Name: Dorian Email: Age: 8, 16, 35 My Special Babysitter Summary: during my summer holiday, my stepmother gives me the attention she couldn't give me for a long time, like diapering me and taking care of me. My stepmother and I are also going to be kidnapped, but an hour later we'll escape on our own. I was at the house of the 35-year old Carla Livingston, my babysitter. She was my stepmother too, because my parents died in a car accident, last weekend. I wondered where the other kids were. Carla told me that they went to another babysitter. While we drunk some tea, we've been talking about my last school day. "Well…" Carla said, "…I guess you had a good day." "Yep," I said. Then I took out my school notes and showed them to Carla. "Wow!" she said. "You have a 10 with maths, a 10 with mythology, a 10 with orthography, a 10 with history, a 10 with gymnastics, a 10 with drawing and a 10 with geography!" She put her arms around me and hugged me like a real mother. She kissed me on my forehead and said: "I have a surprise for you." Carla took my hand and leaded me to her room. She took my clothes off and put me in a nice warm bath. When she was done, Carla put me on her bed. Then she got out a package of Pampers Baby Dry Size 6 and diapered me. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. Carla said: "I couldn't give you the attention you deserved, because of the other kids. From now on, you'll get this attention." I smiled when I heard that. Carla smiled and kissed me on my forehead. Next day I woke up at 8:00 AM and I felt that I was about to poop. I stepped out of my bed and took off my PJ's and my underwear. When I put them on my working table, I thought: "Let's do it!" I spread out my legs and began to poop in my diaper. It took 10 seconds. When I was finished, I took my underwear and walked to the bathroom. Carla saw me and asked: "Did you have a good sleep?" I nodded. Carla saw the dark spot on my diaper and said: "I think you need a diaper change." She took me by the hand, leaded me to her room and put me on her bed. She immediately removed my dirty diaper and said: "Phew! That stinks!" After putting a new diaper, clean underwear, clean clothes and clean socks on me, Carla threw the dirty diaper in the trash bag. "Let's go downstairs for breakfast," she said. After brushing our teeth's, we played Yahtzee. That was my favorite game. We both followed the rules and we didn't thought about cheating. At the end of the game, I had the largest number of points. "Congratulations," Carla said. "You're the winner of Yahtzee." I blushed when I heard that. Immediately, I pooped in my diaper. "Let me change you," Carla said. Thirty minutes later, the door suddenly opened. I stood up and saw 10 gangsters, 5 men and 5 women. They wore black clothes, black hats and black masks. They pointed their guns to us. The man shouted: "Stay there and don't move!" I said: "Alright, alright!" After tying up my hands, my arms, my feet, my ankles, my knees, my shoulders and my waist (with a strong brown rope), the gangsters stuffed some tiny white clothes in my mouth and circled a big white cloth over my mouth, effectively gagging me. Of course, they did the same with Carla. When they put us into their car, the gangsters went back to Carla's house, found the diapers and brought them to the car. The gangster leader locked the front door of Carla's house with the front door key. Then he stepped into the car and drove away. An hour later, Carla and I were in the prison of a big building. We couldn't move, because we were still bound & gagged. Wait a second… WE couldn't move? Carla couldn't move. I had my lucky stone with me and tried to cut my ropes. It worked. After releasing myself, I released Carla. "Now we gotta get out of here," I said. "Let's try to lift up this fence," Carla said. "I'll count to three and then we'll use all of our strength to open it. Here we go! 1, 2…!" We did our best to open the prison fence, but it didn't work. "Let's have a break," Carla said. "Once we're equipped, we'll try it again." Immediately, I saw some beams and said: "That's what we need." "What do we need?" Carla asked. "Those beams," I said. "We'll use them as a cathedral power." I went to the fence and said: "Give me one the beams, Carla." "OK," Carla said. "Here he comes." "Good," I said. "Now I'll put this beam diagonal by the fence." "OK…" Carla said, "…and here is the other one." "Yes," I said. "Good!! Excellent, now I'll put this beam under the fence. C'mon, Carla. I need your help." "OK," Carla said. When we got the beam, I said: "I'll count to three and then we'll push the end of the beam to our feet. Here we go! 1, 2…!" It worked. "The fence is going up!" Carla said. "I'll hold the beam!" I said. "Put that beam under the fence, with the last beam on it!" Carla did her work, as quickly as she could. "Hurry up!" I said. "I can't hold it any longer!" Carla said: "Just a minute, sweetheart!" When she was ready, I let the beam fall on the ground. "We did it!" I said. "Carla, we're free to go! C'mon!" "Yes!" Carla whispered. "Let's get out of here!" Our kidnappers were in the dinner room, so we walked softly to the door, opened it and left the building. With a big 'bang', I closed the door. The kidnappers heard the bang and saw us running away. Immediately, they stood up and followed us. "They're coming after us," I said. "Don't worry," Carla said. "I have an idea." She closed her eyes and transformed into a big blue-white bird. "Hold tight," the bird said. When I sat between the feathers of the bird, we flew away. The kidnappers tried to shoot on us, but, fortunately, we were out of their reach. When we got home, the bird transformed back into Carla Livingston. "How did you do that?" I asked. "When I was 18 years old…" Carla said, "…my family died in a car accident. I would also die, if my DNA wasn't manipulated by the petrol of my father's car." I shocked when I heard that, but I was glad, because he had a stepmother with superhuman-abilities. "By the way…" I said, "…we forgot to take my diapers with us." "Don't worry," Carla said. "Before we left the building, I snatched your diapers out of the kitchen." "Thank god," I sighed. Carla opened the front door and brought my diapers to the living room. After teatime I pooped in my diaper. Carla just smiled and said: "C'mon, I'll change you." She put me on the ground, untaped the dirty diaper, cleaned me up and threw the dirty diaper in the trash back. After putting a fresh, clean diaper on me, we both watched a Disney-DVD on TV. The movie title was: 'Swiss Family Robinson'. It was a very good movie. The next day, I woke up at 8:00 AM and got downstairs. Carla was already in the living room. "Did you have a good sleep?" "Yes," I said. Immediately, I was about to poop. "When you're ready…" Carla said, "…I'll change you." I nodded. Then I spread my legs and pooped in my diaper. It took 10 seconds. When I was finished, we walked to the bathroom and I lay down on the changing table. Carla untaped the dirty diaper, cleaned me up and threw the dirty diaper in the trash bag. Then she bathed me. After that, she got out a fresh, clean diaper and put it on me. "Let's have some breakfast," she said. We were having fun with those diapers for a long time and we both lived happily ever after. The End