Title: The Perfect Circle
Name: Stan
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 60
Posting Date: 12/27/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop* Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: This story involves preteen boys and a game that one of them plays. You see, when he puts a perfect circle on his pants, with his urine, his mom gives him a �special� surprise. This boy wants to share this secret with his friends. This is what happens to them when he does�
  • Boy � Fred 12
  • Mom � Carol
  • 1st friend � Steve 12
  • 2nd friend � Jake 12
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 6 (30%)
Fred is in class, which has another � hour or so to go before school is 
out for the weekend. He�s paying close attention to his teacher but 
then feels his body�s signal that he needs to pee soon. Fred always 
likes these messages as he enjoys the feeling of a filling bladder. And 
with it comes his feeling of doing the �naughty� thing of � wetting his 
pants. Fred you see is a boy, a normal boy growing up that has this 
desire sometimes to be �naughty� and to wet his pants. This is a game 
he plays and his mom knows this and plays along with it too. She knows 
her son very well and that sometimes he just needs to be �naughty� and 
she knows what to do for him when is does.

Fred is now thinking more about his body than his teacher and what she 
is saying to the class. That is until he hears his name, �Fred � Fred � 
what is the answer?�

�Ugh �� replies Fred as he comes out of his daydream and looks at his 

She can see that she now has his attention and says, �Fred, what is the 

�Ugh � I don�t know,� replies Fred as he hadn�t heard the question 
because of his daydream.

�I see,� says his teacher, �well you better listen better and not be 
daydreaming. You can play those games after school,� she adds.

�Yes ma�am,� says Fred.

The teacher repeats the question to him and he answers it correctly.

�Very good Fred; see what happens when you pay attention?� says his 

His class giggles a bit hearing her comment and Fred blushes as he 
knows he was caught. He looks down at his desk, afraid to see his 
classmates� expressions. Class continues on; Fred pays attention to his 
teacher; his bladder continues to slowly fill and remind him that he�ll 
need to pee soon. Fred discreetly rubs his crotch a little and thinks 
to himself, �Be patient; hold on, class is still going on.�

Awhile later, Fred�s bladder again gives him the signal that it is 
getting full. Fred decides that he can do both; pay attention in class 
and think about his need to pee. He does so by relaxing his muscles and 
letting out a squirt of urine �into his pants. �There,� he says to 
himself, �feel better now?�

His bladder answers his question by relieving its pressure. Fred feels 
better now and looks down at himself to see if there is a sign of his 
�naughty� action. To his eyes, he sees a wet mark on his pants. It is 
small, �thank goodness,� he thinks. This satisfies him and he continues 
with his class.

When the bell finally rings, ending the school day, Fred gets up from 
his desk, making sure that his books are covering the front of his 
pants. He and his classmates leave the classroom and go to their 
lockers, if needed and then out of the school to enjoy their weekend. 
Fred is on a �high� as a result of his �naughty� act in class and wants 
to continue this behavior. As he walks out of the building to the 
autumn afternoon, he pees his pants a bit more.

Waiting for him in their car as usual is his mom who is in line with 
the other parents, picking up their children from school. As he 
approaches her car he moves his books to his side. He wants to show off 
his act to whoever might see it as he�s rather proud of himself with 
what he�s done. This is part of the game he plays with himself and it 
pleases him to act so daring and so �naughty�.

As he gets into the car his mom says, �Well, well, I see my boy has wet 
his pants today. What will I do with you?� She gives him a big smile 
and leans to him so they can hug one another.

�Yes mommy, I did; I just couldn�t hold it,� replies Fred.

�I know honey; some boys just have a hard time keeping their pants dry. 
It�s okay,� says his mom. She then drives off and out for some errands. 
She and Fred chat about his day at school and their plans for the 
upcoming weekend. Fred is excited that it is finally here and that 
he�ll have to opportunity to play as he really likes. His mom knows 
this too and she�s ready to play her part.

�We need some groceries and other things for the house so we�ll be 
making a few stops before we get home,� says his mom. She knows too 
well that Fred gets really excited if he�s out in public and his pants 
are wet.

�Okay,� says Fred with an excited tone in his voice.

�Such a boy,� thinks his mom. �He just loves to walk around in his wet 
pants, if they�re not too wet though. I wonder if he�ll pee them some 

When they arrive at the first stop, they both exit the car. Fred walks 
over to his mom who checks out her son and in particular his wet pants.

�Well honey, your pants are a bit wet and the mark is more on one 
side,� she says with a smile.

�Yeah, I didn�t have time to adjust myself. I just had to go, you 
know,� says Fred.

�Yes I know honey. You just had to �wet your pants,� she replies, again 
with an understanding smile. �And you also know what you must do, if 
you want your �special� underpants, don�t you?� she adds.

�Yes mommy, I know,� replies Fred.

�Okay then, let�s go shopping,� she says as she leads her son into the 
store so as to partially block his wet pants from too many other 

Once in the store Fred retrieves a cart and pushes it along. This act 
shields his pants from others and allows him to feel freer in his 
�naughty� condition. As they go through the store shopping Fred is able 
to adjust himself and get his penis to the center of his briefs. He 
knows that he wants to wet himself more and to make sure that his wet 
pants have the proper sign, for his mom and for his �special� 

Now in the checkout aisle, Fred�s mom looks down at her son�s pants. 
She smiles as she sees the wet mark has grown and is more centered on 
his pants. She smiles at her son and says, �I see that you�ve wet more 
and that you did adjust yourself. Are you telling me something, honey?�

Fred blushes and then smiles at his mom. He then replies, �Well sort 

�I see,� is her only response.

They successfully leave this store with their purchases and go off to 
their next stop. His mom though has Fred sit on a sheet of plastic that 
is she has in the trunk for just this condition. Fred gladly complies 
and sits himself onto the plastic.

They make their second stop and Fred again gets a cart and they walk 
through the store shopping. Fred again wets his pants more as they 
shop, making sure that his mark is properly centered on his pants. And 
again in the checkout aisle his mom checks her son�s pants and smiles 
to him as she can see that he�s wetting them more, and that the mark is 
on the center. She now knows his wish for �special� underpants.

During their third and final stop, Fred pees himself much more, as he 
pushes their cart of purchases. He�s gotten more daring with his 
display of his wet pants and their perfect mark on them.

�Well honey,� says his mom as they finish their shopping and are again 
in the checkout aisle, �you have certainly wet your pants good this 
time and they have a �perfect circle� stain on them too. When we get 
home I am putting you in your �special� underpants, understand?�

�Yes mommy, I know,� replies Fred. Both mom and son share a smile as 
she discreetly rubs his crotch. She then brings her hand to her nose 
and sniffs it.

�And you smell too honey,� she says.

�Oh good,� replies Fred.

�You�re such a boy,� says his mom.

As the checkout girl scans their purchases she can�t help but notice 
Fred�s pants. His mom notices her staring at them and smiles. The girl 
sees the smile and says, �Oh, I see that your son �has had �an 

�Yes he has,� replies his mom.

The girl then says, �He�s �wet his pants.�

�Yes he has, but I will take care of him when we get home,� says his 

�Is he in trouble?� asks the girl.

�Oh no; some boys have a difficult time keeping their pants dry; that�s 
all,� says his mom.

�Really?� replies the girl.

�Yes, you must not have any children yet,� says his mom.

�No, I am not even married,� says the girl.

�Well, when you do, you�ll find out. Anyway, when we get home, I am 
going to diaper my boy, because he �wet his pants,� says his mom with 
another smile.

�Oh my, really?� replies the girl.

His mom only nods to the girl�s question.

Meanwhile Fred blushes at the exchange between the girl and his mom.

They get their purchases into their car and soon enough find themselves 
at their house where his mom asks Fred to help with unloading the car 
and bringing their purchases into the house.

��Do I really have to?� asks Fred hearing her request.

�Yes you do honey. Why, what�s the matter? You surely don�t have to go 
to the toilet,� says his mom.

Fred smiles at his mom and resigns himself that he�s going to do as she 
asks, even though he might be seen by their neighbors �in his current 

Fred and his mom make several trips to and from their house as they 
unload the car. His mom enjoys this little game they play as does Fred, 
even though it does embarrass him a little to be seen by the neighbors 
in his wet pants.

With the car finally empty, the next task is to put their purchases 
away. His mom looks at Fred as they stand in the kitchen. She first 
checks out his very wet pants and then his face. Fred is smiling and so 
is his mom. She then says, �Since you wet your pants and did so with a 
�perfect circle� of pee stain, I am going to diaper you now. We can put 
the groceries away when you�re nicely diapered.

�Oh thank you mommy. I really want my diapers and plastic baby-pants 
too,� says Fred.

His mom takes his hand and leads him to his bedroom. She says as they 
walk, �And that is precisely what you�re going to get, my �naughty� 

His mom removes Fred�s wet pants and underpants and then gets him 
nicely diapered in two cloth diapers and some powder blue plastic baby-
pants. He�s all set for the afternoon and evening.

The following week at school, Fred gets to talking with some friends 
Steve and Jake; he wonders if either of them has ever �wet their pants. 
Sometimes he notices that they appear to hold their pee, as he does. He 
wants to share his �naughty� behavior but isn�t sure how to do it. 
During their chat, Fred subconsciously places his hand as his crotch 
and rubs himself. Steve notices this action but doesn�t say anything. 
Fred is not even aware of what he did. The trio continues their chat. 
Awhile later, Fred repeats his holding action. Steve again notices this 
and says, �Have to go do ya Fred.�

Fred is taken back by the comment as he wasn�t expecting it and then 
realizes that his hand is at his crotch. He looks at his friends and 
blushes a bit.

�Well yeah, I do,� he says.

�Yeah, me too,� says Steve who adds, �it sucks having to stop and go 
�to the toilet, I think.�

�Exactly so; it�s a real pain,� says Fred.

Jake listens and then adds, �But if you don�t go �you know what can 

Fred and Steve giggle at Jakes response and then Steve says, �Yeah I 
know but it is still a pain to get up or stop what I am doing.�

�I just hold it longer,� says Fred.

�But for how long?� asks Jake.

�Oh I don�t know, half an hour maybe,� says Fred.

�And then what?� asks Jake.

Fred laughs a little and smiles as he�s getting his wish �to talk about 
holding your pee and then maybe �wetting your pants, with his friends. 
Steve responds, �Well I sometimes wait even longer than that.�

Fred looks at him and smiles saying, �Cool, so you like �holding it� 
too then.�

Steve smiles and nods, �yes�. He then adds, �I just hate stopping what 
I am doing.�

�Want to make a game of it?� asks Fred.

�What do you mean?� replies Steve.

�Yeah, what are you talking about Fred,� adds Jake.

�Oh, I was thinking that we should hold our pee until after last class 
and then go to the toilets. We could then see if anyone �sort of�wet �a 
little, or something,� says Fred who then giggles.

�And then what happens?� asks Steve.

�I dunno, we go home,� replies Fred.

�You guys are crazy,� says Jake.

�Aren�t you going to play, too?� asks Steve as he looks to Jake.

�ME?� replies Jake.

�Sure Jake, it will be fun. Haven�t you really hated having �to go�?� 
says Fred.

�Well, yeah I have, but you know what can happen!� replies Jake who is 
a little anxious now.

�Well yeah, Jake,� says Steve. �Has that �happened to you?�

Now Jake blushes a little and looks to his friends. He�s not sure what 
to say. He really doesn�t want to admit that he has �wet his pants 
because he held his pee too long. Just then, they hear �RING, RING� 
indicating that the lunch hour is over and classes start in 5 minutes.

�Well, we�ve got to go to class. I am going to �hold it�,� says Fred.

�Me too,� replies Steve as he and Fred look to Jake.

Jake returns his friend�s looks and then sheepishly says, �Okay, so 
will I.�

�Cool, we�ll meet at the toilets by Steve�s room after class �and see 
what happened!� says Fred Everyone nods in agreement and the trio 
gathers their belongings and start walking to class.

�We can do this,� says Steve to his two friends.

�Yeah, it�s only for a couple of hours,� adds Jake.

All three are smiling as they go off to their classes. Fred and Jake 
share their afternoon classes. Fred is really excited as to how things 
worked out for him and his friends, in playing this daring game that he 
so much enjoys. As he sits in class, Fred rethinks their talk and 
wonders about Jake, �Has he really �peed his pants too?� he thinks.

The first hour or so is all about learning from their teacher. Fred and 
Jake exchange glances several times though, but neither boy is really 
under pressure to pee, but that doesn�t mean they haven�t thought about 
it. Fred for one knows what he is going to. �I�ll just go a little �in 
my pants; I just can�t let this opportunity pass without doing it. I 
can�t stop wanting to pee my pants once I get a started as it feels and 
looks and smells so good to me,� thinks Fred. He rubs himself and 
smiles as he knows what is coming.

Steve glances around his class looking to see if anyone looks as if 
they need �to go�. He likes the idea of �holding it� and wonders how 
many others in his class do too. He also rethinks about their talk at 
lunch and whether or not Jake has wet his pants. Steve knows that he 
has and remembers one time quite vividly. He was outside working in his 
family�s yard and had been holding it for a long time as he worked. He 
was enjoying himself doing so until as he was picking up some leaves, 
he squirted into his briefs. He quickly grabbed himself and could feel 
that he was wet. He looked down and saw a small wet mark on his jeans. 
He remembers staring at it for some time, not knowing what to do. He 
went back to work and looked at himself every so often. �That wasn�t 
too bad,� he thought, �it felt kinda �good too.� By the time he was 
done working, he remembers, he leaked two more times and then went in 
and got changed �after peeing in the toilet. His parents didn�t seem to 
notice his pants or say anything to him. He occasionally rethinks this 
experience over in his mind and now more than ever, wants to do it 
again �to wet his pants and do more than just a little. �How can I; 
what will happen; when should I?� thinks Steve as he sits in class.

Like his two friends, Jake too is rethinking their talk and his past 
�accidents� when he �wet his pants. The one time he remembers is when 
he was walking home from school last year and had to go really badly. 
He was okay until he was just a half-block from his home when he 
started leaking pee into his pants and then lost control and peed for a 
good 30 seconds before he could stop the flow. By then as he looked in 
disbelief, his pants were soaked wet, down to his shoes. He remembers 
when he walked into his house that his mom didn�t get mad at him and 
just told him to be more careful next time and to use the toilets 
before walking home. He felt much better after she comforted him, he 
further members. Now he was playing that daring game again, only this 
time with his two friends. They like this game, he thinks.

There�s about 30 minutes left in class when Fred decides that it�s time 
to let off some pressure from his bladder. His breathing rate increases 
as he contemplates and tells himself to relax �to just let go �pee �pee 
your pants ...you know you can �you know you want this �wet your pants. 
He feels his urine working its way down from his bladder, to and 
through his penis and then into his pants. It is a nice squirt and 
makes Fred feel excited. He looks down at himself and sees the wet mark 
at his crotch and thinks, �Yes! I did it; in a perfect circle too! I 
wonder if I�ll be the only one with a mark on their pants.�

�RING, RING� is heard throughout the school. Students pick up their 
belongings and scurry from class to the corridors and then out of 
school for the day. Fred and Jake make their way to the toilets near 
Steve�s classroom. Steve sees them approaching; he�s checking out their 
pants to see if �they�re wet. Both of them appear dry. As they approach 
Steve, he says, �Hey, guys; how you doing?�

�Need to go!� says Jake as he walks past Steve and into the Boys� 
toilets. Steve and Fred follow him in. They see him go to a urinal, 
unzip his pants and let out his pee. He moans as he does this and Steve 
says, �Feels that good does it?�

�Oh yeah, it sure does,� replies Jake.

Steve does the same, going to a urinal to relieve his bladder. Fred 
just watches his friends as he rubs himself.

Steve turns to Fred as he pees and says, �Aren�t you going?�

�Naw, I�ll be alright, but that was sure fun, wasn�t it guys?�

�Yeah it was,� says Jake.

�Oh yes,� adds Steve.

Both boys are now zipping up their pants and look over to Fred who is 
smiling at his friends and happy that they enjoyed their little �hold 
it� game.

�We must do this again,� says Fred.

�For sure,� says Jake, �I can�t believe how excited I was to do this. I 
was soooo scared in class that I wouldn�t make it.�

�Oh yeah; me too!� adds Steve.

Fred smiles and replies, �Good, I had a good time too and in fact �I 
leaked!� He looks down at his crotch and pulls his pants tight so to 
show his friends his �perfect circle� on his pants. Steve and Jake look 
and see it �and then they see it glisten and grow.

�Oh my gosh Fred! You�re leaking again!� says Jake.

�Yeah �I am,� replies Fred.

�Oh wow, you �peed your pants!� says Steve.

�Yeah I did,� says Fred. �But only a little; no one will notice.�

�Wow, you really like this game, don�t you?� says Jake.

�Yeah I think you do too,� adds Steve.

�Well yeah, I do like it and �.I like leaking even more,� replies Fred 
as he lets go of his pants and smiles.

�What�s going to happen to you when you get home?� asks Jake.

�Nothing, I�ll be fine,� says Fred with confidence. �Hey, would you 
guys like to get together sometime after school and just �hang out?� 
adds Fred.

Jake and Steve are still shocked over Fred�s wetting himself and do not 
respond right away. Fred is patient and smiles as if to say �what�s the 
big deal? So I peed my pants �a little.�

�Yeah, I�d like that,� replies Steve finally.

�Yeah, so would I,� says Jake. �When and where?� he adds.

�Well, we could meet at my house or one of yours,� says Fred.

�Yeah, let me talk with my mom about it and I�ll call you later,� says 
an excited Jake who still stares down at Fred�s crotch. �I can tell 
that he wet his pants,� he thinks.

�Yeah, I will too,� adds Steve. The trio then leaves the toilets and 
heads out of school. Both Steve and Fred get picked up by their moms 
while Jake walks to his house. The boys agree to talk later this 
afternoon about getting together.

Walking to their respective cars, Steve and Fred�s moms see their sons 
approach. Fred�s mom is just not anyone and immediately notices the 
condition of her son�s pants, �he even has a �perfect circle� too,� she 
thinks as she smiles to Fred.

He opens the car door and sits down in the front seat.

�Hi mom,� he says enthusiastically

�Hi honey,� she replies. �I can see that you�ve been having fun today 
at school. You peed your pants a little didn�t you?�

�Oh yeah mom, it was just great! But I have to go soon, real soon,� 
replies Fred.

�Well from what I can see, you�ve earned yourself a diaper as soon as 
we get home. Your pants have a �perfect circle� wet mark on them. Do 
you think you can �hold it� until we get home?�

�Oh thanks mom, I�d like that very much. I don�t know though about 
�holding it. I pee-peed a little, as you can tell, but I haven�t really 
gone since before lunch. I really have to go.� replies Fred. He then 
tells her all about the game he played �holding it� with Steve and 
Jake; and about getting together with them later on.

�Well, you might be wearing a diaper; it depends on when you all get 
together. How do you feel about that honey?� she says.

�I� guess it would be okay. I do want them to see me in a diaper� I 
think; maybe they�ll want diapers too! After all mom, that�s what 
happens to boys �who wet their pants, right?� replies Fred.

�Well, you are right about honey. At least my boy gets diapers when he 
wets his pants. We�ll see. I�ll probably have to do some talking to 
their moms, to explain why I diaper you,� she says.

�Cause I wet my pants, mommy!� replies Fred.

�Yes honey, you most certainly do that, don�t you?� she says.

Fred nods �yes� and gives his mom a big smile.

�And then there�s this question they may have, �why does your boy wet 
his pants?� and then what shall I say?� asks his mom.

�For the same reason their boys� wet their pants!� replies an excited 

�And why do you boys behave in such a manner?� asks his mom.

�Ugh� �cause we just couldn�t hold it anymore; �cause its naughty; 
�cause we�re not supposed to; � �cause it feels good!� says Fred.

�You�re such a boy; we�ll see honey,� replies his mom as she drives 

Fred sits back and places his hand at his wet crotch where he rubs 
himself a little and then brings his hand to his nose to smell. His mom 
can hear him groan a little as he smells his pee on it. She wonders if 
he�ll wet himself more before they get home, and then expects him to 
thoroughly wet his pants as soon as they get there.

�Oh mom, I have to pee! I am going to go pee-pee in my pants!� says 
Fred nervously as he rubs himself and scoots around in his seat, trying 
to hold back his urine from entering his pants.

�Well you do like to do that don�t you Fred?� says his mom as she 
glances over and smiles at him.

Fred looks up from his crotch at his mom and says, �Oh yes, mommy; I 
don�t know why I do but it just feels soooo good and it�s soooo 
�naughty� to go pee-pee in my pants.� He squirms around some more, 
still holding himself and looking at his mom. �I just can�t help it 
mommy, I love to go and � and �wet my pants! I love to wet my pants!!!� 
He then looks down at his crotch and sees the glistening wetness from 
his urine spread out over his pants. Fred cannot �hold it� any longer 
and he begins to wet his pants.

�OH NOOOO! I can�t �hold it� mommy!� says Fred as he watches himself 
pee his pants.

�I know honey; mommy will take care of her big baby right now. We are 
home. Hurry up and get out of the car. You can finish peeing your pants 
in the driveway,� says his mom as she shuts off the engine and looks at 
her son. �In fact Fred, you will finish peeing right now as soon as 
you�re out.�

Fred is opening the door and looking at his wet crotch and then to his 
mom who has a serious expression on her face. He exits the car and with 
the door still open bends his knees a bit, moans and says, �Oh no! I am 
wetting my pants mommy! Oh yes!� He then relaxes completely and his 
bladder begins to empty its contents with force. Fred and his mom stare 
at his pants and see his glistening urine spread over and down his 
pants. Fred moans as he pees and pees his pants.

�Yes you most certainly are,� says his mom. She then exits the car and 
goes around to Fred and sees the back of his pants get wetter and 
wetter as he pees his pants. The inseam of his pants is thoroughly wet 
now, down to his shoes. She sees his urine on the driveway slowly form 
a puddle around his shoes as it drips from his pants that cannot hold 
any more moisture.

Both Fred and his mom enjoy this part of their game. Ever since Carol 
realized how excited her son became from acting in such a juvenile and 
�naughty� manner, she takes every opportunity to see that Fred does as 
he really wants, even though at times, he feels really embarrassed. But 
she knows that once he really gets going with peeing his pants, his 
apprehensions leave him as fast as he pees himself. In the end they 
both know that he will be thoroughly excited and very pleased with his 
behavior. After all, he just couldn�t �hold it� any longer.

�You�re such the baby, Fred,� says his mom as she stands behind him 
watching him pee his pants. �You most definitely need diapers,� she 
adds. Fred stands there saying nothing, but only moaning as he empties 
his bladder into his favorite place� his pants!

 Shortly, Fred has finished peeing and says, �Oh yes! That was soooo 
good, I just love this mommy.�

�I know baby; now let�s get you diapered before anything leas happens 
in your pants.� Fred smiles as he turns around and then forces a fart 
from his bottom. He has a very childish expression on his face with a 
smile too.

�Yes mommy,� he replies.

As they walk into their house Carol says to Fred, �After I get you 
diapered, I want you to come out and wipe up the front seat of what you 
placed there, understood?�

�Yes mommy,� says Fred as they enter his bedroom.

�Put your backpack down baby and get the changing pad on your bed; and 
don�t dawdle. You do not need to poop your pants too. You can save that 
for your diapers.�

�Yes mommy,� replies Fred as he follows her requests. He spreads out 
the changing pad and then lies down on it. He looks at his mom as she 
approaches with a hand full of necessary supplies.

�You are such the baby boy Fred,� says his mom as she begins to removes 
his shoes and socks and then unfastens his pants. �You need diapers 
baby and mommy knows this and will have you in them in just a minute. 
You did a big pee-pee in your pants. Your �perfect circle� pee mark 
became a total river down your pants. You are such a baby boy; my baby 
boy.� She looks at him with a smile as she speaks this.

Fred lays there enjoying all the attention he�s getting from his mom 
for wetting his pants along with the wonderful feelings he experienced 
as he did his �naughty� deed.

With his pants now off and as his mom pulls down his yellow pee-stained 
wet underpants, his mom says, �Now you can smell your bottom before I 
get you cleaned up. I know all babies love their smelly bottoms.�

Fred doesn�t hesitate and as soon as his underpants are off, he spreads 
his legs and places his hand at his bottom and rubs it several times. 
His mom now has the baby wipes in her hand and says, �Okay, baby, 
you�ve got enough; now enjoy smelling it.� Fred places his hand at his 
nose and begins doing just that �smelling his stinky bottom scent from 
his fingers. His mom proceeds to wipe his crotch area clean of his 
urine. She saves his bottom for the last. With her son now wiped clean, 
his mom says, �Okay baby, lift up your bottom so mommy can get you 
diapered.� Fred does as requested and his mom places two thick cloth 
diapers under him. He moans as he feels the softness on his backside. 
His mom then applies some cr�me to his bottom area. She wipes her 
fingers clean on his diaper and then applies baby powder to his crotch 
area. She then gently rubs it around and over Fred�s very erect penis.

�You do like diapers baby, just as much as you like wetting your pants, 
don�t you?�

�Yes mommy, I do. I like them both,� replies Fred. He smiles at his mom 
and then brings his thumb to his lips. His mom watches him as he pushes 
it into his mouth and begins sucking it.

�You are my baby boy Fred, and I just love you this way,� she says as 
she brings up the diapers between Fred�s legs and securely pins his 
diapers on him. She then picks up a pair of yellow colored plastic 
baby-pants, shakes them open quickly and brings them to Fred�s face.

�Here baby, have a good smell before I put these on you,� she says. 
With his baby pants on his face, Fred inhales their scent several 

�Thwanks mommy,� says Fred through his thumb. His mom then pulls them 
away from his face and begins to thread them over his feed and up his 
legs. Fred instinctively lifts his bottom up so his mom can get them 
all the way up and over his diapers.

�Now stand up baby so I can check your diapers and baby-pants,� says 
his mom.

Fred sits up and then turns and stands up, still sucking his thumb. His 
mom adjusts the baby-pants to make sure all of Fred�s diapers are under 
them. She straightens up, smiles at her diapered baby boy and then 
gently pats his bottom. �You�re good to go baby; put on these shorts 
and go clean up the car. I�ll have a surprise for you when you�re done. 

Fred pulls his thumb out, smiles and replies, �Oh goodie! A surprise!�

�Yes baby, a surprise. Now hurry up; you have homework to do too,� says 
his mom as she picks up Fred�s wet pants and underpants and leaves his 
bedroom. As she walks to the laundry area she thinks to herself, �That 
boy just loves being a baby. He loves to wet his pants and he loves to 
wear and use diapers. And all of this is just fine with me; he�s so 
happy being a baby; my baby.�

Instead of washing her son�s wet clothes, Carol decides to let them dry 
out. She thinks to herself as she hangs them up, �You know, Fred does 
like to wet his pants and make those �perfect circles� on them when he 
does; and he likes all the smells that come with being a baby. I�ll 
just save these peed-in pants and underpants for him to wear and use 
another time; after all he can only make his �perfect circles� when 
he�s not wearing diapers. I bet he�ll like wearing these nicely pee-
smelling pants. This will be a little surprise for him too.�

Fred happily goes to clean up his little �accident� in the car. He goes 
past the laundry area and sees his mom in there. As he wipes up the 
wetness from the car seat he wonders to himself, �I wonder what my 
surprise is? I hope I like it and I hope my mom likes it too.�

After thoroughly cleaning up his mess Fred walks back into the house 
with the towel that he used and goes to give it to his mom, who is now 
in the kitchen.

She hears him come in and turns to him asking, �Did you get all the pee 
up Fred?�

�Yes I think so mommy. I rubbed and rubbed till no more came onto the 
towel,� replies Fred as he hands his mom the towel. She takes it and 
examines it. �Well that�s all done; thank you for your help Fred.�

�You�re welcome mommy. After all, I did make the mess in the car,� 
replies Fred.

�Yes you did honey,� says his mom. �And it is quite alright that you 
had a �little accident� in your pants in the car. After all, some boys 
just have a hard time holding their pee-pee from getting into their 
pants.� She smiles and winks at her son after saying this as they both 
know that Fred thoroughly loves to play as a baby this way and end up 
by wetting his pants.

�So now, while you do your homework honey, you may use this,� says his 
mom as she hands him a full �baby bottle�. This is your surprise for 
being such a baby, my baby too.�

Fred looks at it and then at his mom who has a big smile and then he 
smiles too. �It�s �okay?� he asks her.

�What�s okay?� she responds.

Fred looks at her and then the �baby bottle� in her hand and then back 
to her. Carol can tell he�s not sure of what is going on. She decides 
to be patient and show her son that she�s just fine with him and his 
�babyish� behavior. She smiles at him.

�It�s �okay �to be �a �baby?� he finally says with a little hesitation.

�Well, I thought you liked your �holding it� game you played at school; 
and your �perfect circle� I saw on your pants; and your �accident� in 
the car; and you thoroughly peeing your pants when we got home; and 
finally me diapering you,� she says still holding out the �baby bottle� 
to him.

Fred looks at her and says, �Well �yeah, I liked all those things mom.�

�Then you should be okay with being a baby, my baby, because that is 
what babies do,� says his mom.

�And it�s okay then?� he replies.

�Of course it is honey; I don�t mind my 12 year-old son wanting to be a 
baby again. I like you this way; you�re much happier and much more fun 
too. Now have this bottle of milk and get going with your homework. Let 
me know if you need anything, and I mean that Fred,� says his mom.

Fred feels much better now and gladly takes his mom�s surprise gift. He 
gives her a hug and as they hug his mom rubs and pats his diapered 
bottom. Fred moans and has an inner glow grow inside him. He does so 
much like acting as a baby, his mommy�s baby too.

�Thanks mommy,� says Fred as he skips out of the kitchen.

�You�re very welcome son,� says his mom as she watches him leave, with 
the nipple of the �baby bottle� at his lips as he goes around the 
corner to his room.

�Such a boy; such a baby boy too,� Carol thinks to herself.

As Jake walks home, he plays over and over in his mind the sight of 
Fred�s pants when he was wetting them in front of him and Steve. Jake 
just cannot believe that his friend actually peed his pants and was 
sort of proud of doing it too. Jake remembers his occasional wetting 
accidents as he walks and realizes that they did not have the same 
affect on him as Fred�s had on him today. He wonders why. �Why does 
Fred wet his pants; and why does he like doing it?� he thinks.

He finds himself rubbing his crotch as he walks and thinks about what 
might have been�if he hadn�t used the boys� toilets at school, after 
class to relieve the pressure in his bladder. He rather enjoyed the 
�holding it� game that the three played and now thinks about doing it 
more often. �I just might do it too,� he thinks. �I�ll pee a little as 
Fred did and see how it feels. This might be fun.�

He now finds himself at his house and goes inside. He�s met by his mom 
and they chat about Jake�s day at school. Jake tells her that he�d like 
to call Fred and Steve and possibly go to his house or have them come 
over here. Jake does not tell his mom about the game they played, as 
he�s sure she would not approve. His mom says, �That�s fine honey; you 
decide and let me know. It is okay if Fred and Steve come over here.

�Thanks mom,� replies Jake as he goes to his room. He places his 
backpack on his desk and then goes and sits on his bed. He looks down 
at his crotch and stares at it. �What would happen �if I�did it again 
�and wet my pants? Would mom be as understanding as last time? Would I 
get into trouble? Would mom punish me? Do I really want to? Yes I think 
so,� thinks Jake. Since he had peed after school, he didn�t need to go 
now anyway, so it wasn�t as if he had to make a decision right now. He 
wondered what he would do though, when he felt the need to urinate 
later in the day. Would he wet his pants?

Jake got up and then went to get the phone to call Fred. He wanted to 
see him and find out what happened when he got home, with his wet 

Steve�s ride home with his mom was the usual; chatting about his day in 
school; what was happening, if anything; this afternoon and evening 
with their family. Steve talks with his mom about getting together with 
Fred and Jake, maybe this afternoon, and at one of their homes. Steve�s 
mom is agreeable to whatever the boys� decide. She just reminds Steve 
that he must do his homework, sometime tonight and hopefully not till 
the last minute before bedtime. Steve assures her that he will. He then 
goes off thinking about Fred�s pants �when he peed them in the toilets 
in front of him and Jake. He just can�t get over how daring Fred is 
with this �holding it� game they played. Steve subconsciously rubs 
himself and enjoys the feeling. His mom notices his actions, and then 
says to him, �Everything okay Steve?�

�Ugh �yeah mom,� replies Steve who wasn�t expecting anything like this 
from his mom.

�And you�d tell me otherwise, wouldn�t you honey?� she replies.

�Ugh �sure I would,� says Steve.

�Oh good, because I am here for you Steve. I am here to help you anyway 
I can. That�s a parent�s job and I think the world of you. If you are 
having issues or just want to talk about anything, I am here for you. 

�Really mom?� replies Steve.

�Yes really honey, anything. I will listen to anything you have to say, 
okay?� says his mom.

�Yeah, okay mom, I understand,� says Steve as he looks at his mom.

�Oh good honey. I love you very much and want to help you anyway that I 
can,� says his mom as she looks to her son with a nice smile.

�I love you too mom, says Steve.

�But I am want to wet my pants,� thinks Steve as he returns his mom�s 
smile with his own. �Would she understand that?� he wonders.

Steve then thinks about the fact that he had the chance to wet himself 
and let it go �down the drain after school today. He won�t have to go 
again for hours and he now wishes he had done it, as Fred had, just a 
little in his pants. He begins to get depressed as he ponders what 
might have been.

His mom senses that something is on her son�s mind. �He looks deep in 
thought; I�ll be patient with him and see what happens. I know that 
something is troubling him,� she thinks.

�So Steve,� she starts, �why don�t you call your friends when we get 
home and get together with them this afternoon?�

Steve looks at his mom and half-heartedly says, �Yeah, I suppose I 

�You don�t seem as enthusiastic about being with your friends, all of a 
sudden,� replies his mom.

�It�s okay �I just have a lot of homework to do and anyway, I�ll see 
them tomorrow in school,� says Steve.

�Oh, okay then,� replies his mom who now is convinced that something is 
on Steve�s mind and it is bothering him. He usually would jump at the 
chance to be with classmates and not doing homework. �What has gotten 
in to him, all of a sudden,� she thinks. �How can I help him deal with 
it if he won�t talk?�

Nothing more is said and they soon find themselves at home. When the 
car stops, Steve opens his door, looks at his mom and says, �Thanks for 
the ride home mom.�

�You�re quiet welcome honey,� replies his mom.

Steve and his mom go into their house; Steve goes to his room and his 
mom to the family room. Steve tosses his backpack onto his bed and then 
falls down next to it, lying on his stomach. He begins thinking, �Why 
do I want to act as a baby and wet my pants? Why do I feel like I want 
to do this? What would mom and dad do if they found out? What�s wrong 
with me? He gets no answers and then thinks, �Well, Fred peed his 
pants. He must like doing it too. I wonder if Jake likes to do it too. 
He didn�t seem too excited about it; but he still played the �hold it� 
game. I wonder what happened with Fred when he got home; did his mom 
see his wet pants? Did he get in trouble? I wish I had peed my pants as 
Fred did when I had the chance; now I don�t have to go. This is all so 
depressing. What�s wrong with me?�

As Fred sucks his �baby bottle� and rubs the front of his diaper he 
hears the phone ringing. His mom answers it and then he hears her voice 
say, �Fred, it�s for you; it�s Jake. He wants to talk with you.�

�Okay mom,� replies Fred as he gets up and goes to his mom.

�Hi Jake,� says Fred after taking the phone from his mom. She looks at 
her �big baby� son and smiles as she walks to the kitchen.

�Hi Fred; how�s it going?� asks Jake.

�Everything�s fine Jake; how about you?� replies Fred.

�Yeah, it�s good with me too. What happened with you and �your �you 
know �condition when you got home?� Jake has a hard time saying what he 
really wants too, but didn�t want anyone to hear him say, your �wet 

Fred smiles as he hears Jake�s question. He�s not quite sure how to 
answer him though. �Should I tell him a little, a lot or all of it?� 
thinks Fred.

�Ugh, well, my mom saw my pants and asked me what happened. I just said 
that I couldn�t hold it �and wet a little,� replies Fred.

�Well then what happened; are you in trouble?� asks Jake who is now 
getting more intrigued with Fred and the consequences he has. �Want to 
get together?� continues Jake.

�No I am not in trouble Jake, and yeah I�d like to get together; can 
you come over here?� asks Fred with a big smile on his face.

�Oh, that�s good; ugh, yeah I think so, let me go ask my mom,� says 

Fred waits while Jake goes and asks his mom. He sucks milk from his 
bottle as he waits.

�Yeah, I can! I�ll be right over!� says Jake excitedly.

�Cool, we can hang out; see you soon,� replies Fred.

�Yeah, see ya,� says Jake.

Fred gets up and goes to find his mom who is in the kitchen. He brings 
her his empty bottle and says, �Mom, Jake is coming over; we�re going 
to hang out for awhile, okay?�

�Oh good, I hope you have fun together. Did you enjoy you �baby bottle� 
honey?� she asks.

�Oh yes, it was really neat mom. Thanks,� replies Fred.

�Oh good, I am glad you liked it. I�ll send Jake to your room when he 
gets here,� says his mom as she pats her son�s diapered bottom that is 
covered by his shorts.

�Okay, thanks,� replies Fred as he leaves her and goes back to his 

Fred sits at his desk going through his homework assignments when he 
hears noises approaching his room. He turns to the open door and sees 
Jake appear and walk into his room.

�Hi Jake, good to see ya,� replies Fred as he turns his chair around.

�Ugh, hi Fred,� replies Jake as he stands in the middle of Fred�s room.

�Come on in, make yourself comfortable,� says Fred.

Jake looks around a bit and then goes over and sits on Fred�s bed. 
There�s a pause in their conversation as both boys have agendas on 
their minds but are not quite sure of what to say. Fred senses this and 
says, �I am glad that you called and were able to come over. I wonder 
what Steve is doing. Do you think we should call him?�

Jake looks at Fred and says, �Well, I am not sure, I haven�t talked 
with him since school.�

�Me either,� replies Fred. He then continues, �Well I sure had fun 
today with you guys �playing our �little game�.�

Jake, feeling a bit more relaxed now smiles and says, �Yeah, that was 
fun wasn�t it; and I can�t believe that you really did it, you �peed 
your pants.�

Fred now is glad that Jake brought up his �little accident� that wasn�t 
really an accident at all. Fred says, �Well yeah, when I play that 
game, I like to act it out and have something to show for it, even if 
it�s only a little sign on my pants.�

�Wow, you sure did. So what happened when you got home? I see that you 
have changed your pants,� says Jake as he more closely checks out 
Fred�s shorts.

�Ugh �well �I sort of � had more of an �accident� you see and �ended up 
�really wetting my pants,� replies Fred.

�Oh wow! So what happened?� asks Jake as he looks at Fred�s crotch 

Fred then stands up and turns around. Jake can now see that Fred�s 
bottom is rather poofy and so is his front. Fred then lifts his shirt a 
bit exposing the top of his plastic �baby pants� for Jake to see. He 
then says, �My mom diapered me, that�s what happened.�

Jake stands and walks closer to Fred to check out what he�s seeing. He 
can see that Fred has on plastic pants that covering a diaper. He 
begins to get excited as he stares at Fred�s shorts and specifically 
his plastic pants. �Oh wow!� is all he can say.

Just then, Fred�s mom appears at the door and sees the two boys 
standing and that Fred is showing Jake his diapers. She smiles, walks 
further into his room and says, �Yes Jake, Fred got diapered after 
school because he �wet his pants.�

Jake is surprised by Fred�s mom appearance and what she just said too. 
He looks at her with a surprised expression. Carol smiles at Jake and 
says, �That�s what happens to boys who can�t hold their pee-pee, they 
get to wear diapers.�

Jake looks at her, not knowing what to do or say. Carol sees that he is 
getting excited by all of this from the �tent pole� in his pants. She 
then walks over to Fred�s dresser and puts down on it the stack of 
freshly cleaned diapers and several pairs of �baby pants� that she 
brought in with her. She turns and then walks up to Jake and says, 
�It�s really okay. All you have to do �,� she starts and then with her 
hand makes a circle on the front of Jake�s pants around his �tent pole� 
several times, �is to go pee-pee right here that shows everyone that 
you should be in diapers � cause you can�t �hold it� and you wet your 

Fred watches his mom with interest and likes what she�s saying. Jake is 
looking at Carol�s eyes with amazement in them and doesn�t quite know 
what to say or do. He realizes that he is now rather excited and can 
feel his penis straining to grow against his pants. She continues to 
make a circle on his pants. She then says to Jake, �Do you need to go 
pee-pee honey? Do you want to wear diapers too?�

Jake, hearing Carol�s words can only shake his head. He then says, �I 
�went at school �and I don�t have to go now.�

�Oh okay then,� replies Carol, �well when you do, just remember that if 
you want diapers, all you have to do is �go pee-pee �right here; make a 
�perfect circle� of pee-pee, just like my Fred did earlier,� as she 
circles the front of his pants with her hand. Jake�s penis is now 
really strained and is attempting to grow as big as it ever has. Jake 
can only nod that he understands.

�Oh good,� says Carol as she finally pulls her hand away from Jake and 
then looks over to Fred. �Now you two have fun, �hanging out� and let 
me know if you need anything, okay?�

Fred smiles and says, �We will mom, thanks.�

Jake looks at Carol and says, �Ugh, yeah, thanks.�

�You�re welcome boys,� replies Carol as she turns and walks out of the 

The two boys now look at each other. Jake is the first to speak. �Wow, 
Fred! Your mom is something else. She really doesn�t mind you �wetting 
your pants �at all.�

�No, she doesn�t mind my �accidents�; she knows that I really like to 
play this way and she likes to diaper me because of them. It�s a game 
for her too,� replies Fred.

Jake, felling rather exhausted with all that just transpired, sits back 
down on Fred�s bed. He also rubs the front of his pants to get his 
penis straightened out in his underpants. He feels much better now with 
the strain on his penis relieved. He now hears the sound on plastic on 
the bed as he gets himself comfortable. Fred notices this and says,

�Yeah, it�s a plastic mattress cover cause I sometimes wet my bed too.�

�Oh wow Fred, you really have control problems, don�t you?� says Jake.

Fred smiles and replies, �Yeah, you could say that. I just really like 
to pee in my pants; it really feels good to me. What about you Jake, 
don�t you ever want to �pee your pants?�

Jake looks at Fred and thinks to himself, �Yeah I do and �but diapers? 
I never thought about them.�

Jake now nods, yes to Fred. He then says, �Well, yeah, you know 
�sometimes you get caught short and pee a little.�

�Yeah,� says Fred, �but haven�t just wanted to just do it �like on 

Jake smiles and again nods, yes to Fred.

�Oh cool!� replies Fred. �Isn�t it just so exciting when you do it?�

�Yeah, I agree with you there, but I�ve never been caught like you 
have, or thought about wearing �diapers. That�s something new to me,� 
says Jake.

�Well, they�re really neat sometimes too. I can go in them when I am 
out and nobody knows that I just wet myself. It�s exciting too,� says 

�Wow, you go out of your house �in diapers?� asks a surprised Jake.

Fred nods yes to Jake and then smiles. �Yeah, I like to be daring like 
and wear them sometimes.�

�Oh wow,� says Jake. �And what did your mom mean by �make a �perfect 
circle� of pee-pee� anyway?�

�Oh that; well, we play this game you see that when I wet my pants �and 
make the wet stain into a �perfect circle� on my pants, then that means 
that I get to de diapered right now.�

�And what if it�s not a �perfect circle�; what happens then?� asks 

Fred giggles at this question and says, �Well, I just get to keep 
peeing my pants until I get the wet stain into a circle, or empty my 

�And then what happens?� asks a confused Jake.

�My mom diapers me �cause I wet my pants,� replies Fred matter-of-

�So,� says Jake, �you get diapered no matter what the stain looks 

�Yeah pretty much so. Like I said, it�s a little game we play. The 
sooner I get a �perfect circle� wet stain on my pants, the sooner I get 
diapered,� replies Fred.

�Wow, that�s amazing. I think it�s cool that you and your mom play that 
game. I wonder how my mom would act if I wet my pants like you do,� 
replies Jake.

�Don�t know Jake, but there�s really only one way to find out,� giggles 

�Yeah, you�re right there,� says Jake as he giggles too. �But I am not 
so sure about �you know �diapers. They�re for �babies.� Jake then 
blushes as he realizes what he just said, and there sits his friend 
Fred in one! And then there was Fred�s mom earlier telling him that he 
can have one too �just go pee-pee in his pants as she made a circle 
over his groin, indicating what he could do.

�Ugh, you know � I mean �diapers and �babies � oh wow! I don�t know 
what I am saying!� replies Jake as he tries to recover from his 

�Yeah, I know what you mean Jake; and yes diapers and babies are 
usually together, but they do make them in all different sizes for kids 
and adults to wear too,� replies Fred.

�Yeah, I guess, but I don�t know about me �wearing them, that�s all I 
was trying to say,� says Jake.

�But �peeing your pants doesn�t bother you?� asks Fred with a smile.

Jake blushes again and says, �Well, yeah, I think that doing that is 
okay, when you don�t get caught though.�

Fred giggles and leans back on his chair. There�s a pause in their 
conversation. Then Fred says, �I wonder what Steve is doing now? Shall 
we give him a call?�

�Yeah, why not,� says Jake.

Fred gets up to retrieve a phone from elsewhere in the house and then 
returns to his room. He finds Jake standing at his dresser examining 
the pile of diapers and plastic pants that his mom brought in earlier. 
�Like what you see there, Jake?� asks Fred as he sits down at his desk.

�I don�t know; you sure have lots of diapers and pants here,� replies 
Jake. You must go through them a lot, or something.�

Fred smiles as he looks at Jake who now returns to sit on Fred�s bed. 
��Well, sort of, I guess. Mom doesn�t do laundry everyday; I think she 
saves up enough dirty diapers for a good size wash job,� replies Fred.

�Oh, okay,� says Jake.

Fred then dials Steve�s phone number and listens to it ring.

�Hello,� hears Fred from a female voice.

�Oh hi, this is Fred calling; is Steve around?�

�Oh hi Fred, yeah, he�s here, let me get him,� says the female voice.

Fred hears through the phone the female telling Steve that Fred is on 
the phone for him. Fred waits patiently, looking over at Jake. Jake 
takes his eyes off of Fred�s stack of diapers and looks at him.

�Hello,� hears Fred.

�Steve, how you doing?�

�Okay, I guess. And you?� replies Steve.

�Okay. Jake is over here and we�re just hanging out, you know,� says 

�Cool,� says Steve. He�s not in a very talkative mood as he�s still 
feeling down at what happened today at school with he and Fred; and 
that he didn�t pee his pants; and why does he want to anyway?!

�We were wondering if you want to come and join us; like we talked 
about after class,� says Fred. Jake and he look at one another as Fred 
rolls his eyes indicating that Steve is a little aloof about what he�s 
doing or wants to do. Jake nods to indicate that he understands.

�I dunno know, maybe,� replies Steve.

�Well Jake and I are here at my house. Come on over; it�ll be fun,� 
says Fred trying to persuade Steve to join them.

�Yeah, okay I guess,� answers Steve.

�Cool, we�ll see you in a few,� replies Fred as he turns off the phone. 
He turns to Jake and says, �Wow, Steve sure doesn�t sound very excited, 
about coming over or anything. He�s down over something.�

�I wonder what�s bothering him, maybe something at home after school,� 
says Jake.

�Yeah, maybe. He was so excited when we left school today. I wonder 
what did happen,� says Fred.

�Oh well; maybe he�ll tell us when he gets here,� replies Jake.

�I sure hope so,� adds Fred.

Steve finds himself walking to Fred�s house and wondering to himself, 
�Why do I want to wet my pants? Do other boys think about this too? 
Does Jake think about this? Why did Fred actually do it ... he wet his 
pants at school!�

Steve finds himself at Fred�s front door and rings the doorbell. He 
hears someone approach and then the door opens.

�Hi Steve, come in,� says Carol as she immediately checks out his 
crotch after smiling to him. Steve notices that she�s looking down at 
him and blushes a little as he steps into the house. Carl notices his 
reaction and says, �It�s okay honey; Fred and Jake are in his room; you 
go and join them and don�t worry about anything. You have a good time 
together and just be boys�.�

�Ugh, okay,� replies Steve as he looks to Carol. She smiles at him as 
he walks towards that back of their house.

�Well another boy that may like to wet his pants too,� thinks Carol as 
she checks out Steve�s bottom as he walks away. �Time will tell,� she 
further thinks.

Steve walks into Fred�s room where he finds Fred and Jake sitting.

�Hi guys,� says Steve.

�Hi Steve, glad you came over,� says Fred.

�Yeah it�s good to see you Steve,� adds Jake.

Steve goes and sits down on Fred�s bed as he checks out Fred�s room a 
bit. He�s been here many times before but wants to see if things are 
any different. He then sees the stack of �diapers and plastic pants on 
Fred�s dresser. He stares at them and thinks, �Are those what I think 
they are?� Both Fred and Jake can see as to what Steve is looking.

Fred realizes he�s got to explain them to Steve. He then says, �Yeah 
Steve, those are my �diapers and plastic pants.�

�Really?! You �wear diapers?� replies a surprised Steve.

�Well, yeah. My mom prefers me to wear them instead of �my wet pants,� 
says Fred.

Steve is now really confused, yet glad on the other hand that Fred 
seems to wet his pants too, and that Steve isn�t the only boy with such 
thoughts and behavior. He looks to Fred and says, �So �you wet your 

Fred smiles and nods, �Yeah, I do and I like it too. Jake and I were 
just talking about�doing it and how good it feels.�

�You too Jake?� says Steve.

Jake nods and says, �Yeah, me too. I can�t explain it but the thought 
of �doing it really is exciting to me.�

�Oh wow! Really, both you guys �like to wet your pants?� says a 
surprised Steve.

Again both boys nod and then Fred tells Steve what happened with him 
after school and that his mom put him in diapers as he stands and shows 
them to Steve.

�Oh my gosh! This is just such amazing news. I thought that I was �the 
only one �who had such thoughts!� says Steve.

�No Steve, you are definitely not the only one,� says Jake. �I think 
about it every time in need to pee. I have a few times ... done it, but 
I get really scared if my mom would find out.�

�Exactly!� replies Steve. �My mom would get really mad if she caught me 
wetting my pants.�

�Are you sure about that Steve?� is heard by the three boys as Carol 
walks into the room with a tray of drinks. �We moms� know that some 
boys just can�t keep their pants dry; that they would prefer to wet 
themselves. My Freddie is one of them, are you Honey?� adds Carol as 
she walks over to Steve and offers him a drink.

Fred looks at his mom who gives him a big smile and a wink.

�Yeah mom, I am �one of them,� replies Fred as his mom approaches him 
with the tray of drinks. Fred takes one and looks a little nervous at 
his mom.

�Oh Honey,� says Carol, �you know it�s okay with me that you want to 
�wet your pants. I just get the chance then to diaper you, right 

Fred nods as he takes a sip of his drink. Carol then walks over to Jake 
and offers him the last drink from the tray. She smiles at him and 
says, �And you too like to be naughty and pee your pants too, don�t you 

Jake blushes and then nods that he does in fact do so.

�You see Steve,� says Carol as she turns to him. �You are not alone. 
And don�t think that you know what your mom would do if you �wet your 
pants. We moms know what to do with our boys that behave so.� She 
places her hand on the stack of diapers and plastic pants and gives it 
a gently couple of pats. �Now you enjoy your drinks and be sure not to 
spill them... I�d have to serve you with �baby bottles� if you do. Let 
me know if you need anything and it�s okay with me if either of you 
want to �wet your pants too, like Freddie did earlier,� says Carol as 
she smiles down to Jake and Steve.

They look up to her and say, �Ugh, okay, thanks.�

Carol smiles and walks toward the door. She turns and says, �Have fun 
boys,� and then walks out and out of their sight.

�Wow Fred, your mom is something else,� says Steve.

�Yeah, that�s for sure,� adds joke.

�Ugh, thanks guys. I am amazed at how she reacts to me too. I think 
it�s really cool though,� replies Fred.

The boys look at each other as they sip their drinks. Both Jake and 
Steve replay in their minds what Fred�s mom said to them, �It�s okay 
with me if either of you want to �wet your pants too.� They also both 
feel a tingling sensation from their penises, from this thought. They 
find themselves both subconsciously giving their crotches a gently few 
rubs that further excites their feelings. Will they �do it? Do they 
want �diapers too? What will they wear home �if they wet their pants? 
These questions go through Jake and Steve�s minds as they sit and sip 
their drinks with Fred.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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