Title: Let’s Get Ready to De-Age (Harry Potter fanfic)
Name: Ruurd Woltring
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 20
Posting Date: 05/25/08, updated 11/30/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: An abused Harry, a pregnant Hermione, and an abusive Ron, all in one.                  
Chapter 1: The Meeting

Hermione walked out of the kitchen. Her stomach was starting to show 
since she was three months along. Ron had raped her in her last year of 
Hogwarts. But she was too afraid to tell him because he was a very 
abusive man and did twat to get in his line of fire. 

She walked through Diagon alley looking for things to furnish her home 
with for the baby. She found a very cute dragon crib that she bought 
and had shipped to her house. Hermione had wanted a little boy for so 
long she loved children so much. 

Harry was out helping some new first-year’s buy their supplies. Since 
Hagrid had been such a help to him he figured he would help them. He 
had three first-years with him and they all came over to him. 

”Hello, Hermione,” Harry kissed her cheek, smiling. She blushed and 
hugged him. 

”Harry, I didn’t expect to see you here; what are you doing?”

Harry looked back at the kids. “Well, I’m helping out first-years whose 
parents are too busy to take them shopping for school supplies. ”

Hermione kissed his cheek. “Well, aren’t you just mister helpful,“ she 
smiled, playing with Harry. 

“So, do you need any help?” Harry smiled. 

“You know, I can always use a helping hand. Could you take these two to 
get owls while I take this one to get a book we forgot?” Hermione 
smiled happily. 

“Yes, it would be my pleasure; come on, kids. ”

The two boys came to her happily. 

“Harry, meet us at the leaky cauldron. ”

She took the children’s hands, walking with them through the people. 

“Stay with me, kids. ” She the walked through the crowds with them is 
holding their hands like they were small children. She smiled, taking 
them to the owl store. The one boy smiled and took out his money and 
bought a spitting image of Hedwig. The other got one that looked like 
Ron’s bird but it was younger. 

“Let’s go children” she started walking behind the boy that had bought 
a bird like Harry’s and noticed he was wearing a diaper and it looked 
to be wet. She took both boys through the crowd and went to the leaky 
cauldron. She took the diapered boy by the hand and told the other boy 
to go and sit with Harry. Hermione took the boy to the bathroom. 

“Looks like you could use a diaper change, am I right?”

He looked at her, astonished that she had figured this out. 

“Yes, but how did you know?”

She laughed. “I’m a girl; I baby sat a lot. So why don’t you tell me 
why your wearing diapers then I’ll change your diaper. ”

He smiled and nodded. “I had surgery on my bladder so I can’t hold 
water until it heals. ”

Hermione smiled and waved her had and he was clean. “Now go out and sit 
with your friends. ”

She walked out with him and sat beside Harry. The parents came to get 
there children leaving Harry and Hermione alone at their table. Harry 
fiddled with something in his pocket. 

Chapter 2: Regression Potion

When Harry was in his fifth year he had made a regression potion and it 
expiration was coming soon. He would need to use it. He knew that but 
he needed to find at least a mother to take care of him. He fiddled 
with it in his coat as he made small talk, and then excusing himself, 
saying he needed to be getting home. Harry went out the door and to his 
house. It was big and very lonely. He missed being able to be with his 
friends at Hogwarts. It seemed that Hermione was always busy and Ron 
had turned into a total ass. 

Harry fell asleep sucking his thumb. He had a horrible dream of abuse 
and beatings. His aunt and uncle had stolen his childhood from him by 
beating him and forcing him to be their slave. He had never let anyone 
know that and didn’t plan on doing it. either. 

Chapter 3: Abuse and Death and Agreements

Hermione decided today was the day to tell Ron that she was pregnant. 
She came to her apartment and saw Ron, also seeing her apartment had 
been ripped through. Ron came at her. 


He beat her across the face, slamming her to the ground he then kicked 
in her stomach and began pounding on her face. He then ran out and 
Hermione crawled to the phone crying as she picked it up calling the 
ambulance for saint Mungo’s. They came quickly, saving her. She was 
crying because her child was dead. That night Ron was put in Azkaban 
for the murder of a child (yeah I’m going to say murders murder and say 
you kill a baby inside a woman its murder. )

Hermione was crying and Harry came knocking at her door. 

”Hermione, open up, it’s Harry. We need to talk. ”

Hermione thought about this but then opened it to be hugged by Harry. 
He hugged her and pulled her close, stroking her head. 

“Hermione I have a present for you. ” He pulled out the potion showing 
her. She looked at it and realized what it was. 

“But Harry, that’s illegal. NO, I won’t let you. ”

Harry shook his head. “I am going to take a little trip to Egypt and 
get accidentally offed by a death eater. I bribed one into killing me-- 
or at least pretending to-- and all I do is take it with a bit of your 
hair and you’ll be my mom. I want to be normal so bad. Please help me, 
Hermione, this one last time!”

Hermione kissed his forehead ad smiled. “Okay, okay, Harry, but I can’t 
afford to take care of a baby right now. I have all those medical bills 
and I have to fix the house. . . ”

Harry shoved a hand over her mouth. ”You’re my beneficiary to my death. 
You get my home ,money , car ,everything. ”

She kissed him on the forehead. “Okay, mommy’s little Nash. ” She 
kissed his forehead ad patted his back. 

“How far will it take you back?”

Harry smiled. “To about 2 and a half. ”

Hermione smiled and looked at him. 

“The first weekend in of November we’ll do it, okay?”

Harry nodded and hugged her happily. 

“You’re okay, right” Ron’s gone. He’ll never hurt you again. ”

Hermione held Harry close and imagined Harry at 2 running around she 
giggled and kissed his nose.

“Can little Nash say mommy?” she teased.

Chapter Four: The Death of Harry and Birth of Nash


Harry walked out of his house he had not told anyone but Hermione he 
was doing this as he drove to the airport he made sure that there was a 
paper trail of him going to Egypt. As Harry got on the plane he smiled 
and sat back.

Harry got to Egypt and went to his hotel room the next day he would be 
dead to the world but alive to Hermione as Nash Granger he thought the 
name was cute and couldn’t wait to be Hermione’s little boy. Harry went 
and did all the tourist things like going to the pyramids and to the 
shops. Then he smiled, buying a beautiful necklace he found. He thought 
mommy would like it. He was starting to think like a little boy.


he walked through the town and smiled. Finding the right building, he 
then walked up to a door in the death eater’s home and flicked his 
wand, opening the door. He then walked in, getting blasted out into the 
street into the crowds. He then dragged Harry inside the house where 
Hermione was waiting to take him home. She had a dead clone of Harry 
and had the death eater kill it. Then Hermione poofed home with Harry, 
hiding him while the oras took the death eater.


Hermione, along with everyone else, was at the funeral the following 
Monday. She was crying along with Hagrid and Lupin and everyone else. 
The savior of the magical world was dead. He had risked his life 
killing Valdamort but died while trying to rid the world of the death 
eaters. Dumbledore stood up and approached the preacher.

"May I please speak?"

"Yes, you may."

Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"Today we grieve over not the child who survived the killing curse, not 
the boy who killed Valdamort, but a friend to us all a protector. In 
earlier times they would have called him a knight. But now we have lost 
this great man who helped us all with so much, whether it was pushing 
the teachers to work him harder or it being helping a dear friend in 
need. Harry was always there for us. Now we see that he is done and we 
shall forever carry on his memory with this statue."

He pointed to the statue over Harry’s grave that read, “For all your 
nobleness we thank you.” It had Harry standing there with his friends 
around him.

"He will live forever in our hearts." Dumbledore began crying as he 
walked away.

Harry took the potion and started to de-age. When he hit age two he got 
outside in dirty ripped clothes and found Hermione. She looked at the 

"Oh honey, where’s your mommy and daddy?"

He pointed to two dead bodies in the alley and looked up.

"We were omess and ad no ere to tay and they ied and I ave no ommy or 

The little boy then began crying hard and Hermione hugged him to her 

"Don’t worry, I’ll take you in."

Dumbledore appeared and smiled at Hermione.

"Hermione, you’ll need to adopt this child. His parents have been dead 
but we could not find where this boy was. "he handed her some papers 
and whispered in her ear. "I know its Harry and I know what you to did 
and I’m going to help."

Chapter 5: Hermione Adopts a Nash

Hermione hugged Dumbledore as she took the papers. She had to get to a 
will reading at 5, so she figured that she would have to find a 

"Professor, could I ask you a favor? I have to go to the will reading 
and I need a sitter and you’re one of few I would trust." Dumbledore 

"Come on, little one. Mommy needs to go do yucky grownup stuff. Why 
don’t I take you back to my house where you can play lots of fun games 
and stuff?"

Nash went to Dumbledore and hugged him.

"Grandpa," he hugged him tightly and Hermione giggled.

"Yes, grandpa, why you take Nash to your home for a little while? I’ll 
meet you there later and we can have tea."

Dumbledore smiled, kissing Harry’s (Nash’s) forehead as Harry smiled 
and yawned.

"Oh professor, don’t forget he needs a nap at 1:00."

It was now 12:45. Dumbledore poofed home and got Nash into a bath and 
bathed him, then put on some jammies and a nice fresh diaper and put 
him down on the floor. Dumbledore was a wiz with transfiguring stuff so 
he transfigured the guest bedroom into a full nursery.

"Come here, Nash, time for your nap."

Nash came over, putting his arms up. Dumbledore lifted him up, putting 
him in the soft crib tucking him in.

"Night, Nash." He kissed him on forehead and Harry/Nash kissed 
Dumbledore on cheek.

"Thank you for helping."

Harry was asleep sucking his thumb.
Chapter 6

A few weeks later, Harry/Nash woke up with a pleasant feeling. He 
remembered that Hermione adopted him and that Dumbledore was now ‘his 
grandfather’. Of course, Nash enjoyed it. Suddenly, he felt himself 
peeing in his diaper. It didn’t leak, luckily. Also, he felt himself 
pushing 5 lugs of dark-brown and soft-hard poop into his diaper. Nash 
couldn’t talk, since he was still a baby, so he thought: “At least I 
don’t have to go to the real toilet.”

Then, the door opened and Hermione came in. She understood that Nash 
wet his diaper and lifted him up.

“Let’s get you changed,” she said, taking him to the bathroom. Within 
15 minutes, Hermione had Nash bathed, dried off and put back into a new 
diaper. She took him downstairs, sat down on the couch and fed him a 
bottle of milk. Also, Nash got some apple sauce.

“You know what?” Hermione smiled at ‘her son’. “On the 2nd of January, 
I’ll turn you back to normal.” Nash understood it and smiled back at 
‘his mother’.

Suddenly, the door bell rang. Hermione opened it and… there was Ron, 
who was white from a huge shock. Hermione got scared as well and let 
him in. “What had happened to you,” she asked Ron. He said: “I’ve been 
released out of Azkaban for good behaviour. However, when I got back at 
the Burrow, my parents seemed to be disappeared. Then, I noticed a 
note, which said that the Death Eaters abducted my family to use them 
as a bait to get you, Harry and me. So I decided to warn you at once. 
Hey eh, where is Harry exactly?”

Hermione sighed and told Ron that she had transformed Harry into her 
son, Nash Griffin. Of course, Ron understood why she did that and 
apologized for what he did to her.

“You’re forgiven,” Hermione said. Nash smiled a little bit, like he 
wanted to say the same.

“Anyway…” Ron continued, “…let’s find and save my family, after turning 
Harry back to normal.”

Within a few seconds, Harry was turned back into an adult. The 3 
friends got disguised, got in Harry’s car and drove off, determined to 
find the Weasley’s back.

Chapter 7

When they got at the house of Riddle, Harry got out of the car, 
followed by Ron and Hermione. They crept towards the house and got 
inside, without making any noise. Suddenly, they heard a young woman 
crying. It was Ron’s younger sister (Ginny Weasley). Carefully, Harry 
got closer to the cabin, where Ginny was, and whispered: “Ginny, can 
you hear me?”

The young woman was surprised at this, but of course, she was also 
pleased to see Harry. When she saw her older brother, she noticed that 
he was no more abusive.

“Where are the others?” Ron quietly asked.

“Lucius Malfoy holds them in Voldemort’s bedroom,” Ginny said. “You 
have to hurry, before he kills them.”

Immediately, Harry went upstairs. He found the bedroom of Voldemort and 
opened the door by kicking it in.

“It can’t be possible,” Lucius Malfoy yelled. “You’re supposed to be 

“I was brought back to life by Dumbledore,” Harry said. “Now, where are 
the Weasley’s?”

“I ain’t telling you anything,” the answer was. That angered Harry a 
lot. He got out his wand and yelled: “AVIS!”

At this, a stock of birds came out of Harry’s wand. Then, Hermione 
busted in. She quickly pulled out her wand and yelled (while pointing 
at the birds): “OPPUGNO!”

Immediately, the birds attacked Lucius Malfoy, who held his hands on 
his face, while shouting out loud from the pain. Meanwhile, Ron entered 
the room and started to look for the Weasley’s. Within no time, he 
found them. They forgave him for all the horrible things he once did. 
Together, they knew to defeat Lucius Malfoy for once and for all.


When they finally got home, Hermione turned Harry back into her son 
(Nash Griffin) and looked after him, like nothing ever happened. Lucius 
Malfoy went to Azkaban for good, while the Weasley’s and Dumbledore 
helped Hermione out, when necessary. From that day on, they lived 
happily ever after.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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