| The Nice Judge
| Fixies
| fxies@live.nl
| Male
Current Age:
| 49
Posting Date:
| 01/03/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* | | R- Sisters, other girls* |
| B- Pre-teen (9-12)* | ● | S- Babysitters |
| C- Teen (13-17) | | T- Masturbation | ●
| D- Adult (18+) | | U- Sexual situations |
| E- Cloth diapers* | ● | V- Gay |
| F- Disposable diapers | ● | W- Erections |
| G- Pee | ● | X- Bedwetting | ●
| H- Poop* | ● | Y- Accidents | ●
| I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* | ● | Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline | ●
| J- Multiple diapers* | | 1- Female Domination* |
| K- Baby paraphernalia | | 2- Enemas |
| L- Mother | ● | 3- Restraints | ●
| M- Father | ● | 4- Crying |
| N- Aunt | | 5- Spanking |
| O- Uncle | | 6- Humiliation |
| P- Brothers (diapered) | ● | 7- Babying |
| Q- Brothers (not diapered) | | 8- Regression |
| *Denotes Deekerian story elements
A boy is sentenced to wear diapers for two years. This is his story.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.)
9 (45%)
Chapter 1: Don�t Do the Crime When You Can�t Do the Time
�Why are you punishing me for being kind to you? This is the fourth
time you�ve been here in the last three months! Not a single ten-year
old had ever accomplished this! Why are you not the decent kid I know
you are? Why are you doing this to me? Please tell me, Carl, why?�
I looked up at the judge and said, with a smile on my face: �I�m doing
it to see you! You�re the only friend I have. Nobody understands me!�
His face changed from its normal, pale colour in to red, faster then
any traffic light ever accomplished. I could hear he was very angry
when he told me, while holding back his anger: �I�ve tried to be nice
with you, other judges told me it was a waste of time, but I thought
that you were special and needed a softer approach. So I give you
community service when you robbed that liquor store, other boys of your
age were send to prison for the same offence! And what are you giving
me as a thank you? You�re impolite and smiling! I�ve had it with you,
I was scared, never before had the nice judge be that angry. He
continued his speech: �I�m sentencing you as a boy of 12 not as one of
ten. Listen, and listen carefully. I will give you a new punishment;
only one boy did get this one before, just a month ago. It�s the
hardest I can sentence a child to and I only use I for boys who act
like a baby.�
The judge looked straight in my eyes when he told me the verdict. I
stood there dumb folded; he never ever sentenced met hard before! So I
listened in silence when the judge said: �I will sentence you to two
years of diaper wearing. You can choose to stay in prison during these
two years, or you can go home and wear your nappies there. When you
want to go home we will give you a special device that will track you
down by satellite wherever you are in the world. Special agents can ask
you to show your diapers wherever you are. When we find that you are
not wearing or using your new underpants, you will be sent to jail and
start your two years all over again. You will use the diapers for both
wetting and messing. The first two months from now on you will be in
jail; after that time you can decide to go home or stay in prison,
whatever you want. The state will provide the cloth diapers and plastic
pants you will wear during the next two years. Do you understand?�
A tear fell on the floor. This was worse then I suspected, two years in
�Do you understand?� the judge asked again. I nodded yes, afraid to
look the nice judge in the eyes.
Chapter 2: In the Jailhouse Now
The guard took me to the holding cell, where I waited for the transport
to arrive. It seemed like years for the police car to pick me up. My
hands were cuffed behind my back and a chain was placed around my
ankles. Slowly I walked to the awaiting car. The trip took two hours. I
arrived at the juvenile detention centre. I looked for the last time to
the open sky before entering the gray stoned building. The door slammed
closed behind me. Inside I was taken to a small room where I had to
strip off my clothes. Naked, I stood before the big man in front of me.
Without a word he pointed at the table with a thick white nappy folded
on top. Nervously I lay down on the garment. The man quickly diapered
me and gave me the plastic pants. No word was said.
A few minutes later I was standing in front of the warden. �So, you are
my youngest visitor.� He said, without a single piece of kindness in
his voice or face. �We have severe punishments for trouble makers like
you. You will find no nice judge in my prison. Disobedience will be
followed by some hard time for you. When you�re obeying the rules,
well, your time here will be miserable, too, but less hard; it�s
entirely up to you. Take him to his cell, where he can think over his
crimes. I don�t want to see this punk any longer! Take him away!�
After this kind farewell the warden turned back to his computer monitor
ignoring me, standing there, in only my nappy and plastic pants. I felt
horrible; nobody loved me in this by god-abandoned place. No fun for
the next two months, no friends, no family, nothing, just me in this
hell. I thought I would never be happy again�
The diapers felt strange between my legs, thick and warm and the heavy
duty plastic pants crinkled like hell. I was beyond embarrassed, if I
could die on the spot I surly would have chosen that option, but I
wasn�t that lucky. Walking in the long dark corridor with closed doors
with steel bars on both sides I got afraid. Finally it came to me: I
was in here for at least two months! Two whole long months away from my
father and mother, two months (I wasn�t considering the possibility of
two years in this horrible place) away from my brothers! Things got
worse when the door to my cell was opened. I thought I should be the
only boy in the cell, but there were two bunk beds, four chairs around
a small table. All the beds had restraints; they not only locked you in
the cell, but tied you on the beds too! The cell was empty, but it was
obvious that three of the beds had been slept on. The lower bed on the
right had the sheets and blankets neatly folded on the pillow.
�Make your bed and wait here,� the jailer said while leaving the room
and closing the door behind him. The key made a rasping sound when it
was turned in the lock. There I stood, in just my thick nappy and
plastic pants. All alone, never in my whole life I was this alone! I
couldn�t help crying, while making my bed. The mattress had a
waterproof covering, what made it hard to keep the sheets and blanket
in place. After making the bed I lay down and thought how I got into
this mess.
I came from a nice stable family. My dad had a good job, not that he
was rich or so, but there was always enough to eat, and we went on
holidays every year. I have two brothers, Peter who is twelve and John
at the proud age of nine. Mom and dad hardly ever have a fight, they�re
punishing us firm but fair. I was doing well at school and had some
nice friends, not a lot, but they were real friends, if you know what I
mean. So there was no reason at all for me to take the wrong way to the
future. But two years back it all started. Nobody knows this, so please
don�t tell on me! It was Wednesday afternoon so I was free from school.
I was walking in the mall, all alone, when I saw a new game for my
Nintendo DS. It was �40-- money I did not have. You have to know we
have to earn the money to buy things by doing chores like mowing the
lawn, helping doing the dishes and so on. I just spent all my savings
on some other game, so I had to work for at least two or three months.
We never got something for free. In the shop all boxes were empty and
you had to go to the counter to collect the game you wanted. But I was
lucky this time, in one of the boxes there was the chip card with the
new Harry Potter game. I quickly looked around me and noticed nobody
was looking. I took the card out of the box and put it in my pocket. I
was trembling over my whole body but made it outside without the
shopkeeper noticing anything wrong!
After that it was even easier to do it a second and a third time. That
gloomy day in December, just after I turned nine it went all terrible
wrong. When I tried to put a big bag of candy in my pocket I felt a
hand on my shoulder. It was a guard who took me to a small room in the
back of the shop. He put me in a chair and told me to wait, while he
was leaving the room I heard he locked the door. I was looking for an
alternative exit, but found none. More then an hour later a police
officer came in and took me to the police station. For the first time
in my life I was placed in a cell while the officer phoned my parents.
I was terrified, unable to go awaiting my very disappointed parents.
They took me home and grounded me for a month. I had to go to my room
directly after school and stay there until I had to go to school again.
No friends were allowed! That Christmas was horrible for me! I had to
eat in my room, not the turkey dinner, but some leftover cauliflower.
Even New Year�s Eve I had to stay in my room, alone. I could hear my
family downstairs having a party, while I was there all alone in my
room. The only thing I could think of was: They hate me, and you know?
I hated them too!
Although it was the first time I was arrested I had to see the judge
for my crime. The judge was a nice man, who understands me. How I was
the middle child, not the big boy in the house nor the cute little one.
I was too young for the neat things Peter was allowed to, but when
acting like John I was told that I was to old for such baby things.
So the judge told me not to steal again and send me home. That was
easy, no punishment from the state! I did not know then that it was
impossible for the state to put a nine year old in jail. I learned
something from that dreadful December: never get caught! So I kept
quiet some time and everything went back to normal. The winter went and
spring came.
With the new flowers I started a new episode in my career as thief. I
stole the purse from an old woman. In it was a purse with almost two
hundred Euros. I was in heaven, think of the things a nine year old boy
can do with 200 bucks! It turned out that I was recognised by some
bloke on the other side of the street and the police were waiting at
home. This was worse then the first time. I was sent to the police
station and had to stay a night in jail. The judge was very
disappointed in me and sentenced met for 10 hours of community service
and I had to pay the old lady not only her 200 Euros back but also 100
euros extra for the pain I put her through. I hoped I could send her
the money by mail, but dad took me to the lady to pay her the money
back. I was very nervous when standing in front of her. She looked very
frightened and she was shaking all over her body. She thanked me for
the money and told me that she didn�t know how she could have paid for
her food when I took her purse. She still was too afraid to enter the
streets alone, thinking that every boy on every corner of the street
would molest her again.
The liquor store came next. Oh I didn�t steal any alcohol, just money
from the cash register. The judge was still very understanding and
again I had to do some community service. He believed that I, coming
from a decent family would turn for the better when I wasn�t sent to
jail, where I should learn more bad then good things. I thought that
this was not too bad, considering I had stolen in three other stores
without trouble. The last time I was caught it was for taking the lunch
money from a first grader, how could I know the teachers were keeping
an eye on me? And I wasn�t aware of the zero tolerance policy in our
school, so that made three visits to the judge in just over two month.
Mom and dad made it hard for me to do anything wrong, they kept me in
my room after school and escorted me to the places a boy of ten had to
go to. But last Saturday I was lucky, mom left me home alone for just
ten minutes, enough to leave the house and go to the mall. In the
toyshop I took a small toy and was arrested on the spot. So I had to
visit the judge for the fourth time in three months.
Chapter 3: The Cellmates
I was exhausted and fell asleep on what was my bed for the coming two
month. In my dreams the all the persons I had stolen from stood in my
cell en laughed. The old lady told me that I was finally getting the
punishment I deserved. My mom and dad stood there, holding my two
brothers, telling them this was what happens with bad boys! Suddenly
the door of my cell opened everybody disappeared. I opened my eyes and
saw three boys standing in the doorway with gray prison uniforms on.
One of them started to strip off his uniform, showing his big plastic
After that exercise he came to me, �Hi I�m Nick, the first bloke to be
sentenced to wear diapers in the world. You must be the second one
according to your attire!� The boy looked cool. He was taller then me
but skinny. In the mean time the other boys started to undress to their
underpants and waited for the things to come. Then a guard came in,
with a big stack of nappies and plastic pants. The two boys in there
underpants took of there pants and lay down on the nappies the man laid
down on the floor. In no time they were in the same attire as we all.
Then Nick�s diaper was checked, obviously it was dry because the men
turned to me and checked the state of my baby pants. No flooding here,
so he left our cell. The key made the irritating rasping sound, we were
locked in again.
The other boys introduced themselves as Ron and Walt. Walt explained
why they were in nappies too. �We were sentenced to wet the bed every
night from now on till we die!� �Will they check on you to wear diapers
every night the rest of your lives?� I asked in disbelieve. Walt
laughed; �No they did an operation on us, so we have no night time
control anymore. We wet the bed, with or without diapers. They don�t
care if we will wear these at home or not. In jail we have to use them
as long as we are not at school.�
�Are there more boys in diapers in this prison, ore are we the only
ones?� I asked, looking at my cellmates. It seemed we were the only
boys punished in this cruel and unusual way.
The boys seemed quite cheerful, they made jokes and laughed a lot. I
found it a strange thing, laughter in prison. I staid serious the whole
time, but then came the inevitable: I had to go to the toilet, bad. The
pressure was immense, but I could not let it go in my pants. Nick saw
that I was in trouble and told me to let it go: �You have to do it
sooner or later,� he reasoned. �It�s impossible to wet my pants, I have
to use the toilet, or I burst.� A tear rolled over my cheeks.
Nick looked at Ron and Walt, with a devilish smile on his face. �We
have to help Carl, we can�t let him burst and destroy our nice home
away from home.� Without warning all three came to me and started
tickling me. This was not fair! I did not want to laugh, I want to be a
sad pathetic little man, not a laughing boy! But the tickle fight did
the trick. Without me noticing it I flooded my nappy. It hung heavy
between my legs. I was amazed they didn�t leak on me. With a last smile
from the tickle fight on my face I stood there. How long did I have to
wear the wet thing? How bad would it feel when the pee went cold and
stale? Would I get a nasty rash? Soon I was my old gloomy boy again and
sat down on a chair. The soggy diaper felt strange, wet, warm and
somehow save and secure. The boys had to do their homework and started
working. I, lay down on the bed and wondered if it would be fitted with
restrains too before I went to sleep. I hoped not.
Chapter 4: The First Night
After some time a hatch in the door was opened and four tin plates with
something that was called food was handed to us along with a cup with
water. Our meal looked like mashed potatoes and some indefinable kind
of too-long-cooked vegetables. The meat was a little bit black. We
started to eat in silence. I could see no one liked it, but it was all
there was, no dessert. After dinner a man came in our cell, carrying a
big pile of diapers and huge plastic pants. In no time we were dressed
in our nighttime diapers, this was something completely different then
the good-nite pants Peter was wearing for his bedwetting. (Nobody knows
this, so please don�t tell on me!) The nappies were twice as thick as
the daytime ones. The plastic pants bulged out, but the elastics were
tight and left red marks on your legs and belly. The man took a set of
restrains and started to fit them on my bed. In no time it was ready
and waiting for me. I was scared to death when seeing the leather
belts, one fore every arm and leg, one over my belly and one over my
The man left our cell and went on, fitting diapers on boys who were
real bedwetters.
After an hour we were told to go to bed. A big fat woman put the
restrains on us. It was impossible to move anything but your head. With
a sarcastic tone she told us nity nite and left. The rasping sound
still send chills over my spine. I think that was the most freighting
sound I ever heard in my life! It told me I was locked away like a
stray animal. A few minutes later the lights went down. For a few
moments it was dark in our cell. Then a red light came on and it stayed
on for the whole night.
That night was awful. There were people coming after me, they were
angry like hell. I was running, but my feet seemed to be stuck in the
mud. The crowd came closer and closer, armed with sticks and hayforks.
They all wanted to hurt me, and I could do nothing to stop them� I
begged them to spare me. I yelled for help but the people came closer
and closer. When they were at hearing distance I could here them all
whisper: �Thief , thief, thief�. Bathing in sweat I awoke. At first I
was a little des oriented, thinking I was at home in my bed. When I
tried to step out of it I noticed the restrains and it all came back to
me. I felt a pressure in my tummy, I knew what it was and what to do to
relieve it. So I tried hard to let go. It took some time and after that
my nappy felt wet and warm. I silently cried for some minutes. I felt
so alone, like nobody in the whole world loved me. Sobbing I was hugged
by Morpheus. Soon after that the hunting party was back. This time it
was dark, and everybody had a torch. Now I was in a hiding place, not
able to leave without showing myself to the angry people came closer
and closer. I tried to be silence. And then somebody yelled: �He�s
here, I found him!� A torch was waving in front of my eyes! And again
the terrible: �Thief, thief, thief!� echoed in my ears, making me
I woke up again, my bed was wet from the sweat. I couldn�t fell asleep
again. I could here the breathing of the other boys, and see the shapes
of Ron and Walt on the other bed, Nick was in the bunk above me. Again
I felt desperately alone and abandoned. Suddenly I felt homesick.
Wanted to talk to my parents, hug them. I even wanted to fight with my
brothers again, or play silly games. I realised that that would be
impossible for the next two month. I wondered if the other boys felt
the same. Or were these hardened criminals who didn�t care to be in
prison. Suddenly I thought that I did not know for what crimes my mates
were in for�
Chapter 5: The Weekend
As I was sentenced on Friday, there was no school for me on the first
whole day in prison. When my cellmates one by one left the sweet
embrace of their dreams, I wondered what we had to do in the weekends.
No school or homework, that was sure. During breakfast, some watery
porridge, I asked the two questions in my mind:
�What did you guys do to end up here?� The boys looked shocked, Nick
said, between clenched teeth: �We�re not allowed to talk about that, so
don�t ask.� �OK then what are we going to do during the weekend, are
there special activities for us, or do we sit all day in our cells?�
Now all three started talking, how the weekend was the worst part of
being here. And when boredom was an art form, all prisoners were real
artists in the weekends. But the worst thing was that the four of us
were made to wear our diapers all day, without any pants. And how we
were supposed to get washed, aired and fed with all the other inmates.
�This is by far the most terrible part of the week and of the
punishment we get here, the taunting is unbelievable. Everybody treats
us as the lowest animal of them all. Nobody is ever nice to us�, Walt,
the youngest of the three, who still was almost two years ahead of me,
told me. �When you are right, we have to stick together and fight them
when they try to do some of those things,� suddenly I felt like a
soldier before the big battle. Nick looked sad: �We can�t fight in
here, they send us in solitary, and believe me, you won�t want to end
up there!� �If one of those punks ever make fun of one of us I�ll break
their noses and take the punishment as a man.�
Then the cell door was opened and we had to stand in front of our
cells. Then the names of the inmates were called: �Andy� A boy of about
fifteen stepped forward and yelled: �Present, Dry Sir.� This went on
until: �Nick�, Nick stepped forward and shouted: �Present, Wet Sir� All
the other boys started laughing. When my name was called I made my move
and yelled: �Present, Wetting and proud of it Sir� It went dead silent,
some boys smiled but you could hear a pin drop. The jailer looked at
me, was he smiling too? In total there were eight boys wet, most of
them were dressed like us, one boy was dressed in a very wet pyjama, he
looked nervous. �They will give him a nappy and plastic pants at night
until he goes home,� Nick whispered in my ear. We were all escorted to
the showers. The dry boys undressed themselves and stepped under the
warm water. The wet boys were undressed by the guard and could then
rinse themselves. After a few minutes the water stopped and we took a
towel. On a big table there was a big stack of daytime nappies and
plastic pants waiting for us. One of the dry boys whispered in my ear:
�Now you become the baby again you really are, don�t you? That whore of
a mother of you would love to leave you here forever, don�t you think?�
The boy, he was at least fourteen, slipped and fell to the floor. His
nose bleeding. Some said that his nose was bleeding because it hit the
stone floor. I knew it wasn�t, some of his blood was on my fist and it
hurt a bit. The guard came to us and asked what happened. Before I
could explain anything a strange boy stepped forwards and said: �Leo
tripped over his towel and that new boy tried to catch him. By doing
that he accidentally hit his nose. The jailer was not sure the story
was true, but all the boys started nodding their head. With fire in his
eyes Leo looked at me, his mouth formed silently the words: �I kill
you.� I think I made a friend the first day in prison.
We were sent to a large room and had to sit on long benches, in front
of some tables. We had to put clothes pegs on a piece of carton. Two
full strips of them were placed in a plastic bag and sealed. We weren�t
allowed to speak, the guards walked around and told us to work harder.
Every now and then someone whispered �Baby� or �Are you wet yet?� and
don�t forget:� Shall I change your nappy? You must be wet so long after
your change!� Nobody dared to say it out loud, afraid one of the guards
could hear him. By the end of the morning my hands hurt. Half an hour
before lunch we had to sniff in some fresh air. All we could do was
walking in circles, no talking, or touching. Between every inmate there
was at least 50 centimetres of space. Somehow Leo came closer to me and
tried to trip me over. What a stupid boy he is! This time my fist hit
him in the eye, before he tripped. He said nothing and the guard was
looking in the wrong direction, so nobody got hurt, except Leo. When
the guard saw Leo�s eye he asked what happened, and Leo Told him how he
walked into the door to the yard. One point for Leo, he was no
After the walk, we went back to the big room, where the tables were
made ready for lunch. Some brown bread with some stinking cheese on it.
I wasn�t that hungry so after one piece of bread I stopped. I just took
the watery milk, oh how I missed the nice white bread, and all the good
meat and marmalade we had at home. In a room with about fifty boys I
felt alone and homesick. I looked around, nobody was smiling, and
everyone was hurt in some way. It was during the meal I felt the first
pressure from my bowels. I knew what was coming and I hated it. I had
to mess my pants and soon! I lifted by rear side a little and pushed. I
expected some struggle for this, but it came out easy. So came the
stench. After lunch our nappies were changed. Some �dry boys were
pointing at me and sniggered. How I wished I could hit them in the
face, but I was there, standing in the line to be freed of my stinky
pants. The guard on diaper duty made �funny� faces when he removed my
dirty diaper. He didn�t liked what he found down there. It took him
some time to remove all the mess, He said loudly what a baby I was for
messing my pants. Some more boys laughed. I could do nothing about it,
lying on the changing table with my plastic pants around my ankles.
The afternoon was the same as the morning, dinner was in the big room
again. Again I was not that hungry so I ate just a little from the
substance they called food in here. After it the nappy gang, as they
called us, where pinned in their thick night time diapers and plastic
pants, the bedwetters were treated in the same way, even the boy that
wetted that night for the first time. I could see tears in his eyes,
some �Dry� boys sniggered when they saw us.
After being restrained I was awaited by the angry crowd. I wandered,
would they visit me every night? Would they haunt me until I die? Was I
not punished enough by putting me in jail with nappies on, for so long?
Why did they do that to me?
The Sunday was a carbon copy of the Saturday, working eating and
walking, no talking except for the usual taunting from some boys, no
smiling, no fun. Punishment as it should be�
After we were secured in our beds Nick reminded me that we had to go to
school tomorrow. It was an ordinary school outside the prison, normal
kids from the village were attending it, too. I was afraid, would they
treat me just like the �dry� boys in prison, would they make fun of me?
I was the youngest in prison, and should be the only prison boy in my
grade. No mates to support me, not even a �dry� boy.
With those gloomy thoughts I felt into my haunted sleep.
Chapter 6: I Don�t Like Mondays
Monday morning came. This time we had to dress ourselves in the gray
prison uniform they handed us after our nappy change. It was just like
in the army, they knew only two sizes, too big and too small! Only for
me there was just too big. The pants were baggy and I had to roll up
the legs of the pants and the shoulders of the shirt came almost to my
elbows. I had to wrap the sleeves several times before my hands were
Breakfast was served inside our cells. Again I didn�t like the taste of
the bread and cheese, so I took just one sandwich and drank the cup of
water. After the meal we gathered outside our cells. The guard came
with hand and ankle cuffs. When everyone had their new bracelets on we
had to walk to the yard. The only thing you could hear was the rankling
of the chains around our legs. In the yard stood a bus with bars for
the windows. Inside were plastic chairs with straps on it. They tied us
to the chairs, immobilizing us in a secure way. Nobody could move or
hurt another.
The bus drove to a big school, where the older boys were dropped of. A
special team of guards awaited the boys and escorted them inside the
building. Only five boys were driven to the primary school in silence.
Not long after that the bus stopped and we had to leave. A man, he was
about twenty years of age, escorted me to my classroom. In the first
row stood a table with a long chain attached to it. It was the only
table that was securely attached to the floor. I took the chair and the
guard fastened the chain to my restraints. I could walk in the class,
to the board, but no further. The guard took place in the back of the
After about ten minutes the other kids came in and sat down. There was
a lot of whispering and giggling. Nobody talked to me. I was a complete
outcast. In my own school I was well respected by my classmates, and
nobody ever ignored me. But at least nobody was teasing me! Then the
Teacher came in. She looked me a moment in the face and then clapped in
her hands and told the class to be silent. �I think you all have seen
Carl by now, the boy I told you about. Remember: No teasing or
bullying!� She looked a dark haired boy straight in the eyes, �remember
Anyone who gives Carl a hard time because he is in diapers find him or
her self in the same garment before you can say baby! Is that
understood?� The class said: �Yes Miss Green�. We started with math,
I�m good in that. Fractions are so easy! The teacher asked who could
explain what fractions are. So I raised my hand and when I was granted
the right to speak I stood up and walked to the front of the class. My
chain wrinkled hard, I said: �Miss, a fraction is just a part of a
whole. When you take an apple, and divide it in two you have two
fractions of the one apple, you put the one on top and the two under
the line and you see to fractions of one apple. When you divide the
apple in four you have a fourth of the apple�� Miss Green stood there,
totally flabbergasted. Never had a boy of my age explained the
fractions this well. The class looked in a strange way at me, was that
the hardened criminal they were told would visit their class for two
month? There was one little problem, I had to go badly. So I watered my
nappy as I grown accustomed to in the weekend. It�s strange how fast I
learned to wet my pants, considering the hard work it was the first
The bell chimed after the last kid in class had understood the
fractions. Happy laughing, they went outside for morning recess. The
long chain made it impossible to follow my new classmates, so I sat
gloomy in my chair, abandoned and alone. It seemed the ankle cuffs were
much tighter around my legs then it was that morning.
The guard in the back of the class came to me. Without a word he took
down my pants and poked his finger in one of the leg holes of my
plastic pants. He took down my baby pants and unpinned my thick diaper.
With a wipe he cleaned my diaper area and a fresh nappy was pinned on.
It felt snug and dry, after the wet one, I had on since breakfast. The
morning recess took forever and when the class filled up with the other
kids I was there, sitting alone, nobody to talk to, not a kid in the
world wants to play with a criminal like me!
The morning ended and the folks in my class left for lunch and some
play outside. My nappy was changed again and I had to eat the prison
bread with cheese alone in my class. Eating alone is so dammed sad,
dinner at home was always cheerful, everybody talking about the day and
there was always a lot of laughter.
Just before the afternoon recess I had to go number two, I tried hard
to keep it in but to no avail. With a loud fart I filled the back of my
pants and a horrible smell entered the room. The kid next to me raised
his ad and said: �Miss Green Carl messed his diaper I think, he is
smelly.� The class started to giggle. Miss Green looked stern and the
giggling stopped. I hoped I would be swallowed by a giant hole in the
ground, but wasn�t that lucky. During recess the smelly diaper was
swapped for a fresh one, again there was nothing for me to do for some
time. Bored as I was I started to read the history book, from what we
had just learnt about the Romans. Quiet a nasty bunch of people, taking
over every known country in their world. And the lions and gladiator
fights in the Arena. But I believe nobody was as bored then as I am
That day I felt alone, but not as bad as in prison. The kids were not
allowed to talk to me and I could not play with them, but in the class
I was able to do things a boy of ten is supposed to do, learning,
fooling around and giving the teacher a hard time. The restraints were
terrible but better then the locked cell in where I soon should be. We
got homework that first day, more fractions and some history lesson we
had to learn.
The bus took us back to the prison. In our cell we had to take of our
uniform and stay in the thick nappies we had on. Walt and Ron were
dressed in the same attire and my nappy had to be changed too. After
our homework we talked about school. I told them how I felt about being
alone in the class during recess and lunch. Nick told me that that was
much better then Physical Exercise, �It�s the only time you are out of
prison, without restraints. But the only thing you have on is your
nappy and plastic pant. It�s the only time your classmates can tease
you for wearing this garment. I wish I could stay out of PE�� I told
Nick how nice the teacher and kids in my class are and how I suspect
them not to hurt me during PE.
Chapter 7: Physical Exercise
The next day came after the usual haunted night and bus ride. The first
part of the morning went normal. Lessons in math and science. But after
morning recess we had PE. The kids were excited, a whole hour not
sitting in the benches, just fooling around in the gym. The guard came
and unlocked the chain. With my hand and ankle cuffs still in place I
had to walk with my classmates. When we entered the changing room my
restraints were taken away and I was able to undress myself. For the
first time outside the prison I was a normal boy, except for my diapers
that is. I took off my clothes, and while the others put on their sport
pants I had to stand in my big crinkly plastic pants. The boys started
to giggle and pointing at me. Now the teacher was gone I was all alone
and vulnerable. A big bully came to me and looked me in the eyes. �Is
baby wet? Did he wee wee in his pans?� The class laughed at my expense.
But when Henry felt crying to the floor his hands around his privates,
the laughing stopped. A small boy called for the teacher and told her
that I deliberately kicked Henry in the nuts. For a moment I thought I
saw a little smile on her face, but that changed in a second. �There is
no kicking, pushing, hitting or anything in my class!� Miss Green rose
above me: �What was going on Carl? Did you kick Henry?� I was a bad
liar and knew it, so I told the truth and how Henry was making fun of
my nappies and plastic pants. �That was something we could expect Henry
to do. You however had only to report this behaviour to me, and Henry
should have got the punishment he deserved, now you punished him, and a
boy can�t be punished twice for the same crime. I have to report this
to the warden.�
I entered the gym and felt the thick nappies around my loins. It was
weird, running around in just my baby garment, but it was great, just
being a ten year old boy again! I knew this could not take forever but
I liked it so far.
The PE lesson was partly fun. We played tag, it was a little weird, how
I was tagged on the plastic pants by most of the kids when they got the
change to. During PE some boys whispered some nasty things in my ears,
as I am no snitch I said through clenched teeth: � Look at Henry and
you know what happen to you in the near future.� The boys went pale
after hearing this thread. No one teased me again after that.
After returning in jail that afternoon I told my cellmates about the
thing I did that day with Henry. The boys went pale and Walt stuttered:
�That�s bad, oh boy that�s really bad. They put you in solitary for
that, Oh yes they do!� After that our cell was opened and our nappies
were checked. The guard put extra thick nappies on me and held a
strange kind of jacked for me. I had to put my arms in the sleeves and
the closed it with straps on my back. One strap went through my legs
and held the straitjacket in place. My arms were tied against my body.
There was no way I could take the garment of. Then they took me away to
a special cell. The walls had a thick soft fitting so I could not hurt
myself. There was no bed or chair, just the thick madding everywhere.
It was dark in solitary and hardly any sound came in. That night I was
spoon-fed my dinner. My nappy was wet and I had to sleep in it. The
nightmare I had that night was terrible. The hunting party for me came
to me and they tried to molest me. The words: �thief, thief, thief�
echoed in my head. That morning my diaper was very wet and heavy. I was
fed again in solitary. After that they let me shower and of to school I
I spent three days in solitary, without a single person in jail ever
talked to me. When I was sent back on Friday to my cell the boys made a
warm welcome for me. They had to know how it was and how I survived. I
told them how horrible it was, especially the nights. But I also told
them that it was worth every unpleasant minute, I earned some respect
in my class, after they learned about my punishment.
Henry was the only boy that didn�t stop bullying me. Every time he got
the change he called me a pants wetting baby, or e asked me in a
babyish way if I needed my diapers changed. One day, we had PE again he
started for the zillionth time about my diapers and how a baby I was.
That time I looked him straight in the eyes and asked him if he could
repeat what he said, because I couldn�t hear him. Loudly he proclaimed
I was a pants wetting little baby and I should be in Pre School and not
in his class. He wasn�t that lucky this time, Miss Green just entered
the room and overheard our conversation. She grabbed Henry by his ear
and took him away. The big bully was suddenly a little kid screaming
that he didn�t meant it that way, and that he should not do it again,
but Miss Green did not listen to him. We heard a loud �NO, NO, PLEASE
NO DIAPERS! I WON�T DO IT AGAIN!� After a few minutes Henry came in in
exactly the same attire I had on. He had tears in his eyes. The class
was laughing, especially when he asked permission to use the bathroom.
Miss Green looked him in the eyes and asked: �What are you wearing
Henry? You�re wearing your bathroom! Now go and use it!� Henry was
shocked, being in diapers was one thing, using them in front of the
class, knowing what was going to happen a totally different. I felt a
little sorry for him but he had asked for it! The rest of the day he
was in diapers and changed three times. He never gave me any trouble
In my cell again the laughed hard when they heard the story. Then Walt
told us that he was leaving the jail next Wednesday, he had done his
time. We all went sad in a heartbeat. That meant we got a new inmate
soon. Walt looked sad to, but I knew he was very happy. I would be very
happy when I could leave, but I had a full month to go.
Then it occurred to me and I asked Nick: �When is your last day?� His
face turned pale and with a trembling voice he said we had to do our
homework. Ron softly told me that Nick will be in here for the full two
years, no going home for him soon. Ron would leave in the same week as
I. At first I felt very sorry for Nick, but then I wondered why Nick
wasn�t going home after the two month. Why did he choose to stay in
this horrible place?
After dinner I asked him. A tear came out his left eye, he sighted and
then he told me: � My mom is a drug addict, working as a prostitute,
one day the customer made her pregnant and so she was saddled with me.
It was hard for her to get the money to buy her drugs and food for me.
So I learnt quickly to go my own way, taking food out of garbage cans
and stealing from the shops. So when they gave me the opportunity to
choose my one destiny mom told me, I should go for the jail option,
because she wouldn�t change my diaper anymore, she had her share when I
was little. So going home was no option, when they find out I change my
own diapers I would go to prison and again for the full two years. No
then I would stay here for the two years and then go to a place to
I thought a lot about the options I had. Would my parents want me back,
after what I did to them? Would my mom want to diaper me and change me
when necessary? Or would I be back in prison for the full two years?
Chapter 8: Visit Time
The week ended and the boring weekend approached. This time it would be
different, my parents were allowed to visit me. I was very nervous
about that visit, after that what Nick told my I was anxious what my
parents would say about the rest of my punishment. I know I had another
month in the big house left, but I had to ask as this was the only time
I could talk to my parents during my stay in here.
That Saturday I was quickly irritated. Nick said that I had no reason
to think I had to stay in prison for the full two years, I had a nice
father and mother. I got mad at him, he even did not know my parents,
so how could he say such foolish things about them? I knew he was
right, but my nerves were that tense that no one could say something
good. The visitors were supposed to arrive at ten, so I had about two
and a half hour after breakfast in the workshop, putting cloth pins
together. My hands trembled in such a way that I was to slow for the
guard. He told me to go faster and I got mad. Fortunately a boy tipped
a box with the metal parts of the pins on the floor and the guard had
to take care about it, otherwise I was in solitary for the weekend,
with no visit!
At last it was ten o�clock. The boys whose parents came to visit were
taken to a special room with a long row of tables. Every boy was told
to sit on a table. In the middle was a white line, we were not allowed
to cross that line or to touch our parents.
I was very nervous. This was the first time I saw them after I was send
to prison. I could see my parents were as nervous as I was. The first
minutes went a lot like staring at each other and saying hello and
asking how it is. After that I had to tell how it was in prison. So I
told them about my cell mates, school, the restraints in bed and about
solitary. I asked mom how Peter and John were. I was told that they
missed me a lot and couldn�t wait till I came back. Then mom asked,
with a tremble in her voice: �Want you to come home after the two
month, or do you want to stay here for the full two years?� �Can I come
home mom, please, I�ll be good I promise, no more steeling or bullying
from me, please let me come home.� I started crying and a guard had to
remind my mom that touching was prohibited.
After visiting hour I felt better then ever before in prison. Nobody
could hurt me. I was going home in a little less then a month! Nick,
Walt and Ron saw for the first time a full-hearted smile on my face
when I came back for lunch. Nick just nodded with an �I told you so�
That Wednesday morning we had to say goodbye to Walt. We had to go to
school, he would leave prison at ten, when his parents came to collect
him. That morning was sad, we all were silent till the big moment came.
We had to leave to school and let Walt wait for his parents to take him
home, away from us. We hugged him and told him to behave. Many tears
fell on the floor that morning�
I couldn�t concentrate at school, when I couldn�t answer the third
question that morning, Miss Green asked what was wrong. I told her that
my cellmate left that day, to go home. I started crying. �Hey big
fellow, don�t cry, you should be glad your friend is going home.
Wouldn�t you be glad when you can go home?� Miss Green laid her hand on
my shoulder while telling me this. It was the first time she touched
me, it was great at last a caring adult!
When we came back from school a new boy was sitting on Walt�s bed. He
was about 13 years of age. He was in diapers and plastic pants. I was
sure his pants were wet at that particular moment. It was a little
sagging. I could see he cried a lot. We all introduced ourselves to
Marten, who made the diaper trio complete. Like Nick, his parents
didn�t want him back anymore, so he had to stay here for the full 2
years. When he told us this he started to cry again. �They will not
visit me and I have to look for a place to stay when I come free.�
I felt sorry for Marten. I knew how nervous I was just Saturday before
I learned Mom and Dad wanted me back. The next day when we were made
ready for school Leo started calling Marten names. He must have thought
that, he could vandalize my new friend and staying out of any trouble.
What a mistake to make! Before Marten was even aware what happened Leo
was lying on the ground and I sat on him hitting his face until it
looked more like raw meat then a human�s face. The guard came and put
me in the straightjacket and took me to the warden. He guard explained
how I, without a reason, hit Leo. He forgot the fact that Leo started
the fight by bullying Marten. When you think the warden wanted to hear
my part of the story you are wrong. That horrible man sentenced me to
four full days in solitary, no school, no exercise time, no cellmates
no nothing.
The guard took me to the padded cell and left me there, in the
straitjacket on the floor. After a few hours, I wetted and messed my
diapers and waited for the change that never came. They left me in that
same garment all day. Just after dinner, that was spoon fed to me, they
changed me in super thick night diapers. I could hardly sleep that
night. The hunting party was there again, now with Leo, calling me a
murderer. I awoke yelling but nobody could hear me. With a sore throat
I lay there for hours. When you are in a cell without any light you
lose the sense of day and night. Restrained, as I was unable to do
anything every hour seemed like a week. They left me in the same diaper
for the whole day, I assumed that a day took from dinner to dinner,
there was no lunch and a small breakfast (a dry slice of bread and two
big glasses of water). All meals where fed to me, my special coat never
came off.
My diaper area started to itch after the first day and became sore at
the second day. They gave me no cream for diaper rash and so it became
very painful down there.
That Monday they took me in the morning out of solitary. The light hurt
my eyes and the shower felt as if they where sticking thousands of
needles in around and in my private parts. At last they gave me some
ointment for the rash. It cooled the fire in my pants a little. It hurt
like hell when I used my muscles, as I was unable to use them the last
few days.
The kids in the bus looked different to me, I was one of the few who
had been so long in solitary. You could hear them whisper: �that�s the
boy who send Leo to the hospital. Look how small he is, can you imagine
he against Leo? Be careful don�t make him angry, he could kill you in a
In class nothing changed, nobody talked to me and nobody seemed curious
why I was absent the last days. My whole body and sole did hurt and it
was hard to move. My teacher let me sit in my chair to ease my pain.
Chapter 9: Going Home
The last weeks in prison went quite uneventful. Leo came out the
sickbay two day�s before I was released. He suffered from a severe
brain concussion. When I met him again he looked afraid, as if I would
hurt him without a reason. �Hey, at least you know now you have a
brain, the only thing you must do now is use it.� I whispered in his
ear when he passed me in the shower. I saw a small smile on his face�
Ron and I would leave prison on the same Friday. The festive morning
came. Totally unexpected I found it hard to leave my two buddies in
prison, knowing they both had to go for the full two years in that
dreadful place. We hugged and said that we would meet again. They left
for school, not knowing whom to expect when they came back�
Ron and I stayed in the cell when the two boys left for school. The two
hours until our release took forever. We were both in thick diapers and
plastic pants, no other clothes. At last it was ten o�clock and the
cell was opened. The guard took us to the warden�s office. Our parents
sat in the chairs in front of the desk. When we entered they stood up
and hugged us. The warden looked us in the eyes and said some words
about staying out of trouble and that he hoped not to see us again.
Then he told us our parents could give us our own clothes so we could
change and go home.
Mom gave me a plastic bag with jogging pants, a T-shirt some socks and
shoes. Ron had some underpants. The guard took his diaper off. For me,
I was expected to keep my diaper on and so I started to get dressed. In
no time we were ready to go home. The baggy pants I had on could not
disguise the thick undergarments that were under it. The warden told
Ron that he could go home with his parents. For me he had some
�surprises�. Out his drawer he took a black plastic device and placed
it around my ankle. He told that they could find me where on earth I
was. He showed me a small pass and told me that when someone showed me
that pass, I should drop my pants and show the man my plastic pants. He
was allowed to check the condition of my garment. He warned me that if
that man found me without my nappy and plastic pants I was send back to
prison for two full years from that moment on. �And remember you are
not allowed to change your own diapers, your mom or dad can do that, or
your brother or sister. But don�t let our men find you changing your
own diapers, you know what will happen then��
We got three big boxes with diapers and plastic pants. Mom, Dad and I
each carried one box to our car. As we were driving home nothing was
said. Mom kept on looking over her shoulders to me, in the back of the
car. I started to get nervous. How would my brothers react when I got
home? Especially Peter, I�ve teased him a lot about his bedwetting and
that the �pyjama pants� he was wearing were really diapers. Now I had
to wear and use real thick diapers and plastic pants. Oh the
The drive home took about an hour and at last we entered the familiar
street. Dad parked the car about hundred meters away from our front
door. I had to walk in full view to our home. It felt as if behind
every window someone stood staring at me. In fact nobody looked�
Peter and John were still at school when I came home. So the house was
silent my plastic pants seemed to scream loudly by every step I set in
he house. When I was in the room I started crying. �I don�t deserve to
be here, I was bad, I belong in prison� Mom tried to calm me down and
told that kids sometime do bad things but when they learn from it, it
was not that bad! I wished I could believe her but for now I was
certain that I was going to burn in hell for the rest of the eternity.
Dad left for his work leaving mom and me alone at home. It didn�t take
me long to wet my nappy near to its saturation point. It felt heavy and
moist. I hated the dreadful feeling, only a messy one was worse. I was
very ashamed that I, a boy ten years of age, had to ask my mom to
change me out of my wet diapers, but doing it myself was no option! So
I went to the kitchen and informed my mom, who was preparing lunch for
us, about the state of my pants. She poked her finger in my plastic
pants and examined the state of the cloth underneath it. She nodded her
head and took me upstairs to my room. There, next to my bed was a
changing table, big enough for me. I laid down on the plastic covered
pad and tried not to look in the eyes of my mother, still ashamed of
all the bad things I did that ended in this strange punishment.
Mom took my pants of followed by the plastic one. One by one she
removed the pins. With a strange flob the wet diaper went into the
diaper pail. Then she whipped me clean with a wet baby wipe and took a
thick dry nappy and folded it expertly. I raised my bum and lowered it
on the garment. In no time I was in a nice and clean nappy. I put my
jogging pants back on and headed for lunch.
Chapter 10: Nightmares
The lunch was the best I had for the last two months. Prison food is
worse then food in hospitals or the army! I complimented mom for her
excellent pancakes and did justice to her cooking. I felt satisfied,
something in prison never occurred. Mom looked during the whole meal
with a smile at me, she hardly ate a thing. I think she was happy to
have me back home with her. After dinner she put me in bed for a nap. I
went angry at her, I was ten! I didn�t need a nap! But in bed I felt
how tiered I was and was hugged by Morpheus in no time. But while
asleep the gang started to stalk me again. Again they called me thief
and murderer and came after me. One of them grabbed me and shook me.
�Carl, Carl, wakeup you got a nightmare!� Mom was trying to console me.
�Hey baby, you screamed like the whole world was coming after you!� I
lay there crying in the arms of my mother. Can you believe it? I, the
though man who gave fourteen year old Leo a broken nose and a new face
in prison was crying in his mothers arms over a bad dream?
Not long after that, Peter and John came home, excited over the fact
the weekend started for them. When they entered the house mom told them
to be quiet, for I was still sleeping. She told them that I had quite a
hard time in prison and needed the extra rest I was getting now. Soon
after that I awoke in a nasty wet nappy and came downstairs to ask her
to change me. As it was a warm summer day I was only wearing my diapers
and plastic pants. When I saw John and Peter sitting in the room,
watching some cartoons on the telly, my heart missed a beat and I
wished I were swallowed by mother earth on the spot. Unfortunately for
me I wasn�t that lucky and my brothers looked at me. Peter stood up
first and ran to me. He hugged me and told me he missed me. He was
talking as if it was the most normal thing to do for him, talking to
his ten year old brother in diapers and plastic pants.
John was the second one to welcome me home. I sat down on the couch in
my very wet diapers and started to cry. I was sure I didn�t deserve
such welcome. Mom came running in and asked what John and Peter did to
make me cry. They both said that they didn�t understand it. They were
welcoming me home with a hug and I started crying for no reason at all.
Mom looked at me and I nodded my head yes. Between sobs I told her that
I found them to nice to me, the bad boy I am�
Mom hugged me, telling that I was not a bad boy, that I was punished
for the crime I did and that I would be a good boy from now on. After
that she checked my pants and took me to my room for a change.
John and Peter didn�t ask a thing about my time in prison and they
never laughed about my new underwear. But that was soon to change I
thought, I felt my bowel preparing to remove the leftovers from the
lunch I ate that afternoon. A little push was enough to fill my nappy
with a fresh smelly substance. I was very ashamed about what I did and
before I could do or say a thing John made a strange face and asked who
was it that farted that bad. When Peter told him he smelled it too and
it wasn�t from him, they looked at me and saw my red face with a tear
rolling over my cheek. �Oh my boy, did you mess your diaper?� John
asked. In shame I nodded my head and cried. John yelled: �Mom we have a
stinker in here, can you please change him, the smell is unbearable.�
Mom told John to mind his one business otherwise he could experience
the same punishment I was undergoing!
John apologised to me and said he would be more considerate in the
future. I whispered in his ear: �I do smell like rotten fish when I
dirtied myself don�t you think?� John and I started to laugh
uncontrollably. Mom took me to my room shaking her head nobody will
ever understand boys!
I could see mom didn�t like the smell as well when she removed my dirty
diaper. But she said nothing about it. She wetted a washcloth with some
warm water and started cleaning me up. It was a great feeling to be
back in a clean nappy, not as great as it would be to be back in normal
underpants, but I had to wait for that a couple of years�
Dinner was great, my mom is a good cook. After dinner and some TV time
we were send to bed. Dad followed me upstairs. In the bathroom he took
of m sodden diaper and let me shower. While I was washing myself he
went to my room and laid a night time diaper ready with a clean plastic
pant. With a towel around me I entered my room. With a loud sigh I took
of the towel and laid myself down on the diaper. I was a little
embarrassed to show my father my naked body, strange I didn�t have that
problem with my mom this afternoon�
Dad was good in diapering me and in no time I was ready for bed. As
every night I went down to wish my mom and brother good night. Peter
looked at me and smiled, now his Drynites seemed less embarrassing. He
just wished me good night and said nothing else, probably afraid of the
punishment mom would give him�
The night was worse then I suspected. The gang was there again and they
keep yelling at me and were trying to steel everything from me. I
started yelling I was sorry and wouldn�t do it again. Leo stood there
in front of me and sneered: �I�m sure you won�t do it again, because I
will kill you before you get the change!� I begged him not to kill me,
I yelled to the other people to help me, I wanted to live, �please help
Mom was there again to help me, I was very sweaty and my nappy was wet.
Hey I didn�t woke up too wet, as I did every night since I was in
diapers. That meant, Oh no! That meant I wet the bed! I was like Peter
now, what was more to come? I cried while mom was hugging me and
telling that every thing was all right. It took more then an hour to
calm me down. I can�t say the first night at home was great, although I
was not in restraints I felt more locked up then in jail!
After a long night I woke up in soaked diapers, it was a good thing dad
put me in those horrible thick diapers, otherwise they would have
leaked all over me! Dad was on diaper duty that morning. He expertly
changed me in clean diapers. I put my jogging pants back on and went
downstairs for breakfast. Peter was already downstairs He didn�t change
into daytime clothes and I saw a piece of his goodnite pants sticking
out his pyjama. This was not normal for him, he never came down in his
After a wonderful breakfast mom told me that I needed new pants for
over my diapers. She thought it was not possible for me to wear jogging
pants for the two coming years� I was not sure I wanted to go in a
store, where I could meet one of my classmates. But I knew I had
nothing to say in this so of we went. Mom parked her car in front of
the mall. Walking in the mall a strange man showed me a little pass.
The last time I saw that pass was in prison when the warden showed me
it and told what I had to do when someone showed it to me. I checked
the picture, and dropped reluctantly my pants. You could here a pin
drop in the mall. A few boy giggled and I could here some kid shouting:
�Mom, look that big boy is wearing diapers! What a wimp!� The men
checked my diaper and told me I could put my pants back on. He said me
goodbye and left. I was embarrassed to the bone. I hated that dreadful
Mom got me some nice pants, not too dorky. OK they were BIG around my
bum but they looked not bad. I knew everybody could see I had diapers
under them, but that was to be expected. When mom fitted the pants on
me, she noticed the wetness of my nappy and she told me to come with
her to the toilets. Oh, how embarrassing! She took me in the ladies�
room and started to take my pants of. And laid me on one of the
changing tables in there. Just when she took my plastic pants off,
exposing a very wet diaper, a lady came in with her three-year-old son.
She started to undress the little boy. When she lifted him on the table
she saw me and told my mother she hoped her son was out of diapers
before he reached my age. Oh where is that deep pit in the earth when
you need it to vanish in? Mom told the lady to mind her own business.
She quickly changed me in dry diapers and we left the mall. I was in a
foul mood. Two big embarrassing moments in one morning were too much
for me. At home mom put me in bed for a nap. This time I didn�t
complain and felt asleep in a heartbeat.
Unfortunately it was not the rest I wished. I was back in prison. The
warden stood in front of me and smiled. �I told you, you should be back
soon!� �Oh, what a beautiful day to hang you.� I was shocked, he would
hang me? Why? The warden called for the hangman. A big guy came in,
when I looked up I saw Leo, laughing! �I told you, you were dead! Now
it�s my turn to laugh!� He took me by the arm and walked out the
warden�s office into the yard. A gallows was erected in the middle. Leo
pushed me up the stairs. On the scaffold I started to get in panic and
kicked and yelled that I didn�t want to die! But Leo didn�t listen. He
put the nose around my neck and laughed loudly. Then he opened the
trapdoor and I felt. With a loud bang I hit the floor. I had fallen out
of my bed, still yelling.
Mom came in and asked if I had a bad dream. I explained it all to her
and started to cry. �Can�t you stop them? I want to sleep! Is there no
medicine against bad dreams?� That afternoon mom called our
paediatrician and asked what she could do. She told mom that only time
could heal that kind of wounds. I didn�t like what she told me.
That night I didn�t want to go asleep, afraid for the dreams I would
get. I staid awake for a long time, but in the end Morpheus won the
battle. And again there was a terrible dream. The dreams were far worse
then the diapers. I hoped that the dreams would vanish at home, but
they got worse every night.
That Monday mom took me to the doctor to talk about my dreams. She
listened to my story and told again that it would heal in time. I told
her that I was afraid to go to sleep, just for the bad dreams. I also
told her that the dreams made me wet the bet. But she thought it was to
be expected that I started wetting when I was using my diapers for so
long. I didn�t like what she told, I thought that when the dreams went
away, the wetting should stop. At the end she sent me to a �head
doctor� as she called it, I knew it was just a shrink!
The shrink was a nice man. First he told me that he would not tell
anybody what I told him, not even mom and dad! He listened carefully
and explained to me it was my conscience that gave me the bad dreams.
�Can you take that conscience thing a way for me please?� I asked him.
He smiled and told me that it was a good thing I had those terrible
dreams, it meant that I was ashamed of what I did and wanted to be a
good boy. �When you didn�t have those dreams I would be much more
worried than I�m now.� He continued. I didn�t believe him, how could
those dreams be a good thing? He had to take that stupid conscience
thing away, so I could sleep better. But the shrink let me talk about
everything I did, how I started my crime career, how it was in prison.
When I told him I almost killed Leo he looked shocked. �Why did you
hurt that boy so badly? Did he hurt you?� I told him about Marten and
how Leo teased him about his wet diapers. The doc smiled and said: �So
you took a very hard punishment, only to help a friend?� I said: �Yes
wouldn�t you do the same for a friend in trouble?� The head doctor
smiled and told me he would do the same, but a lot of so called �good�
boys wouldn�t think about it. I was in shock, you always should help a
person in trouble, mom is always saying that. The shrink told me to go
home and think positive about myself, he said I was a good boy and he
wanted to talk to me next week, to hear how things were going. I liked
that idea, someone to talk to a person who would not tell those things
to my parents or teachers. I felt relieved.
At home mom didn�t asked what I told the doctor and put me in bed for
my nap I went to bed without objection, a ten year old taking a nap,
can you believe it? The shrink didn�t do a good job, as soon I was
asleep the dreams came back! The hunting party and me as the terrified
fox. Oh how I wish I could sleep for one night without those dreams.
After dinner that night I was put in those awfully thick diapers and
went to sleep early. The dreams exhausted me. Do I have to tell you
what I dreamed that night? Your right! Not a single night of dreamless
Chapter 11: To School Again
Mom told me the next morning that I had to go to school again. She
prepared a big bag with clean diapers and plastic pants and some dry
pants, for when my diaper leaked. I never had a leaky diaper since I
restarted to wear them two months ago. So that remark scared the heck
out of me. When my nappies leaked, everybody not only could see that I
was wearing diapers, but they noticed that I was using them too! I was
afraid of the class taunting me over my wet pants! But things would get
worse in class, but I could not imagine how much�
Dad drove us to school, so he could speak to my teacher and the nurse.
When we arrived at school Peter and John started playing with their
friends and dad and I went to the nurse where dad explained my
punishment. The nurse looked at me and told that she hated criminals
who bullied small children and the fact I went to prison for it made
things not any better. �In prison they learn the real trade, mark my
words: that boy came out worse then he went in.� Dad and I were shocked
by this. I started to cry and wet my pants, dad looked very angry and
told the nurse I was a good boy who did some wrong, but was punished
hard for it. The only thing he asked her was to change my diapers, not
to judge over me. The nurse told dad that she had the honor to console
the little kids I bullied over in the past, not to forget the bloody
noses I gave some boys then.
Together we left the nurses office, I was still wet, but I thought the
thick diaper could hold it for some time. My teacher, Mister Peterson
was much nicer. He welcomed me back and wished I learned my lesson by
now and would be a good boy from now on. I told him I would do my best.
He showed me the table next to the door and whispered that I could
leave class as soon as I needed to see the nurse. He is a nice teacher
Mister Peterson, he is! He also introduced me to the class with the
following speech:
�Good morning class! You all remember Carl, who did some very nasty
things in the past. He was punished hard for it and have to wear
diapers for two years. I know he is very sorry for being a bad boy and
I hope you can forgive him like I forgave him and all of you after
doing something stupid. When I finds someone making fun over Carl�s new
clothes I will be not so forgiving and you will be very sorry!� After
that I told the class I was sorry for what I did and hoped they could
forgive me and wanted to be friends again.
That morning, during math a strange man knocked on the door and showed
me a small pass. Tears ran over my cheeks when I stood up and dropped
my pants. The class was in a shock. Some boys started to laugh, but the
stern looks of Mister Peterson were enough to silence them. After
checking on me he told me loudly I had to see the nurse for a diaper
change. Oh how I hated that man!
In a few minutes it was lunchtime and I visited the nurse�s office. Six
boys were sitting on the bench waiting for the nurse to help them. They
were from group one and two, the small kids. When she came in she
wasn�t nice and yelled at us: �Why do you still have your pants on?
Drop them immediately, how many times do I have to tell you that? The
older boys started to take of their pants but two small boys cried that
they couldn�t take of their pants themselves. So I started to help
them. They were in Pampers and I noticed they were very wet. When I was
done with the last boy the nurse came back and start yelling at me.
�Why on earth are you the only boy with his pants on? I knew you were a
trouble maker, they should have left you rotting in jail!� The younger
of the two boys said, with a cry in his voice: �He helped us to take
our pants off.� The nurse looked puzzled, how could a bad boy like me,
do such a nice thing? Was it possible that she was wrong? But NO! How
could she even think of that, all the members of the diaper gang, as
she like to call the little boys who did not managed to keep their
pants dry, where lazy boys and that Carl guy was just one of them, only
different. She didn�t become a nurse because she liked to change
diapers, she wanted to find a nice doctor to marry! I dropped my pants
showing the gang my plastic pants.
When it was my turn to be changed the nurse made rude remarks, how she
never saw a ten-year-old in diapers, and what baby I was for wetting my
pants. She also reminded me of my criminal past and how I deserved to
be punished like this. I didn�t like that woman, but had to live with
her for the next two years�
When I left the nurses office the little boys came to me to thank me
for helping them in there. The nurse was never nice to them and she
always told them what a losers they were, wetting their pants day and
night. I walked them to the cafeteria and chose a table where my old
friends were sitting. Arthur and his twin brother Will told me that
their parents forbid them to play with criminals from prison and they
turned away to another table. Winston, my best friend looked nervous,
not knowing what to say, so I asked him if he was allowed to speak to
me. He said his parents told him he should help me as much as he could.
Christ did help bad people, so we all had to do that. Winston came from
a very religious family who took their Christianity very serious, you
had to help your fellow men even when they went bad. Maybe you could
make them into real good Christians after all! Yeh, like that was ever
going to happen! Can you imagine, me a real Christian? But Win was nice
to me and we had lunch together, without a word about my past. I could
see him glancing at my pants and after lunch he walked behind me and
carefully touching my pants. Was he curious about my diapers?
The rest of the day went quiet uneventful. I was changed once more at
the afternoon recess. When entering the office I started helping the
young once out of their pants before taking of my pants. Just before
the nurse entered the office we all were in our baby pants, as Nurse
Ann called them. I could see she was angry because she had no reason to
shout at us. When it was my turn to be changed she started yelling at
me: �Why are you helping those stupid young boys? They just are lazy
and like to be in diapers! You should not help them! They should help
them selves. When I see you helping them again I will blister your bud
so you will not be able to sit in the two years you are wearing those
stupid diapers! As a foretaste she slapped my bare bud hard one time.
It hurt, but I didn�t want to give her the satisfaction she made me
cry, so I hold my breath and said nothing. Was I learning to be humble?
When I came home I told mom everything, about the man who checked my
diaper in front of the class, about how nice Mister Peterson was and
what a nasty old witch nurse Ann was. Mom went pale when I told her
about the nurse. Tomorrow I go to speak with the headmaster, this can�t
go on! That woman is a disgrace for all the nurses in the world.
I hoped mom would forget about that in the morning, I didn�t want to
make the nurse mad! Think of the things she could do when we were alone
in her office!
Chapter 12: A Very Bad Dream
After doing my homework I went to bed early that night. I was
exhausted. Mom put the thick nighttime nappies on me. I didn�t care how
thick and warm they were, I just wanted to go to sleep. I was so tired�
The next day I walked in the mall looking for cool stuff when a strange
person took my shoulder. As he showed me a police identity card I
dropped my pants. The whole mall was looking at me and laughing about
my baby pants.
The man commanded me to put my pants back on. �You�re not getting away
with this that easy,� he said, retrieving a lot of money from my
pocket. I really did not know how it came there. �I didn�t put it
there�, I told the cop. Of course he did not believe me, the little
punk I was. I cried when I was thrown in a police car and send to the
judge. He was sitting behind his table, asked the policeman what I did.
There I heard the whole story. A boy had robbed the local bank and
killed a costumer on the spot, just to intimidate de man behind the
bulletproof glass. He left with a great sum of money, some of what was
found on me. So I had to be in the robbery too!
I looked at the judge, he placed a black cap on his head and sentenced
me to die. I would be hanged the next morning. I was send to jail to
spend my last night. There I could not sleep. The next morning they
brought me to school. In the gym they erected a scaffold. All the kids
from school had to look when they finished my life. I had to wait in a
small room where our teacher changed before class. In came the nurse
with a dry nappy. She looked very cross. �I had to give all the school
drynite pants to prevent them from flooding the gym when they do this
to you.� She ripped my clothes of me. Took away my, now very wet
diaper, I wasn�t changed since I left home yesterday and my diaper was
leaking heavily. She made rude comments, about how right she was
telling me I was a punk and how I deserved to hang. She even hoped it
would hurt like hell and that she would laugh when they took my life.
The hangman came and secured my hands behind my back and took me to the
gym. I could see all the kids in just their drynite pants and some of
those pants were not dry anymore! When I entered the room the diaper
gang stood there by the door. The youngest of them asked who would help
him by the diaper change. I felt really bad letting down my little
friend. All the spectators started to whisper: �Murderer� when I walked
to the gallows. I started to kick end yell: �I�m not a murderer! I
didn�t rob that bank! I�m innocent! Please help me!�
The hangman didn�t listen, and pushed me up the stairs to the waiting
nose! I started to yell harder. The hangman took me by the shoulders
and placed me on the trapdoor and restrained my legs with a strap. When
he tried to place the nose around my neck I started to try to get away
by jumping up and down. The angry man took me by the shoulders and
shouted that I should stop waking the dead with my yelling.
Suddenly I was back in my bedroom. Mom and dad were holding me and
tried to calm me down. I told them crying what I dreamed. My nappy was
soaking wet, so was my bed, from the sweat. Mom hugged me and said that
we should go to the shrink the next day, so I could tell him about the
bad dream. I didn�t sleep anymore that night and I was sick and tired
the next morning.
After breakfast dad took me to the shrink, after hearing about my dream
he made time to see me on his free morning, he really was a nice man.
He listened to me hen I was reliving my bad dream. I started crying
again when I told him how the nurse would laugh and how the kids called
me murderer. He just listened and when I was ready, sobbing like an
infant he started asking me questions about specific details. Then he
asked about the nurse. I told him how she made fun about the diaper
gang and how mom would tell on her by the headmaster. I feared that
that could give me trouble when she had to change my diaper, she could
accidentally stick me with the needle, or something like that. I start
crying again: �Please don�t tell on her, she make my life miserable I
The shrink looked me in the eyes: �You�re in big trouble son, I think
we have to see each other a little more. I will see you every day after
school, so I can help you better.� In a strange way it felt good that
the man would talk with me every day. I don�t know why but it felt like
a ton felt from my shoulders. I said that I was afraid going back to
school. �They make fun behind my back about my diapers, my friends
don�t want to see me, expect Wilson, but he has to, his God told him
The shrink looked at me and asked: �And what about the diaper gang you
told about in your dream, they are real boys aren�t they? They like you
and they will miss you when you don�t go to school anymore. And Wilson
not only listening to his God but to his heart, too, he is a decent boy
I think from what you tell. He is not letting you down. He could avoid
you and stick with your old friends.
We talked some more about school. I asked how I could win back my old
friends. The shrink told me just to be nice to the little boys in the
diaper gang, helping them and trying to be good to my old friends and
showing them that the old Carl stayed in prison and the new one was a
nice guy.
Chapter 13: The Nurse Again
I felt relieved when I left the office and headed home with dad. I was
send to school directly. So I would not miss too much. The class
snickered when I gave the teacher a letter from dad telling why I was
late for class. Mister Peterson whispered that my shirt stuck out of my
pants, showing my plastic pants. Quickly I adjusted my clothes. When I
took my place Henry, a big dummy behind me whispered: �Nice underpants
are you wearing.� And then, in a tone people use when talking to a
baby: �Is our little baby wet? Shall I change you in front of the
class, like that men did yesterday?� I clenched my teeth and looked at
my table, not noticing Mr. Peterson, who suddenly appeared just behind
Henry. �So Henri, you want to experience the feeling of thick nappies
and plastic pants?� He said those words in a soft voice, but so that
everybody could hear him. Henri went beet red and started telling he
was sorry. He came away with some 50 lines to write: �I may not tease
my classmates who are punished.� When the teacher was in front of the
class Henri whispered, so only I could hear him: �I�ll meet you outside
during recess and you will pay for this.�
At recess I went to the nurse and helped the young boys with their
pants. I didn�t want to let them down for that lame excuse for a nurse
Ann was. I didn�t care what she would do to me, these boys needed my
help and I would do so. When the nurse came in and saw what I did, she
called me in first. I knew I was in trouble. As soon as she closed the
door of the treatment room she took of my plastic pants and diapers,
cleaned me and laid me, tummy down, on the table. She took a belt and
started to blister my butt. I bit my tongue just to keep me from
crying. By every stroke she gave me she yelled: �I knew you would be a
trouble maker�, whack, �I told you not to help the lazy ones out
there�, whack, �you will enjoy this treatment every time I change your
baby pants!�, whack. It seemed like an hour, every time a sneer and
then a painful smack on my bare but. After more then twenty smack the
door of the treatment room opened with a loud bang and Mister Peterson
came in. His face was red and a vein was swollen on his head. �What do
you think your� doing! Spanking is forbidden by law! If you hurt that
poor boy one more time I will hurt you! Go to the headmaster and wait
there for me.� Without a word the nurse left the room and Mr. Peterson
started to comfort me. As soon as the nurse was left I broke down and
started to cry. �How long will this punishment take, why can�t I be a
normal boy again? Why do I deserve this, are those diapers not enough
punishment?� The teacher hugged me and tried to calm me down. After
that he diapered me, with tender hands, just as if it was just normal
to change the nappies of a ten-year-old. After changing the rest of the
diaper gang he sent them outside to play and took me to the
headmaster�s office.
Te nurse was sitting there. As soon as we were in Mr. Peterson told the
headmaster how Raymond, a little boy in just a very wet diaper came to
him telling how the nurse gave Carl a spanking.� �He deserved that
spanking for not obeying me. He is just a little punk, they should hang
him instead of this easy punishment!� The headmaster, Mister Bergman,
stood up and looked at the nurse. He almost whispered when e said: �I�m
getting all kind of complaints about the way you tread the incontinent
boys we placed under your care. Every time you have some lame excuse,
when Marc�s mom told us you were yelling at her son for wetting his
pants, you told us that is was for his one good, he would stop wetting
when he was embarrassed enough. But you didn�t tell us you knew he was
in diapers after a terrible accident that totally destroyed the boys
bladder. And Raymond, who is in a deep depression after the death of
his father had to get strong, so you had to yell at him every change.
Do I have to go on, or is this enough?� The nurse told him she got the
�But spanking a boy with a belt, just because he helped his friends is
the last drop. I not only will dismiss you, I will notify the police
and the union of school nurses. You will never work at a school again,
and maybe you go to jail, I would not mind!�
Nurse didn�t say a word but stood up and left the room. The headmaster
looked at me and asked if I wanted to go home. I said I didn�t want to.
So I went back to the class. Mister Peterson told the class that he
thought I was a hero for helping friends even when I knew that it meant
that I would be punished for it. The class was dead silent. During his
speech I saw a tear in the eyes of Wilson and Arthur and Will looked a
little embarrassed, did they abandoned a hero? How could they?
During lunch Mister Peterson changed the diapers of the diaper gang. He
had a kind word to everyone and praised me for helping him to get the
little boys ready. �They really like you, you know, that�s why Raymond
came to me. He was in tears when he told me that the nurse was beating
you only for helping him.� Suddenly I realized I didn�t know the names
of the boys in the diaper gang. I made a mental note to get to know
them better. When I came out the treatment room one of the little boys,
whose diaper was changed just before me was standing there. I kneeled
beside him and helped him with is trousers. �Thanks for getting that
witch of a nurse away.� I told him it was the boy who went for Mister
Peterson, he was my hero. The boys broke open in a great smile. �That
was me, I could not accept you was punished for being nice. So I went
away for help.� I hugged him and thanked him for saving my life. �So
you must be Raymond, I�m Carl. You�re my hero from now on!� The little
boy grew 10 inches. �And you�re my hero since you helped us with our
pants yesterday, knowing you get in trouble and still you helped us,
why?� I told him that my mom told me that we are here to help each
other. We walked to the cafeteria together. I walked to Winston, with
Ray just behind me. We said down. I introduced Ray. Winston smiled at
me and said: �I knew you were decent. I just knew it. I had to convince
my parents that I had to stay your friend, because you are a good boy.
Mom and dad didn�t want me to play with you anymore. But I just asked
God to help me to show you are the great boy I know! And look he showed
us all! Hi Ray, hope you will be my friend too!� Winston gave his
speech in just 10 seconds smiling all the time. I felt great, not only
for his trust in me, but also for taking Ray as a friend too, he must
have known he was a diaper boy. For the first time in my life I knew I
had a real friend. I thanked him for believing in me.
That night I was put in my nighttime diapers and I went to bed. I was
afraid for the dreams I would have when I felt asleep. But I was very
tired and met Morpheus in just a few minutes. As soon as I was asleep I
was chased by the angry mob again. Shouting about me being a thief and
asking for a real punishment, but somehow I was not impressed, maybe
because a small boy was yelling: �He�s my friend, leave him alone!� An
other boy, I could not see him, but recognized his voice shouted: �I
believe in him, leave him alone!� I awoke, bathing in sweat. Suddenly I
felt afraid, not for the mob that was chasing me in my dream, but for
loosing my new little friend.
The next morning I felt a lot better then ever. Oh yes the dream was
still bad, but somehow I knew the worst was over now. I had to face my,
much deserved, punishment as a man. I had to wear those stupid nappies
for quite some time, but in the end I should be free of them and Ray
and the others could be in them for the rest of their lives.
Chapter 14: A New Way of Life
That morning during recess the teacher of group one changed us. She was
a young woman with nice blond hear and a lovely smile. I started to
help the younger ones with their pants. She came in and thanked me for
helping her. Oh boy, those breasts and that lovely long hair, and her
red lips. Yeh, this is love, and I�m deep in it!
I talked to the other boys in the diaper gang and asked their names. It
was a little strange, the little boys in their Pampers and I, the big
guy in his cloth diapers and plastic pants. Richard, the oldest of the
young boys looked at my bulging pants and asked how they felt. �They
are thick and soft, and the elastics of the plastic pants cut a little
in your flesh. And the heat is trapped in those pants, so it can be
very hot in there especially during warm days, or when you�re
exercising. And when the nappies are wet they feel all sticky and bad�
�You are punished by a judge, that�s why you have to wear them, isn�t
it?� The question wasn�t rude, he was just a young boy asking without
thinking. I nodded my head. �Yes I was a naughty boy, acting like a
baby, so now I have to wear diapers like one.� Now I was the one that
was not thinking. The diaper gang looked at me. �We�re wearing diapers,
and we�re no baby�s� Steven told me. I apologized for not thinking, but
it were the judges his one words.
That afternoon we had PE. In the changing room I took off my clothes.
For the first time everybody saw me in nothing but my plastic pants and
the GPS device around my ankle. Quickly I put on my gym shorts and
headed for the gym. The short didn�t manage to cover my big plastic
pants and so when you missed the big bulge in my pants then the rest
was the unmissable proof of my juvenile attire. For some reason nobody
teased me for so noticeable being in diapers. And the lesson was quite
fun. I don�t know for sure, but it felt as if more boys then in the
passed bumped in to me and hit my behind. But I didn�t care. It was fun
to play as a real kid� During the lesson that dreadful inspector came
and wanted to see my plastic pants. The lesson stopped for a moment as
the whole class looked how the diapers were checked and the man stated
that I was a big boy for keeping my diapers dry. I thanked him
sarcastically for the compliment as the class laughed as if that man
told a joke! Oh if looks could kill�
After school I went to the shrink and told him everything. How the
nurse got fired, how the diaper gang saw me as their hero and how
Mister Peterson informed the class about the big thing I�d done. I was
changed from an outlaw to a hero and it felt great. I also told him
about my dream and how it changed. He smiled at me and said: I told you
that you were a good boy, but would you listen? No. Oh what am I a
loser as a kid, six years of age succeed were I so miserably failed?�
The shrink was only joking and he was laughing the hardest about his
It took the shrink several weeks to make the dreams go away and after
that he showed me for the last time the door. �So you�re finished here,
I hope I see you again, so you can tell me how things are going, but
you don�t need me now. Will you ever want to talk to me, please feel
free to come, I will always be here for you.
With a big smile on my face I left the shrink�s office. Outside I was
stopped by the diaper inspector. He made me take off my pants to show
him my punishment pants. It was a cold November day and I hoped it soon
was over. The shrink saw what the man did and came angry outside. �It
took me six weeks to heal the wounds you with this unusual and very
cruel punishment inflicted on that poor boy.� The man looked at the
shrink and said: �I�m just doing my job. I got my orders from the
highest authorities. It�s this, or back to jail for this boy!� I stood
there, shaking. �Oh no don�t let them take me back to jail, I show him
my diapers as often he wants to see them, please no more jail!� I
pleaded. The shrink stroked my hair and said: �nobody is taking you
back to jail, you�re a good boy, don�t you forget it!� I calmed a bit.
But that night the horrible dreams of prison were back. And I awoke the
whole family with my cries. Oh, how long could I take this?
That afternoon I was back by the head doctor. I could see he was very
sorry bringing me back in to trouble. He apologized ten times to me.
And then he said: �I was wrong yesterday, but this shows you�re not
ready to go out all alone. We will see each other once a week, and you
can tell me how things are going. I hope you will forgive me��
I forgave him: �It�s not your fault, that man is doing his job. And I
have to take my punishment like a man, that�s what you told me. That
horrible man is part of the punishment, so I have to accept him.�
The shrink listened and said again I was a good boy!
I had my bad dreams every other night from there, but the become more
and more easy to accept and around Christmas I had more good nights
then bad ones. I got another �gift� with Christmas. During the holidays
I noticed that I was totally unable to control my wetting during the
day. I wetted during the night for quite some time then.
Christmas was a lot of fun. Mom got me a new dress suit. It was
incredible, it make me look like a little man. The pants were specially
made to fit over the diapers. We visit our grand parents during the
holidays. As every year the whole family met, my uncles and aunts, me
nephews, and nieces. The kids usually went upstairs to play on the
attic. There was a lot to do there. It was a big place, where you could
climb in the beams and there were a lot of toys and games. We had a lot
of fun together. During a game of chess with Frank, a sun of my dad�s
only brother who was six years older then me, I felt I had to go. So I
tried to fill my pants without someone noticing. But the smell betrayed
me. And Frank asked quietly if I needed a change. I blushed and nodded
my head. �Can we end this game first, I think I�m winning?� Frank
smiled and said �sure, but you will loose little nephew! I�m so much
better then you�� The smile on his face vanished when I put my knight
in such position that check-mate him! �You stinky devil! You ruined my
Christmas!� But the smile on his face told me a different story: he was
impressed! Can you imagine, a sixteen year old was impressed by a ten
year old in stinky diapers? �Go downstairs and ask for a change, or I
have to kill you for winning this game!� I left downstairs where mom
changed me. During Christmas dinner there was a ring at the door.
Grandpa opened the door and came back with a man I knew o so well! With
tears in my eyes I stood up and dropped my pants, showing that dreadful
person my plastic pants. He checked and left the house.� Everybody was
dead silent. I started crying uncontrollable. Mom and dad had a hard
time to calm me down. After dinner we left, I was still very sad.
Again I was haunted that night this time by thousands of inspectors,
all wanting to see my diapers while singing Christmas carols. I was
glad when morning came.
Chapter 15: The Accident
It was very cold after Christmas and the river was frozen. Everybody in
the neighborhood started ice-skating. The diapers made it a little hard
to go fast, but after I felt a couple times on my bud I realized how
convenient the thick padding was and I lost my fear of falling and
started to skate faster and faster. We had a lot of fun. We skated just
for fun and a few days before school started again we skated a tour. I
was the first of the ten year olds that crossed the finish line. That�s
where the gold medal in my room is coming from I was very proud, as it
was the first tour I skated in my life!
The school started a few days after New Year. The first day I didn�t
feel quite well. My stomach hurt a little and I had a headache. After
an hour into class I suddenly felt the urge to poop and, before
anything I felt the liquid stool came floating out. It totally filled
the back of my diapers. Before I could ask for a hall pass to get
changed the inspector entered the class. Seeing him I came in front of
the class and dropped my pants. Noticing the state of my pants he ask
me to bent over, he wanted to check my diaper. When I did I showed the
whole class the brown stains that appeared on the back of my plastic
pants. Some kids pointed at my pants and Henry started making fun about
the state of my diaper. �Oh look, what a loser, he pooped his pants! My
little brother of two even doesn�t crap in his pants. What a baby Carl
is!� I think Henry forgot what Mr. Peterson said before Christmas about
teasing me. When the inspector left he pointed at me and Henry end told
us to come along. We were send to the nurses office. First I was
changed in clean dry diapers. I apologized for making such a mess, but
he wouldn�t hear such a silly thing: �You can�t helping getting sick
and filling your diapers. When I was cleaned up it�s was Henry�s turn.
In no time he was in a thick school diaper (a kind of super Pamper) and
one of mine plastic pants. With tears in his eyes he came to me. Not
wearing anything over his new underwear. �My pants won�t fit.� He said
when he saw me looking at his attire. The rest of the day everybody was
quiet. Nobody dared to snigger at the diapers and plastic pants. At
recess Henry had to be changed too. His diapers were quite wet. In the
end of the day the school phoned his parents who came to collect their
son. You could see how nervous Henry was when his mom came to take him
home. She was a red haired woman, but the color of her head was even
redder with shame and anger when she entered the class. �Henry, you
little monster, how could you making fun over that poor boy? You should
know better, the bedwetter you are!� Henry started to cry, nobody knew
he was a bedwetter, and now his mom told the whole class his secret. To
his relieve there was not a sole who dared to laugh, afraid of the
punishment they could get. But the biggest bully was now the biggest
outcast in the class. A bedwetter, ha!
The ice melted slowly when school started and soon it was dangerous to
go on it. After school I saw a few young kids who where daring each
other to go further and further on the ice. Before I could call them of
the dangerous place I heard a loud crack. One of the boys on the ice
disappeared. The other boys made it safely to the shore, but the
unlucky fellow didn�t came back. Without thinking I threw my jacket off
and ran on the ice to the hole. Even now, years later, I do not know
what went in me, but I jumped in the cold water and dove under the ice.
I saw where the little boy was and got hold of his jacket. I pulled him
to the hole in the ice in the air. While trying to get up on the ice I
noticed that the ice broke every time I tried. A man threw a rope to me
and hoisted me on dry land with the little boy. His body was limp and I
feared he was dead. The man started to help the boy with mouth to
mouth. I took my coat and went home.
Mom wasn�t very pleased when she saw my wet clothes, she took them of
and send me naked to the bathroom to take a warm bath. It was a strange
thing, I just saved a little boys life and mom was angry with me for
some lame wet clothes. In bath I cried. I heard the phone downstairs
and mom was talking. In the tub I could not follow the conversation. I
few moments later mom came in the bathroom. I could see tears in her
eyes. �Oh son, what a big mistake I made, I should have listened to
you!� She took me out the bath and hugged me. After that I saw her wet
clothes, from my wet naked body. �That was Mr. Peterson on the phone,
he told me that he saw you jumping in the hole in the ice to rescue the
little boy. But you have to tell me one thing, why did you went without
telling who you are. The father of the little boy you took out of the
water wants to thank you.� I told mom that I was cold and wet and that
nobody wanted to help me, the little criminal in diapers I am. Mom
started to cry again. �Carl read my lips: You are not a criminal, you
are a good boy!� I had to laugh, remembering the words one of the
former presidents of the US said. Explaining how he had no sexual
relations with a certain woman. I picked that up on History channel
when the told about the impeachment procedure Mr. Clinton had to go
That night the father of the little boy came to thank me in person. He
told his son had got quite a lot of water in his lungs and had to stay
in hospital, the doctors were afraid he might get pneumonia. The doctor
came too, wanting to check on me. It was the first time he saw me in
diapers and I was embarrassed to the bones. There was nothing wrong
with me, I didn�t need a doctor to tell me that, but mom and dad were
relieved I was all well.
The next day at school everybody wanted to hear what happened and I had
to tell my story a thousand times. From the outcast, a little criminal
in diapers I was the big hero. After lunch the national Television came
to interview me for the journal. While telling my story there was a
knock on the door and the inspector came in. In front of the cameras he
checked my diapers and went, without saying a word. The interviewer
asked what that was all about and I told the story of my life.
That night I watched the journal with my whole family, they made me the
first item. I saw how I was very relaxed when I told my story. Then the
inspector came in. I went pale, They showed the whole world the
inspection of my diapers. The voiceover told that the hero of the day
was punished for being not that a hero in the past. He asked the
audience if this was the way a civilized country should punish a boy of
ten. He even called the punishment cruel and unusual. There should be a
law against this kind of torture. They even said it was an outrage that
the inspector was so hard on me.
The next days there were all kinds of journalists who wanted to talk to
me. Even outside the school there were hundreds of them. At recess Mr.
Peterson was on diaper duty. The diaper gang were very proud, they knew
a national diaper hero! When it was my turn to be changed Mr. Peterson
asked what to do about the journalists. I told that I thought a press
conference would be best. They would come until the heard what they
want to hear. So the headmaster informed the press outside that after
lunch they were welcome in the gym and ask there questions, under the
circumstance that they will leave and come back at two o clock. When
just one journalist was seen outside the school before that they would
get nothing! The rest returned. I was very nervous during the rest of
the morning and couldn�t eat at lunch. Just before two I saw mom and
dad coming in the school. I jumped around my fathers shoulders and
hugged him. I welcomed my mother in the same way. �Why are you here?�
�We want to support you during this press conference and it is already
quite a while ago one of our sons was a real hero, can�t we enjoy a
little of your glory. I was very happy mom and dad sat beside me when
the circus started.
The press asked all kind of questions. Some about the rescue of the
little boy, but mostly about the punishment I got. How it was to be in
diapers at school I told them that I was not the only one and that the
boys who had to wear them for the rest of their life�s were the real
heroes, I was out of them in a year and a half, but they had to go on
wearing them and had to accept the taunts of their peers for ever on. I
told them how Raymond was getting help when the nurse was spanking me
for helping the little ones. And I told them how the other boys became
friends and how the school was looking for a nurse. And so on.
There was no school that afternoon. When the press was away we were all
send home. Mom and dad walked with me home. When entering our street
the inspector came up to me. I dropped my pants and looked him straight
in the eyes. I could see he was angry. He took a lot more time then
usual, checking my pants. �So you�re a hero now, but don�t think you
get away that easy. You made me look like some kind of hangman on
television. That was not nice.� �How could I be not nice? I said
nothing negative about you. You made yourself look very rude by
interrupting the interview. You could have wait for them to go away,
but no you took the opportunity to show the whole nation I was wearing
nappies. You were not nice.� The man was red with anger and said: �Yes
maybe I was not nice, and I will be your worst nightmare from now on, I
still have to check on you and I will check you a lot more and a lot
longer then before. There will be no hiding your baby pants anymore.�
SLAP! Dad gave the man a hard smack in the face. �My son is a hero now,
not only for saving the little boys life, but for helping thousands of
incontinent kids all over the country. Instead of giving him some more
space you wan to stalk him as much as that? You should be in jail for
that, you know!� �Oh no sir, you will be in jail soon for hitting an
civil servant while on duty. This will cost you sir, oh yes!� Suddenly
the day, that started so happy went into one big misery. The inspector
stalking me like an abandoned lover and dad sent to jail.
Out of nowhere a man with a microphone appeared and asked the inspector
what had happened. The poor man started to tell them how he was hit by
my father. The reporter was not impressed and told him he had the whole
conversation on tape and video. If He wanted to see it, he was
delighted to show it. The man told the reporter that he was not allowed
to film him without permission. The reporter replied that he was
willing to show the videotape in court to show the judge what was
happening this afternoon. �And it will be you in jail then, not me, you
for hurting a little boy!� The inspector was silent. �I will drop all
charges against you sir.� Were the last words we heard from him!
The judge asked me to come to court to talk about my punishment a few
weeks later. There I was in my �Christmas suit� in front of the nice
judge that gave me this terrible punishment. He sat behind his table
and looked at me with a big smile. �I told you, you are a good boy,
didn�t I? And look now, just a few months later you are the hero of the
country! I wish I could take you out of this terrible ordeal, but I
can�t. Only the queen can lower your sentence, and I sent her a letter
with that request, but she won�t answer that before summer. So I made
one change I can make: There will be no inspections in public anymore,
only at school and at home. It�s not much, but it is a start! Please
keep on doing the good work and I will stay proud!� The judge shook
hands with me and smiled. I don�t know why, but I was in seventh
heaven! That the judge was proud about me was a greater price then
winning the jackpot.
When I came home I was informed that the young boy I rescued was
released from hospital, he recovered from a bad pneumonia and some
allergic reaction from the penicillin he got. That after noon he came
to our house to thank me. �I was very foolish going on the ice that
afternoon. Thanks to you I�m still alive! How could I be such a fool?
Can you forgive me?� I told him a lot of people were able to forgive me
for doing foolish things, so it was easy for me to forgive him!� He
then told me he was having nightmares every night. He was under the ice
again and yelling for help, but nobody came� I give him the address of
my shrink and told him it was a nice man who liked to help stupid boys
like us. Mike was relieved he spoke to me and we became close friends.
Chapter 16: Peter�s Lesson
It was strange. Everybody looked different after the ice incident.
Suddenly I wasn�t the criminal boy in diapers, but the hero who saved a
little boy�s life. Everybody felt sorry for the nappies I had to wear.
Mom thought that a hero like me could use a new room. It should be the
proud room of a real almost eleven-year-old man. As the workers came in
to rebuild my room I had to sleep with Peter in his room. My old bed
was placed in his room and we had to sleep together for more then a
week. The first night I could not sleep, the strange room in the attic
had strange sounds, the creaking of the roof, the sound of the central
heating and so on. So I was still awake when Peter came to sleep. I
closed my eyes and pretended to sleep. Peter put on his Drynites end
entered his bed. �Are you sleeping, Carl?� he asked softly. I whispered
�How does those thick nappies feel? Are they soft, and what about when
they are wet?� In the darkness of his room he asked the questions he
wanted to ask ever since I was back from prison. I told him how I hated
the thick diapers and how sticky they were when I wetted them. And how
the plastic pants trapped the heat inside. Then I asked how he liked
his drynite pants. He told me that he hated the way they started to
leak every now and then. �I do want better night diapers. Your thick
cloth ones look very comfy and I think they will protect me better from
wetting my bed. You know, I really like to wear diapers you know. I
like the way they feel, the thickness between my legs, the security
they offer.� I could not believe what he told me that night. Can you
believe? Peter a teenager now (he just became thirteen before I left
prison) loved his nappies?
He then said to me: �Shall I learn you some great thing in your
nappies? I don�t know if it will work in those thick diapers and
plastic pants you�re wearing, but we can try. It�s really neat, but
don�t tell mom and dad.� I promised it would our little secret. I hoped
that the thing Peter would learn me would make the diaper wearing a bit
easier. He instructed me to lie on my tummy and put my hands in front
of my plastic pants. He made me then stroke my plastic pants and move
my abdomen in unity. At first it felt weird. My penis went bigger and
hard. I was a little afraid that it would break. But after some time it
felt great. That night I had my first orgasm. It didn�t make me love my
nappies like Peter, but it made wearing them a lot more convenient.
I told Peter he should tell mom how he hated the leaking diapers he had
on. �When she heard you want to try my diapers she maybe let you.�
The next morning Peter�s bed was wet, his Drynites had leaked big time!
Fortunately his rubber sheet protected the mattress. When mom came in
our room he informed her about the state of his bed and told her how he
hated to wake up in a wet bed. He asked if he could use one of my
nappies and plastic pants. Mom was not thrilled by the idea to put two
boys in diapers every night. Peter just reminded her that he could put
them on all by himself and he could change me when needed.
That night mom put us both in the same diapers and plastic pants. Peter
was really enjoying his diaper that evening. I overheard him while
enjoying his new night pants.
The days went by. My room was great, all new furniture, newly decorated
and the changing table was disguised as desk. I could work on it and
after that be changed on the same table.
Chapter 17: A Very Nice Vacation
The month went by. Nothing exciting happened. I went to school in my
nappies. I was teased every now and then. A new nurse came, she is a
nice lady, in her twenties and she knew how to handle the diaper gang.
At home Peter and I wear the same diapers at night. I think Peter is
using some of my nappies even during day time, but I�m not sure. Every
now and then I find an extra wet diaper in my diaper pail. I know he
likes them very much and is in search for an excuse to start wearing
them during the day. I think it can�t take long before he finds a good
It was mid May when Peter asked me what I would think if he was wearing
diapers during the day again. I said I had a long time to think it
over. The puzzled expression on his face made me laugh. Every now and
then I find an extra wet diaper for wash, do you really think I can�t
count? Some times I see the bulge from a diaper, I�m an expert in that
you know. So I will tell you how I feel about you wearing diaper all
day: �I do think mom and dad should bring you to a shrink for wanting
that. You must be completely crazy. But when that is what you want,
that is what you get! MOM!�
In no time our mother stood in my room. She looked a little worried,
thinking we were in a fight or something. When I told her that Peter
wanted diapers during the day too, she smiled. �At last you made up you
mind? Well then diapers it is.� Peter stood there with a face redder
then the Chinese flag! Mom folded one of my daytime diapers and spread
it out on my changing table. She took o Peters pants and boxer shorts.
In no time he was in a diaper and plastic pants. His face glowed with
excitement. Suddenly his smile disappeared: �what will dad say when he
sees me in this?� He asked wit a blush. �He already knows you want
this, he is your father you know!�
That night we went for dinner in a local Chinese restaurant. It was the
first time Peter showed his new underpants in public, but nobody we met
mentioned his new undies. I think Peter was a little disappointed about
I wondered if he would be happy if his friends at school find out he is
wearing diapers again. He might think it is fun now but how when he get
teased by his peers. Monday he will find out, won�t he?
That Monday Peter was nervous when we went to school. I knew exactly
why: How would his friends react when finding him in his nappies and
plastic pants. At recess I met him in the nurse�s office, In just his
plastic pants, waiting to be changed. I asked how it went and he smiled
a big smile. His friends found out and he told why he was wearing them,
the whole truth he told them, I praised him for that. His friends told
him that he did not changed by wearing a different kind of underwear.
It was strange, seeing my brother there, helping the young boys with
their pants.
That Friday the school ended for summer holydays. It was a beautiful
day, the sun was shining and all kids ran happy to their waiting
parents. I walked home with Peter after saying goodbye to Winston and
the diaper gang.
That Saturday we went to a camping in France. We started early in the
morning, the car was loaded with the stuff you need when going camping.
Peter and I sat in the backseat of the car making fun. We both were
dressed in our diapers and plastic pants, shorts and a T-shirt. Peter
looked very pleased with his outfit, I was whishing that the queen
would pardon me, and I could leave the diapered state forever.
After driving for more then three hours dad stopped at a parking side.
We left the car, I asked mom to change my wet nappy. Peter looked
sheepish when mom asked him if he needed a change too. He nodded, red
faced. Mom changed us like little kids, on a pick-nick table. I felt
very exposed in my wet nappy. Peter seemed very pleased with the
changing place, but he likes the diapers, I hate them! Fortunate for
me, nobody saw the diaper change at the early hour it was.
After about two hours driving I messed my nappy big time. A horrible
smell made Peter open the window and asking for a quick stop. I did not
know then that the smell was not only escaping from my pants, Peter had
used his pants in the same way I did. It was the first time he messed
his diapers! When mom changed us he looked very nervous for mom to find
out what he had done, but there was no way he could mask the state of
his nappies. Mom just looked tired when she found out what Peter had
done. �Two big pants messing babies to look after. Two sets of dirty
diapers to wash. Oh, just when I thought I was out of nappies and the
things�� Dad stood there and took our dirty diapers to the toilet
building and rinsed them. Nothing was said about the incident after
Late that afternoon we arrived at the camping side. Dad put up our
tent, while mom was finding a washing machine, so she could wash our
dirty diapers and plastic pants. The evening went by quick and soon
Peter and I where in our thick nighttime diapers and laying in a
sleeping bag. It didn�t take Morpheus long to find us�
The next morning we got up and in our pajamas we left the tent. The
bulging state of our pants was obvious. We went for the bathroom, where
Peter took off my very wet diaper and I entered a shower cabin. The
warm water woke me up when Peter was ready he yelled to me that I had
to come out so he could help me. A clean diaper was waiting for me on
the floor I laid down on the garment and in no time I was in my daily
attire, shorts, T-shirt, socks and shoes. The bulge was unmistakable;
the same goes on for my elder brother�
That morning we made friends with some nice kids on the camping. We
played hide and seek, soccer and tag. In between the games we talked.
Soon the question about the �special pants�, as they cold them, was
asked. Before I could say a word Peter told them about my punishment
and then that he liked them so much that he wanted to wear them. The
boys were flabbergasted but never teased us.
That afternoon we went swimming. The state had given some special swim
diapers for me and mom put them on me before I went to the swimming
pool with our new friends. There was no way to hide the purpose of
those pants and there was no way to fit swimming trunks over them. So I
went to the pool. Again nobody teased us, Peter used the same kind of
pants I did. In a way I was very pleased Peter was in diapers too. It
was just a lot harder for the kids in the pool to tease the two of us,
although we heard a lot of sniggering around us�
Chapter 18: A Letter from the Queen
After two weeks full of fun and outdoor activities we went home. The
trip was smooth and quick. Some diaper changes later we were home
again. Both Peter and I were sleeping when arriving home. Mom awoke us,
just to go to our bedrooms, so we could fall asleep again.
The first beam of sun hit my eyes and awoke me. Drowsy I went down to
find my mom reading the newspaper and dad browsing through the pile of
Against my tea cup stood a letter form the cabinet of her Majesty the
Queen with my name on it. With shaking hands I opened the official
looking letter. A nicely typed letter looked at me. With tears in my
eyes I started to read. Could this the end of my ordeal? Should our
beloved Queen pardon me? Would that nice lady understand I learned my
lesson? Mom and dad looked in horror when I shouted: �No, that bitch of
a so-called queen!� Crying I left the room. Mom took the letter and
followed me. While reading the letter out loud she tried to comfort me:
Dear Carl,
I�m very impressed by the heroic action you took that saved the little
boys live. I�m certain you have changed for the better. I�ve thought a
long time before making a decision.
I took in consideration that the judge that sentenced you had asked for
this pardon. It is very rare these letters come from a judge. Normally
I never consider to pardon anybody, but in your case I was willing to
investigate a lot harder before making my decision.
The most people my advisors spoke, were praising you for being a good
boy, accepting your punishment like a man and not teasing or stealing
anymore. Unfortunately some people spoke less nice of you. There was
the old lady you stole from, she is still was afraid for going out, and
your old school nurse old us you were a brad. Se even told us she quit
her position as a nurse because of you! She told us that she thought
that the mister �nice guy� you played was just a fa�ade to get a
shorter sentence.
I hope you understand that I have to inform you that I will not pardon
you. I hope you will learn your lesson and become a good boy.
With kind regards
Bla blab bla.
�I am a good boy, everybody told me so. Why can�t she understand? I�m
doing the best I can to help everybody, I accepted the punishment, I
let that awful man check my diapers in public and in class. Why do I
have those terrible diapers for a whole year longer? I thought the
queen was a nice understanding lady!� My pajama top was wet with tears
and my diaper was leaking a bit.
Mom took me in her arms and hugged me. �We�ll send her a letter and
telling what the nurse she talked to did to you and the other kids.
We�ll inform her that she did not left her position in the school but
that she was send away!�
These words and the hugging calmed me down a little. At that moment I
took a decision. �No mom, when the queen wants to listen to that woman
and not to the judge and the many people who are talking nice about me
I will accept this ordeal and go for another year in nappies. If Peter
likes them, I can wear them for just a year longer. But I want to go to
that lady that is still afraid of going out. I will bring her some
flowers and ask if I can help her. I was a jerk stealing from her, the
queen is right about that!�
I saw a tear in my mother�s eye when she hugged me again.
After changing in some dry diapers and my �Christmas� suit I took some
money out of my savings and bought the nicest bunch of flowers I could
find. Dad and I went to the home of the old lady. I asked dad to stay
in the car. I had stolen from her alone, this I had to do alone too.
The old lady was very surprised when she saw me wit that see of
flowers. I told her again that I was very sorry when I heard that she
was still afraid top leave her house. I asked her how I could help her.
I told her that I was willing to do her shopping for her or go with her
when that would help her.
The lady looked in a strange way at me. She started to smile. �Are you
trying to get a shorter sentence by doing this?� Suddenly I was afraid,
she wasn�t happy that I came, she thought I did it to get better from
it, so I told her: �No miss, I got a letter from the queen that told me
one of her servants had spoken with you and you told them that you were
still afraid to go alone on the street. I felt bad I did that to you,
so I wanted to make it good again. The queen told me she did not pardon
me, so I was very sad first, but then I realized that you must be
feeling so bad for something you did not do! I was very sorry for you,
and that made me come today, I already accepted that I will wear these
diapers and plastic pants for the rest of this year. This is what I
earned by steeling from you, and all the other things I did. I
understand My punishment did you no good, so That�s why I am here, but
when you don�t want to see me anymore, I�ll understand.�
The old lady cried a little, with trembling voice she said that she
accepted my apology and hoped I would come every Saturday to escort her
to the shops. I promised I would be there every Saturday at 10 o�clock.
We shook hands when I left her house. In very wet diapers I drove home�
After that day I visited the lady every week, we went shopping and
slowly we became friends. After a few month she wasn�t afraid anymore
and the visiting became more and more fun and less a task for me. I
think it is more fun to be the good guy then be the villain. The old
lady never said anything about my diapered state. And when my nappy
terribly leaked on me she helped changing me. I think she liked it a
lot, but she never told me so.
Chapter 19: The End of my Punishment
I turned 12 and a few months later the long awaited letter from the
judge came in. He invited me to his courthouse to take away the
dreadful GPS device from my ankle. That Friday I was very nervous and
excited, at last I was a free boy again! It did not mean I was out of
diapers that day, two years of wearing and using diapers did take its
toll. I was complete urine incontinence and for the other thing, well
lets say it this way, not every brown �present� was deliberate. I knew
I had to be re-potty trained again. But that didn�t spoil the beautiful
Mom, dad and I went to the courthouse. The nice judge was waiting in
his office, together with the man who had to check on me. For the last
time he showed me his pass, for the last time I had to drop my pants in
front of him. Satisfied with what he saw he left the room.
Then the judge started to talk.
�Well Carl, you�ve done your time and I�m very pleased to hear how
great boy you have become! I have to say I was very mad at our queen
for not giving you a pardon a year ago, But I have to say she was right
about it in the end!� I looked at the judge with a big question mark on
my face. He smiled and continued: �After the queen sent you the letter
you went to Miss Greenwater (the purse lady) and helped her ever since.
When the queen had pardoned you then, you would never helped that poor
lady! You know she wants to thank your for it!� At that moment the door
opened and Miss Greenwater came in and hugged me, thanking me for what
I did the last year.
After that the judge continued: �In the last two years you did some
great things for our community. I didn�t know what he was talking
about. For Miss Greenwater, yes I helped her after steeling her purse
and bringing her the misery I took her out. But the community? I did
nothing for them, as far as I knew. �Do you remember your television
appearance after becoming a hero? You helped a lot of incontinence kids
all over the country for showing wearing diapers does not mean being
stupid or not being heroic! You did a good thing there you know!�
�But talking about your heroic deeds, there is a young boy you met him
in a strange place and he you became good friends, but he is waiting to
thank you for meeting him.� The door opened with a loud bang and Mike
came in. It was a strange place I met him, under the ice! �Hey why are
you here? We met yesterday. You don�t have to thank me, you and your
parents did that a zillion times already!�
�What do you mean? Not being here on this great day with my buddy? No
son you�re not loosing me that easy!� With a big smile he hugged me and
after that his parents hugged me too. It was great.
After that came the boys from the diaper gang and thee was a lot of
laughter in the courthouse.
Suddenly the judge hammered loud on his desk and yelled: �Silence in
the court!� when everybody was quiet the judge started: �After this
informal part we have to do some formal things too! We have a little
boy here that we have to release from his ankle device. Or want you to
be followed by that inspector for the rest of your live?� The judge
smiled, showing a little key. I walked to the table and cleared my
ankle so the dreadful GPS device could be removed. My leg felt strange
light and naked without the band that was part of it for the last two
Everybody applauded and was whishing me well. After that the judge told
me again that he was very proud of me and that he knew I had learned a
lot in the last two years. He greeted me as a friend, not as a judge! I
left the courtroom as a free man, in a very wet diaper, I needed a
Chapter 20: The Epilogue
After leaving the courthouse we went home. It took me more then a year
to get rid of the diapers and plastic pants in day time. At night I�m
still wearing them, but I think I will be out them soon.
Peter is still in diapers and enjoying them big time. John never wore
diapers and showed no interest in them at all.
The end.