My Aunt’s 5-Year-Old Summary: My aunt’s 5-year-old son is still in diapers and he won't potty train. Hi, my name is Mikey and I'm 12 years old. I love diapers and other baby things. This is not a true story. My first memory with diapers was when I was like 5 years old when I was at my aunt’s house and she was babysitting me. She had a 5-year-old son who was still in diapers. He was hard to potty train. He would always say no whenever she asked him to use the toilet. He would scream and throw a fit until my aunt would put a diaper back on him. My aunt would just give up, put a diaper on him and try another day. This went on for months. Finally, after a year or so of this she just completely gave up thinking that he would grow up and see that other big kids didn't wear diapers, but wore big-kid underwear. Boy, was she ever wrong when it came time for him to start kindergarten. His mom got him diapered and dressed in his school clothes with a Bob the Builder shirt, Bob the Builder pants, Bob the Builder shoes and Bob the Builder socks. He was in walking distance of school so his mom walked him there. The first place they went was the principal’s office to sign him in. His mom told the principal about his diapers. "Okay, we'll inform the teacher about the diapers. What is his name?” the principal asked. “Dylan Michael Poole.” He typed all of this into his computer. "Okay, you can give his diaper bag to the nurse. She is just down the hall, second door to the right.” “You stay here with the principal until I get back, okay?” “Okay.” “I'll be right back!” After about an hour my mom was back from the nurses office. She and the principal took me to my classroom to meet my classmates and my teacher. She was really nice. A few of the kids were laughing at me as they had overheard my mom and the principal talking about my diapered condition. A few of them didn't mind at all and a few of them wore diapers themselves. They’re the ones who became my friends. We got along great. We played all the time and we became best friends. One of their names was Tyler, the other was Michael and the other one was Mitch. We played on the swings and had fun together. One day we were playing on the swings at recess and my pants fell down and everyone saw my exposed diaper. They all began to laugh at me. One came over and grabbed a hold of my pants and pulled them completely off and took off running with them. He wouldn't give them back. the teacher came out after seeing this and told the kid to give me back my pants. He didn't, then the teacher said, "since you find diapers amusing and are interested in them, I think the whole class should wear them to see what their like.” The whole class stopped and was shocked at this! Then the teacher told everyone to go inside and go straight to the principal’s office. “What did they do?” asked the principal. “One of them came over and took Dylan’s pants and ran off with them!” “Oh, I see.” “I was thinking that since all the kids find it amusing that this boy is wearing diapers we should make them wear diapers and nothing but for the rest of the year!” “Good idea! That is just what they need!” “All right, everyone, I want you all to go to the nurse’s office and stand in line. I'm going to phone the nurse and let her know you’re coming! You all are to wear nothing but diapers for the rest of the year!” So off they went to the nurse’s office to get diapered. One by one, they were powdered and diapered and everyone's pants were locked up. All of them had to wear locking plastic panties on their diapers so they couldn't get out of them. They hated it. When lunch time came around" they got another big surprise! All of there lunch tables were replaced with highchairs. One by one they were placed in their highchairs. The tray was placed in front of them and bibs were tied around their necks. They were also given baby bottles with milk to drink from. They had to eat baby food and nothing else. I, on the other hand, started to like diapers! I was one of them that was also made to wear diapers in class as I was held back a few grades. I was in kindergarten about three or four times. So now everyone in my class has to wear diapers and nothing but each and every day they are at school, and now that they love diapers we all became friends and are diaper buddies. They even started using their diapers for their intended purposes. That is how I became a diaper lover and Dylan is also a diaper lover. I hope you liked my story, it is not true. Email me and let me know what you think.”>