| Mom Put Me Back In Diapers
| Donny
| whitedog@columbus.rr.com
| Male
Current Age:
| 55
Posting Date:
| 05/31/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* | ● | R- Sisters, other girls* |
| B- Pre-teen (9-12)* | ● | S- Babysitters |
| C- Teen (13-17) | ● | T- Masturbation |
| D- Adult (18+) | | U- Sexual situations |
| E- Cloth diapers* | | V- Gay |
| F- Disposable diapers | ● | W- Erections |
| G- Pee | ● | X- Bedwetting | ●
| H- Poop* | ● | Y- Accidents | ●
| I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* | ● | Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline | ●
| J- Multiple diapers* | | 1- Female Domination* |
| K- Baby paraphernalia | ● | 2- Enemas |
| L- Mother | ● | 3- Restraints |
| M- Father | | 4- Crying | ●
| N- Aunt | | 5- Spanking |
| O- Uncle | | 6- Humiliation | ●
| P- Brothers (diapered) | | 7- Babying | ●
| Q- Brothers (not diapered) | ● | 8- Regression | ●
| *Denotes Deekerian story elements
Thirteen-year-old gets turned into a baby by his little brothers and mother.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.)
7 (35%)
It was June 10 I had just celebrated my thirteen birthday two days ago
and it was the last day of school. My name is Donny I am still an
extremely small boy for a thirteen-year-old going into the ninth grade.
I was just four feet 4� 1/2� tall and weight only fifty pounds waiting
on puberty to hit me so I would grow bigger. I was smaller than my nine
year old brother he had me by twenty-five pounds and six inches. I was
very independent for a small kid even the bigger kids at school did not
mess with me because I was not afraid to fight them and they knew it.
I had two brothers. Pauly was nine and in the third grade. Billy was
three, almost four, and going to day care. I was closer to his size; he
was 47� tall. Last summer Billy, Pauly and I went to daycare together
and we had fun there. This year I am not allowed to go I since am too
old. I was a very responsible kid. I would even change Billy�s messy
diapers before mom got him potty trained four months ago. Mom thought
he would never potty train but finally, with a lot of reminding him, he
is using the potty like a big boy should. Mom said I had to remind him
to go potty at his potty time every three hours. She told me how to set
the potty timer.
She told me if he has too many accidents he has to go back to diapers
then I would have to check his diaper often. She told me the rules for
his potty training are to be followed no matter how much he cries.
Mom said if he has more than one accident his pants in a day he has to
go back to wearing only diapers and a T-shirt. She told me his diapers
are in his closet next to the box of Pull-ups. Don�t use Pull-ups until
he has proven he can stay clean and dry for three days. That is the
potty training rules. He knows the rules, just put him in diapers. He
has not even wet his pants or bed in a very long time as long as you
remind him he will be OK but you need to help him.
I had my own room with my own stuff Knex and Lego�s were my favorite
things. Pauly and Billy shared the nursery with one crib with extra
high sides changing table empty diaper pail and one single bed. They
had lots of trucks and cars building blocks and other little boy toys.
I still had fun playing with them when no one was around. Mom said at
the end of this summer Billy will get a big-boy bed and all the nursery
stuff will be stored in the shed in back of the house.
Last week a few days before my birthday I started to do something I had
not done since I was a baby. I wet myself in my sleep four times. I wet
three nights in a row just a little bit at first but enough that my
pajamas were soaked with a small wet spot on the mattress. The first
time it happened it was Monday, two days before my birthday. I cleaned
it up so no one knew that I had wet. The next time it happened was
Thursday, my birthday, Friday, and Saturday. Each time I wet just a
little more than the last one. I put a plastic garbage bag under my
sheet after the second time just in case I wet too much and ruined the
mattress. That way I could clean up so no one would find out what I was
doing. I had to do something or mom would find out and get mad.
The two nights after my birthday I looked for one of Billy�s diapers
where mom said they were in his closet. Billy was asleep in his crib
sucking his pacifier wearing his Lightning McQueen pajamas and Pauly
was in his big-boy bed wearing plain dark blue pajamas sucking a
pacifier too. I thought Pauly was too old for a pacifier but it�s OK if
he only does it when he sleeps, I think it is cool. I found Billy�s
diapers they were right were mom kept them when Billy still use them.
The open box of Pull-ups was there too so instead of a diaper I could
wear a Pull-up and be a big boy not a baby.
Now that Billy is fully potty trained he has not worn a diaper or even
a Pull-up in more than three months. I was lucky mom did not get rid of
them. It has been so long since he has had an accident.
I just hoped they would fit on me. I really did not want to wear it
like a baby, but these Pull-ups are big boy pants, not baby diapers. It
would be better to wet the Pull-up than getting the sheets and mattress
wet. These Pull-ups would help keep my secret from mom by keeping the
sheets and mattress dry. They will save me from getting caught doing
such a baby thing.
Wearing the Pull-up would make my clean up so much easier I would not
have to wash my sheets every morning like before. I just hoped and
hoped it would fit me good enough to work it was just size T3-T4
Huggies, I did not know what that meant but I would try anything.
I went to my room and hid Billy�s Pull-up under my pillow until mom
tucked me in. I kept telling her I was too old to be tucked I was
thirteen not three but I decided to put up with it. When mom left the
room and turned out the light I turned on the dim light on my night
stand I pulled off my pajamas and underwear and slipped the Pull-ups on
under my pajama bottom. It felt kind of good and comforting in a nice
way not like I had imagined the side stretched and held in place. It
barely fit but it was on. I pulled my underwear and pajamas back in
place. I looked in the mirror to see what I looked like. I could not
even tell it was there but it did feel good. I went back to bed where I
quickly fell asleep hoping that it would be dry in the morning.
No such luck for me the next morning. The Pull-up I had put on last
night was now ten times the size it was when I put it on, or it seemed
like it to me. The Pull-up felt like a warm lump in my crotch, sort of
nice compared to a wet sheet. Mom woke me up telling me to get my
brothers up and dressed then come eat breakfast. Mom left the room so I
quickly pulled down my pajamas and underwear removed the wet Pull-up
then hid it under my bed.
Mom had been training me to take care of my brothers for the last
couple of months so she did not need to take them to daycare, leaving
me home alone. I was thirteen, very responsible, good at keeping my
brothers safe. We lived out in the country away from traffic and other
dangers that are in the city.
At the breakfast table mom made sure I had all the emergency numbers
that I knew what to do if anything ever happened. I let Billy climb
into his highchair before I fastened his belt and put the tray in
place. I put his bib on him then put a bowl of his favorite Coco Puffs
on the tray with a cup of juice while I ate my favorite oatmeal Pauly
liked Captain Crunch. Mom left for work while we finished eating. I was
almost done eating my oatmeal when my need to go poop happen. I jumped
up out of my booster seat and ran to the potty as fast as I could, I
could hear Pauly giggle poopy run Donny has a poopy run. Billy was
chiming in saying what Pauly was saying. Both my brothers were giggling
so hard teasing me about my potty need but I just ignored them. When I
returned I finished my breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen while my
brothers drank their second juice. I let Billy out of his highchair so
we could go play.
Now it�s playtime and we had all kinds of toys to play with and all day
to play with them. It was a great day not to hot and lots of sun best
of all no school. We played for about an hour before I ran to the house
to pee forgetting to ask Billy if he need to pee. I came back and
played fore another hour and need to pee again I ran to the house and
returned to play. A half hour after I returned from my second potty run
Billy said he needs the potty. I had forgotten all about him thinking
only of my own potty needs.
We all ran to the potty. Before I got to the bathroom Billy was there
pulling his big boy pants down to sit on the big potty. He let out a
very long stream of pee making that tinkle sound he seamed to pee for
ever for just a little kid. Then we heard a fart and another fart with
a giggle. He wiped his own butt and pulled his pants back on and
flushed. Pauly needed the potty too he let out a long stream of pee
almost as long as Billy did. Hearing all the pee go into the toilet
made me have to go again even though I just went a few minutes ago. I
was about to wet my own pants but I let Pauly go first. We washed our
hands potty time was over.
When I finished my short pee less than a quarter the amount of Pauly�s
we ran out to the kitchen to get a drink. I drank half as much Kool-aid
as Billy before we went out to continue our play. I was having so much
fun for another hour when I said time for another potty break I need to
pee again. They whimpered as I made them both sit on the potty again
for five minutes neither one did anything complaining they are not
babies they are big boys.
I did not care I needed to go real bad before I would have wet my own
pants. I stood in front of the toilet and let another small amount out.
Billy said little pee Donny, Donny did a little pee. Pauly giggled ya
we do big pee Donny does little pee. I told them to knock it off it was
lunchtime anyway to wash their hands and come to the kitchen.
I went to the kitchen and started to fix soup and toasted cheese
sandwiches. Pauly and Billy came in a few minutes later Pauly sat in
his booster seat. I had heated the soup in the microwave and the
toasted cheese sandwiches were on the grill.
Billy climbed into his highchair. I fastened his belt and put the tray
in place. Pauly was in his booster seat. I put a bib on both of them
and I turned the sandwiches on the grill. I put a bowl of chicken
noodle soup in front of them with a spoon. I put my own bowl of soup at
my place in front of my booster seat. I removed the sandwiches from the
grill and cut them into four pieces each. I gave everyone a sandwich
and sat in my own booster seat and ate lunch.
We ate and giggled as we played with our food. I forgot I was thirteen
and acted like I was five or six but it was fun. We finished eating. I
cleaned up the kitchen so mom would not fine out what a mess we made,
but it was so much fun. My brothers each drank a can of soda I drank
only about half of one. When the kitchen was finally clean it was 12:30
almost naptime for Billy. Mom had told me everyone needs to take a nap
even me. I told Pauly he needs a nap too. He said he was too old I told
him mom said everyone takes a nap even me. Pauly giggled did you tell
her you are way too old for naps. I told her I was too old but she told
me she don�t care we need too lay down fore two hours even if we don�t
sleep we need to take a rest so we have too.
I put Billy in his crib and pulled up the extra high side Pauly said he
needs to potty and Billy said me too. I had again forgotten about potty
time for Billy. I let Billy out of his crib and we all went to the
potty even me for my short pee. Pauly was in his bed and I put Billy in
his crib again looking at the high side thinking how high they were. As
I left their room I turned out the lights and grabbed a Pull-up from
where I had it hidden. I went to my room pulled off my pants and put
the small Pull-up on just in case it happened again.
Good thing I put the Pull-up on for when I woke up two hours later I
found I had wet in my sleep again not a lot like last night. The Pull-
up was bloated wow these Pull-ups really work well for me if it was not
for the Pull-up I would have soaked my clothes and bed.
I removed my wet Pull-up and cleaned my self up with a baby wipe. I
retrieved my wet night Pull-up from under my bed and put it in a small
bag along with the wet nap Pull-up so I could take them to the trash.
So far this is going to work no one would see me or find out I was
wetting. When I returned I heard Billy and Pauly gigging they were play
with their stuffed animals.
I was hoping that no one would ever find out I was starting to wet when
I slept. If I could get more Pull-ups I could keep my secret for ever
but Billy�s supply was running low. I had used fourteen of Billy�s
Pull-ups in the last seven days and taking a nap makes the supply go
faster. Billy had a use pack of twenty-eight Pull-ups with about twenty
or so left when I started to use them, I don�t know how many he had. I
have used fourteen Pull-ups so, that leaves about six. I think I will
count them later. I am taking naps now at two Pull-ups a day I have may
be only three days and I am I trouble. I will have to use his diapers
then to keep my secret.
When mom got home she was happy to see that there were no problems for
the fifth day in a row and everyone was still having fun. That night I
got my brothers in bed and put a Pull-up on myself hoping again I would
not wet. But the next morning I was wetter than ever with a small leak
on the mattress. If it was not for the garbage bag the mattress would
have gotten wet too. Mom woke me up before she left for work to make
sure I would be awake for my brothers. She walked out of my room so I
could have my privacy I quickly removed my wet pajamas and underwear
exposing the heavy bloated wet Pull-up. I quickly pulled the wet Pull-
up off hide it in my hiding spot under my bed so I could get rid of it
with my wet nap Pull-up.
I helped my brothers get dressed and get to breakfast. Mom had left so
I had to get breakfast ready for everyone. I let Billy sit in my
booster seat after I strapped the seat belt and moved him up to the
table. I could pull the highchair up to the table and eat my breakfast
sitting in the highchair. We all gobbled down our meal with less mess
than ever. Of course I needed my poop run half way through my meal just
like I always did? Both of brothers were giggling saying poopy poopy
Donny has to poopy hurry Donny hurry don�t poop you diaper. I did my
run before I had an accident every day this happens I can not stop it
no matter how hard I try.
When I returned Billy asked did I poopy my pants with a giggle. I
ignored him and said nothing. I finished my breakfast in just a few
minutes. When everyone one was finished all I had to do was put the
dishes in the dishwasher and wiped the table off I was done.
Billy said POTTY and we all went to the potty Billy was first he did
his long very pee not using the potty since last night. That is when I
realized they had not been to the potty since 8:00 last night and it�s
now 9:00 wow 13 hours. Billy did his big farting poop thing wiping and
washing his hands without being told. Then Pauly did his things while I
did my pee pee dance waiting on Pauly to finish. I quickly sat on the
potty almost knocking Pauly down. As quick as I sat down pee and a
small amount of poop came out causing a fart sound just like Billy.
Billy and Pauly just giggled. I almost had an accident but they would
never know that. They thought my farting was funny thinking what a
funny thing to do. I peed only a small amount as the small amount of
poop came out too. We washed our hands so we were ready to play.
We went out to play and had as much fun as the days before except I
remembered to take everyone to the potty. Billy and Pauly did not need
to go the first time I called potty time they had to wait on me to pee
because I needed to go. They said the timer did not go off for potty
time why did I need to go. I did not answer them just because I need to
go was my answer. Again we were out to play until lunch.
I called potty time again before we eat but no one need to go but me.
After a short visit to the potty and washed my hands to fix lunch. At
lunch I sat in the highchair again while Pauly and Billy sat in the
booster seats I thought it was easier to clean the table than to clean
the table and highchair tray. My brothers did not even giggle at me
sitting in the highchair only because I did not use the tray.
We were finished with lunch it was now nap time but first I told every
to go pee. I was first I let my small amount of pee out. Billy was next
again he seamed to pee for ever I thought he was never going to stop.
Then Pauly did there big pee almost the same as Billy. I let Billy
climb into his crib before I raised the side and made sure Pauly was
comfortable. I turned out the lights and again I took another Pull-up
leaving only two in the Pull-up box, maybe if I keep this one dry I can
reuse it. I quickly fell asleep from a hard day at play I guess. I
slept soundly for two hours waking to the same wet feeling as yesterday
when I woke soaking wet. I removed the wet Pull-up and took my night
Pull-up and nap Pull-up out to the trash realizing boy these Pull-ups
are getting bigger every day.
I woke my brothers and we were out for more fun outside until mom came
home. I forgot about potty time until mom came home to Billy doing his
potty dance. She told him to go potty. Mom scolded me for not making
sure he went potty. I told mom he has not wet his pants yet so I
thought it would be ok. Mom said Billy is good at not peeing until he
gets to the potty he will hold it until he can�t hold it. It is not
healthy to hold his pee that long. Mom asked me when the last time I
took Billy to the potty. Pauly told mom just before naptime. Mom said
that was four hours ago.
I said I was sorry.
Mom said don�t let it happen again or I would be I trouble.
She told me that is what the timer is for so use it.
I said OK.
Mom fixed dinner while we played outside.
Mom called us for dinner. Billy climbed into my booster seat and
fastened the belt before I was able to get to the kitchen. Mom turned
around and looked at Billy. Mom asked why is Billy sitting there. Pauly
told mom Donny has been sitting in the highchair so Billy could eat
there. Mom looked at me and said well get in since that is where you
have been eating. I tried to explain to her I did not use the tray but
I knew better than to question mom she was too quick to spank. I slowly
climbed in, trying to tell her no to the tray but mom had the seat belt
fastened and tray in place so quickly. I told mom I don�t use the tray
but she did not listen.
I had to endure the shame of eating in the baby highchair with the tray
trapping me in and a bib around my neck, while my brothers ate at the
table like big boys smiling at me. When I finished my meal mom put a
bottle in front of me and said I need to finish it before she lets me
out. I refuse to start until my brothers were allowed to leave to go
play. I quickly sucked as hard as I could to get it over with fast as I
could. It took me over fifteen minutes for me to finish Billy�s old
baby bottle.
My brothers were allowed to go outside and play while I was stuck in
the highchair until I finished the bottle. Finally, I was allowed to
get out just in time before I wet my pants. I ran to the potty as fast
as I could, I made it just in time. That was a close call for me but I
did have a small wet spot from the small squirt of pee on my run for
the potty. I peed my very small amount like I always do.
I went out to play with my brothers they did not even say a word about
me in the highchair or my small wet spot about the size of my small
fist. We played for two hours when mom called Billy for the potty but
he said he did not need to go but I need to go for the second time
since dinner so I went. We played until 8:00 when mom said bath time
for Pauly and Billy they whined as they walk into the house. I played
in the sand until 8:30 Mom said Donny it�s your turn.
I walked into the bathroom to see a bath tub full of soapy water. I
told mom I take a shower I am a big boy not a baby. Mom told me to get
in so she can bathe me I knew better that to say no. I had not hit
puberty yet and had no privet hair or any big boy stuff. I sat in the
warm water and mom began my bath first she washed my hair the every
part of my body. I asked her why can�t I take a shower she just ignored
my question. After she finished bathing me she dried me off with a warm
fluffy towel dressed me in my clean underwear and pajamas and led me to
my room. She tucked me into my bed and kissed me good night and left
the room.
I had to wait to make sure mom was in bed so she would not catch me. I
had to sneak into my brother�s room to get a Pull-up for tonight. I
made it back without being caught and put the Pull-up on. I was so
relaxed from the bath I fell asleep quickly hoping I would be dry in
the morning. The next morning I woke up crying because I wet the Pull-
up now there was only one Pull-up left in Billy�s supply.
What am I going to do my Pull-up supply is almost gone just two weeks
into summer vacation. I hid my wet Pull-up in its usual place under my
bed where no one would find it. I was still crying a little when mom
came into the room. Mom asked me why I was crying. I told her I did not
want to eat in the highchair again. Mom just said when I lean to take
better of my brother�s she will buy me another booster seat until then
the highchair is mine and the booster seat is Billy�s.
Mom left for work leaving me in charge to take care of my brothers
again. This time when I had breakfast ready Pauly told me that mom said
I had to have the tray in front of me and he has to help. Pauly had me
sit in the highchair while he fastened my belt and put the tray in
place. He put my oatmeal in front of me with my bottle mom had fixed. I
could not release the tray locks from where I was sitting so I had to
finish eating before Pauly would let me out.
It was everything I could do to stop poop from coming out in my pants.
I ate my breakfast and drank my bottle in record time. Pauly released
me for my potty run I made it just in time too, no accidents for me I
am a big boy not a diaper baby.
We ran out to play after I cleaned up the kitchen.
We had fun when I head the timer go off to ask Billy if he need the
potty he said no but I had to pee for the second time so I ran to the
potty as fast as I could. It was just an hour after breakfast. When I
returned we played on the big slide and the ride on Big Wheels. We had
a race in our pedal cars and built a fort in the sandbox. It was 10:30
I asked Billy again if he need the potty he again said no. I had to go
again so I went again. Pauly said to Billy Donny needs to pee all the
time he must be a pee baby Billy said.
We played more until 12:00 I told Billy and Pauly lets go potty before
we eat. I watched my brothers both pee and poop in the potty. They
washed their hands while I use the potty for my short pee too. I washed
my hands so I could fix lunch.
I had lunch ready Pauly�s and Billy�s was at their place mine was on
the table with no chair. Pauly told me to get in the chair. I climbed
into the highchair and again snap, snap went the seat belt click, click
went the tray I was ready for my food. Pauly place my hot dog and soup
in front of me with another baby bottle mom had fixed. I gobbled down
my food and sucked my bottle dry just as my brothers finished their
food and drink. Pauly release me to clean up the kitchen after my pee
run to the potty.
It was naptime I grabbed the last of Billy�s Pull-ups now my supply was
empty leaving only diapers. I put the Pull-up on and was asleep in
minutes. Two and a half hours later Pauly came into wake me up way past
time to get up. I did not do a good job at pulling my pants over the
Pull-up and it was easily seen by Pauly. Not only that but I had wet so
much I had large wet spots where it leaked. Pauly was giggling so
loudly Billy came running into my room. Then both my brothers saw me in
a wet Pull-up and started to giggle while I cried. I ran to the
bathroom and removed my wet clothes and Pull-up and tried to get my
brothers to not tell mom. I dressed in dry clothes and went out to
We played outside I stayed away from my brothers, I did not want them
to tease me I was so ashamed. I need to run to the bathroom three times
before mom came home. I never saw if Billy or Pauly ever went to the
potty I just played by myself in the sandbox.
I wanted them to keep my secret but that did not work because as soon
as mom came home both of them ran to her yelling Donny peed in Pull-ups
we seen. I tried to tell mom it was an accident I could not help it. I
tried to tell her they only happen when I slept.
I told mom I started wetting when I sleep a couple of weeks ago so I
started using Billy�s Pull-ups since they are not diapers they are big
boy pants aren�t they. Mom said she knew some one was using them but
she did not know if it was me or Pauly. She told me she as bought a
fresh package for me to use. She said Pull-ups are not diapers until
you use them like a diaper. Since I have been using them like diapers
that is what she bought me they will fit a little better since they are
size 6 Huggies.
Mom asked Pauly. When did he see Donny in his wet DIAPERS? Pauly said
he wet at naptime like one of the toddlers he seen at daycare. I told
mom I could not stop it, it just happens when I sleep. Mom said she
figured it was me since she could smell a little pee smell in my room
it smells like a nursery in there.
Mom went to her room and carried a big bag to my room. She called me to
come to my room where she told me to get all of my underwear and give
them to her. After she had all of my underwear she handed me stack
after stack of size 6 Huggies to put in my underwear drawer. She had
bought too many and they would not all fit into my drawer. There were
over 180 of them she told me to stack them on top of my dresser for
everyone to see. Then she opened another package it had 18 Pull-ups she
had me stack them on my dresser beside my diapers. She told me the
Pull-ups are for potty training when she thinks I am ready. She handed
me baby powder and baby lotion and wipes. My dresser looked like it
belonged in a nursery, not a thirteen-year-old boy�s room.
Then she tacked up a calendar with my name on it where everyone could
see. She told me if am dry I get a star if I wet that day I have a
black W put on that day. If I have three in a row with W�s I loose my
underwear until I have three starts. After three starts I will get
Pull-ups for three days three more stars I will get my underwear back
but one accident and its back to diapers. She told me I had wet every
night for the last week and wet every nap this week to use up all the
Pull-ups that were gone.
I could not deny I had wet my bed every night and nap for the last
week. I whimpered as mom told me to remove my pants and underwear. I
slowly pulled down my pants and underwear. Mom quickly led me to the
potty told me to use the potty like a big boy. I tried to go but mom
was standing there looking at me waiting. Finally a small amount of pee
went into the potty with mommy praising me for a good job. She told me
I have five minutes more but nothing else happened.
When time was up mom led me to my bed where a waiting diaper was laying
out. Mom picked me up lay me on the diaper powdered me the taped the
diaper snuggly on. This diaper was unlike Billy�s Pull-ups his Pull-up
was tight and snug this diaper was only snug at the waist. The rest of
it was just bulky and quite a bit thicker I did not dare try to fight
her doing her job. When she was done she told me to go play. I asked
for my pants she told me babies in diapers don�t need pants besides my
pants will not go over those thick diapers. She asked me don�t I
remember when Billy was still in diapers that is all he need to wear.
I was in trouble with no way out I waddled my way to hide I tried to
hide under Billy�s crib but mom found me and led me out to play with my
brothers. As I passed a mirror I look at my reflection I looked just
like Billy did three months ago T-shirt and puffy diaper I was just a
little taller is all.
To my surprise my brothers did not make fun of me or anything. I was
still their big brother. Mom knew Pauly could change a diapers because
he has changed many of Billy�s before even his smelly poopy ones Pauly
was real good at diaper changing he was even better than Donny because
he was bigger.
Dinnertime came and mom explained the potty rules as I sat in the
highchair eating a big meal with two bottles of milk. She told us we
were allowed to do everything that we done before but Pauly is in
charge of potty times because he is the best potty trained. The rules
are the same as she always had for potty training. If you are in
underwear and have a wet accident you go back to Pull-ups for three
days if you have a poop accident you go back to diapers for three days.
If you wet or mess a Pull-up you go back to wearing diapers. You will
need to learn to hold your potty needs for two and a half hours. If you
wet the bed you stay in night and nap diapers until you can stay dry
for three weeks. If you wet when you sleep but not during the day you
still have to use Pull-ups during the day, no underwear.
To earn Pull-ups during the day you have to prove you are a big boy by
staying dry for at least two and a half hours. If you mess your diaper
you are a baby until you can prove you are a big boy by holding your
potty need until it is potty time.
Pauly will set a timer that will let him know it is potty time then and
only then everyone that needs to go potty is allowed to go. If you can
not hold your potty need just go potty in your diaper or pants if you
are wearing pants they will be changed for Pull-ups. Pauly will check
everyone�s pants before he lets them use the potty. After you have
proven that you are a big boy for three months you are free to use the
potty when ever you need it like a big boy does. If you use your
diapers more than three days in a row with out using the potty once you
loose your potty training rights for two weeks no potty training needed
just forget about the timer or asking to use the potty babies don�t use
the potty. You are just a diaper baby no need to potty things just play
and do what Pauly tells you to do.
She read us the Potty training rules for everyone Pauly can change
everyone�s diapers he is in charge of the potty training. Donny is in
charge of everything else for now until Pauly gets experience then he
is in charge. The rules are to be followed from now on.
Potty Training Rules
1. Diaper boys use all the baby things highchair, crib, bottles and
2. Diaper boys are only allowed in the bathroom only if I give them a
bath or Pauly is helping potty train the baby, no babies in the
bathroom alone.
3. Diaper boys don�t wear pants, T-shirt and diaper only.
4. Diaper boys need a pacifier at all times unless eating.
5. To get out of diapers you need to hold your potty needs like a big
boy should.
6. Minimum time to hold your pee before using the potty is two and a
half hours for pee and four hours for poop.
7. Accidents are not allowed one accident during the day or night you
go back to diapers for the rest of the day.
8.Pull-ups are thin DIAPERS not intended for big accidents.
9.To use Pull-ups you need to prove you are trust worthy enough to use
them by staying clean and dry.
I knew I was in trouble now. What can I do? Mom knew I just used the
potty and I now I need to pee again. Mom looked at my face and she knew
I needed the potty again. Mom said looks like our baby is going to pee
his diapee while he is eating his meal. I let out a whimper as she was
right and pee started is way into my diaper. With a sigh of relief I
just let my pee go it felt so good not to have to hold it any longer.
Mom asked me if I was done peeing. I just pouted. The fresh new diaper
mom had just put one me was now wet. I thought that I had soaked it
good but it did not even feel damp. I finished eating so mom checked my
diaper and told me to go play I was not that wet. I forgot all about
being wet soon after going to the backyard.
While I was playing outside with my brothers they did not even look at
my diaper or ask about it. I had to endure two more wettings before mom
called us in for the evening. We went in the house to play until bed
time. Mom called me for my bath I was first. Mom removed my wet diaper
and had me sit on the potty for five minutes but I did nothing. She
threw my wet diaper in the trash and gave me a bath. I pouted while mom
bathed me after she finished she let me play for ten minutes to play in
the tub if I wanted. I started to play with the bath toys, forgetting I
was thirteen.
When I finished mom put me on the potty one last time but nothing
happened. I was carried to the nursery where she put me on the changing
table I started to cry so mom put a pacifier into my mouth telling me
to keep it there or get spanked. I was sacred of a spanking if I did
not do it so I sucked the pacifier mom powdered and diapered me. She
put me into a thin footed sleeper with the Cookie Monster on the front
of it. It was the one Pauly stopped wearing three years ago.
Mom told me to go play while mom let my brother�s take their baths.
I was playing for about a half hour with Thomas the Train having fun
again forgetting I was thirteen not three. It was so much fun to not
have to care about need the potty all the time. I was into my play
having so much fun when mom suddenly picked me up surprising me. She
carried to the waiting highchair were I was allowed to have a snack
with my brothers. We all had a snack of cookies and milk mine was in a
baby bottle theirs was in an open topped plastic cup.
When we finished our snack mom carried me into the nursery put me into
the crib. I stood up tried to look over the top of the rail as she
raised it into place. The side was at the top of my head so I looked
through the bars. I now know how high the sides were from the inside of
the crib I have never been in here. The sleeper was sewn at the knees
making it impossible to lift my legs over the side and climb out. I
looked at the room for Pauly�s bed it was gone the crib was the only
bed in here.
I asked mom where Pauly�s bed is she told me I still have a room all to
myself so my brothers will not have to smell my diapers when they
sleep. Mom lowered the side told me to lay down now. I lay down like
she told me to she put a bottle in my mouth without thinking I started
to suck. Mom kissed me on the forehead and said goodnight little one.
The crib�s side was raised I was lying looking out through the bars
sucking my bottle. I felt so safe and secure as she turned out the
lights, leaving a Winnie the Pooh night light lighting my new room. I
sort of felt strange sucking my bottle with the thick padding between
my legs. I felt so safe secure and relaxed.
I thought for a few minutes while sucking my bottle what am I going to
do now. Maybe I can climb out and find somewhere else to sleep and get
out of these baby clothes. The more I thought about escaping the more
relaxed I became soon I was asleep.
It has been three weeks of summer vacation and being turned into a
toddler. Mom had it down to a routine mom woke me up the fist thing in
the morning. She would put the big black W on my chart as I stood in my
crib with my diaper drooping under my sleeper. I could barely feel the
wetness since it was normal for me to be wet. Then she let the side
down removed my sleeper carried me to the changing table removed my
soaking wet diaper wiped me off with a baby wipe.
I stared to ask her how she knew I was wet without checking first but
the pacifier was still in my mouth. I let the pacifier fall to the end
of its string and ask how she knew I was wet. Mom just said mommies
know things like that that�s what makes them mommies. Mom cleaned me
with baby wipes when she was finished she said its Donny�s potty time.
She carried me to the toilet and sat me on it. I saw her set a timer
and say I have five minutes to do my job before she put my diapers on I
sat there for five minutes trying to do something but then ding.
Mom carried me back to the changing table diapered me dressed me in
just a T-shirt. When she finished she reset the timer and carried it
the kitchen. Telling me breakfast time go eat your breakfast. I was so
hungry I wanted my breakfast. Maybe if I got the kitchen before my
brothers I could get a booster seat not the baby highchair. My brothers
were already seated eating their breakfast. Mom let me climb into my
highchair fastened the belt put my oatmeal and bottle on the tray and
said see you boys later. She told Pauly the timer is on the counter.
I started to eat my oatmeal and just like every day of my life my need
to poop happened just like after being put back into diapers my poop
went into my diaper not the potty. I was not able to hold my need to
use the potty. Poop was going to end up in my diaper quickly because I
could not hold it long enough. Pauly would not let me out until I was
finished eating anyway.
Mom had told him the timer is set I would have to learn to hold my
potty needs for the right amount of time. This was the only way to
Potty train a baby. I tried as hard as I could but it happen any way I
pooped my diaper followed by a good wetting. At first I hated doing
this but after about three days it felt so go to just let it happen.
Billy said he smells poopy. Pauly said Donny had his morning poopy run
or do I mean his poopy diapee. They both giggled a little as I
whimpered trying to get finished with my breakfast.
I was finally finished and Pauly led me to the nursery where the
changing mat was laying on the floor with all the supplies ready for a
messy diaper change. Pauly told me to lie down so I could get changed
or he would tell mom I was being bad. I lay down feeling the poop
spread in my diaper as it smash against the floor. Pauly quickly pulled
the tapes free using the front of the diaper wiped most of the mess of
my bottom as he pushed my legs high in the air almost like mom pulling
me by the ankles. He pulled the messy diaper away and used thee wipes
cleaning my bottom free of poop.
Pauly proceeded to push my legs again and powdered my bottom and crotch
before placing a fresh diaper under me and pulling the front up and
taping it in place. I took Pauly only five minutes to turn me from a
messy smelly baby into a sweet smelling baby. I could not believe my
little brother just changed my wet and messy diaper. It was time to
play now so we went out to play me wearing just a short Big Bird T-
shirt and diapers. Pauly and Billy were wearing big boy clothes. I
wanted to find big boy clothes too to hide my diapers I went in to
every closet and drawer looking. Pauly told me there are not big boy
clothes that will fit me in the house. Only diaper boy clothes for big
diaper boy like you.
I went looking any way for clothes that would fit me but there were no
clothes my size except toddler style with toddler pictures on them and
snaps for diaper changes. I did find quite a few baby style clothes my
size not wanting anything to do with those I settled on just diapers
and a T-shirt. I went out to play with my brothers.
We were playing for about an hour and I needed to pee so I started to
go to the house and Pauly ask where I thought I was going. I said I
need to go potty. Pauly said potty time is not for another hour and a
half. I told him I need to pee now. He said mom said the rules are two
and a half hours remember. I whimpered as I felt pee warm my diaper.
Pauly said lets play I will take care of your wet diaper when Billy and
I go potty at potty time.
I walked back to the sandbox and continued to play Billy and Pauly did
not even say a word about my wet diaper maybe they don�t know I wet. I
soon forgot I was wet when my need to pee came again this time I just
let it out not trying to draw attention to myself.
Pauly said it was 10:30 potty time lets go potty Pauly called Billy
said he don�t need to go Pauly said he don�t either. Billy looked at me
and said Donny�s got wet diapers he don�t need to either he is already
wet. I started to cry so Pauly put my pacifier in my mouth it was still
on a string that mom had put on me. I did not want it at first but
Pauly was instant on me taking it. So I started to suck making me feel
better. Soon I was playing like nothing happened.
At 11:00 Billy said me need to potty so Pauly took me by the hand and
we followed Billy to the house. Billy went to the potty while Pauly
changed my soaked diaper on my changing mat. When he finished my diaper
changed he went potty him self then he reset the potty timer. Pauly did
not even give me a chance to sit on the potty to see if I could go like
a big boy but I did not need to go anyway. Pauly told me to fix us
drinks he made me put mine in a baby bottle like mom told him too.
After our drinks we were out playing again I was starting to get into
the routine for summertime.
Lunchtime it was 1:00 one half hour before potty time I have not felt
the need to potty so I was safe. I fixed lunch for my brothers they ate
theirs in their booster seats I ate mine in the highchair with Paul�s
help not even thinking because that is my eating place now. This is my
place to eat not at the table with my brothers. Pauly even put my bib
on me. Pauly made sure to fasten my seat belt and everything mom told
him to do. When I finished my bottle Pauly let me out of the highchair
it was 1:30 Potty time the timer went off. I made I did not pee or poop
my diaper I was so happy maybe I can talk Pauly in to Pull-ups for me.
Pauly said time for pants check I was so proud as Pauly told Billy go
potty while I check Donny�s diapers. I stood up proud as I could as
Pauly stuck his finger into the top of my diaper saying time for a
diaper change Donny. When did I wet I don�t remember wetting I started
to cry I was not wet I was dry I did not pee. My tears were big as
Pauly led me to the changing mat. I kept crying not want to lie down on
the mat so in went my pacifier. I lie down on the changing mat as Pauly
was forceful like mom told him to be. I was lying on my changing mat as
Pauly pulled the taps off the front of my diaper. Then I felt the cool
wetness of my wet diaper. Pauly did a quick diaper change and reset the
It was naptime I climbed into my crib Pauly handed me my bottle and
raised the side into place. Pauly turned out the lights closed my door
I was on my way to sleep sucking my bottle just like I have done for
six days. I did not know my brothers were not going to take their naps
they had figured I was asleep with no way to get out of my crib they
were free to do what they wanted to do. What I did not know would not
hurt me I was asleep. They were outside playing I was inside sleeping
like a baby sucking my bottle wetting my nap diaper.
The potty timer Pauly had carried outside with him so he would not miss
my potty time went off with a ding telling Pauly naptime was over. He
knew it was time for another diaper change because I have not had a dry
naptime all summer. Pauly and Billy came in from playing while I slept
they woke me up like they just woke up them selves and changed my
diaper in my crib.
I was now sucking my pacifier it was so relaxing it was a reflex action
to me now. If I get upset it finds its way into my mouth. Pauly and
Billy was now in charge of telling me what to do I was just a baby in
every way I eat in a highchair sleep in a crib play and use diapers.
Pauly was not going to tell mom that they were not taking their naps or
making me play in the playpen or making me do the other baby things.
With in just three weeks I had no potty skills had trouble eating with
out making a mess of my self and my surroundings. More or less I was a
messy two year old not a thirteen year old.
Mom started the process of taking us out of school to home school us by
computer. That way the kids at my high school would not ever see me
again. Pauly was doing fifth grade work any way he could go to fifth
grade class he was almost as big as a fifth grader. If he need school
work help I could do that I could do eleventh grade work myself. I just
had a problem holding my bathroom needs. Pauly and I were teaching
Billy to read and do math at the first grade level.
I really did not want to go to high school anyway because they would
tease me about using diapers. Even though I only messed my diaper at
breakfast never during the day. But I wet every forty minutes or less
sometime only ten minutes. Pauly would just let me stay in wet diapers
until the potty timer went off. He used lots of cream and powder
preventing me from getting a rash.
I want to do my own diaper changes but mom said babies don�t change
their own diapers and as long as you still wet the bed wet and mess
your diaper. You can�t stay dry for one hour you are a baby most babies
that are eighteen months can hold their pee for two hours. I said but I
am too old to have someone do it for me I changed Billy�s diaper. Mom
said Billy has not worn diapers in months he has not wet the bed in
more than a year.
When was the last time you did not wet your bed? In the morning you can
not even hold your poop and mess your diaper like a one year old. You
even have trouble holding your pee for and hour. When you can do these
things with just a little success of a two year old I will consider it.
Until then both your brothers will take care of your diaper changes.
I ask mom what she meant by both my brothers? Mom explained Billy has
been trained to change wet diapers by Pauly. When he gets good enough
changing your wet diapers he will start doing your morning poopy
diaper. That way Pauly can start taking care of fixing your food and
bathing you. You have graduated to baby brother not big brother you are
now just a baby the daycare has decided to let you stay there for two
weeks to let you see what it is like to be a real baby. Your brothers
will be trained to care for you while you are there.
Summer is over Donny you have been a baby for three months now. School
is in session the only kids there at daycare are under four years old
the older kids are either in preschool or regular school. You will
learn how to be a good little boy with the help of the teachers, the
other babies and your brothers. Soon you will be just like all the
other babies there. Maybe this time when you grow up to be a big boy
toddler in a few years you will me able to be potty trained the right
way. If not you will just stay a baby diapers and all.
I told mom I was going to runaway and grow up on my own. She told me to
go anytime I want go but what will I wear. She said all the clothes
that fit you a baby style even your Winnie the Pooh shoes are for three
year olds. You are not even potty trained enough to pass the toddler
test. You spill your food when you eat or drink. You can�t climb as
well as Billy, run as fast as a five year old, or play up to the level
or a three year old.
I started to cry as she finished yelling at me knowing she was right on
all counts. I was just a little baby except I could do high school
senior school work how many babies do you know that can do that. I do
like to play with little kids because they don�t tease me as much. I
guess it will be fun to learn to be a toddler we will see. Next time.