Kimberly Clark UltraDrys

By Sean Detering



This is a story about what would happen if Kimberly Clark, the maker of Huggies, started making larger sized, baby style diapers for older children . It is completely a "what-if" scenario. It follows one young teen, Sean, and his experiences surrounding the release. Again, this is NOT real, so don't run off to the nearest supermarket to pick some up. :)


NOTE: There is some vulgarity in the story and some non-graphic diaper changing scenes.


Part I


The Boardroom, Kimberly Clark World Headquarters


            Karen's proposal was going extraordinarily well-better than she had practiced. All her research was sound and had good visuals and graphs to back up her statements. She couldn't believe that she was in the boardroom at the Kimberly Clark World Headquarters, making this proposal to the top executives and the CEO. After all, the idea was just one that most people would immediately dismiss.

            "In conclusion, the new diaper line would not only make record profits for our company, but would be more cost effective to make than any of our previous diapers."

            Karen had finished her presentation and judging by the smiles on the executives' faces, she knew she had sold her idea. The idea was nothing less than groundbreaking. She wanted Kimberly Clark to market a diaper to older children who are not just incontinent or wet the bed, but for all children. It would take one heck of an advertising campaign, but she knew once they caught on, they would really catch on. After much deliberation, the executives approved her product and forwarded the proposal to advertising. From there, they would do a test phase of the product in the town of Norwood, Massachusetts. If caught on there, then the product line would go national. Karen couldn't help but smile.





            "Sean, I thought I told you to take out the garbage!" Sean's mother yelled from the kitchen.

"I'll do it the next commercial, Mom!" Sean yelled back. He was watching his favorite show, The Simpson's. Since it was his favorite show and this was a new episode, he just couldn't miss it. The show was over and Sean got out of his favorite chair in the living room and started to walk into the kitchen, but something on the TV caught his ear.

            "...Huggies Diapers are now in larger sizes, Step 7, 8, and 9, and are specifically made for older children. The advanced polymer backing provides maximum leak protection and minimum noise, while the soft gel inside soaks up even the heaviest wettings. They are completely inconspicuous when worn under clothing and allow older children the solution they need without the hassle of going into dirty bathrooms. Imagine going to the movies and ordering a large soda and not having to miss any of the action, or never using the school toilets again. Try new Huggies UltraDry in Steps 7,8,and 9. Available only at your local Wal-Mart, Shop and Save, Target, or Shaw's. "

            These new diapers fascinated Sean. He hated the school bathrooms, which were cleaned about every blue moon, give or take a few months. "I'll have to ask Mom and Dad more about these," he said to himself and went to take out the garbage. He came back inside and his mother had started to fix dinner.

            "Mom, I just saw a commercial for a new Huggies diaper," Sean said.

            "Oh really," his mother replied. "They wouldn't happen to be that new UltraDry, would they?"

            "Yeah, how did you know?"

            "I read in the paper yesterday that Kimberly Clark is doing a test run of that product here. When I went to the supermarket the other day I saw them, too. They've only been out a week or so, and the supermarket was nearly sold out of them."

            "They must be pretty popular then," Sean stated. Deep down, he had always had a fascination with diapers and never really wanted to give them up. Of course, he had never told his parents this, or they would have flipped out at him. He decided that he would be a little bolder now.

            "Do you think you could pick me up a package?"

            His mother stopped cutting the carrots and looked at him. "Now why in the world would you need diapers, young man?"

            "Aw, I don't know. I always hate going into the bathrooms at school because they are so dirty and kids smoke in them." She seemed to take the bait.

             "I just want to try them anyway. They are pretty cheap too, only $9.99 for a package of twenty-two. "

            "Well, we'll see. I just might go to the supermarket tomorrow anyway to get a turkey for Thanksgiving, but I'm not making any promises."

            Sean believed that talk went better than expected. He assumed his mother would yell at him for even bringing it up. It was still only 6:10 and dinner wouldn't be ready for another half-hour, so he decided to go up to his room and get some homework done. He couldn't concentrate though and just kept thinking about the diapers. He heard his Dad pull into the driveway and walk inside. His parents discussed something, but it was too muffled for him to hear what was being said.

            "Sean! Dinner time!" his father called up to him.

            "I'll be down in a second!" he called back. Sean closed his books and ran downstairs, landing with a thud every step of the way. He sock slid across the dining room floor and sat down at his seat. Dinner tonight was his favorite- roast pork and carrots. He dived right into his meal while his parents watched, amused by his eating habits.

            "So son, how was school today?" his father enquired.

            "I got my math test back today. I got a 92 on it!"

            "Well, we might have to celebrate then," his father replied. After that, the family just chatted about random things, but the diapers never came up. Afterward, Sean helped clean the table and do the dishes, and then went back upstairs to finish his homework and watch a little TV. He retired to his bed at around 10:00 and dreamed of diapers throughout the night.

            In the morning, Sean woke up and went downstairs to have breakfast. It was only six-thirty and he had to catch the bus at seven-fifteen in order to get the school. His parents had already left for work, so Sean had some cereal (Cheerio's, his favorite). Then he packed his bag and headed outside to catch the bus. In came in about two minutes, and Sean commented on how he was going to miss the bus one day if he didn't get out the door earlier.

            "Hey Sean! Come here, I saved you a seat!"

            It was Sean's best friend Kyle. Sean walked toward the back of the bus and took a seat next to him.

            "What's up?" said Sean.

"Oh, nothing much. I'm getting that mountain bike that I've wanted for my birthday though," replied Kyle

            "That's cool. Hey, when is your party anyway?"

            "This Friday, dude. It's a sleepover, too! Should I count you in?"

            "You bet! I wouldn't miss it for the world."

            With that, they pulled onto school grounds. Sean went to homeroom with Kyle, but that was the only time they saw each other during the day, other that lunch. It was a pretty uneventful day for Sean, and time seemed to drag on forever. Finally though, it was the end of the day and he boarded the buses to go home. Kyle had to stay after for Key Club, so Sean didn't go over his house, as was the usual case. The bus dropped him off at his house and he went inside. He went right to the kitchen to get a snack and saw the groceries his mother had gotten sitting on the table.

            "I wonder if she picked up those diapers?" Sean wondered, and began to rummage through the grocery bags. He heard a noise behind him and saw his mother standing in the doorway.

"Looking for these, Hun?" She said and held up the package of diapers. She then lightly tossed them to him, which Sean caught with ease. "They were on sale today, and this was the second to last one on the shelf."

            Sean wasn't listening to her and was busy admiring the pack of diapers. Sean read the label. "Huggies UltraDry Size 9. For maximum comfort and protection." They weren't made to be as babyish as one would expect. There was a picture of a kid about Sean's age wearing the diaper, and nothing else. They were white in color and had one rather large tape. The design across the front was not zoo animals or Barney either. Instead, there were different designs in every pack. One design was Harry Potter, another had sport team logos, and a third had Simpson's characters.

            Sean quickly tore open the package and pulled one out. It was a sport team one. Then it hit him. "I don't know how to put a diaper on!!!" His mother sensed this and spoke up from the doorway.

            "Come on, I'll show you how to put one on."

            Sean carried the diaper upstairs to his room where his mother made him strip down. Then she left the room and got a few small items.

            "OK, the first thing we need to do is lay you down on your bed on top of the diaper." She spread the diaper out on the bed and Sean sat in the middle of it. She took out the lotion and powder.

            "This is just so you don't get diaper rash, Sean." He understood and remembered how bad the rash hurt from his potty training days. His mother then rubbed a generous amount of lotion around Sean's groin and butt. Sean was a little nervous about this since his mother had not seen him naked since he was around nine years old. He was just showing signs of puberty and was proud of it too. When his mom oiled him, he got a major erection, but his mother didn't seem to care.

            Next came the powder, which was lightly sprinkled around his private parts. Then his mom pulled the diaper between his legs and pulled it snuggly. She then taped it up and told Sean to stand up so she could admire her work.

            "It feels kind of thick," Sean said as he was standing up."

            "Well it's supposed to, Hun! Its not underwear, you know."

            Sean looked at his un-muscular body in the mirror. The diaper was really cool looking, especially with the one taped design.

            "I like it!" He said and grinned at his mother.

            "I thought you would!" She replied. "Do you think you can remember how to do it yourself next time?"

            "Yeah, I think I can manage."

            With that, Sean's mother exited the room, leaving Sean alone to admire his body. He took one last look in the mirror and then got dressed. He noticed how the diaper practically disappeared under the jeans he was wearing. Kyle would be home from Key Club in a couple minutes so he walked over to his house, which was a block away. He wanted to see if he could notice anything.

            Kyle walked in and saw Kyle sitting on the computer. The TV was on in the background,

            "Hey, Sean," Kyle greeted.

            "What're you doing?"

            "Just surfing around a bit."

            On the TV, the Huggies UltraDry commercial came on.

            "Wow, those look pretty cool!" Kyle remarked.

            "Yeah, I know. They are."

            "Now what's that supposed to mean?" Kyle said.

            With that, Sean took down his pants and Kyle stood back in amazement.

            "Wow! Where'd you get it?"

            "My mom picked then up at the supermarket the other day. They were the second to last ones on the shelf."

            "And I have the last package," a voice from behind them said. It was Kyle's mom. "Sean, I saw your mom at the supermarket the other day and she told me the benefits of UtraDrys. So I decided to pick Kyle up a bag."

            "Wow! Thanks, Mom!"

            "Come with me Kyle, and I'll put you in one."

            "OK," Kyle replied.

            It took the two about five minutes to change Kyle into a diaper. Kyle's mom showed him how to diaper himself up, much the same way that Sean's mother did to Sean. When they came back into the room, Kyle was not wearing any pants.

            "It's much more comfortable this way," Kyle insisted.

            Sean then took off his pants and the two boys were now just in shoes, socks, shirts and diapers. Sean then proceeded to wet his diaper and they both watched the wetness spread.

            "That feels really good!" Sean commented. Kyle then started to trickle into his diaper and remarked the same thing. Both boys played together until it was time for dinner, in which case Sean had to leave.

            "You gonna' wear one to school tomorrow?" Kyle said to Sean.

            "I will if you will," Sean said back, and smiled. Sean left Kyle's house after nearly forgetting his pants! The rest of his night was uneventful. He ate dinner with his parents, changed his wet diaper, did his homework, and went to bed. Before he went to bed though, he laid out his favorite outfit, but without his underwear. In its place, he put a Harry Potter styled diaper.


Part II


            Sean woke up in the morning around seven and got ready for school. He went into the bathroom, used the toilet, brushed his teeth and hoped into the shower. He took a fairly short shower since his mother was downstairs making a big breakfast and he didn't want to be late for school eating it. When he was done, he wrapped a towel around himself and went back into his room to get dressed.

            The first step was to put on the Harry Potter diaper that he had laid out the previous night. He put it on just the way his mother showed him. He laid down on his carpet, lifted his legs a bit so he could slide the diaper under him, then let his legs fall back down. He sprinkled a generous amount of baby powder on is private areas and taped up the diaper. The diaper only had one tape per side, which made it easy. He stood up and finished getting dressed in his favorite outfit.

            Sean ran downstairs and sat down at the table. His mom had just made a huge Belgian Waffle and he dived right into it.

            "Sean, are you wearing a diaper?" his mother enquired.

            "Well, duh! Besides, Kyle is wearing one to school today too."

            "I did see his mother at the supermarket and told her all about UltraDrys. She said that Kyle could really benefit from these. Besides, I did see a number of your other friend's parents picking up some too."

            "Really?" Kyle asked. "Who?"

            "You'll just have to see. You'd better get moving before you miss the bus!" It was now 7:43. The bus comes at 7:47.

            With that said, Sean darted out the door, and ran to the end of his driveway just as the bus was rounding the corner.

            "Damn, I gotta get out here sooner!" He made a mental note of that.

            Sean got on the bus, walked back to where Kyle was sitting and sat down next to him. As he sat down, the back of his shirt and jacket rode up on his back due to the seat. This allowed the top inch or so of his diaper to be visible.

            A few minutes into the ride, someone noticed this. It was Max, the 8th grade bully. "What kind of underwear ya got there, Sean.?" he said.

            Sean cringed. He didn't know what to say in return. He decided just to get everything out in the open.

            "It's a diaper you dipshit!"

            This made everyone shut up and look at the two boys. Max was obviously taken aback by this. He wanted to milk the situation for all it was worth but now that he just came out and said it, he tried another approach.

            "HAHAHA! Only little babies where diapers! Where's you bottle you baby! Does someone need to be changed? I smell something!! HAHAHA!" Max failed to realize that he was the only one laughing. Everyone else was either in awe of the whole situation or just kept there mouth shut.

            "Max, you idiot! Where have you been? Didn't you know about the UltraDry promotion that started this past weekend?" It was Allie, quite possibly the hottest freshman. Sean sort of had a crush on her.

            "Uhhhh...Uhhhh...No." That was all Max was able to stammer out.

            "Hell, I'm wearing one too," said Allie, who then showed him the very top of her diaper.

            "Yeah so am I!" Another kid chimed in, then another and another. Pretty soon the entire bus had volunteered information that they themselves were wearing diapers as well. This certainly shut Max up, who spent the rest of the bus ride cursing and looking out the window.

            When they arrived at school, both boys went to homeroom and talked until the bell rang, announcing it was time for first period. First period for Sean was P.E., so he had to get changed first. This posed the greatest problem for Sean, as he was unsure of how the others in his class would take him wearing diapers. But after the experience on the bus, it proved that there were others in his school, if not his class, that wore them. Sean entered the locker room and was amazed at what he saw. All of the kids, with the exception of a couple, were wearing UltraDrys! Sean felt right at home here and started changing into his gym clothes. The talk of the locker room was all about UltraDrys. Most kids agreed that they were very comfortable, wet, dry, and messy. A few kids were noticeably wet, but no one required immediate changing. Just then "Coach" Hiller came in.

            "What the hell is going on in here!!! " he demanded to know. What he was looking at was a bunch of young teen boys, many in just their diapers. He looked around the room and just walked out.

            "Hurry it up already! We're seven minutes late getting out there!" he yelled as he exited. As he exited, he thought, "God, I gotta get my eyes checked."

            All the boys got dressed in a hurry, each one laughing about the experience that just happened. The game they were playing was kickball, which was Sean's favorite game. When it was all over, his team won. As they were heading back to the locker room, Sean wet himself. He was unaware that he needed to go that badly but the diaper held it all in without leaking. He was extremely wet though. He forgot to bring extra diapers from home and didn't know what he would do the rest of the day. As he was changing, A kid named Miles walked up to him.

            "Dude, it looks like you’re soaked! You need a change badly! "

            "Yeah, I know but I didn't bring any extras."

            "Here, you can have one of mine!" Miles offered. He pulled out a fresh diaper from his backpack. It was a Simpson's design. It showed the family sitting on the couch in front of the TV."

            "Thanks man! I owe you one."

            Since Sean was running low on time, he decided that he would just put the diaper on using a wall to balance the diaper on his butt, then pulling it through his legs and fastening. He took off the used diaper and tossed it in the trash and just put the new one on using that method. It took about a minute to do completely. Sean then darted off to his second period class - Geometry.

            The rest of the day, like most others, seemed to take forever. He learned more about quadrilaterals in geometry, read a few chapters in The Lord of the Flies, and learned a few irregular verbs in French II. When the day was done, his diaper survived two more wettings and showed no signs of giving up. He went home on the bus with Kyle, who went over his house for the afternoon.

            They walked in the door and both Sean and Kyle's mothers were there having a late lunch.

            "How was your day, boys?"

            "So so," both of them replied at the same time. They laughed.

            "A lot of people were wearing UltraDrys today."

            "Oh really?" Sean's mother asked.

            "Yeah, about seventeen out of the twenty guys in my gym class were wearing them. I need to remember to bring extras though. I had to borrow one from someone today."

            "You should have packed some, you know."

            "Yeah, I know. I just forgot."

            "Well, just bring some tomorrow, honey."

            "Are you guys excited about the sleepover tomorrow?" asked Kyle's mom.

            "You bet! I can't wait! " Said Kyle. "Want to give me any hints on my present?"

            "You'll find out soon enough," his mother said.

            The two boys used the Internet for an hour or so looking up information on teens in diapers. There was not a lot to find, but they did find one sight that was all about teens who where diapers for fun. It only had about 1200 members, but was clearly one of the leading communities on this subject. The boys read nearly every post and were hooked. After a while it was time for Kyle to leave. Sean did his homework then ate dinner. He wore his diaper all through this, using it several times. After dinner, he worked on a project that was due in English on Monday. He went to bed afterward wearing only a diaper and a tee shirt. During the night though, a small trickle of pee soon turned into a gushed torrent of water that filled his diaper. He was wetting the bed!!!


Part III


            Sean woke from his sleep on Friday morning at around 7:00. He was only wearing a diaper and tee shirt. As soon as he got out of bed, he realized that he had wet the diaper during the night.

            "Damn!" Sean said out loud and looked down at his diaper. "I must be getting pretty used to these things."

            Sean took a shower then got dressed for the school day (He decided to wear the Simpson's style diaper today). Sean went downstairs to eat a quick breakfast and was out the door.

            The school day was just like any other. More and more kids were beginning to wear diapers, including everyone in my gym class. In fact, the diapers were so popular that the high school closed one of the bathrooms! Sean couldn't wait until the end of the day because it was Friday and Kyle was having his sleepover. Finally, the bell rang at his last class and Sean ran out the door to the busses. On the ride home, he talked with Kyle about his sleepover.

            "So who's gonna' be there?" Sean asked inquisitively.

            "Oh, just you and five other kids-Nick, Scott, Dave, Jon, and Taylor. Be sure you bring some diapers, too, because I told all the other guys to bring theirs."

            "OK, don't worry. I was counting on it."

            "Good. You wanna' come over now? The others won't be here until 5:00."

            "Yeah sure. I'll be right over. Let me get my stuff together first."

            With that, the bus stopped at Sean's bus stop and he was let out. He went inside his house and started to get some things together for the sleepover. He got a backpack and packed six diapers in it, along with assorted videos, PS2 games, and some clothes for the next day. Since his parents were at work, he wrote a quick note reminding them were he was. With that, he set off for Kyle's house. When he got there, Kyle greeted him at the door.

            "Hey! Come'on inside!"

            The boys went inside and played Grand Theft Auto Vice City on Kyle's PlayStation 2. It was a good game. While they were doing this, both boys wet their diapers and decided that they needed a change. Sean reached into his bag and brought out a diaper.

            "I forgot to bring lotion and powder."

            "Don't worry, dude, you can use mine."

            Kyle got up and went into the top drawer of his dresser. He pulled out the diaper and some supplies.

            "Ah...Do you want me to change you?" Kyle asked Sean.

            "Sure, it would probably be easier. I'll change you after."

            This was no big deal to either boy. They had seen each other naked many times and had no reservations at changing each other.

            Sean took off his pants and laid down on the floor. Kyle untaped the diaper and took it off him, balled it up, and threw it in the trashcan. Kyle unfolded the new diaper on the floor, and motioned for Sean to lift his legs. He slid the diaper under him and then started to add lotion around his privates. While he was doing this, Sean started to get a little erection.

            "Don't worry about it, man - It happens," Kyle said.

            He then sprinkled a generous amount of powder and brought Sean's legs back down. Then he taped up the powder. After this was done, the boys changed positions and Sean changed Kyle's diaper. At this point, it was around 5:00 and the other guests would be arriving. When the first one came, Nick, the boys ran downstairs without wearing pants and greeted him at the door.

            "To hell with these! " Nick said and immediately shed his pants. This process continued until all boys came and were pant-less. Just then, Kyle's mom entered.

            "You guys ready for dinner? I ordered four pizzas and it should be here any second now. "

            "Ding Dong." The doorbell rang.

            Kyle, Sean and Scott went to answer it. They opened the door and it was the pizza guy, as they all predicted. The man was so shocked by the sight he saw-three fifteen-year-olds in diapers-that he almost dropped the pizzas! Kyle paid for the pizzas and they took them inside to chow down.

            After dinner, the boys watched The Lord of the Rings on DVD. Some of the boys changed themselves at different points in the movie. When it was over, they played more PlayStation 2 and then drifted off to sleep around midnight. All the boys were dry when they went to bed, but all were soaked when they awoke.

            "Hey I wet my diaper again!" Sean exclaimed

            "I did too!"

            "Me too!"

            "Same here!"

            The boys changed themselves and went downstairs to eat breakfast. They neglected to wear pants again. Bacon and eggs were being cooked by Kyle's mother and was nearly ready when they waddled downstairs.

            "What are you guy's going to do today?"

            "I don't know. Play outside probably." Kyle replied.

            "Just remember to wear pants!" She joked.

            When the boys were done eating, they got changed into new clothes and went outside to play. The played manhunt for a while until most of the boys were wet and some were dirty. They had to go inside to change when they were reminded that it was time for the boys to go home. Sean and the others bid farewell to Kyle and went there separate ways. It was just another day for Sean the diaper boy.


            Epilogue: The UltraDry diapers were extremely popular in the test run in Sean's town. Nearly every child wore and used them. The average GPA in Sean's high school went up, due to the lack of disruption that bathroom breaks had caused. The kids were much more focused on their schoolwork and many kids received high honors at the end of the term.

            UltraDrys went national a few months later and are found in nearly every supermarket nationwide. As expected, the diapers were a tremendous hit. Kids wanted them and thought they were cool to wear. Even the bully Max started wearing them. Huggies came out with even more designs to place on the cover, and had as many as 25 at one time. As expected, Pampers and other baby diaper manufacturers came out with their own models. They were only somewhat successful in marketing them though. Karen, the employee who brought the ideas to the CEOs, was promoted to the head of the department that handles the new "tween' diapers (pre-teen/teen). With the massive success of the "tween' diapers, Kimberly Clark is considering expanding the line of diapers up to size 12, so that even adults can wear baby-styled diapers. Sean is still just your average kid. He still is friends with Kyle and still wears diapers.


Well? What did you think of it? I'd REALLY appreciate an email!