Title: My Best Friend Ever
Name: Ben
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 20
Posting Date: 04/19/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: When my best friend from school finds out about my diapers, she gets a little more, well, let's say, like my girlfriend mommy.
For my whole life I have been in diapers. I don't have a precise answer 
but I do know it has something to do with having a small bladder. Shay, 
my best friend from school, (she is a very beautiful blonde with long 
hair and is skinny and I had a big crush on her) was walking with me to 
school but we went early so we could stop and turn around if we forgot 
something. We live right beside each other. We were in high school then 
and Shay didn't know about my diapers yet although she almost found out 
a couple times before(crinkling, sleepovers, bulge in my pants, my open 
bag of my things, a pile of diapers in my closet that was a crack open) 
but, her mom knew about them.

"Did you get that big assignment done last night?" Shay asked.

"Yep. All Done," I replied.

"I did," Shay added. Then, suddenly I tripped.

"Oh my god!!! Are you okay?" Shay asked.

"Yep," I answered "I tripped on my shoe lace." I bent over to tie it up 
while Shay waited, looking around. Then suddenly she gasped.

"What?" I asked.

"I didn't know you wear baby diapers!!" Shay whispered in my ear 

"Huh?" I whispered. I turned my head to look at my butt. My diaper must 
have showed when I bent over!

"I don't wear baby diapers," I said sounding nervous.

"Follow me," Shay said. We walked into our fort that we made from an 
old shed.

We walked inside and Shay shut the door, put a chair up against it and 
closed the blinds on the windows.

"Can you pull down your pants for me?" she asked.

"I am not going to..."

"Do it for me. Please?" Shay pleaded. I pulled down my pants fully 
showing my diaper.

"You do wear diapers!" She said.

"Please don't tell anyone!" I pleaded.

"I won't ever, plus I think it is kind of cute. You look just like a 
little baby!" Shay said. I blushed, then all of the sudden, my bladder 
broke free. My diaper quickly filled up to what I thought was all it 
could hold.

"Awww. Little baby Benny wet his diaper," Shay said. I started to cry.

"Sorry," she said, "I didn't mean to..." I wiped a tear off of my face.

"Don't worry. I just don't want to walk to school or to home in this 
sopping wet diaper." I said.

Then she hugged me and said, "Well, I guess I could... do you have any 
extra diapers in your backpack?"

"I completely forgot!" I answered "but you wouldn't..."

"I would to my best friend!" Shay said. That made me feel better. She 
walked over to my backpack, opened it and found a diaper, some baby 
powder, some cream for diaper rash and, surprisingly a baby changing 
mat. My mom must have packed that just for emergencies I thought.

"Come over here so can change that wet diaper of yours," Shay said. I 
crawled over because I was sitting on the floor and if I walked the 
diaper would get squished and the pee would fall on the floor.

"I am not so sure about this. Are you sure you want to do this?" I 

"Don't worry. I have changed many babies' diapers. This one is just 
bigger and way more full of pee. Did you poop in your diaper too?" she 
asked. She felt the back of my diaper. I had not realised it but I had 
pooped in my diaper!

Then she said, "Do you normally go poopy in your diapers?" she asked. I 
had a couple times before.

"Sometimes," I replied.

"This must get you into some trouble sometimes," she said.

"Not really. My mom works for a day care for babies so she is used to 
it." I replied.

"Lay down on the mat," she said.

"Are you sure?" I asked once more.

"Let me handle everything," Shay said. I put my back to the floor and 
my butt on the mat just like a baby would. Shay opened up my diaper. I 
covered my private spot.

"How am I supposed to clean you up without seeing your privates?" she 
asked. I gave in. I moved my hands to the side and blushed. She looked 
in my backpack.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

"Some baby wipes, for your bum." She found some!

"You might as well carry all these around in a diaper bag!" She added. 
She wiped my privates. Then she lifted up my legs and wiped my butt. 
She pulled the soiled diaper out from underneath me and wrapped it up. 
Then she threw it away. She rubbed some cream into her hands and then 
over my privates. She then poured some baby powder into her hands and 
smelled it. She put I all over my body. Even my chest and back. Finally 
she professionally taped one of my thick, bulgy diaper onto me. It was 
really tight.

"There. Just like a baby." She concluded.

"I felt just like a baby!" I said, surprised. "Your hands are so soft."

"And to finish it off�" she said. She led me by the hand to the old 
couch my dad gave us. She hugged me for a few moments. She then, while 
hugging me planted a kiss on my fore head!

"Why did you do that?" I whispered calmly.

"I just couldn't help myself! You look so cute in your diaper! I just 
want to hug you forever and ever!!" Shay said. I blushed.

"To tell you the truth�" I paused, �I sort of have a crush on you."

"Well... to tell you the truth I sort of have a crush on you too." Shay 
said. I felt like my heart was going to burst.

When we started home from school we were supposed to go to our friend 
John's house but he had to go to a dentist so we had a little extra 
time. I looked at her and she looked at me.

"Want to go on a little date?" she asked.

"In my diapers?" I whispered in her ear.

"Yes." She said.

"What if someone else spots my diapers?" I asked.

"They won't. But first I have to stop at my house for something," Shay 

"Well... okay." I said.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She said. Smooch! Right on the lips. 
We ran to her house. She said to stop by my house for some extra 
diapers, just for if I have another accident. I ran into my house.

"Aren't you supposed to be at John's house?" my mom said.

"He had to go somewhere. I going to somewhere with Shay." I said.

"Where to?" My dad asked.

"I don't know. I will be back around 8 o'clock." I said. I ran into my 
bedroom and grabbed some of my extra thick disposable diapers, baby 
powder bottles, extra thick cloth diapers, some baby wipes, diaper rash 
cream, a changing mat and stuffed it all in my backpack.

I ran outside, well, sort of waddled because of my thick, bulky diaper. 
Shay was waiting outside with a wagon covered in a blanket.

"What is in that?" I asked.

"You will see," Shay said.

"Follow me!" she said. She ran and I waddled because of the tight 
diaper Shay had put me in this morning. The bulge in my pants really 
stood out. I followed Shay to our fort.

"This is our date?" I asked.

"Come inside." She said. I walked inside.

"It looks the same." I said.

"I know," Shay said. She closed the door, put a chair against it and 
closed the blinds on the windows. She reached into her wagon and pulled 
out a phone.

"Are you fine with having pizza?" she asked.

"Yeah it's my favorite!" I replied. She phoned the pizza parlor in our 
town for pepperoni pizza. A few minutes later the pizza deliverer 
brought us our pizza. It came with a free bottle of coca cola. She put 
the chair up against the door again so no one could get in.

"Take off your pants again," Shay said.

"Why?" I asked.

"So I can see your diapers." she said. I pulled down my pants.

"Do you want to double up, or even triple up?" Shay asked.

"Um, okay," I said, It was easier to just double up or triple up 
because Shay did it while I was on the couch.

"Stand up," she said. I did it but it was hard and took all my 
strength. I wanted to impress her.

"Now see if you can walk," she said. I tried but fell over. She giggled 
a bit.

I kept trying but I couldn't do it. It was like I was just learning to 

"Can I call you Baby Benny?" she asked.

"Are you my girlfriend?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied.

"Then yes you can."

"Ok, Baby, crawl over to Shay." I did as she told.

"Stay here." She went and grabbed something out of her wagon. She 
walked over to the coca cola and filled it up.

She hid it behind her back and walked over. She sat on the couch.

"Hop onto Shay," she said. I did.

Since you can change my diapers and can call me Baby Bobby, can I call 
you Mommy?" I asked, a little embarrassed.

"Sure. You can be my wittle baby," she said in baby talk. "Close your 
eyes baby." I did. "Now drink this. It is just normal coca cola." Shay 

She put something rubber in my mouth.

"Suck," she said. I sucked. "Now hold this and open you eyes." She gave 
me something fuzzy. I opened my eyes. I was drinking from a baby bottle 
and holding a teddy bear! I closed my eyes and fell asleep. The next 
morning I woke up. I was soaking wet and laying on the couch. My diaper 
was so full of poop I felt like I was laying on a lump. I was covered 
in a blanket.

"How is my baby?" Shay asked.

"We are going to miss school, my mom must be worried sick!" I panicked.

"Did you already forget we don't have school on weekends? I phoned your 
mom and asked if we could stay in this place for today and last night 
and tonight right after you fell asleep." Shay said.

"I have a really big poopy and pee in my diapy," I said in a babyish 

"Can I change your baby diapers with cloth diapers instead?" she asked.

"Yes," I said.

"What does it feel like to be in a diaper like that?" she asked.

"Really good, actually. It's warm, soft and you don't have to wake up 
to go to the bathroom!" I explained.

"Get over here!" she said playfully.

"Yes mommy," I replied.

"Do you want to stay in your wet diapers?" Shay asked. I thought for a 

"No thank you mommy. It good, but, I will get rash," I said babyishly.

She once again changed my diaper. I took off my shirt to make it easier 
for her to diaper me. When she was done I had so much padding on my 
butt, I could fall over and I wouldn't get hurt. She patted me on the 
butt. I could hardly crawl. I had climb into a large baby carriage so 
it was easy for Shay to push me around. Shay put a pacifier in my 
mouth. I pulled it out and said, �Were did you get that?"

"My baby brother. I have more stuff I want to try on you." Shay said. I 
was about to disagree when Shay said, "Don't worry it is all boy 

She got a bib and put it on me. She also got a foldable highchair and 
set it up. I was put into it. She had some really big fabric shoes that 
she was going to put me in until, "Wait." She pulled out a article of 
clothing. It was like a T-shirt but went around your crotch. It also 
had buttons right at the very bottom of the crotch.

"My family calls it a onesie. You might call it a, well, I don't know 
but you would look really cute in it." Shay said.

"Do I wear pants with it?" I asked.

"No. Just the fabric slippers."

"But then everyone could see my cloth diapers through the openings!" I 

"Remember, we are not going outside unless you want to. Plus, these 
buttons under your crotch can be undone so I can change your diapers 
whenever you make a poppy or wet yourself," She said. I put it on. It 
was really warm and cozy and was the softest thing I had ever worn.

"It is usually smaller for babies but I found this one at a costume 
shop." A few hours later, after we ordered some seafood, went to watch 

She helped me onto the couch and sat down. We had a little TV that ran 
on batteries. Shay turned it to the Fox Channel to watch The Simpsons. 
I had surprisingly gone really far without wetting or pooping. A funny 
part came on and I laughed so hard that the pop I had drank earlier 
finally came out. I did not tell Shay. It felt good warm, tingly and 
wet. I was a heavy wetter so A few minutes after I had finally 
finished. I then pooped in my diapers.

"Oh, what is that smell? Oh. Did wittle Baby Benny go poopy in his 
diapy again?" Shay asked. Once again Shay changed my diapers but put me 
in 2 of the thickest diapers you can imagine. I couldn't fit my pants 
over the first one. I couldn't walk it was so big. The "onesie" was put 
on me again but it was stretched over so much it was only covering 1/3 
of the diaper. We then went to watch TV again. A few hours later for 
supper Shay asked, "Do you want to go out to a restaurant for supper 
tonight. I guess we could order but I am getting sick of ordering. You 
still have to wear your diapers though. But you can take 1 off and wear 
sweat pants. Of course you could always go in 2 diapers and the onesie 
you would look so cute!" Shay said. Of course, I didn't want to loose 
my new girlfriend so I said, "Okay, okay, I'll go," I said "In the 
onesie but with 1 diaper. I will go in just a T-shirt and 1 or 2 
diapers. We could pass me off as a baby and pay cheaper (I was small 
for my age). I want to go in just a T-shirt and 1 or 2 diapers if that 
is okay with you." I said.

"That is wonderful!!! You're the nicest most giving man I could ever 
ask for!" Then she kissed me and hugged me and wouldn't stop. I took 
off my "onesie" and replaced it with a babyish T-shirt with a teddy 
bear on it.

I asked her, "Do you want me to go poopy and pee-pee in my diapy 
mommy?" I asked.

"Yes. We will wait her you until you eat something so that you can 
poopy in your diapy to make a smell so everyone will think you are a 
baby!" Shay said, "Here eat some of this left over pizza and seafood," 
"I am so excited. Let's go to a fancy restaurant like... um... Royal 
Cafe and Dining! You can eat now so you don't have to eat much at the 
Royal Cafe and Dining. You will have to eat baby food though."

"Whatever will make you happy," I said.

After we got back, my diaper was stuffed.

"Great job!" Shay said, "You made Mommy very happy!"

"We diaper is stuffed can you change it please Mommy Shay,?" I asked.

"Sure thing. Anything for the little baby boy who got us 70 percent off 
as long as we leave!" Shay said.

While Shay was rubbing the cream for diaper rash she massaged my 
private area and it felt so good. She put me back into the "onesie" and 
I fell asleep.

The next morning I got undressed. My diaper was wet again, and poopy.

"Do you want me or your mom to change your diapers?" Shay asked with a 
sad face. She almost cried.

"Don't be sad. You can change my diapers. Maybe you can even come over 
and babysit the baby," I said.

"Thanks. I had a really, really good supper because of you and a chance 
to be my best friend's mommy. You can always be my wittle Baby Benny." 
She hugged me and I was still in the same wet, poopy, and smelly diaper 
as before. Even her dress was getting wet. Then I stood up and she 
kissed me and we both fell on the couch kissing.

We are married today and now she changes my diapers everyday.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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