Title: Kyle Gets 'Napped (Or Nappied, If You Will)
Name: Mark
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: Not given
Posting Date: 10/26/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas
L- Mother 3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Kyle was your average 16-year-old. Fairly popular, at least he always did what he had to in order to fit in. He was about 5' 9", somewhat overweight, not too bad though. He always had a tendency to wear clothes much too big for him, as it went with being "cool", at least at the school he went to.          
It was a warm Tuesday morning and Kyle headed off to school as he 
normally would. By normally, it is meant that he had a bad habit of 
skipping class as much as possible. Today Kyle wore a solid red polo 
shirt with sleeves hitting about 3 inches past the elbow, a pair of 
blue jean shorts that ended at almost the bottom of his calves, a pair 
of no-show socks, white DC's, and a black fitted hat. He proceeded to 
travel to the spot he hung out until he knew both his parents had left 
for work. It was a wooded area along a path behind the neighborhood 
park. There was a "chill spot" so to speak, where all the local kids 
went to have small parties and things of the like. He went there and 
sat for a while, then decided he had waited long enough, and he could 
return home.

He stood up, and when he did he heard a rustling in the leaves next to 
him. He walked over to look and when he did, somebody grabbed him from 
behind and put a cloth over his mouth. He struggled to get the cloth 
from his face, but before a few seconds had passed he faded from 
consciousness and drifted away into an artificially-induced dreamworld.

He awoke a time later, how long it had been he did not know. He had a 
massive headache, worse than he had ever had. He went to stretch, and 
realized that his hands had been cuffed behind him. This sent him into 
a state of panic, and the reality of his situation set in. He was in a 
dog cage, in a dark basement, had what felt like a sock in his mouth 
with tape wrapped around his head, his feet were tied with rope and 
also tied to the cage, and he was handcuffed, with the chain of the 
cuffs running through the cage behind him. He immediately went into 
panic-mode and began thrashing about in his bonds. He couldn't believe 
this was happening.

After the realism of his predicament set in, he began to accept it. Not 
that he wanted to, but he didn't really have too many choices. Once he 
settled down, he noticed the real difference. What was this mass 
between his legs? It was something he knew he had felt before, but it 
had been many, many many, years since he felt it. Then he realized - 
it's a freakin' diaper.

Moments after he realized what he was wearing, the basement door opened 
and the light was flicked on. His first interaction with his captor - 
the first one he would remember anyways. She approached his cage and 
bent down and began to speak to him, and explain what was going on: 
"Ah, I see we are finally awake. I'll bet you're pretty confused, 
aren't you?" Kyle mmpfed like a mad man and thrashed around in his cage 
as well as he could. "Mmm, well that was a good response. Look, it's 
like this. I was never popular in school, ever. So my goal here is to 
humiliate you as much as possible for a week. This means you will stay 
in your cage, eat like a dog, and "poop where you eat", so to speak. I 
will remove the tape and replace it with a ballgag when I can get 
someplace to buy one, as the tape will eventually start to stick to the 
skin, not what I'm going for here. In a week, if you can behave, you 
will be released. If you don't behave, well it'll be more than a week 
you're here. I'll leave you to think about that for a while". Kyle once 
again began to thrash around in the cage. "Now now, that's not behaving 
now is it? Be careful, it doesn't take much to aggravate me. A week can 
turn into a month very quickly. And I think you get the drift about 
what a month can turn into". With that Kyle stopped struggling and 
accepted his fate. "I'm leaving you for now. I have some things to take 
care of. I'll be back later. Besides, I think you'll be rather occupied 
for a while."

With that she turned and walked away. He was confused about what she 
had meant, and didn't think he wanted to find out. A long time had 
passed, at least he thought it had. In reality he knew it was only 
about 10 minutes. Then he felt an agonizing pain begin in his stomach. 
His reaction was to reach up and grab his stomach in order to ease the 
pain, but the handcuffs prevented this action. He tried to pull his 
legs up to his chest but the rope between his feet and the cage was 
much too short to allow this action. He writhed and struggled in his 
bonds as best he could, and then he realized that he was about to have 
a massive bowel movement. She had given him a laxative. Thank god for 
the diaper. He exploded into the diaper, and in seconds he felt the poo 
expanding into all parts of his nether regions. It was the most 
excruciating pain he had ever felt, and if this was what she had meant 
by humiliation, he wanted this to be over as soon as possible. He 
screamed into his gag and pulled as hard as he could against the cuffs 
and the rope, but it did no good. It went on for a good 10 minutes. 
When the laxative she had given him finished its job, he slumped into 
as comfortable a position as he could get himself into, and cried 
himself to sleep, and prayed as best he could with his hands behind him 
that this would all end soon.

He awoke in the middle of the night, startled by a bad dream. When he 
awoke he felt relieved for a short moment, as if though the ordeal he 
was experiencing was the dream. Within a few seconds he realized that 
the dream was a mere extension of what was happening to him. He was 
still in a small dog cage cuffed up and tied up with tape on his mouth. 
How could this happen to him? He was one of the coolest kids in school. 
He had so many friends. Was his captor jealous? Who knew. All he knew 
was that he needed to get out of this damn cage. If behaving was the 
best way at that, screw it, he could take a week. Or so he told himself 
at least. He once again cried himself back to sleep.

He awoke around noon the next day to his captor shaking his cage about. 
"Good afternoon. I decided to allow you to sleep in. Well I have some 
good news for you, I'm letting you out of the cage and I have a ballgag 
so that your skin won't be hurt. And it's food time! The bad news for 
you is I also bought a pair of legcuffs and a second pair of handcuffs, 
so that you'll be bound the entire week, or however long you're here". 
With that she walked to the back of the cage and slid the cuffs through 
the bars, put the cuffs on him without running the chain through the 
cage, then released the cuffs whose chain did run through the cage. She 
opened the cage, pulled him out, removed the tape, took out the sock, 
and placed his food bowl on the ground. He didn't know what the food 
was, but it didn't look very tasty. But hey, beggars can't be choosers.

"Why are you doing this?" asked Kyle, since he now had his gag removed. 
"You ask another question and I put the ballgag in and you don't get to 
eat" she told him. He complied. While he was eating she untied his feet 
and placed the legcuffs on him. She then forced him to drink 4 bottles 
of water. When he was done, she put the ballgag in his mouth and 
buckled it tightly behind his head. She then led him upstairs and put 
him on a homemade changing table in the garage. She had him lie on the 
table and strapped his chest down with belts she had fastened to the 
table. She removed the diaper, wiped him clean, oiled him down, and 
placed the new diaper on him. She didn't even give him the benefit of 
plastic pants. She pulled his shorts back up, criticized him for having 
shorts that still fell much past his knees even when pulled all the way 
up, and released him from the table. She led him back to the basement 
and placed him back in his cage. She put the cuffs whose chain ran 
through the cage back on his wrists, but did not remove the others. He 
was now wearing two pairs of handcuffs. She then used the original rope 
to tie his feet together again, then undid one cuff, ran it through the 
top of the cage, and recuffed it on his foot, so his feet were now 
suspended. He once again slumped in his cage and pondered his 

Within about a half hour, he felt the pain in his stomach again. He 
realized that she had slipped another laxative into the food he ate, 
and it was time for round two. He once again began thrashing around in 
his restraints as the poo began flowing. All he could do was let it 
happen. He began crying as his diaper once again filled. His captor 
came running downstairs when she heard him thrashing about. "I told you 
to behave, you just bought yourself another week!". He screamed into 
the ballgag in protest. "That's another week!". He tried his best to 
contain himself, which wasn't the easiest of tasks. He had no choice 
but to lay back and let it happen.

He had laid in his cage in a mess of his own excrement for what seemed 
like hours. The pain in his wrists from the handcuffs doubled now that 
he was wearing two pairs. The chains on his ankles were digging in 
since his feet were hanging. He prayed he would be changed soon. As he 
laid there he felt his bladder start to release. He knew there was 
nothing he could do but let it happen, so that's exactly what he did. 
He suddenly became very sleepy, and realized that she had probably 
slipped him a sleeping pill. He very quickly nodded out. He awoke the 
next morning to his captor once again shaking his cage. This time she 
wasn't so nice about things. "This is what you get for misbehaving" she 
said. She undid the cuffs that ran through the cage and uncuffed his 
ankles and forcefully yanked him from the cage. She undid the ballgag 
and forced him to eat, then made him eat a laxative. "The last time I 
made you eat it with your food. This time I'm showing you want you're 
eating". He had no choice but to eat it. She made him chase the 
laxative down with four more bottles of water. She strapped the ballgag 
back into his mouth, tighter than she had last time, and then threw him 
back in his cage and recuffed his wrists and ankles, this time tighter 
than she had before, much tighter. He laid back and waited for the 

Within 20 minutes it hit him like a ton of bricks. He once again filled 
his diaper with both pee and poo (which hadn't been changed from the 
day before) and thrashed about in his cage again. His captor returned 
to the basement and told him he had just earned himself a month and a 
half. It was like no matter what he did he couldn't "behave". She 
wouldn't let him adhere to her own rules. He laid there for hours, it 
had to be close to nightfall by now he thought. He began crying, 
thinking about a month and a half tied up and held prisoner in a cage. 
This routine continued day in and day out. She would occasionally 
change his diaper, though it was rare. It seemed as though every day 
she added more time onto his stay. He was up to almost six months.

Time passed, and it was now almost two and a half months later. He was 
still wearing the same clothes he had on the day he was snatched from 
the woods. He was still tightly handcuffed and gagged and confined to 
the cage. Waking up, being forced to eat and drink massive amounts of 
water and then defecate in his diaper had become a daily routine. He 
had almost completely come to terms with the fact that this was his 

It was now close to three months, and he awoke one day to find another 
cage in the basement next to him. He laid there for a while, and soon 
she brought down another boy, whom he recognized. It was Chris! He was 
in Kyle's math class. She had already placed a diaper underneath 
Chris's shorts (he was roughly the same build as Kyle, only a little 
shorter). He noticed Chris was wearing a near identical outfit as he 
had been the day he was 'napped. Chris had on long black jean shorts 
and a black polo with blue and white stripes, all very similarly 
fashioned to what he was wearing. No hat though.

She placed Chris in the cage and cuffed him up in the same manner she 
had cuffed up himself (Kyle), including the ballgag. He awoke about an 
hour later, began to freak out, looked over and saw Kyle. He felt 
relieved to see his friend, but then realized that Kyle had been gone 
for almost 3 months now... how long would he be there himself? Their 
captor came back downstairs, opened Chris' cage, removed his gag, and 
before he could talk she shoved a laxative in his mouth. She walked to 
Kyle's cage and did the same thing. Within 20 minutes they were both 
writhing furiously in their cages and loading their diapers.

Then it happened. The front door burst open and somebody yelled 
"freeze! police!". They couldn't believe it. It was the first time 
either of them were happy to have the cops show up. They both began 
squirming and clanking their cuffs against their cages, yelling into 
their gags, to get the attention of the police. The door to the 
basement was kicked open. Kyle heard a familiar sound upstairs: the 
clicking of handcuffs. 'Ha bitch!' was all he could think. Now she knew 
what it felt like to be taken against her will. He began to cry again, 
but now instead of tears of fear they were tears of joy.

The cops flooded the basement and released them from their cages, 
removed their bonds and took the gags out. "Are you two okay?" asked 
the police.

"Yeah, we're fine."

Chris bolted up the stairs when they took the last cuff off. "I just 
need a few minutes to myself. Do you mind if I just sit here for a 
few?" said Kyle.

"Okay that's fine, we have some questioning to do upstairs anyways," 
the police answered. Kyle was so relieved to be out of that damn cage. 
He stretched as he hadn't been able to in years, and examined the deep 
red marks that had been left on his wrists and ankles from being bound 
in handcuffs for almost three month. But he felt something strange. He 
felt like he had almost enjoyed it. The cops were now upstairs, and he 
was alone in the basement. He quietly walked to where the cops had 
placed the handcuffs, legcuffs, and ballgags, and he quietly (well, as 
best he could) slid them into the pockets of his shorts. Baggy shorts 
have deep pockets, which paid off at this time. The cops had even left 
a key. He wasn't sure why he had done this, but he did it anyways.

He went upstairs, flicked off the lady who had held him captive, and 
walked out the front door. He was greeted by his parents, who had a 
change of clothes for him. This worked out perfectly. They threw him a 
pair of baggy blue jeans and another polo (this one was white with 
yellow and black stripes, still just as ridiculously oversized). His 
parents had a minivan, so he hopped in the back to change into his 
fresh clothes, throwing the diaper out in the street behind the van. He 
found some old rags in the rear of the van and used them to wipe 
himself clean, which he also discarded behind the van. While he was 
changing, he stashed the cuffs in a storage compartment in the rear of 
the van, so his parents would not find them. He still wasn't completely 
sure with himself why he had even taken them, but he did.

He went to the station (Chris had left for the station as soon as he 
ran upstairs) to file a report and all the associated paperwork, and 
after a brief TV interview, returned home. His parents told him he 
could take the rest of the week off from school, so he took advantage 
of it. He went out to the van late at night, and retrieved his stash 
from the storage compartment. He went up to his bedroom and hid it all 
in the closet.

He awoke the next day and his parents were at work. He threw on a plain 
black t-shirt (again, much too large, at least XXXL) and a pair of 
baggy khaki shorts, falling to a similar length as the blue jean shorts 
he had worn on the day of his kidnapping. He then walked to the corner 
store. He found the diaper aisle, which, to his surprise, had adult 
diapers. He nervously purchased them, along with a large bottle of baby 
oil, exclaiming multiple times over to the cashier that they were for 
his grandparents. He returned home and stashed them with the cuffs.

That night when he was sure his parents were in bed, he decided to 
reenact the week's events in a more hospitable atmosphere. He pulled 
his shorts down and applied a generous amount of baby oil to himself, 
then put the diaper on. He then ran the legcuffs through the bottom of 
the bed and put his feet in them. He put the ballgag in his mouth and 
buckled it behind his head, almost a notch tighter than his captor had 
buckled it. He then put both pairs of handcuffs on his wrists, and laid 
back and pretended to be struggling. He noticed that all the excitement 
had given him an erection. He pressed on the bulge that had grown in 
his diaper. He felt a wave of pleasure surge through him. He continued 
to stroke the outside of his diaper. He then reached inside and moved 
his erection so that it was pressing up against his stomach, rolled 
over onto his stomach as best as he could with the legcuffs, and began 
to move himself up and down on the bed. Within minutes he exploded into 
his diaper, fully satisfied with what he had accomplished. He couldn't 
believe how amazing it felt. He had masturbated before, but it was 
nothing like this. He then removed the cuffs, but only long enough to 
take his shorts and shirt off to crawl into bed. He turned out the 
light, and when he got back into bed, he put the leg cuffs back on and 
recuffed his hands behind him, and went to sleep, all the while still 
wearing his diaper.

That night he dreamt about his ordeal. He was somewhat mad about it, 
but at the same time, if it had never happened, he would have never 
found his love for diapers and restraints. He both cursed and blessed 
the lady who had brought this upon him. He had one of the best sleeps 
he had ever had. When he awoke, his parents were at work, and he 
decided what he would wear his diaper and cuffs all day until he heard 
the garage door open, at which time he would be forced to remove them.

He later talked to Chris, who he found out, had also picked up a 
package of the diapers. When Kyle told Chris he took the cuffs and 
ballgags, Chris became excited and said that the two needed to get 
together sooner than later. But that's another story.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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