My name is Donny. When I was four-years-old my cousin Ryan was born and I spent a lot of time at my aunt’s house since she lived across the street from us. My mom worked but my aunt stayed at home and became my babysitter. They did not know until my cousin was two or three months old that he was mentally retarded. I did not know what that meant at that time because he was just a baby to me and I was just a little kid myself. But when he was three-years-old and still not walking or talking I knew there was something wrong.

I was seven years old and had been caught wearing some of Ryan’s diapers since I could get them pinned on. The first time I got spanked the second time I got time out sitting in the corner for two hours; then I got smart and they never caught me again. I could sneak his diapers all the time and no one found out. When he got a new bed to sleep in on his fifth birthday I was nine-years-old. His new bed was still just like his old crib but this one was big enough for even me. It had a top to keep a kid inside it if he did not know how to open it Ryan did not know how to work the release. I knew how to open it from watching my aunt.

Ryan was walking now and could climb so the new crib helped keep him in bed at bedtime. Ryan could talk now about the same as a two year old he was fun to play with because I liked to play too. We played with his baby toys having fun until his naptime. He took his nap on the couch so his mom could keep an eye on him just so the crib was not used as a punishment to him. I played quietly either in the bed room, playroom or outside. I always played in the bedroom because of my secret.

I practiced opening the crib for a few days until it was easy for me to open. Then one day when no one was around I jumped in and raised the side and lay down in it for a few minutes then I got scared opened it and jumped out, No one caught me. My aunt never checked on me when Ryan was not around. Every day I got a chance I would get in his crib and spend more and more time in the crib I would play like I was Ryan.

After two years of practice I was eleven-years-old I got real brave, I put a diaper on and got into his crib. I got so good at doing it, it took me only two minutes to get diapered and in the crib, two minutes to get out and changed back into my big boy clothes.

Then one day Ryan had to go to the hospital for three days, leaving me to play alone at my aunt’s house. The first day Ryan was in the hospital it was a cold and rainy September day after school on Thursday. So when I got to my aunt’s house I went to Ryan’s bedroom and put one of the diapers on. I was so cold I looked for something to wear that would be warm I found one of Ryan’s sleepers that were real tight fitting on me but they zipped up the back. I finely figured out how to zip it closed with a string I found on a pull toy but I finally could wear them. I got in the crib. My aunt never checked on me in the two years I was playing baby so I stayed in the crib playing until I need to pee. I never wanted to pee in his diaper because I would get caught for sure so I got out got dressed in my big boy clothes and went to the potty. I put everything back so no one would find out what I had been doing.

Later the same day I did it again without a problem, no one knew I could get diapered and lay in the crib like a baby. I was having the time of my life playing like I was a real baby. I even sucked on one of Ryan’s pacifiers as a lay in the crib.

The next day it was Friday no school for three days since Monday was a school holiday. Ryan would come home tomorrow and my baby play would have to slow back down. When I got home from school I went to my aunt’s house I put on the diapers and I found a pair of bigger plastic pants that were just the right size. I was just a little bigger that Ryan so I did not think anything about the size difference. Then I found a sleeper they fit me perfectly but it zipped up the back and had mittens on the hands to so I put the string through the zipper and pulled it up. The string came loose at the top I was so excited the new clothes were just the right size for me. They were loose and so comfortable I jumped into the crib after putting the pacifier in my mouth. I pulled up the side of the crib up with a lot of trouble having mitten on the hands made hard. I heard that clicking sound so familiar to me telling me the side was all the way up followed by an additional click. I did not think it was much so I continued to play baby until I need to pee but I want to play more because it might be the last time I could play in the crib I was having so much fun. Until I really need to go bad I put if off a little longer half hour later it was time for me to go to the potty I could not hold it longer.

I grabbed the crib side release but with mittens on it made it hard to squeeze but finely I squeezed it nothing happed I shook it maybe it was stuck. I tried and tried to get the side to drop but nothing I did worked. I need to pee real bad now so I tried to remove the sleeper but there was a cover over the zipper and mittens on I could not get to it. I was real scared what could I do, I started to pee without wanting too I felt pee go into the diaper I was wearing. I had never wet a diaper since I was four-years-old, I was wetting my bed sometimes. I wet the bed until last year but did not use diapers for my problem. All I could think of is how to hide the wet diaper when I got out of the crib.

I tried everything I could to get out of the crib I had forgot that I was still sucking the pacifier. I was getting so nervous I felt the need to poop come real fast and before long I need to poop really badly. Then my aunt walked into the room scaring me causing me to lose control of my poop. My full load of poop went into my diaper I started crying through the pacifier as my aunt opened the crib and picked me up. My aunt put me on the changing table she opened the crotch of the sleeper cleaned my messy bottom and put a disposable diaper on me. She closed the crotch of the sleeper and carried me to the kitchen since I was only a few pounds heavier than Ryan it was easy for her to carry me. I was so upset because I had used the diaper like Ryan does I wanted my big boy clothes back but was a scared to ask my aunt for them. She put me in the highchair that Ryan used she fastened the seat belt and had the tray in front of me in seconds.

I found that I could not get free no matter how much I fought my aunt when I got tired of fighting my aunt removed my pacifier. A bib was placed on me and I was told I had to eat everything before I would get out of the chair. I took an hour to eat three jars of baby food and a bottle that my aunt would not let me hold. With the thick mittens on my hands it impossible for me to grab anything I could not even hold my own bottle if I wanted to.

I found myself in the same playpen Ryan used I tried to climb out but with the mittens on and the sleeper I was wearing I could not raise my legs. The sleeper I was wearing was designed that way so I had to stay in the playpen. I felt the need to pee and told my aunt she told me I would have to hold it until bedtime one hour later. I could not hold it that long so I wet my diaper that way she would have to change me. One hour later my aunt changed my wet diaper and gave me a bottle to drink while she held it.

Just before the time when mom would have come to pick me up and take me home the phone rang. It was mom asking my aunt to baby-sit me until tomorrow night. My aunt told me that I was going to spend the night I whimpered as I sucked the pacifier. Just before she took me to bed I needed to pee again so I wet the diaper again I thought I would cause my aunt more work than she bargained for. If I could use so many diapers she would get tired of changing diapers she would let me have my big boy pants back. My aunt did not say a word she just changed my diaper and put me in the crib closing the side. As I lay down a bottle was placed into my mouth and I began to suck on it and soon I fell asleep.

The next morning my aunt removed my sleeper and wet diaper then she walked me to the bathroom where she had a bath ready for me. She bathed me just like I was Ryan after she dried me off she sent me naked to the bedroom to get dressed I could not find my big boy clothes they were gone there were only toddler style clothes in my size. My aunt strapped me on the changing table powdered and diapered me in a disposable diaper, a T-shirt that snapped in the crotch and snap crotch over-alls. I looked like a big two-year-old with a diaper bulge.

My aunt said lets eat breakfast and again I was fed in the highchair with a bib around my neck. As she fed me the baby food she did it so fast that some of it fell out of my mouth and into the bib and tray. I looked just like a messy faced two-year-old after my meal. After a quick clean-up I found myself being lead to the car, I tried to pull away but my aunt had a grip on my wrist. I was fastened into a car seat that was just like Ryan’s. I could not get to the release so I had to stay sitting in the seat.

At the hospital mom met us at the patient release desk, mom worked at the hospital that Ryan was staying. Mom said. Looks like Donny was using the baby things again. I just hung my head as mom checked my diaper I tried to pull away when I realized what she was doing. But she was too quick. She found I had wet my diaper on the way over to the hospital she said time for a diaper change Donny. Every one heard what she said most of the older kids giggled. I was led to the diaper changing station in the corner of the room next to the crib that Ryan was in. Ryan watched as mom changed my diaper.

Ryan giggled as mom pinned a fresh cloth diaper on me and pulled up my plastic pants over the very thick diaper. After she snapped the snaps in the crotch of my over-alls she put me down in the play area with the toddlers. It had a gate that I could not open or climb so I had to stay in the play area. I looked just like the other toddlers diaper bulge and all, except I was about four or five inches taller. I had fun playing with the toddlers until Ryan was ready to leave the hospital. I had already wet my diaper but I did not say anything I did not want the other kids to know.

When I was strapped into my car seat mom checked my diaper saying she would have to change my diaper when we get home. Ryan was dressed only in his diapers, plastic pants and sleepers. I wet again just before we pulled into McDonalds leaking all over my cover-alls. When mom found I had soaked my clothes she changed my diaper in the back seat of the car. She dressed me in sleepers just like Ryan’s except my diapers were much thicker and puffier. Ryan’s were barely noticeable.

I waddled in to McDonald’s just to be sat into one of the highchairs next to Ryan in his highchair. I was fed more baby food while every one else ate their meal, Ryan had a Happy Meal. Every time I tried to talk in went a spoonful of food I had no choice but to eat my baby food. After my meal mom put a bottle in my mouth and I started to suck because mom said if I don’t want spanked I need to suck it dry. As I sucked I felt pee go into my diaper. I was beginning to be just like Ryan wetting all the time without trying to stop it.

When I got to my home I thought I could get to be a big boy again until I walked to my room. There I found all my stuff was gone and in its place was everything a little toddler baby would need. I had what looked just like Ryan’s crib, changing table, toddler toys, stacks of diapers, diaper pail, and all the other things a baby needs.

Mom told me it was naptime so she changed my wet diaper and put me in my sleeper with the mittens. Mom carried me to my new crib and closed the side and gave me my nap bottle. I could not do anything to get out so I started to suck the bottle that she had propped up on my pillow. I fell asleep just as my bottle was empty.

After my nap I asked mom. Why am I being treated like a baby? She said. My aunt has been watching me use the baby things for a long time on the camera in Ryan’s Room. Now that I passed the ninth grade test I took Thursday and Friday with a very high score I don’t need to go to school until I would fit in and not get picked on all the time. I was glad I hated school because every one teased me all the time. I asked. How long am I going to have to be a baby? Mom said until she thinks I am ready to be a big boy again.

Ryan came to my house to play now that there are no big boy toys to get hurt on. We played in the playroom having so much fun I forgot all about being a big boy. I was now an official un-potty trained toddler without a care in the world. Mom would take care of anything that could hurt me. She would change me bathe me feed me keep me warm and comfortable. I had all kinds of toys that Ryan and I could have fun with. I was finely as happy as I could be. But I was afraid it would end too soon.



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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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