Hello, this a warning. This story may not be suitable for minors(12 and under). This story contains reference to boys wearing and using diapers for their intended purpose. This story also contains some element of forced diaper wearing. It also contains reference to some sexual content. If you don’t like reading stories like this I assure you not to read any further. If you do however like stories of this nature please have fun and enjoy.
Keep in mind I will not be held responsible for anyone who is offended by this story, if you read it and don’t like it that’s your loss. Also this story may be distributed freely, but may only be published with written consent from me the author. Also one more thing this a work of fiction all caracters, in this story are based on a slight bit of truth and the events are based mostly fantasy otherwise are completely fictional.
Now on with the storyJ
My School’s View of Discipline
Hello my name is Scott, I’m 14 I live in a non-abusive, single-parent home and just graduated from Herald R. Jones Middle School, and am finally going to Herald R. Jones High School. This is a story is about my last year in middle school.
Where do I start? Well I guess I’ll start from the beginning. It all started in a quiet town called Towne Park. It was starting out like any regular old day of school. I went through all my classes: Language Arts, Science, Math, Technology, History, Literature and Chorus(my least favorite).
This same schedule went on for about a week, and then a suspicious letter was handed out to the students of the school. The letter stated on the front these specific instructions:
After listening to my Kid Rock CD (The History of Rock) and thinking the rules over on that letter I noticed that my mom wasn’t home I noticed the letter unopened on the table. After looking it over I noticed the letter only had one seal on it. So I decided Fuck the warning, and very carefully I opened the letter. It read:
Dear parent or guardian,
This is a confidential letter describing a new move in discipline. Since such things as I.SS and Suspension seem to no longer work we have decided to take matters into our own hands. The new punishment will consist of the following:
The point of this new form of punishment’s main focus is for the recipients of this punishment is to become "diaper dependent" that way they will always remember their year here forever.
Part 2
I sat there dumbfounded, stunned and speechless all at the same time. I couldn’t believe what I had just read! Were they really serious about diapering us instead of I.S.S. I couldn’t believe it, this is what I always wanted and finally It was happening. I later found out that my mom had read the letter and signed it! J
The Next Day
The next day I asked people about the letter, most people that read it didn’t believe it, hell neither did I at first. Later that day we were assigned our groups for the remainder of the year. I got Ms. Arnell, the nicest of all the teachers. Along with me their was my friend Mic, he was what we called a redneck, minor drug addict and a sex fiend all rolled up into one.
Part 3 My First Time
My first time in the "Area" as they like to call it was pretty scary, but it was there that I realized that the letter spoke for itself. Inside their were a line of changing tables with disposable diapers on them as well as a big assortment of cribs and playpens.
My dick was rock hard. Then Ms. Arnell escorted us all to a separate changing tabe. She put me on the last one. Then without warning she ripped my pants off to expose my hard-on. She commented" I guess baby Scott approves the schools methods". Then all the sudden she started to massage my hard-on. It felt so good I almost came instantly.
Then she produced a large, thick disposable diaper which she unfolded in front of my face, letting me smell the babyish scent of the diaper. Then she said, "Baby I want you to raise your bum so mommy can put this diaper on you." I gladly complied J .
After that she slid the diaper under me and pulled up between my legs and taped it shut. Finally what I had waited years for had finally happened. At that point I had so much energy I had to get it released somehow. Thankfully Ms. Arnell noticed my hard-on. Thankfully she walked over and methodically messaged my hard-on through the diaper. It took a little longer but it was the most intense orgasm I had ever had. After the fireworks had ended she started cooing at me saying if I was good and stayed in my crib, and my diaper was wet she would give me a private diaper change J .
After my stay their I got dressed and ran down the hall to tell my friend Mic what had just happened. He didn’t believe me at first, but eventually I convinced him to join me next time I was sent their he agreed. When we got their the next day he had the best time of his life like me he experienced what I was talking about. We were both promised private diaper changes on the last day of school. It was the happiest day of both our lives. And every now and then during lunch we stop by for a private diaper change.