Title: | Mooney an' Me | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Name: | Reis's Friend | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Email: | Reis.TheWolf.Jackson@gmail.com | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Gender: | Female | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Current Age: | 17 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Posting Date: | 10/12/08 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Story Contents: |
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Summary: | Mooney adopts his Cub. He gets quite a shock when Harry reveals his secret to him. |
It was after Fifth Year, and Remus Lupin was at the Train Station waiting to give a surprise to his cub. He was taking him home with him this summer. He wouldn't have to go back to the Dursleys. Just then Remus saw his cub coming toward him. "Mooney! What are you doing here?" "You're coming to stay with me this summer, and hopefully I'll be able to take permanent guardianship later this summer!" "Really?" Harry asked, a hopeful look on his face. "Really." "That's great!" Harry very much looked like he wanted to hug Remus so Remus came forward and held his cub close. Suddenly a worried look came over Harry's face. "Cub? What's wrong?" Harry glanced around, they were in a crowded train station and he couldn't ensure his privacy. "Um... I have to tell you something. But not here." "Let's go back to my house and you can tell me there. Okay?" Harry nodded his agreement, but dread was filling him. Would Remus really want him after he revealed his secret? Remus and Harry walked over to an apparition point, Harry dragging his trunk behind him. Remus held Harry close and held his trunk with the other hand. Upon arriving Harry took in his surroundings. Remus owned a small cottage. The room they had apparated into had several comfortable chairs, 5 overflowing bookshelves, a fire place and a set of stairs leading to another part of the house. Harry could see the kitchen from where he stood. Suddenly he was aware of the need to use the bathroom. Badly. "Mooney, can I use your bathroom?" "Yeah, top of the stairs. Then we'll talk, alright?" Harry nodded and took the stairs two at a time. Upon reaching the top he grabbed his crotch. He really had to go! He burst into the bathroom, unzipped his pants and with a sigh of relief peed into the toilet. His aim wasn't so great and he got quite a bit on the floor. This was a usual occurrence so Harry simply zipped himself back up and then cleaned the floor with a bit of toilet paper. He washed his hands, gathered his courage and walked downstairs. Mooney was sitting on a chair, reading the paper. "Come sit Harry," Remus said, motioning to the chair besides him. Harry hesitantly took the seat. Upon arriving home Remus set down the trunk and watched as Harry took in the room. His face was fairly blank but it didn't seem like he was disgusted. "Mooney can I use your bathroom?" Remus's heart froze a little but he reminded himself that it would take a while for Harry to become at home here. "Yeah," He said, "Top of the stairs. Then we'll talk alright?" Remus wondered what Harry wanted to talk about as he took the stairs two at a time, looking mighty like a bat out of hell. Remus took a seat and pulled out his paper trying not to hear Harry relieving himself with his advanced hearing. But he did distinctly heard Harry pee a bit onto the floor before the stream was redirected into the toilet. He must have bad aim, Remus thought to himself. When Harry came down he looked really nervous and Remus kindly invited him to sit. "Now, what did you want to talk about Harry?" Harry stayed silent for a minute and then said, "I just- I thought you should know since I'll be staying with you, that, that..." "You can tell me anything Harry," Remus said getting up and putting a hand on Harry's shoulder and looking down into his face hoping to provide some sort of comfort. Harry's face turned red and he looked down to his lap and said softly in a choked voice, "I-I have accid-dents a-and I w-wet th-the bed." "Okay," Remus said, pulling in his inner shock. "Your not going to get rid of me?" Harry looked up, shock and hope and joy on his face. "Oh Harry never!" Remus exclaimed, shocked that Harry would think such a thing. He pulled Harry up into his arms and hugged him tight. "Now, about your accidents..." Harry tensed in his arms, and tried to pull away but Remus just held him tighter until he relaxed. "How often do they happen during the day?" "Everyday." Harry whispered. "And at night?" "Every night." "Uh...#1 and #2?" Remus asked with a bit of a flush. He needed to know however. Harry moaned low in his throat and nodded. "Okay, it's alright Harry. I want you to come get me when you have an accident and I'll help you clean up." Harry looked up in shock, his yes wide. "You don't need to do that, Remy." "I want to. You shouldn't have to deal with it by yourself. Speaking of which what do you do at school?" "I keep permanent waterproof spells on my pants, and when I have an accident the house elves help me clean up." "Permanent waterproofing charms aren't good for you Harry, they have all sorts of nasty side effects." Remus said with some worry. "Yeah, I know. I've got asthma now. But what else can I do?" "We'll figure something out." Harry nodded thankfully. "Are the charms removed now?" "Yeah, �cept the ones I'm wearing now." "Can I remove the charm?" Remus said, he really didn't want Harry using that charm ever again... he's already got asthma. Dear Merlin. Harry nodded and Mooney waved his wand at his cub to remove the charm. "And do you have medication for your Asthma?" Harry nodded and pulled out his inhaler from his pocket. "I have an extra one that I'll give to you." Remus nodded. Then he asked, because he had to know, "Do you know why you have accidents?" Harry's face turned red and he said haltingly, "The- The Dursley's never... uh potty trained me. They just kept putting me in d-diapers. When I grew out of them at around eight I used to just go in my pants all the time, the teachers learned to ignore it and I started to gain some control, but- but I never, I mean it..." "It's alright, I understand. Do, uh do you want to try and potty train now?" Remus asked. Rage was growing in him. Those neglectful bastards! "You would do that for me?" "Of course." "I guess... I mean I think if you just reminded me to go to the potty- I mean bathroom!" Harry flushed at his slip up, he having never been potty trained always thought of the toilet as the potty. "We can call it potty if you want." Remus said softly "It's, it's just I never thought of it any other way so... you know. And- um I guess, since... well you should probably know, I have um really bad aim. I clean up after myself but... I mean �specially with your nose it might bother you..." "It's alright," Remus said softly reassuring his cub. "Why don't I show you your room." Harry couldn't believe that Remus was being so nice about his accidents. It made his heart warm. Remus led him upstairs. Across the hall from the bathroom was Mooney's study and then down the hall a bit were two bedrooms. Mooney's wan on the left, and Harry's was on the right, Remus led him inside. "Oh, Mooney..." Harry sighed. The whole room was painted sky blue, including the floor with fluffy swirls of cloud giving you the feel that you were floating. There was a four poster bed made up with blue sheets and curtains. A desk sat in front of a window which gave a view of a pond out back. "I love it." "I'm glad. I'll leave you to rest. I'll be in my study, please come get me if you need me." Mooney set Harry's trunk down on the ground. "Um, Mooney?" Remus turned from the door, "Yes, Harry?" "Uh... you um, might want to get a plastic sheet." Realization dawned in Remus's eyes, and he promptly conjured one, Harry turned his eyes away in embarrassment as Remus stripped the bed an then remade it with the plastic sheet. "Thank you for reminding me, Harry," Remus said softly. "No problem." Harry watched as Remus left and then set to unpacking his stuff trying not to pay attention to his well stained boxers. After everything was put away he sat down on his desk and pulled out his sketch book and started drawing a picture of Remus. Several hours later Harry was finishing off the drawing, when he became aware that his pants were being doused by his well filled bladder. He sat there for several minutes, tears pouring down his face before he got up and went in search of Mooney, gathering all his Gryffindor courage as he went.
Part 2 Remus was sitting at his desk looking at some papers for the order when he heard a soft knock on the door. "Come in," He called, turning towards the door. When Harry shyly entered the room, eyes downcast and cheeks pink Remus immediately saw the problem. Remus got up and put a comforting arm around Harry's shoulders. Harry collapsed into his chest sobbing. "I'm sorry, Mooney. I forgot to go." "It's alright. I'm glad you came to me. Should we get you cleaned up?" Harry nodded into his chest. Remus lead him to his bedroom and asked, " Where did you have your accident?" Harry pointed to his desk chair. Remus could see the puddle under the desk. He waved his wand and it was clean. Then he turned to Harry and reached forward to unbutton his trousers. Harry allowed him to remove his trousers and underpants. Remus put them in the laundry bin, he had a feeling his house elf might be doing quite a bit more laundry now that Harry was living with them. Remus conjured some Wet Ones and wiped Harry down. They were both slightly embarrassed as Harry got an erection. Remus turned from Harry to the dresser and was happy to see Harry had unpacked. He pulled out a ragged pair of pants and trousers. "We'll have to get you some new clothes." Harry shrugged slightly as he took the new clothes from Remus and dressed. "There's not really a point, I'll just get them dirty." "That's alright." Remus said. "Would you like to go for dinner tonight?" "Um.." Harry said looking down, flushing a bit. "I guess, but what if I have an accident?" "It's alright, it doesn't matter if you do, Harry I did uh have a thought... um have you ever thought about you know, protection?" "You mean, um like a diaper?" Harry asked, voice surprisingly steady. "Yes." "I don't... I really don't want to Mooney, but maybe for school? And going out and when I might be with people other than you?" "That sounds like a good plan. We can get some tonight in town, and we can get you some clothes." "Mooney I don't need new clothes," Harry said softly as he followed Remus downstairs to the front door. "And you don't have much money..." It warmed Mooney's heart that Harry assumed he'd be buying him clothes. "Sirius left me quite a bit, Harry." "Oh." They fell silent. Harry climbed into the car besides Mooney and Remus drove off. A half hour later they made it to town. Quietly Remus asked Harry, "Do you have to go potty?" Harry blushed a bit but nodded. Remus quickly led Harry to the CVS and directed him to the bathroom, saying "Meet me outside, I'm going to buy that stuff we talked about." Remus quickly found his way to Incontinence Aisle and soon became completely confused. "Mr. Lupin?" A familiar voice asked. The town Remus lived by was very small and basically everybody knew everybody. In this case it was a teenager who lived about 2 miles from Remus's house with his Dad and five younger siblings. "Hello Johny." "Haven't seen you around much." "No, I've been pretty busy." "Oh, well. Dad said I should invite you over to our house for Dinner next time I saw you." "Okay, I'll give him a call alright?" "Yep. Can I help you?" Remus looked back at the long rows of diapers. "Uh yeah, a buddy of mine asked me to pick something up for his teenage son, you know protection from accidents. It's gotta be discreet, but absorbent and okay for Bowel Movements too." "Alright," Johny said and quickly walked down the aisle and picked up two packages, "This one pulls up, the other doesn't." "I'll take the pull up kind, thanks." Remus got two bags of 18 and purchased some wipes and diaper rash cream, and then checked out talking to the old woman who had been working there for 15 years. Outside he found Harry, and they walked back to the car together. The car was actually more of a truck, being an old worn down pickup truck. "Do you want to put one on?" Remus asked Harry. The nearly-16 year old stared hesitantly at the bag and nodded. They both climbed into the back. Harry lay down and pulled of his trousers and boxers pulled on one of the protective underwear and then put both articles of clothing back on. Remus stored the left overs under a seat in the cab. "Can you tell?" Harry asked softly. "No not at all," Remus said truthfully. He couldn't see it and he was a werewolf and looking. "Good," Harry sighed, reaching down and adjusting his crotch a bit. "Let's get you some clothes shall we?" Harry nodded and followed Moony to the local clothes store. When Remus walked in the manager waved and called, "Remus! Hello!" Remus waved back, and then stepped forward allowing Harry to enter after him. "Do you know everybody in this town?" Harry asked softly to Remus. Remus laughed a bit, looking with affection at his cub. "Just about." Harry looked down a bit, "Um, but won't they all think I'm the one who needs the diapers?" "Actually surprisingly enough for a small town they leave people to their own business. What do you think of these?" By then they had reached the racks for Harry's size. He shrugged. "Harry," Remus said, frowning softly. Harry nodded and started forwards to collect clothes he liked. After trying a large amount of shirts, jeans, cargo's, jumpers, and dress clothes on, Remus was frimly satisfied with Harry's choices. Harry's protective underwear seemed blaringly obvious to him, but he trusted Remus to tell him the truth. After they had spent about an hour trying on clothes they picked Harry up some new boxers, as well as some undershirts in the wife beater style. Harry blushed at the amount Remus bought but knew it was for the better. Finally they headed to the check out, Remus greeted the man at the check out with a friendly, "Hey Chaz." "Hey Remy! I haven't heard from you in ages. Sara would love to have you over for dinner some time, and your new friend too..." Chaz said smiling at Harry. "Oh right! Chaz this is Harry, Harry, my friend Chaz Sanders." "Nice to meet you, Mr. Sanders." "Just Chaz, please. Makes me sound like my Dad!" Harry smiled a bit, fidgeting with his frayed shirt. Remus placed a hand on his back. "It was nice seeing you Chaz, I'll be sure to call about Dinner. I'd love to see Sara and Georgianna." And with that Remus waved goodbye. They stopped by the car to drop off Harry's clothes, then walked over to a Pub Remus was fond of. Remus waved cheerily at the Manager as they walked in. "Hello Remy!" "Hey Sam. Sam this is my charge, Harry. Harry this is Sam a dear friend of mine." "Hello Sam." Harry said, staying firmly behind Remus but waving none the less. "Nice to meet you, Harry. I've heard quite a bit about you," Sam said with a bright smile. Remus blushed a bit as Harry shot him an amused look. Sam led them to a table by a window and informed them a waitress would be there soon. Harry and Remus thanked him. As soon as Sam walked away Remus asked, "How you doin�, Cub?" "Fine. It's just, I feel like I'm invading on your life, you have all these friends and..." "Your always a part of my life, Kiddo, more than an one of my friends here or any one else." Harry blushed an murmured, "Thanks Mooney." "It's nothing," Mooney said smiling at Harry. "Do you have to go Potty?" Remus asked softly. Harry blushed but nodded and got up, following the signs to the restroom. As soon as he dissapeared, the Waitress showed up. "Krista!" Remus greeted, "Back from Uni, huh?" "Yeah, working here this summer. Whose the fellow?" "My Charge, Harry." "Cute ain't he?" "Krista! He's 15!" "Almost 16," Harry said taking his seat, "Why are we talking about it?" "She thinks your cute." Remus frowned protectively. "Well, that's very flattering." Harry said softly, and Remus smiled at him, glad to see the confident, sure part of Harry again, "But I'm afraid I'm taken Ms. Krista." She pouted playfully and groaned. "Oh, very well. What can I get you boys to drink?" The rest of the night was extremely pleasant and at about Nine they made their way back to the car and began the drive home. About half way there Harry began to shift around, and a foul smell filled the car. Suddenly Harry froze, aware that he had just pooped his pants.