Memoirs of a Diaper Boy


Chapter Six

Going Home


“Well everyone, I’d say all the incisions are healing nicely and I don’t see any problems with releasing Ian tomorrow morning.” My family was told with a smile by my doctors. Except for myself, everyone seemed to be standing around with a goofy smile on their faces.


I, frankly, couldn’t see what was so special about my getting sent home. To a point, I was looking forward to getting sent home with some trepidation. While I was glad to finally get out of this place, I just wasn’t sure what to expect I just had to many memories of my parents and brothers acting worried and such the few times I had to be admitted to the hospital But once I got back home things went back to normal as soon as the door closed behind me. Maybe I was just being paranoid. With all the time my aunt, uncle, and cousins spent with me I knew it couldn’t really be an act, but the nagging feeling I had about all this just wouldn’t leave entirely. I guess only time would tell if these feeling were correct. A short time after my doctors left, my Uncle announced that they needed to be going to, but that they would be back in the morning to take me home


“Mom, I was wondering if David, Isaac, and I might be able to have a small group of friends over to welcome Ian home and to help him meet some new people in surroundings he’s comfortable with?” Brad asked his mom as they walked out to their car.


“I think that would be a good idea. However, we’ll want to wait a week or so to give Ian a little more time to recuperate, and get used to being here before we drop something like that on him.” My cousin was told with a smile


I was about ready to jump out of my skin with how nervous I was by the next morning. The nurses thought they were going to need to request a mild sedative for me with how I was acting. I guess, after spending a month in the hospital, it had become like a comfort area for me and I wasn’t to thrilled about leaving it.


“You ready to go home, Ian?” my aunt asked when they arrived the next morning to sign me out.


“I guess so.” I replied softly.


“Don’t worry about it Ian. Things will be just fine I was told as my aunt patted my leg.


“Now let’s get you into some regular clothes so we can blow this pop stand” Megan said while helping me into a sitting position so the hospital gown could be removed.


“You just let us do all the work Ian. Dad doesn’t want you to do to much yet.” I was told softly when I tried to help Megan take off gown and PJ bottoms. I just nodded at this. While I would have preferred to help out, I could understand how comforting it felt to have someone finally start to take care of my needs for the first time in more years then I cared to think about.


I was tempted to say something about how childish the clothes looked. I mean I knew that I looked a good deal younger than I really was, but I wasn’t ready to start wearing clothes with Sponge Bob Squarepants plastered all over them. Needing to wear diapers again was bad enough without having to wear clothes like that. My aunt must have caught the look I had on my face as Megan dressed me.


“Relax there kiddo. These are some clothes we borrowed from David’s closet I felt you’d want to have some say in your own wardrobe.” I was told with a slight chuckle.


“Though I will admit that you do look awful cute in that outfit.” my aunt added with a chuckle. I just kind of stiffened up at the last remark. Thinking that my aunt would have me start wearing clothes like David’s.


“She was kidding.” Megan said with a chuckle of her own. Just as she finished placing a pair of sandals on my feet, my Uncle Brian came walking into the room pushing a wheelchair with my cousins following close behind.


“Why can’t I just walk out ?” I complained as I was told to take a seat in the wheelchair.


“Hospital rules Ian. You want to get out of here then sit down.” I caught hint of a tone my father would give when he was ending a discussion with my brothers, or to announce a beating for me was about to begin. I flinched a little at the tone but did what I was told.


I soon found myself leading the progression of my family down the hallway to the elevator and a few short minutes later I was looking out of the front doors to the hospital


“I think you’ll be wanting these.” I was told as my aunt handed me an eyeglass case on opening it I saw that I was looking at one of the pairs that I had been fitted for several weeks back, but till now hadn’t seen


“Those look really cool on you.” Brian announced as I put on the glasses The rest of the family was quick to agree with him. I wasn’t so sure about it yet. But I was glad about the fact that for the first time in years, I was able to go outside and not have a throbbing headache with me all the time from the sun.


I was shocked when my uncle pushed my chair up to a stretch limo.


“I borrowed it from my brother. We needed the extra space to fit everyone.” My aunt told me with a knowing glance to her husband. I soon found myself being strapped into another car seat and realized that it wasn’t mine. I assumed that they had rented it to make sure I got home safely. We had no sooner pulled out of the hospital parking lot that I found myself dozing off. I was dead to the world a short time later.


“Ian.” I heard through the fog of sleep.


“Huh?” I mumbled sleepily.


“It’s time to get up. Dinner will be ready in a few minutes.” I heard Uncle Brian repeat while shaking my shoulder lightly.


“Huh!” I exclaimed as I bolted upright when my uncle’s hand touched my shoulder. As I became more aware of my surroundings, I noticed that I was in bed clutching the wolf I had been given a few weeks before.


“Easy there. It’s time to get up for dinner.” My uncle repeated


“Oh Ok.” I answered and without really thinking, I got up out of bed and headed towards the door.


“Hold on there a second kiddo. I think there is something we need to take care of first.” My uncle said with a chuckle while placing a lightly restraining hand on my shoulder.




“I think you might be a bit more comfortable in a clean diaper.” I was told while being steered over towards David’s room. Since I was still waking up I didn‘t pay to much attention to the room’s décor as I was led to a changing cubicle that took up one corner of the room. With little effort I was lifted up onto the table and soon felt a strap being placed over my stomach. The second I felt the strap being tightened I started panicking.


“Easy there, Ian.” My uncle said quickly while loosening the strap a bit


“I just don’t want you to accidentally fall off.”


“Sorry, I just can’t stand being tied down.” I said with some tears still in my eyes.


“If you promise not to move around I’ll take the strap off.” I nodded that I would. I didn’t say anything since I still didn’t trust my voice to be calm enough to do so. I soon felt the belt holding me to the table being removed and I calmed down even more.


“It’s a good thing that I came in when I did. I don’t think this diaper could have taken much more abuse.” My uncle joked once he had the slightly damp shorts I had on pulled off and saw how soaked my diaper was. Even though I knew my uncle was kidding, I turned a bright red when he mentioned how wet my diaper was.


“I’m sorry Ian. I was only joking.” I was told while my uncle slowly rubbed my chest and belly to comfort me some.


“I guess this last month has been kind of overwhelming for you.” my uncle continued softly. Before I knew what was happening, I felt my legs being lifted into the air and the wet diaper being pulled out from under me. I shivered a bit when the air-conditioned air came in contact with my damp skin. With a smile, my uncle let my legs down and pulled out a couple of wipes to clean me up with before placing the new diapers on me.


“Well, lets get downstairs before your aunt sends out a search party for us.” My uncle joked as he pulled a pair of plastic pants up over the two thick cloth diapers he had just put me in. I chuckled a bit at this as I was helped off the changing table and was handed a shirt to put on.


“Now let’s get that arm of yours into a sling.” I was told as my uncle reached over and got the sling off the end of the table.


“What about pants?” I asked as my uncle started out of the room with me just standing there in a shirt that covered less than half of the diapers I had on.


“I don’t think you’ll need them. Besides, I doubt we have any pants that would fit over those diapers you have on.” my uncle joked as he lead me out of the room after fitting my arm into the sling I had gotten from the hospital earlier that day.


I soon found out why my uncle stayed behind me when we entered the family room. As far as I could tell, all of both my aunts and uncles family were sitting and standing around the room talking. The talking stopped once they saw my uncle and I walk into the room. It was a good thing I was wearing the diapers I was because I promptly wet them when several of the older kids broke off from the groups they were in and rushed over to greet their uncle.


“Easy there Ian. Everything will be OK.” My uncle whispered into my ear the second he felt me tense up under his hand when my cousins got closer. As much as I tried to relax, I couldn’t. Having had to many bad memories concerning situations like this. It was all I could do to keep myself together while my cousins greeted us. I guess my aunt’s mom saw how close I was to loosing it because she called the kid’s back over to them.


I realized that it was going to take me awhile to learn everyone’s names. At least as far as my cousins were concerned. Since none of them seemed surprised to see me wearing diapers I took a guess that they had been informed of my need for them before I came down.


I think I shocked most of the adults with how I started acting after a few minutes. Even though I knew my aunt and uncle wouldn’t approve, I knew the only way I was going to make it through the evening without losing it was to fall back into the training my father and stepmother had beaten into me over the years. Not to mention, it was the only way I could think of to help ignore the fact that all I was wearing was a T-shirt and diapers. As the afternoon and evening wore on I was able to start relaxing somewhat.


Of course, I should have realized things were going to smoothly. I had noticed that a couple of my cousins kept to themselves, and would mutter things among themselves in German anytime I was near and point towards me when the would start laughing. What they didn’t know is that I could understand what they were saying, even though they weren’t speaking English. All this came to a head during dinner when I had finally had enough of their comments towards me. Since they got away with this with their parents and such standing right next to them, I realized that none of the adults could understand what they were saying. I did notice that they tended to clam up when Brad or Megan came by so I guess they might have understood what their cousins were saying about me and put an end to it.


[“I’m surprised they’re letting the baby sit at the adult table with the rest of us.”] My cousin James smirked towards his twin brother


[“Tell me about it. I can’t get over the fact that someone his age can’t control themselves. They should have had him sitting with the rest of the toddlers. That way someone would be able to help feed him if needed.”] John shot back with a laugh. This was the comment that finally caused me to snap


[“Listen to me you assholes! I getting sick and tired of all the crap you’ve been giving me tonight. I’m not all that pleased about needing diapers again. But if you can’t accept that I need them again to fine, just keep you damn mouths shut about it! Because I’m getting sick of hearing your shit!”] I yelled before slamming down my silverware, standing up and walking out of the room ignoring the stunned looks of everyone around me.


I could hear James and John getting questioned by their parents when I had reached the stairs leading to the second floor and my bedroom. As mad as I was, I was surprised that I had the piece of mind not to slam my bedroom door. Since nobody came right up after me I guessed that they felt I need some time to cool down before coming up to talk to me about my outburst. While I knew I would get chewed out for how I acted at dinner, I also knew that for once something like this wouldn’t result in my getting beaten.


About an hour later I heard someone coming up the stairs, and soon there after I heard a knock at my door.


“It’s open.” I called from where I was laying on my bed. Since I was expecting my aunt or uncle, I was more than a bit surprised to see John’s and James’s mom standing there.


“Would you like to tell me your version of what happened at dinner?” My aunt asked after closing the door behind her and coming over to sit on the edge of my bed.


“There’s not much to tell. John and James had been making fun of me all evening. I had asked them a few times to stop, but they kept it up. I guess I just had enough of it.” I told her while tearing up a bit.


“Why didn’t you tell someone about it so we could take care of it?”


“I didn’t think that anyone would believe me since I was the only one that I could tell could understand what they were saying. I figured that everyone would believe the twins over me.” I managed to get out before breaking down completely.


“It’s OK, Ian. I do believe you. While my husband was talking to the twins, Mike, came up and told me that he had over heard the twins talking about seeing how far they could push you. He apologized for not telling me sooner about it. He said that he didn’t think they would actually do anything. I guess them finding out about you needing diapers was to much for them to pass up. I want you to know that they twins will be punished appropriately for what they did. Now how about we go back downstairs and rejoin the party. I know that there is something your aunt and uncle was wanting to tell everyone. But before we do. I think we better take care of something first.” My aunt told me with a small grin Before I knew what really was going on, I had been helped out of bed and led down to David‘s room and over to his changing table. As my aunt helped me onto it, I finally realized that I had managed to soak the diapers my uncle had put me into earlier in the afternoon.


“What’s going to happen to the twins?” I asked as my aunt pulled off my plastic pants and started to unfasten my pee sodden diapers.


“I haven’t decided yet. I will tell you though, that you’ll be there when we do hand the punishment out.” I was told as I felt the diapers being pulled down.


“Lift up a second.” I did as I was told and soon felt the wet mass being pulled out from under me. I guess my aunt had had plenty of practice changing diaper with how quickly and skillfully she had me wiped down, powdered, lotioned, and in fresh diapers.


“Well, now that we’re all here. I guess we can finally let you in on the secret we’ve been sitting on.” My uncle announced to a hushed room after making sure everything was OK with me and telling me that he and my aunt would talk to me about my behavior at dinner once everyone had left.


“After long consideration Mary and I went to have a talk with Judge Phillips. I’m happy to announce that earlier this week Judge Phillips signed the order that voided our guardianship of Ian and granted our adoption petition of Ian instead” My uncle said happily. The room went dead silent for several seconds while what my uncle had just told everyone sank in. The sudden cheering and clapping was like a bomb going after how quiet the room had become. I about jumped out of my skin when all my cousins and brothers and sister came over to welcome me into the family.


“OK boys. Drop your shorts and come over here please.” Johns’ and James’ father announced shortly before they were getting ready to leave


“Please dad, no. We said we were sorry.” James whined trying to get out of the punishment he knew was coming.


“Now please.” Their father repeated.


“Mike could you go get Ian please. I think it’s only proper that he see this.” Mike nodded at this and came to get me. We came into the room just as the first slap landed on my cousins’ butts.


“STOP!!” I yelled when I realized what was happening. Moving to place my hands in the way of the twins behinds.


“Ian, please move your hands. The Twins have to disciplined for their behavior tonight”


“I know that but isn’t there another way. I mean one that doesn’t require them getting beaten?” I asked on the verge of tears.


“If you have a suggestion, I’d be willing to hear it.” Their father asked pulling his hand away.


“Well, they got in trouble for making fun of my needing to wear diapers.” I told them after taking a few minutes to calm myself down.


“Right.” the twins parents agreed.


“Don’t you think it would teach them a bigger lesson if they were to wear them too for a while to see what it’s like? And that it isn’t a laughing matter?” I asked.


“I think he might have a point.” their mom agreed.


“Boys, get your pants back on and go wait in the dining room for us to call you.” The twins were told.


“Not a word.” Their father said when it looked like they were going to say something.


“Do you think it’s worth a try?” My parents were asked once the twins left the room.


“It certainly couldn’t hurt. The main question is though how far are you guys going to take this?” My father asked.


“I’m not sure what you mean.” the twins mom said.


“I think what Brian means is this going to be just a weekend punishment or do you plan on taking things farther?”


“Aside from the spankings, I planned on grounding them for the rest of the summer So I’d probably have them wear them for at least that long.” the twins father replied to my mom’s question.


“What about after Summer break is over?”


“That depends on how the boys behave.” my cousins mom replied. After a few more minutes of discussion, to make sure my aunt and uncle weren’t rushing in to things, it was decided that for the rest of the summer they would be in diapers full time.


“Mary do you have any diapers that would fit the twins?” their mom asked when she realized that this was the one thing that they hadn’t really thought about.


“The closest ones would be Brad’s. Though they would still be a bit on the big side. Not to mention how thick they are.” My new mom said with a slight grin as she got up and left the room. I stood there stunned since I had forgotten that my aunt had mentioned that Brad even wore diapers.


“Don’t let on that you know. Brad is kind of sensitive about still needing to wear diapers to bed.” I was told when my dad saw the look on my face I just nodded at this.


My mom returned a few minutes later carrying a tub of wipes, a bottle of lotion, a bottle of powder, and four of the thickest diapers I had seen yet.


“I figured you’d want an extra change till you could get out tomorrow and get some in a size that will fit them better.”


“Good thinking.” my aunt chuckled while accepting the items.


“Mike would you call your brothers back in here please?” his dad asked.


“Sure.” My cousin replied with a laugh.


“OK boys, drop your pants and lay down.” John and James were told when they were led back into the room a moment later. The look I saw on the twins face when they saw the diapers spread out on the floor made me smile a bit when they realized that their parents were serious about using the suggestion I made.


“Please dad, not this. We said we were sorry.” James whimpered.


“Yeah, mom please, not this.” John echoed pleadingly to his mother.


“You boys have a choice. You can either do what your mother and I told you to do willingly, or we can come over there and strip you ourselves.” The twins were told bluntly.


Seeing that if they had their parents come over they would get a spanking as well, the twins slowly took off their pants.


“The boxers too.” Their mom announced sternly seeing her two oldest boys hesitate about exposing themselves.


“But…” James started to say. Without warning the twins found themselves being pulled towards their parents and soon felt their boxers being roughly removed after getting two firm slaps each to their bottoms the twins found themselves being lowered onto the waiting diapers.


Five minutes later, Mike and Ian found it very hard to keep from laughing at the sight of their brothers and cousins. Ian’s mom had made a bit of a miscalculation, Instead of being just a little to big for the twins the diapers she handed over now looked to be at least two times two big. The tapes ended up crossing over each other and the top of the diapers came up almost to the twins arm pits.


“Ok, I guess I was a bit off on the sizing. But it’s better than what it would have been like trying to use one of Ian’s or David’s diapers Besides, you’ll be able to get some better fitting ones for them tomorrow” Mary told her sister-in-law with a smile.


“Well, let’s say good bye to everyone.” my uncle said with a grin as he helped his sons stand up.


“Can’t we have our pants back?” The twins whined in almost perfect unison.


“I don’t see why you need them you’re only going to be saying good night to family members. I doubt your pants would fit over those anyway.”


I wasn’t at all shocked by the ribbing the twins got from everyone when they came out of the den wearing just their shirts, sandals, and the oversized diapers. Brad turned a bright red and looked like he wanted to run off when realized that the diapers the twins had on were his. Megan caught the look on her brother’s face as well. She managed to place a comforting and restraining grip on his arm before he could run off and bring attention to himself. I guessed that he didn’t know that his still wearing diapers to bed was well known to everyone in the family. Though no one really talked about it much. Soon the only people left sitting around the room was my new family.


“Ian, your father and I want to express our displeasure about your actions at dinner tonight.” my mom said after a few moments silence.


“I know that you’ve been through a lot and the twins were egging you on, but that isn’t an excuse. In the future, we want you to let us know about things like this and let us handle the situation. Outbursts like the one tonight will not be tolerated. Is this understood?”


“Yes, Ma’am.” I replied glumly unable to look anyone in the eyes


“I think maybe you should go up to your room for the rest of the night and think about your actions.” My new father told me.


“Some one will be up later to help you get ready for bed.” my mom announced while helping me to my feet and sending me on my way. I didn’t say a word as I left the room. As I headed up to my room I could hear muffled voices coming from the sitting room.


Once up in my room, I pulled off shirt I had on and exchanged it for one of the oversized sleep shirts I had noticed earlier. After this was done, I climbed into bed and started cuddling the wolf David had given me a couple of weeks before. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t manage to get comfortable in the bed. After so many years of having nothing to sleep on but floor and a thin pad my body wasn’t used to something so soft. In the end, I pulled the comforter off the bed and curled up on the floor by my nightstand. I’m guessing that whoever came into check on me later that night found me there and moved me back into bed since this is where I woke up the next morning.


Chapter Seven

Wandering Around