The Little Swimmers Did It


Hello, my name is Anthony and I am 11 years old. In most respects I am a normal boy. I love playing soccer and baseball. My friends say I am really good at riding a bike and swimming. However, I wear diapers all the time. Now you might think that’s a little strange but around here most of the boys do. I would like to tell you how I started wearing diapers when I was 9.


Part 1- At The Beach


Tim and I had been out shopping for Yu-gio cards. They were still the coolest thing back then now I wouldn’t be seen dead with them. Since we live a bit outside of town Tim’s mother had offered to drive us. After she picked us up she suggested we go to the beach to cool off. This being a scorching hot summer day we readily agreed. Only problem was I was only wearing my Oshkosh overalls and I hadn’t put on any underwear. Tim also had the same problem. Upon arriving at the beach Tim’s mother suggested we could just swim in our underwear. When we told her we didn’t have any on she parked the car next to a beach store. Inside we headed for the swimwear section.


We quickly found a Lycra surf shirt each but no Speedos or shorts. They had sold out earlier and hadn’t had the chance to restock yet. Tim’s mother then came over holding a pack of Little Swimmers. She told us they were really for younger kids but should still fit us nicely. At the moment I didn’t think about it as all I wanted to do was get into the water. When we were in the changing room I saw the pack said, “swim diaper”

I kind of freaked out at that point and said there was no way I was going to wear a diaper.

When I was told it was either that or skip swimming I quickly changed my mind.


Going to change I noticed the swimmer felt thick and soft it also had cool finding Nemo prints on it. I got changed into the surf shirt and started pulling up the Little Swimmers. It felt really nice and I looked cute in them. I saw Tim had also changed. He looked just as cute as I did with the thick swim diaper poking out beneath his shirt. The prints were really cool and we both noticed the thickness of the diaper between our legs made us keep our legs a little apart so we could walk. Handing our clothes to Tim’s mother we both hit the water.


It was the strangest sensation. When I got into the water I felt the diaper absorb some of the sea water and swell up a little. Wearing a diaper that was more or less soaked made us both waddle even more and we looked at each other and laughed since we looked just like the other toddlers on the beach. Wanting to explore this sensation I squeezed the front of it and felt the absorbent padding underneath move around my boyhood parts and it was really nice and comfortable. Looking over at Tim I saw him do the same thing. We both looked at each other and just nodded. Tim’s mother joined us after a little while and we all played in the water.


Part 2- Trip Back Home


After about an hour we were getting tired and had cooled off. So we decided to walk or in our case waddle back to our clothes. But when we reached the place where we had left our things we found someone had robbed us taking all our clothes and even the Little Swimmerss were gone. I was really upset because I loved those overalls. Luckily for us Tim’s mother was prepared for something like this and had hidden a spare key underneath the car. She looked at us and wondered what were where going to do since our diapers were soaking wet she didn’t want us in the car with them on. After getting her purse out of the car she told us to just wait there while she tried to find something for us to wear. Sitting down we noticed there was a fountain close by where several little kids with Little Swimmers on were playing. Figuring we would slip right in with them we waddled over and started playing with them. It was actually fun splashing water around with the toddlers.


I looked at Tim and thought we looked so cute with wearing the same printed diapers as the other toddlers and after the soaking in the sea it looked like we had put them to good use, too. After a little while Tim’s mother came back carrying a blue plastic bag. She told us to get to the car. It was then I realized she was carrying a package of Pampers. Those will never fit us I said they are for babies. She tore open the bag and took one out and showed it to us telling us they were for bigger boys like us and that they were size 6.


Telling us they would fit nicely she tore of Tim’s diaper and laid him on the backseat of the car. Taking a diaper and unfolding it she lifted Tim’s legs into the air and lowered him down on it. She made quick work of it pulling it up and taping it tight onto him. Looking down on his diaper he said, “Wow, this feels really nice and soft! It even has cute prints at the top!”


As he sat up he noticed the bulk between his legs. “Wow, it’s heaps thick! I can hardly put my legs together!” At this point I thought there was no way I was going to wear a baby diaper, but Tim was enthusiastic. “Quick, lie down so you can get one on, too, they feel great!” I let his mother rip open the sides of my Little Swimmers and laid down in the backseat.


God, I felt embarrassed being naked in front of her but she quickly got the diaper under me and pulled it up taping it just as tight as she had with Tim. I noticed straight away that the Pampers was way thicker than the Little Swimmer I had just worn. Getting up, I was hardly able to get my legs together. It felt like I was encased in a little peace of heaven.


Sitting down next to Tim, we both looked at each other and I just had to tell him how cute he looked in his diaper. He agreed I looked cute, too. I looked down at the diaper and explored it a little feeling the soft diaper I thought to myself, “I can learn to like this!” But that was something I wasn’t quite ready to admit to anyone yet. When we reached my house I was getting out when Tim’s mother said she better go with me to explain why I was dressed in only a diaper. For some reason she took the bag of Pampers with her and when I asked her she said that Tim didn’t need them so she was going to give them to my mother. Tim protested at this and said he wanted to keep some. We still have several at home, she told him. We knocked at the door and all 3 of us stood there waiting for my mother to open it. When she opened the door she was a little surprised to see me and Tim standing there in just diapers. After a quick explanation she was handed the package and Tim and his mother drove off. I was told to get some clothes on, so I hurried up to my room and took of the diaper and put on some underwear and play clothes.


Part 3- Back Home


Thinking I might still find someone outside to play with, I ran downstairs only to be stopped by my mother who picked me up from behind and pulled down my shorts. She asked me where my diaper was and I told her since I had clothes on I didn’t think I would need it anymore.


What she said floored me: “We have a full package of diapers here and they are not going to waste.” Still stunned, I was carried to the kitchen table where my mother pulled off my shorts and underwear and put me into a new diaper. Saying I didn’t need underwear with my diaper, she only put my shorts back on and told me to go outside to play. Looking down I could easily see I was diapered but didn’t want to start an argument with my mother so I went outside. As soon as I got outside I was called over to the neighbor kid Thomas who was a little younger than me but we still played together since we both liked the same stuff. I ran over to him and we started playing in his sandbox. We were digging a large hole when he got behind and said “wow why do you have a diaper on?” I told him about the trip to the beach and what had happened there and that my mother was making me wear them until they were all gone. He said it was cool and asked how they felt so I told him they were nice soft and very comfy. What he asked next surprised me

“Are you wet?” After a moments thought I told him I wasn’t but I might soon be.

We returned to playing but I soon felt a need to pee I started to get up but then thought I have a diaper on I might as well use it. I gave a little push and was soon flooding the diaper I could feel it getting warm and expanding but I didn’t feel wet. This is so great I thought now I won’t have to stop playing to go to the toilet. Paul looked at me and I think he knew I had just wet my diaper but we just went back to playing. After a while his mother came out to offer us drinks but when she looked at me she said I didn’t know you wore diapers. She then pulled my shorts off in front of Paul and said you’re wet wait here I will be right back. I quickly pulled up my shorts and went back to playing with Paul.


A few moments later his mother returned with a diaper in one hand and a box in the other. Lying me down on my back she pulled of my shorts and started to change me. I told her I didn’t need my diaper changed since I didn’t want someone other than my mom seeing me naked. But she told me I couldn’t walk around in such a wet diaper and pulled it off me. Using the wipes in the box she cleaned me thoroughly and placed the new diaper underneath me. As she pulled it up between my legs and fastened it I noticed it wasn’t the same as the one I had wet. This one didn’t have Velcro tabs or a cloth cover and was thicker. She could barely get my shorts over it when she was done. Paul looked over at me and said this is so cool you don’t have to stop to go to the bathroom or anything. Yeah I said its great and it feels wonderful witch it did. After his mother left I asked him where she got the diaper from since he wasn’t wearing one. She kept a few after I was potty trained just in case. I saw him looking at my diaper and after a while he said he wished he could wear one too. Well just ask your mother she didn’t seem to mind me being in them. Although he didn’t like the idea of asking his mother he said he would.


I didn’t learn the result until later since my mother yelled for me. Walking home I could hear the new diaper was much louder then the old one crinkling loudly at each step. There was no way anyone would hear or see me and not know I was diapered since it was so loud and the outlines were clearly visible to anyone within 20 feet of me.


As I got home mom told me dinner was waiting in the kitchen. Afterwards she asked if I needed a change but I told her I was dry she praised me and that felt a little weird since I had been potty trained for a while now. I was allowed to watch TV until bedtime. Thing was several of my favorite cartoons were on and I didn’t want to miss any so I ended up wetting a few times. When mom told me it was time to go to bed I was soaked. When we got to my bedroom she told me hop up on the bed and she would change me. As she pulled my shorts off she said, “Wait a minute! That’s not the diaper I put on you earlier!” I told her Paul’s mother had changed me earlier.


“What do you mean changed you?”


“Well, I kind of wet it while I was playing.”


“That’s no surprise; just look at the one you are wearing now. It is soaked!”


I lay there while she cleaned me up and put a fresh diaper on me blushing all the time. When she was done she pulled my pajamas on and tucked me in telling me to get some sleep since I had school in the morning.


Part 4- School


I woke up the next morning to see my mom looking down at me and smiling.


“Good morning, sleepyhead. It’s time to get ready for school.”


She took the covers off and slipped her hand into my diaper. I was sure I was dry since I didn’t feel wet at all. So it came as a surprise when she announced I was wet. I hadn’t wet the bed for a few weeks and was surprised I had used the diaper. Standing me up she pulled off my pants and undid the diaper witch fell to the floor with a wet thud. Looking at it all soaked I knew I must have wet it several times during the night. She told me to get a shower so I ran into the bathroom and got cleaned up. When I walked into my room there was a diaper sitting next to my school uniform on the bed. Mom told me to lie down so she could get it on me. No matter how much I begged and pleaded she would not relent saying I was going to use up the package and I had after all wet 2 diapers yesterday (actually 3 since I had wet the swim diaper a little but I wasn’t about to tell mom THAT). Realizing I really didn’t have a choice (I did wet although they weren’t real accidents) I just lie down and let mom diaper me. Since I was going to be wearing the diaper for a while she put baby oil and powder on me before taping the diaper tight and getting my school uniform on. To my surprise the uniform did a very good job of hiding my diapers and you couldn’t tell I had a nice soft baby diaper on. Downstairs mom took out a sippy cup for me and filled it with juice when I tried to protest she just said she was tired of my spilling drinks. I took the cup but decided to pout about it all the same.


When we were done mom drove me to school I had half expected to see a booster seat in the car but there wasn’t any thankfully. At school I soon spotted a few friends and went over to play a little with them before the bell rang. I spotted Paul and ran over to him. When I got up to him he asked me if I was still wearing a diaper. Like I said, mom wouldn’t let me out of them until I have used up the whole package.


“Oh right, you said that yesterday.”


“Well, did you ask your mom for a diaper yesterday?”


“Yeah, and I got more than I bargained for. She put me into one before I went to school today.”


I just couldn’t believe he was wearing diapers too. Then again I could hardly believe I was wearing them so anything was possible. He then surprised me as he said look and pulled down his shorts a little exposing the top of his diaper. We then started looking for Tim and found him shortly afterwards sitting in front of the classroom waiting for the bell to ring. Sitting down next to him I said, “we have a little surprise for you but you got to promise not to tell anyone.”


He swore he wouldn’t so Paul and I pulled down our shorts a little showing off the tops of our diapers. His eyes lit up then he said he would tell everyone we wore diapers and were babies. I got scared and asked why he would want to do that.


“Nah, I’m only kidding,” he said and pulled down his shorts to reveal he had a diaper on too. We decided right then and there that we would start a club for school-aged diaper boys (hey, we still thought girls had cooties).


Halfway through the first lesson I needed to pee and I was just about to raise my hand when I felt myself flooding my diaper. Worried that I would spend the whole day in a wet diaper I checked my bag and found mom had placed a few spares in it. Meeting up with the others at lunch I learned they, too, were quite wet and needed a change also. Figuring the school nurse was our best shot we went to see her and were surprised to find a line of kids waiting. Being embarrassed we just stood in line and waited.


But when I had a closer look I could see they all had a bit of puffy waists. I pointed this out to the others and we asked them what they were waiting for. To get cleaned up of course one replied.


“You mean to tell me you are all wearing diapers?”


This surprised me as there were a few from my class and even a couple from higher grades.


“Yeah, well, you don’t need to be rude, no we need cleaning up, too.”


We found out that most of the other kids had similar stories to us in that they had been put into diapers one way or the other.


Relieved we weren’t the only ones made us feel better about standing there waiting for a diaper change. When I was next in line I asked if it was okay that we all went in together and the nurse didn’t mind. I just had to ask her how many there were in diapers at the school. Well a few months back there were only 2 now we are up to 12. She didn’t want to say who they were, though, but stated we would probably meet them here when they went to get a change. The rest of the school day just flew away as I was flabbergasted at the thought of so many diapered kids in our school.


When the final bell rang I could feel that I was a bit overdue for a change but my mom was probably waiting outside so I didn’t have the time to go see the nurse. Sure enough, mom was standing right outside the school waiting for me. As I got in the car she asked how my day was and if I was wet. I told her I could wait until we got home.



Part 5- Bad News


When we got home I was sent straight to my room for a much needed diaper change. When I got into my room I was startled to see mom had taken my old changing board down from the attic.


“What is this doing here?”


“I thought it would be a bit easier to change you with this, so I took it down.”


For some reason it seemed mom wanted to make a baby out of me again. But what really surprised me was when I looked closer at it and found it was fully stocked underneath with diapers, Pull-Ups and even Little Swimmers. I thought you said I only had to use up the package you got yesterday. Well since you wet so much during the night and you are always coming home with wet underwear I figured this would be a good way of keeping your clothes dry.


Inside I was screaming with joy but I didn’t want my mother to know I liked the idea so I pretended to be upset. I was then told the rules regarding my diapers.


  1. When I am in diapers I am not allowed to take it off myself.
  2. Occasionally I would be put in Pull-Ups to see if I was ready for underwear again.
  3. If I couldn’t keep the Pull-Up dry I would be put in diapers again for a week.
  4. If I misbehaved I would be treated like a baby.


Now I was wondering about what being treated as baby meant and my mother said I would find out soon enough. She wanted to give me a try at keeping dry and put me in a Pull-Up for the day. Wondering to myself if I should keep it dry or not I went outside to play. Soon I found both Tim and Paul riding their bicycles. We quickly agreed to go to the creek to see if we could catch anything. I asked them if they still had diapers on and they both had. Paul had even been put into one of the old Pampers so when we walked to the edge of the creek he was waddling like mad.


We started talking about diapers and when they found out I had Pull-Ups on they started teasing me for trying to be a big kid singing Anthony’s a big kid now. Right then and there I decided I wasn’t going to keep it dry a second longer. Since I hadn’t been to the bathroom for a while I let it all go into the Pull-Up. I pulled down my shorts to let them know I was wetting and they could see the stars on my Buzz Ligthyear Pull-Up fade away. When I was done I pulled my shorts back up and that was the end of that.


We spent several hours by the creek before we decided it was time to head home as it was nearing dinnertime. As I was about to go into the house I figured for good measure I would pee again. This was a mistake as I soon noticed my shorts getting wet. My mother was less than trilled, to say the least, when she saw my wet shorts. Straight up to the changing table we went and after she had cleaned me up she took a diaper I hadn’t seen before, it was really thick and had a plastic cover. She told me it was a Cosies overnight and made to absorb all through the night.


“But it isn’t my bedtime yet!” I complained.


“I know that, but since you seem to be wetting every minute I think its better to put you into something more absorbent.”


After she had put it on she ripped the front of it and got another one out putting it on top of the first one. Now that should do you a while she said as she lifted me down from the changing table. Christ, these things were THICK! I couldn’t even walk in them and had to crawl to move. But I must admit having all that diaper material encasing me was the most wonderful feeling I had felt.


I spent the rest of the evening crawling around the house in my super thick diapers. My mom seemed determined to make me wet fully as she kept giving me sodas. I didn’t think too much of the consequences as I was rarely treated to this much soda but when bedtime rolled around I had actually soaked through both diapers. As I was being changed for the night, my mother said that even 2 diapers didn’t do a good job of keeping me dry. After she had cleaned me she took out a new overnight diaper and put on me I was about to get up when she pushed me down again and tore the front of the diaper to put a second one on. When it was in place she tore the front of that one too and put a third on me.


I had no chance of closing my legs at all and just there with my legs poking out at an almost 90 degree angle. As I was being carried into bed I asked for my jammies but she only laughed and said there was no way they would fit over my diaper. Just before she left the room she told me she had put a few Little Swimmerss into my bag since we were going swimming at school tomorrow. Oh god I had forgotten about that how would I live down being seen by all in nothing but my Little Swimmerss?


Part 6- Swimming



I woke up to mum opening the curtains and saying, “good morning, little one.” She picked me up and carried me to the new change table. I was still waking up while mum was taking all the diapers off me. With all the love a mother could give, she cleaned around my parts and applied some cream and some powder. Mum then got from under the change table a clean Pampers and opened it up and placed it under my bottom and then pulled it up and did the tapes up tight. She then reached down and to my surprise she was holding out a pair of undies but they where made out of clear plastic. She then slid them up my legs and over my diaper I said why do I have to wear them at school today she smiled at me and told me they will stop any leaks I might have. Mum sat me up on the change table and got a gray school shirt and slipped it over my head. It had my school logo on it but I looked down to see it was longer then normal. Mum laid me on my back and pulled the shirt over my diaper and then clipped the front of the shirt and the back of it together over my diaper. She said, “this will help, so you don’t show off your diapers to everyone.” Mum then pulled my school shorts up and over my diaper. Mum told me to get my socks and shoes on and my school cap and come down for breakfast.


I was soon dressed and ready for school it was on the way down I remembered about the Little Swimmers mum had packed for school swimming and couldn’t shake the idea of every one seeing me wearing it. Mum had my breakfast ready and we were soon finished and on our way to school. Mum kissed me goodbye and off to school I went.


The new school shirt looked a bit funny because it was tight and not loose and untucked from my pants like all the other boys. I soon walked around until I found Tim and my other diaper buddies and soon noticed they had the same school shirt on as I was wearing. We where sitting around talking about how cool Blue eyes white dragon is and how Tim had a new Dueling disk. I then remembered about my Little Swimmers and I told the other boys that mum had packed a Little Swimmers for me to wear in the school pool today. It was Tim who said his mum packed one too and so did a few of the other boy’s mothers.


At least I wasn’t alone but wearing one was going to be hard to do. School soon started and we all went to our classes. It was almost lunchtime and my diaper was completely soaked I couldn’t wait to see the nurse and get changed.


When lunch time did finally get there I ran to the nurse so I would be first in line, The nurse smiled at me and told me to come in and she laid me down and noticed my new plastic pants and commented that my mother had gotten the first part of my new school uniform I was now required to wear and was told that she hoped to see the rest soon. I had no idea what she was talking about but I would tell mum when I got home. After I was changed I met my diaper friends at lunch and we all sat around and ate in our clean diapers. As soon as lunch was over we had to go to the school pool and get changed for swimming. The boys in my class and I walked over to get changed.


We all met in the changing room and we all started to take off our clothes. I could see the other boys where getting changed into the school uniform Speedo and I soon found the Little Swimmers in my sports bag while no one was looking I quickly undid the bottom of my new school shirt and quickly pulled off the diaper and stuffed it in my bag. I started to pull the Little Swimmers up and over my waist. A few of the boys looked twice at me but no one said anything at all but I was happy that two of my other diaper friends were wearing them, too.


I have always loved swimming and today we could try out for the swim button by proving we could swim 300 feet without stopping. Now, I already had several of the swim buttons at home but I never passed on a chance to add to them. Trying to swim 300 feet in a swim diaper was a bit of a challenge since I could feel that my legs wouldn’t keep together as they normally do when I swim. It’s kind of had to explain but since my butt was in the water I could feel my whole torso kind of waddling in the water. Nevertheless I managed to swim the distance and add a new button to my collection. Afterwards we were all allowed some free time in the water to play. I had feared this would bring about teasing but all that happened was a few of the other boys swam up to me wondering what it felt like to wear swim diapers. After 45 minutes the teacher told us it was time to get out of the water. We all got out and went to get changed and I was surprised no one even commented on my swim diaper.


I was then stuck. I didn’t know how to put a diaper on or how to put my shirt together at the bottom. I was looking around and didn’t know what to do and I looked at the other diaper boys in my class and I could see they didn’t know what to do, either.


All of a sudden the school nurse walked in and said, “Sorry, I am late!” She then told me to lie down on the changing bench and she pulled a clean diaper from her bag and started to fit it to me and then she found my plastic pants and pulled them up and over my diaper then my school shirt was done up and my shorts fitted and I was told to get my shoes on.


She then called for Tim to come over and get his diaper changed he did so and lay down and got his diaper fitted as the same as the other two diaper boys in my class. It was then I looked around and the whole class was dressed and was staring at us getting diapers on. I totally forgot about all the other boys there and went bright red one boy said well hurry up we are waiting. That’s all they could say about four boys getting diapers fitted. We all marched back to our classroom and started the next lesson there was not one word about our diapers.


School was finished for the day and I walked out with my diaper friends to see out mums. From behind I felt a hand on my bottom and looked around to see it was Kim and he had his hand on my school pants and smiled at me and said wow you’re really wearing a diaper. I said, “Yeah, so what?”


Kim said, “That’s so cool, man. I am going to ask my mum if I can wear one tomorrow, too.”


I said, “Sure, then you can join our diaper gang.”


We soon met our mums out the front and we drove home. We arrived home and mum said for me to change into some play clothes for the evening but first she would change my diaper.


When she lifted me up onto the changing table in my room and saw I had once again wet my diaper she took out one of the Cosies overnight.


“Please, not those. They are so thick and make me waddle like a baby.”


“Well, if you want to go out you need something that will hold up for a while just be thankful im only putting one on,” she said as she slipped a new pair of plastic pants over my diaper.


Next came a one-piece playsuit with snaps on the shoulder and crotch.


“Hmm, it seems I got one a bit small,” she said as she stood me up. No kidding I thought. It did nothing to hide my diapered state but instead showed it off for all to see since the elastic material made for a tight fit highlighting my diapered state. When mom sent me out to play in just the playsuit I went bright red. I wouldn’t want to be caught dead seen in this but mom just showed me out the door saying I spent too much time inside and needed some fresh air.


I considered hiding out until it was time to go to bed but figured since no one had teased me at school I might as well try and have some fun. I went over to Paul to see if he was home, his mother opened the door and told me Paul had gone out to play. I headed over to Tim to see if he was home only to find out he had gone out to play with Paul earlier.


Bummed out, I wondered who to go to next. I remembered Kim had said he would ask his mother for a diaper in school. I headed over to his house and rung the bell. Kim opened the door and made the funniest face I have ever seen. His jaw literally hit the ground and his eyes popped out.


“WOW! That is just so cool! Where did you get that playsuit?”


“Mom put me in it before I went outside. How about you? Sid you ask your mother yet?”


“Nah, I haven’t dared. I’m worried she will think im nuts.”


Just then his mother came and when she saw me she almost shouted out. “Oh, you’re so CUTE!” Then she turned to Kim and said perhaps he should wear diapers too to stop him from coming home with wet underwear and pants.


“I wouldn’t mind wearing them,” Kim said still in a daze watching me and not really thinking what he was saying. “If that’s the case I will get you your very own diapers in a bit.”


Kim just looked at his mother not sure what to make of it not really believing he would be allowed to wear diapers.


“Let’s go to Anthony then,” she said.


When we arrived at my place our mothers started chatting and agreed Kim could borrow some diapers and a playsuit from me. Going into my bedroom mom decided to check my diaper and when she discovered I had wet it she just sighed and lifted me onto the changing table undoing the snaps in my crotch and pulling it up to get at my diaper.


“Seems it wasn’t such a good idea to send you out in just one diaper,” she said as she started cleaning me up. After I was cleaned she applied baby oil and powder to my diaper area before putting a new diaper on me. As soon as she had it fitted she ripped the front of it to put another one on top of the first.


“Please, mom, not two! I can hardly walk in them!”


Mom didn’t even bother answering me. She just held up the diaper I had been wearing. Seeing no way out I just lay there as she fitted the second one before putting my playsuit on again.


Meanwhile, Kim had been watching the change without really believing what he was seeing. As I was being lifted down from the changing table his mom was undressing him.

Still a bit shell-shocked, he didn’t protest until he stood there in just his underwear. As she was starting to pull it down he didn’t want to be seen naked and protested. All it did was earn him a solid slap on his bottom. Startled he let go and before he knew it he was laying naked on the changing table getting his diaper area oiled and powdered. You could see that he was enjoying himself as he was getting his first diaper in 6 years taped up tightly. My mother suggested that he should also be double diapered since boys that age tended to wet a lot. She just nodded and tore the front of his diaper and reached underneath the table for a second diaper. After it was on my mom gave his mom one of my playsuits. Undoing the snaps in the crotch she slipped it over his head and redid the snaps.


Standing next to me I could see he was really enjoying the new sensation and bulk between his legs. I asked him if he wanted to see my playroom and said, “I’ll race you there.” We quickly found out trying to run in double diapers wasn’t a good idea as we both took 2 running steps and fell over unable to move so fast with all that bulk between our legs. To our dismay our moms were rolling on the floor with laughter suggesting we could have a crawl race instead. Looking at each other we decided they weren’t going to upstage us and got down on our knees.


“1-2-3, GO!” and we started crawling towards my playroom. Our butts waddling all the way witch of course just made our moms laugh harder.


We got to my play room and we played with the trucks and cars all over the floor and we raced and crashed the cars into each other. Kim looked at me and said wow I just wet my first diaper and its feels so nice and warm and wet. I smiled back at him and said yeah they do feel great don’t they.


It was a couple of minutes later and our mom’s came in the room and told us that they had decided it was a great day outside and we where going to go to the park. Kim looked up and said but I don’t want to go outside in front of everyone like this. I knew what Kim meant but I knew he would soon learn to not worry about wearing his diapers in public and that no one really cared about what we where wearing and most other kids thought that diapers where cool anyway. Kim’s mom said, “We knew you would want to go. That’s why we are going to put a child walking harness on you so you do what your told and don’t get lost or run away on us.”


I didn’t really know what they where talking about but it didn’t bother me. I just thought it was a new piece of clothing. My mom walked over to me and she told me to stand up and she come from me from behind and slid my arms through some straps and then placed some straps around my chest and I could here a click together at the back. With a few more clicks she attached a leash to the back of my new harness. I looked down at the front of the harness and it said Safety 1st I said, “See Kim? It’s cool, and we cant get lost or anything.” Kim’s mom started to fit his harness to him and was soon attaching his leash. Kim said, “It feels funny around my chest,” but I could tell he liked it.


My mom said ,”Let’s go,” and we where soon guided by the leash connected to us we waddled down the street the best we could every time we fell over from the thickness of our diapers mum would pull us back up with the harness and we would be off again. We arrived at the park and our leashes where taken off but our harnesses where left on. There was heaps of boys playing there we went down the slid a few times and on the swings. We went over to play in the sand pit when two boys came over to us and said, “Are you guys wearing diapers?”


We said, “Yeah, look!” and showed them the gap on my snaps from my playsuit. He said, “cool!” He said his name was Deeker and he was 12 years old and pulled up his shirt to show us he was wearing a diaper, too. He told us it was a Huggies size 6. He told us we where so lucky to be treated like babies again and he didn’t show any one his diapers so he wore a huggies to hide it.


I told him diapers are nothing to be worried about diapers are great and are heaps of fun and are a lot more comfortable than any underwear around. Deeker said, “Yeah, I know, I am just a little shy, I suppose.”


I said, “no one teases us about our diapers. You shouldn’t be so worried about it.”


Mom came over and I said, “Mom, this is Deeker; he wears diapers too.”


She said, “Hello, Deeker. Do you need a change? Because we are about to change these two young fellows.”


He said, “Yeah, I suppose I could do with a clean bum.”


Mum took me next to the sand pit and laid me on the ground and undid the snaps from my play suit and took my double diapers off and put two new clean ones on and did the snaps up. She then got Kim and stuck her fingers down his diapers and said, You’re wet, Kim, but you can wait a little while, darling.”


She then got Deeker and laid him down, Deeker said, Cant we do it somewhere in private?”


My mom said, “No, there is no need . Diapers are something you should be proud of, not something you should hide.”


She pulled his Oshkosh shortalls down and took his drenched diaper off him. Mom got two clean Pampers out and fitted them to him with a tear on the first one. Deeker said, “I can’t put my legs together because of the diapers.”


My mom said, Don’t worry, you’ll walk like a toddler and get used to it.”


She pulled his shortalls back up and gave him a swat on the butt and told us to say goodbye. We said goodbye to our new friends and mom attached our leash to our harnesses. We waddled home the best we could and Kim’s mother said it was time for him to go home and have a baby nap.


My mom said, “Yes it’s time for this little fellow’s baby nap, too.”


Mom took my playsuit off and changed me into a footed sleeper and I went to sleep.


The end or maybe more to come?



Written by Pawy and Register

This story took us a long time to write and was shared between us. We hope you like it.