Pampers Evolution Spinoff - Malcolm in the Middle Summary: This is a Pampers Evolution Spinoff based on Malcolm in the Middle (disclaimer, disclaimer, characters are the property of, blah blah blah...). In the first part, Lois gives in to the pressure of the outside world to conform, and puts Malcolm, Reese & Dewey in diapers. I would appreciate suggestions for future storylines at Enjoy PES: Malcolm Part 1 Pampers Evolution Spinoffs - Malcolm in the Middle (Part One) by NappyBoy UK Comments, criticisms, praise, and most importantly SUGGESTIONS (!) to This is my first story based in the States, but I think the only difference is I say 'diaper' instead of 'nappy'. Confusing, huh? And the other thing is that the story is based on Malcolm in the Middle, so please imagine that right now, you're reading a highly legal and watertight disclaimer and acknowledgement. *********************************************************************** Sooner or later, I guess, it had to happen. Everyone else in school, all my friends, all the boys on the street in fact were wearing Pampers diapers. Me and my brothers were the only ones left in underwear. It felt weird, sometimes. Eventually, one day, Mom came back from work with more than just Jamie's bag of baby diapers under her arm. Along with it were a bag of larger baby diapers for Dewey, and a huge crate of Teen Dry diapers for me and Reese to share. Reese was the first to react to this spectacle with, "Oh no! No way can you be serious." "I'm dead serious," she said, putting down the bags and boxes on the couch. "I'm sick of the calls from your teachers complaining that you've been teasing other kids for being 'babies'. I'm sick of washing dirty underwear and Dewey's wetted pants. I'm sick of waiting in queue to use my own bathroom in my own house because Malcolm likes to read on the lavatory. Well from now on, everyone under twenty, and living under this roof will be wearing diapers, 24/7." "But.... but Mom!" I protested. She glared at me, which quickly and effectively shut me up. "Anyway, Malcolm, you've been complaining for weeks how left-out you feel!" "I'm always left-out," I explained. "That doesn't mean I want to wear diapers." "Well, want to or not, you are. Here's the system:," she announced regally. "Reese and Malcolm, you'll be in charge of diapering each other and Dewey. No one is allowed to change themselves, even if you're not at home. You get a friend to do it. If you're at home by yourself, go next door or just wait. I don't want botched diaper changes leaking all over the carpet. Change each other on the floors or on your beds. Use the supplies from the changing table in the bathroom. Understood?" We all nodded grimly. "Don't wear pants around the house, they can make the diaper leak. It's OK for school, but if you're going out you have to wear two diapers and rubber underwear if you want to wear pants. I think that's everything. Oh, and be sparing with the diapers. We get them free on the store's health plan, but I don't want to be known as the employee who takes the most diapers." We stayed in shocked silence for a moment or two before she piped up again. "What are you waiting for? I want you in diapers in five minutes! Snap to it!" she called out. We knew she meant business. We picked up our diapers and headed for our room. "This SUCKS," yelled Reese, slamming the door behind him, then sitting on his bed, head in hands. "I know," I said, dropping the diapers on the double bed. "I can't believe her, she's..." I caught myself before I said that she's 'worse than everyone else's parents.' Actually, she wasn't. She was doing what everyone else's parents were doing now. "Five minutes, boys, or they'll be consequences," she shouted from the other side of the door. Consequences had four syllables, so she was serious. "Dewey, you're first," I announced. It was just easier for him to be the first one. Plus, he didn't seem too worried about it. While he pulled off his shirt, I undid his pants and Reese went in to the bathroom to collect diapering supplies. Taking off his underwear, applying lotion to his cheeks and crotch and shaking on talc was the easy part. Then I went to the bag of Baby Dry, tore it open and pulled out a folded diaper. It was a size 7, about twice the size of the ones I was used to changing Jamie in to. I unfolded it and flattened it out while Reese lifted Dewey's legs for me. I slid the back under his butt and Reese put him down. Dewey smiled gingerly as I folded the diaper over him and did up the single tapes. He quickly got up and walked around a bit. "How is it?" Reese asked. "Comfortable," Dewey squeaked. He was only a kid, of course he would think it's comfortable. He wouldn't even think about how gross it was. But we had to admit, he looked cute in his diaper. Much better than we, two teenagers, would look in diapers. "Good," I said. "Now get out of here, it's our turn." He smiled and stomped off to the living room. Me and Reese were left in silence for a few moments. "Who's first?" I asked. "You," he said instantly and insistently. "No way, you're going first!" I came back. I instantly wondered why I asked in the first place if I wanted him to go first. "Youngest first," he grinned. It was annoying, but there was no faulting his simple but effective schoolyard logic. Giving him a look of daggers, I unzipped my jeans and pulled them down with my underwear. I then lay down on the same spot Dewey just had, glowering at Reese as he picked up the lotion bottle and put some on his hands with an evil smile. He rubbed his hands together and applied lotion to my crotch, and then my buttocks when I turned over. He then liberally shook talc over my butt then front. Finally, he went over to the crate of our Teen Dry diapers and took one out. It was so much larger than the one we'd just diapered Dewey in. He unfolded it and smiled again. "Legs up," he cooed in a baby voice. Grudgingly, I pushed with my feet until my butt was lifted in to the air and Reese placed the Pampers Diaper underneath it. I braced myself for the feeling and lowered myself back down. The first thing that surprised me was how warm it is. I was expecting it to be cold, but that's because I've only ever felt the cold plastic outside of diapers since I stopped wearing them at night eight years ago. The next thing was the comfort. The inside felt just like cotton underwear, but had an added smoothness. Towards the edges, the plastic that you expected to feel harsh just made me feel secure... and it wasn't even done up yet! Reese must have sensed my moment of reverie as he asked, "Baby enjoying his diaper?" in this new baby voice he had adopted. "Just get on with it, Jerk," I replied in my standard impatient sarcastic tone. He giggled to himself and got on using the skills he had practiced on Jamie so many times, this time on me. He took the edge of the diaper in one hand and with the other tucked my flaccid dick so the pee would come out towards the diaper's centre. Then he folded the diaper over me, pulled the front tight over my waste and used the double straps to secure it tightly. I stood up and walked around a little bit, tugging the leg elastics until the Pampers diaper fit perfectly. Having expected it to be disgusting as soon as it went on, the actual feeling was a surprise. I was enjoying it so much, I almost didn't notice Reese pointing and laughing at his brother wearing a crisp white diaper. "Yeah, laugh it up," I said with satisfaction. "You're next!" That wiped the smile right off his face. For a moment, I thought he looked angry, but it he actually looked concerned. His head slowly turned towards the crate, then back to the diaper on me. His face screwed up and again he said, "No way!" "Mom is right out there. If we don't do what she says...." "But it's DIAPERS! We're not babies," he yelled again. I was about to respond with reassurance, but instead came the sound of her shouting from the other side of the door again. "Reese, stop arguing! Diaper, now!" He frowned with that kind of defiant acceptance that was so common in dealing with Mom, and lay back on the bed. "You're gonna need to take some of that off," I told him as if it were new information. He unzipped his pants and pulled them down slightly, exposing the important bit. Then he closed his eyes and said "Get on with it." I gave him a quick diapering, not wanting to prolong it. Inside thirty seconds, he was clad in the same white plastic I was. "Finished," I announced, and he opened his eyes. "That's it?" he asked, seemingly puzzled. He looked down at the diaper and saw that it was indeed there. And I could see in his eyes that he knew, just like I did, that it wasn't so bad after all. But he was too stubborn to accept it. He put his angry face back on over his comforted one, and stormed off in to the living room, still wearing his shirt, me following him. Dewey was already there, and was still just in a diaper like me. "Let me check," Mom said, approaching us. Both me and Reese flinched back. "Mom, no! Hands off!" we protested. "You got off lightly with me not insisting on changing you myself! Let me check." Insistently, she pulled and grabbed at the sides of the diapers, testing them for secure attachment. "Well, you both pass the diapering test. Now lets see if the diapers pass the kid test." "What do you mean?" I asked, worried that I might know exactly what she meant. "I want to see if they work. Make sure they don't leak. Get to work." We stared at her, unable to believe that she actually wanted us to stand there in front of her and wet ourselves. "Come on!" she said after a second or two. "Dewey didn't seem to mind." Sure enough, Dewey was sitting on the couch with a stupid grin on his face, the pink indicator stripe on his diaper flooded. "We are not going to pee for you, Mom," I said, trying to sound definitive. The look on her face changed from expectant to deadly. If I was a few years... even a few months younger, that look would have made me wet myself on its own. But instead, all it made me and Reese do was realize that she was getting what she wanted, one way or the other. Taking a big gulp, I closed my eyes and tried to let go. It took a few seconds, but eventually I felt the trickle then the gush of urine flowing. It felt really wet all over, and I could even swear it was running down my legs. The diaper was leaking! I opened my eyes and looked down, and was surprised to see that although the diaper was slowly bulging out, nothing was escaping. After a few more seconds, I had finished my pee, and nothing bad was happening. I was so relieved nothing had leaked that I didn't even think about the feeling for a second. It didn't feel gross. For a moment, it had felt wet and weird. But soon, the feeling turned in to a funny mushy gel-like feeling that was nothing less than fun. And with it came an incredible warmness. It didn't even smell! I smiled widely, my front two teeth showing (I hate when that happens). Mom's neck snapped back slightly in surprise, "Looks like yours works *really* well. Yours too, Reese," she said. "Good," she finished, and walked off. That was a bit of an anticlimax. I turned to Reese. His pink line was smudged just as much as mine, and the look on his face had finally mellowed. Even Reese's auto- anger couldn't resist the good feelings we were getting from wearing these diapers. ******* Hope you enjoyed Part One. I would kindly ask that you e-mail comments, both good and bad, to Suggestions for future storylines will always be appreciated. Feel free to redistribute this story and its prequels & sequels to your own sites and groups but PLEASE inform me if you're going to do this. Thanks!