tittle: Souvenirs de camp d’ados
Author: fan2couche (
Date: November 2004
Translation: bebemanu (
Date: July 2005
Public: All public
Copyright: fan2couche © 2004 bebemanu © 2005
Publication: Tbkingdom © 2004 (for the French version)
Deeker © 2005
(for the English version)
Summary: A teenager tells how he spent one month
diapered in a holiday camp.
and publication, even partial, prohibited without obtaining the preliminary
authorization of the author, the translator, and/or the editor.
This story is real until the
end of the account of the second day.
During 5
years ago, I spent July in a holiday camp for teenagers, in Haute Savoie, in
Carroz d' Arraches, beside Cluses, to be precise, in a holiday camp which is
called "Creil Alpes" and which belongs to the town of Creil. At this
time, I was 13 years ½. I went there 5 years of continuation, and I have of
them very good memories, and I will tell you about one of them.
My parents
have registered me (like the 2 previous years, and the 2 which followed) in a
holiday camp for teenagers organized by its work and the town of Creil. I was
very glad to leave one month far from my parents, for the third time, to find
some of my buddies whose mother worked with mine, and of me to make the new
ones. I already wore some diapers back since one year and half, and my mother
said to me that this year either, she wouldn’t buy diapers to me to leave to
the camp. Such an amount of worse, I could spend one month from them well to
me, and I had already done it the first 2 years. The day of the departure
arrived, and I had several times checked my bag to see whether I did not miss
anything, and if I had forgotten anything. Not, I had all that it was
necessary. The hour of the gathering arrived and we left at the gathering point
which was the station of Creil. I was so excited with the idea to leave, which
I was several times to the toilets so much I wanted to pee. Arrived on the
station, I sought my buddies, and I discovered quickly that it didn’t miss of
it much the small band which we form. There was my best buddy, Guillaume who
was in my class with the college. We had all between 13 and 14 years old. We
made knowledge of new, which had the sympathetic air. Those which were in my
group were very quickly adopted and to integrate into the group. Result, 20
minutes after having arrived at the gathering point, our parents weren’t able
any more to hold us. 09:15pm sounded, and it was finally time to get into the
train. I have quickly said goodbye to my parents, and am gotten into the train
joining my buddies. From this moment there, it was as if I was alone in the
world, and my buddies and guides had become my only family. The train left the
station of Creil, and we started to be delirious, make the idiots, and with
speaking about what we’ll going to do once to arrive at the camp. There was all
that it was necessary for the camp, but we nevertheless go down downtown, 2
times per week. As usual, in the compartment, I was with my 3 better buddies,
of which Guillaume. The others were Kevin, and Fabrice. Guillaume was youngest,
and had celebrated his 13 years a few days before. Then, it was Kevin, who had
been born in June, then me in December, and finally Fabrice who turned 14 years
old in May. Guillaume was enuresis, and that had often been worth the mockeries
from the others to him the first year, but now, nobody said any more anything.
We felt to be tired and we decided to sleep. The compartment, the curtains was
closed, and our berths were prepared. Guillaume pulls off his shorts and his
underwear, and took a diaper. He asked me to help him to pull on him because at
home, it’s his mother who diapered him. I helped him to pull on his diaper. He
just pulls on again its short over, as it usually made, then lay down. I did of
it as much, and Kevin and Fabrice too. I badly slept because I was cold, and I
often awoke during the way. The next morning, with the alarm clock, we were all
glad to arrive soon. Guillaume had wet its diaper as usual. And me, I had wet
my sleeping bag! I had a lot of shame. I said anything to the others, but
Guillaume realized it and made me a covering joint of eye.
After a
quick toilet, we arrived at the station of Cluses. We came out from the train,
and it was still necessary to take a bus which took us along to the camp. 30
minutes later, we were finally arrived. We went in our rooms. We were four per
room, which arranged us because we could remain the entire four units. Our
stuffs, briefs and clothes were unpacked, and we arranged them in our
cupboards. There was a wall cupboard for the sleeping bag, and Kevin arranged
them. When he took mine, he realized that it was wet, and said:
Your sleeping bag is wet. Reversed you water above? You do you peed in it this
night, or what else inside?
I became
red, while answering that I had an accident. And he answered while laughing:
-No, you
peed in your sleeping bag? If you pee with the bed, we will put you into
diapers, like Guillaume.
Then he put
my sleeping bag on one of the beds top, so it could dries.
He didn’t know
that since nearly one year and half, I wear some diapers back at night, for my
pleasure, and that I was accustomed to pee inside. As well, he said to me don’t
worry about his, I’ll didn’t repeat it with the others. It was without counting
with the guides...
Once our
stuffs unpacked and lines, we came down in the large room to join the others.
The guides were there, with the director and the personnel of the camp. They
wished us the welcome and explained us what we were going to do for one month.
They also spoke about those among us who had night problems. There were 3 of
them, and they have say to us that it wasn’t a shame, that all mattress was
protected, and that there was all that it was necessary in the nurse room for
us to spend our nights quiet, and dryness. They specified that accidents
arrived, and than if they were too frequent, the boys or girls who have
accidents will have to wear diapers at night. As it was the hour to eat, one
went to the refectory. Once the finished meal, we went to make the idiots
outside. Approximately an hour afterwards, the guides proposed plays to us. The
afternoon was without problems, with good parts of fun. On the evening, we went
eaten, and we went to wash ourselves and dressed ourselves in pyjamas before
going to watch television, or making plays, because we had the choice. While
returning in the room, I had the jitter of my life. My sleeping bag was not
there any more! I immediately looked in the wall cupboard, but it wasn’t there
either. I decided to see that after the shower with the guides, Alain and
Corinne. I went to take my shower, and I’m in pyjamas. Actually, it was terry
sponge shorts with a t-shirt, and the others had about the same behaviour.
Being in summer, pyjamas would have been too hot. After the shower, the guides
came with a basket to collect the dirty linen. As we were, Guillaume and me, in
the room, I asked the guides if they hadn’t seen my sleeping bag which was on
the bed top, because it disappeared. Alain answered me:
No! In my opinion it didn’t disappear.
I asked him
where it was then. And it answered me:
sleeping bag is in the laundry Julien! Considering it felt the pee, we took it
for wash it.
Kevin and
Fabrice returned in the room at this moment. I became very red, and I didn’t
know anymore where to put to me.
Corinne said
to me that it wasn’t serious, that an accident of pee to the bed could arrive
to everyone, but that I will have of the statement. But that if that were
repeated several times, I’ll need to be put into diapers back at night, like
Guillaume, and like said the director this midday. To wear some diapers at home
to sleep is one thing, but the fact of everybody knows that I wear some didn’t
like to me at all. We all came down to the television room, and to play a
little. Around 10:30pm, we got up to our room to go to bed. I helped Guillaume
to put in diaper on, and Kevin benefited from this way to say to me:
-Julien, you
should wear one too. Like that if you pee with the bed this night, I will not
be wet!
It was true
that they were bunk beds, and Kevin slept below me. We turned the light off,
and we fell asleep quickly.
I awoke
towards 9H, and the others didn’t sleep already any more. Kevin required of
Guillaume if its diaper was wet. As usual, he answered yes. Fabrice jumped on
my bed and drew the cover from a dry blow. I asked him what he did, and he
answered me that he checked if I hadn’t peed with the bed. Fortunately for me,
my bed was dry. It was only an accident. Fabrice said to me that if I remade
pee with the bed, he would say it to Corinne, and that he would put himself my
diapers to me. Kevin burst to laugh, and I wondered well why because I saw
anything funny in what Fabrice had just said. We are gone down to lunch, and
then we took a shower, dressed ourselves, and left for the day in Samoëns, to
the circus of the horseshoe. After having walked all the day, we all were tired
enough, and wanted only one, it was to go back to the camp. We came back to the
camp towards 5:30pm. There, we took a light collation, and we go to play
outside while waiting to eat. Our small band was made of 8 people (Kevin,
Fabrice, Erwan, Guillaume, Pierre, Julien, Sofian, and me), and we enjoyed
really well. We made the idiots as usual and we have laughed a lot. Arrived at
lunch time, the guides said to us to go to the toilets, and to wash our hands.
What we did, then we went to eat. After eating, it been necessary to go to wash
ourselves and put ourselves in pyjamas, before looking at the television. The
showers were collective, and had eight shower heads. It was too good; like that
we could go to take our shower together with my buddies. We gone to the shower,
and left rolled up in our towels. In the room, Guillaume decided to put his
diaper immediately, like that, he wouldn’t have to do it when we come back to
go to sleep, and as it was tired, it was likely to fall asleep in front of the
television. This evening, it was Police Academy. We were all the four naked in
the room, and Fabrice, Kevin and I were making the idiots, and at one moment
Fabrice started to have a hard cock. We laughed about him, and it became very
red. Guillaume was on his bed, and asked me to help him to put his diaper, as
we were still naked, Kevin and Fabrice took another diaper and tightened it to
me while saying:
-You don’t
want to pull on one too Julien?
I answered
not. They said to me:
sure? Because if you make pee with the bed this night; we’ll have to say it to
I said not
again. They insisted by saying to me that in any event I will even not able to
put one of them, and even less to put it to go down to look at film in the
television room. I usually accept all the bets, I was wedged. I wanted so much
to put this diaper, but as so much fear as they say it to the guides, or to the
others teens, or that the others see that I wear a diaper. Then I decided to
take them with the word by saying to us:
-Okay, I put
one diaper, but only if you wear one also, and that we go down all the four
like that to look at the television. They were looked at, and they answered:
-Ok, we put
a diaper too.
Kevin took
two other diapers in the cupboard, and gave one to Fabrice and me. I put mine
in first, and then they lengthened on the bed, and as they couldn’t put it by
themselves, we diapered them. Guillaume put Kevin’s one and me Fabrice’s one.
They were put upright and were looked in the mirror while laughing. They
collected their slipway and their shorts of night and were going to put them
when Guillaume said:
-No, no! You
put on just your shorts. No the slipway below.
answered that we were crazy and that they weren’t going to look at the
television with only a diaper under their sponge shorts. Guillaume answered:
-A bet is a
arranged their slipway in the cupboard, and we gone down to the television
room. In the corridors and the staircases, we could hear the noise of our
diapers to each step. Normal, on us, we had just a diaper, sponge’s short, and
a tee-shirt. For Guillaume and me, it was very exciting although we was
accustomed to putting diapers, but for Kevin and Fabrice, they had a blue fear
to be caught by the guides, or the others. Arrived at the television room, the
film wasn’t started yet. As usually, we sat down at the back of the room, but
this time, was for step to point out itself, and step that somebody realize
that we was all the four diapered. The film started, and we started to laugh at
the gags. At one moment, as at our practice, we started to make the idiots, and
Kevin and Fabrice made the clowns. And it’s the moment that the guides chose to
return in the television room... Oops… Since this moment, it will become very
Fabrice and
Kevin to made silly boys, Alain said to them:
-You two,
because you can’t hold you quiet, you will put yourselves in front of the room
to finish looking at the film. You put yourselves along the wall, the hands on
the head, and I don’t want more to hear you.
They became
very white, rose and moved towards the front of the room. They put themselves
along the wall, and without heart, put their hands on their head. And what was
to arrive arrived. When they put the hands on their head, their tee-shirt went
up, discovering the top of their diaper. The others didn’t realize it
immediately. It’s Sofian, who said:
-Hey, look!
Kevin and Fabrice are wearing a diaper!
And there,
it was everyone which started to laugh. Marc, one of the guides approached, and
-Stop! I
don’t want to hear nothing more. Yes they’re wearing a diaper! And then, does
that disturb someone? If I still hear only one of you, I will seek one diaper,
and I put it myself to him in front of everyone! Then shut up and look at the
Then, Kevin
and Fabrice had right to return to sit down with us, but with they had to
promise of not making more noise. Fabrice who usually played the boss, cried
like a baby, and Kevin didn’t feel good too. They said to me that they had been
idiots to propose this bet to me. At this time, we heard a voice saying:
-Oh, okay! I
understand better now!
It was
Corinne who was behind us, and we hadn’t heard her arrive. She said to us:
-I also
asked to myself... Since when, Kevin and Fabrice wear diapers to sleep? Their
parents didn’t say it to us. I knew that Guillaume wear some, but not you,
I was turned
over, and I said to Corinne:
-You know
Corinne, it was just a bet. We said ourselves between us: you’re not able to
gone down in the television room with a diaper, like Guillaume. As we all said
yes, we all have a diaper on.
She answered
-Good, you
too? I thank you for your frankness Julien. And we will see with Alain what we
will decide. Well, stop and look at the film. We looked at the end of the film
quietly. Once the film finished, we let the others leave, and we raised the
last. Our diapers made noise with each movement. Corinne says to us:
-You’re very cute like that, all the four.
You have really the air of 5 year old little boys. But you’re some big
Then she
said to us to go in our room, and that she was going to join us with Alain.
Once in the room, we wondered what Corinne and Alain wanted to us. Fabrice
looked at me and said to me:
-Julien, I
was so much afraid than I peed of jitter in my diaper! We started to laugh of
him, and as he was going to cry, I said to him that it was not serious, and
that he could remove it afterwards.
Corinne came
in, followed by Alain. She looked at us all three and known as one:
-Alain, we
have a small problem! There are three bedwetter moreover. What will we make
with to you?
Alain looked
at us and answered to Corinne:
-To start,
they will take off their shorts and their tee-shirt, and will spend the night
with just their diaper. If they want to play the babies, the babies don’t sleep
with shorts and tee-shirt. For the rest of the camp, we will see tomorrow
morning. We will come to awake them a half hour before the others.
We took off
our shorts and our tee-shirts, and were now all the four simply dress with our
diaper, sited on Kevin’s bed, in front of the guides. At this time, Fabrice
started to cry. Corinne approached him and asked him why he cried. He turned
his back to her, and as he didn’t answer, she turned over him. While turning
over him, she put her hand on Fabrice’s diaper and she said:
understood what you have! You made pee in your diaper?
answered yes with the head. Corinne answered him that it was not serious, and
that a 14 years old boy doesn’t have to cry for that. She took a fresh diaper
in the cupboard, and said to Fabrice:
-I will
change you. Like that, you will be with dryness for your first night in diaper.
You want?
He answered
her yes while crying again a little. She changed Fabrice’s diaper. I must say
that I would have liked to be in his place. When Alain and Corinne opened the
door, Alain says to us:
-And out of
question of raising you, especially not to go to pee in the bathroom. After
all, you wanted to wear a diaper, and then you have to use it. If you want to
pee, you’ll have to do it in your diaper! Good night babies...
They closed
again the door and left. We looked at all, and I said to Kevin and Fabrice:
answered yes. At this moment, I said myself that I was to say to them that at
home, I wear diapers to sleep. I put myself upright in front of them, and I
-I have
something to say to you. I wasn’t honest with you. There’s one and half that at
home, I wear some diaper to sleep...
Kevin looked
me with large eyes and asked me why here I didn’t wear any. I answered him that
I wear some for my pleasure, that my parents knew it, and that my mother had
not wanted to buy some for me to come here, and also that I didn’t want to wear
some in front of them. I said to them that as now they had seen me in diaper,
it didn’t have any more importance. Fabrice said to me:
-At least,
it’s practical, because if I didn’t have the diaper, I will have peed myself
We burst to
laugh, and Kevin added:
the toilets are on the floor below, and the other end of the corridor. With the
diaper, we will not need to rise to go to pee.
We started
all to laughing about that and Guillaume said:
-You see that
there isn’t having only disadvantages to wear some diapers...
-Yes it is
true! Kevin and Fabrice answered.
We talked
like that, sitting on the bed of Guillaume, during a good hour, with just a
diaper like only clothing, as if it was normal that we are in this behaviour at
our age. Then Guillaume said that he was tired, and that he wanted to go to
sleep. We gone each one in our bed, and we turned the light off. Guillaume
-Good night
And we
started all to laugh. The fun lasted five good minutes, and then we fell
As promised,
Alain and Corinne came to awake us. Usually, we awoke per hour that we wanted,
except when one had something of envisaged. Therefore, to 8H30, they came in
our room. To awake us, Alain started to shout:
there inside! It’s time to change your small buttocks, and to go to lunch!
After a while, we emerged from our dreams, to return to reality. Corinne
required of us to put ourselves upright and there we got right to the
inspection of our diapers. Guillaume was obviously wet, but him, he didn’t
count. Corinne was turned over towards Alain, and said to him:
-Well, there
are three moreover bedwetters! Their diapers are soaked, and there are even two
of them which have leaks! Fortunately, they have a draw sheet on their beds. I
will change their cloths presently.
It’s true
that as we had not right to rise to go to the toilets considering we were
wearing a layer, we used it, and even as it’s necessary. It’s Kevin and me
which had leaks. We looked at ourselves and we started to wonder what Corinne
and Alain were going to do with us. Corinne opened the door and asked us to
follow her. We were going to take our shorts when Alain said us that we were
very well like that with only our diaper. Kevin says to him:
-But we’re
just wearing a diaper! We can’t get out of the room like that? And if the
others see us?
answered that yesterday evening, everyone had seen us in diaper, and that we
had nothing more to hide. Then he added:
-You have to
accustom you to wear a diaper in public! Now, let’s go. Take a towel, a glove,
soap, and go to the shower!
We left the
room simply dressed of our night’s diaper, which hung between our legs because
we peed inside. Only Guillaume had right to put on a short. Arrived at the
shower, Corinne said us to remove our diapers, what we did readily. After
having collected our dirty diapers, Corinne and Alain said to us that they
returned to pick us in 10 minutes. We wondered well why, because we known the
way, and we could go back to our room without their assistance. We put
ourselves under the shower; we washed ourselves to remove the odour of pee, and
we finished by doing the idiots as usual. It‘s Alain who ended our uproar while
-Good, that
is enough now! Dry yourself, and we turn go back to your room. We didn’t finish
yet with you.
We dried
ourselves and we rolled up in our towels to go back to our room. In the
corridor, we started to cross the others, of which our buddies, who started to
laugh while seeing us walking in the corridor behind the guides. Once in the
room, alone Corinne stayed with us. She said us that Alain was to go downtown
with the intendant, and that he would benefit from it to make some purchases
for us and that he would return only in the end of the afternoon. She asked us
to remove our towels and said us to sit on Fabrice’s bed. We were all the four
naked like worms, sited on Fabrice’s bed. She said to Guillaume that he could
get dressed. She caught a bag which was on my bed and she get in some cream, talc,
and fresh diapers. She asked us to take our briefs for the day, while she put
one of our towels on Kevin’s bed. We rose, and we took a slipway, a t-shirt, a
short, and a pair of socks. As I had finished the first, Corinne said to me to
lengthen on Kevin’s bed. I lay down, and she was put on her knees beside me.
She opened the tube of cream, and put of them everywhere on me, on the low
belly, the dick, and the buttocks, then she sprinkled some talc on me. She
caught a diaper, opened it, and said me:
-Raise your
small buttocks big baby.
I raised my
buttocks, and she slipped the diaper below me. She set it up well and said me
that I could put back my buttocks. She folded back the front of the diaper on
my dick, and stuck the adhesives well tightened. Then she said me that I could
raise me. She passed a finger on each side of the diaper for well setting up
the rubber bands leak-prevented. She took my slipway, opened it, and said me to
put my feet in the holes. I answered her that I could dress myself alone and
that I didn’t need her. She answered me:
today, it‘s me who go to diapering you and it’s also me who will dress you. I
found myself, at 13 ½ years old, in diaper in front of my guide, and it’s her
who dressed me. She threaded me my slipway, and went it up over my diaper. We
could see my diaper very well, and I had a funny air now in this behaviour.
Then, she threaded me my socks, then my tee-shirt, and my shorts in the last.
As it was a little broad, we didn’t see too much my diaper which was well
moulded by my slipway. Then she did the same thing with Kevin and Fabrice. Once
diapered all the three, she looked at us and said to us:
beautiful like that! Real babies! A little big, but babies nevertheless.
approached us; us made kisses with each one, and asked us to sit on Fabrice’s
bed before saying to us:
-I explain
you the rules: You will pass the remainder of the month diapered and equipped
like little boys. You will have right to use the toilets only before going to
the shower, the morning and the evening. The remainder of time, you will have a
diaper, and if you want to make pee or poop, you will have to do it in your
diapers. You will be changed 3 to 4 times per day, and it’s only Alain and me
which decide of the moment when you must be changed. You don’t have the right
to remove your diapers! If one of you remove his diaper would be only one time,
I warn your parents to all the three when we returns home! Is it clear?
We all shook
the head, then Corinne said us that we could go to lunch. We left the room,
diapered like babies, for the second time of our stay to the camp. But there,
it was only the beginning because we were going to have to wear diapers night
and day for one month. The diapers that Corinne put to us were thicker than those
of Guillaume, and we walked a little like duck. Yes, we dandled… They were seen
a little under our shorts, and did a little noise. Me, that didn’t obstruct me,
but Kevin and Fabrice didn’t like too much. They said to me that they had shame
to have to wear diapers night and day for one month, and that they would have
never to bet with me. Arrived at the refectory, those which were already here
turned over to look at us, and our buddies asked to us whether we didn’t forget
to put our diaper. We were frank with them and we said to them that because of
our bet of yesterday evening, we were obliged to wear diapers night and day,
until the end of the camp. They laughed by saying to us that we didn’t have any
chance, but that it had been well sought. We lunched, and then we left to play
outside. The weather was very sunny, and started to be hot. While playing
various plays, we forgot of it that we had a diaper under our shorts. The
morning occurred like that, without incidents, nor accidents.
arrived, and the lunch time too. We sat down at table, and we took our meal of
midday, like everyday. Once finished, Corinne required of us to go up in our
room so that she could change us. We went up in our room and waited until
Corinne arrives. She came in the room with 4 diapers in the hand, and asked us
to take off our shorts and our slipways. We took off our shorts, and our
slipways, to stay in front of her, just in diaper and tee-shirt. Our diapers
were well wet because we made pee inside several times. She put a towel on
Kevin’s bed, and asked to Fabrice to approach. She removed his diaper to him,
took wipes and cleaned his dick and his buttocks before asking to him whether
he didn’t want to poop. He answered not, and Corinne said to him:
-You are
sure? Because I put you a diaper, and if you want to poop, you will have to
make inside because I wouldn’t change you before you will take your shower this
answered that he didn’t want. Corinne made him lengthen on the bed, and like
this morning, put to him cream everywhere, then talc, and finally his diaper
which she closed again by tightening it well. She asked him to be put upright,
and she gave his slipway and his short to him. Then, it was my turn, then
Kevin’s turn. Guillaume was with us in the room, and remained quiet. Once
diapered, Guillaume said to us that he decided to be diapered night and day,
like us, until the end of the camp. Once Corinne finished diapering Guillaume,
we could go down again to play outside with the others which didn’t fail to
require of us where we were. We said them the truth, which we were ridden with
Corinne so that she changed us our layers. They laughed, and asked us to show
to them our diaper. Fabrice lowered the front of his short and the others saw
his diaper which exceeded of his slipway. There was right to full with
question. What was the feeling about wearing a diaper, how we feel with it, how
much time we could make pee inside, if we made poop inside, and still full with
other. We answered them, and we left all in excursion for the afternoon.
We walked
for 2 good hours, and Kevin approached Fabrice and me, and said us that he
needed to make poop. We looked at ourselves, and we answered him to try to hold
himself. At the end of a half hour, he said us that he couldn’t hold it
anymore. He stopped, and made poop in his diaper. We looked at ourselves, and
we could see that his diaper made a bump behind. We set out again for step to
move away from the others, and while walking, we asked him which effect that
made. He answered that it was hot and that that made odd feel the poop to stick
to its buttocks. At one time, we made a stop on the way of the return, and we
sat down all. Fabrice and I, we already made pee 2 times in our diaper, and he
acknowledged me that he liked the feeling of heat when he made pee, and also
that of moisture when he walked and when he sat down. Kevin also sat down,
which spread out well his poop over his buttocks and in his diaper. Corinne
came to see us and said:
-You’re well
the boys?
We answered
her yes, and she asked to us whether we were not wet too much. We answered not.
Kevin said to her then that he wanted to make poop. Corinne said him that he
had to hold himself until this evening at the time of the shower, or to make it
in his diaper. And he answered her that he tried and that he hadn’t been able a
long time, and that he ended up by making poop in his diaper. Corinne then
answered him:
-Well! My
big baby tested his diaper. You know Kevin, we put diapers to you, and then as
far as they are useful to you as it’s necessary.
We returned
to the camp where right to light had to taste before turning over to play
outside. With time, we didn’t have even anymore attention that we wore a
diaper, and that we made pee inside. It started to seem to us natural to be in
this behaviour in full day. It’s true that it wasn’t current to see three
teenagers diapered in full day. Especially that with the three pees (in
minimum) that we made in our diaper, they had inflated and taken volume, with
the result that our shorts didn’t hide anything anymore the whole, and our
diapers were quite visible, as well in front of as behind. But like now, all
the others knew that we were wearing a diaper, we didn’t car of it. We passed
the end of the afternoon to make the idiots outside, by forgetting completely
that we were wearing a diaper. The lunch time arrived, and the guides made us
return to go to wash our hands, then we sat down at table and we ate. Once the
meal finished, it was the time of the shower, which wanted to say for us that
it was the changing time too. And we needed some. We went up in our room, and
we prepared our briefs to go to the shower. Corinne arrived and said to
Frabrice and that we could remove our diaper. She asked Kevin to lengthen on
his bed, because it was necessary that she removes his layer full with of poop
to him, and that she cleans a little his buttocks before him to go to the
shower. Corinne asked to us whether we wanted to make poop. We answered yes,
and she said to us to go to the toilets, which we did. Once returned of the
toilets, our briefs for the shower were taken, and we left to wash ourselves.
Corinne said us that we could only go there, and that she awaited us here in
fifteen minutes. We washed ourselves, while making the idiots under the shower,
as usual. We dried ourselves, and then we turned over to our room where Corinne
was to join us. We crossed her on the way, accompanied by Alain who had
returned from the city. He had a large plastic bag with the hand, and we
wondered that there could well be inside. Once in the room, it was the ritual
of the changing time. Cream, talc and, diapers. It’s Fabrice who passed the
first, then Kevin, then me, and the, Guillaume. We were all the four sat on
Fabrice’s bed, and we waited to know what there was in the bag until Alain had
brought back. This was to surely give a beautiful pic to be taken: four
teenagers from 13 to 14 years old diapered and equipped like babies...
While he
opened the bag, Alain says to us that he had been downtown and that he had
benefited from it to make some purchases for us. He left of a whole heap bazaar
and said to us:
-Well! This
afternoon, I went to buy to you what to be more at ease. Considering that you
have to wear diapers until the end of the stay, so we have to make the things
as much as it’s necessary. From this evening, you will not sleep with only a
diaper and a plastic pant. The summer, the babies don’t put pyjamas to sleep.
Then it’s similar for you. I took three of them each one for you, including for
you Guillaume. From tomorrow morning, you will get dressed only with new
clothing which I will give you. You have all the same ones. I bought to you
terry sponge shorts of several colours, and I succeeded in finding you onsies.
I took four of them each one to you, but as Guillaume you join, that thus makes
you three of them each one. It wants to say that you will spend your days
equipped and dressed like that. A diaper, a plastic pant, an onsie, and a terry
sponge short over. For the remainder of the stay, I don’t want to see you
anymore with a slipway, nor with a tee-shirt, or one of your shorts, except if
it’s Corinne or me which give you the permission of it. It’s well understood?
We all
answered yes of a sign of the head. Alain added:
-For the
evening, after the shower, you will go down to look at the television with your
evening clothes that you usually wear, namely, shorts and a tee-shirt. It’s the
only moment when you will have the right to put them. Well, me I leave you with
Corinne. Good night babies. See you tomorrow.
Alain left
and Corinne required of us to take our evening clothes, and to arrange those
which Alain had to bring back. Once more, we get right to our dressing meeting.
Corinne took us with the continuation, while starting with Guillaume. She
threaded his plastic pant to him, then his tee-shirt, and finished by his terry
sponge short, (our shorts which we usually put to sleep were also terry sponge
shorts). He now had the same diapers than us which were thicker than his ones.
Once equipped, we went to look at the television. Our shorts didn’t hide
anything of what we were wearing below, and our diapers made noise in spite of
our plastic pants. The evening occurred quietly, and towards 22H45, we went up
in the room. Corinne made us a visit surprised to see whether our tee-shirt and
our terry sponge sponges had been well taken off. Considering we were all the
four sat by discussing on Guillaume’s bed, simply dressed of our diaper, and
our plastic pant, she got out again at once. We discussed things and others a
good end of time then we put ourselves on the bed. It was our second night as a
We were
already awaked since an end of time when Corinne came in the room.
-Hello boys!
How are you? Slept well? Too not wet?
We all answered
that all was ok, and that we hadn’t any leaks. Corinne said to us to remove our
diapers, and to go to the toilets, then to go to the shower and that she will
come back in 20 minutes, time that she goes to lunch. We took our briefs and we
left to wash ourselves. When we came back, Corinne was already there and had
already very prepared, even our clothes for the day. She started with
Guillaume, after was Fabrice, then me, and finished by Kevin. We were all the
four diapered in front of her, and we waited her to equip us as she did it
yesterday. Then, she said:
although we put you in diapers until the end of the camp, you are big boys, and
then you will learn how to dress you yourselves! Me I stay there to be sure you
don’t cheat.
We took our
plastic pants and we threaded them. It wasn’t obvious but we ended up doing it.
We had a funny air like that. Then our socks were put, then our onsie, and it’s
there that it started to be less funny. It was necessary that we twist in all
the directions before managing to close the snaps of the onsie between our
legs. Once we succeeded, we pull on our terry sponge short, and our shoes.
Corinne was satisfied with the result, but us a little less. The terry sponge
shorts did nothing but fit closely our diapers, and didn’t leave any doubts
about what we were carrying below. But so, it was the rule and it was necessary
to be done there because we accepted them. We gone down to lunch and the others
laughed a little while seeing us arriving. They said to us that we were beautiful
like that, and that we really seemed to little boys. Sofian even said that we
were equipped like babies. Marc, one of the guides approached him, and say to
-Sofian, if
ever I still hear you one time to say something about their diaper or their
clothes, I ask Alain and Corinne to also put you in diapers too! It’s well
understood? And it’s valid for everyone!
For this
morning there, Sofian and the others never said again anything about our
diapers. On the contrary, there are times where they were even curious and
would have almost liked to be like us. The day occurred normally, crossed by
the midday diaper change, and was similar for afternoon. The evening, Corinne
came to change us after the shower, and we gone down to see the television. The
night was identical to the three which one preceded.
As the day
before, we were already awaked when Alain arrived. He said to us to remove our
diapers and to go to the shower, and that Corinne would be there in fifteen
minutes. We gone to wash ourselves, and when we returned Corinne awaited us.
She said to us that as we complied with the rules, Alain and she then decided
to return our autonomy to us, but which we have to keep our diapers until the
end of the stay. She said to us that it was necessary that we learn how to
manage ourselves. It started by learning to Fabrice and Kevin how to put a
layer on. For that, it’s Guillaume and me which were used to them as
guinea-pig; after we put cream and that it put talc to us. But with the
councils of Corinne they drew some very well and our diapers were well put on
place. Then, they put theirs mutually. We finished getting dressed, and we gone
down to lunch. The day proceeded like the others, and the evening, Corinne and
Alain, came to see us in our room and said to us:
you’re able to only clear you up, now, it‘s up to you to manage your stock of
diapers, and your clothing. We trust you, but you’re not safe from a surprised
inspection of our share, from time to time. Now, it‘s up to you to do with your
diapers and to organize you! Now, let’s go to the shower! We left to wash
ourselves and we came back in the room, they were not there any more. For the
first time, it was necessary that we deal with ourselves and that we diaper
ourselves before going down to look at the television. We agreed on a thing. We
will diaper the ones the others. Guillaume will diaper Fabrice and conversely,
and Kevin and me will diaper ourselves. It’s what we did, but we didn’t stop
there. We started to like so that Corinne is occupied of us and so that she
equips us. We also decided that after having diaper one of the others, we would
equip him. It was funny and there was more than one crisis to laugh when we
were made equip by one with the three others.
We have to
spend thirty two days diapered, night and day, like little boys, and we even
decided to keep a diaper for the return to the house. For Guillaume and me, it
wasn’t a problem because there was the practice and we wear some at home. But
for Kevin and Fabrice, they have to remove them before the arrival with Creil
because their parents didn’t know about it. Corinne and Alain left us the
diapers, the onsies, and the shorts. Fabrice and Kevin had hid some diapers to
the bottom of their bag for them at home, because they had taken taste to have
a diaper between their legs...
Well, I hope
that you liked this history. This story is true, until the end of the 2nd day.
We really get caught with a diaper by the others, and the guides, but they were
not as strict as that. They were limited to let to us wearing diapers at night
to sleep. I voluntarily deformed and lengthened the continuation of this story
for you, but also because it’s what I would have really liked that it’s
happens, and I would have really liked to live my month of holidays in this
camp for banked-up bed in this way. We very often saw oneself apart from the
school, and as soon as we could, we put all the four in diapers some in any
place and circumstances. We had also promised ourselves to turn over in this
camp until our 16 years, and it’s what we did... The two years which followed
that one, we once more found ourselves all the four in this camp for banked-up
bed, in the same room, and we had decided to wear by mutual agreement into
diapers to sleep at night. Corinne was always there, but Alain, didn’t return.
It’s Patrice who replaced it, and, like Corinne, he didn’t see a disadvantage
that we sleep in diapers. In any event, we had envisaged all of what to buy
some, in case or the guides would not have liked to give some to us. Here is,
how during three years, I spent my holidays in camp for banked-up bed, with my
buddies, and where we slept in diapers, like big babies.