Nothing Ever Happens



Copyright © 2001 by Donnie_M72


Except for one copy for your personal use, no part of this story may be copied, transmitted, or posted either electronically or in print form anywhere without the prior written permission of its author.


This is a work of fiction about young people who wear diapers. If you don’t like the subject, don’t read the story.


Book 2 – Darren and Friends


Not a word was spoken during the fifteen-minute ride home. Mr. Hickock was seething over Darren’s defiance- and in front of other people, no less! Darren sat in the passenger seat rubbing his legs. He had had to make three trips to load his things into the car. His dad has refused Kyle and Kevin’s help saying that there was no sense in all three of them getting cold. Luckily, the engine was still warm and the car was heating up fast.

The closer they got to home the more Darren felt unsure about his decision to make his dad keep him in diapers longer.

“What was I thinking?” he chastised himself.

But it was too late. His dad wouldn’t change his mind. Darren was sure of that.

They turned into their driveway. It had been cleared of snow.

Sensing Darren’s thoughts, Mr. Hickock said, “I hired John to clear it. I don’t expect you to go outside in the cold weather with only your diapers and plastic pants for protection. This time it won’t cost you anything because we were away when it snowed, but, for all future snowstorms, whatever has to be paid for someone to do your job will come out of your allowance.”

Darren’s first impulse was to argue the point. However, the seriousness of his situation stopped him from doing something that foolish.

They drove into the garage. Much to Darren’s relief the door was lowered before he had to get out of the car. He didn’t know exactly how many people Samantha had told about his diapers but he didn’t want to face any of them tonight.

They went into the house. Mr. Hickock directed Darren to bring his diaper supplies and suitcase upstairs to be put away. Darren walked into the bedroom and became even more depressed at what he saw, or rather, at what he didn’t see. His TV and CD player had been removed.

“From now on, I’m going to monitor your entertainment very closely,” his dad announced.

They began unpacking Darren’s suitcase. Mr. Hickock took possession of Darren’s pants, underwear, and anything else that could be used to cover his diapers. Darren saw that his dad had already gone through the dresser and closet before picking him up. They started on the two boxes of diapers and plastic pants. Only half of the plastic pants fit into to Darren’s former underwear drawer; there was no storage anywhere in the room for his diapers.

“I’ll look into getting more storage tomorrow. For now, we’ll just leave them in their boxes. Do you need a change?” Darren’s dad asked.

Darren declined the offer.

“Alright. But, be careful. I don’t want you getting a diaper rash. Let’s go downstairs.”

Mr. Hickock explained the new house rules to Darren. They were the same as the rules he had been living under at Kyle’s and Kevin’s, with a few additions. The major additions were that Darren could not use his computer without permission; that he was never going to be left alone; and, that he was not allowed to change his own diapers. Mrs. Gonzag, the three-times- a-week housekeeper, would be coming in daily, Monday through Friday, to stay with Darren while his dad was at work. She would handle all his diaper changes.

Lastly, his dad informed him that his friend Mark would be spending the following day with him. Darren was enormously upset.

“Not Mark, please. Not in my diapers, I’ll die. Please, please, let me call him and ask him not to come…” Mark begged.

“Listen to me, Darren,” Mr. Hickock interrupted. “Mark called here shortly after Sherryl and I arrived from the airport. He already knows about your diapers. He offered to come over here. He wants to be here with you. I think you’ll regret it if you send him away.”

“He already knows? Then, everybody must know,” Darren wailed.

“All the more reason to let Mark come tomorrow,” Mr. Hickock pointed out.

“But what if he wants to come here to make fun of me?”

“I doubt that,” his dad answered calmly. “I talked to him, he feels bad for you.”

Darren was not convinced that it was good idea to let Mark come over. Conversely, he wasn’t sure that it would be a good idea to refuse to see him. He agreed to let the arrangements stand as they were.

“Mrs. Gonzag will be here,” Mr. Hickock said, “everything will be fine.”

Darren knew that his world was changing fast. Never before had he felt the need to have someone else protect him from kids his own age. He had always taken care of himself. He didn’t like this feeling of dependency.

“Do you want to watch TV?” his dad asked.


They went into the den. Mr. Hickock and Darren sat in their usual places. Darren felt a little chilled so he began rubbing his legs to warm them up.

“I guess the house hasn’t quite warmed up all the way yet,” his dad agreed. “Come here.”

“Huh?” Darren asked.

“Come here,” his dad repeated. “I’ll help you warm up.”

Darren approached his dad who grabbed him around the waist and lifted him onto his lap. He began massaging Darren’s legs, sending a delightful warmth through all of Darren’s body. He leaned back against his father and relaxed. He had a vague recollection of his dad having done this to him many years before. He got comfortable. Even after his dad had finished warming him up he didn’t move.

He fell asleep on his dad’s lap not even waking up when his dad carried him up to bed. He woke up in the middle of the night. Strangely, he felt extremely comfortable and content. He was amazed that he was in a dry diaper. He knew for sure that his diaper had been wet before going downstairs and that he had wet again while sitting on his dad’s lap.

The next morning, Darren woke up in his own bed for the first time in a week. He was disoriented at first, something was different. “My diapers, of course,” he remembered. He thought about Mark who was coming to see him today. “Why does he want to come? I don’t want him to come,” he thought peevishly. In the next second, however, he changed his mind and he felt glad that Mark was coming. This new life was so confusing.

His dad knocked on his bedroom door and walked in.

“How did you sleep?” he asked.

“OK,” Darren answered.

His dad didn’t generally check up on him like this. He felt good about it.

“Let’s get some breakfast, then I’ll get you out into a dry diaper.”

After breakfast Darren needed to use the bathroom for number two. He and his dad hadn’t discussed what the procedure would be, so he assumed it would be the same as at Kyle and Kevin’s.

“Dad will you take my diaper off so that I can go to the toilet and then shower?”

“OK, but you will use the toilet only when you need to do number two. Got it?”

“Yeah, I got it.”

Mrs. Gonzag arrived shortly after Darren was dressed for the day. The doorbell rang while Mr. Hickock was explaining procedures to her and showing her Darren’s supply of diapers and plastic pants.

“Darren, answer the door,” his father instructed.

“Like this?” Darren squealed. “I can’t.”

“It must be Mark. Go,” he said sharply.

Darren didn’t want to upset his father again. He went to the front door and opened it cautiously.

“Come in, Mark,” he said opening the door and hiding behind it.

The storm door opened, It wasn’t Mark who entered but John from next door. He wanted to get paid for his work the previous day. Darren’s stomach did a flip-flop when he saw who it was. John was smiling broadly.

“Your dad said I should come by this morning to collect for clearing the snow yesterday,” John announced.

He stared directly and Darren’s diapers and smirked.

“Cute diapers. You look even more babyish than my sister described. I’ll make sure that everyone knows all the real details about them just like you told everybody how I accidentally wet my pants when I was sick last year.”

He would have gone on with his taunting except that Mr. Hickock came downstairs with Mrs. Gonzag. John was paid and thanked for his work.

“Thank you, Mr. Hickock,” John responded. “Anytime you want the driveway cleared I’d be happy to do it.”

John went home and Mr. Hickock left for work. Darren was utterly depressed. John was sure to spread the word to everyone. No one would respect him anymore. Darren was unable to see that the treatment he was about to get was the same kind of treatment that he used to give to John.

Mark arrived in mid-morning. Mrs. Gonzag let him in through the kitchen door. Darren was upstairs lying on his bed. Even though his diapers, plastic pants, and other supplies were visible around the room, he was too scared to walk downstairs to stop Mark from coming in.

“What’s the use? He’ll find out soon enough,” Darren thought unhappily.

Mark had spent time planning what to say to his friend when he saw him. Despite all the rehearsing he had done, he merely stood in the doorway staring at Darren’s thick diaper and plastic pants. He was all the more embarrassed because he knew that Darren could tell where his eyes were focused.

“How are you?” Mark finally asked.

Darren shrugged, “OK, I guess.”

Mark was still tongue-tied and unable to break his stare away from Darren’s diaper. He noticed that Darren was wet. Mark finally looked directly into Darren’s eyes. He saw how humiliated Darren was feeling.

“Gosh, I’m sorry about what’s happening to you. What did you do to piss your dad off so much?”

Darren got off the bed. They sat on the floor as he explained the story from the beginning. About halfway through, Mark noticed the diapers and plastic pants piled next to the dresser. For some reason he couldn’t explain, this made him very embarrassed.

 “And now you have to wear them all the time until we go back to school?” Mark sympathized.

“Yeah, and I can’t go anywhere without my dad or another adult.”

That was technically true. Darren was still debating whether or not to tell Mark about his six month extension on wearing diapers at home.

“If you go somewhere with your dad, do you get your pants back?”

“No. Besides, how could I fit my pants over these?” he said pointing to his super thick diaper and plastic pants.

“Yeah, I guess not. Bummer. I hope he doesn’t make you go anywhere.”

“Me too. But he probably will.”

Darren and Mark mulled over this depressing thought for a few moments.

“Can we play some video games?” Mark asked.

“I’ll find out from Mrs. Gonzag.”

Darren came back upstairs to announce that Mrs. Gonzag had given her permission. The played for a while.

“Darren,” Mrs. Gonzag said from the bedroom door, “I need to see you a moment.”

Darren wondered what she wanted. Did Mark have to leave? Were they making too much noise? Actually, she was trying to save him embarrassment. It had been over four hours since he had been put into his diaper. She wanted to check him to see if he needed a change. He walked into the hallway.

“I need to check your diaper,” she said reaching inside his plastic pants. She not only felt the wetness but she also smelled a sharp odor of urine.

“I think it’s time to get you changed,” she announced.

Darren was red with embarrassment. Not only had Mrs. Gonzag’s action surprised him, it made him feel like a baby. Also, he wasn’t sure how to get Mark away from the computer so that Mrs. Gonzag could change him. Mrs. Gonzag took matters into her own hands.

“Mark, I need to help Darren change,” she said diplomatically. “Could you leave us alone for a few minutes. Why don’t you go down to the den?”

“Sure,” Mark agreed.

He, too, was embarrassed. He went downstairs.

Darren started taking off his plastic pants but Mrs. Gonzag stopped him.

“Your dad was very specific. I will do everything related to your diaper changes. Just stand still until I get things ready.”

She laid out a towel on the bed.

“Lie down on this. It will have to do until your dad gets you a proper changing pad.”

Darren hopped up on the bed and laid down on the towel. Mrs. Gonzag adjusted his position to suit her. She reached into the leg bands of the plastic pants and carefully removed the lower pin on each side. She then reached into the waist band and did the same for each top diaper pin.

“I’ll take your diaper and plastic pants off together so that we don’t get the towel and the bed wet,” she explained.

He thought that he had already reached the height of embarrassment but now that he was laying naked from the waist down like a baby, he felt an even deeper sense of humiliation. Mrs. Gonzag began cleaning his diaper area. She worked quickly and gently. She had him lift up so that the thick diaper could be put on him. She powdered him and pulled the diaper up between his legs. He still wasn’t completely used to the massive amount of material that sat between his legs or the fact that the diaper rose so high over his stomach and even higher up his back. She pinned it on, even tighter than his dad did. He winced a little.

“Is the diaper too tight, honey?” she asked.

“A little, I think,” he said.

“Let’s try it anyway,” she urged. “The diaper I just took off you was very loose. Your diapers will stretch a little as you wear them. Didn’t you think that your last diaper felt awfully loose?”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Darren agreed.

In fact, Darren had been tugging it up every few seconds since he had begun wetting it.

“Good, we wouldn’t want it to fall off,” she said half-seriously.

Darren was horrified at the thought. A tight diaper would do just fine.

At the same time that this was going on, John was next door hanging around his back yard waiting for some friends to arrive. He saw Mrs. Gonzag walk by Darren’s window carrying a diaper and plastic pants. Curiosity took hold of him. He climbed up to his old tree house. What he saw gave him a great idea. He wouldn’t tell his friends about seeing Darren in his diaper and plastic pants, not yet anyway.

Mark stayed with Darren the rest of the day and the next day again. The following day he had to go with his family to visit his grandparents. It was Saturday and Darren, Sherryl, and his dad were together. This was the first time that Sherryl had seem him in diapers. She tried to be kind to him while still being supportive of his father’s decision to discipline him. His dad had to go to the office for a few hours so Sherryl and Darren were left alone. Darren went to his room and Sherryl retreated to the den to read magazines.

Darren came to see her.

“Sherryl,” he said shyly, “I… I need you to help me.”

“OK,” she answered, immediately understanding what he was saying. “Let’s go to your room.”

Darren had already laid out the changing pad and the other supplies.

“OK, assume the position,” she said smiling.

Darren relaxed noticeably. She was going to treat his diaper change casually, almost like a game. Everything went well. She worked efficiently and quickly. The only request Darren made was that she pin the top pins tighter. She laughed when he explained that he didn’t want his diaper to fall off once it was wet.

Next door, John had waited two hours in the old tree house. He had the video camera all set up and ready to go. The afternoon light was perfect. He got a clear shot through the window without any glare.

“Darren is going to pay big time for all the stuff he did to me,” he thought gleefully. “It was worth every second that I sat out here in the cold.”

The next few days went by slowly for Darren. The only bright spot came when Kyle, Kevin, and Bill were allowed to spend one full day with him. Mrs. Gonzag was ready to grumble about all the boys being in diapers until she found out that the others were allowed to diaper themselves. Looking at the four boys interacting with each other she began to suspect that they were enjoying their ‘punishment’ a little too much. She shared her suspicions with Mr. Hickock.

The last week of Christmas break had begun. Mark was supposed to come over to spend the morning with Darren. The telephone rang.

“Hello,” Mrs. Gonzag said, “… Yes, he is. Just a moment please… Darren, telephone.”

Darren came down the stairs wondering who could be calling him.

“Hello… Oh, hi, Mark. You’re still coming over, aren’t you?” he said, his voice tinged with disappointment.

“Yeah, of course, I’m calling to ask if Rashid can come with me.”

Darren didn’t know what to say. Rashid and he had been friends, but not close friends. Mark and he lived next door to each other.

“Uh, OK. I guess,” Darren said hesitantly.

“Thanks, we’ll be right over. Don’t worry Rashid is OK, you’ll see.”

Darren asked Mrs. Gonzag for a diaper change so that he could greet his guests in a dry diaper. She was just finishing up as the doorbell rang.

“Go let your friends in,” she said.

He checked the peep hole in the door to make sure that it was really them.

“Hey,” Mark and Rashid said.

“Hey,” Darren answered.

Darren endured a couple of minutes of staring by Rashid as they got to know each other better. They went up to Darren’s room. Mark got right down to business.

“Your dad’s computer has a Zip drive, right?”

“Yeah, why?” Darren asked.

“Rashid has something to show you. A QuickTime movie.”

“What’s it about? I’ll have to ask Mrs. Gonzag if I can use my dad’s computer,” Darren responded.

“Do you have to tell her what you want it for?” Rashid asked.

“Yeah, part of my punishment is that she and my dad monitor everything I watch or listen to.”

“In that case I’d better just tell you about it,” Rashid said.

Mark looked like he was going to argue the point but he decided not to.

“This Zip disk has a four minute movie on it- featuring you,” Rashid said.

“Me? What’s it about? Who made it?”

Darren was alarmed.

“John,” Mark interjected.

“John. Oh, no. What kind of stuff is on it?” Darren asked.

Rashid and Mark looked at each. Neither wanted to tell Darren. Mark knew Darren better so he decided to tell him.

“A diaper change. The clip shows you lying on your bed getting your plastic pants and diaper taken off, someone cleaning your diaper area, pinning you into a fresh diaper and then putting clean plastic pants on you.”

Darren had worried about what John might do to him but he never imagined it could be this bad. For the moment he didn’t think to ask how John could have shot such scenes.

“How come you’ve got a copy of it?” Darren asked.

“John is copying them for anyone who wants one,” Rashid said. “He being careful, though. If you accept a copy you can’t say where you got it.”

“You got one?” Darren cried.

“Wait a minute,” Mark interrupted. “It’s not what you think. Rashid heard about it from Ken and RJ (two of their friends) and he told me because he knew that I was your friend. I wanted to get the evidence against John but I figured that he wouldn’t give me a copy if I asked for one. John barely knows Rashid so I asked him to go to John to get it.”

“How many copies did he make?” Darren asked in a panic.

“I’m not sure,” Rashid answered. “When I brought my disk to him he said that he had already made ten.”

Darren was shaking with rage. He would have gone right over to John’s house to have it out with him if he could have. But he knew that he would look ridiculous going over there dressed in his diaper and plastic pants. And he would get into more trouble with his dad.

“John is being real careful. He’s only making copies for people who he thinks don’t like you. I think Rashid got one because John doesn’t think that you guys are friends.”

They spent the rest of the afternoon talking and playing whiffle basketball in Darren’s room. The subject of the video clip came up from time to time. Darren asked Rashid to leave the Zip disk with him. He would try to view it that night after his dad went to sleep. He had to see what was on it even though he knew it would upset him. Mark and Rashid went home when Mr. Hickock got back from work.

All that evening Darren was distracted. Sherryl had come over to cook them dinner. Normally, he looked forward to these meals. He was beginning to really like Sherryl and she was a good cook.

“Darren, are you feeling OK?” his dad asked.

“Yeah, I guess so,” he answered.

“You’re awfully quiet. Mrs. Gonzag told me that another friend of yours came over with Mark this afternoon. Did either of them upset you?”

“No, Mark and Rashid are cool. I hope Rashid comes back again.”

The matter was dropped. When his dad changed him later that night Darren appeared tense and nervous. Mr. Hickock would have liked Darren to share with him whatever was bothering him. They went to bed.

Darren had no trouble staying awake until his father was asleep. In fact, he was so worried about John’s video clip that he wouldn’t have slept even if he hadn’t thought about sneaking down to his dad’s computer to look at it. He entered the den and closed the door partially. He turned the computer on and waited for it to boot up. In the quiet house the various beeps it made sounded ten times louder than usual. The desktop finally came up. He inserted the Zip disk and opened it. He double-clicked the only file name listed and QuickTime began running. The opening scene showed Darren already lying on his bed. Sherryl (Darren now knew that John had done this on Saturday since that was the only time that Sherryl had ever changed him.) pulled off his plastic pants and unpinned his diaper. There was a cut in the scene and Sherryl was shown finishing up the cleaning of his diaper area. He was completely exposed. He felt angry and humiliated all at the same time. There was another cut and Sherryl was now pulling the diaper up between his legs and pinning it on.

“What are you doing in here?” Darren’s dad asked from behind him.

Darren’s emotions exploded. His eyes overflowed and tears ran down his cheeks. Not only was he humiliated by the video clip, his dad would probably punish him again for having snuck in here. By now Mr. Hickock figured out what Darren was looking at. He was mystified by it all. He reached over to Darren and gave him a hug. Darren responded by hugging him back and by wrapping his arms around his neck and his legs around his waist. Mr. Hickock picked him up and rocked him gently.

“Shh. Shh. Shh,” he soothed Darren. “Is this why you were so quiet tonight?”

Darren nodded.

“Do you know who did this?”

Again Darren shook his head up and down.

Mr. Hickock rocked him back and forth some more. Darren was returning to normal. Mr. Hickock leaned Darren over the desk and told him to take some Kleenex. Darren wiped his eyes and blew his nose.

“Let’s sit down,” Mr. Hickock said.

He sat Darren down on his lap.

“Tell me about the video you were watching.”

Darren recounted the story that Mark and Rashid had told him.

“And they’re absolutely sure that it’s John who’s behind this?” Mr. Hickock asked.

“Yes, Rashid got it directly from John.”

“OK. There’s nothing we can do tonight. I think we need to go back to bed.”

“I can’t sleep,” Darren said.

“Would it help if you slept in my bed tonight?” his father asked.

“OK,” Darren replied.

The next morning Mr. Hickock called his office to say that he would be late. He waited until 8:30 before calling John’s parents.

“Hello, Mrs. Prett, this is Dan Hickock from next door. May I come over to talk to you? I’ve got an urgent situation that I think you need to know about… Yes, thank you… I’ll be there directly.”

Mrs. Prett greeted Mr. Hickock politely but not warmly. In the past, it had been she who had asked to have meetings with Mr. Hickock regarding Darren’s treatment of her son. She didn’t like being on the other end of the situation.

“I know that in the past Darren has been very unfair to your son: picking on him and ridiculing him publicly. I think that you know that I have tried to bring Darren around to better behavior. I suppose that you know about his current punishment. I can’t guarantee that he will behave better toward your son but I have seen subtle changes in him in the last few days that give me hope.”

Mr. Hickock paused. He wasn’t sure how to continue. He didn’t want to come out and flatly accuse her son of manufacturing the video clip but he believed what Darren had told him.

“You said you had something urgent to discuss?” she said mildly impatient.

“Yes. It’s about this disk that I have in my hand. It contains a very graphic video clip of my son having his diaper changed. It is taken from an angle that suggests that the camera must have been placed in your backyard, somewhat high up, at about second story level.”

“That’s a pretty serious accusation, Mr. Hickock. are you sure?”

“I brought it over so that you could see it for yourself. Perhaps you can correct me if I’m wrong. By the way, please call me Dan.”

Mrs. Prett asked to be called Cindy. She invited Mr. Hickock into the home office where her husband was working.

“Phil,” she said, “Mr. Hickock has a video clip to show us. He wants help on identifying where it could have been shot from.”

“Good morning,” Mr. Prett greeted Mr. Hickock, “Now what’s this about a video clip?”

Mr. Hickock explained what was contained in the video. Mr. Prett popped the disk into the drive and they viewed the clip together. Phil and Cindy Prett were deeply disturbed by what they saw.

“I think you’re right, Dan,” Mr. Prett said. “This was definitely shot from our backyard. My guess is that it was done from the old tree house. Cathy, is the video camera still in its case in the hall closet?”

She went to check. It wasn’t there.

“John is still asleep,” she said, “I’m going to check his room.”

She returned a few minutes later, video camera in hand.

“I woke John up and told him to get dressed and to come down here.”

A few minutes later John entered the room. He seemed genuinely surprised to see Mr. Hickock. And a little worried.

“John what was the video camera doing in your room?” his dad asked.

“I wanted to show it to my friends,” he answered innocently.

“First of all,” his dad responded, “you know that you aren’t supposed to touch it without permission and that you aren’t allowed to use it without adult supervision. Secondly, we’ve had that camera since last summer. Why show it to your friends now?”

“I don’t know. We were bored.”

“John, do you know anything about a video that someone shot from your old tree house?”

“Tree house? No,” John answered shakily.

He was beginning to get very nervous and to look very guilty.

“The video shows Darren getting a diaper change. It must have been shot recently.”

“Actually,” Mr. Hickock interrupted, “it was taken last Saturday at around 10:30am. My fiancée is the one shown changing Darren’s diaper. It’s the only time she’s ever changed him.”

“Last Saturday morning, you say. John weren’t you home alone last Saturday? Or did you have some friends over without telling us?”

John was now visibly sweating.

“No, I was alone,” he insisted.

“Alright, so you shot this, right?” his father asked.

John’s brain was in a hopeless mess. He decided to try crying his way out of it.

“But Darren was always so mean to me. I had to get back at him. I finally had a way to do it,” he sobbed.

“John Michael Prett,” his mother said, “do you mean to say that you took this video and then sent it to Darren?”

Mr. Hickock answered that question.

“No, Cindy. Darren got this from a friend who says that John has been duplicating the video clip and distributing it to others.”

“What?” his father bellowed, “you’ve been sharing this with other people. Why?”

“Darren told other people about the time that I was sick and accidentally wet my pants. I was just getting even.”

“How many people have copies of this clip?” his father demanded.

“Fourteen,” John whispered.

“You’re in very big trouble, young man,” his mother said. “Write down the names of everyone you gave this video to- and make sure the list is complete.”

John complied and handed the list over to his mother.

“March up to your room and stay there until we call you down again.”

A very distraught John stomped up the stairs and slammed his bedroom door.

“I’m sorry to bring this problem to you,” Mr. Hickock began. “I know that Darren has caused John a lot of anxiety and that in many ways my son has brought this down on himself. But the distribution of these video clips has got to stop.”

“We’ll do better than that,” Mr. Prett responded. “John will personally retrieve every one of the copies he made as well as the copies that his friends may have shared with others. You have my guarantee on that.”

“Thank you very much for your cooperation. I hope that Darren and John will both learn a lesson from it.”

Back at home, Darren had been too nervous to eat. He ran to the door as his father came in.

“What happened?”

His father told Darren about John’s confession and how his parents were going to make sure that every copy of the video was returned.

“Is that all they’re going to do to him?” Darren asked disappointed.

“Darren, don’t push it. How many times did you for pick on John? If you hadn’t been so obstinate in your behavior, John wouldn’t have felt the needed to get even with you. Do you see that?”

“Yes, I guess so,” he sighed. “But it’s still not fair.”

Darren spent the rest of the morning in his room reading old comic books. The weather had become unseasonably warm and Darren wished he could go out and do something with his friends. Instead, he asked Mrs. Gonzag if he could watch a movie in the den. She allowed it, but only after carefully checking what he wanted to watch. He sighed at these restrictions but knew better than to argue.

Mrs. Gonzag received a phone call from Mr. Hickock. Afterward, she busied herself carrying out his instructions. She served lunch to Darren in the den.

“I have to run a quick errand. I’ll only be gone a little while. Do you need a diaper change before I go?”

Darren still hadn’t gotten used to being asked this question. It made him feel so helpless.

“No, thank you,” he said politely. “It can wait.”

“Good. Don’t get into trouble.”

She left the house carrying a large department store shopping bag. She came back in about fifteen minutes.

“Where did you go?” Darren asked.

“You’ll have to ask your dad,” she answered cryptically.

Meanwhile, the Pretts had decided on a plan to handle John’s misbehavior. They started by calling him down to the home office. He sat quietly in the chair by his dad’s desk.

“John, I want to explain something to you. Do you know what privacy laws are?” his dad asked.

John shrugged his shoulders. He figured that he was in enough trouble already so why run the risk of saying something that could get him in even deeper. He had decided to limit his answers to shrugs or ‘I don’t know’.

“They’re laws to designed to protect people’s private lives from unwanted intrusion. When you pointed our camera into Darren’s bedroom window you violated those laws. You might think that you can argue that the curtain was open and that what you saw was accidental or even that it was their fault. But you’re wrong. You zoomed in to get a good picture. You acted just like a Peeping Tom, which is illegal. Do you know that you can go to jail for spying on people like that?”

John shrugged his shoulders again. This was a wrong move on his part.

“Stop shrugging your shoulders at me,” his dad said impatiently. “You understand very well what I’m saying.”

“Yes, sir,” he answered meekly. His dad continued.

“But that’s not the worst legal offense you may have committed. You took pictures of a minor in the nude and distributed them to other people. That makes you guilty of distributing child pornography, a federal offense that carries very severe penalties. Also, Mr. Hickock could sue us in court for all kinds of money. We could lose our house, our savings, everything. Do you understand?” he said raising his voice.

John understood perfectly what that meant. He just couldn’t believe that it was possible.

“Could Mr. Hickock really do that?” John asked nervously.

“Yes, he could. And more. I just pray to God that he isn’t a vengeful man because he could take away everything we have.”

His dad was obviously distraught. John began crying.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I didn’t know.”

“The law doesn’t care how sorry you are, John. You’ve brought a lot of worry and trouble into this family.”

John was sent back up to his room. Mr. and Mrs. Prett continued discussing the situation. Eventually they had a plan worked out. Mr. Prett called Mr. Hickock to inform him and to seek his help. Mr. Hickock was very gracious and by the end of their conversation Mr. Prett felt a great deal of relief. It appeared that, for the time being at least, Mr. Hickock was going to be reasonable.

At noon, Mrs. Gonzag arrived with a bag full of diapers and plastic pants.

“I’ve also included a bottle of baby oil, a container of baby powder and plenty of pins. good luck,” she wished them.

John’s parents went up to his room. He was lying on his bed listening to music.

“Turn that off,” his dad said. “Your mom and I have made some decisions.”

His mother started unpacking the diapers and plastic pants. John eyes filled with terror.

“No,” he shouted, “I won’t wear those. You can’t make me!”

“Quiet down,” his dad ordered. “You have lost all privileges for some time. You are going to do exactly what we say, when we say it. Is that understood?”

John was very aware of the implications of is dad’s tone.

“OK, but please, no diapers.”

“That’s not up for discussion. Now take your shoes, pants and underwear off.”

John panicked. All common sense left his head. He dug his heels in.

“No, I won’t and you can’t make me.”

“John,” his dad warned.

“Leave me alone,” he screeched.

His dad tried to get him to stand. John swung his leg up and hit him squarely in the groin. This infuriated his dad who grabbed him by the legs and pulled him to the floor. Mr. Prett roughly pulled off John’s pants and underwear. In the process, John’s shoes came flying off, too. John recovered and stood up, also furious.

“I still won’t do it, and you can’t make me,” John shouted.

His dad grabbed him by the shoulders. John fought back but his dad had the advantage of size and experience. Before John knew it, his dad had him pinned over his lap in the classic spanking position.

“No!” John screamed.

Mr. Prett began administering stinging swats to his son’s rear end.

“Ow,” John squealed as each slap hit its mark.

By the fifth swat John had tears running down his cheeks, by the tenth he was wailing loudly, and by the twelfth he was begging his dad to stop. He stopped after twenty.

“This is only the first half of your spanking. I hope I don’t have to give you the second half. Will you do as you’re told?” his dad demanded.

After John promised to obey, his dad let him up. John stood there sniffling and humiliated. The pain of the spanking was going to linger for some time. What surprised him the most was that his mother had not stopped it. In the past, she had always protected him from any threat of corporal punishment. This change in his mother’s attitude scared him.

Mrs. Prett spread a diaper on the bed.

“Lie down,” she ordered.

John complied, wincing as his bottom came into contact with the diaper. She oiled his diaper area and gently rubbed it in. When she touched his backside he initially flinched but the oil and the powder which followed had a soothing effect. She pinned the diaper up and put his plastic pants on. He stood up.

“How long?” he asked.

“A long time,” his mother answered. “We’ll start with six months and see how it goes.

“Six months?” John objected. “I have to wear these at home for six months?”

“No, John,” his father said, “all the time and everywhere.”

“Everywhere?” John wailed. “I won’t…”

“Quiet!” his dad roared. “Didn’t I just tell you that you have no say in this punishment?”

His parents detailed their conditions. The bathroom was now off limits. He was to use his diaper for all his bathroom needs. He would be changed frequently to prevent diaper rash but his parents would decide when the time was right. He was not grounded, he could have visitors or go to his friends’ houses just as before. The only difference was that he would have to be in diapers.

“What about school?” he asked.

“We’ll arrange for you to be changed by the nurse. We’ll have to check out if she allows cloth diapers or if you’ll have to wear disposables.”

John couldn’t hold back any more.

“I hate you. I hate you,” he shouted. “Get the hell out of my room. Leave me alone.”

“This is our last warning,” his dad said angrily, “We’ll give you time to calm down but within one hour you will come downstairs and apologize to us for this outburst. And you will never speak to us in that tone again. Understood?”

John seethed. He would never apologize. He walked over to the stack of diapers and plastic pants on his dresser. They looked mildly used. Where did they come from? Darren, of course. This made him even more angry. He picked up the plastic pants intending to tear them to shreds. Luckily for him, an inner voice said that he shouldn’t.

He tried to assess his situation rationally. If he defied his parents, they would only get more repressive. If he went along with them, maybe they would ease up. Either way his life was wrecked. They would make him wear these damned diapers no matter what. And make him use them for everything. Maybe if he cooperated fully for the next few days they would relent or allow him to negotiate. He decided to apologize. Only ten minutes had gone by.

“Mom, dad, I’m sorry. I know that I shouldn’t have yelled at you.”

“Your apology is accepted,” his mother said, kissing him on the cheek.

“Can I put my pants on now?” he asked.

“”I guess we weren’t very clear when we explained the rules to you,” his mother answered. “You will not wear any pants when you’re at home, visiting relatives, or around the neighborhood. You will get to wear pants only when we’re out in a public place that demands it.”

John couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Tears welled up but he refused to allow them to fall. He meekly went back up to his room where he cried in private.

“OK, John, time to collect the copies of the video clip. Put your shoes on,” his dad said from the doorway.

John looked up.

“Now? Like this?”

“Your mom went out and got you these. They’ll be warmer”

His dad gave him a package of over-the-calf white socks. They would go up to his knees. John wasn’t sure if this was an order or a suggestion. He put them on without argument. They accentuated the skinniness of his legs. Still, they were warmer.

Next, his dad handed him his hooded sweat shirt.

“Put this on… OK, let’s go,” his dad said.

“Don’t I get to wear a jacket?”

“You won’t need it. I think the January thaw has come early. It’s 58 degrees outside.”

John went downstairs with his dad. With each step his legs felt less and less steady. How could he face his friends dressed this way? Especially after everything he had said about Darren and his diapers. He headed for the garage.

“We’re walking,” his dad announced. “It’s a beautiful day and we only have to go a few streets.”

Tears came into John’s eyes again. After all the crying he had already done this surprised him. How could he still have tears left?

“Please, dad,” he begged, “can’t we take the car?”


Panic filled John again. Only this time he didn’t rebel. He followed his dad outside into the bright sunshine. He felt numb. He could barely move. His dad grabbed his hand to hurry him along. He tried to free himself from his dad’s grasp but his dad held on tightly. So, hand in hand, they walked toward the first house from which John needed to retrieve the video.

“What if they’re not home?” John asked.

“I’ve called everybody on your list. We got lucky. Everyone’s waiting for us.

“Do they know about my dia… my punishment?”

“No, but they’ll find out, won’t they?”

They crossed the street to Artie’s house. Mr. Prett rang the doorbell. The front door opened almost immediately. Artie’s father invited them in. If he was surprised to see John in diapers he didn’t show it.

“OK, Artie, John’s here. You can come down now,” his father called up the stairs.

Artie’s dad picked a disk up from the mantle.

“Here’s the disk you asked about. Artie says that he didn’t make any copies or lend it to any of his friends. He’d better be telling the truth.”

The last sentence was undoubtedly said for the benefit of Artie who had just entered the room. He took one look at John and gasped but he didn’t say anything. It was obvious that he was already being punished for his part in this matter.

“Artie, I want you to assure Mr. Prett that you didn’t make any copies and that you are returning the same video that John gave you.”

“Yes, sir,” Artie answered quickly. “That’s the one that John gave me. I didn’t make any copies at all.”

“You can go back to your room,” his dad said.

“Bye, John. Sorry about everything. Later, I guess.”

John was heartened by Artie’s implication that they would see each other again. Maybe it meant that he hadn’t lost all of his friends. Of course, Artie didn’t know that he would be in diapers for six more months and that he had to use them for everything.

The following visits went roughly the same as the first. In each house, John found that his friends were being disciplined to one degree or another for their participation in the spreading of the video. No one laughed at him either. But how would they act when their parents weren’t around? Or when other kids their age were?

Only three more stops to go. The sun was beginning to set and it was getting cooler. Mr. Prett had led John on a big circle, getting further away from home and then looping back in the direction of their house. They had run into several groups of kids. They were all stunned. Why was this kid being led around the neighborhood dressed in diapers and plastic pants? John knew that he would be the center of speculation for a long time.

Also, the implications of the new rules he had to live under were becoming clearer. No pants around the neighborhood. He suspected that his parents would force him to hang out with his usual friends. That would mean being outside often.

At the second to the last stop John got more bad news. Martin had made a copy of the video clip and given it to his friend Carlos. John didn’t know who Carlos was. Mr. Prett asked if Martin had a phone number where Carlos could be reached. He dialed it and spoke to Carlos’s parents who became very upset. He arranged for John to go over to their house within the next half hour to pick up the video.

All the video clips had been retrieved except for the one given by Martin to Carlos. John dreaded this visit more than any of the others. He didn’t even know this kid. This was going to be super humiliating. Mr. Prett rang the doorbell. They were greeted and welcomed into the living room.

“Nice to meet you, Mr. Prett. I see that you believe in firm discipline, too. I’m awfully sorry that Carlos has caused you this inconvenience,” Carlos’s dad said.

“Please, the fault is ours. If my son here hadn’t made that video in the first place your son would never had obtained a copy of it. Please don’t apologize,” Mr. Prett said in response.

“We’ve taken firm steps with Carlos nonetheless. His behavior in this is unbelievable and completely inexcusable. Pardon me while I call him down here.”

Carlos’s dad called for him to come into to the living room.

“But mom said I’m not allowed out of my room,” Carlos answered.

“Don’t be silly. You know very well that your mother is here with me. Do I have to go there and make you come out?”

“No,” he answered sullenly.

“Normally,” Carlos’s mom continued, “we’re very proud of Carlos. He’s usually a good kid; in fact, we think that we’re very lucky to have him for a son. But, in this instance we’re absolutely shocked at his insensitivity toward this other boy.”

Footsteps were approaching. Carlos shyly walked into the room. Just like John, he was dressed in a cloth diaper and plastic pants. They boys stared at each other for a long moment. Carlos’s dad broke the silence.

“Carlos is a lifelong bed wetter. We have always shielded him from other kids finding out about it. We are even willing to be the “bad guys” when his friends invite him for overnight events. Sometimes, this has been difficult for us. We have had parents call us to say that the overnight was supervised and that there was no reason to feel that it was unsafe for Carlos to attend. We never disclosed the real reason for withholding our ‘permission’ even though it made us look like unbending and unreasonable parents. His behavior in this matter is incomprehensible. We’ve decided that he’ll wear his diapers for an indefinite period. It seems a fitting punishment.”

Tears that had formed in Carlos’s eyes started rolling down his cheeks. He brushed them away silently.

“Yes, I understand your feelings. My wife and I have put John back into diapers for at least the next six months. He will wear nothing over them except when he’s at school or some other public place that requires it. He will use his diapers for everything.”

“I see,” Carlos’s mom said. “What school does your son go to?”

“He’s in seventh grade at Hillside Middle School.”

“I presume that because of the vacation you haven’t set up your son’s diaper changes with the nurse yet. Don’t worry about it. Mrs. Sanchez is very good. Just let her know how often you want John to check in with her and she’ll take it from there. I know this because Carlos had a severe flu when he was in sixth grade. For two weeks we sent him to school with diapers under his clothes because he was having daytime accidents,” she explained.

“What sort of diapers did you use?” John’s dad asked.

“Cloth. And his plastic pants, of course. As long as she isn’t responsible for cleaning them, she doesn’t care what type they wear.”

All this talk of going to school in diapers and plastic pants was making John and Carlos very nervous. John had been feeling the urge to pee for some time. He could no longer hold back. He thought that he could release a little at a time but the flow quickly escaped his control. By the time they were ready to leave, John’s diapers were soaked. Thankfully, his plastic pants didn’t leak. He stood up and felt the heavy diaper slipping downward. Carlos’s mother noticed

“Are you OK for walking home in that diaper?’ she asked with motherly concern.

John turned red in embarrassment.

“It’s OK,” he answered.

“I don’t think so,” she insisted gently. “That diaper looks like it’s ready to fall off. Because of Carlos I have quite a bit of experience in this area.”

“Mom!” Carlos protested.

“May I offer a suggestion?” Carlos’s mom asked Mr. Prett.


“Boys their age need their diapers pinned on very high and very tight. They’re much more active than babies so their diapers stretch quite a bit. If you begin with a very snug fit they won’t slide down once they’re wet. May I show you?”

“Yes, please…, John…,” he said motioning for him to approach Carlos’s mother.

She partially pulled down his plastic pants and unfastened one of the top pins. (His diaper had indeed dropped about two inches.) She tugged his diaper back in place and refastened the pin more snugly. She did the same for the other side, ensuring that John’s diaper would not slide down again. It was very degrading for John. He did have to admit, though, that his diaper felt more comfortable.

“Thank you,” John’s dad said, “I’ll pass the tip along to my wife.

They exchanged phone numbers before John and his dad left for home.

“So, there are three of you. Now that you guys have something in common maybe you’ll get to be good friends.” his dad said.

John doubted it. He didn’t want to be friends with diaper wearing babies. He missed the point that his dad was making: from now on, the neighborhood would lump the three of them together.

John arrived home mentally and physically exhausted- and wet. His mom was preparing dinner so his dad took care of his diaper change. He knew that he should feel humiliated by this treatment but he was too tired to feel anything. He was asleep when Samantha came home.

“Dinner time, baby brother,” Samantha said as she shook John awake.

He didn’t notice what she said. He was barely awake.

“Go away, I’m not hungry.”

“That’s what mom said you’d say. She says that you didn’t eat lunch either so she’s making you come down and eat.”

“Besides,” she thought to herself, “I’m dying to see you in your diaper and plastic pants.”

“Come on,” she said, shaking his shoulder. “Mom and dad are waiting.”

He was a little more awake. He didn’t want to eat but he didn’t want to give his parents more reasons for extending his punishment. He threw off his blanket before he remembered that Samantha hadn’t seen him in diapers yet. Even though her mother had given her a stern warning about not making fun of John, she snickered when saw his gleaming plastic pants.

“Quit it,” John complained.

“I’m sowwy,” she apologized insincerely, “it’s going to take time for me to get used to having a wittle baby around the house again.”

“Knock it off, Samantha,” John complained again.

“And what if I don’t? Are you going to tattle to mommy and daddy about big sister picking on the wittle boy? Go ahead. And then I’ll make sure to they find out the real truth about a whole bunch of things. Maybe we could start with how Mr. Baker’s car got scratched last month.”

“I’m already being punished enough. Why are you being so mean to me?”

“Because I want to make sure that you don’t try to take your revenge out on me.”

She softened her voice.

“Look, John, I just don’t want to have to listen to any more of your crap. Let’s call a truce, OK?”

“OK,” John agreed, “You won’t tell them about Mr. Baker’s car will you?”

“No, of course not. Let’s go downstairs before mom and dad have a cow. But, can I ask one thing: how could you have been so stupid to think that mom and dad wouldn’t catch you?”

John shrugged his shoulders. That was the same question he had asked himself all day and he was sick of it.

The next morning Mark came to spend time with Darren. Mark was all excited.

“Did you hear what John’s parents are doing to him?”

“Yeah,” Darren answered moodily, “he has to get the copies of the video clip from the people he gave them to.”

“He did that yesterday. I’m talking about the other stuff.”

“What other stuff?”

“You mean, you really don’t know?” Mark asked surprised.

“No, I don’t know. And I don’t care,” Darren insisted.

“I think you will care,” Mark persisted. “Listen to this. Yesterday, his dad and he walked to the houses of his friends who had copies of the video and he was wearing only his diapers and plastic pants. Lots and lots of people saw him on the street.”


Darren was finding this interesting after all.

“And that’s not all.” Mark continued. “He has to wear diapers full-time for six months and use them for everything. He’s never allowed to use a bathroom, not even in school.”

“Awesome!” Darren exclaimed. “It serves him right.”

John and he were getting practically the same punishment, but at least he (Darren) could use a toilet for number two.

Just like John the day before, Darren didn’t see the connection between the two of them. Eventually, he, too, was going to be seen roaming the neighborhood in only his diapers and plastic pants.

After dinner that night, Darren’s dad announced that they were going to have visitors. Darren didn’t like this at all.

“Can I go up to my room, please?” he begged. “Please.”

“No, at least one of our guests is coming especially to talk to you,” Mr. Hickock said.

“But I don’t want to see anyone,” he whined.

What he meant, of course, is that he didn’t want anyone to see him.

“Darren are you going to behave?” his dad said angrily. “One more word of protest and your punishment gets longer.”

“But,…” Darren began a new complaint.

“OK, eight months it is.”

Darren was shocked into silence. He sat across from his dad in the den staring at the television. His sulk didn’t last very long. The doorbell rang. It was the Pretts. Darren was really mad at his dad, now. Why didn’t he tell him it was John coming over? He didn’t like John but at least he was in diapers and plastic pants, too. Did his dad deliberately set him up in order to lengthen his punishment?

The Pretts had come over so that John could apologize and give Darren all the copies of the video clip. John’s apology didn’t sound very sincere and Darren’s acceptance wasn’t very gracious either. Nonetheless, their parents let it pass. They moved on to the other part of the reason for their visit. They explained to Darren and John that they would be spending their remaining days of vacation together with Carlos. (Darren didn’t know anything about Carlos being in diapers so it was quickly explained to him.) The reason for this change of plan was simple. Why should three households tie themselves down with the same problem of having to baby sit their punished children?

“And this way,” Mr. Hickock explained to Darren, “Mrs. Gonzag can go back to her usual work schedule.”

“Yes, and you boys won’t be alone. You will have more to do if there are three of you. And, hopefully, you won’t get bored and wind up cooking up more trouble for yourselves and for us,” Mrs. Prett added.

Neither Darren nor John liked this plan. However, given the fact that his dad had just lengthened his punishment, Darren wasn’t going to say a word. John didn’t say a word, either, even though this decision obviously made him unhappy.

“Good, that’s settled,” Mr. Prett said, “we’ll have John over here at 8:30 tomorrow so that they can walk over together to Carlos’s house.”

“Where does Carlos live?” Darren nervously asked.

“On Larchmont,” John answered sullenly.

This meant that John and Darren would have to go three blocks to get to Carlos’s.

The next morning, John arrived on time. They left for Carlos’s house, each carrying a backpack crammed full of extra diapers and plastic pants. On the way they met up with two of their school friends. They obviously knew about John and Darren’s punishment.

“Hey, guys,” the first one smirked, “forget your pants?”

“Don’t be stupid,” the second one said, “of course they didn’t forget their pants. See, they’re wearing them – cute little baby pants.”

The two of them guffawed as they continued on their way. Darren, being more aggressive, wanted to go after them but John stopped him.

“What good would it do? We’d just get into more trouble.”

The first hour at Carlos’s was tense. No one felt comfortable. Eventually, though, things loosened up and by lunch time they were acting like old friends. Having a common enemy to complain about (their parents) helped quite a bit.

About an hour after lunch Carlos seemed very nervous. He excused himself and went to talk to his mother. He mumbled a question to her.

“No,” Darren and John heard her voice come from the other room, “you know the rules.”

“But, mom, this is so embarrassing,” Carlos pleaded.

“Go back to your guests,” she said.

About twenty minutes later, accompanied by the noise of several farts, Carlos filled the back of his diaper. He was on the verge of tears.

“It’s OK,” John said, “my punishment is the same.”

“I bet you’ve never done it in front of someone else,” Carlos whimpered.

“Not yet,” John admitted, “but I’ve been holding back, too.”

Whereupon, John also noisily filled the back side of his diaper. Now it was Darren who was becoming uncomfortable. This was his first experience with the smell of really dirty diapers. He didn’t like it. Luckily, Carlos’s mother came to check on them a few minutes later.

“It certainly smells like someone needs a diaper change.”

“John and I both do,” Carlos announced.

“Uh, my diaper is really wet and I could use the toilet, too,” Darren added.

“Alright, let me take your diaper off first so that you can use the bathroom.”

And that’s exactly what she did, right in the middle of the family room. Darren was naked from the waist down and wondering where the bathroom was.

“You can use the bathroom off the kitchen,” she said. “When you’re done come back here and I’ll finish changing you… John, get your changing pad and other diaper supplies and bring them here.”

She had finished changing John and was finishing up on Carlos when Darren returned. He felt very exposed standing there without his diaper on. Covering himself with his hands, he went over to his diaper bag to get a clean diaper and a pair of plastic pants. Carlos’s mother laughed at his attempt to maintain his modesty and pick up his supplies all at once.

“I’ll be cleaning your diaper area in just a second, you know. There’s no need to be shy.”

By the time he was lying on the changing pad he was scarlet with embarrassment. Carlos’s mother did a good job though. You could tell that she had done this many times before.

“You boys aren’t asking for enough diaper changes,” she said. “I’ll check on you more frequently. Diaper rashes are no fun- ask Carlos.”

She left the boys alone.

“Boy, your mom sure is direct,” Darren observed.

“Yeah,” Carlos agreed, “my dad and I always know what she thinks,” he said rolling his eyes.

This got them into a laughing mood which lasted until it was time for Darren and John to leave. All in all, the day was a great success.

The next days were also successful. The boys began a rotation of going to each other’s houses for the day. (Once school restarted this rotation would continue. They were not going to be allowed to go home unsupervised or alone.) The two times they had been at Darren’s house Mark had spent the day with them.

Christmas vacation was almost over. There was only one weekend left. Kevin contacted Darren to ask if he wanted to join him and his brother in one last sleepover before going back to school. Darren told them about his situation with John and Carlos. Also, he mentioned that he and his friend Mark were planning on spending time together this weekend.

“Do you think that they would want to come, too?” Kevin asked.

“I don’t know. Probably. Carlos’s parents are real strict, though. John can probably convince his parents if my dad says it’s OK. And, Mark… he doesn’t wear diapers but he’s cool. He’s spent a lot of time with us since our punishments started. Will Bill be there, too?”

“No,” Kevin answered, “he’s out of town with his family. I think it’s his grandfather’s birthday. He wanted to stay. Especially since his parents are making him wear his diapers and plastic pants in front of all his relatives. They didn’t allow him to take even one pair of pants”

“Bummer,” Darren sympathized.

After talking with their parents, Kevin and Kyle called back to say that everyone was invited. A further round of calling to everyone’s house settled the matter.

They met at Kevin and Kyle’s house Friday afternoon- they were going to spend all weekend together until Sunday afternoon. One concession had been made to relieve Kevin and Kyle’s parents of an unpleasant responsibility. For this weekend, John and Carlos could use the toilet to do number two.

Kevin and Kyle were good planners and everyone felt at home right away. They played some group games, talked, and ate. After dinner, Kyle came up with an idea.

“Let’s play the Weighing Game,” he said.

“What’s the Weighing game?” the others asked.

“It’s easy,” he answered. “We weigh our diapers and plastic pants before getting them put on and then again when they come off. Whoever has the biggest difference in weight when we average out the totals on Sunday wins the secret prize. Kevin and I will play along but we’re not eligible to win. The only thing I can tell you about the prize is that it’s worth over $85. OK?”

The game sounded a little silly, but the lure of an $85 prize peaked the boys’ interest. Darren, however, raised an objection.

“Wait a minute,” Darren said. “That sounds like fun and everything, but that leaves Mark out of it. I’ll only play a game where everyone has a chance to win. Especially if the prize is valuable.”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot,” Kyle said in a disappointed voice.

“It’s OK,” Mark volunteered, “You guys go ahead and play, I don’t mind.”

“No,” Kevin said, “we need something that everything can get involved with.

“Everyone can get involved in this,” Kyle continued stubbornly. “It doesn’t take any special talent, it doesn’t involve long drawn-out games, and everybody has a chance to win.”

“Mark doesn’t wear diapers, dummy,” Kevin answered.

“Well, he could.”

All eyes were on Mark. He didn’t want to hold up their fun, but…

“What would your parents say? They know I don’t wear diapers.”

“We’ve played this game before with some of our cousins who don’t wear diapers. My parents won’t mind,” Kyle said in response.

The other guys started encouraging Mark.

“Yeah, come on Mark, it’s only for two days.”

“We won’t tell on you.”

“Maybe, you’ll win the prize.”

Mark let himself be convinced. Kevin and Kyle led him up to their room to be diapered. Five minutes later he was ready, but reluctant to go back downstairs.

“Man, I don’t believe I let you guys do this. I feel silly. I can’t go downstairs like this!”

“Sure you can, everybody else is dressed the same. Don’t you want to fit in?” Kevin asked jokingly.

Just in case Mark tried to back out of it, Kyle ‘accidentally’ threw Mark’s pants and underwear into the diaper pail with his and Kevin’s dirty diapers. They would need laundering before they could be worn again.

Mark was further embarrassed by the standing ovation he got from Carlos, Darren, and John. If Kevin and Kyle hadn’t held on to him he would have fled back upstairs. Furthermore, he was confused by the erection that he was powerless to stop. At least it couldn’t be seen through the heavy layers of his diaper and plastic pants. If he had had the guts to ask, he would have found out that each of the other guys there had had a similar reaction at one time or another.

The game would begin with the next diaper change.

“Then why do I have to wear a diaper now?” Mark asked semi-indignantly.

“So that you can learn how to pee in it,” Kyle answered seriously. “It takes practice, you know.”

Mark didn’t think of that part of it. Would he be able to pee in a diaper? He didn’t want to think about it right then because it seemed to make his erection stiffer.

They watched a movie. Kevin and Kyle’s dad came in to tell the guys that it was time set out their sleeping bags. (They were all going to sleep in front of the fireplace in the living room.) Mark tried to hide behind Darren and Bill. It didn’t work.

“Kevin, Kyle, can I see you guys a second?” their dad asked.


They looked at each other. This must be about Mark, they thought. They were right.

“Why is Mark wearing a diaper?”

“We’re going to play the Weighing Game,” Kyle explained.


“It’s fun,” Kevin answered.

“Did you trick him into wearing that diaper?”

“No,” Kevin answered honestly, “Mark said that he would wear it because Darren wouldn’t play any game that left Mark out.”

“OK, but make sure that he has a free choice to stop playing the game any time he wants to.”

“OK,” they assured their father.

They went back to the others.

“Time to start the Weighing Game,” Kyle said. “Get your clean diapers and plastic pants and follow me.”

Except for Mark, everyone was wearing a diaper that was at least a little bit wet. In fact Darren, John, and Carlos had deliberately tried not to wet so that they could save it up for the first diaper that ‘counted’ in the game. Mark didn’t wet because he was too nervous about doing it.

All the diapers and plastic pants were weighed on the postal scale that Kevin and Kyle had taken from their parents’ home office. The data was recorded on a preprinted ‘official’ game sheet. There was one curious fact that escaped notice. The recording sheet had been printed before the guys had even arrived yet Mark’s name was already included on it.

“I haven’t wet my diaper, so I guess I don’t need to change.,” Mark said.

“Yes you do,” Kyle insisted. “We don’t know if the diaper and plastic pants you’re already wearing are the same weight as the new set we just weighed for you.”

Reluctantly, Mark allowed himself to be changed. He was beginning to worry that he couldn’t seem to pee in the diaper. His bladder was beginning to make him feel very uncomfortable. Another half hour went by and Mark couldn’t stand the pressure anymore.

“Uh, guys,” Mark said sheepishly, “I don’t think I can continue with the game. I really have to pee but I just can’t. Not in a diaper. So, I give up. Good luck to everyone on winning the prize.”

“Aww,” Kyle objected, “you shouldn’t give up so easily. I have a trick that works every time.

“What’s that?” Mark asked skeptically.

“This!” Kyle shouted as he lunged at Mark and started tickling him.

As it turns out, Mark is extremely ticklish and as soon as Kyle started in on him he began screaming for mercy. This encouraged the other guys to join the attack and in less than a minute Mark’s diaper was soaked.

“See, it’s easy to do,” Kyle said smugly.

Mark threw a sofa pillow at him and this started a new round of mayhem that drew the attention of Mrs. Kadra.

“OK, guys, let’s settle down.”

She started picking up the soda glasses.

“And I think you’ve had enough soda for tonight. If you get thirsty, you’ll have to drink water. Now, let’s get your sleeping bags arranged for the night.”

“Mom,” Kevin said after they had all been settled into their sleeping bags, “Mark needs to be changed.”

Mark’s heart started racing.

“Why did Kevin say that?” he thought to himself. “What if his mom doesn’t know that he was playing the game along with the others?”

“Do you, Mark?” she asked nonchalantly.

“Yes, I guess so,” he answered in a whisper.

“Alright. Kevin go upstairs with Mark and help him change.”

The boys left the room. Kevin removed Mark’s diaper and plastic pants and weighed them again. He recorded a number on the official game sheet. The fresh diaper and plastic pants were also weighed and recorded. Mark and Kevin went back downstairs.

“How much did it weigh?” Kyle asked anxiously.

“A lot,” Kevin winked at his brother, “I can’t remember ever seeing such a heavy one.”

“Way to go,” Darren encouraged Mark.

“Yeah, I guess so,” Mark answered lightly.

But that damned erection was back.

The guys continued talking among themselves until after midnight. Finally, Mr. Kadra came in and told them that they absolutely had to go to sleep. To help them along, he had brought The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn with him. He got them to close their eyes and, by the light coming from the fireplace, he read them to sleep in thirty minutes.

The next day was sunny and clear. The January thaw returned and the temperature was up to 59 degrees by late morning. Kevin and Kyle begged their mom to let them play some basketball. The driveway was completely dry and the hoop area was ready to go.

“But, mom, we’ve played soccer in colder weather than this. We won’t get sick. Honest,” Kyle pointed out.

Mrs. Kadra eventually agreed after lunch when the temperature was up to 63 degrees. Mark was a little hesitant about going outside in nothing but a diaper and plastic pants but the other guys convinced him that the driveway was pretty long and that no one would notice. They played for about 90 minutes. They came back in all sweaty and Mrs. Kadra insisted that they shower.

This would be the third diaper change of the day. A funny thing was happening. At each diaper change Mark had the heaviest diaper.

“Who would have thought that the rookie would beat us?” Darren kidded.

“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m not giving up. I’m going to drink lots of water this afternoon,” Carlos said.

Mark was as surprised as anyone, but now that he was in the lead he wasn’t going to give up easily. He would drink a river if he had to. He wanted to win. By the time they went to bed Saturday night Mark’s lead had diminished only slightly.

At one o’clock the next afternoon, the Kadras received some upsetting news. A maiden aunt of Mrs. Kadra had fallen in her home. She had been taken to the hospital where she was diagnosed with a severely sprained ankle. She was ready to be released and she wanted to know if they could come and pick her up. They gave clear instructions to the boys and said that they trusted them for the next couple of hours. They would return as soon as possible.

By prior agreement, the two o’clock diaper change would be the last official event of the Weighing Game. It seemed inevitable (and unbelievable) that Mark was going to win. On the average, he had nearly a half pound lead on the others. Even Carlos had given up trying to catch Mark. By 2:15 it was official. Mark had won with an average diaper weight 7.6 ounces heavier than his nearest competitor, Carlos. Mark was so excited he didn’t notice that he was put back into another diaper even though his dad was picking him up at 3:00.

Kevin and Kyle, ever the showmen, planned the awarding of the prize as a treasure hunt. It took Mark thirty-five minutes and two trips outside to locate his prize. It was a heavily taped up box.

“It’s ten to three,” Darren reminded Mark.

“Oh, shit! My dad’ll be here soon. I’ve got to get changed. Are my pants and underwear still in your room?”

“Oh, no,” Kyle screamed, as he went running up to the bedroom, “I forgot all about them. I was supposed to give them to mom to wash this morning.”

“What do you mean?” Mark asked. “They didn’t need washing.”

“At the beginning of the game on Friday I thought that you might chicken out so I tossed them into the diaper pail in our room. Lots of other diapers have been thrown on top. They’ll need washing.”

“Relax, Kyle,” Kevin said. “Mom took that diaper pail down to the laundry room yesterday when she brought up our other pail. She’s probably already washed them.”

Mark breathed a sigh of relief. Kevin and Mark went to retrieve his stuff. But they were still in the diaper pail, stinking of piss. Mrs. Kadra hadn’t washed them yet because she had spent the morning washing the other guys’ diapers and plastic pants. She didn’t want to send them home with huge bags of dirty diapers.

Mark was in a panic. He knew that Kevin and Kyle didn’t have any pants to loan him. They wouldn’t get theirs back until tomorrow. The doorbell rang. It was Carlos’s dad. Carlos left. The doorbell rang again. It was Mr. Hickock. He had come to pick up Darren and John. They left. The doorbell rang a third time. It had to be Mark’s dad.

Mark was in the laundry room, hiding as long as he could.

“There’s kind of been an accident,” Kyle said to Mark’s dad.

“An accident?” he said. “What kind of accident?”

“Nobody got hurt or anything,” Kevin amended. “It’s just that Mark kind of doesn’t have any pants to wear.”

Mark’s dad started laughing.

“Where’s Mark? Is he embarrassed to come out wearing diapers and plastic pants?”

“How did you know?” Kyle asked in amazement.

“With all you guys in diapers, what else could he be wearing? Tell him to come out here, please.”

Kevin went to get him in the laundry room.

“Your dad knows what you’re wearing. He’s cool. You may as well come out now before he gets mad or something.”

As they were heading toward the living room, Mark could hear Kyle and Bill explaining the contest and how Mark’s pants got ‘accidentally’ mixed in with dirty diapers. He was glad that he wouldn’t have to explain the whole thing to his dad. He stood shamefaced in front of his dad.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

His dad was still in good humor. He had found Bill and Kyle’s recounting of the contest very entertaining.

“It’s OK. I’m not mad. I guess it’s an honor to have a son who has won a pissing contest,” he said semi-mockingly.

Mark smiled, hoping that his dad wouldn’t get really mad at him later on.

“Is your stuff ready?

“Yeah, it’s all over there.”

“Don’t forget your prize,” Kyle said pointing to the unopened box.

“Oh, yeah, thanks,” Mark said picking it up.

“What’s the prize?” his dad asked.

“I don’t know,” Mark answered.

“Why don’t you open it up so that you can thank your hosts for the gift?”

Kevin and Kyle looked nervously at each other. How would Mark and his dad react to the prizes they had chosen?

Mark pulled back the tape. Inside the box were diapers and plastic pants (five sets), a supply of pins, and a container of baby powder.

“Well, take it out of the box so that we can see what it is” his dad directed.

Mark spread out the diapers, plastic pants and other supplies on the coffee table.

His erection was back. This time, though, he knew what it meant. He wanted to keep these diapers and plastic pants- and use them. How could he possibly get away with it?

“Well, if someone wants to continue winning pissing contests he’s certainly going to need to stay in competitive shape, although I doubt that five sets of diapers and plastic pants will be enough,” his dad laughed. “Come on let’s go home and break the news to your mother, and to start your training.”

Mark was so excited he could hardly walk.


Book 3 – Back to School