Title: My New Babyhood
Name: Bob
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 13
Posting Date: 11/02/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Hi, my name is Alaric. I was born in Germany but my parents were killed since they were cops, I lived for 8 years at an orphanage until I was adopted.

Note to the reader: Punishment of a minor, and diapering of a child over the age of three. When you see 'and then words' without being inside something someone was saying it's me thinking.        

Part 1: My Beginning

This is the story of my life as an American.  Okay, so this is my whole 
life�s story, it all began in Germany where I was born and lived for 
less than 2 years. Both of my parents were police officers for Berlin 
and so one day as my parents were going after the usual armed bank 
robber.  He had pulled over real easily which was very odd so my 
parents went to arrest him but with much caution, the man rolled down 
his windows and waited for my parents when they got there they were 
shot and died slowly.

After that I was put into the care of a woman that would bring me over 
to America. In America I was put into a very large orphanage. I lived 
there for eight years. All twenty boys were put into one room and, the 
girls which  put into another, there were only ten girls at the 
orphanage, in the boys room every was a family that took care of each 
other such as the older kids would take care of the babies by feeding, 
changing, and etc.

Part 2:	The Orphanage

As time wore on I started to draw farther and farther away from the 
want-to-be parents which made it so that none of them wanted to adopt 
me. Until one couple named Mary and Gregory Smith, they had one boy my 
age that they had adopted a couple years ago. They had asked about my 
past and what happened to my parents.

 They had adopted me figuring out that the reason that I was so drawn 
back was because I never really had a childhood. I reluctantly left 
after taking care of Charlie for the last time, Charlie was one and I 
had taken care of him since he had came into the orphanage, when the 
day finally came that I was to be known as Alaric Smith from then on 
and had to  say good-bye to the only family that I had ever remembered.

The car ride to my new home was long and was filled with conversation 
with my new brother Jake. When I finally got to my new home I carried 
all the belongings I had, which was only two weeks� worth of clothes, 
and an old baby blanket.

Part 3: The Start of a New Life

I looked around the very large room and I noticed that I would be 
sharing a room with my new brother Jake which didn�t bother me at all, 
since I was used to sharing a room with at least nineteen other boys. I 
also noticed that there was flat screen TV, two double size beds, it 
also had a lot of game systems and video games. There was also one 
laptop that was on the side that looked to be on Jake�s side of the 
room and there was one that hadn�t been opened yet with a little bow on 
it I had wondered what it was for. So I figured that these guys were 
really rich if they could afford two laptops, a flat screen TV, and all 
those games with game system, but didn�t say anything. And then I 
looked into one of the two walk-in closets, when I turned on the light 
and walked to the very back of the closet I was astonished to see two 
packages of very large packages of adult diapers and was even more 
amazed at what they looked like baby diapers. When I looked into the 
other closet I saw that it was going to be mine since the other had all 
of Jake�s clothes I rushed to look in the other and it appeared to have 
been used as storage of some old clothes and on the top shelf there was 
a bunch of un-opened packs of the same diaper brand, then I looked 
around the rest of the room.

Part 4: First Night of a New Life

When Jake came into the room to tell me that it was time for dinner, so 
not knowing where to go since the house was only a little smaller than 
the general idea of how large a mansion is. While at dinner I chose to 
ask about where I would be going to school. They told me that I would 
be homeschooled/private schooled like Jake.

After dinner Jake and I were going to go take a long bath and Jake 
asked if I minded taking a bath together since the bath tub in our 
shared bathroom was the size of a Jacuzzi including jets and bubbles, 
and I said of course not since I was used to it. So we got all the 
stuff we were going to need. But instead of grabbing out my really old 
pajamas Jake threw me a pair of new ones that they had bought for me.

So we stepped in and got changed into bath robes and got into the tub, 
without the bathrobes of course, we sat on totally opposite sides of 
the tub. We started to talk to each other and asking each other 
questions and after about ten minutes later I came to the question that 
was burning a hole in the back of my mind �Are you a bedwetter?�  Jake 
looked at me with a sort of expression on his face that said it all. 
�How did you find out?� Jake asked, with a short little voice I 
responded �I was looking around the room and I looked in the closet and 
I found a bunch of diapers that looked way too big and too many 
packages for them to be left over from when you were a baby.� He asked 
me if I would do him a favor. I asked him what he wanted me to do he 
asked me, �can you please pretend to wet myself for him?� I just looked 
at him and he answered my unspoken question, �if you wet yourself then 
Mom and Dad will put you in one of my diapers so that I don�t have to 
be the only wearing them.�

After we got all dried off Jake asked me if I would change him into his 
diapers. Well of course I said yes and then I changed him. We started 
to put our plan into action before mom or dad came up to check on us. I 
stood there trying to relax all the muscles in my body to get myself to 
pee in my pants.

�I can�t wet myself!� I whined.

�Here, take this,� he said while passing a small gel cap pill, �it will 
help you to wet yourself really quickly.�

So I took the pill and only ten minutes later I started to wet myself 
right in the doorway of the bathroom, As I started to wet myself I felt 
a comforting wave of wetness and warmth that had been long lost from 
when I was but a wee baby . When I looked down at myself I saw a large 
puddle forming at my feet and a pig wet spot that ran all the way down 
the legs of my old pajamas.

Part 5: The Diapering

After I stood there for awhile in the same spot that I peed myself in , 
Mom came in and saw that I had wet myself and I saw that her face 
turned white with disbelief, she looked at me and just said �I know you 
don�t know all the rules yet but I am going to have to punish you for 
wetting yourself,� at this point I started to cry not because I was 
going to get punished, but because I was getting punished but because 
the wet spot on my pants started to feel wet and clammy. When I got 
diapered I was a little uncomfortable seeing as I was still trying to 
get used to my new family.

When my legs were lifted and then set down on the soft, large baby like 
diaper I felt very comfortable and secure and felt even more secure 
when the diaper was pulled up and snugly fastened with the tapes. Then 
Mom told me �now you can get up and dressed.� So I got up and grabbed 
out the brand new package of pajamas and put them on. I looked at 
myself in the mirror just to see how the pajamas looked on me since 
they felt pretty snug in the bottoms, as I looked at myself in the 
mirror I also looked at what Jake looked like. And the same as me he 
also had a large bulge where our diapers were.

Part 6: The Next day

We had decided to move our beds closer together just so that we could 
talk to each other without having to talk too loud. We started to talk 
to each other and were talking about what we thought about the diapers 
and we agreed that they were really awesome as long as no one that 
could tell anyone else knew about them. We also were excited about 
tomorrow because it was Saturday and we could lie around in our pajamas 
all day.

When I awoke I was appalled, disgusted, and even more confused. I woke 
Jake up and told him what happened, �don�t worry its fine it happens to 
me all the time,�  �but you don�t understand, I haven�t wet myself at 
night since I was five.� I said with the most serious voice I had. I 
studied Jake�s face for awhile and then he said, �remember the glasses 
of water I got us last night?�


�Well, I slipped a diuretic into your glass, I'm sorry.�

Before I had a chance to say anything to him, Mom came in and asked if 
either of our diapers were wet. Jake said �no� and so did I with a 
desperate quiver, which I knew both were a lie.

Mom came over and checked both our diapers and she looked to be very 
flustered. First, she took me and picked me up; I didn�t way very much, 
and brought me over to a table that had a changing pad on it definitely 
big enough for either of us. She untaped my diaper and started to clean 
me up: �why is she just cleaning me up, when she is so mad.� And then I 
was expecting her to put another diaper on me and make me wear them all 
day, then without putting another diaper on me she picked me up 
completely naked and brought me over to a chair and sat down.

With a flurry of emotions and thought, I came back to a memory of when 
I was in the orphanage and I hit someone really hard because I was 
really mad and right then I came to the conclusion that I was about to 
get a bare-bottom spanking when I came back to the real world I noticed 
that I was already over Mom�s knee.

She started the spanking slow, steady, and mildly hard. As the spanking 
continued she started to go quicker and harder. I tried to not cry but 
after 15 of Mom�s swats I couldn�t help it, I only counted 20 swats but 
then I stopped counting because it had just hurt too much but I think 
that she did 50 swats for the both of us. After she stopped spanking me 
she carried me over to the changing table and put another diaper on me 
which help to make it so that my butt didn�t hurt as much but it also 
made it so that I couldn�t get rub the soreness away from my butt  
which I think was the point.

She continued to do the same to Jake except she spanked him 75 times 
and he started to cry after just ten she then diapered him and came 
over to me. She picked me up again and then she picked up a wooden hair 
brush and started to spank me again with that except over the diaper 
and she did another 50 swats with that on top of my already sore butt 
and did the same with Jake.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Sisters' comments:


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