My Teenbaby Life 01
By David (
	I slammed the front door of the apartment I shared with my dad hard. I was 
angry, my ears were still burning with the taunts of the neighborhood kids, 
teasing me about my diapers. I hated them, I hated having to wear the diapers. 
But I had no choice because my bladder got wrecked because of a serious 
infection I had when I was little. I wished the other kids would understand, but 
I knew no matter how many times I explained it to them, they never would. My 
dad, thank God, knew what I was going through with them and understood how I 
felt about the whole thing. He did his best to give me a normal childhood.
	"They're at it again, aren't they?" Dad asked me as I stalked into the 
living room, flinging my backpack against the couch in anger.
	I nodded, too mad to say anything. He reached out to me and pulled me onto 
his lap and held me close. That always made me feel better. I enjoyed cuddling 
with him, it had a way of making the world and my problems disappear. He gently 
rocked me like he always did.
	"Thanks, Dad," I said. "You sure know how to make me feel better."
	"That's because I love you very much," Dad said.
I knew he did. The proof was there in everything he did for me. He gave me so 
much unconditional love and caring. Even though I was twelve years old, I still 
needed that close feeling. I sighed and felt much better.
	"I need a change," I said.
	Dad nodded as I slid off his lap. He took me by the hand and led me to my 
baby room and put me on the change table. He took off my shoes and jeans and 
then removed the wet diaper. As he went to get a fresh diaper, I looked around 
the tiny room. It was set up like a baby's room, with a crib, the change table, 
a cabinet with diapers and change supplies in it, and really nice baby boy 
wallpaper. Dad fixed it up two years ago when he found me sleeping in a 
neighbor's crib, sucking on a pacifier. I thought he would get really upset, but 
he didn't. He asked me if that's what I wanted, and I said yes. So he sacrificed 
his office to build me a baby's room. I still had my regular bedroom in case I 
had friends over, but with all the harassment I got, that never happened. We 
lived in a small apartment in the middle of Chicago, and we both hated it. Dad 
always talked about getting out and finding a big house for both of us to live 
	"Plenty of room for everything and us, David. Big rooms for your two 
bedrooms, big rooms for my bedroom and home office, big backyard to play in and 
have a dog for a pet, plenty of good friends who will accept you for who you 
are," he would say.
I shared his dream, hoping it would come true.
	Today however, Dad seemed to be a million miles away. He taped up the new 
diaper on me, and then put me on a thick blanket in the middle of the living 
room floor and gave me my blue baby blanket and a pacifier to suck on while I 
watched the afternoon cartoons. I glanced at my Dad every now and then. My Dad 
was a really neat guy. He wasn't super muscular, but he was strong. He stood six 
foot seven, had short red hair, wore round glasses, and had hazel colored eyes. 
Me, I stood four foot one. I was a really short kid. Dad didn't seem bothered by 
	"You'll catch up someday, don't worry about it," he'd say.
I wore my red hair long, tied into a ponytail. Sometimes I'd braid it into a rat 
tail, sometimes I'd tie it in a loose ponytail. I didn't need glasses, and I had 
green eyes. I had a very slim build, while Dad was a bit stocky. We were 
different, but we were father and son, and that's all that mattered.
	I must have dozed off, because next thing I remember was Dad shaking me 
gently. I rolled over and looked up at him. He seemed very different this time. 
There was a new light in his eyes.
"Time for dinner, son. We have something very important to talk about," Dad said 
as he picked me up.
He sat me down in my highchair and put the tray in place. Putting a plate of 
food in front of me, I began eating as he talked.
	"I just made a very important decision. You know lately both of us have 
been miserable here in Chicago, you with school and me with my job. So I posted 
my resume online. I'd like to get a job someplace else that will allow us to 
make our big dream come true. With me on this?" he said.
	I threw my arms around his neck. "You got my full support!"
Dad smiled, and I knew he was happy right then. Dad worked as an architect, 
designing houses and buildings. The company he worked for didn't pay him very 
well, and the boss was hard to get along with. He'd been looking for an excuse 
to break away from them. I guess he finally found it. Dad figured he'd get a few 
emails about his posting, but both of us never imagined the amount of emails 
we'd actually get. Dad and I stood there the next afternoon staring at the email 
mailbox of the ISP we had. The count stood at sixty. I blinked.
	"Dad, you didn't count on this many, did you?" I asked.
	"No, son, I didn't. I'm just totally blown away," he said.
Dad got to work and studied each one of the sixty mails. He cut it down to ten 
mails. I took the stack and started researching them. By the end of the week, I 
had a large folder on each of the ten companies for Dad to inspect. I am a very 
curious creature. I discover something, I wanna know about it. So I research it 
on the web. Dad thinks I'd make a great investigator. Hell, I even found a bunch 
of teenbaby sites on the web as well. Seeing those made me feel even better. I 
even joined a few of them once Dad inspected them and gave me his approval. Nice 
to know there is support out there for us.
	Dad did inspect my finds and settled on five companies. He went and 
interviewed with them all. There was a company in Colorado that made him the 
best offer, and he accepted. I was so happy! It meant we would finally be 
getting out of this hell. Only problem was that I'd have to stay for three weeks 
more to finish out school. So Dad asked a friend of his if I could stay with him 
for those three weeks. Dad's friend Bud said sure, and I moved in with enough 
clothes for the three weeks. The entire apartment got packed up and shipped to 
Colorado. I wish I could say the three weeks went by without any problems, but 
they didn't. It was the longest three weeks of my life, not to mention the most 
miserable. Bud, I discovered, didn't like me at all. He continually yelled at me 
about my messy diapers and how I was making the place smell bad. I ended up 
practically living on the guy's balcony for the three weeks. School was even 
worse. I was seriously contemplating running off to Colorado to find Dad. So I 
was very happy to see Dad when he came for me to take me home to Colorado. I 
told him everything, and he went after Bud. Both of them got into a hellacious 
argument, and it ended with Dad stomping out the door just as the cops arrived. 
That situation got settled, and we left for the airport. Due to the new security 
regulations, I couldn't take my diaper bag on the plane. So I severely limited 
my intake of drinks. I made sure the flight attendants knew I was pissed. They 
certainly got the message quickly enough.
	We landed safely in Colorado and headed for the house. I began to notice 
how the scenery was starting to change from city to forests. For someone who has 
lived in a huge city all his life, seeing the forest was an experience. I 
couldn't take my eyes off those big tall trees. We pulled into the driveway of a 
huge house. I couldn't say anything as I got out of the truck. I stood there and 
	"Welcome home, David," Dad said to me.
	I couldn't describe what I was feeling then, and I'll never be able to 
find the right words for it. All I know is that I got emotional. I started to 
cry, the feelings were just too much. Dad held me close to him as I let it all 
out. Looking up into his face, I could see that he was, too. We just hugged each 
other for the longest time.
	"Should have done this ages ago," Dad said.
	"We're here now, we're together. That's all that truly matters," I said.
	"Come on, let me show you the house!" Dad exclaimed.
	He started the tour in the front yard and walked me around to the back. 
Just as he promised, it was huge! What made it all better was the fact that a 
lake was behind the house. I grinned. This promised to be a whole lot of fun! 
Then he walked me into the house and showed me the living room, dining room, 
kitchen, TV room, and his home office. He led me upstairs and showed me his 
master bedroom, my regular room which was empty.
	"How come it's empty?" I asked.
	"Well, I thought you would like to have the fun of deciding what you 
wanted in there. But I did fix up your baby room," Dad grinned, ushering me to 
another door.
	He opened it with a flourish and I gasped. He really outdid himself. The 
room was done in a nice blue scheme with white borders all around it. The crib 
was bigger than the other one, a heavy-duty metal one painted red and blue. 
There was even a mobile hanging over it. The dressers were a rich oak, adding to 
the room. I saw a big playpen in one corner, and baby toys stacked neatly around 
the perimeter. I walked into the huge bathroom (each room had it's own bath) and 
saw the changing table in there, along with a big claw-footed bathtub, an old-
fashioned sink, and a toilet.
	"Dad, it's just so cool!" I exclaimed.
	"The best for my big baby," Dad smiled.
	I hugged him. "Thanks, Dad."
	Suddenly I felt the seat of my diaper fill up. Dad just grinned and led me 
to the change table. He took care of business while I relaxed sucking on a 
pacifier. Once the fresh diaper was on, I felt much better. I also was feeling a 
bit worn out from all the traveling we did. I yawned noisily.
	"Tired?" Dad asked.
	I nodded in reply. Dad led me into the bedroom and laid me on the floor. 
He took the rest of my clothes off and put a blue onesie on me. He set me into 
the playpen.
	"I'll be right back," he said.
I looked at the baby toys that was in the playpen and examined them until he 
came back. Picking me up, he carried me to a rocking chair and settled me on his 
lap once he sat down. He gently rocked me while I drank the warm milk from the 
bottle. It was brand new, just like everything else in the room. I decided to 
ask later. Once the bottle was finished, he laid me down in the crib and raised 
the rails. He turned on the mobile above me and kissed me on the forehead. I 
sighed contentedly and settled down. I watched the mobile for a few minutes 
until I conked out.
	I woke up two hours later, feeling refreshed. I was also wet.
	"Dad!" I yelled from the crib.
	I was not allowed to get out of the crib or the playpen until he let me 
out. It was one of the rules we established long ago when all this started. I 
could hear someone coming up the stairs and then the door to my baby room 
opened. Dad walked in.
	"You're up!" he smiled. "You really were tired! Sorry I took so long to 
come up. I had forgotten to set up the monitors."
	I blinked. "You really did think of everything!"
	Dad laughed. "Everything for my big baby!"
	He lifted me out of the crib and got me changed. Dad led me down to the 
kitchen where a brand new high chair waited for me.
	"WOW! That's a nice one!" I said excitedly.
	"Glad you approve," Dad said as he secured me into it.
	He fed me my lunch as he told me of the schedule for the rest of the week. 
We would go shopping for my new regular bedroom furniture, show me a really cool 
baby store, meet his new boss, and meet my new pediatrician.
	"I hope he's nicer than Dr. Thomas," I said as Dad dressed me in shorts, 
t-shirt, and shoes.
	"He is, trust me on that count. I met Dr. Stevens last week. He likes to 
be called Tommy. He's seen your records, and he's eager to meet you. He's even 
hinted that you aren't the only one who wears diapers in this town at your age," 
Dad said, standing up.
	I looked up at Dad. "Who are they?"
	"He can't tell us that, David. There is something called the client 
confidentiality laws. It's against the law to tell other people the things he 
knows unless he is given permission to. You get to meet him on Thursday," Dad 
	We walked out to the Suburban that he had bought and we went to the mall. 
In two hour's time, we had obtained the things I wanted for my regular bedroom. 
Dad approved of my choices. He arranged to have everything delivered tomorrow. 
He led me to another store called "Kid'z Cornerz". Dad was right. It had 
everything needed for babies of all ages imaginable. Dad took the opportunity to 
get some new nighttime diapers for me. I liked the feel of cloth diapers on me, 
so they became my night diapers. They could soak up the heaviest wetting, and I 
tended to wet heavy at night. During the daytime, I used regular disposables. I 
forget what brand they were, but these were more effective than the ones on the 
store shelves. Kidz Cornerz stocked them, so I knew Dad would be a regular here. 
While Dad was talking to the sales person, I was looking around at the different 
	"Hey, see anything you like?" a voice said.
	I looked up to see a very well dressed boy in front of me. He was taller 
than me, looked Italian, and had black hair and black eyes.
	I nodded. "There is very cool stuff."
	"I know. I get my pants from here," he said.
	That took a moment to register in my head. I had to grin.
	"My name is David Branson," I said.
	He shook my hand as he laughed. "Your Dad is working for mine! My name is 
Dennis Peters, and I am glad to meet a fellow diaper wearer!"
	I felt ten feet tall. I knew now I wasn't alone anymore, and that felt 
good. Dad made his way over to me at that moment.
	"Ah, I see you have met Dennis. Good, I'm glad. Now you won't be alone 
anymore," Dad said smiling.
	"You knew about him?" I asked Dad.
	"Yes, and he asked me not to tell you. He wanted to do that himself," Dad 
grinned at me.
	I grinned back. "Well, I'm glad to meet you, Dennis. Now I don't feel so 
alone anymore."
	"That's good. I used to myself. I know quite a few guys who are diaper 
wearers themselves, and I'll introduce them to you. Just got to ask them first," 
Dennis grinned.
	I knew for sure I was going to be happy here now. Life was starting to 
look good to me again. I hoped this would continue.
	Dennis and I exchanged phone numbers. He told me to call him once I got 
settled in, and he'd show me around town and introduce me to some of his diaper 
	"I'll even show you my baby room," he grinned.
	That sounded good to me. "I'll have to show you mine."
	Dad and I headed back home with what we had. My normal bedroom setup would 
be delivered tomorrow, and I was excited about that. It was too late to go and 
see his new office and meet Mr. Peters. Dad decided we would do that on Thursday 
after meeting my new doctor. The furniture people weren't too sure when they 
would get there the next day, to it was going to be a stay at home day for us. 
That was fine by us, because we needed to get things cleaned up and rearranged a 
bit better. I helped Dad carry the packages in up to my room and then the other 
stuff into my baby room. Dad installed the baby monitor onto the crib while I 
put the new diapers away and put the box of disposables away in the appropriate 
places. Once that was done, I went into my room and started hanging clothes up 
in my walk in closet. When I finished that, I turned to the room and began 
plotting where I wanted stuff. I drew up a floor plan and placed everything 
where I thought they should go. Dad liked my ideas. I spent most of the day 
hanging posters on the walls of my room. Dad liked how I placed them. He also 
approved of my poster choices. By this time I was wearing just the diapers. The 
only time I really wear clothes is when I go to school or anywhere outside the 
house. I like running around in my diapers. Feels natural to me. It was one of 
the reasons Dad had a taller than normal privacy fence running around the yard. 
I appreciated that. Since it was still daylight out and warm, I decided to go 
out in the yard. I got one of the loungers Dad had gotten and stretched out on 
it in the sun. The heat felt good on my skin. I noticed two sheds standing side 
by side and made a note to ask Dad about them. He came out a moment later and 
took the lounger next to mine.
	"Dad, what's in those sheds over there?" I asked, pointing to them under 
the big tree by the fence corner.
	"Glad you asked. One contains yard equipment and the other contains an 
extra large playpen and related stuff for being out in the yard," he replied.
	"Oh, cool!" I said enthusiastically.
	"I need to show you how to use the riding mower and the trimmer before I 
let you use them. They aren't toys, and you could get hurt if you aren't 
careful," Dad said.
	I nodded. "Okay. I'll be careful."
	"I know you will. You have proven to me long ago that you are a 
responsible teen and I appreciate that," Dad praised me.
	That made me feel good. I relaxed and sighed, closing my eyes. Next thing 
I knew, Dad was gently shaking me awake.
	"Time for dinner," he said.
	I followed him into the house and he put me into my high chair. He fed me 
my dinner and ate his at the same time. I knew Dad enjoyed this, he always 
smiled while doing it. He told me once that he was glad to have a chance to do 
it again, having missed out a lot the first time around by working so much. I 
barely remembered Mom. Why she left us was a mystery. But Dad and I were happy 
together and that's all it mattered. After dinner, he spread out a big baby 
blanket on the floor of the TV room and put me on it. He stretched out on it 
next to me and the both of us watched an hour or two together. I felt the seat 
of my diaper fill up as I wet at the same time.
	Dad looked at me. "Need a change?"
	I nodded. He took my hand and led me upstairs to the baby room. Dad looked 
at the clock on the wall.
	"Since it's getting late, how about I bathe you and dress you for bed?" he 
	I perked up. "Okay!"
	He just smiled and shook his head at my enthusiasm. This was the part I 
enjoyed best. Having Dad put me in the tub and wash me like I was a little boy 
always made me feel good. Most of the time I would run into the shower and wash 
myself, but Dad sometimes liked to give me a bath. It always made both of us 
feel good. So that's what he did. He ran the water in the tub while I lay on the 
change table with a strap across my tummy to keep me from falling off. I watched 
Dad pull my dirty diaper off me and wipe me clean, and then he placed me in the 
warm water of the tub. He dropped a bath toy in the water for me to play with 
and I did, feeling five years old again. I enjoyed regressing to that age, it 
makes me feel good to stop being an older kid and allows me to forget my 
problems and cares. Dad washed me clean, his big warm soapy hands felt good on 
me. I felt myself get hard as he soaped up my genitals. Dad had given me the 
talk sometime ago about erections, wet dreams, and masturbation. I was glad he 
did, because I had questions about why it was happening. Dad didn't beat around 
the bush, either. He just told me the truth about it all. I spread my legs and 
took hold of my hard cock and masturbated myself with Dad watching. I came right 
there in the tub and enjoyed the feelings that went with it.
	"Enjoy it, David?" Dad asked.
	"Yeah. Felt so good," I said.
	He just smiled and patted my shoulder. He got me rinsed off and then towel 
dried me. He put me back on the change table and pinned my thick cloth night 
diapers on me, and then dressed me in blue plastic pants over the cloth diapers, 
a green onesie, and then a red footed sleeper. He put me on the floor for a 
moment and went down to get my bottles. I sat and played with a toy until he 
came back. He carried me over to the corner where a rocking chair was and sat 
down with me on his lap. I lay there in his strong arms feeling safe and secure. 
He fed me the bottle of warm milk while gently rocking me. Once I finished the 
bottle, he put me over his shoulder and gently burped me. He then carried me 
over to my crib and put me in and pulled the covers over me, tucking me in. He 
placed the bottle of water next to my head and kissed me good night. He turned 
on the mobile over my head before leaving the room and turning out the lights. 
There was a night light in the socket by the change table so I could still see 
things. I watched the mobile turn above my head until the music from it lulled 
me to sleep.
	Dad lifted me out of my crib the next morning about nine.
	"Good morning sleepyhead," Dad whispered to me.
	I snuggled down in his arms as he carried me to the change table. I heard 
him laugh and I knew he was in a good mood. He kissed me on the forehead and 
then started stripping the sleeper off me. I could feel the wet diapers pressing 
against my groin as he unsnapped the onesie. He put the strap across my tummy 
and then pulled my plastic pants off me. He unpinned the wet cloth diapers and 
dropped them into the pail next to the change table. After wiping me clean with 
a damp washcloth, he taped a disposable diaper on me and then carried me on his 
hip down to the kitchen. I was light enough for him to carry me, due to the fact 
that I was small for my age. Dad put me into the high chair and fed me my 
	"Well, the furniture people are coming today. While they are here, wear 
shorts and a shirt, and we will lock the baby room until they are gone. No need 
for them to see that. Don't want to embarrass you," Dad explained to me what was 
going to happen.
	"Sounds like a plan Dad," I said.
	After he let me out of the high chair and wiped it down, he folded it up 
and put it into a closet in the kitchen. I went upstairs to put on some shoes 
and to make sure there wasn't anything in the way. I walked out into the 
backyard and wander around it, exploring it. I went into the sheds to see what 
was in there. The riding mower looked impressive I thought. Couldn't wait to try 
it out. The next shed did have a very large playpen in it. It was folded up 
against one wall and I wondered just how big it was once it was opened up. The 
morning sun felt good on my bare skin as I sat on the edge of the lounger. I 
kicked off my shoes and put my feet into the pool just to see what the water 
felt like. It was a bit warm, and I hoped Dad could find a swim diaper for me to 
wear. I had never gone swimming and I wanted to learn. Maybe Dennis would know 
where to find one. I got up and turned to the house. Dad popped out the door and 
handed me shorts and a shirt to put on.
	"They're here?" I asked.
	"Just pulled in," Dad answered.
	I quickly dressed and came into the house. The three men were going up the 
stairs to find my room. I followed them up as well.
	"This is my room," I told them.
	I showed them the room sketch of where I wanted everything.
	"Thanks for doing this. Makes our job easier," one man said.
	For the next two hours, they brought everything in and set it all up. 
After they left, I stripped back down to my diapers again and continued working 
in the bedroom. I had everything set up by early afternoon. My new computer was 
set up as well. Dad helped me set up my online software when I told him it was 
ready to go. He uploaded my picture archive of preteen and teenbabies from his 
zip disks. I got online and quickly book marked a bunch of my favorite diaper 
sites and chat groups. I shut down the computer and picked up the phone to call 
	"Hello?" a voice answered.
	"Is Dennis there please?" I asked.
	"David? It's Dennis," the voice replied.
	"Hey, what's up? I just got done moving my new bedroom furniture in and I 
thought I'd give you a call and ask you a question," I said.
	"Okay, go for it," Dennis said.
	"Is there a place where I could get a swim diaper? I want to learn how to 
swim so I can use my swimming pool," I said.
	"Could try Kidz Cornerz," Dennis suggested. "I could ask my folks where 
they got mine. Hopefully they will remember."
	"Cool. I'll give them a call. I was wondering if you would like to hang 
out with me tomorrow. I have to see my new doctor around nine thirty, and then 
Dad is showing me his new office afterwards," I said.
	"I'm going to be at my Dad's office tomorrow, too. I'll wait for you 
there," Dennis said enthusiastically.
	"Way cool man! I'll see ya tomorrow," I said.
	"Cool. Bye," Dennis said and hung up.
	I put the phone down feeling very good about myself. Things were 
definitely looking up for me now. I picked up the phone and called the store to 
find out about the swim diaper. As luck would have it, they carried them, but 
not in my size. Feeling a bit frustrated, I flipped the computer back on and 
went back online. I started a search for swim diapers and got a bunch of places 
to go to. I researched a few places and found one that seemed reasonable. Dad 
came into my room and peeked over my shoulder.
	"Swim diapers?" he asked. "Didn't think they made any in your size."
	"They do, Dad. Found this one place that seems very reasonable," I pointed 
to the price list on the computer.
	I clicked around and showed him the different styles as Dad continued to 
look over my shoulders. Dad gave his approval on four of them. Three were in the 
popular baggy style, and one was in the speedo style. Dad went and ordered them 
for me and that made me happy. I wrote down the addy and book marked it as well. 
I told Dad what Dennis and I had said on the phone.
	"Good. I was kind of hoping he would be there tomorrow while I meet Fred. 
You'll like Fred. He is a really nice guy, and he was really happy that I joined 
the firm. He knows about you, and he understands what both of us go through 
after having gone through it with Dennis and his wife. The Peters are a really 
nice family. Now that the movers are gone, I want you to dress in shorts and 
shirt and come down to the yard. I need to teach you how to use the riding mower 
and the trimmer safely. The other power tools I will handle myself," Dad said.
	I grimaced at that moment. "Sorry Dad, but I need a pit stop first."
	Dad grinned. "No problem."
	Down in the backyard, I watched Dad drive the riding mover out onto the 
grass. It looked even more impressive outside than it did in the shed. It was 
green with yellow trim. I liked the looks of it.
	"How fast can it go?" I asked Dad.
	He laughed. "Pretty fast, sport. Don't be trying to race it, okay? Just go 
it slow and easy, give it time to cut the lawn like it should."
	He traded places with me. I had to adjust the seat to reach the pedals, 
and then paid attention to Dad as he explained the controls. He jogged along 
side of me as I made one pass over the lawn towards the back fence. He watched 
me turn around and start back down. This was much easier than I thought. By the 
time I had cut a third of the backyard lawn, I had gotten the hang of it. That 
pleased Dad greatly. He thinks I'm brilliant. I have no trouble understanding 
things once they are explained to me. I do well in school, and am a virtual 
genius on the computer. Dad thinks I have a future in computers. He got busy 
with the trimmer, getting it ready for it's first run. I decided that since I 
was running this, he could work the trimmer. I finished one half of the yard and 
stopped, wanting a break.
	"That looks good son," Dad said, admiring my work.
	Like I had said, the yard was huge. The swimming pool was the first thing 
you walked up to after you come out of the glass sliding door. It was a squared 
regulation size, with the spa off to the right side. Loungers and chairs were 
scattered around it. There was a big heavy Redwood table off to the left side, 
next to a really nice red-bricked barbeque. Then you walked past the pool to the 
grass. It was divided in half by flat stepping stones that led you to the gate 
at the back of the fence. Go through the gate, and the lake was right there with 
our private dock anchored there. Dad had already planned on getting a boat and a 
pair of small sailboats later in the summer. I knew I was going to have fun 
learning how to sail and drive the boat. First thing I needed to do was learn 
how to swim.
	"David, I need to show you how the trimmer works," Dad called me, breaking 
into my thoughts.
	I turned to face Dad. "Okay, but I thought you could run it first so I can 
watch you do it."
	Dad nodded. "Exactly what I had in mind, son."
	I paid attention as he showed me how to put the gas mix in and properly 
start it. He also told me to use a face shield in case of flying rocks and 
things. I followed him around the area I had just mowed, watching him use the 
trimmer. It looked so easy and simple. Once Dad finished that area, I went up 
into the house for some sodas. I gave Dad his when I came out again.
	"Thanks son," Dad said sitting down on the steps to the lawn.
	I sat next to him, enjoying the smell of the fresh cut lawn and the warm 
sun on my face.
	"This is the life," I said.
	Dad put his arm around me. "You know it, son."
	I snuggled up close to him, feeling so good in that moment. He was right. 
This was something both of us had dreamed about for so long, and now we had it. 
Life was perfect. We sat there and watched the butterflies dance in the summer 
sun as we finished our sodas. Dad sighed and put down his empty can.
	"Wish we could sit here forever, but we gotta get things done," he said, 
standing up. "My turn to ride the mower. Then I'll walk behind you when you use 
the trimmer."
	That sounded like a plan to me. I watched Dad get on the riding mower and 
do the right side of the yard. He sure made it look so easy. Dad helped me 
adjust the strap on the trimmer, and then walked behind me as I used it for the 
first time. It was kind of easy to use and it worked great! Dad showed me how to 
wipe down the stuff before putting it away. The water sprinklers were on an 
automatic system that would come on in the early morning and water everything. 
One less worry there. I learned how to check the water in the pool, how to use 
the skimmer, and so on. Dad and I worked out a system to evenly divide the house 
and yard chores, and I liked it. I stripped back down to my diapers and relaxed 
on a lounger for the rest of the afternoon, Dad changing me on a changing pad by 
the pool once.
	"Feels weird doing this and not having to worry about people catching us," 
Dad commented as he taped up my fresh diaper.
	"Yeah, it is kinda nice," I agreed.
	Practically all my changes were done in a bathroom or on my change table, 
so this was a welcome change for me. I stretched out on the lounger again and 
Dad rubbed sunscreen into my back. Reaching into the diaper bag, he pulled out 
my pacifier.
	"Want this?" he asked.
	"Sure," I said.
	He popped it into my mouth and I sucked on it as I lay my head down. Dad 
stretched out on his lounger with the paper and read it while I relaxed. I don't 
even remember going to sleep. When I woke up, there were sunglasses on my face 
and I was lying face up. The sun was going down and Dad was standing next to me.
	"Hi Dad," I said, sitting up. "I must have dozed off."
	Dad smiled. "You were doing some serious log sawing moments after I put 
the pacifier in your mouth. Must be something to those things. I turned you over 
so your back wouldn't burn and put the sunglasses on your face. It's almost time 
for dinner, and I made chili with hot dogs in it."
	I grinned. "Oh cool!"
	"First things first. I need to change you and get you cleaned up for 
dinner," Dad said, unrolling my change pad by the lounger.
	I lay on the change pad on my back. Dad untaped my dirty diaper and 
started cleaning me up. I hadn't realized I had gone so badly. Dad was cool 
about it, though. He'd seen worst messes than this and survived them all. I was 
glad he was willing to put up with my problem and the work that went with it. 
The first doctor before Thomas had advised Dad to instutionalize me. Dad didn't 
like that idea. He decked the doctor, and told him what he thought of the idea. 
Dad had carried me out of there and he quickly found another doctor who was much 
more kinder and sympathetic. Dr. Thomas had been my doctor ever since then. He 
sent Dad to meet Dr. Stevens when he found out we were moving down here. I was 
going to meet him the next morning.
	Dad got the new diaper under me and taped it into place. I sat on the 
lounger as he rolled up the change pad and put it back into the little cupboard 
under the counter that was under the kitchen window. He picked me up and carried 
me into the kitchen and put me in my high chair. He sat down and slowly fed me 
my dinner. I laid across his lap while watching TV in the TV room. Most of the 
time I'd be on my blanket and Dad in his chair. Sometimes he'd stretch out on 
the floor with me, and once in a great while he would hold me in his arms while 
sitting on his lap. I enjoyed those times greatly. It would bring us closer 
together. I was starting to doze off by the time nine 'o clock came around. Dad 
smiled at me.
	"Time for be, my baby boy," he said.
	I just smiled and snuggled down into his arms again. He got me on my feet 
and then stood up. He picked me up again and carried me up the stairs to my baby 
room. He put me on the change table and changed my wet diaper, wiping me down 
with a baby wipe. Then he lightly powdered my groin and I raised my legs to let 
him put the night diapers in place. He pinned the cloth snug around me and then 
pulled a pair of yellow plastic pants on me. Then he lifted me off the table and 
sat me down in the rocking chair to get my summer sleeper on. I put my feet in 
and then stood up so he could pull it up around me. He zipped it up and then 
carried me to my crib. He tucked the sheet in around me and leaned down to kiss 
me good night. I closed my eyes and gently sucked on my pacifier that he put in 
my mouth. I went to sleep moments later.
	Dad woke me up around eight the next morning. I stood there on the floor 
half asleep as he took the sleeper off me. Putting me on the change table, he 
pulled the plastic pants off me and unpinned my wet diapers and tossed them into 
the pail.
	"Got to wash them today," he said as he led me to the bathroom.
	He gave me a bath, making sure I was clean everywhere he knew the doctor 
was going to look. After drying me off, he put me back on the change table and 
taped a fresh diaper on me. I followed him to my regular room and watched him 
pull shorts, shirt, and socks from my drawers. Sitting me on my bed, he quickly 
dressed me and tied my shoes on my feet. I followed him down the stairs.
	"Is there time for me to eat?" I asked.
	"No, sorry. Dr. Stevens asked me not to give you anything this morning. He 
wants to draw blood for testing to make sure there's nothing wrong inside. After 
the doctor's, we'll stop for something," Dad told me in the truck.
	I sighed. That's the one thing I hated about going to a doctor. They all 
want to stick needles into your arm or ass. Dad noticed my expression and rubbed 
my head.
	"It won't be so bad," he said.
	I rolled my eyes. "That's what they all say."
	Dad had to laugh as we went out to the Suburban. I sighed again and 
watched the scenery go by as we drove into town. We pulled up in front of a two 
story red brick building. Looked real nice with the Ivy climbing the walls.
	 "That a neat design," I said, pointing to it.
	Dad looked at it. "I agree. Nice use of the plant to give it a less severe 
	Dad is always looking at buildings to see how he could have designed it 
better. It's kind of rubbed off on me as well. I've from time to time have 
sketched out a few ideas for places I liked. I followed Dad into the building 
and we went up to the second floor where Dr. Stevens was. Walking into the 
office, I noted the layout. It was a bit bright and cheery, which I thought was 
nice. Most doctors' offices are done in one color, with a dead plant and 
magazines dated two years back. This one was a bit big, with a children's 
corner, comfortable looking couches and chairs spread out nicely with the usual 
tables with reading material on them. There were racks on the walls with medical 
stuff in them, handouts for people to take home. Dad checked in and got the 
usual questionnaire to fill out. He sat down next to me and showed it to me.
	"Twenty questions time," Dad joked.
	Some of the people around us laughed at Dad's joke. I had to smile at 
that. Dad got busy and filled it out. I reached for a fishing magazine and read 
it for a bit. I was engrossed in it and never heard my name called.
	"Time to go," Dad nudged me.
	"Okay," I said, getting up and grabbing my diaper bag.
	I followed Dad and the nurse into the examination room. I sat on the 
examine table and watched the nurse glance at the paper in her hand.
	"Okay, what I need you to do is strip down to your diaper and socks. I 
need to weigh you, measure you, and do some basic things," she said.
	After I stripped down to diaper and socks, she had me stand on the big 
scale in the corner and get my weight, and then she measured me. Once that was 
done, she checked my blood pressure while taking my temperature.
	"Did you eat anything this morning?" she asked.
	"Nope. I'm starving," I said.
	"Okay. Next thing I'm going to do is draw some blood from you. I know it's 
not a pleasant thing to do, but it's necessary. There are test that can be done 
to your blood to make sure that you don't have any diseases, and that your 
body's organs are functioning like they should be," she said.
	I was intrigued. "You can tell stuff like that from doing things with my 
	"Yes. It's important to make sure your body is working like it should. For 
the record, I know about your problem and I feel sorry for you that it happened 
to you," she said to me, rubbing my shoulder.
	I managed a slight smile. To tell the truth, I really don't remember much 
about it, except for the fact that I never stopped wearing diapers when I got 
old enough to start toilet training. Dad told me I was very sick when I was 
four, so that's why I don't remember it too well. I decided I would lie down on 
the table for the blood drawing. I don't handle needles too well. Last time I 
had a shot, I threw up all over. Dad walked over to the other side of the table 
with a pan in his hand, ready to help me. I took his hand in my right one. The 
nurse probed my arm and found the vein and tied a piece of rubber around my arm. 
I kept looking at Dad, trying not to think about it. I felt the needle go in and 
I jumped. Dad squeezed my hand.
	"You're doing all right, just hang in there," he said.
	"Almost done David," she said.
	I felt my stomach start to act up and I closed my eyes. I felt something 
metal touch the right side of my face. Then my stomach reacted, making me have a 
dry heave.
	"Done," she said, gently pulling the needle out.
	Dad held me for a few minutes, helping me to settle down again. I breathed 
in and out a few times, trying to get my nerves to settle down again.
	"Are you okay son?" Dad asked.
	I opened my eyes and looked up into Dad's face. "I will be now, Dad. 
Thanks for being here, Dad."
	Dad smiled. "Part of my job, son."
	I lay back and relaxed for a bit. The nurse came back in with a glass of 
orange juice.
	"Something for you to settle your stomach with. Are you going to be okay?" 
she asked me.
	"I will be now," I said.
	She smiled. "Good. Tommy will be right in."
	"Tommy?" I asked.
	"Dr. Stevens. He likes to be called Tommy. Sometimes I swear he acts more 
like a kid than a doctor," she said.
	"But that's what makes life more fun," a man's voice said from the door.
	I looked to see a man about Dad's height standing there. He had grey hair, 
a goatee, round glasses, and he looked to be in his early fifties. I liked him 
right away.
	The nurse left, closing the door behind him. Tommy picked up the papers on 
the counter and I recognized my charts and things from Dr. Thomas.
	"David, Tony, it's nice to meet you both. I've had the chance to read 
David's file you gave me when we first met. I see that David's last visit to 
Thomas was almost six months ago. In addition to setting up your file here, I'm 
going to give you a physical as well so I can get familiar with you. So, let's 
get started," he said.
	He started by listening to my heart and lungs, checking my blood pressure 
and pulse, checked my reflexes, looked into my ears, nose, and throat with a 
little light, and had me lie flat so he could feel around my torso.
	"So far so good. Three more things, and we're done. I need to check you 
for hernias, check your testicles, and to give you a prostate exam," he stated.
	"The hernia check I've done before, but never the prostate exam and the 
other thing," I said, feeling nervous.
	Tommy's eyebrows rose. "Every man and boy gets those done. It's to make 
sure it's the right size and shape, which is very important. The testicle exam 
is also very important. It's to make sure there aren't any strange lumps there."
	"Does it hurt?" I asked.
	"It's not supposed to, son. I've had it done to me a few times, and it is 
important. Got to make sure you're healthy inside," Dad said as Tommy nodded.
	"Okay. Besides, I need a change anyway. I wet while the nurse was sucking 
my blood out!" I laughed.
	Dad and Tommy laughed at my attempt at humor.
	"That reminds me. Do you have any pain when you urinate?" Tommy asked.
	"No I don't," I said.
	"That's good. If you do, I need to know and check you out," Tommy said.
	I got off the table and Tommy put a thick piece of cotton on the table 
where I would sit once the diaper came off. I pulled the tapes loose and rolled 
it into a ball. Tommy pointed to the sink and I washed my hands with hot water 
and soap, and then sat on the table again. Tommy turned to me.
	"Lie back please," he asked.
	He started touching me, examining my penis and testicles. He explained to 
me how to do it at home. I paid attention to what he said about it. Then he had 
me stand up, turn my head and cough while pressing his fingers into my groin. 
Then I got back on the table on my hands and knees. He pulled on rubber gloves 
and put some kind of gel on his index finger and got behind me.
	"Just relax, and you'll be fine. It's a jelly that will allow my finger to 
go in without hurting you," he said.
	I could feel his finger twist and slowly push in. I pushed down a bit, and 
the finger popped right in. I could feel it move around in there and then touch 
something. My penis went hard in a couple of seconds. Whatever he was doing felt 
good. I moaned softly, enjoying the good feelings. Suddenly I felt myself cum 
into the piece of cotton. I sighed, feeling wiped out. I looked to see Dad and 
Tommy smiling at me. Tommy patted my bare butt and pronounced me healthy. Dad 
put a fresh diaper on me and dressed me again. Tommy shook our hands and told us 
to call in a week for the blood panel results as we walked out the door. I was 
glad that was over.
	"McDonalds sound good to you?" Dad asked as we left the parking lot.
	I didn't hesitate. "Yes!"
	Dad had to laugh. "Okay, you eager beaver!"
	I had the Big Mac combo while Dad had the Quarter pounder one. I sighed, 
feeling better with food in me. Dad grinned at my expression.
	"Feeling better now, I hope," he said. "Next stop is my office."
	I grinned. "Good. I want to see where you work. Dennis is going to be 
	Back in the Suburban, I thought about the visit to the doctor's office. He 
had done the usual stuff, but that was the first time I had been examined 
intimately like that. It gave me something to think about. Tommy's lecture about 
getting cancer down there was scary. As long as I ate right and got plenty of 
exercise, I shouldn't have anything to worry about.
	"Dollar for your thoughts," Dad said, breaking into my thoughts.
	"I thought it was supposed to be a penny," I said.
	Dad shrugged his shoulders. "Inflation, you know."
	I had to laugh at that. I told Dad about what I was feeling the entire 
time Tommy had his finger in my butt.
	"That's because the prostate gland is known as the sex gland. Some of your 
sperm gets stored in there until it's time for it to come out, be it through 
intercourse, masturbation, or a wet dream. Nothing to worry about," Dad said. If 
you get it checked on a regular basis, you shouldn't have any problems."
	Now I had something else to research. I looked up as we pulled into the 
parking lot of a three-story building. I grabbed the backpack that served as my 
diaper bag and followed Dad in. The building was nice on the inside. We took the 
glass elevator up to the third floor and got out. Dad walked up to one of four 
doors on the floor and walked in. The place was big and spacious. The 
receptionist smiled at Dad.
	"Hi Tony! Who is that good looking young man with you?" she asked.
	Dad grinned at her and stepped aside. "This is David, my son."
	She smiled at me. "Hi David, nice to meet you!" 	
	"Nice to meet you," I replied.
	"Fred in?" Dad asked.
	"Yes, and so is Dennis," she informed Dad.
	I grinned. "Oh good."
	I followed Dad to his office. It was a really nice one with a great view 
of the south side of town. He even had his own bathroom.
	"David, I put some diapers in the bathroom just in case you ever need to 
change while you're here," Dad said as I put my backpack on a chair.
	"Thanks Dad," I nodded.
	There was a knock on the door, and I turned to see a very tanned man with 
black hair and black eyes standing there. He was a bit shorter than Dad, and 
about Dad's age.
	"There you are, Tony. Dennis told me you were coming here after seeing 
Tommy. I take it everything went well?" the man asked.
	Dad rose to face the man. "Sure did, Fred. This is my son David. David, 
this is Fred, Dennis' father."
	I shook his hand and though how much he and Dennis looked like each other. 
Dennis walked in a moment later.
	"Great, you met Dad," he grinned.
	"Yup. Just got here," I said.
	"Would you boys mind going to my office for a moment? I need to talk to 
Tony for a moment," Fred said.
	"Okay Dad," Dennis replied.
	I followed Dennis to his Dad's office. We sat on the couch and I told him 
about the visit to Tommy's office.
	"He's cool. I've been going to him ever since I was little. For some 
reason my bladder didn't develop right and I've had to wear diapers since then. 
I didn't want Mom and Dad to take apart the nursery once I got too old for it. I 
liked it and wanted to keep it. So they let me continue to sleep in it. I think 
the reason they gave in so easy was because they didn't want to let go of it 
either. It's changed a little over the years, but it's nice and cozy. I do have 
a regular bedroom for when relatives or friends come over. We tell them it's 
locked because it's extra storage room. It's at the end of the hall, so it 
created a perfect excuse to call it that," Dennis said.
	"Dad told me once I was old enough to understand that I had a serious 
infection that ruined a bunch of nerves inside my bladder when I was little. I 
didn't have a baby room until I was ten and Dad caught me sleeping inside a 
neighbor's crib sucking on a bottle. Moving here to Blue Springs gave us the 
chance to have the kind of house we always wanted. I've got a really cool baby 
room now, and I love it," I smiled.
	"I'd like to see it sometime," Dennis said.
	"Sure, if you'll show me yours," I said.
	"How about this weekend?" Dad said from the doorway.
	I turned to see Dad and Frank standing there. "That would be cool, Dad. If 
that's okay with Mr. Peters."
	"It's fine with me, David. Your Dad and I need to go and see a client over 
the weekend. We would be back Monday night at the latest. My wife Lisa is 
willing to look after you," Fred said.
	Dennis and I grinned at each other. "When does he come over?"
	I got there mid afternoon on Friday. I offered to bring some of my diapers 
so I wouldn't have to use any of Dennis'. I was told that Dennis had plenty of 
everything. He even used the same brand and size that I wore. I packed two 
changes of clothes just in case we went out on the town. Dad came into their 
mansion with me when he dropped me off. The house was huge! The top floor had 
twelve bedrooms, the bottom floor had eight. Everything in there seemed so 
elegant. Dad and I liked Lisa right away. She was tall, brown hair and hazel 
eyes. She was a pretty lady, and I told her so.
	Fred and Dennis grinned. "We kinda think so too."
	Dad turned to me and gave me a hug before leaving with Fred. "Be a 
gentleman now."
	"Aren't I always?" I grinned.
	Dad snorted. "Want me to answer that?"
	"No thanks," I quickly said to laughter.
	Dad and Fred went out the door and I turned to pick up my duffle bag.
	"Bryan took it upstairs," Dennis said. "He and his brother Ryan have been 
my nannies ever since I was little. They are delighted that you're here this 
	"Cool," I said, wondering what I was getting into.
	"Come on, I'll show you the rooms," Dennis said.
	I followed him up the stairs and to the first room. It was a typical boy's 
room, done in nice light brown colors with racecar posters on the walls. He led 
me to the next room and into it. I blinked twice, amazed at what I saw. It was a 
true baby room, done in a nice light pastel blue, with white and blue furniture 
to match. The crib was larger than mine, it was a full size. Dennis giggled at 
my reaction.
	"You like it?" he asked.
	"Dude, it's totally awesome!" I exclaimed.
	There was a knock on the door behind me. I turned to see two men walk in. 
They were twins, both of them very good looking. The seemed to be in their mid 
thirties, and very muscular. One had glasses on over his hazel colored eyes, 
while the other had black eyes. Dennis introduced them to me.
	"The one on the left is Ryan, the one with glasses is Bryan," Dennis said.
	"Cool. Nice to meet you guys," I said, shaking their hands.
	"What do you guys want to do?" Ryan asked.
	"Well, I need a change and I think David wants to get comfortable," Dennis 
	Bryan took Dennis to the change table and started changing his diaper. I 
looked at the room some more and then sat down on the rocking chair. Ryan got 
down on his knees and took my shoes off, and then my shorts. He checked my 
diaper and then picked me up and sat down in the rocker with me on his lap. He 
cradled me in his strong arms like Dad does and that felt good. We watched 
Dennis getting changed.
	"Let's go into the yard," Dennis suggested.
	"Okay," I agreed.
	"We thought you would say that. The play yard is set up," Bryan said.
	"Play yard?" I asked.
	Dennis grinned. "Wait and see."
	I had a feeling I was going to have fun here. Ryan stood up, holding me on 
his hip.
	"What color do you want?" he asked, pointing to a couple of pacifiers.
	"Red please," I answered.
	He picked it up and put it in my mouth. I sucked on it gently as he 
carried me downstairs, Bryan behind us carrying Dennis. Lisa saw us and she came 
	"Oh, there's the babies!" she said, smiling.
	I blushed as she kissed me on the cheek, and then Dennis. "Play nicely 
	I looked around at the big yard as Ryan walked through the yard. He walked 
around the end of a hedge, and that's when I saw the play yard. It looked 
exactly like a little kid's play yard, complete with swings, slides, a sandbox, 
and other things. I grinned at Dennis and he smiled back. Oh, we were going to 
have fun. Ryan set me down on my feet, and the first thing I did was run for the 
swings. I got on it and started swinging. I felt like a little boy again. Dennis 
and I played on all the stuff for most of the afternoon, laughing like little 
boys. Ryan changed me once and that was nice, but not as nice as Dad does it. 
Before I knew it, it was getting dark. Ryan picked me up and carried me back to 
the house with Bryan and Dennis following us.
	"We will bathe the both of you and get you ready for dinner, unless dinner 
is ready first," Bryan announced.
	Dinner was ready as we walked in, so we got cleaned up with damp 
washcloths and then put into high chairs. We were given our dinners and both of 
us talked quietly while we were eating. I was feeling very comfortable in front 
of Dennis and his Mom by now.
	"Thanks for having me over. I'm enjoying this," I said.
	"I'm glad you were able to come. Hopefully some of my friends will drop in 
this weekend. They're diaper boys like us," Dennis said.
	"Oh cool," I grinned.
	Dennis laughed. "I think so too."
	"So what next?" I asked.
	Dennis looked at the clock. "Well, it's coming up on seven thirty, so most 
likely baths for us, a bit more playtime in the playroom, and then off to bed by 
	"Sounds like fun to me," I said.
	Dennis just grinned.
	The two nannies did take us up to the bathroom after dinner was done. I 
had wet during dinner, so Ryan took my wet diaper off while the huge tub was 
filling up with hot water. Bryan already had Dennis undressed and sitting in the 
bathtub when Ryan carried me in. He put me in facing Dennis and both of us began 
splashing a little while playing with the bath toys. They let us play for a bit 
and then started bathing us. I liked the feeling of someone washing me, even 
though I can do it myself. Once we were clean, we were taken to the change 
tables. Fresh diapers were put on us, and then t-shirts. They carried us to the 
playroom next door. I was amazed at all the baby and little boy toys in there. I 
didn't know where to start.
	"I don't like to grow up," Dennis laughed.
	"Did you rob a toy store?" I asked.
	Dennis laughed even louder. "No, but my uncle owns one."
	I settled on one toy, and Dennis settled on another. Both of us started to 
play, losing track of time. We were having too much fun to stop, but we had to 
once bedtime was announced. After my thick cloth night diapers were put on me, 
Ryan put a shorty sleeper on me that was a green color with a teddy bear on the 
right side of it. He tucked me into the crib next to Dennis with a bottle full 
of water. Both of them said good night and left us alone. Dennis sighed and 
closed his eyes. I lay awake for a bit, listening to his slow breathing. I let 
my thoughts wander. Was this something I really enjoyed doing? Yes it was. It 
felt good to me to regress and be a little boy or a baby. Did Dad enjoy it? 
Yeah, he did. He's told me on a few occasions that it gave him a chance to do 
what he missed out on doing the first time around before I got sick and Mom 
died. It brought us lots closer and made me feel like I was a part of Dad. Doing 
this was definitely all worth it. It wasn't hurting anybody. I closed my eyes 
and drifted off to sleep.
	Ryan woke me the next morning by shaking me gently.
	"Good morning little baby," he cooed.
	I turned over and smiled at him as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. He 
lifted me out and put me on the change table. He pulled my plastic pants off and 
quickly unpinned my soaked cloth diapers. Wiping me clean, he taped a fresh 
disposable onto me and put a striped shirt on me. He carried me down to the 
kitchen and sat me in the high chair next to Dennis. Ryan sat down in front of 
me and fed me my breakfast.
	"Today is Saturday, so we will take you for a walk in your strollers. Then 
the play yard for an hour or two, and then we go into town to go shopping with 
the van," Bryan informed us.
	"Strollers?" I asked.
	"Yeah, big enough to take us. I'll have one and so will you," Dennis said. 
"Don't you have one?"
	"No. Didn't know there were any big enough for me," I said.
	"Dad had a couple custom made for me and my friends anytime they come. 
Which reminds me, some of them might drop in on us today, most likely later in 
the day," Dennis said.
	"Cool," I said eagerly.
	Being in a stroller sounded like fun to me. I never imagined there could 
be any big enough for me, but I was about to see for myself. We got taken back 
upstairs for a quick cleanup and change before going down for our walk. Sure 
enough, the strollers were built big enough for us, not to mention the fact that 
they were comfortable. They looked exactly like a normal stroller except for the 
fact they were bigger than normal. They even had mountain trail type tires on 
them. Ryan strapped me into mine and put the bottle of water within easy reach. 
I was wearing the striped t-shirt still and had my shoes on this time. The 
diaper was in plain view, but by this time I didn't care. I was really 
comfortable around Dennis and the two men. Once we were settled in, we were off. 
You know how you walk through the mall and see the little kids in their 
strollers? Some seem to like it and others don't? Well, I liked the one I was 
in. It was so comfortable. I relaxed and let out a sigh of contentment. Dennis 
looked over at me.
	"You like this?" he asked.
	"Sure do! This thing is actually comfortable!" I exclaimed. "I gotta get 
my Dad to get one."
	"I'll get you the information later," Dennis said.
	We were on a trail that led us into the woods. The air here was clear and 
fresh. All my life I had dreamed of being in a place like this and it finally 
had come true. I felt really good deep inside. I picked up the bottle and drank 
some water. Even the water here was fresh and clean. Suddenly I farted loudly 
and then filled up the seat of my diaper.
	"Need a change?" Ryan asked.
	"Yes please," I replied.
	Ryan steered the stroller to a picnic table nearby. He laid me down on the 
changing pad and took the messy diaper of me and got me cleaned up. He put me 
back into the stroller and strapped me in after taping a fresh diaper on me.
	"Dad had this picnic table and the barbeque put out here for barbeques by 
the lake when the mood hit him, which it does quite often. We'll have to go back 
the other way to show you the dock and our boats," Dennis said.
	I thought for a moment. "Does this lake go all the way around to Pine 
	"Yeah, it does. Why?" Dennis asked.
	I grinned. "That's where our house is, and it has a dock on the lake!"
	"Green house with white trim, a fence going around the yard done in 
redwood standing ten feet tall, and rock stepping stones up the middle?" Dennis 
	I grinned. "That's the one!"
	Dennis laughed. "Oh right on!"
	We exchanged high fives as the men looked on in amusement.
	"I get the feeling things are going to be busy for us this summer," Bryan 
	Before we knew it, it was mid afternoon. The men dressed us in t-shirt and 
shorts after making sure we had clean diapers on us. Bryan pulled the van up to 
the front door while Ryan led us down the steps to the van, holding our hands. I 
got in first, and was surprised to see a pair of oversized car seats in the back 
of the van.
	"Baby car seats?" I looked at Dennis in surprise.
	"Big enough for us," he grinned.
	I just shook my head as Ryan strapped me into mine. Dennis really took the 
whole baby thing all the way. For me, the stroller, play yard, and now the car 
seats was turning into an experience I'd never forget. The car seats were 
comfortable as well. I relaxed and enjoyed the ride. Once we got to the mall, we 
acted like normal teens. We helped the two guys shop for the kitchen, stocking 
up on food for the weekend. We stopped for ice cream, and then went home. I let 
my mind wander. I had started the baby thing as a way to relieve stress and it 
did. I had never imagined it would go this far at all. Not that I'm complaining, 
I do enjoy the attention from Dad. There is something to be said about 
regressing back to four, five years old and having someone feed, wash me, change 
my diapers when needed and just flat out take care of me just made me feel good. 
It amazed me that Dad was willing to do it. Once I had learned he had fantasized 
about me being a baby again made it so much easier to do. I know for a fact that 
Dad enjoys babying me, so both of us don't feel guilty about it at all.
	When we got back, Ryan led us up to the playroom and left us there while 
they took all the groceries into the kitchen. When they came in twenty minutes 
later, I was more than happy to see them.
	"I need a change," I said, having wet myself good.
	Ryan put me on the change table first and got me changed. Dennis was next, 
his was worse than mine. I'm sure he felt better in a clean diaper once he was 
cleaned up.
	"How about an early dinner?" Bryan asked, looking at the clock.
	Both of us liked that idea. They led us downstairs and put us in our high 
chairs in the kitchen. They fed us ravioli, salad, and vegetables for dinner. 
Afterwards we watched TV until late. After changing our diapers, they put us to 
bed in just onsies for warmth. Dennis and I smiled at each other as we fell 
asleep. I knew for sure we would be good friends for sure. Tomorrow was Sunday, 
and I was going to meet the others in the Diaper Club that Dennis was in. I 
couldn't wait.
My Teenbaby Life 02
By David (
	I woke up next to Dennis the next morning. He was already awake and I lay 
there quietly watching him press his hand against the front of his diaper. I 
knew what he was doing. Denis was getting off. I slipped my hand under his and 
pressed the heel of my palm a bit firmer against his obvious erection inside wet 
cloth diapers. He turned to me and grinned, and then suddenly he shivered and 
	"I liked that. Now it's your turn," he said.
	I lay back and relaxed as he returned the favor. It's one thing to do 
yourself, but lots more fun to have someone else do you. I had my orgasm a 
moment later and sighed.
	"Thanks, I needed that. Felt really good," I said.
	"Let's wake up the house, shall we?" Dennis grinned.
	"How are we gonna do that? There's no monitor in here," I said.
Dennis grinned even more. "We cry our heads off."
I blinked in surprise at his suggestion. I didn't know if he was being serious.
	"Gotta do it," Dennis said.
I shrugged my shoulders and decided to go for it. Dennis grimaced and sighed at 
my effort as I blushed.
	"Dude, that was half assed," Dennis commented.
Rising to his knees and grabbing hold of the bars on the rail in front of him, 
he took a deep breath and really cut loose. I jumped in surprise and shock. A 
moment later, I was doing it too.
	"Waaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" we both cried.
	It was weird. I felt myself get hard again. I pressed it against the rail 
and shot off seconds later. The door opened right then and the two nannies came 
	"Well! I see our babies are awake!" Ryan said as he picked up a crying 
Dennis. Bryan picked me up in his strong arms. "It's all right now, little one. 
I'll get you changed quick."
	He laid me out on the second change table and quieted my tears. He 
stripped the wet and dirty night diapers off me and got me cleaned up. As he 
taped a fresh disposable diaper on me, I could see Dennis and Ryan discussing 
something. I wondered what was up. Bryan set me on the floor and turned to the 
closet. I stood there in just my diapers wondering what I was going to wear 
today. Bryan turned back to me and put a red t-shirt on me and then had me step 
into a pair of shortalls, pulling it up and adjusting the straps on my 
shoulders. He picked me up and carried me down to breakfast. Lisa (Dennis's Mom) 
breezed into the room just as Bryan secured me in the high chair.
	"I thought I heard somebody waking up!" she declared, kissing me on the 
cheek. I blushed as Bryan grinned at me. Lisa giggled and set a bottle of apple 
juice in front of me. As Bryan was tying the bib around my neck, Ryan appeared 
with Dennis.
	"There's my other sweet baby!" she cooed, kissing Dennis on the forehead. 
Ryan got Dennis settled down in his high chair and both men began feeding us our 
breakfast. Once we were done eating, they pushed our high chairs together so 
Dennis and I could talk while drinking our bottles of milk. I listened to Dennis 
outline the plan of the day to me.
	"It's about ten now, so the four other guys should be showing up anytime 
now. Once they are here, I'll open the meeting and introduce you. Then I'll have 
them vote on you and then you have to go through the initiation to join. Then 
we'll play most of the day," Dennis informed me. I nodded. "Cool."
	The two men led Dennis and me out to the play yard once breakfast was done 
and cleared away. Over the next half hour, the four boys arrived. Ito was twelve 
and Japanese, black hair, black eyes, and stood five foot even. Tony was 
Italian, black hair, brown eyes, eleven, and stood four foot five. Ben was 
Scottish, red hair, green eyes, thirteen, and stood five foot even. Last one was 
TJ, short for Tommie John. He had short spiky blond hair, blue eyes, stood four 
foot three, and was ten years old. I liked them all immediately. The fact that 
all four wore diapers due to medical problems made me feel less conspicuous. 
After we all said hello, we settled down in the sandbox. Dennis lightly smacked 
the bottom of a plastic pail with a small shovel.
	"Okay, this diaper club will now come to order," he said.
	"I second that," Ito said. Dennis nodded. "Good. First item on the list is 
welcoming our new member. His name is David, and he just moved here. All those 
in favor of him joining us say goo." I blinked as the four boys said goo loudly. 
TJ giggled at my expression.
	"I vote for the initiation," Ben said. That was quickly agreed on by all 
five of them. I wondered what it was going to be.
	"Okay. The initiation will be for you to change our diapers for the rest 
of the day," Dennis informed me. I thought about that for a few moments. I've 
had to change myself on a few occasions so I knew what messy diapers were like.
	"I'm cool with that," I agreed.
Having got that settled, we started playing like little kids would. I felt good 
about having to put off being an older boy for a day and returning to being five 
years old again. I changed each boy when needed and did a professional job of it 
knowing either Bryan or Ryan was there to make sure I did it right. Changing the 
diapers didn't bother me at all. It even gave me the chance to check out the 
other guys. All of them were different lengths and sizes and all got erect when 
I changed them. Sure gave me something to think about and investigate later when 
I got home to my computer. Each one of them changed me when I needed it and I 
know they studied my gear as they did so and that didn't bother me at all. I 
guess it is natural for a person to be curious about another person's body. 
During my last diaper change I yawned at least twice. I was getting tired.
	"How about all of you go back to the house for naptime?" Ryan asked noting 
my tired expression on my face. The other guys agreed and so did I. Ryan took my 
hand as the other boys joined hands with Bryan last in line and led us all back 
to the house. Both men made sure we had dry diapers on and bottles of water on 
the big puffy comforter before they laid us down for our naps. All of us relaxed 
and before I knew it I had gone to sleep.
	When we woke up, it was a bit warmer outside. All of us guys decided to 
strip down to our diapers and shoes.
	"He passed the initiation, guys. He doesn't have to change us anymore," 
Ben said. The guys all nodded and I grinned. Bryan helped me up on the change 
table and then changed my messy diapers. I followed the guys down to the play 
yard once I was in a clean diaper again. It felt good to be undressed. I studied 
the others. Ito had a lean body, not too fat, not too skinny. He told me he 
needed to be like this for the swim team.
	"I use a swim diaper that looks like a speedo. At first everyone was 
worried about the possibility of me contaminating the pool. Once they saw the 
swim diaper I had, they agreed to let me swim for the high school team," Ito 
	"That's cool," I said. Ben was a bit bigger than Ito. He played soccer for 
the high school team.
	"No worries, mate," he chuckled. Tony played soccer as well. He had a bit 
of muscle and was well tanned. TJ wasn't into team sports just yet.
	"My folks want me to grow a bit more before I try for something," he said.
I nodded. "That's cool. I'm not into anything just yet either." The more we 
talked, the more I liked them. Each boy had his own nursery in addition to a 
normal boy's room. Not very many people knew about them wearing diapers, so 
times like this was a welcome relief to them. I was feeling the same way myself. 
As far as I was concerned, this place was paradise. I never wanted to leave.
	While all of us were playing, the parents arrived the same time Dad and 
Fred did. Fred introduced Dad to the parents and they all saw my initiation 
pictures that had been developed right in the house. Photography was Lisa's 
hobby, and she was very good at it. Dad showed me the pictures as I was being 
put into my highchair for dinner. It had been decided on the spur of the moment 
to barbeque chicken so Dad and Fred teamed up to cook the chicken. The brothers, 
Bryan and Ryan ran down to the store for some extras and by the time they got 
back, the first of the chicken was coming off the barbeque grill. That was some 
of the best chicken I've ever eaten with the exception of Dad's. Dad loves to 
barbeque as well and he's no slouch in that area. Once dinner was done all of us 
kids went back into the play area and the adults sat under an awning and watched 
us. They talked and sipped glasses of wine, stopping to change one of us or tie 
a shoe. It was just a typical Sunday afternoon, and I felt truly relaxed around 
the other diaper boys. I would look up at Dad every now and then and he looked 
very relaxed. He told me later that he wished he had done this long ago. Perhaps 
things would have been very different. I knew that things were different now and 
much better for Dad and me. We were talking more, doing more things together, 
and we were in a much better environment. I had friends who were like me and 
liked me for who I was. Can't get any better than that. Dad caught me smiling at 
him every now and then and I knew he knew I was truly happy. I wondered what he 
had in mind for the rest of the summer. I'd find out later.
	The sun was starting to set around eight when the party broke up. It was 
starting to get a bit nippy as well. Dad called me over and pulled a yellow 
onsie on me to keep me warm. The other boys were dressed in onsies as well. One 
by one all of us said good night and headed off to our respective homes. I 
thanked Dennis for a good time I had during the sleepover, I even kissed Lisa on 
the cheek and she called me a gentleman. Dad beamed at that as I blushed. 
Getting into the big Suburban I had a surprise waiting for me. Dad had found a 
car seat big enough for me to ride in. Dad grinned as I laughed. I got into it 
and he secured the straps around me. It was actually very comfortable to ride 
in. I dozed off in it as Dad drove us home. I woke briefly as he carried me 
upstairs to my nursery and put me on the change table to diaper me up for the 
	"Had a good time there?" he asked.
	"The best," I grinned.
	"Good. I hope you won't mind if we host them a time or two here," Dad 
	"Please do it! It would be fun to share my playroom with Dennis and the 
guys!" I laughed, clapping my hands.
	"Done deal, eager beaver!" Dad exclaimed. He tucked me into my crib with 
my usual bottle of water and my pacifier and kissed me good night. I sighed 
feeling safe and secure once more. I listened to Dad move around the house 
before sleep claimed me. Life was good, and getting better all the time.
	I woke around eight the next morning. I sat up and realized I needed a 
change. I was about to push the button on the crib monitor when I suddenly 
decided to wake him up in a different manner. I got on my knees, grabbed the 
rail of the crib, took a deep breath, and let go.
	Damn if it didn't work. Dad came scurrying in, bathrobe flapping and boxer 
halfway on.
	"Okay little baby, let's get you taken care of," he cooed at me to quiet 
me down as he lifted me out of the crib. Once I was on my back on the change 
table I quit crying and sniffled a few times. Dad gave me my pacifier and I 
sucked on it as he began getting me ready for the day.
	"Try not to make a regular habit of that okay?" Dad asked me as he wiped 
my dirty bottom clean. "I don't mind once in a while but not every morning."
	I nodded my head to show I understood. Dad taped a fresh disposable on me 
and set me down on the floor. I crawled on my hands and knees after him into his 
bedroom. He hung his bathrobe on the door, lifted me on his bed and gave me a 
toy and a bottle with juice in it to keep me occupied while he pulled off his 
bathrobe and boxers and went into his shower. I pushed the toy car around on the 
bed while drinking the juice from the bottle. I felt totally relaxed and 
comfortable. Dad came back into the room and smiled at the sight of me in my 
diapers playing on the bed. I watched him dress in his suit and then lead me 
back to the nursery to dress me. He pulled a striped shirt on me and helped me 
into shortalls. Leading me downstairs by the hand, I could smell the coffee in 
the coffee pot he sets up every night before going to bed. He fed me eggs for 
	"Okay, here is the situation. I need to go into the office for about 
three, four hours. There is a local library next to the office so you are to go 
there and get yourself a library card and read a few books. I am thinking of 
hiring someone to take care of you this summer while I'm at the office. Can't 
have you running around by yourself. I know you are old enough to, but I would 
feel better about having someone here to watch you. We can talk more about this 
later, okay?" Dad said as he led me out to the truck.
	"Okay. I need to think about that for a bit," I agreed. He secured me into 
the car seat and off we went. I noticed he had all the windows except for the 
windshield, the driver's window and the right front door window dark tinted so 
nobody could look in.
	"To protect your privacy when you're using the car seat. That okay with 
you?" Dad asked me.
	"I'm cool with that," I said. I was enjoying this. It was so cool to have 
a second babyhood and a Dad who indulged me in it and enjoyed spoiling me at the 
same time. I wondered if Dad ever had any thoughts about trying on a diaper for 
the hell of it. Before I could ask him we pulled into the parking lot for the 
local library. I'd have to ask him later. The place looked kind of neat. The 
design was low and sloping taking advantage of the ground's rolling appearance. 
Someone did a job with this one. I walked in with my pack over my shoulder and 
looked around the place. I decided to start with the information desk.
	"Hi," I said, approaching the desk. "I'm new here in town and this is the 
first time I've come here. I need to apply for a library card. How do I do 
that?" The lady behind the desk was really helpful and in short order I had my 
own photo library card. I decided to start at one end of the library and work my 
way around the place. I got so engrossed in the place I'd forgotten to watch the 
time. A tap on my shoulder made me jump and I turned to see Dad standing there 
smiling at me.
	"I figured you would be looking at the James Bond books," he laughed 
softly. I grinned and put the book back. "Dad, getting a card here is easy."
	"Good. I will get mine right now then," he said. He had his in five 
minutes and slipped it into his wallet. "Now let's head on home."
	I followed him out to the parking lot and he strapped me into my car seat 
for the ride home. I can't tell you what kind of warm feelings I got feeling his 
hands tucking me into the car seat felt like. I just knew they were good 
feelings and I loved him even more. Dad saw the expression on my face and he had 
an idea what I was feeling.
	"There has been times when I've asked myself if I was doing the right 
thing by giving you a second babyhood, giving you a nursery with the crib, 
change table, baby clothes, the stroller, and the car seat. But when I see you 
smile at me I know it's really worth it to me. It's also given me a second 
chance to really father you in the way I should have a long time ago. I truly 
love you son," he said, kissing me on the cheek.
	Tears sprang into my eyes as I got choked up. I wanted to say something 
but the words didn't come out. Dad smiled and handed me a tissue and closed the 
door. My father truly loves me and that's all that mattered. Life is good I know 
that for sure. I really love it best when he holds me close to him just after 
bath. I love how he cuddles me, strokes my back, gently moves his fingers 
through my hair, and then be rocked on his lap in the big rocking chair in the 
corner of my nursery. He doesn't really have to say much of anything I can see 
in his eyes just how much he cares about me. I know if more fathers were that 
way with their sons, we'd have a better world.
	The motion of the truck stopping brought me out of my thoughts. I looked 
up to see that we were home. He opened the door and released me from the car 
seat. I lay my head on his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist as he 
carried me into the house. Dad sat down on the edge of the couch and gently 
rocked me for a few minutes.
	"This is one of the things I enjoy most about babying you. It's being able 
to hold you in my arms and love you like a little boy. No matter how old you 
get, you will always be my little boy," Dad said, kissing me on the forehead.
	He held me for a few minutes more and then laid me down on the couch. He 
went into the kitchen and got me a bottle of apple juice to drink. He went out 
and brought in things from the truck and then closed the front door.
	"Well now, what shall we do next?" he asked, grinning at me. "Put you down 
for a nap or take you up stairs into your playroom while I change?"
	"Playroom please!" I said.
	He laughed and carried me upstairs and put me on the change table. "First 
we need to change you. Then I'll put you into the playpen for a few moments 
while I change and then we will investigate the strange box that I found on the 
doorstep this afternoon."
	I was glad to get out of the wet diapers and get cleaned up. Dad smiled at 
my erection as the cool air got to it. I wasn't embarrassed anymore now that I 
knew it was perfectly normal. Dad had said I was growing up and maturing. He 
didn't mind that I was a little late. I knew from the talk he had given me that 
boys matured at different rates than others. No big deal, just a fact of life. 
He taped a new diaper on me and put a plain blue t-shirt on me. He led me to my 
playroom and put me into the playpen. I started to amuse myself with various 
toys while listening to him whistle a merry tune as he changed out of his suit. 
I wondered what we would do this afternoon. It was nice enough to go outside in 
the sun. When he came back into the playroom he was wearing his Hawaiian jams 
and nothing else. He lifted me out of the playpen and carried me downstairs to 
the living room. I sat in the middle of the floor and sucked on the bottle some 
	"According to the box it is being sent to one David Branson. Would that be 
you by any chance?" Dad said to me.
	I grinned and clapped my hands like an excited five year old. He handed it 
to me.
	"Open it up, son," he said, smiling at me.
	I did with all the enthusiasm I could and discovered the swim diapers.
	"It's the swim diapers, Daddy!" I cried out excitedly.
	Dad looked surprised. "That was fast."
	I looked at the bright colors and loved them. They were about to make 
another of my wishes come true. I wanted to swim but never could because of my 
diapers. Now these simple garments were about to make my wish come true.
	"Let's go for a swim!" Dad laughed at my joy.
	He laid me down on the carpet and removed my wet diaper. I guess in my 
excitement I had peed a flood. Dad just smiled and set about putting the boxer 
swim diaper on me. He made sure it was on properly and tied the drawstring nice 
and tight and then stood me on my feet. Oh they felt so good and fit so good! I 
was in seventh heaven! Dad led me to the yard and put me into the playpen he had 
next to the house.
	"Be a good boy and stay there until Daddy gets back," Dad told me and then 
dashed into the house.
	I explored the swim diaper and felt the smooth fabric under my fingers. 
They were so nice. I couldn't get over how they felt. They felt like ordinary 
boxer swim shorts except these were designed with a plastic barrier inside them 
to hold my pee and poop inside them. The elastic bunching felt nice and 
comfortable. I looked up to see Dad watching me with a big grin on his face.
	"You really like those don't you, son?" he asked.
	"Yes, Daddy I do," I said.
	He reached in and picked me up. I put my arms around his neck and my legs 
around his waist. I had butterflies in my stomach from nervous anticipation. Dad 
patted my bottom and I felt secure again. He walked into the water and waded out 
until the water was at his waistline. I could feel the slightly cool pool water 
on my legs. Dad slowly crouched down until the water came up to my chest. I 
really was enjoying this.
	"This is fun, Daddy!" I said in my best little boy voice.
	Dad was so happy he just hugged me tight. "Okay, first thing we do is to 
get used to the water. So we will move back up into the shallow end a bit and I 
will sit down. Hopefully the water will stay at your chest. Then we'll relax for 
a bit and soak in the water."
	Dad did back up some and sat down holding me on his lap. The water stayed 
right at my chest like he said it would. He would scoop up a bit of water and 
dribble it down over my head. I'd laugh at that and he would do it again. He 
tired of that a moment later.
	"How do you feel now?" he asked me.
	I got serious. "Feels really good, Dad."
	"Good. Now I am going to teach you how to float. It's really simple. Just 
let yourself relax and the water will keep your upper body close to the surface 
of the water. All you have to do is hold your head above water," Dad instructed.
	He carried me a bit out so I could give it a try. He stood me on my feet 
and I now had the water just below my chin.
	"Relax, don't be afraid, I won't let go of you okay?" he said.
	I nodded and let myself go limp. I felt my body move and start to float. I 
kept just enough of my head out of the water so I could breathe. It took me a 
dozen tries to master it but I got the hang of it quickly. Dad was pleased by my 
progress. Next I learned the dog paddle. It took some time for me to get it all 
coordinated but I did it! Dad was so happy with me. I could see the joy in his 
face. I'm sure the joy in mine outshone his.
	"It's getting late. How about we call it a day?" Dad said nearly an hour 
	I groaned because I was having so much fun I didn't want to stop. Dad 
guided me out of the pool and to the bathroom that went from outside to the 
house. Dad called it the pool bath and that's what it was used for. I lay on the 
change table in there and he pulled the wet swim diaper off me. Good thing there 
was a soaker pad on the change table because quite a bit of pee came out. The 
swim diaper worked better than advertised.
	"We will have to get a few more of these," Dad commented.
	I agreed immediately. I was surprised they could hold up well. Dad guided 
me into the shower and washed the chlorine off me and soaped up my hair. After 
drying me off good he put me back on the change table and put a fresh diaper on 
me. He rinsed out the swim diaper and hung it in the shower to dry. He'd study 
the washing instructions later.
	I crawled into the living room after him as he headed for the kitchen. He 
put me into my high chair and turned me so I could watch him cook. Dad was a 
world-class cook in my humble opinion.
		Once dinner was done, he carried me into the living room and watched 
me strip my shirt off. It was a hot evening and I wanted to feel cooler. Dad 
pulled me onto his lap after sitting in his recliner.
	"Can we talk about the sitter?" he asked, restarting the topic.
	"Sure," I said. "I suggest talking to Lisa and Fred and get their advice. 
I kind of like to have someone as cool as Bryan and Ryan."
	Dad nodded. "I already did. The only reason they were both there is 
because they knew you were coming. Otherwise Bryan and Ryan split their time 
over there. One day it's Bryan, the next day it's Ryan. I'd get both of them 
except they have other jobs and they only do that on their days off. Both of 
them did point me to someone else, though. I checked him out and he comes with 
excellent references. I didn't hire him just yet because I want you to meet him 
first. He knows the whole situation and he's cool with it. So what do you say to 
meeting him tomorrow?"
	I thought about that for a moment. "Okay. Are we meeting him someplace or 
is he coming here?"
	"Coming here. I'd like to have him see you in your environment and see the 
house and see how he interacts with you," Dad said.
	"Okay. I'll give him a chance," I said.
	Dad smiled. "That's all I ask."
	I sighed and relaxed as he held me close to him. I could feel his hands 
gently rub my back and shoulders. The next thing I remember was waking up in my 
crib the next morning. I sat up and blinked as the bright morning sun came into 
my room. The door opened and Dad walked in.
	"Good, you're awake. You conked out quick last night. Swimming in the pool 
really tired you out," Dad said as he lifted me out of the crib.
	He put me on my change table and removed my t-shirt and then the dirty 
diaper. He wiped me clean and then taped a disposable on me. He set me on my 
feet and led me to my big boy room to dress. He put a mesh shirt on me that you 
could see through, a pair of shorts that covered my diapers, and led me down for 
	"Lee will be here around ten thirty," dad informed me as he put food on 
the table.
	I nodded as I ate. "Okay Dad. I just hope he works out."
	"So do I son, so do I. We will find out shortly," Dad told me as he 
finished his coffee after putting his plate in the sink.
	I sat in the living room with a book while Dad cleaned the kitchen and 
made sure there was plenty of fresh coffee for Lee. The doorbell rang right at 
ten thirty and I answered the door. There was a tall Asian man standing there. 
He looked very muscular and he dressed nicely.
	"Hello, I'm Lee. You must be David," he said.
	I stood back and let him in. "Yes I am. My Dad's in the kitchen."
	Lee walked into the living room behind me and looked around. I could tell 
he was impressed with the house. Dad walked into the living room at that moment.
	"Hi, you must be Lee. I'm Tony Branson, David's father. I see you and 
David have met already," Dad said as they sat down.
	"Yes we have. This is really a nice house you have here," Lee said.
	"Thank you. It's a big change from what we used to have back in Chicago," 
Dad said.
	Lee smiled. "So you moved down here from there?"
	"Yes we did. Very glad we did too," I said.
	Lee smiled. "That's good. This is a good place for a young man like you to 
be. Plenty of wide open spaces to run through, plenty of forest to hike and 
explore, and a big lake to sail and ski on."
	"That's the main reason why I bought this house and moved my son down 
here," Dad said to Lee.
	Lee cleared his throat and nodded. "There is a reason that you are wanting 
to hire me and that is because David has a situation going."
	I understood immediately what he meant by that. Lee was trying to be 
discrete about my situation and as far as I was concerned he had scored serious 
points with me.
	"Yes. David has a medical problem that dates back to his younger years and 
as a result of that has to wear diapers for the rest of his life," Dad said.
	Hearing that suddenly reminded me of how things really were. Dad looked at 
me and knew I was feeling bad about it. He gently squeezed my hand and I felt 
	"But that has not stopped us from having a normal life. We deal with it 
the best we can and keep going," Dad said.
	Lee nodded. "That's good. I can tell that the both of you have a very 
close bond together and that has apparently seen you both through some hard 
	"Yes it has," I said. "This is going to sound a bit strange to you, but 
here goes. Because I wear diapers I've become a teen baby."
	I watched Lee as I said it and he didn't blink. That was another good 
point in his favor.
	"A teen baby," Lee said. "As in cribs, bottles, baby clothes, and playpens 
kind of thing. That kind of baby."
	Dad nodded. "I caught David sleeping in a neighbor's son's crib one day 
sucking on a pacifier when he was younger."
	"Dad and I sat down and talked about it. I said it kind of made me feel 
good so ever since then I've lived as a baby," I said.
	"You know what? I don't find a thing wrong with that. It's probably why 
the both of you are so close," Lee said.
	"Then it doesn't bother you?" I said.
	"No. Why should it? If you enjoy it and your Dad is cool with it, then I'm 
cool with it. Besides I hear you're not the only kid in town who likes being a 
baby," Lee said.
	I grinned. "Would you like to see my nursery?"
	Dad stood up. "Let's give him the ten dollar tour."
	Lee grinned. "Does this mean I'm hired?"
	"Yes you are. We'll talk particulars later," Dad said.
	I shook Lee's hand and we started the tour. Lee was impressed with the 
house. But he really liked my nursery the best. He looked at everything and was 
very impressed with the way Dad had put it all together. Lee liked my regular 
room as well.
	"A place for him to be normal when he wants to and to have friends hang 
out with him in there," Dad explained.
	"Especially the ones who might not understand about his baby room," Lee 
	I suddenly realized I had dumped. I could feel the seat of my diaper 
expand and droop.
	"Not to change the subject, but I need a change," I said.
	Lee took my hand and led me into my baby room and pulled my shirt off and 
then my shorts. He lifted me up on the change table and took care of me. He 
noticed my erection and smiled at me.
	"No biggie. Every guy gets them," he said as I blushed.
	He powdered my groin area and slid the new diaper under me and taped it 
into place. I sat up and he put my mesh shirt back onto me. Lee had done a good 
job on me and I felt relaxed about having him change me and seeing me naked. I 
followed Lee and Dad down to the kitchen and sat on the floor with a bottle of 
water and a baby toy to play with while they talked.
	"After I caught him in the crib I did some hard thinking. At that 
particular time we were getting along but not as close as we should have been. I 
was having a hard time with my job, David had no friends and he was getting 
bullied a lot about wearing diapers. I built a little baby room in the apartment 
and that started helping us build a better relationship. It really changed us 
for the better. There's something to be said about holding your son close to you 
while sitting in a rocking chair," Dad said.
	Lee sipped his coffee. "I've seen studies about fathers and sons. You 
definitely were on the right track there."
	Dad grinned. "I don't know how those doctors would react to us."
	"They'd probably want to study you guys for a few weeks," Lee nodded.
	"Anyway, things did get better for us. But the pressure from work and 
David's school life just got too much. I made the decision to get out of there. 
So I stuck my resume online and the company I work for now saw it and called me. 
I told my former boss to go someplace, came down here, got the job, got the 
house, moved David down here, and we have been happy ever since. It also gave me 
the chance to give David the things he's wanted and needed," Dad said.
	"That's so cool," Lee said. "I was born here. I know this area very well 
having rambled through the forests many times. I'm in my early twenties so I 
hope you don't mind that."
	"Not at all," Dad said. "Doesn't bother me at all. Do you have a 
	"No. Not married, no kids," Lee replied.
	"Boyfriend?" Dad asked.
	Lee blushed a deep red. "Umm yes. I hope that doesn't bother you."
	Dad smiled. "No it doesn't. I'm an open-minded person about things like 
	Lee sighed in relief. "Thanks. That makes me feel better."
	"Good. He's welcome here as well," Dad said.
	Lee showed Dad pictures of his boyfriend and then showed Dad his 
references and other things. Dad then told Lee what his schedule would be.
	"Works for me. I like it," Lee said.
	Dad grinned. "You're hired then."
	I waved goodbye to Lee as he left. Dad walked back into the kitchen a 
moment later.
	"I feel really good about having hired him. He's going to work out just 
fine," Dad smiled at me as I waved the empty bottle at him. "How about another 
swim lesson?"
	Today I wore the speedo swim diaper into the pool. It fit nice and snug 
and the elastic fit a bit tight around my crotch area to keep things inside. Dad 
tested me on my dog paddling and I passed that test. As I sat on the steps in 
the shallow area he blew up some inflatable to use in the pool. One was an 
alligator float, another was a ring with smiley faces on it, and the third one 
was a baby float but sized bigger for me. He got me into it and I fit it 
perfectly. I felt really good floating in the pool in the baby float and Dad had 
to go and take some pictures of me in it. I sure looked cute in it. After about 
an hour Dad got me out of the pool and into a playpen to rest. I lay on my back 
sucking on my water bottle and thought about how good life was. I have a great 
Dad, good friends, and a cool place to live. What more could I want? I had it 
all. I sighed happily and then felt my pee filling the diaper.
	"Daddy, I wet," I said in my little boy voice.
	Dad smiled down at me as he changed me his strong hands being gentle with 
me. He lifted me up and carried me to a big rocking chair in the shade and sat 
down holding me on his lap.
	"Dad," I said, "I feel so safe and secure here with you holding me in your 
big strong arms. I love you."
	Dad hugged me tight and I felt so good. Both of our lives had gotten 
better and I never wanted this to stop. It never will. As long as I have Dad to 
take care of me and love me life will be the best. If I do meet the right girl 
and have a family, I'll love them just as much as I love my Dad. He's shown me 
how to love through his actions and there's no better teacher than that. Life is 


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Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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