Love Comes to Stacy This is a fictional story about gay love and contains scenes of an erotic nature. It also contains sexual situations between consenting teenagers. If this type of material offends you stop now and continue no further or if you are not of legal age to read this then stop. The people in this story do not use protection but it is always wise to do so. This story is protected by copyright. It may not be downloaded or copied for other than your private enjoyment and may not be changed in any way without the expressed written consent of the author. This story may not be put on any pay-to-view site. I want to thank my good friends Stacy (Little Demon Boy) and Ed with their help and guidance in writing this story. I reply to all emails, except flames. You may write me at I hope you enjoy this story. Miguel Sanchez Love Comes to Stacy Stacy wasn't your average teenager. He had problems adjusting to meeting people his own age. When he was younger, it wasn't bad but as he got older it started getting harder because of his diminutive size. You see Stacy is a little person and is at least eighteen inches shorter than most average people. When he hit puberty he started looking at his peers in yet a different way. When he had gym class the sight of the other boys in class being naked started giving him funny feelings in his groin that he didn't understand. One day as he was going home from school his bladder started telling him it needed to be emptied and he ran to the front door but he couldn't get the door opened. The harder he tired the more stressed out he got and just as he opened the door the dam broke and Stacy wet himself. Stacy stood there crying until his Dad Mike heard the commotion and came to see what was going on. He saw his son standing there wet and crying and said, "What happened son?" Through the tears Stacy said, "I tried Daddy to open the door but it stuck again. I'm sorry." His Dad took his books from him and brought him into the house then closed the door. He kissed him on the cheek and said, "It is all right son, accidents happen." He lifted his shirt off then removed his tennis shoes so he could remove his wet jeans and underwear. He led him into the bathroom where he helped him clean up then get dressed. His Dad had been noticing this was getting worse so he made an appointment with his pediatrician. The Doctor ran some tests then they were sent to another doctor, this time a specialist. After it was all was said and done Stacy's doctor talked with them and said, "Mr. Mullins you son has an under developed muscle in his bladder and the fact that he is a dwarf is adding to the problem. It seems that that muscle is weak and it can't always hold back all the urine if it gets really full. There is a surgical option open but I don't think Stacy is a good candidate for it. It also carries risks that could leave him totally impotent, incontinent or both." Stacy just sat there in silence then said, "You mean I'm going to keep having accidents?" The doctor looked at him and said, "I'm sorry son but I'm afraid so." The young man broke down and said, "This just isn't fair Daddy. It isn't fair." "I know son," his Dad said. "Let's go home and sit and talk about this." Stacy and his Dad left the doctor's office and neither of them had much to say on the drive home. When they got inside Stacy looked at his Dad and said, "Daddy, why am I so different? I mean look at me, I'm little and I'm not going to grow. My bladder is causing me to wet myself and to top it off Daddy, I'm gay." Stacy was in tears again and his Dad picked him up and sat him on his lap. His son was out of control with his crying so he took him into the bathroom and stood him in front of the toilet. Stacy got the message and emptied his bladder then looked back to his father. They went back into the living room and his Dad said, "Son, I love you. You are my child and the light of my life. It doesn't matter if you're gay and you may be short in stature, but to me you're six feet tall. There is something I haven't told you since your mother died and that is the fact that I'm gay also. As for the bladder problem, if you can make it to the bathroom that's great but otherwise, there is only one choice son and that is diapers." Stacy closed his eyes and thought about what his Dad just told him. He was about to speak when his brother Ed came in from work. He saw everyone in a glum mood and said, "What's wrong Dad?" His Dad explained everything the Doctor said and Stacy's revelation then Ed looked at his brother and said, "First off little bro, what's so bad about being gay? I am and I have a boyfriend. The reason I haven't said anything to you was I wanted to wait a little until you were older. There isn't anything that can be done safely to fix your bladder so I only see one answer bro and I'll make sure no one picks on you." As Stacy got older, he learned to accept what he could change and what he couldn't. His doctor wrote a letter to the school exempting him from gym class so he wouldn't be exerting himself and causing embarrassment from an accidental wetting. His grades were well above average and he was making a few friends but there was something missing from his life. He saw most of his friends talking about going out on dates with their girlfriends or how they were falling in love. He came in from school and went right to his bedroom and just listened to music. When Ed came in he said, "Hey Dad, where's Stacy?" Mike looked out back and he wasn't there so Ed went and checked his room. Stacy was lying on the bed with his headphones on engrossed in the music. Ed motioned for his Dad to see Stacy then they both went in and sat on his bed. Stacy looked up and saw his father and brother sitting with him then closed his eyes hoping they would leave. Ed got up and turned the stereo off and Stacy sat up saying, "Why did you do that?" Ed looked at him and asked, "Why are you holding up in here trying to escape from the world?" "You wouldn't understand," Stacy mumbled. Mike reached over and lifted his son's chin and said, "Try us. We were both your age once son. We weren't born this age." Mike looked into his son's eyes as they filled with tears. He leaned forward then fell into his father's arms saying, "I'm lonely Daddy. Everyone at school is out in this spring weather with their girlfriends and look at me. I'm here at home with no one. How do you think you would feel if you met someone and they found out you wear a diaper because you can't hold your water?" Mike thought for a minute then Ed said, "Little brother if I met someone and got to really know them and they said they were my friend, it shouldn't bother them what I wear under my jeans." Mike looked at his son and said, "As far as you being lonely son, you sure can't make any friends being in here. Now can you?" Stacy looked up and him and said, "No." "You need to get out more bro," Ed said smiling at him. "Have you thought about getting a part time job?" "Why?" Stacy said with a sour sound. "You guys want me out of the house now?" Mike looked at him and said, "Of course not son. You know better than that. Mrs. Branson called and said you couldn't baby sit because you were sick. I didn't know she called nor did I know you were sick?" Ed sat down and looked at Stacy and said, "Bro, what is it? If you get out more, you'll have a better chance of meeting someone. Dad is right; you can't meet people here inside your room." Stacy sighed and said, "OK Daddy, but what can I do? The only real thing I'm any good at is babysitting." We both thought about that for a minute then Mike said, "I just might have an answer to that son." Stacy went to get up and he realized with everything that had happened he wet himself. He went into the bathroom to change when he screamed, "Daddy, Ed come quick." We ran into the bathroom and Stacy was standing there not only wet but he had soiled himself too. Mike wrapped his arms around his son and soothed while Ed got him cleaned up. Mike looked at his son and said, "Has this ever happened before?" Stacy shook his head and said, "No daddy. What's happening to me?" Mike knew all to well that stress can reek havoc on the body. Anytime Stacy got excited or stressed he would lose bladder control. He decided that he would keep an eye on things and call the doctor if things got worse. Ed helped Stacy clean up while Mike made a phone call. He had a friend that owned a childcare agency and she was always looking for good help. Stacy sat for about six different families and every one of them loved him. He felt very confident they would give him a good recommendation. Mike called his friend at the childcare center and she said she would be glad to speak with Stacy. Saturday was a busy day and Darla's place was hopping. Mike took Stacy there so he could meet her and see if there was anything that could be done. They walked in when a young girl said, "May I help you sir?" Mike looked at the girl and said, "Yes, I'd like to see Darla Richards please." The girl picked the phone up and dialed a number and soon he was facing his old friend. She came out of her office and said, "Mike Mullins, what a nice surprise. It's been a long time. Who is this handsome young man?" Mike looked at his friend and said, "Darla, this is my son Stacy. Stacy, this is Darla Richards. Stacy is looking for a part time job and he is very good with children. He sits for five or six of the neighbors and they all rave about him." The woman looked at Mike and said, "I don't have any paid positions open right now but I could use some volunteers. I take volunteers that want to get paid and that is how I get my staff. It is a good way to get in though. Are you interested Stacy?" Mike looked at his son and said, "What do you think son?" Stacy looked around and saw kids running all around the place. He saw one girl break loose and head for the door. He ran over and got her quickly and said, "Hey there little one, slow down." She smiled at him then he turned her over to the staff worker. Darla was impressed by what she saw and said, "Stacy you sure do have a knack with children." He smiled and said, "Yeah when you're my size it helps. They just don't seem scared of you." Stacy sat down and filled out an application and handed it back to Darla. She looked at them and said, "If you can bring me a couple of references from the people he's sat for and if the police check comes back clean we would love to have Stacy work here." Mike took his son home and all Stacy talked about was starting to work at the center. He had one more week of school then he would be off for two weeks for Spring Break. When he got home he called the neighbors he babysat for and they all were happy to give him recommendations. The following week started out fine for Stacy but as it progressed he hadn't heard anything from the center and was getting antsy. On Thursday there was a letter in the mail addressed to Mr. Stacy Mullins. It was from the childcare center informing him everything was fine and he was scheduled to work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. He would work from ten until four during the week and eight until five on Saturday. When school started back he would work Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Stacy was ecstatic. They asked if he could come in this Saturday from ten until two for training and he called the center telling them he would be there. Mike took his boys out to dinner Friday to celebrate Stacy's first job, even though he wasn't getting paid. On Saturday Stacy woke at six chomping at the bit to get to work. He was going in and out of his room so much he woke his Dad up. Mike opened his door and saw his son walking back and forth and said, "Do you know what time it is son?" "I can't sleep," he said. "I'm too excited." "I understand son," Mike said still half asleep. "But there are others here who can sleep. If you want to stay up that's fine but please keep the noise down." "Sorry Daddy," Stacy said hugging his father. "I'll keep it down." Mike crawled back into bed for another hour and a half then got up and had his coffee. At nine-thirty he and Stacy left for the daycare center where he dropped him off and told him to have a good time. Stacy got out of the car and went inside where Darla was waiting for the diminutive teen. She made him a nametag and the proceeded to show him around the center. She showed him all the rooms and the changing areas. She took him outside and showed him the massive playground and equipment there for all the kids to enjoy. She assigned him to a class with three and four year-olds and introduced him to the teacher Karen. Karen introduced Stacy to all the children and they all greeted him warmly. There were about ten kids in the class and after a while they split up into two groups. One group played with Stacy while Karen read to the others. At noon, Karen and Stacy took the kids outside to the picnic area so they could all have lunch. Now this was going to be real fun trying to keep ten three and four year-olds with all kinds of food from wearing more than they ate was going to be a trick. Between the spilled drinks and jelly covered hands and faces, Stacy did manage to eat his lunch. After everything had been eaten, spilled or landed on the ground they lined their charges up for the trip back inside and to get all their hands and faces washed. About thirty minutes after lunch had ended Karen split the kids into boys and girls for diaper checks. There were several of the kids that still weren't totally potty trained. Stacy found one such boy and said, "Found a wet one here Karen." Karen looked at Stacy and said, "Diapers are over there in the cabinet and the powder is right beside the wipes. Take him over to the mat and change him." Undaunted by the instructions he took the lad over to the mat and had him changed in nothing flat. Once that had been done they put the kids down for an hours rest. Karen looked at Stacy and said, "You're a natural with kids and they all relate to you. I don't mean this in a bad way but your size really makes them feel comfortable." "Thanks," Stacy said smiling as he sat and relaxed. "Even older kids don't seem to be a problem when I watched them." Karen smiled and said, "Have you thought about what you want to do with your life?" "Yeah," Stacy said smiling. "I either want to be a pediatrician or a child care worker." "Lofty goals," Karen said. "Yeah," Stacy said looking at the resting kids. "I know what I want and I'm prepared to work for it." "Good luck," Karen said heading for the bathroom. Stacy was enjoying him so much that he forgot his Dad was picking him up at two. Darla and Mike walked down the hall and found Karen's room. When they entered the saw Stacy sitting on the floor with five little ones huddled around while he was reading them a story. Mike waited until his son was finished reading then said, "Did someone forget the time?" Stacy helped the kids off his lap and stood up saying, "Ah well yeah Daddy, I did. I'm sorry." He smiled at his son and said, "That's alright. I see you're a hit here." Stacy smiled and said, "Yeah Daddy. It's great. I really like the work here." Mike and Stacy went out and headed home and Stacy chattered the entire time about everything he did and what had happened during his four hours there. Sunday drug by for Stacy and Mike was getting tired of his pacing so he told Ed to take him out somewhere so he could get a little peace. Ed took him to a movie and then to a fast food place and returned home a little after nine. Stacy took his bath and went to bed at nine-thirty ready for his first official day. Stacy woke at eight this time so he could get dressed and have some breakfast. His brother had to be to work early so he dropped his brother off early at the center. Darla was there at the front desk when Stacy walked in. He smiled and said, "I know I'm a little early but my brother had to be in early himself so he dropped me off. Is this a problem?" "Actually no Stacy," Darla said. "One of our teachers called in sick and we can't find someone to fill in. It's a small class of three year- olds with maybe five kids. Do you think you can handle it?" Stacy smiled and said, "Sure, no problem." Stacy and Darla went down to the classroom where Stacy was introduced. The kids all seemed excited when the little teen went in and began reading a story making all kinds of funny sounds for the different characters. When lunchtime rolled around Stacy took his charges outside to eat. He managed to eat and keep the kids remarkably clean. Just before he took them back inside Stacy spotted a new teen working with some two year-olds. The two made eye contact and waved but that was the extent of their meeting. Stacy didn't see the teen any more that day but he did manage to ask the young girl at the front desk what was his name. On Tuesday Ed was off so he and his brother knocked around so the younger teen wouldn't be bored. He told his brother about the boy he'd seen at the center but wasn't able to catch up with him after that one meeting. Ed smiled at him and said, "Are you going to try to meet this guy bro?" "Well," Stacy stammered. "I'd like to and he is cute. I just hope he likes me." Ed patted his brother on the back then pinched his cheek saying, "What's not to like? You're funny, outgoing, easy to get along with and you're down right cute." Stacy blushed when Ed called him cute then said, "Can you drop me off a little early tomorrow?" "Sure," Ed said smiling. "You're going to wait until the mystery boy comes in then talk to him?" Stacy smiled and nodded as they pulled into the driveway. Mike had dinner going then they all relaxed for the rest of the night. The next day Ed dropped him off at the center at nine and he waited outside until the mystery boy arrived. At about twenty past a car drove up and the mystery boy arrived. He had dark hair and eyes and the cutest nose. When he smiled at his mother Stacy felt as if time stood still. His teeth were perfect and so white the sun could reflect off them to light a room. As he got closer Stacy stood and acted like he just got there also. Anthony reached for the door handle the exact time Stacy did and when they touched, he felt sparks go right through his arm. They smiled at each other and Stacy spoke saying, "Hi, I'm Stacy and I saw you Monday." Anthony smiled and said, "I know, I'm Anthony. It's nice to have another guy here to talk with. What are you doing after work?" Stacy had to think quickly and said, "Er well nothing. My Daddy is picking me up but I can tell him not to. Where do you live?" "Over on Jackson," Anthony said. "Oh wow cool," Stacy said. "I live on the next street. Think we could walk home?" "Yeah," Anthony said. "I'll call my mom and tell her not to pick me up." The boys did their work and at lunchtime they called their parents to let them know not to pick them up. The last hour the two had to move some boxes and it seemed in no time, the job was done. Darla was surprised they were finished so quickly that she allowed them to leave early. On the way out they patted each other on the back and started for home. Stacy wanted to try to test a feeling he had about Anthony so he said, "So Anthony, how come you're spending spring break working here and not out with your girl?" Anthony looked at the ground then at Stacy and said, "I don't have one. Girls and me just don't seem to hit it off for some reason. You're cute so why aren't you out with yours?" "Yeah right," Stacy said. "Look at me. If I took them to a dance I'd be dancing with their thighs." Anthony started giggling when he heard Stacy said and soon both boys were in a fit of laughter. They came to a 7 - 11 and Stacy said, "You want a soda?" "Sure," Anthony said. Stacy got them a large soda then they were back on their way home. About a half a block from Stacy's house he stopped suddenly when he got a pained look on his face. His stomach cramped and then he soiled himself. He started walking away from his friend as the tears streamed down his face. Anthony ran up to his friend and said, "What's wrong Stacy?" Anthony could smell what happened when Stacy said, "I crapped, alright? I made a mess of myself now you can tell everyone at the center that Stacy Mullins is a sixteen year-old baby." Now Anthony was a very sensitive boy and he would never do anything to hurt a friend. He started crying then said, "I'd never do that Stacy. You're my friend. We all have accidents." Stacy lifted up his shirt and showed Anthony the top of his diaper. He looked at his friend and said, "Yeah but at least you don't wear these?" "So what?" Anthony said. "You really think that bothers me? Look at this." Anthony pulled his shirt up and Stacy could see a scar that started on his stomach and disappeared inside his pants. He pushed his jeans down a little and said, "See Stacy, I have to wear them too. That scar is a reminder of what my father tried to do to me." Stacy was shell-shocked. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Here was this beautiful fifteen year-old boy and yet his father wanted to hurt him. "Why Anthony, what happened? I don't understand." The boys were heading to Stacy's house when Anthony said, "He tried to kill me because I'm gay. I didn't clear my computer once and he found a site I like to go to. It has a lot of cool stories on it. I was reading one called Alex Finds a Home and I forgot to delete the history. He went crazy and started stabbing and cutting me. The doctors got me patched up but my bladder was sliced pretty good. They were able to repair it but it's like half the size of what it was. The doctor gave me two choices. He said I could have a catheter in me all the time or I could wear these diapers. I didn't like the idea of a tube in my dick all the time especially when I jack off like three times a day." Stacy was now crying for his friend. He said, "Anthony, you will always be welcome at my house. There is something I should tell you; I'm gay too. In fact, so are my Daddy and my brother." Anthony wrapped his arm around Stacy as another wave of cramps hit him as more diarrhea poured from his body. "Let's get you home quick Stacy," Anthony said as they headed down the street. They walked up the driveway and Anthony opened the front door helping his friend inside. "Help someone," he shouted and Ed came running into the living room. "What happened?" Ed said and he got a whiff of his little brother. Stacy said, "I think its stress related bro. Anthony and I were talking and I started getting stressed about trying to tell him I was gay and I had an accident. We started talking then we both ended up crying then it hit again but only worse. Both Anthony and Ed helped Stacy into the bathroom and started getting his shoes off. Ed was going to take his jeans off when Anthony said, "It might be better is you put him in the tub as his is. I think it's going to be very messy." Ed got his jeans off while Anthony held onto the diaper. Once they were off, Ed picked Stacy up and held him over the toilet when the protection was removed. They finally got Stacy cleaned up just as Mike came in from work. He smelled the mess and said, "What happened?" Stacy and Anthony told Mike what happened and Mike called the doctor. When things had settled down Anthony said, "I better get home and get cleaned up too. With the soda and the crying I lost it too." Stacy said, "Anthony if you're not embarrassed, could I help you get cleaned up?" The boy smiled and said, "Sure, I'd like that." The boys went down the hall and Stacy helped his friend get cleaned up. While they were dong this Mike came in and saw the scar and said, "Oh my god son, what happened?" Stacy told Mike and soon they were all crying while Mike held Anthony. He looked at his son's friend and said, "Anthony, would you like to stay for dinner, if it's OK with Daddy." Mike nodded his head and Anthony called his mother. She came around and met everyone and Mike even invited her to stay also. Over dinner, Anthony's mother Sheila explained how when she was at work her ex- husband attacked Anthony. She had been aware of his sexuality for several years but thought it best to keep it quiet. She knew when the divorce was final things would be hard all around especially for her son. Mike told her that he would be welcome at their house any time and if he had questions about being gay, he or Ed would be glad to talk with him and give him the answers. Stacy looked at Sheila and asked her, "Can Anthony spend the night?" She looked at her son and said, "I don't think so. He needs his special things and he's." "Mom," Anthony interrupted. "I'm fifteen years old. I change myself because you don't want to see the scar. When I needed changing earlier, Stacy helped me." "I don't think it's a good idea for another boy." Sheila started to say. "To what see me?" Anthony said. "Hell Mom if I was in gym class there would be loads of guys seeing me so what is the difference? At least with Stacy my scar doesn't disgust him. When he got sick I had to help Ed and I ended up seeing him naked so just was is the BIG deal." Sheila looked at her son and said, "All right son. I guess you're right that there isn't any difference if it's at school or here as long as you're ok with it. I don't think the scar is disgusting son, it just hard to see that and know just how close I came to loosing you. If you want to spend the night here it's fine with me. You will need your things and clean clothes." After dinner Stacy went with Anthony and his mother to get his supplies and a change of clothes. As the boys walked back to the house Anthony said, "I couldn't help but notice you when we were getting you cleaned up." Stacy giggled and said, "Well, it does sorta stand out, doesn't it." "Yeah it does," Anthony said smiling. "I almost reached over and made it stand up." "I would have liked that," Stacy said smiling. "So why didn't you?" "I was afraid of what your brother would say," Anthony answered. "He wouldn't have cared," Stacy laughed. "He's had to clean it and it stands up then and besides, he would have thought you might want to become my boyfriend?" "I've never had a boyfriend before," he said softly. "That sounds nice." Stacy reached down and took the bigger boy's hand and kissed it. He looked up and said, "Neither have I and to me it sounds a lot more than just nice." "Stacy," Anthony started. "I've never done anything with another boy but I have read lots. Do you think you might wanna try some things tonight?" Stacy opened the door to the house and they went in. As soon as the door was closed he pulled Anthony's arm so he would bend over. As soon as he could reach him, he kissed him. Anthony kneeled down and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy. They were lost in their own world when FLASH. The boys turned around and saw Ed standing there with a camera. Both boys turned red and Stacy said, "Hey, not cool." The picture came out and Ed said, "Hey, nice couple." The boys looked at the photo and smiled at each other. Mike looked over their shoulder and said, "That is a very nice looking couple." Stacy turned around and looked at his father and said, "Hehe, yeah Daddy especially this person next to me. I'm glad I started at the center now. I guess I owe you for that" Mike smiled and hugged his son then said, "You don't owe me for that. I'm glad you both met because I think you'll be good for each other. Just go slow and get to know one another." Anthony turned around to hug the man then said, "Mr. Mullins, I wish my Dad had been more like you." Mike was really moved by that and he kissed the boy on the head then said, "Why don't you two get cleaned up and comfortable. Maybe we can find a movie on when you're done." Stacy took Anthony by the hand and led him to his room. Inside there was a large double bed, a nice stereo system and a computer. Anthony saw it and said, "Cool computer Stacy, there are some neat things I can show you it you want?" Stacy blushed and said, "Ah well yeah, that sounds good." Anthony took him to Jackin World and said, "This site is cool dude. It's all about masturbation and different ways you can do it." Stacy was squirming on the bed then said, "I only use one way but it would be nice to find others?" Stacy had to stand and adjust his stiff dick so he was comfortable when Anthony said, "Come on, lets go get cleaned up." Anthony started stripping and then stood there in his diaper waiting for his friend. Stacy slowly started undressing trying to will his boner down but the sight of his new friend standing in front of him almost totally naked was having quite an effect on him. When Stacy lowered his jeans Stacy said, "I'm sorry Anthony, it just won't go down." "Sorry?" Anthony said moving closer to the teen. "I love the view especially what's standing tall. When Anthony got beside his friend, he released that tabs and let the protective cloth drop to the floor. He was in awe of the size of his friend's tool. Stacy looked up at him and said, "That's about the only part of me that's not small." Anthony reached over and gently touched Stacy's massive dick. He saw a ruler on the desk so he decided to measure it. When he saw the numbers he said, "Whoa dude, seven and a half inches and totally clean. I like it." Anthony started stroking his friend and Stacy just closed his eyes as he enjoyed the new feelings coming though his body. He was afraid that Ed or his Dad might knock on the door so he said, "I think we should finish this in the shower so we aren't disturbed." Stacy took his friends diaper off and said, "I like what I see here too." The boys walked naked across the hall into the bathroom and Stacy started the water. Before getting in they used the toilet and Anthony asked, "Are you all right from earlier?" "Yeah," Stacy said looking up at Anthony. "I had just gotten real nervous, that's all. I know now it's nothing but then I just didn't know how to tell you I have a medical condition and have to wear them. I guess what I have is nothing compared to all you've gone through." Anthony kneeled in front of his friend and said, "What ever we go through now we go through together. I care about you and I don't ever want to lose you." The boys stepped into the shower and Anthony got the shampoo and started washing the smaller teen's hair. When he finished that he had Stacy step under the spray and rinse. Anthony grabbed the bar of soap and started washing Stacy's body. He had him close his eyes so he could wash his face without getting soap in them. He quickly rinsed it off then started to wash his arms and back. Anthony went only as far as Stacy's waist then turned him around so he could do his chest and stomach. Anthony started on the boy's stomach then worked his way upward so he could pay attention to the small boy's nubs. He gently washed them then he ran his fingers over them causing them to stand out. Stacy closed his eyes and new waves of pleasure coursed through his body. He could feel his dick throb each time Anthony rubbed one of his nipples. Anthony had him rinse off then he started on Stacy's lower half. He first washed his small feet and legs then carefully rinsed them making sure the soap was off the bottom of each foot. Once this was done he washed the boy's small buns. He washed and massaged each globe until he was satisfied they were clean. He then re-lathered his hands then gently washed inside Stacy's crack letting his finger lightly graze over the hole to clean it. He turned the boy around and gazed at his massive tool. He gently washed Stacy's balls and neither region then grasped the boy's dick and started stroking it. While Anthony was doing this he was looking for something better to use. He spotted some conditioner and rinsed the soap of his friend's tool. He then squirted some conditioner on the tip and began to stroke again. Anthony reached down and started playing with Stacy's balls causing the young teen to moan. After several minutes of his ministrations Stacy said, "Oh gawd man, I'm gonna blow. Shit man, don't stop ungh please oh ungh don't stop. Can't hold it ungh, I'm cumming Anthony I'm cummmiiiinnngg!" Stacy's first shot hit Anthony right in the face. His next five shots landed on his chest. He milked his friend's dick until Stacy couldn't take it any more. Anthony held onto his friend so he could come back from his wonderful climax. After a few minutes Anthony said, "How was that?" "Wonderful," Stacy squeaked. "Did you learn all that from that one site?" Anthony giggled and said, "Well sorta. Some things I made up myself." Stacy kissed his new friend then proceeded to give him the same shower. Stacy grabbed the conditioner and proceeded to slick his friend's five- inch tool and start to jack. Stacy used a close fist and concentrated on the head so Anthony felt nothing but pleasure. After only a couple of minutes Anthony said, "Oh Stacy, I can't hold it. Better move your head. UNGH! Can't ungh gonna cum man gonna cum NOW!" Anthony let loose like Stacy with hugs blasts of boy juice. Stacy was so lost watching the event that he got some of Anthony's cum on his lips. He wiped it off but what was left he licked and tasted. He then licked his hand and said, "Not bad guy. Nice and sweet, just like you." "Thanks," Anthony said. "Sorry I couldn't last longer but for some reason I never can. I can tell you that that was the best cum I've ever had. I like your touch." The boys rinsed off then dried themselves and opened the door to go back into their room. They took two steps out and a voice said, "It's about time. I thought I was going to have to call the Coast Guard." Stacy ran to his father and said, "Oh Daddy, we were just getting washed." "Um hum," Mike said. "And I bet some parts are cleaner than others." Anthony walked over and said, "We're sorry Mr. Mullins. We won't do it again." Mike looked at the teen and asked, "Did either of you do something the other didn't want?" Stacy said, "No Daddy. I liked it and so did Anthony." Mike looked at them and said, "Then there's nothing to apologize for. I know teens your age have urges and are curious so as long as you don't force something on the other one, it's all right. If you have questions about something, come to either Ed or myself and you'll get a truthful answer." The boys smiled at each other then hugged Mike before going and getting dressed. They spent a few hours online looking at different sites and pictures. The boys saw many things that looked fun and some they didn't want to see again. After a while they got tired of looking at all that stuff and went out to be with Mike and Ed. Stacy had a tee shirt on and just his diaper and Anthony said, "Is that all you wear at night?" "Yeah," Stacy said. "It's no big deal and it doesn't bother Daddy or Ed. It's OK Anthony; you know they won't make fun of you." "I know," Anthony said. "At home I have to wear pajamas until I go to bed." Stacy got one of his special Shippo tee shirts and put it on his friend and said, "Come on, let's go." They went out into the living room where Stacy jumped into his brother's lap. Ed looked at his brother and said, "Hey kiddo, tell your friend he can come up here too." Anthony scampered up and both boys cuddled with Ed. Ed looked at Stacy and said, "So, you went out and enjoyed yourself and made a friend, huh? Thought someone said they couldn't make friends." Stacy turned red and said, "OK bro, I was wrong and I'm sure glad I was." Ed kissed both boys on the cheek and said, "I think you're great for each other and would make good boyfriends." Anthony like what he just heard and asked, "I like that to. Stacy, I've never met a person like you before. Not even when I was recovering in the hospital. You have qualities I like and to me, you're ten feet tall. Would you be my boyfriend because I really think I love you?" Mike was coming into the living room when he heard what Anthony said. Stacy smiled and said, "I've never known anyone who has been through what you have and still have a zest for life. You give me strength I haven't had and now I want to face each day with you by my side. Yes Anthony, I'll be your boyfriend." Ed sat up just as the boys were leaning together to kiss. Stacy slapped Ed and said, "Hey bro, wait your turn. I get the first kiss here." Mike smiled and said, "Congratulations son, I'm real happy for the both of you. Just remember to be good to each other." Mike sat down and the boys wanted to cuddle with him for a while. By ten they were getting drowsy so they headed off to bed. They went to the bathroom and brushed their teeth then crawled onto bed. Anthony snuggled up to the smaller boy and wrapped him in his arms where they each fell asleep. During the night Stacy woke up as he felt something damp against his back. He rolled over and Anthony had had an accident. He got up and used the bathroom himself then got a diaper, wipes and powder and went to change his boyfriend. As he slipped the wet one off Anthony woke up. At first he didn't know where he was until he saw Stacy. He saw the wet diaper in his hand and he broke down saying, "I'm sorry Stacy, please don't be mad. I normally wake up." Stacy crawled into bed and hugged his boyfriend and said, "It's OK love. I've had accidents before and that's why I wear these heavier ones at night. I brought one for you. Don't cry. Daddy won't be mad either." He quieted down and said, "I really slept soundly. It's been the best sleep I've had in a long time. I liked holding you Stacy." "Don't feel bad," Stacy said. "I slept like a baby too in your arms." Stacy cleaned Anthony up and put one of his heavier diapers on him and went back to sleep. When the boys woke they got changed and went out for breakfast. Mike had the day off so they just knocked around and had fun. Spring break was a great hit for both boys and they still work at the center now that they are back in school. The school year passed extremely fast and soon summer vacation was upon them. Sheila planned to visit her sister over the summer but Anthony didn't want to leave the center nor be away from Stacy. Mike solved the problem by allowing Anthony to say with him while she was away. Both boys thought this was a super idea and their summer was now set. Over the summer their love grew and blossomed and with the help of Ed and Mike a few questions about sex were answered. Stacy performed oral sex for the first time and Anthony responded in kind with five blasts of his juice that Stacy gladly swallowed. Anthony returned the favor but could only take about three inches of Stacy in his mouth. It didn't matter because Stacy climaxed hard and Anthony wasn't quiet ready for his explosion. He gagged as the first load hit his throat and the rest went over Stacy's chest and stomach. They worked on their style and soon he was an expert. When school was ready to start both boys' love for each other was very evident. It was getting so Anthony hated having to go home. Sheila noticed that when they were apart he was moody and disrespectful. She loved Anthony and asked Mike if he had a problem with him living with them. She helped support Anthony until the day he graduated from high school. Both boys wanted careers working with children and Stacy did go onto medical school and became a pediatrician. Anthony decided to become a child psychologist and they both live together to this day. The End