Title: Max's Diaper Punishment Days
Name: Max
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 18
Posting Date: 11/02/08, Updated 04/05/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop* Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Hi, my name is Alaric. I was born in Germany but my parents were killed since they were cops, I lived for 8 years at an orphanage until I was adopted.

Note to the reader: Punishment of a minor, and diapering of a child over the age of three. When you see 'and then words' without being inside something someone was saying it's me thinking.        

On a summer day I was lying down on my mom�s new couch. I was really 
tired and I had to go to the bathroom. So I just held it in. Later I 
couldn�t hold it in any longer and I peed all over my mom�s new couch. 
I get up and I look at the couch and see that it�s soaked. I look at my 
jean shorts and see that they�re soaked too. I start to cry. This is my 
third accident this summer. My mom comes in the room and I�m crying she 
walks over and spanks me ten times. She grabs my hand and takes me 
upstairs. She takes me to the bathroom and turns the bathtub water on. 
She then puts bubble bath in it. She then takes me to my room and tells 
me to lie down on the floor. So I lie down still crying like a baby. 
She unbuttons my jean shorts and takes them off. Next she takes off my 
boxers and t-shirt. She grabs my hand again and takes me to the bath 
tub she lifts me up and sets me in the bathtub. She tells me to stay 
there until she gets back. I did because I didn�t want another 
spanking. I hear her walk downstairs and gets into the car. About ten 
minutes later I hear her come back. She goes into my room and she comes 
back and washes me as if I was a little baby. She says, �I want you to 
have a nice clean butt for your big surprise.�

She then takes me out of the bathtub and takes me to my room. She sits 
down and tells me to come over to her. She grabs me and lifts me across 
her knees and spanks me. Slap. Slap. Slap. She does that for 8 minutes 
straight. After the first 15 smacks I started to cry. Then she says �I 
wonder what the little baby�s temperature is.�

She grabs a thermometer and says babies have to have their temperature 
taken the other way. I then started baling the words �No, please 

She just ignores me and sticks the thermometer in my butt she then 
tells me to go stand in the corner and not to take the thermometer out 
of my butt. She told me if I did she�ll spank me for 10 minutes so I 
didn�t even touch the thermometer. So I get up off my moms knees and 
waddle over to the corner with the thermometer in my butt. I stand in 
the corner for 30 minutes balling and wondering what�s going to happen 
next. When my corner time is over she tells me I can get out of the 
naughty corner, that�s what my mom calls the corner. She calls it that 
because she says that�s were I go when I�m naughty. When I turn around 
I see that my mom has a package of diapers some baby wipes and powder. 
She sets them down on my bed. She walks over to me and takes the 
thermometer out of my butt and says,

�104 degrees, wow that must have had been one rough spanking.�

She tells me to lie down on the bed. When I lay down on the bed I know 
that she is going to but the diaper on me. My mom says �if you are 
going to act like a baby and pee your pant like one then I�m just going 
to have to put you back in diapers and treat you like a baby.�

I started to cry. She then tells me to lift my legs. She slides a 
diaper under my butt and puts a whole bunch of powder on my underwear 
area. She pulls the diaper threw my legs and tapes it together. I look 
down at the diaper and see that there is a whole bunch of sesame street 
pictures on it. The diaper looked like a really big baby diaper. I also 
notice that the diaper was really thick. I could hardly but my legs 
together. I start to get up and she sends one really hard slap to my 
bottom. I turn around and say �what was that for.�

�I still need to put another diaper on you.�

�But the diaper is already really thick, I can hardly but my knees 

�Well, now you won�t be able to put your knees together at all.�

So I lie down again and she puts another sesame street diaper on me.

�Now you are a baby now only I can change you or your babysitter. You 
are not allowed to wear pants and finally you are not allowed to use 
the bathroom. Now go downstairs and watch Sesame Street like a good 
baby. When it�s over it will be time for bed.�

�What? It will only be 8 o clock.�

�So babies like you have early bed times.�
Part 2

The next day my mom woke me up.

�Big baby wake up its time for breakfast� said my mom. She looked under 
the covers to make sure I was still wearing my sesame street diaper. I 
was. I got up and she picked me up and took me downstairs. She sat me 
on the chair and gave me my breakfast. I started to eat my mom said I 
had a big day today. I had to go poop so I got up and headed for the 
bathroom. Mom then grabbed the back of my diaper and said:

�And were do you think you�re going?�

�I�m going to go poop.�

�And Max, what are you wearing?�

I look down and said, �a diaper.�

�And what are diapers used for?�

�Going poop in.�

�Then do what it�s made for.�

�Do I have to?�

She started to get mad.

�Do you not remember you�re a baby now and babies go poop in their 
diapers and also babies get spanked, so if I were you I would sit down 
and go poop in your diaper and if you�re not careful then I�ll spank 

I then remembered the spanking I got last night and that it still 
hurts. I decided just to do what she said and go in my diaper. I 
started to go poop. I didn�t like the feeling of having poop in the 
back of my diaper. I finished my breakfast and asked my mom to change 
me. She got mad again and yelled, �I�ll change you when I�m ready!�

I protested, �please change me!�

�No I�m not changing you now go sit down and watch T.V.�

I went over and watched T.V. When I sat down the poop in my diaper 
smeared all over my butt. It felt gross. I heard my mom talking to 
someone on the phone but I didn�t know who. I watched T.V. for about an 
hour. Later mom came in and told me to stand up. She walked over to me 
and checked to see if I pooped.

�Oh looks like baby Max needs a change.� She took my hand and took me 
upstairs. She told me to lie down on my bed. She then came back with a 
fresh diaper and baby wipes and powder. She untaped my diaper lifted up 
my butt and whipped me clean she slid the fresh diaper under my butt 
and put a whole bunch of powder on me she pulled the diaper between my 
legs and taped it. I was glade to have a fresh diaper on it was a lot 
better than having a messy diaper on.

When she was done changing my diaper she said, �all right, Max, come on 
were going shopping.�

I said, �What? You want me to go out in public in a diaper?�

She nodded yes and picked me up and said, �Come on, let�s go.� I 
started crying like a baby saying, �Please don�t make me go.�

She then slapped my butt saying, �You�re going whether you like it or 
not!� in a stern voice.

She then took me outside to the car. I saw Jessica�s older sister 
Hayley outside tanning and she saw me and laughed at me. My mom sat me 
down in the back seat. I didn�t want to go so I hoped out of the car 
and my mom grabbed the back of my diaper. She pulled me over to the 
trunk of the van and opened it. She sat down and pulled me over her 
knee and spanked me with my diaper down in front of the whole neighbor 
hood. Hayley saw me getting spanked and started to laugh at me. While I 
was getting spanked I looked and saw Hayley laughing at me, I was 
really embarrassed. When my mom was done spanking me she pulled up my 
diaper up and threw me back into the car. She got in and said, �Now, if 
you leave then you�ll get spanked twice as hard�. I did bother leaving 
because I didn�t want another spanking or to get embarrassed again.

We then left the driveway. I didn�t know were we were going. Later in 
ride I realized were we were going, the mall. We pulled into the 
parking lot and we parked close to the entrance. My mom got out and 
said, �Let�s go.� I told I wasn�t going in. She waited for me to get 
out of the car and I never did. She started to get frustrated. She 
said, �You�d better get out or I�ll spank you!�

She then came and pulled me out of the car I started to cry like a 
baby. She pulled me to the trunk again and opened it she sat down and 
said, �Haven�t you learned you lesson?� and pulled me over her knee and 
pulled my diaper down to reveal my already red behind. She then started 
to spank me. I stated crying even harder. Everyone outside the mall saw 
me and laughed.

She then dragged me inside and it felt like everyone in the whole mall 
was staring at me and everyone was staring at me. I was crying of 
embarrassment. There were mostly hot girls in the mall that laughed at 
me. Other girls just thought I was cute. My mom took me into this store 
I didn�t know the name of. It looked to be a store for babies. When we 
got in there a young girl comes up to us and says to my mom, �And how 
may I help you and your baby?�

Mom said, �Yes, we�re looking for some diapers for baby Max.�

�Ahhhh, isn�t he a little to old to be wearing diapers?�

�He is but he�s had some accidents so I decided to put him back in 
diapers and treat him like a baby and now I have a cute big baby.�

�Ohh, I see.�

The worker said to me, �Don�t worry, I used to babysit a 10-year-old 
who still wore diapers to bed and I had to change his diaper before he 
went to bed but I have never seen a 13-year-old boy who still wore 
diapers during the day.�

My mom then interrupted, �Well, there�s a first time for everything.�

When we got to the diaper section the worker said, �so what kind of 
diapers are we looking for today?�

�Some really thick ones.�

She showed my mom a package of diapers:

�These diapers are the thickest diapers we got and they have a very 
wide crotch to help prevent licks. There very noisy so if you want them 
to be discreet I wouldn�t buy these.�

�Oh, we don�t want them to be discreet!� said my mom.

�Would you like to try them on?�

�Yes, but would you change him? I would like to go shop around some 

�Oh sure, no problem.�

She then took my hand and led me to the changing table. Since the store 
was made for babies the changing table was out in the open. I didn�t 
like having a total stranger changing my diaper. When we got there she 
lifted me up onto the table she then untaped my diaper and removed it. 
I quickly tried to hide my wiener but she slapped my hand saying, �Move 
your hands so I can change you, I have a little brother and I see his 
wiener all the time!�

She then proceeded to change my diaper. She lifted my butt up to slide 
the diaper under me. When she saw my red butt she said, �I think 
someone�s been a little naughty!� I blushed. When I was getting changed 
some girls saw me from outside the store and came to watch me get 
changed. I looked at them and they just giggled. When the lady was done 
changing me she walked me to my mom. I had to waddle because the diaper 
was so thick. Every step I took my diaper crinkled. Instead of having 
Sesame Street pictures this diaper it had Barney pictures on it. When 
my mom saw me she said they were perfect. She had some stuff she had 
already bought with her. We then went to the cash register and paid for 
the diapers. Mom then took my hand and led me out of the store. It was 
hard to keep up with her because I had to waddle because the diaper was 
so thick. Everyone who saw me would laugh at me and call me names like 
�diaper butt� and �big baby�. We passed the exit and I said, �Aren�t we 

�No, we�re going to have lunch at the food court.�

I started to cry but she just ignored me. I had to go poop again. I 
knew if I told her she would change me in front of the whole mall. I 
couldn�t hold it in any longer so I went in my diaper. She took me to a 
table and grabbed a high chair. The girls that watched me get changed 
were sitting next to us and laughing at me. My mom went over to them 
and asked them to watch me while she got her lunch. They agreed.

They came over to me and said, �So, why do you wear diapers?�

I was too embarrassed to answer.

They laughed, �Do you like watching Barney?� and pointed at my Barney 

I said, �No.�

One the girls said, �Something smells,� and other girls said they 
smelled something, too.

Then one of the girls said, �Does the baby need a diaper change?� and 
got up and walked to the back of me and peaked into my Barney diaper. 
She laughed and said, �Looks like the baby needs a diaper change, we 
better tell his mommy.� I then got scared that she would change me in 
front of the whole mall.

My mom came back and the girls told her I had a wet and messed diaper. 
She said, �Oh, I guess I�ll have to change him after he eats.� They 
laughed and went back to there table.

My mom sat down and got out a bib out of the bag we got at the baby 
store. She put it on me and gave me a can of baby food. She said that 
was my lunch. I smelt it and it smelt horrible. I told my mom I wasn�t 
going to eat it. She just said then I�ll make you. She grabbed the can 
and said open wide for the choo-choo train. I turned my head away from 
the spoon. She said, �Open wide for the train or I�ll spank you.� I 
didn�t want a third spanking so I opened my mouth and she stuck the 
baby food in my mouth. It tasted horrible. I look over to see the girls 
giggling. I hear one of them say, �He looks so cute,� and giggled. My 
mom continued to feed me. She dropped some on my chin and she used my 
bib to clean it off me. When she was done she said, �Now, let�s go get 
your dirty diaper changed.�

She took my hand and led me to the bathrooms. I started to go in the 
boy�s bathroom and my mom slapped my diapered butt. I turned around and 
two girls laughed at me. My mom then said, �You have to go in the 
girls� bathroom because I�m the one changing you and I can�t go in the 
boys� bathroom.� She took me into the girls� room there was about 6 
girls in there. She then sat me on the changing table and took my 
diaper off. I tried to cover my penis but my mom slapped my hands and 
said, �Move your hands.�

A girl about my age came up and said, �Cute baby� to my mom. I was 
really embarrassing that random girls saw my penis. She wiped my butt 
clean. My mom then said, �Oh no, I forgot to buy the powder.� Then, a 
lady with a boy how was 2 said, �Oh, I got some powder. I�m trying to 
get little jack here potty trained. I always keep a diaper bag with me. 
Would you like to borrow some?�

My mom then said, �Sure.�

My mom then left. A few teen girls entered the bathroom and said, �Aww, 
he�s so cute.� I thought was weird that I was 13 and still in diapers 
and a 2-year-old wasn�t. My mom then came back and finished my diaper 

We left the bathroom. My mom then said, �All right, let�s go.� While we 
walking to the exit and a boy who was younger than me came up to me and 
said, �How was your diaper change?� I started to get mad and I pushed 
him down. He then started to bawl. My mom turned around and she was 
furious. She walked over and grabbed my hand. She then dragged me over 
to a bench. She sat down and threw me over her knee. She started to 
spank me in front of the whole mall. Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap. I started 
to cry. A huge crowed formed around us. Right after the spanking 
started she said, �I think its time for the diaper to go down� I then 
said no please don�t take it off. She jus ignored me. She then untapped 
my diaper and took my diaper off so I was naked from waist down. She 
spanked me for what seemed forever. While I was getting spanked I could 
hear people cracking up laughing. When she was done spanking me she 
laid me over on the bench and slid my diaper under my butt and pulled 
it between my legs and tapped it back together. She then took me out to 
the car and we left.

On our way back mom said, �I got to do something that you can�t see so 
Jessica�s sister Hayley is going to babysit you.�

�Can�t someone else watch me?�


We got to Hayley�s house. I got out of the car and I wanted to get 
inside as quick as possible so no one would see me. We knocked on the 
door and Jessica opened it.

�Now here�s Max and his diaper bag there�s a bottle in it feed it to 
him before his nap.�

Jessica nodded. A girl a little older than me was walking her dog and 
saw me in my diapers. She laughed.

Mom continued: �Make sure he goes in his diapers and not the toilet and 
when he�s being naughty spank him. He�s a baby now so treat him like 

Jessica said, �Okay,� and took me inside.

Mom shouted, �Bye, Max, be good for Hayley!�

When I got inside Hayley said, �All right, let�s get you your bottle.� 
She took me to couch and sat down. She told me to lie across her lap. 
So I lied across her lap like a baby. She took my bottle out of my 
diaper bag and started to feed me. I asked her were Jessica was. She 
said she was out with some of her friends. I was hoping that she 
wouldn�t come home while I was there because I knew if she found out 
that I wore diapers she would tell everyone at school. It was weird 
having one of my friends sister feed me. When she was done feeding me 
she checked my diaper. It was clean. She then took me to Jessica�s room 
and said, �its time for your nap.�

�Do I have to take a nap?�

�Yes, your mom said so.�

She then put my covers over me and said, �Night-night!� and left the 

I wasn�t tired so I just lay there. The bottle was getting to me and I 
had to pee. I didn�t want to go in my diaper because if I did Hayley 
would have to change me and I didn�t want her to change me. I thought 
if I could make it to the bathroom I could avoid Hayley changing my 
diaper. So I got up and snuck to the bathroom. I lowered my diaper to 

All of sudden the door swung open and it was Hayley. She was mad. She 
walked over to me and ripped my diaper off so I was half naked. She 
took my diaper to the sink and poured warm water all over my diaper. 
She said, �If you�re not going to have a wet diaper then I�ll make you 
a wet diaper.�

She then dragged me to Jessica�s room. She sat edge of her bed and 
threw me over her knee. She noticed my red butt and said, �It looks 
like your mom already spanked you today.�

She then started to spank me, her spanks hurt. They hurt a lot worse 
than my moms. When she was done spanking me she turned me over and put 
the wet diaper on me. She then said, �Now go back to bed, you naughty 
baby.� She then left it was hard for me to sleep because my butt 
stringed and because I was wearing a soaked diaper. After about ten 
minutes I fell asleep. While I was sleeping Jessica came home. Jessica 
had a friend over. Hayley wanted to embarrass me so she took Jessica 
and her friend Brittney to Jessica�s room where I was sleeping. When 
Jessica saw me sleeping on her bed she said, �Why is Max sleeping on my 
bed?� Hayley just ignored her. Hayley then pulled the covers off me. 
When Jessica and Brittney saw that I�m wearing a diaper they started to 
crack up. I then woke up and they just laughed harder. Hayley said, 
�Quiet, the baby is sleeping.� They then left and I went back to sleep. 
About thirty minutes later I woke up I went to the living room where 
everyone was.

When Hayley saw me she said, �Done with your nap.�

I nodded.

�All right lets get your diaper changed.�

I look over and Hayley and Brittney giggled.

She said, �Come over here and lie down.�

�You�re going to change me in front of Hayley and Brittney.�

�Yes, remember, you�re a baby and babies don�t care were they get 

I then lay down.

She sat down and said, �Jessica will you hand me Max�s diaper bag.�

She handed her the bag Hayley then took off my diaper and I quickly 
covered my penis. She said, �Move your hands so I can change you.�

She told me to lift my legs and when I did Hayley and Brittney saw my 
red butt and stared to crack up. Hayley then put the diaper under me 
and pour a whole bunch of powder on me. She said, �Don�t want baby Max 
to get a diaper rash. She then pulled the diaper between my legs and 
taped it together. When she was done changing my diaper she let me 
watch T.V. until my mom came to pick me up.

About 15 minutes later my mom came to pick me up. Hayley told my mom 
that I peed in the toilet.

Mom said, �Oh, did you spank him for it.�

�Yes, and I poured warm water in his diaper and made him go back to 

�That was a good thing to do it helped teach Max a lesson.�

We then left and mom walked so I had to walk home with my diaper in 
full view. When we got inside my mom said, �Ready for your surprise?� 
she took me to my room. When I saw what was in my room I started to 
cry. There was a crib, changing table, a rocking chair, and a dresser. 
When I looked in the dresser one drawer was full of diapers. I looked 
in another drawer and it had a weird baby t shirt I held it up and my 
mom said it was a onesie. I looked in another drawer and there were 
footsy pajamas. My mom then said, �There�s also a play pin and a 
highchair downstairs. I asked were my bed was and she said the movers 
took it away.

Later that night at 8 my mom said it was time for bed. She took me 
upstairs she lied me down on the changing table and took my diaper off. 
She then said, �We got to give you a bath because you smell like pee.� 
She took me to the bath tub and gave me a bubble bath. She washed me 
like a baby. She rubbed the sponge all over me. When she was done she 
lifted me out of the tub and dried me off. She then took me back to the 
changing table and put a fresh diaper on me with lots of powder. She 
then took out a pair of footsy pajamas and put it on me. Then picked me 
up and rocked me in the rocking chair. She then said, �You better get 
some sleep Hayley is going to start babysitting you tomorrow. So I 
won�t me here when you wake up tomorrow.�

�Were are you going�

�Work. I can�t take you to work unless you want to be in the nursery 
from 8 to 6. So Hayley is going to start babysitting you Monday through 
Friday. She needs the money. So be good for her tomorrow.� She then 
stuck a pacifier in my mouth and carried me to my crib. I didn�t want 
Hayley to babysit me. I then fell asleep.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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