Chapter 71

	"There's been a change of plans," Josh was told when he came down 
from his nap a few hours later.
	"What do you mean?" Came the worried reply.
	"Seems David's brothers have the flu or something so him and Caleb 
will be spending the weekend over here instead of you going over there."
	"That's cool. What time do they plan on being here?" Josh asked as 
the doorbell rang
	"That's probably them right now," Josh's mom answered as she 
walked off to answer the door.
	"Evening, Janet," Tim stated as he ushered David and Caleb through 
the door.
	"Thanks for agreeing to take these two for the weekend on such 
short notice."
	"It's no problem. We're glad to have them. Do they have everything 
they'll need for tonight?" Janet asked as she took the offered bags from 
David and Caleb's father.
	"Yep, everything they'll need is in there," Tim replied as he 
handed over the bags.
	"Well, I need to get going. I don't want to leave Carol alone with 
two sick boys for very long."
	"I understand completely. If you need any help this weekend just 
give me a call and I'll do what I can."
	"Believe me, Janet, by taking the boys for the weekend you're 
already doing us a very big favor," Tim told her before turning to David 
and Caleb.
	"You boys do what you're asked. I don't want to hear of any 
trouble when I pick you up on Sunday. Don't eat too much candy tonight 
and I want you to get to your homework first thing tomorrow," The boys 
were told sternly.
	"We will, dad. Tell Ty and Brandon to get well quickly," David 
said while giving his father a quick hug. Caleb did the same a moment 
later. With a nod, Tim hurried out the door and was soon driving down 
the street.
	"Ok boys, Go on upstairs and get washed up. Dinner will be ready 
in a few minutes. Don't worry about changing just yet, unless you're 
about to start leaking. We'll take care of all that after dinner when 
you get into your costumes," Mrs. Kelly told the assembled boys.
	"C'mon guys," Josh motioned after taking the bags that his mom had 
been holding.
	"I bet Ty and Brandon are mad about missing out on tonight," Josh 
stated as he led his friends in to his room.
	"That's an understatement. Mom thought she was going to have to 
tie Brandon to his bed with how he was carrying on. At least she did, 
before the bug really hit," David chuckled as he flopped down on Josh's 
	"You know, things are going to be a bit cramped trying to fit 
three people into this bed. Why you decided to get rid of the bunk beds 
I'll never know," Caleb laughed joining in on the conversation.
	"I just needed a bit more space after my growth spurt over the 
summer. I got tired of hitting my head on the upper bunk. As for things 
being a bit cramped, it won't be. I've already got sleeping bags set up 
downstairs in the game room. That way we can stay up later and not worry 
about waking anyone up if we make any noise. Let's go get washed up 
before my mom decides to send out a search party for us," Josh joked as 
he got up and headed out of the room.
	A few minutes later the three boys were sitting down and ready to 
	"Thanks for having us over, Mrs. Kelly," Caleb announced as he was 
handed a plate.
	"Yeah, thank you," David echoed a second later.
	"You're welcome, boys. we're happy to have you. I want all three 
of you to pay attention to what John tells you while you're out tonight 
and you're to stay together. John, if they don't behave themselves you 
are to let me know first thing in the morning," Mrs. Kelly told the 
assembled group. Even though nothing was said directly, Josh, David, and 
Caleb all understood that nothing better be reported or heads would 
	"Also, we don't want you boys staying out to late. In fact, you're 
to be home no later than ten o'clock. Understood?" Mr. Kelly told them, 
adding his own voice to the matter.
	"Yes, sir," the boys agreed before starting in on their meals 
before they got cold.
	Twenty minutes later, Josh, David, and Caleb were back in Josh's 
room getting into their costumes.
	"Hey, Caleb, I still have some of my smaller sized Thickies. Would 
you like to use one of those so you don't have to worry about leaks or 
coming back here for a change if you need it?" Josh asked when he saw 
the thin diaper his friend was getting ready to put on.
	"I wouldn't mind, but I don't want them showing through my 
	"I doubt that will happen, given how baggy the pants you'll have 
on are. Let me go get one, and if they look to noticeable to you can 
change back over to the Huggies," Josh told his friend before walking 
out of his room wearing nothing but a soggy diaper himself.
	"Josh, I hope you aren't planning on going out dressed like that," 
His mom joked on seeing her youngest son walking through the living 
	"Not quite, mom. I'm just getting one of my old youth diapers for 
Caleb to try so we don't have to worry about any leaks or needing to 
come back here so he can change."
	"That makes sense. Just don't force him into wearing it if he 
doesn't like how it looks."
	"I don't plan to. I already told him that if he doesn't like it 
then he can use the diapers he brought with him."
	"OK, then get moving. I know your brother is wanting to meet up 
with his friends soon."
	"OK. You and Dad have a good time yourselves tonight."
	"We plan to," Josh was told with a smile. With a smile of his own, 
Josh headed to the basement and after a few minutes located the box he 
was looking for and withdrew a dark blue diaper of medium thickness.
	"Here, Caleb, try this on," Josh said handing over the diaper.
	"Didn't you have any white ones?"
	"Yeah, but I thought that with your pants being a dark color the 
diaper wouldn't stick out as much if your shirt rides up like a white 
one would. I can go get a white one if you want me to."
	"Nah, I see your point about going with a dark-colored one," Josh 
was told as Caleb hopped up on the changing table after handing the 
diaper to his brother. Josh grabbed one of his own diapers and headed 
over to his bed to change.
	Fifteen minutes later John walked into Josh's room just as he was 
putting on some camouflage make-up to his face.
	"You about ready Josh? The rest of us are waiting."
	"Yeah, I'm almost done," Josh told him as he put the finishing 
touches on his costume.
	"Have mom and dad already left?" Josh asked in a low voice.
	"Yeah, they left about ten minutes ago. Why?" John asked with 
	"This is why," Josh said with a grin, as he pulled a heavy looking 
oblong case from under his bed.
	"Jesus, Josh! Where the hell did you get those?" John asked in 
shock on seeing the rifles that the box contained.
	"It was a gift from Uncle Jim. And don't worry, they're all 
dummies," Josh said as John picked up a bolt action rifle from a recess 
in the bottom of the case.
	"Except that one!" Josh stated firmly as he took the rifle before 
his brother dropped it in surprise.
	"You better hope mom and dad don't find out about those," John 
said in a bit of a shaky voice as he saw Josh pick up an H & K MP-5 and 
sling it over his shoulder after putting on a combat harness.
	"Dad already knows about them. Uncle James talked to him about it 
before he sent them over," John just nodded at this but still looked 
very wary at his brother because of the change he saw.
	"Well, let's get going before all the good stuff is gone," Josh 
said with a grin that seemed to scare his brother even more.
	"Right," John mumbled as he followed his younger brother out of 
the room.
	All the conversation in the living room came to a halt when Josh 
and John entered the room. Nobody could really tell who looked scarier. 
John, who was once more in his shot up BDUs and extreme make-up job, or 
Josh who was wearing a regular set of BDUs, Jump boots, Face blacked out 
in cammie stripes, combat vest, and an assault rifle.
	"Hold up, guys," John said once everyone started for the door.
	"My mom made me promise to get pictures," John told the group with 
an apologetic shrug when everyone groaned.
	"I know, I know. But this will only take a minute," John told them 
pointing out that the camera was already set up and ready to go. Seeing 
that there was no way around it the group got into position for a group 
shot then Josh and John took a couple of themselves both together and 
alone. For all the shots, Josh was smart enough to make sure that he 
didn't have the gun on him when they were taken.
	Once all this was out of the way, the group left to go out. John 
made sure that there were some lights on to make people think that 
someone was home.
	Over the next couple of hours the boys raced over a six square 
block area. Josh and John seemed to get the majority of stares at the 
homes, especially once the sun went down.
	"Time to head on back, guys," John told Josh, David, and Caleb 
after looking at his watch and seeing that they only had fifteen minutes 
to get home. There was little grumbling to this announcement since all 
of them were getting a bit tired.
	"Watch out, Caleb!" Josh yelled as he roughly pulled his friend 
back from the few steps into the street as a dark colored car came 
roaring past weaving wildly as it did so.
	"You OK?" John asked as he helped the smaller boy up from the 
ground where he landed from Josh's tug on his shirt. Josh for his part 
ignored this as he pulled out a marker that he had in his shirt pocket 
and started writing down the car's licenses plate number on his arm. 
Once he had this done, Josh turned to make sure that his friend was OK.
	"Sorry about being so rough Caleb. You OK?" Josh asked in concern 
on how his friend was holding his right arm.
	"I don't know. I think something happened to my arm," Caleb 
whimpered through the pain and shock.
	"Let's run him by his house it's closer and with how his arm is 
swelling I think he better get it looked at," Josh told everyone. His 
voice telling them not to argue.
	A few minutes later, all four boys were walking into David's 
	"Mom? Jim?" David called as Josh had Caleb sit down. John was 
shocked at how pale Caleb looked in the bright lights of the living 
	"What are you guys doing here? You were supposed to be spending 
the night over at Josh's."
	"Caleb had a slight accident on the way back to our house. I 
though it would be better to bring him back here since it was closer and 
I knew you would need to know," Josh told Mrs. Kessler as she got the 
first look at her step-son.
	"What happened?" the boys were asked as Mrs. Kessler examined 
Caleb's arm.
	"As we were starting to cross the street a few blocks over a car 
came flying past us without it's headlights on and I had to pull Caleb 
out of the way before he got hit. I guess I was bit rougher that I was 
meaning to be. I did manage to get the car's number as it went past a 
street light, if it helps."
	"OK. You boys go climb into the car. Let me go get Tim so he can 
run Caleb to the ER and get that arm looked at."
	"And Josh?" Mrs. Jansen called as the boys were helping Caleb 
towards the door.
	"Thank you," Josh just nodded at this with a smile.
	Fifteen minutes later, they arrived at the hospital and Tim 
started filling out the paperwork to get Caleb looked at. While all this 
was going on, two ambulances pulled up and off loaded two kids about, 
David's brother, Brandon's age.
	"Hey John, Josh," Dan said as the two boys walked past him when 
Caleb's name was called.
	"Hey Dan," The two boys replied. Fifteen minutes later, Dan 
	"Sorry about the wait. We had a couple of kids brought in. As I'm 
sure you saw."
	"What happened?" Tim asked concerned voice.
	"Hit and run," Was all the reply that Tim got. From the tone used, 
Tim figured that it was bad.
	"Someone should be with you shortly," The group was told as Dan 
finished getting Caleb's vital signs and doing a brief exam of Caleb's 
	Several minutes later the doctor showed up and began checking the 
arm over.
	"It looks like the arm may be broken. We'll need to have some X-
rays taken to be sure. How did this happen?" Tim filled the doctor in on 
what he knew and had Josh fill in the rest. The doctor's eyes widened a 
bit when Josh recalled what he had seen. Without a word the doctor left 
the room and returned a few moments later with a police officer.
	"Son, the doctor tells me that you may have seen the car that hit 
a couple of kids a few blocks up from where your friend was almost hit. 
Do you think you could tell me what the car looked like that almost hit 
your friend?"
	"Sure, and if it helps I managed to get the plate number off the 
car as well," josh told the officer and gave all the information he 
	"Well, it could be an entirely different car, but it seems to 
match the car some other people saw. The license plate number is a 
definite bonus. We'll get in touch with you if there is anything else 
you can help with," the officer replied after getting Josh's home 
address and phone number.
	The doctor returned a few minutes later and confirmed that Caleb's 
arm was broken. Josh turned a bit white when hearing this and started to 
apologize to both Caleb and his dad for what happened.
	"Josh, it's OK. I know you didn't mean to injure Caleb. From what 
I've heard, things would have been much worse if you hadn't pulled him 
back like you did. So don't worry about it," Tim told Josh firmly while 
handing him some tissues to blow his nose with. Josh nodded at this and 
accepted the tissues silently.
	They group walked out of the hospital Twenty minutes later. With 
Caleb sporting a new cast on his arm and all the boys treat bags having 
been x-rayed to make sure the contents were safe.
	"Caleb, do you still feel like spending the rest of the weekend 
over at Josh's? I can take you home if you feel like it once I drop the 
other boys off."
	"That's OK. I want to still do the sleepover," Caleb stated.
	"OK. Then let's get you guys home," Tim stated as they climbed 
back into the car.
	"Where have you guys been?" Erin asked as the boys walked through 
the front door with Tim following close behind. Without comment, Tim 
filled Erin in what had happened earlier and that was why the boys were 
so late getting home.
	"That's acceptable then. You guys go up to Josh's room and get out 
of your costumes and get in to some clean diapers and PJs. You can leave 
the candy down here while your doing that," Erin told them with a grin 
as Mr. Jansen gave David and Caleb a hug before leaving.
	Erin laughed a bit when Josh, David, and Caleb came back down a 
few minutes later all sporting very thick cloth diapers, and short T-
	"Go on down and climb into bed. I've already prepped thing for 
you," Erin told them while giving each of the boys a slap on their 
padded rears as they walked past.
	"Caleb, I want to say that I'm sorry about your arm. I didn't mean 
for you to break it."
	"That's OK. Like my dad said earlier, this is easier to deal with 
than what would have happened if you hadn't pulled me back like you 
did," Josh was told in a sleepy voice.
	Given the activates of the night, all three boys decided to go 
right to bed instead of staying up late like they had planned. Josh's 
parents found all three boys sound asleep holding stuffed animals and 
pacifiers hanging out of their mouths several hours later when they went 
down to check on them once they got home. Mrs. Kelly wondered about the 
cast that Caleb now had but figured that it would be best to wait until 
morning before finding out what happened.
Chapter 72

	"Morning, mum." Josh mumbled as he, David and Caleb walked into 
the kitchen later the next morning.
	"Morning boys. Everyone sleep O.K.?" they were asked.
	"Just fine." Josh and David replied.
	"I could have slept better if my arm didn't hurt like it did." 
Caleb replied as he took his seat.
	"I saw that you had injured yourself when I checked in you guys 
last night. What happened?"
	"Oh, Josh broke it." Caleb announced without thinking about how 
his answer might be taken. Mrs. Kelly took it the wrong way and assumed 
that Josh had done it on purpose and reacted accordingly.
	"Joshua get to your room now!" His mom yelled before any of the 
boys could explain.
	"But..." Josh started to explain.
	"I SAID NOW!" His mom boomed. Without another word Josh bolted 
from the room crying not seeing either John or Erin as he ran past them.
	"What was that all about?" John asked his mom as he and Erin 
entered the room.
	"Your brother broke his friend's arm and probably without 
provocation." Mrs. Kelly told them with disgust on her face.
	"Didn't you let him even explain what happened?" John asked in 
surprise, but worried what the answer was going to be.
	"Oh Mother, you didn't?" Erin asked in shock as she saw the look 
on her mother's face.
	"John, you explain it to her. I'll be right back." Erin said 
heading back upstairs without so much as a glance at her mother's 
stricken face.
	"You better sit down, mum," John announced in a tired voice as he 
started to tell his mother what had happened the night before. David and 
Caleb joined in at certain points to let Mrs. Kelly know how they felt 
about things.
	"Josh, open up please, it's me," Erin said after softly knocking 
on the door. Not waiting for an answer, Erin opened the door and found 
Josh sitting in the window nook staring blankly out over the backyard 
holding his teddy bear.
	"You okay there, Thumper?" Josh was asked softly as Erin sat down 
across from him and pulled the younger boy into her arms.
	"I know you're upset about how mum reacted just now. John's 
telling her everything right now."
	"I just don't get it." Josh sobbed continuing before Erin could 
say anything.
	"They don't do anything when I'm defending myself and someone gets 
injured. But they go ballistic if I accidentally injure someone trying 
to save them. How could mum even think that I would harm one of my 
friends, even with serious provocation? Let alone without it?" Josh 
sobbed. His choice of words telling Erin that he had heard what their 
mom had said.
	"I don't know, Josh. We both know that this isn't like mum and 
something is going on for her to act like she did. I'd like you to come 
downstairs with me and finish eating. Okay?"
	"I think it would be better if I just stayed up here for awhile."
	"If you think it would better that way. I'll fix you up a plate 
and have David and Caleb bring it up to you." Josh nodded his thanks and 
turned back towards the window.
	"Where's Joshua?" Mrs. Kelly asked as Erin re-entered the room.
	"He felt it would better if he stayed in his room for a while." 
Erin told her while fixing the plate she had promised for her brother.
	"David would you mind taking this up to him?" Erin asked as she 
set everything on a tray.
	"Erin, if Josh wants to eat he can come down and eat with the rest 
of us." Mrs. Kelly said sternly as Mr. Kelly came into the room.
	"David, please." Erin said in a tone that David and Caleb knew all 
to well. Feeling that disobeying Mrs. Kelly was the lesser of two evils 
at the moment, David took the offered tray with a shrug towards Mrs. 
Kelly and gesturing towards Caleb disappeared quickly upstairs.
	Once the younger boys had left the room, Erin sat down and after 
fixing her own plate turned towards her mother.
	"What happened?" she asked calmly.
	"What do you mean?"
	"I mean, what happened? You aren't acting like you. What with 
biting Josh's head off about Caleb's arm without letting him explain 
what happened first."
	"You mean you haven't even told them yet, Janet? And what happened 
to Caleb's arm?" Mr. Kelly interrupted.
	"Josh accidentally broke Caleb's arm last night while preventing 
him from getting hit by a car. And what's going on?" Erin asked as her 
mom let out a small gasp and hurriedly left the room when Erin mentioned 
Caleb's near miss with the car.
	"Two of the Taylor's sons were involved in a hit and run last 
night. Cameron didn't survive and they're keeping Tim in for 
observation. We didn't find out about it till after Cameron was already 
dead. Your mom is taking it hard because of all the time she helped out 
with the boys while Julie was pregnant with the twins this last spring 
and with watching them on and off since then." There was dead silence at 
this information.
	"I just hope they're able to find the bastard that did it." their 
dad said bitterly.
	"That shouldn't be a problem, dad. I think the car that almost hit 
Caleb was the same one that hit Tom and Cam."
	"And how is that supposed to help?" Mr. Kelly barked angrily.
	"Because I managed to get the plate number and description of the 
car and already turned it over to the police." Josh announced, causing 
everyone to jump. Without another word, Josh went up and hugged his 
father just before the elder Kelly broke down for the loss of the boy he 
was starting to consider another son.
	After helping his dad regain control for a while Josh went up to 
comfort his mom.
	"Mum, are you OK?" Josh asked after knocking on his parents' 
bedroom door and getting permission to enter.
	"I just heard what happened from dad. I just want to let you know 
that I forgive you for taking my head off a bit ago. I know now that you 
weren't meaning anything by it." Josh said as he gave his mom a hug.
	"I'm so sorry Josh about how I acted. I just was trying to sort 
everything out and figure out why someone so kind and gentle would have 
to die so young." Josh was told before his mom broke down again. Josh's 
dad came in a few minutes later to take Josh's place.
	"Josh, what's going on?" David asked as Josh came back into his 
	"You know the hit-and-run victims the doctor had mentioned last 
night as he was taking a look at Caleb's arm?" Josh asked with a heavy 
	"Yeah, what about it?" David replied as he started to feel that he 
wasn't going to like the answer.
	"It turns out that it was two of Zach Taylor's younger brothers."
	"Which ones?" Caleb asked as tears started welling up in his eyes 
since he had known the Taylor brothers the longest since they used to be 
	"Cam and Tim. Cam didn't make it and they're not sure if Tim is." 
Josh said in a bit of a dead voice knowing that this was going to be his 
friend's question. David sat down heavily at Josh's desk as if all the 
air had left his body. Without even realizing it, David reached for the 
phone on Josh's desk and called his mom. Unfortunately he ended up 
getting the answering machine.
	"Mom or Tim, please give me a call at Josh's house as soon as you 
here this. It's important." David said in husky voice as he gave Josh's 
private number.
	"Cam was Brandon's best friend. I'd rather he heard about this 
from a family member than some other way." Josh was told when David saw 
his questioning look. The boys sat in silence over the next twenty 
minutes before the phone ringing jarred them back to reality.
	"Hello?" David answered
	"David? It's Tim, I just got your message to call what's going 
	"I have something I need you to tell Brandon. It's about Cam 
Taylor. He's..." David started to say but couldn't bring himself to 
finish. He let the phone drop to the floor with his sentence unfinished 
as he joined his brother on Josh's bed.
	"David?! Are you there? What's going on?"
	"Tim? This is Josh." Josh said after taking a moment to compose 
	"Josh, what's going on? What was I needing to tell Brandon about 
Cam?" Came Tim's questioning voice.
	"Cam died last night as a result of injuries sustained in a hit 
and run." Josh said bluntly. Thinking of no other way to break the news.
	"Hit and run? You mean one of the boys the doctor was talking 
about last night when we brought Caleb in was Cam Taylor?" Tim asked in 
	"Yes sir. The other was, his brother, Tim. Last I heard, Tim was 
going to make it but they're keeping him in for observation." Josh told 
David and Caleb's father.
	"My god. Thanks for letting us know we'll get things handled on 
our end. If you don't mind, I'm going to have Carol come pick the boys 
up. Please have them ready." Tim stated, using his wife's first name 
because he forgot he was talking to an 11 year old.
	"I'll let my mom know. We'll have them ready."
	"David, Caleb, your mom is going to be here in little while to 
pick you up so you'll need to get changed and dressed." They were told 
softly as Josh gave them each a comforting squeeze on the shoulder 
before leaving the room to let his mom know what was going on.
	"Mom, I just thought I'd let you know that David's mom is going to 
be here in a little bit to pick David and Caleb up."
	"Why? I know this is a rough time for us but that is no reason to 
send your guests home." Mrs. Kelly stated heatedly.
	"Easy mom. This was Caleb's dad's idea not mine." Josh replied 
before telling his mom what was going on.
	"I'm sorry I snapped at you, Josh. Of course the boys should be 
with their family at a time like this. We'll be heading over to the 
Taylor's in about thirty minutes. Since I know you and Jim are friends 
I'd like you to join your father and I. Please dress nicely, nothing 
fancy, just nice." Mrs. Kelly said with a small smile. Josh nodded his 
understanding and went to get a shower and then to get dressed.
	"Mom, is this acceptable?" Josh asked thirty minutes later, 
walking into the kitchen.
	"That will do very nicely." Mrs. Kelly said looking at the polo 
shirt and neatly pressed Khaki pants her son was wearing. On closer 
inspection of the pants she saw that these were a pair of the pants that 
Josh had modeled the day before. The other thing Mrs. Kelly was glad to 
see was that Josh had decided to use one of his thinner diapers. Josh, 
and his parents left for the Taylor's.
	Going over to the Taylor's turned out to be bittersweet. The 
doctors had decided to release Tim that morning so he was already home 
by the time Josh and his parents arrived. After giving his condolences 
to Cam's parents, Josh found Zach holed up in his room. Not knowing what 
else to do, Josh just sat with his friend and listened to the disjointed 
rambling Zach was doing. A short time later David, Caleb, and several 
other friends from school showed up to help out. After awhile, Josh and 
David headed back to where the adults were talking. It was then that the 
boys had heard that the information Josh had given to the officer in the 
hospital had led to the arrest of the driver of the car that had been 
involved in the accident.
	The next several weeks were a blur of activities Josh. The day 
after Cameron's funeral he found out that he was being called as a 
witness to the driver's trial since he was the closest thing the 
prosecutors had to an eyewitness. To say that Josh was nervous would 
have been an understatement. It was even greater when Josh found out 
that the person driving the car was the local police chief's son. 
Everyone knew that the teen would be found guilty, but figured that he 
would get off with what would be no more than a slap on the wrist. The 
court was packed the day of the sentencing. A pin drop could have been 
heard outside while people waited for the sentencing to be read. In the 
end, the driver was sentenced to 50 years to life in prison as a result 
of two previous convictions he had to his name. The only sound in the 
courtroom was the sobbing of Cameron's family once the verdict had been 
	Josh and everyone soon got back into a regular routine and things 
got back to normal. Not surprisingly, soon after the verdict was read 
the Taylor's moved into a slightly smaller house. Josh and Brandon 
didn't see Zach again until High school. Both were surprised by the 
changes that had come over their friend in the passing years. Before he 
was extremely out going practical joker, now it was all they could do to 
get him to say one or two words to them. Over time they went their own 
ways and he just became another face in the hall.
	To everyone's surprise, Josh and Neil struck up a friendship once 
Neil got out of the hospital. They still get together today when their 
schedules allow. Neil's daytime wetting problem cleared up soon after 
the doctors changed his medications. Though he still needed diapers at 
night for some years to come.


	Erin and Aaron ended up getting married, to no one's surprise, 
after graduating med school. Erin went on to be one of the leaders in 
Pediatric Urology, with Aaron specializing in Child Psychology. They 
currently reside in Orlando, Florida with their 4 sons.
	After getting his PhD. in Computer Science from M.I.T, John 
started his own computer company that took the market by storm and ended 
up buying out the Microsoft(r) Corporation. DJ writes Military fiction 
and General fiction in his spare time. He and John are still happily 
married and live outside Sedona, Arizona, with their three sons.
	Brandon went on to become a lawyer specializing in Child rights. 
he currently lives in McLean, Virginia with his family.
	While it was tough on him, Caleb got through college and ended up 
taking over the Marketing Division of CKM Inc. He lives outside Boise, 
Idaho with his family.
	And Josh, well, he ended up surprising everyone. In his Sophomore 
year in high school he got roped into running for class president and 
won. He enjoyed it so much he decided to follow a career in politics. 
And where is he now you ask? Well, he currently lives at 1600 
Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington D.C. with his wife, three sons and two 
daughters. No one was more surprised about this then he, given his views 
on gay rights. Not to mention, that he now holds the distinction of 
being the youngest person ever to be elected to that office. Having done 
so by age 38.
