Part 1: My Life Changes Forever

	Sunlight washed down onto my crib from the nearby open 
window. the brightness caused me to blink, and I slowly 
rolled over onto my back to start waking up. As I rolled 
onto my back, the mess in the back of my diaper squished all 
over my butt, and I smiled at the pleasant feeling. 
Suddenly, the door burst open.
	My mother entered the room, still in her nightgown, her 
hair going in all directions.
	"So, how's my baby today?" she cooed.
	"Just fine."
	"Do you know why today's a special day?"
	"No Mommy, what's today?"
	"Today is your 8th birthday! We're having a party!"
	"Oh Boy!!"
	Mom then reached over, and unlocked the top of the 
crib. She stood me up and ran her hands down my pajamas.
	"Oh, I see we leaked a little last night," feeling the 
wet spot on my sleeper.
	"Yeah, too much soda I guess."
	"Well, we'll get you fixed right up."
	She took my over to the changing table and proceeded to 
strip off my powder blue sleeper. She then reached down and 
undid the tapes on my Pampers.
	"I see we're outgrowing our Pampers, I guess some 
birthday shopping is in order. Maybe that's why you leaked."
	Mom then wiped me up, and made sure I was all clean, 
then she took out shorts and a T-shirt. As she pulled the 
shirt over my head, she said:
	"I think, since today, as a special treat, you can pull 
the shorts on yourself." As she said this, she gave my 
diaper a nice little pat.
	I zipped the shorts up my legs and they made that neat 
zeet sound as they went over my diaper. We then left the 
house (after she put on my shoes) and as usual, there were 
our neighbors staring at me in my Little Slugger outfit with 
the telltale bulge.
	"Mary, let the kid grow up! How much longer do you 
expect him to be a baby?"
	"As long as I want thank you!"
	"Well, someone's going to do something about it if 
you're not careful!"
	With that, mom buckled me into my carseat, and we took 
off. Our first stop was the doctor's. I didn't want to go 
here! No sir! As Mom started pulling me out of my seat, I 
cried and hung on, but eventually, she prevailed and pulled 
me into the office. She signed us in and we were quickly 
ushered into the exam room. With expert ease, the nurse 
turned me on my stomach and untaped my diaper to take my 
temperature. This I never liked at all! But mom always 
insisted we do it this way. Finally, Dr. Jones came in and 
took it out. He made some notes and said:
	"Hello Mary, What does young Mikey need today?"
	"Well, Pampers don't fit him anymore as you can see, I 
was wondering where I could buy larger diapers."
	"No problem, here's the address of a medical supply 
store. They carry diapers for preteens and teens that are 
just as good as Pampers."
	"Thank you," and with that, she taped me back up, and 
we were on our way.
	At the store, the guy measured my waist, and then gave 
Mom several packages of diapers. The bags certainly looked 
poofier than usual, filled as they were with brand new 
oversized diapers. We drove home, and Mom carried me in the 
door along with the groceries. As she opened the door, I 
looked at my neighbors, who had this satisfied glint in 
their eyes. Mom then changed me into one of my new diapers.
	"There, isn't that better?" she said as she taped me 
	She put me down on the floor without putting any pants 
on me, as I needed time to get used to the extra bulk.
	"They'll be better once the contents settle and it 
better molds itself to you," she said.
	About 8 o'clock, she changed me out of my wet, poopy 
diaper, and put me in my sleeper. As she lay me in my crib 
she said:
	"I'll always love you sweetheart, and you'll always be 
my baby.
	"Goodnight" she whispered as she quietly locked the top 
and left the room.
	I lay back, satisfied, my diaper crinkling softly, and 
drifted off to sleep.
	In the middle of the night, I awoke to a SLAM! and red 
and blue lights flashing in my window. The shouts of 
"Police!" and "Child Services!" filled the air. I huddled 
underneath my blanket as I felt myself wet my diaper in pure 
fear! As several men and women came into my room, I passed 

Part 2: A New Home

	I woke up slowly. As I slowly opened my eyes I could 
see the shadows of sunset on the walls of the room, but it 
was not my room! I sat up in the crib, but it wasn't my 
crib! Frantically I looked around, and realized I was in a 
hospital. It was then that a nurse entered my room.
	"Ah we're awake I see, great because the doctor wants 
to see you."
	"Oh, he just want's to check some things."
	She then changed my diaper and wiped my dirty butt 
quickly and efficiently with none of the careful, special 
attention that Mom showed. As I had never been changed by 
anyone else, I felt a little self conscious about all of 
this. When she had finished, she lifted me into the wheel 
chair she had brought, and pushed me down the hall to an 
examining room. Once there, she lifted me onto an examining 
table and told me to wait. Soon enough, the doctor came in.
	"Hello Mikey, how are you?"
	I didn't answer him, but looked at him.
	"C'mon, I'm not such a bad guy, I just need to check 
you over."
	Begrudgingly, I let him perform a basic physical, and 
when he finished:
	"Now, I'm going to untape your diaper, and I want you 
to pee in it for me, do you think you can do that? And when 
I say now, I want you to try to stop OK?"
	I started to pee, and when he yelled "STOP!" I tried to 
stop it. I'd never tried to do that before. Finally the 
stream stopped. He asked me if I could go anymore, and upon 
checking, realized that I couldn't.
	"Hmmmm, I just have one more thing to check and we'll 
be all done."
	He then pulled on a rubber glove and stuck it up my 
butt! I was too surprised to object, and I tried to tighten 
when he said to, but that's a pretty hard thing to do! When 
he was all done, he put a fresh diaper on me and led me into 
his office. Inside, there were several men in suits.
	"Well Lieutenant, physically he's fine, but as I 
suspected, he's totally incontinent. His mother obviously 
never let him grow up past 2 years of age."
	"Damn, that really limits the charges we can file. I'll 
get back to you when we find a foster home for him. I guess 
till then keep him in the hospital"
	"All right, we'll take care of him till then."
	The Nurse came and wheeled me into my room, and for the 
first time, I saw the other 2 occupants of my room, still 
fast asleep. As the nurse lifted me into my crib, a red 
curly-haired boy woke up and rubbed his eyes. He started 
making these grunting noises and the nurse went over and 
pulled back the covers to reveal a big white diaper! She 
changed it and then tucked him back in.
	"In case you're wondering, Mikey, this is where all the 
children waiting for foster parents, and in need of care 
stay. I think what you need to do is take a nice long nap, 
and when you wake up, we'll have some nice people for you to 
	She then filled a needle, and stuck it through my 
diaper and into my butt. Even before she finished, I was 
fast asleep.

Part 3: Some New Friends(?)

	I woke up in the same hospital room, and found several 
adults standing over me, whispering quietly. They both 
seemed very formally dressed, the way people were on 
occasions where I got to wear my navy corduroy overalls with 
that uncomfortable shirt. When they saw I was awake, the 
bald man turned to me and said: 
	"Hello Michael, I'm your new foster father, Mr. 
Wilkins, and standing next to me is Mrs. Wilkins. We're 
going to take you home later this afternoon." 
	With that, they left the room quickly with another 
lady, and the nurse took me out of the crib. She quickly 
changed my diaper and helped me into shorts and a T-shirt. 
She then carried me over to the wheelchair, and wheeled me 
to the front entrance where an old Dodge was parked. The 
nurse lifted me out, and into the car and buckled my seat 
belt. As this was the first time I hadn't been in a car 
seat, I felt very insecure about all of this. She shut the 
door, and we rolled away. Suddenly everything hit me, all of 
the events of the past few days all at once. I started to 
cry, because I missed my mother, and I just wanted to go 
home! I was so upset I pooped my diaper!. 
	"Oh Jesus Christ Peg, won't you shut that kid up?" Mr. 
Wilkins was yelling.
	"Well, I wasn't the one who wanted him Al! You said we 
needed the money!"
	"Yeah, but you're supposed to keep him out of my hair!" 
	Their argument went on and on until we pulled into a 
dingy looking house. They opened their doors, still fuming, 
and Mrs. Wilkins came around and opened my door. She 
unbuckled my seat belt and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of 
the car. As she did this, she stopped and sniffed a bit. 
	"You didn't, did you?" she moaned 
	I had no idea what she was asking, so I just stood 
	"Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!" She grabbed the bag of 
supplies from the trunk and hauled them and me inside. She 
quickly spread down a painting drop cloth, and threw me down 
onto it. She yanked down my pants, ripped off the diaper, 
and quickly and sloppily wiped me up. Without putting a new 
diaper on me, she took me into the bathroom. In there, was a 
wooden seat, with a hole in the middle, and a plastic bucket 
attached to the hole. I had no idea what this strange device 
was for! 
	"From now on, you do that in there, got it! Here's some 
underwear, I can't go around cleaning a crappy bottom all 
	With that, she left the room and me holding the 
underpants, mystified. As I stood there, hot pee came 
gushing out, covering the floor. When she came back, and saw 
the mess, she really freaked out! 
	She grabbed me and slammed me over her knee and began 
spanking me! I had never been spanked before and it was 
excruciating! If I hadn't just drained my bladder, I'm sure 
she would've had one greatly wet lap!
	When she had finished, she hauled me to a small room, 
with an air mattress on the floor, she told me to lie down 
on it, and not to move till she came to get me. I lay there 
for several hours, too scared and afraid to move. She 
finally came back, and found the floor soaked. 
	She grabbed a diaper, and hastily taped it tight around 
me, and followed it with a pair of plastic pants. 
	"If you so much as touch that diaper, I'll wail the tar 
out of you! Now don't you dare leave that mattress!" 
	Several hours later, I heard someone coming in the 
door, and voices. 
	"You wouldn't believe what they dumped on us" 
	"A little piss pants" 
	"Really? Mom, can I go see him?" 
	"Sure, I guess." 
	Pretty soon, a 12 year old head poked through the door. 
As I lay there in nothing but a diaper, I dared not move for 
fear that horrible woman was around. Just then, I had to 
poop, and she stood there, fascinated by my diaper enlarging 
and bulging nicely. She then disappeared, and shortly I 
heard the sounds of a meal being prepared. I heard them all 
talking, Mr. Wilkins yelling about how the money from me 
wasn't to buy new clothes for them, and various stupid 
things. I listened for awhile, not really understanding what 
they were talking about. Finally, I turned over, squishing 
the mess all over my diaper. I reached down into the front 
to see how wet I was, and really squished the gels but good 
indicating I needed a change pretty badly. With this in 
mind, I drifted off to sleep. 

Part 4: The Dirtiest Diaper in the World

	I woke up the next morning I woke up to feel my entire 
butt covered by at least half an inch of poop. I could see 
where some had leaked into the plastic pants, luckily they 
were on so tightly. I felt my front, and it was itching 
really badly because of my unchanged diaper. Just then the 
lady came in.
	"So, are we ready to use the potty yet?"
	"What's a potty?"
	"ALRIGHT THAT'S IT! I'll be back in an hour! If you're 
not ready to
	grow up, you're going to get it!"
	I lay back on the mattress as she slammed an locked the 
door. Suddenly my butt started to poop again! I could hear 
the tapes straining and starting to pop, but the strong 
adhesive held against the stress. In an hour, it felt like 
my diaper was going to explode if I put anything more into 
it. My entire middle felt like a time bomb. Just then, my 
foster mother came storming in.
	"All right! Stand up, NOW!"
	As I stood up, I peed again, and my diaper exploded! 
Gels poured out of the front, covering the floor with the 
urine smelling pellets. My foster mother just stood there, 
her face getting redder and redder. She walked over to me 
slowly, and picked me up at arms length in disgust. She 
carried me into the bathroom and almost threw me in the 
bathtub. She then pulled on a pair of rubber gloves, and 
ordered me to lie down on my stomach in the tub. Then she 
turned on the shower full blast, ice cold! I screeched, but 
she told me if I wasn't quiet, she'd double it. With a quick 
motion she ripped away the diaper and threw it into a 
garbage bag. She then took a bottle of liquid soap and 
poured it all over my bottom. She picked up a rough cloth 
and scraped away the almost inch thick layer of poop off of 
my butt. As she got down to the bottom layer, I cried out in 
pain! She was scraping away at the horrible case of diaper 
rash I had gotten! Finally, satisfied that she had cleaned 
me up sufficiently, She turned off the water and stood me 
	"Now, you're going to get it!"
	She quickly sat on the toilet and threw me over her 
knee. She then proceeded to give me the spanking of my life! 
I couldn't believe the pain of her swats on top of the 
diaper rash. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, she let 
me up. She then produced a small device and attached it to 
the "potty chair's front. She then lifted me up, and placed 
me on it. Then, She put a strap around my middle, and then 
over my legs. Without a word, She left the room.
	I started to struggle against the straps, but I 
couldn't move. I found quickly that I was uncomfortable in 
the front, and I looked down and saw that thing was holding 
my wee wee down! After this amazing ordeal, I felt so tired 
I went to sleep.

Part 5: A Possible Ally

	When I woke up, the sun was setting and I could smell 
the pee coming up from the pot. I again started struggling, 
but I couldn't move. Suddenly, the door opened and She came 
in. Without a word, she unstrapped me from the chair. She 
then produced a diaper and taped me into it as tightly as 
possible. Overtop of that, she added 2 pairs of plastic 
pants. She took me into my room, placed me on the mattress, 
and then ran duct tape over my chest effectively trapping me 
on the mattress.
	"Don't ask me to change you, I'll do it when I feel 
like! And I won't even care if it explodes or not! And 
tomorrow, you're not getting off the potty until you're 
ready to be an adult!"
	I couldn't sleep, and hours and hours passed, my 
diapers filling more and more, aggravating my diaper rash. 
At about 4AM, my door opened, just a crack. Their daughter's 
head then poked through. As she slipped in the door, I saw 
she was carrying a diaper in her hand. Looking around 
quickly, she produced a flashlight and some wipes from her 
pocket. She then pulled down the doubled plastic pants.
	"Hi, I'm Kelly. Don't say anything, I'm doing this so 
you'll be more comfortable. Mom is just keeping you here for 
the money, and Dad couldn't care less. I hope that this'll 
help at least. Do you want me to undo the tape for a couple 
minutes so you can move around?"
	I shook my head, I was used to lying on my back in my 
crib, and this was little different. She finished my change, 
and then left as quietly as she came.
	The next day, I spent over 12 hours strapped into the 
potty chair. Not wanting to do this again, I was able to 
hold my pee for a few minutes mid afternoon. This didn't 
make a difference of course, as I was still spanked severely 
afterwards. Again, Kelly made her nocturnal changing run, 
and this time I accepted her offer to be untaped. As I 
walked around a bit(unsteadily, I was never much good at 
that), she stared at my diaper and the crinkle sound I made. 
Finally, afraid of her mother finding out, she retaped me to 
the mattress and left the room. The next morning, in 
addition to her usual bursting in the morning, she was 
carrying a dirty diaper!
A WEEK!!!!!"
	"Kelly" I whimpered
	"KELLY!! GET YOUR BUTT IN HERE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
	I gulped, wondering what I had done to the only person 
in this house who had shown me any compassion. 

Part 6: The End is Nigh?

	Kelly entered the room, carefully, knowing something 
bad was going to happen.
	"Kelly, did you change the brat's diaper?"
	"Yes mom, he was crying because his diaper rash hurt!"
	"KELLY!!! It's supposed to hurt! To teach him to use 
the potty!"
	"Maybe he doesn't want to! Or he can't! Did that occur 
to you?"
	"NO! Now don't come near him until I say you can!"
	She grabbed me up and again secured me to the "potty 
chair". Outside the room, I could hear a phone being dialed, 
and then some talking. Not too long later, there was a knock 
on the door.
	"Child Services ma'am, here to see how Mikey is doing"
	There was some muffled protests and finally the door 
came open and there I was sitting on my "potty chair" 
strapped to it. The guy got this horrified look on his face, 
and then turned to Mrs. Wilkins.
	"Ma'am I am forced to take Mikey and your daughter away 
from you, please collect their things and place them in my 
	I was then unstrapped from the chair, my rash treated, 
and a new diaper put on me. We walked out to the car and I 
had my seatbelt put on. Kelly came around the other side and 
got into the car. The agent turned around and said:
	"Well Mikey, sorry about that, just looks like it went 
from bad to worse huh?"
	I nodded, and once again I was led into the holding 
ward, stripped down to my diapers and put into a crib. This 
has been such a trying experience, that I hope that the next 
people won't be so bad......... 

Part 7: A New Family

	The people they sent me home with are such nice people! 
They can't have kids of their own, so they decided to take 
me in. We came in the door and everything was really nice! I 
was wet so she lovingly changed me. Then they sat me down 
and told me about school, and how I would be going there. I 
was tucked into bed in a dry diaper and everything was 
	They potty trained me. Once I got over my fear of the 
chair, everything was fine, but I still missed Mom, and my 
diapers. Then they came to me with the news:
	"Mikey, you're going to have a brother!"
	No one was as surprised as I was, but he was born and 
we were all happy. He even slept in my room, as it was a 
small house, and we got along great. About the time Scott 
was 1, I got a call from Mom! She told me about how she was 
trying to get me back, and how much she loved me. I was 
crying at the end, and I wanted her back SO badly! That 
night, I was lying in my bed, thinking about Mom, when I 
looked over at his changing table. I got out of bed, and 
went over to the diaper stack. I picked up one of the smooth 
white objects, and caressed my fingers over the plastic. I 
quickly pulled down my underwear, diapered myself, and 
crawled back into bed. There I lay, wetting myself and 
caressing the now warm front of my diaper. I felt like I was 
home again.
	I did this for several weeks, but soon my fun came to 
an end.
	"Mikey, I've noticed diapers missing over the past few 
weeks, and when I looked in the trash, there were ones that 
were wet too much to be Scott's. Anything you want to tell 
	"I've been using Scott's diapers Jane"
	"For what?"
	"I feel good in them"
	"But why, I thought you were happy to be toilet 
	"I was, sort of. They just make me feel happy"
	"Well, don't take them any more, you're a big boy now 
	Well, after that, I had to stop. But I still longed for 
the life I had led at 8 years old. One day, a letter came in 
the mail for me, I wonder what it could be??

Part 8: The Courtroom

	The letter was a call to appear in court. Mom had 
finally gotten her battle to get me back to court. I was 
dressed in nice, uncomfortable clothes and brought to the 
courthouse. The DA was not very understanding, and he asked 
me a lot of mean questions.
	"Mikey, is it true you were treated as a baby until we 
took you away"
	"Yes sir"
	"Do you know that most children, barring physical 
problems don't wear diapers past the age of 3?"
	"Yes sir, but I liked it, and so did she"
	"Most people would consider this behavior sick your 
honor, I request that she be barred from seeing Mikey again, 
as her influence seems to be making him return to infantile, 
non productive, non adult ways. The foster parents report 
him wearing their son's diapers to bed! This started right 
after he spoke with her! Clearly she is disruptive, and an 
unfit parent!"
	Our lawyer then started to question me.
	"Mikey, if given the choice, you would return to your 
Mom, correct?"
	"You like being with her, right? You know that she 
loves you?"
	"Absolutely, I love my Mom! I want to go back!!"
	After a long string of questions, even the judge was 
convinced that I should return. I said goodbye to Scott, and 
my foster parents, who said they would bring my stuff over. 
I then got into the car with Mom and we scooted to her 
newer, much larger house. It was there that I met my 
stepfather, Dan. He came outside with a large bulge around 
his waist, obviously a diaper! It turned out that Dan liked 
diapers too, and my Mother had met him even before I left, 
while she was buying diapers for me! Mom took me inside, and 
stripped off that nasty underwear. She powdered and lotioned 
me, and wrapped a nice thick diaper around my waist. Soon 
after I settled back into my home, I got on the Internet, 
and met a lot of people like me. Mom had another baby a year 
later, and Kevin was raised just like me. At the age of 13, 
we had a big party. All of my Internet friends came over, 
and we all played in the back yard together in just our 
diapers. We had such a great time! Kevin had fun too, and he 
met a lot of their younger brothers. Dan lorded over the 
whole thing, standing at the BBQ in a Chef's hat and diaper, 
serving up burgers with real pizzazz.
	Several years have passed now, and I have since given 
up a lot of the baby clothing in preference to jeans and a 
T-shirt. I still wear my sleeper to bed every night, tucked 
tightly into my crib. I haven't changed much, I'm still the 
same guy I was when I was 8. Speaking of that:
	"Mom! Can you change me please..................??" 

**************************THE END***************************

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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