Warning: this story isn't related with X-Men or any other Marvel Characters. There is also no nudity, explicity, dirty language, etc. My name is Peter Rasputin and I’m 10 years old. My mother (Cassandra de Groot, who was Dutch from origin) looked after me, since my father (a Russian judge, called Nikolai Rasputin) was too busy with his work. Let me tell you my story. It was in the middle of the night, when I stared at the dark sky. Each star twinkled and the moon was bright. I only wore a plain-white shirt and a plain-white disposable diaper. Because of my superhuman- abilities, I had a protection layer activated all over my skin and the outside parts of my diaper. If you want to know why I wear these diapers, I like the feeling of it. Also, my mother wanted to baby me for a very long time. Anyway, after closing the curtains, I was about to step in my bed, when I felt the need to poop. I knew that I had to use my diaper as my toilet, so I got on my knees. The seat of my diaper expanded, while I pushed a lot of soft-hard poop into my diaper. It took me at least 2 minutes to get the whole thing done. Then, I used my abilities to lock my diaper onto my skin (so the poop wouldn't come out of my diaper), got into my bed and fell asleep. In the morning, I woke up (after sleeping very well) and got out of my bed. My diaper was still dry, but at the same time, still very messy, because of what happened last night. "How naughty I can be," I thought. Suddenly, the door opened and my mother came in. "Let's get you changed," she smiled, with a grin on her face. She sat down onto my bed, put me over her knee, made me deactivate the lock and protection layer, put her hands on my diaper and started to smear the poop all over my butt, so I would become messier. Then, we went to the bathroom. My mother made me lie down on the changing table, untaped the diaper, removed it and threw it in the trashcan. After cleaning me up, washing me, drying me off and putting a new diaper on me, she took me to the 'punishment' room. She tied me up with rope and put some tiny white clothes in my mouth. Then, she gagged me with an OTM-gag. She put me on a chair, tied me upon it, left the room, closed the door and locked it with a key. "You'll stay in there until I prepared breakfast," my mother grinned through the sleeve. "Que paso?" I nodded, since I loved this 'punishment'. At 9 o'clock, my mother unlocked the room's door and freed me from the ropes and gags. We got in the living room, sat down at table and had a salami pizza and some red wine as breakfast. My abilities made sure that my wine would have the taste of red fruits and that the alcohol and sprinkles would disappear. After brushing our teeth, my mother gave me the same 'punishment'. I stayed in the room for at least 1½-hour. When the last minutes passed by, I suddenly felt myself peeing and pooping in my diaper. Luckily, the protection layer was still active. When I was done, I used my abilities to tell my mother that she could change me. However, there was no response. I started to look for her and found her in the living room. She was on the couch, tied up with rope and gagged with an OTM- gag. Also, I saw a burglar, who was dressed in black clothes, shoes, socks and a black mask. He also wore black glasses and a black hat. I shook out of fear, when I heard him say: "If you even think for a second you can betray me, Miss Rasputin, you're lying to yourself. To make sure that you won't tell the cops that I was your boss in the case of drug-dealing, I'll blow you up." This made me become angry. By using my abilities, I gave the burglar a big headache. During this, my voice yelled through the living room: "No one, and I mean no one, is going to kill my mother." The burglar became scared as he heard my voice and said: "Whoever you are, stop this headache, please. I won't do such things anymore." "Can you even swear it?" my voice yelled through the room. "Of course," the burglar responded. "You have my word." "Good," my voice said. "Untie my mother at once and leave the house." The burglar did exactly as I told him to do. When he was gone, my mother quickly ran to the 'punishment' room and released me. "I am really sorry for not telling you about what I did," she said. "It is okay," I said. "You and I will testify against that burglar in court. You can count on that." My mother was glad to hear that. As fast as she could, she took me to the bathroom, put me on the changing table and changed my diaper. When we got in court, we told my dad (Vladimir Rasputin, who was a lawyer) what happened. He was proud that my mother finally stopped with being a drug dealer and called the police to find and arrest the burglar. Just as we expected, we won the case. The government gave us a new identity, too. Since that moment, my parents and I had a save and peaceful life and we lived happily ever after.