Title: Malcolm In The Middle Boys Receive Diaper Punishment
Name: A Toms
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 16
Posting Date: 12/14/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Malcolm in the Middle boys get in trouble and are spanked and diapered.                  
Malcolm was an average 15-year-old boy who happened to be a genius. He 
had older brothers Francis and Reese. His younger brother's name is 
Dewey. Malcolm was a sophomore in high school. Everything was going 
great for him. While the boys were at school and her husband Hal was at 
work, Lois was doing the family's huge pile of laundry. As she was 
loading the washer with the family�s ripped up and faded jeans she was 
cleaning out the jeans pockets. In Hal's pocket was a crumpled up piece 
of paper from work, In Reese's was a dollar bill and a pack of gum, 
Dewey had some grass clippings, and now she got to Malcolm�s. She 
pulled out a wrapper and just threw it on the washer with the other 
stuff. She started to go through all the stuff on the dryer, she 
realized that the wrapper she pulled out of Malcolm�s pocket was an 
unused condom, she was furious at him.

"He is 15! He shouldn't be having sex! I am going to beat his little 
ass �til it is blood red!"

It was only 2 'o clock she thought that she had plenty of time to go 
pick up his punishment at the Lucky Aid.

As she walked through the doors at the Lucky Aid she started talk to 
her Assistant Manager Craig about what she found in Malcolm�s pocket. 
Craig said "that boys will be boys and it�s natural for teenagers to 
have sex. Maybe he's not even having sex, he could just want to look 

"I don't care, he is too young to have a condom. I am going to blister 
his ass so hard, I�m not gonna stop until he's cried all the water in 
his little body out. I am so sick of Reese and Dewey�s behavior, too. 
Reese got another F on his math test and Dewey�s wetting the bed 
again!" said Lois.

"Don't you think your being a little hard on them?" said Craig.

"Only Malcolm�s gonna get a spanking. I have another punishment in mind 
for all three of them.

Those boys are growing up too fast." What do you have in mind for those 
little trouble makers?� asked Craig.

"I'm going to treat them just like babies.�

"What do you mean treat them like babies?"

�I�m gonna bottle feed them formula, make them suck on pacifiers and 
use diapers, for both peeing and pooping."

"Do you really want 3 big babies?� asked Craig.

"It is time those boys learn that they can not just do what ever they 
want. Do we have any diapers big enough for them?"

"Well, Dewey can use a big baby diaper and the other two will have to 
use Depends, the adult diapers," said Craig.

"Good, I want three packs for Dewey and 6 for the other boys.

Craig asked Lois, "How long are you going to keep this punishment?"

�Well, since school�s out next week (It was Friday) for spring break, I 
guess all week."

"I feel sorry for them."

"Well, Craig, maybe they will finally learn their lesson. Se ya later, 
Craig; I have to get home before them."

When Lois got back home it was just a few minutes after three, the boys 
should be there soon, too. The three of the boys walked through the 
front door together. Lois was sitting on the couch with old �spanky� 
across her lap. Old spanky was a 12-inch paddle made out of solid oak 
wood. It had a leather grip on the handle to make it easy for her to 
spank them hard.

The boys knew they were in trouble, but what did they do that was so 
bad? The last time they got spanked was 4 years ago when Francis was 
home from military school and they scared the neighbor�s cat. They 
still remembered how much the rears still hurt a week later.

"Line up boys, Malcolm, you�re gonna be first."

"Yes Ma'am," hoping to get off easy by sucking up.

Lois asked him, "Do you know what this is?"

�A candy wrapper?"

"Excuse me, why don't you try again, young man?"

"I'm sorry mom, I don't know what it is."

"Well, it came out of your pocket. What on earth would you be doing 
with a condom?"

"Uhh...Uhhh...I don't know. I'm sorry, please don't give me a 

"It's a little too late for that, all you boys are getting spanked.

"Reese and Dewey both said, "But mom Malcolm�s the perv; what did we 

"Reese, you failed another math test, and Dewey, I am sick of washing 
yellow underwear and sheets!"

"Malcolm you will be first, take your shirt, jeans, and socks off and 
come over here and bend over my lap."

�Yes, Ma'am."

As he took his clothes off he was now just in his tight white 
underpants, he started to lean over her but she stopped him and she 
said to take his underpants off. He didn't want a harder spanking so he 
did what he was told, as he took them off the other two boys started to 
laugh at his 3 1/2 inch penis. Lois said, �Don't laugh, you two are 
getting the same punishment!�

This shut them up. Malcolm leaned over his moms lap and she lifted old 
panky up and let it hit is tight little ass.


"Mom! Please! Stop! I Won�t Have Sex! I Promise! Just! Please! Stop!"


"Sorry honey, you have to learn your lesson."


The spanking must have lasted 10 minutes, Malcolm got about 150 licks 
on his tight little ass, which was now as red as his face was.

"Okay, Malcolm, you�re done! Reese, strip down and get over here, 
you�re next!�

Reese was erect just like Malcolm was, but he was a little bit longer 
and rounder. Lois began to raise the paddle in the air and let it drop 
against his tight little ass.


"I am to old to be spanked, stop it!"


"No, you will learn your lesson!"


His spanking only lasted about 5 minutes, plus he only got about 50 
hard spankings. Reese was glad it wasn't as severe as Malcolm�s.

�Okay, sweetheart, you�re next!� Lois told Dewey.

"You are too old to be wetting the bed and you need to stop! Do you 

Yes Mommy, Do I have to get a spanking?"

"Yes to teach you a lesson, take your clothes off and lean over mommy's 

Dewey was too young to have an erection his pee-pee was only about an 
inch long. Lois put down the paddle and gave Dewey 20 spanks with her 
bare hand.

�Now, you three naughty boys set on the couch and do not put your 
clothes on, be mean to each other, or play with yourselves.�

All of the boys said, �Yes Ma'am!" all at once.

Lois was gone for about 10 minutes before she came back into the living 
room with a bag from the Lucky Aid. Malcolm asked his mom, "What's in 
the bag?"

Lois answered him: "Diapers. I am sick and tired of you boys 
misbehaving! For the next week you will be treated like babies."

"But Mom..." the boys started to say. 

"No buts, or you all will get another spanking. You boys are to use 
these diapers as if you were not toilet trained. You will suck on 
pacifiers, drink from bottles and eat baby food. You are not allowed to 
take off your diapers for anything. Only me or your father are allowed 
to change you boys. Now, Malcolm and Reese, I know that you to need to 
relieve yourselves by masturbating, so before every fresh diaper you 
will be give 10 minutes to yourselves in your bedroom, naked. Do we 
understand each other, you three?"

�Yes, ma'am."

"Good, now this punishment will end next Friday night at 6 PM as long 
as you behave. Now, Malcolm and Reese, you to can go masturbate while I 
change Dewey.�

She pulled out a Luvs diaper with Barney on it and placed it under 
Dewey's bottom. She powdered him and taped the sides.

Malcolm and Reese were each lying on their beds, butt naked and jerking 
off with their hands on their stiffies.

"Why is mom doing this to us?� asked Reese.

"Because she likes torturing us."

"I�m gonna take such a big shit in my diaper and make her clean it up 
and pee on her when she changes it."

"That will show her, Reese. She will spank your ass so hard you won't 
be able to sit for a year.�

Right about then Malcolm let a big load of semen out and onto his 
stomach. Reese said, �I'll lick up your cum if you lick up mine, too.�

"Okay, What does it taste like?"

"Just trust me. Since you cummed first ill lick up yours first, deal?"

"Okay, let�s do it." Reese cummed all over his stomach to and they 
licked each others bellies clean.

They both walked out of their room smiling and said, "Okay mom, we�re 
ready to be your big babies."

"Good. Now Malcolm, lay right here on the changing mat and put your 
legs on my shoulders. Did you two release some nice big loads?"

Both boys answered, "Yes Ma'am."

�You know, you two should masturbate each other; that will make you 
have a much bigger load.�

Malcolm Smiled and said, "We�ll try it next time, mom."

Malcolm was bright red with his legs on his mom's shoulders, a diaper 
under him and his butt and penis being powdered. Lois taped the sides 
up and said, �You�re good to go sweetie."

Reese went through same procedure. He lay on the mat, answered his 
mom�s questions and was powdered and diapered up.

"Now you three boys go play and tell me if you go potty or you will get 
a hard spanking with old spanky, understood?� The boys all nodded.

The three boys were sitting on the couch watching their favorite show, 
Home Improvement. Dewey said to Malcolm, "I have to go poop really 

"So go in your diaper, cuz if you try to go in the bathroom mom will 
spank you again."

Dewey let out a loud fart and let his poop and pee fill his diaper. He 
said, "it�s warm and it feels good. The poop is touching my pee-pee and 
it�s a good feeling."

Reese than said, �Aww, did the little baby go poo-poo in his diaper? Do 
you want some milk in a bottle?"

Lois walked in the room and said, "That�s enough, Reese. Dewey, lay on 
the mat and ill change you in to a fresh diaper."

Dewey hopped up and lay down on the mat and his mom lifted his legs 
onto her shoulders and untaped his diaper. It stunk really bad and it 
was hard for the boys to stomach it. She wiped his butt with some baby 
wipes and wrapped them in the dirty diaper.

She than powdered his butt and privates and taped up a new diaper on 

"You were a good baby, now go and watch some more TV."

"Okay mommy, thank you."

"Are you two boys wet?"

Both boys replied by saying, "No, Mom."

Lois walked over two both boys and felt the front of their diapers.

"I thought you two said you weren't wet?"

"Let�s get you out of those diapers before you guys get a diaper rash."

She laid both boys down on the mat, lifted their legs, untaped the old 

"Now since you two lied to me I am going to give you a spanking."

"Yes Ma'am," both boys answered. Lois sat on the chair and told Malcolm 
to lay across her legs and began to spank his tight little behind.


"You were a bad boy and in this house naughty boys get a spanking."

* SPANK * * SPANK * * SPANK * * SPANK * * SPANK * * SPANK * * SPANK * 

"Now you will not lie again, go sit on the couch."

"Reese get over here you are next, lay across my lap"


"Naughty, Naughty, Naughty!"


"Now you two don�t get to have your boy time since you are both very 
naughty." Lois told the boys to lie on the mat and she powdered their 
bright red butts and stiffies and taped fresh diapers on them."

The boys were watching TV when their mom came in and told them they 
would have a babysitter because she was going out. The boys argued, but 
than the doorbell rang."

Malcolm�s jaw dropped, the babysitter was Conlee, his girlfriend.

"Hi Lois, where are the 3 big babies at?"

"They are watching TV. Now I have to go. They have to stay in diapers 
and use them. If they are bad you can spank them with this paddle."

"Bye, Lois." She did not know that Conlee was his girlfriend.

She just laughed and said "Who needs a change?"

"Conlee, I can explain..." Malcolm began but she interrupted him by 
saying, "I think it's sexy." She grabbed his hand pulled him to his 
room and told Reese and Dewey To stay on the couch and that if they 
moved they would get 100 spanks on their bare asses.

She started by saying, "You were a naughty bob and I know just the 
punishment you need. Take your clothes off and get over my knee or I�ll 
go get the paddle."

Malcolm did what she said because he didn�t want the paddle for the 
third time that day.

She started by rubbing his pale white butt and said were you naughty?

"Yes ma'am I was a very naughty boy and I deserve to get a spanking."

"I�m glad you understand." She began to spank his ass.


"Naughty! Naughty! Naughty!"


"Have you learned your lesson?"

"Yes I have," he answered.

Conlee than said, "Now its time for some fun."

She tossed her naked boyfriend a condom and began to take her clothes 
off. She pulled him over to her and they began to have sex.

"Aww, that feels so good, shove it in harder! You are so hot, Awwwwww."

They both walked out of the room with smiles on their faces.

Lois came back home and asked how everything went. Conlee said 
"Everything was great, I changed all three boys once they all went poop 
in their diapers, and they were all very well behaved."

Lois paid her and told the boys to get in the car they had to go pick 
up their dad up at the airport, but first to change back to normal 
clothes. Their dad was not allowed to know about their new form of 
punishment or they would all get 500 bare-bottom spankings with the 
paddle. Every time their dad was out of town the boys were put into 
diapers and Conlee came over and babysit.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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