Summary: Know-it-all boy gets put in his place.. KNOW-IT-ALL DONNY Part One When I turned eight years old mom and dad had to go to Brazil for work. They did not want to take me with them so they made an arrangement with my aunt. Aunt Betty had three boys herself. I have never met them because they live in southern Texas outside of a small town. Aunt Betty ran a daycare that had a private school for kids from a few months through sixth grade, or twelve years old. Mom told me it would be fun because my cousins are all younger than me that I could have fun playing with them. I asked how old they were. Mom said Bobby is just two, Sammy is four, and Ryan is six. I asked if they wet the bed every night like me. Mom said she does not know but it would be OK my aunt would work it out so I would be comfortable. I asked when I would be going there; mom said after school lets out next week. I had a week to get ready and say bye to all my friends. No one here but mom and dad knew about my bedwetting; it was a family secret. Mom has let me take care of my bedwetting by letting me just change my wet pajamas and taking a bath. She would change my bedclothes. She said it was just a little problem that I needed to learn to take care of myself. She always said she would take care of the house, meaning my bed clothes. Every night I would put my pajamas on over my regular underwear and get in bed. I thought if I could just start having dry nights I could wear my pajamas to eat breakfast in, in the morning. The week went by so fast. We were on our way to Texas before I knew it. Mom packed only my clothes, no toys. Mom said Aunt Betty has plenty of toys, she did not want more. Two days later after one motel stay we arrived at Aunt Betty�s house. It was the biggest house for miles-- three stories with an attic. The house was once a hotel but now it is a school and family home. It was mid afternoon. There were about twenty kids playing in the yard ranging in age two years old to eleven, all boys except the eleven-year-old girl. The girl was taking care of a two year old boy. Mom and dad could stay only an hour. They had to turn in the rental car and catch their flight to Brazil. While my parents talked to Aunt Betty I got to know the kids. I knew how to Rollerblade, skateboard, swim, ride a bike, climb anything as high as you could go-- I knew it all. I soon learned every one of the kids was potty trained except the two-year-old Judy the eleven-year-old was caring for. They said diaper babies stay inside most of the time. When they come out to play they play over to where Judy was standing. It was a fenced-in play yard with baby toys all over the place. Some toys were large enough for even me to play on but way too babyish for me to even want to play on. There was an outhouse in the back corner of our side of the yard. They told me that it is the potty for us to use. I ran to the potty as I needed to pee because I needed to go all the time. I needed to pee as soon as we pulled in the driveway; that was ten minutes ago. My parents said goodbye to me as they drove away. I cried a little but returned to having fun with the other kids. Four hours later only three boys were left-- my three cousins Bobby, Sam, and Ryan. Aunt Betty called us in the Dinner. Bobby and Sammy sat in their highchair; Ryan sat in a booster seat. Aunt Betty pointed to a chair, �this is your seat if you don�t spill, but if you spill that will be your seat,� as she pointed at a highchair against the wall. I sat down to eat, watching Bobby being fed by Ryan while Sammy was being fed by my aunt. We quietly finished our meal. Aunt Betty cleaned Bobby�s face and released him from the highchair telling us she need to change Bobby�s diaper. Before she left she cleaned Sammy�s face he was not that messy. Aunt Betty released Sammy. He told his mommy he don�t need to potty, he is a big boy. Ryan led me to the playroom where they had all kinds of toys to play with. When Bobby came to the room I said I need to potty. Ryan told Bobby to show Donny the potty. Bobby grabbed my hand and led me to the bathroom. The bathroom was big it had three toilets and a potty chair. The bath tub was big enough for three eight- or nine-year-olds. There were four sinks to wash your hands and four towel racks. The first big potty was so tall I would have trouble sitting on it so I picked the middle sized potty. I told Bobby to go away; he left the room. I finished pooping, wiped my butt, pulled up my pants and washed my hands. I ran out of the bathroom to have more fun playing with my cousins until bedtime. Aunt Betty called us to bed. Bobby and Sammy had a room next to Ryan and me. The room had two twin-sized beds and a twin size crib with high sides. There were two other small rooms that I saw when I went potty. They looked like baby rooms with big cribs and things. Ryan�s room had two twin-size beds. My bed was on the opposite side of the room from Ryan�s bed. I looked for my pajamas. Aunt Betty showed me where she put all my clothes. I was afraid to ask my Aunt what happens if I wet the bed, so I kept quiet about it. Then I saw Sammy come into our room dressed only in thin cloth diapers and puffy plastic pants looking like a big baby. I was so shocked; I did not say a word. Aunt Betty said, �Come on, Sammy, time to get you in your crib.� They left the room with me still in shock, not saying a word. When Aunt Betty returned she turned out the light to Bobby and Sammy�s room. Then she tucked Ryan and me in for the night just like she did Sammy and Bobby. Aunt Betty turned out the light and closed the door. I whispered to Ryan, �Why was Sammy wearing diapers?� I said to Ryan. I thought the crib was for Bobby. Ryan said if you wet the bed once you wear Pull-ups for a month. If you are dry for that month you get your underwear back. If you wet two nights in a row you get diapered and sleep in a crib for a month. If you wet your night diaper you must wear Pull-ups during the day without pants covering them up to show everyone what a baby you are. If you are wearing Pull-ups you must play in the baby play yard. Pull-ups mean you need potty training so every hour someone will sit you on the potty and you must go potty before you can get up. But that is only if you are still a big baby bed wetter. �Yeah,� I said. Only little babies wet the bed. I was so scared I did not want to go to sleep because I was afraid I would wet my bed, but I quickly fell asleep. The next morning I woke up dry; was I ever relieved I was afraid that I would wet my bed for the next week. After I had been at my aunt�s house for a month I figured I was now dry at night and felt safe and relaxed going to bed knowing I would wake up dry. Since the month was up Sammy has been back to sleeping in a big boy bed. Each day I would show my cousin that I was better at everything than they were. When Sammy wet his bed two months later he had to wear Pull-ups again I started to tease him. I was calling Sammy �the big baby�. Bobby was being potty trained the same day Sammy started to wear Pull-ups at night. Bobby wore just cloth training pants under his pajamas unlike Sammy, wearing baby-style Pull-ups. The last night Sammy need Pull-ups came and I was really teasing him getting him to cry all day right up until bedtime. That night I went to bed just like the last three months, but this was the night my baby ways returned and I soaked the bed and was sound asleep when Aunt Betty pulled my covers off. Aunt Betty said, �DONNY! LOOK what happened to you!� Ryan looked over at me and started to laugh. Sammy ran into the room, followed by Bobby. My cousin�s were all laughing at me as my aunt led me to the bathroom. My aunt removed my wet clothes as I was crying and whimpering so much I could not help myself. I was given a bath, just like Sammy when he was wet his bed a week ago. Aunt Betty finished my bath, dressed me in my daytime play clothes. At breakfast Aunt Betty told me what would happen when it was my bedtime tonight. My cousins all had big smiles on their faces as they looked at me. I felt so small, knowing that I would be wearing Pull-ups in front of my cousins. I played quietly as far away from the others as I could. When lunch came I had to eat with them and their smiles and giggles. The day went by very slowly for me as I had no one to play with. Dinner was slow, too, with my cousin�s always staring or smiling at me, knowing I would be wearing baby underwear very soon. They knew they were going to sleep as big boys; I was going to sleep like a baby. I played alone while my cousins played with their toys together. Before I knew it Aunt Betty called me to my room. My aunt led me to the bathroom and removed all my clothes. Then she put baby cream all over my privates and rear end. I smelled like a baby as Aunt Betty held a pair of Pull-ups with Big Bird on the front telling me to step in. I whimpered as I stepped in the Pull-up. As soon as I did up they went without a problem. The Pull-ups were the thickest thing I have ever had on. Then she put the nursery-print sleeper on me that zipped up the back. I looked in the mirror and saw a big baby looking back. I walked to my bed. By that time my cousins were already dressed for bed. My cousin�s were giggling I was crying all the way. Aunt Betty tucked me in my bed as I watched my cousin get tucked in, too. I turned over to face the wall so I did not have to face them. I fell asleep before they were in bed. That night I soaked my Pull-up big time. The next morning I woke up. Not ever wearing Pull-ups, I did not know what a wet one feels like; I thought I was still dry. I was smiling. I was so relieved I did not wet for a second night as I did not want to wear Pull-ups all day. My cousins were all waiting for me to get up when I opened my eyes. They knew Aunt Betty would be in to check in a few minutes. A few seconds passed when Aunt Betty opened the door and walk over to me. She told me to stand up so she could remove my sleeper to check my diaper. She unzipped the sleeper, letting it fall to my ankles. I did not know why my cousin started to giggle until Aunt Betty said, �I guess we have a new baby here.� I was told I would now have to wear night diapers and sleep a crib. I started to cry as Aunt Betty removed my sleepers from my ankles and led me to the bathroom for my bath. My wet Pull-up was torn from my sides and thrown into the trash. Aunt Betty bathed me just like yesterday, but this time after my bath she put a Pull-up on me before she dressed me in toddler style clothes with snaps in the crotch. I did not realize the overalls had snaps until I was put in the highchair for my breakfast. Sammy fed me my breakfast after Aunt Betty put my bib on me. I looked just like a big toddler as I at getting food all over my face the tray and floor. I need to poop just like every morning of my life. I asked Aunt Betty if I could go potty. I was told I would have to be a big boy and hold it until I finished my breakfast. I tried as hard as I could but my poop was starting to slip into my Pull-up. By the time I finished eating breakfast I finished pooping, too. I have never had poop in my pants that I can remember. It felt so bad, so sticky and stinky. I felt like a baby and smelled like one, too. Aunt Betty said, �Looks like Donny is a real baby now that needs his diaper changed before he can go play.� With the help of my cousins Aunt Betty changed my Pull-up for a real size-six Huggies diaper. Aunt Betty told me now I can potty when ever I wanted to, that I was wearing my potty, also known as my diaper. My aunt told me my potty training will start in two weeks, so get used to using my diapers because the potty in off limits to me until then. All the boys at daycare that I was teasing for the last few months started to get even with me calling me the baby. Judy liked having a baby to change again. It gave her something to do. She could change my diaper, feed me, keep me out of trouble. She treated me just like a one-year-old. She made me take a pacifier all the time if she was not feeding me a bottle. She fed me a bottle every half hour. Soon I was wetting every half hour, too. I was dressed in diapers so no one knew I was wetting. Outside I wore diapers only since that is what a baby would wear in this hot climate. Three days of baby treatment, all the other boys started to ignore me as being a person; I was just a baby to them. Everyone saw me as a baby that needed cared for all the time. I was not allowed to do anything without help. All I was allowed to talk only if someone removed my pacifier. I was not allowed to walk I was only allowed to play with infant toys on a blanket in the yard or playpen. When potty training time came I failed the first test, not being able to hold my pee for more than an hour. Aunt Betty did not tell me about the test I had to pass. My aunt did not tell me for another three weeks, only when I asked why I was in diapers so long. I have been using diapers for six weeks, losing my big boy status every day. Being an eight-year-old baby I thought would be bad, but now after a month as a baby everyone stopped teasing me. I was starting to like the treatment, no potty worries for me. I am now allowed to get up and play with anyone who wants to come into the baby play yard. I like the big spring horse and tricycle best. The baby swings were okay. I can get into them without help but need help to get out. School was going to start next week since my aunt ran the only school for the whole area. She had 35 kids; 27 boys and 8 girls. School-age kids were 6 girls, age 9 to 11. Two girls age less than 2. She had twenty boys over age five, three boys under two, four boys� age two to four. There were three classes the baby class, the toddler class, the big kid class. My aunt told me since I have passed the state�s sixth grade test and I still needed potty trained she would put me in the toddler class. Maybe the toddler�s could show me how to get potty trained. Every morning I would renew my baby status with a wet and messy diaper. My cousin thought of me as just a baby-- no teasing, just loving care. They made sure I had my baby things-- pacifier, bottle, bib, and of course, baby toys. I did not have to do anything I did not want to do. Crying solved all my problems.
Part Two There were five other kids in my new class at the school-- two girls, Becky and Brenda that were 22 month old twins. They were wearing Pull-ups almost ready to wear big girl underwear. The boys were Gary; fifteen months old; Jimmy, 20 months old; and Kenny, 23 months old-- all still wearing diapers. When I walked into the baby room class wearing just puffy plastic pants and diapers no one even looked at me. I was told to go play with the other babies. I had no choice but to start to play since I could not get out of the room. I saw my favorite toy in the world, a big spring horse. I had trouble climbing on to it but once on I started to ride and soon forgot about where I was. About forty minutes late I tired of my ride and climbed down; that is, when I found I had wet my diaper. I was scared that the other kids would make fun of me so I kept quiet about it. I ran to play with the trucks and cars on the carpet that streets and buildings as the design on it. As I started to make car noises Kenny started to play with me. We played for forty minutes until Miss Jane told me to stand for a diaper check. I stood up crying. In went a pacifier quieting me. Miss Jane said, �Looks like we have a wet baby here,� and led me to the changing table where she changed my diaper without saying a word. Then it was Kenny�s turned; he was wet, too I watched as Miss Jane walk him to the table and changed his soaked diaper, dropping his used diaper into the pail with a thud. I did not hear that when I had my diaper changed. He returned to play with me just like nothing happened. I was still sucking my pacifier when Kenny said he was going to be a big boy next week. I did not know what he was talking about. Then Miss Jane told me Kenny had passed the first potty training rule by not wetting his diaper for over an hour and not messing in his diaper. �He messes only when we put him on the potty like a big boy. But you need to be dry for at least an hour to get that right.� Miss Jane picked Kenny up and said it was lunchtime. She carried him to his highchair and told me to come with her. She put me in another highchair, putting the tray in front of me locking me in. I tried to get to the release on the tray when Miss Jane turned her back but it was out of my reach. Miss Jane was soon feeding me and the other three boys. The girls were feeding themselves at a little table next to the highchairs. I quickly felt the need to poop, and by the time lunch was over my diaper was wet and messy, just like Gary�s. Miss Jane said it is naptime after every goes potty. The girls ran to the potty use the potty all by themselves without help. While the girls were using the potty Miss Jane removed Kenny�s diaper and sat him on the potty. Kenny pooped and peed on the potty with a �good boy� from Miss Jane. He was redressed then put in a crib. Jimmy was next but nothing happened when Miss Jane put him on the potty. He had already wet his diaper so she changed him. Then it was Gary�s turn. He was wet and messy with no need of the potty; Miss Jane just changed his diaper. Soon all the boys except me were napping in a crib. Miss Jane carried me to the changing table and changed my diaper just like Gary. When she finished I found myself in a crib with a bottle in my mouth. I quickly fell asleep so, comfortable and relaxed, soon soaking my diaper, unlike the other babies that napped dry. When Miss Jane woke me last she changed my wet diaper while the other boys played. School for me became nursery school with just babies, no big kids to play with. My life became baby playtime, diapers changes, feeding in my highchair, napping in my crib, bath time when I was real dirty and crying. I learned that crying got me toys, pacifiers, crib time, and attention from others. Six weeks of baby time has turned me into a real baby, except I was eight-years-old. I did not care, no potty training to worry about. Bedwetting was okay since I was not potty trained. It was fun for me to play with the other babies, except Kenny was starting to tell me what I was allowed to do since he was potty trained. I will be glad when he graduates to the toddler class tomorrow. I will be the big kid then. I will be the boss of the class, not Kenny. That night when all the other kids left and only my cousins and I were there my aunt told me Jimmy was starting to use the potty so he was the next one to have big boy status I was to remain in baby status with no potty usage. With six weeks of being a total baby I could feel the need to potty but by the time I could say anything my diaper would be used. Poop or pee was something I did not care to try to stop. I just let it out whenever it wanted out. I was wetting every 45 minutes or less and pooped at every meal. Everyone treated me just like a baby, which was okay by me; I did not care. No one ever made fun of me; I was just a baby to them. I learned with a lot of punishment timeout, corner time, and of course spanking that I do what ever someone tells me to, do even other babies. I was the boss of no one, not even myself. Gary could take a toy from me and I had to let him; that made me cry. If I cried my pacifier would be put into my mouth by the closest one. Even Gary could make me take my pacifier for no reason. I was no longer the know- it-all-do-it-all kid. I was just a baby that was watched all the time. I could not escape because I had no big boy clothes that would fit me, just baby-style clothes. Even if I could run away, where could I go? There was nothing around for miles around my aunt�s school. By the holidays I was the only baby. There was only one crib, one highchair and one playpen. I was moved to the toddler class where all the toddlers could help take care of the one baby, Baby Donny. I did not have a care in the world. If I needed a diaper change or got hungry all I had to do was cry. If I wanted a toy or a nap I just cried. Crying would get me almost anything I wanted. AT AGE EIGHT I FINALLY KNEW IT ALL, HEE HEE!