Premie Twins

Summary: Twin six year-olds are kept as babies.

Chapter 11

Once the girls had finished feeding their baby jack-o-lanterns, 
Chrissie fetched Kate's Polaroid camera from the closet. "I want a 
picture of this...Jessie, you can hold them on your lap." The twins 
were lifted from their highchairs, "burped", and then posed on 
Jessica's lap, with each straddling one of her legs.

"Hold still now" said Chrissie, "'trick-or-treat' on" "Trick-or-treat!" "Let's get another one for you, 
Jessie...and this time, don't hold them up by their crotches--I want 
their diapers to show." Meanwhile, Maggie, who had changed out of her 
frilly clothes, stomped her feet as she trudged the two loaded diaper 
pails to the laundry room; with the prissy Megan (who would have 
nothing to do with handling the twins' stinky diapers) following behind 
at a distance, holding her nose.

"Oh, Chrissie!" Jessica asked, "Can I get a picture of them as little 
cowboys?" "Sure!--I'll get their boots and bandanas; you take off their 
costumes, I'll have to hand-wash those bibs." After Jessica unsnapped 
their bibs, and pulled the "pumpkin lids" from their heads, she rolled 
each boy on his back at her sides, and began making grabbing motions 
toward their feet, threatening to gobble up their little "piggies".

The twin were soon kicking and screaming, and Jessica observed that the 
fronts of their diapers were beginning to swell up with pee. "These'll 
slow those legs down" said Chrissie, holding a pair of little cowboy 
boots in each hand. She had Jessica hold the twins, as before, on her 
lap while she slipped the boots on their bare feet. Once the bandanas 
were tied around their necks, Chrissie noticed through the view-finder 
that the twins' diapered crotches appeared considerably larger than 

"Looks like we got a couple wet baby buckaroos here... their 
pacifiers!--they must have their pacifiers," laughed Chrissie, poking a 
pacifier in each boy's mouth. "Okay, now we're ready...say 'cheese' on" "Cheeezze!" Chrissie snapped another shot, and 
suggested the twins play out back on their hopping balls while she and 
Jessica had breakfast. As the boys shuffled toward the back door, 
Chrissie shot another picture of them from behind, noting that their 
Pampers were still wedged tightly between their butt cheeks. "No point 
in changing them now," said Chrissie, "might as well wait until their 

While the girls ate, they laughed as they watched the twins bouncing on 
their hopping balls, as if they were rodeo riders on bucking broncos, 
stopping at intervals, and standing on the toes of their boots toward 
the fronts of the balls, rocking their hips; pressing the puffy pee-
soaked fronts of their diapers against the handles.

At one such interval, Chrissie noticed that the back of Sammy's diaper 
was no longer creased in; but quite the opposite: it was obvious by his 
bulging rear-end that his baby formula had had its predictable effect. 
"Look at your baby buckaroo, Jessie...he probably doesn't even feel 
that mess in his diaper, the way you plastered his little butt with 
baby salve!"

So slippery was Sammy's little behind, in fact, that some of the poopy 
mess had shot right up the crack of his butt, and had begun oozing out 
of the top of his diaper. Little Alec was not in much better shape: his 
poopy mess went in the other direction, and Chrissie could see that 
some of it had squished out between his legs, making his inner thighs 
stick to the top of his hopping ball. Neither boy seemed to mind, 
however, their Pampers still feeling a lot lighter than their usual 
messy cloth diapers. Chrissie, on the other hand, instantly regretted 
not wrapping their little behinds in their thick diapers and rubber 

Maggie and Megan emerged from the laundry room, each carrying one end 
of the laundry basket piled up with damp, clean diapers. "Do we have to 
hang these too?" "I'll give you a choice, Maggie," Crissie said, "you 
can either hang the diapers or change your brothers' messy Pampers." 
"No thanks!" said Maggie, we'll hang the diapers.

The girls weren't the only ones watching the twins bouncing around on 
their hopping balls. Standing on their toes and peeping through knot-
holes in the privacy fence, were two eight year-olds; the 
aforementioned Tommy, and his pal, Cody, both of whom had witnessed the 
now famous "buggy-race". "Get a load of the diaper-twins in their 
potty-pants and cowboy boots!" said Cody, "and their wittle 'Mommys' 
hanging their dee-dees on the clothesline. "Yeah," said Tommy, "but 
look at all the cool stuff they got."

"Ah, that's baby stuff! laughed Cody, "hopping balls...their wittle 
sandbox...their baby swimming-pool..." "Still," said Tommy, "I wouldn't 
mind..." "Get out! I wouldn't be caught dead playing with those two big 

Chapter 12

Chrissie warmed the twins' tea while Jessica went out back to help the 
girls hang the dozens of diapers and numerous rubber pants on the 
clothesline. Tommy had grown tired of standing on his toes and sat 
against the fence, sucking his thumb as he often did while daydreaming. 
"Stop sucking your thumb like a baby and check out the hooters on their 
babysitter!" Cody said in a loud whisper, as Jessica bent over to pick 
up a diaper.

"I can't very well bring them messy as they are," thought 
Chrissie, "I'll have to clean them up on the deck." "Sippy cups, 
boys...c'mon, let's get you cleaned up for the park...Jessie, I'm going 
to need your help." The twins slid off the backs of their hopping 
balls, and came running for their sippy cups. Maggie and Megan both 
made fists and pulled them down with a "yay-ah!"

The twins' running in their cowboy boots had the effect of weighting 
down their diapers even more, so that by the time they reached the 
deck, their Pampers barely clung to their hips. Chrissie had Jessica 
hold up each boy from behind, lifting his shoulders as she slipped the 
boots off their feet. Next to go were their bandanas and T-shirts, and 
finally, their Pampers were untaped, dropping to the deck with a 

"Jessie, turn on the hose," Chrissie said, adjusting the nozzle to the 
"gentle rain" setting. The twins squealed and danced around while their 
poopy messes rolled down their legs and through the gaps of the deck 
boards. Maggie couldn't believe it. "My Mom would kill her she saw 
this," she muttered to Megan. The novelty of the situation was not lost 
on Sammy, however, and planted a smack on Jessica's butt, crying: 
"you're it!"

It took the efforts of all four girls to corral the pair, who had 
crawled under their "Jungle-Jim", still squealing with laughter. 
Chrissie ended up holding Alec upside-down by his ankles, making him 
walk on his hands;--while Jessica had slung Sammy over her shoulder, 
playfully smacking his bare bottom. "Who's 'it' now, 'Buster Brown'?"

At length, Crissie had the twins in the nursery, diapered (in their 
usual half-dozen cloth diapers and rubber pants), and dressed in white 
T-shirts, fire-engine red shorts (which the boys had slightly 
outgrown), and white socks;--while Jessica applied mascara and lipstick 
on Maggie (who had since changed back into her prissy outfit) and 
Megan, making them look more like "grown-ups".

"Don't they look adorable in their little red shorts!" gushed Jessica, 
once Chrissie had led the twins down the steps. Maggie scooped up one 
of the boys and held him on her hip, with her hand beneath his padded 
bottom. Pulling the pacifier from his mouth, she asked: "Which are you, 
'adorable' one?" "I'm Alec," he replied. "Well, Alec, Megan and I want 
to play pretend 'Mommys', and take you and Sammy to the you 
promise to mind?"

"Sure!" he replied, kicking his legs with excitement. "Chrissie," 
Maggie asked, "can we take them in their baby buggys?" "Oh, Maggie!" 
Chrissie laughed, "they haven't been in their baby buggys for years!" 
"Were too!" Alec blurted out, "remem..." Maggie plugged his mouth with 
his pacifier. "Take them in their strollers, Maggie, they look like big 
baby strollers anyway."

Chapter 13

The twins were buckled into their strollers, with the center strap 
drawn tightly up between their legs, pulling their shorts up high over 
the legbands of their rubber pants; showing that they were thickly 

Their seats were reclined back so that their knees were nearly as high 
as their chins, and the boys pumped their legs in what looked like baby 
car-seats on wheels. Chrissie had poured their tea into plastic baby 
bottles which the twins drained eagerly along the way.

The combination of the calming tea and their reclining positions had 
both boys napping, with their thumbs in their mouths by the time the 
girls reached the park. That they were motionless and identical added 
to the impression that the dressy girls were really strolling their two 
big baby boy dolls.

This drew some stares and laughing, but the girls held their powdered 
noses in the air. "This is a good time to get their shoes on," said 
Maggie, stopping at a park bench. With the tugging at their feet, the 
boys began to stir, and as if by reflex, pulled back their legs, and 
began kicking them, writhing their hips and grunting, as they pressed 
against the tight center-straps between their legs.

"Whoa, there, sweetums," said Maggie, holding Sammy's ankle, "let's get 
these shoes on." At length, both boys had their shoes laced, were given 
pacifiers, had their "seat-belts" unbuckled, and were stood upright. 
The legs of their shorts were still creased up above their rubber 
pants, and Maggie could see that some of their diapers had been pressed 
outside the legbands.

"I can see my babies are wet, already," she said as she tucked their 
diapers back inside, and pulled the legs of their shorts over their 
rubber pants. "Go play now," she said, giving each a pat on their 
padded behinds.

Both boys skipped toward the playground, but Alec stopped and turned 
around, looked at Maggie, and pointed toward the swings. "Okay, I'll 
swing you," Maggie said, telling Megan to keep an eye on Sammy. She 
hoisted Alec up into a baby swing, and he was soon propelling himself 
upward, pumping his legs while rocking his hips in his snug-fitting 
baby seat.

Sammy was on the smaller slide, coming down while pulling his knees 
tightly to his chest with his arms, and raising his feet, so that any 
boy or girl near the front of the slide could look right up his little 
shorts and see the rubber pants and diapers between his legs.

Tommy and Cody were hanging out down the hill by the tire swing, which 
depended from a rope tied to a branch of a tall oak. Tommy spotted 
Sammy's red shorts, and instantly recognized the twin. He told the 
others he was going to get a drink on the playground. "This is my 
chance," he thought.

Chapter 14

When Tommy reached the top of the hill, he stood in front of the 
smaller slide, in time to see Sammy coming down and landing squarely on 
his butt; sitting spread-eagled in a cloud of dust. "Here, let me help 
you up," Tommy said laughing;--pulling Sammy up by his hands, and 
seeing that the legs of his shorts had ridden above the legbands of his 
rubber pants.

"Here," he said again (acting as if Sammy were his baby brother), "let 
me fix these for you;" and pulled the legs of his shorts back down; 
feeling a little dampness between the legs. "What's your name, little 
guy?" "I'm Sammy" (as he had replied countless times). "I'm 
Tommy...would you like me to take you on the big slide?" "O-okay," he 
replied, a little hesitant. "Here," he repeated again, "let's get the 
dirt brushed off your butt;" and turned Sammy around; sending clouds of 
dust in the air with each swat of his hand.

Tommy climbed below Sammy on the ladder, and could clearly see that the 
back of his shorts under his butt were indeed soaked; no doubt, he 
thought, from landing on his wet, diapered butt. Tommy straddled his 
legs around Sammy's at the top of the slide, while holding him around 
the waist;--and shoved off, sliding down together, with Sammy kicking 
his legs and squealing with laughter.

Sammy's familiar squeal caught Megan's ear, and, glad to wee an older 
boy playing with him, went back to admiring Jessica's make-up job in 
her compact mirror. "Let's go again!" cried Sammy, also glad to be 
playing with someone other than his twin brother.

Tommy straddled his legs as before at the top of the slide, this time 
holding Sammy's legs up with his hands on the backs of his inner 
thighs; rolling his young friend into his lap, and, in that fleeting 
moment, became almost intoxicated by the closeness of Sammy's 
combination smells: his sweaty hair; his baby powder; his pee-soaked 

Down they went. "Wheeee!" Tommy cried, with Sammy again squealing with 
laughter. Tommy's ecstatic moment was to be cut short: before them 
stood Cody, smirking as usual: "Who's your little playmate, Tommy?" 
"This is know..." "Sammy!--the twin!--of course! Well 
Sammy, how would you like to play on the 'big-boy' swing?" "Uh...I 
don't think..." Tommy started. "C'mon, he'll love it...just for a 
minute." "Oh, alright...I just hope his sister doesn't..." "She's clear 
over there with the other one on the monkey bars. C'mon!"

At the tire swing (which was an oversized tractor tire), Cody lifted 
Sammy from behind, but instead of allowing him to swing his legs 
through the ring, thrust him through head-first, leaving him bent over 
the tire with his butt in the air, unable to reach the ground with his 
hands or feet. This happened so fast that Tommy was dumbstruck. "No!--
you can't!--I wont let you!" cried Tommy, lunging at Cody. "Get back, 
you little twerp!" Cody said, shoving Tommy to the ground.

Cody and another boy spun the tire around, winding the rope tighter and 
tighter. "Okay--hold the tire, let's give little potty-pants here a 
ride!" said Cody, yanking Sammy's shorts below the back of his diapers, 
and shouting: "Let 'er rip!" as he delivered a wallop to Sammy's 
upturned behind. At that point, Tommy delivered a shoulder-tackle to 
Cody's waist, sending him to the ground on his face.

It was then that Maggie returned with Alec to where Megan sat. "Where's 
Sammy?" she asked. "He was over there on the big slide...another boy 
was playing..." Maggie scanned the playground, trying to spot anything 
red. "There he is! Maggie cried, seeing Sammy's red shorts below his 
diapers; spinning around on the tire. "Why, those little..." Maggie 
tore off her dress shoes, hiked her long skirt, and shot down the hill, 
seeing two boys wrestling on the ground, and another, who took off 
running when he saw her coming.

She stopped the spinning tire and lifted Sammy to his feet. In his 
dizzy head, he was still spinning, and dropped to his butt. Maggie 
cradled him in her arms and kissed his head, apologizing for what she 
had allowed to happen, and laid him down. Now furious, she pulled the 
larger boy off the smaller by his hair and flung him to the ground. She 
saw that the other had a bloody nose.

"You leave me alone!--you hussie!" Cody shouted, in tears, and 
stumbling backward. "I'm still gonna get you, Tommy!" he yelled as he 
ran down the hill. "I...tried to stop them...really," Tommy said, 
holding his nose. "C'mon, Tommy, let's clean up your face," and pulled 
him to his feet. She then stood Sammy upright and looked at his shorts 
still hanging under his butt.

"Look at these shorts!...they're all dirty...and wet...and the 
waistband is torn! can't ride in your stroller in these," and 
stepped Sammy out of his shorts. "You're going to need bigger baby 
pants too," she said, tucking his wet diapers back inside his rubber 
pants. "Did you lose your pacifier?" Sammy looked under the tire swing. 
"There it is," she said, picking it up, wiping it off; and stuck it in 
her mouth before returning it to Sammy's.

"What happened?" asked Megan, seeing Maggie walking with her arm over 
Tommy's shoulder and holding Sammy's hand. "Where's Sammy's shorts?" 
"Oh, nevermind, Megan...aside from Tommy's bloody nose, here, nobody 
got hurt. "Nobody but Cody," Tommy laughed. "Tommy," said Maggie, "why 
don't you come over for supper? It's Saturday, you can even spend the 
night if..." "Can I?" Tommy gasped, "I'll have to stop by my house 
first, to get my...night clothes.'

Chapter 15

Tommy's heart pounded with excitement. At home, he hurriedly gathered 
up his "night clothes", which for him, amounted to a T-shirt and a 
diaper: a "Goodnights" pull-up, which his mother bought after too many 
mornings of him waking up in wet bed-sheets.

He had few if any friends, and received little or no attention at home, 
despite being a gifted boy who could draw pictures better than any 
other eight-year-old he knew. Being accustomed to spending long hours 
by himself, he naturally jumped at the chance to spend time with the 
twins, whom he knew were only a couple of years younger than he;--boys 
who received all the care and affection usually given only to babies.

He stripped down to his socks, pulled up his diaper, then some baggy 
boxer shorts, followed by another pair of shorts. "No one will know," 
he thought, figuring he could simply dispose of his wet diaper in the 
morning. He found a long T-shirt that mostly covered his bulky shorts, 
slipped on his shoes, grabbed his toothbrush, and bolted out the door. 
"Have fun, Tommy," said his mother, seated on the porch-swing with her 
boyfriend. "I will!--bye Mom!" and went skipping down the street.

Tommy was greeted at the door by Jessica: "You must be Sammy's friend, 
Tommy; come in sweetie; Maggie told us how you fought off that mean 
boy; aren't you just adorable!" Jessica gushed, smoothing down Tommy's 
hair with her hand. Tommy blushed;--no one, that he could remember, had 
ever hold him he was 'adorable'. He was in love.

"Are you hungry dear?" Jessica asked, still fixing his hair. "I'm 
always hungry," he replied. "Well, we gotta put a little color in them 
cheeks" she said, pinching his cheek. Tommy again blushed, hoping she 
only meant his face. "How about a chocolate milk-shake, then, sweetie?" 
she asked, ushering him to the kitchen. "That sounds great!" he 
replied, hoping she couldn't hear the rustling sound of his diaper.

"Chrissie's giving the twins a bath...they'll be down in a little 
while," she said, pouring cultured milk in the blender. She then added 
the powdered chocolate, honey, vanilla, and, not knowing any better, 
two heaping scoopfuls of the twins' vitamin and mineral powder.

Tommy was, as he would say, "blown away" by what he saw around him: the 
two highchairs, the baby-walkers, a large play-pen, a toy piano, and 
heaps of toys and children's books lining the shelves in the rec room. 
The music being played was a CD of Mozart's greatest hits.

"I can play that!" Tommy exclaimed through his chocolate moustache; 
hearing a chorus of "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star." "That's wonderful, 
dear! You'll have to play it for us. The twins love this music;--
Chrissie says it calms them down and makes them smarter at the same 
time."* Tommy thought he was in heaven.

* It's really true.

Chapter 16

Once Tommy had finished gulping down his milk-shake, he let out a big 
"burp" as the CD ended. "Here, I'll show you!" he said, as Jessica 
wiped off his milk moustache with a dish towel. He crouched in front of 
the �baby� baby grand piano (which had only eight keys), and plunked 
out the melody of "Twinkle", which the twins, now being diapered in the 
nursery, recognized as "Bah, Bah, Black Sheep", and began singing a 
chorus in unison.

"Sounds like our little visitor is here," Chrissie said, "let's dress 
you up for the occasion." She dressed the twins in their off-white baby 
playsuits, each having a two-snap crotch, and four snaps up the front, 
with the uppermost snapping at the left collar. These were also 
becoming small on them, so they held the boys' diapers up tightly about 
their slippery bottoms.

They were usually reserved for school, and each had a name tag 
embroidered in red atop their left breast; and, like painters' pants, 
each had a side-ways loop sewn on just above the seat, making it easier 
to rein them in from behind, if necessary.

Tommy was still crouched in front of the little piano, playing a 
variation on "Chop-sticks", when Chrissie brought the twins downstairs. 
"Baby painters!--aren't they precious!" Jessica exclaimed, unable to 
resist picking Alec up by the loop above his butt and with her hand 
around his breast; finally perching him on her hip, and then pretending 
not to notice his hand cupping her "boo-boo".

"Tommy!" Sammy cried, and ran over and gave him a hug, bowling him over 
onto his side, with Tommy winding up on his back and Sammy on top of 
him. The girls both laughed, and Chrissie pulled Sammy off the boy by 
the loop above his behind and had him standing on the balls of his 
feet, still holding up the loop.

"Jessie, would you mind taking the twins out back?...let them jump on 
the trampoline." "Oh boy!" cried Sammy, now practically dancing on his 
toes. [Even though it was surrounded by a tall nylon mesh, Kate had 
insisted that somebody always watch them on the trampoline.] "That 
sounds like fun!" Tommy said, "Can I go, too?" "In a bit, honey; "first 
let me tidy up these shaggy locks of yours."

Chapter 17

"How about some root beer, Tommy?�

�I love root beer!" he replied, astonished by all this sudden intimacy. 
Chrissie cut the twins' hair; and her idea of a haircut was as if she 
had simply placed a bowl over their heads, and trimmed around the rim. 
"Step right up, sweetie," she said, showing him to a highchair. "Let me 
help you, dear," and lifted him into the snug seat. She then snapped 
its tray in place, and noticed his worn, dirty sneakers.

"And why are you still wearing your shoes?" she asked, unlacing them 
and pulling them off. "Poor baby," she said, poking her finger through 
a hole in the toe of his sneaker, "we're gonna have to see about 
getting you some new shoes.�

�Phew! When was the last time these socks were washed?�

�I..." he tried to speak. "Look at these feet!" she exclaimed, after 
pulling off his socks, "You're going to need a bath tonight, honey." 
Chrissie then snapped a wide bib around his neck; the same she used for 
the twins' haircuts.

Tommy began experiencing all sorts of novel sensations. He didn't need 
a mirror to know he was blushing, and at the same time, felt a 
gripping, or cramping in his gut. He tried to raise his butt from the 
seat, but could barely move his hips because of the highchair tray 
pressed over him. He felt some relief after raising his butt slightly, 
and releasing a fart which vibrated his butt cheeks. Sitting back down, 
however, he quickly realized that was no ordinary fart.

"Oh no!" he thought, "I'm gonna have to sleep in this messy diaper! I 
sure hope she doesn't smell it!" Tommy pressed his knees together (as 
if that would do any good) when Chrissie brought his root beer in a 
sippy cup. "Here's your root beer, sweetie. The twins love it too. Kate 
says it makes them stronger.* I'll get the hair shears."

Tommy really felt like a big baby now: sitting in a baby's highchair 
(from which he knew getting out of were nearly impossible); wearing a 
bib; barefoot; drinking from a sippy cup; and worst of all, sitting in 
a messy diaper. He again blushed and began to feel the gripping 
sensation. Chrissie wetted down his hair with the plant sprayer: "Hold 
still now, dearie," she said, "this'll only take a minute"

As he watched his hair drop into the bib, he found it increasingly 
difficult to "hold still". "I think I have to go..." Tommy started to 
say, but by then it was too late, and began filling his diaper with a 
squishy mess, and, if that weren't bad enough, began peeing, so much so 
that he could feel the mess oozing out of his diaper between his legs.

"Tommy! did you just go poo-poo in your pants?�

� diaper," he said, his eyes welling up with tears. "Your 
diaper?!" she exclaimed, but then immediately caught herself, seeing 
Tommy now beginning to stick out his lower lip. "There, there, 
sweetie," she said, wiping the side of his eye, "poopy diapers are 
nothing new around here...I'll change you in a minute...just about 
finished...try to hold still now."

*Kate's home-made root beer was made with sarsaparilla root, which 
contain sterols that mimic testosterone, the hormone for strength, hair 
growth, and, of course, sex.

Chapter 18

Tommy was again dumbstruck: no one had ever "changed" him before. 
"There...perfect! Chrissie said, turning his head from side to side 
with her hand on his chin, as if everything otherwise were completely 
"normal". Having his hair look "perfect" was the last thing on his 

At length, after Chrissie lifted Tommy from the highchair, he stood 
before her in a kind of half crouch; his heavy diaper causing him to 
stick out his butt. "Turn around, honey," she said, "let's have a look 
at this messy diaper.�

�But..." he said, trying to hold back tears. "It's alright sweetie," 
she said, and tried to make him feel better by telling him how much she 
loved him for protecting her little Sammy.

She helped him step out of his wet shorts and messy boxers. She then 
rolled up the wet tail of his T-shirt over the top of his bulging 
diaper, and saw the mess between his legs. "Oh my!" she said, feeling 
the weight of the heavy diaper with her hand, "we'll have to get you in 
some clean diapers right away!"

"Diaper-s?" he thought, his face now turning a beet red, and thinking, 
if anything, that he would've just taped up one of the twin's Pampers 
before bed; and of course, he had no idea of just what he would be 
wearing in the meantime.

Just then Jessica came in: "Chrissie, the twins are playing in the!" (Chrissie raised her finger to her mouth, making a 
silent "Shhh". "Why Tommy," Jessica said, "don't you look cute in your 
new haircut...why, you look just like one of the...�

�Jessie," Chrissie interrupted, "I'm going to need your help again."

If matters could possibly get any worse for Tommy, Maggie and Megan 
popped in the front door. "Hi Chrissie...Tommy!...what? we have baby 
triplets now?" (Chrissie gave Maggie a stern look.) "I mean...your 
haircut...looks just like one...�

�What's up, Maggie?" she asked. "Can Megan spend the night? We can both 
sleep in my bed.�

�Sure...maybe she can help you clean up your room," Chrissie signaled, 
tilting her head toward the stairs.

Tommy was, at best, hopelessly resigned;--crying would do him no good; 
none of the four girls were making fun of him standing there in his T-
shirt and diaper; he was just accepted as part of the family; which was 
all he wanted in the first place.

"C,mon, stinky poo-butt, let's get you outside," Chrissie laughed, 
patting his soggy bottom. Seeing Tommy being led out to the deck, the 
twins climbed out of the sandbox, curious to see what a "big-boy" 
diaper looked like. "Up we go," said Chrissie, lifting Tommy's T-shirt 
over his head and arms. "Little ATV riders," Jessica exclaimed, seeing 
the prints on his Goodnights diaper, "that's darling!�

�Jessie, honey, bring me the hose," Chrissie said, helping Tommy step 
out of his heavy diaper.

Embarrassed as he was, he still felt better having some help out of his 
sticky situation;--he was more worried that Cody might be snooping 
around: "I'll be dead..." he thought. The hose had been lying in the 
sun all day, so that the water Chrissie sprayed on Tommy's bare butt 
caused him to jump. "Ow, that's hot!" he cried, releasing still a 
little more pee. "It'll cool down, babycakes, now spread those legs and 
bend over," Chrissie laughed, and thought: "Kate would kill me if she 
saw me doing this," but thinking it was better than having to wipe it 
off the stairs.

She put the "gentle rain" nozzle up close to his butt-hole and between 
his thighs, and watched his poopy mess go sliding down his legs. She 
then folded up a white sun-bathing towel, and had him hold it up 
between his legs, as if it were a big terry-cloth diaper. "Time for 
baby's bath, let's go sweetie."

Chapter 19

"I can give myself a bath," Tommy said, climbing the stairs; still 
holding up his towel "diaper".

"Yeah, right, honey!" Chrissie laughed. "I could tell that by all the 
dirt and crud behind your ears.�

�But..." he protested.

"No 'buts' about it, dearie;--baby's gonna have a real bath this time," 
she laughed, giving him a pat on his "diapered" bottom.

In fact, Tommy couldn't remember the last time he had a bath; he only 
showered in the morning to rid himself of the smell of pee. Now sitting 
in an ocean of bubbles, he winced as Chrissie dug wax and crud from 
inside and behind his ears with a Q-tip.

"See what I mean?" she demanded, showing him the crusty tips of the 
cotton swabs, "now let's see those feet."

Tommy sat back on his hands and put his legs on top of the side of the 
tub, and began kicking and splashing while she lathered up his ticklish 
feet. After washing his hair with baby shampoo, she had him play with 
the toy boats while she got his clothes together.

She counted out nine diapers, and laid them out on the bassinet along 
with one of the twins' "bibs';--short overalls with straps which 
stretched like suspenders. These came to a "Y" in the back, with its 
center held together by a leather patch emblazoned with the face of the 
smiling "Tweetie" bird. The overalls (which had little if any legs) had 
vertical red and white stripes, with snapping sides.

"C'mon, honey, lets get you diapered for din-din," Chrissie said, 
helping Tommy step out of the tub. "But..." he said, couldn't I just 
wear one of the twins' regular underpants until bed?�

�Oh, no! dearie," she said, toweling him off, "their regular baby pants 
would be too small on you;--yours are bigger and have snaps on the 

�A...Pamper, then?" he asked, blushing. "Not after your last 
"accident," she said, "how do you know it couldn't happen again?"

(Chrissie didn't know that Jessica had given Tommy over four times the 
amount of the vitamin and mineral powder given each twin in their baby 
formula.) "C'mon, you'll be fine;--let's go tweetie-pie," she laughed, 
giving him a smack on his bare bottom.

Tommy's jaw dropped and eyes widened at the sight of the twins' 
nursery;--and in particular when he spotted the big baby bassinet with 
a stack of diapers piled on its plastic cover. "Up you go," she said, 
lifting Tommy onto the bassinet and having him lay on his back. While 
she spread the baby salve over his diaper area, he developed a 
"stiffie" like he had never felt before, and fell into a daydream, 
beginning to suck his thumb.

"Don't suck your thumb, honey;--Kate says it'll make your teeth stick 
out like 'Bucky Beaver', baby, suck on this," she said, poking a 
pacifier in his mouth. When Chrissie began dusting him with baby 
powder, his mind at once flashed back to that dream-like moment with 
Sammy on the slide.

"Why, Tommy!" she exclaimed, pretending surprise, "look at this little 
'Woody Woodpecker of yours!" So sensitive was his "woody" at this 
point, he jerked back when she spread the powder over its tip.

"Oh, I'm sorry, honey," she laughed, "it's just that my other babies' 
don't get quite so big."

As Chrissie pinned up his diapers, Tommy thought: "So this is what it 
feels like to be one of the twins...they aren't the least bit 
embarrassed about wearing diapers all the time...given everything a big 
baby boy could ever want...�

�Up we go!" said Chrissie, jarring him out of his blissful daydream, 
"let me see if I can find you a T-shirt and socks."

"That's all?" Tommy thought, now sitting up, "she's not gonna make me 
walk around just wearing a T-shirt and these diapers...and can I even 
walk at all?...or do I have to crawl around like a baby?�

�I think these'll fit you, sweetie," Chrissie said, slipping one of the 
twins' taller white socks over his foot. "There," she said, after 
putting on the other, "now try on this T-shirt."

The white T-shirt was a little snug around his neck, making him feel as 
though he were wearing a bib, but otherwise almost fit, although it 
only came down to his belly button. Once Chrissie lifted him down from 
the bassinet, he caught a side glimpse of himself in the full-length 
mirror on the door. He could scarcely believe his eyes: "I really do 
look like one of the twins!" he thought, seeing his new haircut and 
pacifier in his mouth; standing there like the Rugrat in his big baby 

Chapter 20

As strange as he appeared to himself in the mirror, nothing could 
prepare him for what was to follow. "Let's see if these fit you, 
tweetie," Chrissie said, holding up the striped baby bib overalls. 
"She's got to be kidding," he thought, finding it hard to imagine 
anything looking more babyish.

"C'mon, let's try 'em on," she said, helping him step into the bibs, 
then raising them up through his legs and over the top of his diapers. 
"So far so good," she said, pulling the straps over his shoulders and 
stretching them down to meet the button-holes at the bib.

"Kate got these for the twins' birthday party last year," Chrissie 
said, now snapping the sides at his hips. "My birthday was last 
week...I didn't have a party...or anything," Tommy said, now dangling 
the pacifier on his finger. "Not even any new shoes?!" she blurted out. 
"My God!" she thought, "what's wrong with his Mother?"

"Poor baby," Chrissie said, "don't worry, honey; we'll fix you up. I 
bet you didn't even get your birthday spanking either." This caused 
Tommy to blush, but not nearly as much as when she had him stand in 
front of the mirror. Again, he could scarcely recognize himself. By all 
appearances, he had gone from a scruffy looking ragamuffin to a spiffy 
toddler in diapers.

"Let's go, birthday boy," laughed Chrissie, patting his bottom, "it's 
time for your din-din."

As Tommy stepped gingerly down the hall, feeling as if someone were 
holding his diapers up between his butt-cheeks, Maggie came out of the 
bathroom. "I knew it!" she said, "baby triplets now!" (Chrissie gave 
her "the look") "I know," Maggie laughed, "it just means more dirty 
diapers to wash."

The obvious suddenly dawned on Tommy, who blushed as he thought: 
"There's no way I'm gonna be able to use the bathroom now.�

�Maggie," Chrissie said, "there is something you can do for me;--you 
and Megan come downstairs when you can;--we're gonna throw a birthday 
party for our little 'tweetie' bird here."

Downstairs, the twins were busy piecing together contraptions made from 
wooden Tinker Toys; while Jessica painted her toe-nails, and was, 
predictably, all agush when she saw Tommy.

"Why Tommy...look at you! Aren't you just the cutest...�

�Jessie, honey, brush Tommy's hair while I get the boys their bottles. 
We're gonna celebrate Tommy's birthday tonight;--he just turned eight!" 
(The irony of her words were not lost on Tommy) "I'm supposed to be 
getting older," he thought, "not younger."

"Sit on my knee, birthday boy," Jessica said, "I'll get the brush." The 
twins both looked up (for reasons which shall be explained later) when 
they heard the words: "get the brush."