LITTLE MAN DONNY summary: Young man turned into a toddler by a lady. My name I Don I am 22-years-old I am very small for a man just under 4 feet tall but I can drive and do anything any other man can do. I thought of myself as a ladies man picking up ladies and sleeping with them having fun just like a playboy. I thought all the ladies liked me because I could show them a good time. That was different than when I was in high school. When I was in high school I was teased and made fun of all the time. The other kids called me the class baby because I was no bigger than a second grade kid. In grade school I had many pants wetting accidents, at least two a week. Junior High School I still wet my pants but because mom bought me training pants that fit me it could be my secret. In high school I kept my secret until I was able to stay dry through the day then when I was a senior in high school I stopped wearing the training pants having only one pants wetting accident that last year. I would find the other kid�s brothers and sister�s diapers, bottles, and pacifiers with my name on them in my back pack. To make problems worst until I was eighteen I wet the bed every night. Mom told me when I turned fourteen my bed wetting was my problem and she stopped diapering me at night. She would provide my diapers until I stopped wetting at night, it was two months past my eighteenth birthday I was still wetting half the time. I moved out of the house two months later to live with my only friend from high school he was small about the size of a junior high school kid. We worked and went to collage having fun on weekends he did not care I still wet at night as long as I kept it clean and did not smell much. When we graduated he took a job out of state leaving me alone. I like to go to the bars to pick up the ladies because I thought they like little men like me in bars. One day I met a very pretty lady that was 24-years-old she was turned on by me and my size. Her name was Linda she told me she was very rich and she could show me a good time at her house. I followed her to her house where we spent the night together. The next morning I went job hunting and returned to my place. I had a degree in civil engineering. We had a great time at her house I showed her what I thought was a good time. The next night I met Linda again I did a repeat performance from last night. The next morning Linda asked me to move in with her. That day I moved all my stuff into her big house. She had me move in to the bedroom across the hall from the room we spent the night. That evening at dinner we ate spaghetti she made. She made me eat two large plates for my dinner telling me it would make me big a strong just like my mother would tell me. After dinner we went to the movies where I drank two large Cokes and ate a big bag of popcorn. When we got home I was so tired I went to my new room fell out on the bed with only my underwear on. I did not know that Linda had the bed I was sleeping in wired with a bed wetting alarm to signal her in her room that the bed was wet. I was still a bed wetter because all my life I was a sound sleeper. It would take mom an hour to wake me up shaking me, putting cold water on my face. I was so sound a sleep when I wet my bed for the first time in almost four days. I really let go all I had about 8 ounces soaking the white bed spread and white sheets with a yellow spot about a foot in diameter. I had a very small bladder 8 ounces was my full capacity even when I was awake, I was all the time needing to go to the bathroom. Linda quietly and quickly came in to my room removed my wet underwear and put a youth sized diaper on me that was really to big on my skinny body followed by a sleeper that had feet and mittens on it. Linda carried me to another room that was outfitted as a nursery crib, changing table, playpen and plenty of toddler toys. I was still asleep when she put me in the crib like I was her little baby boy. Linda held a bottle to my mouth for a few minutes until I started to suck on it. Linda raised the side of the crib as I suck my bottle she turned around turned out the lights and shut the door to the nursery. The next morning I woke with light showing through the window. I opened my eyes to find a baby bottle in my mouth bars between me and the room I was now in. I reached for the bars to find my elbows were fastened at my waist. I tried to get up but I could not straighten my legs they were bent at the knees I could not straighten them. I rolled over to find the empty bottle I had taken I realized that I was in a crib wearing a sleeper. Then I felt the dampness in my crotch that I remember from when I wore my diapers when I had a roommate. I was wearing a wet diaper inside my sleeper. I tried to get up but was restricted by my sleeper so I tried to get the sleeper off but no matter how hard I tried I could not figure out how to get it off I was still wearing the sleeper an hour later. When Linda came in I cussed her out and she grabbed me put a bar of soap in my mouth then she spanked me. No matter what I did I could not get away from her she was to strong. She removed my sleeper she and my wet diaper then she put me over her knee and bare bottom spanked me for five minutes. It hurt so bad I was crying like a little baby after one minute. Linda explained to me that she was in charge of me now and I better do what she tells me to do or get more spankings. She put a pacifier in my mouth I immediately started to suck it whimpering as she diapered me and dressed me in baby clothes for the day. I was crying through my pacifier as Linda carried me to the kitchen. She put me in a highchair putting the tray in place trapping in the highchair. Linda put my bib around my neck telling me to call her mommy from now on. I kicked and cried as my breakfast was being prepared by Linda, I looked like a one-year-old fussy baby. I was so wore out by the time Linda started to feed me I just ate as she spooned oatmeal into my mouth. I guess I was too slow because the spoons started to come to my mouth so fast that the oatmeal began to go all over my face and I soon looked like a one-year-old eating his breakfast. When I finished eating the oatmeal I felt the need to poop but Linda handed me a bottle and told me I had to finish it before I could get out of the highchair. I tried to hurry because the need to poop was getting stronger with every minute I sucked the bottle I guess it was all that spaghetti I had eaten last night. I sucked hard as I could but the milk was so slow coming out it was five minutes later I was just half way though. The need to poop got so strong I knew I could not hold it any longer. There was nothing I could do so I gave in to my need to poop. I filled my diaper with a large load of smelly poop I started to cry because I have never poop my pants sense I was potty trained now I am so ashamed of my self. When I finished my bottle Linda released me from my highchair and carried me to my changing table next to my crib and changed my wet and messy diaper telling me what a good baby I was. Linda cleaned me up and diapered me in a Huggies size 6 that fit me perfectly. When Linda finished my diaper change she carried me to a playpen she had set up in a large room filled with toys next to the dinning room. I tried to stand up but Linda had dressed me in a romper that restricted me from straighten my legs just like the sleeper I had on when I woke up. I could crawl but not stand so the 28� high side of the playpen kept me from getting out. I had to stay in the playpen until Linda came and lifted me out. I started to play with the baby toys out of boredom soon I was having some fun. I felt the need to pee I called out for Linda but no one came to me. I remembered Linda told me to call her mommy. I cried out mommy seconds later Linda walked into the room just as I wet my diaper. Linda checked my diaper she told me it was not that wet so she left me to play longer. I was so upset I started to cry so Linda came back to me put a pacifier in my mouth telling me not to be such a cry baby. I started to suck my pacifier while I played with my new toys. I soon felt the need to poop again before I knew it I filled my diaper with poop without trying to stop it I started to cry. Linda came in sniffing the air saying someone has pooped in his diaper. Linda rolled me over on my stomach pulled back the back of my Huggies saying Baby Donny needs his diaper changed he has pooped in this one. Linda carried me to my changing table three minutes later I was wearing a clean Huggies and back in my playpen. Linda handed me a bottle of juice and I started to drop it but she told me she would spank me if I did not take it like a good boy. I lay down and started to suck it fifteen minutes later I was finished and playing with the toys again just like a baby, only because I was board. When it was lunchtime Linda came in the playroom picked me up carrying me to the kitchen telling me my diaper was wet but it could wait until after lunch. I was again in the highchair Linda tried to feed me but I refused to open my mouth. Linda told me I would set in the highchair until I finished my lunch. One hour later I called out for mommy Linda came in and asked if I was ready I said yes and I had to eat this awful tasting baby food I tried to not swallow it but Linda kept putting it in my mouth. Soon I had eaten two jars of bad baby food and a good jar of peaches. I was handed my bottle and I started to suck it without being told. Just like a breakfast the need to poop came so I pooped just like when I was in the playpen not trying to stop it. I finished my bottle so Linda carried me to my room and changed my diaper while I sucked my pacifier. Linda put me in my crib telling me it was naptime. I knew I could not get out of the crib so I lay down sucking my pacifier. When Linda woke me from my nap she removed my wet diaper carried me to the bathroom next to the nursery where she put me in an empty tub. Linda told me I smell like a stinky poopy baby. Linda had me stand in the tub while she put shampoo on my head and I thought shampoo on my privets. She began to wash off the rest of my body then she took the shower head on a hose and began to rinse me off. I realized my privets were now hairless I look like a baby. I never had a very big privet and being hairless made me look even more like a baby. Linda carried me to my nursery and diapered and dressed me in a tee shirt with snaps in the crotch and a pair of snap crotched over- alls. I looked just like a diapered eight-year-old. Linda carried me to her car and strapped me in to a toddler seat that had the release out of my reach. Linda told me we were going shopping for my new baby clothes. I had no choice if I tried to get away she would spank me and no one would say a word. Maybe as we walked around I could run away from Linda get some big boy clothes but when we got to the store Linda strapped me in a stroller. I had no choice but to go where she wanted me to go. Linda warned me if I misbehave I would be severely punished. I did not want to find out what she meant so I was a good boy during the whole shipping trip. When we got back home I realized I had wet my diaper then I realized within just one day I had lost what little control of my bladder I had. Linda had me just where she wanted me relaying on her for food and diaper changes. Two weeks later I forgot all about trying to escape becoming Linda�s baby boy. She could dress me in just diapers around the house. I was sleeping in my crib playing in my playpen without being restrained. Linda was now my mommy and that is the way I looked at her. She fed me changed me bathed me and played with me. I was just like a toddler except I was just a little bigger. A month after Linda had me baby trained like she wanted me she had a surprise for me. She told me while changing my diaper I was enrolled into nursery school that I would have a lot of other playmates to play with. I told her I did not want to go to baby school I was a real big boy not a baby I started to cry. Linda said big boys don�t cry and put my pacifier in my mouth I began to suck it and quieted down. That night I decided to runaway when Linda went to bed. I could climb out of my crib and get out of the house and find some clothes to replace the diapers and baby clothes I was wearing. Linda bathed me that night followed by dressing me in my diapers plastic pants and sleepers. I was but in my crib at my bedtime 8:00 PM given my bottle soon I was asleep forgetting to run away. The next morning Linda changed my soaked diaper and dressed me in my new toddler clothes I looked just like a big toddler. Linda fed me my breakfast when I finished she handed me my bottle just like every morning before I started to suck it. When I finished breakfast in needed my diaper changed just like a toddler I had wet and messed in it. Linda carried me to the changing table removed my diaper and cleaned me up pining a thick cloth diaper in place of the Huggies I have been wearing followed by plastic pants. Linda carried me to the car fastened me in to my car seat and we were on our way to nursery school. On our way to nursery school she told me I better be a good little boy or I would get punished. I knew I was going to have to be a baby in front of others now I had no choice. Linda parked the car in front of the Kiddy Care Nursery School and grabbed my diaper bay and carried me in to my new school. Mrs. Brown met us and led us to the play room where there were 14 or 15 boys playing they ranged in age from 2 to 5 some wearing just diapers others big boy clothes. Mrs. Brown told Linda that diaper boys are not aloud to wear clothes it makes it easier to tell when they need changed. They removed my clothes leaving me dressed in just diapers and told me to go play. I found only five other boys wearing diapers the others were potty trained and could wear big boy clothes. There was a short fence halfway back in the room she told me that is the baby fence babies are not aloud to go past the fence. I did not care the rocking horse was on my side of the fence with some other ride on toys that is what I wanted. There were plenty of other toddler toys that I liked too Play- School trucks and cars, big blocks, wooden building blocks, a sand box, indoors slide, and a toddler swing. There was a room next to the playroom with mats and cribs I knew that was where I would be taking my nap I hope I get a mat not a crib. At the front of the room was a kitchen area with a large table and 8 highchairs. Linda hugged me and left I walked to the play area and climbed up on the rocking horse and started to ride having more fun that I have had in years. I soon forgot again I was not a little boy I was a man but this is so much fun. I wet my diaper sometime during my ride not even realizing. Until Mrs. Barnet one of the caretakers started to check all the diaper boy�s diapers. She checked my diaper last leaving all the other boys with a good boy. When she checked my diaper she just said. �Oops� someone is wet here and carried me to the changing table. I started to cry as she started to change my diaper. She put my pacifier in my mouth continuing to change me. She commented what a cute little boy I was when she removed my wet diaper. Then I realize no one in the room even cared I was getting my diaper changed I was just a baby getting his diaper changed. Mrs. Barnet lifted me from the changing table and to me all dry now go play. The diaper she had put on me was twice as thick as the on �mommy� I mean Linda put on me. This diaper was so thick I could not walk very well and fell twice on my way to my horse. I could not even get on the horse now with out help. I grabbed the horse and started to cry through my pacifier Mrs. Brown lifted me on. I was now so happy riding again. Then I saw all the other kids being told or led to the kitchen area so Mrs. Barnet carried me to one of the highchairs. Some one put a bib on me from behind me then Mrs. Brown started to spoon feed me just like mommy does. I ate every thing with just a little mess on my bib and tray. It was naptime so I was carried from my highchair to a crib in the nap room. Almost everyone was ether wearing diapers or Pull-ups only the diaper boys were in cribs. Mrs. Barnet put a bottle in my mouth and I started to suck it falling asleep just like at home. During my nap I messed and wet my diaper I was the last to be awakened so my wet and messy diaper was changed as everyone else played. None of the other kids cared I was the only one that wet AND messed most just wet. I was back playing with the toddler toys not even looking over to the big kid side of the room. I was not aloud to go there so why would I care I was considered a toddler and that is what I played and acted like. It was the best time I have had playing without a care in the world everything being taken cared for by someone else not me. My job now is to play and have fun. Mommy came to pick me up at 5:00 PM asking if I was good. She was told I was a good little boy and I play well with others. Mommy asked me if I had fun I shook my head yes sucking my pacifier. Mommy carried me to the car and I waved by-by as we went home. Back home mommy changed my wet diaper and told me to go play wearing only my thick cloth diaper and puffy plastic pants. She knew I would go no were wearing only a diaper so I had the run of the house. I went exploring to see if I could find big boy clothes so I could escape my baby treatment. No matter where I looked there was nothing to help me I found only toddler toys and clothes. Mom�s bedroom door was closed and I could not open it because the knob had a spinny thing on it that required you to squeeze and turn the knob at the same time and I could not squeeze hard enough to turn the knob. All the cabinets and drawers had toddler latches that prevented me from opening them. Mommy had toddler proofed the whole house knowing my abilities she made it impossible for me to get away. I found a battery powdered Jeep so I started to play with it driving all around the house. All the doors were big enough to let it pass and I was having so much fun. Then I found the Jeep could even climb the stairs. The Jeep was so much fun I forgot all about trying to escape or going to the potty wetting my thick diaper several times in the two hours before dinner. Mommy (Linda) caught up with me telling me it was dinner time checking my diaper first telling me I have been such a good boy. But now we need to change your soaked diaper before I eat. I was taken to my nursery my cloth diaper was changed for a Pamper mommy carried me to my highchair. In my highchair I had to eat the food mommy fed me but sense some of it was bad tasting my face and bib received a dose of food too. As I ate my baby food peaches witch are I favorite I felt poop go into my diaper followed by a flood of pee. I felt so free to do ever I needed to do with out mommy getting mad. When mommy picked me up from my highchair she said Donny got stinky pants he needs a bath. Linda led me by the hand to my nursery room where we went to the bathroom that was connected to my nursery. All my bathroom had was a changing station and a very large bathtub. Mommy started to fill the tub with warm water before she removed my wet and messy diaper she used about five baby wipes. When mommy finished removing the last bit of poop with the wipes she said bath time. Linda washed my hair first then the started to wash the rest of my body not missing a square inch. She left the room leaving me to play in the large deep tub with the many bathtub toys around. I had fun not even trying to get out of the tub because where would I go even if I could get some of the little boy clothes in my nursery how would I get out of the house. All the door knobs were protected by the spinny things mommy put on them. Mommy came into the bathroom picked me out of the tub and dried me off with a very large fluffy towel dressed me in thin cloth diapers and plastic pants. Linda put me down off the changing table and told me to go play until bedtime. I ran to my playroom and started to play with some large blocks of wood building a fort for my army men. I had fun until 8:00 PM when mommy called me tell me it was my bedtime. I ran to my bed room where mommy put me on my changing table next to my crib. Linda changed my diaper after my very thick diaper was pinned on she started to tickle me and play with me making me laugh. Mommy finished dressing me in my sleeper and put me into my crib. I tried to stand but the thick diaper would not allow me. Mommy handed me my bottle and I slowly lay down and started to suck it falling asleep in minutes. When Linda woke me up the next morning I discovered my bottle was empty and my pacifier was in my mouth. Mommy started changing my wet diaper when I opened my eyes asking me if I slept well. I shook my head yes as I sucked my pacifier she changed my wet cloth diaper for a dry Pamper. Linda carried me to my highchair for breakfast and fed me my oatmeal as I sucked my bottle I filled my diaper just like a good baby should. I giggled when mommy said. Donny is stinky again! Linda carried me to my changing table and changed my wet and messy Pamper for a clean dry thick cloth diaper and plastic pants. I was again told to go play when my diaper change was finished. I ran to the play room to find the door to the outside was open. I peek outside to see a big play yard with all kinds of toys so many toys I could not count them plus there was a big swimming pool. All I was wearing was my diapers and plastic pants I was afraid to go out until I saw there was no way anyone would see me. I knew I was going to like to play on the Jeep in this big yard. But there were more big toys I would have to try after a Jeep ride. When I was a little kid my real mommy potty trained me at age eighteen months old (except bed wetting), she took all my toys away she told me that toys were for babies, I was six-year-old. She started home schooling me by the time I was eleven I was doing collage classes. I was never allowed to have fun with toys or games mommy thought being smart was better having fun. Now I was living with a mommy that having fun was the most important thing she was very rich and could get me anything. She had full control of me she would punish me with a spanking and corner time for any big boy activity. If she caught me playing with my self or talking back to her I would get spanked with one hour corner time and a long nap. So if I did only little boy activity and had fun she was happy she would treat me like her little boy. She would happily change my diaper no matter how messy or wet I was as long as I did not tell her I was wet or messy. Feeding me was fun for both of us too all I needed to do was open my mouth if it tasted bad I dribbled it out on my bib but mommy would just put it back in my mouth. I was allowed to hold my own bottle. As long as I did the things a two-year-old not potty trained would do we stayed happy. So I started to get in to doing only toddler things after many punishments for mommy finding evidence of me playing with myself to saying no to her, I am now as much of a big toddler going to nursery school. My friends at school don�t know how old I am and I don�t want them to find out so now I try to act just like them. Two months of being Linda�s little boy I forgot about doing adult things playing with toys was my new job. But Linda has been sick every morning and not much fun until later in the day. But she was still a good mommy feeding me changing my diaper when I need it changed. I was aloud to play outside all the time because she did not feel like cleaning up after me inside. Outside I like to swim because the pool was 15 feet to 30 feet deep 100 feet long and 50 feet wide I could jump in from the side and try to swim to the bottom. The only athletic activity my real mom would let me do was swim because she knew I could not break any of my bones swimming. I never even learned how to ride a two wheeler or climb on a jungle gym. Now Linda had a big tall lookout tower that was three floors tall I learned quickly how to climb. There were several two wheelers some had motors but sense I never learned how to ride a two wheeler I never played with them. The tower was different I was strong enough to climb so played on the tower if I was not swimming or swinging on the toddler swing connected to the tower.. The tower had two slides one that went straight down and was real fast one that went in a spiral both were so fast because they were waxed and polished. The fireman�s pole was fun too from the top of the tower down it took two seconds. I can�t remember ever having so much fun in one day something was always new is add. Mommy knows how to keep a little boy occupied with new toys. One morning I went out to play a saw a cable that went from to tower to a pole on the other side of the swimming pool. It was about 150 feet long and had a set of handle bars attached to a pulley at the top of the tower. I knew what it was from reading about them in a book it was called a zip line. I could not wait to try it out so I climbed the ladder to the tower wearing only my Pampers. I grabbed the handle bars and jumped. Within seconds it felt like I was going a 100 miles an hour down toward the pool but how am I going to stop or get off this ride? Then 20 feet from the end of the zip line I saw a stopper on the cable I was going to come to a stop if I liked it or not. As the pulley hit the stopper I lost my grip of the handle bars. I was now on my way for a swim from ten feet in the air. I hit the water butt first exploding my Pamper on impact stripping it from my body leaving me naked. That was the best fun I ever had and wanted to do it again. But mommy stopped me telling me I need a diaper to ride again. I jumped up and down asking mommy diaper me now, diaper me now please. When mommy was diapering me on a blanket in the yard she asked me why I don�t ride my two wheelers. When I told her I don�t know how to ride she told me she would fix that. The rest of the day I was riding the zip line wearing cloth diapers with no plastic pants. Plastic pants could not take the impact with the water. I learned how to do flips and spins and all kinds of tricks from the zip line. I thought it could not get any better that this I did not want to stop riding but Linda made stop and eat lunch and take my nap. I was so worn out I slept from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM just slightly wetting my diaper. Linda woke me from my nap changing my soaked diaper she told me no more zip line today wait until tomorrow so my arms can rest. Linda put a very thick cloth diaper and puffy nursery print plastic pants on me. I ran out to the yard not caring that all I was wearing were my diapers that everyone could see. I saw a two wheeler with training wheels on a long sidewalk that winded through the yard. I hopped on and began to ride it I had a lot of trouble not falling to the side I fell over twice when I turned a corner. By dinner time I was riding using the training wheels less and less. Mommy said time to eat after your diaper is changed. Linda changed my wet cloth diaper with a Pamper in the middle of the yard on the blanket for the second time today. Mommy carried me into the house to eat dinner. Sitting in my highchair wearing my bib and Pamper I eagerly ate what mommy spoon fed me even the baby food beats. I loaded my diaper with soft warm poop and a flood of pee not thinking of anything but how much fun I have been having. When I finished my bottle Linda carried me to my bathroom cleaned my diaper area before giving me my bath. I played with my Jeep going all over the big house until my bedtime 8:00 PM. Mommy carried me to my bedroom put me in my crib giving me my bottle witch I began sucking as soon as it touched my lips. This was the best day of my life I did not want to ever leave Linda. That night after the best day in my life I was asleep in minutes even though it was only 7:00 PM. The next morning I awoke before the sun came up and wanted to go for a ride on the zip line. So I climbed out of my crib wearing only my thick night diapers and nursery print plastic pants that were soaked, but I did not care. With both hands I was able to open the door to my room and get to the back door. Just as I was about get the door to the outside open Linda grabbed me asking me what I thought I was doing. Mommy had my wet diaper removed and bent over her knee where I was getting the worst spanking I ever received. After what seamed like twenty minutes Linda carried me into the room I spent my first night after I moved in with Linda. The room no longer looked the same now it had a Highchair, changing table and a pediatric hospital crib with a climber top that would keep the kid in side when the side is raised. Mommy put my pacifier in my mouth diapered me put baby blue plastic pants over my clean dry diaper. Linda told me I was a bad boy that I would be punished for the next month I would not be aloud out of this room for any reason. I found myself sitting in my new highchair with my wrist fastened to the sides of the tray. Mommy put my bib on me and started to feed me breakfast. I was not fast enough and ended up messy faced with food all over my bib and tray. Mommy cleaned the food from me then put me in my crib with a strap holding me down at the waist and chest. All I could do was play with crib toys that mommy put within my reach. A mobile twinkled over me out of my reach so I sucked my pacifier and played with the crib toys because Linda left me all alone. I lost what little control over I had over my bowels and bladder even if I felt the need to potty my body was already doing it. Linda was sick again and did not want me to know. Three weeks later Mommy Linda stopped using the straps so I was aloud to move around in my crib. The crib had a top so I could not climb out the only way to get out was to lower the side. I tried to reach the release but no matter what I did I could not reach it. I had to wait for mommy to let me out. I have not had a chance to stand sense I was strapped down and forgot all about standing so I crawled around my crib just like I was a little kid. Besides I did not want to get mommy mad again I want to be a good boy. Finely the day of release from my punishment was here. While mommy was changing my diaper she warned me to be a good boy to do what she tells me to do when she tells me to do it. Now get in your highchair so I can put the tray in front of you. I had trouble climbing in fast enough so mommy smacked my butt telling me hurry up. Linda fed me my breakfast while I ate I felt my diaper warm but I could not tell if it was pee or poop or both. When mommy finished feeding me she carried me into my old baby room with my old crib and stuff. I was led to my old bathroom where I was laying on my changing table getting my diaper removed my bottom cleaned of all the poop and pee while my bath was being readied. Mommy bathed me for the first time in a month if felt so good to have her wash me all over with warm soap and water. The bubble bath smelled so good I did not want to get out even an hour after mommy left. I played with the bath toys until Linda came in my bathroom and told me to get out of the tub now. When I stood up mommy picked me up in a warm fluffy and dried me off than carried me to my changing table and diapered me for playtime outside. I wanted to do the zip line but Linda said before I was aloud to do the zip line I need to be able to ride a two wheel bike as good as a ten-year-old. So I sat on my two wheeler to start peddling I tried not to bump the training wheels. No matter what I did I bumped on one side or the other. I tried until mommy checked my diaper and found I was soaked. Linda changed my diaper on the blanket in the middle of the yard. When she was finished my diaper change I jumped up and ran to my bicycle and started to ride again. By lunchtime I was riding without bumping and mommy was proud telling me the training will come off after I eat and take my nap. Mommy told me to get in my highchair so I could eat my lunch. Again I ate my meal with a lot of mess because I am too slow eating and mommy is so fast feeding me. When I finished eating mommy cleaned my messy face carried me to my changing table and changed my wet and messy diaper. Linda said time for my nap as she put me in my crib. I grabbed my nap bottle from her and lay down in my crib and started to suck my bottle like a good boy. I fell asleep a few minutes later like a good boy. When mommy woke me up two hours later she was changing my wet diaper pinning a triple thick cloth diaper with very puffy nursery print plastic pants. Linda said we were going to the store to get more diapers and baby food. I did not want to go out like this but I had to do what mommy tells me to do. I looked like a six year old wearing diapers. At the store we got a lot of strange looks from mostly little kids not so much the adults. I felt so ashamed but after a while I got use to it sucking my pacifier riding in the grocery cart. I of course wet my diaper at some point and need it changed in the car before we left the store. We stopped at McDonalds for a milk shake. I was told to play in the playroom while Linda bought the shakes. I had fun in the ball cage and on the sliding board I could climb all over the place. Wearing just diapers the other kids thought I was a real baby. I did not care I was having fun. Mommy gave me my milk shake after she told me to sit down in the booster chair. On the way home I messed my diaper and did not even know it until Mommy say Donny has stinky pants again as she carried me into the house. Linda changed my diaper and put me in the playpen so I began to play like a good boy. When mommy was finished putting away the things she bought from the store she picked me up out of my playpen and told get to go play. I ran outside to my bicycle and started to ride without training wheels falling just six times the rest of the afternoon. When I got good enough I started to ride in the grass instead of the sidewalk. It was hard but I got the hang of it and got good at it. Mommy called me in for dinner so I went running to her like a good boy. I was fed my dinner just like always I wet and messed my diaper by mow I did not even try to stop it I just let it happen. Linda just cleaned me up and dressed me for bed. This day was almost over and I was glad I don�t ever want to be punished I will do anything I am told, I am a good boy now. Mommy put me in my crib dressed in just clean dry diapers and plastic pants. I asked mommy for my night bottle as I lay my head down on the mattress holding my stuffed doggy Sparky. I hugged Sparky and sucked my bottle as I fell asleep. My first morning out of the punishment room mommy woke me with a smile changing my wet diaper in my crib. I giggled as she cleaned my diaper area and powdered me before putting my Pamper on. I was so glad mommy was happy again I will do nothing to make her mad again to make her put me in punishment. Mommy gave me my pacifier witch I gladly started to suck while she carried me to my highchair. I was happily being fed breakfast not caring about anything but how good it felt to be free again. When Linda finished feeding me she handed me my bottle. It was so good to hold my own bottle again while I sucked I was in heaven. I wet and messed my diaper as I finished my bottle. Linda carried me to my bathroom where my diaper was removed my bottom cleaned before I was put in my bathtub filled with warm soapy water. Mommy bathed me it felt so good having her wash me all over scrubbing every part of my body. Linda dressed me in cloth diapers, plastic pants, T-shirt, snap crotched over-alls, shoes and socks. When I was all dressed she put me in my playpen where I began to play like a good boy. Linda got cleaned up and dressed before she picked me up and carried me to the car sucking my pacifier. I did not want to make her made so I just sat strapped in my car seat while we went somewhere. Linda pulled into a medical building and parked we were going to the doctor to check me out and make sure I am okay. Also to check herself out because she thinks she is pregnant. I asked. Who is the daddy? She said. I was. I could not believe it I was only with her the two nights before I moved in with her. In the doctors office he checked me out only to find I was normal and healthy kid. The doctor told mommy to feed me more big kid food to stop with the baby food. It will make me poop only one or two times a day instead of three or four times. She asked how he knew I pooped that many times a day. He told her I had a poopy diaper now and needed changed. Linda put me in the nursery after my diaper change while she went to her doctor where she had blood taken and other things done. I don�t know much about women things I am a boy. One hour later we were on our way home where I had the rest of the morning to play outside. I ran out the open back door kicking my shoes off but not removing my clothes straight to the zip line. I climbed the tower rode the zip line down to the pool. Before mommy knew where I was I was hitting the water having my over-alls blow off me from the snap crotch to the shoulders as I hit the water leaving me wearing my T-shirt, diapers and plastic pants. The over-alls floated on top of the water as I climbed out of the pool running to climb the tower again on my way down the second time mommy came to the back door. My plastic pants hit the water first ripping all most off. Mommy called me over to her with a look that scared me. I thought I was in trouble again mommy finished removing the ripped plastic pants and socks then told me to ask her next time I want to ride it now go play. I had fun for two hours not thinking how I looked wearing nothing but diapers riding the zip line. Mommy call me to lunch I wanted to play so I asked mommy if I had to. Linda said right now or I would get punished. I ran to the house but before I was aloud in the house mommy changed my diaper in the backyard. When mommy finished tapping my Pamper on I jumped up and ran inside and climbed into my highchair. Linda put a bib around my neck followed by my tray in front of me. Mommy placed chicken noodle soup and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on my tray. I waited on mommy to start feeding me. Mommy told me to feed myself I started to spoon the soup but dribbled on my bib a little and as I ate the sandwich jelly leaked out all over the bib. I looked just like a two year old when I finished but I did not care mommy was happy that I was being a good boy. Linda carried me to my bathroom changed my diaper then put me in my crib for my nap. I fell asleep quickly sucking my bottle like a good boy forgetting about what Linda said at the doctors. Linda woke me three hours later mommy changing my wet diaper telling me I was a good boy tickling me as she changed me. She told me the doctor called to tell her she is pregnant with a boy. I will be a daddy in about five months but I need to learn to be a little boy before your son gets old enough to need your guidance to play with toys and other things. For now you need to be a good baby boy and forget about big boy things like potty training, putting on your own clothes, or any other big boy things I will care for those things. Mommy finished my diaper change and told me to go play. I ran outside I knew my arms were too tired for the zip line so I started to ride my bike. I started to ride faster and faster until the yard was too small for my speed. Mommy came out to see how good I was at riding my bike. Linda told me to come over to the gate where she was standing. I rode my bike over to her as she opened it to unveil an even bigger yard with dirt hills to ride over. I started to ride over the hills slowly at first then faster and faster. I almost got air born a few times and it scared me at first then just before I got real good at it mommy called me in for the evening. Linda changed my wet diaper before I was aloud in the house where I ate my dinner in my highchair while Linda ate at the table. After dinner I played in the playroom on my jeep and big rocking horse. Before I knew it, it was my bedtime and I was dressed for bed and lying in my crib with my bottle in my mouth another big day in my new life as a little boy. Within five months I was just as happy as I could possibly be. I did not have to worry about work or finding a job my new job was to be a good little boy for my new mommy �Linda� and from now on she will be just mommy to me. She makes sure my diapers are clean and dry when I am inside with hourly diaper checks and when I am outside she checks me every three hours because I am usually swimming and wetting my diaper is not that bad. Sense I had been eating big boy food I poop only at breakfast while I drink my bottle. Mommy�s tummy was getting bigger every day but she let me have fun doing the zip line and bicycle more and more every day getting stronger and stronger better and better. Now when I ride my bicycle I can catch ten feet of air. When I do the zip line I can do it all day with out getting tired. Mommy had another surprise for me behind the next gate she opened I was wearing just my cloth diaper. It was the biggest longest highest zip line down a hillside and over a small lake. The lake had rings hung from a cable spaced about ten feet apart from one side to the other side ten feet of the water. At each end was a platform to get the first ring. You had to swing from one ring to the other until you reached the other platform 25 rings later. If you let go or missed the next ring you dropped into a 100 foot deep lake and had to swim back to get out. There was a twin set of rings hanging out over the lake and you could swing out and drop into the lake from high over the water. But the zip line was a cable 600 feet long from the top of the hill out over the lake at the lowest point from the top of the water was 15 feet the highest was 25 feet. The RADAR display would say how fast you went. The first time I did it down the hill was 35 MPH as I went across the lake the speed dropped fast half way to the stopper point I was going 15 MPH and 10 feet from the stopper I was going 5 MPH. I dropped the 15 feet to the water flipping over and entering the water head first loosing my diaper. I went about 20 feet under the water before swimming to the surface. That ride topped everything I had ever done in my life. Mommy called me over to the side of the lake where she diapered me with a new diaper pinned tighter so it would not come off when I when in the water head first. I had so much fun on all the things in the new play area. I only made it to the ninth ring before falling into the clear water. Then I used the twin swings and did flips and spins into the water. When mommy called me in for the night I cried as she grabbed me by the hand and led me to the house stopping to change my diaper and dress me to eat dinner in my highchair. I fed my self with a lot of mess all over the place because I was so excited and in a hurry. Mommy told me to play inside until bed time so I stomped off to the play room. I played with my Jeep and spring horse for another two hours. Mommy called me to my bath and mommy washed my hair first and washed the rest of me cleaning me so good it felt so good to be cleaned and smell fresh like a good little boy. I played with my bath toys for about twenty minutes until mommy came in and drained the tub and drying my off. She had me dressed in my triple thick clothe diapers and pull on nursery print plastic pants. She dressed me in light cotton footed sleepers before she got a pain and she knew the baby was coming. She called the squad and we were on our way to the hospital. She had my son in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. He was a healthy 8 and a half pound baby boy we named him Ryan. At the hospital I had to go to the nursery with kids 2 to 5 years old. I had a crib and sense I was so tired I slept wetting and messing my diaper for the nurse to change while I slept. When I woke up in the morning I realized I must have wet and they changed me while I slept. But when the nurse called me her messy baby I realized what I had done. But it had been so much of a habit for me I did not care. After three days in the hospital mommy Ryan and I were on our way home. I was so glad to go home and play with all my toys. Home after three days in the hospital nursery where I was treated like a helpless two-year-old. I had no freedom to play with what I wanted to like the rocking horse or the smaller version of my Jeep. They told me diaper babies are not aloud to play on big kid toys. I had to play in the large playpen with the one and two year olds. Everyone thought I was a slow three-year-old the other babies thought I was just another baby. Now I am at home mommy told me my new rules are no playing outside for a few months, just until Ryan is old enough to play in a playpen. Until then I can play down stair in my new playroom. My new play room had a small zip line and hand rings I could stay in practice with. Plus it hand my horse and Jeep to I could ride them too. My clothes for inside play were six layer thick diapers and plastic pants with nothing to hide them. At night I had wear triple thick day time diapers with nursery print plastic pants with a light cotton footed sleeper. That thickness of diaper made it impossible for me to stand or walk. My food was returned to baby food only that caused me to loose all control of my poop and sense for the last two months I have lost all feeling of when I needed to pee or when I was peeing. My diapers seamed to just get wet and messy and I did not know when it happened. That is why mommy checked me every time she checked Ryan. I did not care about unimportant things like going potty I wanted to play that is what is important to me now. Using baby furniture and toys was just a part of my new life and mommy Linda was happy to help me play. The few months turned out to be eight months Ryan was walking before I was aloud the go out side again. The first morning I was aloud outside I had to use swim diapers I was not aloud to use the zip line because I still messed my diapers every half hour or so. Mommy did not want to clean poop out of the pool. It I used the zip line my diaper would break open or if I jumped in the pool. Mommy told me she while she was feeding me my baby food she would let me start to eat more solid food like Ryan has been for the past few days. Now Ryan only poops after he is fed. Maybe we can get Donny to be like Ryan too. Because Donny always has a messy diaper on Donny also wets every twenty minutes that makes Donny use 15 to 18 diapers a day, Ryan uses only 8 to 10 diapers a day. That is the first time mommy complained that I use too many diapers. I really did not care I could not stop it, it just happens. Mommy hugged me after my diaper change and said it was okay to be a diaper boy there is a lot of diaper boys in the world you can be my diaper boy if you can�t stay dry. Mommy told me maybe she can potty train me when she potty trains my son when it gets that time until then you can stay a diaper boy and not worry about things like potty training. So I just forgot about potty training and mommy fed me just like she fed Ryan and she had us on schedule we both pooped about the same time every day but I wet twice as much as Ryan. I did not know that I was wetting twice as much a Ryan and mommy did not tell me about it. I was going to be a contest to see who would be out of diapers first in about 8 months if I did not stop wetting so much. As soon as my poop problem was corrected and I just pooped at mealtime I was aloud to do the zip line again. Boy was I having fun again zipping into the lake, swing from ring to ring back and forth across the lake without dropping if I did not want to. The best was the new jet-ski I could ride at high speed around the lake. Doing all of these things wearing only a thick diaper did not bother me. It must have looked funny such a big boy wearing diapers playing with such big boy toys. Another year went by as I kept being just what mommy Linda wanted me to be, just a toddler that did not care about anything but playing. Using the potty was not something I ever thought about I just let happen what happened. Even when I was potty trained I need the potty every two hours or I would wet my pants so I kept using the potty every hour to prevent wet pants. Now I just let myself wet I have started to wet every 30 minutes but I did not realize how often I was wetting sense I was swimming and wetness just happened. My son has been going to nursery school for the last two months and learning that diapers are for babies. I did not care if I wore diapers I was having fun playing. Every six months mommy Linda would introduce a new toy to play with and I liked it that way. This month was a motorized four wheeler that could climb the big hills around the lake. The only clothes that I had now were thick diapers of all kinds snap crotched T-shirts and nothing else for daytime use. Mommy Linda kept my diapers clean but me being in the lake or pool my diapers were always wet. If I ever poop she would get it taken care of but I never poop outside. I only pooped sitting in my highchair eating my meal just like a good toddler should. Ryan started to feed his self this month and mommy Linda let me feed my self too we were two messy little boys giggling and playing all the time. Ryan said when he finished his meal he need to potty. That shock me because I already filled my diaper and need a diaper change not the potty. Mommy Linda took Ryan from his highchair and let him run to our room while I sat in my highchair wearing a poopy diaper. Mommy Linda took me out of my highchair and carried me to the changing table where she started to change my diaper while I watched Ryan pull down his Pull-ups and sit on a new potty chair next to the changing table. I started to cry so mommy put my pacifier in my mouth quieting me. I asked if Ryan was Potty trained Mommy said he still wets but poops in the potty like a big boy. I asked if I could try Pull-ups too. Mommy said when I can hold my poop until she puts me on the potty until then I will stay in diapers. Now it was a contest between my son and me who was going to be potty trained first my 19 month or me. Ryan has already stopped wetting his bed and I did not know that he was so far along in being a big boy. That night when it was Ryan�s bedtime mommy told him if he wakes up dry he will get a big boy bed. I did not know what she was going to do with me because I was a bed wetter before I started to live here so how could I compete with my son. Now I am back to when I was eleven wetting every night. I would have to stay sleeping in my crib with no way to stop bedwetting. Only if mommy Linda was kind would she let me have a big boy bed too. The next morning Ryan was dry and I was wet so mommy put Ryan on the potty while she changed my diaper. Ryan did pee in the potty like a big boy should he has not peed in his Pull-up in days now. Ryan was sitting in his new booster seat at the table like a big boy. He was getting more and more independent every day he went to daycare. I was still in a highchair sense I was still pooping when I eat my meals. When we finished eating breakfast Ryan ran to poop in the potty while mommy Linda changed my wet and messy Huggies for my thick daytime diaper. Then she found out Ryan had used the potty not his Pull-up she helped him change into some 5 layer thick cloth training pants just in case of an accident. I played on my big kid toys while Ryan was learning to swim in the pool with mommy Linda. He did not like me to show him how to do things because he thought babies can�t do things right. After a few more months of going to daycare he was almost potty independent rarely having an accident when he did he wanted to take care of his own accident. He was going to be two years old tomorrow and mommy Linda was planning a party a big birthday party at home inviting four of his daycare friends. Sense going to daycare Ryan has potty trained himself learned to eat at the table with a mess drink from a glass and dress himself. He was quite an independent toddler doing things his way with no help from anyone he did not like to be helped. I was too busy to see he was getting to be a big boy quickly able to do things I have let mommy Linda do fore me like feeding and dressing me. I just wanted to play and do nothing else. What little control of my pee and poop I had is gone I am now diaper dependent either I would have to change my own diaper or someone else would do it form me. Mommy was the one that kept me clean and dry so I would not have to do it. Ryan would tell on me when I was in the house playing in a wet or messy diaper. He was good at recognizing the sign of a wet or dirty diaper. Ryan just called me Baby Donny because I was the only one still using diapers and all the other baby things in the house. I had picked up the habit of pacifier sucking when I was not swimming. Sense my clothes consisted of just diapers and a T-shirt I looked just like a baby all the time I did not care because I could have fun playing. Mommy Linda had an idea that to get Ryan to like to play with me more she would send me to daycare too. On my first day playing at daycare the other kids did not want to play with a diaper boy so I found myself playing with the other diaper boys until to rode the little bicycle with out training wheels around the play yard. All the older kids wanted to learn too and asked me to help them. I was then every ones friend I could show them how to do things. Even though I was a diaper boy they liked the way I could show them how to do the things they had trouble learning to do. Now my son wanted me to teach how to zip line and all the other big kid things I was doing. I told him he needed to get strong enough to do twenty slow pull-ups in a row without stopping. He was three and a half before he could under stand what he needed to do. On his fourth birthday he could do the twenty and with Linda�s permission I started to show him how to jump off the 15 foot tall platform into the pool. He did good missing his entry into the water twice smacking his back once and stomach once. He still wanted to do the zip line so bad he continued. Three days of training he was get good at climbing the platform and jumping in to the pool he could keep up with me. I asked him if he was ready to try the zip line he answered so quickly jumping up and down. I told him to follow me up the ladder of the tower. We were standing on the top of the tower when pee started to stream out of my soaked diaper making an obvious sound of water splattering on wood. Ryan giggled and pointed saying you peed your diaper I had to giggle too it was funny standing next to my son wetting my diaper while he was wearing swimming trunks. When we finished giggling I showed him how to pull the handle bars up the line to the tower. Then I showed him how to grab the handle bars and told him to hold on and jump and hold on until the end and drop in the water then. I told him I would go first for him to follow but if he did not want to he could climb down and do it another day. I went zipping down making a big splash as I entered the water butt first. I swam to the side of the pool to get out of Ryan�s way. I waited for Ryan to pull the handle bars up to him so he could ride the zip line for the first time. He grabbed the handle bars and jumped he let out a loud wheee as he went down the line. He hit the stopper and splashed just like I did but first. He popped the surface of the water giggling so hard he could barely swim. He want to go again and he respected me from the time on even though I was a diaper boy he would defend me and now let anyone tease me any more. Linda had her two boys� one just a big baby and one that was growing up fast and big Ryan was four feet tall and not yet five. He was bigger and stronger than me but he still respected me he could change my diaper when I needed it and get me in my crib for bed. I respected him and did as he told me because he was in charge in the house when mommy was out of the room. I was in charge when we were outside had he did what I told him to do. It was going to be great fun for the next ten or more years I would never get potty trained Ryan would learn all kinds of things I could teach him. Mommy Linda and Ryan would care for me just like a toddler