Title: Parker and Brother Alex
Name: Parker
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 14
Posting Date: 04/11/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop* Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression
  9- Baby paraphernalia 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: This is about me (Parker) and how I went from teasing Ryan (another scout) at scout camp about his diaper to be a diaper wearer. Also it is about my brother Alex's interest in my new diaper wearing needs.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 0 (0%)
I was 13 in the summer of 2008 and headed to a scout camp. My dad was 
also there as one of the adult leaders. When leaving that morning I 
came across all the scout medical forms of each scout and started 
reading them. I saw that Ryan's medical form had the box checked as a 
"bedwetter" with a comment saying "wears diapers at night". I remember 
being diapered until I was 6 years old and was very happy when I was a 
big boy and could wear my boxers full time. I had occasionally had 
accidents since that time, but hid most of the accidents from my 
family. At this point, my diaper wearing days seemed like something way 
in the past.

Ryan had always been just a little better than me on some of the sports 
teams we were on, so I saw this as a great opportunity to take 
advantage of him. You have to know I was also extremely out going and 
even a little obnoxious to others. So, it was easy for me bring up the 
subject and show a couple others Ryan's medical form. I then led the 
charge in teasing Ryan about how he was baby who needed diapers.

We totally ruined Ryan's plan to secretly put on a Goodnight. By 
evening time I had already gone through Ryan's bag and found his 
Goodnights and I made sure everyone was aware when Ryan tried to 
quietly put on a GN while under his sleeping bag. Well, I guess my 
obnoxious behavior caused some of Ryan's close friends to come up with 
an idea to get me back. I later learned that after I went to sleep they 
were doing the hand-dipping in water trick on me for the rest the week-
long scout camp. Now, I usually had been getting up once or twice each 
night to pee, since I do have a small bladder. That first night I woke 
up about 5am for the first time and was petrified when I reached down 
and discovered I had wet that night. No one else was awake, so I 
changed into some dry boxers and used a towel to dry my bag as much as 
possible so that no one else would notice. In the morning one of the 
Scouts in the tent said it smelled like pee and that Ryan needed a 
diaper change. Ryan defended himself by taking off a dry GN and saying 
he doesn't wet every night anymore. I was able to get out of my bag in 
dry boxers, so that no one found out about my accident.

The next couple mornings I was not so lucky since I did not wake up 
until the others were already awake. The water hand dipping trick had 
apparently worked and stopped me from having to get up to pee. The 
others discovered that my bag and boxers were soaked and now I was 
getting the teasing. On the 4th day Ryan quietly told me I could wear 
one of his GN's. I put it on under my boxers with no one else knowing. 
I was thinking maybe Ryan was now being a friend. However, he had 
apparently told some others because in the morning I was awakened from 
my sleep by getting pulled out of my sleeping bag and having my bulging 
wet diaper exposed. It was on the trip home that one of my good friends 
told me that some of Ryan's good friends had been dipping my hand in 
water at night, and so I shouldn't have to really worry about being a 

When we got home, my dad told my mom about how I had been mean to Ryan 
and about me having some bedwetting issues. They were very mad at me. I 
told them not to worry since I thought the bedwetting was only because 
of the water hand dipping trick. They were still mad since I have 
always been kind of a trouble maker in the family. My only sibling is 
my brother Alex, who was 14 at the time. Alex was always the perfect 
child and my parents completely trust him and don't believe he can ever 
do anything wrong.

Alex was very interested in the whole scout camp story. Alex and I have 
separate bedrooms that share a bathroom between them. The bathroom has 
two doors, one going to my room and one going to Alex's room. We are 
fairly close and usually just leave the bathroom doors open at night so 
that we can visit each other to play video games at night. After 
hearing the camp story, I think Alex decided to continue it by doing 
the water hand-dipping trick on me for the next several nights. The 
first morning home from camp I woke up to a completely soaked bed. I 
think my body did like getting the entire night's sleep since I was no 
longer waking up in the night to pee. My mom was not happy.

That day Alex and my mom came home from Costco with a huge package of 
Pampers size 7 diapers that they put in the bathroom closet. My mom 
came in that night with diaper cream, baby powder and one of the 
diapers. It was real scary. The diaper had Sesame Street characters on 
it. She wanted to help me put it on since it had tabs that needed to be 
fastened. I got very angry and said no way, but that I would put it on 
before bed. I did put it on and remember how embarrassed I felt when I 
looked in the mirror and saw the Big Bird on my diaper looking back at 
me! The next morning I woke up and felt the bulging diaper. I then 
found that since I hadn't really got it on straight and tight enough 
that it had leaked onto my bed in the area right under my butt. My mom 
said from now on I would need someone to help make sure it is on tight 
and straight each night. My parents were leaving for a trip with my 
dad's work and so they appointed beloved and trusted son Alex to help 
with this chore. I was relieved since I didn't think Alex would 
actually want to help with this.

So, that first night when my parents were gone Alex said "I think it is 
time we get that Pampers diaper on you". I quipped back "I'll do it 
myself". He replied, "Mom had entrusted me to get the chore of getting 
the diaper on you correctly". He then came into my bedroom with a 
diaper, diaper cream, and baby powder. Now, Alex had switched to 
wearing tighty whities in the past year. Since he had just showered for 
the night, that was all he had on. He pushed me back on the bed and 
slid my jeans and boxers off. I quickly put my hands over my penis area 
since I was very embarrassed that I had not gone through puberty yet. 
My penis was small and I had no pubic hair. Now, I dressed much older 
than a 13 year old. Both my brother and I wear tight low cut jeans from 
Abercombie or Holister. With our long styled hair, we could easily be 
models for one of these places. So, I kept my babyish private area, 
private. Alex still hadn't seen this area as he was using his body to 
push my legs straight into the air and was placing the diaper under my 
butt. He then quickly rubbed a little diaper cream on my butt and then 
put my legs down and spread them out so he could do my front area. At 
this point my penis was even smaller than ever since I was so scared 
knowing he was going to discover my babyish features. Alex said "Wow, 
these baby diapers really match your baby body". He began spreading the 
diaper cream around my balls and between my legs and then around my 
penis. His warm hands and rubbing motions made my penis get as big and 
hard as I had ever seen. He quickly commented that "I can see that you 
really do like getting diapered after all". He still had extra cream on 
his hands, so he rubbed it all the way up to my chest area. I also 
noticed he was enjoying this since he had a huge bulge in his tighty 
whities that he then pushed down between his legs when he thought I 
wasn't looking.

Alex then brought in lots of chips and sodas to drink as we played 
video games before bed. When I said I had to pee, he told me to just 
use my diaper since he didn't want to waste any of them. I think he 
didn't want to waste any since he was sneaking some of them out for him 
to use(I had noticed special interest in me wearing diapers). So, I let 
a little pee out and found that I really liked the feeling of the warm 
pee filling the diaper. From then on I would put my diaper on in the 
evening and just enjoy wetting in my diaper while playing video games 
with Alex. Alex even offered to wear a diaper just so it would make me 
feel better, but I told him not to. I continued wetting each night and 
my body just got more and more used to it. I was also enjoying the 
diapering time more and more each night. After a few nights, Alex was 
doing more and more massaging actions with the diaper cream and baby 
oil. On the 4th night he put my erect penis between two of his finders. 
And with his palm down began moving his hand up and down until I felt 
the most wonderful excitement throughout my whole body.

I have continued having Alex help diaper me since then. After a several 
months I started getting pubic hair. Alex then came up with the idea 
that since I was in baby diapers I should continue looking like a baby 
down there. So, he would use tweasers to pull out each new hair that 

In June of 2009 I was once again headed out to a scout camp. This year 
I found that my medical form now had the big "X" by the bedwetter box 
with the comment "must wear diapers at night". I found that Ryan was no 
longer wearing diapers and so I was now the one that had to deal with 
being diapered and teased at camp. I guess I deserved it. But I am 
actually enjoying the feeling of diapers and especially when Alex gives 
me some special attention.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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