Copyright © 2006 by
Author’s Note: This is the first diaper story I ever wrote. I’ve had it sitting on my computer unread for a few years now. I never wrote it with the intention of posting it anywhere, but enough people have told me I should post it that I decided to do so. This is the first story in a series of stories that follows a young man in college as he chronicles his adventures in diapers. Feel free to send feedback to me at Also, you might like to check out my other story, A Second Chance here on Deeker’s site. I hope you enjoy the story.
Diaper Diaries:
Punishment Diary
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 8 | Day 9 |
Day 10 | Day 11 | Day 16 | Day 17 | Day 18 | Day 19 |
Day 21 | Day 23 | Day 24 | Day 25 | Day 26 | Day 27 |
Day 28 | Day 29 | Day 30 | Day 31 | Day 32 | Day 33 |
Day 37 | Day 58 |
My name is Tom, Thomas Parker. I’m a twenty-three-year-old, full-time college student. I’m currently living with my girlfriend, Sharon, who is two years older than me and finished college a couple of years ago. Since I don’t work she currently supports us both, and pretty well, I think.
Anyway, I really love my girlfriend. Most of the time she is really sweet and caring. She does, however, most definitely rule the roost. She very tightly controls the money, but she’s very generous to me since I don’t really have any income of my own. She can also be very strict at times.
One thing she is very strict about is my grades. She thinks, probably righteously so, that since I don’t work and go to school full-time that I should have no problems maintaining very, and I mean very, good grades. She’s very disappointed in me if I bring home “B”s, and she gets really upset if I get anything less than a “B”. This, of course, is what led to my current situation.
I was really anxious and nervous as I walked in the door of our well-appointed, two-bedroom apartment. I have class late on Thursdays so my girlfriend was already home when I got there. I gave her the usual kiss, and she asked me how my day was. She was watching the news on TV so she didn’t notice the look on my face, otherwise she would have known. I set my backpack down on the ground and took out the test I had taken a week ago. I could have lied about it and not shown it too her, but she would have found out eventually. She knew I’d had a test the week before, and she always liked to look at my tests so she could either praise me or give me some constructive criticism. She took the test and immediately saw the grade in large, red figures at the top of it.
She looked at me with apparent anger in her face.
“What is this?” She asked testily.
“I’m sorry, Babe,” I said. “I really tried hard on that test. It’s just not a strong subject for me.”
“That means you should have studied harder,” she replied with an edge in her voice. “You already got one ‘C’ in this class and now this makes two.”
All I could do was look down shamefully. She sat there silently for what seemed like forever as I stood staring down at my feet. I didn’t dare make eye contact with her, and I could only imagine what was going through her head.
“Well,” She said as she got up. “I think I need to encourage you, and I know just how.”
She grabbed my wrist and led me into our bedroom. She stopped in the middle of the room and turned to face me. She immediately unbuttoned the collar of my shirt, raised my arms over my head, and stripped my shirt off of me. She then unbuttoned the shorts I had been wearing and took them off over my socks and shoes. She told me to take my socks and shoes off, which I did quickly.
I was very confused at this point. What was she doing? Were we going to have sex? I couldn’t imagine that after me getting a bad grade.
She then took my briefs off and led me into the master bathroom. I was instructed to stand in the bathtub. She reached into her medicine cabinet and took out a large bottle. I recognized it as the hair removal lotion she used on her bikini line. She immediately began to spread the cream all over my crotch and buttocks starting at the waist and working down.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“Hush!” was all she said.
She covered every square inch of my body from the neck down with a thick layer of lotion. When she was done she quickly rose, washed her hands, and left. At that point I was too scared to do anything. I knew she’d be really mad if I moved or tried to take the cream off. Five minutes or so later she came into the bathroom, and grabbed the handheld shower nozzle from its holder and turned it on. I was amazed as a powerful stream of warm water washed away all the hair from my body. Five minutes later she turned the water off and toweled off my now smooth, hairless body.
She again grabbed my wrist and took me into the bedroom. Spread over the bottom of our bed was a white changing pad. Sitting next to the pad was a bag of Depend Overnight Fitted Briefs. Next to that was a bag of Depend Boost pads.
I had always had a slight diaper fetish. My girlfriend knew about it, but didn’t really take part in it. She knew I visited diaper sites on the web, and occasionally she allowed me to bring home a package of diapers and spend the weekend in them. She hardly ever got involved in my diaper fetish, and I figured she had just decided to ignore it.
“Since I thought you were doing good in school,” She began, “I had decided to treat you to a nice diaper play weekend to celebrate your good grades. Obviously I was a little premature in that. So, instead you’re going to be punished. Now lay down.”
I was still a little scared at this point, but I was also somewhat intrigued. I started to get aroused. As I lay down she noticed my growing erection. She slapped my growing penis hard, but not hard enough to cause any significant pain.
“That’s not going to help you at all!” She said coldly. “And you won’t be using it for a while.”
As she opened the package of diapers she explained the rules of the punishment. She said I was going to wear diapers 24/7 until the end of the spring semester, which was about two months away. The toilet was completely off limits for that time. I would go everywhere in diapers including school to remind me that I needed to work harder at my studies. She would change me every day at 8:00 am and 8:00 pm or somewhere around there. I wasn’t to even attempt to change or remove my diaper for any reason. If I got another bad grade in any of my courses she wouldn’t change me for twenty-four hours. I would get no sex for the entire time, and if she caught me masturbating she would think of some really bad punishment in addition to putting me in a chastity device for the rest of the punishment. If I didn’t get all “A”s for the semester I would be wearing diapers for the whole summer. I also wasn’t allowed to wear any pants while at home unless she gave me specific permission to do so. And I was never to ask for permission to do so, or it would never be given.
She then opened the bag of diapers and the bag of booster pads. She took out three diapers and four booster pads. She laid out a diaper and put two booster pads in it. She then told me to raise my butt in the air. I was still too scared to disobey. I grabbed the back of my knees and raised my legs and buttocks up. She put the diaper underneath me then told me to put my legs down and spread them wide. I did so with my lower legs hanging over the end of the bed. She quickly pulled the front of the diaper up through my crotch and taped the six adhesive tapes up tightly. She then grabbed a razor-sharp, box cutter that had been sitting next to the diaper bag. She quickly made dozens of inch long, vertical incisions in the outer plastic of the front and crotch of the diaper. She again ordered me to raise my butt and did the same to the plastic covering of the back of the diaper. She repeated this process again, placing a diaper and two boosters over the first diaper and perforating its outer plastic. Finally, she took the third diaper and put it over the first two without any boosters. She told me to stand up and turn in a circle. I did so and she inspected her work approvingly.
“That should do. For daytime use anyway. We might need to do something more for nighttime. We’ll see.” She said.
I was taken aback from that. I’m short and pretty skinny with a thirty-inch waistline. The diapers bulged several inches in the front and a good inch and a half in the back. It added at least three inched to my waistline. How could she expect me to wear these in the daytime wherever I went?
I was then instructed to put my clothes back on. I did so. The shorts I had been wearing, which had been somewhat baggy, now had a blatantly obvious bulge in the front and back. It was obvious I was wearing diapers. I put my shirt on hoping that leaving it untucked would conceal my diapers. It did a little, but I was still very thick in the crotch and it showed, especially with my skinny, now hairless legs and arms.
I walked out into the living room and saw her picking up her purse and car keys.
“Let’s go.” She ordered.
“But where?” I asked meekly.
“Shopping,” she answered sternly. “Now, let’s go!”
I followed her out of the apartment with my face red and my head hung low. The triple layered diapers on me forced me to walk with a slight but definitely noticeable waddle. I only prayed that none of the neighbors saw us on our way to her car.
By the time we arrived at Wal-Mart ten minutes later I had a strange, burning sensation in my abdomen. She quickly got out and ordered me to come on. I followed her as she walked briskly into the store. The burning in my abdomen only increased as I visibly waddled behind her. I nervously looked around constantly watching for anyone that might have noticed my predicament. We got into the store and she told me to get a shopping cart. I did and we went straight to the pharmacy section where the adult diapers and accessories were kept.
She began filling the cart with bags of both medium and large sized Depend Overnights.
“You’ll be using six or seven diapers a day,” She said loudly, loud enough for everyone in the department to hear. “That means we’ll need a couple of bags a week I guess.”
She put eight bags of medium Depends in the cart and two of large. We then went over to the next aisle where several people were staring at us having heard her comments on the other aisle. Everyone seemed to be staring at my crotch. I felt my ears and cheeks burn with embarrassment as I tried to hide my diapers by pulling the shopping cart close to me to hide most of my lower half from anyone in front of me.
Sharon proceeded to put several tubs of baby wipes, a couple bottles of lotion, vaseline, baby powder, and diaper rash ointment into the cart with my diapers. People pushed their shopping carts past ours and stared back and forth between the contents of our cart and me. I couldn’t bring myself to meet their eyes. I’d never been more embarrassed in my life.
My girlfriend led me through several more aisles throughout the store and got several other things both for me and unrelated to my punishment. When we finally got to the checkout counter about thirty minutes later I no longer cared about other people looking at me. All I could think of by then was the burning and cramping that had grown worse in my abdomen. I somehow kept the pain under control until we got out into the parking lot.
As I was pushing the cart following behind her I said quietly. “Babe, I’ve really gotta use the restroom.”
She stopped and turned. “Well, what’s stopping you? That’s why you’ve got diapers on!” She said it loudly enough that people twenty and thirty feet away stopped and looked in our direction.
A tear stared to roll down my cheek.
“But, babe it hurts,” I whined.
“Just go!” She rasped angrily.
Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I involuntarily squatted down right in the middle of the parking lot. Of its own accord a warm, moist mass squeezed into the back of my diapers. I hadn’t pooped all day, so the entire contents of my bowel emptied out right there. I could feel the warm stickiness oozing all over my crotch and butt. It felt good to finally get that out.
Some teenagers not ten feet away stopped dead in their tracks when they saw me. They all laughed and pointed at me.
“That guy just crapped himself!” One shouted.
By this time I had tears streaming down my face. My face was red both with the effort of emptying my colon and from the humiliation of doing it in front of countless strangers.
My girlfriend squatted down next to me and wiped my tears away.
“There, there,” She said softly. “That’s a good baby boy. Now, stand up and let’s go home.”
I stood up hunched over slightly, as I still had cramping in my intestines. We unloaded the contents of cart into our car. As we did so I had to stop a few times momentarily as I pushed more excrement out into the diapers. Finally, we were done. I pushed the cart back up to the front of the store, and then walked back to the car and around to the passenger side door. I was walking with an even more pronounced waddle. I opened the door and ever so carefully climbed in. As I sat down the warm, sticky mass in the diaper oozed up into my crotch and further up my backside. The first tendrils of stench from my diaper wafted up into my nostrils.
We headed back home. Twice on the way I had to raise my butt up off the seat so I could poop a little more into my diaper. My girlfriend just looked over and smirked a little when I did.
“I think we’ll have to get you some plastic pants to help keep that smell in a little better,” she said. “I’ll get online when we get home and find some to order.”
Ten minutes later we got home. I helped unload the supplies we got. Thankfully none of our neighbors saw us unloading the bags of diapers and other things. We got inside and I was instructed to go to the spare bedroom and undress.
I went there and waited while she did other things in the kitchen. I didn’t want to sit down because of the mess in my diapers, so I just stood there. After a few minutes I started to feel the need to pee. I figured by this time I may as well get used to the idea of being in diapers, so instead of holding it I tried to pee. It was hard since I didn’t really need to pee yet, and I didn’t wear diapers often enough to be able to just go whenever I wanted. I had to think really hard about it for a few minutes, but finally I got a trickle flowing. I hoped it would stay that way and not turn into a bigger stream and flood my diapers. I knew that the diapers weren’t really designed to take a rapid flood from a full bladder.
I kept a slow steady stream going for several minutes and by the time my girlfriend walked in, the front of the inner diaper was very wet.
“Time for bed,” Sharon said cheerily as she walked in. As she came in I saw her tearing the plastic off of a square package. She unfolded the package to reveal that it was a white plastic mattress cover. She quickly stripped the full-size guest bed and covered the top mattress with the plastic sheet. After that she turned and looked at me.
“I don’t want you leaking all over our bedding,” she began, “And since I don’t want to sleep on a plastic sheet you’re sleeping in here. No sheets either. I’ll try and find you some plastic or rubber bedding online later, I’m sure I can find some somewhere. I’ll look for a felt covered plastic bottom sheet too so you’ll be a little more comfortable. Until then though you’re just going to have to sleep on the bare plastic. I’ll keep the air up a little bit so you won’t get cold tonight.”
She pointed at the bed, “Now, lie down.”
I did so without speaking, feeling the squish of my poop ooze around in the diaper more as my butt hit the plastic-covered mattress.
As soon as I lay down Sharon came up and grabbed my right arm. She quickly tied a sheet twisted up into a rope around my wrist.
“What are you doing?!” I asked loudly.
She ignored me momentarily as she tied the other end of the sheet around one of the metal tubes that made up the bed’s headboard.
“I’m just making sure you don’t get up during the night and try to do anything with your diapers,” she said.
I lay there and scowled as she went around to the other side and tied my other hand to the opposite side of the headboard. She then went down to the foot of the bed and grabbed my leg. I started to resist and pull my leg away from her. She slapped my calf angrily.
“Don’t fight or I’ll make your punishment worse for you!” She exclaimed.
I reluctantly acquiesced to her as she spread my legs and tied them to the metal-tube footboard. In another minute I was tied with sheets spread-eagle fashioned. She walked around to the center of the bed and climbed up on it. She straddled herself across my stomach. She began to gently caress my smooth, now completely hairless chest.
“You want me to be naughty, baby-boy?” She asked softly.
At that I became aroused and felt a growing erection pushing against the diapers that encased my crotch. I smiled and nodded at her.
She leaned over and gently brushed her soft, moist lips over my forehead, cheeks and lips. After kissing me gently she whispered into my ear: “Well, too bad.”
She got up quickly and got off of me. As she was climbing off the bed she reached her hand partially into my diapers. I think she was partly checking the condition of my diapers, but also toying with me maliciously.
“Feels like you’ll be fine until morning.”
She rose to leave, and leaned over to give me one last kiss. “Good night, diaper boy.”
She turned to leave and just before she got to the door turned back to me. “By the way. I hoped you enjoyed that suppository I gave you tonight.”
“You’re a real bitch, you know?” I said with a smile.
She giggled and smiled back as she turned the light off. “I know.”
I lay there for a few minutes contemplating my predicament. Other than the smelly diaper I was wearing this wasn’t all that bad. I wasn’t tied up too tightly, though I knew I would indeed have trouble getting myself out. Though the plastic sheet was not too comfortable I was not too cold or too hot. I adjusted as much as I could and settled in for the night. In a few minutes I fell asleep.
I woke with a start not quite sure where I was. I was used to sleeping in our bed, in our room, and waking up with my girlfriend’s warm body next to me. Within a few seconds I remembered the events of the day before. I shifted around uncomfortably straining at my restraints. The poop and pee in my diaper had grown cold during the night and I shivered a little. My butt and crotch were starting to itch and sting ever so slightly as I felt the beginnings of a diaper rash. I craned my head to the left and looked at the clock sitting on the nightstand. It was a little before 6:00 AM still. I did a quick mental calculation and figured that I had been in the same messy, wet diapers for almost ten hours now. I was wide-awake and knew I wouldn’t be going back to sleep.
I noticed the urgent need to pee I was feeling. I needed to go really bad, but I had never peed lying down before. I had to push really hard to get a stream going. Finally I did. The warm liquid ran down my crotch and to the back of the diapers where it was absorbed. The feel of the urine flowing around my testicles and then down between my butt and the poop in the diaper was wonderful. I had to consciously slow the flow of my pee down to keep from flooding the diaper. I didn’t want anything to run out of the back of my diapers. It took about five minutes to completely empty my bladder without overloading the diapers.
After I was done peeing I started to get a little aroused at the feeling of the wet, sticky, smelly mess encased all around me. I moved my hips around squishing in my mess around in my diapers. Though I was aroused and had a growing erection there was no way I could get myself to climax. Finally, I just relaxed and decided to wait for my girlfriend to come in and let me up. It would still be another half hour or so before she was up.
I then remembered that I was going to be going to school for the first time in diapers today. That really sucked. I couldn’t say that I didn’t like wearing diapers, even wet and poopy ones, but there was no way I wanted to wear them at school. Wearing them to Wal-Mart was bad enough, but at college I’d be around countless thousands of people my own age. There was no way I would be able to hide it from everyone forever, especially if I had to poop.
I was still lost in my musings when Sharon came in and turned the lights on. She was carrying an armful of diapers, powder, and baby lotion.
“Morning sweetheart,” she said. “Sleep well?”
“I guess,” was all I said groggily.
She untied me but told me to stay where I was. She sat on the side of the bed next to me after laying her stack of supplies on the end of the bed next to her and began to undo the tapes on the outer diaper. This first diaper wasn’t really wet at all. It had a few, small spots where some urine leaked through slits in the middle diaper but that was it. When she got to the middle diaper there was considerably more wetness in it. It wasn’t completely soaked, and could probably hold another wetting, but it was definitely wet. The urine stains in its crotch and back had a brown tint to them from my poop in the innermost diaper.
Finally, she undid the inner diaper. The smell that had only been an annoying presence in the room until now was now a noxious cloud of fumes. Sharon winced in disgust as she both smelled and saw the putrid contents of my diaper.
“Whew, this is bad!” She exclaimed. “That suppository sure did its job, huh?”
She then used the soaking wet front of the diaper to wipe the excess excrement, which had risen all the way up to where my penis met my scrotum, off my crotch. I was instructed to raise my butt, which I did, and she pulled all three diapers out from under me. She folded them over just to conceal their contents then took out several moist, baby wipes and began to wipe me down. She did so thoroughly wiping all of the poop off of my genitals, crotch, and buttocks.
That took about five minutes and a dozen wipes. When she was done she grabbed the first fresh diaper from the stack. She unfolded it, put a couple booster pads in it, and once again ordered me to raise my butt. She slid the diaper underneath me. She grabbed the lotion and powder and rubbed some of both all over my diaper area before closing up the first diaper. She talked a little as she worked.
“According to my clock,” she began. “You wore those diapers for a little less than twelve hours and it looked like they still had a lot of absorbency left in them. That’s good, I’ll start gauging how much stuff your diapers hold so I’ll know whether to change you more or less often.
Oh God! Could she possibly consider changing me less often?
She went through the whole ritual of piercing the plastic of the inner diaper then repeating the process twice more until I was once again triple-diapered. The whole process had taken perhaps ten minutes or so.
“Oh, and I thought of another rule,” Sharon said as she let me get up.
I turned to face her wondering how else she could possibly punish me.
“To make sure you’re staying healthy, you need to have a bowel movement in your diapers every time I change it. If you don’t I’ll have to give you a suppository. I want you to stay regular.”
“But if you give me a suppository, I’ll be in a messy diaper until the next time you change me.” I mentioned.
“I know,” she replied as she cleaned up the mess from my change. “That’ll encourage you to make sure you go pooh-pooh like a good boy. You spent almost twelve hours in a dirty diaper last night. I’m sure you don’t want to do it again.”
I just shook my head and walked out of the room. I decided this punishment thing was going to get old really fast. I went to our bathroom and went through my normal morning routine: Shave, brush my teeth, deodorant. The only thing different was I didn’t take my morning piss. Well, actually I guess I had already taken it in my diaper that morning.
I then went to our closet to get dressed. It was getting warm so I decided to go with a pair of baggy cargo pants that I had, and a nice slightly oversized T-shirt. The pants were the kind made out of thick nylon that swished a little when you walked. I hoped that would cover most of the crinkling noise my diapers made when I walked or otherwise moved. My only problem was going to be the fact that the thick diapers still forced me to walk with a slight, but noticeable waddle. I’d have to work on that.
After that I went out into the kitchen. Sharon had made us our normal breakfast of cereal with pieces of cut up strawberries and banana, toast, coffee, and juice.
“Eat up,” she told me. “You’ve got class in an hour.”
I looked at my watch and nodded. I needed to leave soon or else I wouldn’t get a good parking space. I ate quickly without speaking to Sharon who was quietly reading the newspaper. She didn’t have to be at work until nine. Meanwhile my classes started at eight. I thought about trying to negotiate my way out of my diaper punishment, but figured that wouldn’t get me anywhere and might make things worse.
I finished up and took my dishes to the sink. I gave Sharon a quick kiss and grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. I needed to hurry to make it to class on time.
That day I decided that to minimize the likelihood of me being discovered in diapers I would try to get to all of my classes extra early, before anyone else got there. That way I could walk into the room without having to risk anyone hearing my noisy diapers, and I could sit down and have my diapered abdomen hidden underneath a desk.
The first class went fine. I sat really still throughout the class so my diapers wouldn’t make any noise. My only problem seemed to be the normal one of trying to stay awake through the prof’s boring lecture. Finally, the class ended. I quickly got my stuff together and headed out hoping the commotion of people getting up mingled with post-lecture chitchat would mask the crackling noise I could hear beneath my pants.
The second and third classes went much the same as the first. I got worried in the third class, which was at 10:00 AM. That was around the time I normally had a bowel movement. The class came and went without me having the urge to go though. I guess after going so much the evening before I really didn’t need to poop again. After that class was out I went to the quad and found a bench to sit on. I needed to pee badly and had to figure out how to do it discreetly in public. I sat there for several minute pretending to read a book. I tried to imagine that I was sitting on a toilet at home or in the school restroom. Finally, after fifteen minutes I got a small stream flowing. Again I had to be careful not to flood the diapers. Five minutes later I was done and go up to head off to my next class. I sat down at my normal desk, noting the new squishiness of the now wet diapers. Though I knew no one could tell, it was embarrassing sitting in class with my loins surrounded by my own urine
I got through that class fine and by 1:00 PM I was done with class for the day. I went to my car and got in. I needed to pee again so as I backed out of my parking space and drove home I pushed hard trying to get myself to pee. Finally, when I was about halfway home I was able to push out some of my pee. I was still getting used to peeing regularly in diapers and it was hard for me to do so sitting down.
As soon as I got to our apartment complex I parked the car and I waddled into our apartment. I sat my keys and backpack down on the kitchen table and then went to the fridge to find something to eat. As I got to the fridge I saw that my girlfriend had left a note on the refrigerator door. I pulled it off and read it:
“Hi, my little diaper boy. I’ll be home at the
usual time tonight. I’ll pick up dinner on the way home. First thing: NO TV OR
INTERNET. You need to be studying. I’ll expect to see you doing so when I get
home. Also, don’t forget: You better have made poopy in your didey by the time
I change you tonight. Love, Sharon.”
Damn, I had forgotten about that. After the crap I’d had last night I didn’t think I would need to go poop for several days. I decided to eat a big lunch hoping that would help stimulate a nice bowel movement. I ate a large, turkey sandwich on a submarine roll, a lot of potato chips, some carrots, an apple, an orange, and two bananas, and to top that off I snacked on some wheat crackers after eating all of that. I figured the extra fiber would help.
I went into the living room carrying the box of wheat crackers and my backpack with me. At about that time I remembered I wasn’t supposed to be wearing pants in the house so I stripped my shoes and then my pants off. I didn’t mind not wearing pants so long as no one would see me in diapers. I sat on the couch and took out my books. I studied for a little while, maybe and hour, but quickly got bored out of my mind. I decided, screw it, I’ll watch some TV. Sharon will never know. I’ll just watch it for a little while and then turn it off before she gets home. I didn’t expect her until 6:30 or 7:00 and it was only a little after 3:00. I had plenty of time.
I grabbed the remote and flipped on the tube. I found one of those judge shows that came on in the afternoons. It was the one with that crazy female, Hispanic, judge. I loved her. The station played two back-to-back episodes of her. By that time the big lunch I’d had was making me very drowsy. Thankfully it was also getting my digestive track going and I could feel a slight need to poop arising. By 4:30 or so I needed to go. I couldn’t go sitting there so I got up and paced around for a few minutes. Finally I walked up to the counter in the kitchen a few feet away. I grabbed the edge of the counter and bent over very slightly. I pushed a little and immediately started to feel my butt-hole widen as a large bowel movement was pushed out. It quickly filled the empty space between my butt and my diapers and started to spread out across my butt and crotch.
It took me about a minute to push it all out and then I went back over to the couch. I didn’t bother being careful as I sat down. I figured I may as well get used to being in poopy diapers. I plopped down and felt my waste squish up into my testicles. Just then the foul smell hit my nostrils. It wasn’t much, my diapers were too thick and too tight to let the worst of the smell out, but it was enough to hint at what lay in store for later.
I sat for several minutes exploring the feeling of the squishy mess in my crotch. It was horrible yet wonderful at the same time. I liked the warm, mushy feeling in my crotch. I was even getting to like the smell of my own mess. A few minutes later I decided to take a quick nap. I lay down on the sofa and flipped off the television. In a minute or so I drifted off to sleep.
I awoke what must have been a couple hours later as my girlfriend gently nudged me awake.
“Hi, baby,” she greeted me. “How was your day?”
I was still lying there only half awake. I wasn’t a big napper for the very reason that when I did I usually went too far into sleep and felt groggy and disoriented when I woke up. I felt that way now and wasn’t in a mood to get up.
“Fine, honey,” I answered groggily.
“Were you good today?” she asked next. “I can tell by the smell that you were good in your diapers.”
“Yeah, babe. I ate lunch and then started studying. I guess I laid down around five or so.”
“Oh really?” she answered. “All you did was eat lunch, study, and take a nap then?”
I started to wake up then. She was suspicious.
“Yeah, sweetheart, that’s it.”
“Then why are you holding the remote in your hand?” she asked angrily.
Oh God. I was suddenly wide awake. I had been caught. I must have been so tired when I drifted off that I didn’t even set the TV remote down after I turned the TV off. I sat up abruptly. I was caught red handed. There was no way I could lie to get out of this. There was no way to explain having the remote control in my hand other than I was watching TV. I shook my head and resigned myself to whatever fate lie ahead of me.
“Sorry, honey,” I began sincerely. “I had studied for hours and I decided to watch it for just like half-an-hour.”
“I said no TV!” Sharon stated angrily as she stormed off to the kitchen. She started doing dishes rather fervently without saying a further word to me. She always cleaned when she was angry. Even scarier, she shut up when she was really mad.
I sat there motionless for what must have been several minutes. Should I get up and help? Should I start studying again? The only thing I was sure of was I didn’t want to talk to her now. I knew that when she shut up she was through talking... for the moment anyway. I was certain that she would have plenty to say later on. I decided to stay out of the roiling tempest that was sure to be brewing in the kitchen. I picked up my books and started studying.
I shifted my butt around a little in my seat. My poop had been sitting in there for several hours now and was no longer warm and comforting. It was now just a sticky mess that only made me feel more uncomfortable.
“Come eat!” Sharon called from the kitchen.
I quickly got up and went to the table. She brought out two plates of Chinese. She had stopped at our favorite Chinese place on the way home and picked up some takeout. We normally did takeout on Fridays and went out on Saturday night. I guess Sharon didn’t want to mess with our normal routine just because I was being punished. We ate our meal together in silence. She wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. In a way I was glad because I knew if I had looked into her eyes I would have only seen anger.
When we were done I picked up the dishes and cleared the table without being asked. I was hoping to return to my girlfriend’s good graces by doing the dishes. Meanwhile she got up and went to our bedroom. I finished cleaning up, putting the dishes in the dishwasher. While I was standing in front of the sink I took the opportunity to urinate in my diapers again. Then I went back to the couch and sat down. I continued studying for another hour or so.
Later, I looked down at my watch and saw that it was already past eight o’clock. I was due for a change. I sat there for few minutes more debating whether or not I should go ask my girlfriend to change me. Finally, I got up and headed to our bedroom. I would try to make peace once and for all and beg forgiveness for my petty transgressions.
I approached the doorway slowly, cautiously. I almost stopped to knock before I realized that it was my room.
“Honey?” I spoke softly. “Whatcha doin’?”
She was lying on our bed reading a book. She took one eye off her reading to look at me, but said nothing. I walked over to my side of the bed and stood there just staring at her.
“I’m sorry Babe. I really am,” I said pleadingly. I started to slide myself down gently onto the bed next to her.
“Don’t sit down!” she said abruptly. “You might leak.”
“Sorry,” I said dejectedly, standing back up.
“It’s after eight,” I tried to sound matter-of-factly.
“Oh,” she said. “Go to your room. I’ll be there in a minute.”
“Okay,” I said sadly and then turned to leave.
My room. So it was my room now. I went into my room and sat on the edge of the bed to await my changing. I was probably going to need it soon. I had probably wet six times throughout the day, and all three of my diapers were wet by now. The outer ones weren’t soaked through yet, but I could tell the inner one was completely soaked and would be badly leaking if it weren’t for the other two.
A few minutes later Sharon came in carrying three diapers and the box cutter she used to perforate my diapers. I couldn’t quite be sure, but it seemed that the diapers she carried seemed a little larger than the ones I had worn before and was wearing now.
“Undress,” she ordered me. I did so fairly quickly thinking that I probably should have already done so before she got there. I automatically lay down knowing that would be her next order. She went around the bed and tied my hands like she had the night before. I didn’t think much of that at this point. I was already getting used to the idea of being tied to my bed every night. When she was done she walked to he foot of the bed so that she could look at me squarely in the face.
“I hope you understand how disappointed I am in you, Tom,” she began sternly. “I’m not only disappointed with you because you disobeyed me, but also because you tried to hide it from me. You betrayed my trust. Since I can’t trust you, I think we’re going to have to make different arrangements here. I haven’t quite figured out how we’re going to do things, but in the meantime you need further punishment to remind you not to abuse my trust.
“So you’re not going to be changed now. You’re not going to be changed for at least twenty-four hours, maybe longer, I haven’t decided.”
I got very apprehensive at that. “But, I need to be changed, honey. I’ll start leaking soon.”
“That’s why I have three large diapers here,” she replied. “They’re going on over the diapers you have on now. In addition to that you’re staying in here for the weekend. I’ll untie your hands in the morning so you can study, but that’s it.”
With that she produced her trusty box cutter and proceeded to slit the plastic of my outer diaper. Five minutes later I had a total of six disposable diapers taped around my loins all but the last of which were perforated to allow my waste to be absorbed through inches of diaper material. My butt was so puffy that I was certain it was about half a foot off of the mattress. There was no telling how long I could go without a change now.
After she was done diapering me my legs were tied spread apart just like they had been last night. She came back to the head of the bed and adjusted my pillow for me. After that she quickly turned to leave.
“Goodnight,” she said curtly as she turned the light off and closed the door behind her.
I looked longingly at the door as she left. No goodnight kiss. No “goodnight, baby.” Nothing. I almost wanted to cry. I knew I had really screwed up big this time.
I turned my gaze to the ceiling above me, and thought about my predicament. Here I was tied up in dirty, wet, smelly diapers for the next who knew how many hours. I could already feel myself getting a diaper rash after more than twelve hours in the same diapers. I knew things would only get worse in the next several hours. I shifted around trying to make myself as comfortable as possible given the circumstances. I strained at my bindings already feeling my muscles stiffening up. Suddenly, I was feeling extremely drowsy. I normally didn’t go to bed until nearly midnight, but tonight I was nearly overcome with somnolence and it was only nine or so. That was about the last thing I thought about as I must have drifted off just a few minutes later.
I again woke with a start after having slept strait through the night. I thought that was a little weird since I normally woke at least once or twice during the night. If nothing else I usually needed to get up to pee once before morning. Of course, that was no longer an issue for me since I was in diapers, but I still expected to awake during the night needing to urinate. I looked over at the alarm clock and saw that it was about seven-thirty. I had slept for a good ten hours or more.
After getting myself oriented I noticed a slight cramping in my abdomen. That Chinese from the previous evening must have done a number on my digestive track. Sharon had gotten my favorite, Kung Poa Shrimp, which was of course spicy and it could sometimes give me indigestion. I mentally went a little further down exploring my feelings in my nether regions. I noticed my diapers were fuller in the butt area. In fact they were much fuller. I moved my hips around a little bit. The mush in my diapers was much runnier than the night before and there was definitely quite a bit more of it. I could almost hear it squishing around as I shifted my butt back and forth.
I was suddenly struck with horror. Could I have actually pooped in my diapers last night without knowing it? I sat there for several moments trying to rationalize the increased load in my diapers, but the only explanation I could come up with was that I had messed myself in my sleep. How could that have happened? I had never in my life had an accident in my sleep. According to my parents I had potty-trained easily and quickly just after I was two, and I had never had a bedwetting problem, much less any encopresis. Could Sharon have done something to me or given me something? I was unusually tired last night. Maybe she had given me some drugs to not only make me sleep more deeply than normal, but to also make me need to defecate. I decided I was going to confront her about it this morning.
As if reading my mind Sharon came into the room just a moment later.
“Morning sleepyhead,” she said. She was definitely in a better mood than she had been in the night before.
“Sleep okay?” she asked me.
“Yeah,” I said. “What did you give me last night?” I decided to cut right to the chase.
“What do you mean?” she asked innocently.
“I mean drugs. What did you put in my food?”
“Nothing,” she replied dejectedly. “But I did put a sedative and a laxative in your drink. I thought with such thick diapers on it might be a little hard for you to sleep so I gave you a little something to help. As for the laxative I just wanted to help keep you regular. And I can tell from the smell in here that it had the desired affect. Pee-yew, you stink.”
“I think I pooped myself in my sleep,” I mentioned.
Sharon simply shrugged in reply, “So what?”
“You shouldn’t have done that,” I stated a little testily.
“You shouldn’t have lied to me,” she said angrily.
I decided this was no time to start an argument especially considering the position I was in. There was no way I’d win any fight, and I was likely to make my predicament even worse.
At that point Sharon left the room for a minute. She came back a few minutes later carrying a tray with what looked like food on it. She sat it down on the bed next to me. It had a bowl of oatmeal, some toast, some milk and orange juice. She proceeded to loosen my arm restraints a little not enough that I could get free, but enough that she could prop me up by placing a pillow under my back and a second pillow under my head. She then sat down on the bed next to me and picked up a spoon. She scooped up a spoonful of oatmeal and moved it towards my mouth. I realized she intended to feed me.
“What are you doing?” I asked. “I can feed myself.”
“You’re acting like a cranky little baby this morning, and that’s exactly how you’re going to get treated. Now open up.”
I clenched my mouth tightly shut and glared at her for a full thirty seconds. Finally, I decided to just give into Sharon’s wishes and I opened my mouth. She quickly shoved the large spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth. She gave me just a few seconds to quickly chew my food then pushed another spoonful through my closed lips as I was trying to eat my first bite. There was only a tiny bit of milk and sugar in the oatmeal so it wasn’t extremely appetizing. In fifteen minutes she had fed me all of my oatmeal and toast. Though I couldn’t see myself, I could tell by the wet sticky feeling that I had globs of oatmeal all over my face. She held the glasses of milk and then orange juice to my mouth so I could drink. I felt a trickle of liquid flow down my chin and neck. I knew she was doing this on purpose.
When she was finally done she set the tray down on the bed and smiled at me. “You look so cute!” she squeaked with glee.
She quickly got up and scurried out of the room. A minute later she returned holding a camera. I’m sure the look of horror on my face was obvious. I lay there tied up and completely naked except for my thick diapers, and to top it off the lower half of my face was plastered in oatmeal, juice, and milk. She snapped several pictures of me from different angles around the room getting my entire, spread-eagle figure in the frame.
“These’ll make great pictures for the private little scrap book I’m going to put together,” Sharon told me.
After that she came over and untied me. She let me get up and go clean myself up. I was given a strict time limit in which to wash up, shave, brush my teeth, and put some deodorant on. As I hadn’t had a shower since Thursday morning, I was starting to feel a little dirty. I got up and walked off to our bathroom. As I did so I couldn’t help but notice the increased thickness of my crotch. I stopped after walking about ten feet and looked down at myself. My crotch was a good eight or ten inches wide, and worse than that with every step I could feel my excrement sloshing around in my diaper. I must have had several pounds of mushy poop in there. I shook my head in disgust and continued my waddling journey to the bathroom.
I got there, and looked longingly at the toilet. Though I freely admit to liking to wear and use diapers every once in a while, I desperately wanted my potty privileges back now. I had now been in diapers for over thirty-six hours. I had been in the same diapers for over twenty-four hours now. The once warm comfort of my pee and poop had long since turned into icky, smelly anguish.
I tried to forget this as I went about my morning routine. As I went through my normal routine, somewhere between shaving and brushing my teeth I peed. I noticed it was getting easier for me to do my business in my diapers in different positions and regardless of what I was doing. I finished up and got back to my bedroom within my allotted time limit. When I got there I found my girlfriend sitting on the bed. She had cleaned up the breakfast dishes and had on the bed next to her a large bowl of what looked like soapy water. There were also some towels spread out on the mattress.
Sharon patted the middle of the towels signaling me to sit down.
“I thought you might be feeling a little dirty by now,” she said. “And since I don’t want to smell you...well...I guess I mean I don’t want to smell your BO. I guess there’s nothing we can do about your diaper odors. Anyway, I thought I’d give you a little sponge bath. Sit down.”
I did as she asked without question. For once I was glad she was doing something to me. She took a soft sponge from the bowl and after ringing it out a little ran it over my body starting with my neck and working down. The water was perfectly warm and soothing. She gently caressed my chest, back, shoulders and arms as she washed me. I was actually getting thoroughly aroused by this loving attention she was giving me. My penis grew large, it quickly filled the empty space between my groin, and I was becoming uneasy with the discomfort it was causing me. After about fifteen minutes she was done washing me from head to toe. She took another towel and patted me dry in the same gentle manner with which she had washed me.
After she was done she put a clean, white T-shirt on me then got up and started cleaning up the mess she had made.
“Thanks, Babe,” I told her softly, “I needed that.”
“I just wanted you to know that just because you’re being punished doesn’t mean I don’t love you,” she told me as she leaned down and gave me a kiss.
“Now, if you promise to behave and start studying I won’t tie you back up for now.”
“I will,” I said immediately. “I’ll be good, I promise.”
I immediately got up and went into the living room where I had left my books. I collected all my school stuff and took it back to my bedroom. I quickly got to work studying. I had a lot of homework this weekend anyway, so I really didn’t mind. I got my math assignment done and then studied my history for a little while. I had a paper due in a couple of weeks in one of my courses for my major so I went ahead and started working on that too. As I studied throughout the morning I peed in my diapers two or three times.
An hour or so into my study session I felt the sudden urge to defecate again. It was an urgent, cramping need, and I could both hear and feel the juices churning in my bowels. Within a few minutes I could no longer stand to hold it in. Seemingly of its own accord my sphincter let go and runny, acidic poop flowed into my already full diapers. I sat there for what seemed like several minutes expelling large amounts of poop. The laxative I had received the night before combine with the spiciness of my Chinese food had really caught up with me. After about fifteen minutes my cramping subsided and I went back to my studying. I was absolutely amazed that my diapers, all six of them, were still holding strong, and not a drop of poop had leaked.
A couple of hours later my girlfriend came in with a tray with my lunch on it. She made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some chips, and carrots. Sharon knew I loved the carrots. This time I was allowed to feed myself, thankfully. I sat there eating as Sharon left the room and went about her business. Though it wasn’t much of a meal, I did like the PB&J better than my yucky oatmeal from that morning. I finished eating after about fifteen minutes. I set the tray on the bed next to me and then went back to studying.
Twenty minutes later my girlfriend came back into the room. “Nap time,” She declared as she walked in.
I arched an eyebrow at that. “Nap time?” I hadn’t heard that since I was probably five or six. She walked around to the foot of the bed and grabbed one of my ankles. In a minute both of my feet were tied.
“I’m giving you a chance to begin regaining my trust,” she said to me. “I’m going to run a few quick errands. I’ll be back in two or three hours. I expect you to take a nap. I’m not going to tie your arms up, but I better see you right here when I get back. And I’ll know if you tried to untie yourself.”
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“You’ll see when I get back,” was all she said.
“Sleep tight,” she said as she turned the lights off and walked out.
I closed up my books and gathered up my papers and sat them in a stack on the floor next to the bed. I grabbed my pillow and lay back putting my head down on it. I actually was a little tired from all the studying I had done. My vision was even blurred a little from all of the reading I had done in the last several hours. Unfortunately my diaper area was beginning to sting badly. I knew I was in the process of getting a really bad diaper rash. I shifted around trying to make my predicament a little more comfortable, but it was no use. My diarrhea had spread throughout my entire diaper area. I could feel poop all the way from the top of my butt crack all the way around to the top of my genitals. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the burning irritation beneath my diapers and go to sleep. It took me fifteen or twenty minutes, but finally I drifted off.
I awoke a couple of hours later after having dreamt about going to college in nothing but diapers. What a nightmare that had been. I called for my girlfriend, but she apparently wasn’t back yet. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was a little after 4:30 in the afternoon. I sat up on my elbows. I just sat there and thought about nothing in particular for a few moments. I was still half asleep and it took me a few minutes to wake up. During that time I peed into my diapers once again. I was starting to wonder how much more these diapers would hold, and how much longer I would be forced to go without a change. Not only was I getting a bad diaper rash, but the smell from my diapers was getting really bad. Days old poop mixed with stale urine combined to make a horrible odor, which not even six overnight disposables could hope to contain.
Thirty minutes later Sharon got home. From the rustling sounds coming from the kitchen I could tell she had brought back some plastic bags with groceries or other items.
“Babe?” I called loudly trying to summon my girlfriend.
Several minutes later she came into the room.
“Hey sweetie,” she said cheerfully.
Then a second later she stopped dead in her tracks.
“Phew!” she exclaimed as she grabbed her nose and grimaced. “Gettin’ ripe there, Baby?”
She came over to me and gave me a kiss. “Did you have a good nap?”
“Yeah,” I answered. “Where all did you go?
She went down to the foot of my bed and untied my feet. “You’ll see. Come into the kitchen.”
I slid off the bed cringing as my movement irritated my worsening diaper rash. I waddled behind my girlfriend following her through the living room into the kitchen. With each step I took the more my excrement sloshed around in my diapers adding to my agony. Finally, we arrived in our apartment’s small kitchen. There were lots of grocery bags along with bags from a few women’s clothing stores. Sharon had obviously been out getting a few things for herself.
“Look what I got you,” Sharon said. She picked up a bag from the grocery store and started taking items out of it. She took out a couple of baby bottles and a pacifier.
“What are those for?” I asked her already knowing what her answer would be.
“Well, since you’re kind of going to be a baby for a while I thought I’d help you get into the part a little more,” she answered with a smile. “No reason why we can’t have a little fun while you’re being punished.”
“But I’m not a baby,” I said. I knew that as I said it I only sounded half-hearted about it. Though I had never been much into infantilism, I was a little turned on by the prospect being treated as a baby.
“Oh really?” Sharon said facetiously. “Babies use diapers, and you use diapers. In my book that makes you a baby.
“Okay,” she changed the subject. “Let’s get dinner going.”
“Babe, I really need a change,” I was whining a little now. “I’m getting a rash and it really hurts.”
She turned and faced me pursing her lips as she considered my request. She looked down at her watch.
“Well, it’s been almost a day and a half. I guess I’ll change you and give you a bath at eight. I was going to make you stay in those diapers for forty-eight hours, but you have been really good today, and I don’t want you to get a bad rash.”
“Thank you, honey,” I said with a smile.
After that we made dinner together. We made chicken breasts, rice pilaf, sautéed veggies, and a nice salad. It was a pretty simple meal, one we made a lot. We were both pretty healthy eaters. As I cooked Sharon put away the groceries and other items she bought. We sat down for our usual quiet dinner. For once, I was glad we weren’t going out tonight. After dinner we cleaned up our dishes. We finished up around seven, and then went into the living room to watch TV. Sharon decided that since I was a good boy today I would get my TV privileges back for the evening.
We were watching our normal Saturday evening lineup, but I was far past paying attention to it. My diaper rash was getting so bad that I could think of little else but my own discomfort. I could only imagine how red and irritated my diaper area must look.
Finally, when I was about to give up all hope, 8:00 PM rolled around. Sharon took me by the hand and led me to the guest bathroom just off of the living room. I didn’t know why she brought me in here. We never used this bathroom except on the rare occasions we had company or when we entertained, which was also rare.
“I don’t want diaper smells stinking up our bathroom so we’re going to bathe you in here from now on, and if I don’t change you in your room I’ll do it in here. I don’t want the whole apartment smelling like dirty diapers.”
“But anywhere I wear dirty diapers is going to smell like them,” I said.
“Not after we get your diaper pants,” Sharon replied. “I ordered you a few pairs of latex diaper pants. The website claimed that they make a tight seal that will hold in the worst smells and leaks. So that should keep you from leaving a trail of diaper stench everywhere.”
“And until then?” I asked
“We’ll just have to put up with the smell until then won’t we?” she answered. “Now take your shirt off.”
I stripped off my T-shirt and then was instructed to lie down on the floor. I did this shivering as my skin touched the cold tile. I leaned back on my elbows so my back wouldn’t be touching the cold floor.
“Oh I almost forgot,” Sharon said as she got up and walked out of the bathroom for a moment.
She came back a few seconds later unfolding a baby changing pad, she must have gotten it at the store that day. It had a very babyish design. It was covered in fluffy clouds and colorful rainbows among which were floating little, brown teddy bears holding balloons. It was so cute I wanted to puke when I saw it.
She came up and got down on her knees in front of my crotch. I was lying with my head toward the toilet and my legs toward the door. She told me to lift my butt then slid the padded, vinyl, changing pad underneath me as I did.
With that accomplished she began untaping diapers. That actually seemed to turn into a long ordeal. With six diapers each with six tapes she had to undo thirty-six tapes. With each diaper untaped and opened the smell in the bathroom grew worse. The first diaper she undid seemed to be almost completely dry with only a couple of tiny wet spots on it. The second diaper was wetter but still could have held a good two wettings. The third and fourth diapers were very wet especially up front. The fifth diaper was completely soaked through from the very front to the very top of the back of the diaper. There was also some poop in this diaper, which had apparently leaked out of the inner most diaper around the leg gathers in the crotch. Finally, she carefully undid the tapes on the final diaper, which was a pitiful, shriveled, overused thing. It looked like the poor diaper had given up and died many hours ago. Had I been wearing only this diaper I probably would have been leaking waste for over a day.
After untaping it Sharon slowly opened the sixth diaper. We both crinkled our noses simultaneously at both the sight and the smell. The reddish brown poop covered me from two inches below my navel all the way back around to where my butt crack met the small of my back. My penis and scrotum were completely covered in the nasty mess.
“That’s really disgusting,” Sharon said to me. “I really hope you don’t make me do this to you again, baby.”
“Believe me I won’t, honey, I promise,” I said vehemently.
She carefully took my dirty diapers out from under me leaving the outer most and cleanest diaper under me to prevent poop from getting on the changing pad. She used the front of the almost dry diaper to wipe the worst of the effluent off of my crotch and buttocks. She took out some wipes from the plastic tub sitting next to her and began to wipe me down. She started at my belly button and worked her way down to my genitals and then my butt crack. I was just fine until she got to my balls. As soon as the moist soapy wipes touched my scrotum I winced in agony as the soap stung my irritated scrotum.
“Ow! Babe that hurts really bad,” I whimpered as she wiped my balls and my butt hole.
“Okay,” she replied. “You must have a pretty bad rash.”
She stood up momentarily to get a washcloth out of the linen cabinet over the toilet. She turned the sink on and wet the cloth down and wrung it out. After that she kneeled back down and used the washcloth to wipe my butt off. The warm washcloth still irritated my rash-covered diaper area a little, but it didn’t sting like the soapy wet wipes.
Finally, after she got my diaper area mostly clean Sharon told me to stand up and get in the tub. I stood in the tub taking a moment to look at my butt in the mirror. My skin was raw and red in a rough triangle starting at the top of my posterior where my butt-crack ended and continued down and around my anus and up to the top of my scrotum. The poop on my penis and lower abdomen hadn’t been there long enough to cause a rash, but it was still a little tender and irritated.
Sharon turned the faucet on and rinsed out the poopy washcloth then removed the handheld showerhead from its holder and used it to wash my butt and crotch off some more. After she was done with that she put the stopper in the drain and ran some bath water. I was told to sit down, and she began to wash me with soap and a clean washcloth. She used a plastic cup to pour wonderfully warm bath water all over me as she gently scrubbed me clean. After she finished cleaning me from the waist up she told me to stand up, and proceeded to clean me from the waist down. She took special care to get my diaper area very clean. By the time she got to my genitals I had a full blown erection. I was not a bath person, and I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had bathed me. The stimulation I got from having another person bathe me was extremely arousing.
“Behave,” She said sternly, but half jokingly as she gently washed my penis and the hairless patch that surrounded it.
After she was done with my thorough cleaning she told me to sit down and play in the bath water for a minute while she went to prepare my bedroom for my re-diapering. I did as I was told as Sharon collected my dirty diapers, being careful not to spill their vile, exorbitant contents, and left the bathroom. I wasn’t quite sure how I was supposed to play in the tub. There were obviously no toys since we had no children (thank God). I considered playing with myself, but I knew I was forbidden to do that. My girlfriend had left the bathroom door open when she left, and I had no idea when she might be back. Though I rarely masturbated since we had sex on a very regular basis, I hadn’t been serviced in several days now and was in desperate need to relieve my primal sexual urges.
I just barely contained myself until Sharon got back. She told me to stand up once again and then dried me off with a thick, clean towel before letting me get out of the tub. I was told to go to the living room and sit down to air out a little bit. She said the fresh air would help my diaper rash. I did as I was told. I went and sat down on the couch trying to be gentle on my raw buttocks. As soon as my skin came into contact with the fabric on the couch I was in agony once again. I immediately stood back up to relieve my irritation. I paced around instead trying to allay my discomfort.
“What’s the matter, baby?” Sharon asked as she came into the room behind me.
“It hurts to sit down,” I answered.
“Oh, poor baby,” she said as she walked over to me. She sat down on the couch then patted the seat beside her. “Come lie down, sweetie. Put your head on my lap.”
I did as I was told. I lay down on my side resting my head in her lap and bringing my legs up halfway to my chest so that my butt could get more air. She began to gently stroke the short brown hair on my head. That got me aroused once again and my penis quickly came to full attention. I couldn’t decide whether I should tell her to stop or just see what happened. I knew I was only minutes from climax if she kept touching me.
“Baby, you’re getting me a little too excited here. I think you better stop.”
“Oh,” Sharon said looking down at my exposed erection. “Yeah I guess I better quit. I wouldn’t want you to get into any more trouble.”
She stopped stroking my hair and removed her hand. We sat there in silence for about an hour watching TV. It was kind of nice lying there naked with my head cradled in her lap.
“Alright,” she said as she pushed me off of her lap and rose up off the couch. “Let’s go get you diapered up.”
I sighed, not wanting to get up, but I rose and followed her into my bedroom. She already had diapers laid out on the plastic mattress cover. Sharon took my hand and led me over to the bed. She had me lie on the bed with the bottom half of my legs hanging off the side. She had me spread and raise my legs propping my feet up on he edge of the bed. She then took out a tube of diaper rash cream. She spread a generous amount of the cream all over my diaper area paying special attention the areas I had a rash on. After that she spread some baby lotion on my diaper area and then sprinkled just a little baby powder on me. Those tasks being completed she began the process of diapering me. I noticed she was getting faster and more precise with her diapering skills. It only took a few minutes for her to bundle my posterior into the three disposable diapers.
“There you go, baby,” Sharon said. She took my hands and pulled me up to a sitting position then leaned down and gave me a kiss.
“Thank you, honey,” I said, and was then surprised that I was thanking my girlfriend for continuing my punishment and keeping me in diapers. Oh God, I thought. Was I starting to like my punishment? God I hoped not.
After she was done putting my diapering things away Sharon put a clean T-shirt on me then we went back to the living room and cuddled as we continued watching TV together. As we did so I peed in my diapers. I had been holding it for a while, since I had been naked earlier, and I really needed to go. I found myself able to just let go and let my bladder drain itself as I sat there cuddling with my girlfriend. I wonder what she would have thought about me wetting myself while holding her close to me.
At eleven-thirty the movie we were watching on HBO ended. Sharon switched off the TV and took me by the hand and led me into my bedroom. In a few minutes I was tied up in my usual spread-eagle position for the night. After properly restraining me my girlfriend came around the side of the bed and sat next to me. She leaned over me and gave me a really great kiss that lasted for what seemed like several minutes. It actually started to turn out into a full-blown, if somewhat one-sided, make-out session. She straddled my chest again to get in a better make-out position. I grew very aroused and for the umpteenth time that night I grew an erection. I could also tell that Sharon was getting pretty worked up as she was starting to breathe a little harder.
Just when I thought she was about to tear my clothes off and ravage me, which I wouldn’t really have minded at all, she stopped and quickly withdrew herself from me. I almost screamed in frustration. She started to get up off of the bed, and as she did she finally did it. She gently massaged the front of my diapers for just a matter of brief seconds. I was still thoroughly aroused and that was all the stimulation I needed. My penis suddenly got tingly. I tensed as I felt electric waves run through my body. I involuntarily held my breath and shuddered as I came deeply. My penis spasmed what felt like more than it ever had before, and I could feel a gush of ejaculate flow into my diapers and run down my abdomen. In a moment, after I had finished climaxing, my body went limp and I lay there breathing quickly and deeply after my sexual exertion.
“What did you just do?” Sharon asked a little angrily though I knew she knew what I had done.
“Sorry, Babe. I couldn’t help it,” I said honestly. “You shouldn’t have touched me there.”
“Shame on you!” She wagged a finger at me.
“It’s not like I was jacking off,” I defended myself. “You’re just as responsible for it as I am, if not more.”
She stood there with her lips pursed and her hands planted firmly on her hips.
“Fine,” she finally said with a little smirk, “I won’t punish you this time then.”
She leaned down and kissed my forehead, “But don’t expect it to happen again. Good night, Baby.”
“Night, Honey,” I said as she turned to leave.
I quickly fell asleep after that. I must have been drained by my sexual activity of the evening since I hadn’t felt tired before Sharon and I made-out.
I woke up that morning at about 7:30. I had slept pretty well the night before. I remember waking up during the night to pee once so my diapers were relatively dry having only two wettings in them. I suddenly realized I hadn’t pooped in them yet. I knew I only had a matter of time before Sharon came in to change me and she would expect me to have pooped myself. I immediately started trying to produce a bowel movement. After pooping so much the previous day I knew I didn’t have much to push out right now, but I tried anyway. Finally, I was able to squeeze out a little poop. I could only have been a few ounces worth, and I only hoped that would satisfy my girlfriend.
A few minutes later Sharon appeared in my room. “Morning my little diaper boy,” She said cheerily.
I blushed, embarrassed at being called her “little diaper boy.”
“Do you want to go to Denny’s and get breakfast this morning?” she asked as she began to untie me.
“Sure,” I replied. We normally went for breakfast on Sunday morning.
“How’s you’re rash?” She asked next.
“It’s already starting to get better,” I said. “I think that hour I aired my butt out last night really helped.”
“Good we’ll do it again tonight.”
After she untied me I sat up and my girlfriend came around and checked my diapers. She could tell they were a little wet, but couldn’t smell anything. “Did you mess?” she asked.
“Yes,” I answered. “Not very much though.”
I figured lying to her wouldn’t help as she was about to change me anyway, and she’d certainly ascertain the condition of my diapers for herself.
“Okay, well you’re not very wet. I’ll hold off on changing you until we get back.”
“But what if I start to smell?” I reasoned with her, not wanting to be humiliated in public.
“Oh come on,” she said. “If you don’t smell now you’re not going to smell in half an hour unless you poop again, and of course, then it won’t matter if I change you or not. Besides Denny’s will be plenty crowded anyway, if anyone smells anything they’ll just think there’s a baby around somewhere.”
I was still a little skeptical.
“Now let’s go,” she ordered firmly.
I quickly got up and followed her to our room to get dressed.
“Go ahead and shave and everything while I get dressed,” she told me.
I went into our bathroom and quickly brushed my teeth and began to shave. Fifteen minutes after entering the restroom I went back out into the bedroom. I found Sharon there standing in front of the dresser mirror putting on some earrings. I found some of my clothes lying on the bed.
“I got your clothes out,” she said, “Hurry up and get dressed. Let’s try to beat the crowd.”
“What are you going to start dressing me now?” I asked a little dejected that she was picking out clothes for me.
She looked at me with an arched eyebrow. “Don’t tempt me, Baby Boy. I’ll start making you wear onesies and footed sleepers.”
I just looked at her harshly for a moment before getting dressed. Thankfully she hadn’t picked out bad clothes or anything. In fact Sharon had better taste than I did so I really wasn’t too offended that she had picked out my closed. It was the principle of the matter that pissed me off. I got dressed noticing that she had picked out a decent pair of casual Docker’s type slacks and a nice collared shirt. I suddenly realized that the shirt was the type that was meant to be tucked in. I panicked slightly. After I pulled the pants on I realized that my diapers showed pretty obviously. The button on the fly barely closed and the zipper was hard to get up. I knew everyone who saw me in theses pants would notice the bulge in my nether region and would probably assume that I was diapered. I decided to leave the shirt untucked to help conceal my diapers even though I knew it would look a little strange untucked.
“I’m ready,” I said as soon as I had my shoes on.
Sharon turned away from the mirror where she was now applying her makeup. “Baby, tuck in your shirt. You look silly like that.”
“No,” I said. “You can tell I’m wearing diapers if I tuck my shirt in.”
“Oh please,” she said. “It can’t be that bad.”
She came over and undid my pants herself and then began tucking my shirt in for me. When she was done she took my hand and dragged me over in front of the mirror.
“See. Now that doesn’t look so bad,” she said.
“Yeah,” I replied, “If it’s normal for a man to be two inches wider around his hips than his torso. I look like an idiot, Honey.”
“Nobody will notice,” she said. “Everyone will be too busy trying to decide which Grand Slam Breakfast they want. Now let’s go.”
“But Sharon,” I started to whine a little, “People are going to make fun of me.”
“Oh quit being a baby, Tommy. Let’s go.”
With that she took me by the hand again and led me out of the bedroom. She collected her purse and keys and we were suddenly out of the apartment headed out to the car.
“Mornin’ Tom. Mornin’ Sharon,” Our neighbor Mr. Wallace said as we ran into him on the way out. He was out walking his dog around the apartment complex like he normally did. He was a friendly guy. Probably the person we knew best at the complex because he was always out and about. He had a wife and a teenage son that still lived at home, and they occasionally had us over for dinner. They were good people who were friendly to us even though they were a good twenty years our senior.
“Hi, Mr. Wallace,” Sharon said loudly and warmly. “How are you?”
Before I knew it Sharon had taken my hand again and we were over chatting with Mr. Wallace. I shook hands with him though I didn’t really say much. He and Sharon conversed for a few minutes while I just stood their hoping he didn’t notice my thicker than normal crotch. I prayed he wouldn’t look down. Finally, after several endless minutes we parted ways and Sharon and I headed toward the car.
As was our normal practice when driving together we took her car. Sharon really loved driving, and she drove a much better car, actually an SUV, than I did since she was the primary breadwinner. I didn’t mind all that much since I wasn’t all that big on driving, and I did like her car more than mine. In a moment we were off toward Denny’s, which was only a couple of miles from our apartment.
“Why are we dressed so nice for Denny’s?” I asked her noting that my slacks and polo shirt weren’t standard Sunday-morning-casual-breakfast attire. She was also dressed a little nicer than normal.
“Oh,” she replied, “I thought we’d go do a little shopping after breakfast. Be thankful, because as soon as we get back home you’re going back to studying.”
With that I shut up. I figured she probably wanted to go to some nicer store at the mall or something like that. Far be it from us to enter a posh department store in less than appropriate attire. In a few minutes we arrived at Denny’s to discover that we had failed to beat the crowd. It was very busy inside, but thankfully not so busy that we had to wait for a table. After we placed our orders we sat there talking chit-chat, nothing very exciting. As I received the latest office gossip from Sharon’s work I peed once more. Twenty or thirty minutes later our food arrived and we ate. I tried to detect if there was any smell from my diapers, but all I could smell was pancakes, bacon, and other foods. I assumed that was all anyone else could smell and my mind was a put to ease a little.
After I paid the bill we left. As I suspected we headed to the mall. We went to Macy’s and a couple other stores and finally to Neiman Marcus. I was a little peeved that we had dressed up for Neiman Marcus. We could just as easily have gone there in something more casual, looser, and more concealing of my diapers. I honestly think that Sharon had just wanted to humiliate me.
Towards the end of our shopping trip I started to feel a bowel movement coming on. It jumped up on me quickly, and I knew I only had several minutes, at most maybe as long as half an hour, before I needed to do something about it. I pulled on Sharon’s hand, which I had been holding, and told her that I thought we should leave soon.
“Why?” she asked innocently.
“Because I’m going to have something soon,” I said quietly.
“Oh, you mean pooh-pooh in your diapee-wipee,” she whispered as she giggled quietly.
My face immediately turned red and I scanned the area to see if anyone had overheard us. Thankfully, she had said it quietly enough that I didn’t think anyone heard. If anyone had heard at least they weren’t staring blatantly at us.
“Yes,” I rasped quietly but harshly. “Now, can we go, please?”
“In a few minutes, baby,” she responded. “I want to look at couple more things.”
That few minutes soon turned into fifteen and then twenty. I was really starting to cramp up and was trying my best not to start doing the potty-dance in the middle of the store. Finally, Sharon made her last purchase and we headed out of the store, but by then I knew it was too late. We were deep inside the store and still had a good five or ten minute walk to get out of the mall and to the car. In her defense, Sharon did try to hurry us out of the store after she finished buying whatever crap she bought. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough. Fifty feet from the store’s exit I suddenly felt the damn break and my rear end was quickly covered in poop that was filling my diaper. I tried to just keep walking like normal, but the feel of my poop in my crotch made me waddle a little. I just looked straight ahead and continued out of the store as the first wisps of odor from my butt reached my nose.
It took several minutes to get out of the mall, as it was a busy Sunday. We were actually bumping into people as we walked it was so crowded. I continued looking straight ahead and refused to meet anyone’s eyes. I tightened my grip on Sharon’s hand looking for some support. In our wake I heard several “what’s that smell?” and “who farted?” comments. I only prayed that it was too busy in here for anyone to single me out in the crowd. After what seemed like an eternity we were out in fresh air where my diaper smells dissipated somewhat. We made it to the car a minute later and were off. Thank God that was over.
I tried to lift my weight off of my butt in the car a little as the poop was starting to irritate my diaper rash.
“My butt is starting to sting, Babe,” I said through clenched teeth.
“Okay, we’ll change you when we get home,” Sharon said.
Twenty minutes later we finally got back to the apartment. We collected the bags of stuff Sharon had bought and quickly got to our apartment. As soon as we were there I was told to strip down and go into the bathroom. After undressing I went immediately to the guest bathroom knowing that’s what she meant. I lay on the floor in my normal position on the changing pad that was still there, and waited for her to get there. It took her several minutes as I waited uncomfortably.
“Sharon, what’s taking you so long?” I called out.
“I’m changing real quick, Baby,” she answered. “I’ll be there in just a minute.”
“Well can I at least open my diapers up to get the poop away from my butt?”
“No!” she replied immediately. “I’ll be right there.”
I swore quietly, desperately wanting to get the irritating mess away from my rash-covered butt. Finally, she got there.
“Sorry,” she said. “I didn’t want to get poop on my good clothes.”
With that she knelt down and got to work. She had me undiapered a minute later and standing in the tub. She used the handheld shower nozzle and a soapy washcloth to clean my diaper area. After that I was dried off and instructed to go to my room to study while I aired out for a bit. I did that until thirty minutes later when she came into the room to diaper me.
I again had diaper rash ointment spread all over my buttocks and crotch, was lotioned and powdered, then diapered. This time my girlfriend only put a single diaper on me though.
“Today only,” she explained, “I’ll change you every time you poop so your rash can heal.”
That was good news. Maybe then my diaper was would get a chance to heal.
“I think I should just stay home from now on,” I said.
“No,” Sharon responded immediately. “We’re not going to change our lives just because you’re being punished.”
“But it embarrasses me when I mess myself in public.”
“Well you’ll just have to get used to that won’t you?” she retorted. “That’s part of your punishment. Besides once we have those diaper pants there shouldn’t be any smells anymore.”
“Babe, isn’t there some other way you can punish me?” I begged. “This sucks.”
“No one said punishments were supposed to be fun,” she replied.
“I’ll do anything, babe,” I said. “Please?”
“If you keep arguing you’re going to get yourself into more trouble,” she told me. “This is not open for discussion.”
I just frowned at her knowing not to take it any further.
She then told me to start studying and she was going make us a light lunch. She left me in my room untied, and I quickly did as she said. I immediately notice how thin my diaper felt around me. Compared to my normal three diapers this single diaper practically felt like regular underwear. I also could actually put my legs together instead of keeping them several inches apart like I was forced to do with three diapers and several booster pads on.
Fifteen minutes or so later Sharon called me to come eat. I went into the kitchen and found that she had fixed us a Caesar salad with some fresh lettuce and some left over chicken breast from the previous night. We sat down and ate quietly. Sharon was looking at the Sunday paper going through the sales ads. I had a feeling she was contemplating a second shopping run that afternoon. It amazed me how someone could shop so much. One thing I will say is that Sharon did set a monthly “shopping” budget and stuck to it religiously. She usually spent a decent amount of that shopping budget on me so I didn’t complain.
No sooner had I thought of that than she said:
“Baby I think I’m going to go out and do a little shopping after lunch. How’s your dipey?”
“Okay,” I said, “I only peed once so far.”
“Okay well after we’re done you go study. I’m tying your legs like I did yesterday. Then I’m going off for a while I’ll be back no later than seven or so.”
“That’s kind of a long time,” I said. “What if I have to poop?”
“You can either hold it until I get back, or you’ll just have to poop and stay dirty until I get back. Just try not to smear it around if you do.”
With that we finished lunch and I was taken to my room and my legs were restrained to the bed. I studied for most of the afternoon doing a little more work on my paper I had due in a couple of weeks. Later that evening I’d have to get Sharon to let me use the computer so I could type up my paper. Thankfully I didn’t have to poop that afternoon, but when I peed again I saw for the first time the blue wetness indicator stripes on my diaper disappear. I could never see that happen with three diapers on.
When Sharon got home around six-thirty she immediately took me to the bathroom and bathed me. I had peed in my diaper a total of three times I think, but that was it. After that I was to air my diaper area out for an hour.
While I did that Sharon took me into the living room to show me what she had gotten me. She got me a couple of casual shirts to wear to school or with nicer clothes, and more importantly she got me two new pairs of trousers. They were pretty much like the khaki slacks I had worn that day except they were a couple of inches larger in the waist. She had got them for me to help conceal my diapers.
“Thanks, Honey,” I told her. “That was really nice of you.”
“I know,” she said with a smile as she gave me a kiss.
After that I went to start typing my paper. I was diapered an hour later, this time back into three diapers, and then we ate dinner. At 10:00 I was put to bed for the night as usual.
The past few days had gone as normal. My diaper rash thankfully cleared up quickly, and was completely gone in two or three days. A week had gone by and we were beginning to establish a normal routine. I went to school like normal and everything seemed to settle back down to our old routine with the only additions and changes being that I was diapered, didn’t use the toilet, and no longer bathed myself. I tried very hard not to poop in my diapers when at school for the obvious reason that I would have been very embarrassed.
Wednesday that had come to the end when I had had a bit of an emergency. I had gotten a hamburger for lunch at the school cafeteria and it didn’t agree with me. After lunch in my last class of the day I started to get some really bad cramps. Twenty minutes into the class I was getting really worried that I wasn’t going to make it until the end.
Finally, the class ended and I collected my things and rushed out of the classroom. I thankfully made it out of the building, but the second I was in open air I couldn’t stand it anymore and I just let go. A loud, wet fart announced the entrance of a very large, wet, and smelly bowel movement into my diapers. As I pooped myself I looked around and discovered that thankfully there was no one within audible or olfactory range of my mess and me. I quickly left the campus and got home. I thanked God that my schoolmates didn’t discover me in my dirty state. Other than that incident my day had gone as normal.
On Thursday I got home as usual to the empty apartment and immediately started studying. I had a quiz on Friday and I needed to study for it. Even if I had been allowed to watch TV I wouldn’t be doing so tonight. I studied for a good hour before Sharon got home. When she did she seemed more excited than usual.
“Baby,” she called as she walked in. “Come out to the car and help me. The stuff I ordered for you came today. I had it delivered to work.”
I rose up and grabbed some shorts to put on over my diapers before I went out. I followed her out to the car where I found that there were several rather large boxes in the back seat and cargo area
“Put them in our bedroom,” she called to me. “I need to sort through them before I show you what I got.”
Ten minutes later there were eight or ten medium and large boxes in the master bedroom.
“What in God’s name did you get?” I asked her.
“Stuff,” was all she said. “Let’s go eat. I brought home dinner. We’ll deal with that after supper. And get your shorts off before you get into trouble.”
We ate our normal, quiet dinner. I could barely sit still as I was a little excited about what I got. Even though I knew everything she got was only to make my punishment more complete I still felt a little bit like it was my birthday. The suspense was killing me. After we ate I cleared the dishes while Sharon disappeared into the bedroom. I was told not to go in there under any circumstances. As I stood there washing dishes I pushed a little more poop into my diapers that already contained poop from earlier in the day.
After I was done cleaning up I went back to the living room and continued studying for my quiz. I knew this quiz was important, but I was having trouble concentrating on it since I was still anxious to see what Sharon had ordered for me. I looked at my watch and discovered that it was still only seven. Maybe she was planning on waiting until it was closer to my bath and changing time. I pushed these thoughts from my mind and tried to concentrate on my studying.
Finally, 8:00 PM rolled around and Sharon finally came out of the bedroom.
“Bath time, Tommy,” She said. For some reason she had recently started calling me Tommy instead of Tom. I figured it was because Tommy sounded more babyish than just plain Tom or Thomas.
I got up and headed toward the bathroom stripping my shirt off along the way. My changing pad was already laid out and I got down on it in the normal changing position with my legs spread apart and my torso propped up on my elbows.
Sharon came in and knelt down retrieving the baby wipes from the cabinet underneath the sink where we were now storing my extra diapering supplies. She quickly had my diapers untaped revealing the contents from a day’s worth of wetting and pooping. I was starting to count the times I wet during the day and after a week in diapers I was wetting and pooping more. Right now I was averaging about six to eight wettings from the time I was changed in the morning until the time I was bathed and diapered for the night. After that I usually peed once before going to sleep, I woke up at night to pee once, and then wet and pooped in the morning before being changed. Today was no different.
“Wow,” Sharon commented as she opened my inner diaper, “We pooped a lot today didn’t we?”
I didn’t know about we, but I had sure pooped a lot today. I noticed that we were both already getting to the point where we ignored the horrible odors and sights coming from inside my diapers. In a couple of minutes Sharon had me wiped off and I was in the tub being bathed. I was getting to really like being bathed by her. Every night I had to be very careful not to cum in the tub, as her bathing me got me very aroused.
In ten or fifteen minutes she was done bathing me and I was told to play in the tub for a bit while she got ready for my surprise. She left for only a minute and then came back. She had with her a yellow rubber ducky and a little Fisher Price tug boat.
“I got you some bath toys,” she said with a grin on her face as she put them in the tub between my legs.
I smiled back at her crookedly giving her the “have you gone nuts?” look. What was I supposed to do with kiddy bath toys? Did she expect me to play with them?
With that she was gone again for several minutes. I could hear her moving around and doing stuff out in the apartment. It sounded like she was making several trips from the master bedroom to mine. I imagined she was carrying stuff she had gotten for me to my room. Fifteen minutes later she came back. She got me out of the tub and dried me off. As had become our standard ritual since I had diaper rash I was to air out every night after my bath for twenty to thirty minutes before diapering. If I actually had a rash I would be allowed to air out for an hour. I was told to go do this in the living room and continue studying while my girlfriend finished with my room. I went into the living room naked and sat down to study while she went into my room and closed the door. I ended up airing my diaper area out for a full thirty minutes that night before she came back out.
“Okay, Baby,” she waved me into my room. “Time for your surprise.”
I walked into my bedroom and was amazed at the transformation. On my bed were pastel colored sheets. I walked up to feel them and saw that both the fitted sheet on the mattress and the top sheet were made of a soft rubber. On top of that was a baby print type blanket and comforter. In the middle of the mattress, about where my shoulders would be, a strap ran around the entire mattress. In the center of the strap was a harness that would go around the shoulders and chest of the occupant of the bed, namely me. I also saw an assortment of clothes folded and stacked on the dresser. I couldn’t see what they were, but figured I’d find out.
Sharon told me to lie on the bed so she could diaper me like normal. When I had my three diapers and four booster pads securely in place I was told to stand back up. I did and Sharon then went over to the dresser and picked up an item. I was told to put my arms up and close my eyes. I was intrigued by this so I did as I was told. I felt her put my arms through the sleeves of what felt like a T-shirt and then pull it over my head. As she was pulling the shirt down over my torso she told me to put my arms down, spread my legs a little, and keep my eyes shut. I did as I was told trying not to peek. Suddenly, I could tell that Sharon down snapping something closed around my crotch. I suddenly realized what she was putting on me.
“You can open your eyes now,” Sharon told me.
As I did I immediately turned toward the mirror over the dresser. I was wearing the most ridiculous baby blue baby bodysuit I had ever seen. It looked like a snap-crotch onesie that any baby would wear. It was the most disgusting shade of baby blue. It was short-sleeved with bloomer-style legs that went halfway down my thighs. There was a little teddy bear wearing a diaper embroidered on the left breast of the suit. As I looked at myself in the mirror I blushed with embarrassment. I looked really stupid.
“Turn around, Baby,” Sharon ordered, “Let me see you.”
I frowned as I looked down at myself in my new outfit. I turned to her meekly. For some reason I was embarrassed for her to look at me even though she had dressed me like this. Finally, I was turned toward her. Suddenly there was a flash as she snapped a quick picture of me with the same digital camera she had taken pictures of me last weekend.
“Do I have to wear this?” I asked in a whining voice.
“Only for bed,” she answered. “That’s your new pajamas.”
“What else did I get?” I asked discouraged.
“Oh, I forgot,” Sharon said holding up her finger.
She went over to the stacks of stuff on the dresser. She picked up a pair of what looked like translucent, yellowish shorts. As she held them up I thought they looked a little small. Too small to fit over me and my thick diapers.
“Lay down on the bed again,” she said.
I rolled my eyes, but did what she said. I lay on the bed and spread my legs apart. She came over and unsnapped my onesie and folded the legs and crotch back to expose my diaper once again. She told me to lift my feet and then slipped the latex panties over my legs. They were very tight, but stretched as she moved them up over my calves, knees and thighs. I lifted my butt up automatically as she got to my crotch. She finally got the pants on. They stopped a good three inches above my diapers, and fit literally like a glove, like a latex glove in fact.
I was told to get up and walk around to see how the new diaper pants felt. Sharon wanted me to hold my onesie up so she could get a good look at what I looked like in the latex garment. I found that they held the diapers very close to my skin. I wasn’t sure if I liked that or not. It also helped suppress the crinkling noise from my diapers, which I definitely liked. Other than that I really could hardly tell the pants were on me. They were thin and stretchy so as not to be restrictive, but I could already tell that they didn’t breathe that well. Heck, they didn’t breathe at all.
“Okay, that’s enough surprises for tonight,” my girlfriend said. “Time for bed.”
She came up and snapped my onesie back up and then pointed at the bed indicating for me to climb into bed. I did as I was told, and got in bed lying inside the open harness that I assumed that I was going to be harnessed in for the night. As I had suspected Sharon immediately began adjusting the various buckles on the harness to make it fit my. The harness consisted of two straps that ran vertically over my shoulders and another that ran across the middle of my sternum and connected the two shoulders straps. The harness was made out of a sort of white semi-moldable plastic and leather with padding on the straps. It looked like some sort of medical harness; maybe something that might be used in a mental institution. It took about five minutes for her to get the harness fully adjusted, but finally I was secured snuggly in place. It was actually not very uncomfortable. I couldn’t move, but nor was I chafing or in pain. It also allowed my arms and legs to be free, which was nice for a change since I normally woke up stiff and sore after being tied spread-eagle all night long.
I suddenly wondered how she expected me to remain here all night since I could easily undo the buckles on my harness and free myself. My question was quickly answered as Sharon came back from the dresser once more with a pair of what looked like rather large mittens. It turned out that was exactly what they were. She had me hold up my hands and then slipped one mitten on each hand. They were made out of rubber-coated canvas with some sort of stiffening material inside of them so that I couldn’t bend my fingers once they were inside the mittens. There wasn’t even a place for my thumbs. My whole hand just went in straight and flat. Around the openings at the wrists were drawstring openings through which had been fed small chains. She drew the chains up tight enough that I wouldn’t be able to remove my hands from them then used tiny brass locks to lock the mittens in place. There was now no way I could undo the buckles of the harness, and I was thoroughly locked up for the night.
Sharon covered me with my rubber sheet and my babyish blanket then leaned down to give me a goodnight kiss. She then turned off the lights and left me for the night. I lay there for a few minutes wondering what else she had gotten me since I’m sure everything that had been revealed to me that evening couldn’t have possibly filled all of the boxes we brought in. With that I peed in my diapers and settled in for the evening. I was still a little amazed and worried that it had only taken me a week to learn to pee quite easily while lying down.
For the first time since my punishment had begun I actually slept up until Sharon came in and woke me up that morning. I guess not having my arms and legs tied for the first time in a week helped me sleep better. She came in and woke me up a little before seven.
“Morning, Tommy Baby,” she said in her normal cheery voice. It annoyed me sometimes how she could be so upbeat in the mornings.
As I yawned and tried to wake up she came over carrying my diaper changing stuff and set it all down on the bed next to me. She then made me spread my legs and began unsnapping the crotch on my PJ suit. Another advantage—for her—of the harness I was in was that I didn’t have to be let out of it to be changed.
“Well I don’t smell anything,” she commented, “So I guess those latex panties perform as advertised.”
I suddenly realized that the reason she hadn’t smelled anything had nothing to do with the diaper pants, but was due to the fact that I hadn’t pooped yet. I normally woke up thirty minutes or so before Sharon came in to change me and I pooped then, but that hadn’t happened this morning. I immediately started to try to push out a bowel movement as she finished undoing my PJs and stared to pull down my diaper pants and open up my diapers. It was to no avail. She opened the inner diaper to reveal only a wet interior. With only two wettings in them my diapers weren’t even all that wet.
“Why aren’t you poopy?” she asked harshly.
I just stared at her. I didn’t know what to say. “I don’t know,” I finally said weakly.
“You’re supposed to have pooped, Tommy,” she said harshly. “You know what this means don’t you?”
I nodded my head as my face turned red. I knew what was coming, but didn’t want to endure it again. I suddenly wanted to cry.
“What does it mean, Tommy?” she asked callously.
“That I get a suppository,” I said as my voice cracked a little.
“That’s right,” she said acidly. “Shame on you!”
She got up off of the bed and stormed out of the room leaving me still half naked and harnessed on the bed. In a minute she was back carrying something in her cupped hand. That something was obviously a foil wrapped suppository. She got back on the bed moved up to my rear. She tore open the foil wrapper and removed the white, bullet-shaped capsule. She held the suppository up so I could see it.
“I don’t want to do this, Tommy,” she said, “But you know the rules.”
“Baby please don’t do this,” I pleaded. “What if those pants don’t work and I have to sit in class stinking all day, or if I poop too much and leak everywhere?”
“That’s just something you’ll have to deal with, isn’t it?” she replied.
With that she inserted the suppository into my butt. She pushed it far up inside me using her long slender finger to push it all the way past my rectum and into my lower intestine. I felt her entire finger go into me as her knuckles rubbed against my anus. I tensed up at the feeling of her probing trying to push away from her with my legs, but that was not possible with me still harnessed to the bed. A second later she quickly withdrew her finger causing me a little pain in the process.
She then wiped me up to get some of my urine off me, powdered and lotioned me, and then diapered me in my normal three diapers. She put the same latex panties back on me since they were still clean. After that she freed me from my harness then unlocked the locks on my mittens and removed them. I flexed my fingers, opening and closing them repeatedly to loosen them up. My hands were stiff from nine hours of being in the mittens.
After that I was allowed to go do my morning routine. I washed my face, shaved, and brushed my teeth then went to get dressed. Thankfully, I was allowed to pick out my own clothes today. I got dressed then went to eat breakfast quickly before I had to leave. As I ate my cereal and toast I could already feel my intestines start to burn and cramp up from the suppository that had probably already dissolved in my colon.
When I was finished with breakfast I said goodbye to Sharon and was out the door and headed for school. As I drove to school I was really beginning to have pains in my abdomen. I don’t know why, but I was trying to delay my inevitable bowel movement even though I knew there was no way I could hold it indefinitely. I pulled into a parking space at school and put the car in park. I started to get out of the car. As I lifted my butt out of the seat I immediately felt runny poop starting to run out of my anus and into my diapers. I had no control over it. I decided to let go and just let it all run out there. As I climbed out of the car I continued to fill my diapers with runny, messy poop. Surprisingly, I couldn’t smell it yet. Maybe those latex diaper pants really worked. I just stood outside my car for what must have been several minutes pooping in my diapers. It was thin, watery, acidy poop. Had I not been wearing the latex pants it probably would have smelled really bad, but I couldn’t smell a thing yet.
Finally, after several minutes of cramping and pushing out poop I started for class. My abdomen was still in a turmoil cramping and churning. I could feel my intestines gurgle as juices flowed through them. I knew I’d probably need to poop again soon. I made it to class almost late since I had spent so long in the parking lot pooping. The tightness of my latex pants pushed my poop firmly up into my crotch and caused it to spread out more as I walked. By the time I walked into the lecture hall I could already feel poop working its way up onto my balls.
I got to class and went to one of the back corners of the lecture hall away from everyone else. It wasn’t my usual seat, which people were sure to notice, but I didn’t know anyone in this class anyway so I really didn’t care. I gingerly sat down in my seat hoping I wouldn’t leak anywhere. As I sat I felt the poop spreading over my crotch and buttocks even more. I sat there in class barely paying attention, which wasn’t all that important since this was one of my easy courses. I sat there in class for several minutes thinking about nothing but my dirty diapers. I was praying that I didn’t start to smell. Thankfully I was in a large lecture hall for perhaps 150 people and there were only about 30 people in this class and the closest person was a good ten seats away. A couple of times during the first class I had to adjust my sitting position so that I could poop a little more. I was still feeling the after affects of the suppository. I made it through the entire fifty minutes of the class without detecting a single diaper smell. As class ended I quickly made my way out of the lecture hall.
I got to my next class early and mercifully there was no one else in the classroom yet. This was my math class, the one I was having problems in and the one I had a quiz in. It was also a packed class in a smaller classroom. There were probably twenty-five people to fill the thirty seats. That meant I couldn’t really sit away from the rest of the students so I took my normal seat in the class. By that time I needed to pee so I did as I sat there waiting for class to begin. As soon as class started the instructor passed out our quizzes and we began them.
Though this was a quiz it was actually pretty long and took over thirty minutes for most of us to finish. The whole time I was taking the quiz I tried to sit perfectly still. I was afraid that if I moved someone might hear my diapers rustling underneath my shorts. The latex panties I was wearing stifled most of the crinkling my diapers made, but by no means all of it. After I finished the quiz I carefully walked out hoping that nobody would hear the rustling in my pants. I was extremely nervous as I collected my things and exited the classroom.
After my math class I had an hour break before my final class of the day. I went to the cafeteria and got a soda then went to find a table to study at. As I sat down at a table I suddenly and without any warning let out a very wet and somewhat loud fart. The layer of poop in my diapers plus the runny poop that accompanied my fart only made the fart juicer and more disgusting and considerably louder. I heard giggling behind me. It was a table of girls that I had noticed on the way over to my table. I pretended to ignore them, but my face flushed in embarrassment. I sat down and took out my books and notebook and started studying. I shifted my butt around in my seat a little feeling my mushy poop spread further throughout my diaper.
Then suddenly, I caught a faint odor of excrement in my nose. I began looking around nervously. There was no one in my vicinity that could have passed gas or anything like that. Somehow the odors of my messy butt had gotten past my latex panties. Thankfully it didn’t smell much, but it was still noticeable to me. I started to worry then. I still had one more class to get through and I was really concerned that someone would smell my diapers, track the smell to me, and figure out that I was wearing diapers. I considered skipping the class, but quickly dismissed that thought. I had to make straight A’s this semester to get myself out of diapers, and I couldn’t do that if I started skipping classes. I decided I didn’t have much choice but to grin and bear it and hope that the smell from my diapers didn’t get any worse.
My break ended and I headed to my final class. Again I was in a large lecture hall for this class, but there were over a hundred people in it. I sat in my usual spot, which worked out nicely since no one usually sat around me. In fact the hall was large enough that most of the students had an empty seat or two on either side. Still as the class started to fill up with students I thought I heard a couple of people comment about smelling something. I just kept my face down staring at my books hoping no one would trace the smell to me. Then, finally, class got started and everyone seemed to either ignore or forget about the smell that was in the room.
At last my final class ended and I rushed from the room. I wanted to get out of the building as quickly as I could to prevent anyone else from smelling me. I got to my car and quickly backed out and headed home. Once I was in my car I felt much more relaxed. I had gotten to the point that I didn’t care about being in a poopy diaper so long as no one else could smell it, so if I could just get home without running into anyone else I’d be fine.
I made it home and headed into our apartment with my backpack slung over my shoulder. I got into the apartment and took off my pants, which was quickly becoming a habit every time I entered the apartment. I went to the fridge for a snack as was my usual practice. I found a note on the refrigerator door. I pulled it off and read it.
Baby Tommy, she began. I rolled my eyes at that.
There’s an outfit on the couch for you to put on. That will be your around the house clothes from now on so you don’t have to go around in just you diapers. I’ll expect to see you wearing it when you get home. Love, Sharon.
I rolled my eyes yet again. What now? I turn around and went into the living room to see what was on the couch. I picked up a folded pile of denim. I unfolded it to reveal a striped blue and white pair of short overalls like a toddler would wear except they were too big for a toddler. In fact the outfit was my size exactly. I turned it around to look at the front and saw that it even had an Oshkosh B’Gosh label on the chest. I then looked down and saw that there were metal snap closures in the crotch. Of course.
I laid the overalls over the back of the couch then went back to the kitchen to carry out my original plan of getting a snack. I made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and grabbed some chips then went into the living room, sat on the couch, and flipped on the TV. I ate my snack, peed my diapers, and then watched TV for an hour before I looked over at the overalls draped over the couch. I decided I may as well put them on now or else I might forget and get caught literally with my pants down when my girlfriend got home. I stood up and grabbed the short overalls. I undid the clasps on the shoulder straps then slipped first one leg and then the other into the garment. I pulled the overalls up and reached around and grabbed one of the denim straps on the back. I pulled the strap over my shoulder and fastened it then did the same with the other shoulder strap. After I had the overalls on I walked around a bit to see how they felt. I went into the master bedroom to the mirror over our dresser. As expected, I looked absolutely ridiculous. I probably hadn’t worn overalls since I was five years old. Right now that’s about what I looked like: an overgrown five-year-old.
I shook my head in disgust and returned to the living room. I sat back down on the couch and continued watching TV. An hour or so later I had to poop again. I used my arms to push down on the couch cushion and raise my butt up slightly. Within a minute or so I had pushed a decent size bowel movement out into my diapers. It was firmer than the suppository-induced diarrhea that was still in my diapers from this morning. I could also tell that the smell of my diapers was getting worse, but it was still much less than what I would normally smell like after wearing dirty diapers for hours on end. I guess these new latex diaper pants I was wearing did help a lot. They kept the smell in for at least a few hours, and when the smell did finally get out it was less than it would normally be.
I continued watching TV until Sharon got home around seven-thirty. She walked in the door setting her purse on the entryway table as usual. I stood up as she walked over to the couch and gave her a kiss.
“Hi, Baby,” she said. “Don’t you look just precious?”
I blushed in embarrassment when she said that.
“Hi, Honey,” I replied back.
“You don’t smell very much,” she commented. “Those latex pants must really work.”
“Yeah, but I started smelling myself a little bit during my last class today,” I said.
“Well that’s better than smelling bad all day, isn’t it?” She retorted.
“I guess,” was all I said.
“I made us some dinner reservations at a nice restaurant,” she said next. “I have some big news to tell you tonight.”
That was a surprise. We normally didn’t go out on Friday nights. Saturdays were our normal nights to go out when we did so. That meant this must be really big news.
She looked down at her watch. “The reservations are for nine so we better hurry. I’ve gotta get you bathed and changed. Oh and I need to put some hair remover on you too. We’ll have to do that every week or else you’ll start to get itchy. Come on, let’s go.”
She grabbed my hand and dragged me into my bathroom. She undid the crotch snaps on my overalls and pulled them off over my head. She could have just as easily undid the shoulder straps and let me step out of them, but I’m sure she wanted my undressing to be as babyish as possible. She had me lay down as usual and quickly undiapered me. She cleaned my messy butt and crotch up in record time then told me to stand back up. She pulled the bottle of hair removing lotion out from under the sink where she kept it stored. She opened it and squeezed a large handful of the white lotion into her hand and began spreading it all over me. As she had done over a week ago she covered ever inch of my body from my neck to my feet with a thick layer of the lotion. When she was done, Sharon told me to stay right where I was then she rose to leave the room. I imagine she went to start getting herself ready to go. Two or three minutes later she came back and told me to get into the tub. I did as I was told while Sharon turned the water on and removed the hand-held showerhead. She showered the depilatory lotion off of me taking with it what little body hair I had grown back in a week. It took her about five minutes to get it all off of me then she gave me a quick bath. After that I was instructed to go air dry for a little bit while she got ready.
I did as I was told and went to sit on the couch while Sharon cleaned up and got herself ready to go. I pretended to watch TV, but mostly I just sat and wondered what the big occasion for us to go out was. The suspense was killing me. It had to be good news. I couldn’t imagine us going to a nice restaurant that required reservations in order for her to break some bad news.
Finally, she came back into the living room. She was completely dressed and ready to go already. She waved for me to follow her to my room. I lay done on the edge of the bed with my legs hanging over the side as usual while she grabbed some diapers and diapering essentials. She quickly spread some diaper rash cream then lotion and powder on me then put the usual three diapers on me. The diapers were followed by a clean pair of latex panties, which completed the diapering process.
“I already set some clothes out for you,” Sharon said as she helped me off of the bed. “Go put them on quickly. We need to go.”
This time I didn’t object to her picking out my clothes. I knew we were in a hurry and she was just trying to save time. I got into the master bedroom to find a pair of navy blue slacks, one of the new pairs she bought me, along with one of my nicer polo shirts. In a few minutes I was dressed and ready to go. I walked out into the living room and found Sharon waiting by the door with her keys out and her purse in her hand.
“Come on let’s go, Baby,” she ordered.
Twenty minutes later we were in a nice Italian restaurant that we only came to on very rare and special occasions. When Sharon ordered a bottle of wine I knew that she must have really big news. After the wine arrived we place our orders. As Sharon was giving the waiter her order I peed in my diapers. I wondered what the guy would have thought had he known that I peed myself while he was talking to us.
“So what’s the big news?” I finally asked as we started on our salads.
“Well it’s about work,” Sharon began rather cautiously. “I’ve been offered a big promotion.”
Sharon worked as a production manager at a rather large local computer hardware company. She was an electronics engineer by training and was really good at what she did. She was also a good manager of people, as anyone could tell by the way she ran our lives.
“They want me to take over production of the new server division that the company is starting. We’ve already got a backlog of orders, and the R&D people are several months behind schedule on releasing the production model of the new line of servers. My bosses needs to get production started up quickly to fill orders, and they think I’m the one to do it.”
“Damn, that’s great, Honey,” I said. “Congratulations!”
“Thanks, Babe,” she responded. “And best of all I’ll be getting a $20,000 a year raise, plus bonuses.”
At that my mouth nearly dropped onto the table. That was a huge raise especially since Sharon had only been with the company for three years.
“Wow, that’s a really big raise,” I said stating the obvious.
“I know,” Sharon said with a huge smile.
“So when do you start?” I asked.
“After we get back from our spring break trip,” she replied.
She then looked down at her salad for a few seconds. I could tell there was something else she had to tell me.
“This does mean we’re going to have to change our arrangements,” she said quietly.
“What do you mean?” I asked dubiously.
“Well,” she began cautiously, “I’ll be working a different schedule. They’re expecting me to work from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Monday through Thursday, and half a day on Fridays.
“That’s not too bad,” I said with a shrug. “That’ll give you two and a half day weekends. Sounds good to me.”
“Yes,” she replied, “But I’ve got to figure out what to do with you.”
Her voice got very low. “You have to be changed, bathed, and put to bed, and I’ll probably be too tired to do all that after working twelve hours a day. So I’ve decided to get a babysitter for you.”
My mouth dropped again. I looked around to see if anyone had picked up on our conversation. Now I knew why she had brought us here this evening. With so many people I couldn’t possibly make a scene. I was suddenly very mad, but I couldn’t really do anything about it without calling attention to myself. Just as I was about to say something our meals arrived. I decided it would be best to let the issue lie for now so we passed much of the rest of the meal in silence. It wasn’t until we left that I brought the matter up again.
“What do you mean you’ve decided to get a babysitter for me?” I asked a little testily while we were driving home.
“Just that,” she replied matter-of-factly. “Somebody needs to be there in the evenings to get you ready for bed.”
“I can do that myself,” I said vehemently.
“No you can’t!” she replied sternly. “That’s part of your punishment. You don’t get to change yourself or bathe yourself.”
“So I’m supposed to let some stranger do it for me?”
“No,” she said. “It won’t be a stranger. You know who it is.”
“Who?” I asked incredulously.
“Bob and Jeanie Wallace’s son, Max,” she answered.
“Max. A guy?” I asked. “I have to let another guy change me?”
“Well I couldn’t find any female babysitters for you, and yes I have looked around. I’ve already discussed it with Bob and Jeanie and Max. Max does a lot of babysitting in the apartment complex. I checked around and he comes very highly recommended.”
“Oh great!” I exclaimed. “So now the whole neighborhood knows you’re looking for a babysitter to change my diapers for me.”
“No they don’t,” Sharon assured me. “Only the Wallaces know, and they’d have probably found out eventually anyway. They’re our best friends here. They also agreed to keep the whole matter confidential. They’re not going to tell anyone.”
“And he’s a kid for Christ’s sake!” I exclaimed.
“He graduates high school this year, Baby,” Sharon replied. “He’s not that young. I think he’s eighteen already.”
I shook my head in disgust. I was still really mad, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. Sometimes I really hated being dependent on a woman for my room and board even though I still loved that woman very much.
“So how’re we going to do this?” I finally asked, my anger subsiding ever so slightly.
“Well, he’ll come over Monday through Thursday after he gets out of school. I’ll give him a key to the apartment. Usually he’ll be there before you get home, but one or two days a week you’ll beat him. He’s going to keep an eye on you to make sure you study and don’t watch TV. Meanwhile you can help him with any homework he might have. Then, at the appointed time he’ll see that you get changed, bathed, and put to bed. You guys should have fun. It’ll be some good male bonding time for you.”
“Yeah,” I said sarcastically, “It’ll be great until he opens my diapers and washes my crotch off. That’ll be some great, awkward, male bonding time.”
“Oh, you’ll get used to it,” she said dismissively. “And it’s only for a month once spring break is over. That is unless you don’t make straight A’s.”
“Yeah, I guess,” I said just as we pulled into our apartment complex.
“Oh and he’s going to come over tomorrow night, by the way.”
“Oh, really,” I said.
“Yeah. Some of the girls are taking me out tomorrow night to celebrate my promotion. I told him to come over and keep an eye on you for the evening. That way you guys can get to know each other, and I can sort of try him out to see how he does with you.”
“How nice,” I said facetiously as we walked into our apartment.
“Okay, time for bed,” Sharon said as soon as she set her purse down.
She led me into my bedroom and in two minutes I was changed into my baby blue onesie PJs. Two minutes after that I was in my bed strapped into my harness and my mittens were locked into place over my hands. She gave me a kiss and told me goodnight then flipped the lights off as she left the room. Just before I started to drift off to sleep I wet my diapers.
I awoke just in time to squeeze out a small bowel movement before Sharon came into the room to let me up.
“Morning, Baby,” she said with a pleasant smile. She gave me a good morning kiss then let me out of my harness.
“I think I’ll wait a little while to change you this morning,” she said. “Let’s go eat breakfast.”
“What about the mittens?” I asked holding my enshrouded hands up in front of me.
“Oh, you’ll be fine,” she replied. “I’ll feed you.”
I shook my head in annoyance then followed her to the breakfast table. I got there and found that she already had oatmeal, fruit, and toast laid out on the table. I sat down and waited for Sharon as she got some juice and milk. While I sat there staring at my breakfast I sensed Sharon come up behind me. Suddenly she was tying a bib around my neck. It was a large bib that covered most of my upper torso. I looked down at it and saw a colored imprint on the bib. It was a cartoon of a rather adult looking baby boy. In fact it was an adult sitting in a diaper with a bib around his neck, booties on his feet, a pacifier in his mouth, and a rattle in his hand. The bib bore the legend “I’m A Big Baby” in large, red letters across the bottom.
“Isn’t that cute?” Sharon asked me rhetorically as she came and took her seat next to me. “I found it on the internet when I was looking for your other things.”
“Do I have to wear this stupid thing?” I asked.
“We don’t want to get your cute little PJ’s dirty do we?”
With that she began to spoon-feed me my oatmeal. This time the oatmeal tasted much better. It had plenty of cinnamon, sugar, milk, and butter in it. It took twenty minutes for her to feed me while she ate her own breakfast in between spoonfuls for me. After that she took me back to my bedroom and changed my diapers.
After we finished that I got dressed and we gathered up our laundry and went down to the apartment complex’s laundry room. It was a normal Saturday ritual for us every couple of weeks or so. We normally had a couple of loads of whites and a couple of loads of colors. This time though we had noticeably fewer whites since I hadn’t worn any underwear in over a week.
We got our first loads started in the two washing machines in the laundry facility then sat quietly for a few minutes. Neither of us said much for a few long minutes. Sharon sat in a beat-up chair that was in the laundry room while I leaned up against one of the washing machines. After a couple of minutes of sitting there Sharon abruptly got up and walked over to the entrance to the laundry room and flipped the latch on the door locking its deadbolt. She then turned and walked back towards me with a devious smile on her face. With the quickness of a cat she grabbed me and started kissing me passionately. Within a minute we were in a heated make-out session leaning up against the washing machine. That the machine was entering the spin cycle only added to the exhilaration of the moment.
A couple of minutes into our romantic interlude I began to grow a monstrous erection. My penis expanded in my already damp diapers searching desperately for breathing room. I hadn’t been gratified in a week, and my member was telling me that rather strenuously. Apparently Sharon was also feeling the lack of sexual satisfaction, as she was extremely fervent in our episode of kissing and fondling each other. She was continuously brushing up against my loins, which only made my erection worse. I grew so exited that I pooped and peed in my diapers though I tried not to let on that I did either.
Just when I though I was about to loose control of myself and climax Sharon tore herself away from me and returned to her seat. We were both breathing a little heavily. Sharon’s clothes and hair were mussed up a bit, which I found extremely attractive. I was afraid to do anything other than stand there with my butt leaning against the washing machines and my hands to my sides gripping the machine. I desperately wanted to fondle my diapered crotch, but knew that if I did I’d instantly cum and probably get myself into trouble. I was suddenly slightly annoyed with Sharon for getting me so aroused. Unfortunately, I was unable to get really mad at her. I was just too in love with her.
Sharon unlocked the door and we passed most of the rest of our time in the laundry room chatting innocently about nothing in particular. We talked a little about her promotion and how it would change things for us, and we talked about our upcoming spring break trip. It took us about two hours to get all of our laundry done. After we folded everything up we collected our two laundry baskets and headed back to the apartment.
I spent the rest of the afternoon studying while Sharon prepared herself for the girls’ night out. Most guys might normally be upset that their girlfriend was going out without them, but I wasn’t like that. She always told me exactly where she was going and with whom she was going, and I trusted her completely. So long as I provided her with the same information she didn’t mind if I went out with friends from school on occasion.
Around six she made me some soup, a salad, and a sandwich for dinner. She wasn’t eating since the girls from work were going to take her to dinner before they went to the club. An hour later I was sitting on the couch studying when I heard the doorbell ring. It must have been Max. Sharon went to answer the door.
“Hi Max,” Sharon greeted my babysitter cheerfully. “Come on in.”
I was suddenly very nervous. No one had ever seen me in just diapers before except Sharon. All I had on at the moment were my diapers, a T-shirt and a pair of my latex diaper pants. The “Oshkosh” short overalls that I had been wearing around the house for the last few days had been washed today and were folded up in my dresser. I had asked if I could wear it tonight, but Sharon had said no reasoning that Max was going to see me in just diapers and even less so why bother covering up.
“Tommy, you remember Max don’t you?” Sharon asked as she brought Max around to greet me.
“Uh, yeah, of course,” I said as I stood up to shake Max’s hand.
“Hi Tom, How are you?” Max shook my hand as he quite blatantly stared at my diapers. Max was a big kid, a lot bigger than me. He was about six feet five inches tall and probably two hundred pounds. He had the build of a football player, which was good, since that’s what he played in high school.
“Okay, Max,” Sharon said, “I’ve got to go soon, so let me show you around and give you a few instructions real quick, okay?”
“Yes ma’am,” Max said as he followed Sharon around.
“Okay,” she began. “I’ve already fed Tommy so you don’t have to worry about that. Help yourself to anything in the pantry or fridge. You need to change Tommy and give him a bath between eight and nine. I let him go around naked for about a half hour before I put new diapers on him so he can dry off really good. That’ll help keep him from getting a rash. If you feel a little awkward about bathing him you can let him wash himself, but make sure you check him to make sure he’s clean all over. That’s part of his punshment. You do know how to change diapers don’t you?”
“Yes ma’am,” Max answered. “I’ve changed them lots of times when I babysit kids around the complex here.”
“Okay, good. I use three diapers and four booster pads on him. I’ll show you where everything is and show you how to put all three diapers on him. Make sure you use the diaper rash cream, powder, and lotion on him. Put him to bed between ten-thirty and eleven, but no later than eleven. I’ll show you how to work the buckles on Tommy’s harness so you can put him to bed properly. I’ll be back around one or so. You can watch TV or do whatever you want. Tommy’s Xbox is there too, you can play with that if you want. But if you watch TV or play games send Tommy to his room. He’s not allowed to watch TV tonight. He’s supposed to study all night.”
Sharon led Max off into the bedroom for a few minutes, so I couldn’t hear what they talked about. I was extremely embarrassed that two people had been discussing my most intimate personal hygiene matters, and I could feel my ears burning as they left the room. When they came back they were both laughing just a little bit. I’m sure they had been making fun of me in some way or another.
“Well I’ve gotta go,” Sharon said as she grabbed her purse. She came over to me and gave me a kiss.
“Goodnight, Baby,” she said. “Behave for the babysitter now.”
I turned red as she referred to Max as my “babysitter” with him standing there in front of me.
“You boys have fun,” she said as she walked out the door.
After Sharon left Max just stood there staring at me for a few moments. I tried not to look at him, but I could tell he was staring. Finally, after a few seconds he sat down on the couch next to me.
“Wow, that really sucks,” he said sincerely, “Your girlfriend putting you into diapers and all.”
“Yeah,” was all I said as I stared at my schoolbooks.
“You really stink too, you know?” he commented. I could tell he wasn’t trying to be mean. He was only stating the obvious.
“Yeah, you get used to it,” I said. “At least I have.”
“What’s it like wearing diapers?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” I said trying to sound uninterested, “It’s kind of weird. Like wearing a sports cup all the time except only thicker and it’s all around. It feels tight around your crotch, especially after you pee a little bit and the diapers start to swell. It’s not so bad really. The worst part is having to sit in your own crap for hours. I think I had my last bowel movement like four hours ago. Other than that it’s really not so bad.”
Max picked up the TV remote and flipped on the tube. I started to get up and collect my things to leave the room, but Max told me not to.
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “I won’t tell your girlfriend.”
I thought that was pretty cool of Max. I sat back down and started watching TV with him. We watched TV for about a half hour or so. After a while Max turned to me.
“Do you think I could try on a diaper?” he asked. “I just want to see what it’s like.”
I somehow thought that might be coming.
“Yeah sure,” I said. “They’re in the dresser in my room. Help yourself. You might want to try the large ones. I think Sharon has them in the bottom drawer.”
He got up and scurried off a little too enthusiastically into the bedroom. I sat watching TV for what must have been ten minutes. When he came back into the room I was completely in shock. Max was completely naked accept for a diaper and socks on his feet. He was grinning widely as he came back and sat on the couch next to me. I had to smirk a little because he looked really funny. Here was this really big jock type guy wearing a diaper. Thinking back on it, I probably would have been turned on by him if I were gay because he had a good six-pack and everything.
We continued watching TV until it was time for my bath. Max looked at his watch and got up. He went into the bathroom and I heard him running bath water. Four or five minutes later he came back into the living room.
“Come on,” he said to me, “It’s time for your bath.”
I got up reluctantly and headed toward him. I walked into the bathroom and automatically assumed my usual position on the floor. Max got down on his knees in front of me. He hesitated for a minute, staring at me, then reached forward and started to remove my latex panties. He then undid the tapes on my diapers. He opened the first diaper and then the second. Then sat back and fanned his face.
“Whew,” he said with a scrunched up face. “You really stink, Tommy.”
I blushed a little, “I know. Sorry, I can’t help it.”
He went back to work, finally undoing the last diaper. When he opened it I saw his eyes go wide for a second.
“Wow!” he exclaimed. “That’s some mess there. How long have you been messy?”
“Most of the day,” I answered. “I get changed in the morning after I wake up and that’s it.”
He took out the wipes and started wiping my crotch off.
“You don’t have any hair down there,” Max commented with a little chuckle. “Come to think of it, you don’t have any hair on your legs either.”
“No, really?” I said somewhat sarcastically. “Sharon uses hair remover to take off all my hair. Partly it’s to make cleaning me up easier, but part of its for embarrassment too.”
After that Max quit talking as he went to work cleaning me up. As he cleaned my crotch I got aroused and my penis grew erect. I was extremely embarrassed by this and blushed deeply, but Max just looked at me and smiled. He made me lift my butt up so he could wipe it good then had me sit there naked while he finished filling the tub with water.
When my bath was run I was told to get in. The water was hotter than usual, but it wasn’t too bad. He told me that I could bathe myself, handed me a washcloth, and left with my dirty diapers telling me that he’d be back in a little while to dry me off. I proceeded to clean myself off. Again I was tempted to satisfy my sexual urges and my penis remained rock hard throughout the entire bath, but I was afraid that Max might come back and catch me, and I wasn’t sure if he would tattle on me or not. Instead, I concentrated on getting myself clean then sat back and enjoyed the warm water. Fifteen minutes later Max returned. I noticed that the front of his diaper was tinted a little yellow. He had obviously peed in his diaper. He grabbed a towel that he had sat on the bathroom counter and unfolded it.
“Okay. Let’s go. Get out,” Max ordered me as he held the towel open in his hands.
I reluctantly did as I was told. I was still embarrassed for another guy to be seeing me naked even though he had already seen me and had touched my privates as he had wiped my urine and poop off me. I stepped out of the tub and Max wrapped the towel around me and started to dry me off. I just stood there with my arms raised up as he patted me down thoroughly. He got to my stiff penis and I jumped a little as he dried my erect shaft.
“Okay,” Max said as he finished drying me, “You can go sit in the living room for a little while. I’ll diaper you up in a little while.”
I walked out of the bathroom and as I walked I was tempted to cover my privates with my hands, but I resisted this urge since it was obviously pointless. I went and sat down on the couch in front of the TV. After Max cleaned up the bathroom he went into the kitchen. I heard the microwave open and shut and in a couple of minutes I heard the familiar sound of popcorn popping. When the popcorn was done he brought it in a big bowl into the living room and sat it on the couch in between us. He then picked up the remote and changed the TV channel to one of the movie channels.
We watched a movie for the next couple of hours chatting a little bit during the boring parts. He asked me how I liked wearing diapers and such. He told me he had never known anyone my age that wore diapers, which was no big surprise, but that he thought it was actually pretty cool that I wore them even though it was for punishment. He actually wished his parents punished him that way, not that he had really been punished in several years.
Finally, after we watched our movie Max led me into my room and told me to lie down on my bed. He went to my dresser and got out all my diapering stuff. He brought the armful of stuff over and set it all down next to me then told me to lift my legs and spread them. He then began powdering my diaper area thoroughly. When he rubbed the baby powder into my testicles I quickly grew an erection that, again, Max just smiled at. He then spread diaper rash cream on me then a good bit of baby lotion just for good measure. He used more of everything on me than Sharon ever used, and I was left feeling slick and slimy down there, but it wasn’t too bad. I was then told to raise my butt as Max slid the first diaper underneath me. He taped the first diaper up after putting doublers in it. He didn’t tape it up quite as good as my girlfriend since he wasn’t used to diapering someone my size or using diapers with more than two tapes, but he didn’t do too badly. He used the razor knife to perforate the plastic in several places of the first diaper then repeated the process twice more. After putting a clean pair of latex pants on me Max told me to climb into my harness on the bed.
“It’s only ten,” I said not wanting to be restrained for the night yet.
“So? Do it anyway,” he said firmly.
I grudgingly complied with his demands. As I climbed into the harness I notice that he had added something to them. Just below the harness apparatus was and additional piece of padded leather and plastic that had wrist cuffs on either side of it. Max fastened me into the harness then locked my hands into the padded wrist cuffs.
“Where did these come from?” I asked as he was buckling the wrist cuffs.
“Sharon got them. She told me where all the stuff she got for you was and told me I could use whatever I wanted.”
After he was done restraining me Max started to pace around the room at the end of my bed with a weird expression on his face.
“What’s wrong?” I asked him.
“I have to poop,” he replied.
“Are you going to do it in your diaper?”
“Sure. Why not?”
A minute or so later after pacing around for minute Max got down on his hands and knees and started grunting a little as I could tell he was trying to void his bowels. His butt was facing me and I could see him wiggling his posterior back and forth a little. Then, he stopped moving and groaned loudly as I saw the seat of his diaper expand as he pushed his poop out into it. It must have been a large bowel movement, as it made a large lump in the back of his diaper. At the same time he was filling the butt of his diaper I could tell Max was peeing because of the slight hissing noise I heard as his stream of pee hit the diaper.
After a couple of minutes of pooping and peeing Max got up and started walking around again. This time he walked with a little bit of a waddle from the large load of poop in the back of his diaper. He came back over to the bed and sat down next to me. He slid his butt back and forth obviously squishing the mess in his diaper around. I could already smell the strong stench of the Max’s poop in the room and as he squished it around in his diaper the smell got worse. For some reason his excrements smelled much worse to me than my own. I guess I was just used to smelling my own poop.
Max continued to squish his poop around for a minute or so then he turned to face me bending his left leg up so that he could. I watched as he began rubbing the front of his diaper intensely. He then reached over with his right hand and began rubbing the front of my diapers gently, but firmly.
“What are you doing?” I asked, astonished.
“You’ve been hard since your bath,” Max pointed out, “I’m just helping you take care of that.”
“But I’m not allowed to masturbate,” I told him, not to mention the fact that I was more than a little uncomfortable with another guy rubbing me off.
“Don’t worry about it,” Max assured me, “No one’s ever going to find out. I’m just doin’ you a favor. Now, lay back and enjoy.”
I found myself unable to protest too loudly. For one, my hands were literally tied, and two, I was having trouble denying my sexual urges. It wasn’t like he was planning on having mad, gay sex with me. It was just a little innocent mutual masturbation. There wasn’t anything really gay about that. I’ve heard of kids doing it together all the time. By the time I had straightened all this out in my mind Max had already worked me into a fervor. My penis was rock hard. Thirty seconds later I had lost all inhibitions against what Max was doing to me. He continued to rub my crotch rhythmically while simultaneously doing the same to his own diaper encased member.
Within a couple of minutes we were both breathing heavily. By then I had lost all of my awkwardness concerning having another guy masturbate me. All I could think about was the intense stimulation going on in my crotch. After another couple of minutes I all of a sudden stopped breathing heavily and held my breath as my body shuddered all over. My penis pulsated repeatedly as I ejaculated what felt like a large load of cum into my diapers. In a few seconds it was all over and I was left exhausted, panting, and lightheaded. I was in a wonderful euphoria.
Max hadn’t reached climax yet, so after he had finished masturbating me he used both hands to rub the front of his diaper very firmly. I couldn’t help but stare at him as he masturbated. Finally, Max leaned forward slightly as he came into his diaper. I could actually see the front of his diaper move a little as he ejaculated. He sat there panting, much like I was doing, for a couple of minutes then he looked at me and smiled a little.
Without a further word Max got up and went to my dresser and returned with baby wipes. He sat back down on the bed where he had been and proceeded to untape his diapers. He sat there and cleaned himself up right in front of me. I suppose since we had just masturbated together that he thought it didn’t much matter if I saw is genitalia. I don’t know why but I was a little surprised that he had hair on his crotch. I guess I had just gotten used to seeing my hairless self all the time. I also noted that, while Max was probably twice my size and weight, his dick was much smaller and shorter than mine. I suppose I always figured God passed out “packages” to fit the body and everyone had a proportional penis that was consistent with what I had. Obviously I was wrong.
He used several wipes to clean himself off. His poop had been pushed all the way up to the top of his scrotum and had worked its way up onto his penis. He stood up to wipe his butt and crotch off asking me if he got everything. He had a little more trouble cleaning himself off due to all his pubic hair. When he was done he gathered up his messy diaper and the wipes he had used and took them to the trash. He came back a minute later still naked and proceeded to put his clothes, which had been lying in a pile in the corner of my room, back on.
When he was dressed in the clothes he came in Max came back over to me.
“Good night, diaper boy,” he said cheerfully as he leaned over and patted the front of my diapers.
“Night,” I replied still a little uncomfortable with a guy touching me even though he had already diapered and masturbated me.
He pulled my rubber sheets up over me and tucked them up around me. It wasn’t until then that I realized I was wearing nothing but diapers.
“Hey,” I said, “I don’t have my PJ’s on.”
“Oh,” Max said. “I guess I forgot.”
He went over to my dresser and started rummaging through drawers. He pulled out a folded bundle and brought it back over to the bed.
“This should do,” He said. He unfolded it to reveal a simple, white onesie. He undid the snaps and brought it over to me. He reached down and began undoing my harness.
“That’s not what I normally wear,” I commented though I really didn’t care. I was more surprised that he found more baby clothes for me. I really didn’t know how many babyish outfits Sharon had bought for me. Up until then I had only seen my Oshkosh B’gosh short-alls and my bloomer onesies that I wore to bed.
“Oh well, this will have to do. Now sit up,” He ordered me.
“I can put it on myself,” I said dejectedly.
“I know, but Sharon told me to dress you. She said it was part of your punishment.”
I wondered why Max was willing to break the rules about me watching TV and masturbating, but he still insisted on following them when it came to dressing me. I got the impression that he liked having control over someone. I decided not to argue and complied with his instructions. He pulled the onesie over my head and instructed me to put my arms through the sleeves; then he pulled it down over my torso and told me to lift my butt up. He pulled the back flap of the crotch up through my crotch and snapped the onesie closed. After that he put me back in my harness and locked my arms into the wrist restraints. He then put my sheet back over me and tucked me in.
“Good night, pal,” Max said as he walked towards the door. He flipped the light off and closed the door as he left.
I lay there for a few minutes struggling at my restraints trying to get my arms a little more comfortable, but it was futile. Finally, I just relaxed. I peed in my diapers and closed my eyes to go to sleep. I drifted off feeling rather pleasant about how the evening had gone despite my initial unpleasant feelings about having a male babysitter.
I awoke sometime after eight. I tried to stretch as much as I could. I had forgotten that my wrists were tied down. I wanted to rub the sleep out of my eyes, but I couldn’t. I took my morning pee in my diapers then concentrated on getting my morning poop out. It came out pretty easily today, and I could feel a large load filling my diapers. The extra fiber from the popcorn last night probably helped some. I sat there for a while, then remembered how late Sharon must have come in last night, and realized that she probably wouldn’t be getting up until late. I sat moving my butt around in my diapers to flatten out the large lump of crap and then settled down and went back to sleep.
I woke up an hour or so later when I heard Sharon open the door. She came in and sat on the bed next to me.
“Hi, Baby,” she said a little tiredly. She looked really tired. Her face was a little pale and her eyes were a little blood shot. I could tell she probably had a slight hangover.
She leaned over and gave me a good morning kiss then sat up.
“How was your night?” I asked her.
“I had fun,” she said with half a smile. She gently rubbed my chest with her right hand. “How was your evening with Max?”
“It was okay,” I answered. “He’s not a bad guy. He didn’t even make fun of me or anything.”
“See, I told you it wouldn’t be that bad,” she said as she started to undo my restraints. “I see he decided to use your wrist cuffs.”
“Yeah,” I replied. “I think I like the mittens better.”
“We’ll see,” she said as she helped me up out of my harness. “I can smell that you were a good boy in your diapers already.”
I was surprised that she noticed the smell of my diapers since I couldn’t smell a thing. I guess I was just getting too used to the smell of my dirty diapers.
“Do you think you can hold off on being changed for a couple of hours?” Sharon asked as I followed her into the living room.
“I guess,” I said though I actually was ready to be changed.
“Okay, well I’m going to go back to bed then. I just wanted to let you up so you didn’t have to be tied up all morning. I’m gonna sleep for a couple more hours. You can watch TV, but keep it low. Make yourself some breakfast.”
“Okay,” was all I said.
“Good night then,” Sharon said as she disappeared back into the master bedroom and shut the door.
I ate a bowl of cereal then turned on the TV. As usual for Sunday morning it was either televangelists or hunting shows so there wasn’t much to watch. I flipped through the movie channels and found nothing of interest. Finally, I settled on Nickelodeon, which of course I was not a huge fan of. Rugrats happened to be on.
I watched Tommy Pickles waddle around in his diaper and blue t-shirt uniform, and was suddenly struck by the similarities between him and me. I couldn’t help but smile a little. For a moment I forgot about my punishment and reverted back to my infantile love of diapers. As I sat on the couch I moved my butt back and forth spreading the mess in my diapers around further. I was reminded of how good a wet and messy diaper could feel if you ignored the whole aura of punishment that was currently attached to it.
I soon found myself aroused much as I had been the previous night. I couldn’t help but rub the front of my diapers through my onesie. I looked over at the bedroom door behind which Sharon slept. I decided she was probably out for a good while so I figured what the hell. I began stroking the front of my diapers more firmly and with a few minutes of rhythmic action I was ready to cum. I did and it was probably even better than the night before when Max had done it for me. After cumming in my diapers I had to pee again, which was good since it would probably cover any evidence of my transgression.
After that the rest of the day was pretty much uneventful. Sharon got back up around eleven or so and changed me. We went out for lunch together then came back home and spent the rest of the afternoon doing not much of anything. I was sent to my room to study while Sharon cleaned up the apartment a little while she continued to recover from her night on the town.
The preceding week had pretty much gone by normally. I was starting to get used to wearing diapers all the time even though I wouldn’t say I was completely comfortable wearing them out in public all the time. I had completely forgotten about my two masturbatory indiscretions confident that I had gotten away with them. The week had been pretty much normal except for Wednesday when again I woke up unable to produce a bowel movement and received a suppository before going to school. I wasn’t extremely worried about that since I had become a real believer in my latex pants that I wore every day over my diapers. They seemed to keep in my diaper smells for several hours and when the stench finally did get out it was almost unnoticeable if you weren’t in very close proximity to me. I had even begun to poop at school and out in public regularly without too much fear of my diapers being discovered. Plus, I had gotten to the point where I really didn’t care. If anyone smelled my dirty diapers they either didn’t attribute them to coming from me, or, if they did, they didn’t say anything. I only knew a few people at school anyway and couldn’t care less about anyone else.
I got home today a little downtrodden. I had finished my midterms and was out for spring break, which at my university was two weeks. I thought I had done pretty well on my midterm exams, but sitting down at lunch that day I had done a tabulation of all of my grades for all of my classes. I had come to the unfortunate conclusion that there was no way for me to make straight “A’s” for the semester. There was just no way. In math I would have to nearly ace my midterm and every quiz and test for the rest of the semester to pull an “A” and there was little chance of that. I figured I probably had gotten a high “B” on the midterm, and that simply wouldn’t cut it. I left school knowing that I was now doomed to an entire summer in diapers. I decided not to tell Sharon right away. I had to figure out how to break it to her. Maybe if I could pull all “A’s” and a “B” in math I could get her to diminish my punishment a little and not keep me diapered for the whole summer.
I at least had a nice spring break to look forward to. We were going to visit Sharon’s family in Indiana where she was from. I had never met her parents before even though we had been dating for two years and living together for over half that time. Sharon had spent the last couple of years building her career and had never been able to get away to visit them. She had told them all about me, and I knew much about them. Sharon had always told me they thought highly of me, and they had been waiting for years to meet me. They had even sent me presents for my birthday and Christmas, which I thought was really nice. I especially wanted to meet and get to know them since both my parents had died a few years ago and I really didn’t have any close family. I had a brother that was a few years older than me who lived in California, and I talked to him maybe once every couple of years. We had never been close. Other than that, all I had in the world were Sharon and a couple of close friends from college and high school. I think that’s probably why her family had sent me stuff for my birthday and Christmas. Sharon had probably told them about the few years before I met her that no one had given me anything for either occasion.
My only problem, of course, was that the first time I would ever meet them I would be wearing diapers. I had tried to get a temporary furlough from my punishment during our trip, but my appeal had sternly and flatly been rejected. Sharon assured me that her family already knew about my punishment, and that they were accepting of my diapered condition and thought nothing of it. That made me a little more comfortable with the whole situation, but I was still apprehensive.
I got home after school and found Sharon busily packing for our trip. We were leaving early in the morning and she was a stickler for thorough preparation before road trips. She already had several pieces of luggage packed and asked me to start taking them out the car. We would be taking her SUV and I’m glad we were since I didn’t think everything would fit in my car. I noticed she had only put two packages of diapers aside for us to take. I knew that supply would only last a week at the most, and we were going for two.
“Why are we only taking two bags of diapers?” I asked on coming back in the house for a second load of luggage.
“Oh, I didn’t want to waste the extra room in the car. Besides they’re plenty of diapers in Indiana. We can get more up there.”
I shrugged and went about filling the car with luggage. When I was done we made a simple little supper of grilled chicken and sautéed vegetables. During dinner we chatted about our trip. Sharon was understandably excited to be seeing her family for the first time in two years.
After dinner I was bathed, diapered, and put to bed early. Before my bath Sharon again put hair remover all over my body to make sure I’d be nice and smooth for our trip. I think I was strapped into my harness before 8:00 o’clock. Sharon wanted be on the road by 4:00 AM so we both needed to go to bed early. I drifted off to sleep after lying in bed for probably an hour or so.
It was ridiculously early when Sharon came in to wake me up. She came in already dressed and ready to go. She immediately went to the dresser for my diaper changing supplies after a quick “good morning” kiss. She left me still tied in my harness as she unsnapped the crotch of my blue onesie pajamas. She began my diaper change as normal. I used my mitten-encased hands to hold the backs of my knees to hold my legs up as she wiped my butt and crotch clean.
“I didn’t poop,” I admitted right away as she pulled my latex pants off and started to undo the tapes on my first diaper.
“That’s okay,” Sharon said. “I’m getting you up so early I didn’t think you’d have time to poop yet.”
She proceeded to clean and rediaper me as she normally did. In spite of the early hour, I got my usual erection as she tenderly wiped me clean. Before I knew it I had been cleaned, diaper rash cream was applied, I was thoroughly powdered, and I had my normal three diapers on. I became confused when Sharon started to perforate my outer diaper with the razor blade.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
“I’m putting extra diapers on you,” she answered.
“Because we’re going to be on the road for like sixteen hours, and I’d don’t want to have to change you before we get to my parent’s house. Or would you rather I changed you at a rest stop or something?”
I didn’t respond to her questions since my answer didn’t matter anyway. I liked neither the prospect of wearing extra diapers, nor that of being changed in public somewhere. As I lay there helpless, Sharon proceeded to put two more diapers on me. I was going to be wearing five diapers with four boosters. There was no way any clothing I had could hide the thickness that was being stacked around my waist. I was mad and wanted to start arguing, but I knew that would only make my predicament worse, so I just lay there and scowled at her.
Sharon went back to the dresser after putting all of my diapers on and returned with a pair of plastic pants I hadn’t seen before. She quickly put them over my feet and pulled them up to my crotch. She then unstrapped me from the harness and told me to stand up. When I was standing she finished pulling the plastic pants up. I caressed the front of the pants lightly with my hand. They were made of a soft, clear vinyl. I walked around for just a few seconds getting used to the added thickness of five diapers while Sharon put away my diapering things. The plastic pants made a distinct crackling sound as I walked.
“These things are noisy,” I complained.
“Baby,” Sharon said, “We’re going to be in a car all day. No one is going to see or hear them.”
“What about when we stop to eat?”
“Who cares?” she replied, “All we’ll see is truckers and other vacationers. It’s not like we’ll ever see any of them again.”
“I guess,” I said dubiously.
With that the conversation ended and I was ordered to go get dressed and get ready to go. Sharon wanted to leave in twenty minutes. I went to the master bedroom and got my clothes out of the closet. I put on the baggiest pair of shorts I could find along with a big, baggy T-shirt. Neither did much to hide my diapers or disguise my blatantly obvious waddle. I just shook my head in disgust after getting dressed and went to shave and brush my teeth. When I was done with that I put my socks and sneakers on and went into kitchen where Sharon was putting some sodas and snacks into a cooler with some ice. She handed me a glass of milk to drink as I walked in.
“All ready?” she asked with her normal morning cheer.
“I guess so,” I said still a little uncomfortable about my state of extreme diaperedness.
“Let’s go,” she said as she handed me a cooler to carry out and walked toward the door with her purse.
When she got to the door she halted suddenly and turned to check to see if she had forgotten anything.
“Stop worrying,” I said. “You already asked Max to stop by and check on the apartment every couple of days, and if there’s anything we forgot it can’t be anything too important, and we can get it up there.”
“Your right,” she smiled and gave me a kiss. “Let’s go.”
Five minutes later we were officially on the road. I offered to take the first leg and got behind the wheel. It was a little awkward driving with so many diapers on. I was sitting a couple of inches higher than normal and I had to adjust the seat differently because the reach of my legs with so much padding in my crotch was different. I settled in as we got on the highway and got comfortable.
We lived in the Dallas-Fort Worth area and were driving to the southwestern part of Indiana. That made for a fourteen or fifteen hour trip depending on weather and traffic, neither of which were we worried about. To help us along the way Sharon had made a big thermos of coffee for us. I poured myself a cup before we got on the road. Sharon meanwhile settled in for a nap. We would stop in a couple of hours and switch drivers.
The roads, of course, were pretty empty at 4:00 AM so we made good time keeping the SUV just over the speed limit. Finally, just over the Oklahoma state line I pulled into a rest stop and nudged Sharon awake.
“Your turn to drive,” I said.
She sat up and stretched as much as she could inside the car.
“Okay,” she said still pleasant despite just being awakened. “I’m going to run to the restroom. Pour me a cup of coffee, will you?”
“Sure,” I replied as she got out.
I poured her a cup of hot coffee and set it in the driver’s cup holder moving my empty cup over to the passenger side. I then looked around carefully outside just to see who might see me walking around to the other side. I really didn’t care at this point and would have gotten out of the car even if there were people that might see me. I reasoned, like Sharon had told me, that I would never see anyone out here ever again so it didn’t really matter if they saw me. Besides it was early and still somewhat dark so anyone who saw me was likely not to notice my thickly patted abdomen. I got out and waddled around to the passenger side and got back into the vehicle. As I sat down I peed a little more into my diapers. I had already peed five or six times that morning in small amounts. Coffee really made me pee a lot and, for once, I was a little glad to be diapered because I knew there was no chance I would have a bathroom emergency on this road trip. A few minutes later Sharon came back out to the car and we were off again.
When we were on the highway again I put my seat back and took a nap. A couple of hours later, around 9:00, we pulled into a McDonald’s to grab a quick breakfast. Sharon went in to use the restroom again and grab some Mc-whatevers and hash browns. Meanwhile I got out of the car again and got behind the wheel. We had parked right by the restaurant’s door and just as I was getting around to the driver’s side a family came out with several young children. The youngest looked to be about three and there was a five-year-old and probably a seven-year-old, all boys. They were walking to their car and I noticed the middle child staring at me. After they passed me I saw the five-year-old grab his older brother and stop. The five-year-old pulled his brother around to face me and whispered something as he continued to stare at me. They both then laughed and pointed at me. I knew they had made a comment about my diapered posterior. I turned red and quickly got into the car trying to ignore them. I had never been embarrassed by a little kid before, and it felt really humiliating.
A few minutes later Sharon returned with a bag of food and a couple of cups of orange juice. I got back on the road and she handed me an Egg McMuffin. I decided not to tell her about the incident with the kids. She wouldn’t have cared anyway. We traveled on down I-44 headed northeast for several more hours. We stopped a couple hours after the McDonald’s at a truck stop for gas. While Sharon went to use the restroom yet again I leaned up against the side of the SUV as I filled the gas tank. I also used the opportunity to fill my diapers with a rather large load of poop. I had needed to go for a while, but I could never seem to do it while sitting in a car. The pressure from sitting on my butt hole just wouldn’t let anything out. I also wet myself for the umpteenth time. We got back into the car and continued on. I decided to keep driving for a while since I wasn’t really tired yet.
Around 1:00 we stopped for lunch at a roadside Denny’s. It was rather crowded, which I didn’t mind since the more people there were the less likely that my diapers and me were to draw attention. The commotion in the restaurant also masked the distinct, muffled rustling that my plastic pants made. As I sat down I detected a faint odor of poop, but I decided that if I just ignored it no one would notice. I ordered a bacon-cheeseburger while Sharon went with a healthier grilled chicken salad. While we ate lunch a family of three in the booth behind us was enjoying their meal.
As the family finished their meal their little boy, about four I’d guess, got up and started walking around on the curved booth seat like kids often do. After a few minutes of that his mother got annoyed with him and told him to sit down. I’m glad she did because I was frankly getting a little annoyed by it, too. As she grabbed him and pulled him back down onto the bench she sniffed the air suspiciously.
“Scotty, did you go poopy?” the boy’s asked accusingly.
“No!” He responded immediately
His mom didn’t believe him and immediately stood him back up on the bench and pulled down the back of his pants. Scotty obviously hadn’t been completely potty trained yet as he was still wearing pull-ups.
“Huh,” his mom said curiously, “You didn’t. That’s odd. I can sure smell a poopy diaper.”
My eyes went wide for a moment. I was sitting with my back slightly to the lady. I looked up and looked at Sharon out of the corner of my eye. She had obviously heard the lady’s comment, as she had a little smirk on her face as she ate her salad. Thankfully the woman didn’t investigate the suspicious odor any further. They finished their meal and left. After that I tried to hurry us through our meal a little before someone did try to investigate the odor coming from my diapered rear end.
Before long we were back on the road. Sharon was driving again, and I was glad to be away from the public. I reclined the seat back again to take a little nap. Before I went to sleep I was able to poop more in my reclined position. I peed quite a bit of the soda I’d had with lunch out into my diapers as well.
The rest of the trip went pretty uneventfully. We stopped for gas once more and switched positions twice. Sharon took us into Indiana and drove the last leg of the journey since she knew where we were going. This was my first time in Indiana and I was pretty disoriented.
We drove through several small towns and acre after acre of rolling farmland. Though from Texas, I was most definitely a city boy and enjoyed the new scenery. I was particularly amazed by the lack of trees everywhere. We drove several miles at a time without seeing a single tree. In Texas, even in the cities, there are trees everywhere.
Finally, after an eternity, we pulled off the state highway onto a paved, private drive. Sharon’s family lived on a large farm. I’m talking like several thousand acres. Her father was a somewhat wealthy landowner type guy apparently. The family’s residential lot was a five-acre parcel of the farm that sat on a corner of the property next to the highway off of which we had just turned. The asphalt drive led up towards a large house at the back of the lot. We pulled onto a large concrete pad in front of the house. There was a car, an expensive truck, and a Jeep Wrangler on the pad with plenty of room for us to park too. The vehicles took up half of the concrete pad while a basketball half-court occupied the other half.
The house itself was a huge, country-style, two-story. It had a metal roof and a wraparound porch. On the front porch a man, who looked to be in is mid-forties, was rocking lazily in a large wooden rocking chair. I assumed this had to be Sharon’s dad. There was also a boy kicking a soccer ball around in the yard. I assumed that this must be Sharon’s youngest brother, Joshua, who was ten.
Even before Sharon parked the car she was already bubbling over with excitement. She was barely paying attention as she pulled our SUV in next to the truck and put it in park. As soon as the car stopped she opened the door and got out almost forgetting to unbuckle her seatbelt. She ran up toward the house, but only got a few feet before her brother met her. I turned the car off and got out following Sharon. I was suddenly very nervous and had butterflies in my stomach.
“Sharon!” her brother squealed with glee as he ran up to her with his arms open.
“Hi, Joshy!” she squealed back as she picked him up and they hugged. “You’ve gotten so big!”
Josh was a skinny, little kid with the same blondish-brown hair that Sharon had and bright blue eyes. He was smaller than I figured a ten-year-old would be. He actually looked like he was six or seven.
I hadn’t noticed before, but Joshua was dressed a little strangely. He was wearing a pair of bright red short-alls with a pastel striped shirt underneath. He was also barefoot. His appearance was rather childish; more than just childish, he looked like a toddler. Just as I made that realization Sharon turned to me still holding him on her hip.
“Josh, this is my boyfriend, Tommy,” she introduced. “Tommy this is by littler brother Joshy.”
“Hi, Josh,” I said with a smile.
Josh looked at me shyly for a second and looked like he was about to try to hide his face in Sharon’s arm.
“Say hi, Joshy,” Sharon coaxed.
Then, suddenly, Josh smiled and let go of Sharon and lunged forward grasping his arms around my neck. I was startled, but instinctively put my arms around him to keep him from falling. It was as he was hugging me, and I put an arm down around his butt to support his weight that I felt that he was wearing a diaper. In fact it was a rather thick diaper. +was suddenly very confused.
A moment later, Josh let go of me and struggled to get down. I obliged and set him down just as Sharon’s dad came out into the yard. He hugged his daughter tightly for a long time. After embracing, both of them turned to me.
“Daddy, this is Tommy,” she said.
He came forward and extended his hand toward me. He had a firm shake and a really warm smile. He was a big man at about six and a half feet with wide shoulders. He looked like a professional linebacker.
“Hi, Tom,” he said with a deep, powerful voice, “Nice to finally meet you. I see you’ve been taking good care of my little girl.”
“Yes, sir,” I said with a slightly uncomfortable smile.
“You’re family. Call me Dave.”
“Okay, Dave,” I said a little more at ease.
Dave turned toward his daughter, “Now you two go inside and see your mother. She’s just about finished with supper. Joshy, come help with the luggage.”
Sharon grabbed my hand and led me toward the house. When we were almost by the door I could hear Josh and his father talking.
“Tommy wears thick diapers, Daddy,” Josh said as he was handed one of our suitcases.
“I see that,” Dave replied.
Sharon just giggled when she heard what Josh said.
“Why didn’t you tell me your brother wears diapers?” I asked quietly.
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said innocently. “I guess it hadn’t crossed my mind.”
“Uh huh,” I said doubtfully.
By then we were in the house’s large entryway.
“Mom!” Sharon called when she stuck her head in the door.
“Oh, Sharon!” I heard a voice call from further in the house.
A minute later Sharon’s mom, Shirley, wearing an apron, came into the foyer. She looked to be in her late, middle forties with only very slightly graying hair. She shared more than a similar name with Sharon. The two of them looked very much alike. I could certainly see from where Sharon got her beauty. She grabbed Sharon and hugged her tightly.
“It’s so good to see you, dear. We’ve missed you so much. And this must be Tommy,” her mom said as she turned to me. She walked up to me and hugged me too. “I’m so happy to finally meet you. I’m Shirley.”
“Thank you,” I said, “Me too.”
“Did you have a nice trip?” she asked me.
“It was long, but good, thank you,” I replied.
“Ooh, and boy do you stink. Have you been in those diapers all day?” she said.
I instantly turned beet red. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Sharon why don’t you take Tommy upstairs for a quick change while I’m putting dinner on the table?”
“Okay, Mom,” Sharon said. “I’ll just grab some of his diapers.”
“Nonsense, dear,” he mom responded, “There’s plenty of diapers upstairs. Just use one of them.”
“Oh, okay,” Sharon replied then grabbed me by the hand again, “Come on, Tommy.”
She led me up the wide, curving staircase just off the foyer. We got upstairs and I immediately saw that there was tons of space up there. There was a long hall with several rooms off of it. We went down the hall a short ways and turned off on the first door to the right. Sharon flipped the light on and I saw that we were in a large room. I instantly realized we were in a nursery. The room was painted in boyish, primary colors and had three large cribs along three of the walls. The cribs to the left and right of the doorway had “Joshy” emblazoned on the wall over one and “Mikey” over the other. Mikey was Sharon’s other younger brother who was a freshman at the state university in Richmond. He was eighteen.
Each crib also had a mobile over it and a dresser next to it that also had each boy’s name on it. There was a changing table off to the right along the wall that the door was in. She led me over to the table and told me to take my shorts off. As I did, she bent down and rummaged through the shelves underneath the changing table. I saw that the shelves were piled high with diapers, both disposables and cloth ones. The room also had the faint, but noticeable odor of dirty diapers.
After Sharon pulled out a diaper and found the changing supplies she told me to lie down. I did as I was told and got up on the table. It was a large table. The top was covered in padded vinyl that had a babyish print all over it.
“Are Josh’s diapers going to fit me?” I asked. He was a small kid that looked like he couldn’t have more than a 20-inch waist.
“No, but Michael’s will,” she answered. “He’s about your size.”
“He wears diapers, too?” I asked.
“Yeah,” she replied nonchalantly.
“Always. Like 24/7?”
“Uh huh,” she said, equally matter-of-factly.
“Why?” I asked a little surprised, especially because she had never said anything about it to me.
“It’s a long story,” she said as she began pulling my plastic pants off. “I’ll tell you later. We’ve got to hurry because supper is almost ready.”
With that she started to untape my diapers. I had been in the diapers for a good fifteen hours by now and was far past ready for a change. All five diapers were pretty much soaked through and they had started to get pretty heavy around my waist. There was a large load of poop smeared all over my butt and crotch when she opened the final diaper.
She pulled the four inner diapers out from under me leaving the outer diaper under me to keep the changing table form being soiled, and dropped the diapers into a large diaper pail that was next to the changing table. I could tell by the thud the four diapers made that they were heavily laden. She then wiped me with the front of the outer diaper and pulled out a tub of baby wipes to further clean me up. After I was thoroughly cleaned she threw the last diaper away and unfolded a new disposable and slid it underneath my butt.
I didn’t recognize the brand of the disposable. It was much thicker than my normal Depend Overnights. Actually this one diaper was thicker than my normal three diapers with boosters inserted. The crotch was wider too. After she placed the diaper under my butt she put a little diaper rash cream on me then a generous amount of baby powder. She pulled the front of the diaper up through my crotch and began to tape it up. It only had four tapes as opposed to the normal six on the Depends, but she was able to get it on just as snugly. As she taped it up I noticed that there was a large decal on the front center of the diaper. It was a big sticker of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. He was smiling and holding his toes while he hopped on his coiled tail like he did in the cartoons.
“What is that?” I asked while pointing at the sticker.
“Oh, Mom puts those on the boys diapers so we can tell them apart since they wear different sized diapers. See, Joshy’s have Piglet on them.” She held up another diaper that looked about the same, but had a sticker of Piglet flying through the air while holding onto a bundle of balloons.
“What kind of diapers are these?” I asked
“I can’t remember,” Sharon said. “I’ll have to ask mom. I know they’re from Europe. She gets them by mail order. European diapers are usually much thicker than anything you can get here.”
I sat up as Sharon put the wipes, cream, and powder away.
“Take your shirt off,” Sharon ordered, “Just in case we got something on it during the change.”
“What’ll I wear?” I asked.
Sharon walked over to the dresser that had “Mikey” on it, and opened a drawer to grab a plain white T-shirt. She tossed it to me and told me to put it on. Then, she disappeared into what I imagined was a bathroom, and I heard the sound of a faucet come on. I assumed she was probably washing her hands.
I pulled my colored T-shirt off and put on the white one. It was a little tighter and shorter than I wore my T-shirts, but I figured it would do. It only covered the top few inches of my diaper leaving the rest in plain view. I hopped off of the table and followed Sharon out the door. I noticed that this diaper rose up on my torso a good four inches higher than my Depends. It stopped about two inches above my belly button in the front and right at my ribcage in the back. It’s wider crotch also made me waddle more than my normal, three Depends did. To top all that off the outer plastic crinkled more than Depends.
“Come on,” Sharon waved for me to follow her just as her mom called for us from downstairs.
We headed back downstairs and into the dining room. The room was a formal one with beautiful furniture and decorations. I could tell that Sharon’s mom took a lot of pride in her home. I was a little embarrassed walking into the dining room with just my diaper on even though I knew everyone already knew I wore diapers. I sort of hid behind Sharon at first when we went into the dining room. We were directed to our seats by Sharon’s mom. I noticed Josh had a big smile on his face as he stared at my diaper and me. I sat next to him while Sharon sat across from me next to her mother.
“Feel better, dear?” Shirley asked me.
“Yes, ma’am,” I said. “Thank you.”
“Good. Now, you two sit. And call me Shirley, Tommy.”
We sat down and held hands as Dave said grace. He was a good prayer-giver. He gave especial thanks that Sharon was home, and even thanks for me being there. I was really touched that he mentioned me in his prayer even though I’m not very religious. Finally, we dug in. Shirley had fixed a large roast with roasted potatoes, carrots, and onions. There were green beans, corn, gravy, and rolls as well. It was probably one of the best meals I had had in a long time. Neither Sharon nor I were bad cooks, but we weren’t great cooks either, so we rarely had a meal even approaching what Shirley had made. We all filled our bellies with plenty of food. I had two helpings of just about everything as did Dave and Sharon. I was also surprised by how much Joshy ate.
When we were done eating we sat around the table chatting. I mainly sat listening while Sharon and her parents caught up on everything that had happened over the past couple of years. Josh was giddy with excitement about his big sister being home, and he spent a long time telling her about school and what else was going on in his world. The whole family kept in touch by phone regularly so it mostly amounted to small talk and gossip from around their small town. An hour or so later it was getting late. I noticed Josh got quieter and started to yawn a lot.
Finally, Shirley got up and began collecting dirty dishes.
“Joshy,” his mom said, “Why don’t you take Tommy upstairs and keep him entertained while Sharon and I clear the table, then we’ll give you guys a bath.”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help with the dishes?” I asked as I stood up.
“No, no,” she said waving her hands, “You boys go play.”
“Yeah, come on, Tommy!” Josh said excitedly as he grabbed me by the hand and started to drag me toward the stairs.
I gave in and let him lead me back up to his room or nursery. We went back into the room where my diapers had been changed. He showed me all of his toys, of which he had a lot. He had tons of Legos with a huge city built in one corner of the room. There was a fleet of little Lego ships, several castles, a modern city with cars and trucks, and spaceships. Legos had been one of my favorite toys as a kid, so I was thoroughly impressed. He also had GI Joes, and tons of other action figures, Hot Wheels, remote control cars, stacks of board games in his closet, and tons of other toys. In another corner of the nursery with a large TV complete with a VCR, DVD player, Xbox, Playstation2, and a Nintendo Game Cube. His closet also contained a large library of tapes, DVDs, and video games.
Josh asked me what I wanted to do. Being 23, I was not all that interested in the toys, though I would consider playing with the Legos with him later, so I decided we should play some video games. We went into the large walk-in closet and he told me to pick out a game. I noticed there were no games rated higher than “T,” but he still had quite a few good ones. I settled on an Xbox car racing game and we started playing. We probably played for half an hour or so before his mom came in.
“Okay, boys,” she announced, “Bath time.”
She walked through a door next to the closet door and I realized it was a private bathroom connected to the nursery. I heard her start the bath water running then she came back out into the bedroom and headed for the changing table.
“Come on, boys,” she said.
Josh immediately got up and trotted over to the changing table. He stopped in front of it and stripped off his short-alls then climbed up onto the table and lay down. It was then that I noticed his shirt with horizontal, pastel stripes was actually a onesie with snaps in the crotch. I got up and walked over to the table a little nervously.
“Where’s Sharon?” I asked Shirley.
“She went to her room to unpack and take a shower. I told her I’d take care of you.”
“Oh,” I said uncomfortably.
“Don’t worry about it, Tommy,” she reassured me. “Trust me, I’ve seen it all before.”
“Yeah, Mommy does a real good job,” Josh said cutely, also trying to put me at ease. “Come on, you can watch her change me.”
“No, that’s okay,” I said.
“Oh come on, silly,” he said. “Everyone sees me get changed. I don’t care.”
I slowly approached the table and stood on Shirley’s right side. Josh’s head was to the left. He was smiling broadly at me. I watched Shirley unsnap the crotch on his onesie. She had him sit up momentarily while she pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it into a clothes hamper on the opposite side of the table from the diaper pail. Sure enough there was a three-inch Piglet sticker on the front of his diaper. His diaper was pretty soaked and tinted yellow from his pee. The wetness indicator strips that ran done the center of the diaper were gone. I noticed that the crotch of the diaper was tinted somewhat brown. I could also smell the strong poop odors coming from him. I knew he was the source of the odors since I hadn’t pooped yet.
His mom untaped his diaper and opened the front to reveal his thoroughly messy crotch.
“Wow, that’s a big load, stinker” his mom kidded him. Josh just giggled and kept smiling.
She wiped him off with the front of the diaper and pulled it out from under him as he held is legs up and kept them spread wide. She slid the diaper toward me.
“Tommy, could you put that in the pail for me, please?”
“Sure,” I said as I carefully grabbed the diaper and started rolling it up. As I picked it up to throw it in the pail I noticed how heavy the diaper was. It was obviously loaded with a lot of pee and poop.
She then used several wipes to clean his crotch off. He of course hadn’t hit puberty yet and his privates were still small and hairless, but his penis popped to attention with a little boy erection as she wiped him off. She made sure to carefully check all over his crotch and butt to ensure that it was clean.
“Okay, all done, baby,” she said gently as she stepped back so he could get down.
Just as Josh hopped down onto the floor his mom gave him a little smack on his naked butt. She looked at me next.
“Your turn, sweetie,” she said with a gentle smile.
I reluctantly climbed up onto the table and assumed Josh’s former position.
“Mommy, can I watch you change, Tommy?”
“Sure, sweetheart,” she immediately replied, “But go check the bath water first. Turn it off if it’s getting too high, and remember there’s two of you bathing tonight so don’t let it get as high as normal.”
“Okay, Mommy,” Josh replied as he scurried off toward the bathroom.
“We’re bathing together?” I asked.
“Well sure,” she said, “Why waste the water? Now sit up so I can get your shirt off, baby.”
I did as I was told and let her pull my T-shirt up and over my head. Just as she was putting the shirt in the hamper Josh returned.
“Boo!” he said as he ran up. I just smiled thinly.
“This doesn’t look too bad,” Shirley said as she looked at my diaper.
The diaper was only a little wet since I had only peed lightly a few times. The diaper was obviously really thirsty and could have held much, much more. As she began to untape the diaper I started to blush knowing what she was about to see.
“Oh my,” Shirley said as she pulled the front of my diaper open and my erect penis popped up.
I was thoroughly embarrassed and my face turned a couple of shades redder. Josh just giggled with delight.
“Mommy says that’s what big boys do when they like their diapers,” he informed me.
“That’s right, Honey,” his mom confirmed as she went about her work.
“Don’t worry, sweetie,” she said to me in a comforting voice. “Mikey does that all the time.”
I stayed pretty much fully erect as she cleaned me off wiping me thoroughly even though my diaper had only been wet.
“Okay,” she said, “All done, Tommy. You can get down. Both of you go hop in the tub.”
I swung my legs over off of the table and got down. I didn’t need to jump down as my feet were much closer to the ground than Josh’s had been. As I started to follow Josh toward the bathroom I jumped as his mom gave me a loving slap on the buttocks, too.
We went into the bathroom and climbed into the tub together. The tub was actually a big, garden tub so we were by no means crowded into it. I sat down slowly adjusting to the hot water while Josh immediately grabbed several toys that were sitting along the sides of the tub. There were three or four boats, of course a yellow, rubber ducky, and a couple of little squirt guns. He pushed a tugboat toward me, gliding it through the water. I lazily pushed the boat around just to play along with Josh. Meanwhile he had a little speedboat, and was racing it along producing his own engine sound effects. I bashfully kept a hand under the water covering my crotch. Josh obviously had no such inhibitions as he jubilantly played not caring what I saw.
Josh’s mom let us play for ten or fifteen minutes. By the time she came into the bathroom we were involved in a minor squirt gun battle shooting streams, of water at each other and each other’s boats. I had lost all inhibitions by then and was no longer covering myself and was having just as much fun as Josh, who was on his knees and splashing around a little bit as he tried to dodge my water shooting. Just as Shirley walked back in Josh splashed a good bit of water out onto the floor.
“Hey! That’s enough boys,” Shirley admonished us as she came in.
Josh quickly sat back down. “Sorry, Mommy,” he said quietly.
“Sorry,” I said as I blushed.
“Okay,” she continued as she grabbed a couple of washcloths out of the bathroom’s linen closet. “Let’s get our two babies clean.”
I was embarrassed yet again at being called a baby, but tried not to show it. Shirley came over ordering Josh to stand up. He did as he was told instantly as his mom dipped one of the washcloths into the bath to get it wet then squirted some baby body-wash from a bottle that sat on the edge of the tub into it. After working it into a good lather she began to thoroughly scrub him down from head to toe. She seemed to get every nook and cranny very well. Josh squirmed a little as she scrubbed his ears and the more ticklish parts of his body. She paid very close attention to his diaper area just as Sharon did with me. When she was finally done she had Josh sit down and she poured water over him from a plastic cup. After that she squirted some baby shampoo into his hair and told him to start scrubbing and don’t stop.
“Okay,” she said to me. “Your turn.”
I stood up, still very nervous and embarrassed, and Shirley started to bathe me. As I stood up my penis was erect again totally of it’s own accord. Meanwhile Josh continued to scrub his hair giggling again when he saw my erection.
Shirley had to stand up to scrub me as I was well over a foot taller than Joshy. She started up top as she did with her son and started to give me the same scrupulous bathing that he had received. When she was scrubbing up around my chest and shoulders I suddenly felt a light poke at the tip of my penis. My pelvis instantly recoiled and my hands shot down to cover my privates. I frowned and looked down to see Josh giggling again and quickly withdrawing his finger. He had obviously decided my penis was a little too curious to avoid trying to touch.
“Joshy!” his mom exclaimed when she saw what he did. “You keep your hands to yourself. Shame on you!”
“Sorry,” he said as he blushed at the chastisement.
When she was down cleaning me I was told to sit back down and was rinsed thoroughly. I also had baby shampoo squirted into my hair and was ordered to scrub my head. As I was doing that Shirley rinsed the shampoo out of Josh’s hair then had him get out of the tub so she could dry him off. She said I could rinse my own hair out as she dried off Josh. She dried him thoroughly using two large, white towels. When she was satisfied that he was dry she gave him another slap on the butt and told him to run along.
“Come on, Tommy,” she gestured for me to get out as she held a new towel open.
I carefully stepped out shaking my feet off thoughtfully so I didn’t drip water everywhere. As I came out of the tub I was instantly enveloped in the warm towel. I had come to thoroughly enjoy having someone else dry me after a bath. It was probably my favorite part, one of the few nice things, about my diaper punishment. The experience always aroused me no matter who dried me off. Thus, I became hard yet again when Sharon’s mom began to dry me off. She was kind enough to ignore my erect state with the exception of gently drying it off. When she was done drying me with the first towel she grabbed another fresh one and went over me a second time.
“Okay, scoot,” she said giving me yet another slap on the butt cheek.
I walked out of the bathroom feeling that my skin was nice and soft both from the baby wash we had used and the long soak I had had. I got into the bedroom—nursery, whatever—and saw Sharon walk in wearing a bathrobe. She had her long, damp hair in a ponytail.
“Hi, baby,” she greeted me warmly and came up and gave me a kiss. “Have a good bath?”
“Yeah,” I replied.
“Sharon!” Joshy, who had been playing with his Legoland while still naked, ran up and jumped up into her arms again.
“Hi, buddy,” she said as she gave him a hug. “Did you have a good bath?”
“Yeah, Tommy and me had fun,” he replied.
“That’s good,” she said as she set him down.
“Hi, honey,” Sharon’s mom greeted her as she came out of the bathroom.
“Hi, Mom.”
“Sharon, can you diaper me tonight?” Josh asked in a cute, childish, and irresistible way.
“Yeah, I’ll diaper you guys,” Sharon replied with a warm smile.
“No,” Josh snapped playfully, “Only me. Mommy can diaper Tommy. You can only diaper me.”
We all laughed at how cute he sounded.
“Well,” Sharon hesitated, “I guess so.”
“Cool!” Josh exclaimed as he grabbed her by the hand and dragged her over to the changing table. He stopped and turned to her with outstretched arms. He wanted her to pick him up even though he was plenty big enough to get on the table himself.
She couldn’t resist his cute face and obliged him.
“You are going to have him so spoiled by the time you leave here,” Shirley commented with a smile and a shake of the head.
“That’s not my problem,” Sharon answered as she tickled Josh’s privates making him squeal.
“Well just for that I’m going to spoil Tommy, then,” Shirley said.
“You go right ahead, Mom. He knows the rules once we leave.”
She turned at me and gave me that hot, devilish smile.
Her mom walked over to the table and grabbed a pile of diapering things and brought them over to me. “Lay on the floor, sweetie. I’ll diaper you here.”
“You still use cloth at night, right Mom?” Sharon asked.
“Oh, of course, dear,” her mom replied.
“Just checking,” Sharon said as she reached down for cloth diapers.
The bottom of the changing table was divided in half by a wall. Each side of the table had two selves giving it four shelves total. The bottom two shelves had cloth diapers stacked on them, while the top shelves were piled with disposables. I correctly assumed that one side contained Josh’s diapers, while the other was Mikey’s.
I noticed that Shirley had brought over a couple of cloth diapers with her. After she put a thick layer of diaper rash cream and a good deal of powder on me she put the first thick diaper on me. I had never worn cloth before so this was new experience for me. Each diaper was bigger and thicker than the disposable I had worn before my bath. She put the first diaper under me and pulled the front up through my crotch. She pulled the back wings of the diaper up around me and I noticed that the diaper had Velcro closures. She fastened the diaper snugly in place. I looked down at the front of the diaper and noticed that it had a small, embroidered appliqué of Tigger sewn on it much like the decal on the disposables.
“That’s neat,” I said feeling the appliqué.
“Yeah, it makes sorting diapers much easier,” Shirley said as she had me lift my butt to slide the second diaper under me.
“Oh, Sharon, throw me some plastic pants please. I forgot them,” Shirley said.
“Sure, Mom.” She reached down and grabbed a pair of plastic pants and tossed them to her mom.
“Thank you.”
Shirley had me lift my feet up and slipped the pants on me. I lifted my butt as she pulled them up around my diapers. She carefully made sure that none of my diapers were sticking out of the plastic pants and told me I could get up now.
“Thank you,” I told her as I got up.
“Don’t mention it, dear.”
I got up and walked around for a few seconds getting used to the diapers. These two diapers I had on were thicker than I’d ever worn diapers before. They were probably the equivalent of eight Depend Overnights stacked on top of each other. I walked with a very pronounced waddle and no matter how much I tried to squeeze my legs together there was probably a foot-wide gap between my knees. The plastic pants I wore made a pronounced crackling when I walked as well. They were even noisier than the one I’d worn over my disposables earlier. In spite of that, the diapers themselves were very soft, and I couldn’t help but find them comfortable.
Just as I got up Sharon finished diapering Josh and he hopped off sporting identical attire as me with the exception that his diapers had a little Piglet on the front. He walked over to his dresser with a waddle equal to mine, and pulled out a bright blue garment. He unfolded it to reveal that it was a footed sleeper. I could tell that it was made out of a fleece-type material. He opened it and stepped in through the top of the sleeper one foot at a time and pulled it on. When he had it on I could see that on the left front breast area it had another Piglet appliqué on it like his diapers. Over Piglet Joshy’s name was embroidered and underneath the appliqué it said “Piglet.”
The zipper for the sleeper was on the back so he had to go up to Sharon and turn around so that she could zip it up for him. When she did I heard a “click.” After he turned to where I could see his back, I noticed a tiny square at the top of the zipper below the collar. It must have been some sort of lock that prevented Josh from opening the zipper.
After he had his sleeper on I asked where my clothes were.
“Oh, all the luggage is in my room,” Sharon said, “Hold on.”
She left and was back a few minutes later with my light-blue, bloomer onesie.
“He’s not going to wear that, is he?” Shirley asked. She was still lounging on the floor from diapering me.
“Well, yeah,” Sharon answered. “This is what he always wears to bed.”
“You don’t make him wear sleepers?”
“No Mom. We live in Texas.”
“Well it still gets cool at night here,” Shirley pointed out. “He needs a sleeper.”
“Can we show him what you made for him, Mommy?” Josh asked
“Well,” Shirley hesitated, “I was going to wait until tomorrow when everyone was rested, but I guess we’ll have to now.”
I was confused now. What had she made for me?
“Come on,” Shirley said getting up. “Let’s all go downstairs. We got a little present for you too, Sharon.”
“You guys didn’t have to do that,” Sharon said.
“I know, but we wanted to.”
With that we all went downstairs into the family room, which was also very nicely appointed, but had a warm casual feel to it. Along the way Sharon went to her room and grabbed a couple of bags. Since we were exchanging gifts she figured we might as well give them the gifts we had brought for them. I felt really awkward leaving the room in nothing but diapers.
Dave was in the family room watching TV in his recliner when we came in. He quickly turned the TV off and sat up when we came in.
“Honey, we’re going to go ahead and give Sharon and Tommy their presents,” Shirley informed here husband.
“Oh, sure,” Dave replied. “Go ahead.”
Shirley disappeared for a minute and returned carrying two boxes. One was a large, flat, clothing box like a dress would come in. The other was a tiny rectangular box that looked like a jewelry box. I expected to get the smaller box and Sharon the larger one, but it turned out to be the other way around. Before we opened ours Sharon passed out the gifts we had brought them.
Her dad was a history buff so we gave him a large, photo-filled reader on Texas history. Her mom got a broach that was shaped like Texas and a Texas-style cookbook. Finally, Josh got a Texas-themed version of Monopoly and a replica of a Texas Ranger badge, which he thought was really cool.
Finally, we opened our gifts. I told Sharon to open hers first. Her family gave her a really nice, but simple necklace with rubies on it, which was her birthstone. When she was finished thanking each of her family members with a hug I opened my box.
I pulled the top half of the box off and revealed a sheet of tissue paper covering the contents. I removed the tissue paper and found several folded garments in the box. The first thing I took out was a footed sleeper similar to the one Josh was wearing. The torso of the sleeper was a teal blue, while the sleeves and legs were a yellow color. On the left front of the sleeper there was an appliqué like Joshy’s, but it was of Scooby Doo, who was my favorite cartoon character. My name was embroidered over the appliqué and “Scooby” was underneath it. I realized that the colors of the sleeper matched the colors of Scooby’s collar. Though it was babyish and a little too cute for my liking, I was really touched by the thought of it. There were also three, white t-shirts in the box. I unfolded them to discover that they weren’t t-shirts, but actually onesies with snaps in the crotches. One of them had my name embroidered in big letters across the chest, another just had my initials monogrammed on the left breast, and the last one had a big iron-on of Scooby across the front.
Finally, in the bottom of the box I found a card. It was a Hallmark card that said, “Welcome to the Family,” across the top. By the time I finished looking at everything and reading the card my eyes were watering up.
“You made all of this for me?” I asked Shirley.
She nodded with a beaming smile, “Sharon gave me your sizes and told me you liked Scooby Doo. Joshy helped pick out the appliqués and the colors for the lettering and everything. We just wanted to make you feel at home.”
At that point a tear did roll down my cheek. I got up and went over to Shirley and gave her a big hug. I hugged Josh too and shook Dave’s hand. It wasn’t that I particularly liked the childish outfits I had been given, but I was especially moved by all the time, thought, and effort they had put into making the stuff for me.
“Thank you all very much,” I said wiping my eyes. “I like it all very much.”
“Yeah, thanks guys,” Sharon said. She was also tearing up. “It really means a lot to both of us.”
“Well, put it on,” Josh told me.
I knew he meant the sleeper so I picked it up, stood up, and stepped into it. Amazingly it fit just right. I didn’t know how Sharon had gotten all my measurements right, but she had. It even accommodated the extra bulk of my thick diapers, but at the same time didn’t look real baggy on me. It felt incredibly warm, soft, and comfortable on the inside. Sharon stood up and zipped the zipper shut on the back for me, and I heard a click as she locked the zipper shut.
We all sat around chatting for a little while longer. It was after 10:00 already and Sharon and I had been up for over eighteen hours and we were both tired. Josh was also up to constant yawning again.
“I think it’s time for some little boys to go to bed,” Shirley said obviously indicating Josh and me. “You boys tell Sharon and Daddy goodnight. Then, Joshy, take Tommy upstairs to the nursery, and Mommy will be up to tuck you in a few minutes.”
“Is that where I’m sleeping?” I asked
“Well sure, honey. That’s the only room in the house with plastic sheets on the mattresses.”
I was a little chided at being dismissed like a small child, but I didn’t want to create a scene or anything, and I was exhausted. I gave Sharon a kiss goodnight and told Dave goodnight. Josh took my hand again as if I were his little brother and led me up the stairs. We went into “the nursery” and Josh went to his crib, which was along the right-hand wall. He told me to sleep in the crib against the opposite wall from the door, the one without a name over it. He walked up to his crib and undid latched on either side that unlocked the side of the crib and let slide it down. The outward side of the crib was mounted on rails just like a real baby crib so it slid down. I went to my crib and was trying to unlatch the gate but I couldn’t figure out the latches.
“Here,” Josh said noticing I was having trouble.
He came up and without even looking had the side unlatched and dropped down in a second or two. He then went over and climbed into his own crib and laid down leaving the side down. I mimicked him and climbed into my crib leaving it open on the side. I figured maybe he left it open so he could get out for a drink or something during the night. The crib had a really soft mattress that indeed had a plastic covering underneath the soft, baby blue, cotton sheets. There was also bumper padding that went up the sides of the crib about eight inches or so, so that the occupant couldn’t get an extremity caught in the bars while rolling around during the night.
“So why is there an extra crib in here, anyway?” I asked Josh as we lay there with the lights still on.
“For when me or Mikey have a friend over,” he answered as if I had asked a pretty stupid question.
“They have to sleep in a crib?”
“It’s either that or the floor?” he said.
“Do they have to wear diapers?” I asked next.
“No, but they can if they want. Most of the time they do, and then they have to sleep in the crib so if they leak it’ll be on the plastic sheets.”
Just then his mom walked in. “Okay boys. Time to go night-night.”
I sat up a little so I could see her. She went over to Josh’s crib and leaned over and gave him a kiss goodnight after tucking him in under his sheets. She then lifted the side and closed the gate making sure it was locked in place properly. Then, she came over to me.
“Are you comfortable?” she asked me with her normal gentle smile.
“Yes, ma’am,” I answered.
“But what if I get hot?” I asked worrying about the fact that I couldn’t get out of my sleeper.
“Oh don’t worry about that, sweetie,” she assured me. In other words: I wasn’t getting out of this sleeper no matter what.
She then tucked my sheets in gently over me and leaned over to give me a kiss on the forehead. I also noticed her slip a baby bottle of water into the crib next to me.
“Sleep tight,” she said.
“Okay, m…Shirley,” I almost called her Mom.
She stood up, closed my crib, and turned to leave. She got to the door and turned back around with her hand on the light switch.
“Goodnight, babies,” she said to us.
“Goodnight, Mommy,” Josh said happily.
“Goodnight, Shirley,” I said.
She turned the light off and closed the door leaving it open just a few inches. I noticed there was light coming from more than one nightlight in the room somewhere. I lay there for a few minutes until I heard some rustling around coming from Josh’s crib. I sat up and saw that he was sitting in his crib staring at me with a bottle in his mouth and a worn out teddy bear clutched tightly in his arm. It looked like he probably wanted to talk, so I sat up and sat Indian style in the crib facing him.
“So, why do you wear diapers?” he asked me.
I knew that question might eventually come up, but I figured that Sharon had told her parents the reason for me wearing diapers and they in turn had told him. I sat for a minute trying to think of what to tell him.
“You mean your parents didn’t tell you?” I asked
“No,” he replied, “They just said that Sharon’s boyfriend was coming home with her and that he wore diapers. They said I was getting a new brother.”
“Well,” I began cautiously, “I got a few bad grades at school, and your sister thought that wearing diapers might help me concentrate on my studying more.”
“Oh,” he replied, “So you’re being punished.”
“Um…” I said a little awkward.
“I may wear diapers and dress and act like a toddler, but I’m not stupid, Tommy,” he told me. “I am ten, you know.”
“Yeah,” I said realizing that I had underestimated him.
“How long are you getting punished for?” he asked me.
“Until school is out in May,” I said knowing that wasn’t correct any longer, but why should he know?
“But you like wearing diapers, don’t you?”
“They’re not so bad,” I said trying not to sound like I liked them too much. I had a feeling he knew that I did like them though.
“Whenever I get punished I usually get a spanking on the back of my legs and then Mommy will skip a change and I’ll have to wear dirty diapers for twice as long. Mikey and I also have bad boy diapers, which are really bad.”
“Yeah, Sharon does that to me to sometimes,” I shared solidarity with him. “What about you? Why do you wear diapers?”
“Oh, I was never potty trained. I’ve never used a toilet in my life,” he said somewhat proudly.
“Why?” I asked.
“Well, it started when I was about two. My brother was ten. He was a pretty bad kid, then, and he was getting in trouble a lot. He skipped school all the time and he was a big bully. So I’ve heard anyway. I really don’t remember. Anyway finally he got expelled from school for a semester for beating a kid up. The cops were going to press charges and everything. Anyway, my parents were really mad at him. They decided that since he was going to act like a baby and get kicked out of school he could wear diapers. So, they made him wear diapers and made him sleep in my crib with me. When they were going to try him, or whatever it is they do to little kids, they hauled him into court in nothing but diapers and a t-shirt. They told the judge that if he dismissed the case that my brother would receive diaper punishment the whole time he was expelled from school. The parents of the kid who he beat up agreed and the judge went along with it.
“So, the whole semester of I guess his fifth-grade year went by and he and I both wore diapers. It really worked, too. He’s been a really good boy ever since. He even got a full scholarship to Indiana University.
“Anyway, by the time the semester was over, of course he had lost all control of his peeing and pooping so my parents were going to have to potty train him again. He and I were actually supposed to be potty trained together that summer. Well, then he told my parents that he had started liking diapers and he wanted to wear them from then on. My parents talked it over, and finally they decided that he could continue to wear diapers if he wanted, but he would have to dress and be treated like a toddler when he wasn’t at school and he had to wear diapers from then on, 24/7, no matter what unless he decided he wanted to try potty training, and he couldn’t ever change his own diapers, or bathe himself, or anything like that.
“After that, they decided that they couldn’t try potty training me when my older brother got to wear diapers because it would only be harder for them to get me trained. So, they kept me in diapers until I was old enough to decide on my own whether or not I wanted to be potty-trained. Of course I decided I wanted to wear diapers too, so here I am. I think I finally decided for sure when I was around five or so.”
“And you don’t mind having to wear diapers?” I asked.
“Of course not, silly,” he said. “If I did I’d have
Mommy potty train me. I could probably still do it if I wanted to, but I don’t.
And I never will.”
“So what’s
it like not having any control?” I asked.
mostly I don’t even know when I’m peeing,” he said. “It just comes out and all
of a sudden I feel warm and wet down there. I can feel when I need to poop, but
I can’t hold it in or anything. I don’t know how. It just comes out of my butt
whenever it wants to.”
“Hmm,” was
all I said. “You don’t even mind wearing them to school?”
“I really
don’t have a choice,” he said poignantly, “But it’s no big deal really. We live
in a small town and everyone knows already. Everyone is pretty cool about it
and doesn’t seem to mind. But it is a little embarrassing sometimes when I poop
a big load in the middle of class.”
“Yeah, no
kidding,” I said understandingly. “How often do you get changed? I assume you
don’t ever get to change yourself either.”
“Oh no,” he
said adamantly, “I wouldn’t even know how. I get changed three times a day
usually. More if I have really bad diarrhea or something. I get a disposable in
the morning when I wake up, I get changed once after school, and Mommy puts me
in cloth at night as you see. I can go to the school nurse to get changed at
school if I’m really messy. I’ve got extra diapers there. I only do that if my
diaper is leaking though. Everyone is pretty used to me smelling, so I don’t
worry about that so much. I’m almost always poopy from after lunch until I get
home from school. But if people complain I’ll go get changed just so I don’t
get anyone mad at me.”
“Is your
mom the only one who changes you?” I asked.
“No,” he
replied, “She does it in the mornings and at night usually, and most of the
time when she’s here when I get home. She teaches at the high school some and
her school lets out before mine so she’s usually here. But I have babysitters
sometimes. I pretty much don’t care who changes me. Anyone can do it so long as
they don’t make fun of me, and they do a good job. I like when Daddy changes
me. He does a good job and he’s fun.
“How often
does my sister change you?” he asked me.
“I only get
changed twice a day, when I wake up and before bedtime,” I said. “I guess
that’s part of my punishment.”
“Don’t you
get rashes a lot?” he asked.
really,” I said. “I never get one from my pee, and I can control my bowels so I
try not to poop until it gets pretty close to changing time. That usually
works, but I get them every once in a while.”
“Rashes are
no fun,” he stated.
“I know.
Believe me, I know.”
there was a light knock on the door. I saw Sharon stick her head in.
“You boys
quit talking and go to sleep,” she told us firmly but gently.
“Sorry,” we
both said in unison and lay down.
she said as she closed the door still leaving it cracked.
I heard
Josh yawn. “Goodnight, Tommy.” He said.
Joshy,” I said.
“I’m glad I
have a new brother,” he said softly as he rolled over and faced the wall.
I didn’t
respond to that. I found myself wanting to shed a tear again. I was amazed by
how Sharon’s family had so readily accepted me as a member of their family, and
the lengths they had gone to make me feel at home. Even though they had made me
feel like sort of a baby, I was still touched by their generosity. They were
probably the nicest people I had ever met. Though, as I said, I wasn’t a
religious person, I said a little prayer that night thanking God for bringing
Sharon and her family into my life.
After that I decided
to take a sip from my bottle so I stuck the nipple in my mouth and started
sucking on it. I don’t remember taking the bottle out of my mouth before I fell
I was startled awake that morning by a sound I was unfamiliar with. I realized it was a creaking noise, and sat up to find Josh climbing out of his crib. One leg was swung over the open side of the crib. His artificially huge, diapered butt was straddling the side of the crib. He eased himself down the to floor and then looked over at me. He must have heard the rustling my plastic sheets had made when I sat up.
“Morning,” he said pleasantly. He had the same morning cheer that Sharon always seemed to have.
“Hi, Joshy,” I said wiping the sleep from my eyes.
I considered going back to sleep, but decided against it, as I felt very much awake and rested despite my long day yesterday. I had slept very well. The only time I woke up that I remembered was in the middle of the night when I had awakened needing to poop really badly. I had simply rolled over onto my back, spread my legs and bent my knees a little, and pushed a really big load into my cloth diapers. I had gone back to sleep right after than and didn’t wake up again until just then when I heard Josh.
When I sat up I noticed the different feeling of my now wet and messy cloth diapers. They were definitely different from my normal disposables. No better, no worse, just different. Sitting up spread my poop up into my crotch and I could feel the somewhat firm lump pushing against my testicles.
I got up, knelt on my knees, and once again attempted to open the side of my crib so I could get out. As I did I started to pee in my diapers. It wasn’t quite of its own accord, but I didn’t have to try much at all to get my bladder to relax and relinquish its contents. Finally, I gave up trying to open the crib and started looking for Josh. He had gone across the room and was playing with his Lego city.
“Josh, can you help me out of here, please?”
He stood up and looked at me, but didn’t come over. His face broke out in a devious grin.
“I could, but do I want to?” he asked rhetorically.
“Come on, Joshy. Please?” I pleaded.
“Well, what will you do for me if I let you out?” he said bargaining.
I had to think for a minute, but then something popped into my head.
“I won’t tickle you to death,” I said playfully. “If I have to climb over this gate to get out of here I will.”
“Uh huh…” he said considering the proposition for a moment. Then he shrugged, “Okay!”
He came up and once again had the side gate open in two shakes.
“Thanks,” I said as I climbed out.
“Oh and Josh?” I said as I got both feet on the floor.
“Uh huh?” he asked curiously.
“I lied!”
I reached over and grabbed Josh tackling him to the ground gently. I held him down and tickled him all over. He squealed with surprise and delight. He squirmed trying to get away from me as he laughed uncontrollably from my tickling. Finally I let up a little. He was able to wriggle out of my grasp and he immediately rolled over on his stomach and tried to crawl away. As he got up on all fours he inadvertently shoved his thickly diapered butt into my face. I got a big whiff of his stinky diapers. I ignored it and lunged after him, grabbing him by the ankle just before he was out of my reach. He fell onto his stomach and his soft sleeper made it easy for me to drag him across the nursery’s carpet and back into my clutches.
I started a second round of tickling, and we were by this time both laughing loudly. I was holding him down by putting one hand on his chest and used the other to do the tickling on his neck, stomach, legs, and armpits. I was careful not to put too much of my weight on him and hurt him. He was wriggling so much that he was finally able to get free. This time he was able to quickly stand up leaving me down on my hands and knees. Instead of trying to get away he counterattacked. He slammed into my side and knocked me over. I rolled over on my back not resisting too much as he plopped his diapered butt down on my stomach and started to tickle me. I was very ticklish and started squirming and laughing hysterically.
We didn’t even notice the door open or Sharon slipping in. We kept on going while she stood there and didn’t stop until we saw the flashing strobe of a camera and heard it click.
“Well!” she said when we had quieted down as she lowered the camera, “I see you to guys are both awake and getting along fine.”
“Morning, Sharon!” Josh squealed as he quickly go up off of me and ran over and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Good morning, Joshy,” she said warmly. Then to me: “Good morning, baby.”
“Morning, honey,” I said as I got up. I went over and gave her a kiss as well except mine was on the lips.
“Let’s go downstairs, boys,” she told us next. “Mom and dad are making breakfast. Come on, hold my hands.”
She turned around facing the door and held her hands out indicating that we should each take a side. The camera dangled from one wrist on its strap. Josh immediately ran up and grabbed one hand while I walked over and took the other.
“Lead off, Joshy,” she ordered.
He headed out the door and we went down the hall and stairs side-by-side. We got into the house’s great room, which contained the kitchen, breakfast room, and the huge family room. The great room by itself probably took up well over a thousand square feet. The kitchen was huge sitting in the corner of the room. It had a diagonal bar separating it from the rest of the room and a large food-prep island in the middle. There was a large custom fridge, a huge professional range, and two large ovens along with all the other accoutrements of a kitchen.
“Well good morning boys,” Shirley greeted us both as we came in. Sharon must have already been down here before as she didn’t get a “good morning.”
“Morning Mommy! Morning Daddy!” Josh said as he pulled his hand away from Sharon and ran into the kitchen. He gave each of his parents a hug and a kiss.
“What was all that noise up there?” Shirley asked us.
“Nothing,” Josh said, denying playfully.
“We were just having a minor tickle war,” I admitted.
“And who won?” Dave asked with a smile.
“I did!” Josh raised his hands in triumph.
“Which one of you smells?” Shirley asked.
“I think we both do,” I answered blushing.
“Well I’m sure your diapers will keep until after breakfast,” she answered. “It’s almost done.”
The island contained a separate, built-in griddle off of which Dave was shoveling pancakes. I could also smell bacon and sausage. I walked over to the breakfast room. The large round table was already piled with food, syrups, butter, jelly, and all sort of other things. I walked past the table and stared out the huge floor-to-ceiling windows that made up the corner of the room. I stood looking out the windows at their expansive backyard. It was huge with carefully manicured lawns and all sorts of landscaped gardening. There was a huge patio just outside the house that contained a beautiful built-in barbeque and a giant pool. Beyond the huge backyard, on the other side of a tall, privacy fence I could see green fields as far as I could see growing some kind of grain or something. I assumed all of this was also the family’s property.
“Okay, everyone sit down,” Dave said as he carried a large platter piled high with pancakes to the table.
Shirley assigned us to seats. I sat down in between Sharon and Josh. I noticed that both Josh and I had two babyish, sippy-cups sitting behind each of our place settings. Before we started eating Shirley came around behind Josh and I and put bibs around our necks.
“What’s this?” I asked Sharon quietly pointing at the cups.
“One’s milk, one’s juice,” she said as she placed several pancakes on her plate.
She then put a small stack on my plate then reached across my plate and set an equal number on Josh’s plate. Josh and I were both served without even being asked what we wanted. We got a little of everything: scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and hashbrowns. We did get to choose our syrup of which there were several kinds. After all of our plates were stacked with food we had a quick prayer and dug in.
Though I had had a large supper the night before, I was hungry and quickly cleaned my plate. I didn’t want to drink from my sippy-cups but I got thirsty and figured I wasn’t going to get anything else. Finally, I picked one up and shoved the spout in my mouth and started sucking. I noticed that Josh pretty much had his milk sippy-cup in his mouth the whole time he was eating when he wasn’t shoveling food into his mouth. After he cleaned his plate he picked up the sippy-cup with orange juice and began sucking on it.
“Did you sleep well, Tommy?” Shirley asked me as we chatted during breakfast.
“Yes, I did, thanks,” I said taking my sippy-cup out of my mouth.
“That’s good,” she said. “How about you, Sharon?”
“Oh, I slept great. It was good to be back in my old room for once, but I was so tired I think I would have slept well on concrete pad.”
We all chuckled at that.
“How do you like your sleeper, Tommy?” Josh asked me.
“It’s pretty comfortable,” I admitted honestly.
“So, is Mikey going to be able to come home while we’re here?” Sharon asked.
“He’ll only be able to come next weekend. He already had his spring break. He had tests all next week or else he would have been here this weekend too.” Shirley answered.
“Well at least we’ll get to see him then,” Sharon said with a smile, “He’ll be able to meet Tommy, and I can’t wait to change his diapees.”
“What are we doing today, Mommy?” Josh asked.
“Well, I think we’ll go into town later this afternoon and show Tommy around, and I’m sure Sharon wants to see how the town has changed in the last couple of years. Then we’ll eat dinner at the restaurant in town tonight. I don’t want to do too much today since Tommy and Sharon are probably still tired from their trip.
“You guys want to go to church tonight?” Shirley asked us. “We skipped this morning because we figured you guys would want to sleep in this morning.”
“Sure,” Sharon said. “How about you, Tommy?”
“Why not?” I answered.
“I’m sure everyone in the congregation will be happy to see you, Sharon,” Shirley said, “And to meet you, Tommy.”
“Can we go swimming this morning before we leave?” Josh asked.
“Sure,” his mom answered. “In fact that’s a great idea.”
“Won’t it be a little cool?” I asked knowing we were a thousand miles further north than Texas and it was only late March.
“Oh the pool’s heated,” Sharon answered. “And if that’s still too cold there’s a Jacuzzi attached to it.”
“Oh,” I said with a nod. “Cool.”
“Okay,” Shirley said as she stood up, “You boys go upstairs and play while we do the dishes. Sharon or I will be up there in a little while to change you and then you can go get in the pool.”
We started to get up. Josh scampered off toward the stairs again.
“Can y’all let me out of this sleeper?” I asked pleadingly as I grabbed at the collar of the outfit. “I’m starting to get a little hot.”
“I guess so,” Shirley said. “Sharon, there’s an extra key there on the wall in the key box. You can let him out.”
“Okay,” Sharon said getting up from the table.
She went over to the decorative key box on the wall and opened it. She grabbed a key obviously already knowing which one it was. She came over to me and told me to turn around. I asked to see the key and she showed it to me. It was a strange looking black plastic disk with a little plastic handle coming off of it.
“What is this?” I asked handing it back the Sharon.
“It’s a magnetic key,” she answered. “I hold it up against the lock and the magnet pulls the lock open and lets go of the zipper tab. It works kind of like those antitheft tags they put on clothes in stores.”
“Oh, cool.” I said.
She had me turn around and held the key up to the little lock at the top of my sleeper. I heard a soft, little click and before I knew it she was pulling the zipper down and I felt air coming in and hitting my bare back. She turned me around and pulled the sleeper off of my shoulders and stripped it off of my arms.
“Step out,” she ordered me.
I did as I was told leaving me standing the in front of everyone in just my diapers once again. She handed me the wadded up fleece garment and told me I could go. I took the sleeper and headed upstairs. I found Josh already there playing with his Legos again. I decided to join him.
“Why aren’t you in your sleeper?” he asked.
“I was getting hot,” I said. “You sister let me out.”
“Oh,” he said and went back to playing.
I sat down next to him Indian style. I could really hear my plastic pants crinkle now with nothing covering them. As I sat down I felt my poop squish around more in my diapers. I was starting to get uncomfortable in my wet messy diapers and I hoped I’d get changed soon. The front of the diapers was tinted yellow, having been soaked through with pee, and I could feel that the inside of the plastic pants was kind of wet and slimy. Despite the slimy feeling and my current discomfort I decided that I liked wearing cloth diapers. I didn’t think I’d like to wear them all the time, but they were a nice change from disposables. The thickness of them was kind of comfortable even though it was much more conspicuous.
We played for perhaps half an hour. I played with the cars and trucks in the city while he had a running cannon battle between two pirate ships. At one point Josh who had been sitting with his feet underneath his butt raised up a little so that he was sitting on his heals. I heard him let out a loud, wet fart and then I could tell that he was filling his diapers with more poop. He just acted as if nothing had happened and went on playing.
After playing for a while I figured I better shave and brush my teeth. I went into Josh’s bathroom where I found that either Sharon or her mom had put my toiletry bag on the counter next to the sink. I brushed my teeth. Josh saw what I was doing and also came in to brush his teeth. He took out a wild looking kid’s Reach toothbrush, covered it in toothpaste and started brushing. While he did that I pulled out my electric razor and started shaving. Josh was fascinated by my shaving and stared at me intently for the whole five minutes it took me to shave.
Finally, Sharon came in to change us.
“Time to go swimming, babies,” she announced
“Yippie! Come on, Tommy!” Josh immediately ran over to changing table and hopped up onto it.
“Get off, honey,” Sharon said. “We’ve got to get your sleeper off, remember?”
“Oh, yeah,” he said and climbed back down facing away from Sharon.
She undid the lock on his sleeper and unzipped the back. He couldn’t get out of them fast enough and get back onto the table. He was squirming around in anticipation of swimming.
“Calm down there, kiddo,” Sharon said with a smile as she started to pull his plastic pants down.
She took them off and put them in a small plastic pail next to the diaper pail. It was then that I noticed that there were three pails there. One said, “Trash,” one “Cloth,” and the last little one “Plastic Pants.” The disposables went into the trash one obviously. She pulled the Velcro flaps on his diapers and pulled the first then the second diaper open. He was covered with just as much poop a he had been the night before. It went all the way up to his small testicles and all aver his butt. Sharon went about cleaning him quietly and diligently. She threw the diapers in the cloth pail, which was half filled with water and also had a few other diapers in it. She cleaned him just as thoroughly as his mom had done. I saw that his little penis was again erect as he obviously enjoyed having his diapers changed. After she was done cleaning him Sharon spread diaper rash cream and powder all over his diaper area.
She then left him there naked with me watching him and him staring back at me with a big grin. She went over to Josh’s dresser and pulled a drawer open. She pulled out a folded up wad and then went to Mikey’s dresser and pulled out another folded garment. She came back and handed me the item she had pulled from Mikey’s dressers.
“That’s a swim diaper,” she said.
I unfolded it and looked at it carefully. It was somewhat like the cloth diapers I was wearing except that it had a waterproof fabric covering. It also had better leg gathers and sturdier leakage guards. Also, it was considerably thinner. It had similar Velcro closures except there was a wide elastic band that went from one side flap to the other on the outside of the diaper and was held in place with more Velcro. I assumed this extra strap was to provide extra security and ensure that the diaper wouldn’t pop open in the pool. The diaper I had was red on the outside, but the padding on the inside was white. The diaper Sharon was putting on Josh was identical except that it was smaller and royal blue in color.
It only took a minute for Sharon to put the swim diaper on Josh then he was up and off the changing table.
“Your turn, babe,” she said to me.
Since I was already naked except for my diapers all I had to do was lay down on the table. I continued to hold the swim diaper while lifting by butt so Sharon could pull my plastic pants off. She then undid my diapers and opened them up. Josh stood there and giggled when he saw my penis pop up erect once again.
“Mikey’s never gets that big,” he informed me.
I just blushed yet again.
“Some boys are just bigger than others, Joshy,” Sharon said, “But they all work the same way and do the same thing.
“Lift your legs, baby,” she said to me.
I did as I was told holding my legs up and spread apart with my hands. She pulled the dirty cloth diapers out form under me and slid them to the end of the changing table where Josh was then grabbed some wipes and started cleaning me up. Josh just stared intently at the contents of my diapers.
“He pooh-poohs a lot more than I do,” he commented.
“Well of course, silly,” Sharon said. “He’s a lot bigger than you.”
“I know,” he said with a smile.
Sharon continued to clean me. She paid her usual close attention to getting my genitals clean and I grew even harder as she rubbed my balls with the moist wipes. Finally, she finished cleaning me and put diaper-rash cream and powder on me. She then took the swim diaper and spread it open and told me to lift my butt again. When it was under me I put my butt down and in a few seconds she had closed the diapers flaps and I was securely diapered.
I got up and walked around experiencing yet another new feeling in my crotch. Though I still waddled quiet a bit in this diaper it was much thinner than even a single cloth diaper that I had worn last night.
“These aren’t going to hold much,” I said.
“They’re not supposed to,” Sharon replied. “They’re mainly just to keep your poop from leaking into the water. Your pee is going to leak out no matter what once you get in the water.”
“Why can’t I just wear regular swim trunks?” I asked.
“Because for one: we didn’t bring any, and I know Mikey doesn’t have any; and two: because you’ve been wearing diapers for over two and half weeks and you might forget your not wearing them and have an accident.”
I frowned at her and looked at her sideways. She knew damn well that I was no more likely to have an accident than she was. I knew she just wanted to be in charge and have control over me. Oh well. There wasn’t much I could do about it. She was right that I didn’t have anything else to wear into a pool. I didn’t have any swim trunks or even any shorts that could substitute for them. We had packed all of my shorts and pants that would fit over my diapers. We didn’t even bother bringing me any underpants, which I could hardly remember wearing.
“Now, you two scoot along and I’ll be out there in a minute with some towels.”
I followed Josh downstairs, through the kitchen and breakfast room, and out onto the patio. The second he was out he door he sprinted full speed and jumped into the pool. I could tell the pool was heated because there were wisps of steam rising off of the water’s surface. It was probably about 65 or 70 degrees outside so the pool had to be quite a bit warmer than that.
“Come on in, Tommy,” Josh said, “The water’s great.”
I decided to quit wondering about it and followed Josh’s lead. I ran and jumped feet first into the deep end of the pool. I plunged all the way down to the bottom of the pool exhaling my lungs and allowing myself to sit on the bottom for a minute. On first entering the pool I immediately felt the strange sensation of my diapers getting wet from the outside in instead of vise versa which I was used to.
Within a couple of minutes I forgot that I was wearing diapers and just swam around in the wonderful water. I figured the water must be 85 or 90 degrees. It was really nice. I noticed there was a diving board at the far end of the pull so I decided to make use of it. I swam over to the ladder in the deep end of the pool and climbed out. As I exited the pool I was instantly reminded that I was in a diaper. It was waterlogged and felt like it weighed a ton. I was almost afraid that it was going to fall off, but the double Velcro fasteners held tight. I dove into the pool headfirst and swam a couple of laps underwater. Though I rarely got into a pool anymore I was actually a very good swimmer and had been swimming all of my life. I especially liked swimming this time because it was the first time in several weeks that I felt like I actually wasn’t wearing diapers. The water created a neutral buoyancy effect around my diaper, so other than the extra width in the crotch I could hardly tell they were there so long as I stayed in the water.
Pretty soon Sharon came out with towel. She wasn’t wearing a swimsuit, but instead had on some short shorts, and a halter-top shirt. She spread some sunscreen on herself, put some sunglasses on, and then lay on one of several lawn chairs around the pool.
After a little while Josh got into one of his playful moods. He started to swim up behind me and pull on the waistband of my diaper and let it snap back. I knew he was just taunting me to get me into a wrestling match with him. I purposely ignored this for a little while and waited about ten minutes before I took the bait. Finally, I gave in.
“That’s it!” I said in mock anger turning to Josh. “I’m going to drown you!”
Josh squealed and turned to swim away from me. He wasn’t a bad swimmer, but I was much bigger and more experienced and quickly caught up with him. I grabbed him around his torso and told him to take a deep breath. I then dunked him and took him down to the bottom of the pool with me. He knew I wasn’t going to let him die so he wasn’t really scared or anything. He just playfully struggled trying to get free. I kept him down for perhaps fifteen seconds and let him go. I stayed under with my eyes open looking up at him. I gave him maybe five seconds and then pulled him back down by his ankle. We struggled again for a ten or fifteen seconds and I let him go. He went back up to the surface, but I kept a hold on one ankle. He tried to struggle free, but I pretty much had death grip on him. After giving him a few seconds for air down he went again. I repeated this twice more. I didn’t go up for air once during the little wrestling/tickle match so I decided I better surface before I passed out or something. I released Josh and let him swim away and went to the surface.
I took a deep breath seeing that Josh had swum backwards into water shallow enough for him to touch his feet on the bottom. He was flushed and breathing heavily, but he still had a smile on his face.
“How do you hold your breath for so long?” he asked me.
“Practice,” I said. “I swam a whole lot when I was younger.”
It was about that time that I began to feel the pressure in my bowels. I needed to have a bowel movement. I felt weird going in the pool, but I knew Sharon wasn’t going to let me get out of the water and take my diaper off to use the restroom. I considered getting out of the pool and pooping in my soaked diaper, but I thought that would probably look kind of funny. I decided to hold it and see what happened. Maybe she would tell us to get out of the water and I could wait until I had a regular diaper on.
Obviously, that wasn’t to be. Ten minutes later I was really uncomfortable and my bowels were telling me very strenuously that they wanted to be emptied. Finally, I just floated on my back for a minute and relaxed and a large load of soft poop pushed itself out. Pooping in a wet diaper while floating in a pool was the weirdest sensation I had ever had. I actually kind of liked it. The soft stool soon became softer as it soaked up water and became a semi-liquid. I could feel it spread all over the inside of my diaper pretty much of its own accord. I was afraid it was going to leak, but I looked down at my crotch and saw that the leg gathers were holding tight. Pretty soon I had almost forgotten that I had pooped and Josh and I were playing around. I hadn’t even noticed that at some point Shirley and Dave had both come onto the patio, and were sipping iced tea while lounging on chairs next to Sharon.
Josh seemed to have much more energy than me, and after a while I was getting tired and he still wanted to play. I decided that he needed to calm down. I grabbed him around the chest with one of my arms pinning his arms to his sides in the process. I pulled him up into my chest with his back and shoulders resting on my chest. I did a back float and started doing a slow, one-armed swim like a rescue-swim while Josh continued to float on my chest. That did calm him down and he just gave in and let me drag him around for a while. I relaxed and enjoyed the calmness myself as I continued to swim the both of us around the pool ever so slowly. My one-armed backstroke tended to take us around the pool in a circle so that’s what we did for probably ten minutes. I think Josh was actually beginning to go to sleep. At some point I even peed in my diaper, but was hardly able to feel it because the temperature of my urine was just about the same temperature of the water. Sharon noticed how we were floating around with Josh using me as a human pool chair. She either had her camera with her or had gone in to get it without me noticing. I heard the familiar click as she snapped several shots of us.
“Are you boys ready to get out?” she finally asked us after a while.
I nudged Josh who was dozing on my chest, “You ready to get out, Joshy?” I asked.
“Yeah,” he said with a lazy smile.
I released him and told him to stand up. He was surprised that we had actually been floating around in shallow water. When we were both standing he suddenly wrapped his arms around my torso and gave me a hug.
“Tommy,” he said. “You’re really cool.”
“Thanks,” I replied with a smile and soft chuckle as I returned his hug.
We then both walked to the end of the pool and up the concrete steps. Again, I was amazed by the weight of my soaked diapers.
“Okay, stop,” Sharon said to us, “You boys stand together and face the camera.”
We stood next to each other, me with an arm on his shoulder and he with his arm wrapped around my chest. Sharon took a couple of pictures of us standing there in a swim diapers then waved for us to come over to her. She handed us each a towel and we began to dry off.
“Who’s poopy?” she asked. It was an actual question since she really couldn’t smell either of us.
“I am!” Josh raised his hand and shouted proudly.
“Me too,” I said. I blushed once again when I said it. I just couldn’t shake the embarrassment of having to talk about my bodily functions in front of other people.
“See?” she said to me imperiously, “I told you it was a good idea to wear the swim diaper.”
I wanted to tell her that she knew damn well that I could have easily gotten out of the pool and gone to the restroom, but I kept my mouth shut not wanting to make an issue.
When we were pretty much dry she handed us each a pair of plastic pants and told us to put them on to wear inside. Our diapers were still waterlogged and she didn’t want us dripping water and whatever else all over the place. We were told once again to go up to the nursery, and wait for someone to come up and change us.
We went up to the room and Josh and I both crashed on the floor. We started flipping channels on his large TV and settled on the Cartoon Network where an animated movie was playing. We waited for about fifteen minutes before Shirley came up to changed us. Josh and I went over to the changing table, and this time he let me get up on the table and be changed first.
His mom pulled my plastic pants off and I noticed that there was a little puddle of water in the bottom of them that leaked out of my waterlogged swim diaper. I noticed that the water was a cloudy brown from the poop in my diapers. She carefully put the pants into the proper pail then opened my diaper up. This time I didn’t have an erection during my change. In fact I had the opposite. The pool despite its warmness had caused some significant shrinkage. Shirley was kind enough to not comment about my now small penis, and Josh smiled but also kept his mouth shut.
She did, however, comment on the contents of my diaper, “That’s a pretty big mess in there.”
“Sorry,” I said blushing yet again.
“Oh, no need to apologize,” she said, “That’s what you do when you wear diapers.”
She proceeded with the rest of my diaper change as normal. Before long I was cleaned up, slathered in white cream, and thoroughly dusted with baby powder. She pulled out one of Mikey’s disposables and taped it on just as expertly and snugly as Sharon would have. When she was done taping my diaper in place she gave the front of my diaper a little loving pat over the Tigger sticker, which happened to be right over my genitalia. This cause me to jump a little as I was starting to get a little aroused by the time the diaper change was over.
“Joshy, will you go get one of Tommy’s diaper shirts out of the box?” she asked.
“Sure, Mommy,” Josh said and then scampered over to my crib by which I had sat the box with my new outfits on the floor.
“Which one do you want, Tommy?” Josh asked me as he opened the box.
“Oh, I don’t know. Doesn’t really matter, I guess,” I said. In truth I didn’t really want to wear a onsie anyway.
“Do I have to wear one of those?” I asked. “They’re really nice and all, but I just prefer to wear my diapers around the house.”
“Oh trust me,” Shirley said, “After an couple of hours you’ll be glad you’ve got it on. Those are really good diapers you guys wear and they hold a whole lot.”
“Yeah, like a gallon!” Josh chimed in.
I laughed thinking he was telling a joke.
“He’s not kidding,” Shirley said, “The manufacturer claims they’ll hold over 120 oz of urine. That’s nearly a gallon. So, after a while they get really heavy and start to sag quite a bit. A onesie helps hold them up. Otherwise they might start to get uncomfortable.”
“Oh,” I said. “I guess I had better wear it then.”
“Yeah,” Shirley said with a gentle nod.
Josh came up and handed her a diaper shirt. It was the one with my initials monogrammed on it. She told me sit up and put my arms up. She put the shirt over me first putting the sleeves over my arms then pulling it down over my head. When it was all the way over me she told me to lift my butt again. Then she pulled the back flap of the crotch up and snapped it together with the front flap.
“All done, sweetie,” she told me.
I climbed down of the table and waddled around for a second. The onesie fit me tightly and definitely did keep my diaper pulled up snugly into my crotch. In the meantime Josh climbed up onto the changing table and Shirley started to change him. I wasn’t in the mood to watch him get changed this time so I just walked over and sat down on the floor in the middle of the room and pulled my feet up towards my crotch until the bottoms of my feet were together. I sat there for a few minutes just waiting for Josh to get finished changing. I was actually already feeling a little tired and started to yawn a little bit. I guess swimming and playing with Josh in the pool for so long had taken a little bit out of me.
“What kind of diapers are these, anyway?” I asked while Shirley was wiping Josh’s butt.
“They’re called Euro Diaper Supremes. I order them from a company that imports them from Germany, or Belgium, or somewhere over there. Their diapers are much thicker over there than we can get here. They cost a little more than say the Depends, but you use a whole lot fewer of them because they hold so much. So, the cost evens out. Plus the boys like their diapers pretty thick.”
Before long Josh was down, off the table, and bouncing around the room as usual. He was wearing a plain, baby blue onesie over his diaper.
“Let’s all go downstairs and eat lunch,” Shirley said. “Sharon should just about have it ready.”
We went down to the kitchen and saw that Sharon had prepared some plates with cold-cuts, cheeses, and sandwich fixings. We all lined up at the kitchen counter and made ourselves sandwiches—Josh’s mom helped him make his, and then we all sat down at the kitchen table and ate. We discussed what we would do in town that afternoon. Sharon remembered that she had to take out some nice clothes for me for church that night and make sure they weren’t wrinkled.
“As soon as we’re done eating,” Sharon’s mom said, “I want you two boys to go upstairs and take a nap. You both played hard in the pool this morning, and I don’t want either of you to get tired and cranky while we’re in town.”
“Awe, do we have to?” Josh whined as he took another bite of his sandwich.
“Yes,” Shirley said firmly. “I don’t want to have to put up with two irritable little boys while we’re visiting the shops and things downtown.”
I was again annoyed at being referred to as a little boy and being treated as a toddler, but again I didn’t want to create a scene or embarrass Sharon. Deep down I had to admit I liked the attention I was getting. For the first time in weeks I didn’t feel like I was being punished even though I was still pretty much forced to wear diapers, or at least I wasn’t given the choice. I also wasn’t going to argue because I was a little tired from the activities of the morning, and I kind of wanted to take a nap.
We finished lunch and Josh and I were dismissed to the nursery. On our way upstairs Shirley reached into the fridge and took out two baby bottles full of some reddish liquid. Josh sulked a little bit as he took his, but he was glad I had to go with him and he didn’t have to be the only one to get sent to bed. As we headed up the stairs I took a small drink out of my bottle. The liquid was obviously some artificial juice, but I couldn’t quite place the taste. I asked Josh what it was.
“It’s Pedialyte,” he answered, “Kind of like a mix between Kool-Aid and Gatorade. It’s also sugar free.”
I just nodded as we got up to the top of he stairs. We went into the nursery and got into our respective cribs. Mine was still open from when I got out that morning so I didn’t have any trouble getting in and closing the gate behind me. We both lay down and didn’t talk or anything. I could tell by the change in his breathing that Josh fell asleep quickly. Despite his earlier objections he must have been tired. A few minutes after he fell asleep I drifted off as well.
I awoke on my own about an hour later. I was lying on my stomach, so I pushed myself up off of the mattress with my arms. I looked around the room a little bit disoriented at first. I could sense that Josh was still sleeping in his crib. I quietly tried to open the side of my crib so I could get out. After a few minutes I was finally able to figure the catches out and I slowly let the gate down. I climbed out of the crib. For some reason I instinctively grabbed my bottle and carried it with me. I sucked on it as I walked down the hall and down the stairs. I found Sharon and her parents talking quietly in the family room.
“Well hi, sleepyhead,” Sharon greeted me. “Did you have a good nap?”
“Yeah,” I answered still somewhat groggily.
I plopped down on the couch beside Sharon causing my damp diaper to rustle loudly. I leaned over and gave her peck on the lips.
“I guess I need to go get Joshy up so we can go,” Shirley said as she looked at her watch.
She stood up and came over toward me.
“Stand up, Tommy,” she said grabbing my upper arm and pulling me gently off of the couch. “Let me check your diaper.”
When I was standing she turned me around to face away from her. She bent over slightly and grabbed the crotch of my onesie and quickly unsnapped it and pulled the back up. She grabbed the waistband of my diaper and pulled it back obviously searching for poop. She then quickly whirled me back around to face her again. She reached down and ran her hand from the bottom of my diaper all the way up the front feeling how wet it was. She then stuck her finger down the front waistband of my diaper to further gauge its moisture content. When she was done she bent back over and snapped my onesie closed again.
As she was checking the front of my diaper I was facing toward Sharon’s dad who was sitting on the couch across from me. I blushed, embarrassed that he was watching me get my diaper checked, but he just smiled at me warmly.
From the time she stood me up until the time she had my onesie snapped closed again only thirty seconds had elapsed. She stood back up and gently pushed me back down on the couch. Why she didn’t just ask me how my diaper was in the first place eluded my. Finally, I chalked it up the fact that she probably never asked her boys either. It was just easier to check for herself. Besides that, Josh and Mikey were both completely incontinent and I had a feeling they didn’t even know when their diapers were getting too wet.
“You’re not too bad,” she proclaimed. “I’m sure you’ll be fine until later tonight.”
She headed off upstairs to rouse Josh
“Sharon,” she said as she left the room, “You better go ahead and get Tommy dressed so we can go.”
“Okay, Mom,” Sharon replied.
She stood up and took me by the hand and led me up the stairs. We went to her room where she had all of my clothes. She dug through one of my suitcases and pulled out a pair of my baggy cargo shorts and a polo shirt. She handed them to me and told me to get dressed. I pulled my shorts on finding that my single Euro Diaper was much more conspicuous than my normal triple Depends. The top of the diaper stuck out about four or five inches above the top of my shorts. Thankfully I was able to leave my shirt un-tucked and that covered the diaper. I just had to make sure my shirt didn’t ride up too much and reveal the back of the diaper. The bulges in my front, butt, and crotch were both also more pronounced than normal. With both these visual cues and the crinkling the outer plastic of the diaper made, I knew everyone I ran into was going to know I was diapered. I at least hoped they would attribute it to some medical condition I had.
After I was dressed, Sharon handed me a pair of socks and I left to go to the nursery where my tennis shoes still were. I found Shirley in there dressing Josh. She had taken his blue onesie off and replaced it with a dark-green onesie that had a polo-type collar. She then had him put on a pair of blue denim short-alls. I noticed that the short-alls had metal snaps in the crotch. Socks and sneakers completed his outfit. None of the ensemble did anything to hide the fact that he was as heavily diapered as I was. I was a little put at ease by the fact that I wouldn’t be the only one that was obviously diapered.
As soon as the two of us were dressed, we were all ready to go. Everyone else had changed while we were napping. We all headed out the door. Before we left Shirley handed Josh and I each a baby bottle full of ice water. Josh took his without even thinking about it. His shortalls were the type that had a little, narrow pocket on the leg designed for a hammer or flashlight to go in. He tucked the bottle, which was a perfect fit, into this pocket leaving only the nippled cap exposed. I also noticed that Shirley carried another bag in addition to her purse out of the house. It was obviously a diaper bag as it was baby blue in color with teddy bears, clouds, rainbows, and alphabet blocks all over it. It was large enough to probably hold three or four diapers plus everything else needed for a proper diaper change. I wondered if there were diapers for me in it. I figured that, knowing Shirley, there probably were—just in case.
We all piled into the cab of Dave’s big Ford Super Duty pickup truck and headed into town. The “town” was about ten minutes down the state highway that bordered their property. The surroundings went from fields of crops to neighborhoods and businesses in a few minutes. It only took a minute—literally one minute—to get to downtown, which consisted solely of a slightly more built up strip of the state highway—named “Main St.” once we got into town. We drove all of the way to the end of “Downtown” mainly for my benefit so that I could get a good look at the town. “Downtown” by my count was all of four blocks long. It consisted of a courthouse and small municipal center in the center of the stretch and was mainly surrounded by shops and other businesses on either side. Most of the buildings were old, dating back to at least the ‘40s if not older I judged. As I looked around I got the impression that the town was one of those bed-and-breakfast type communities where the city-folk came for the weekend to get away from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. There were tons of antique shops and those corny boutiques that sold local homemade, delicacy jams, honeys, and other such products.
As we drove through the town Dave and Shirley both waved on several occasions to people they obviously knew. We parked along the curb of Main St and we all got out. I purposely left my bottle in the backseat of the truck as we got out.
We spent the next few, mostly boring, hours walking up and down both sides of the street. We stopped at and entered several shops and window-shopped at many others. It seemed that Dave, Shirley, or both of them knew the proprietors of every shop and chatted with all of them. Sharon also knew many people, as she had grown up here, and she was treated like the proverbial prodigal son—daughter in this case—come home. We spent more time socializing with townsfolk than we did shopping. I didn’t mind this since I wasn’t into antique bureaus or hand cured and smoked hams. I did somewhat enjoy looking at the old buildings. This I realized could easily be any one of thousands of small backwater towns in Texas.
Throughout the whole time I didn’t get the impression that anyone noticed that I was thickly diapered, or if they did they didn’t show it or make any comments where I could hear them. Finally, I began to relax and halfway forget that I was wearing a diaper.
We stopped at one store where Dave and Shirley seemed to talk forever. Finally, Sharon and I, bored out of minds, quietly left and went back outside. Josh came with us. Sharon and I held hands and strolled slowly down the street while Josh walked ahead of us window-shopping. Every once in a while he pulled his bottle out of his pocket and sucked on it for a little while.
“Hi, Joshy!” we suddenly heard two high-pitched female voices.
We all turned to see two girls coming from across the street. They looked to be about fifteen or sixteen. They both stopped and chatted with Josh for several seconds. Both of them bent down slightly to be closer to eye-level with him as if they were talking to a small child. They talked about school and other such nonsense. He pointed over his shoulder at us telling them that his sister and her boyfriend were visiting, though he didn’t bother to introduce us. At one point he pulled out his baby bottle and cradled it in his arm against his chest.
“How’s your diaper?” one of them finally asked him.
“Oh, it’s okay, I guess,” he said as he blushed and looked down at the sidewalk, sliding one foot back and forth nervously.
“Do you want us to change you?” the other girl asked.
“Oh no, that’s okay, thanks,” he said kind of half-heartedly, I thought.
“Are you sure?” the other one said, “We don’t mind at all.”
“Well…,” he thought about it for a few seconds. “I guess I am kinda wet.”
“Then go get your diaper bag and we’ll change you,” one of them said enthusiastically.
“Well… Okay!” He quickly turned around and trotted back toward the store where his parents were.
As he passed by us, I distinctly saw him wink at me. A moment later he was back with the babyish diaper bag slung over his shoulder. Each of the girls took one of his hands and they went off down the street a little and turned into a shop. My mouth dropped open.
“Why that little…” I said pointing after him. “Your brother is a player.”
Sharon just chuckled a little, “Yeah he is a little flirt isn’t he? He’s been that way since he was three or four. Mikey was that way too when he was little. He probably still is.”
“I can’t believe that,” I said still in awe.
“I guess that’s what you can accomplish when you make the most of whatever opportunities life throws your way,” Sharon replied.
I could tell that she was insinuating something to me, but I chose to ignore it.
In five minutes or so Josh and the two teenagers came back out of the store. The girls still each had one of his hands. One had the diaper bag slung over her shoulder while the other was carrying his bottle in her free hand. They came back toward us. As they stopped they handed the diaper bag and the bottle back to him. I had to smirk in admiration for the little guy. He had two females wrapped around his little finger and he knew it.
“Do you think your sister’s boyfriend needs a change too, Joshy?” one of the girls asked.
My smirk of esteem instantly turned to a frown of embarrassment, and I could feel my cheeks burn as they turned bright red. I instantly hung my head looking down at the sidewalk in shame.
“Uh…” Josh said awkwardly, “No he’s okay.”
“Well, okay,” the girl said.
“You take care now, Little Joshy,” the other said.
“Yeah and behave.”
Simultaneously the girls bent down and gave him a kiss on opposite cheeks. Josh at least had the good graces to blush as they kissed him.
“Bye, Joshy!” they both shouted and waved as they headed back across the street from whence they came.
“Did you tell them I was wearing a diaper?” I asked him very quietly, struggling not to sound irritated.
“No,” he denied immediately and very seriously. He was probably telling the truth.
“No, but you sure did,” Sharon said, “With that look on your face.”
“Well, I can’t help it,” I said visibly upset.
After a moment I decided to blow it off. They were little high school girls after all. What did I care if they knew I wore diapers?
“Well,” I changed the subject, “You just did the male species proudly, little man.”
“What do you mean?” Josh asked innocently.
“Who were they anyway?” Sharon asked.
“Oh they’re big sisters of two of my friends,” he answered. “They’re always asking if they can change my diapers when I’m at their houses.”
“Are you guys ready to go?” Shirley asked us as she and Dave walked up from behind. “We better get back home so we can all change for church. I guess we don’t need to worry about changing Joshy for a while as he doubtless conned some innocent, young lass into doing it.”
Josh blushed again. His mom obviously had known exactly what he was up to when he had gone to fetch the diaper bag.
We turned around and headed back to the where the truck was parked. Shirley took Josh’s hand and led him down the sidewalk.
“Actually it was two innocent, young lasses,” Sharon provided.
“Just as I suspected,” her mom said with a chuckle and shake of the head.
We got back to the truck and headed back home. We had to change pretty quickly when we got back to the house as the evening service started in less than 45 minutes. When we got to the house Shirley and Sharon led Josh and me respectively upstairs. Shirley took her son into the nursery while Sharon took me to her room. She handed me one of my pairs of Dockers trousers and a nicer polo shirt and told me to go to the nursery and change while she got ready.
I did as I was told and found Josh undressing while his mom was going through his dresser and closet looking for clothes for him.
I undressed, dropping the clothes I had been wearing in a pile next to my crib.
“Hold on, Tommy,” Shirley said abruptly before I started to get dressed.
She came over and checked the condition of my diaper again.
“You still have a few hours yet there, and you’re not stinky,” she announced as though I didn’t know. “You should be fine until you get your bath tonight.”
After that, I got dressed and I pulled my shirt on over my onesie. I was now a firm believer in these onesies. My diaper was beginning to feel heavy with over five hours worth of my pee in it, and I was sure that it would have been sagging badly had I not been wearing the onesie.
As I dressed Josh was provided with a pair of nice, khaki Bermuda shorts and a plaid, button-up, collared shirt. He put these on after his mom changed out his polo-onesie for a plain white one. He looked like he was simply wearing a t-shirt under his shirt, just as I did. After getting dressed his mom made him tuck in his shirt, which made his diaper look more conspicuous. I figured I had better do the same or Shirley or Sharon might get mad at me. After tucking my shirt in I pulled it back out a little bit all around my waist so the shirt looked a little baggier and hid the top of my diaper more. When Shirley left I got down on my knees in front of Josh and helped him blouse his shirt like mine was. When I was done he looked more like a normal ten-year-old except for his puffy butt. I’m sure I looked the same way though.
A few minutes later we all trooped back out to the truck and headed back into the town to the church. It was an obviously old, large, whitewashed building with a steeple on top. We got there about ten or fifteen minutes early. We circulated as a family through the throng of people standing around in the church building socializing before the service. Sharon greeted and hugged many people whom she hadn’t seen in years, and I was introduced to several dozen people.
Finally, we made our way to a pew pretty much smack dab in the middle of the congregation hall and we all sat down. I sat between Sharon and Shirley. Josh was on Sharon’s other side while Dave sat on the other side of Shirley.
At last the service began. I could tell by the manner in which the service was conducted the church was a moderately conservative, fairly non-denominational one. There was no wild screaming and ranting during the service or people waving their hands over their head. The preacher didn’t attempt to work the congregation into a rabid frenzy, and no snakes were produced. I was grateful for that because I don’t think I could have taken a wild, bible-thumping church.
The service started with a prayer and several hymns. There was short communion and collection. I put five bucks in the tray just because. The evangelist then got up and started a quiet, but poignant sermon. I don’t really remember what it was about because about the time he started my bowels began a more enlivened sermon. I started to have cramps pretty bad and my intestines were churning and gurgling. I knew I would need to poop pretty soon. But I really didn’t want to poop in the middle of the church sermon when any noise I made would be heard. I shifted around trying to get more comfortable, but that caused my diaper to crinkle rather loudly so I quickly sat still.
A few minutes later I was somewhat relieved when I heard Josh pass gas quietly, but still audibly. The fart was followed shortly by that distinct, lingering odor and I knew he had filled his diaper. The people on the other side of him scooted away from him quietly, but said nothing. Josh looked only slightly embarrassed, but otherwise he just seemed to go on listening to the sermon. At least listening to the sermon as much as any ten-year-old would.
I would have followed suit and pooped as well, but I couldn’t while sitting there in the pew. The weight of my body just put too much pressure on my rectum. Thankfully the sermon wasn’t too long. Just when I was in complete agony and thought I couldn’t take it anymore the preacher asked us all to rise and led the congregation in a hymn. The second I rose out of pew I could feel my poop pushing its way out of my anus. I relaxed and in a matter of seconds I had filled my diaper with a large load of soft poop. I could smell my mess within seconds and I’m sure everyone around me in the tightly packed church could too. I selfishly hoped that everyone would assume that the smell was just Josh’s dirty diaper.
When the hymn was over we all sat back down. I sat slowly trying to keep the crinkling of my diaper and the spread of my effluent to a minimum. Still, when I sat down, the smell got even worse. People began looking in my direction from further down the pew and looking over their shoulders from the pews in front of us. I must have stayed beet red during the entire last part of the sermon. Thankfully, there was only one more hymn and final prayer after that.
Shirley and Dave obviously knew what condition Josh and my diapers were in, and they led us out of the church quickly when the service was over. I was relieved when we got out into the open air where the stench from my butt was much less noticeable than in the confines of the church hall. Unfortunately, as soon as we climbed back into the truck the combined, foul odors from Josh and my diapers quickly filled the cab.
“I think we have two really stinky boys here,” Shirley stated the obvious as she fanned her hand in front of her face.
I was still really embarrassed, but Joshy didn’t seem to mind at all. He completely ignored the fact that he was stinking up the place, and even seemed a little proud of it.
We pulled out of the church parking lot and drove the short distance to the restaurant. It was a rather large family eatery, probably the largest in town, in the ground floor of an old building on a corner of Main St. It looked like it had probably been there for several decades. It was also pretty crowded for a Sunday evening and was getting even more crowded as groups of people from the church started arriving.
We found a parking space along Main St. and got out of the truck. Shirley made sure to reach around and grab the diaper bag, which had been sitting on the floor in the backseat in front of Josh.
“David,” Shirley said, “You and Sharon get us a table while I take the boys and get them cleaned up.”
“You’re going to change us here?” I asked in surprise.
“Well sure, sweetie,” Shirley answered. “We don’t want you two stinking up the whole restaurant during supper, do we?”
“But…” I started to say only to be nudged by Sharon. I shut my mouth with a dejected scowl.
We all went into the front door of the restaurant. The hostess greeted Shirley, Dave, and Josh by name. Shirley just said hi as she turned to Josh and I.
“Come on, boys. Let’s go,” she ordered in her soft and gentle yet final voice.
We all headed to the back toward the restroom, Josh and I trailing behind his mom. I kept my head hung pretty low, but Josh just acted as though everything was normal. He and Shirley both waved and said hi to people they knew along the way to the restrooms. Through the whole trip back to the restrooms my heart pounded nervously in my chest. She got to the restroom door, obviously the women’s, and held it open as she motioned for us to go in first.
Josh and I both went inside and sidestepped along the wall standing next to each other. There was one of those plastic, fold-down, changing tables bolted to the wall, but Shirley just ignored that as she went over to a clear space on the floor next to the sinks. There were several other women and girls in the restroom but she ignored them as she knelt down and opened the diaper bag and pulled out a folded up piece of vinyl with baby prints all over it. She unfolded it to reveal that it was a large changing pad. She set the pad on the floor.
“Come on, Joshy,” she said patting the pad with her hand.
Several women gave Josh and I weird stares when we came into the restroom. When they saw the changing pad some of them looked at us like we were complete freaks while others smiled and snickered. They especially looked at me strangely.
Josh got down on the changing pad still not embarrassed and acting as though everything was normal. I noticed that he didn’t drop his pants when he lay down on the floor. I realized why when his mom reached up and popped the crotch of his pants open revealing that snaps were carefully concealed in the inseam of his dress shorts. She pulled his inseam completely open and had him lift his butt so she could push his shorts up and out of the way. She then proceeded with his change as normal. He didn’t seem to mind at all as she pulled his diaper open and displayed his private parts for all the occupants of the restroom.
She continued the change, wiping his butt, crotch, and genitals. She got him cleaned up and, after putting a good deal of cream and powder on him, she unfolded a diaper and started to put it under his butt.
Just then a woman wearing a suit with a nametag on her shirt barged into the restroom. She looked alarmed like something was wrong until she saw Shirley.
“Oh, Shirley,” the lady said. She must have been a manager or something. “Someone told us a lady was in the ladies’ room with two men. I thought there might be a problem. I didn’t realize it was you. Hi Joshy!”
“Hi,” Josh said with a beaming smile.
“Hello, Jackie,” Shirley said. “No, it’s just us. Josh and his friend here were pretty stinky and needed a change. I figured we better do it before we ate for the sake of the other patrons.
“This is Sharon’s boyfriend, Tommy,” Shirley introduced me.
Jackie looked at me strangely for several seconds then smiled and said “hi.”
“I didn’t know Sharon was here!” she said.
She looked like she was about Sharon’s age and they had probably gone to high school together.
“Oh yes,” Shirley confirmed. “She and her father are out there. Why don’t you go say hi?”
“I will,” Jackie said as she turned the leave. She winked at me, “You boys have fun.”
By the time she left Shirley was just about done changing Josh. She snapped his shorts back together and let him get up. She handed him his well-used diaper and told him to throw it in the trash and wash his hands.
“Your turn, Tommy,” she said to me.
I nervously and reluctantly got down on the restroom floor. My heart pounded even faster as she had me lift my butt and pull my pants down. I was breathing quickly and felt like I was about to hyperventilate. When I had my pants off of my waist she grabbed them and pulled them down around my ankles. There were still women in the restroom and they all stared at me as they went about there other business. My onesie did nothing to hide the fact that I had a diaper on. Most of them just smiled at me like they were looking at a baby. This only embarrassed me more. I could feel sweat begin to form on my brow and my ears and cheeks burned as I blushed deeply.
Shirley must have noticed my obvious distress. She put a hand up on my leg and gently rubbed my bare, outer thigh.
“It’s okay, sweetie,” she told me gently. “Just calm down and relax.”
I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to calm down, but her gentle touch and comforting words did make me feel just slightly better.
Shirley reached up and quickly untaped my diaper. I felt the air hit my crotch and suddenly my privates were just as exposed to the room as Josh’s had been. I wanted to die right then and there. I had never been more embarrassed in my life. I wanted to cry and my eyes started to fill with tears, but I was able to choke them back. My situation was made worse by the fact that my penis popped up with its normal, diaper-change erection. Several of the women and girls in the restroom snickered when they saw this.
Shirley ignored all of this and went about changing me as though she was doing it on the changing table in the nursery. She took great care cleaning the last traces of poop and pee off of me then put baby lotion and powder all over me. A minute later she had a new diaper on me and taped it up snugly.
As Shirley snapped the crotch of my onesie back together I heard someone comment, “How cute.”
After that, I was done and Shirley told me to stand up and pull up my pants. I obediently did as I was told. As I was doing that Shirley cleaned up the mess on the floor. She handed me my diaper when I was done tucking my shirt in and told me to throw it away. As I took the diaper I was amazed at how heavy it was. It must have weighed several pounds with all of the pee and poop in it. I dumped it in the trash and washed my hands. Josh and I then waited against the wall by the door while Shirley finished putting away the diaper changing stuff and washed her hands.
“Okay, let’s go boys,” she said as she walked toward the door.
We followed her out and back into the restaurant, and found Sharon and Dave sitting at a table. Sharon was talking to that Jackie woman and Dave was talking to some fellow diners at the next table. The three of us joined them and we continued with our dinner as normal. After that I was pretty much at ease and tried to enjoy our dining experience. Every once in a while, I looked up and saw one woman or another sort of pointing in my direction as she spoke to someone next to her. They were obviously saying something to the effect of: “Hey look there’s that guy that was in the ladies’ room getting his Huggies changed.” I tried to ignore them and went about eating my meal, which was, by the way, excellent.
After supper we all went home. We got home around 8:00 and by that time we had had a pretty long day. Shirley bathed Josh and I together and diapered us in double cloth diapers for the night. We were both locked in our sleepers for the night and told we could go downstairs for a while. We all had some ice cream for dessert then Josh and I were sent to bed around nine.
Josh had to go to bed early because he had school in the morning. He didn’t have spring break until next week so he couldn’t stay up late. I was sent to bed simply because I was also being treated like a baby. I didn’t complain as I was a little tired and didn’t mind going to bed.
We climbed into our cribs and tonight Sharon came in to tuck us in. She handed us each a bottle of water and turned the lights out after giving us each a kiss goodnight. Josh and I chatted for a few minutes and then he drifted off to sleep. I followed him into slumber a few minutes later.
I woke up this morning when Shirley came in to get Josh up for school. She tried to be quiet about it and not wake me, but I hadn’t been sleeping well and woke up when she turned the light on. She came in and nudged Josh awake quietly and let him out of his crib. I lay there listening to them not wanting to get up just yet.
I wasn’t feeling good at all this morning. Sometime during the night I had awakened feeling very sick. For some reason I felt very sick to my stomach and my intestines felt like a roiling cauldron. Throughout the night I had awakened several times needing to void my bowels. Each time I excreted a stream of extremely runny poop into my diapers. By the time morning rolled around I was still sick and felt like my diapers had half a gallon of liquid effluent floating around in them. On top of that I was achy all over and felt like I had a fever. I also had a throbbing headache.
I heard Shirley finish changing Josh, and they came over to his dresser to get some clothes for him. I decided then that I’d sit up and see what was going on. I sat up and looked over in their direction. Shirley apparently heard the rustling of the plastic mattress cover as I sat up, and she looked over at me.
“Good morning, Tommy,” she said.
“Hi,” I said weakly.
In a second her warm smile turned to concern. She obviously could tell that I looked a little under the weather.
“What’s wrong, dear?” she asked me as she came over to my crib.
“I don’t feel very good,” I said. “I’ve got diarrhea real bad.”
“Oh, you poor thing,” she said sympathetically as she put a hand on my head. “I think you’ve got a fever. You lay back down and I’ll be right back.”
She went into the bathroom and was back in a few seconds. She told me to open up and then put a thermometer in my mouth.
Josh came up and looked into my crib.
“Are you okay, Tommy?” He asked.
I just shook my head, not wanting to talk with the thermometer in my mouth.
“Honey, don’t get too close,” Shirley told Josh. “If he’s contagious you don’t want to catch whatever he has. Besides you need to get dressed for school. You have to leave soon. Now, get dressed and brush your teeth.”
“Okay, Mommy,” Josh said and scurried off.
“Oh dear, 100.5,” Shirley said examining the digital thermometer. “You’re sick, baby. Do you think that you can get up so I can change your diapers?”
I nodded and started to sit up. She put the gate down and helped me out of the crib. As I climbed out I let out a loud, wet fart, and a more diarrhea flooded into my diapers. I walked slowly and weakly over to the changing table. As I walked I could feel tons of poop sloshing around in my diapers. I stopped in front of the table while she undid the lock on my sleeper and opened the back of it. She helped me get out of the sleeper and helped me onto the table. While I lay there on the table she stuck her head out the door and called down the hall for Sharon.
“Oh my, what a mess,” she said when she returned to the table.
I wondered how she could tell the condition of my diapers without even touching them. I sat up and looked down at my crotch. The inside of the plastic pants were coated in reddish brown poop. I had pooped so much during the night that my poop had leaked out of the diapers. It was forming puddles of liquid brown soup all around the plastic pants.
“Morning everyone,” Sharon said when she came in.
“What’s wrong?” she asked then looked down at me and saw my diapers, “Oh. Wow.”
She came up and caressed my forehead and hair gently, “What’s wrong, baby?”
“I’m sick,” I said feebly.
“Okay, change of plans,” Shirley announced, “Let’s get you up and go to the bathroom and we’ll do this in the tub. I’ll have to give you a quick rinse.”
“Do you want me to do it, Mom?” Sharon asked.
“No, dear, I can handle it. Why don’t you take Josh downstairs and get him fed and off to school? The bus should be here in twenty minutes or so.”
“Sure, Mom.”
She leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. “I’ll be back in a little while.”
“Okay,” I nodded with a weak smile.
“Come on, squirt,” she said to Josh. “Let’s get you some cereal.”
She and Josh left. Josh waved and said bye to me on the way out of the door.
Shirley helped me up and guided me into the bathroom. Along the way I pooped some more. She helped me into the tub and told me just to stand there. I did as I was told using one hand to support myself on the tiled wall.
She pulled my plastic pants down. As she did they dripped poop all over the tub and left a trail of liquid poop all over my legs. She just left them in the bottom of the tub for a minute.
She had me face her and let me lean my back up against the wall. It was cold, which made me a little more uncomfortable, but I really wasn’t worried about that at this point. She then put one hand under my crotch and used the other to pull the Velcro fasteners of my diapers apart. The hand under my crotch supported the diapers after she released them from my waist. She slowly lowered them away from me and I could see that the entire insides of them were covered from stem to stern in poop, and there was a large pool of liquid poop in the bottom of the diapers. It looked like some had leaked out the back of my diapers too. She tried not to spill any of it, but some of it leaked out of the sides and dripped onto the tub floor.
She carefully set the diapers down in the tub and rose and left the bathroom for a second. She came back a few seconds later with a bath towel that she had apparently taken from the laundry hamper. She laid the towel out on the floor, and picked up the diapers and placed them on it. She bundled the towel up around the ridiculously soiled diapers and picked them up. She quickly left the bathroom holding the diapers at arm’s length.
While she was gone I looked down and saw that poopy residue covered me all the way up to my belly button. There was a mirror across the bathroom from me and I looked in it to see what a wretched sight I was. I turned around facing away from the mirror and looked back to see that my backside was much worse than the front. Every square inch of my buttocks was covered in poop, and it was running down off of my butt cheeks onto the back of my legs.
About then Shirley came back into the bathroom.
“You poor baby,” she said with a pitying shake of the head.
She turned the water on in the tub and waited for it to get warm. As I stood there I heard myself let out a gurgling fart and more poop came out of my butt involuntarily and splattered into the tub floor.
“Sorry,” I said suddenly very embarrassed at the accident.
“It’s okay, honey,” she comforted me. “You can’t help it.”
When the water was warm Shirley grabbed the handheld showerhead and turned it on. She had me face away from the faucet, and I jump a little startled as she sprayed my backside off. She took several minutes to thoroughly rinse me off from my chest down, guiding the showerhead into every nook and cranny of my lower body. When she was done she wet down a washcloth and lathered it up with soap. She then proceeded to scrub me down from the chest down to my toes thoroughly but gently. She paid very close attention to my diaper area. When she was satisfied that I was clean she rinsed me off with the showerhead again. A few minutes later I was declared “all clean” and she helped me get out of the tub and dried me off.
We headed back into the nursery and toward the changing table. While we were in transit Shirley made me hold a towel in between my legs just in case my butt decided to squirt anything out again. I got up on the changing table and lay down.
Shirley powdered my diaper area lightly to make sure my skin was dry then spread a generous amount of diaper-rash cream all over. She used quite a bit more cream than usual spreading it higher on my pelvis and backside than normal. After that she sprinkled on more powder. She pulled out a diaper from the shelf underneath the table. I was surprised to see that it was cloth.
“Why are you using that?” I asked.
“We’ll be changing you several times today,” Shirley reasoned, “So I don’t want to waste a ton of disposables.”
“That makes sense,” I said quietly. At this point I really didn’t care.
She had me lift my butt up, which was surprisingly hard for me to do this morning, and slid the diaper under me. She started to bring the front of the diaper up over my crotch and was about fasten it in place. Unfortunately before she got it on I let out another wet fart and more poop came out of my butt.
“Uh-oh,” Shirley said pulling the front of the diaper back to see what I had just done. “You made another mess.”
“I’m sorry,” I said again. I was really embarrassed and upset with myself for having another accident.
“Don’t worry about it, baby,” she said gently.
She pulled the diaper out from underneath me. Thankfully the diaper hadn’t been completely in contact with me yet so I didn’t get much poop on myself. Shirley took out some wipes and wiped off my butt crack. She put more cream and powder on me then got out a clean diaper.
Just then Sharon came in.
“Hi, baby,” she said to me gently. She came over and gave me another kiss on the forehead. “Are you feeling better?”
I just shook my head and looked at her pitifully.
“I was just putting a diaper on him,” Shirley informed her, “And he had a little accident. I’m glad I already had it under him or it would have been a real mess.”
“I’m sorry,” I said again.
“Sweetie, stop saying you’re sorry,” Shirley said. “I said it’s okay”
She pulled out another cloth diaper and was able to get it on me without me soiling it immediately. She only used the one diaper since I’d probably have to be changed again in an hour or two. She put plastic pants on me and told me I could get up. Sharon and she helped me up into a sitting position while Shirley grabbed my footed sleeper and put my feet into it. They helped me off the table and pulled the sleeper the rest of the way up onto me. Before I knew it, I was locked up again and being led back to my crib. Sharon and her mom helped me into the crib and closed the gate.
They stood looking down at me as they discussed my situation.
“Do you think we should call the doctor?” Sharon asked her mother.
“Yeah, I think we had better, just in case,” Shirley replied.
“I guess we’ll have to postpone our shopping trip today,” Sharon commented.
It had been planned that Sharon, her mom, and I would go to Bloomington, the nearest city, today to go shopping. Obviously there was no way I was going.
“No,” I said immediately, “You guys go. Just leave me here. I’ll be fine.”
“Hmm,” Sharon said dubiously, “We’ll see.”
Just then I let out another big fart and released a large amount of effluent.
“Poor baby,” Sharon said as she reached down and patted me on the chest.
“I’m going to go get him some Pedialyte,” Shirley said.
She left and was back in a couple of minutes with a baby bottle full of juice.
“You drink all this, right now,” She said handing me the bottle. “I don’t want you to get dehydrated.”
I nodded and started sucking on the bottle. I was too sick and tired to raise the issue that it would have been faster to let me drink the liquid out of a glass. Thankfully there was a pretty large hole in the nipple so it didn’t take me too long.
They both watched me to make sure I drained the bottle.
“Okay,” Shirley said taking the empty bottle from me. “We’re going to go call the doctor. One of us will be back up with another bottle of Pedialyte in just a minute. You get some rest okay, sweetie?”
I nodded weakly. The two of them left. I rolled over on my side because that seemed to the most comfortable position for my intestines, and I pooped a little more. I fell asleep before they came back with my bottle.
An hour later I rolled over as someone nudged me awake. I looked up to see Sharon standing over me.
“The doctor’s here, baby,” she said. “Can you get up and come over to the changing table?”
I nodded and started to get up. She dropped the side of the crib and helped me out. As I got out I noticed a man standing in the room. He was a huge man, about Dave’s size, at least six and half feet tall and 250 pounds or more. He looked like a professional linebacker except he was wearing a coat and tie. He had a short beard and mustache and wore glasses.
“Hi, Tommy,” he said in a very deep, yet gentle voice, “I’m Doctor Graham.”
“Hi,” I said quietly as I went over to the table.
Sharon helped me take my sleeper off and I sat on the table wearing nothing but my diaper and plastic pants. When I sat liquid poop squished all over the inside of my diaper.
The doctor came up and stood in front of me. Sharon stood behind him a little while her mom leaned up against the doorframe. Sharon or her mom apparently already informed him that I was diapered and being treated like a toddler because he was neither surprised when he saw my diapers nor did he comment on my appearance when he saw me wearing footed PJs.
He pulled a digital thermometer out of his coat pocket and put it in my mouth. While he waited for it to take my temperature he grabbed my wrist gently and took my pulse. He finished with my pulse just as the thermometer beeped.
“Temperature is 101.2, pulse 100,” he announced. “You are definitely sick, son.”
He felt the glands around my throat to see if they were swollen. He then pulled a tongue depressor and an otoscope from his inside coat pocket and looked down my throat, up my nose, and in my ears. He then produced a stethoscope and listened to my heart and lungs.
“So when did you start to have diarrhea?” he asked me.
“Sometime last night,” I said.
“Have you thrown up?”
“Do you feel like you want to throw up?”
“Are you achy?”
“Uh huh.”
“Chills or hot flashes?”
“A little of both,” I said.
“Okay,” he said. “Lie down.”
I slowly swung my legs up onto the table and lay back. He proceeded to probe around my abdomen for a little while pushing lightly with his huge hands.
“No pain when I push on your belly?” he asked.
“Well it hurts, but not from you pushing,” I answered.
“Okay,” he said softly.
He then did something I wholly unexpected. He grabbed me by the knees with one hand, lifted my legs in the air, in the process raising my butt up, and used his other hand to pull my plastic pants off. When he had my pants down around my ankles he reached up and unfastened my diaper. He told me to lift my knees and spread them. When I did he pulled the front of my diaper back with one hand and looked at its contents.
“Does it hurt when you urinate?” he asked obviously noting that the front of my diaper was wet.
“No,” I said a little sheepishly.
He then covered me back up with the front of my diaper, but didn’t fasten it.
“Well ladies, I think your little boy here has a little gastrointestinal virus. If this were food poisoning I think he’d be puking.”
“I ate the same thing he did last night,” Sharon provided.
“Yeah,” Dr. Graham said. “All the more reason for this to be a virus. There’re a lot of little stomach flus going around right now. It should last no more than 36 to 48 hours I should think. Make sure he gets plenty of fluids.”
“Oh, we’ve already given him some Pedialyte,” Shirley reported. “And I have another bottle for him here.”
She came over and shoved the bottle in my mouth. I instinctively grabbed it. I sucked on it while they continued to talk.
“Do you think we should give him some Imodium or something?” Sharon asked
“No,” the doctor said, “I wouldn’t. It wouldn’t hurt anything, but I might make the bug last longer. His body is trying to get rid of it right now so I think just letting him flush it out would be best.
“Lot’s of fluids is the important thing,” he repeated. “He can have some Tylenol for the fever. Also no milk, acidy things like fruit, or really greasy or sweet foods. I’d stick to crackers and dry toast for now, and maybe some plain oatmeal, rice, cream of wheat, or maybe some clear broth later. Get lots of rest too. Oh and of course keep him changed pretty often to help prevent a rash.”
“Do you think disposables would be better to use on him?” Shirley asked.
“Oh, I don’t think it really matters, Shirley,” he said with a smile. “Besides you know more about diapers than I ever will. The key is to just keep him changed often.”
“Anything else?” Shirley asked
“No,” he said, “Other than just make sure you wash your hands after you touch anything he’s touched. The virus may or may not be contagious, but they usually are.”
“Oh, we certainly will,” Shirley said.
“Okay, well I guess that about does it then.”
“Thank you for coming on such short notice, doctor,” Shirley said. “Let me take you downstairs so you can wash up.”
Dr. Graham then looked back down at me.
“You rest up, now,” he ordered, “And I hope you get to feeling better soon.”
“Thank you, doctor,” I said taking the bottle out of my mouth.
Shirley led the doctor out of the room leaving Sharon to rediaper me.
She finished removing my diaper.
“God this is a big mess,” she commented as she pulled the diaper out from under me.
“I’m sorry,” I said beginning to sniffle. A tear started to run down my cheek.
“Oh, baby, don’t cry,” she said leaning over and caressing my stomach and chest. “It’s not your fault you’re sick.”
“I know,” I said. “I just hate being sick. I feel so helpless.”
“It’s okay to be sick and helpless every once in a while.”
She continued with my diaper change as normal. She got me cleaned up and put an ample layer of diaper rash cream and powder on me. She then left me lying there naked and went down the hall. She was back in a minute with a fresh bottle of Pedialyte and a bag of my Depends. She switched out the full bottle for my empty one and had me drink it while she was diapering me.
She noticed that my cloth diaper had been pretty darn close to leaking when she took it off, so she decided that I should at least wear a single Depend diaper under my cloth one since it would probably hold in the leaks better while the cloth could catch any overflow.
That sounded pretty good to me, so in a minute I had a disposable and a cloth diaper on as well as a new pair of plastic pants. She helped me off of the table and then started to pick up my sleeper.
“Do I have to put that back on?” I asked. “It’s getting kind of hot.”
“Okay,” she said, “Hold on a sec.”
She walked over to Mikey’s dresser and rummaged through the drawers for a minute. She came back with an outfit that was like a onensie, but it had long sleeves with ribbed cuffs. It was made out of the same t-shirt material that onesies came in, but it was in a bright nursery print. She put this on me and snapped the crotch up then took me back over to my crib and put me in it. Before she closed the gate she left for a couple of minutes and came back with yet another bottle of Pedialyte. She slipped the bottle into the crib next to me.
She then leaned down and gave me another kiss on the forehead. She closed the gate of my crib and left the room turning the light out as she left. Once again my diapers were only clean for a matter of minutes before I released more, runny poop into them. I fell asleep within minutes after that.
I awoke what must have been a couple of hours later. I had slept badly after having bad dreams. I always had bad dreams when I was sick. I rolled over on my back and saw Sharon standing over me leaning on the side of the crib.
“Hey, baby,” she said softly. “Feeling any better?”
“No,” I said with a small shake of the head. As if to accentuate my reply I let out another gurgling fart and more poop flowed into my diaper.
She fanned her face playfully and smiled, “Whew, you’re really starting to stink up the place.”
“I know,” I groaned, “I’m sorry.”
“Baby, I was only teasing. It’s okay.”
She reached down and gently rubbed my chest.
“Do you want me to change you?” she asked.
I just nodded and started to sit up to get out of the crib. She pushed me back down.
“Just lay there, baby,” she said, “I can change you there.”
She went over to the changing table and got some things. I saw her rifling through some drawers looking for something.
“Mom!” she finally called, “Where are the extra changing pads?”
She waited for a few seconds and got no response.
“Mom?” she called again.
She turned to go to the bedroom door, but Shirley walked into it first.
“Where are the extra changing pads, Mom?” she asked. “I’m going to change Tommy’s diapers in the crib so he doesn’t have to get up.”
“Oh, okay,” Shirley disappeared into the closet for a moment and came back out holding a folded changing pad.
Sharon took it from her and brought it and the other diapering supplies over to my crib. She set everything down in the crib by my feet and started to change me. She slid the pad up under me then popped the crotch on my long-sleeved onesie open and went to work. She got my plastic pants off and opened the cloth diaper up to reveal that a good amount of poop had leaked out of the inner disposable. Still it worked better than two cloth diapers. She went about cleaning me like normal talking to her mom.
As Sharon was changing me, Shirley shoved a bottle of Pedialyte in my mouth telling me that she had put liquid Tylenol in it for my fever so she wanted me to drink the whole bottle now. They chatted as I sucked away.
“So do you think we should go shopping or not?” Sharon asked as she was wiping my testicles.
“I don’t know, dear,” Shirley answered with a worried shake of the head. “Maybe we shouldn’t.”
“You guys just go,” I said removing he bottle from my mouth. “I’ll be fine. Just let me lay here and be sick.”
“Hush,” Shirley told me, pushing the bottle back down into my mouth.
“Well your father is downstairs working in his office today,” she told Sharon. “He wouldn’t mind checking in on him every once in a while.”
“Yeah,” Sharon said, “He could.”
“Yeah,” I said, “Y’all go. I’ll be okay.”
“Are you sure you don’t mind us leaving?” Sharon asked.
“No, really. Go,” I said. “I’ll be fine.”
“Okay,” Shirley said, “Well let’s go get ready then.”
Sharon had by that time finished changing me and had put my plastic pants back on. The ones I was already wearing weren’t dirty or wet yet so she put them back on.
“One of us will be back up to change you again before we leave, dear,” Shirley said as they left.
I would have liked to have gone back to sleep, but I was pretty much slept out by then. I sat up and looked at the clock seeing that it was about 10:30. It was earlier than I thought it was. I lay there in misery for several long minutes. I just couldn’t go to sleep so I lay on my back finishing up my bottle and filling up my diapers with more liquid poop and pee.
I was still awake when Shirley came back up to the room. She handed me five or six saltine crackers and another bottle of juice. Then she went over to the changing table and came back with another Depend and a cloth diaper as well as all the other things she needed to change me.
“Are you feeling any better?” she asked.
“A little,” I said. “That Tylenol helped some.”
“You’re just going through these things as fast as we put them on you,” she commented as she undid the cloth diaper I was wearing.
“I know,” I said weakly, “I’m sorry I’m being so much trouble.”
“Sweetie,” Shirley looked at me with a soft smile, “If you tell me you’re sorry one more time I’m going to have to turn you over and spank your butt. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied feebly.
She got me cleaned and put on a new disposable and a cloth diaper. Just as she was slipping my plastic pants into place and buttoning my onesie back up Sharon walked in.
“You ready to go, Mom?”
I sat up and noticed she had changed into nicer, shopping clothes.
“Yes, honey,” Shirley replied. “I’m just going to put a load of diapers in the wash before we leave.”
Shirley leaned over and gave me a kiss on the forehead before she turned to leave.
“You get some rest now, hon. We’ll be back before you know it.”
“Hey,” Sharon said playfully, “You stay away from my man.”
Sharon came up and also gave me a kiss.
“You go to sleep, now,” she said. “Daddy will be up to check on you in just a little while. Just holler for him if you need anything.”
“Okay,” I said with a weak smile.
“Bye, bye, baby,” she said turning to leave.
“Bye,” I said as she turned off the light.
I finished my bottle and laid it down in the crib next to me. I drifted off a few minutes later and, for once, I fell asleep with clean diapers.
I woke up later after feeling someone nudging me. I had been lying on my stomach and apparently had been drooling because the side of my face was wet. I rolled over and wiped my face off and looked up to see Dave standing over me.
“How’re you feeling, Tommy?” he asked me as he reached down and felt my forehead with the back of his hand.
“Cruddy,” I replied softly.
“You’ve still got a fever,” he said.
“How long have I been asleep?” I asked.
“The girls left about two-and-a-half hours ago,” he said looking at his watch. “I came up here an hour ago to check on you, but you were asleep. I decided I better get you up this time to get some Tylenol and fluids into you.”
With that he handed me a bottle of Pedialyte. I had a feeling it had liquid Tylenol mixed in it.
“How’s your diaper?” He asked me. “Smells like your getting pretty ripe.”
It was then that I remembered I had gone to sleep with clean diapers. Now, I could feel that they were indeed heavily soiled. I had obviously had an accident, or several, while I was sleeping.
Dave reached down to my crotch and unsnapped my onesie.
“Ew, you’re leaking,” he said.
I sat up a little and looked down to see that again poop was coming out of my diapers and leaking into my plastic pants. It looked like the brown mess was leaking out of the leg gathers of the diapers. Thankfully the plastic pants were keeping it in for now.
“Come on,” he said, “Let’s get you over to the changing table and get you cleaned up.”
He let the side of the crib down then leaned over and put a hand under my shoulder and helped me sit up. I slowly climbed out of the crib. He held me by the arm and steadied me as I made my way to the changing table. I lay down and he started to change me.
When he pulled my plastic pants down I felt the inside of my legs get wet as the pants left a trail poop down my legs. He dumped the pants into their pail and then went to work on my diapers. When he untaped the disposable on the inside he didn’t even bother to use the front of it to wipe me off. It was just too messy. He pulled both diapers out, bundled them separately, and put them in their respective bins. He took out several wipes and began cleaning me.
As he wiped me off I could feel that his hands were a lot rougher than Sharon’s and Shirley’s, but he performed the task with equal care, gentleness, and precision. He had obviously changed his share of diapers before.
As usual, my penis popped up in an erection. I was extremely embarrassed by this and blushed. He could tell I was uncomfortable and embarrassed. He just smiled and continued to change me.
“Mikey does that every time he gets changed,” he said trying to put me at ease. “I don’t think I’ve changed him once since he was thirteen that he didn’t have a stiffy.”
“Do you change the boys very often?” I asked trying to change the subject.
“Not Mikey much anymore since he’s rarely home, but I try to change him once or twice whenever he’s here. I probably change Joshy a few times a week or so. Their mother doesn’t think I do as good a job as she does, so she doesn’t let me do it very often.
“We used to have a guys’ night once every week or two. I’d take the boys to a movie or bowling or something, take them to dinner, then I’d bring them back here and bathe them both and diaper them up for the night.”
“That’s really cool,” I said. “I was never really close to my brother or my dad.”
He finished cleaning me and put cream and powder on me.
“You’re starting to get a little diaper rash there,” he informed me though I could already tell.
“I think we better try more diapers on you,” he said as he started to take one out. “I don’t think two are cuttin’ it right now.”
“That’s fine, but you better hurry,” I said urgently. “I’m gonna have to go real soon.”
“Uh oh,” he said.
He quickly unfolded the Depend disposable he had in his hand and had me lift my butt so he could slide it under. He quickly taped it up.
“Go ahead and do what you gotta do, and I’ll change you again when you’re done,” he said.
I was kind of uncomfortable pooping with him there, but my bowels were cramping badly and I couldn’t hold it much longer. I closed my eyes and pushed and my diaper instantly filled up with a large load of liquefied effluent. After that it took me about two minutes of pushing out small spurts of poop before my bowels started to calm down some.
“Where is all this stuff coming from?” I asked with a sigh.
“I don’t know, kiddo,” he said. “I don’t remember the last time either of the boys had the runs this bad.”
He proceeded to remove my freshly soiled diaper and started the cleaning process again.
“Maybe it would be better if I just used the toilet for a little while and went without diapers,” I suggested. A stomach virus had to be a good enough excuse for a 24-hour furlough from my diaper punishment.
“I’d let you, Tommy,” he said sympathetically, “But if you noticed there’s no toilet in the boys’ bathroom. We had it taken out years ago to make room for that big tub.”
I hadn’t dawned on me until just then, but he was right. There was no toilet in there, just a tub, the sink, counter, some cabinets, and the linen closet.
“And besides, I don’t think you could make it to the toilet in time anyway,” he reasoned, “You had a hard enough time just getting over here to the changing table.”
I had to admit he was right about that. If I went without a diaper and tried to get to a toilet I was likely to have a big, messy accident. I shrugged and resigned myself to my fate.
By then he had me cleaned up again and had put more diaper-rash ointment and baby powder on me. He pulled out a couple of cloth diapers and started to put them on me.
“No disposable this time?” I asked.
“Nope,” he said, “We’re going to do it a little different this time.”
He put the two diapers on me then left me there and went over to Mikey’s dresser. He went into the bottom drawer. I watched as he pulled out two more diapers and a pair of plastic pants. These diapers looked different somehow, but I couldn’t quiet place what it was until he got closer. When he did I could easily tell that they were considerably bigger and thicker than the already big, thick diapers I was wearing.
“These are what we used to make Mikey wear if he got in trouble for something,” Dave told me. “I guess they’re his punishment diapers. His mom would put two of these on over his regular diapers and he’d have to wear them for 24-hours without a change. Josh has some of his own. Of course we haven’t used them in a long time on Mikey. Josh got put in his a few months ago for something. I can’t remember what for.”
He handed me one of the diapers to look at while he had me lift my butt to put the other one on me. The front had a large appliqué of a yellow unhappy face with a frown and tear on the cheek. The back of the diaper said “Bad Boy” on it in large, black, embroidered letters.
“Where did you get these?” I asked.
“Oh, Shirley makes all the boys’ cloth diapers. She has for a long time. She makes all their little boy clothes too. She really loves sewing, especially since she retired from full-time teaching a few years ago. Now she just does substitute teaching, so she has a lot of extra time for sewing.
“Anyway, these diapers have a much wider crotch than the regular ones so they’ll hold in the leaks a lot better.”
By the time he had all four diapers on me I think my butt must have been at least eight inches off of the changing table. He slid the pair of plastic pants, which were larger than the normal ones, over my diapers and told me I could get up. I was starting to get a little cold so I asked if I could put my sleeper back on. He picked the sleeper up off of the top of Mikey’s dresser where one of the girls had folded it neatly and helped me put it on. He had a little trouble zipping it up over my heavily padded lower half. The diapers took up every bit of extra space in the abdomen of my sleeper. He then led me back to the crib. I actually had a considerable amount of trouble walking with such thick diapers on me. My legs were forced wider apart than they ever had been before. He had to almost lift me into my crib.
“Are you getting hungry?” he asked me when I was sitting comfortably in the crib.
“A little,” I said.
“I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t go back to sleep,” he said, and left.
He came back a few minutes later with a handful of crackers and a bowl of soup.
“It’s beef broth with barley,” he told me handing me the bowl. “That’ll help get some more fluids into you.”
He also brought me an actual, open-top glass of Pedialyte to drink telling me that it was so I could get the juice into me faster. Unfortunately, he also made me wear a bib because he said Shirley would kill both of us if any soup or juice got on my sleeper.
I held the bowl up against my chest with one hand and spooned the hot liquid in my mouth slowly. Dave had gotten the temperature just right so that it was plenty hot, but cool enough that I didn’t need to blow on it. Every so often he would either hand me a cracker to eat or hand me the glass of juice since there was no place in the crib to set either.
I ate all the soup and about six crackers and by that time I was feeling drowsy again. Dave took the bowl from me and handed me yet another baby bottle full of Pedialyte. He told me to lie down and get some rest.
“Goodnight, sport,” he told me as he turned to leave the room.
“Oh, and Dave,” I said, sitting up to look him, “Thanks a lot, really.”
“No problem, Tommy.”
I lay back down and started to drift off to sleep. Unfortunately, before I did I pooped some more.
I didn’t wake again until I heard Josh’s voice in the room. I opened my eyes realizing it must be afternoon sometime if Josh was home.
When he opened the door and came in the room he immediately ran over to my crib and looked in.
“Hey, Tommy,” he said cheerily, “How you feelin’?”
“A little better,” I said, “Thanks.”
“Wow, you stink,” he said with a big smile.
“Gee, thanks,” I said putting on a thin smile of my own.
“Joshy, leave him alone,” I heard Shirley say as she came in the room.
She walked up to my crib as well.
“How’re you feeling, sweetie?” she asked as well.
“I think I’m getting a little better,” I replied.
“Wow, you’ve got on thick diapers!” Josh exclaimed on looking down at my crotch.
“Yeah,” I said, “I kept on leaking everywhere so your dad put me in you brother’s punishment diapers.”
He giggled and smiled at that, “Look’s like Tommy was a bad boy then if he’s in the bad boy diapers.”
“Be nice, Joshy,” Shirley said. “Unless you want to wear your bad boy diapers too.”
That really shut him up fast and completely wiped the smile off of his face.
“It’s okay,” I said, “I know he’s just kidding.”
“Do you want me to change you?” she asked softly.
“Can I have a bath?” I asked.
“Sure, honey,” she said, “Let me go run you some water.”
She left to go run a bath just as Sharon came in.
“Hi, baby,” she said, then immediately noticed my diapers, “Wow. I see Daddy got a little carried away with the diapers.”
“I haven’t leaked yet,” I said. “How was your trip?”
“It was good,” she said. “We got you a couple of shirts and shorts and things. I’ll show them to you later.”
“Did you get me anything?” Josh asked hopefully.
“Yeah some new underwear,” Sharon joked.
“Very funny,” Josh said. “Can you change me? Mommy is running a bath for, Tommy”
“Sure, kiddo,” Sharon said. “Come on.”
They left me still lying there and headed over to the changing table. Shirley came back and stuck a thermometer in my mouth to take my temperature while she waited for the changing table to free up. After a few minutes she took it out and announced that my fever was right at 100, which was good. Then, she asked Sharon if she would bathe me and left to go start supper. She told me she’d only be cooking enough for four tonight, which was just fine with me. I had no appetite for solid food yet.
Sharon let Josh play in the nursery after she was done changing him and then started my bathing process by first removing my thick diapers. When she got to the soiled, wet inner diaper I was amazed at how much it had held without leaking. The second and third diapers only had a little overflow of effluent on them, and the outside diaper was completely clean though a little wet from my pee.
After she cleaned me up she took me to the tub and let me get in. I soaked in the soothing water for several minutes before Sharon stood me up and bathed me. Though I didn’t really mind bathing with Josh, it felt good to be able to completely relax in the tub by myself for a little while.
After bathing me Sharon dried me off then put me back into four more cloth diapers. Josh thought this was really cool and watched the whole process with interest.
She put a clean t-shirt on me when she was done, and asked me if I wanted to go back into my crib. I told her no, that I’d just sit and watch Josh play video games for a little while though I didn’t feel up to playing with him yet. Sharon reminded Josh and me no to get too close to each other since I might be contagious. After that she left to go help her mom prepare supper.
When Josh was called down to go eat I decided I didn’t want to go downstairs with everyone else for fear of spreading my germs, so I decided to crawl into my crib and lay down. I drifted off to sleep before Josh came back up and I never heard him getting bathed or put to bed.
Tuesday I had awakened feeling much better though I still had a little bit of the runs. It was decided that I should stay indoors for the day just to be on the safe side. Sharon stayed home with me most of the day, but went to meet a few of her old girlfriends for lunch. Shirley stayed home to take care of me. By the end of the day I was feeling restless and tired of being cared for hand-and-foot even though I liked the attention.
When I woke up this morning I was feeling completely cured and the poop in my diapers at my morning change was as firm as it normally was. After taking my temperature one last time I was declared cured of all that ailed me.
Sharon and I decided that we wanted to go out on our own today for some alone time. That was fine with everyone since Josh had school, Shirley got called to come sub for a teacher today, and Dave had a lot of work to do.
We decided a private little picnic would be in order so we packed a lunch in a picnic basket—yes, they actually had one—and went for a drive.
Sharon took me in the family’s 4X4 Jeep and drove us down several dirt roads to a secluded spot by a meandering creek. It took us about twenty minutes to get there on the rough roads and I figured it was a few miles from the house. I was surprised to find out that we were actually still on the family’s property and were just on the back part of it at the edge of a large field that was being allowed to lie fallow for the season and grow over.
“How big is your property?” I asked as we got out of the Jeep.
“I think around 25,000 acres,” she said matter-of-factly. “I think its one of the ten largest farms in the state.”
“Jesus Christ!” I amazed. Though I knew there were much larger ranches in Texas, this was still a huge place.
“And your dad runs it all?”
“Oh, no,” Shirley said with a little laugh.
“He actually has a full-time farm manager that runs it all, plus several full-time farmhands, and even a secretary. All of the farming equipment, storage, and offices are at the opposite side of the farm from our house. That’s why you never see any of it. I’ll take you over there later today and show you around.”
“So, exactly what does your dad do all the time anyway?” I asked
“Well, he does have to do a lot of stuff related to the farm,” she explained, “He has to file for federal subsidies and all that other stuff, plus check to make sure the farm manager is keeping good books and running things right. There’s also lots of decision making about what to plant and all that crap.
“He also owns an insurance agency in town. He basically does all of the insurance for most of the people in the county here, including crop insurance. He has another manager to help run that too so he really doesn’t even have to fool with that too much
“Other than that he basically manages, quote-unquote, ‘the estate.’ That probably takes more time than anything. He’s got all sorts of mutual funds, and bonds, and some stocks, and stuff. He’s a smart guy. He actually has a degree in finance, so he does all that himself. He was smart enough to move stuff around back a few years ago when the market crashed so that we didn’t lose much.”
By then we had spread a blanket on the ground and were munching on picnic foods while we talk.
“Wow, you guys must be worth a couple of million then,” I said.
“Something like ten or twelve I think,” she said.
With that my jaw nearly dropped into the Tupperware of coleslaw.
“So how quickly can we get married?” I asked jokingly.
“Well at least not until you get a diaper change,” she said also joking.
I blushed a little at that as I had been a little poopy for a while and was starting to stink. I wished I could have worn my latex pants, but they wouldn’t fit over my super-thick disposable.
“So are you enjoying yourself?” she asked.
“Yeah, I am,” I said, “This town is boring as hell, but it’s pretty, and I’m enjoying the break.”
“And my family isn’t too crazy for you?” she asked.
“Oh, I’m sure they’re crazy,” I said, “But they’ve all been really nice to me. They’re good people and I like them a lot. Between your parents I’ve figured out from where you got all of your charm and good looks. And I really like your brother. I never had a little brother I could play with and get close to.”
“Yeah,” she said, “He practically adores you too. He told me that I needed to hurry up and marry you so that he could have another brother for real. Although he insists that you’re going to be his baby brother since he’s been wearing diapers much longer than you have.”
“Well,” I said, “Probably next time he sees me I won’t be.”
“We’ll see,” was all Sharon said.
After that, we got into a little make-out session. In a few minutes it progressed into a large make-out session. By the time it was finished we were kind of rolling all over the grass and blanket spilling a little food in the process. In the end I got Sharon aroused enough to orgasm. I was glad to make her happy, and rather proud at my prowess since I had remained diapered the whole time and there had been no penetration, but I was a little disappointed and mad that I had been denied my own gratification.
After that we finished our lunch, which included a bottle of champagne she had gotten a hold of. She asked me if I wanted her to change me, but I declined because I knew that if she undiapered me and started cleaning me I would immediately blow my load and get into trouble.
When we finished our picnic we packed up, and Sharon drove me around several other back roads to show me the rest of the farm. I found out that they were mostly growing oats, and barley this year, but they also had a few fields of soybeans. That fascinated me, since I really never knew where soy came from or how it was grown. They also grew corn on occasion.
We spent most of the day exploring the farm and got back to the house around suppertime. Shirley made a really good roast chicken for dinner.
We spent the rest of the evening chatting as a family. Shirley dragged out the family photo albums and we went through them for probably three hours. I got to see several pictures of Sharon growing up and what she looked like as a little girl. There was even a fading picture of her naked as a baby.
I was amazed at all the pictures of Josh and Mikey in just diapers. In fact, with the exception of school pictures, there were very few pictures of either of them that didn’t show exposed diapers or at least a onesie. Both of them had baby and toddler clothes on in many of them right up into the present day pictures.
Finally, when it started to get kind of late, Sharon took Josh and I upstairs and bathed us. Josh thought this was a particularly nice treat and was excited to be bathed by his big sister.
After we were both cleaned and bathed we were diapered up in our thick cloth diapers for the night. Sharon noted how my diapers seemed to be a little looser. I must have lost a little bit of weight when I was sick, which didn’t surprise me. She had to tighten up the Velcro closures on my diapers a little more to make them snug.
When she had my diapers on she put Josh and I in our sleepers and put us to bed.
The long awaited day had finally arrived. Josh and Sharon’s brother, Mikey, was finally coming home. Everyone had been excited the night before and we had all stayed up late. I woke up a little early for some reason and was already up and sitting in my crib when Shirley came in to get Josh up for school.
“Morning, Tommy,” she greeted me when she pushed the door open and walked in.
“Good morning,” I said. I had actually woken up in a really good mood, which was strange since I wasn’t a morning person.
“Have you been awake long?” she asked me.
“No,” I shook my head. “Only a few minutes.”
“Let me get Joshy up, changed, and going, and then I’ll change you.”
“Okay,” I said happily.
She went over to and bent over Josh’s crib and nudged him awake.
“Good morning, baby,” she said softly. “It’s time to get up.”
Josh slowly sat up and rubbed his eyes. Then they popped open and he smiled. How the kid could be happy so early in the morning escaped me. Apparently it ran in the family because Sharon was definitely the same way.
“Morning everybody,” he said as he stood up in the crib.
“Come on. Let’s get you changed,” his mom said heading over to the changing table.
He held his arms out to his mom indicating that he wanted to be carried. His mom just stood by the changing table with her hands on his hips.
“Joshy, we don’t have time for this,” she said, “Come on.”
The power struggle had begun. And then he gave her the sad, puppy-dog eyes. She was able to resist his cute face for perhaps five seconds before she gave in. She threw up her hands in disgust and went over to get him. She made him turn around so she could take his sleeper off then picked him up and carried his mostly naked body over to the table.
“You are so spoiled,” she said. “I told your sister she was going to have you completely rotten, and I was right.”
She went on ranting for a few seconds as she laid him down on the changing table and started to change him. He just lay there and grinned widely.
“Do I have to go to school today?” Josh asked. “Mikey gets to skip school today. That’s not fair.”
“Mikey gets to skip school today,” Shirley explained, “Because he’s driving home from school over four hours away. When you go off to college you can skip school, too, every once in a while to come home. Fair enough?”
“I guess,” he said dejectedly.
She changed him as normal, put a white onesie on him, and then told him to go get dressed. He hopped off of the table and ran to the closet to pick out some close. His diapers crinkled loudly as he ran.
“Your turn, Tommy,” Shirley said as she turned around to face me.
I sat up on my knees and held out my arms like I wanted her to carry me too.
“Oh, I don’t think so,” she said with a smile a little laugh. “Get your stinky butt over here.”
I giggled and climbed out of the crib. I waddled over and turned around so that she could unzip my sleeper. I then climbed onto the table and Shirley started changing my dirty, wet diapers.
About the time I was cleaned up and lying there naked while Shirley bent over to get a diaper out for me Sharon came in wearing a robe. She obviously enjoyed my nakedness being one of her first sights in the morning as her eyes sparkled when she saw me.
“Good morning, baby,” she said as she leaned up against the doorframe and stared at my erect penis for a few seconds.
“Morning,” I said with a smile.
“Good morning, dear,” Shirley said as she came back up from underneath the table with a diaper. “I’m going to have to restock the table here. Your big boy has used up all the diapers. This is the last one.”
“Do you have more?” Sharon asked a little alarmed, as though they had never run out of diapers before. They probably hadn’t.
“Oh, yes. There’re more stacked underneath all the cribs and I have a whole closet full in one of the spare rooms. But I’ll probably need to order some in the next few weeks.”
She put the disposable on me and taped it up. She started to go over to Mikey’s dresser where all my “baby” clothes were stacked on top, but then she stopped and swore…well she sort of swore.
“Darn it,” she said and turned back around to face me. “I forgot that all of your onesies are in the hamper, and I haven’t started the laundry yet. Mikey’s won’t fit him either. They’re too big.”
“Well that’s okay, Mom,” Sharon said for me. “I’ll just get him one of his regular t-shirts and he can wear that for a little while until the laundry is done. He’ll be fine for a couple of hours.”
“I suppose you’re right,” Shirley conceded. “I just knew I should have made him more of those.”
“A t-shirt will be fine, Shirley,” I reiterated.
By that time Sharon had already been to her room and returned with a folded-up, white t-shirt. I put it on and hopped off of the table.
Meanwhile Shirley went over and started to brusquely empty the laundry hamper.
“Joshy, are you ready yet?” she called.
“Uh-huh,” he said as he came out of the bathroom having brushed his teeth and sort of combed his short but raucous hair.
Now that he was dressed for school he looked pretty much like a normal ten-year-old. To school he wore the normal fashions that any kid his age would wear even though you could still tell that he was pretty well padded underneath his shorts.
We all trooped downstairs and found Dave sitting at the breakfast table sipping coffee while he read the Indianapolis Star.
“Good morning, boys. Good morning, Sharon,” he said with a cheerful smile.
“Good morning,” we all chorused together.
Josh and I sat down at the kitchen table.
“Okay,” Sharon said on entering the kitchen. “Joshy, do you want Cheerios, Raisin Bran, or Corn Pops?”
“Cheerios please,” Josh said.
“Tommy?” she asked me next.
“Um, Raisin Bran will be fine, thank you,” I replied.
“Do you want some coffee, Tommy?” Sharon, who was pouring herself a cup, asked.
“Yeah, I guess I’ll have a cup, please,” I said.
“Can I have some, too?” Josh asked.
“No,” Sharon and Shirley said in unison.
“One sip of that and your diaper will be leaking before lunchtime,” Shirley said. “We all remember what happened the last time you had coffee.”
“What do you mean?” Josh asked.
“You were about five,” Sharon asked. “You insisted that you could drink coffee just like Daddy, that you loved it, in fact. We gave you a tiny espresso cup filled with about a teaspoon of coffee and tons of milk and sugar. After that you were peeing non-stop all day long. You were still in baby diapers then and you must have gone through a dozen of them that day.”
“Thank God it was summer,” Shirley chimed in, “And you weren’t in school yet.”
“Yeah except I was home from college and had to deal with him all day.”
“I don’t remember that,” Josh said.
“I’m sure you don’t,” Shirley said. “You were only five. You’ve probably blocked it out of your memory.”
We ate our cereal and then Josh had to leave for school. When he left I went back upstairs real quick to shave and brush my teeth.
After breakfast Shirley and Sharon started to set food out to thaw for the lunch we were having. Mikey was supposed to be home a little after noon. He was supposed to be on the road right now. A roommate of his, with whom he went to high school, was coming along with him. Sharon had told me that when Mikey went to college three of his closest friends, two boys and a girl, from high school went with him, and they all rented a house together near the campus.
To celebrate his homecoming we were going to do a little afternoon barbecue outside. The weather was really nice today and would be perfect for it. Josh didn’t know it but his mom was going to take him out of school early today just before Mikey got home. She wanted it to be a surprise for him so we had all kept it a secret.
While the girls were getting things ready on the inside I went out back with Dave so we could get the grill ready. I wanted to get dressed before I went outside, but Sharon had told me that there was no way anyone could see me out there so it wasn’t necessary to cover up my diaper. I was a little apprehensive about it all at first, but after a few minutes outside I got a little more comfortable. Dave and I got the grill nice and clean. I was really liked the grill. It was built into a concrete counter on the patio that was topped with a tile countertop. The grill top was probably four feet wide or more. It had a stainless steel lid and there were two gas burners on one side of the grill for cooking whatever else you didn’t want to grill. There was also a small refrigerator built into the counter for storing meat and other food in until it was time to cook it. The countertop had a large prep area on it and on one side there was a large, stainless steel bin built into it that you could fill with ice and put cold drinks in.
After the grill was ready I helped Dave sweep off the patio, clean up the chairs and tables, and skim the pool. That was about all that needed doing outside, so we went in to help the girls after that. We found that they were pretty much done too so we all just sat in the family room and talked for a while.
About 10:00 or so the laundry was done, and I was given one of my onesies to put on. It was the one with the big iron-on of Scooby-Doo on the front. Though I didn’t say anything about it to anyone that was really my favorite one.
A little before noon Shirley left to go pick up Josh from school. When they got home twenty minutes later Josh couldn’t have been more excited.
Right at noon we all went out on the patio to get the food cooking. Everything would be cooked on the grill. We had potatoes wrapped in foil, corn on the cob, and packets of onions and peppers wrapped in foil. Dave tossed those all on the grill because they would take longer to cook than the steaks. We all sat down and continued chatting as we waited.
Josh had taken off his school clothes and was similarly attired like me in nothing but his diaper, which everyone could tell was dirty, and a onesie. We went out into the back yard barefoot and he and I started to kick a soccer ball around the yard. After a while of that I was tired so I sat down. Just as I did Shirley asked if I would go in and get another six-pack of cokes out of the fridge to put in the ice bin. I said I would and went into the house to get them.
As I opened up the fridge I was surprised to see that one entire shelf was full of baby bottles full of different beverages. There were probably thirty bottles of milk and different juices in there.
While I squatted in front of the refrigerator digging on the bottom shelf for the cokes I took the opportunity to let out a large bowel movement, which completely filled the seat of my diapers. I grabbed the six-pack and stood up closing the refrigerator door. I turned around and was surprised to see a guy standing in the doorway to the kitchen staring at me. I almost jumped when I saw him, and for some reason, I instinctively tried to cover up my diaper by holding the sodas in front of me.
“Hi,” he said with a smile, apparently enjoying nearly scaring me to death. “You must be Tommy. I’m Mike.”
I had pretty much figured that out for myself already. He looked exactly like Josh except bigger and older. He was a couple of inches taller than me and a little heavier, but still pretty skinny like I was. He had the same blondish hair and blue eyes that his siblings had.
“Hi,” I said walking toward him and holding out my hand. “It’s good to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Good to meet you, too,” he shook my hand, “And I’ve heard quite a bit about you, too.”
He stood there for a second staring at me, and I could tell he was admiring my diapers.
“Where’s everyone at?”
“We were all out back,” I said. “Your dad is making lunch.”
“Cool,” he said and turned to go outside.
I followed him out onto the patio closing the sliding door behind me. As he walked I could definitely hear the diaper crinkling underneath the blue jeans he was wearing.
“Michael!” Shirley said when she saw him come out.
“Mikey!” Sharon and Joshy both squealed in chorus.
The three of them all ran up and hugged him. Josh wanted to be picked up and his brother indulged him.
“We missed you, Mikey,” Josh informed him.
“Thanks, runt,” Mike said affectionately. It was obvious that the two of them were close.
“How was the drive?” Dave asked him as he came over from the grill to give his older son a hug.
“It was fine, Dad. Thanks.”
“Well sit down. Tell us how things are going at school,” Shirley said as she brought him a cold soda.
“Everything is fine,” He said, “I did good on all of my tests this week. I think I might make the Dean’s list this semester.”
“That’s great!” his mom exclaimed. “Tommy is on the Dean’s list at his school, too. How’re Matt, Caleb, and Janice?”
I assumed those were his roommates.
“They’re all good,” he said. “I dropped Caleb off and said hi to his parents before I came over.”
“And why didn’t he come over here to see us?” Shirley inquired.
“Because he wanted to go home and see his family, Mom. I told him he had to come over later to say hi.”
“The steaks are done,” Dave announced bringing a platter of steaming meats over to the table.
“Let’s eat then,” Shirley said.
We all filled our plates with tons of food and started eating. Josh and Sharon sat on either side of Mike because they understandably wanted to be close to him. I sat on Sharon’s other side. The food was all very good.
“I can’t wait to change all of my boys together,” Sharon said.
As she did she plopped one hand down onto Mike’s crotch and the other onto mine. We both jumped a little when she did and Mikey almost spilled is plate.
“Sharon, behave,” her mom said with a smile.
“Sorry,” Sharon said, “I’m just so excited. We haven’t all been together in such a long time.”
After eating we all sat chatting around the table for a little while. No one seemed to mind that all three of us boys smelled pretty bad. When we got bored with that Shirley suggested:
“Do you boys want to go swimming?”
“Yeah!” Josh said immediately.
“Sure,” Mike said.
“Yeah, why not?” I joined in.
“Let’s get you all changed then,” Sharon said, standing up immediately
We formed a little line and proceeded inside.
“Who’s poopy?” Sharon asked while we were walking.
“I am!” Josh proclaimed proudly.
“Me too!” Mike said with almost equal enthusiasm.
“Me three,” I said with somewhat less enthusiasm.
We went upstairs and stood in line by the changing table as Sharon took out the changing supplies.
Mikey got the honor of being first. Sharon had him strip down to nothing but his diaper and lay on the table. She untaped his diaper, which was pretty swollen with pee and had a brown streak in the seat from his poop. As soon as she opened his diaper I could see that he did indeed have erections during diaper changes, too. Like, Josh, he also had no qualms whatsoever about me watching his diaper being changed. I was surprised to notice that, like me, he didn’t have hair on his crotch, legs, or anywhere really.
Sharon proceeded to wipe the poop and pee off of him and get him cleaned up. She powdered him lightly to dry his skin off, but didn’t bother putting any diaper-rash cream on him. She retrieved two swim diapers from his dresser, handed me one, which was purple, and put the red one I had worn the other day on him.
“That’s the same diaper Tommy wore the other day,” Josh told Mike.
“So?” his brother replied.
“Just telling you,” Joshy said.
As soon as his diaper was fastened firmly in place he was allowed to get up. He hopped off of the table and walked around getting used to the swim diaper, which I assume he hadn’t worn in a while.
Then, Sharon made Josh and I each pick a number between one and ten to see who went next. I won so I climbed onto the table. The vinyl was still warm from Mike being changed, which was nice.
Sharon unsnapped my onesie, and had me sit up so she could take it off. When it was off she started to untape my diaper. Mike and Josh both got a good view of my messy crotch and butt. Mike was watching a little too intensely. I figured he was probably trying to compare sizes a little bit, which I suppose wasn’t a totally unreasonable thing to do since I had done it to him too.
Before long I was well secured in my swim diaper and I got up so that Josh could get his change. A few minutes later all three of us were in our different colored swim diapers. Sharon told us to go downstairs and hop in the pool. She said she was going to change into a swimsuit and come get into the pool too.
We all went down and dove into the pool. We played around a little bit until Sharon came down. When she got into the pool we had enough people for some pool-volleyball so we rigged up the net they had for the purpose and played a few games of that.
After that Sharon and I climbed over into the hot tub while Josh and Mikey continued to play. I had to say that seeing her in her skimpy bikini was quite a turn on for me. I was actually glad to be wearing the swim diaper that time because if I had been wearing swim trunks my massive erection would have been visible the whole time.
After we were in the pool for a couple of hours Shirley came out and called Josh in to take a nap.
“Aw, Mommy,” he whined. “Do I have to?”
“Yes,” Shirley said firmly.
“But, Mommy,” he really started to whine, “I don’t wanna.”
“Joshy,” his mom stormed out onto the patio, “If you don’t take a nap now you’ll have to go to bed early. If you take a nap I’ll let you stay up late with Mikey and Tommy tonight. Now get out of the pool, right now, or Mommy is going to spank you!”
“Oh, okay,” he finally said. Then he looked over to Sharon, “Can you change me?”
She sighed as if she didn’t want to, but then he made with the puppy-dog eyes.
“I guess so,” she smiled and shook her head as she climbed out of the hot tub. “Let’s go, squirt.”
They left leaving me alone in the hot tub and Mike alone in the pool. He swam up and rested his arms on the narrow wall that divided the pool from the hot tub.
We played the same question-answer game that Josh and I had done the first night I was here so that we could get to know each other. He told me what he was doing in school and I told him about my college career. Of course our conversation turned to diapers and we went through our histories on the matter. I played dumb like Josh hadn’t told me anything about his brother wearing diapers just to see how their stories matched up. Mike turned out to be completely honest with me and told me the whole thing just like Josh had. I told him about my punishment and all that crap.
“So do you like diapers?” he asked me.
“Yeah,” I said honestly, “In a lot of ways I do. I guess I sort of have a little fetish. I just wish I could get out of the punishment thing so I could have a little fun with it.”
“Talk to Sharon,” he suggested, “Maybe if you told her you wanted to be diapered full-time and be babied a little she’d indulge you.”
“Yeah,” I said reluctantly, “But I’m not so sure I want to be diapered full-time. I’m kind of embarrassed about it sometimes. And I think with her it would be all or nothing.”
“So was I for about the first six months,” he said. “After that I said, ‘Screw it. Who cares?’ and just ignored everyone else. Turns out most people who find out I wear diapers say pretty much the same thing.”
“I don’t know,” I said doubtfully. “I’ll have to put a little more thought into it.”
I changed the subject, “So what’s with no hair down there?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” he said with a little smile.
“Mine’s part of the punishment,” I said. “Sharon puts hair removal lotion all over me once a week. As soon as I’m done with this punishment, I’ll probably grow it all back. Now, what’s your excuse?”
“Well,” he said. “I started puberty kind of late. A little after I turned fourteen. My parents said that I was a baby and babies don’t have hair on their bodies. So, if I wanted to stay a baby I had to have it all taken off. Otherwise I had to grow up and no more diapers or babying or anything.
“It took me about a month to decide. I was a growing boy, you know, and I was a little proud of my little patch of pubes down there. But finally I chose to stay a baby. I just couldn’t give up my diapers. So we went to my doctor, Dr. Graham…”
“Yeah I know him,” I interrupted.
“Really?” he asked. “Anyway, we went to him and he gave a friend of his a call that did hair removal and we went to see that doctor. I can’t remember his name at the moment. Anyway he used electrolysis and some lasers and they took all the hair off my crotch, legs, butt, back, arms, everywhere; permanently.”
“Permanently?” I asked.
He nodded soberly, “And I’ve had no regrets.”
“Did that hurt?” I asked a little in shock.
“Some,” he said honestly. “The electolysis isn’t so bad, but the laser can leave you with a little bit of sunburn like irritation. The diaper area was the worst. Imagine a sunburn on your balls and then you have to wear diapers over it and pee and poop in them.”
“Ouch,” I said.
“Yeah,” he said. “I had to resort to using condom catheters over my penis and pee in a plastic bag for a few days while it healed. That wasn’t fun. And it takes more than one treatment to get all of the hair.”
“I’ll at least say that’s some dedication,” I said in admiration.
“Josh will probably have to make the same decision in a few years.”
“So who changes you at college?” I asked.
“My roommates all take turns,” he said. “They’ve all known me for years and don’t mind. They all came over here for a diaper-changing boot camp before we went off to school. In fact they all seem to like it. I kind of get babied there a little bit, too. I don’t mind. I even have a crib there instead of a bed. I do have to use disposables all the time though. I don’t have time to do all the extra laundry.
“I especially like when Janice changes me,” he said with an arched eyebrow. “She’s very hot. I’ll have to show you some pictures later.”
“Just don’t get me in trouble,” I said looking around to see if Sharon had come back out. “Your sister can be a jealous woman.”
Right about then Sharon came back out on the patio. She had already changed back into some shorts and a halter-top.
“You boys about ready to get out?” she asked us.
“Yeah,” Mike said, “I’m starting to turn into a prune.”
“Well, come on let’s get you guys changed then,” she said. “Who’s poopy?”
“I’m not,” Mike answered as he stepped out of the pool.
“Me neither,” I said.
“Good,” she said, “Then I can change you out here, and we don’t have to go upstairs and wake Joshy.”
She walked up to Mike who was out of the water before me. She quickly reached down and popped his swim diaper off, pulled it out from between his crotch, and handed him a towel to dry off with. By that time I was out of the water too, and she did the same thing to me leaving me standing there naked outside on the patio.
When Mike was done drying himself off Sharon ordered him to lie down on the table out on the patio. It was the table we had eaten lunch at. It was a large, round, concrete table that Mikey had no trouble fitting onto. When he was lying down with his legs hanging off of the edge of the table Sharon had him lift his legs and sprinkled baby powder all over his diaper area rubbing it in to make sure his skin was dry. A minute later she had a new disposable taped on him and told him to get up.
Next, it was my turn. I copied Mike, lying down on the table. I of course got a big hard-on when Sharon rubbed baby powder into my balls. Just as quickly, I had a diaper taped around me. I noticed though, when I had it on, that there wasn’t a Tigger sticker on the front like Mikey had on his diaper. Instead there was a square decal bearing Scooby Doo on it.
“What’s that for?” I asked Sharon, pointing at the front of my diaper.
“Mom and I thought you’d like something to distinguish your diapers from Mikey’s and Josh’s,” she said. “We just happened to find those the other day at a craft store when we went shopping while you were sick. We found them when we were getting more stickers for the boys. They come in rolls of 100 just like theirs. Now you have your own diaper decals.”
“Wow,” I said a little sarcastically.
“Okay,” Sharon said, ignoring my remark. “You boys go inside and play for a little bit. Don’t go upstairs because you might wake Joshy. Why don’t you two go down to the rec room?”
We did as we were told going into the house and then into the recreation room in the basement. It was a large room that had a large-screen TV entertainment center, a pool table, and even a really cool wet-bar.
“Want to play some pool?” Mike asked me when we entered the room.
“Sure,” I said with a shrug.
“Grab some cues,” he said as he walked over towards the bar.
I went over to the rack on the wall that contained several cues and grabbed two of them. Meanwhile I heard a refrigerator door open. There must have been a small one under the bar. I heard bottle caps popping off of bottles. Mike brought over two bottles of beer and handed me one.
“Are you allowed to drink these?” I asked with a smile knowing that he was underage.
“No,” he said, also with a smile.
“Are we going to get in trouble?” I asked still smiling.
“Maybe,” he just shrugged.
He sat his beer down on the edge of the pool table and racked up the balls. We got our game underway. I quickly found that Mike was a lot better at pool than me, but that was understandable considering he had a pool table in his home. As we played I was struck by the hilarity of two adult guys wearing nothing but diapers as they played billiards.
We played for about fifteen minutes before Sharon came down. She came into the basement carrying two folded-up onesies for Mike and I.
“What are you two doing drinking?” she asked immediately seeing our beer bottles.
“Come on, Sis,” Mike said, “It’s just one beer.”
She pursed her lips disapprovingly.
“Well, I’m sure you do much more drinking at school,” she said.
“Actually, I don’t,” he said seriously. “None of us drink too much, and I don’t want to lose my scholarship.”
Without saying a further word Sharon came over and put a onesie on each of us. I told her that we could put them on ourselves, but she ignored me. She put a red one on Mike.
“You’re already wet,” she commented to Mike as she was snapping the crotch of his onesie together.
“So, what’s new?” he asked rhetorically.
She then came over and put the one with “Tommy” emblazoned across the chest on me. As she bent over snapping the crotch together, Mike took his next shot.
After she was done dressing us Sharon went over to the bar. She somewhat hypocritically supplied herself with a beer of her own. She sat on a stool at the bar and watched us play pool.
“So, little bro,” she asked after a while, “Any current romantic interests?”
“Gee, that took all of four hours to come up,” he said sarcastically.
“Well?” she pressed further.
“Well, maybe one little one,” he said blushing slightly.
“Do tell,” Sharon prodded.
“Well, the roommates and I had a little party at our house,” he began.
“See?” Sharon said, “I told you, you guys drank all the time.”
“We had one little party,” he said. “Now, can I tell my story?”
“Please do,” she said grinning.
“Anyway,” he continued, “There was a little party. I think no more than thirty people in the house. I’ll admit I got just a little drunk, but all of my roomies got really drunk. Matt was passed out on the couch, Caleb had already crashed in his bed, and I think Janice was close to doing a table dance on the kitchen table.”
“Sounds like quite a party,” I commented.
“It was fun,” he said honestly.
“Anyhow, so there I was, slightly drunk. Not staggering or anything. I just had a really good buzz. Anyway, Caleb had changed me before the party started, which would normally have lasted me, but I had had a good six beers and I was peeing like crazy, and of course at some point I pooped and was starting to smell. I was starting to panic a little because I knew I only had a little while until I started to leak, and I needed a change. Of course we all know that I’m not all that good at changing my own diapers.”
“How often do you do it?” I interrupted.
“I’ll put it this way,” he answered, “I can count on my fingers the number of times in my life that I’ve changed my own diaper.
“But anyway, so I was starting to panic. But then I saw this sort of tall, pretty redhead standing up against a doorframe. She looked a little bored and no one was talking to her. So, I go up to her and introduce myself, and tell her this is my party, and ask her if she’s enjoying herself. Then I asked if she wouldn’t mind changing my diaper.”
“Now, there’s a pick up line,” Sharon said sarcastically.
“I figured she would either say I was freak, slap me, and leave; politely say no and get away from me as fast as she could; or she’d say yes. Either way I didn’t have much to lose. I really was just looking for a change. If I had waited much longer I would have asked anyone that looked half-sober, including a guy.
“To my surprise,” he continued, “She didn’t say no. She looked a little bit surprised, and she thought about it for a long while, but she didn’t say no. Finally, right as I was about to very sheepishly excuse myself and look for another potential diaper changer, she shrugged and said ‘sure.’
“After I almost had a heart attack from her saying yes, we went upstairs to my room. She thought my crib was ‘darling’ and that my onesie and the Tigger sticker on my diaper were the ‘cutest things,’ and then she changed me. She was a little grossed out by my mess, but she didn’t puke or anything. She was very thorough and gentle about cleaning me up, and then she diapered me back up rather well I thought. Then, when she snapped my onesie back in place, we made out for a little while.”
“Woo hoo!” Sharon said playfully. “Mikey got a little action.”
“Anyway, so after half an hour of that she said she needed to go. But before we left she insisted on putting me in my sleeper, which she saw hanging over the side of my crib, and putting me to bed. So, after that, she gave me a goodnight kiss and left.”
“And that was it?” Sharon pried further.
“Well,” Mike continued, “I thought it was. I mean I didn’t try to get her number or anything. She was nice and all, and really pretty, but I figured she wouldn’t really want to have anything to do with me seriously. So, everything went like normal for the next couple of days until one day after I got home from school. I was alone in the house doing homework up in my room and I heard the doorbell. So I went downstairs, opened the front door, and there she is.
“She said she was in the neighborhood and thought she’d come by to see if I needed a diaper change. It just happened to be around my changing time and I was pretty soggy, so I invited her in and she changed me again just like last time. But this time we made out before she put my onesie on. She just couldn’t wait for that. And before she left this time I got her number and asked if we could see each other again, maybe over dinner. So, now I’ve taken her out a couple of times and we’re kind of seeing each other. I guess it’s gotten semi-serious. And no, we haven’t had sex in case you’re wondering.”
“You should have brought her home with you,” Sharon said.
“Uh no,” Mike answered, “I don’t think we’re at that point yet. Besides she’d probably be a little overwhelmed by this place. She’s not a rich kid like us.”
“You’re just afraid she’d see you and Joshy’s cute wittle nursery and fall in love with the place,” Sharon said playfully.
“How about you shut up, Sis,” he said seriously but with a smile.
“So what’s her name?” Sharon asked.
“Michelle,” he said.
“That’s cool, little bro,” Sharon said affectionately. “Good luck.”
About that time we heard the thunder of feet running down the stairs toward the basement. A few seconds later the door burst open and Josh came running in sporting a diaper and onesie just like Mike and I. His onesie was a light yellow color.
“Hi everybody!” he said excitedly.
He ran over to the pool table and gave Mike and I both a hug and then climbed up onto the stool Sharon was on and into her lap. He wrapped his arms around her neck and gave her a kiss then sat in her lap and watched Mike and I continue our game of pool.
“Can I have a soda?” he asked after a few minutes.
“Sure, baby,” Sharon said.
She sat him down on the stool next to her and got up and went around to the back of the bar. She pulled out a brown glass bottle much like our beer bottles. I assumed correctly that it was root beer. She popped the top off.
“Now can you drink this without spilling it, or do I need to put it in a sippy-cup for you?” she asked him before handing him the bottle.
“I won’t spill it,” he said rather indignantly.
She handed him the bottle of root beer then took out three more and brought one each over to Mike and I, replacing our empty beer bottles with them. She kept the last one for herself and then sat back down letting Josh climb back into her lap.
We played for another hour or so before we got tired of that, and then decided to go up to see what their parents were doing.
“Hold on guys,” Sharon said before we left the basement. “You three stand together so I can get a picture of you all in your onesies.”
“Come on, sis,” Mike said annoyed.
“Shush,” she said, “Now, do it.”
Mike and I stood next to each other while Josh ran up and stood in front of us. Sharon produced her camera and snapped two or three shots of us. After that we went upstairs. It was getting close to dinnertime so we decided to find the parents and see what was in the works. We found Dave doing some paperwork in his large office on the ground floor, and Shirley in her equally large sewing room next to the office. She was bent busily over one of her two sewing machines working on something or other.
“Are you guys about ready to go into town?” she asked us when we all came into her sewing room. “We’re eating at the restaurant tonight.”
She was of course referring to the restaurant we had eaten at the previous Sunday evening. The place had a name, but it was the only nice, sit-down restaurant in town, so that’s what everyone called it. There was a Pizza Hut and a fast food place in town and that was pretty much it for eating establishments.
We all confirmed that we were getting a little hungry.
“Sharon can you make sure the boys get dressed, and change whoever it is that stinks?”
“I think its Tommy,” Sharon said causing me to blush a little. “Sure, Mom. Let’s go, boys.”
We all went upstairs to the nursery. She checked all of our diapers. I was the only one who had pooped so I was told to go wait by the changing table for her. Meanwhile she saw that the boys picked out appropriate clothes. She told Mike the help Josh get dressed then came over to me. As she started to change my diaper Mike changed Josh into a white onesie then let him get dressed on his own.
She got me cleaned up and rediapered leaving my onesie on. Though it had my name in big letters across the front, whatever shirt I wore would cover that up. After that, she left the room and came back with a pair of navy shorts and a plaid polo shirt for me. She told us all to make sure we tucked in our shirts and looked nice. As we all got dressed I could just barely tell that Mike’s shorts had concealed snaps along the inseam and crotch just like Josh’s.
A few minutes later we were all dressed. I was very uncomfortable with my shirt tucked in, which only made my diapered abdomen more prominent, but neither Mike nor Josh seemed to care about this. Obviously they were used to it and didn’t care about people noticing their diapers.
We went downstairs to the family room to wait for everyone else to get ready. As we walked in a line like a row of ducks, our diapers crinkled in chorus. We sat next to each other on the couch waiting patiently for Sharon and her parents. Finally, Dave and Shirley alighted from their bedroom, which was on the ground floor, and Sharon came downstairs.
We all went out and piled into the truck. Since Josh was the smallest he sat up front in between his parents. Sharon sat in the middle of the backseat while Mike and I sat by either window. A few minutes after we left we could all hear some farting noises and the cabin of the truck began to smell really bad.
“Who was that?” Shirley asked holding her nose.
“Me,” Mike said, “Sorry.”
“I pooped too,” Josh chimed in.
“Couldn’t you boys have done that before we left?” asked Shirley.
“No,” they both said in unison.
Dave cracked the windows in the truck so that we could all get some fresh air. After what seemed like and interminable period we got into town and to the restaurant. Dave parked and we all got out.
Shirley had the diaper bag with her and immediately headed toward the ladies’ room with Mike and Josh in tow when we got into the restaurant. I was infinitely glad that I wasn’t going back there this time. The place was just as crowded as it had been last Sunday. Ten minutes later they were all back and I could tell by the fresh scent of baby powder and the absence of the foul smells that the boys were both in clean diapers.
We had a very nice meal, just like we had had the last time we were here. After he was done eating Mike got up and circulated through the restaurant greeting and chatting with people he hadn’t seen in a while. He talked to several people that looked his age that were employed at the restaurant and said hi to several others who just happened to be eating there at the time. We stayed at the restaurant for quite a long time socializing with other patrons and chatting amongst ourselves. We even got dessert there before we left.
Finally, around eight or nine we left and headed back home. Shirley took us boys upstairs and gave us a bath. The three of us all bathed in the tub together. Even with three of us the large tub wasn’t really crowded.
When we were all freshly bathed she diapered us in our cloth night diapers and put us all into our footed sleepers. Mike didn’t like his having to wear his sleeper with the zipper on the back since he was used to wearing ones at college with a zipper on the front so he could get himself in and out of them. Unfortunately for him, his mom didn’t give him a choice. He was still a little upset and made the mistake of fussing a little too much about his night attire. Shirley finally got tired of his whining and went over to his dresser and pulled out a sleeper that not only had a zipper on the back, but it also had sewn on mittens at the ends of the sleeves.
He didn’t want to put that on either, and I’ll admit he was starting to be a little babyish about the whole thing. I would have long ago given in and put on whatever I was told to. Finally, the threat of being made to wear his punishment diapers for the rest of his time here made him calm down and put his sleeper on.
Shirley stood behind him and pulled the garment up over his shoulders when his feet were in the sleeper. She zipped the sleeper up locking it at the top. The mittens were sewn on to the garment in such a way that they dangled from the cuffs of his sleeves and he could still put his hands outside of the sleeves, but as soon as the sleeper was on him his mom pulled the mittens over his hands and zipped them shut. The mittens didn’t have thumbs in them and seemed to be well padded, so there was no way for Mike to unzip the mittens and take them off by himself.
“Now, go play with the other boys and behave,” Shirley said gently, but still very firmly.
Mike came over to us still sulking a little bit. Josh and I had been sitting in the middle of the nursery watching the whole affair unfold and had said nothing. Josh was wearing a purple sleeper that had a large Eeyore embroidered on it. Mike’s sleeper with mittens was red and had Winnie the Pooh on it. Pooh was sitting down with a large pot of honey in between his legs and his hand stuck in the pot.
It was around ten and we didn’t have a bedtime tonight so we decided to watch a DVD. Mike went into the closet to pick one out while Josh followed him and came back out pulling a couple of large, multi-colored beanbag chairs. I hadn’t seen these before and hadn’t even known they were in the closet. Josh dragged the two beanbags over in front of the TV, and pointed at one of the beanbags indicating that it was for me. I climbed into it, lying down and making myself comfortable.
As soon as I was done shifting around, Josh climbed into my lap and laid back on my stomach and chest. His head came up to just below my chin. He hadn’t asked if he could sit on me, but I didn’t mind. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my hands on his stomach.
We watched our movie, which was a new Disney film that I actually liked. After a while Sharon came in and joined us. She handed us each a baby bottle with Hawaiian Punch in it, and pulled a third beanbag chair out of the closet for herself and dragged it over next to mine and sat down in it.
Then, Josh began moving back and forth between Sharon’s, Mike’s, and my laps for most of the duration of the movie. I guess he figured we’d all like a little break from having his weight on us. Finally, he ended up back lying on me where he eventually drifted off to sleep with his half-empty bottle still in his mouth. I was getting a little tired, too, and at some point I also fell asleep.
I woke up I don’t know how long later following the familiar sound of the snap of a camera shutter. I looked around and saw that Sharon was taking pictures of Josh and me and some of Mike who was also asleep with his bottle in his mouth.
“How many pictures have you taken since we got here?” I asked her quietly so as not to wake Josh.
“Not enough,” she answered with a smile.
She then leaned over and nudged Mike.
“Come on boys,” she said to us. “Let’s all go to bed.”
Mike got up slowly and groggily headed toward his crib. Without a word he mechanically put the side down and climbed into it. He lay down and rolled over to face the wall and fell asleep instantly.
I sat up carefully trying not to wake Josh up. I rolled him over so that he was cradled in my arms then leaned forward and stood up still holding him. I was halfway afraid that I was going to throw my back out picking him up but he wasn’t all that heavy. I couldn’t remember ever carrying a ten-year-old before, but I’ve carried bags of concrete and I knew he weighed less than that. I carried him over to his crib and carefully laid him down in it. Thankfully, Sharon had already dropped the gate on it for me otherwise I probably would have had some trouble getting him into the crib. On laying him down I ran my fingers through his hair gently and stood back up.
Sharon then leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek and closed his crib. She then took me by the arm and led me over to my crib. Along the way we stopped for a few minutes and she gave me a kiss, several actually, that were considerably more intimate than the one she had given her little brother.
After that she tucked me into my crib, gave me one last kiss, and turned to leave. She turned the light off and closed the door, but leaving it partway open as usual.
I peed one last time for the night into my cozy cloth diapers and then turned over on my stomach and fell asleep.
I woke up that day at my usual relatively early hour. I didn’t have a watch on, but I could see that it was mostly light outside. I sat up in my crib and looked over at the clock on the wall above the changing table. It was a little after 7:30. I could have gone back to sleep but I didn’t feel like sleeping any longer. I could feel a bowel movement coming on so I lay there in the crib for about fifteen minutes until that developed into fruition then got up to get out of the crib. As I sat up I made sure to squish my poop flat inside my diaper. Not only did that make it a little easier to walk with a loaded diaper, I also liked the feeling of the first squish of a new load of poop.
I let the side of the crib down quietly and started to climb out. I could tell by the sound of their breathing that both Josh and Mike were still asleep so I tried to be especially careful. I quietly climbed out of the crib and headed out of the nursery and downstairs.
I could smell fresh coffee as I went down the stairs so I knew that someone else was up already. I went through the kitchen and found Dave sitting at the breakfast table reading his morning paper and drinking his morning coffee. He looked up when he heard the plastic patter on the kitchen tile of the vinyl bottoms of the feet on my sleeper.
“Good morning, Tommy,” he said with a pleasant smile. “Help yourself to some coffee.”
I decided that was a good idea so I found a coffee mug and poured myself a cup. I took it black as usual. I sat down at the table one chair down from Dave and carefully sipped at my scalding beverage. Dave leaned over and pushed a section of the paper he had already read across the table toward me.
“You’re an early riser,” he commented without looking away from his paper.
“Yeah,” I said. “I’m used to getting up pretty early for school every morning.”
“That’s good,” he said. “I’ve always been an early riser. Even when I was a kid.”
“Me too,” I said. “I always feel like I’ve wasted part of the day away when I sleep late.”
We sat quietly reading the paper for a few minutes until Shirley came into the kitchen tying a robe around her.
“Good morning guys,” she said.
“Good morning, dear,” Dave said.
“Morning,” I replied.
She walked over and gave her husband a somewhat prolonged good morning kiss. To my surprise I also got a kiss on the cheek.
“I’m thinking omelets for breakfast,” she said to no one in particular as she returned to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee.
“That’s fine, sweetheart,” Dave said.
“Sounds great!” I said. I was a big fan of good omelets and preferred them very much over pancakes, French toast, and most other breakfast fare, though waffles were still my favorite.
She started on breakfast and soon the house was filled with the wonderful smells of bacon frying. She popped a large tray of frozen biscuits into the oven, which added to the pleasing aromas. It also thankfully covered up the smell of my dirty diapers, which had started to stink. I was still puzzled that no one ever seemed to notice the smells of messy diapers in this house, but I suppose they were all just so used to it.
The large mound of bacon was almost done when Sharon walked into the kitchen.
“Morning everybody,” she said cheerily.
She kissed her mom and got a cup of coffee then kissed her dad and sat down next to me. This time it was I who received the somewhat prolonged good-morning kiss.
Apparently the smells of fresh-cooked bacon had spread through the house and awakened everyone because Josh and Mike came down the stairs together a few minutes later. They both gave their parents and sister good morning kisses and joined us at the table. After finishing her coffee Sharon got up to help her mom with breakfast.
Meanwhile, Shirley went over to the refrigerator for a minute and then walked into the breakfast room. She set a baby bottle of milk in front of Mike, Josh, and me. We each, without being told, picked up our bottles and started sucking on them.
“Can someone please let me out of these?” Mike asked holding up his mitten-encased hands.
Shirley walked around the table and unzipped the mittens and pulled them off of his hands.
“I guess that will teach you not to argue with Mommy, huh?” She asked
“Yes, ma’am,” he said politely, but still a little annoyed.
She then asked us each what we wanted in our omelets after giving us the choices of ingredients. We placed our orders and then waited quietly still nursing our bottle of milk.
Sharon set a plate of bacon and a dish full of steaming hash browns on the table then put a basket down with biscuits wrapped in a towel in it. I asked if she needed help setting the table, but she just smiled and shook her head no.
A few minutes later Shirley started bringing out plates with individually made omelets on them. First Josh, then Mike got theirs, then Dave and I. Finally, Sharon and her mom both sat down with their own omelets and we all began eating. It was a really good meal.
“What are we doing today?” Josh asked as he took a big bite of a biscuit dripping with honey.
“I thought we’d all go into town today,” Shirley said. “I’m sure you’ll probably see a lot of your friends, Mike.”
“How about a boys’ night out, tonight?” Dave suggested.
“Yeah!” Josh and Mike exclaimed in unison.
“How about it, Tommy?” Dave asked me.
“Yeah, sure,” I said. “Sounds cool.”
I tried not to sound overly excited, but I was secretly overwhelmed with joy. I had kind of been hoping we could do that ever since Dave had told me about it when I was sick on Monday.
“Well what are we going to do then?” Sharon asked.
“We can have a girls’ night in,” Shirley replied. “We can watch girly movies, eat popcorn, gossip about the guys, do each others nails.”
“Okay, that sounds fun,” Sharon said. “You guys go off and have fun. Mom and I will stay here.”
After breakfast Sharon took Mike, Josh, and me upstairs and changed our diapers. We were all very wet and messy and ready for a change. After the three of us were in disposable diapers and clean onesies we were told to watch TV for a little while until it was time to get ready to leave.
We went over to the entertainment center. Mike grabbed the remote and plopped stomach-down into one of the beanbags that were still out. I sat down in the same beanbag I had been lounging in the night before. I expected Josh to sit in the empty beanbag next to me, but he asked if he could sit with me again. I didn’t really mind him doing this, but I wasn’t all that keen on it either. I hesitated for a few seconds until he again made with the insurmountable sad face. After that I had to let him sit on my lap.
We watched TV for a couple of hours. Twice while we were watching TV I felt Josh’s butt get strangely warm. I didn’t realize it at first but I was feeling him wetting his diaper. I guess last night I couldn’t feel him peeing through our thick sleepers. Now, with only a thin onesie over his diaper on my bare legs I could feel whatever he did in his diaper.
I think Josh was just about to drift off to sleep when his mom came into the nursery. She walked up to the beanbag we were lying in and stood over us.
“I’ll say it again,” she said. “Tommy and Sharon are going to have you completely rotten by the time they leave, Joshy.”
“So?” he said with a smile.
“Let’s get ready to go boys,” she said. She walked up to and turned off the TV.
“Come on,” she said, “Let’s go.”
I gently pushed Josh up off of me and got up behind him. Shirley checked all of our diapers. We were all only, wet so we didn’t need a change. She told me to go see Sharon for some clothes. I was starting to get a little tired of going to another room hat in hand to beg for my own clothes, but it wasn’t that inconvenient, so I didn’t say anything.
Sharon gave me a pair of my baggy, cargo shorts and a casual polo shirt. I went back to the nursery to get dressed and saw that Josh was again being dressed in a onesie with a polo collar and denim short-alls with snaps in the crotch. Mike was wearing pretty much the same attire except he wore a regular blue polo shirt over his regular onesie. His short-alls also had prominent metal snaps in the crotch and inseam.
After we were all dressed we went downstairs. Everyone seemed to be ready to go at just about the same time. Shirley had, like last weekend, prepared a bottle of water for each of us three boys. Mike and Josh both slipped their bottles into the little pocket on the side of their short-alls. I held mine, again embarrassed to be carrying a baby-bottle in public.
We went out the front door and the six of us piled into Dave’s big truck. Josh got to sit up front in between his parents since he was obviously the smallest while Sharon sat in the middle of the backseat and Mike and I sat on either side of her.
Fifteen minutes later we had parked on Main St. in town and were doing much the same thing as we had done last Sunday: strolling up and down both sides of the street looking at the various shops. Us kids, Sharon included, split up from Dave and Shirley and went our separate ways after agreeing when and where to meet back up.
Sharon and I strolled down the street hand-in-hand chatting about things inconsequential. Josh and Mike walked together ten or fifteen feet ahead of us. After a while Josh ended up taking Mike’s hand and held onto it as they walked down the street casually. Mike had the baby blue diaper bag slung over one shoulder.
After a while I noticed Mike kept bending over to whisper something or other to Josh and point. He did this probably every few minutes or so. Finally, I realized that he was pointing at various girls and young women.
I leaned over to Sharon and whispered in her ear, “Are they on the prowl?”
“I think so,” she said with a smirk.
“They have no shame,” I said.
“None whatsoever,” she agreed.
Finally, they apparently agreed on a their quarry, a pair of tall, skinny brunettes that looked like they were either seniors in high school or perhaps recent graduates. By their dress I could tell that they were most likely out-of-towners probably visiting from Indianapolis or something. Mike kept a tight hold on Josh’s hand and they crossed the street and headed towards the young ladies.
They brazenly approached the ladies, stood by them for a minute pretending to be window-shopping at the same establishment, and then one or the other of them struck up a conversation. They said stuff back and forth to each other for a few seconds, of course they were too far away for me to hear them, and then I saw Josh turn to one of the ladies and start talking to one of the girls.
Within a minute or two one of the girls had taken Josh by the hand and the other one had taken the diaper bag from Mike. The two girls led the boys into the store they had been standing in front of. Ten minutes later the four of them came back out chatting. This time though the other girl had Josh by the hand. After continuing to talk for a few minutes they said their goodbyes, Mike took Josh by the hand again, and they came back across the street toward us. As they approached they both had huge grins across their faces.
“You boys are so bad!” Sharon said.
“What?” Mike said with feigned innocence. “Joshy needed a change and I was getting a little wet too. All we did was ask some young ladies to give us a hand.
“Besides, he started it,” Mike said, pointing down at Josh.
“Nuh uh,” Josh said defensively, “You did, Mikey.”
“I swear, you boys are terrible,” Sharon said.
We spent a couple of more hours strolling around town. By the time we all met up back at the truck I had pooped my diaper. To my relief it was decided that I could wait until we got home to get changed.
When we returned to the house we all went swimming again for a couple of hours after having some sandwiches for lunch. When we were done swimming Mike, Josh, and I were made to take a nap since we were going out that night. We slept for an hour or two then got up around 5:00. Shirley changed all of our diapers and we got dressed in the same clothes we went out in earlier in the day.
The four of us guys left around 6:00 and headed back into town. We first went to the bowling alley and bowled a couple of games. I’m not very good at bowling, but we all still had a lot of fun. After two hours of bowling we went to the Pizza Hut, and we stuffed ourselves with pizza from the buffet. Finally, around 9:00 we caught the late—late for this town anyway—showing of some new action-adventure movie at the town’s small movie theater. Josh was really excited about this because it was a rated “R” movie. We got popcorn, nachos, and sodas at the theater.
By the time the movie let out Mike, Josh, and I had very wet and messy diapers from all the food and soda we had had throughout the evening. Dave said we better get home because it was getting late and we all definitely needed a change.
The drive home was quiet. I sat in the front seat while Josh put his head down in Mike’s lap and went to sleep in the backseat. As we drove home I thought about all the fun we had had that night. I couldn’t remember the last time my family had done something like that. I had to have been younger than Josh when my dad had last taken my brother and me out together.
When we got home we said hi to Sharon and Shirley then Dave led us all upstairs. We undressed and in turn we each climbed up onto the changing table so he could remove our well-used diapers and clean us off. When that was done we were told to go play while he ran us a bath.
We played with Josh’s Legos for several minutes completely ignoring the fact that the three of us were completely naked. Finally, Dave called us in to come get in the tub.
We all got in the tub together just like last night. I quickly found out why the boys liked their father to bathe them. He got down on his knees in front of the tub and played along with us and didn’t care how much water we splashed out of the tub. He splashed water at us playfully and we shot at him with our little squirt guns. After about twenty minutes of playing around there was a large puddle on the floor and just about every surface in the bathroom was dripping with water. Even though he wasn’t in the tub with us, Dave may as well have been, as his clothes were pretty much completely soaked.
He then bathed us each with the same thoroughness and care that Sharon and Shirley used. When the three of us were clean, he dried each one of us off and we went back into the nursery while he cleaned up the mess in the bathroom a little. After the bathroom was partway-clean Dave came out and told us to come get diapered. He made sure Josh went first, which made sense because we had been out of diapers for a while and Josh was likely to have an accident soon if he didn’t get some diapers on.
“Daddy,” Josh asked as he climbed up on the table, “Can we wear our bad boy diapers tonight?”
“Why?” Dave asked, “You’re not in trouble.”
“I know,” Josh replied, “But it’ll be fun for all three of us to be diapered up so thickly.”
“Well,” Dave said thinking about it. He then asked us, “What do you say, boys?”
“Sure,” Mike said with a shrug, “Why not?”
“I guess so,” I said. I secretly kind of liked those thick diapers anyway.
With that Dave nodded and went over to Josh’s dresser and pulled to of his punishment diapers and a larger pair of plastic pants out of the bottom drawer. He then went to Mike’s dresser and pulled out four of his huge punishment diapers and two pairs of plastic pants. He brought the stack of diapers over to the changing table and set them down at the end.
He pulled out two of Josh’s regular diapers and put them on him after first spreading a good portion of diaper-rash cream and powder all over his diaper area. He then put on the two larger diapers and the plastic pants. By the time all four diapers were on him Josh’s legs were spread ridiculously wide. Layers of cloth went halfway down to his knees. He couldn’t get off of the table by himself so his dad picked him up and set him on the ground. He stood there on the floor next to the changing table with his legs spread apart widely. He found he couldn’t walk, so he dropped down to the ground and started crawling around with a big smiled on his face.
Soon enough Mike and I were diapered up even more thickly than Josh. Thankfully, we could both still walk, though it was with considerable difficulty. Dave did have to help us both off of the changing table when he was done diapering us.
“Let’s go show your mother and sister,” Dave said when we were all diapered up.
He picked Josh up and easily lifted him over his head and plopped him down on top of his shoulders. He walked out of the room and down the hall. Mike and I followed him waddling profoundly as we tried to keep up with him. Going down the stairs was another problem entirely. It was really hard to get down with such thick diapers on. Mike and I both made sure to cling tightly to the banister to keep from falling.
We waddled into the family room where Shirley and Sharon were still watching movies. They paused the DVD player when we came in.
“Aw,” Sharon said with a grin, “How cute!”
“David,” Shirley said, “That’s a whole load of laundry you put on them.”
“So,” Dave replied unabashed, “The boys don’t get to be together often and they wanted to have some fun. Besides with all three of them in normal cloth diapers it’s at least half a load of laundry.”
“I suppose,” Shirley conceded, “And they do look awfully cute.”
Sharon quickly got up and retrieved her camera from the kitchen counter. She made Mike, Josh, and I get down on the floor and line up next to each other on all fours with our butts in the air facing her. She then took a few pictures of our thick butts, each of which had “Bad Boy” emblazoned across it. She then made us turn around and sit on the floor. Sitting down forced us to sprawl our legs out extra wide, which gave her an excellent shot of the crying, yellow, sad faces over our crotches.
When she was done taking pictures of us in a few other embarrassing poses Josh crawled over and climbed up into his Mom’s lap. Mike and I got up and waddled over to an empty loveseat. When we sat down next to each other our legs were spread so wide that we had little choice but to let our adjoining legs cross over each other. We all sat in the family chatting for about an hour until it was nearly midnight.
Shirley said that we better all get to bed because we had church in the morning. She stood up and went to the refrigerator and took out three baby bottles of water for us and then told us we better go. Josh crawled over to her and then slowly stood up and held his hands up for her to pick him up. She did and effortlessly placed him on her hip and stuck his bottle in his mouth.
Mike and I followed her up the stairs. Going up the stairs wasn’t as hard as going down, but I still grabbed the banister to help steady myself. Finally, we got to the nursery. Shirley helped us all get into our sleepers; then she put Josh in his crib and tucked him in. She then had to help Mike and I get into our cribs. We just couldn’t get a leg up over the side with such thick diapers on.
She finished tucking us in and told us goodnight after giving us all a kiss on the forehead. I could tell that Josh was asleep within a few minutes. Mike and I chatted for a few minutes before we both drifted off to sleep.
I didn’t wake up that morning until Sharon came in to wake us up around 8:00. We had all been up pretty late last night and no one wanted to get out of their crib. I sat up and yawned as I rubbed my eyes.
“Morning sleepyhead,” Sharon came over and gave me a kiss.
She let the side of my crib down and then went over to get her brothers up. Though Josh wasn’t as excited to get up this morning as he usually was he still woke up with a smile, which would continue to baffle me. Within a few minutes we were all out of our cribs waddling around the nursery. Josh still had to crawl around since his diapers were too thick to let him walk.
Before she started to change us Sharon wanted to get pictures of all of us in our sleepers. She had us stand next to each other in the middle of the room. I’m sure we all looked a little silly standing there with our diapers forcing our legs apart so widely.
After she took some pictures of us we went downstairs for a quick bowl of cereal. Sharon had to pick Josh up and carry him down the stairs. We ate our cereal and we each had a baby bottle of grape juice, then we went back upstairs and we all got our diapers changed.
I won the lottery and got to be changed first this morning. Sharon had to help me up onto the changing table. When I lay down she pulled my plastic pants off. She opened up my first diaper and pulled it off. I noticed that it wasn’t wet at all. My three other diapers had easily contained whatever wetting I had done during the night. In fact the second diaper wasn’t very wet either. Only the front was slightly damp. The two inner diapers were pretty soaked and I was a little poopy though not much.
When I had a new disposable taped on I was allowed to hop off of the table. I noticed that my inner thighs were a little bit sore from being spread apart all night long. While I didn’t mind wearing the “punishment diapers” all night, I imagine it would have been really uncomfortable to have to wear them for an entire twenty-four hours. There was also no doubt in my mind that the diapers would have very easily held whatever the wearer put into them over a full day.
After we were all changed we were each dressed in a clean, white onesie. Sharon went into the boys’ closet and picked some nice dress clothes for them. She told me to wait in the nursery while she got my clothes. She brought back one of my nicer pairs of dress slacks and a pinstriped dress shirt along with a tie and my best dress shoes. Then us boys got dressed there in the nursery. Josh wore a pair of khaki slacks and a short-sleeve dress shirt with a little clip-on tie. Mike was dressed much the same as me in a pair of dress slacks and a long-sleeve dress-shirt. When I looked closely I could see that even their dress pants had concealed snaps in the inseams. I guess they didn’t have any pants at all that didn’t have snaps on them.
About 9:00 or so the whole family gathered in the foyer. Dave was wearing a well-tailored suit and Shirley and Sharon were wearing nice Sunday dresses. Sharon’s was really nice and I was again thankful that my diaper concealed the erection I grew when I looked at her. We headed out the front door and out to the truck. As usual, the diapers we three boys wore crackled along in chorus as we walked.
Twenty minutes later we were at he church building. There we all split up and went to our respective “Sunday School” classes. Josh went to his class for older elementary school kids; while Mike and I went to a class they had for college-aged students. I was a little put out that I couldn’t go to the “adult” class with Sharon and her parents, but I was after all a college student.
There were about twenty people in the college class all of whom Mike knew. I was introduced around and found that everyone was quite nice. Though I didn’t say anything I had a feeling not very many of the people here were college students. Not to be mean or anything, but several of them just didn’t seem like they were all that bright. That didn’t surprise me though since there was no actual college in this town and anyone, like Mike, who did go to college had to leave town. Still, like I said, they were all very nice people.
I also got to meet Mike’s roommate, Caleb, who was there. I found him to be an extremely nice guy, and could see why Mike went off to college with him.
After classes let out we all met up in the church hall for worship services as a congregation. The six of us sat in roughly the same location we had last Sunday. The service was just as nice as the one last week, and I found the sermon quite interesting.
After the services were over we hung around the church for several minutes chatting with everyone. I wished we would have left right away, but Sharon and her parents, and the boys as well, wanted to chat with their friends. The reason I wanted to leave was that I had a rather large bowel movement forming and was in urgent need to release it. As the minutes dragged on, the cramping in my abdomen got worse and worse. My discomfort must have been evident in my face and I knew I had sweat forming on my brow.
Sharon came up and grabbed my arm.
“What’s the matter, baby?” she asked me quietly, apparently noticing my uneasiness.
“I have to go,” I whispered ever so quietly.
“Then go,” she said plainly. “If it’s real bad we’ll change you when we get to the restaurant.”
“We’re going there?” I asked in distress.
“Of course,” she said. “We’ve eaten there every week after church for years.”
Crap. Literally. There was no way I would be able to contain the contents of my bowels for that long. I continued to wait, clenching my butt together tightly. I was able to hold up until we got out into the church parking lot on our way to the truck, but then I couldn’t hold it any longer and I pushed a huge load of poop out into my diaper.
“Phew,” Shirley said when we climbed into the truck and the cab instantly filled with stench. “Who pooped?”
“I did,” I admitted as I blushed.
“I did too,” Josh said.
“Me too,” Mike joined in.
“I’ll change everyone at the restaurant,” Sharon offered.
The restaurant was blessedly close. We got there and went in to find that it was already packed with people dressed in their Sunday best. We would have to wait a few minutes for a table. We met up with Caleb again who was at the restaurant with his family. His family was obviously friends with Mike’s family as they immediately began talking with each other. Caleb had a younger brother that was apparently friends with Josh because they immediately began talking. It was decided that we would all eat together, but there was business to take care of first.
“Let’s go boys,” Sharon said to us. She had the blue diaper bag dangling from one shoulder.
None of us said a word as we got in line and followed her through the crowded dining room to the restrooms at the back of the restaurant. The ladies’ room was even more crowded today than it had been last Sunday when I had been in there. The three of us stood along the wall quietly while Sharon spread out the changing mat on the floor.
This time Mike was first to get his diaper changed. He looked only slightly embarrassed to be changed in front of a bunch of strange women and didn’t seem to mind too much. I was next, and in contrast to Mike I was beyond embarrassed. I was almost trembling with fear as I dropped my pants and got down on the floor. I know my face was completely red as Sharon untaped my diaper and opened it. All I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding in my chest.
I looked over and was even more embarrassed when I saw a little girl about five or so staring at me intently as I was changed.
“Tammy, don’t stare,” the girl’s mom said to her. Thankfully they left quickly.
In five seemingly interminable minutes I had a new diaper on and was able to stand up and pull my pants back up. I carried my heavy, soggy, smelly diaper to the trash and washed my hands without meeting anyone’s eyes.
Five minutes later Josh was changed and we were told to go back out into the restaurant because Sharon had to use the restroom before she came back out. She handed the diaper bag to Josh who took it unabashedly. We trooped back out into the restaurant and found that Shirley and Dave along with Caleb and his family were already seated. We went over to the large table and I was sure that I was still blushing as I sat down. Mike and I sat near Caleb while Josh went over and sat next to Caleb’s little brother whose name I found out was Mark.
A few minutes later Sharon joined us and sat next to me. I felt her knee press up against mine as we looked at our menus together.
Lunch turned out to be very enjoyable. I found out that Caleb and Mike had been friends since before Mike was put back in diapers. Caleb’s father was a lawyer, one of only a couple in town, and did work with Dave. Josh and Mark had known each other their whole lives, well at least since they had both been in diapers, and were in the same homeroom class at school. Shirley and Caleb’s mother were also quite good friends and were in the PTA and a local sewing club together. I would have liked to ask what Caleb and his brother thought about both of their best friends, who happened to be brothers, wearing diapers, but that wouldn’t have been appropriate there in the restaurant.
After lunch, our two families parted ways and we went home. After we had another afternoon swim in the pool Mike had to pack up to head back to college. He and Caleb didn’t want to be on the road too late. After we were changed into new disposables after our swim Mike put on some street clothes while Joshy and I remained in just our diapers and onesies. Finally, around 2:00 or so, he needed to leave. We all gathered downstairs for his farewell.
Shirley and Sharon both had tears in their eyes as they gave him a hug and a kiss.
“You’ve got a couple of diapers for the road?” Shirley asked as she wiped her eyes.
“Of course, Mom,” he said.
“I’ll see you this summer,” Sharon said with an uneven voice.
“Okay, Sis,” Mike said.
Then, I was surprised that Mike gave me a hug. In the short time he had been here, we had grown pretty close and I had to admit that I was going to miss him. I found my throat suddenly tight and I my eyes watering a little.
Josh took his leaving worst of all. He was crying profusely as he held out his hands for Mike to pick him up. He clung tightly around Mike’s neck as his older brother held him.
“I don’t want you to go, Mikey,” Josh said sobbing.
“Aw, I know, squirt,” Mike said gently. “But I have to. School will be out in another month and I’ll be back home for a while, okay?”
“O…Okay,” Josh snifled.
When Mike bent over to set his brother down Josh was still clinging tightly to his neck. He had to physically remove Josh’s arms. As he did he gave him a kiss on the forehead.
Mike then gave his father a hug and then turned to leave. We followed him out onto the porch and watched him walk out to his small Honda. A minute later he backed out and turned around to drive away. We all waved to him as he left.
After that, everyone was pretty depressed for the rest of the day. Sharon and her parents and I sat chatting in the family room for an hour or so.
“Where’s Joshy?” Sharon asked when we suddenly realized we hadn’t seen him since we all come back inside after Mike left.
“I’ll go find him,” I said standing up. “Maybe I can cheer him up a little.”
“Oh would you, honey?” Shirley asked, “That would be so nice.”
“Sure,” I said.
“How’s your diaper?” she asked before I left.
I was actually surprised that she had asked instead of checked it herself.
“It’s fine,” I said as I left. I had only had my current diaper on for a couple of hours, and it was only wet so far.
I headed up the stairs. I found Josh lying in Mike’s crib sleeping. He had Mike’s homemade, quilted blanket pulled up over him. His eyes were a little matted and I could just barely see the dried, white streaks of salt on his cheek. He must have cried himself to sleep. I stroked his soft hair gently with my hand for a few seconds and then quietly left.
Josh was back up an hour or so later. He seemed to be in a better mood than he was earlier. That afternoon he wanted to go outside and play. He dragged me along with him. We went out in the front yard barefoot. He had a pair of purple short-all rompers on over his soft green onesie. Sharon made me put on my Oshkosh B’Gosh short-alls, which I hadn’t known she had even brought, before I went out.
We kicked a soccer ball around for a little while and then tossed a Frisbee around the yard. We got a little rambunctious in our activities and by the time we went back inside we were both pretty dirty with clumps of dirt and blades of grass sticking to us, and grass stains on our clothes.
I made Josh stop on the front porch before we went inside and brushed the worst of the dirt off of him then got down on my knees and asked him to do the same for me. We went inside to find a light dinner cooking on the stove.
We both sort of got into trouble for being so dirty, but Shirley wasn’t too mad at us. I think she was just glad that Josh wasn’t so sad over Mike’s departure anymore.
After dinner Josh and I had our bath a little early. After we were put into our night diapers we were allowed to go around the house in just our diapers and didn’t have to put our sleepers on immediately. It was still only 7:30 so we went downstairs and watched TV with the rest of the family for a while. Around then we got a call from Mike confirming that he and Caleb had arrived safely in Richmond, which was on the far eastern side of Indiana.
It was good that they had gotten there when they had because the meteorologist was predicting some severe thunderstorms across most of the state that night. The sky was clouding up and it looked darker than it should have this early. I suddenly remembered hearing that southern Indiana was in “Tornado Alley.” Though that didn’t really bother me I wondered about it and asked if they had ever had any tornadoes. I was informed that they had been lucky about that, and though they did see the occasional tornado far off in the distance, none had ever come close to them. I also found out that their basement rec room was also a concrete-encased storm shelter should it ever be needed. I had wondered why the door to the basement was so solid.
Around 10:00 Josh and I were put to bed in our cribs. Josh didn’t understand why we had to go to bed so early since there was no school tomorrow. He wanted to stay up later, but he didn’t win the argument. I gave Sharon a kiss goodnight in the den and Shirley led us up the stairs to the nursery. She tucked us in ensuring that we had our bottle of water, and gave us a kiss goodnight, then switched the lights out and left.
Before we fell asleep Josh and I could both hear it start to thunder off in the distance. Before long I heard rain lightly hitting the window above my head. I always liked the sound of rain and it quickly put me to sleep.
I woke up sometime during the night to the cacophonous sound of roaring thunder outside. I didn’t know what time it was, but it was sometime after everyone had gone to bed because I couldn’t see any lights on down the hallway.
I tried to go back to sleep, but the thunder and lightning was pretty bad. I just lay there for several minutes sucking on my bottle of water. Suddenly I was startled when I saw a shadowy form moving outside my crib. I sat up partway and saw Josh standing outside my crib. He had his teddy bear clutched in his arm as he usually did at night.
“What’s wrong, Joshy?” I asked him quietly.
“I’m scared,” he said, “Can I sleep with you?”
I sighed and nodded. I sat up further and reached for one of the latches to let the side of the crib down. He reached for the other and together we quietly lowered the gate down. He lifted a leg up and I grabbed the front of his sleeper and pulled him into the crib with me. I scooted to the far side of the crib to make room for him. I lay down on my side and he nuzzled right up next to me putting his back up against my chest. He used his teddy bear as a pillow. Since he didn’t have anything to keep cradled in the crook of his arm he grabbed my arm, which I had laying along the side of my body, put it across his chest and clasped his arm around it tightly.
Within a few minutes he had drifted off to sleep and was breathing deeply. I followed suit and went back to sleep. My presence must have allayed his fears because I don’t think he woke up at all for the rest of the night.
I slept in a little late that morning and didn’t wake up until Sharon came into the room. She obviously saw Josh sleeping with me and went to get her camera because it was the flash and noise of the camera that woke me.
When I heard the click of the camera my head instantly popped up off of my pillow and I was awake.
“Morning, baby,” Sharon said to me.
“Hi,” I said.
I looked down and saw that Josh and I were still in the exact position we had been in last night. My legs were slightly bent and pulled toward my chest and Josh was sleeping with his back against my chest and his butt resting in my crotch. His legs were drawn up toward his chest like mine, and he still had a death grip on my arm that was wrapped around his narrow torso. I also noticed a moderately strong poopy smell. I couldn’t feel any poop in the seat of my diapers, and I couldn’t remember having pooped during the night, so I assumed that it must have been coming from Josh.
I sat up slowly trying not to disturb him. I was a little stiff and achy from sleeping in the same position all night. I carefully extricated my arm from his grip, which actually took more than a little effort. I manage to climb over him quietly and out of the crib without waking him up. When I was out of the crib I gave Sharon a kiss and went to the bathroom to shave and brush my teeth.
When I was done shaving I went back out into the nursery I saw Sharon still leaning over the crib staring at her little brother.
“Why do you boys have to grow up?” she asked. “You’re all so much cuter when you’re younger.”
“Gee thanks,” I said facetiously.
“Aw,” she said as she turned around and put her arms around her waist. “You know I still think you’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Cute?” I said, “How about handsome?”
She gave me a kiss.
“Nope,” she said, “Cute. Cute it better in my book.”
“I guess that’s all that matters then.”
“Darn right that’s all that matters,” she said.
“Thanks for letting Josh sleep with you last night,” she changed the subject. “He hates loud thunder. He used to climb into Mikey’s crib when he was here. If he had been alone last night he probably would have curled up in a little ball in his crib and cried all night.”
“No problem,” I said. “Although we may have to amputate my arm later. I think he cut circulation off to it for most of the night.”
We left Josh still sleeping and headed for the door.
“How’s your diaper?” she asked. “Is that Josh or you I smell? Or both?”
“It’s him,” I said. “I’m not dirty yet.”
We went downstairs and got some breakfast. Shirley was making a big pot of oatmeal for everyone. I had some coffee and sat down after greeting everyone. Dave was sitting in his usual spot with his usual paper. He handed me a section of the paper to read while we waited on breakfast. Sharon made toast and cut up some cantaloupe and honeydew melons for everyone. By the time they were done making breakfast we could hear Josh clamoring down the stairs.
“Good morning everybody!” he said as he entered the kitchen.
He kissed his mom and sister and ran over to his dad and pulled on his arm so he would lean over and offer his cheek to be kissed. He then climbed up on my chair and sat in my lap. He pretended to read the paper with me, but I was reading the international news section, which I’m sure bored him to death.
While we were reading I watched him reach over and grab my half-empty cup of coffee. He looked up at me as if to ask if he could have a drink. I knew he wouldn’t like it because it was black, so I nodded indicating that he could have a drink. I was surprised when he took several large gulps of the only warm coffee. I was afraid he was drinking too much so I grabbed the bottom of the mug and pulled it away from his mouth.
“Did you like it?” I asked him quietly
He scrunched his face up in disgust and shook his head no.
“Did he like what?” Sharon asked as she carried over a plate of toast.
“Oh,” I said guiltily. “This story on an earthquake in South America.”
“Uh huh,” she said dubiously. “Joshy, get in you own seat so we can eat breakfast.”
“Okay,” Josh said happily as he quickly moved over from my lap to the empty chair next to me.
We each got a large bowl of oatmeal. There was an assortment of things to put in it from granola, to raisins, to honey, to syrup, to milk and sugar. I went for simple milk and sugar with a dash of honey while I watched Josh pile a little, a lot in some cases, of everything on top of his oatmeal.
We ate our oatmeal, toast, and fruit in silence. I sipped a sippy-cup of juice and wondered why we were allowed to have sippy-cups at meals, but only bottles at all other times. The gravity of such reasoning was obviously beyond me, so I decided I’d better just forget it.
“What are we gonna do today?” Josh asked. “It’s yucky outside.”
“Looks like it’s going to be an inside day for all of us,” his mom answered. “The weatherman said it’s going to rain all day.”
“Aw, darn!” Josh said.
“There’s plenty for you guys to do around her,” Shirley said. “And I’ve got plenty of sewing to keep myself busy. You want to help Sharon.”
“Yeah, sure, Mom,” Sharon answered.
“I’ve got to call Harvey today,” Dave said referring to his farm manager, “And see how the fields made it through with the hail we got last night.”
“It hailed?” Josh asked.
“Only a little,” Shirley answered.
We finished up breakfast and Shirley took Josh and me upstairs to change us while Sharon cleaned up the kitchen. She changed Josh first. I was trying to get a little poop out before I was changed so that I wouldn’t have a poopy diaper just a couple of hours after I was changed, but it wasn’t to be. So, I only had wet diapers when she took them off of me. Within ten minutes Josh and I were both diapered up in fresh disposables and we had clean onesies on.
We played some video games for a while and then moved along to playing with some Hotwheels. While Josh was setting up his Hotwheels track I had a sudden, urgent need to poop. I was sitting Indian-style do I moved around so that my feet were underneath my butt cheeks holding my butt off of the floor a little. I pushed out a pretty large load of poop. Josh was alerted to the fact that I was pooping by the sound of my diaper crinkling as the poop filled the seat of my diaper. He giggled a little, but continued with what he was doing.
I sat back down Indian-style and felt the warm load of excrement spread around over my butt and up into my crotch. About that time I also peed rather heavily in my diaper. I almost thought it was going to overflow, but the diaper had really good absorption and sucked my urine up quickly.
Around 11:00 we decided to watch a movie. He let me pick the movie out while he went to the back of the closet to pull out the beanbag chairs. I noticed he only pulled one out as I went to pop a DVD of “The Goonies”—one of my favorite classic kid films from when I was a little guy.
“Why didn’t you get two beanbags out, kiddo?” I asked.
“Well, can’t I lay with you?” he asked. He immediately gave me the puppy-dog eyes giving me no chance to resist.
“You mean lay on me?” I corrected.
He just smiled and nodded.
I sighed and shook my head as I started the movie. When I turned back around to go to the beanbag I saw that Josh had suddenly ran out of the room. I shrugged and walked over and plopped my butt down into the beanbag chair then lay back and got comfortable. By the time I was through getting settled in Josh had returned with two baby bottles of Hawaiian Punch.
I opened my arms and held them up signaling that Josh could sit down. He plopped down rather heavily on my stomach causing me to grunt.
“Easy there, squirt,” I told him.
“Sorry,” he said with a giggle.
I clasped my hands over his stomach, and we settled in to watch the movie. He kept hold of both baby bottles, and I half thought he was saving them both for himself until he lifted one up over my head and shoved it into my mouth. He held it and let me suck on it for a few seconds while he sucked on his. He continued to do that every ten minutes or so. Every time he took a drink from his bottle he lifted mine up over his head for me to drink from. I guess he figured since I was letting him sit on me that the least he could do was hold my bottle for me.
About halfway through the movie—right about the scene with the pipe organ made of human bones for any “Goonies” fans—Josh started squirming around a little bit in my lap. I wondered what he was doing until there was a loud wet fart. I felt a strange sensation on my legs like something was crawling between my legs and his butt. It was him filling his diaper with a large load of poop. The rank odor of his mess combined with mine made the air in the nursery pretty thick, but soon enough we both ignored it and hardly even noticed it.
The movie wasn’t really long so it was over a little after 12:30. Sharon came in about that time to tell us lunch was ready.
“God, you guys stink,” she said somewhat playfully. “Are both of you poopy?”
“Yep,” Josh said right away.
“Lunch is ready,” she said. “Josh, do you want me to change you guys before we eat?”
She hadn’t asked if I wanted to be change. I suppose she wanted to remind me that I was still being punished, and I didn’t get to choose when I got a diaper change.
“Nah,” Josh said as he pushed himself up off of me and stood up. “I’ve only been poopy for an hour or so. I’ll be fine.”
Oh sure, he was fine, but I had been wearing my poop for several hours now, and I wanted a change.
“Okay,” Sharon said then smiled at me, “I guess it can wait a couple of hours then. I’ll change you boys after your nap.”
“A nap?” Josh complained. “Do we have to?”
“Mom says you get to stay up late this week, but you have to take a nap after lunch. Otherwise it’s early to bed young man.”
“Okay,” Josh shrugged. That sounded good to him.
We went downstairs and into the kitchen where Shirley was fixing sandwiches and some soup for lunch. I looked out the sliding door into the backyard and saw that it was still raining drearily.
“Ew,” Shirley said seconds after we entered the room. “It smells like you two were good boys in you diapers.”
“Yep,” Josh said again as he ran over and climbed up into his chair.
I sat down next to him and we each got a plate with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some chips, and little carrot sticks. We also each got a sippy-cup of milk and a cup of soup. We ate our lunch alone because Dave was busy working in his office and Sharon and her mom were sewing up a storm in the sewing room.
After we had been at the table for twenty minutes or so Sharon came up to check on us. Seeing that we were done eating she gave us each a bottle of Pedialye and told us to go lay down. Josh kind of trudged a little bit since he didn’t want to take a nap, but we both made it up to the nursery and went to our respective cribs.
Despite his reluctance to take a nap, Josh fell asleep within few minutes. I took me a while to get to sleep because my poopy diaper made me a little uncomfortable, but finally I drifted off.
I woke up an hour or so later. I hated taking naps because I always woke up so groggy and I guess a little cranky. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Josh wasn’t awake and I didn’t want to wake him up yet, so I leaned up against the back of my crib and sucked on my bottle of juice, which I had hardly touched yet. I sat there for maybe thirty minutes, taking the opportunity to poop another sizeable bowel movement out, before I finally decided to get out of the crib.
I waddled over to Josh’s crib. Along the way I rubbed the outside of my diaper along my butt crack trying shift all the poop around and make it a little more comfortable for me, but it was to no avail.
I got over to Josh’s crib and gently nudged him. He didn’t respond to the first nudge, but on the second one he opened his eyes and sat up quickly.
“Can we get up now?” he asked.
“I think so,” I said. “You want to go downstairs and see if we can get someone to change us?”
He nodded.
“Hop on my back,” I said.
I opened the side of his crib, then turned around and crouched down with my hands on my knees. He stood up in the crib and jumped on my back. I hooked my arms under his knees as he wrapped his arms around my shoulders.
We headed out the door and down the hall. I stopped at the top of the stairs and set him down. I didn’t want to carry him down the stairs because I was afraid that I’d fall or drop him. We went down the stairs quickly and I told him to stop three or four steps from the bottom. When I was at the bottom of the stairs I crouched down a little again and he jumped on my back again.
From there we went into the sewing room where we found Sharon and her mom sewing away.
“Did you boys have a good nap?” Shirley asked.
“Yeah,” Josh said.
“Smells like you boys need a change,” She said as she got up from behind a sewing machine and came toward us.
We followed her out of the room and back up the stairs. I set Josh down again before going up the stairs, but this time it was more because I didn’t think my knees and back could take carrying him much longer. He was a light kid, but he wasn’t that light.
“Tommy’s been poopy longer,” Josh said when we got to the nursery. “You can change him first, Mommy.”
“That’s nice of you, dear,” Shirley said matter-of-factly. Then she patted the table with her hand, “Hop up, Tommy.”
Once I was on the table, she unsnapped the crotch of my onesie and pushed it up over my chest so it wouldn’t get wet or messy. She opened my diaper and instantly recoiled her face with a grimace when she smelled and saw the contents.
“How long has all that been in there?” she asked fanning her face with her hand.
“I pooped once around 9:30 or 10:00,” I said, blushing in embarrassment, “And again about twenty minutes ago.”
“This is ugly, sweetie,” Shirley commented, “You should have come asked us to change you. You’re getting a little bit of a rash”
“Sharon doesn’t let me ask to be changed,” I said.
“Hmm,” Shirley pursed her lips, “I’ll talk to her about that.”
She proceeded with the change as normal. It took a little longer to clean me up this time because I was particularly messy. Finally, when I was clean, powered, and diapered she snapped my onesie back together and let me get down off of the table.
In another five minutes Josh was in a clean diaper, too. We went back downstairs and went out onto the covered part of the patio just outside the backdoor. We couldn’t do much with it still raining so we just sat on some rocking chairs and chatted as we watched the rain drizzle down.
After a while Sharon and her parents, apparently taking a break from what they were doing, came out and joined us. Shirley came out with a pitcher of iced tea and three glasses full of ice and two bottles of juice for Josh and I. I was getting a little tired of having to drink out of bottle and sippy-cups all of time, but I had really mixed emotions about it. On the one hand it was certainly belittling, but I also kind of liked the attention and babying I was getting.
We sat outside talking as a family for perhaps an hour before Sharon and Shirley went inside to start supper. I asked if they wanted help, but they just laughed as if I’d asked a silly question and said no thanks.
The weather started to clear up just as we went inside and ate dinner an hour later. After supper Sharon took Josh and I upstairs and gave us a bath and put us in our night diapers. In keeping with her promise we were allowed to stay up a little later, until 11:00, since we had taken a nap during the day.
We played with Josh’s Legos for a while then watched another movie. Josh, in keeping with his new custom, sat in my lap in the beanbag chair as we watched the movie.
At the appointed time Josh’s mom came up and tucked us in for the night. Though we had been inside for most of the day and hadn’t done all that much I had actually had quite a fun day.
This day was significant for one very important reason. I woke up that day as usual, cozily locked into my sleeper. I had slept pretty darn well last night. In fact I didn’t remember waking up at all which was extremely unusual. It woke up feeling refreshed and energetic. I sat up in my crib then leaned up against the back of the crib scratching my head and rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
It wasn’t until I reached down and groped my diapered crotch for a little morning adjustment that it struck me. My diapers were wet! I had distinctly remembered going to sleep with dry diapers. I remembered this because I normally peed in them at least once between when we were bathed and rediapered at 8:00 and bedtime. But last night I remembered very clearly going to bed in dry, cloth diapers.
Naturally there was only one plausible explanation for this: I wet the bed, or more properly my diapers, in my sleep. I was dumbfounded. I hadn’t wet the bed once since I was potty trained sometime around the age of two. Not even when I was sick, or really tired, or on the very few occasions that I was drunk did I wet the bed. I hadn’t even wet once while sleeping during the whole three-and-a-half weeks of my diaper punishment. Through Sharon’s engineering once, and while I was sick the previous week, a few times I had pooped in my diapers while sleeping, but never had I wet them.
I was understandably pretty upset. I suddenly felt myself wanting to cry. My chest was tight and there was a burning sensation at the back of my throat. My eye watered. I tried to keep the tears from coming, but they had a mind of their own. I lay back down in the crib so that Josh wouldn’t seem me crying if he woke up. I lay on my side as tears ran silently down my cheeks
A few minutes later I heard a plastic sheet rustling and wood creaking from Josh’s crib and could tell that he was waking up. I heard the side of his crib open and then more creaking as he climbed out. There was a light thud as his feet hit the ground.
I heard him coming toward my crib obviously he wanted to see if I awake. I saw him poke his head over the side of my crib resting his nose on the side railing.
“Good morning, Tommy,” he said cheerily.
“Morning,” I said as I sat up wiping my eyes and cheeks.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. His happy morning face turned to one of genuine concern.
“Nothing, Joshy,” I said as I started to open the side of my crib.
“It looks likes you were crying,” he said.
“I’m fine, Joshy. Really,” I said as I got my feet on the ground. Then I lied, “I just had a kind of bad dream and woke up crying.”
“Oh,” he said with a nod. “That happens to me sometimes.”
He stepped forward and hugged me around the waist. He released me a few seconds later and looked up at me.
“Feel better?” he asked hopefully.
“Yeah,” I said smiling at his cuteness, “Thanks, Joshy.”
He took my hand and led me down the stairs. We found everyone already in the kitchen and breakfast room. Josh gave everyone a kiss while I said good morning and poured myself the last of the coffee. Shirley was making scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast. I had to be putting on a little weight here since we ate three meals a day usually starting with a big breakfast.
“You ready to go to inspect the fields with me today, Joshy?” Dave asked as Shirley set plates of food in front of us.
“Is that today?” Josh asked with excitement.
“Uh huh,” Dave nodded.
“Can Tommy come?” Josh asked.
“No, Joshy,” Dave said, “You had Tommy to yourself all day yesterday, let your sister spend some time with him today.”
“Aw,” he said dejectedly, “Okay.”
After we ate Shirley took Josh upstairs to change him quickly and get him dressed because Dave wanted to leave pretty soon. It was already after 9:00 and they were “burnin’ daylight.” He came back down a few minutes later in red short-alls and a baby blue, polo onesie. His mom gave him a bottle of juice and then his dad took his hand and they left.
Shirley went about cleaning up from breakfast, and Sharon took me up to the nursery to change me. She must have noticed that I was slightly sullen and quiet this morning.
“What’s wrong, Baby?” she asked as I sat on the changing table and she pulled my sleeper legs off of my feet.
“I wet the bed last night,” I admitted with a frown.
“You mean your diaper leaked?” she asked feeling around the waist and leg gathers of my plastic pants for any signs of escaped moisture.
“No,” I said with a shake of the head. “I mean I wet my diapers in my sleep.”
“Oh,” she said.
She paused for several seconds.
“So?” she said. “That’s no big deal.”
“Yeah it is,” I said, getting upset again. “I’ve never wet the bed before. I’m losing control of my bladder because of these diapers.”
“So what?” she said. “Once we take you out of them we can potty train you again.”
“Can’t we just stop now?” I said starting to tear up again.
“I don’t think you really want to stop wearing diapers,” she said rather bluntly.
That hit me rather hard and I suddenly stopped crying and just blinked as I stared at her.
“Look,” she said as she pushed me down on the table to start changing me. “Let me change you and get you dressed and then we’ll go for a drive and we’ll talk. Okay?”
“Okay,” I said still depressed.
She changed my diapers, which were only wet and put a disposable on me. She snapped a clean onesie on me and told me to go shave and brush my teeth and she’d be back in a minute with some clothes for me after she changed.
Ten minutes later I was freshened up and she came in with a pair of shorts and a baggy, gray, Old Navy shirt. We went downstairs and she told her mom that we were going out and would be back in a little while.
We got in the Jeep and before long we were speeding off down the state highway. I didn’t really know where we were going, but I knew we weren’t headed toward town. The whole trip Sharon didn’t say a word. I looked over at her. While she didn’t look mad or anything I could tell she didn’t want me to talk to her now.
We finally pulled into a small picnic area along the side of the highway. We pulled up to one of the concrete tables and got out.
Sharon led me by the hand over to the table. We sat down across from each other. She stared very intently at me.
“Look,” She started. “I know you don’t like your punishment, but I know you like wearing diapers.”
I didn’t say anything I just stared back at her unblinkingly.
“Heck, I don’t even think you hate your punishment all that much,” she said, “Or else you would be trying harder to get out of it. Yet you’ve put up with it for nearly a month now with hardly any resistance.
“Don’t try to deny it,” she continued. “I can tell. Maybe, and I’d say it’s a big maybe, you don’t like your punishment, but you’ve been having a ball for the past week and a half here. I don’t think I’ve seen you this happy in a long time; even before your punishment.”
I suddenly realized she had me completely pegged. She had me figured out almost better than I had myself figured out. I didn’t know what to say. Fortunately, I didn’t have to say anything because she had more to say.
“I just want you to know,” she went on, “That it’s okay to like diapers. It’s okay to want to wear them. If you wanted to wear them all the time for the rest of your life that would be okay with me. I just want you to be happy because that makes me happy.
“And don’t think even for a minute that I think you’d be less of a man for wanting to wear diapers. You and my dad are without a doubt the two best men I’ve ever known. You know you’re really a lot like my dad. Strong and determined, yet not afraid to let someone else be in charge sometimes. I think that’s why I love you so much. That’s why I want you to be in my life forever.”
She stopped talking and just stared at me with this funny little smile on her face.
“Do you want to say anything?” she asked me.
“I don’t know what to say,” I stammered. I suddenly had a lot to digest and hadn’t completely fathomed everything she had said to me.
“That’s okay,” she said. “You don’t have to say anything now. While you’re thinking though, let me give you my proposition.”
“Okay,” I said.
“First of all,” she started, “Your punishment ends when I said it would: at the end of the semester. I’m not going to change any of the conditions of that. After that it will be up to you if you want to keep wearing diapers. But if you want to wear diapers it has to be from now on, 24/7. Mainly because in a month I think you’ll have lost a little more control of your bladder and bowel, and I don’t want you having accidents if you decide to go without diapers sometime.
“If you don’t want to wear diapers anymore we’ll get you potty-trained, and as soon as you have dry days and nights we’ll take you out of diapers. Maybe we’ll get you some training pants or something. Also, if you don’t want to wear diapers anymore I won’t ever give you diaper punishment again.
“If you do want to wear diapers from now on you can be babied as much or as little as you want. That’ll be for you to decide. We can talk about that more when you make your decision.
“Finally,” she said. “Just know that whatever decision you make won’t change the way I feel for you. This is totally your decision. And I don’t want you to answer me now either. I want you to think about it. Okay?”
“Okay,” was all I said.
She leaned across the table and we kissed pretty passionately for a good few minutes. After that we got back in the Jeep and returned to the house.
Sharon, her mother, and I had a light lunch of grilled chicken salad. After that Sharon changed me into a swim diaper and told me to go swim by myself while she and her mom did some sewing. I did that for most of the afternoon. Mainly I lounged in the Jacuzzi or lay in the sun on a lounge chair. I made the mistake of falling asleep on one of the chairs and woke up with a little bit of sunburn on my back.
Josh and his dad got home late in the evening, and after supper Josh and I got our baths. Josh nearly collapsed into his crib after he was diapered up for the night and put into his sleeper. He had been out with his dad all day and was exhausted. I stayed up and got to sort of be a grown up for a couple more hours. Sharon and I watched TV and talked with her parents before I was put to bed around 11:00.
Josh and I woke up at the same time around 9:00 or so. Josh had slept almost twelve hours straight he had been so tired. We went downstairs and found only Shirley reading a magazine at the kitchen table. Sharon had planned to go off with her dad for the day to have some private “daddy time” with him, which I certainly didn’t mind. They planned to go fishing, which was all the more reason for me not to go. I hated fishing with a rather large passion.
We ate cereal for breakfast and then Shirley suggested that I take Josh into town and see a movie or something. Josh and I thought that was a great idea. After Shirley changed us and saw that we were properly dressed she handed me the keys to the Jeep and told us to go have fun.
She also gave me the diaper bag and said I could change Josh if he really needed it. When I told her that I wasn’t sure that I knew how to change him, she said not to worry because if I had trouble she was sure that Josh would have no problem finding some pretty girl to change him if he needed it. After making sure I had enough money, which I did because Sharon had given me a sizable allowance before we came, Josh and I got into the Jeep and headed into town.
We got into town and parked the Jeep on Main St. Josh was extremely excited to be going on a “guys only” outing with me. We went to the movie theater and caught a matinee of a neat Disney film that I had actually wanted to see. I was glad to actually have an excuse in Josh to go see a kiddy film.
After that we ate lunch at the local hamburger joint, the only restaurant in town I hadn’t eaten at yet. Then we walked along Main St. looking at the shops.
On a whim I asked Josh if he knew where a jewelry store was. Since he obviously wasn’t into jewelry he had no idea. He asked me what I wanted to go to jewelry store and I told him that I wanted to get a little ring for Sharon while we were out.
We searched all over town and I even asked some of the locals if there was a jewelry store, but we weren’t successful in our hunt. Finally, we went into the local “five-and-dime” store where Josh spotted one of those little, fifty-cent toy machines that had some rings in it. I spent a dollar trying to get a ring out of it. I got a whistle on the first try, which I gave to Josh and got a little, cheap plastic ring on the second. It was pink with a little heart sticker on top, which I though was appropriate. I put a couple more quarters in another machine and bought a couple of gumballs for Josh and I. Before I gave him his I made him swear not to tell anyone about our little ring hunt.
We got home around three or four and Josh and I went swimming until dinnertime when Sharon and Dave returned.
After dinner we were bathed and thickly diapered, then we were allowed to play for a couple of hours. We had to go to bed at 10:00 since neither of us had had a nap that day.
Thursday was a stay at home day for all of us. It was Sharon and my last day there so we all just wanted to spend time together with the family. We were going to have another big barbecue with steaks and even some frozen lobster tails.
Sharon spent most of the morning packing up our luggage leaving out just what we would need today and tomorrow morning. I offered to help her pack, but she didn’t want it. She was very picky about her packing and everything, including my stuff, had to be packed just her certain way. I didn’t mind this so much since it was simply one less thing for me to worry about.
Josh and I played outside a little, kicking the soccer ball around and playing catch with a baseball. After a while Josh was called in to take a nap. I didn’t have to since it was my last day there and Sharon and I would be going to bed pretty early to rest up for our road trip.
I took the opportunity to spend some time talking to Dave and getting to know him a little better while Sharon and Shirley went about gathering up all of our belonging and packing them. I found that Sharon had been right about her dad and me. We did have a lot in common. He and I really clicked and bonded more in that afternoon than we had in my whole two weeks here.
Around 2:00 Josh got up and he and I went swimming while Sharon and her parents started preparing food for the big cookout. We had an early afternoon lunch-dinner sort of meal and we all stuffed ourselves with steak, lobster, corn-on-the-cob, baked potatoes, and tons of other food. There was probably enough to feed the family for two or three more meals after we left.
After dinner Josh and I ran upstairs and played in the nursery with his toys and played some video games. Then we watched a DVD and Josh took one last opportunity to lounge in my lap in a beanbag chair.
By the time the movie was over it was time it was time for us to have our baths. Shirley came in and started a bath for us then took us over to the changing table and removed our onesies and sodden, dirty diapers. After we were cleaned up Josh took my hand and we scampered off to climb into the tub. We played for probably an hour or so before his mom came back into the bathroom to wash us. For once, she didn’t mind that we had splashed quite a bit of water out onto the floor.
When we were both freshly bathed we were thickly diapered up for the night and put into our sleepers. Then we were told we had to go to bed because we were getting up early. Josh didn’t want to go to bed yet, but I knew I’d be driving for several long hours tomorrow, so I didn’t mind.
She tucked us into bed and gave us each a kiss goodnight and handed us a bottle of warm milk. As she gave me my bottle she whispered to me that she put a little something in them to help Joshy go to sleep otherwise he’d keep both of us up all night.
After she left Josh and I did talk for a while about all the things we had done while I was here. He told me about all the things he still wanted me to do with him the next time I was here. Finally, after about thirty minutes he started yawning almost uncontrollably. He bravely fought off the approaching slumber for as long as he could, but he inevitably lost the battle. We told each other goodnight and he lay down and was asleep thirty seconds later. Whatever was in Joshy’s bottle must have been in mine too because I was also surprisingly tired for such and early hour and I was asleep probably just minutes after Josh.
Shirley came in to wake Josh and I at 5:30 this morning. Of course, this early in the morning, neither of us wanted to get up. She gently shook me awake and told me to get up. While I sat up and rubbed my eyes she went over and woke up Josh. I heard him groan in protest, but finally he sat up rubbing his eyes with one hand and clutching his teddy bear in the other.
I climbed out of my crib as Shirley put down the side of Josh’s crib and helped him out. I went into the bathroom and started shaving. Shirley told us breakfast would be ready in just a few minutes and then left. Josh came into the bathroom with me and climbed up onto the counter and sat on it next to the sink. When he sat down I could tell by the smell that his diapers were dirty. He watched me shave with a groggy, little smile on his face. I finished shaving and then started brushing my teeth.
“Are you gonna brush your teeth?” I asked Josh.
“Uh huh,” he said. “Can you hand me my tooth brush?”
“Sure,” I replied. I grabbed his toothbrush from its holder on the counter, wet it under the faucet, squeezed some toothpaste onto it, and handed it to him.
“Thank you,” he said as he stuck the toothbrush in his mouth and started working it around his mouth.
We silently brushed our teeth for a couple of minutes. When we were done we spit, rinsed, and started to leave the bathroom. Before we left I remembered that I needed to pack up my toiletry kit.
“You want me to carry you downstairs?” I asked Josh as we started to walk out of the room.
He was ahead of me and instantly stopped. He turned around and nodded at me with a big grin. He raised his arms toward me and hopped up as I placed my hands on either side of his chest and picked him up. I sat him on my hip and he locked his legs around me and held on tight with his arms. He rested his head on my shoulder.
“I’m gonna miss you, Tommy,” he said kind of sadly.
I squeezed my arms around him tighter, “I’m going to miss you, too, squirt.”
I carried him downstairs and into the kitchen. I set him down on the kitchen floor so he could go hug and kiss his parents and sister who were already there.
“Did you guys sleep good?” Sharon asked us after she gave first Josh and then me a kiss.
We both said yes and sat down at our usual spots at the table. Sharon brought me a cup of coffee and Josh a sippy-cup of milk.
Shirley made waffles, eggs, and bacon for breakfast. Waffles were probably my favorite breakfast food. I had about three big waffles and Josh ate two. We all ate kind of slowly knowing that this would be our last meal together. No one seemed to want to talk either. I guess everyone was just too sad to chat.
When Josh was done with his breakfast, he grabbed his sippy-cup of juice and climbed from his chair into my lap. I cut my last bit of waffle in half, jabbed one piece of it with my fork, stuffed it in Josh’s mouth, and ate the last piece myself. I pushed my plate away and then wrapped my hands around his tummy.
A few minutes later Sharon told us to follow her upstairs so she could change us. We got up and Josh took my hand and we walked up the stairs together.
“Who wants to get changed first?” Sharon asked when we got into the nursery.
Josh let go of my hand and put his hand on my diapered butt and pushed me forward a little.
“Tommy can go first,” he said.
Sharon unzipped my sleeper and I took it off and climbed onto the changing table. Before she started changing me she carefully folded up my sleeper and set it aside so she wouldn’t forget to pack it.
She then pulled my plastic pants off and started changing me. She unfastened my cloth diapers and pulled them out from under me after wiping a little bit of poop off of me with the front of the wet diapers. I had pooped a little bit while shaving in the bathroom earlier, but it wasn’t too much. She bundled the diapers up and put them in the diaper pail and then took out some baby wipes and started cleaning me. Joshed watched the whole process intently, but he wasn’t as happy as he normally looked when he watched me get changed.
After she was done cleaning me up Sharon put a liberal amount of powder, diaper-rash cream, and lotion on me. I then saw her take out a stack of five Depends diapers and set them at the end of the changing table. I had almost forgotten about those I had gotten so used to the European diapers that I had been wearing.
She went through my old diapering routine putting diapers and booster pads on me then slitting the outer plastic with a box-cutter. Josh watched this part with fascination as he obviously hadn’t seen the process of using multiple disposables before.
When she was done diapering me up she produced the original pair of clear plastic pants I had worn on the drive up here and slipped them onto my ankles and pulled them up my legs. I hopped off of the table and she finished adjusting the plastic pants.
Then it was Josh’s turn.
“Can you diaper me up like Tommy?” he asked after his sleeper had been removed and he was lying on the changing table.
“You mean with all these disposables?” Sharon asked reaching over and brushing the front of my diapers.
“Uh huh,” Josh said.
“Joshy, I don’t think these diapers will fit you. They’re too big,” she replied.
“But what if you put them over my regular disposable?” he asked.
She stood there thinking about it for a moment considering the proposition.
“Oh, alright,” she finally said.
She pulled out one of Josh’s regular disposables and put it on him after removing his night diapers and cleaning him up. She took the box cutter and carefully slit the plastic covering of his diaper in several places then pulled out a stack of Depends and started putting them on him. She skipped using booster pads in between diapers as they would obviously be wasted. By the time she had four Depends on over his original diaper he probably had enough diapers on to last for two or three days. She pulled out a pair of his plastic pants, but discovered they wouldn’t fit over the humungous bulk of his diapers. She went over to his dresser and pulled out a pair of the plastic pants used with his punishment diapers and brought them over. These fit over his diapers with a little room to spare, as they weren’t quite as thick as his punishment diapers.
After that he was dressed in a t-shirt since none of his onesies would fit over his huge diapers. The t-shirt was short enough to reveal all of his diapers. It was a faded Sesame Street t-shirt with Bert and Ernie on it. I figured it was probably pretty old as it was pretty tight, but Sharon and I both thought he looked cute in it.
Then Sharon helped him off the table. He had almost as much trouble walking he did when he was in his punishment diapers, so he decided that crawling was the easiest way to get around. While he crawled around the nursery Sharon went to her room to get me some clothes. She came back with my baggiest pair of shorts—actually they were the same ones I had worn on the trip up here, and a large, baggy t-shirt.
As I got dressed Josh stopped crawling around and just sat on the floor. He was sitting with his legs spread wide and slightly bent at the knees. His diapers kept his butt raised well off the floor and unbalanced so he leaned well forward with his hands planted firmly on the floor between his legs to keep himself from falling backwards. He looked silly in this position and I had to kind of laugh at him. He just smiled back at me as I dressed myself.
By the time I was done getting dressed and had my shoes on—which took considerable effort to do wearing such thick diapers—it was getting close to 7:00 and Sharon and I needed to go. I looked around the nursery and in the bathroom to make sure I wasn’t forgetting anything. I couldn’t find anything of mine so I waddled back into the nursery and told Josh we needed to go downstairs.
“Can you carry me?” he asked. “I can’t get down the stairs with these diapers on.”
I nodded and held out my hand to him. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him up to his feet then reached down and grabbed him around the waist and picked him up putting him on my hip. We went downstairs and into the breakfast room where Sharon and her parents were already waiting for us.
“My goodness!” said Shirley, “Your sister sure did diaper you up good this morning, Joshy.”
“I’m just like Tommy,” Josh replied with a beaming grin as I sat him down on the floor in the kitchen
“Are you ready, babe?” Sharon asked me.
“Yeah, I guess so,” I replied somewhat morosely.
“Let’s go then,” she said, also sullenly.
She got up and picked Josh up then her parents and I followed her through the house and out the front door.
Thankfully, Dave had loaded the car up with our luggage after Josh and I had gone to bed, so there wasn’t much for us to take out to the car this morning. There were only two small bags and our thermos of fresh coffee sitting by the front door. I grabbed them on our way out.
We all stopped out in the front yard halfway between the front door and the car so we could say our goodbyes. The sun was just about over the horizon. Sharon was still in front of us and when she stopped and turned around she had tears in her eyes.
The farewell took several minutes and was hard. Sharon and her mom both had tears running down both cheeks in a steady stream. Josh was crying as much if not more than he was when his brother left earlier in the week. After Sharon gave him a big hug and kiss she passed him off to me so she could hug her parents. I hugged him too and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“Bye, Tommy,” he said in a pitiful whimper. “I’m going to miss you a bunch. Don’t forget about me, okay?”
“Oh, Joshy,” I said in a shaky voice as the tears started to roll down my cheeks. “I could never forget about you, squirt. How could I forget my new big brother? And I’m going to miss you too.”
I tried to set him down after that but he kept his arms wrapped tightly around my neck and he hugged me tighter as I bent over to put him down. When I realized it was futile trying to set him down at the moment I just held him for a few minutes with one hand under his diapered butt to support his weight and the other hand gently rubbing his back.
Finally, after four minutes or so he had calmed down and stopped sobbing enough for me to put him down. When he was on the ground standing with his feet spread apart widely I went over and hugged his mom and told her goodbye.
“Goodbye, Tommy,” she said with tears unabashedly coming from her eyes. “I’m so, so happy that you came into our lives. You remember that you’ve always got a home and a family here no matter what goes on between you and Sharon, understood?”
I couldn’t talk for several long seconds.
“Yes ma’am. Thank you,” I said in a cracking voice.
After that I surprisingly received a large, bearish hug from Dave. He by this time also had some tears streaking down his face. He didn’t say anything to me, and I assumed that he probably didn’t trust his voice to be able to speak.
Ten minutes after we walked out of the house, Sharon took my hand and we turned to leave. Dave picked Josh up and held him tightly. We slowly climbed into our car, with me getting behind the wheel, and I started the engine. Sharon and I both rolled our windows down as I backed out of the driveway and turned the car again. We drove away slowly, waving out our windows at the family.
When we were twenty or thirty feet down the paved drive I looked in my rearview mirror and saw Josh struggle out of his Dad’s arms. He slowly waddled after us down the drive for several yards waving after us. My eyes watered-up again as I watched him.
A minute later we turned onto the state highway and were on our way back to Texas. We were both still pretty depressed, so neither of us spoke for a long time. Finally, Sharon went to sleep for a little while.
I spent the drive thinking peaceably about many, many things. In the hour it took me to get us to the interstate I made a few serious decisions.
I stopped about three hours later at a gas station to fill up the gas tank. Sharon woke up and took the opportunity to use the restroom while I took the opportunity to fill my diapers with more pee and the bowel movement that had formed in me following breakfast. It was a big one that I could instantly smell despite being both outside and in thick diapers.
We got back into the car a few minutes later this time with Sharon behind the wheel. I reclined the passenger seat back and lay back. I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, but I had too much on my mind for a nap. I lay there for over an hour just thinking trying to make some decisions. Finally, I had had enough. It was now or never. I sat back up and looked out the window for some indication of where we were. At last, I saw a blue rest stop sign.
“Babe, can you pull in to that next rest area?” I asked her.
“Why?” she asked, knowing that I couldn’t need to use the restroom. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?”
“Nothing, Babe,” I replied. “Just please do it.”
“Well,” she shrugged as she put the turn signal on, “Okay.”
A minute later we pulled off the highway and into the rest area full of cars and big rigs. I asked her to pull over toward the end of the rest area at a covered picnic table far from the restrooms. She put the car in park and then just turned to stare at me with a questioning look on her face.
I got out of the SUV and walked around the front to the driver side door. The whole time Sharon stared at me through the windows like I had gone completely nuts. I pulled her door open and held my hand out to her.
“Can you get out for a second?” I asked.
“Why?” I knew she was convinced I had lost it. “I haven’t been driving very long.”
“Babe, please just get out,” I said evenly.
She shook her head in confusion, pulled the keys out of the ignition, unbuckled, and took my hand and got out of the car.
I lead her over to the picnic table not caring that I was waddling in front of dozens of strangers. I got her over to the picnic table, which was relatively private and peaceful. I pulled her around so that she was up against the concrete table and then faced her squarely.
“Honey, are you okay?” she asked me with a worried look on her face.
“Yes,” I said with a smile, “I’m fine. I’m sorry to be doing this here, but I couldn’t wait any longer.”
I stuck my hand in my pocket and fished around for a second for what I was looking for. When I had it in my hand I got down on one knee, which was a little hard with such thick, dirty diapers on.
“Babe,” I said holding my hand up to here and opening to reveal it’s contents, “Will you marry me?”
I could see her eyes watering instantly and she cracked a little smile that grew with every passing second. My heart stood still as I waited what seemed like an eternity for her to answer. There were tears running down her cheeks and her voice cracked when you finally spoke.
“Yes,” she said weakly, but with determination. “I’d love to.”
Then she looked at my hand.
“What is this?” she asked with surprise as she grabbed the tiny, clear plastic ball from my hand and began to open it.
“I’m sorry,” I said. “I couldn’t find a jewelry store in that damn little town of yours, so that’s the best I could do. Josh found it, actually. It’s from one of those little prize machines. I’m really sorry, but I’ll get you a real ring as soon as we get home.”
I prayed silently that the little, pink, plastic, toy ring wouldn’t make her mad and make her change her mind.
“I love it,” she said putting on the ring finger of her left hand and admiring it for a second.
“I know it looks really stupid,” I said somewhat embarrassed, “But that’s just all I could find.”
“No, Baby,” she said taking my hand and pulling me back up to a standing position. “I really love it.”
She put her arms around me and hugged me tightly as we kissed for several minutes. Neither of us cared that we were necking in front of several strangers who were sure to be watching. After a few minutes she regained her composure and we walked back to the car.
“Can you drive?” she asked me. “I’m too excited right now.”
I said yes and we got back on the road. I headed down the highway with a rather smug look on my face as Sharon kept smiling and admiring her silly little ring. I think the thing barely fit around her finger.
“How long have you been planning this?” she asked me.
“The day we talked at the picnic area,” I said, “I decided that night. I got the ring when I took Josh to the movies the next day. I promise I’ll get you a real ring just as soon as we get home.”
“I have to tell my parents,” she said abruptly.
She immediately grabbed her mobile phone out of the center console and dialed her parents’ number. The conversation that took place was predictable. Sharon squealed the news excitedly to her mom who answered and then started crying again. I wished she had waited since the whole thing was rather distracting for me. After a ten-minute conversation she hung up then just stared at me smiling for several minutes, which made me a little uncomfortable.
“I love you so much,” she said softly and leaned over to kiss me on the cheek.
“I love you too, babe,” I replied.
“There’s more we need to talk about,” I said a few minutes later.
“What’s that?” she asked. Her smile was gone.
I took a deep breath hesitating for several seconds.
“I’ve decided I want to keep wearing diapers,” I said finally.
“I knew you would,” she smiled smugly.
“But there’s a little catch that needs to be discussed,” I said.
“What?” she asked still smiling a little.
“I’m not going to make straight ‘A’s this semester,” I admitted. “I’m trying hard, and I’ll probably come real close, but there’s no way I can make all ‘A’s.”
“Oh,” she said with a wave of the hand, “I knew that.”
“How?” I asked, frowning.
“I know how to get on your school’s computer system and check your grades, baby. You showed me, remember?”
I had forgotten about that, but she was right. My university posted all grades on a secure online database so students could always check their grades to see how they were doing.
“Oh,” I said. “So what about my punishment then? And why didn’t you tell me you knew earlier?”
“I figured I’d wait until you told me,” she said with a crooked grin. “I knew you would eventually since you can’t lie to me.”
“And my punishment?” I asked a little perturbed.
“Since you’re going to be in diapers anyway,” she said, “I guess that’s won’t be a punishment anymore. I’ll think of a little something, but it won’t be all that bad, I promise. I do want you to take some summer school classes though.”
“Okay,” I said.
After that we spent some time negotiating on the terms of my voluntary diaper wearing. She reminded me that I would have to wear diapers 24/7, which was fine since I was getting used to that already. It was agreed that I wouldn’t be allowed to change myself, but I would get three changes a day instead of two, and I’d get more changes if I had diarrhea or something. I liked that. Also, I wasn’t allowed to ask to be changed unless I was getting a rash. Otherwise, I just had to rely on her, or whoever was watching me to check my diapers. I didn’t like that so much, but she reasoned that a baby couldn’t asked to be changed, so I should be allowed to, either. I also had to continue allowing her to bathe me. I had no problem with that whatsoever. As soon as we ran out of Depend diapers she was going to start ordering the same Euro Diapers that her brothers wore. Punishment for wrongdoing on my part would be that she’d skip one diaper change, and I’d have to wear my diaper for twice as long. I wasn’t thrilled about that, but it was better than some other things I suppose. Thankfully, my sex privileges would be restored as soon as my original punishment ended at the close of the semester.
“It’s good that you decided you wanted to wear diapers from now on,” Sharon commented.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because mom and I already put snaps in the inseams of all your pants and shorts,” she said.
“What?” I exclaimed.
“You didn’t notice them in the shorts you’re wearing?” she asked.
I looked down swerving across the road slightly as I did. Sure enough there were metal snaps concealed all along the inseam of my shorts. I hadn’t even noticed them that morning.
“Didn’t you notice that I packed just about every pair of pants you own? We figured that since you’d be wearing diapers for at least the whole summer no matter what you decided to do, it would just be easier to change you,” she explained. “Mom also made you a bunch of onesies and some other clothes.”
I had a feeling that by “other clothes” she meant babyish clothes.
“I think we should buy a house,” Sharon said changing the subject.
“Shouldn’t we wait until we’re actually married?” I suggested.
“Well yes,” she said, “But how long do we need to wait for that?”
“Well I don’t know,” I said. “Not long I suppose, but we’ve got to fit it in our schedule.”
“That’s easy,” she said, “We’ll get married as soon as summer starts. We’ll get eloped.”
“You don’t want to get eloped, do you?” I asked. She had always talked about a big wedding.
“No,” she said, “But we can get eloped and then have a real wedding later on when we can fit it into our schedules.”
“But I’m sure your family wants to see us get married,” I said.
“I know,” she said. “I’ll get them to fly down for a weekend or something.”
“Well, if that’s what you want, babe,” I acquiesced.
We continued on for a few minutes in silence
“So, am I going to be able to sleep in bed with you again once my punishment is over?” I asked. If not then the whole thing was off. I liked diapers, but I had to sleep with my soon to be wife.
“We’ll see,” she said with a mischievous grin.
We continued our drive as normal. The trip was pretty uneventful. We stopped in Oklahoma City for a late lunch, actually it was close to dinner when we got there. I asked if we could eat outside somewhere because my diapers where starting to smell pretty bad despite their thickness and my plastic pants. We found a Sonic drive-in and ate there.
We finally got into town around 10:00 or so. It was late and we were both exhausted, but we decided to go ahead and unload the car so we wouldn’t have to do it in the morning. As I pulled bags out of the car I thought that there was more than we had originally taken, but I chalked it up to me being tired. I did notice a white package containing some Euro Diapers in my size. Sharon said her mom gave us a package of them since “I liked them so much.”
We dumped the luggage in the living room and left it there for the night. Sharon started a bath for me, as I undressed. When I pulled my shorts off I looked at the snap-crotch again for a few seconds.
After that I waddled into the bathroom and lay down so Sharon could take my diapers off. She removed my thoroughly soaked diapers that held two or three bowel movements and set them aside. I figured they must have weighed twenty pounds.
She cleaned me up and then before I got in the tub she had me stand up so she could spread hair remover lotion all over me. I hadn’t been shaved while we were up at her parents’ house so I had two weeks of hair growth all over my body, which didn’t amount to a whole lot. The patch above my penis was a little scraggily, but that was about it. Still she made sure that I was lathered in cream from my neck to my toes.
She showered off the depilatory cream five minutes later leaving me completely smooth and hairless once again. She then gently bathed me for quite a while taking special care around my genitals and the rest of my diaper area. After that she dried me off thoroughly. When I was done being bathed she took me by the hand and led me out of the bathroom. For some reason we went not to my bedroom, but into the master bedroom in which I hadn’t slept in a month.
“Do you think you’ll be okay without diapers for just a little while?” she asked me.
“Yeah, I guess,” I said confused.
“Good,” she said.
She disappeared into her bathroom and came back out a few minutes later wearing nothing at all. My eyes nearly popped out of my head and my penis immediately began to rise to the occasion.
Without a further word she took my hand and led me to our king-size bed. We had extremely passionate sex for perhaps two hours. It was probably the best sex we had had in a long time, maybe ever. Almost as soon as we were done I collapsed on the bed exhausted. I cuddled her naked body tightly against mine as I drifted off to sleep.
I awoke with a start and was instantly confused by my surroundings. I had expected to wake up and see myself surrounded by the bars of a crib. Instead I woke up in a strange room. It took me several seconds to realize that it was Sharon’s and my room. I remembered the events of last night and smiled. I lay back down on my back and scratched my bare chest with my hand then ran my hand down to my crotch. I realized that I was wearing a diaper. I remembered falling asleep naked last night so that confused me. I lifted the sheets and looked down to see that I was wearing a single Depend diaper, and the blue stripes in the front were gone, it was wet. I knew that meant I had wet the bed in my sleep, but it didn’t bother me so much this time for some reason.
I felt around the bed for Sharon, but I couldn’t locate her body next to me. I guess she was already up. Maybe she was up making us a big breakfast or something. She always seemed to have an abundance of energy after a night of good sex, and usually liked to get up early and clean the apartment or cook. I started to get up but just as I threw the covers off Sharon came into the bedroom.
“Morning, baby,” she said to me with a pleasant smile.
She came and sat on the bed next to me and gave me a nice good morning kiss. As we kissed she ran her gentle hand down my chest and over the front of my diaper. The stimulation caused me to grow and erection, which I’m certain she felt threw my soaked diaper.
“I’m glad I put that diaper on you last night after you fell asleep,” she said when she withdrew her lips from mine.
I blushed with embarrassment, “Uh, yeah, I guess I kind of wet the bed.”
“Don’t worry, sweetie,” she said with a gentle smile. “I’m sure it will start to happen much more often soon enough. Since you’re going to wear diapers all the time now I’m sure you’ll eventually lose control of you bladder and probably your bowels too.”
I couldn’t say that I was completely happy about the prospect of that, but I didn’t mind it so much either.
“Come on,” she said, “Let’s go get your diapee changed.”
She took my hand and pulled me out of the bed. We went into my bedroom. I looked at my bed with its harnesses and rubber sheets. I hadn’t seen it in a while, but I didn’t miss it at all.
Sharon led me over to the bed and had me lay down. She wanted me to get into my harness. I didn’t want too, but she smiled and cajoled me into it. I thought maybe she was being playful and maybe wanted to do some sort of little bondage scene, which wouldn’t have bothered me. In less than a minute I was strapped tightly into my harness and my wrists were locked into their restraints by my hips.
She then moved down the end of the bed. She reached over and quickly removed my diaper and pulled it out from under me in one quick move. It was only wet so there was no danger of anything coming out of it. She bundled the diaper up as she walked over to my dresser in silence. She opened a drawer and pulled out a stack of disposable diapers and my other changing things. She left them over on top of the dresser when she came over to me though. She had a box of baby wipes, some baby powder, a jar of Vaseline, and something else I couldn’t quite see in her hands.
She sat everything down next to me and quietly began to wipe my front and crotch off with baby wipes.
“What is that?” I asked looking at the small, clear plastic thing she sat down next to the tub of baby wipes.
She ignored me and went about cleaning me up thoroughly. When she was done she sprinkled baby powder all over my genitals. She then opened up the jar of Vaseline and rubbed a generous amount all over my penis and scrotum. She wiped her hands off and started fumbling around with the little plastic device.
“Do you remember before we went on our trip? The Sunday after I went out with the girls?” she asked.
“Uh huh,” I said.
Oh shit. I thought.
“I let you up early before I got up to be nice to you,” she said with a somewhat sad face. “And you had to go be a bad boy while I was sleeping.”
“What are you talking about?” I said innocently though I knew exactly what she was about to get at.
“You masturbated, Tommy,” she said harshly. “Just like a naughty little boy.”
I shuddered a little as she said those last words. I opened my mouth to start to say something.
“Don’t try to deny it,” she cut me off. “I could tell when I changed your diapers after I got up. I could see traces of your semen on the front of the diaper.”
She pulled what looked like a clear, plastic, ring off of the plastic contraption she had. She took the ring and fed my penis through it and then started to push my testicles through it. I yelped as she squeezed my penis and pushed each of my balls through the tiny ring one at a time.
“I told you you weren’t allowed to play with yourself during your punishment, didn’t I, Tommy?” she asked as she continued to put what I realized was a cockring around my genitalia.
She looked up at me with a sharp eye when I didn’t answer.
“Didn’t I, Tommy?”
“Yes,” I whispered weakly.
“I told you I’d punish you for that, didn’t I?”
“Yes,” I said just as feebly.
“Well this is it,” she said.
She picked up the other part of the plastic device, which looked like a tiny, cylindrical cage and started to slip it over my penis. It was then that I realized she was making good on her promise to put me in a chastity device.
The cockring had a tiny plastic rod sticking out of the top centered over the top of my penis. The cage she was putting over my penis in turn had two slightly smaller rods coming out of it. Sharon lined up the cage so that the bigger rod on the cockring had a rod from the cage on either side of it. As she brought the two pieces of the chastity device together each rod went into a hole on the opposite piece of the device. She pushed my penis into the confines of the device. The cylindrical cage was perhaps two inches long and maybe and inch-and-a-half wide. It was made up of a latticework of tiny clear, plastic bars. While I don’t pretend to be enormously endowed, the device barely fit over my average size penis, and Sharon had to squeeze my dick and telescope it in on itself to get the device on.
When she was satisfied with the fit of the contraption she produced a tiny brass lock like one would put on a suitcase and passed it through a tiny hole in the tip of the bigger rod coming of the cockring. This locked the cage onto the cockring and over my dick. I was now securely locked in the device.
“This is called the CB-2000,” Sharon said fondling my locked up package. “It’s designed for extended periods of enforced chastity. It’s designed for months of wear so you should have no problem wearing it for the rest of your punishment period. It’s entirely plastic, as you can see, which means there won’t be any problem with you wearing it under your diapers.”
“Why are you doing this to me?” I asked with a shaky voice. I wanted to cry and I could tell that my face was red with anger and resentment.
“You’re doing it to yourself,” Sharon said. “You knew the consequences of getting caught playing with yourself. You have to understand that I’ll do what I say I will. Just like you do what you say you will. You’re just lucky I decided to wait until after our trip to do this.”
She got up still admiring my enshrouded genitals.
“Now you just lay there and get used to your new appliance there, and I’ll be back with the rest of your punishment.”
I lay there staring down at my crotch. The plastic contraption was stimulating me and my penis was straining trying to grow an erection. This caused me a good deal of discomfort. I wondered how else she could possibly punishment and how could it get any worse. This chastity thingy seemed to be about the worst punishment I could have. I found out I was wrong about that when she came back in the room.
She pushed a wheeled stand into the room that had a large, black bag hanging from it. I knew instantly that it was an enema bag though I had never seen one so large before. It looked like it must have held a gallon of fluid in it.
She left the stand at the end of the bed and came over me.
“Lift your legs and spread’em, baby,” she ordered me gently but firmly.
I hesitated for several seconds and didn’t do as I was told.
“Don’t make this any worse for yourself, baby,” she said more firmly.
I reluctantly did as I was told. I yelped in pain as she shoved a rubber plug into my butt hole. She grabbed a balloon pump like you’d find on a blood pressure cuff that was attached to the plug she put in me by a rubber tube. She started to pump it and I could feel the uncomfortable feeling of the plug inflating and filling my rectum, which made it impossible to expel the plug until she deflated it. By the time she was done inflating it I was squirming in discomfort.
She ignored my apparent discomfort and returned to the rack and pulled it closer. She grabbed a section of coiled up tubing that was attached to the bottom of the bag. She stretched out the tubing to insure that it wasn’t kink and then attached it to the plug sticking out of my anus.
“Here we go,” she said as she stood by the bag on the rack. She reached up and undid a clamp on the tube near the neck of the enema bag. I could barely hear an audible gurgle as liquid started down the tubing. In seconds I could feel whatever warm fluid was in the bag entering my colon.
I started to whimper in pain as the fluid invaded my bowels. The plug rubbed up against my prostate, which made the predicament worse since it caused my penis to want to expand. Within minutes tears were rolling down my cheeks from the pain in both my bowels and my penis.
Sharon went over to the dresser and returned with a large, but babyish pacifier that I hadn’t seen before. She shoved the pacifier into my mouth and brought a strap that was attached to it around the back of my head and fastened the thing in place so I couldn’t spit it out. The pacifier chocked off my crying.
“I’ll be back in a little while to check on you,” she said as she exited the room.
She was back moments later.
“Oh, I forgot to ask you,” she said matter-of-factly. “Max wore one of your diapers the night he was here, didn’t he?”
I just stared back at her not answering. She saw the answer in my eyes though.
“I thought so,” she said. “I’m going to call his mom and have her bring him over.”
She started to walk out of the room again.
By then I was consumed by the feeling of uncontrollable amounts of fluid entering my body from the wrong end. The pain had kind of gone away in my rectum as it apparently got used to the large foreign object blocking it up, but my penis was still very uncomfortable. Before long my intestines started to cramp and wave after wave of burning sensations went through my abdomen. They were the worse cramps that I had ever felt.
A few minutes later I heard the doorbell ring. I heard Sharon answering it and then I heard another female voice in the house. I could hear Sharon inviting people into the living room to have a seat. I tried to listen in on their conversation, but by then I was in so much pain that all I could concentrate on was my own agony. I stared back and forth between the large enema bag, which was slowly shrinking, and my abdomen, which was slowly expanding.
After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably more like ten minutes the bag was two-thirds of the way empty. It was then that I heard Sharon and the other voice get closer. I was suddenly struck with extreme terror. Sharon was bringing, I assumed, Max’s mom Jeanie into my room.
“See,” Sharon said as she came into the room, “I caught Tommy playing with himself, so this is how I’m punishing him.”
I momentarily forgot my agony and glowed red with embarrassment as I saw Jeanie and Max both come into the room. They both looked at me aghast.
“Hi, Tommy,” Jeanie said warmly after she got over her initial shock of the sight of me in such a compromising position.
She came over to more closely examine my condition. She stared at my chastity device for several seconds. I then shuddered as she reached down and grabbed my penis and lifted it to get a look at the underside of the contraption that encased it.
“So anyway,” Sharon continued. “I found an extra diaper in the diaper pail after Max was over here that night. It was poopy and I’m pretty sure it had semen in it. Since it was just a single diaper I figured that Max had to have been wearing, and using, it.”
Max looked really uncomfortable and embarrassed.
“Is that true, Max?” Jeanie asked sternly.
Max looked at the ground and hesitated for several seconds before nodding.
“Shame on you,” Jeanie said harshly. “What am I going to do with you?”
“Well,” Sharon cut in. “There’s where I might have a solution. We have about five weeks of diapers left for Tommy here, but I’m going to start ordering him a different type. The new diapers should be here in about a week, which leaves four weeks worth of diapers. Your welcome to have those for Max if you’d like, Jeanie.”
Jeanie seemed to think about that for a while. She suddenly nodded and I saw Max cringe.
“That sounds good,” Jeanie said. “I think maybe a month in diapers will let Max decide if he really likes them or not.”
“No, Mom!” Max yelled. “I’m sorry! I won’t wear them again. I didn’t like them, really!”
“I think it’s too late for that,” his mom said evenly. “Besides a month in diapers will be good for you. It will make sure you don’t get into any trouble before you graduate.”
“But, Mom, I’ve got school.” Max said.
“Tommy wears diapers to school all the time,” his mom said. “So can you.”
“No, Mom!” Max said angrily.
“Max!” his mom exploded. “Do you want me to go home and get your father’s belt?”
Max shuddered at that and shook his head meekly.
Jeanie then looked at Sharon, “Sharon, you’ll help me get started here won’t you?”
“Oh, of course, Jeanie,” Sharon said.
Throughout the whole conversation the enema bag had been steadily draining its contents into my now swollen bowels. I was in complete and total agony as my abdomen constantly cramped. I felt nauseated from the bloating and there was also uncomfortable pressure on my bladder. In fact my bladder was probably hurting worse than my bowels.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to pee too badly. I let my bladder go and I started peeing. A stream of urine shot out of my penis and arched out toward the end of the bed landing between my knees and ankle.
The three of them looked over when they heard my stream of pee hit the rubber sheets.
“Oh, Tommy!” Sharon yelled.
She abruptly grabbed a diaper off of the dresser and unfolded it as she ran toward me. In a couple of seconds she slapped the front of the diaper down over my genitals. I felt my pee go into the diaper and start to run down between my legs and under my butt.
When I was done peeing she left the diaper in place over my crotch and went out of the room for a few seconds and returned with a towel to clean up the mess I had made.
“I guess I better diaper Tommy up here before we take care of Max,” she said.
She looked at the enema bag, and seeing that it was empty clamped the tube shut. She left the rectal plug in place as she went to grab the rest of my disposable diapers. She wiped the pee off of me with several wipes and then powdered, diaper-rash creamed, and lotioned me like she normally did. She worked carefully around the tubing sticking out of my butt. She hit it once and I shuddered in pain.
Next, she took the diaper I had already peed in some and had me lift my butt as she slipped it under me. She taped it up maneuvering the enema tubing so that it was sticking out of one leg hole of my diaper. After that she put four more diapers on me with two booster pads between each layer. It took her several minutes to do this as she carefully perforated the plastic of each diaper before putting the next one on. She made sure to slit each diaper further up on the backside than she usually did.
After that I thought she was done, but she wasn’t. She went over to my dresser and opened a drawer and pulled out two large, white bundles. I wasn’t sure what they were until she brought them over to the bed and set them down next to me. She picked one up and unfolded it to reveal the largest cloth diaper I had ever seen. It was huge. It was at least twice as thick as each of Mike’s punishment diapers that I had worn.
She told me to lift my butt again and started to slip it under me. She pulled it up between my legs and fastened the hook part of the Velcro strips on the back wings to the loop strips on the front of the diaper. When the diaper was on it came up to about four inches past my elbows. It was probably a foot wide in the crotch. She unfolded the second diaper and put it on just like the same. When she was done with that she produced and unfurled the largest pair of clear, plastic pants I had ever seen. She unfastened my harness and wrist restraints and helped me stand up then helped me into the plastic pants. When they were on she laid me back down on the bed and had me lift the leg that the tubing was next to.
She worked the valve on the butt plug’s pump and I felt it deflate inside me. She then put her finger slightly inside the leg of my diapers around the tube. Without warning she yanked hard on the tube and the plug popped out of my rectum causing me to let out a yelp that was stifled by my pacifier.
Almost immediately liquid effluent flowed of its own accord out of my butt and into my diapers. I groaned with relief as I pushed the water out of my system. I thought the stuff would never stop coming out of me. I rolled on my side and put my arms over my stomach and pulled my legs up to my chest. I barely noticed when Sharon came up and put my mittens on me and locked them over my hands.
Sharon tucked the legs openings of my plastic pants up into my diapers to form a watertight seal around he legs so nothing would leak. After that she left me quivering in agony and went to attend to Max.
Jeanie ordered her son to undress, which he finally did reluctantly. He stopped at his underwear, but she told him to take them off. The two ladies led Max—who was slouching in embarrassment and clutching his hands over his privates—out of the room.
While they were gone I laid there engrossed in my own problems. Every few seconds a new wave of cramps took over my lower torso and I pushed another volume of poopy enema water into my diapers. I changed position ever minute or so. I lay on each side then sat up for a little while then got on all fours and even laid on my stomach with my legs tucked up under me. I could feel my effluent flowing all over my diapers. I felt it go all the way up past my navel and up past the small of my back. It sloshed all over in my crotch. Before long I could feel it flow over the leg gathers of my inner disposables and out into my cloth diapers.
I pushed load after load of watery mush into my diapers. Within minutes there was the worst stench I had ever smelled from myself hanging in the room. I was still pooping thirty minutes later when Sharon and Jeanie returned with Max. By then my cramping and defecating had reduced enough that I could look over and see what they were doing.
Max was still naked, but I could see clearly that he was now completely hairless from the neck down like me. I could hear him sniffling every now and then and his eyes were red. He was obviously crying. He also shivered a little though I didn’t know if it was from cold, humiliation, or fear.
“Tommy can you get off the bed?” Sharon asked me.
I nodded weakly. Sharon came over and helped me off of the bed. I could barely walk with such thick diapers on so I got down on my hands and knees and crawled over to a corner of the room.
“Doesn’t he look cute?” Jeanie said.
I sat in the corner with my back against the wall and my feet under me to keep my butt off of the ground because I was still pooping every minute or so.
Max was led over to the bed and lay down in my harness. Sharon adjusted the harness to fit his much bigger frame. He was locked into the harness and his wrists were locked into the cuffs.
“Where do you get that chastity thingy?” Jeanie asked Sharon.
“Oh, I ordered it online,” Sharon said.
“I got two of them,” she then provided helpfully.
“Oh wonderful,” Jeanie said, “Would you mind if we borrowed it?”
“No, not at all,” Sharon said with a wave of the hand.
Then she looked down at Max’s hairless privates and arched an eyebrow, “It may be slightly big though.”
“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Mom! Please, no!” Max whined.
“Hush, Max,” Jeanie chided, “You know you masturbate too much anyway.”
“Well you do!”
Sharon produced the second CB-2000, it was the same as the one I had on except it was black.
“Oh how precious,” Jeanie said.
Sharon first slathered up Max’s genitalia in Vaseline then showed his mom how to put the chastity device on. It was rather a sad process to watch, I realized. Max was whimpering the whole time. Since he was smaller than me in that area it took less effort on the part of Sharon and less pain on the part of Max to get it on.
“Would you like to give him an enema to get things started?” Sharon offered.
“No, dear,” Jeanie shook her head and frowned. “I don’t want to have to clean that up later.”
Max sighed with relief.
“How about a suppository instead?” Sharon asked.
“That would be okay,”
Sharon left and returned a minute later with a foil-wrapped suppository. She handed it to Max’s mom.
“You know how to give one of these right?” she asked.
“Oh, of course. I used to give these to Max when he was a little boy if he was sick.”
She unwrapped the suppository and took it over to Max.
“Lift your legs up dear,” she ordered softly.
He shook his head no.
“Max, lift your legs up, now!” she said firmly.
He reluctantly complied.
“Good boy,” Jeanie said.
She the shoved the suppository into his rectum, pushing it as far up as her finger would let it go. Max instinctively tried to push away from her, but it was no use.
“How many diapers should we use for twenty-four hours?” Jeanie then asked.
Sharon thought for a minute.
“Well, probably five would do,” she said, “But six would look much nicer.”
“Okay,” Jeanie said.
Sharon retrieved the right number of diapers—half in medium size, half in large, and the rest of the diapering supplies. She showed Jeanie how to put the diaper boosters in the diapers and how to tape the diapers on. Jeanie wasn’t familiar with diapers with six tapes since she hadn’t used diapers on anyone since Max was a baby. Ten minutes later he was thickly diapered in six disposables. They let him up out of the restraints.
“Max,” Jeanie said firmly, “Mommy spanks if you ever touch your diapers. And when you need to pooh-pooh you need to ask mommy for permission.”
He just whimpered and nodded.
Jeanie and Sharon stood in the room talking for several minutes as I remained in my corner still pooping every few minutes. Max sat on the edge of bed rocking back and forth and holding his stomach as he obviously felt cramps from the suppository. The ladies just kept talking ignoring us both. I don’t know how they could stand the horrible stench of my messy diapers.
“I have to poop,” Max said finally, obviously feeling some major discomfort.
“Ask: ‘Mommy, can I go pooh-pooh in my diaper, please?’” Jeanie said.
“Mom!” Max groaned.
“Okay,” Jeanie said, “Then you get a spanking if you pooh-pooh without permission.”
“Mommy, can I pooh-pooh in my diaper, please?” he finally asked with a strained voice. He was trying hard to hold it in.
“Go ahead, sweetie,” Jeanie said.
Max got up and dropped down on his hands and knees. He let out a large fart then grunted and groaned as he pushed out what seemed like a large load of poop into his diapers.
“Good boy, Max,” Jeanie said.
He stayed on the floor for several minutes pushing out more and more poop. The room was filled with another level of foul odor from his diapers now.
“Well I guess we better go,” Jeanie finally said. “Get dressed, Max.”
He slowly got up off of his knees and walked over to where his clothes sat in a pile on the floor. He put his t-shirt on, but he wasn’t able to put his jeans on over his diapers.
“My pants don’t fit,” he announced.
“Well I’ll carry them, dear,” Jeanie said. “Just put your socks and shoes on and get your diapers.”
“But Mom,” he whined. “Everybody will see my diapers.”
“Don’t be so melodramatic, Max,” Jeanie said, “We live in the next building over. No one will see you.”
Neither Max nor I was convinced of that.
“But, Mom!” he continued whining.
“If you ‘but Mom’ me one more time, young man,” Jeanie said, “I’m going to take a paddle to your legs. Now get dressed.”
Max scowled and sat down to put his shoes on. As he did I saw him cringe and shuffle his butt around obviously getting used to the mess in his diapers.
“What are you guys doing tonight?” Sharon asked.
“Oh, Bob is out of town on business,” Jeanie said, “I’m sure we’ll be watching TV all night. I doubt Max will be going anywhere.”
“Why don’t you two come over for dinner?” Sharon said. “Say around 8:00?”
“Oh that would be nice,” Jeanie said. “Thank you. We will.”
She looked over at Max who had stood up, “Are you ready, Max?”
“Uh huh,” he said unenthusiastically.
“Get your diapers,” Jeanie ordered.
Sharon handed him five new bags of Depend diapers in both sizes plus several packages of booster pads.
“Now thank Sharon for you diapers,” Jeanie said.
“Thank you for my diapers, Sharon,” Max said sullenly.
“Your welcome, Max,” Sharon said warmly reaching up to touch his sad face.
“Let’s go,” Jeanie said turning to go. “Tell everyone bye. We’ll see you guys tonight then.”
“Bye, Tommy,” Max said to me sadly.
“Mmm,” I mumbled through my pacifier with a wave of my mittened hand trying to impart as much empathy as I could.
Sharon walked them out and then came back into my room. I was still squatting in the corner not wanting to move and slosh the humongous mess in my diapers around.
“Do you want to eat?” Sharon asked me.
I shook my head looking at her with cold, sad eyes. I was hungry, but had no appetite.
“Do you want to take a nap?”
I nodded at that. I was exhausted from the trauma of my experience and the effort of pooping so much for so long.
“Okay,” Sharon said. “I’ll take the restraints off your bed so you don’t have to sleep in them if you promise not to mess with your diapers.
I held up my mitten-covered hands and looked at her with an arched eyebrow as if to say: “What the hell am I supposed to do with my hands like this?”
She unbuckled the straps that held the harness and wrist restrains on the bed and pulled them out from around the mattress and set them on the floor. Then she went over to the dresser and got a plain white t-shirt.
“Here put this on so you don’t get cold,” she said.
How I was supposed to get cold with diapers covering half of my body I didn’t know, but I lifted my arms and let her put the shirt on me. I climbed into bed lying on my stomach with my legs spread wide in deference to my thick, thick diapers.
She rubbed my back gently for a few seconds. Then covered me with my rubber sheet.
“Sleep tight, baby,” she said. “I’ll get you up in a couple of hours.”
I rested the side of my head on my pillow, annoyed that I couldn’t spit out my pacifier. I drifted off to sleep a few minutes later.
I woke up a while later again disoriented by my surroundings. After a few seconds I remembered where I was. The horrible smell in the room and the confining feel of my thick diapers reminded me of what had happened to me earlier. I could already feel the tingle of diaper rash forming all over my diaper area from sitting in my liquid mess for so long. It was an ominous sign of what was to come.
I slowly got up. Me legs were stiff from being spread apart by my diapers for so long. I pushed myself up on all fours and crawled the edge of the bed. I turned so that my side was parallel to the side of the bed and lowered first one leg and then the other to the floor leaving my mitten-covered hands still supporting the front of my body on the mattress. With every move I made I could feel the huge mess shift and slosh around in my diapers.
I stood up and found that the thickness in the seat of my diapers forced me to hunch over slightly. I waddled as best I could out of the bedroom. I was walking like a sumo wrestler my diapers forced my legs so far apart.
“Hi, baby,” Sharon said to me as I came into the living room. “Did you sleep good?”
I shook my head no. I waddled slowly over to the couch and eased myself down next the girl I now had to consider my fiancé, though I was having trouble with that at the moment. I grimaced as my mess squished all over the inside of my diapers.
Sharon leaned over and kissed my cheek above the strap that held the pacifier in my mouth. I recoiled slightly when she did. I was still mad at her for this crap and I wanted her to know it. She didn’t appear to take the hint.
“Are you hungry?” She asked me.
I nodded my head without looking at her. I just stared at the TV screen in front of me. She was watching some afternoon TV movie on the chick-flick channel. She got up and went into the kitchen. A few minutes later she came back with a plate containing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and some pretzels.
“I’m not going to give you too much, Honey,” she said. “I don’t want to ruin your supper.”
She sat down next to me and undid the strap holding my pacifier. She pulled it out and put it on the coffee table in front of us. I worked my jaw around, as my mouth was sore from having that damn thing in it for so long.
Sharon set the plate down in her lap and picked up a piece of the sandwich that she had cut into four little squares. She held it up in front of my mouth so I could take a bite.
“I can feed myself,” I said.
“Not with those mittens on,” she said matter-of-factly. “And they’re staying on until I change your diapers tomorrow. That’ll teach you to put your hands to better use from now on.”
“What about dinner tonight when Jeanie and Max come over?” I asked unbelievingly
“What about it,” she retorted. “I’ll feed you then, too.”
“But it’ll look ridiculous,” I complained.
“Baby, they’ve already seen you completely naked, with and enema tube stuck up your butt, and you peeing all over the place. How much worse could it get?”
She had a point about that, but I still flushed with both anger and embarrassment.
She continued feeding me my sandwich along with some carrot sticks. When she was done with that she brought me a bottle of juice. She tried to put it between my two bundled hands so I could hold it myself but I dropped it twice. Finally, she sighed and sat down next to me and told me to put my head in her lap.
That was much easier said than done in my current predicament. My diapers were so thick and forced my legs apart so wide that I couldn’t easily lie on the couch. Finally I got in a position where I was laying halfway on my side and halfway on my back with one leg propped up against the back of the couch and the other resting on the seat cushion. My diapers probably hung down ten or twelve inches from my crotch so by the time I drew my legs up a little ways my heels were up against the bottom of my diapers.
I lay my head in Sharon’s lap and she stuck the bottle in my mouth and I began sucking on it. We lay there watching her stupid made-for-TV chick-flick. I was completely bored, but I had actually found a position that I was somewhat comfortable in.
Ten minutes later I had sucked the bottle dry. Sharon lifted my head up so she could get out and replaced her lap with a throw pillow, which I didn’t think was quite as comfortable. She went into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with the regular pacifier she had bought me several weeks ago. She stuck it in my mouth but I spit it back out.
“Hey,” she said, “It’s either that or the one with the strap.”
I scowled at her, but allowed her to pick up the pacifier and put it back into my mouth. Tied around the ring on the end of the pacifier was a colorful little cord like a shoestring. At the other end of the string was a plastic alligator clip, which Sharon stuck onto my shirt so “I wouldn’t lose my pacifier.”
“I’m going to start supper,” she said. “You just lay there and rest since you’re obviously not going to be any help to me.”
I nodded as she turned to leave. Before she left she put the TV on Nickelodeon, which annoyed me nearly as much as Chick-Flick Central. The normal Saturday afternoon, pre-teen geared, cartoon lineup was underway. I was so bored that I finally drifted off to sleep even though I wasn’t really tired.
I woke up maybe thirty minutes later and continued watching Nickelodeon. I shifted my butt around trying to get a little more comfortable, but that wasn’t happening. With every passing hour my diaper area was getting more and more irritated from being surrounded by my fecal matter. I added to the problem by peeing once again and pushing out more soft, runny poop into my diapers.
The afternoon dragged by at a snails pace, at least to me anyway. I got up after a while and slowly waddled into the kitchen where Sharon was still working on dinner.
“What are we having?” I asked after spitting the pacifier out of my mouth.
“I’m making my special meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy, and roasted root vegetables,” she said as she peeled potatoes over the sink.
“Sounds good,” I said. Though I was most decidedly not a fan of meatloaf, Sharon had a good personal recipe, which I’m sure she got and modified from her mother’s.
“I’d tell you to go pick out a wine,” she said with a smile, “But I guess that might be a little hard.”
“You think?” I replied sarcastically.
“Baby, how long do I have to wear these diapers?” I asked with a whine.
“I told you until tomorrow,” she said. “I’ll change you before I put you to bed tomorrow night so you can be well rested for school on Monday.”
“But I’m already getting a rash,” I complained.
“I guess you should have thought of that before you broke the rules, huh?” she commented unsympathetically.
I sighed, groaned, and turned to leave.
“Come here, baby,” she ordered sternly.
What the hell now? I thought as I turned back around to face her.
As I re-approached her she grabbed the front of my t-shirt with one hand and pulled me close to her so she could give me a kiss. After a few moments of that she pushed me away just far enough so she could grab my pacifier and stuff it back in my mouth.
“We’ll negotiate something after you’ve been in them for a full twenty-four hours,” she told me.
I just nodded somewhat allayed and then turned to go back to the living room. Twenty-four hours was still way the hell far away from now. I had received my enema around 10:30 and it was now about 3:30. That meant I had no less than nineteen hours left to go on my sentence. And of course that could certainly drag on longer if I wasn’t able to negotiate my way out of these sodden garments.
I sat back on the couch grimacing as my bodyweight rubbed my excrement into my irritated skin. I lay back down how I was before but wasn’t able to get my head properly adjusted on my pillow. I just lay around for the next few hours. By the time 7:00 o’clock rolled around I was pretty much in total agony from my ever-worsening diaper rash. I had no idea how I was going to make it for another fifteen hours or so.
Sharon didn’t even bother changing me for dinner that night. My super-thick diapers and white t-shirt along with the mittens on my hand and my pacifier would be all I wore. I slowly rose up off the couch when I heard the doorbell ring. Sharon came out of her room still putting on an earring. She had changed into some nicer casual clothes for dinner. She walked to the front door. I decided I’d just stand in the living room and wait for our two guests to come in. I kept my pacifier in my mouth because I found that sucking on it took my mind off of the stinging pain going on inside my diapers.
“Hi, Jeanie!” Sharon said as she opened the front door.
“Hello, Sharon,” the older woman replied warmly. They gave each other a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
Jeanie came and said hi to me. She gave me a kiss on the cheek too. She looked at my face and I knew she could see my discomfort.
“Oh,” she said with a sympathetic frown, “Poor Tommy isn’t having any fun is he?”
I just frowned and shook my head no. I still didn’t spit out my pacifier.
“And here’s our other stinky, little boy,” Sharon said as Max came into the apartment.
I thought that was rather funny since he was much bigger than any of us.
He was wearing a rather awful looking pair of royal blue shorts that did nothing to hide the fact that he was wearing multiple diapers. He was wearing a tight fitting t-shirt that had some sort of childish looking print on it. He was also wearing a long, sad face.
“Where did you get that adorable shirt, Jeanie?” Sharon asked when she saw what he was wearing.
“Oh, I had to go to Wal-Mart this afternoon to get Max something to wear over his diapers. He didn’t have one pair of pants that would fit over them. Anyway, I found that shirt in the clearance section. It’s the extra-large boy’s shirt. I thought it would go so well with those shorts I found for Max I just had to get it. It’s a little tight, but I squeezed him into it. I’m going to put some snaps in the collar and maybe one of the seams later so it’ll be easier for him to get on.”
Jeanie looked over at me again and then at Max, “See Max, Tommy likes his pacifier. You need to use yours too. You take it out, right now.”
He rolled his eyes and flushed. After some hesitation he thrust his hand into one of his pockets and came out with a baby pacifier. He put it in his mouth, but didn’t suck on it. He fixed a determined scowl on his face.
“Come on everybody,” Sharon said. “Let’s eat. Everything is ready.”
The three of them headed toward the dining area and I waddled slowly behind them. Sharon had set up our small dining table so that Max and I were at each end of the table with Sharon at my right and Jeanie at Max’s right. She figured that would make it easier for her to feed me, and Jeanie could feed Max if she so chose. Max and I both had big plastic toddler plates with babyish designs all over them while the two ladies had the nice china. I hadn’t seen the toddler plates before and wondered where and when Sharon had gotten them. The only flatware in front of Max’s and my plates were a single little toddler spoon for each of us. Sharon began pulling food out of the oven and putting it on the table while Jeanie poured some wine for herself and Sharon. Max and I both had sippy-cups with juice in them.
Sharon set four or five serving dishes of food on the table and then took her seat. Everything would have smelled great if the odors Max’s and my diapers weren’t overpowering the other aromas in the room. Sharon ignored this as she served us all our food. Max and I both got good size helpings of meatloaf, potatoes and vegetables in our plates, which were conveniently partitioned into three separate food areas.
When she was done serving everybody, Sharon used her fork to cut up my meatloaf into little, bite-size chunks. Jeanie did the same on her son’s plate. After that Max was allowed to use his little spoon to scoop up bites of his food, while I sat with my encased hands in my mittens as Sharon spooned portions of food into my mouth. I’m sure my face glowed red in humiliation through the whole meal.
“So how is school going, Max?” Sharon asked.
“Fine,” he answered curtly without looking up from his plate.
“He’ll be graduating in the top 10% of his class next month,” his mom bragged proudly.
“That’s great!” Sharon said, “Where are you going to college?”
“Probably just around here somewhere,” he answered.
“Max was too lazy to apply to the good schools,” his mom provide less proudly, “So he’s going to have to go here for at least a year. Maybe he’ll go to school with you, Tommy.”
“That’d be cool,” I said unenthusiastically.
“You boys are going to have so much fun over the next few weeks,” Sharon said. “And you know you’ve got a job here all summer, Max. With me working so much Tommy’s got to have someone to change him, and he’ll get bored when he’s not in summer school.”
Sharon had told them earlier in the day about me deciding to remain in diapers indefinitely.
“And if you decide you want to stay in diapers,” Jeanie said to Max, “or if your punishment gets extended, you guys will have even more in common. Maybe we should teach Tommy how to change Max’s diapers, Sharon, so they can change each other.”
“Oh, if you don’t mind, I’d rather not,” Sharon said vehemently, “I really don’t want Tommy knowing how to change diapers. I wouldn’t want him to get tempted to try and change his own diapers one day. He’s never going to be allowed to do that.”
I was embarrassed that they were talking at me and just stared at my plate the whole time.
“Oh, I understand, Sharon,” Jeanie said understandingly, “That’s no problem. Max will just have to rely on me for all his changes. Well, and his father if he wants to do some. I can’t wait until he gets home tomorrow and sees Maxy in his diapers.”
We finished dinner and sat around the table for perhaps an hour chatting. Actually, the ladies did most of the talking while Max and I spent most of the time staring back and forth at each other. Finally, Sharon dismissed us.
“Why don’t you two baby’s go sit in the living room and talk about boy stuff while Jeanie and I talk about girl stuff?” Sharon suggested.
Max and I rose from our seats and waddled into the living room. We sat down on the couch next to each other while Sharon and Jeanie began clearing the table together. Neither of us spoke for a minute or two.
“Hey, Tommy,” Max finally said barely above a whisper. “Do you think your girlfriend knows what we did together that night?”
“No,” I shook my head. “She thinks we each did it separately at least as far as I can tell.”
“Thank God,” he sighed. “We better never do that again.”
“Yeah,” I said with a touch of indignity. You mean you better never do that again.
“Do you have diaper rash yet?” he asked me.
“Yeah,” I said. “It’s really bad and getting worse. I think it’s turning into the worst one I’ve ever had.”
“Me too,” he said depressed. “This poop felt really good for the first hour or so. Then it started to get irritating.”
“Mine just went straight to irritating,” I said.
“Speaking of which…” I said. “Can you put my pacifier in my mouth? Sucking on it kind of takes my mind off of my pain.”
“Yeah, sure,” he said.
He reach over and grabbed my pacifier, which still dangled from my shirt, and put it in my mouth.
“Hanks,” I said through clenched teeth. I immediately began sucking away on the pacifier. I could see why some people called them soothers. It sure was beginning to help me.
I then watched Max pull his pacifier out of his pocket and stick it in his mouth. He actually started to suck on it this time.
We sat there in silence. He finally picked up the remote and turned the TV on. We watched TV for perhaps thirty minutes. Then I noticed Max started shifting around uncomfortably in his seat. I had an idea why he was moving around, which was confirmed a few minutes later.
“Mommy,” he called out, “Can I go pooh-pooh in my diapers?”
“Yes, sweetie. Go ahead,” Jeanie called from the kitchen.
Max stood up and leaned over placing his hands on his knees. He grunted for a few seconds then I heard him let out a large fart which was cut off abruptly by the poop coming out of his rectum. I couldn’t tell how big his bowel movement was, but I figured that it was large as he sighed for a long while as it came out.
He then plopped back down on the couch not bothering to be graceful about it. I suppose he figured that he already had so much poop in his diapers that it didn’t matter how badly any more got squished and spread around.
Half and hour later Jeanie and Max left. Max followed his mom out the door with his pronounced waddle. I felt sorry for him for having to walk out in the open in such thick diapers. At least it was dark outside now.
“Okay, bedtime,” Sharon said after they left.
I didn’t really feel like going to bed, but I decided that the faster I went to sleep the sooner my agony would end, at least temporarily.
I followed her into my bedroom and waited as she straightened out my sheets and adjusted my pillows for me. She held the sheet back and I climbed into the bed lying on my back.
“Do you want a little something to help you sleep?” she asked after she draped the sheet over me.
I just nodded.
She left the room and was back a minute later and was back with a bottle of milk.
“There’s some liquid Benadryl in this,” she said as she sat on the bed next to me and stuck the bottle in my mouth. It was nice warm milk.
I sucked it dry in about ten minutes.
“I noticed you seem to like your pacifier, now,” she commented as I finished the last of the bottle.
I nodded.
“It helps take my mind off of my discomfort,” I said as I spit the bottle nipple out of my mouth.
She left the room again and came back with the pacifier that fastened around the back of my head.
“Here you go,” she said as she put in my mouth. “You can’t spit this one out and lose it during the night. If you accidentally spit out the other one you may not be able to get it back in.”
I started to protest, but before I could she had the pacifier in my mouth and was bringing the strap around the back of my head.
She leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead.
“Goodnight, baby,” she said. “Sleep tight.”
She rose to leave giving me one last look and a smile as she turned the light off and left. She must have put a lot of Benadryl in that bottle because I fell asleep quickly.
I woke up early this morning. The growing pain of my diaper rash probably awakened me. By the time I woke up at 7:00 the pain was almost completely unbearable. I grimaced and groaned as I tried to shift around and find a more comfortable position. It was impossible. I stood up and waddled slowly to the door. I discovered that the door was closed and I couldn’t grip the knob with the mittens on my hands. I turned around and headed back to the bed. I cringed with every waddling step I took. I made it back and sat tenderly on the corner of the bed. I looked down and could see that the crotch area of my diapers was brown from the enema water that had soaked all the way through them.
I sat there for over an hour trying not to move, which only seemed to make things worse. At some point my eyes began to water and tears began rolling down my face. The pain was just getting so bad that I couldn’t help crying. I sucked ravenously on my pacifier as I sat there and sobbed.
After what seem the longest time the door opened and Sharon came into the room.
“Morning, sweetie,” she said cheerfully.
I just whimpered and sniffled back.
“Aw, what’s wrong baby?” she said when she noticed I was crying. She came up and knelt on the ground in front of me. She looked up and me and wiped off my cheek with her hand.
I rubbed the front of my diaper with a my mitten-encased hand and tried to mumble, “It hurts.”
She tilted her head to the side and sighed.
“Okay,” she said after a few seconds. “I’ll change you. I can’t take that pitiful face. Are you sorry?”
I nodded emphatically.
She took me by the wrist and pulled me up to a standing position. She unfastened the buckles on my mittens and slipped them off of my hands. Then she pulled my t-shirt off. She left my pacifier in my mouth and led me by the hand to the bathroom.
We got into the bathroom and I waited for her to spread a vinyl, changing pad on the floor. She pulled my huge plastic pants off and then told me to get down on the pad. I did as I was told slowly, whimpering in pain as I went.
“Poor thing,” she said as she got down in between my spread legs.
She unfastened the first huge cloth diaper and pulled it open. The one underneath it was even worse. The bottom half of the diaper was completely brown. She opened the second cloth diaper to reveal that the inside was brown all the way up above where my Depends came to. She then got up and left and came back a few minutes later with a couple of trash bags. She pulled the two cloth diapers out from under me and bundled them up and put them in one of the bags. She then started to untape my five disposables. As she opened each one of them we saw that they were all completely soaked through with brown, poopy, enema water. The smell in the bathroom was horrendous.
When the last diaper was open we saw that I was completely covered in poopy residue all the way up to about two inches above my belly button. Sharon spread the second trash bag on the floor between the tub and the changing pad. She told me to get up and stand in the tub. I did as I was told and just stood there in the tub naked still sucking on the pacifier that remained fastened in my mouth. Sharon then took the empty trash bag and put the sodden disposables in it.
After that she turned the water on and grabbed the handheld shower nozzle. She gently sprayed all of the feces and urine off of me with a warm stream of water.
“You’ve got a bad diaper rash, baby,” Sharon commented when I was mostly clean.
“Mm hmm,” I mumbled through my pacifier.
She then soaped up a washcloth and cleaned my diaper area. I shuddered and whimpered in pain as she scrubbed me gently.
“I’m sorry, baby,” she said as she cleaned me.
“Oh baby, look at this,” she said as she pulled the washcloth out from my butt crack.
I looked down to see that there were little spots of blood on the washcloth.
“Baby, I won’t leave you in diapers after an enema for that long ever again, okay?” she said. “I’m sorry.”
After I was cleaned off she rinsed the soap off of me and then ran a bath for me. I sat down in the warm water recoiling in pain as my ridiculously raw diaper area touched the water. She let me sit there in the water for a while as she disposed of my diapers. As I was sitting there alone in the bathtub I looked down at my raw crotch and my genitals that were locked away in the little plastic chastity cage. I fiddled with the device for a few seconds testing its security. I quickly realized there was no way for me to get this thing off. When I pulled on it my balls hurt from the tiny cock ring that was squeezed on behind them. I stopped touching it when I started to get hard from the stimulation, which only increased my discomfort.
A few minutes later Sharon came back into the bedroom and started to bathe me. She did her normal thorough, and gentle job. She cleaned my diaper area again very, very gently. When I was squeaky clean she rinsed me off and had me get out of the tub. She dried me off tenderly patting my diaper area dry. My entire diaper area was completely red with a horrible rash. It was by far the worst rash I had ever experienced.
When I was thoroughly dried I was sent into the living room to lie on the couch naked for a while to air my diaper area some. Sharon cleaned up bathroom. She came out carrying the trash bag with my messy, cloth diapers in it.
“I’m going to go take these and wash them,” she said.
I just nodded since I still had the pacifier in my mouth.
“Let me get you some breakfast first, though,” she said.
She made me a bottle of milk and a bowl of oatmeal. She fed it to me while I lay on the couch. I didn’t protest to her feeding me this time. I was exhausted from a long, restless night in those diapers and I was still in some pain from my rash. I wanted a little babying for once.
When she was done feeding me Sharon gave me my pacifier without the strap on it so I could take it in an out as I pleased. She then went into my room and came out with a single cloth diaper. It looked a lot like Mike’s diapers that I had worn up at their house, but I could tell that it was brand new.
“How many diapers did y’all make me?” I asked.
“About twenty,” she answered. “Mostly like this one, but there’s a few larger ones of varying sizes for punishment purposes, or in case you feel like wearing really, really thick diapers every once in a while. We’re not going to use any of them very often for now because of the laundry. But when we get our own house I want you to start wearing them at night. That’ll save money on disposables, plus you like’em, don’t you?”
I had to nod at that. I had developed a healthy love of cloth diapers as well as disposables.
“I’m just going to put this diaper on by itself. No plastic pants or anything. That way you can keep airing out. I want you to just lay here on the couch with a changing pad under you. You can get up and move around, but once you pee don’t you move from this couch. I don’t want you dripping everywhere.”
“Okay,” I said.
She put the diaper on me fastening its Velcro closures loosely to let more air circulate inside. After it was on me she had me lift my butt so that she could put a clean changing pad underneath me. She then gave me a kiss and rose to leave.
She collected the dirty diapers and a few other articles that needed to be washed and she was gone. I lay there for a while sucking on my pacifier before I finally drifted off to sleep.
I woke up a couple of hours later when I heard the door open and Sharon came back in carrying a basket of freshly folded clothes. My two huge diapers were on top of the pile.
“How’re you doing, sweetie?” Sharon asked as she set the laundry basket down inside the door.
“Okay,” I said spitting out my pacifier.
“How’s your diaper?” she asked.
I had actually just started peeing when she asked.
“Well,” I said, “It was dry until ten seconds ago.”
“Have you pooped?”
“No,” I replied.
“Okay, I’ll change you in a sec,” She said.
She took my diapers into my room and then the rest of the clothes went into the master bedroom. She came back a few minutes later, went back to my room and came back with a new cloth diaper.
“Do you think you’re going to poop soon?” she asked me as she started to open my diaper to see how wet it was.
“Maybe an hour or two,” I said.
“Okay, well let me know when you need to do it so I can put a disposable on you before you do.”
“Okay,” I replied.
She wiped me off with a baby wipe, which hurt my rash a little, then she slipped the dry diaper under me. She didn’t close it up though. She just left it open with my crotch exposed to the air.
“I’m going to leave that open so you can get more air down there,” she said, “But pull it up if you even think you need to pee. Don’t pee all over the couch.”
“Yes, dear,” I said somewhat sarcastically.
“Hey,” she said with mock anger. “You don’t get to ‘yes dear’ me until we’re actually married.”
She bundled up my wet diaper and took it to my room.
“I’m going to wait a little while until you poop,” she said when she came back out into the living room and set in the living room next to me. “Then I’ll change you, and them I’m going to go do some shopping. We need food since we cleaned out the fridge before we went on our trip. Plus, there’re a few other things I want to get. Do you want to come with me?”
I shook my head, “I just want to stay here and let my wounds heal, babe.”
I also really didn’t want to walk with my diaper area so raw.
“Okay, sweetie,” she said, “That’s fine. I’m going to get a couple of things for you anyway so I’ll surprise you.”
“What are you getting for me?”
She reached over and grabbed my pacifier and stuck it in my mouth as she rose to go into the kitchen.
“I told you it’d be a surprise,” she said.
She fixed us some sandwiches for lunch. When she called me into the dining room to eat I walked with an intentionally larger waddle than my diapers forced me to walk with. Walking with a bigger waddle helped my irritated butt. I sat down at the table after Sharon put a changing pad down on my chair. We ate our sandwiches. I barely noticed that I peed in my diaper again as we ate.
As soon as we were done with our lunch I began feeling the need to poop. I returned to my changing pad on the couch and told Sharon I had to poop. She went to my room and got a Depend diaper for me. She removed my wet cloth diaper, wiped me up, and put the disposable on me. A few minutes later I let a large bowel movement go into the diaper. My butt instantly started to sting when my poop touched it.
“Okay, I’m done,” I said a few minutes later, “And it hurts.”
Sharon took my hand and I slowly got up off of the couch trying not to smear my poop around any more than was necessary. We went into the bathroom and she rinsed me in the tub before drying me off and sending me back into the living room naked.
She then went into the master bedroom and got dressed to go on her shopping trip. Just before she left she put two cloth diapers on me without plastic pants telling me again not to move once I had peed. She brought me a couple of bottles of juice in case I got thirsty. She told me she shouldn’t be gone more than two or three hour.
She left and I spent the rest of the afternoon watching TV and lounging on the couch. I peed in my diapers a couple of times. After that I opened up my diapers so that the wet material wouldn’t stay in contact with my skin. Sharon hadn’t given me permission to do that, but I didn’t really care. She felt pretty bad about causing me such a bad diaper rash so I figured I could get away with a few things. I tried adjusting my chastity device, but again it was of no use. My penis seemed to stay perpetually half-erect pressing up against the plastic bars of the cage surrounding it. While not extremely uncomfortable, it was annoying.
Sharon returned a few hours later with several bags of groceries along with some other things. One of the things she got me was a diaper pail for my cloth diapers, which I was pretty neutral about. She got me some new shirts and stuff too that she had found on sale. Though they were nice I wasn’t too enthused about them either.
The rest of the evening went by uneventfully. We made dinner then I got another bath. Sharon let me stay naked for over an hour before she diapered me up for bed.
When she diapered me that night she put four Depends on me, and told me we had given all of the booster pads to Max, so I’d have to wear four diapers from now on to make up for their absence. I didn’t like that at all since four diapers would obviously be thicker and more conspicuous. I complained about this to Sharon, but she retorted reasonably that in a week we’d have my new Euro Diaper Supremes and they were bigger than the four diapers I’d be wearing until then. Figuring there was no way to win the argument I gave it up.
Sharon then took out a new outfit for me. It was a new footed-sleeper that her mom had made for me. It was made out of a thin, stretchy, poly-cotton material much like children’s PJ’s were made of. The material was white and covered in juvenile looking, colorful, little trucks and cars. It had blue, ribbed elastic cuffs and collar. Like my other sleeper its zipper was on the back with a lock at the top so once I was in it I wouldn’t be able to get out. I put the sleeper on. I didn’t really like it all that much, but I had gotten used to sleepers in the last couple of weeks and didn’t mind it so much. I put my feet in the sleeper’s feet and my arms into the sleeves, and Sharon pulled the garment the rest of the way on me and zipped it up. She then put me into bed and tucked me in. I found that once again my harness had been put on my bed and I had to sleep in it. Thankfully, since I now had a chastity device on she not longer worried about leaving my hands free. That of course didn’t make me happy since I still had to deal with the damn chastity thing.
After lying in bed for about half and hour I finally fell asleep.
I got home today a little late as I had stopped by the mall to look at some jewelry stores for a real engagement ring for Sharon. I had finally found one that I thought Sharon would like and bought it. Though Sharon had offered to give me money to buy the ring, I had been adamant about buying it on my own. Though I wasn’t employed, I did get money for school from grants, scholarships, and other financial aids for my tuition and books. Sharon had several times offered to put me through school too, but I had long ago decided to do it on my own. I usually got a little bit of extra money every semester, which I squirreled away for a rainy day. Today had been a real rainy day and I had spent most of my money on the ring, but I didn’t mind because I knew how happy it would make Sharon.
When I walked into our apartment I was for some reason surprised to find Max in the living room. I knew he would be there today, but I had forgotten about it during the day.
“Hey, Tommy,” he said looking at me from the couch.
“Hi,” I said as I dropped my backpack by the door and sat by him on the couch.
He held up a folded outfit in front of me.
“Sharon left a note for me to tell you to put this on,” he told me.
I reluctantly took it from him and unfolded the garment. It was a ridiculous looking bib-front romper. It had the stupidest Looney Toons print on it. I stood up and started to undress. I stripped down to the white onesie I was wearing.
“Jeez, you have to wear those now?” Max asked, pointing at my onesie.
“Yeah,” I said, “Sharon and her mom made like a dozen of them for me when we were up there. Once I start using the new diapers I won’t have much choice because the diapers sag so much when the get wet because they hold so much.”
I undid the shoulder straps on the romper and stepped into it. The waist and the leg openings of the romper had elastic sewn into them so the garment fit me sort of like diaper pants except it had the bib front on it that came up like a pair of short-alls. I fastened the straps to the front of the romper and sat down. I’m sure Max thought I looked hilarious. I looked down and discovered that there were, of course, snaps in the crotch of the romper.
“God I’m glad I’m not you,” Max said with a chuckle.
“Hey, don’t laugh,” I said seriously. “You may not have to dress like me, but your diapers smell just as bad as mine.”
“Oh crap,” Max suddenly said and got off the couch. “I almost forgot. I crapped earlier and didn’t call my mom to ask for permission.”
“You even have to ask permission to poop when she’s not around?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yeah,” he said with a frown. “I even have to call her from school if I have to go. And I have to ask if I can ‘go pooh-pooh in my diapers’ too. It really sucks, but I figured out that if I just go when I need to, all I have to do is call her later in private and ask her. It’s not like she’s gonna know exactly when I went, right?”
“That does make sense,” I said.
He went into the kitchen and called his mom at her work and asked if he could poop. I felt sorry for him for having to ask permission to use his diapers, but I still smiled when he asked her. He came back into the room a minute later and sat back down.
We spent the rest of the evening watching TV and doing homework. Both of us had some so we did that around 7:00. We ate dinner and then Max took me into the bathroom to take my sodden, filthy diapers off and give me a bath. I took my romper off and got down on the floor on the changing pad he laid out. He pulled my latex pants off of me and then started to untape my diapers. There wouldn’t be any comments this time about the condition of my diapers since his were just as wet and smelly as mine at the moment.
“So how do you like wearing diapers?” I asked him.
“It sucks,” he said immediately as he started wiping my diaper area. “Especially wearing them to school.”
“Tell me about it,” I said.
“No one has found out about it yet,” he said as he cleaned my penis off, “But who knows how long that will last. I’m just glad there’s only a month of school left.”
“Same here,” I said.
“I just can’t believe you decided to start wearing diapers full-time even after your punishment ends,” he said.
“Well,” I said, “I think I’m doing it mostly for Sharon. I think she really likes babying me and diapering me. And I won’t lie to you, I kind of like it too. I’ll put up with a little humiliation if it keeps both Sharon and me happy. Plus, I think her family would be really disappointed if I ever gave up diapers, and I really like her family a lot.”
“You’ve got it bad, man,” Max said with a smile as he finished cleaning me.
“If you’re lucky, you will too one day,” I said.
He ran a bath for me and told me to hop in. He left me for a few minutes after handing me a washcloth and telling me to wash myself. Fifteen minutes later he came back and had me step out of the tub so he could dry me off. He did so thoroughly, and then, after my normal half-hour airing-out period, he took me into my room to diaper me for the night.
“I’m supposed to use four diapers on you,” he announced.
“Yeah I know,” I said, “Thanks to you.”
“Sorry, it’s not my fault your fiancé suggested I be put into diapers, too,” he said.
“I know,” I said, “I’m just kidding.”
I lay on the end of the bed so he could diaper me up. He did as good a job as he had a few weeks ago, and I figured that he would be getting much better at it in the near future.
After putting on four disposables and a pair of plastic, instead of latex, pants he had me climb into a sleeper. It was made of the same material as the one I had worn last night, but it was solid red instead of printed. It had my name embroidered on it across the left breast.
“How many clothes did they make me?” I asked rhetorically.
“I don’t know, pal,” Max replied. “I went through your dresser there a while ago and there’s a ton of big baby clothes in it. I hope my mom doesn’t get any ideas from you guys.”
“Oh, I’m sure she already has,” I said.
He zipped up the back of my sleeper and we went back into the living room.
“Thanks, man,” I said as we sat down. “I’d change you too if I were allowed to.”
“Don’t worry about it, Tommy,” he said. “I know you would.”
An hour later it was my bedtime, and he took me back into the bedroom and fastened me into my harness. He gave me my pacifier and fastened its clip to the front of my sleeper. I had found that I was becoming addicted to my pacifier and found it hard to go to sleep without it. He told me goodnight and left the room.
Sharon got home thirty minutes later and I was still awake, so she came in to talk to me for a while.
“Hey, baby,” she said as she came into my room.
“Hi,” I said with a tired smile. “How was your first day in the new job?”
“It was great,” she said. “It’s going to be hectic and a big challenge, but I really love it, and the paycheck is gonna be great.”
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”
She sat down next to me and leaned over to give me a kiss. She soothingly rubbed my chest with her gentle hand.
“How was your day?” she asked me.
“Good,” I said. “I think I did real good on a pop quiz.”
“That’s good,” she said.
“Did you like your romper and your new sleeper?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I said, “They’re nice. How many clothes did you and your mom make me?”
“A lot,” she replied. “You have enough sleepers for one for every day of the week. The same goes for winter sleepers too like the Scooby Doo one. And Mom made you tons of rompers and playsuits and stuff. She’s making more too. She’s going to start sending us a package every month or so. I think she’s excited to have a new baby in the family.”
“She doesn’t need to go through all that trouble for me,” I said.
“Oh she’s not. Trust me. She really likes making the stuff. Pretty soon you’ll have as much stuff as Joshy and Mikey. When we move into a house she’s going to have a whole bunch of diapers for you, and she’s making a supply of diapers for you to keep there for when we visit. She found a bunch of little Scooby appliqués and I think she ordered a gross of them.”
We talked for a few minutes more then Sharon kissed me goodnight and left the room.
I was well into my second month in diapers. I honestly was forgetting what it was like to use a toilet. I was also having more and more wettings at night when I was sleeping. I also started having occasional daytime wetting accidents. I’d be sitting in class or something and all of a sudden I’d feel myself peeing before I even realized I needed to go. That was a little unsettling for me, but I decided that it was pretty much bound to happen eventually since I’d be wearing diapers from now on, so I may as well get used to it.
I had had a good week at school and at home. I had been able to poop before every diaper change so I didn’t get any suppositories. I was down to just two weeks left in the spring semester then another week of final exams. I was really looking forward to summer even though I would be taking nine hours of summer courses during the first half of the summer. I also found that Max and I were becoming quite good friends. Even though he was sort of a dumb jock in my opinion, he still had a lot of redeeming characteristics and we got along really well. Of course the solidarity of us both wearing diapers did help as well.
I got home to find Sharon there since it had been her half-day at work. She was doing some cleaning around the house, which she always did on her days off. She was a real neat freak sometimes and liked to clean. Cleaning was a stress reliever for her, which was good for me since it meant I rarely had to do much housework.
I said hi to her when I got home and she went about vacuuming. I took the opportunity to sneak into my room for a minute. I noticed that my new Euro Diapers had arrived that day and the drawers of my diaper dresser was full of them. I noticed that Sharon had already put Scooby Doo stickers on the front of all of them. I didn’t know why she used them, since there were no one else’s diapers to get them mixed up with.
Our evening went by as normal. We ate a nice dinner of some grilled, thin-cut sirloins with asparagus and Ricearoni. I was allowed to watch TV tonight and we sat together cuddling on the couch as we did so. At my normal bath time she took me into the bathroom and gave me a thorough scrubbing. My diaper rash had finally cleared up all the way and I was back to being a happy “baby.”
After my bath I was led into my room, and I lay on the end of my bed while Sharon went to get my diapering things. Everything had gone perfectly up until now and was unfolding just as I had planned it. She pulled out the top drawer containing my diapers and took pause for several seconds.
Earlier, when I had snuck into the room I had put her engagement ring in the drawer on top of a stack of diapers. She had obviously just found it.
She took the little jewel box out of the drawer and opened it. She squealed with glee. She ran over to my naked body and jumped on me and gave me a good, long kiss.
“Baby, this is beautiful,” she said looking down at the ring. “I love it. Thank you. Here, put it on me.”
She handed me the box and I pulled the ring out and slipped it on her finger. It was a nice, but simple ring made of white gold with a heart-cut diamond rock on it flanked by two smaller rubies on either side.
We made out for a good fifteen minutes after that, and I thought for a while that I would get my chastity thingy removed and we would have sex—I certainly thought I had earned it—but it wasn’t to be. She did, however, perform an inspection on my genitalia to ensure that the device wasn’t causing me any chafing.
She then put a new, thick Euro Diaper on me and taped it up. She put my latex pants on over it, which would help hold it up. The latex pants actually didn’t cover the whole top of the diaper since it rose much higher than my normal Depends did, but the pants were there mainly to hold my diaper up and prevent it from sagging. I was then put into yet another new footed-sleeper and we went back into living room to watch TV for a while longer. A couple of hours later I was put to bed as usual.
I woke up excited today. It was finally the big day. My last day of school, and officially the last day of my punishment had finally arrived. Sharon had restrained my hands in both mittens and the wrist restraints the night before since it was my last night of sleeping in restraints. She also strapped my pacifier into my mouth. With so many restraints on I hadn’t slept all that well, but I didn’t care. It was the last night I would sleep in the damn things, hopefully forever.
Sharon came in that morning and let me up as usual. The only thing wrong that morning was I hadn’t been able to poop before she got me up. I would therefore receive a suppository on my last day of school. I was so hyped up though that I really didn’t care about even that. It was an exam day so I only had two tests and then I was done.
I went to school pooping a huge load into my diapers along the way. Though I smelled pretty bad most of the day, no one seemed to notice, or if they did they didn’t say anything. I got home relieved to be off for a week until the summer semester began. I was extremely glad to get home since I was pretty stinky, and I was going to see if I could get changed early even though my punishment didn’t officially end until bedtime.
I got home a little after noon and Sharon had me change into a romper. I asked if I could be changed and she said she’d do it in a couple of hours. We sat watching TV for a while, and Sharon suggested that we go out for dinner to celebrate the end of my punishment.
“So, did you decide how you’re going to extend my punishment for not making straight-A’s?” I asked cautiously.
“Uh huh,” she said, “One night a week you get a suppository and have to sleep in your messy diaper.”
“I guess I can live with that,” I said. It was much better than what I had put up with for nearly two months now.
Around 2:00 Sharon changed my diaper, which was loaded with runny, suppository-induced poop. We sat around the rest of the afternoon and then around 7:00 we got dressed to go out to eat. I wore one of my pairs of dress slacks that now had snaps in the crotch and inseams and a nice polo shirt with one of my new onesies underneath it.
We went to a nice steakhouse for dinner. We ordered a bottle of wine to celebrate the occasion of the end of my punishment. I enjoyed our time out together and really like the expensive meal, but I was anxious to get home so we could officially end the punishment, which for me mainly meant getting the damn chastity device off.
Finally, we finished up our meal and left. We got back home and Sharon immediately undressed me and took me into the bathroom. She started a bath and then told me to get down on the changing mat. I did as I was told and sat staring at my diaper as Sharon got wipes and stuff out for my change. Since my latex pants didn’t fit over my new, bigger diapers very well I had stopped wearing them except to school where I was more worried about the noise and smell of my diapers being noticed.
She got down on her knees in between my spread legs and untaped my diaper. Since I had only worn it for a little over six hours, and I was already pooped out for the day, it was only wet. She gave me a quick wipe and told me to get in the tub. She left the CB-2000 on my penis, which annoyed me somewhat, but I didn’t complain since I knew it wouldn’t be much longer until she took it off.
She got me nice and clean and then dried me off. She told me to go wait in the living room while she cleaned up the bathroom. I sat on the couch staring down at my caged penis. I fiddled around with it for a few seconds, but that made it start to grow erect, which only caused me discomfort, so I left it alone. God, I couldn’t wait to get that damn thing off!
Finally, Sharon came out into the living room. She came over to me and took me by the hand and pulled me up off of the couch. She led me into my room. I was hoping that we’d go into the master bedroom for some post-punishment sex, but it looked like I was just going to get diapered up.
She took me into the room and led me over to the bed. She told me to climb into my harness, which was still on the bed.
“But…” I started to protest. My punishment was over I wasn’t supposed to be tied up any more.
“Just do it,” Sharon said sternly.
I frowned with a pouting face but did as I was told. What had I done? I had been really, really, really good for a whole month. I couldn’t think of anything that she could be punishing me for. This just wasn’t fair!
She fastened me into the harness and turned to leave the room. She left me there lying completely naked in my harness so I knew she’d be back. If I were going to be left there she would have diapered me up before leaving to prevent any accidents, which I was becoming more and more likely to have.
A few minutes later she came back. My eyes nearly popped out of my head. She was naked except for a rather sexy red negligee that barely covered her beautiful, fit form. I instantly felt my penis growing inside its restraining device. She came up to the end of the bed, grabbed my feet and spread my legs, and climbed on the bed in between them. She knelt down sitting on her feet and smiled at me deviously. She grabbed my caged cock and fondled it gently.
“Are you ready to take care of this?” she asked in a sexy voice as she played with my genitals.
“Uh huh,” I nodded enthusiastically.
She reached in between her breasts and pulled something out from her cleavage area. She dangled a tiny, brass key in front of me. I assumed that that had to be the key to the lock on my chastity device. She slowly and teasingly inserted the key into the tiny lock and unlocked it. She removed the lock and then proceeded to remove the cage from around my penis. Almost instantly my penis came erect and grew rock hard.
“Ooh, excited are we?” Sharon said playfully.
“Very,” I replied.
She then toyed with me more as she slowly removed her skimpy lingerie. Finally, when I thought I was about to spontaneously orgasm, she climbed on top of me and we had mad, passionate sex. It was wonderful. It was probably the best sex we had had all year even though I was restrained from the waist up and couldn’t frolic around the bed like I usually liked to do.
An hour later, when we were done—for the second time, she climbed off of me after giving me one last, heated kiss. She went over to the dresser and started to take out diapering supplies. She brought a diaper along with powder, and diaper-rash cream over to me and proceeded to diaper me up.
When she had the diaper on me I was afraid that was it and I was going to be left restrained here for the night. Thankfully, after she put away the diapering supplies she unfastened my harness and let me out of it.
“Do I still have to sleep in here?” I asked.
“Come on,” she said taking my hand and pulling me up to a sitting position.
I scooted off the bed and followed her out of the room. She led me by the hand into the master bedroom. My diaper crinkled loudly as I waddled behind her.
She let go of me and told me to stand there a few feet from the bed. She walked up to our large bed and lifted the covers to reveal that there was a new padded mattress cover underneath the fitted sheet.
“It’s a waterproof mattress cover,” she said. “It’s padded on top with a plastic backing so no leaks can get through to the mattress.”
“So, I get to sleep in here from now on?” I asked with more than a little excitement.
“Yep,” she said.
She told me to wait there. She returned with one of my sleepers to put on me.
“Can’t I sleep without that tonight?” I asked hopefully. “I just want to feel your skin next to mine tonight.”
I threw in the puppy-dog eyes that I had picked up from Josh.
She hesitated for a second, but then smiled and nodded. “Aw, I can’t say no to that. But I have to put a onesie on you to keep your diaper snug.”
“Okay,” I said.
She put the sleeper on the dresser and brought a clean onesie over to me and put it on me. When she was done snapping the crotch together she went over to the bed and pulled the covers back for me and told me to get in. She went into the bathroom for a few minutes and came back out wearing a short, black nighty. She climbed into bed next to me and we cuddled up next to each other.
We held each other for the longest time. Sharon fell asleep long before I did. I held her tightly listening to the sound of her breathing softly. I didn’t want to go to sleep yet. I just wanted to lie there and feel her, hold her, caress her.
As I lay there nuzzled up to her I reflected back on the past several weeks. How had my life changed so much in less than a couple of months? In the span of half a semester I had gone from a happy, normal college student to a happier, diapered college student. While I realized and admitted that I really did like my diapers—otherwise why would I choose to keep wearing them—I knew that I was now in a decided minority of people. I was an adult who wore diapers not because I had to, but because I wanted to. I knew if most people knew that they’d consider me to be a weirdo, a freak. I hadn’t quite come to terms with that yet, but it didn’t bother me all that much. I’d get over it. I had never been one to care what people thought about me, so why start now? I also kind of liked being different from everybody else, and diapers definitely got that done.
More importantly, I wondered how much more this was going to change my life. It had already brought me closer to my now fiancé than we had ever been before, and I hoped it would only bring us closer. I now had not only a—hopefully—lifelong partner, but also a family that loved me, and the fact that I wore diapers had helped in large part to establish that relationship.
For a fleeting moment I thought about reconsidering wearing diapers. Should I really be doing this? What were the pros and cons of not wearing diapers? On the one hand I would definitely be spared a lot of embarrassment, possible ridicule, and certainly some diaper rashes, but on the other I wouldn’t have that special little bond between Sharon and I that diapers seemed to give us.
A few minutes later I fell asleep wondering what the future held for me. Whatever was in store for me down the road, I knew three things: I wouldn’t do it alone, I would make it through it okay, and I would do it in diapers.