Chapter Eight
Meeting Heinrich
Once I felt like I was back far enough from the house, I sat down at the base of one of the larger trees and started to cry softly. After having had to hold my emotions in check for so long, the dam finally burst open, and they got a well needed venting I was so engrossed in my thoughts about all the things that had been done to me over the years I didn’t even hear the back door open up. That I was no longer alone I caught me completely by surprise. And the fact that it was a big assed dog growling at me softly was enough to make me wet my diapers.
The dog’s growling got louder as he came closer to me. I vaguely remembered hearing my aunt and uncle mentioning that we were going to be watching a friends’ dog for a couple of weeks while they were out of town. I don’t know what I was thinking when the dog got close enough to me and let out a loud bark.
[“Heel, Heinrich!”] I snapped while popping him forcefully on the snout. My reaction caused the dog to jump back in surprise. While Heinrich was trying to sort my reaction out, I took off my sunglasses and just stared into his eyes without blinking. After a few minutes of us staring at each other, Heinrich backed up a few feet and laid down. Feeling that I had won our little battle of wills, I softened my expression and motioned for him to come closer.
[“Come here, boy.”] I said softly while patting my leg. After a few moments of hesitation, I saw Heinrich start to crawl toward me.
[“It’s OK. Come on.”] I said again still patting my thigh. Within moments, I felt Heinrich lay his head in my lap and look at me. With a smile, I started to scratch him behind his ears, and down his back. I chuckled softly when Heinrich started to groan softly and rolled over so I could scratch his belly. After a few minutes of this I found myself wrestling with him, and soon after that we were chasing each other through the woods.
“I’m back Anita. You can head on home now if you’d like.” My aunt announced as she and Brad came through the front door.
“Thank you. Let me just finish up with what I have going on in the kitchen.”
“Were the boys any trouble while I was gone?” Anita was asked as she and my aunt headed back into the kitchen.
“Not at all. David and Isaac are both down in the play room, and I’m assuming Ian is up in his room. Also, Jose dropped Heinrich off. I let him out back to run around a bit since he seemed a bit wound up” This last comment brought my aunt up short.
“Oh No.” my aunt muttered.
“Megan please go upstairs and make sure Ian is in his room.”
“Sure mom.” came the confused answer as she headed off to do what her mom asked.
“Is there something wrong?” Anita asked her employer worriedly.
“Ian said that he was going to go out back and think for a bit just before I left I want to make sure he’s inside. We both know how Heinrich acts around new people.” About this time I guess my aunt caught a glimpse of me coming out of the trees at a dead run with Heinrich close behind me.
“Oh Lord!” On hearing my aunt’s scream I tripped over my own feet and Heinrich was on top of me a moment later. I though my aunt was going to have a heart attack with the way she and Brad burst out of the house running towards me. Brad had managed to grab a good sized stick while he was running up and took a swing at Heinrich once he came into range. Heinrich jumped back snarling loudly at the attack and looked like he was going to make one of his own.
[“Heinrich! Heel!”] I yelled. I saw that this was only barely restraining him so I turned to Brad.
“Brad unless you want to get seriously injured, I suggest you put the stick down slowly and take a few steps back.” I told him calmly while keeping a close eye on the still snarling dog behind me. Once Brad had done what I had said, I turned my full attention back to Heinrich.
[“Come.”] I commanded firmly.
[“Sit.”] I added point to the ground by my right foot.
“Brad I want you to approach slowly with your hands out and palm up.” I told him while keeping an eye on the dog next to me. Most people would have laughed at the sight of a kid the size of a normal eight-year-old giving commands to a animal almost twice his size. Heinrich started growling again softly when Brad got closer to him.
[“Heel.”] I warned. This caused the growling to cease, and I motioned for Brad to continue forward from where he had stopped. Once Brad was close enough, Heinrich started to sniff Brad’s hands and after a few moments gave a final sort of snort and walked off towards the house.
“What was that all about?” I asked.
“We thought he was attacking you.” My aunt said.
“Nope we were just playing tag. I’ll admit he startled me at first since I didn’t realize he was this big. But we got every thing worked out.” I told them.
“What did you do to get him to pay attention to you so well?” Brad asked once my aunt had walked back into the house shaking her head.
“It took me several weeks to get him to even think about listening to me and even now he only does it half the time.”
“I don’t really know. He started growling at me when he first saw me. He backed off a bit once I hit him on the snout. After a few minutes of staring at each other he laid down. We started playing a few minutes after that.” I replied calmly.
“You actually hit him?” Brad acted astonished at this.
“Yeah. What’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is the last person I saw hit him ended up in the hospital.” I just shrugged at this and walked back into the house.
My aunt and cousins were awed by the fact that Heinrich barely left my side the rest of the afternoon. He even stayed by the changing table during the diaper changes I went through.
“Hey honey. I’m home.” My uncle called out as he walked through the kitchen door.
“Hey handsome.” My aunt replied with a smile as she gave her husband a welcoming kiss.
“Where are the kids?” my uncle asked a few minutes later when he realized how quiet the house was.
“Megan’s spending the night at Connie’s and the boys are out back playing with Heinrich.”
“I hope things went OK when you introduced Heinrich to Ian.”
“Actually, I wasn’t even here when Heinrich got dropped off. But He and Ian are getting along fine.”
Just as my aunt was going to explain about how Heinrich and I met, my uncle saw us kids come bolting out of the woods at the back of the property with Heinrich giving chase From what I was told later my uncle about jumped out of his skin when he saw Heinrich steamroll Brad, Isaac, and David. Then come charging after me. I think he aged a couple of years when he saw me go down and thought that Heinrich was attacking me with the way we were rolling around.
By the time my uncle had reached us and thought he had pulled Heinrich off me, I was out of breath from laughing so hard. Before my uncle managed to say anything Heinrich had pulled out of his grasp and was leaping back on me.
“Yuck! Doggie slobber.” I laughed as I pushed Heinrich’s face away from mine.
“OK Boy, you got me.” I chuckled as I started to scratch behind his ear. On hearing this, Heinrich backed off and went to sit by my uncle, who was staring at me in shock.
“Hey, Uncle Brian. When did you get home?” I asked as I was helped up off the ground by Brad.
“Just a few minutes ago. You mind telling me what this was all about?” I was asked as my uncle started to check me over to see if I had injured myself any
“We were just playing tag dad.” Brad offered lamely.
“You boys know that Heinrich is a trained police dog. And how dangerous it could be if you did something wrong.” my cousins were told sternly.
“Uncle Brian, I was the one who started the game. I guessed the Heinrich had had some type of training and I thought this was a good way from him to get some training in and have fun at the same time.” I said trying to pull some of the heat off my cousins.
“And how could you know about any training.”
“I just took a guess at this when he started responding to my commands.”
“I don’t see how that proves anything .” My uncle said in a tone that clearly said he was losing patience.
“It does when you realize that the commands I was giving him were in German. I’m sorry if I did something I shouldn’t have. Since it was my idea, I’ll take fully responsibility and accept whatever punishment you think appropriate.” I said looking my uncle dead in the eye as I said this last part.
“There isn’t any need for any punishment I just want you boys to exercise a little more caution is all.” We were told before my uncle turned around and headed back into the house. Heinrich gave me a small nudge and woofed softly before following my uncle.
“Come on guys. Let’s go get washed up for dinner.” Brad told us a few moments later as he led us towards the house as well.
“Ian, I don’t mind you playing with Heinrich, but I want you to take it easier than I saw you doing a little bit ago. It’s just so you don’t injure yourself while your wounds are healing.” My uncle told me before I could say anything. Seeing that it would be useless to try and argue with him on this, I just nodded and continued eating.
“So how did the shopping trip go?” My aunt was asked after my uncle saw my agreement to take things easy for a while.
“Not too bad. We were done inside of about two hours.”
“Well, That’s a first.” my uncle laughed while my aunt gave him a look of mock insult.
“Also your mother came by to take a look a Ian’s room.” This brought my uncle up short and caused my aunt and cousins to start smiling. I didn’t understand this at all. I mean I knew Nana had come by, but didn’t really understand why. Seeing my confused look Megan decided to let me in on the joke.
“Nana has always decorated our rooms for us when we got to certain ages. I guess she decided to do your room next.” On hearing this, I remembered the conversation my aunt and I had earlier that day and things fell into place. I got a bit nervous thinking that I could end up with a room like David’s. I guess my aunt had seen the look on my face.
“Don’t worry Ian. I’ve already talked to Nana and told her that you don’t want anything like David’s room.” I was greatly relieved to hear this. About this time, my uncle returned to the table carrying a couple of dishes and a small stack of plates.
“Who’s ready for dessert?” We were asked as he uncovered a plate Brownies and a half gallon square of ice cream.
“None for me, thank you.” I replied a few minutes later as I passed the plate that had been handed to me to David. This earned me a small frown from my aunt and uncle especially when they took into account that I only ate a little over half my dinner. I knew that I was probably going to get talked to after everyone finished eating. I knew my new parents were probably worried about how little I was eating. My lack of appetite was still more from the fact that my old parents had kept me on a near starvation diet for so long that I was still worried about eating too much.
“Dad, may we watch a couple of movies tonight?” Isaac asked as he finished eating.
“Sure. You guys go get everything set up. Your mom, Ian, and I will be down shortly” My uncle said as we all took our dishes into the kitchen and loaded them into the dishwasher.
“Ian would you mind joining your mom and I in my office?” my uncle asked once my plates had been loaded. Knowing that this was probably going to happen, I didn’t say a word as I walked past them into my uncle’s office and stood in front of my uncle’s desk.
“It’s OK to have a seat Ian. You’re not in any trouble. Your mom and I just wanted to express our concern over how little you’ve been eating since you got home.”
“I’m trying to do better. It’s just that my other parents had fed me so little over the years I don’t want to make myself sick again from eating to much at one time.” I tried to explain starting to tear up a bit at thinking that I had once again disappointed my new parents.
“What do you mean get sick again from eating too much?” My aunt asked in concern.
“In the hospital, when they gave me the double portions of food. I got sick the first few times. So I talked Dr. Moran into cutting it back to about three-quarters of a portion so I wouldn’t get sick again.” I told them crying softly thinking that I had gotten Dr. Moran in trouble.
“It’s OK Ian. We should have expected this when we saw how under fed you were.” My uncle said as my aunt gave me a small hug as I tried to get back into control of my emotions.
“I’ll talk to Alice tomorrow and see about getting a diet set up for you” My uncle told me with a small pat to my shoulder.
“Now let’s go downstairs and see what the kids have picked out for the movie” my aunt said a few minutes later after I had managed to get myself under control. I nodded at this and started to follow my uncle out of the room. My aunt and I chuckled a bit when my uncle stumbled a bit after tripping over Heinrich. Who was lying just outside of the office door waiting for me to come out.
As I had earlier that afternoon, I stopped dead in my tracks when seeing that everyone was in another hidden room like the one Isaac and David had shown me earlier.
“Is it OK if I just sit out here and read a book?” I asked in a shaky voice looked at the room with more than a little bit of fear.
“Sure Ian. That’s fine.” My aunt said while giving my back a comforting rub. I could tell that my uncle seemed ready to say something when my aunt cut him off with a small shake of her head. Without a word, I went over to a bookcase that was along the far wall and after a few minutes of looking picked up a copy of “The Odyssey”. As I sat down on the couch facing the area my family was watching the movie in, I heard Brad ask were I was. I wasn’t able to hear exactly what my aunt said but I had a pretty good idea that it was a replay of what had happened earlier that morning. Heinrich hopped up on the couch after I sat down had laid his head in my lap. I became so engrossed in the book that the next thing I knew I was walking up the next morning on the same couch with a blanket tossed over me.
“Morning Ian.” My aunt called cheerfully when I stumbled into the kitchen
“Morning.” I replied through a yawn. Before I knew what was going on the waistband of the shorts I had on had been pulled down a bit and I felt a couple of fingers being placed down the front of my plastic pants and diapers.
“Uh, Aunt Mary you could just ask if I need to be changed.”
“Oh, sorry.” My Aunt replied turning a bit red as she pulled her fingers back out.
“It’s Ok. Just so you know. I was going to ask for a change once I’ve had a shower.”
“That’s fine. I’ll have Brad come in to help you with that in a few minutes. I’d also like you to dress decently this morning since you’ll be going to get tested for the coming school year.”
“Ok.” I told her glumly. Clearly not looking forward to this.
“Don’t worry Ian. It won’t be as bad as you think.” I just nodded at this. Still thinking about how my first parents were still doing their best to mess my life up even after they died. I made a promise to myself right then not to let them get the better of me. That from then on I was going to put them out of my mind and get on with my life.
Without another word I started back up to my room. However, before I managed to take more than a couple of steps, I got the piss scared out of me by Heinrich when he decided to come up behind me and let out a couple of loud barks.
“[Jeez! Don’t do that!]” I stated sternly. Heinrich backed off a bit at my tone and laid down.
“[It’s OK boy. You just scared me a bit there. Just tone down the hellos a bit OK?]” I told him after going up and kneeling in front of him. I’m guessing he understood what I was saying since I got a small woof and couple of doggy kisses for my trouble. I just chuckled a bit and scratched him behind the ears a bit before standing back up and heading towards my room. What I didn’t know at the time is that my aunt had seen and heard the entire exchange.
Once I got to my room, I stripped off the T-shirt and shorts I was wearing from the night before and walked into the bathroom I shared with Isaac, who was just climbing out of the shower as I walked in.
“I hope you saved me some hot water.” I joked as I started pulling off my Plastic pants.
“That all depends on whether Brad has gotten his yet.” Came the chuckled reply as Isaac went up to his sink to start brushing his teeth after drying off
“Aren’t you going to take those off first?” I was asked when Isaac saw that I was climbing into the shower still wearing my pee sodden diapers.
“Nah. I figured it would be easier to just rinse them out in the shower since I need to get one anyway.” My cousin just shrugged at this and continued to brush his teeth. Though I didn’t say anything, I thought it was kind of unusual that he was doing this while still stark naked but since I still didn’t know everyone that well I took this as being normal for him. Once I had my diapers rinsed out and hanging over a towel bar, I started in getting clean up myself. As I had been instructed by my aunt a few weeks earlier, I made sure to pay close attention to my diaper area.
I could tell that Brad had already been in my room when I saw the clothes lying out on my bed along with the changing pad and a fresh diaper.
“Damn.” I spun around quickly when I heard the soft curse coming from behind me. I found Brad standing just inside my door and looking rather pale. Thinking that he might have the same reaction as Megan had the first time she had seen me without a shirt on I quickly walked over and led Brad to my bed and had him sit down with his head down between his knees.
“Just take some deep, slow breaths.” I told him while getting a shirt on I then pulled my computer chair around to face him and just spoke to him calmly for a few minutes. This is how my aunt found us when she came looking for us a little while later.
“You boys better hurry up or we’re going to be late.” My aunt announced as she walked into my room. She hurried over when she saw Brad hunched over on the edge of my bed still looking rather pale.
“What happened?”
“Brad got his first look at my back.” I said softly towards the floor.
“It’s OK Ian. This was bound to happen sooner or later. You just hop up on the pad and wait for me to come back. I’m going to have Brad lay down for a bit.” I was told softly as Brad was helped to his feet and led from my room.
“I’m sorry.” I started when my aunt walked back into my room a short time later, but was stopped by her raised hand.
“There’s no reason to be sorry. We’re all going to have to get used to how your back looks. You didn’t do anything wrong.” I just nodded to this and let my aunt diaper me for the morning. I was more than a little surprised that she was using a thicker than normal disposable diaper on me.
“Once the testing starts they won’t let you leave the room. This way you should have enough protection to last you till you finish and we get home.” While I didn’t like the fact that I was going to be wearing an even more noticeable diaper out in public, I couldn’t deny that my aunt’s reasoning made sense.
“Ok, you’re all done. Hurry up and get dressed then come downstairs for breakfast.” I was told as my aunt finished taping my diaper closed and walked into my bathroom to wash her hands. I guess that Brad had been told that I would be in thicker diapers since the pants I put on were loose enough to cover them up pretty well and you could only tell that I had a diaper on if you knew what to look for.
“Well don’t you look nice.” Nana commented when I walked into the dining room a short time later.
“Thank you ma’am.” I replied as I took my seat and waited quietly to be told that I could begin eating. A few moments later David and Isaac came running into the room and immediately went over to give their grand mother a hug when they saw her.
“Where’s Brad?” Nana asked as my cousins sat down and started helping themselves to the food that was laid out buffet style on the table.
“He wasn’t feeling to well this morning so I have him laying down for a while. Would you mind checking in on him from time to time while I’m gone with the boys.”
“That wouldn’t be a problem at all.”
“You better start eating Ian before your brothers take it all.” My aunt announced when she saw that I was still sitting with my hands in my lap. Taking this as the OK for me to start helping myself I reached for the closest dish.
“You’ll probably want more than that Ian.” My grandmother said when she saw how little I had taken, which was even less than I had been since I arrived.
“I’m just not very hungry right now.”
“Ian’s going in to Stonehenge this morning to get tested for the coming year.” My aunt explained. This caused my grandmother to nod her understanding
All to soon, breakfast was finished and I soon found myself being led towards the garage. As expected, Heinrich started following me when I started to follow everyone for the garage door. I bent down to give him a bit of a chest rub and told him to look after Brad while I was gone. I’m assumed Heinrich understood what I was telling him because he gave a soft woof and turned to head upstairs, but not before he gave me a goodbye kiss. I started chuckling at this as I stood up to catch up with my aunt and cousins. On entering the garage, I automatically started for the Hummer since this was the only car I had ridden in since my arrival aside from the Limo that brought me home from the hospital.
“Wrong car Ian. I thought we’d use the Escalade today.” My aunt called as she and my brothers headed over to another car just down from the Hummer I soon found myself being strapped into my car seat and we were off.
“It’s OK, Ian. You’ll like Stonehenge. The teachers and everyone is really cool.” Isaac told me when he saw how tense I was getting. The rest of the ride went by in silence with Isaac gently rubbing my shoulder and back to try and keep me calm.
“Boys why don’t you show Ian around a bit while I go in and talk to Mrs. Alison. Be at the office in about twenty minutes.
Isaac and David took me around and showed me all the high points of the school and also took the time to introduce me to both the teachers they knew that we saw and some of the people they knew that were attending the summer session of school. I had started to relax some by the time we made it back to the office Twenty minutes later.
“Ian, I’d like you to meet Dr. Alison. She’s the Head Mistress of Stonehenge.” My aunt said by way of introduction when she and an older lady walked out of an inner office.
“Pleased to meet you ma’am.” I replied formally while extending my right hand.
“Thank you, It’s good to finally meet you as well. Your mom has told me a good deal about you, but she didn’t mention how polite you were.” I blushed slightly at the compliment but nodded my thanks.
“Now why don’t we run you down the hall and get you started on a couple of tests we’d like you to take to see how far your schooling has gone. Your mom mentioned that you’ve been home schooled up till now is that correct?” I was asked in a grandmotherly tone.
“Yes, ma’am. It is.”
“Fine then. We’ll just get you started then while your mother and I go back to my office to fill out some paperwork. Mr. Jamison will be giving you the tests So I’ll just let you two get started.” I was told as Dr. Alison, my aunt and cousins left the room.
“If you’ll just have a seat over here Ian, I’ll explain a few things before we get started.” I was told as I walked over and took the offered seat.
“The tests will take about three hours and will cover Math, English, and Reading comprehension along with a couple of other items. If you have a problem with a question, just answer it as best you can.”
“OK.” I answered as I took the offered test booklet. After getting some final instructions, I began. I soon found that the supposed education I had been getting from my Stepmother was sorely lacking in some very important areas. I wasn’t sure what this was going to mean for me in the coming school year But I was determined to do the best I could and let things take care of themselves
“How’d everything go?” I was asked as Mr. Jamison escorted me back into Dr. Alison’s office several hours later.
“Not bad, I guess.” I said rather lamely. I’m sure my aunt picked up on this rather quickly. Before anything else was said Dr. Alison started speaking
“It’ll take up a couple of hours to get the results back from the tests and see where Ian stands. We’ll give you a call later this afternoon with our decision on Ian’s placement. Also before we can enroll Ian, we still need a copy of his shot records.”
“Didn’t we send a copy of those with what we thought were Ian’s transcripts?”
“We checked up on those when we found out about his transcripts and found that those were false as well.”
“OK, I’ll have that looked into as well.”
“That’s fine. We just need them as soon as you can get them. I’ll call you later when we get the results back from Ian’s tests.” My aunt nodded at this. Once our farewells were out of the way, Isaac, David and I were led back to the car.
“How are you boys doing?” Catching on to what my aunt was meaning I turned a bit red when I reached down to feel my crotch and was shocked and how full it felt.
“I’m going to need a change.” I said softly and just got a nod to this.
“How about you David?”
“He should be OK. I changed him a little bit ago.” Isaac replied. My aunt nodded to this and turned to me and told me that she would take care of me when we got back to the house.
We got home a short time later and as I expected I was led up to David’s room. I got a bit of a shock when half way up to David’s room my bowels cramped up a bit and I suddenly found myself pushing a solid mass out into the back of my diaper. When my aunt saw me stop all of a sudden I guess she knew what was going on and waited quietly for me to finish.
“It’s OK, Ian. These things happen. I was told matter-of-factly as I was helped up on to the changing table in my cousin’s room. My aunt chuckled a bit when she saw the look of disgust on my face when I felt the mass in my diapers being spread around by my body weight when my bottom hit the changing pad.
“I guess this means I won’t have to worry about you walking around for a long time before letting someone know when you’ve accidentally messed your diapers.” my aunt said in a light tone with a smile on her face. I relaxed a great deal on hearing my aunt’s tone. This really confirmed for me what she had mentioned in the hospital about these things happening and wouldn’t get upset when they did.
“You’ve got that right.” I sort of mumbled in response as I felt my shorts being pulled down my legs and the off completely.
“What was that?”
“I said you were right about my letting know someone right away if I accidentally mess myself.” I clarified as I felt my legs spread apart and the tapes being pulled off my diapers.
Like before, I felt some cloth diapers being placed under me once my old diaper had been removed and my groin had been cleaned up. Once my aunt finished pulling up my plastic pants and made sure that all the diaper material was safely tucked inside I was given my pants back. I frowned a bit when I looked down and saw how childish the plastic pants were that I had on.
“Tell you what Ian, once lunch is over with why don’t you and I sit down and discuss what kind of diapers and pants you’d like. I think it’s time we got you some of your own so we don’t have to keep using up David’s supply of them.” My aunt told me when she caught the look on my face.
“I’d like that a lot. Thanks.” I replied while hopping off the table.
“OK then. Why don’t you take your clothes into your room and hang them back up, and climb into some play clothes.” I nodded at this as I headed from the room
On my way past Brad’s room I ducked my head in to see if he was doing better. Brad was sprawled out on the top of his bed dead to the world. I chuckled a bit on seeing that he was wearing thick cloth diapers as well and he was wearing some plastic pants similar in design to the ones I had on. Heinrich’s head snapped up when he heard my chuckling and he made to get up and follow me. I motioned for him to stay and he lowered his heard back down. With another small smile, I pulled my head back and continued on to my room.
I was still trying to find some shorts that would hide most of bulge from my diapers when my aunt called up the stairs and asked me to wake Brad up since it was time for lunch I called back that I would and decided the hell with the shorts.
“Brad time to wake up. Lunch is ready.” I said while shaking his shoulder
“Go away!” I was told while Brad turned over on his side.
“Come on Brad, Aunt Mary wants us both downstairs for lunch.” I said while shaking his shoulder again.
“Go Away!” I was told again while being shoved a bit. I stumbled back a bit from this and decided that if Brad wanted to play it this way I’d go along with it. Seeing that the blanket he was laying on wasn’t tucked in. I knelt by Heinrich and whispered a few commands into his ear.
“Brad this is your last chance. It’s time to get up.” I told him firmly while tapping Heinrich on the head and felt Heinrich‘s body tense up in response.
“Go Away already.” Brad mumbled while placing his pillow over his head.
“Fine be that way.” I said while giving Heinrich the final command. Before Brad knew what was going on Heinrich had grabbed the corner of his blanket and pulled both the blanket and Brad onto the floor. Heinrich then grabbed hold of Brad’s shirt and started dragging him towards the door.
“Alright I’m Up!!” Brad yelled while trying to get out of Heinrich’s grip.
“Fine. I’ll let them know you’ll be down shortly.” I told Brad before turning my attention to Heinrich, who was still trying to drag my cousin through the door.
[“Heinrich, Release.”] I said firmly. I laughed a bit when Brad fell back on his butt when Heinrich suddenly opened his mouth to release the part of Brad’s shirt that he had been tugging on.
“What was all that yelling about?” My aunt asked when Heinrich, and I walked into the dining room a few moments later.
“Oh nothing. Brad didn’t want to get up for lunch willingly so I had to take a different route to make sure he got up.” I said while taking my seat. Before my aunt could ask what route I did take, Brad came storming into the room.
“Don’t do that again!” he yelled.
“What? Aunt Mary asked me to wake you up for lunch. You’re up. What’s the problem?”
“Boys.” my aunt said warningly.
“What did Ian do to wake you up?” Brad was asked.
“He set Heinrich on me.” Brad announced. His tone of course started to set Heinrich off. I just patted Heinrich on the head to calm him down.
“That’s not entirely true Brad and you know it.” I replied trying to keep my temper in check.
“Fine then why dont you tell me exactly what you did?” I was asked I was able to tell from my aunt’s tone that she was going to listen to both sides of the story before doing anything.
“I had told Brad several times that it was time for lunch and that you wanted to him to join us. He refused so I had Heinrich grab hold of the blanket Brad was laying on and pull it off the bed. Heinrich then took hold of the bottom corner of Brad’s shirt and started to pull him toward the door. I will admit that the second part took me by surprise but Heinrich seemed to know what he was doing and he did release when I told him to.”
“Is that true Brad?” my aunt asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Yes, ma’am.” came the mumbled reply as Brad took his seat.
“OK then. I don’t see that anything was too far out of hand. Though Ian, in the future I will ask that you come get me or your dad if someone refuses to get up when we ask you to get them. Understood?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Now that that is settled, let’s eat before things get even colder.” My aunt said as she picked up the sandwich on her plate. I looked around and saw that David and Isaac were doing their best not to laugh about what was going on.
“Aunt Mary, I’m going to take Heinrich out back for a while to give him some exercise.” I told my aunt a few minutes after having placed my lunch dishes into the dishwasher.
“Ok. But don’t go very far you and I still have to go over what kind of diapers and plastic pants you want.” I nodded at this as I grabbed up one of the balls that had been dropped off with Heinrich and led him out into the back yard. I didn’t even think to pay much attention to the phone as it started to ring as I closed the door behind me.
“Hello?” My aunt asked.
“Mrs. Miller?” The voice asked
“This is Dr. Alison from Stonehenge Academy.”
“Yes, I was waiting for your call. I assume this has to do with Ian’s test results?”
“It does. I would like to say that I have better news than I do, but unfortunately I don’t. It seems that Ian’s stepmother was very selective in what she was teaching him. While Ian’s reading comprehension and writing were above normal for his age all his other areas were far below what they should be.”
“I see and what does this mean for him as far as the coming school year goes?”
“Normally a student Ian’s age would be looking at sixth or seventh grade However, the scores that I’m looking at suggest that he would be better suited for the fifth grade instead.”
“Let me see if I understand this correctly. You’re wanting to place a twelve year old into the fifth grade.”
“That is correct.”
“Is there anyway we could hire a tutor and try to get his scores up to where he would be able to be placed in a higher grade in time for the new term?”
“You may do that if you would feel that it would help, but I don’t see that there is enough time before the beginning of the term to see a big enough change to warrant advancing him. To be truthful, going from what you told me earlier, Ian might actually benefit socially from being in a lower grade. The only other option would be to hold Ian out for this school year and have a tutor work with him from home and we could retest him next year to see where he places then. I know that you’ll probably want to talk this over with your husband and Ian. So if you could let me know within the next two days what has been decided. I would like you to know that I do hope to have Ian with us in the coming term.”
“I will need to discuss this with my husband and Ian. I’ll let you know what we decided. Thank you for the call.”
“You’re welcome. If there is anything we can do to help please call and we’ll see what we can do.”
“Thank you. I’ll talk to you soon.”
The rest of the afternoon went by quietly. After playing with Heinrich for a couple of hours, I decided to go in for a diaper change and then to rest for a while since I was felling a bit rundown. I could tell that my aunt was a bit distracted because I answered the same question from her several times while we were choosing my new diapers and plastic pants. I was more than a little surprised when she came into my room to tuck me in when I told her I was going to lay down for a bit.
“Time to get up, Ian.” I vaguely heard through the fog of sleep. I jerked awake when I felt a hand come down on my shoulder.
“Jeez!” I heard someone exclaim as I was looking around wildly while still trying to get my bearings. I finally saw Isaac standing a few feet back from the edge of my bed holding his chest.
“Sorry about that.” I said as I started to come around.
“It’s Ok. I’ll just have to remember about that next time I wake you up. Anyway, Mom wanted me to get you up and have you get into your swim trunks”
“Because Don will be here in a little bit for our swimming lesson.” I was told as Isaac headed out of the room. Since my diapers were really heavy, I decided to jump in the shower to rinse off a bit.
“Aren’t your ready yet?” I was asked a short while later when my aunt came into my room.
“I was looking for some swimming trunks.”
“They should be in your dresser in the bottom smaller drawer on the right.”
“I already looked there. I didn’t see anything in it but underwear.”
“Those weren’t underwear those were your swim trunks.” I was told as my aunt reached into the drawer she mentioned and pulled out a pair of Red and Blue striped bikini style trunks.
“Uh, how am I supposed to cover up a diaper in those?” I asked while accepting the trunks from my aunt.
“You won’t need to. These come with a liner that should take care of any accidents you have.” I looked at my aunt skeptically on hearing this but on looking at the trunks closer, I noticed that they did have some kind of a pouch that a pad could be fit into.
“Here, just slip this inside the pouch. ” I aunt said bringing my attention back to her as she handed me a somewhat thick looking pad. I couldn’t help but think how noticeable this would be once I pulled it on. Much to my surprise, once I had the trunks pulled on you could hardly tell that the trunks were any different from what they were supposed to look like. After I finished pulling on the trunks, my aunt slipped a plastic cover over the cast on my arm and inflated it a bit.
“Now let’s hurry up your brothers have probably already started their lessons” My aunt said as she rushed me out of the room after handing me a pair of dark tinted swimming goggles. I wasn’t all that shocked when my aunt led me down a covered walk and into a building off the side of the house. I already knew the building housed a pool since Brad had pointed it out to me the day before with the clear instructions that none of us boys were allowed to go near it unless we had an adult with us.
“Don, I’d like you to meet Ian. He’ll be starting lessons today” My aunt said by way of introduction.
“Pleased to meet you Ian.” I was told as Don held out his hand. I took the offered hand and mumbled a hello of my own. I knew it’d probably be a while before I got over my shyness when meeting new people.
“Guys why don’t you practice your kicking and stuff while I have a small talk with Ian for a few minutes.” Don called out to my brothers while leading me over to a couple of lounge chairs.
“How much swimming experience do you have?” I was asked after a few moments of awkward silence
“I don’t have any. My Parents never saw the need.”
“So they never took you out to the pool or anything?” Came the mildly surprised response.
“No, we went to the pool and ocean all the time. They just never felt that learning how to swim was all that important for me.”
“Didn’t they worry about you possibly drowning or anything?”
“I think that was the point.” I said bluntly. Going from the look on Don’s face I think my answer shocked him like nothing ever had to this point
“I see well let’s see what we can do to help you out to prevent that possibility” I nodded at this as we stood back up and headed towards the pool. We both jumped into the pool. After giving some instructions to Brad and Isaac, Don turned his attention back to David and I.
Over the next couple of hours I felt myself getting a bit more comfortable being in the water than I had till that time. I could tell that I had a long way to go before I became even a little proficient in swimming but at least now I felt I had enough skill to try to get out of most minor trouble in the water. Once Don ended our lesson and left, my aunt decided to join us in the pool for a little bit.
“OK boys, Time to get out and get ready for dinner.” My aunt called from the edge of the pool. I climbed out and started for the house.
“Stop right there Ian. Follow your brothers and get those trunks taken off and rinsed out.” I was told before I had taken more than a couple of steps. My aunt pointed towards a set of doors that David, Brad, and Isaac were walking towards
I was more than a little shocked when I finally entered the area and it turned out to be a combination dressing area and restroom.
“Well, don’t just stand there gawking. Get over here and start getting cleaned up.” Brad said as he finished pulling off his trunks and joined Isaac in a shower area. A bit hesitantly, I started to slowly pull off my own trunks. I guess I was taking a bit longer than the others thought I should be because without warning, I felt my trunks being yanked down. Hearing David giggling behind me told me who had done it. I turned around to say something but before I could get anything out I felt a set of hands come down on my shoulders, turn me around, and propel me towards the shower.
“When mom has us clean up after swimming she doesn’t want us to waste any time.” Brad told me as he started the shower in front of me and started to run a soapy washcloth over my body. This seemed to snap me out of the slight shock I was in.
“I’m able to do this for myself.” I told Brad after coming back to my senses.
“Then do it.” He told me while slapping the cloth into my hands and returning to his own shower.
“And don’t for get to pay close attention to your groin.” Brad added as he began to soap himself down again. I started washing quickly and was soon following my brothers back up to the house wrapped in just a towel.
“Ian, you and David head up to his room. Megan will be up in a few minutes to get you diapered.” My aunt stated as I walked into the kitchen.
“Also, I want you both to use the toilet before you get clean diapers put on.” I heard behind me as I led David away before he had a chance to protest.
“You first.” I said as I pushed David towards the door leading to his bathroom my aunt had pointed out to me earlier.
“But I don’t need to go.” David whined.
“Do it anyway, or would you rather I have Aunt Mary come up and discuss it with you” This must have been the magic phrase since David shut up and went to sit on the toilet. About this time I started to feel my own bowels start to cramp up so I decided to head off to use the toilet between mine and Isaac’s room.
Megan was half way through with David’s change when I walked back into his room a few minutes later.
“I’ll be done here in a second so don’t go anywhere.” I thought this was kind of a stupid thing to say. I mean where did she think I was going to go. Especially since I was naked from the waist down. I however kept this thought to myself. I soon found myself being helped up on to the table that David had just vacated.
“So mom, mentioned that you guys got some diapers and pants ordered for you today?”
“Yeah. They should be here in a couple of days.” I told her not really seeing what the big deal on this was.
“I can’t wait to see what kind of cute pants and dydees you ordered look like on you.” Megan said with as chuckle as she applied lotion and powder to my groin. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that all the diapers and plastic pants I had ordered were either just a plain white or some solid color I guess maybe if I had been raised differently I might have chosen some more childish looking pants like the ones David and Brad had but I just couldn’t stand to see myself wearing something like those. I must have become lost in my thoughts since the next thing I knew I felt a pair of plastic pants being fitted over my feet and pulled up my legs.
“Lift up for a second.” I was told as the pants were brought up over my diapers and Megan began checking to make sure all the material were safely enclosed in the pants.
“OK. You’re already to go.” I was told with a light slap to my thigh. As I pulled my shirt down I saw with disgust that I was once again wearing a pair of very childish looking plastic pants. I started walking out of the room with a small shake of my head and thinking that my diapers and pants weren’t going to be able to get there soon enough if I was kept in pants like these
“Ian, once dinner is over your mom and I need to talk to you about the coming school year.” My uncle informed me about half way through dinner.
“OK.” I wasn’t at all shocked by this. Given the phone call that my aunt had gotten earlier in the day concerning my test results. The rest of the meal conversation centered around the up coming school year and what kind of activities everyone was thinking about trying. My interests were aroused when I heard Brad mentioning that he was thinking of going out for Kendo this year instead of wrestling after the soccer season was over.
“I thought you liked wrestling?” My aunt asked.
“I do like it, but you have to admit that I was never very good at it given my size” Brad explained. I could partly see what he was talking about since he was only about 5’3” and weighted about 105 pounds.
“Besides I had helped Yoshi out quite a bit last year when he was doing it and it seemed like fun.”
“Well if you want to give it a try, we’ll let you. Just remember the deal That you help pay for whatever equipment is needed and you have to maintain at least a B average.” Uncle Brian stated as he got up to get whatever dessert was going to be served tonight.
“Would it be OK if I looked into that as well?” I asked timidly. I think my jumping in on the conversation shocked everyone since normally I wouldn’t say anything unless I was directly spoken to.
“We’ll look into it.” My aunt said but going off the look on her face gave me my answer already. As my uncle started passing around slices of cake for dessert, I shocked everyone again by asking for a small slice as well. I could tell that this pleased my aunt and uncle since they took this as my appetite was beginning to come up to normal.
“You guys head on downstairs and get the game for tonight set up. Ian, your mom and I will be down in a little bit.” Megan and my brothers were told as we took our dishes into the kitchen and loaded them into the dishwasher.
“Ok dad. Brad why don’t you and Isaac go up and get ready for bed while David and I get the game set up.” I heard Megan say as I was led towards my uncle’s office. Like the few times before, Heinrich started to follow me.
“It’s OK boy. You go on with Megan and David.” I told him while scratching him behind the ear. I got a small woof and he turned around to follow my sister and brother down to the Rec room. My aunt and uncle gave me curious looks at this, but all I could do was shrug since I didn’t know why Heinrich seemed to be able to know what I was saying.
“Have a seat Ian.” My uncle said while motioning towards a chair across from the couch that he and my aunt sat down on.
“As you may have already guessed Dr. Alison called back this afternoon with your test scores.”
“I take it they weren’t that great?” I asked after reading the expression on my aunt’s and uncle’s faces. Of course, I already suspected that something like this might happen just from the feeling I had gotten from taking the tests.
“I’m afraid not. I take it you’re not all that surprised.” My uncle stated.
“Not really. I was hoping I was wrong, though I had a feeling. So I guess they plan on putting me through the Sixth grade again?” I asked assuming that I would have to repeat my last year over.
“I’m sorry Ian, but No. Dr. Alison stated that your over all scores were more on the Fifth grade level.” This really floored me. I wasn’t willing to accept that I would be going into the same grade as David.
“But my step- mom..”
“Lied to you.” I was informed bluntly.
“I’m sorry Ian. Dr. Alison told me that they felt you would do better at a Fifth grade level. So we have a decision to make. You can either join your brothers and sister at Stonehenge or we can hold you out for the year and have you home schooled to see if we can bring your test scores up.” My aunt told me.
“Since they don’t need to know till Monday what our answer is going to be you can take some time to think about it.” My uncle added. I looked up in shock that they planned on leaving the choice up to me. I guess my aunt picked up on this since she quickly started speaking again.
“Don’t worry Ian. We aren’t leaving the whole choice up to you. We just want to know what you think should be done. Your dad and I will make the final decision though.”
“If you and uncle Brian are going to have the final say so, Why am I even sitting here?” I asked a bit heatedly as I felt my anger towards my father and stepmother boiling to the surface again.
“Watch the tone young man.” my uncle snapped sharply before going on.
“You’re hearing this because, while your mom and I have the final word, we still want your input since this will affect you. I assure you, we’ll take your feelings into account.”
“I’m sorry I snapped. It’s just that I’ve had a lot of things dumped on me.” I said with a shaky voice trying to get my emotions under control.
After a few minutes of silence, I felt like I would could talk again calmly.
“If I were to decide to go to school with everyone else would I be able to go out for any of the activities that they had in the brochure?”
“They would have some activities that you’d be able to join, but none of the ones you read about. I was letting you read the book for Seventh grade and above thinking that would be the grade you were going to be going into.” My aunt told me unable to look me in the eye because of the mistake she felt she had made.
“It’s OK. You had no way of knowing what was going to happen.” I told her softly. I got a small smile as a response to this.
“I know that this is the night you said we normally do something as a family aside from watching TV. If it’s all right I’d like to just go up to my room and think about all this.”
“That’s fine. We’ll let the kids know that you don’t want to be disturbed tonight.” I nodded my thanks, got up and started for the door. As I was leaving the room I heard my aunt mention my shot records to my uncle
Once I got up to my room, I decided to leave my door opened a crack so I could hear if anyone was coming. I then climbed into a pair of sleep pants after giving the front of my diapers a quick feel to make sure I wasn’t going to need to be changed anytime soon. I really shouldn’t have worried much about this given how thick the diapers Megan put me into earlier were. After brushing my teeth, and rinsing, I climbed into bed and pulled Remus into a hug and started to cry softly again wondering why all this shit had to come down on my head and not someone else’s. I wasn’t too shocked when about ten minutes later Heinrich nudged open my door and walked over to my bed. Not knowing what my aunt and uncle thought about having animals in our beds with us and not really caring at this point, I motioned for Heinrich to hop up and join me.
I spent the next hour or so just running my options out loud trying to figure what would be best. I wasn’t all that thrilled with the prospect of starting school in the Fifth grade. Though, after what I had seen for myself while taking the placement tests I couldn’t see how I would be able to keep up with going into a higher grade. To be honest, I wasn’t really sure how I was going to be able to really keep up with the grade they wanted me in. Of course I didn’t really want to stay around here all day either. As I started to drift off to sleep, I figured I’d be able to run this by my aunt and uncle the next morning and see if maybe we could come up with a compromise.
“Hey Ian, breakfast is ready time to get up!” I heard someone yell as a hand slapped down on my shoulder. Like I did all the previous times I snapped into a sitting position and swung out in surprise before I was fully awake. Unlike the times before, the person didn’t jump back when I bolted up. As a result of this, my forehead came into contact with their nose when I sat upright and my swing caught them solidly on the side of the head.
“SONOFABITCH!!!” I looked around coming more into focus and saw Brad kneeling on my bedroom floor holding his nose between his hands.
“Oh shit.” I mumbled as I jumped out of bed to help him but was roughly pushed away. My aunt came running into the room a second later with Megan and Isaac close on her heels.
“What happened?!” My aunt asked in surprise when she saw Brad on his knees bleeding and me pushed up against my bed looking like I was about to go into shock or something.
“Iab bwoke my node!” came the mumbled response from Brad.
“I didn’t mean to. I thought I heard someone yell my name, then a hand came down on my shoulder, and I jumped when it did.” I sobbed. Trying to move out of range of the slap I was certain I was going to be getting any second. I jumped again when Megan kneeled next to me and pulled me into a hug. As my aunt started to check Brad out more thoroughly, I started to rub the spot on my forehead where it had connected with Brad’s nose. Isaac for his part started to chuckle at this causing his mom to give him a dirty look. Megan started chuckling as well once she saw me rubbing my forehead and realized what must have happened.
“This isn’t a laughing matter young lady.” Megan was told sternly.
“Sorry mom. But I think I know how this happened.” Megan told her mom while still trying to control her laughter.
“You can tell me when I get back from taking your brother to the E/R. Call your dad and have him meet us there. Ian you’re to stay in your room till we get back.” My aunt ordered as she led Brad from the room.
“Don’t worry Ian. Mom won’t do anything till she has a chance to cool down some.” Megan said as she helped me up off the floor and back on the bed.
“I’ll be right back and we’ll get you into some clean diapers.” Isaac started laughing again once Megan had left the room to get the needed supplies to change my diapers with.
“Like Megan said Ian, don’t worry about anything. It was Brad’s own fault. I warned him that you seemed to jolt when you get woken up. I guess he didn’t want to listen.” Isaac told me through fits of laughter.
“You don’t think I really broke Brad’s nose do you?” I asked softly while clutching Remus to me.
“From what I could see of it, I would say you probably did.” Isaac answered as he started to laugh again.
“OK Laughing boy out!” Megan said as she walked back into the room carrying an armload of supplies.
“I didn’t mean to hurt him.” I whimpered as Megan spread out the changing pad and had me lay on top of it.
“I know you didn’t. Don’t worry about it. Mom and dad will understand once they find out the whole story. Besides, Isaac did warn Brad about what would happen if he woke you up suddenly.” Megan said softly as she pulled off my plastic pants and started unfastening my pee sodden diapers.
“What happened this time?” Brad’s dad asked when he saw Brad and his mom walk into the emergency room reception area.
“I’m not really sure myself. Brad went up to wake Ian up for breakfast and the next thing I know Brad was screaming bloody murder. By the time I got there Brad was on the floor holding his nose and Ian was up against his bed looking like he was about to go in to shock and rubbing a spot on his forehead.” As my aunt said this things started to click into place.
“Brad, you weren’t by any chance leaning over Ian trying to scare him when you woke him up were you?” His mom asked as they were led into a treatment room. Brad just looked down at the floor at this since he knew how his parents disliked it when he would wake up Isaac and David like that.
“I should have figured you’d try that after what happened yesterday.” Brad was told sourly.
“Bub…” Brad mumbled trying to worm his way out of trouble.
“Not one word. We talked about this yesterday and I told you the matter was closed And didn’t Isaac tell you that Ian jumped when he woke him up before your swim lessons yesterday?” Brad just nodded at this and refused to meet his parents eyes.
“OK then. The matter is settled it was an accident. Of course you remember what we told you what would happen next time you tried waking someone up like this.” Brad’s mom told him. This caused Brad to get a scared look on his face.
“I don’t think we need to go that far. I think Brad may have finally learned his lesson about that.” Brad’s dad said jumping into the conversation
“I guess you’re right.”, Mrs. Miller stated after a few seconds thought, “But there had better not be a next time. Understood?” Brad nodded at this with relief etched on his face.
“Brian, if you wouldn’t mind staying with Brad for a few minutes I need to call Megan and let her know that Ian can come out of his room and that everything is OK.”
“OK.” came the response as the doctor seeing Brad came into the room.
“Miller residence.” David said after picking up the phone.
“David, it’s mom. Would you put Megan on.”
“Sure. She’s up in Ian’s room you want me to have her come down or would you like me to take her the phone?”
“Take her the phone. I’ll need to talk to Ian too.”
“OK.” David said as he started running for the stairs.
“It’s mom.” Mrs. Miller heard David say. A few seconds later Megan’s voice was heard.
“Hey mom. How’s Brad doing?”
“Not sure yet. The doctor was just coming in when I walked out to call you.”
“Oh, OK. I think you should know That I think all this was one big accident.” Megan started before getting interrupted.
“I know. I figured it out once I had a chance to calm down and go over everything Seems Brad was up to his old tricks again. I doubt he’ll do that again anytime soon.” came the chuckled reply.
“Does this mean we’re going through with what you said would happen if he did it again?” Megan asked hopefully.
“Not this time, sorry. Your dad and I felt that what happened was punishment enough This time.”
“Anyway I just wanted to let you know that Ian is off restriction so he can leave his room if he wants. And since I know he’s probably right next to you let me talk to him.”
“Just a minute.”
“Ian, it’s mom.” Mary heard her daughter say. After a few moments silence a soft voice came onto the line.
“Yes ma’am?”
“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for snapping at you. I know that you didn’t mean to hurt Brad and everything is OK. You don’t have to stay in your room if you don’t want to. I need to get back to your brother. Tell Megan we’ll be home as soon as possible. Love you. Bye.
“Bye.” I replied softly still in a bit of shock at what had happened a while earlier but even more so from my aunt’s parting words.
“Aunt Mary said they would be home as soon as they can.” I relayed to Megan handing her the phone once I had hung up. Before anything else could be said the phone started ringing again.
“Megan, it’s Manny. Just wanted to let you know that we’re getting into town earlier than expected and we’ll be by to pick Heinrich up in about One or so.”
“OK. We’ll have everything packed up and ready. See you soon.”
“Who was that?” I asked after Megan set the phone down.
“That was Manny. He was calling to let us know that they’ll be picking up Heinrich about One or so..”
“Don’t worry you’ll still see him from time to time. The Rodriguezes are some of mom and dad’s closest friends.” Megan said after seeing my crestfallen face.
“Let’s go get some food into you. I’m sure you’re probably starved by now.” After getting a small hug, Megan hopped off the bed and headed downstairs. I followed a few seconds behind her since I wasn’t able to get that fast of a pace going due to how thickly I was diapered.
Once I was done with breakfast I decided to go out back and get some last minute playtime with Heinrich. Like before, it was suggested that I just go out wearing just my diapers so I could get some sun. If it hadn’t been for the high walls surrounding the yard I highly doubt they would have gotten me to do this.
As it usually happened when I was playing with Heinrich, I lost all track of time. I hadn’t even realized that his owners had shown up till I felt Heinrich being pulled off me roughly from where we had been wrestling.
“Hey!” I started to complain till I saw that I was looking at a very large Hispanic man, and was starting to get pulled away from where I was laying on the ground by two others.
“What’s going on?” I exclaimed since I still didn’t understand what was going on.
“[Heinrich, Heel!]” I commanded when I saw that he was still struggling against the older man’s grip on his collar. It surprised everyone when Heinrich settled down at once. The two people that had me by the arms helped me to my feet.
“Somebody want to tell what all this was about?” I asked somewhat irately
“We thought you were being attacked.” The older man said while looking me over for any signs of obvious injury.
“We were just playing around a bit.” I said in a matter of fact tone. Before the conversation could go any further my aunt and uncle came out the back door.
“Ian, I though I told you to take things easy?” my uncle said jumping the gun again.
“I was. Heinrich and I were just wrestling a bit. We both were taking it easy. I swear.” I said pleadingly. I guess my tone scared my uncle a bit since he softened his tone.
“Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself.” He said before turning to the man holding Heinrich’s collar tightly.
“You can let go of him if you want he won’t do anything.” Giving my uncle a dubious look the man let go of Heinrich. As I expected, Heinrich charged right at me causing the two teens holding me to let go and take several steps back Heinrich stopped a few inches in front of me and sat down.
“[Good boy.]” I told him while giving his ears a scratching.
“[Go on inside. I’ll be in in a few minutes.]” I told him. Heinrich gave a small woof and headed for the back door. Everyone, but my uncle, was looking at me in astonishment.
“Sorry about that Jose. I was meaning to be here when you guys came to pick Heinrich up but something came up.” My uncle said with a small laugh. I turned bright red and started looking at the ground when I heard the last part.
“Don’t worry about it Ian. You’re not in any trouble.” I nodded at this but still couldn’t bring myself to look my uncle in the eye.
“Anyway, I’d like you to meet, my nephew, and now adoptive son, Ian.” my uncle said in way of introduction.
“Pleased to meet you, sir. And sorry about the misunderstanding.” I said formally, while holding out my hand.
“Like wise. Don‘t worry about it. I just was taken by surprise since I‘ve never seen Heinrich act that way to people he’s just met.” Before I could answer this I heard some light giggling behind me when I turned around I saw a little girl of about five or six pointing at me. It was then I realized that I wasn’t wearing any pants and my diapers were more than a little wet.
“If you’ll excuse me for a moment.” I said turning bright red. After getting a slight nod from my uncle, I beat a hasty retreat into the house and up to my room.
“Let’s get you changed before you try getting dressed. In fact, why don’t you grab a quick shower you smell like dog.” Megan said from my bedroom door. I guess she had followed me up when I came running into the house.
“I’ll be in David’s room getting things ready. Come on in when you get done.”
“OK.” I told her as I headed into my bathroom.
“So why did you come charging into the house like that?” Megan asked a short time later as she helped me onto the changing table in David’s room. With a sigh, I started to explain what had happened outside.
“I was out back wrestling with Heinrich when his owners showed up. They thought I was getting attacked so they came out and pulled Heinrich off me. Anyway, Uncle Brian came out to see what was going on and after being introduced to Mr. Rodriguez I heard some giggling behind me I realized I was just in my diapers and a T-shirt” I turned bright red again at the memory of this. Megan just laughed at this, though I failed to see the humor of it, as she pulled my new diaper up between my legs and taped it closed. I was kind of surprised that she was using a disposable.
“The Rodriguezes are staying for dinner so I thought this would be better than using some of the cloth diapers.” Megan said indicating the disposable I was now wearing.
“Go ahead and get dressed then come down to the Rec room and we can introduce you to everyone else.” Megan said with a small smile.
On re-entering my room I decided to put the shorts up. Since we were having guests for dinner I decided to dress in some Khaki pants and a Polo shirt. Once I was done I pulled on a pair of Loafers and headed down to the Rec room. Seeing the look on my Aunt’s face when she saw me I figured I must have over dressed for the occasion Luckily, nothing was said about it. I was a bit surprised when my aunt and uncle asked Anita to join us when we sat down to dinner. I soon found out that she was Mr. Rodriguez’s mother and that she did housekeeping as a way to keep busy and make a little extra money when she retired.
“You know Ian, I’m surprised at how well Heinrich pays attention to you. Especially since you’ve only known each other for about a week. If you don’t mind my asking what did you do to make him mind you so well?” I was asked during dinner.
“I hit him, or more to the point slapped him.” I responded.
“Did you just say you hit him?” Came the awed response.
“Yes, sir. I’m sure my uncle has explained my situation to you. Well, I was out back trying to work through some things that had come up when you had dropped Heinrich off. For one reason or another your mother decided to let him out back to run off some steam. Anyway, I didn’t realize he was there until he started growling at me. I was so startled that I slapped him across the snout and we stared at each other till Heinrich backed up a few steps and laid down.” I told everyone calmly not really understanding their shocked expressions.
“I have to admit that I’m impressed. Normally Heinrich doesn’t react to new people that well and the last person to hit him like you did ended up in the E/R getting his hand stitched up.”
“My uncle mentioned that Heinrich is a police dog but I was wondering if you happened to have trained him to wake your kids up as well?” I asked, Earning a sour look from Brad. Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez both started chuckling at this.
“As a matter of fact, we have trained him for that, why do you ask?”
“Well, yesterday Brad didn’t want to get up and I had Heinrich pull the blanket Brad was laying on off the bed. After doing that Heinrich grabbed a hold of Brad’s shirt and started pulling him towards the door.” This started a fresh wave of chuckles from out dinner guests, as well as, Megan, Isaac, and David.
“Yeah, we trained him to do that as well after a couple of times of the person he was trying to wake up climbed back into bed.” I smiled at the explanation The Rodriguezes left shortly after dinner since Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez both had to work early the next morning.
“Mom, could we go swimming for a bit before bed?” Brad asked a short time after our guests left.
“If Megan wouldn’t mind watching you guys. It won’t be a problem”
“Sure mom. I could use the exercise anyway.” Megan said before Brad or her other brothers started bugging her about it.
“C’mon Ian, lets go get you ready.” Megan stated as she headed towards the stairs.
“I’ll be down in a little bit. I need to talk to Aunt Mary and Uncle Brian for a bit first.” I said while looking at my aunt and uncle.
“I’ll assume this has to do with what we talked about last night?” My uncle asked once we were sitting in his office.
“Yes sir. Even though I know the final decision is yours and Aunt Mary’s, I would like you to consider going ahead and enrolling me in Stonehenge.” Judging from the looks on their faces I could see that this wasn’t what my aunt and uncle had expected me to decide to suggest.
“Are you sure about this Ian? I mean you could end up hearing comments from the older students if it got out how old you are.” My aunt asked.
“I know but I don’t think I could stand going back to being home schooled Not to mention you have to admit that I act more like an adult at times than my actual age. I think this would help me see what I had been missing and maybe gain things I’ve never had.” I said while tearing up a bit.
“If you’re sure this is what you want, your mom and I will discuss it and let you know. Now why don’t you go get dressed in your swim trunks and head down to the pool. Your mom and I’ll will be down in a little bit.”
“OK. And thanks for listening.” I told them with a small smile while getting up and heading for the door.
I changed over to my swim trunks in no time and was soon heading down to join my brothers and sister in the pool area. I couldn’t explain why but for the first time in my life I truly started to feel like I belonged and the people around me cared about both my physical and emotional well being. I had a feeling that this probably had to do more with the sessions I had a couple of times a week with the counselor I was seeing than anything else but I wasn’t going to down play that my aunts, uncles, and cousins were playing as well.
“What did you want to talk to mom and dad about?” David asked as I walked into the pool area and asked Megan for some help with the cast cover for my arm.
“David, you know we don’t ask about private meetings like that.” Megan said warningly.
“It’s Ok this time Megan. You guys are going to find out about it pretty soon anyway.”, I said, “I found out last night that my test scores from yesterday morning were pretty lousy so the school told mom that if I decided to enroll this year I’d be placed in the Fifth grade.”
“There’s no way mom and dad are going to let you be placed in the same grade as David. Especially since you’re multi-lingual.” Brad stated, interrupting me.
“Actually Brad, I just got done telling them that I wouldn’t mind if they did. I feel that I could get more out of it than staying home with a tutor.” I explained. This seemed to shock everyone but Megan.
“You do realize Ian that mom and dad will probably go through with what you asked them to.”
“Yeah. I know. I just think it’ll be better this way.” I said with a shrug. This ended the conversation and we all headed back towards the water. Little did I know the surprise that was going to be hitting me shortly after this.
“Ian, you have a visitor.” My aunt called from the pool house’s entryway This caught me off guard since I wasn’t aware of anyone knowing that I was there aside from other members of my father’s family.
“Grab a quick shower and get dressed we’ll be waiting for you in the sitting room. Megan could you get a diaper change and some clothes laid out for Ian to speed things up while he’s getting a shower.”
“Sure mom. C’mon kiddo let’s get going.” Megan told me while getting me moving as my aunt instructed my brothers to get cleaned up and join them as soon as possible.
I quickly found myself back in my room with Megan stripping off my swim suit and propelling me towards the bathroom to get the requested shower. I was done in less than fifteen minutes and soon found myself getting a fresh diaper put on me. Once this was done, Megan handed me a pair of Khaki shorts, a Polo shirt and my sandals. I dressed quickly and headed downstairs after putting my arm in the sling my father insisted that I use at all time when I wasn’t asleep.
I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the elderly Japanese gentleman sitting in the chair across from my aunt and uncle. I think I must have worried my aunt and uncle a bit since they both started to rise when they saw the stunned look on my face. Before they could take more than a couple of steps towards me my face went from stunned to smiling as I ran up to the man and gave him a huge hug. I then shocked my parents again in when I opened my mouth. In my excitement, I greeted my maternal grandfather in Japanese.
\“Gramps!! When did you get into town?! I‘ve missed you so much. I thought you didn’t want to see me any more when I never heard back from you after the funeral.”/ I said through the tears that were starting to form.
\“I had some business in the area and since I knew you were now living with your aunt and uncle I decided to call and see if it was acceptable for me to come and see you. I never stopped caring about you but I had some concerns that needed to be addressed when I heard about my daughter’s mishap. Now why don’t we start speaking in English so everyone else may join in on our conversation.”/ I was told with a smile. This brought me back to reality. As I looked around I could see that my cousins had joined us by that time and were just as shocked by hearing me speak Japanese as their parents were.
“Sorry. Grandfather, I’d like you to meet my new brothers, and sister. From right to left is Megan, David, Isaac, and Bradley. Though he prefers to be called Brad.
“It’s good to finally meet you all.” He didn’t get any further than this when my aunt came back into the room carrying a tray of drinks At this time, I moved over to sit with my parents. I noticed my parents frowned a bit when I waited for my grandfather to take a sip of own drink before taking one from my own. I did see a small smile of satisfaction from my grandfather when he saw this. I knew that after he left I would need to explain this to my aunt and uncle. The next few hours of talking with my grandfather were the happiest I had been in years. He had been the only one who knew of my existence who really had cared about my well-being. I knew that at one time he had tried to get me away from his daughter and my father but for some reason nothing had ever come of it That had been the last time I had seen him before now. Though my mom didn’t know I still managed to stay in contact with him through letters.
\“Do you have to go?”/ I cried as the evening ended and my grandfather got ready to leave.
\ “I’m sorry I must. I’ll still stay in touch with you and your new parents have stated that they would see what they can do about us meeting again for a visit till then feel free to call or write me at any time. Here is something that I think you’ll like. ”/ My grandfather said through tears of his own as he handed me a small wrapped package. I gave my grandfather another fierce hug once I opened the package as saw it contained a picture of him handing me the First level Black belt I had just earned in Kendo.
\ “I hope that you’ll continue with your training once you’re healed enough to do so.”/
\ “I will. I’ll talk to you soon.”/ I cried as we had finally reached his car and he got in. Little did I know that this would be the last time I would see him alive.
Once he left, and a quick diaper change, my parents sent David, Isaac, and I to bed. I ended up crying myself to sleep for the first time since I came to live with my aunt and uncle.
“You feeling better?” my aunt asked the next morning when I came down for breakfast.
“I’m still a bit sad that he couldn’t have stayed longer but I’m feeling better.”
“That’s good. I don’t want you to take this the wrong way but I’m a bit disappointed that you acted like you did last night when I was serving the drinks.”
“You were thinking I was acting like I was a slave again by what I did?” I asked. Wanting to make sure I understood what my aunt was saying before I responded
“Yes, I did. I thought we had been making such good progress and this happens. I’ll tell you now that I’d prefer that you not contact him if he’s going to bring about these kinds of changes.”
“Mom, you don’t understand!” I yelled in fright at the thought that I wouldn’t be able to contact my grandfather anymore after having just seen him again in almost a year. Seeing how my calling my aunt “mom” brought her short I pressed ahead.
“When I waited for him to take the first drink, I wasn’t acting like a slave again, but showing him respect. It’s part of their culture and to some extent mine. I’ll admit this was taught to me by my mother but it was because she had learned the same thing. She was just as demanding of things like this from her own sons as she was of me.” I told her almost in tears.
“OK, Ian. I’m sorry. I jumped the gun a bit. I’ll try not to do it again.” I was told as she came over to calm me down.
“I just have one more question. How many languages can you speak? Aside from English, I mean.” I froze on hearing this question since I wasn’t sure if she would believe me or not.
“Well?” I was asked when I didn’t answer after a few moments.
“Seven.” I mumbled.
“Seven. Why didn’t you mention this to Dr. Alison when we were having you tested? It might have been enough to put you into a higher grade.”
“I didn’t think they would believe me. And with how I had done in the other areas of the test I thought it would be better if I kept quiet about it and just see what would happen.” I told her while starting to shake again.
“It’s OK. I’ll have to tell your father but for now we’ll keep it quiet. I do have one small favor to ask though. If Megan or Brad needs help and you can help them, will you?”
“Sure. It’ll help me keep in practice.” I told my mom with a small smile.
Over the next month and a half, I kept in almost daily contact with my grandfather through E-mail and phone calls. My parents insisted that all letters I got from and sent to him be screened by them. This got a bit tricky at times since the letters we sent each other were in Japanese. I did have my parents load a good translation program onto my uncles computer so that he would be able keep track of things. For the really special things I wanted to say, I wrote them out by hand and used snail mail to send him the letters. I’m not sure if my aunt and uncle ever found out about these.
By the time school got close to starting my operations had healed enough for my uncle to allow me start getting back into shape. The only exercise I was allowed before this time was swimming and then I was closely monitored. David celebrated his Eleventh birthday during this time. With how he was acting in the days leading up to it, I’m surprised my aunt and uncle hadn’t killed him out of sheer frustration We were all glad once it was over. I have to say that I was more than a little awed by the scale of everything. Of course, this could have been from the fact that I had never had my own celebrated in any way before.
“David if you ask me one more time about what time your guests are going to get here, I’m going to put a pacifier in your mouth and tape it there.” his mom said testily when David asked her for about the 5th in a two hour period when the everyone was going to start arriving for the party.
“Now, I want you to go upstairs and let Ian know that it’s time for you guys to get ready for your swimming lesson.”
“But..” David started.
“I said go.” David was told as his mom landed a firm swat to her son’s diapered fanny. David stomped off rubbing the spot where his mother’s hand had landed.
“Mom says it’s time to get ready for our swimming lessons.” I was told grumpily when David walked past my room. Not really knowing what was going on, I just shrugged at this and started taking off the slightly damp cloth diapers I was wearing. Once I had them off and rinsed out, I placed them in the special hamper that was in mine and Isaac’s bathroom. I chuckled a bit when I saw the back of one of them and saw my initials stitched just below the waistband I remember how shocked I was when I first saw them there. I also smiled a bit at the memory of how disappointed Megan looked as she helped me unpack the diapers and plastic pants into the supply cabinet that had been set up for them in David’s room. I guess she was really hoping that I was going to take after her other brothers and get some really babyish looking ones. The closest I got to that was with the thicker diapers I had ordered to wear to bed.
“C’mon Ian. Don’s waiting for us.” Isaac announced as he walked into the bathroom to use the toilet. This broke me out of my thoughts and I quickly headed of my dresser to pull out a pair of swim trunks so I could finish getting ready for my swim lesson. At the end of the lesson, Don commented on how well I was doing.
“You’ll probably start to do even better once that cast comes off.” I was told with a smile. About this time Megan entered the pool area.
“David, Ian. Mom wanted me to inform you guys that you’re both to get cleaned up quickly after your lesson ends and you will be taking a nap before the party starts.
“But I don’t want to take a nap.” David protested as he and I climbed out of the pool and said goodbye to Don.
“It’s not open to discussion David. Now go get cleaned up and then meet me in your room.”
“One more word David and I’ll have mom come out and talk to you about it She’s not in a good mood at the moment with how you’ve been bugging her so far today.” Megan told us before turning around and heading back towards the house.
“Man this really sucks.” David mumbled as he and I headed towards the shower room to get cleaned up. I silently agreed with him but kept my mouth shut on the matter.
“Took you guys long enough.” Brad said as we walked in to David’s room to get ready for the nap we were going to be taking.
“Ian, Mom’s waiting for you in your room.”
“OK.” I said before turning around and heading for my room.
I wasn’t at all surprised to see my aunt laying out some of my cloth diapers and plastic pants when I walked into my room.
“Go ahead and climb on up here Ian. I wanted to talk to you about the party this afternoon.”
“You want me to wait during it?” I asked plainly thinking this is what she was wanting to talk to me about as I climbed on the changing pad that had been laid out .
“Lord no. You’ve had enough of that life already.”, my aunt said in a shaken voice, “ No, I just wanted to see if you were going to be comfortable being around all the people that are going to be here during it.”
“I should be okay if you don’t mind me slipping a bit at times. I know I have to get used to being around large groups of people. I doubt any of them will be like what my parents used to invite to their parties.” I said as I felt a couple of my day diapers being placed under me.
“I do have one request though?” I asked as my aunt sprinkled some powder on me before starting to pull the diapers up between my legs.
“And what would that be?” I was asked as the diapers were fastened closed and my aunt started reaching for a pair of plastic pants
“Ask David not to be to upset if I come inside to be alone for a bit if things start to be to much for me.”
“I think that can be arranged. Just try to stick it out for as long as you can before coming inside. Also, if you happen to need a change let Megan or I know and we’ll get it taken care of.” I nodded to this as I crawled off the pad and under covers that my aunt had turned down when she had first come in to get things set up for my nap.
“Have a nice nap. I’ll send some one in to get you up in a few hours.” I was told as I felt a light kiss being placed on my forehead and the covers being drawn up and tucked in around me.
“Ian wake up!!” As all the times before, I bolted up right as soon as the hand touched my shoulder.
“Easy there you were having a nightmare.” Megan said as I was looking around with a wild-eyed look, and breathing like I had just run a marathon.
“It seemed so real.” I sobbed as I felt myself being pulled into a tight hug.
“It’s OK. It was just a bad dream. Nothing is going to hurt you now.” I didn’t respond to this very much since I was still trying to shake off the dream I just had.
“You OK now.” Megan asked after holding me for a few minutes.
“I think so.”
“Well, let’s get you ready for the party then.” I was told as Megan laid me back down on my bed to remove my pee and sweat soaked diapers.
I was surprised at how much I was enjoying the party not to mention shocked at how lavish it seemed to be.
“You think this is bad wait until you see what they do when you hit Sixteen.” Brad laughed when I commented on this to him. I just took him at his word on this and went back to doing what I could to enjoy the party. I noticed that David and Isaac both were doing what they could to get me around to meet their friends, or the younger brothers of their friends.
“Hey Ian, I’d like you to meet my friend Kurt and, his cousin, Karl.” I heard Brad say from behind me. My blood went ice cold when I turned around and saw a face I was hoping never to see again.
“Well, Toby. Fancy meeting you here.” Kurt sneered after the second it took for him to recognize me.
“Kurt.” I answered coldly while trying to make up my mind as to whether I wanted to run and hide or kill him. Kurt’s next comment made my decision for me.
[“Hey Toby, why don’t you be a good nigger and go get me a fresh drink.”] Kurt laughed while looking towards Brad to see his reaction. Because of this he didn’t see my foot coming toward his head till it was to late. Everyone around us stopped dead when they saw Kurt drop to the ground and Brad grab me into a full-nelson and hold me back. My parents got there a few seconds later.
“What’s going on over here?” My mom asked while my dad checked Kurt’s condition.
“I don’t know. Kurt said something in German to Ian and the next thing I know Ian’s planting a foot upside Kurt’s head.”
“Take Ian up to his room and try and get him calmed down enough to talk to us.” Brad was told as an extremely dazed Kurt was helped into a sitting position Karl just stood off to the side looking at his cousin like he couldn’t believe what had just happened.
“Ian would you like to explain what’s going on?” My father asked me an hour later after escorting me into his study. When I bothered to look around I saw Kurt, Karl, a couple I assumed were their parents, my grandfather, and Brad
“What’s been said so far?” I asked. So I could see where exactly I stood.
“Kurt said he asked you politely to get him a refill and the next thing he knew you were kicking him in the head.”
“I see and did Kurt tell you exactly what he said to me before I hit him?”
“What does that matter.” The lady sitting next to him asked hotly.
“You might be surprised. I know that Brad probably didn’t catch all of what was said but I’d bet anything that Karl understood everything.” I replied trying to stay calm.
“Karl?” His father inquired.
“I understood the words being said but not the meaning behind them.”
“Why don’t you tell us what was said and maybe we can figure the meaning out.”
“OK. Kurt kept referring to Ian as Toby and right before he got hit said something about him being a good nigger and go get him a new drink. I don’t know why he said it since you always told me words like that were bad and should never be used.”
“Kurt would you like to explain further?” His aunt asked after a few seconds of stunned silence.
“No, because it doesn’t concern you. It’s just between me and the nigger over there.” Kurt announced firmly. At this point I had had enough of my past coming up and biting me in the ass.
“Right. By the way Kurt. How’s the arm doing?” I asked with a small smile.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean the brand on your arm how’s it doing?”
“What are you talking about son? Kurt doesn’t have any brands on him.”
“Sure he does. If you’ll look he has a Nazi Death Head branded onto his right wrist. You’ll probably find it under his watch.” Before Kurt could do anything his watch was being pulled off exposing the aforementioned brand.
“How could you know it was there if you’ve never met him before?”
“I’ll let Kurt explain that one to you if he can.” I said with a smile. Kurt just sat there and said nothing. I decided to deliver what I hoped to be the killing blow.
“Tell me Gramps. Does that brand look familiar to you in any way? Maybe something you saw recently in a video?” I asked. Understanding spread across my grandfather’s face at he realized what I was saying.
“Kurt Wagner, You’re under arrest for suspicion of unlawful detainment and torture. You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to have an attorney, if you can not afford an attorney one will appointed to you by the courts. Do you understand these rights as I’ve just explained them to you?” My grandfather asked as he walked over to Kurt while pulling a pair of handcuffs from his back pocket.
“You can’t arrest me! I have immunity and you can’t prove anything with out a witness!” Kurt yelled as he stood up and jumped over the back out of the couch while pulling out what looked like a cell phone and punched in a some numbers.
“I guess we can add attempted murder to the list.” I said as Kurt was picked up and slammed against the wall behind him.
“I guess you should know the explosives were removed and destroyed almost a month ago.” My grandfather said as he pulled out his own phone and called for the police to pick Kurt up.
“Brad would you take Ian up to his room. We’ll be up in a bit once we get all this sorted out.” his father stated in a tired voice.
“Sure dad. C’mon Ian.” Brad said to me. Since he didn’t protest any I guess he heard something in my uncle’s voice that I missed My aunt whispered something to Brad as we walked past her. At that point, I was so drained emotionally that I didn’t pay it any attention.
“Boy Ian, You really know how to open a can of worms don’t you.” Brad joked to me once we were out of his parents hearing.
“I guess. I know they put me on restriction, but could you let David know I’m sorry for ruining his party like this?” I asked as Brad led me toward the stairs.
“Sure, that won’t be a problem. Let’s get you changed and into bed for a while and I’ll let David know what you said.” Brad and I barely entered my room before Megan walked in.
“You can go back downstairs Brad. I’ll take over here.” I didn’t resist at all as Megan helped me up on to my bed and started to undress me. I had fallen asleep from the stress of the day before Megan even had the first set of tapes removed from the disposable I had on.