Love Comes to Stacy 2

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and that of love. Any resemblance 
to actual places, events, or persons, living or dead, is purely 
coincidental. This story may contain erotic and/or sexually explicit 
behavior between consenting teens. If it is illegal for you to, or you 
find this sort of work offensive, don't download or read it!

The people in this story do not use protection because diseases don't 
exist here. However, in our world they do, so please use caution and 

This story is protected by copyright. It may not be downloaded or 
copied for other than your private enjoyment and may not be changed in 
any way without the expressed written consent of the author. This story 
may not be put on any pay-to-view site.

This is not a story about fetishes but about how two people over come 
separate tragedies then learn to accept and deal with what life had 
given them. Together they find that there isn't anything they can't 
over come.

My thanks again to Ed and Stacy for their help and support with this 

I reply to all emails, except flames. You may write me at

I hope you enjoy this story. Miguel Sanchez

Love Comes to Stacy 2



Mike had just got home from a hard day at work and didn't really feel 
like cooking. He also didn't feel like having pizza so he decided on 
going out to eat. Ed wasn't home yet and Stacy was still at work at the 
office. He walked down the hall to his room and just started to take 
his clothes off when he heard the front door open then close. Tossing 
his shirt into the dirty clothes, he want back down the hall to see who 
it was. Anthony and Stacy walked in together when Mike said, "Hi boys, 
how was your day?"

"Not bad Dad," Stacy said taking off his suit jacket and loosening his 
tie. "I had a patient arrive late then I had to pick Anthony up from 
work. What's for dinner? I'm starved."

Mike laughed at his youngest son's words then said, "Tell me when 
you're not."

Stacy was about to make a comeback when Ed walked in. "Hi guys," he 
said giving everyone a hug.

"Whew," Anthony said. "What have you been doing? You stink, go take a 

He kissed Mike on the cheek and with a mock frown walked down the hall 
saying, "Alright, I know when I'm not wanted."

Anthony was quick with a comeback and said, "You're always welcome bro 
just not that smell."

Stacy was laughing at his boyfriend's antics then said, "I gotta get 
changed. Traffic was heavy and I couldn't hold it."

Anthony and Stacy disappeared down the hall towards their bedroom when 
Mike said, "Where would you guys like to go out for dinner?"

Stacy quickly got undressed then went over to the closet and grabbed a 
clean diaper. Anthony had undressed and both were standing there in 
soggy diapers. Anthony took the diaper from Stacy and said, "Go lie 
down and I'll get you changed."

Stacy hopped up on the bed and spread his legs so Anthony could easily 
change him. Anthony removed the wet diaper and Stacy got a quick 
erection as the cool air came in contact with his warm dick. Stacy 
could feel his bladder getting ready to cut loose when he said, "Cover 
me quick."

Anthony covered his boyfriend just as Stacy let go into the already wet 
diaper. Anthony could tell Stacy was finished then he removed the super 
soaked diaper. He quickly changed Stacy making sure he used plenty of 
lotion and powder to prevent a nasty rash. Anthony secured the diaper 
to his lover then changed places so he could get changed.

The two lovers got dressed and Mike decided to take everyone out for 
Japanese. The restaurant was in a big shopping center and there were 
lots of people still shopping as they arrived considering the hour. The 
four men had a nice meal and decided they wanted some ice cream for 
desert. There was a shop a couple of doors down from the restaurant so 
that was their next stop. By the time they had finished their meal most 
of the stores had closed for the evening.

It was a cool night out and they were all wearing jackets. They went 
down to the ice cream shop and had their desert. Even though Stacy and 
Anthony were adults, they were like children when it came to eating ice 
cream. Mike looked at them and said, "Some things never change. You 
should see yourselves. Go into the bathroom and wash your faces and 

Both boys' faces were covered in chocolate ice cream. Anthony said, 
"Pop, Stacy is worse than me."

"Yeah he is son," Mike said as he looked at his boys. "And you're worse 
than Ed so you need to get cleaned up too."

The boys went to the men's room to wash up while Mike and Ed finished 
their desert. As they were washing up Stacy thought he heard the sound 
of someone crying. As he dried his hands he quietly walked over to the 
stall and looked in between the crack where the door closed. He 
motioned for Anthony to look then Stacy said in a soft voice, 
"Something's definitely not right. He's just sitting there crying."

Anthony whispered, "Can you open the door?"

Stacy pushed on it and it opened. The boy looked up and saw the little 
man standing there and just looked away. Stacy stepped inside the 
cubicle and kneeled down so he could look into the boy's eyes. The boy 
just closed them as Stacy said, "What's wrong?"

He just sat there and didn't speak. Stacy stood up and went to step out 
but then the boy opened his eyes and looked to see where he went. Stacy 
took a chance and said, "What's you name?"

Stacy stepped back to the boy as he said, "Logan."

Stacy smiled then said, "Hi Logan, I'm Stacy and this guy here is my 
good friend Anthony. What's wrong? Did someone hurt you?"

"Not really," the boy said. "I'm just being a baby."

Anthony stepped around and said, "I used to cry a lot when I was 
younger too. Just because you do doesn't mean you're a baby."

"Tell that do my step father," Logan said.

"So why are you in here?" Anthony asked.

Logan hung his head as Stacy reached for his hand. The boy hesitated 
for a minute then finally took it and started to stand up. As soon as 
he started to rise Logan let go and immediately covered his crotch. 
Stacy saw the wet spot and said, "Is that why you're crying?"

Logan hung his head and started crying again. "It's his fault," Logan 
said through the tears. "We have to ask to be excused to use the 
bathroom and we can't leave until it's given. He will just sit there 
and wait and wait. I normally ask well before it gets bad but I 
couldn't this time."

"That's mean," Anthony said.

Logan looked at the bigger man then said, "I fought to hold it then I 
just couldn't. I got up to leave and he grabbed my arm and that's when 
it happened. He started laughing and I ran in here."

"You were in here having ice cream?" Stacy asked.

Logan nodded his head then Anthony said, "We were the only people in 

"What?" Logan said. "Oh no, now they've left me."

Anthony took his hand and said, "Don't worry Logan. Come on with us."


Logan finally came out of the cubicle and Stacy took his other hand and 
opened the door. Anthony stepped out first and saw Mike standing there. 
"I thought you two got lost."

"No Dad," Stacy said still holding Logan's hand. "But we do have a 
problem here."

Stacy came out with Logan and Mike said, "Well, hello there."

Logan let go of Stacy's hand and covered himself and Stacy said, "It's 
OK Logan, Dad won't make fun of you."

Logan ran back to where he was sitting and then collapsed into a heap 
crying. "They left me. WHY?"

Stacy ran over to the boy and just held him saying, "Don't cry Logan. I 
told you my Dad will help you. Where do you live?"

Logan was now hysterical. The boy was crying so hard he was having a 
hard time breathing. Stacy looked around and saw a plastic bag lying on 
a table. He got up and grabbed it and held it across Logan's mouth and 
nose. "Breathe normally Logan," Stacy said firmly trying to keep the 
boy from passing out.

It took several minutes but Logan finally relaxed and was breathing 
normally again. Stacy smiled at the boy and he heard Logan say, "I 
don't know the address. We just moved here."

Mike kneeled down and asked softly, "Do you know your phone number?"

Logan thought for a minute then said, "Yes sir. It's the same as our 
old one."

It was getting late and the shop was getting ready to close. Mike 
decided to take Logan home then notify his parents that they had their 
son. Stacy stood up and helped Logan stand then everyone went out to 
Mike's car. Anthony went into the trunk and got an old blanket out so 
Logan could sit on it.

It took them about fifteen minutes to get home and Stacy helped the boy 
into the house and to their room so he could find something dry for him 
to wear. Logan was finally relaxed and he said, "How old are you 

"Why?" Stacy asked giggling as he looked into his drawers pulling out a 
pair of sweatpants.

Logan held the sweats up to his waist and said, "These will fit me and 
I'm just 14."

Stacy giggled and said, "I'm 28."

"Aww come on," Logan said smiling. "Really?"

"Yep, I'm 28," Stacy said reaching for his wallet. "I'm also a doctor. 
Here is my medical license."

The boy looked at it and said, "Wow. I'm sorry Stacy."

"It's OK buddy," Stacy said leading him over to the bathroom. "Take 
your wet clothes off and wash up to get the urine off your skin."

Logan set the sweatpants on the towel rack and took his shirt off so it 
wouldn't get wet. Stacy saw the remains of some bruises but chalked it 
off to Logan just being a boy. He closed the door so he would have some 
privacy then went out to talk to his Dad.

Everyone was in the kitchen and Stacy said, "Something's not right here 
Dad. I took Logan into the bathroom so he could wash up and when he 
took his shirt off there are a number of fading bruises on his side and 

Ed looked over to his brother and said, "Do you think he's being 

"They're fading bro," Stacy said. "It's too hard to make that kind of 
call now. If I'd seen them earlier I might could say for sure."

Mike looked at Stacy and said, "Well I think we should notify the 
police and let them take him home. With what you've just said, I don't 
want to end up yelling at his stepfather."

Logan came out of the bathroom and said, "Where is everyone?"

Anthony said, "In the kitchen."

Logan came into the room and went over to Stacy and said, "Thanks for 
the pants. I'll be sure to get them back to you."

Mike smiled at him and said, "Son, I'm going to call the police so they 
can get you home. They need to know what your parents have done in case 
this ever happens again."

Logan got real quiet when he heard what Mike said. He thought about it 
and said, "Do you really have to?"

Mike nodded his head and said, "Since you don't know your new address 
we can't take you home. They will have to call your parents to find out 
where you live."

He hung his head and said, "I guess so but they aren't gonna like it."

Mike got up and called the police and explained the situation. The say 
they would get an officer to come to the house and speak to him. Logan 
started shaking so Stacy reached out and pulled him over and onto his 
lap. "Relax Logan," Stacy said softly rubbing his back. "We won't let 
anything happen to you. Will your step-dad hit you when you get home?"

Stacy was still rubbing Logan's back gently and he thought he felt 
Logan wince when he rubbed over his bruises. Logan shook his head 
softly then said, "No Stacy, he won't do that."

There was a knock on the door and Mike got up to see if it was the 
police. Mike opened the door and there was a young policewoman standing 
there. Mike let her in and took her into the living room and explained 
the situation. "He said, "Considering everything I just told you, I 
thought it best to notify the police."

She looked at Mike and said, "Do you believe him when he said his 
parents left him at that store?"

Mike looked at her and said, "Ma'am, you didn't see him when he saw no 
body besides my family there. My son thought he was going to pass out. 
He was hysterical and hyperventilating."

"I see," the officer said.

Stacy came into the room and said, "What's gonna happen now Dad?"

The officer looked at him and said, "Did you see his bruises and how do 
you know that is what they are?"

Stacy looked up at the woman and said, "I know what you're thinking. 
I'm not a little kid officer, I'm 28 and a doctor."

The officer turned red then said, "I apologise Sir."

"That's ok," Stacy said. "I don't know what to think about Logan's home 
life. I know there isn't enough evidence to prove he's being hurt for 
me to say he needs to go into a foster home. Maybe he can be watched by 
Social Services or something."

The officer listened carefully then Stacy went back out to the kitchen 
and brought Logan into the room. The officer looked at the boy and 
gasped. Mike looked at her then to Logan then back and said, "Do you 
know each other?"

Stacy looked at the teen and Logan dropped his head. "Logan do you know 
this woman?" Stacy asked.

The officer looked up and said, "I've had to return Logan home before."

Stacy looked at Logan and said, "Is this true?"

Logan nodded his head and said, "I kept telling her they'd taken off 
and left me but my stepfather told her I was running away."

Stacy lifted Logan's shirt and said, "Tell me buddy, what happened 

"Just being klutzy," he said.

Mike looked at the officer and said, "What story do you believe now?"

The officer shook her head and said, "Well, I'm leaning towards Logan's 
but I still but I have to hear what the parents are going to say."

Stacy looked at the officer and said, "I wish I could say he needs to 
be removed right now."

Logan looked at Stacy and said, "Do I really have to go back. I'm 
getting tired of this."

Stacy hugged Logan then looked at the officer and said, "I think you 
should contact Social Services and get them involved. Speaking as a 
physician, he was really upset back in the shop. Now that comes from 
the fear of being abandoned."

The officer looked at Logan then Stacy. She too was getting tired of 
the revolving door treatment of this boy. "Let me contact his parents 
so I can get their address. When I take Logan home, I'll interview them 
and make my report. I'll recommend DSS get involved."

Mike showed her where the phone was and she called Logan's parents. He 
was tempted to get on the extension but decided against it. Instead he 
stood in the kitchen and just listened to her side of the conversation. 
After several minutes she asked the man for their address so she could 
bring Logan home. She must not have understood it when he gave it to 
her because she repeated it back to him. Mike looked over at Ed and he 
was busy jotting the address down on a piece of paper.

She hung up the phone and said, "I talked with Logan's stepfather and 
he's sticking to the story he ran away. At first he was telling me to 
take Logan to juvenile since he ran away but I explained to him that he 
could ultimately be held responsible."

Mike looked at Logan and said, "Social Services will help keep an eye 
on things and you can call here anytime."

Logan nodded his head and said, "Thank you guys for all the help."

Logan went around and gave Mike, Ed and Anthony hugs. He then went over 
to Stacy and hugged him like his life depended on it. "Thanks Stacy," 
he said with tears in his eyes. "I'll never forget you. I hope I get to 
see you again."

Stacy hugged Logan back and said, "I hope that too Logan. Take care of 

The officer led Logan outside as Mike and his boys watched. The officer 
drove away and Stacy threw himself into Mike's arms and started crying. 
"Why do people have to treat kids so mean Dad?" the little man asked.

Mike rubbed his son's hair and said, "I wish I knew son."


In the patrol car the officer looked at Logan and asked, "When did you 

"Yesterday," he said looking out the window. "I hope you finally 
believe everything I've been trying to tell you."

"I'm beginning to," she said watching the road as she spoke. "Has your 
stepfather punished you after I'd brought you home before?"

Logan just shook his head no. He looked over at her trying to gage her 
reactions as they spoke. He said, "No, he would just yell at me and 
call me some names then I would get sent to my room."

"What did your mom do?" she asked.

"Nothing," Logan said still looking at the officer. "He ran the house 
and she always did what he said."

"I see," she said as she pulled her cruiser into a driveway.

She turned the engine off and she took Logan to the front door then 
knocked on it. A man opened the door and said, "Well I see you found 
our little run away again?"

She looked at the man and said, "Mr. Williams, I'm Officer Debbie 
Green. May I come in and talk with you for a few minutes?"

Logan's stepfather didn't like this and said, "It's late Officer Green 
and I really need to get Logan into bed. Maybe another time."

She wasn't going to be put off so she said, "Sir, I'm afraid it's going 
to have to be now. Otherwise I'm going to have to take Logan with me."

Realizing he was in a no win situation the man said, "Alright Officer, 
come in."

She looked around the house and saw it was modestly furnished. She 
reached into her pocket and took out her notebook. She looked at the 
man and said, "When was it you realized Logan here had run away?"

"I guess it was a couple of hours ago," he said. "I just thought he 
went over to a friend's house, not run away again."

"Once it was past midnight, why didn't you call us then?" She asked 
making notes and watching his facial expressions.

"Didn't really think he took off, like I said," he replied.

"Did he get into an argument with anyone here?" She said being sure to 
keep the questions coming at him quickly.

The man had to think quickly and said, "He was told he had to clean the 

"I see," the officer said as she continued to make notes in her book. 
"Why would he say you took him out then just left him?"

"I guess he didn't like cleaning the kitchen," he said. "He's a 
teenager and just going through a stage."

"I guess that's all I need for now sir," she said putting her notebook 
back into her pocket. "Thank you for your time."

Logan was sitting on the couch and as his stepfather closed and locked 
the front door he said, "Get your ass to bed now you little shit. I'll 
deal with you later."

Officer Green got back into her car and returned to the station to file 
her report. She was covering for another officer who called in sick and 
she was near the end of a very long 16 hour day. Once she did the 
paperwork, she turned it over to her Sergeant. He looked it over and 
said, "Are you sure about all this?"

"Yeah Sarge," she said taking off her gun belt and putting it into her 
locker. "I talked with the family that found the boy. I also talked 
with the stepfather and his statements are no where close to what the 
boy said."

"I see there are corroborating witnesses," the Sergeant said.

"Yeah," Officer Green said. "One of the family members is a doctor and 
I tend to believe them a little more than I do the parent now. But I 
just didn't see enough at this point in time to remove the boy. That's 
why I want DSS to get involved. If the boy runs away again we will be 
able to do something then."

The Sergeant read the report again and said, "Alright, I'll have DSS 
notified in the morning and have them send a case worker out first 

Officer Green said, "I want to escort her tomorrow. I don't know if he 
will allow her into his house."

"Very well," the Sergeant said. "You should get on home now. You've had 
a very long day."

"OK Sarge," she said. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Back at Mike's house they were all still up talking. Stacy said, "Dad, 
if anything happens to him."

"Calm down son," Mike said. "I know how you get. You have to work with 
the system now but I'll agree to be his foster parent. How does that 

"That will work Dad," Stacy said. "Do you think they would let me adopt 

"Well," Mike started. "They let me adopt you and I was a single parent. 
I don't see any reason why they wouldn't let you adopt. You have a good 
job and a big support system in place."

Stacy smiled when his Dad said that. Anthony started yawning and Ed 
said, "It's very late guys and I have to get up early. I think we 
should get some sleep."

Mike agreed and Stacy and Anthony went down the hall to their room. 
Once inside they got undressed and change each other. Anthony turned 
the light off and snuggled close to his lover. "Am I being overly 
protective about Logan?" Stacy asked his partner.

"No you're not baby," Anthony said softly. "You care when you see 
someone in trouble. That's one of the reasons I fell in love with you. 
Do you think he's being abused?"

"My gut says he is love," Stacy replied. "I just didn't see enough to 
substantiate it. I really hope I'm wrong."

Anthony leaned over and kisses his lover and said, "So do I baby. Let's 
get some sleep. We both have full days tomorrow."


The next morning Mike had to wake his youngest up because he was 
sleeping through the alarm. He went into their room and shook both of 
them saying, "Come on guys, get up. It's after 7."

Anthony rolled over and looked up at Mike. "Oh man," he said yawning. 
"Why did we stay up so late?"

Stacy cocked an eye open and saw his Dad there. "Sup Dad?" He said with 
that impish grin he uses.

"Not you guys that's for sure," Mike said yanking the covers off his 

Stacy groaned as Anthony picked him up and carried him to the shower. 
"I'll get him ready Pop," Anthony said. "My first appointment isn't 
until 10."

Stacy looked up and said, "I just have rounds at the hospital plus I'm 
on call today for emergencies. I only have three patients to see in the 
office this afternoon."

Mike said, "Then you guys need to get up with your alarm clock. The 
coffee is ready in the kitchen. I have to get to work."

"Bye Dad," Stacy said as his lover got him into the bathroom.

After Stacy and Anthony got showered and dressed for work they had 
breakfast. The guys finished eating and on their way out Stacy said, "I 
hope Social services can do something today."

"Please stop worrying love," Anthony said kissing his lover good bye. 
"I'm sure they will do all they can for him. I'll see you this 
afternoon." Anthony got into his car and headed off to work as Stacy 
got into his and left for the hospital.

At the police station Officer Green was just coming on duty. She was 
still tired from working 16 hours the day before and not sleeping well 
thinking about the boy she returned home. She was about to hit the 
street after roll call when the Sergeant came up to her and said, "Head 
over to DSS and escort a Ms. Buckley to the Williams house."

She smiled and said, "Be glad to Sarge."

She got over at there just after they opened and talked briefly with 
the social worker. She filled her in on all her past encounters with 
Logan and his family before he moved and the one from the previous day. 
Ms Buckley listened closely to what the officer had to say then said, 
"This is a tough call Officer. I don't know if we could have done 
anything before but I'm glad you called us this time. At least we will 
be able to monitor him and if he supposedly takes off again, we can put 
him in foster care."

The two women left and drove over to Logan's house. It took about 
thirty minutes to get there because of the traffic. When they arrived 
Officer Green knocked on the door and said, "Police Department."

Mr. Williams opened the door and had blood on his clothes. He looked at 
the officer and said, "Thank god, Logan's just been hit by a car."

Officer Green and Ms. Buckley entered the house and saw Logan lying on 
the floor and he did look a mess. Officer Green took her portable radio 
and said, "2211 Dispatch."

A voice said, "Go ahead 2211."

Officer Green said, "This is Officer Green. I need and ambulance and an 
AI team for a 10-50 PI hit and run."

"10-4 221," the dispatcher said.

"What happened here Mr. Williams?" Officer Green said.

"Logan was outside and I was about to leave for work and I saw him get 
hit," Mr. Williams said trying to fight back tears. "I ran out and the 
car didn't even stop."

Officer Green kneeled down and checked Logan's pulse and breathing and 
he was alright there but he was unconscious. "Why did you move him?" 
She asked trying not to show how upset she was by his actions. "Do you 
realize he could now be paralyzed?"

Ms. Buckley went outside to watch for the ambulance and soon, she heard 
the sirens. She came back inside just as Mr. Williams said, "I'm sorry, 
I panicked. I just didn't think. I just saw my boy lying there 

The ambulance pulled up out front and Ms. Buckley held the door open so 
they could bring their gear inside. They quickly started working on him 
and the first thing Officer Green noticed were the marks on his body 
after the paramedics cut off his shirt. She stepped back and let the 
medics work on the boy. They quickly got IVs in him and his neck and 
back stabilized then they put him on a stretcher and got him to the 
ambulance then took off for the hospital.

The AI team had arrived and they were looking around out side. They had 
questions for Mr. Williams but he wanted to be with Logan. Officer 
Green said she was going to the hospital also and she would keep an eye 
on him until they arrived.

When Stacy got to the hospital he went and saw his patients. He was at 
the nurse's station writing notes when his pager went off. He took if 
off his belt and looked at the message. He saw it was the Emergency 
Room so he picked up the phone and called. When a nurse answered he 
said, "This is Dr. Mullins, who paged me?"

The nurse said, "Dr. Mullins, we need you in ER. We have a pediatric 
emergency here. Are you the on call pediatrician?"

"Yes I am," Stacy said. "I'll be right down."


Stacy finished his notes then went to the elevator for the trip down to 
the first floor. He got off the elevator and went into the ER to find 
his patient. A nurse saw him and said, "Your patient is in here. He's 
pretty bad doctor. It's an HBC (hit by car)."

Stacy went over and saw the Emergency Room Physician to get the chart. 
The first thing he saw was the name on the chart. Stacy gasped then 
went over and saw him. "Oh Logan," he said trying not to cry. "What did 
he do to you?"

The ER doctor came over and said, "Stacy, I don't think this is the 
result of being hit by a car."

Stacy lifted off the sheet and saw the bruises and said, "No, it's the 
result of being hit by a fist. Have the x-rays come back yet?"

"Not yet," the ER doc said. "I've ordered a CAT scan of his head and 
we're just waiting for them to come take him."

Logan's x-rays arrived just as he was being taken for his scan. The two 
doctors looked at the films and were shocked by what they saw. Logan 
had 7 broken ribs and a fracture in his jaw. The ER doc said, "I did an 
ultrasound of his abdomen and that was negative. I didn't relish the 
thought of having to operate on him in his current condition."

Officer Green came in and saw Stacy there. He looked up at her and just 
shook his head. He couldn't keep his emotions in check any longer and 
he broke down and cried. Through his tears he said, "This is no hit by 
car. This is child abuse."

"Are you sure?" she asked.

The ER doctor heard them talking and he said, "If he's not, I am."

"That's good enough for me," she said. "I'll be placing him into 
custody when he's done talking with AI."

"What's going to happen to him?" Stacy asked.

Officer Green looked at him and said, "I suppose he'll be placed in a 
foster home when he's well enough."

"Good," Stacy said smiling. "My Dad said he'd take him. He's a licensed 
foster parent."

Officer Green turned and went back outside but no sooner had she left 
when she returned with Ms. Buckley. "Dr. Mullins, this is Ms. Buckley 
from DSS. We were on our way over to the Williams' house this morning 
to talk with his stepfather when we found Logan like this. Can you tell 
her what you told me?"

Ms. Buckley smiled at Stacy and said, "It's nice to meet you. I've 
heard there was a little person who was a doctor from some of the kids 
in foster care. They really rave about you."

Stacy blushed a little when he heard that compliment. "Thanks," he 
said. "When kids see my size, I guess they aren't scared and it makes 
things easier for us both. As for Logan, this was no hit and run. Well, 
not like we think of anyway. He was severely beaten and he has 7 broken 
ribs and a fractured jaw. The ER doctor did and ultrasound of his 
abdomen and he's very lucky there are no internal injuries. He's down 
in CT getting his head scanned. When he returns, we're going to have to 
decide weather or not to wire his jaw closed so it can heal."

Half way through Stacy's report Ms. Buckley had her hand over her 
mouth. "My God Doctor," she said stunned. This is the worst case of 
abuse I've handled since I've been here. How long will he be in the 
hospital or is it too early to tell yet?"

"It's hard to say," Stacy said. "I'm going to get neurosurgery to look 
at his CT scan to see if there is any bleeding or other damage to his 
brain. As you know, he's unconscious right now. We're just going to 
have to watch him closely."

"The older woman sighed then said, "I'm going to have to find a special 
foster home for him. It sounds like he may end up having some special 

"I think I might know someone who would love to take him," Stacy said 
with a smile on his face.

"Oh, and who might that be?" she asked.

"My Dad," Stacy said. "He's still a licensed foster parent. He was my 
foster Dad before he adopted me."

"I'll have to review a few things but if his license is still valid," 
she started. That just might be the best thing all the way round."

Logan came back from CT and Stacy said, "If you'll excuse me, I have to 
see to my patient."

Officer Green said "May I take some photographs of him as evidence so 
they can be turned over to the DA?"

"Sure," he said.

He led the two women over to Logan's bed and gently pulled the covers 
back. Ms. Buckley gasped as Stacy pulled up a step stool so he could 
reattach the leads to the heart monitor. When he looked at Logan's face 
he noticed the both his eyes were now blackened. He quickly listened to 
the boy's heart and lungs then stepped down so the officer could get 
her pictures. She looked at Stacy and said, "I'll cover him back when 
I'm finished."

Stacy nodded then turned to meet with the ER doctor and Neurosurgeon. 
The three men looked over the scan and the neurosurgeon said, "I see a 
very small hairline fracture to the skull but otherwise it's 
unremarkable. I would just watch him in the unit. I don't see anything 
surgical I can do for him at this time."

Stacy was relieved to hear this. He took the boy's chart and wrote 
admission orders sending him to PICU.

He went out into the hall just as Officer Green and the AI Team were 
putting handcuffs on Mr. Williams. "It's a mistake I'm telling you. He 
was hit by a car."

Stacy walked up to him and said, "Yeah, I bet your fists hit like a 

Officer Green turned the man around and said, "Sir you're under arrest. 
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be 
used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. 
You have the right to have the attorney present before any questions 
are asked. If you desire and cannot afford one, an attorney will be 
appointed to you at no charge before questioning. Do you understand 
these rights I have just read to you?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he said wiggling as he was held. "And I'm telling 
you he was hit by a car. I saw it."

Officer Green said, "Save it for the judge sir. You're being charged 
with felony aggravated child abuse and felony assault on a minor. I'm 
sure the DA might add a few more later."

The two male officers led the man outside as Officer Green smiled at 
Stacy. She stopped and said, "I just wish there was something more we 
could have done for him last night."

Stacy wiped his eyes and said, "I know. I so wanted to get him out of 
there but there wasn't anything I could do. I feel just as bad about 
this as you do."

Stacy turned around just as Logan was being moved to his room in the 
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Officer Green walked over to the 
unconscious boy and said stroking his hair softly, "I'm so sorry about 
this Logan. I hope some day you can forgive me for not doing more. Get 
well soon."

Ms. Buckley shook Stacy's hand and said, "I'll check on your father's 
license as soon as I get back to the office Dr. Mullins. What is his 

"Mike Mullins," Stacy said as he watched Logan disappear into an 

The women left the hospital and Stacy walked down towards the elevator 
to head up to PICU. Once Logan had been transferred into his bed and 
the nurses did their thing, he went in and checked on him one more time 
before leaving for the office. He wrote his orders and told the charge 
nurse the he was to be notified immediately of any change in the boy's 
condition. He looked up at the clock and saw it was almost 12:30. He 
checked his PDA to see what time his first appointment was and thought, 
'Looks like I'm going to miss lunch today if I want to get out on 


The little doctor headed for the elevator and as soon as he got outside 
he called his Dad. Mike answered the phone and said, "Hi son, how's 
your day going?"

Stacy fought back tears and said, "It sucks. My fears about Logan all 
came true."

When Mike heard that he said, "Oh God son, how bad is it?"

"Pretty bad Dad," he said. "He's in the unit and will probably have to 
be there for 3 or 4 days. I told the social worker that you would be 
his foster parent and she is going to make sure your license is still 
valid. If it is, he'll probably be assigned to you."

Stacy continued walking towards his car as Mike said, "That's fine son. 
Did they arrest his stepfather?"

"Yeah they did," Stacy said. "He was spitting some bullshit about it 
being a hit and run accident but the bruises on him say otherwise. I'm 
at my car now Dad. I have to get to the office to see patients then 
come back and see Logan before I can come home."

"All right son," Mike said trying to keep his son's spirits up. "He's 
going to be fine now son. You know there are plenty of good doctors 

"I know Dad," Stacy said as he unlocked the door. "I'll see you this 
evening. I love you."

"I love you too son," Mike said before hanging up the phone.

Stacy's afternoon went by remarkably quick considering he had to fight 
to keep his mind there at the office rather then in the PICU. He was 
about to leave his office when he suddenly remembered he forgot to have 
a foley inserted into Logan when his phone rang. "Dr. Mullins here," he 
said looking at his watch wanting to get out of the office."

"Doctor, this is the charge nurse on PICU," she started saying. "Logan 
just voided on himself and we had to change him."

Stacy sat down at his desk and said, "Yes, I just remembered that I 
hadn't ordered a foley for him. I was going to put one in him when I 
came back."

"Very well doctor," she said. "Other than that, that hasn't been any 
change in him."

"Alright," Stacy said. "I'll be leaving the office here shortly. Also, 
call downstairs and have his x-rays sent up to the floor. I'll see you 
when I get there."

"I'll do that personally doctor," the charge nurse said before she hung 
up the phone."

Stacy quickly dictated some notes he forgot then left to go back to the 
hospital. It took him what seemed forever to get to the hospital 
because of the afternoon traffic. Stacy parked in the Physician's lot 
and went inside going right to PICU. He stopped at the nurse's station 
and got Logan's chart and saw the charge nurse in with the boy. "How's 
he doing," Stacy said startling the nurse who was looking at the 

The nurse turned and looked at the diminutive doctor and said, "I think 
he might be trying to wake up."

This was good news for Stacy but then he realized he had another 
problem. "Where are his x-rays?"

The nurse took him into the doctor's dictating room and set them on the 
table. He pulled the films out and searched for the ones he wanted and 
held them up to the light. He carefully looked at the films and saw 
that Logan's jaw only had a hairline crack in it and he wouldn't have 
to get it wired closed. The charge nurse was watching him closely then 
said, "Is there anything I can help you with Doctor?"

"No," he said putting the x-rays back into the large folder. "I was 
just looking at his jaw. If he is waking up I needed to make a 
determination on what I was going to do with his jaw. He won't be bale 
to have solid food for about a week so that should give it plenty of 
time to heal. There is only a hairline crack in it. You can get me a 
foley kit and meet me back in his room."

Stacy went into Logan's cubicle and closed the curtain then slid the 
step stool over and began to examine him. He checked his pupils and saw 
they were reacting properly to light. Stacy did some other tests on him 
and he mentally agreed with the nurse's assessment that Logan was 
starting to regain consciousness.

He heard the curtain open and the charge nurse set the kit and catheter 
on the table. Stacy removed his jacket and went over to wash his hands. 
The nurse opened the kit while Stacy put on sterile gloves. The nurse 
then went and lowered the covers then Stacy started preparing to insert 
the foley into Logan's penis.

Stacy quickly disinfected the tip then took the catheter and dipped it 
into the lube. He picked the boy's penis up and gently started sliding 
the tube into him. He quickly got it in place then inflated the small 
balloon in the tip so it couldn't come back out. The nurse then 
attached it to the collection bag then hung it on the side of the bed.

Stacy took his gloves off and washed his hands again then wrote some 
notes into Logan's chart. "Thank you for the help," Stacy said to the 
charge nurse. I have a couple of other patients here to check on then 
I'll be going home for the evening. Do not call the on call doctor 
about him tonight."

"Yes Doctor," the nurse said. "I'll make sure his night nurse knows."

Stacy put his coat back on then left the floor to see to his other 
patients. Out of 5 he had there, he was able to let 3 go home and he 
could follow them in the office. He looked at his watch and it was now 
5:45. He knew he was going to have to go to bed early tonight. Stacy 
was still somewhat lost in thought as he headed for the door when his 
pager went off again. Taking his pager off his belt he looked at the 
number and saw it was PICU paging him again.

He started running for the elevators and found one the just arrived. He 
pushed the button for the second floor and waited for the doors to 
close. He got off and went to the security door and swiped his ID card 
through the lock and went to see what was going on with Logan. He saw 
the nurse some out of his room and he said, "You paged me nurse?"

She saw him walking towards her and she said, "Come here Doctor,"

The nurse put the step stool beside Logan's bed and Stacy stepped up 
and was greeted by a little boy staring back at him. "Hi Stacy," Logan 
managed to squeak out.

"Hi yourself," Stacy said reaching over and gently rubbing his hair. 
"Don't try to talk to much son, your jaw has a fracture in it and I 
don't want to have to wire it closed."

Logan nodded his head as tears started to roll down his face and said, 
"I'll try."

"Don't cry Logan," Stacy said. "You're safe now. Your stepfather is in 
jail and when you get out of here you won't have to go back home. You 
are going to have a real nice foster parent."

Stacy could see Logan getting scared. He whispered, "I don't want some 
nice foster parents."

"Really," Stacy said smiling but trying not to giggle. "Not even if 
that really nice foster parent is my Dad?"

Logan's eyes shot open wide and he said, "Your Dad?"

"Un huh," Stacy said.

"Will that mean you and I will be brothers?" Logan asked.

"I guess it does," Stacy said.

Just then Ms. Buckley came into the room. She looked at Logan and saw 
he was awake and said, "Oh thank god you're alright. Stacy, I checked 
your father's license and it still active and Logan is officially 
assigned to him."

Logan was crying at the news and just mouthed "Thank you."

Just then another visitor came in. Stacy turned around and said, 
"Daddy, what are you doing here."

"Is it alright if I visit my foster son, Doctor?" Mike asked smiling at 

"I guess," Stacy said laughing. "He just can't talk very much. I don't 
want him having to move his jaw."

Mike walked to the other side of the bed and took the boy's hand and 
said, "You won't talk too much, will you?"

Logan smiled and just shook his head no. Stacy stepped down and opened 
the curtain and saw Ed and Anthony standing there. "Oh man," he said. 
"How many other visitors is he going to have?"

Anthony hugged Stacy and said, "I'm not going to stay long. I just 
wanted to see him for a minute."

"Alright guys," Stacy said. "But don't stay to long. He just woke up 
and he needs his rest. One more thing, don't try to hug him. His ribs 
are very sore."

Stacy went out to the nurse's station and wrote an order for pain 
medication now that Logan was awake. The on call pediatrician came by 
and Stacy filled him in and let him know he wouldn't have to worry 
about Logan. After about 10 minutes, Stacy went in and said, "Alright 
guys, it's time to go. Logan needs his rest."

Mike leaned over and kissed the boy and head then said, "You just rest 
now son. You only have to worry about getting better so you can come 
home with your new family."

Ed was the next to say goodbye. He kissed Logan's nose and said, "Get 
your rest now little brother. We love you."

Anthony rubbed his hand and said, "You rest now, we'll talk when you 
jaw is better."

Stacy got the step stool and tried to lean over but couldn't until Ed 
picked him up. Stacy broke all protocol by kissing his patient on the 
head. "Rest now Logan," he said. "If your ribs start to hurt just tell 
the nurse and she will take care of it. I'll be back to see you in the 
morning. Alright?"

Logan nodded his head then in a soft voice said, "Thank you all so very 
much. I love you guys too."

Stacy saw him wince as he spoke so he asked, "Are you hurting?"

Logan nodded his head and he motioned for his nurse to come over. He 
told her Logan was in pain and she quickly took care of it."

They stayed until he got his medicine then when he drifted off to sleep 
they all left for the night. As the men went downstairs, Stacy was 
smiling and very upbeat. Mike looked at him and said, "When did he wake 

"Not exactly sure Dad," Stacy said as the doors opened and they all 
exited. "I was seeing other patients and I was almost out the door when 
they paged me."

Mike was about to ask another question when Stacy saw his car. Mike 
leaned down and kissed his son on the head then said, "We'll see you at 
home son. Ed has a roast in the crock pot."

"Sounds good Dad," he replied. "See you at home."

It was like a mini convoy as the four men drove home. No sooner had 
Stacy walked into the house when his pager went off. He looked at it 
and there was a number he didn't recognize on it. He dialed the number 
and when a voice answered he said, "This is Dr. Mullins."

"Dr. Mullins, this is Dr. Moore," the man started saying. "I'm the ER 
physician the saw Logan."

Stacy remembered the man and said, "Yes doctor, I remember you. What 
can I do for you?"

"Well it's not what you can do for me," he said. "It's more what I can 
do for you."

"I don't understand doctor," Stacy said confused. "Is there something I 
don't know about?"

"Possibly," Dr. Moore said. "When I started examining Logan before you 
got to the department, I had to do a rectal exam on him. When I 
inserted my finger, he seemed to be more relaxed than I would expect 
for a child."

Stacy thought about what he was saying then said, "Well he was 
unconscious and that will have him more relaxed than if he were awake."

"True," the doctor said. "But I thought this might be something you 
would want to know about."

All of a sudden Stacy got scared. He asked, "Are you saying Logan has 
been molested?"

"I'm not sure," the doctor said. "I didn't see any redness, swelling or 
tearing. I just think his rectum was more relaxed than I thought it 
should be."

This was something he would have to talk with Logan about as soon as 
possible. He wasn't sure how to broach the subject but somehow he would 
find a way. He said, "Thank you for the information. That is something 
I will have to discuss with him about as soon as I can. Oh, before I 
forget, Logan is awake. He woke up about an hour ago."

"That's great news," Dr. Moore said. "I hope I wasn't being to forward 
by calling you at home but this was something I thought you should know 
about. I didn't make any mention of this on his chart because it is 
just strictly a hunch."

"Thank you for the phone call," Stacy said. "I appreciate it. Good 

The others got home and Ed put dinner on the table. Logan was the topic 
of conversation but there were certain thing he just couldn't discuss. 
After dinner he and Anthony went and got a shower together and Anthony 
could tell something was really on his mind. "Penny for your thoughts," 
he asked.

"I'm not sure baby," Stacy said as Anthony shampooed his hair. "I got a 
call from the ER physician and he told me something that has me worried 
about Logan."

"What's that baby?" Anthony said as he guided his lover under the 

Anthony started washing Stacy as Stacy said, "The doctor said he had to 
do a rectal exam on Logan and he thought his anal ring was looser than 
it should be."

"Were there any signs of abuse?" Anthony asked.

"That's just it," Stacy said. "There wasn't."

"There could be several reasons for that baby," Anthony said. "I loved 
to finger myself and put things in it when I jacked off. That could be 
what he's doing."

"Hadn't thought of that love," he said as Anthony started washing his 

Anthony noticed it wasn't responding and he asked, "Is anything else 

Stacy leaned in and kissed his lover passionately then said, "No love 
but last night and today has wiped me out."

"Oh damn baby," Anthony said. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have assumed 

Stacy yawned and said, "That's alright love. But I really just want to 
get some sleep."

Anthony quickly got washed then dried and carried Stacy back to their 
room. He set him on the bed then put on a clean diaper and covered him 
up. "I love you baby," Anthony said. "Sleep well."

Anthony went out to the living room and relaxed with the others while 
they watched television. Anthony started getting tired and a short time 
later and quietly slipped into bed with Stacy and fell asleep.


Over the next couple of days Logan continued to improve. Stacy took the 
foley out and had to sit on him to keep him from talking too much. His 
ribs were still causing him a great deal of pain and the medication was 
making him sleepy. This was one way Logan would not use his jaw.

At the city jail Logan's father was telling anyone who would listen. He 
finally was brought before a judge where the charges were read and the 
issue of bond was raised. The judge looked at the charges and said, "I 
see the District Attorney has decided to add the charge of attempted 

The DA stands and said, "Yes Your Honor. With the information we have 
we feel we can make our case. We're also asking for remand based on the 
callous nature of the crimes."

Mr. Williams attorney said, "Your Honor, my client has ties to the 
community and this was just a terrible accident."

The judge looked up and said, "The DA must have some very compelling 
evidence if they are charging your client with attempted murder. It 
does worry me that the person in question is a child. Bond is hereby 
set in the amount of $1 million cash. Next case."

Logan's father was livid. "One million dollars, I don't have that kind 
of money," he said as he was led back to jail.

"You should have thought about that before you tried to beat your child 
to death," the DA said.

Stacy went in and saw Logan and he was sitting up. "How are you feeling 
today bro?"

"Not too bad," Logan said in a soft voice trying not to move his jaw 
too much.

Stacy was off today and didn't have any patients to see at the office 
so he could stay with Logan as long as he wanted to. He examined him 
and wrote his notes then said, "Would you like me to stay with you for 
a while?"

Logan smiled and said, "I would like that."

Stacy took his chart back to the nurse's station then came back in and 
sat down. He looked at Logan and saw he was lost in thought. "What's up 
kiddo," Stacy asked. "You look lost in thought."

"Yeah, I guess," he said.

"You know you can talk to me about anything," Stacy said smiling, 
trying to reassure the boy."

Stacy was trying to keep things light and upbeat when Logan said, "It's 
nothing Stacy. This is something I'm going to have to sort out for 

"Sometimes if we have a few ideas, it can be easier," Stacy said hoping 
he would open up. "Also, what ever you tell me in here, stays in here. 
It has to, I'm your doctor."

Logan looked up and asked, "Stacy have you ever had a patient who might 
have been gay?"

"Do you mean has one told me he was gay?" Stacy asked.

"Ah well," Logan stammered. "Yeah or was there a boy you might have 
suspected was gay?"

Stacy thought carefully on how to best answer this question. "I've 
never really worried about weather a patient was gay or straight 
because that doesn't matter to me," he said. "I care about all my 
patients. I would never turn my back on a boy if he was gay."

"What about friends?" Logan asked.

"Do I have gay friends?" Stacy asked back.

"Un huh," Logan said softly.

Stacy looked at the boy and said, "What are you trying to say Logan?"

Logan looked down and didn't answer. Stacy could see him chewing on his 
lower lip trying to speak. "I don't know," Logan said.

"Logan," Stacy said softly as he rubbed his hand. "Do YOU think you 
might be gay?"

Logan was really chewing on his lip. He shook his head and said, 
"That's just it Stacy, I really don't know. There is this one guy I 
knew at my old school and he was so cute. I would feel all funny when I 
saw him and didn't know what to do or what it meant."

"That's nothing new Logan," Stacy said. "Just because you find a boy 
cute doesn't mean you're gay. It means he's attractive. Does anything 
else happen?"

Logan turned red and said, "Well, I get hard sometimes."

"Is that all?" Stacy asked.

"Well," Logan started turning real red. "I play with my dick and jack 
off. Sometimes I like to play with my butt. Am I weird?"

"No you're not Logan," Stacy said.

He understood more now but thought there was a chance he could be gay. 
It didn't matter to him and was thinking about telling him he was so he 
wouldn't feel so bad. He looked up at Logan and said, "Have you met or 
do you know someone who is gay?"

"Not that I know of," he said.

"Yes you do," Stacy said looking at him.

"Who?" Logan asked trying to figure out what he meant.

He sat there thinking for a few minutes then he said, "You Stacy? Are 
you saying you're gay?"

Stacy smiled and said, "Does that bother you?"

"NO," Logan said. "Not at all."

The two sat and talked most of the day except for the time when Logan's 
ribs started hurting and he needed some pain medication. Logan's dinner 
arrived and Stacy said, "I need to get home buddy. Enjoy your dinner 
and if you continue to do well, I'll see about moving you out of here."

Logan smiled and said, "That would be nice."

Stacy kneeled on the bed and gave Logan a kiss in the head before he 
left. He was pleased at his progress but wanted to know how his jaw was 
doing. He wrote an order in Logan's chart to repeat those x-rays.

The next morning when Stacy arrived at the hospital to see Logan he was 
in a lot of pain. "What's wrong man?" Stacy asked.

"They took me for an x-ray and they pulled on me a lot," he said 

"Did you tell your nurse?" Stacy asked.

Logan shook his head no so he went to the nurse's station and let his 
nurse know. A couple of minutes later his nurse was sending the boy off 
to dreamland to get some well needed rest.

Stacy looked at the latest x-rays and saw the jaw was healing nicely. 
He didn't see the need to keep his jaw closed so he ordered Logan to a 
private room and put on a soft diet.

Logan was transferred to a private room where his new family could 
visit him for longer periods. One morning while Anthony was with him a 
man came in and said, "Are you Logan Williams?"

Anthony stood up and said, "Who are you and what do you what with this 

"I wasn't talking to you," the man said.

Anthony turned around and his hospital credentials showed. He said, "I 
happen to work here and this young man is my patient. Now I asked you a 

"My name is Tom Wilkins," the man started saying. "I'm with the 
District Attorney's office. I need to talk with Logan and ask him some 

Anthony looked at him and said, "Did you talk with his doctor?"

"No I didn't," he said. "I didn't think I needed to."

"Were you aware that you were going to be talking with a child?" 
Anthony asked.

"Well yes," Tom said. "I will be prosecuting the case against his 

"Come with me," Anthony said. "We'll call his doctor and see what he 
says. Do you realize he's in foster care and you're supposed to have a 
parent present?"

The man got quiet and said, "Yeah, I know."

Anthony called Stacy and he didn't see a reason why Logan couldn't talk 
with the ADA but he told Anthony to stay with him in case he got upset. 
When Anthony hung up he looked at tom and said, "Dr. Mullins said you 
can talk with Logan. He also said he wants me to stay with him while 
you do. Is that acceptable?"

"I guess it will have to be," he said.

They went back onto Logan's room and Anthony said, "Mr. Wilkins here 
needs to talk with you Logan. Dr. Mullins wants me to stay with you, is 
that OK?"

Logan nodded his head and Tom said, "Logan, I have to ask you some 
questions about what your stepfather did to you and how you got hurt. 
Do you think you're up to talking about it?"

Logan looked over at Anthony then said, "I think so."

Tom sat down beside Anthony and said, "Can you tell me what caused your 
stepfather to do this?"

Logan took a sip of water then said, "It was cause I got brought home 
by the police after he left me at the ice cream shop."

"He left you at the ice cream shop?" Tom asked.

"Un huh," Logan said. "It's not the first time he's done it."

"Why did he take off and leave you there?" he asked.

"Cause I wet myself," Logan said hanging his head.

"What happened?" Tom asked softly.

"He makes me have to ask to be excused when I have to use the 
bathroom," Logan started. "I have to wait until he says I can before I 
can go."

"That's just good manners," Tom said.

"You don't understand," Logan said. "He deliberately takes his time 
before saying yes. Normally I ask well before it gets really bad but 
this time it came on all of a sudden. Well he was playing his usual 
games and I just couldn't hold it and I got up to go. He grabbed me 
tight by the arm so I couldn't move and I started going. Then he 
started laughing at me and I pulled my arm hard and I got free. By then 
I was pretty wet and I just ran to the men's room."

"I see," Tom said. "That was a very mean thing to do. I'm sorry I made 
light of it before son."

"I don't know how long I was in there until Stacy and Anthony came and 
found me," Logan said wiping his eyes. "Stacy talked with me and got me 
to come out then I met his Dad. It was then I found out they left me 
there. We just moved here and I didn't know how to get home or remember 
what our new address was."

"Who all was with you Logan?" Tom asked.

"Just us," Logan said. "Mom was at work. She works long hours. I don't 
remember what time she got home the next day."

"Does she know that he's left you before?" Tom asked.

"I tried to tell her," Logan said. "My stepfather just told her I was 
being a brat and was punished for misbehaving then I ran away."

"Have the police brought you home before?" he asked.

"Yeah," Logan said. "Officer Green did quite a few times at our old 

"What happened after the officer left?" Tom asked.

"At first I didn't think anything was going to happen because he just 
told me to get to bed," Logan started. "But later he came into the room 
and pulled the covers off and started hitting me. He pulled me up and 
called me a pissy baby then he hit me in the side. Then he started 
hitting me in the face. I managed to call him a real man for hitting a 
kid then punched me in the jaw. I don't remember anything after that. 
The next thing I remember was seeing Stacy in the hospital."

"This Stacy you refer to, the one you met in the ice cream shop, who is 
he?" Tom asked.

"He's my doctor," Logan said. "He and Anthony here, Ed and Mike were 
all there. Mike is my foster dad now and Ed, Stacy and Anthony are my 

"You have quite a family now," Tom said.

"I sure do," Logan said.

They had been talking for several hours when Stacy came walking in. 
Logan looked up and said, "Hi Stacy,"

"Stacy slid the step stool over to the bed and gave Logan a little hug. 
"How are you feeling kiddo?"

"A little sore but it's not too bad," he said.

Tom looked down and said, "It's finally nice to meet you Stacy. It's 
nice to be able to put a face with the name I've heard so much about."

He shook the man's hand then said, "It's Dr. Mullins to you sir. Next 
time you will either notify my father or me before you talk to Logan 
again. Do we understand ourselves?"

Tom looked embarrassed at what he had done. All he could say was, "Yes 
Doctor, I will next time."

Tom looked at Stacy and said, "We're trying to fast track his case onto 
the court docket. We are going to need Logan's testimony if we're going 
to put him away for a long time."

"What kind of time frame are we talking?" Stacy asked.

"Ten to fourteen days," Tom said.

"That's pushing things," Stacy said. "I don't know if he'll be 100% 
then or not."

Tom thought for a minute then said, "I'll stay in touch Doctor. If he's 
not ready I'll ask for a postponement."


Logan continued to improve and his ribs were just a little sore by the 
time Stacy felt he could leave the hospital and head to his new home. 
Mike and Ed both took the day off and were there with some new clothes 
for him. Logan was surprised when Mike handed him the bag. "What's 
this," Logan asked.

"Take a look," Mike said smiling.

Logan dug into the bag and pulled out a new pair of cargo shorts and a 
blue tee shirt along with new underwear, socks and sneakers. Logan 
wiped his eyes and said, "You didn't have to do this."

Ed giggled and said, "True little bro but you would have looked very 
funny heading out in a wheelchair naked."

Stacy looked at him and said, "The paramedics cut your clothes off in 
the ambulance when they brought you here."

When they were talking, a nurse came in and removed Logan's IV then 
left the room so he could get ready to leave. Mike came over to him and 
picked up his underwear and shorts and headed for the bathroom. "You 
can get changed in here son. We'll be right here if you need us."

"No Mike," Logan said. "Please stay."

"Are you sure son?" Mike asked. "We want you to have your privacy when 
you change."

"It's ok," Logan said. "You're my Dad now. So many people have seen me 
naked since I've been here it's alright that you do."

Logan pulled his gown off and stood up and put his new boxers on. He 
quickly finished dressing just as a nurse came in with a wheelchair. 
Logan was taken downstairs as Ed went to get the car. Stacy came down 
with them and said, "Logan, I have patients to see this afternoon then 
I will be home. You have a new family here who love you. No one will 
abandon you again."

Logan reached out to Stacy and he was finally able to give Logan a 
proper hug. He kissed his brother on the forehead then watched as the 
nurse wheeled him out to his Dad's car. Mike helped Logan into the back 
seat and they quickly drove home. Ed parked the car then they showed 
Logan the house and to his new room.

Over the past several years Mike had gotten the house remodeled and 
added a small second story to it that had two more bedrooms and a full 
bath. He also had the kitchen enlarged and had a full bath put onto the 
master bedroom.

They went upstairs and opened the door that was now Logan's room. The 
teen walked in and said, "Oh wow, this is great but you didn't have to 
do all this for me."

Mike leaned down and looked at the boy and said, "We had this put on 
several years ago sport. The room was decorated like Stacy wanted. This 
is his old computer and stereo. The only thing I did get was the play 
station. I hope you like it."

Logan leaned in and gently hugged Mike and said, "I love it. Do you 
think anyone would mind if I called you Dad? I mean you are my foster 

Ed smiled and said, "If they do then they will just have to get over 

Mike knew Logan wasn't up to getting cleaned up while he was I the 
hospital so he said, "Why don't you take a warm bath. I don't think you 
had one while you were in the hospital and it might make your ribs feel 

Mike went and opened the closet showing him his new clothes and told 
him his underwear and socks were in the dresser. Logan was moved that 
Mike had bought him new things but was grateful the he didn't have to 
go back to his old house. "Thanks Mike," Logan said. "That sounds like 
a good idea. I feel yucky."

I showed him where things were in the bathroom and how to work 
everything then left him to get clean. He had been up there so long 
Mike thought he went down the drain then he heard his footsteps coming 
down the stairs. He remembered hearing Ed and Stacy's feet as they were 
growing up and it was a sound he long had missed. Logan came into the 
kitchen and Mike said, "I thought I was going to have to send out a 
search party."

"Sorry," Logan said. "That warm bath really felt good. I'm hungry Dad."

Mike fixed everyone some sandwiches then Logan was tired and went to 
his room to take a nap. Stacy and Anthony came home from work and were 
jumped by a 14 year old imp. Anthony came behind him and picked him up 
a like a baby and Logan seemed to relax and enjoy the attention. "How 
was your day bro?" Anthony asked.

"It was fine," he said smiling. "I really love my room. Thanks Stacy."

Stacy kissed his head as he hung it backwards then Anthony set him on 
his feet.

Mike told everyone to get cleaned up for dinner as Ed put the finishing 
touches on Logan's first dinner. The five of them ate then spent a 
quiet night just relaxing watching television.

About ten, Stacy noticed Logan had drifted off to sleep. Mike went over 
to pick him up when he yawned then said, "Is it morning yet?"

Mike smiled at the boy and said, "No son, it's only 9:30. You've been 
asleep for about an hour."

He yawned again the said, "I guess I am ready for bed. It's nice to be 
somewhere where someone isn't yelling at me."

Stacy looked at him and said, "I can imagine that."

Stacy leaned down and kissed him then he got up and headed upstairs. 
They all gave him time for him to do his business then they went up and 
kissed him good night.

Since it was Friday, everyone was off the next day so they were still 
awake when suddenly Ed heard Logan crying. Mike walked upstairs and saw 
the boy sitting up. He turned the light on and went to talk over when 
Logan started cowering and screaming "Don't hit me Daddy. I'm sorry. 
Don't hit me."

They heard this downstairs and Stacy was the first to reach Logan's 
room. He saw Mike just standing there not knowing what to do. Stacy 
went over to him and said, "No one is going to hit you Logan. What 
happened to make you cry?"

Logan turned and looked at Stacy and said, "I had an accident."

Stacy smiled at him and said, "Is that all?"

"Yu . . .You're not mad?" Logan asked."

"Why should we be?" Stacy asked helping the boy to his feet.

Logan hung his head and Mike took his hand and led him into the 
bathroom. Mike sat Logan on the toilet then said, "That doesn't bother 
us at all, son."

Stacy walked in and said, "Look at this Logan."

Stacy undid his pants and let Logan look at what he was wearing. His 
eyes got big and said, "Stacy, is that a diaper?"

Stacy nudged Mike then said, "Can't get anything past him Dad. Yeah 
Logan, I wear diapers. I have a weak bladder because of being a dwarf. 
I've had to wear these since I was younger than you. Anthony does too?"

"Anthony wears them too?" Logan asked as Mike helped him off with his 
wet underwear.

Anthony was standing behind Stacy and said, "Un huh. My father tried to 
kill me when I was younger and I had to have surgery."

Logan started crying then said, "What did you do?"

"I was gay," he said.

"That's all?" he asked.

"Yep," Anthony said.

Stacy looked at him and said, "I have some night time diapers you can 
wear so if you can't wake up to go pee, you won't wet the bed. Is that 
ok with you?"

Logan looked down for a minute then said, "If you guys can wear them, I 
can too. Thank you Stacy, I'd like that."

Mike handed Logan a soapy washrag so he could wash himself then rinsed 
him off. Stacy came back upstairs with a diaper, lotion and powder then 
said, "Logan, would you like me to put this on you?"

Logan blushed a little at the thought of wearing a diaper but said, 
"Yeah, thanks Stacy."

Logan walked back to his room as Ed finished changing the bed. "Here 
you go little bro," he said patting the bed. "All nice and dry for you. 
If you wet during the night and need to be changed, any one of us will 
help you. We did it with Anthony and Stacy and still do at times. 
You'll never hear any of us make fun of you."

Logan smiled as he stretched out on his bed. Stacy went over and slid 
the diaper under his butt and had him lift his legs so he could rub 
some lotion into him butt. When he was finished, Logan put his legs 
down so Stacy could lotion his front. He shook a little powder on him 
the pulled the diaper in between his legs. He secured the right side 
first then pulled it snug and did the left. He smiled at him then said, 
"How's that feel?"

Logan stood up and walked around then said, "Feels pretty good."

He looked up and saw Anthony just wearing his diaper and tee shirt. 
Anthony said, "We've worm them so much we just go around the house in 
them at night."

"I feel a whole lot better about having to wear these," Logan said. "My 
Dad would make me drink and drink water and soda then make me hold it 
for hours."

Stacy looked at Logan and said, "Your bladder should be able to retrain 
itself over time so you will be able to wake up and make it to the 
bathroom in time."

Logan smiled and gave everyone a hug then started yawning as his body 
started to tire. He crawled back into bed and everyone kissed him good 
night once again.

Mike looked at his watch and said, "I think we should all get some 
sleep guys. It's after midnight and I'm getting tired."

Everyone went to bed and Stacy woke up with a start as he felt he was 
being watched. He opened his eyes and saw Logan standing there. He 
yawned and said, "What is it Logan?"

"I'm wet Stacy," he said softly.

He sat up and stretched and said, "Guess what, I am too."

Logan smiled when he heard another voice say, "Alright baby, I'll 
change you."

Anthony got out of bed and pulled the changing pad up and Stacy slid 
over and spread his legs. Anthony quickly removed Stacy's diaper then 
cleaned, lotioned, and powdered and changed his lover in just a few 
minutes. Logan padded over and took Stacy's place on the pad. Three 
minutes later Logan was changed and it was Anthony's turn to lie down 
for changing. Stacy undid Anthony's diaper while Logan watched.

Logan watched as Stacy carefully clean Anthony's bottom and hole. 
Anthony lowered his legs then Stacy cleaned his front. As Stacy cleaned 
Anthony's penis, Logan felt his own dick start to stir. As this 
happened Logan started fidgeting and trying to adjust himself. He 
looked over at Logan and said, "What's wrong dude?"

He turned red and said, "I got a boner."

Stacy smiled and went over to loosen Logan's diaper. Logan stuck his 
hand inside and adjusted his stiffy. Stacy tightened the diaper then 
finished changing Anthony.

Stacy looked at Logan and said, "Don't be ashamed you got hard looking 
at Anthony or me."

"I couldn't help it Stacy," he said "He's so beautiful."

Stacy blushed and said, "I know he is. He's my boyfriend."

"I hope I find one as good looking as him," Logan said as they went out 
to the kitchen.

Anthony ruffled his hair and said, "I'm sure you will Logan. It will 
just take a little time."


Logan settled into his life at his new home and adjusted well to 
wearing diapers at certain times. Mike had decided that Logan was going 
to need his time so he decided to retire. He liked the fact he could 
raise another child. Mike was reading the paper when the phone rang and 
it was Tom Wilkins from the DA's office. "Mr. Mullins, this is Tom 
Wilkins. I'm the one who will be prosecuting Mr. Williams."

"Yes Mr. Wilkins," Mike said. "What can I do for you?"

"I don't know if your son told you that I've spoke with Logan," he 
started saying. "The trial will start on Wednesday and I would like to 
talk with him one more time before we do."

Mike was still upset that he spoke with Logan without his permission 
but said, "I understand sir. Where would you like to do this?"

Tom said, "I thought it would be best if I did it at your house. I want 
him to be as comfortable as possible."

"Thank you," Mike said. "What time would you be here?"

Tom thought for a minute then said, "I can do it at the end of my day. 
I would probably be there about 5 or so."

"That sounds fine," Mike said. "We will see you tomorrow then."

"Who was that Dad?" Logan asked.

"That was the DA's office," Mike said. "Mr. Wilkins wants to talk with 
you before the trial starts on Wednesday."

"Do I have to Dad," Logan said starting to get upset.

Mike saw this and drew the boy into his arms then said, "Don't you want 
your stepfather to be punished for what he did?"

Logan scooted onto Mike's lap and he said, "Yeah, I do but I can't see 
him. He scares me. He wanted to kill me Dad."

Logan started crying as Anthony came in. "What's wrong Dad?" Anthony 

"The trial starts on Wednesday," Mike said. "The DA wants to go over 
his testimony tomorrow."

Anthony was about to say something when Ed and Stacy came in. Mike was 
holding Logan as he cried and felt his bladder cut loose into his 
diaper. He started to take him to Stacy's room to change him when Ed 
said, "Here Dad, I'll change my little brother."

Ed took Logan as Mike said, "Logan got real upset when I mentioned this 
to him. Did he get upset when he first talked with him?"

Anthony shook his head no then said, "I watched him during that but he 
didn't cry or anything. I've had time to talk with him and I'm really 
wondering if he will be able to testify."

Mike thought about what he just heard then said, "I wonder if the DA 
will be able to put him away without him?"

Stacy said, "I don't know Dad. From what I know there weren't any 
witnesses so it's his word against his stepfathers."

Ed came out carrying Logan and he set him on Mike's lap. They decided 
to let the matter rest and give Logan a quiet evening.

The next afternoon Anthony and Stacy got home early so when the ADA was 
there, they could watch Logan's demeanor. They were sitting in the 
living waiting when the doorbell rang and Anthony got up to answer it. 
He looked at Tom and said, "Come in sir."

"Thank you," Tom says. "Hi Logan."

Logan leans into Mike's arms and just stares at the man. Tom sits down 
and starts to talk to everyone while Logan continues to stare. Anthony 
looks at Tom and asks, "If Logan can't testify, can you win the case?"

Tom sat back and said, "I think we have a very strong case with the AI 
Investigators and the photographs."

Mike looked at Logan and asked, "Can you talk with Tom son?"

Logan buried his face into Mike's shoulder and shook his head no. Stacy 
said, "I don't know if he will be able to help you tomorrow or not. The 
only thing I can say is we'll be there."

Tom put his noted away and said, "I guess that's all we can do. I'll 
see you all in the morning at the courthouse."

Mike looked down at Logan as he was lying there and he was sucking on 
his thumb. Mike was worried about his new son. Stacy showed Tom to the 
door then went back over to Logan. "He's gone bro," Stacy said. "Please 
talk to us."

Logan just lay there in Mike's arms and stared into space. Anthony 
didn't know what to think. Ed was in the kitchen working on dinner as 
the smells started to make their way into the living room. Logan turned 
his head then said with his thumb still stuck in his mouth, "Daddy, I'm 

Everyone smiled as they heard Logan start to talk. Mike kissed him and 
said, "Alright son, Ed's cooking now and it will be ready soon. Can you 
answer me a question?"

"Un huh," Logan said softly.

"What do you think about talking in court," Mike asked the scared boy. 
"Do you think you can do it?"

"I dunno Daddy," Logan said as he put his thumb back in his mouth.

"Alright son," Mike said not wanting him to clam back up.

Mike just sat and held Logan until dinner was ready and the issue of 
court wasn't brought up in Logan's presence. That night after dinner, 
Logan wanted to stay very close to Mike. Mike suggested that he get a 
bath and Logan asked, "Dad, can you help me please?"

He'd given Stacy many a bath when he was younger so it wasn't a big 
deal to him. He looked at his son and said, "Alright son, I'll help 

Mike and Logan went upstairs and Mike started the bath going while 
Logan took his diaper off and put it in the diaper pail. He came into 
the bathroom and stepped into the warm water and gently sat down. Logan 
just sat there playing in the water so Mike started washing him. After 
he did his hair, he did his upper body. After rinsing him, he started 
on the lower half. He had Logan stand so he could do his legs and feet. 
Once all that was done, the only thing left was his genitals and butt. 
He looked up at Logan and said, "I think you might want to do these 
yourself son."

Logan looked at Mike and said, "It's alright Dad, you can do them."

Mike washed his groin and butt then rinsed him off and helped him out 
of the tub. He gently dried the boy then took him to his room and put 
his nighttime diaper on.

They came back downstairs and Logan took his place on his father's lap. 
As Mike was watching television, Logan drifted off to sleep. Sometime 
later Logan started thrashing about saying, "No Daddy, don't hit me. 
I'll be a good boy just please don't hit me."

Everyone sat up quickly and Mike started talking to him. "Wake up son, 
it's ok. Nobody is going to hurt you. Wake up now son."

Suddenly Logan's eyes popped open. "Huh," he said as his eyes got used 
to the light in the room. "Where am I?"

He looked around and saw Mike's smiling face. "You were having a pretty 
bad dream son," he said moving the hair out of his eyes. "You're safe 
son. We're all here so you don't have to worry."

Logan's senses started to come back to him. He looked up at Mike and 
blushed saying, "I'm really wet Dad. I'm sorry I scared everyone."

"Don't worry about it son," Mike said standing up with Logan in his 
arms. He carried Logan down the hall into Stacy's room and put him on 
the changing table they had when Stacy was younger. After quickly 
changing him, Mike went to put Logan to bed. As soon as Mike headed to 
the stairs Logan whined and said, "Dad, I don't want to sleep alone 
tonight. Can I sleep with you?"

It had been many years since he had one of his sons with him so he 
said, "Yeah son, you can sleep with me tonight. I'm going to put you in 
here now and I'll be in shortly."

Mike got Logan situated in his bed then went out to talk with the 
others. Stacy said, "He's really withdrawing Dad and that worries me. 
If the state can't prove their case without his testimony he'll be 

Anthony was shaking his head in agreement when Mike said, "I know son 
but we can't force him to talk about it."

Anthony said, "Do you think they will let him testify in the Judges 

"I don't know," Mike said. "I guess that is a possibility."

It was getting late and everyone needed to get some rest so they could 
help deal with Logan in the morning. Mike did his nightly duties then 
crawled into bed beside a sleeping Logan. He got comfortable then felt 
Logan scoot back against him. He rested his arm over Logan's chest and 
held him close as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Mike awoke minus Logan. He got up and quickly went to 
the bathroom and then looked to find Logan. He heard voices coming out 
of Stacy and Anthony's room so he quietly opened the door. There was 
Logan on the changing table getting cleaned up by Stacy. He thought it 
was so sweet the way he doted over Logan and felt he would indeed make 
a wonderful father.

Stacy put a clean diaper on Logan then helped him off the table. 
"Stacy," Logan said. "I don't want to have to see my stepfather."

"I know you don't sweetie," Stacy said as he got dressed. "But it might 
be the only way he gets punished. You want that don't you?"

Logan sat on the bed then said, "Well yeah. He did mean things to me."

"Then you might need to," Stacy said as he put on his shoes. "You need 
to get dressed then we'll get something to eat."

Logan shuffled his feet on the floor but then went up to his room and 
got dressed. Ed had already fixed the bacon and was now cooking eggs 
for everyone. "How do you like your eggs Logan?" He asked picking up a 
raw egg.

He looked up at the big man and said, "Scrambled please."

Ed fixed Logan's eggs then fried up and batch for Stacy, Anthony and 
himself. Once everyone had been fed and the kitchen cleaned they left 
for court.


Mike wanted to get there early so he could speak with the ADA handling 
the case. As they walked down the hall he saw a group of people coming 
out of an office and recognized Tom Wilkins in with them. Mike had his 
boys stay there while he approached Tom and said, "We need to talk with 
you. Do you think Logan could give his testimony in the Judges chambers 
without him having to see his stepfather?"

Tom thought about the question then said, "I'll raise that issue with 
the Judge. I think he'll go for it."

Everyone started heading for the courtroom then Mike looked at Logan 
and said, "You'll have to wait out here buddy. Ed and I will stay with 

Tom cam back out of the courtroom then said, "Mike, I need you to 
follow me. You'll have to wait in a room designed for witnesses."

Mike brought Logan and sat down with him. Mike found the remote for the 
television and found some cartoons to keep Logan occupied when Ed came 
in from using the men's room.

Stacy and Anthony found seats near the front of the room so they could 
hear everything that was said. Tom was sitting at his table going over 
things then a door opened and a man entered wearing handcuffs. Stacy 
leaned over and said, "That's Logan's stepfather."

Anthony looked at the man then said, "God he's ugly. Glad he's just his 

The next thing they heard was a voice saying, "All rise, this court is 
now in session. The Honorable Judge Marcus Rains presiding."

Everyone stood as the middle-aged man came in and went to his chair. 
"Be seated," the man said. "Alright, what is our fist case on the 

The bailiff said, "This is the State of South Carolina vs. James 
Williams on the charges of attempted murder, assault on a minor and 
child neglect."

The judge looked at the defendant then said, "Is the prosecution ready 
to proceed?"

Tom stood up and said, "Yes Your Honor, Tom Wilkins for the State."

"Is the defense ready?" The judge then asked.

"Yes Your Honor," a man said standing. "William Smith for the defense."

The judge then said, "Since all parties are present we'll proceed. The 
defendant has requested a trial by judge. Does the State wish to make 
an opening statement?"

"Yes Your Honor," Tom said standing. "The State will prove beyond all 
doubt that the defendant will willfully and maliciously attempt to kill 
his stepson Logan Williams."

The judge looked at the docket then said, "Stepson? They aren't father 
and son?"

"No Your Honor," Tom said. "It just so happens they have the same last 

"Thank you," the Judge said. "Mr. Smith, does the defense wish to make 
an opening statement?"

"Yes Your Honor," he said standing. "Your Honor, I don't know why we're 
here today. This is nothing more than a terrible accident. My client's 
stepson was tragically run down by a hit and run driver. The police 
have chosen to take the easy way out and say there was no car. We can't 
find it. They need to do their job and find the driver."

"Thank you Mr. Smith," the Judge said. "Mr. Wilkins, call your first 

Tom stood and said, "The State calls Officer Debbie Green."

The policewoman can into the room then was sworn in. She took the stand 
them Tom asked for her name and where she worked. He asked Officer 
Green how she came to meet Logan and about her past meetings with him 
and the number of times she had to take him home. He asked her about 
the last time she met Logan and she replied that it was when Mike 
Mullins called and reported that he had found a boy that was apparently 

She stated that she talked with the residents and spoke with the child, 
Logan. She determined that there wasn't enough probable cause to remove 
the child at that time. After filling out her report it was decided 
that DSS should intervene and the next day she went with a social 
worker back over to the Williams' home. She said they knocked on the 
door and Mr. Williams opened it and said Logan had been hit by a car.

She had to stop for a moment so she could take a drink of water then 
she continued with her testimony. She stated that when she and the 
social worker entered the house they saw the child lying on the floor 
not moving. The stepfather told them that he was going outside when he 
saw the child struck by a car then continued on not stopping. She said 
the stepfather then told them that he carried the child into the house 
and was about to call for help when we arrived. The stepfather then 
said he was in shock and just picked the child up bringing him inside 
not thinking about his injuries.

After she finished speaking Tom asked, "What did you do at that point?"

Officer Green said, "I contacted the dispatcher and requested an 
ambulance and Accident Investigation Team."

"Thank you very much Officer Green," Tom said. "No further questions at 
this time."

The judge looked at the defense table then said, "Do you have any 
questions for this witness, Mr. Smith?"

"Yes Your Honor," he said standing. "Did you ever see my client hit or 
abuse the child?"

"No sir," Officer Green said.

"Did you ever see him verbally abuse him?" He asked.

"No," she said.

"So how can you be so sure he wasn't hit by a car?" He asked.

"She took a sip of water then said, "By looking at the bruises on his 
body. He had bruises consistent with being hit by a fist and not an 

"What bruises did he have?" Mr. Smith asked.

The officer reached into her uniform pocket and said, "These bruises. 
Your Honor, these photographs were taken the day Logan Williams was 
brought to the hospital."

The judge looked at the photographs then handed them to Mr. Smith. The 
lawyer looked at them and said, "How do we know this is actually the 

Tom Wilkins stood and said, "If it pleases the court, here is a 
photograph of Logan Williams. You can see that the child on that 
hospital bed is Logan."

Tom handed the photograph to Mr. Smith and he looked at it. Tom could 
tell that he wasn't pleased by what he saw. He looked up and thought 
for a minute then said, "I have no further questions for this witness."

"Any re-direct Mr. Wilkins?" The judge asked.

"No Your Honor," Tom said. "The State calls Officer John Marks."

The officer was sworn in and he gave his name and where he worked. Tom 
stood up and said, "Did you investigate and reported hit and run in 
front of the defendant's home?"

"Yes sir I did," the officer replied.

"Will you please tell the court what you found?"

The Officer said, "When we arrived we got some basic information from 
Officer Green then went out to the street to see where the alleged 
accident took place. We looked around where the accident was supposed 
to have happened but it was the absence of things that really got our 

"What was that," Tom asked.

The Officer said, "When we looked at the roadway there was the absence 
of skid marks. The speed limit on the street is 25 miles per hour and 
if a vehicle hits a child at that speed, there would be signs of it. We 
found nothing. There were no pieces of plastic from any automobile in 
the street and if a child were to be hit at that speed, there would 
also be blood in the street. We saw nothing."

"Were you able to draw any conclusions from your investigation?" Tom 

"Yes we were," the Officer said. "After extensive interviewing of 
neighbors and looking at the photographs we determined this was not a 
hit and run accident."

"Thank you Officer Marks," Tom said. "No further questions at this 

"Your witness Mr. Smith," the Judge said.

"Why haven't you continued to look for any one?" Mr. Smith asked.

"It's clear this is not a hit and run," Officer Marks said.

"Clear to you maybe," Smith said.

"Objection," Tom said.

"Sustained," the Judge said. "Ask relevant questions sir, don't make 

"No further questions," Smith said.

The next person Tom called was Dr. Moore, the Emergency Room Physician. 
He testified that Logan was admitted with severe bruising, 7 fractured 
ribs and a fractured skull. The marks on his body were consistent with 
that of a beating. An ultrasound revealed no internal injuries or 
anything that would require surgery."

Mr. Smith had no questions of him. Tom didn't know if he had put on a 
strong enough case without having to call Logan to the stand. The judge 
looked at him and said, "Call your next witness Mr. Wilkes."

"Side bar," Tom said as he stood.

The judge motioned the lawyers to the bench and said, "What is it Mr. 

"We would like you to hear Logan's testimony in chambers," Tom said. 
"The child is still traumatized from what he went through at the hands 
of his stepfather."

"We object," Mr. Smith said. "My client has the right to face his 
accusers in court."

Tom looked at him and said, "He is Judge. The state itself is bringing 
these charges against him, not the child."

The judge was about to rule when the bailiff handed Tom a note. He 
opened it then said, "We won't need to call the boy yet."

The Judge looked at Tom and said, "Very well, you may step back."

Tom looked at the Judge and said, "The State calls Matthew Williams to 
the stand."

Mr. Smith stood and said, "Objection Your Honor, this person isn't on 
our witness list."

"Your Honor," Tom started saying. "This person just came forward. The 
State was unaware of his existence. This was what that note was about a 
moment ago. We haven't had the chance to depose him but he claims to be 
an eye witness to all this."

The Judge thought for a moment then said, "This is irregular but I 
would like to hear what this person has to say. If after he testifies, 
I'll call a recess so you can plan your cross, if you want."

"Very well," Mr. Smith said.

"Bring the witness in," the Judge said.

Mr. Smith looked over at his client and said, "Do you know who this 
person is?"

"He's my son," James Williams said.

The door of the courtroom opened and in walked at 15-year-old boy. He 
went through the railing and the clerk administered the oath then he 
took his seat. Tom stood and looked at the child and said, "Please 
state your name for the record."

"My name is Matthew Williams," the boy said.

"And where do you live Matt?" Tom asked.

"I live with my father, stepmother and stepbrother," he said.

"Do you know the man seated at the defendant's table?" Tom asked.

"That's my father, James Williams," Matt said staring at him.

"Do you know what happened to Logan?" Tom asked.

"Yes sir," Matt said.

"Will you tell us what happened?" Tom asked.

"My father beat him," Matt said.

"Why did he do this?" Tom asked.

Matt wiped his eyes then said, "Because the police had to bring Logan 
home after he dumped him like he's done many times before. My father 
was always dong that but Logan could always find his way back. This 
time was different though. We had just moved into our new house and 
none of us knew the area. Dad took him out for ice cream and soon he 
was back without him. I was worried about him this time. I knew he 
didn't know his way around. About 11, I heard the phone ring and I 
could tell my father was really mad. I think it was about 11:30 when 
someone came to the door and it was the police. They found Logan and my 
Dad was telling her that Logan ran away. She was there for about 15 
minutes then went on her way. I heard him tell Logan to get his ass to 
his room and he would deal with him later. I heard my Dad slam his door 
closed and I knew he was going to bed. I waited up to see if I could 
hear anything but I didn't so I guess I fell asleep. The next thing I 
remember was hearing my father yelling at Logan and him hitting him. 
Logan was crying begging him not to beat him any more and that he would 
be a good boy but my father didn't stop. He dragged Logan out of his 
room and then punched him in the stomach."

Tom had to stop Matt's testimony to ask, "Matt, how do you know it was 
your father hitting him?"

"Two reasons," Matt said. "First we were the only people in the house. 
And the other reason is I saw him when he had Logan in the living 

"Where was your stepmother?" Tom asked.

"Working as always," Matt said. My father is so lazy he won't even try 
to find a job. Logan's Mom is working 16 hours a day just because of 

"What else did you father do to Logan in the living room?" Tom asked.

Matt took a sip of water then said, "Logan rolled into a ball to try to 
protect himself then my father pulled him up and just hit him as hard 
as he could in the jaw. After that Logan didn't move any more. Right 
after that the police showed up."

"Didn't your father know you were in the house?" Tom asked.

"Nope," Matt said. "He thought I was next door at my new friend's house 
but he had to go off at the last minute. When I got back home, they had 
already left so I just stayed in my room."

"What did you do when Logan and your father left?" Tom asked.

"Not much to do," Matt said. I hoped Logan was going to be alright and 
that bastard got arrested."

"What did you stepmother say when you told her?" Tom asked.

"She just shook her head as if to say oh well," Matt said.

"If you father is convicted, what do you want to happen to you?" Tom 

"I really haven't given that much thought," Matt said. "I don't want to 
stay with her because she just didn't seem to care about her own kid. I 
would like to live with Logan. I'm sorry I didn't do anything to help 
him. I just want to let him know that he is my brother and I love him."

"Thank you Matt for coming forward," Tom said. "It took a lot to 

James and Mr. Smith were quietly arguing between themselves. James 
said, "Look, you go after him. Make the judge believe he beat Logan."

"Wait a minute," Mr. Smith said. "You told me it was a hit and run now 
you're telling me to go after him. Which is it?"

"Look, just go after him," James said.

The Judge was watching the goings on over at the defense table. He 
said, "Do you have any questions for the witness?"

Mr. Smith thought for a minute and said, "Yes Your Honor. That was a 
very moving story young man. Isn't it true that you were the one that 
beat Logan senseless?"

"No, it wasn't," Matt said. "I can't hit as hard as my father. I should 
know; I've been on the receiving end of his temper a few times myself."

"All that means is that you'd want to take your frustration out on 
Logan," Mr. Smith said. "Isn't that what really happened?"

"No," Matt said stronger. "Look at his hands compared to mine. His are 
twice as big. Where'd you get those cuts on your knuckles Dad?"

Mr. Smith wasn't going to be able to shake the kid's testimony. He went 
over to his client and said, "The only chance I have to clear you is 
for you to take the stand. He killed you."

James shook his head no then Mr. Smith said, "No further questions."

Tom stood up and then said, "The prosecution rests Your Honor."

Mr. Smith wasn't given anything to work with. His client kept saying it 
was an accident then Matt did it. James refused to take the stand so he 
said, "The defense rests."

The Judge looked up and said, "The court will stand in recess while I 
consider my verdict."

Stacy and Anthony headed to the back of the courtroom so they could 
find Mike. Anthony found Matt and said, "Come with me."

The boy looked shocked as the man spoke to him. "Who are you?" Matt 

"Logan's foster brother," Anthony said.

Matt followed Anthony as Anthony looked for Stacy. Anthony was looking 
around when Stacy yelled, "In here Anthony."

Anthony walked in followed by Matt. As soon as Logan saw his 
stepbrother he ran over to him and hugged him. "I thought I'd never see 
you again," Logan said crying.

Matt caressed his face and said, "I couldn't let anything happen to 
you, could I?"

Mike stepped up and said, "I'm Mike Mullins, Logan's foster father. 
It's nice to meet you."

Just as Matt was about to speak Stacy said, "Dad, you should have seen 
it. Matt really did it. He put the guy away."

Matt blushed and said, "It's nice to meet you Sir. Yeah, I knew what 
happened and I wasn't about to let him get away with it."

"Pop," Anthony said, "Matt said he would like to come live with us. Can 

"We can talk about that," Mike said. "Is court over?"

Anthony answered saying, "The Judge is deciding if he's guilty or not."

Mike looked at Logan and said, "Would you like to go in to see that?"

"I don't want to see him Dad," Logan said softly.

I'm going to be there bro," Matt said smiling at him. "I know I've 
never said this to you Logan but I love you. My Dad gave you so much 
shit and yet you came back. That took a lot of guts. I'm so sorry I 
never did anything to help you. I didn't tell the judge every thing he 
did to you but I think he's ass his toast."

"You love me?" Logan said.

"Yeah bro," Matt said pulling him into a hug. "I love you. "You're the 
strongest person I know. Will you come with me back inside?"

Logan looked up at Mike and nodded his head. All six went back into the 
courtroom and took a seat waiting for the Judge to return. Logan gasped 
softly as he saw James sitting at the defense table.

He turned around and looked the he saw Logan. He just started at the 
boy and Matt said to him, "You can't hurt him any more you asshole."

Just then the Judge came in and the Bailiff said, "All rise, this court 
is one again in session."

The Judge took his seat and said, "Will the defendant please rise. I 
have carefully listened to all the testimony and it most compelling. 
The most damaging testimony was that of Officer Green and of Matthew 
Williams. Mr. Williams, I was not convinced that the injuries to Logan 
were caused by a hit and run driver or that of Matthew Williams. 
Therefore, James Williams this court finds you guilty on all counts. 
Sentencing will be held two weeks from today. The court in adjourned."

Two bailiffs came over and took Matt's father back to jail as Logan and 
Matt embraced. Mike saw tears coming from both boys so he just let them 
hug. After a few minutes he rubbed both boys' backs then said, "Come on 
boys, let's go home."

Matt looked up at me and asked, "I'm going too?"

Mike looked at the astonished boy and said, "Of course, unless you 
don't want to."

Ah yeah," Matt said. "I'd love to. I know no one is home, do you think 
we could stop by so I can get some clothes. I can get some for Logan 

Logan looked at Matt and said, "Dad got me new clothes when I came home 
from the hospital."

"Cool," Matt said. "But I have a number of things that I would like to 
get if it's alright."

"We can drive by," Mike said. "If it looks like someone is home we 
won't until you can talk with Logan's Mom."

When Logan heard mention of his mother he looked at Matt and said, "Why 
didn't she come see me then I was in the hospital Matt?"

Matt pulled Logan close and said, "I don't know buddy. Even after all 
this time she hadn't asked about you."

Mike was carefully listening to the boys talk as they all went out to 
the van. Logan sat beside Matt and Stacy sat beside them. Logan looked 
at Matt and said, "I guess she doesn't want me."

Matt could see the sadness in Logan's eyes so he said, "Well bro, it's 
her loss. You're a great little brother, even if we aren't related by 

Logan got quiet the rest of the ride home. He was wet from all the 
stress so he whispered to Mike, "I need a change Dad."

Stacy and Anthony were busy talking with Matt as Ed started fixing 
dinner. Mike took Logan to his room and got him ready for a change. 
Logan took off his good clothes and stretched out on the bed and waited 
on Mike. Mike came in a started cleaning Logan's skin then he rubbed 
lotion on so he wouldn't chafe. He slipped a clean diaper under him 
then powdered his crotch before pulling it up tight and securing it.

Matt was looking for his brother so he went upstairs to see is here was 
there. He saw the light in Logan's room on so he opened the door and 
said, "Hey bro, are you in here."

Matt froze as he saw Logan standing in the middle of the room in his 
diaper. Logan's eyes got big and he ran into the closet. "Matt, you 
weren't supposed to see this," he said crying.

Matt went into the closet and said, "It's no biggie bro. I love you and 
if it comes wearing a diaper then so be it. I haven't changed a diaper 
in a while, I just wonder if I still can."

Logan looked up at his brother and said, "You don't think I'm a baby?"

"Yeah," Matt said. "You're MY baby brother and I love you."

Mike watched the brothers talk so he quietly left the room. Matt and 
Logan came out of the closet and Logan got dressed. Logan was sitting 
on the bed when he said, "Matt, I need to tell you something."

Matt came over and sat on the bed beside him and said, "I'm all ears 

"I don't know how you're going to take this but I think I like boys," 
he said watching his brother for his reaction.

"So," he said. "I like boys too."

Logan looked at him again and said, "I don't think you understand Matt. 
I like girls too but not as to have a girlfriend."

"Logan, we've been step brothers for 5 years now," Matt said. "I kinda 
figured that out especially when you didn't give that cute number the 
time of day last year."

"It doesn't bother top you?" Logan asked.

"Hell no dude," Matt said. "In fact I'm glad you told me."

Logan was confused by what Matt was saying. "Why are you glad I told 

Matt took Logan's hand and said, "Because I can tell you how I really 
feel. I've known I was gay for 2 years now and I've fallen in love with 
you. I didn't know for sure if you were."

Logan was sitting there absorbing everything Matt said. He was brought 
back to earth when Matt leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips. 
"Oh Matt," Logan said. "I never thought anyone would ever love me."

"You're the sweetest boy I've ever known," Matt said. "You're also the 
cutest too. Would you mind it I changed you the next time you needed 

Logan had only let his new family see him naked and he blushed when 
Matt asked him. "I guess so," Logan said.

Matt smiled and said, "Let go downstairs bro. I'm getting hungry."

When the boys got downstairs Matt saw Stacy run across the hall in just 
his diaper. Logan said, "I'm not the only one who wears them. Stacy has 
a weak bladder and wears them as does Anthony. His father tried to stab 
him to death when he was our age."

Matt looked at his brother and asked, "Are they boyfriends?"

Mike heard the question and said, "Yes Matt they are. Does that bother 

Matt smiled and said, "Not at all. I have a boyfriend too."

Mike's eyes got big and said, "That's wonderful. Who is the lucky boy?"

Matt wrapped his arms around Logan and said, "He is."

Mike wrapped his arms around both boys and said, "That's wonderful. I 
hope you'll both be very happy."

"Thanks Dad," Logan said. "I'm gonna let Matt change me next time. Is 
that ok with you?"

"Sure son," Mike said. "It's good to have another changer."

Logan took a deep breath and said, "Dad, I love you, you know that. 
With my stepfather going to jail and my own mother not caring about me 
any more, I was wondering if Stacy would want to adopt me."

Mike smiled and said, "I think you should ask him that son."

"Ask me what?" Stacy asked.

Logan himmed and hawed then asked, "Would you like to adopt me?"

Stacy smiled at Logan's request and said, "Are you sure this is what 
you want?"

Logan nodded his head then Matt said, "I know my mom won't let me be 
adopted but I don't care as long as I can stay with Logan. Will you be 
my Dad Mike?"

Matt moved close to Mike and hugged him. Mike rubbed his hair and said, 
"I'll contact DSS and have them start the paperwork. It shouldn't take 

"Come and get it guys," Ed said. Matt and Logan walked hand in hand to 
the kitchen as Anthony said, "Do we have another couple here?"

Logan said, "Matt said he really loved me and wanted to be my 

"I think that is very sweet," Ed said fixing everyone's plates.

"Dad, will you call Ms. Buckley tomorrow?" Stacy asked.

"I'll do that first thing," Mike said.

Mike's family was growing and he felt that Logan's life was turning 
around for the better. The gang had a quiet evening at home and Matt 
slept with Logan.

The next morning Mike called Social Services and had Matt put into his 
care. Ms. Buckley came out and talked with Logan, Mike and Stacy about 
Logan wanting to be adopted. Ms. Buckley stated that Logan's mother 
would have to agree to give Logan up or the court would have to decide 
what would be in the boy's best interest.

Matt told Ms. Buckley that he didn't think his mom would give up 
custody but wouldn't want him either. She thought it best if he 
remained in foster care and Matt readily agreed since he would be able 
to stay with Logan.

The next thing the family knew it was time to head back to court. Logan 
and Matt decided that they had had enough of James Williams and told 
Mike they didn't want to go back to hear what the Judge says. Mike 
understood how the boys felt and agreed with their decision.

The summer was fleeting fast and Mike got the boys transferred to the 
high school in their area. Logan started his freshman year and Matt 
started his sophomore. The boys quickly got into their routine of being 
students and were making above average grades. Time was really flying 
and just before Christmas Stacy got an early Christmas present.

He received a letter asking if he was still interested in adopting 
Logan because the court terminated Logan's mother's parental rights. 
Two days later the Mullins family was in Juvenile Court. The Judge read 
the adoption petition and listened to Ms. Buckley from Social Services. 
The Judge talked with Logan and then said, "Dr. Mullins, it is with 
great pleasure I hereby grant your petition to adopt Logan Williams. As 
of this day you are his father. I have no doubt that you will raise him 
to be a productive member of society. I also grant Logan's request to 
change his name to Logan Mullins. Congratulations and this court is 

Logan immediately hugged his new father. After everyone got hugged, 
Mike took his family out for a great celebration. As Logan's life 
continued to get better, he still would have nighttime accidents. This 
didn't bother anyone as he was to Stacy and Anthony changing him.

Logan and Anthony were sleeping together in a double bed so Mike 
decided to get them a queen size for they could each get a better 
night's sleep. Mike went in to give Matt and Logan their good night 
kisses then turned out light. He turned to head downstairs and thought 
about his life ever since love came to Stacy.

The End

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What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
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Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
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