Pampers Evolution Spinoffs - Chris' Story
by Nappy Boy UK

Summary: The first of a spin-off series from the Pampers Evolution 
story, where we investigate the life of normal people living in a world 
where Pampers have made nappies for everyone to wear, including a 
massive range of Teen Boy nappies.

You probably won't get this story unless you've read Parts one & two of 
my 'Pampers Evolution' story, 
available at Deeker's site. Brand names are mentioned purely in the 
interests of fun and fiction. The expectations of the events of this 
story reaching reality are lower than I can say.... Authors note: these 
are all based on the British Pampers line, obviously (that's why I say 
nappies, not diapers) which you can view on the Pampers UK website to 
see where I'm coming from. Please feel free to repost.
	Like most bedwetters, I had been in Drynites for years until 
Pampers finally rivaled the Huggies brand with an absolutely massive 
landslide of nappies for all ages. Drynites were leaky, and somehow 
managed to feel like both paper and cotton at the same time, making 
them feel distinctly unlike a nappy, which to my mind made them 
worthless. If you're a bedwetter, you don't want substandard products 
to single you out - you want to be just like everyone else, even if 
that made you just like everyone else who wore nappies, meaning babies.
	That all changed though, when I was twelve, when my Mum brought 
back from the supermarket my very first packet of Pampers Child Dry. 
The first time I wrapped a double-strapped nappy around my body since I 
was five made me feel like I'd suddenly come home, even though I was in 
the bedroom I'd lived in all my life. It was perfect. When most of my 
friends started wearing them to school, I joined in and before I knew 
it, my school had literally turned on its head. Students weren't 
allowed in to lavatories, not even the prefects. The prefects had the 
task of changing the other students and each other in the locker rooms 
throughout breaks and lunchtimes. Like the rest of the country, they'd 
even taken up on the newly legalised spanking of miscreants.
	It all changed slightly a year later, when Pampers stopped their 
Child Dry line and merged the sizes for five to fourteen year olds with 
the Baby Dry nappies. For the last year, I had been wearing Pampers 
Baby Dry, size 10, with their shape designs all over the plastic cover 
and babyish animal drawings over the tape-attachment strip and butt. As 
much fun as those designs were, however, the nappies were beginning to 
get quite tight, and the allure of the more grown-up Teen range, with 
all its choices, bells and whistles was great. I slept happily in my 
last ever size 10 Baby Dry nappy, and woke up ready to go shopping at 
the big Pampers store in town with my Mum. I had wet overnight, as 
usual, and needed a shit when I'd woken up, and so was keen to get my 
new nappies and change in to one.
	We drove up and parked, and I eagerly jumped out of the car and 
grabbed a cart, my Mum trying to keep up. "Calm down!" she called in 
vain. She caught me up when I arrived at the Teen section. There were 
two places to visit, firstly the generic section where all the Pampers 
Teen accessories were kept. Here was where I laid eyes on the Pampers 
Changing Table. I knew a couple of my friends who were already on Teen 
Dry had one, but I'd never seen one. It was designed ergonomically, 
with a curve to lie on that would allow you to either change yourself 
easily or be changed by a friend standing up. It also had specially 
sized cabinets in which fitted perfectly all the things you needed to 
be successfully nappied. We picked up a token that the cashier would 
scan and then have the thing sent to the car from the warehouse.
	Secondly, I picked up mass packs of diaper wipes, disposal bags, 
talc and lotion. I didn't envision myself using lotion or even talc 
much, but it was nice to have the whole kit. Additionally, a Pampers 
Nappy Bag, for travel, a marvelous thing that when you opened it, it 
rolled out as a self-contained changing mat and storage for nappies and 
	Then, the next and best bit. I moved the cart on to the Size 11 
aisle. Row upon row of nappy upon nappy were there. There were a few 
other shoppers my age browsing and picking up packets. Given all the 
different sizes of packets, from four-nappy travel packs to bulk boxes 
of several hundred, there must have been around ten thousand nappies 
here	I begun to browse myself, as if I hadn't been on the internet for 
the past week deciding exactly what I should get. I knew my Mum was 
leaving the decisions up to me - my life, my nappies... just her money, 
and she had buckets of it! The first thing I put in the cart was a 
small sixteen-pack of Pampers Wholedays. Being able to have lazy days 
wearing just the same nappy until the next morning appealed to me, and 
I was looking forward to trying it next weekend. Then, thirty-six 
Pampers Ultradrys, the prime choice amongst most for bedtime nappies. 
They were thick and sturdy, sporting three tapes either side and 
wetness indicators that varied in intensity depending on the size of 
the load they were given.
	I bought twenty-four Active Fit too. I had had Baby Active Fit 
previously, but the only difference with those was that they had 
stretchy side tapes. Teen Active Fit were a tight brief-style nappy 
with go-faster stripes and the ability not to leak when you ran around 
in them. They were more expensive though, so people didn't wear them 
all the time, just for sports. For swimming sports, I bought thirty-two 
purple Pampers Waternappies, my favourite colour. I swam a lot, so I 
made sure I had plenty of these.
	That took care of everything except one - normal, daytime use. 
With savour, I approached the other end of the aisle, where they kept 
the bulk boxes of nappies. I found the Teen Dry ones, which were just 
like my old Baby Drys, but with two more tapes, less babyish pictures, 
replaced with basic block designs, and more absorbent. I figured I 
would need three of these a day, on average, so I bought four boxes of 
fifty each to last me the first two months.
	The hard-on I had had since I'd got in the car was starting to 
cause problems with my last ever Baby Dry, and I felt like it was about 
to leak, so I got us straight to the checkout, and my Mum paid.
	As soon as I got home, she helped me take the table up to my 
room, and I started to unpack all the bags and boxes of nappies we had 
got. Just when I was hefting the last two bags under my arms from the 
car, my best friend Danny walked up. "Been shopping?" he asked.
	"Yeah," I replied. "Want to give me a hand?"
	"Sure," he said, taking one of the bags from me and following me 
back up to my room.
	"Yeah, I'm too big for Baby Dry now too, so I've been stocking up 
on Teen nappies." Danny was tall for his age, so he'd been in Teen Dry 
for a while.
	"Great, I can stop bringing my own every time I come over now," 
he said, laughing. I laughed back.
	"Look, mate, I haven't had a change since last night, so can you 
give me a minute while I try out this new table?" I asked him.
	"Yeah, if you want," he said, not leaving, "But wouldn't you 
rather have a hand in to your first even Teen nappy?" I thought about 
it. I had only ever been changed by my Mum, but not since I was little. 
The only other people that had changed me had been Prefects at school, 
but that was only because you weren't allowed to change yourself at 
school. Besides, I was an expert at changing myself and this new table 
should make it even easier. So why did I want to say yes so much? I 
didn't want my best friend to see me naked any more than I wanted to 
see him naked. But then again, life had changed so much since I was 
little - spanking had become acceptable, people changed each others 
nappies ... you could do that kind of thing without it being considered 
	"OK, yeah. Thanks," I said, eventually. I pulled off my shirt and 
trousers, exposing my heavy Baby Dry. With a hand on the undercarriage 
to stop it sagging off before I got to the table, I laid down on it. 
The curves pushed my diaper area above the rest of my body, allowing me 
to reach it if I was going to, or the changer to. Just before he went 
to untape the sides, I realised with shock that my cock was erect, and 
as soon as it sprung open, my five and a half inches were exposed. The 
same thing had happened when the prefects had first changed me, but I'd 
grown out of it, I thought. I begun to put the effort in to being 
mortified before he said just laughed and said, "I was stiff too when 
someone first changed me. I'm fine with the prefects, but it's always 
up whenever a friend changes me."
	"You always have nappy changes with friends?" I asked.
	"Usually. Avoid mistakes, leaks and stuff..." he replied.
	As if he had done it a hundred times before (he probably had) he 
took wipes to my area and cleaned the sticky urine and shit from me, 
paying special attention to my hair. "Turn over," he said, and I did, 
finding another slippy curve built in to the table that seemed to be 
designed to help you turn over. He worked on my butt cheeks, making 
sure they were perfectly clean before talc-ing them and applying a 
little bit of lotion in my crack. It was just the same way the prefects 
at school did it, but he did it as if he cared whether or not it hurt, 
unlike the sadistic seventeen year olds. Again, I turned over and he 
applied more talc and lotion, rubbing it in to the areas that could be 
affected with rash. Finally, he took one of my new Teen Drys from a box 
and lifted me and slid it under my butt. Then he pointed my still erect 
cock down while he folded the nappy over it and attached it securely 
with the tapes. The sixty-second process felt like it had lasted a 
glorious hour. "All done. That table really makes things easier. They 
should give them away for free!"
	"Huh, not likely," I laughed. We spent the rest of the afternoon 
unpacking all my new nappies in to the changing table's drawers.
	I felt like I'd been promoted.
	I was looking forward to going swimming for the first time in 
Pampers. Outside the pool I went to, like most in the country, was the 
sign that said 'All males under 21 and females under 6: Must wear swim 
nappies'. But, of course, having only just switched to the larger line 
of Pampers that had swim nappies (Pampers Waternappies) I had been 
wearing non-disposable garments at the pool. Worst of all, they were 
loaners from the pool. As well as the cloth inside was washed, you knew 
they had been worn by someone else and that was... icky. Plus, I hate 
non-disposable nappies. This one was the worst too - the cloth was 
itchy, the rubber cover sticky and all the straps and cords that had to 
be tied were fiddly and irritating.
	But, finally, as me and my friend Scott approached the pool, it 
was only him that had to hire one of them, as in my swimming bag were 
two size 11 Pampers Waternappies. Scott was way too small to fit in to 
one properly. We walked in to the male changing rooms, which was 
basically a large, open plan room. One third of it was just like they 
used to be, stalls and benches and lockers. The other bit had a few 
benches and lockers, but mostly tables. Changing tables. Usually, one 
nappied oneself. However, it had recently been come the fashion amongst 
me and my friends to change each other. Scott was first, and I helped 
him remove his clothes, first his shirt, then his shoes, and his 
trousers. It was then that I noticed he was wearing a pair of briefs - 
not a nappy, like I was. I was a little embarrassed... what would he 
think of me wearing a nappy just out and about? Of course, everyone had 
to wear them to school, in pools, in some malls or other public places 
that required it, most people wore them to bed and some at home... but 
when there weren't adults or teachers or parents to tell you to wear a 
nappy, why should you?
	I ignored my worries while I helped him off with the briefs and 
he got on to the table. "I hate these things," I said.
	"Me too," he replied. "I can't wait until I grow in to Size 11. 
I'm only of size fucking 9 now though." I laughed sympathetically while 
I slid the nappy under his butt. I folded it over and packed it in to 
his crotch, remembering how uncomfortable these things could be if you 
didn't have it on right. Then I attached the Velcro, tucked one of the 
straps in to a buckle and finally tied the cords that would have been 
where the elastic was on a normal nappy.
	"All done," I announced. He hopped off the table and fidgeted 
with it until it was reasonably comfortable. It was then my turn. He 
pulled off my sweater and I took off my T shirt while he unbuttoned and 
unzipped my trousers. I helped him pull them to my ankles, and I 
stepped out of them. That's when he looked up and saw my nappy. He 
didn't even flinch. He thought it was normal! Relieved, I lay back on 
the table and he untaped it. It was only wet, so he didn't need to do 
much wiping or anything. He took one of my Waternappies, and I lifted 
up my butt so he could put it under me. I lay back on it, and he folded 
it and brought it around my crotch, pulling it in just like I had done 
for him. Finally, he brought round each of the three tapes on either 
side, starting at the bottom and working up. When I got up, it was 
tight. Not around the cords and elastic like the other had been. It was 
pulling itself around my midsection and thighs with a comfortable 
pressure that made me feel sure it wouldn't leak unless I put it under 
extraordinary pressure. It made me glad I had managed not to go hard 
during that change, or it would have been quite painful.
	We locked up our clothes and headed towards the pool. It was a 
great swim in the Waternappy. It was infinitely easier to swim in, and 
going for a whizz in it had no guilt that some poor guy had to wash it 
then give it to someone else. When we left the pool an hour and a half 
later, I had a nappy heavy with two wettings and a shit, which Scott 
happily changed me out of, and back in to a Teen Dry.
	The reason he didn't mind me wearing a nappy became clear when he 
asked me to put him in one of his Baby Dry after I'd removed his 
reusable swim nappy. He looked really cute with the baby designs on his 
nappy, much better than I imagined I'd looked when I was wearing 
Pampers Baby Dry less than a week ago. We got dressed again and walked 
back to my house, wearing our nappies.
	Soon after, the holidays were over and it was back to school. I 
needed to take a letter from my parents that explained I had switched 
Pampers sizes, otherwise the Prefects would still be giving me size 10, 
which were too small. I was looking forward to it mostly because all 
the kids in Year 10 like me that were still in Baby Dry got really 
teased by the sadistic bastards when they were changing us. With the 
people in Teen Dry like them, though, they usually just changed you and 
sent you on your way, which was fine with me.
	First day back, I had been quite heavy in the morning, and was in 
the queue for changes at break, crossing my legs to stop myself from 
overloading the nappy and leaking it. Finally, it was my turn and I lay 
on the changing table. I noticed they had got rid of the old ones and 
replaced them with the same Pampers tables that I had in my room. The 
prefect roughly pulled the trousers of my uniform around my ankles, and 
untaped the wet, messy nappy. I was desperately trying not to pee until 
he renappied me. He cleaned me efficiently but without much care. In a 
few seconds, I was all cleaned up. It happened when he was applying the 
lotion. The movement of his hand next to my cock was too much for my 
lazy bladder, and I began to pee. It flowed down my side and in to the 
drain built in to the table, but not before it had caught the prefect 
on the hand. "Eew, gross," he had said. Compared to what he did day in 
day out, I didn't think it was that gross, but he was clearly pissed 
off. He quickly pulled up a nappy and pressed it over my cock to catch 
the rest of the pee, and as soon as I'd finished he threw it away. 
"Turn back over," he ordered. I knew what was going to happen, and so 
did everyone else in the room; they were looking at me. I was a little 
scared, as I'd never been spanked by a prefect before. Only by teachers 
for late homework and things. There was no real need to be scared - 
teachers were allowed to spank each child no more than one dozen times 
per hour and no more than fifty times a day by hand, or half as much 
with paddle or cane by law. Prefects were only authorised to spank each 
child six times a day by hand, and only with a good reason. But I knew 
they were going to be six of the best. Reluctantly, I turned over. Six 
from a strong prefect were better than the dozen I'd get from an even 
stronger teacher for not co-operating with punishment.
	My bare butt was stuck up in to the air by the changing table, 
and it wasn't long before he brought his cupped hand over the left 
cheek, hard. A slap sound echoed in the room, and it hurt. I didn't 
make a noise, yet. He did the same to the right cheek, then again to 
both of them. It wasn't until the last smack on each that I cried out 
with pain. "Don't do it again," he muttered, before rubbing some cool 
lotion on the buttocks, turning me over and putting the nappy on me. I 
pulled my trousers back on and limped out of the room.
	Later, at lunch, my friends were sympathetic. "I heard what 
happened this morning, man. I'm sorry."
	"Don't worry about it," was my usual response.
	"We've all done it, you know. I've done it twice. It wouldn't 
happen if they weren't such damn slow changers. And at least they 
aren't allowed to use paddles or anything."
	"My parents are never sympathetic when I get spanked."
	"No-one is, John," someone said, "You get spanked every day for 
something or other."
	"No," he said, "I mean... they're always on about how they only 
got detention or something when they did something wrong, and they 
never learned. They support spanking 'cos its a real deterrent."
	"If it's a real deterrent," I asked him, "Why do you keep doing 
things wrong?" Everyone laughed.
	"They're right though," said Scott, "I'd much rather get spanked 
if I did something wrong than have to sit in a room for an hour... I 
mean, what's that going to teach you? It's just boring. A spanking is 
over in a minute or two, and you've got the pain to associate it with. 
You know, just like a decade ago, people's morality was so backwards, 
not even parents were legally allowed to spank their own children. Now 
even school prefects can do it!"
	"Yeah, well that was only because the laws about it were 
ridiculously harsh before that. At least now it's all rationed."
	Everyone thought it was a good idea. No-one like getting spanked 
much, but they'd rather that than the weird punishments they read about 
in modern history classes - they made no sense. I for one had learned 
my lesson - no more waiting until the last minute for nappy changes. 
And on that note, I headed for a nappy change. Not at the station I 
knew my spanking Prefect worked.
	"Mum! We're too old to have a babysitter!" I protested.
	"No, you're not," she confirmed. "Besides, Mattie certainly needs 
one, he's only eight, and I'm not going to trust you and Scott to look 
after him all night. So when he gets here, you just do what he says. I 
mean it." She was going to some sort of meeting at work. She hated 
meetings, so when she was about to go to one was not a good time to 
piss her off. Scott arrived for the sleepover soon after, and then the 
babysitter arrived. She introduced him to me, Scott and Matt, my little 
brother, and he said his name was Tom. Then she left.
	"OK guys," said Tom. "What do you want to do tonight? How about 
we order in a pizza and watch a movie?" It was a classic way of being 
friendly to teenagers, but it still worked. He called the Hut and 
ordered, and then began to look through our DVD collection for 
something good. When he couldn't find anything, he ordered something 
off Box Office, and before long we were eating pizza and drinking cola 
in front of something with guns in it. I didn't really care for the 
movie much, but it was kind of cool, just four boys, three in nappies, 
hanging around...
	Halfway through the movie, Tom with his nose of a bloodhound 
asked, "Who's messy?"
	Gingerly, it was Mattie who put his hand up, wearing a stupid 
grin on his face. He asked where the nappies were kept, and I directed 
him to the bathroom. He came back with size 7 Baby Dry for Matt and 
Size 11 Teen dry for me, along with a changing mat and some 
accessories. "Scott," he asked, "you don't wear either of these, do 
	"No, I have size 9, in my backpack." Tom opened the pack and 
removed a nappy. He then rolled out the changing mat, with the movie 
still on and lay Mattie down on it. Expertly, he removed the previous 
nappy, which was really messed, and cleaned up my little brother. He 
quickly renappied him and sent him back to the sofa, without his 
trousers. He then did the same to Scott, who also didn't get his 
trousers back, or even his shirt. "Your turn, Chris," he finally said 
to me.
	"No, that's OK, mate, I'm clean," I replied.
	"Oh really," he grinned, "then we'd better do something about 
that!" He jumped on me and began to tickle. I laughed and laughed, 
trying to wriggle away, but he had me. After less than half a minute, I 
indeed was beginning to trickle, and after a while just let it gush. 
The front indicator stripe on the nappy he'd already exposed began to 
show up. "That all you got?" he asked, patting my butt. "Don't want to 
be the odd one out, do you?" he asked, referring to the dirty nappies 
of the other two boys.
	I laughed, shook my head, and pooped. It didn't take long for the 
pink bar to show on my butt. "Good boy," he said, laying me on the 
changing table. He spent the longest on me, and I enjoyed it. He 
cleaned me with more care than any of my friends had ever done, then 
was careful to apply lotion and talc to any place an expert would know 
to put it. Finally, he wrapped me in a nappy as if he were wrapping an 
exotic gift in silk.
	"Wow, Tom," I said, "You're a total pro. You've been babysitting 
	"Yeah, ages," he said, "But that's not how I know how to do a 
good nappy change." He unzipped his own trousers and revealed the 
plastic cover of a white Pampers Teen Dry. The number on the cover said 
he wore size 14, which had until recently been part of the Adult range, 
but now was a Teen nappy, even though Tom was twenty-three. Small for 
his age in the hips, he still had stacked muscles above, not obtrusive 
like those gross weightlifters on the TV, more like just toned. The 
nappy made him look good, not babyfaced or dumb, but more on our level. 
Adults stopped wearing general nappies around the age of twenty two, 
when they left uni. Tom was obviously a later bloomer.
	Tom didn't change in front of us, he went off to the bathroom, 
but when he came down he was just wearing the nappy, like me and Scott. 
Mattie was still wearing his shirt when he fell asleep in front of the 
TV. Tom changed his nappy for the night then carried him off to bed, 
still sleeping. As per my mum's instructions, he diligently sent us to 
bed at eleven. He put Scott in a new Baby Dry and me in to an Ultradry 
for the night.
	When we woke up in the morning, me and Scott had both wet our 
nappies, but by that time Tom had gone home and Mum was back. Scott 
changed me in to a day nappy first, then he got on the table. "How many 
times have you been spanked at school now?" I asked out of interest 
while I began to untape his Baby Dry.
	"Dunno... probably once every two or three weeks, so around 
thirty or forty. Which is better than some people."
	I had to agree with that. I had friends who got a spanking almost 
every day, and there were trouble makers for whom it happened nearly 
every lesson. I myself got a spanking about as often as Scott, but they 
weren't bad for either of us. The last one had been one whack with a 
paddle for misspelling 'onomatopoeia'. "So you don't think it's a bad 
idea?" I asked him.
	"Na. It's what butts were made for!" he joked.
	"Oh really?" I said in a funny voice. By this time, he was on his 
front and I was cleaning his ass. "Then maybe every time we have a 
nappy change, THIS should happen," I said, bringing my hand down on his 
ass, playfully but quite hard.
	He yelped a bit, more in surprise than anything else, then 
laughed. "What did I do wrong, Teacher?" he asked, playing along.
	"Well, Scott," I said, spanking him again, "this one's for your 
dress sense." I did it again, and he laughed. "And this is for not 
being big enough..." spank "... and still wearing Baby Dry!" Spank! 
"And this one..." Spank! "... is for looking really cute in them!" Then 
i started slapping his butt a lot, fast but light, his cheeks jiggling 
both from the spanking and from his laughter.
	I stopped quite soon, and he asked, "You think I look cute in 
Baby Dry?"
	I was instantly embarrassed. "No! I meant... it's just..." Just 
before I was able to slip his nappy on, he slid around and sat up on 
the table.
	"I think you look cute in nappies too," he whispered. "In fact, I 
think you look quite cute in anything." He leant in and our lips 
touched. I didn't stop him.
	"Hmm..." I said. "Maybe I should spank you more often."

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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