“One Diapered Afternoon”


By: Ron564339


E-mail: wbigner@hotmail.com


Summary: On the way home from school one day, Tony has a minor bike accident, and he ends up stuck outside in a bad storm. When he seeks shelter in a nearby house, he has an encounter that even he can’t believe. What’s going on, and what will become of him?


Warning: This story contains profanity.


            “No way, man, not today,” Jimmy said to me.


            “Come on, it’s still the same old course,” I told him back. “We’ve gone through it I don’t know how many times.”


            Me and my best friend Jimmy had just been through a hell of a week at our high school, and now we were riding home from school on our bikes. Now we were debating whether or not we were going to ride our bikes through an old field full of holes, large rocks, and natural obstacles. Over the years we had simply dubbed it “The course”.


            “Yeah, Tony, but just look at the sky!” he retorted. “It’s real cloudy, the wind’s blowin’ like hell, and you just know a storm’s brewin’. That sky over there is just black…not grey, but black.”


            “Well, that’s the point!” I said. “Every single time we run the course, the sky’s clear blue, and the sun’s shinin’. So let’s go for a real challenge for once!”


            “No way, dude,” Jimmy responded. “I ain’t doin’ it, not today.”


            “Fine then, be a wussy,” I said. “I’ll show I’ve got some real balls by goin’ through, no matter what the weather’s like.”


            “We’ll see tomorrow if you have any balls at all after you bust them on a damn rock,” he fired back. “But it is YOUR balls, not mine. So you go for it, dude.”


            “I will,” I said. “And I will see you tomorrow, after I have rocked this course in this killer weather.”


            With that, Jimmy took the path to his house while I rode my bike along a back road that would lead to our infamous natural bicycle course. Now I would prove my manliness.


            As much as I hated to admit it, Jimmy was right about the weather, though. I felt the wind blowing hard against my 14 year old body, and it whipped my brown hair back, despite my blue baseball cap that I was wearing. My black T-shirt and blue jeans didn’t give me much warmth, so I could feel the cool air against my body pretty well. And the black clouds sure did look intimidating. But I was never one to back down from a challenge, and I was riding on the thrill of rolling through our course in this rough weather.


            As I got closer and closer, rain started coming down, and I felt it splatter against my face while I saw small mud puddles beginning to form. But I wasn’t going to let that deter me.


            Finally, I arrived, and I stopped briefly to get a good look at what I was going to ride through. Then, after a deep breath, I was off.


            Despite the hard wind and increasing intensity of rain, I was doing just fine. I managed to navigate through the mud well and dodge the holes whose locations I had memorized. I even jumped my bike up a natural ramp that had formed.


            “Ha ha!” I yelled out triumphantly as I scored a perfect landing. “I’m kickin’ the course’s ass, baby!”


            My exclamation was probably why I didn’t see the rock about the size of a basketball in front of me. Still going full speed, I ran right into it, causing my bike to flip over and me to go flying over the handle bars and into the ground.


            I felt my head and shoulders smack into some slightly jagged rocks before my body rolled a few times, finally landing on my back. As the shock of the situation wore off of me, I felt pain in various parts of my body, ranging from minor cuts on my elbows to aches in my lower back. I was drenched in rain, and I could feel the mud splattered against my body since I had landed in a puddle of it. As the rain continued to lightly pound against my body, I closed my eyes and just lay there.


            After a few minutes, I snapped my eyes open. This was because for some reason the rain had gotten much more intense, and it felt as though I was totally drenched. I noticed that the sky was now almost completely black, even though it was still daylight.


            Wincing slightly, I pulled myself to my feet. “Ouch,” I muttered as I began to inspect my body. I felt some small cuts and scrapes across my arms and legs, and it seemed like I had bruises on my stomach and back. But as I felt around my body, I realized that for the most part I was ok, and I had sustained no injuries.


            “Whew…” I told myself. “Doesn’t look like I’ve broken anything, and I can walk just fine. And my balls are still intact,” I added, feeling my crotch. “Jimmy will be disappointed.”


            Even though I was relieved that I was okay, now I was worried about the weather. I highly doubted I would be able to ride my bike back home in this weather, so I knew I’d have to wait for it to die down a bit.


            “Damn,” I said. “I know there’s no way in hell I can get home now, and this rain is getting’ real old. And it sure is dark as hell.”


            Turning around to get a better look at where I was, something caught my eye. Past all of the puddle and rocks, I noticed a light not too far away in the darkness of my surroundings.


            “Damn, that looks like a window,” I told myself. “But I’m in the middle of the course…no one lives anywhere closer than a few miles from here. Hmm…I should check it out.”


            Leaving my bike where it was, I ran through the rain to get a better look at where the light was coming from. As I got closer, I realized that it WAS a house, even though I was sure I had never seen it in the middle of the course before. It was pretty small, even though it had two floors, and it looked more like a glorified cottage than anything else.


            As I came closer to it to get some shelter, I realized my hair was drenched…I must have left my cap next to my bike. Deciding I’d get it later, I thought about what to do. I decided that it would be best to knock on the door to see if I could get a little shelter while the storm died down, and I might even be able to call my mom and tell her why I wasn’t home yet.


            I gave a few hard knocks on the door, yelling to try to let whoever was inside know I was there. After about a minute of no answer, I turned the knob and pushed on the door. I was surprised to find out that it was unlocked. I just invited myself in, since I was so sick of the rain, and I had never been one much for formalities when they interfered with my own well being.


            Shaking off the rain as I stepped inside, I took a look around. There were only three rooms on this floor, and it looked like there were only two on the top floor. I knew this because I saw two doorways, one to my right and one to my left, and a staircase in the middle. But the ceiling still seemed oddly high, especially since it looked like I was in a living room. There wasn’t much furniture, only a tiny armchair, a sofa and a quaint little fireplace…but like the ceiling, the furniture looked strangely big.


            I thought that someone must be home since the door was unlocked, the lights were on, and there was a fire burning in the fireplace. So I just yelled out, “Hello! Is anybody home? Hello?”


            After a couple of seconds, a person entered from the doorway to my right. And what a person it was. I don’t even know if PERSON is a good word to use. Because my jaw dropped at the sight of this…figure.


            I guessed that it was a woman, but it was the biggest woman that I had ever seen. Because she was so much woman, the only thing I can think of to call her is “THE WOMAN” (I use all caps to emphasize her size), because I never did get her name, and that’s all that was runnin’ through my head. She seemed to be standing about seven feet tall, and I guess that she weighed at least four hundred pounds. But it was pure muscle…I saw huge arms and thighs. She had long curly hair and a very pudgy like face, although the rosy cheeks, long eyelashes and bright red lips made her face look distinctly feminine. That, and the fact that she was wearing a very frilly pink dress with white socks and little black girly shoes. The outfit looked like it would have better suited a four year old girl, not a seven foot beast of a woman. So you can probably understand why I was caught just a LITTLE bit off guard (although I did realize why the furniture and ceiling were so big now).


            But as shocking as THE WOMAN was, I didn’t find myself to be frightened at all. Hey, we’re talkin’ about the guy who almost rocked the course in a storm! So how could I be scared of Governor Ah-nold in a pink dress and curly locks? Besides, she was wearing a broad smile that somehow looked…sweet.


            But I was very surprised to say the least, so all I could manage to do was look at her, weakly smile, and softly mutter, “Uh…er…hi.”


            Continuing to smile, she looked down at me (like she could look anywhere else, big as she was) and said in a voice that was very high pitched and much more fitting to her dress than it was to her body size, “Why hello there, little boy!”


            I felt myself go slightly red and I also felt a surge of anger flow through me. ‘Little boy?!’ I thought. I was fucking fourteen! Who did this gorilla think she was?! But my mom had always taught me to be polite in these types of situations. So I decided to follow her advice, especially since I was about to borrow her phone (even though I had already entered her house without knocking…hee hee). Besides, if I knew if I wasn’t nice to her she could have easily broken me in half like a twig.


            “Uh, excuse me, ma’am, but could I borrow your phone? It’s just that it’s raining pretty hard outside and I want to call my mom and let her know where I am and…”


            “Oh, do you need your mommy?” she asked in that same sickeningly sweet voice.


            ‘Mommy?!’ I thought with another surge of anger. At first I thought this weirdo was mocking me. She was talking to me like I was five years old, for crying out loud! But I just sighed and kept going, forcing myself to keep my manners.


            “Uh, well, yeah, you see, I was coming home from school and I got sidetracked and I don’t want her to worry about me, so I wanted to call her and let her know where I am…”


            “Don’t cry, little boy, it’s okay,” she responded gently, still with a smile on her face.


            Now I was starting to get a little hot. “I’m not crying!” I said indignantly. “I just need to use your phone and…”


            “It’s okay, you don’t have to be scared anymore,” she continued, almost as if she hadn’t heard me. “I know that you must have gotten lost from your mommy and all the big thunder scared you and you started crying. I can see the tears coming down your cheeks!”


            “I’M NOT CRYING!” I yelled. “This is rain, not tears! Aren’t you listening to me?!”


            But apparently she wasn’t (either that or she had a SERIOUS earwax problem), because she said, “Now I know you’re upset, honey, because you miss your mommy and the thunder scared you, but it’s okay now! I’ll take care of you until your mommy comes!”


            ‘Oooooo-kaaaaaayyyy’ I thought. Now I knew the bitch wasn’t mocking me…she was just plain crazy. So I decided that I would just brave the rain and get the hell outta Dodge.


            “You know what, that’s okay, I think I’ll be going, real sorry to bother you…” I began


            But then she looked down at my rain-soaked pants and said in that same voice, “Aww, you poor thing! You were so scared that you went pee pee all over yourself!”


            “WHAT?!” I asked out loud, feeling myself go red again. “NO, look, lady, this is RAIN! That’s what happens when you go outside and it’s RAIN-ING, your pants get wet…”


            “Now don’t get upset because you wet your pants, honey, I’ll take care of you.” She then took a few giant steps towards me.


            “The hell you will!” I yelled. I grabbed the doorknob, but to my shock, I realized that it was now locked. What the hell was going on? I then felt a huge hand over my shoulder. The next thing I knew I felt myself being hoisted up and thrown over her huge shoulder.


            Now, you might think in a situation like this that I might have been petrified with fear, what with being locked in a house with a huge ass crazy woman in a little girl’s dress. But I’ve never scared easily, and I actually found myself to be pissed off at the fact that she had actually grabbed me.


            “Hey, lady, get your hands off of me!” I yelled. I then began to pound on her back as hard as I could with both hands as I felt her carrying me over to the stairs. “No means no, don’tcha get it?”


            But neither my words nor my fists seemed to have much of an effect on her, because as she carried me up the stairs she only commented, “You sure are fussy, honey, but that’s okay, I know how to fix you right up and make you a happy little boy again!”


            This only added fuel to my fire as I screamed in rage and continued to pound on her. But all I accomplished was hurting my hand…it was like hitting a huge rock.


            As we reached the top of the stairs, she then made me even madder by saying, “And you have a brown spot on your bottom! Did you make a little poo poo, too?”


            “That’s mud, you crazy psycho!” I retorted. “You wanna try sniffin’ it and finding out?!” But again it was like she didn’t even hear me as she opened a door at the top of the steps and carried me into a tiny room.


            I noticed immediately that it was a white-tiled bathroom fully equipped with a big bath tub and some blue floor mats. I felt the woman pull me off of her shoulder and push me down onto the floor. As soon as she did, I tried to jump up to my feet, but to my irritation, she held me down to the floor with one huge hand, and I couldn’t budge.


            ‘Well isn’t this fucking wonderful?’ I thought to myself sarcastically.


            At the same time, THE WOMAN used her other hand to turn on the faucet to the bath tub and it started to fill up. I had no idea what her intentions were, so I decided to try to talk some sense to her to get her to calm down.


            “All right, ma’am,” I said. “Listen, you don’t know me, and I definitely don’t know you. How ‘bout we just sit down and have a nice little chat about it? I could, uh, explain to you the concept of rain making someone’s pants wet, and you could uh, tell me where you work out to get those muscles or something like that. You don’t have to go, you know, pickin’ me up and carryin’ me around and everything….really, that’s just not my thing. I don’t want any trouble. I didn’t mean to disturb you, and if you just let me go, I’ll be on my way…”


            But again my words fell on deaf ears. She just continued to hold me down and hum to herself as the tub filled up. I began to wonder what was up with her...was she some sick woman who was just acting like this and really wanted to kill me or something? Or was she just plain crazy? Either way, I knew there was no point in trying to reason with her… I would just have to figure out a way outta here.


            But as I tried my best to struggle, nothing happened, and I only managed to wear myself out. Around now the tub was filling up, and THE WOMAN started to speak to me.


            “Ok!” she said. “Time for your bath! Here, let me help you with your clothes.”


            “No, really, that’s okay,” I said. “I prefer to be fully clothed thank you. And besides, you don’t really wanna see my chest, it’s quite disgusting actually…”


            But before I knew it, she had grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it off of me. Still keeping me in place, she managed to take off my shoes, socks, and pants as well. So there I was lying there in just my boxers, this woman’s huge hand still firmly holding me in place.


            I saw her reach for my boxers and out of instinct I grabbed them to keep her from taking them off. “No way, lady!” I said. “I ain’t gettin’ naked for nobody! Isn’t this story PG-13?”


            “It’s okay, sweetie,” she said. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, I’ve seen plenty of little boys naked before.”


            “Well don’t plan on adding me to the list!” I said.


            “Come on, now, there’s a good boy…” she began. Then to my surprise, she gave a hard tug of my boxers and they ripped right in half! I just laid there in shock as she threw them aside, picked me up, and lowered me into the tub. It was about three feet deep and eight feet long (which made sense considering how big she was).


            As my whole body sunk beneath the water, I first thought she was trying to drown me. But then she pulled my head back out, and to my surprise, began to scrub my face with a wash cloth and some soap.


            “There now,” she said. “You were such a mess, but I’ll get you all squeaky clean!”


            I had slipped into a small state of shock after I saw her rip off my boxers, but now that was starting to wear off. Now, someone who wasn’t an idiot like me probably would have been scared out of their wits by now. A smart person would probably just sit there frozen in fear while this woman gave them a bath, and then dart for the door as soon as they got the chance. But me, taking little notice of this monster’s immense strength, was only concerned with what was going on…this bitch was bathing me like a three year old!


            “Lady, look, I can clean myself!” I said as I splashed the water trying to resist her. Hey, I was dirty after all, and this was a perfect chance for me to get cleaned up…it did feel a little good. But I was dead-set on doing it by myself.


            “Now I know little boys like you don’t like baths but it’s the only way to keep you clean! We can’t have you walking around with mud all over yourself, now can we?”


            “No, of course not.” I said, mocking her voice.


            Again, THE WOMAN apparently wasn’t listening to me, and she seemed to have this strange idea that I was a little boy. Careful to keep a tight hold on me, she used the wash cloth and soap to wash my whole body, from my hair to my feet. It was funny the way she did it…even though I knew she was super strong, she somehow managed to do everything very gently. I, however, was starting to wear myself out even more in fighting her, so eventually I just gave up as she pulled the plug. She then lifted me out of the tub while I was still soaking wet, and she just stood me up on the mat. However, she still held my wrist with one hand, so I knew running would be useless. But to be honest, now that I knew she wasn’t out to hurt me or anything, I was a little curious as to what she had in mind.


            She reached over and grabbed a towel and began to dry me off. Since I was really cold I actually had no intention of stopping her, although I wished that I could have dried myself off. I just said, “Hey there, watch the sensitive parts.”


            I did have to admit that she was good at it, because somehow, in thirty seconds, I was completely dry, including my hair, which made utterly no sense to me.


            I was still naked, but she didn’t seem to care as she continued to hold my wrist and pulled me into another room. I didn’t know what to think at this point, so I just thought ‘Ok, let’s just let THE WOMAN do what she wants until she decides to let me go. Then I’ll just be on my way, and I can pretend that this whoooooole thing never happened.’


            But as we stepped into the next room, let’s just say that this little mentality wasn’t gonna cut it. Because I was completely blown away at what I saw.


            It was basically a baby’s nursery. It had the blue paint, the baby designs on the walls and floors, and it just kind of had that…baby smell to it. Only one tiny difference…all the furniture was big enough for adults!


            There was a dresser, a rocking chair, and even a crib. But it looked as though each one were fit for someone about my size.


            I was so surprised by what I had seen that I hadn’t noticed that Mrs. Smokey the Bear in a pink dress had lifted me up and laid me down on a soft table. It wasn’t until I noticed that she had taken a strap and tightly fastened my arms down to the table.


            “That’s right,” she said. “I can’t have my little baby falling off and hurting himself, so we have to make sure he’s strapped in nice and tight…”


            “BABY?!” I asked as it all started coming to me. Yes, you’re probably thinking I’m an idiot for not realizing what was happening sooner, but hey, you try being bathed by a crazy behemoth of a woman and see how well your mind holds up. Anyway, now it was all starting to make sense to me…the childish talk she gave me, the bath, the huge baby-furniture…


            “But wait, lady,” I said. “No, you see, I’m a…a…teenager…I’m fourteen…I mean, when was the last time you saw a 5 foot 9 baby? And…”


            “Oh, you have such a big imagination!” she chided me in a baby voice. “Isn’t that cute?”


            “Honestly, what is up witchu?” I asked, feeling myself get really irritated again. I then looked down at my straps and realized there was no way I was moving. And then it hit me…the soft table I was on…was in fact, a DIAPER CHANGING TABLE. And that must have meant it was…


            “Time for your diaper!” said THE WOMAN. To my shock I saw that she was now holding a big white cloth in her hands and I was helpless to do anything as she grabbed my ankles, lifted my legs up and slid the diaper underneath my butt.


            Well, at least I could run my mouth to her.


            “No, lady, no way!” I yelled. “I ain’t wearin’ no diaper! I’ve been potty trained for near twelve years and…”


            “Now now, my little baby, I can’t have you going around making messes all over the house. Now don’t you worry, you’ll be all happy and dry in your didee…”


            “That was RAIN!” I said. “Listen, I don’t know what is wrong with your little brain, or what makes you get the stupid idea that I’m a baby, but I do not need a DIAPER!”


            But of course, she wasn’t listening (there’s the surprise of the century!), so I could only just angrily grumble to myself as I saw her take out a canister of baby powder and shake it onto my butt (which was still hanging straight up in the air, thank you very much).


            After lowering my legs back down, I saw her pull the diaper up over my waist and hold it in place at my hips. She then took two safety pins and snugly pin each side of it around my waist.


            “There, now, my little baby is all snuggly in his diapy now!” she said in that same voice.


            “Well isn’t that just fantastic!” I said sarcastically. “At least now if I have to pee I won’t have to hold my little wee wee, right?”


            “That’s right!” she said, causing me to shoot her a look of contempt.


            “Oh, so now what?” I asked. “Are you gonna read me a bedtime story? Or maybe you should just burp me?” I added using a mock excited voice. “Or how about I cuddle a fuckin’ teddy bear?!”


            “Why you naughty little baby, using words like that!” she said to me. She then bent over and emerged with a pacifier in her hand.


            Without warning, she shoved it into my mouth, saying, “Now that’s a good wittle baby!”


            Enraged, I immediately spit it out, and said, “Look, lady, if I wanted to suck something, I’d call up my best friend, I’m sure he’d enjoy it. Don’t put that thing in my mouth again.”


            Again, she wasn’t listening, because she just said, “Aww, did you drop your paci? Here, let me help you.”


            Taking it again, she shoved it in my mouth and held it there. As she did, she took a piece of string, looped it through the pacifier, and then tied it around my head. So now I couldn’t spit it out. This sure was my lucky day, wasn’t it?


            “There, now you won’t lose your paci!” she happily exclaimed as I glared at her.

“Now, I think it’s your naptime, so let’s get you ready for bed!”


            She then went to the dresser and came back with a yellow set of baby pajamas, basically a footed sleeper. She had little trouble over-powering me and slipping me into it, finally zipping me up. Grabbing a tight hold of me, she carried me over to the crib and put me in it. There were also straps in the crib, so she used them to secure my arms and legs. Finally, she pulled a thick blanket over me before saying, “Night night little guy!” She then left the room, turning the light out as she went.


            I just kinda lay there for a few minutes thinking about the situation. I had been through some pretty crazy stuff in my life, but I think I’d have to say that this one kinda tops the list. I mean, here I was, a fourteen year old who had the brilliant idea of running the course in the rain, was so skillful that he flipped his bike over a damn rock, and just had to choose the house of mentally blown out giant woman who could bench press a Buick. On top of that, it just so happens that she had some crazy notion that I am in fact a baby in a teenage body, and as a result, I ended up being dressed in a big ol’ diaper and forced to suck a “paci” in a crib fit for an adult. WTF* mates?


            But, now that I was here, I had to figure out what I was gonna do about it. As much as I LOVED being an adorable little baby (<-sarcasm, *wink wink), it wasn’t the life for me, so I knew I had to bust outta the joint. And I’ve never known a situation in which panicking helped, so I forced myself to stay calm and think.


            Unfortunately, I realized that I had to piss. As much as I tried to hold it in, it just wasn’t happening. With great irritation I just let myself go and felt the diaper fill up with my pee. To my relief, the diaper did its job, and nothing leaked out.


            ‘Hey’ I thought. “This thing’s pretty good! It’s kinda soft and comfy and holds in wetness to protect my baby soft skin…dammit, I sound like a fuckin’ Pampers commercial! I need to figure a way outta here!’


            Luckily, the crazy giantess hadn’t counted on my superb teeth-knot-untying skills. Firstly, with some extreme effort, I managed to get the pacifier out of my mouth so my mouth was free. Then, with some skillful maneuvering and body twiddling (don’t get any ideas, you dirty minded kid, you), I managed to loosen up the knot on one of my wrists. I then had little trouble doing the same with the other one, and then I untied the ones at my ankles. Next, I untied the pacifier string and spit it out. I then stealthily hopped over the bars of the crib, careful to keep quiet as to not draw the attention of THE WOMAN downstairs.


            Racing into the bathroom, I saw my old clothes in a hamper. Realizing that I wouldn’t want to be caught dead in a baby sleeper and a diaper, I quickly unzipped the sleeper and took it off.


            ‘Alright’ I thought to myself. ‘Operation “Get me the hell outta this diaper” is now underway.’


            Unfortunately, there were a few kinks in the operation. Maybe I just wasn’t experienced enough with babies and diapers, but I wasn’t unable to unfasten the safety pins. My fingers just couldn’t manage to get the damn things open!


            Looking over at my ripped boxer shorts, I remembered that they wouldn’t help me out much. With a deep sigh of regret, I thought to myself ‘Alright, I’ll wear the stupid diaper for now, even if it is wet.’ I reluctantly went on to put on my pants and shirt.


            But to my horror, as I began to put on my shoes, I heard huge, booming footsteps coming up the stairs. Instinctively, I dived into the bathtub right as THE WOMAN (dun dun dun duh!) came through the door. She apparently didn’t see me, though, because she kept on going into the baby room.


            Realizing that she would soon see that I wasn’t in the crib, I seized the opportunity. Getting out of the tub, I turned around and saw the back of her huge body walking through the doorway to the nursery. Hoping to catch her off guard, I gave her a huge push on the back, praying that she wouldn’t just shrug it off.


            I don’t know how smart of a move that was, but to my great pleasure, it worked. Apparently she had received the blessing of size at the expense of coordination, because as I pushed her, I saw her lose her balance and stumble forward. She ran right into the crib and toppled over it. I yelled, “Hey Jabba the Hutt! How do YOU like the crib?” as I let out a laugh. I then realized that it was time to get out of there or it would be my ass that would be right back in the crib.


            After busting through the opposite door, I raced down the stairs, knowing my time was limited. I remembered that the door to the outside was locked, so I ran over to a window and opened it. It was still raining heavily outside, but I hardly cared at this point. I jumped up and dove out the window, afraid that THE WOMAN would be coming at any time.


            Breathing hard, I got to my feet as soon as I was outside. I continued to run as far away from the house as I could, looking back over my shoulder to make sure that THE WOMAN wasn’t anywhere in sight. That was probably why I didn’t notice the huge rock in front of me, and just like I had with my bike, I tripped over it and hit the ground hard, splashing mud all over me again (This was just my lucky day, wasn’t it?)


            Again I groaned as my body stopped rolling and I landed on my back. Even though my mind was telling me that I needed to get up and keep running because THE WOMAN could still be after me, my body wasn’t listening…it was much too worn out. So I just continued to lie there as the rain splattered down on me, and after a few seconds I felt myself losing consciousness.


            Eventually I woke up. I found myself in the same exact spot, and after realizing this, I quickly got to my feet to look around. I noticed that it was almost dark, and it was no longer raining…there were only a few thin clouds in the sky. I looked over and saw both my hat and my bike on the ground.


            Remembering everything that had just happened, I looked all around me, afraid that the big woman might still be lurking around. But as I looked, I was surprised to see that I didn’t see a house anywhere…I just saw a bunch of rocks and trees. I continued to look, but it was nowhere to be found. I didn’t get it…how could it just disappear? My head was starting to hurt from everything that had happened.


            Deciding that it was best for me to just get out of there, I grabbed my hat, put it on, and then mounted my bike. I then realized that I was in the exact same spot that I had crashed my bike. And then it hit me…


            “Wow, I must have been dreaming,” I said with a laugh. “There’s no crazy big ass woman whose house I was trapped in. There’s not even a house! Damn, that was some crazy dream. I better lay off that cafeteria food, I think it’s messin’ with my head.”


            Since it was almost dark, I got home as fast as I could. I knew my mom would be worried as hell, so I prepared to explain to her what happened, that I must have been knocked out when I crashed my bike. I prepared myself to be chewed out because she’s always telling me how I shouldn’t be riding through the course, and she would of course be angry at my muddy clothes and the cuts and bruises all over me.


            As I got inside of my house, that’s just about exactly the way things went down. After giving me a good ol’ lecture, she told me to get cleaned up before dinner. I was so tired at this point that I didn’t even object, and dinner sounded very good.


            I went up to my room and went into the bathroom, looking at my messy reflection in the mirror. I groggily took of my shirt and threw it into the hamper, and then casually did the same thing with my pants.


            But as I watched myself do so in the mirror, my jaw suddenly dropped. There I was, staring at my fourteen year old self, in nothing but a cloth diaper that was still very wet.


            I almost fainted at the idea, and it took me a while to catch my breath. I had been POSITIVE that I had dreamed the whole thing, but how in the hell could I have been in a fucking diaper if I had been lying in the mud the whole time? I just stood there and felt my head hurt as I thought about the whole thing.


            I heard my mom’s footsteps coming up the stairs, and heard her call my name. I got back to my senses, I realized that I was still in the diaper, I had no intention whatsoever to have my mom see me in it, and even if the bathroom door was locked, I knew that I had better take it off. After yelling a response to her to get her to go away, I reached down to the safety pins to unfasten the super tight diaper.


            These things were really hard to get off, but after struggling for a bit, I managed to get it off. I then took my shower, still trying to figure what the hell had happened.


            Once I finished, I decided that I would have to dispose of the diaper later. After hiding it in my room, I put on a new set of clothes and went down to dinner.


            I asked my parents whether or not they knew about anyone who lived near the field where I had fallen, and they told me no. The next day at school I asked Jimmy and some of my other friends the same thing, and they gave me the same answer. I even went back down to the course that afternoon to look again for myself, and the house was nowhere to be seen. It just didn’t make sense.


            And that’s about all I can say about that. I never did figure out what actually happened that day, and I still don’t know what the hell had happened. All I know is that somehow my ass had ended up in a wet diaper.

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Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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