Title: Matthew's Dilemma
Name: Bradley
Email: han_2108_law@hotmail.co.uk
Gender: Male
Current Age: 15
Posting Date: 04/18/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
  9- Baby paraphernalia 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Matty has wet the bed all his life, a secret that he thought he had kept from his girlfriend. But she knows, and as the story progresses she reveals of her knowledge and takes things a little further. Please enjoy. In the future this story may contain some slight sexual content but nothing too bad. This story is suitable for all ages.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 6 (30%)

Matty had just moved into his new house. He was 20 and was extremely 
rich, he just bought a new mansion on the other side of the country to 
his parents, say a 4-5 day drive at least. Of course Matty flew this 
distance on the family jet!

Matty has had a girlfriend called Natalie for a year now and he really 
loves her. She knows something about Matty, the fact that he wets the 
bed, only Matty hasn�t got a clue that she knows. Natalie is moving in 
with Matty tonight and all her stuff is already moved in, along with 
some secret items!

That�s the background for the minute. So on with the story!

It was about 9 o clock and Natalie went off to make hot chocolate. She 
was a great girlfriend! I went upstairs to get my Goodnites on. I knew 
I had to get them on soon in case I fell asleep on the sofa. I didn�t 
want to fall asleep and wet my pants in front of Natalie; now that 
would be bad! I got my Goodnites on then put some baggy pajamas on and 
then I went downstairs and saw Natalie walking into the theatre room 
with hot chocolates and popcorn. We planned on watching a movie tonight 
as she knew I was tired and we didn�t want to be doing too much. This 
was actually going to be the first night that me and Natalie had lived 
together, although it didn�t feel much different to her just staying 
over but, I'm sure in time it will do!

I went and sat down in the comfy cinema couch and Natalie passed me my 
drink. We switched the movie on and started watching �Love Gone Wrong�, 
a new film that we got an advanced copy of. We drank our hot chocolates 
while we were cuddled up to each other. I kissed her on the forehead 
and she smiled. About a quarter of the way through the movie I drifted 
off to sleep for half an hour before waking up to the noise of the 
movie. Natalie was stroking my hair and smiling at me. We got back to 
watching the movie. Another half an hour or so later I felt the sudden 
urge to pee. I hadn�t realised that I was already wet so I just let go 
because we were at a good part of the movie and I didn�t want to leave 
or pester Natalie to stop the movie.

We watched the rest of the movie with no problems and by now it was 
about half 11. We were walking out of the room when Natalie�s friend 
called. She saw me yawning and just said, �Go on up to bed babe, I will 
be up later. You don�t have to stay up; it�s fine, hun.� Before 
cuddling me from behind and placing a gentle hand on the crotch of my 
Goodnites (at the time I didn�t realise that she was checking if I was 
wet!) so off I went up to bed while Natalie continued her phone call, I 
think I fell asleep within a few minutes.

About an hour and a half or so later Natalie came up to our bedroom and 
saw me asleep in bed, she carefully pulled the duvet cover off me and 
saw that my Goodnites had leaked and that I had soaked where I was 
sleeping. The sheets and the duvet were covered in my pee. It was 
around one and Natalie new that I would probably wet a few more times 
before the morning, so she reached into one of the cupboards in our 
room and pulled out a large plasticky changing mat and gently slid it 
underneath me without waking me. Then she opened up a package of adult 
Pampers that she had bought along with some powder, cream and wipes. 
She carefully slid my soaked pajama bottoms off and ripped the sides of 
my pull up Goodnites off before removing it from my pee-coated bottom. 
She then took a wipe and cleaned most of the pee off me. She took the 
thick adult disposable and lifted my legs up before sliding the bottom 
underneath me. She covered my previously pee-soaked bottom in cream and 
then largely powdered my diaper area. She then closed the diaper up and 
taped the 4 tapes shut to keep the diaper securely in place. She then 
amazingly managed to put a plastic sheet and a normal one on the bed 
before changing the quilt cover and climbing into bed next to me and 
clapping her hands to turn the light off.

When I woke up in the morning Natalie wasn�t there, but I new shed been 
in because her clothes from yesterday were in a pile on the floor. I 
shouted her name and she came into the room moments later holding a cup 
of coffee for me. �Morning honey� she said then handing me my cup of 
coffee with a sweet but sly smile on her face. I sat up in bed to take 
my coffee, although I never managed to get my coffee before I realised 
that I hadn�t got any pajamas on, and also that I wasn�t wearing a 
Goodnite-- I was wearing a, a diaper?? A look of shock of panic fell 
across my face and this didn�t go unnoticed by Natalie, so, she started 
to fill me in...

�Honey, you were soaked before you event went to bed last night, I 

�But how, you, what?�

�I figured you weren�t enough of a big boy to change your Goodnites, so 
before I went to bed last night I checked you and you had leaked and 
soaked the sheets and the duvet cover.�

�But how did you know I, you know.�

�How you had a little boy problem?�


�Simple, really. When I stayed at yours one time I dropped my phone 
down the side of the bed and when I went to get it my hand found your 

�But why did you change me, and put a diaper on me instead of 

�Well, I had a feeling you would wet a lot more and the Goodnites would 
have leaked again� she said while walking over to me and sticking a 
finger down the front of my diaper �and this proves that as predicted I 
was right, you�re positively soaked, hun.�

She then took the diaper off me and led me by the hand to the potty 
(toilet will be referred to as potty from now on) stood me in front of 
it and said, �now honey, go pee before it really is too late and I have 
more than a small puddle to clean up off the bathroom floor.�

I'm guessing she noticed the pee dribbling down the inside of my leg 
and the small puddle forming between my feet. Of course me not 
thinking, just stood there still in shock.

�Honey, now,� she said before turning to run a bath of water for me. 
The sound of the water snapped me out of my slight peeing trance but 
all that managed to do was to make me thoroughly wet myself in the 
middle of the bathroom floor. Natalie heard my soft panicked whimpering 
and turned her attention to me, only to let out a sigh of relief and 
said, �honestly, Matty.�

Then she turned back to finish running my bath and left me standing 
naked in a pool of my own pee. A few minutes later she announced, �Okay 
honey, get in.� I just blushed and carefully stepped into the bath with 
tears still softly running down my face. Natalie left the room and 
returned with a floor mop, and some floor cleaner wipes, she used the 
floor mop to wipe up my little accident and then she used the floor 
wipes to clean the floor properly, she grabbed a towel to dry the floor 
she saw me looking at her with apologetic tearful eyes.

�No harm done,� she said with a sweet caring smile then she came over 
to me and kissed me on the forehead, adding, �Don�t forget to wash your 
hair, babes.�

Then she left the room for about 15 minutes. I gathered she was tidying 
the room and disposing of my wet diapers and changing the sheets 
properly. She came back into the room and put some sheets and such down 
the laundry chute. She walked over to me in the tub and grabbed a 
sponge off the side and began to thoroughly wash my privates with some 

�Little boys never wash properly down there, it�s a good job women are 
around to do it for them.� I pulled a grumpy face at her and she 
slapped me on my leg. �I don�t want attitude like that!� she said.

Once she�d done washing me I stepped out of the bath and took the 
offered towel then followed Natalie into the bedroom.

�Your clothes are on the bed,� she said in a strict tone. With that I 
got dressed and went down stairs as I was called for breakfast she made 
a full breakfast, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast and whatever else! I 
immediately tucked into my delicious meal and then started to talk to 
Natalie �hurry up and finish� she said �we have to go to the store 

�Why?� I asked curiously.

�I need to get some things,� she said in a very blank end of 
conversation-like manner. I left it at that, not wanting to annoy her.

Around 10 minutes into my meal I felt the sudden urge to pee. I quickly 
grabbed my pee pee and suddenly got the �I-need-to-pee� look on my 
face. I guess Natalie must have noticed because she hurriedly grabbed 
my hand and rushed me up the stairs. She then pulled me into the 
bathroom and managed to hold my pee pee over the toilet just as the 
stream was beginning to flow.

�Matty-- what on earth?� she questioned me. All I could say was sorry I 
was just gobsmacked! �There�s no point changing your clothes, there 
only a little wet.�

I just went downstairs and got my shoes on as she was getting something 
else ready upstairs.

�C�mon, we�re going,� she said to me so we went to the car and she 
began to drive to the store. Barely a word was said the whole way 
there. She grabbed a parking space and we each went to get a cart. She 
handed me a list of groceries and told me to meet her in the diaper 
aisle in an hour. She said she was popping to a store in town for some 
supplies, whatever that meant.

Since the groceries would only take me around a half hour I decided to 
go to the caf� for a coffee. Some of Natalie�s friends waved me over so 
I went over to them and had a long chat. Before I knew it, half an hour 
had passed so I quickly finished my coffee and rushed to get the 
groceries from the store. When I reached the diaper aisle Natalie was 
already there and her cart was half-filled with some stuff.

�Hi, honey,� she said to me. We chatted lightly for a while until she 
called an assistant to come and help her get what she was looking for. 
She started talking to the assistant and asked me to go and pick out a 
package of my favourite design Goodnites since I had been good! I was 
slightly confused at this but I did as I was told and went off to look 
at the Goodnites section of the diaper aisle and started to pick out 
which ones I wanted while Nat was talking to the assistant.

I finally picked out some Goodnites with Toy Story characters all over 
them. Just then Nat came over.

�Where�s the help going?� I asked.

�Making some enquiries,� she answered in a not-so-happy-with-me tone! I 
threw my diapers into the cart and went to look at all the other baby 
items in the aisle. I stood looking there for a good 5 minutes when I 
suddenly regretted having that large coffee earlier today the feeling 
had only come over me seconds before my bladder let loose in my pants. 
And of course it did this just as Natalie came over to me. The look on 
her face said it all. She wasn�t happy with me at all. She immediately 
grabbed my arm and her handbag and told the now approaching helper guy 
that she would be back shortly and to carry on with her requests. She 
dragged me right the way through the store and into the mother-and-baby 
cubicle where I expected her to tell me to get changed, but instead she 
sat down and thrust me over her lap and gave me 10 hard spanks on my 
wet and sore bum. She then pulled my jeans off and gave me 10 more and 
finally pulled my boxers off and gave me a final 15 spanks on the 
backside. I was now balling my eyes out and lead over her lap burying 
my face to hide my shame. With no remorse she pulled my jeans and 
underwear completely off me and reached into her bag to pull out a pair 
of tight white underpants and some dark blue jeans. She hastily dressed 
me and then returned the wet clothing to the plastic bag inside her own 
bag. She stood me in a corner while she washed her hands and composed 
herself. She left me there until my bawling cries turned into soft 
cries and sniffles. She then held my hand and took me back to the 
diaper aisle in the store.

We hung around and did some more shopping for at least another hour 
until finally she said she was ready to check out the goods. All of the 
checkout lines were very busy, and by the time we had finished paying I 
felt the urge to pee again. This time I managed to make it to a metre 
away from the car before I flooded my pants. I tried to hide my 
situation from Natalie but she was quick to notice.

�I..I..I.mm.soor..rry� I stammered. � I don�t know w-whats hape-n-n-
in..gg to m-m..me,� I stammered again through muffled cries.

�Get into the car,� was the only sour response I got from her. I did as 
I was told and sat in my car wondering what she was going to do to me!

She finished loading the groceries and then got into the SUV. She 
started it up and quickly began the one or so hours drive home (we 
lived far out in the country).

"I'm sorry," I said, sounding like a naughty little boy, she just 
blanked me and continued to do so the whole way home. she parked up the 
car just as I was beginning to have some cramps in my stomach. She 
unloaded all of the bags and as she was getting the last bag she told 
me to get my sorry arse inside. I wanted to have a go at her, but 
considering my predicament, I decided to just follow orders!

I walked into the middle of the kitchen and I almost immediately 
doubled over. I began to moan in pain as a wet sloppy load of poop 
began to fill the back of my underwear. Natalie turned to me with a 
worried look on her face.

"Honey, are you okay?" It was then that she realised what I had done. 
Her look of worry immediately turned to anger and she was no slower in 
once again grabbing my hand and dragging me up the stairs and straight 
into the bathroom. In a flash she had me stripped and standing in the 
bathtub. She washed me with the shower hose, paying an excessive amount 
of attention to my privates. Once she had me all clean she dried me 
with a towel dragged me to a chair on the landing and hauled me over 
her lap with in my opinion a bit too much force.


Don�t worry, diaper lovers, there will be much more to come! I plan on 
adding some more to the story within the next two weeks, so just wait 
and see. I hope you like the story so far, and feel free to email me at 
han_2108_law@hotmail.co.uk with your comments and advice, or if you 
would just like to talk to me.


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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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