BIG BOY of the house. Bobby will be in charge of what we play with. It is just like when you were in charge of his play he is now in charge of your play. I was not really a nice brother I made him spend a lot of time in the playpen to keep him out of my hair. Guess where the first place I found myself playing. Yep the playpen became my play world just like it was for Bobby. I was not aloud to climb out mom would redden my bottom I know I already tried. Spanking hurt so I just stay in my playpen and played with the toddler toys Bobby let me have. I sucked my pacifier because I found it more relaxing to play in my new world that way. When we go outside I have to play with what Bobby wants. The first night after my doctors visit mom gave me one of the 7 pills he gave her. It was big but I swallowed it. Mom said it would help me learn to stop pooping my pants. The pill was a combination of laxative and muscle relaxant. The next morning I found that I had wet so much my diaper leaked. Mom said nothing she just changed it like a good mom would do for a little toddler. I don�t ever remember wetting that much even when I was a baby. Mom bathed and dressed me for the day and carried me to the kitchen. I was sitting in my highchair eating breakfast when all the sudden pee went into my diaper. I could not stop the flow of pee it was followed by a small amount of poop. I never even felt the poop come out I just felt squishy stuff in my diaper. I thought it was just where the diaper was soaking up the pee but then the smell came to me. Then Bobby said baby Donny pooped his diaper again me smell it. Mom said. Well: we need to get his diaper changed don�t we. Bobby giggled saying Baby Donny needs diapers doesn�t he because Donny wets lots of diapers? Bobby giggled again saying babies do that a lot. I sat in my highchair listening to Bobby jabber away about diapers and what babies do in them. I knew I needed my diaper changed so I had to listen to Bobby jabber and jabber about diapers and babies. To make my situation worse last night I knocked my sippy cup off the tray last night causing my juice to spill when the top came off. Mom told me I need to drink from a baby bottle so there would be no more spills like last night. There I was sitting in the highchair mom telling me I had to drink from a baby bottle until I get potty trained. Bobby started to jabber about what babies do that he is a big boy not a baby like Donny. I knew Bobby was right because I did the same thing to him when he was sitting in this same chair wearing big boy training pants. When I finished my bottle mom removed me from my chair and carried me to my changing table next to my crib. Mom changed my wet diaper that had just a very small amount of poop in it. I asked mom if I could see the poop. I looked at the very small amount of poop in the very wet diaper. I was proud of my self for not pooping that much. When mom finished changing my diaper she told Bobby to lead me outside to play. I waddle ran to the sandbox holding Bobby�s hand. I started building a high-way for the cars and trucks. Bobby started to swing on the swings and play on all the big boy toys. All the sudden I felt poop in my diaper I did not even feel it leave my body. My diaper just felt like it had squishy lump in it. I could not stop it because I could not feel it. The all of the sudden poop just started coming out. I could not feel it leaving my body just the end result. More poop than I ever felt in my diaper before I can�t remember being a baby and pooping my diaper. Now poop was smashing and oozing between my legs up in front and around in back. I stood up crying poop still coming out. When I was done pooping I felt like I had a soft squishy sticky basketball in my diaper. I waddled crying to the backdoor where mom held me until I stopped crying. Mom led me to the bathtub where mom had me stand in it. My diaper tapes were just about to break but they were holding. Mom told me to sit down in the tub. I felt the mass squeeze up between my legs giving me a new feeling it sort of felt good and tickled at the same time. I wanted to do it again but mom was tearing the diaper tapes off. With the tapes loose mom told to stand up now leaving my messy diaper in the bottom of the tube. Mom removed my messy diaper and threw it away. I have never ever seen a diaper as messy as that one. I have seen lots of messy diapers at daycare when I would be out playing and wet my pants. They would change me in the same room as the babies. I could see all the messy diapers the baby�s used in the diaper pail. They were rolled up and taped together to hold the mess inside. When mom rolled up my messy diaper to tape it shut poop oozed out all over. There was so much poopy mess in that the diaper it could not hold it in mom put the mess in a plastic grocery bag. Mom said boy what a messy little boy I was. I had poop all over my bottom and privet area. There was so much poop that it took mom ten minutes to wash off all the brown to turn my diaper area pink again. Mom used the shower wand to spray off and clean of my messy bottom. Fifteen minutes later my bottom was clean as a new born baby. Mom dried me off and carried me to my changing table where I was given a bottle to take while I was diapered. Mom oiled and powdered me before she taped a new diaper on my pink bottom. Twenty minutes after I was taken to the bathroom I was ready for more play. I felt so good sucking my pacifier wearing a clean dry diaper how could life get better. I waddled back to the sand box after I finished my bottle. I was so happy I forgot I was nine-years-old not two. Diapers, bottles, cribs, highchairs, and all the other baby supplies were my world now. I was in effect a two-year-old now not a nine-year-old. Mom said when I get potty trained I will return to being a big boy. I hope potty training takes a long time this time being a baby is not that bad. All the toys I can play with in privet. Most of all being a baby means not being required to run to the potty every time I need to pee or poop. I have my potty with me all the time so playtime can be longer. Baby bottles can be drank everywhere because they don�t spill and other things don�t get into them. Cribs are a safer place to sleep, you can�t fall out and other things have trouble getting in. Highchairs are good too everyone helps you eat your food. Pacifiers help you relax. What more could you ask for baby life is GREAT. Is this punishment????? DONNY