Chapter Six

	"Where's Josh?" Erin asked the next morning at breakfast.
	"I'm keeping him home from school today. I need to take him out 
shopping to get him some clothes that will fit over his nappies," Mrs. 
Kelly told her daughter.
	"I guess that makes sense," she answered with a smile. Just as 
she said this Josh made his entrance into the dinning room.
	"Morning, Josh," Erin called.
	"Morning," came the yawned answer.
	"Well, good morning!" Mrs. Kelly said brightly as she saw her 
youngest taking his place at the table.
	"Morning, mum."
	"How did you sleep last night?"
	"I had a hard time getting comfortable with this nappy I have 
on," Josh said glumly.
	"That's OK. I'm sure you'll get used to it after a bit. The 
important thing is that you didn't have to wake up in a cold wet bed."
	"I guess you're right," Josh answered his mom a bit more brightly 
than before.
	"I'll get you changed after breakfast," Mrs. Kelly told him just 
as John came running into the dining room.
	"Ah, and here comes Mr. Punctuality himself," Mrs. Kelly joked.
	"Sorry mum," John said, turning a bit red.
	"That's all right. Now eat before your food gets cold," she 
answered with a laugh After a quick meal John and Erin headed out to 
catch their buses and it was just Josh and his mom.
	"OK Thumper, lets go get you cleaned up," Mrs. Kelly announced as 
she financed up the breakfast dishes. With a small sigh Josh followed 
her up to his room.
	Without a word Josh spread the changing mat out on his bed and 
lay down on it. Mrs. Kelly smiled at this and took it as a sign that 
Josh was at least partially accepting what was happening to him.
	"Well, lets get this wet thing off you and get you cleaned up," 
Mrs. Kelly stated as she started to pull the tapes open on Josh's 
	Josh soon found himself getting bathed by his mom, something that 
hadn't happened in over two years.
	"OK, you're all done!" Mrs. Kelly said a short time later, 
allowing Josh to stand up and get out of the tub.
	"OK, Josh step on to the scale for a moment." Without comment he 
did as he was asked and noticed that his mom wrote down the number from 
the scale.
	"Just one more thing and we can get you nappied and dressed for 
the day," Josh's mom said as she pulled a cloth tape measure and 
started to measure him all over. This got Josh's curiosity up and he 
asked "What's all this for, mum?"
	"Well, Josh, keeping you in disposables would be too expensive 
over time, so I plan on ordering you some cloth diapers to wear when 
you're at home and they would need your measurements to make them, and 
I also plan on getting you some new clothes to fit over your diapers 
and I need to know what size to get them in."
	"Oh, OK. I was just wondering."
	After packing several of the Attends, powder and diaper wipes 
into a backpack Mrs. Kelly handed this off to Josh and they headed off 
to the Klothes For Kids, the place Mrs. Kelly and John had visited the 
night before.
	"Mum, why do I have to be the one to carry the backpack?" Josh 
asked on the why out to the car.
	"It's simple, Josh, since this is your problem, I feel that you 
should do your part in handling it."
	"Now let's get over to the store before any big rush starts," 
Mrs. Kelly stated as she put the car in gear and pulled out of the 
	15 minutes later they pulled into the parking lot of the store 
and were lucky enough to find a parking spot close to the building so 
they wouldn't have to spend that much time out in the cold wind.
	"OK Josh, follow me," Josh was told as his mom headed for the 
back of the store. Josh looked around in awe of all the stuff he was 
seeing for the older boys, having never thought that there could 
possibly the need for a place like this.
	Mrs. Kelly was surprised to see the same gentleman as the night 
before behind the counter.
	"Ah, I'm glad to see you back so soon," he called out when he saw 
Mrs. Kelly again.
	"And this must be the young man you were talking about last 
night," He added while smiling at Josh.
	"His name's Josh," Mrs. Kelly offered.
	"Hello Josh, I'm Kevin," Kevin said while offing his hand to 
	"Hi," Josh answered softly and turning red.
	"No reason to be embarrassed, Josh. Things like this happen," 
Kevin told him before turning back to Mrs. Kelly.
	"Now then, last night you were asking about cloth diapers and a 
changing table, correct?" Kevin inquired.
	"Yes, that's right," came the mildly surprised answer.
	"Well, why don't you come on back and we can discuss options and 
get some fittings taken," Kevin offered while opening a side door for 
	"Hey Steven!" Kevin yelled to a person at a nearby work station.
	"Yeah Kev?" the guy called back.
	"Go watch the front counter for a bit. I'm needing to help some 
	"OK," Steve replied getting up from the computer he was working 
	"Now then, lets see what we can get done to help you," Kevin told 
them as he headed to a nearby office.
	"Now then, with the cloth diapers, were you going to be wanting 
the normal pin closure on the diapers, or were you looking at Velcro?" 
Kevin asked as he pulled some binders out of file cabinet he had under 
the desk.
	"I was thinking of Velcro closure since I feel it would be easier 
to work with and be faster when speed is needed."
	"It is, I can assure you of that," Kevin said absentmindedly. 
Mrs. Kelly looked at him funny at that, but didn't make any comment.
	"Anyway, the Velcro style diapers will run a bit more on the cost 
side, but you'll find they can be a bit cost-effective in the long run 
since you wouldn't have to keep replacing lost, or broken pins," Kevin 
told them.
	"I'm going to assume that you'll be wanting the cloth diapers to 
be strictly for nighttime use, or would you be wanting some thinner 
ones also for use during the day?"
	"I'd be wanting some for daytime use, but mostly for night time 
use," Mrs. Kelly confirmed.
	"OK then, these are the styles we carry in both the day and night 
styles. Of course as you know the day time one can be layered to a 
nighttime thickness," Kevin told her as he opened one of the binders 
and turned it around to show Josh and his mom.
	"What are these?" Josh asked a few minutes later flipping through 
to the back of the binder.
	"Which ones?" Kevin asked looking over to the area Josh was 
pointing at.
	"Ah, the Deidies by Heidi line. Those are one of our most famous 
sellers," came a chuckled reply.
	"I can tell you that it would take an act of God to flood those 
out," Kevin laughed at some faraway memory.
	"Oh really?" Mrs. Kelly asked with a raised eyebrow.
	"Yes ma'am. I met the creator of that line about 10 years ago and 
I know what I'm talking about," Kevin stated with a slightly glazed 
look in his eyes. Mrs. Kelly figured that Kevin was reliving a not-so-
pleasant experience in those few seconds. She knew the look since her 
father had gotten the same look in his eyes at times when the was asked 
a question about his service in W.W.II.
	"I'm sorry if I spoke out of turn," she apologized.
	"It's OK. I find it helps to talk about it at times. Well, if 
you've made up your minds lets get some measurements taken and we can 
go from there," Kevin added after a moment.
	"I have his measurements right here," Mrs. Kelly told him while 
handing over the paper she had written Josh's measurements on.
	"OK, were these taken with, or without a diaper on?" Kevin asked 
while putting the information into their computer.
	"All right. Uh, Mrs. Kelly it seems that you missed one," Kevin 
said a second later
	"Yeah. we still need the through-the-crotch measurement." Mrs. 
Kelly turned red turned red at hearing this since she knew this was one 
of the important ones.
	"It's no problem, I have a tape measure right here and I can get 
it in just a moment," Kevin stated standing up in the process.
	"Josh, if you could just drop your pants for a moment we can get 
this done in a split second."
	"I'm not taking my nappy off for that!" Josh protested.
	"And, I'm not asking you to. I just need you to drop your regular 
pants so I can take some measurements," Kevin replied softly.
	"Go ahead, Josh." With only a moment more of hesitation Josh 
pulled down the pants he had on. True to his word, Kevin took only a 
second to get the numbers he needed for the diaper order, though he did 
smile briefly when he saw the red-colored diaper Josh had on. Mrs. 
Kelly noticed that it was also wet just as Kevin was about to ask for 
more information there was a knock at the door.
	"I'm sorry for interrupting, Kevin, but I need your help out 
front for a moment with you-know-who," Steve said cryptically with a 
look of utter disgust on his face Kevin got out of his chair.
	"I'm sorry about that. I'll be back in a few minutes." Kevin 
apologized as he left the room.
	"OK, Josh why don't you hop up hear for a minute and I can get 
you into a dry nappy," Josh was told as soon as the door closed behind 
Kevin. With a glum look Josh did as he was told and hopped up onto the 
changing table that was against the back wall of the office. Josh soon 
had his pants back down around his ankles and was having his wet diaper 
pulled off. Without much said Mrs. Kelly cleaned her son off and was 
soon applying a new diaper to him. She was just fastening the last tape 
when Kevin walked back in.
	"I'm sorry," Kevin started to say when he was cut off.
	"It's all right I was just finishing up."
	"OK. You can just put the old diaper into the bin under the 
table," she was told.
	"Now, that we have all the measurements, how many diapers were 
you wanting to order?" Steve continued as he sat back down.
	"I'd like four dozen in the daytime style one and a half dozen in 
the night time style we talked about. I'd also like to have three dozen 
pairs of the plastic pants, half in the pull up style, half in the snap 
on style," Kevin was informed.
	"We can do that, and with the plastic pants did you want those in 
the plain or rumba style, and did you like those to be the frosted 
white, clear, colored, or the cartoon print?" Kevin finished slightly 
winded. Mrs. Kelly smiled a bit at this as she answered.
	"The plain style, please, and in an assortment of the rest, if 
it's not too much trouble."
	"Not at all. We do carry an assortment pack of them." Kevin 
received a nod at that and continued.
	"Now, you were also looking for a changing table, also, correct?"
	"Yes please," came the answer and over the next several minutes 
Kevin went over the types of tables they carried and after a few 
minutes of talking it over Josh and his mom settled on a style they 
both liked.
	"OK then it'll just be a few minutes while we get the order 
finished up and a receipt printed out," Kevin told them after a few 
more strokes on the computer he was working at.
	"Josh would you mind waiting out front while I finish up here," 
Mrs. Kelly stated not wanting her son to know just how much this was 
	"OK mum," Josh said getting out of his chair.
	"I'll be seeing you around," Kevin said as Josh left the room.
	"I must say Kevin, I don't think I've ever seen anyone as 
knowledgeable in this area as I've seen today. You also seem to be 
quite good with handling kids. I'm sure your parents must be proud of 
	"I'm really glad you think I do a good job. I've always had a 
natural way with kids in this area, especially since I've been here 
myself. As far my parents are concerned, I'm not sure how they feel. I 
haven't seen my father since I was a small child and my mother died 
almost nine years ago."
	"I'm sorry to hear about that. You must miss her at times," Mrs. 
Kelly stated in sympathy.
	"I wasn't sorry to hear about it, and to be truthful, I couldn't 
be happier about it," Kevin spat venomously." Mrs. Kelly was taken 
aback but the tone of the statement as well as by the words themselves.
	"I'm sorry about that. It's just that with all the stuff I had 
been through as a kid, hearing that she had died was a sense of relief 
for me," Kevin replied as he took the order forms and receipt from the 
printer and handed them over to Mrs. Kelly. It was then that Mrs. Kelly 
saw a mark on Kevin's forearm.
	"That was one of the reasons I was happy to hear about my 
mothers' passing away." Kevin's statement made Mrs. Kelly realized that 
she had been staring at the mark on his arm.
	"I'm sorry for staring. It's just that I've never seen a tattoo 
like that before."
	"And you never will since that's a brand, not a tattoo."
	"A brand? What kind of parent would brand their child?" came an 
astonished reply.
	"Believe me, I've wondered that for years. In a way, that's how 
I've gotten to be so good dealing with kids in diapers, especially 
boys. My mother belonged to a feminist group that was a great deal on 
the radical side. I was in diapers till I was almost twenty because of 
the crap she put me and my brother through. If it hadn't been for Mr. 
Oppenheimer breaking his own sons out of the compound my mother was at 
and calling the police about it I have no idea of what might have 
become of my brothers and I. My two younger brothers still wear them." 
It was then that Mrs. Kelly realized that the teen working the counter 
out front was Kevin's brother.
	"Anyway, after graduating high school at sixteen, I got a job for 
the Klothes for Kids in Boise and when they opened this store I was 
offered the manager's position for this department and I took it. My 
brothers decided to join me, a fresh start, if you will."
	"If you don't mind my asking, what happened to your sister?" Mrs. 
Kelly asked, caught up in the story Kevin was telling her.
	"I'm not sure. I haven't heard from her after she graduated 
college and headed out East."
	"I'm sorry. I'm sure that one day you'll hear from her again."
	"I do hope you're right. Listen, I'm sorry about going on about 
all that. That's the first time I've ever told anyone about that 
portion of my childhood," Kevin said in a slightly choked voice.
	"I don't mind at all. I know from experience that talking about 
things like this helps the healing process. Perhaps if you were to 
write things down it would help?" Mrs. Kelly suggested.
	"It sounds like you know what you're talking about. You wouldn't 
be a psychologist, would you?"
	"No, but my sister is and this is what she normally suggests for 
case like this."
	"I might just do that," Kevin said with a smile. A few moments 
later Kevin led Mrs. Kelly out to the service desk again.
	"Come on, Josh, we have more shopping to do," Mrs. Kelly 
announced. And hour later Josh walked out of the store with an entirely 
new wardrobe, though he was still a bit upset about the onesies that 
his mom picked up for him. After a quick lunch Josh was changed into 
one of his Thickies diapers, a new footed sleeper and was told to take 
a nap on the living room couch while Mrs. Kelly put all his new clothes 
a way and set about taking notes about the best way to rearrange his 
room so the changing table would fit in it when it came. After doing 
all this she decided to look up on the Internet about what Kevin had 
mentioned in his office. She soon became even more shocked by what she 
	"Mum, I'm home!" John called a few hours later.
	"How was your day?" Mrs. Kelly asked as she came out of the 
	"Not bad. I got lucky today and ended up not having any homework 
given out," John added smiling.
	"If it's OK, I was wondering if I could go over to DJ's for a 
while before dinner?"
	"I don't see a problem with it since you don't have any homework 
to do. I will ask that you check Josh and change him if needed before 
you go over."
	"I don't mind at all," John stated as he head up stairs to drop 
his books off in his room.
	"Hey Josh, mum wanted me to see if you needed to be changed?" 
John asked as he stuck his head in his brother's room. John did chuckle 
a bit to himself when he saw that his brother was wearing a set of 
footed sleepers.
	"Yeah, I am a little wet and messy," Josh replied, though looking 
a bit embarrassed at being caught wear a set of sleepers. John just 
nodded at this and set about getting the items he'd need to change his 
	"OK, Josh, do you want red, blue, white, green, or yellow?" John 
asked his brother. letting him know that he was giving him the choice 
as to which color his next diaper would be.
	"Blue," came the smiled reply. John smiled as well as he reached 
into the box of diapers and pulled out a blue colored diaper.
	"Now let's get this sleeper opened up," John stated as he bent 
over to start undoing the zipper. He stopped a moment later when he saw 
that the sleepers Josh had on had snaps running through the crotch of 
them and down both legs.
	"Well, this will certainly make things easier," John mumbled to 
	"What will make things easier?"
	"These sleepers have a snap opening crotch. This will make things 
easier when we change you." Josh nodded to this as his brother finished 
opening up the snaps and pulled his feet out of them.
	"Lift up a bit, Josh, so I can a better angle to this diaper of 
yours." After pushing the sleeper up higher and getting better access 
to the diaper Josh had on John was able to get him changed quickly and 
was soon getting the sleeper snapped back up.
	"OK, you're all done," John stated as he stood up and placed the 
old, rolled-up diaper in the Diaper Genie that was picked up the night 
before. Josh hopped off the bed and headed downstairs to watch TV.
	"Mum, I'm heading over to DJ's now!" John yelled as he came 
downstairs after washing his hands.
	"O.K. John, but I want you home by 5:30," His mom called back.
	"O.K." John called back after a quick look at his watch.
	"Is DJ home?" John asked a few minutes later when DJ's brother 
Paul answered the door.
	"Yeah, come on in he'll be down in a minute," Paul stated as he 
stepped back to allow John to enter the house. Then, turning to the 
nearby stairs he called "Hey DJ! John's here to see you!"
	"OK, I'll be down in a moment!" came the disembodied reply.
	"Damn! He's early," DJ thought to himself as he quickly went 
about changing into some dry GoodNites and making sure that any other 
changing supply was out of plain sight.
	"Come on up, John!" DJ called from the top of the stairs. John 
entered the bedroom a few seconds later, wondering what the delay was, 
but deciding not to ask.
	"You're not going to believe this," John stated in greeting, with 
a huge smile.
	"What? you finally got laid, or something?" DJ joked.
	"Even better than that. Josh got put back in diapers last a few 
nights ago due to all the accidents he's been having," John laughed.
	"What, your parents finally got fed up with all the extra 
laundry?" DJ smiled.
	"Nah, it turns out that all the 'accidents' he's been having 
really have been accidents," John replied and spent the next several 
minutes explaining what had happened over the past couple of weeks.
	"That's really cool. I thought I had seen you at Klothes for Kidz 
the other night with your mom. For a while there, I thought maybe you 
were getting something for yourself," DJ said with a small chuckle. 
John turned a bit red at this.
	"Relax John, I was just joking."
	"Oh, OK, but what were you doing there?"
	"I was helping my Aunt pick up some things for her daycare. she 
gets a volume discount there since she tends to buy in bulk. So, how's 
Josh taking having to wear diapers again?"
	"He's getting used to it, but he hasn't been back to school yet 
wearing them, so I can only guess about how that will work out." DJ 
just nodded thoughtfully at this, knowing what was in store for John's 
brother. After talking about this for a while longer, the boys started 
up a game of Road Rage till John had to go home.
	"Hey DJ, I was wondering if you'd like to spend the night next 
weekend?" John asked on the way out the door.
	"I'd like to, John, but I already accepted an invitation from 
Mark for next weekend. Maybe after the holiday break starts in a couple 
of weeks we'll be able to set something up." John nodded to this and 
headed home.
	"Did you have fun over at DJ's, John?" his mom asked over dinner 
that evening.
	"Yeah, we just played video games the entire time."
	"Did he accept your sleepover invitation for next weekend? I know 
you've been thinking of having him over for a while now."
	"No, he turned it down. He had already accepted another 
invitation for next weekend," John replied glumly.
	"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure he wants to, though," John's 
dad piped in.
	"I feel he is, too, since he commented about us getting something 
set up over the holiday break in a few weeks."
	"Well, there you go. And if you give us a couple of days notice 
when he accepts we'll make sure the calendar is cleared so there aren't 
any interruptions," Mr. Kelly said before his wife could.
	After dinner was over, the Kelly kids went up to get their 
showers and into their pajamas.
	"Josh why don't you try and use the toilet while I go get your 
night nappies and PJs ready for you," Erin suggested as Josh came out 
of the bathroom.
	"Why? I'll just end up using them later anyway." Josh asked.
	"That's true, but this way you won't have to worry about having 
to sleep all night in a messy diaper and possibly get a rash. Now go 
on," Erin told him with a smile. With a shrug Josh reentered the 
bathroom to do as he was asked to do. He was a bit surprised to have 
his bowels and bladder empty almost as soon as he sat down. This made 
him thankful that he had taken his sister's advice, knowing full well 
that if he hadn't she would have sent him to bed wearing them and he 
would have ended up with a rash. He made up his mind right there that 
he would still try and use the toilet when he had the chance, 
especially right before getting his night diaper put on.
	"Erin!, I'm ready!" Josh called from his room a few minutes 
	"C'mon down here Josh, I have all your things with me." Erin 
called back. knowing that it would be hopeless to argue this with her 
Josh headed down to the family room.
	"OK Thumper, plant your tush right down here," Erin smiled while 
she patted the changing pad she already had spread out. With a slight 
sigh, Josh lay himself out on the pad and allowed his sister to start 
diapering him for the night.
	"All done. You can get your PJs on now," Erin said a few minutes 
later with a light slap to the side of her brother's thickly padded 
rump and handing him the sleepers she brought down with everything 
else. Josh turned a bit red at getting handed these, but did admit to 
himself that these were a lot more comfortable and warmer that his old 
ones. Just as he finished zipping them up, his father got up and 
started the movie they had rented for the evening. On his way back to 
his chair he decided to give his son a pat on his diapered rear just as 
he had done when all of his kids were younger and still in diapers.
	"OK Josh, time for bed," Mrs. Kelly announced several hours, only 
to see that he was already sleeping soundly next to his brother.
	"Josh, wake up honey," Mrs. Kelly said softly, while shaking 
Josh's shoulder he didn't even stir at this. She was just about to do 
this again when her husband stopped her.
	"Janet, let's leave him there for now. He doesn't seem to be 
bothering anyone and it won't hurt him." Mrs. Kelly nodded to this and 
sat back down in her chair while the second movie of the evening was 
	"You go ahead and go up to bed. I'll put Josh to bed tonight," 
Mr. Kelly told his wife after they had finished the second movie. With 
a slight nod of thanks Mrs. Kelly herded John and Erin up to bed. With 
little effort Mr. Kelly picked Josh up and rested his head on his 
shoulder. Josh stirred a bit while he was taken up the stairs but was 
soon fast asleep. On reaching Josh's room Mr. Kelly gently laid his son 
down on the bed and after placing his son's teddy bear in his arms he 
covered them both up. After a quick thought he left the room and 
returned a few minutes later with a baby bottle filled with water. This 
he placed next to Josh's head with the nipple resting lightly against 
his lips. Mr. Kelly was slightly surprised when Josh almost immediately 
took the bottle in his mouth fully and started sucking on it softly. 
After a final light kiss on his son's forehead he left the room closing 
the door silently behind him
	Josh awoke the next morning surprised to see an empty baby bottle 
laying next to his head. Not knowing what to make of this he decided to 
keep quiet about it for the time being since he didn't want his brother 
and sister making fun of him over it. After a few more minutes he 
decided to get up and go watch some cartoons before breakfast. As 
normal for him, he grabbed his blanket and bear as he climbed out of 
bed and headed downstairs.
	"Morning Josh," his dad called as he passed by the dining room.
	"Morning dad," came the sleepy reply.
	"I think someone is in serious need of a change about now," Mr. 
Kelly announced as his son walked past, "Why don't you go lay down on 
the pad and I'll be right back."
	"That's OK dad. I can wait till after breakfast," Josh stated 
	"You might be able to, but I doubt the rest of us will. Besides, 
I don't want you to have to deal with a rash from sitting in a dirty 
diaper for too long." With this said, Mr. Kelly headed upstairs to get 
a clean diaper for his son. Seeing that this was going to be a losing 
battle Josh headed off to do as he was told. after turning the TV on 
and changing it to the Cartoon Channel, he spread out the changing pad 
and lay down on it after undoing the lower portion of his sleepers.
	"Well, I see that you decided to make things easy for me this 
morning," Josh's dad joked as he reentered the room carrying a dark 
green diaper in one hand. Josh just turned red at this. After kneeling 
down on the floor and arranging all the changing supplies to where he 
could get to them as needed Mr. Kelly untaped his son's diaper and 
pulled the front of it down. Just as he finished doing this a stream of 
pee erupted from Josh's penis, catching his father in the chest before 
he could pull the diaper back up to catch it.
	"I'm sorry, it just happened! I couldn't stop it!" came the 
embarrassed cry. Mr. Kelly just started laughing at this.
	"There's no need to cry now, Josh. These things happen, besides 
this isn't the first time you've christened a shirt for me," Josh was 
told as he father pulled the diaper back down and continued with the 
task at hand. Josh soon found himself in a dry diaper and his sleepers 
being snapped closed again.
	"Now you go ahead and watch your show," Mr. Kelly said with a 
smile as he finished rolling up the old diaper. With a light slap to 
his padded posterior Josh hopped up on the couch and curled up in his 
blanket and snuggling with his bear.
	"Goodness Arthur, what happened to your shirt?" Janet Kelly asked 
as her husband came back into their bedroom.
	"Josh was smelling rather ripe when he came downstairs and I 
decided to change him. As I pulled the front of his diaper down he 
sprung a leak," Arthur replied to his wife with a smile.
	"I seem to recall that he used to do that quite often when he was 
younger," came the chuckled reply.
	"I remember that now, but I had forgotten that at the time," was 
the muffled response, as Mr. Kelly pulled the pee soaked shirt over his 
	"Well, after you change, make sure that you rinse the stain out 
and take it down to the laundry room.
	"Yes, dear," Mr. Kelly laughed as he ducked under the pillow his 
wife threw at him.
	"Kid's breakfast is ready!" Mrs. Kelly called a while later. The 
sound of pounding feet announced that everyone had heard and she 
wouldn't have to make the call again. As usual, breakfast was finished 
with the expected speed and soon the dishes were being cleared
	"So, what does everyone have planned for today?" Mrs. Kelly asked 
while her and John cleared away the dishes.
	"DJ, I and some of the other guys were planning on going over to 
the elementary school and sled for a while," John replied to the 
	"I was thinking of going over to the mall with Linda and Cheryl," 
Erin replied.
	"What about you, Josh?" Mr. Kelly asked when he saw that Josh 
hadn't said anything.
	"I don't have anything planned," Josh answered his father softly.
	"You could come with me Josh if you wanted. I'm sure that the 
guys wouldn't mind. If fact, I think their brothers will probably 
coming with us," John announced.
	"That's very kind of you to offer, John, but your brother does 
have plans for the day." Josh looked up on hearing this.
	"David's mom called last yesterday while you were asleep Josh and 
asked if it would be OK for him to come over while she went to a hair 
appointment. I told her that this wouldn't be a problem." Josh looked 
stunned at hearing this. While he liked David he wasn't sure as to how 
David would take finding out that he wore diapers again and mentioned 
this to his mom.
	"When you consider that David never said anything about all your 
accidents before this time, I highly doubt he'll have anything to say 
about it now. And if he does, you can just tell him that this is taking 
care of a problem in a grown up fashion." Mrs. Kelly said plainly, 
secretly glad that she had already mentioned this to David and his mom 
and already knew that David didn't have a problem with this.

Chapter Seven

	The rest of the morning had gone by slowly. Mrs. Kelly had done 
her best to keep Josh occupied so he wouldn't think too much about 
David coming over later that afternoon.
	"Josh, why don't you go out and play for awhile. I think the 
fresh air would do you some good." "Okay mum," Josh said glumly as he 
went to get on his snowsuit.
	"At least I won't have to worry about trying to get out of this 
stupid thing if I have to go to the bathroom in a hurry," Josh thought 
to himself with a slight smile as he climbed into the pants of his 
snowsuit. After pulling on his jacket he took one last look around his 
room to make sure all of his diapers and changing supplies were put 
	Mrs. Kelly smiled slightly as Josh walked past her to head out to 
the back yard.
	"It's a good thing I got that suit in a slightly larger size than 
he normally wears, or he never would have been able pull them on over 
the diaper he has on," she thought to herself as she went about the 
rest of her housework.
	Josh was still out side playing when the doorbell sounded.
	"Hello Carol, and you must be David," Mrs. Kelly said to the 
woman and young boy standing on their front steps. "Please come in," 
she added, stepping aside so her guests could enter the house.
	"Josh is out back, if you'd like to join him," David was told. 
after getting a nod from his mom David sped out side to join his 
	"I'd like to thank you for taking David for the afternoon on such 
short notice, Janet. It's really helping me out,"
	"Oh, it's no problem. I know all too well what's like trying to 
take a young boy to the beauty parlor," Mrs. Kelly laughed. David's mom 
shared in the laugh.
	"You're not kidding there, and this way I'll be able to get a bit 
of Christmas shopping done for the boys while I'm at it. Besides, I 
think that this will be good for David. He's just been moping around 
the house since my divorce to his dad was finalized,"
	"I know what he must be going through. My oldest sister's kids 
did the same thing after he divorce," Janet Kelly stated. While the two 
ladies talked for a while longer David and Josh were outside acting 
like typical ten- year-old boys.
	"HEY JOSH!! Think quick!" David yelled as he launched the 
snowball he had in his hand. Josh for his part turned around just in 
time to catch the projectile square in the chest.
	"OOOFFF!" Josh grunted as the snowball hit him and fell to the 
ground. David ran over to Josh when he saw that his friend wasn't 
moving. Thinking that he might have really hurt his friend with the 
snowball he threw.
	"You all right, Josh?" David asked while shaking his gasping 
friend on the shoulder. As suddenly as he went down, Josh rolled over 
tossing a large handful of snow into his friend's face. Before David 
had a chance to get over the surprise of this, Josh pushed him over 
into the snow. Soon the two boys were laughing their heads off while 
wrestling around in the snow. Josh for the most part found himself on 
the losing end of this because David was a good Five inches taller and 
Fifteen pounds heavier than he was.
	 When Josh first met David he would have sworn that David was 
older than he was and for one reason, or another had been held back. he 
was shocked to find that his soon to be friend was just two months 
older than he was. Josh was pleased when David stayed friends with him 
after all the trouble he had been having with his accidents. David 
seemed to be the only person that didn't hold this against him and 
didn't mind being seen with him. In fact, David and been the only 
person to stick up for him when the harassment he had gotten over his 
accidents had become physical.
	"OK, boys! It's time to come in!" Mrs. Kelly called an hour 
	"We'll be right there," Josh called as he dumped one last arm 
load of snow over his friend's head and took off running for the house 
with David close behind.
	"You two stop right where you are,", Mrs. Kelly stated as the 
boys came through the back door, "I don't want you tracking snow all 
over the house. Now, both of you strip those wet clothes off, set them 
next to the door, go up stairs, get dried off and climb into some dry 
	"David, I said strip," Mrs. Kelly said pointedly as the boy tried 
walking past her with his wet pants and shirt still on.
	"But I don't have any other clothes with me," David protested.
	"I'm aware of that, but like I said, I don't want you tracking 
snow all over the house. In fact, after you take those clothes off I 
want you to go take a quick shower to warm you up. I'll not take the 
risk of you getting sick because I let you walk around in cold wet 
clothes." Sensing the tone of voice being used David complied with his 
friend's mom's wishes and stripped down to his underwear.
	"Those too," Mrs. Kelly said when she saw that David's underwear 
was wet from the snow as well. David turned red at this, but as before 
he complied without saying a thing.
	"Josh, would you mind showing David where the shower is while I 
put these in to the drier and get him some dry clothes to wear." Josh 
just nodded at this and motioned for his friend to follow him.
	"I'm sorry about all that, but my mum is a real stickler about 
things like this."
	"It's OK, my mom does the same thing when my brothers and I get 
done playing outside when it's wet," David informed his friend. Josh 
was soon showing him where the shower was and where to find the towels 
when he was done with his shower. As soon as David had started the 
shower Josh headed off to his room and hoped that his mom would be able 
to get his diaper changed before his friend was finished.
	OK, now let's get you taken care of," Josh's mom said as she 
walked in to his room with an arm full of clothes, which she set down 
on the top of her son's dresser.
	"I guess you are in a hurry to get changed, aren't you?" came a 
joking comment when Mrs. Kelly saw that Josh had already gotten all the 
items for his diaper change out.
	"I wanted to try and get done before David is done with his 
shower," Josh said plainly.
	"Then let's get started," Mrs. Kelly stated as she bent over to 
untape Josh's diaper.
	"Mrs. Kelly, I'm done with my shower," David said walking into 
the bedroom and stopped in his tracks when he saw his friend laying out 
on the bed and in the middle of an obvious diaper change.
	"Oh, I'm sorry!" David stammered and backed out of the room 
unable to take his eyes off the sight in front of him. Josh for his 
part, turned bright red from embarrassment and looked like he was going 
to start crying.
	"I'll be right back," Mrs. Kelly informed her son as she stood up 
leaving him laying on his changing pad naked from the waist down. 
Without a further comment she picked up the clothes she had gotten out 
for David and left the room.
	"I am really sorry about walking in like that, Mrs. Kelly. I saw 
that the door was open and didn't think," David apologized.
	"It's OK David, this was bound to happen sooner or later. Don't 
worry about it. Now you go put these on. You can get dressed in here," 
Mrs. Kelly finished as she handed him the clothes in her hands and 
opened the door to the bedroom they were in front of. David nodded at 
this and entered the room indicated. He was halfway through getting 
dressed when he realized that he was in a girl's bedroom. Seeing this 
caused him to speed up his getting dressed.
	"Now let's get you finished up," Mrs. Kelly said as she came back 
into the room a moment later. This time closing the door behind her. 
She could tell that Josh was upset by what had just happened as he was 
holding his teddy bear to his chest.
	"It's not as bad as you think Josh,", Mrs. Kelly continued, 
"David seems more embarrassed by this than you are."
	"He probably will want to go home now and not want to be around 
me. I mean, who would want to have a baby for a friend," Josh babbled.
	"Now you just quit that kind of talk right now, Joshua. David 
made no mention of wanting to go to him over this and you by no stretch 
of the imagination are a 'baby.' As I said before, you are handling 
this problem in a very adult manner and what you wear under your pants 
won't matter one bit to people who are truly your friends. So just stop 
this whining right now!" Josh was told forcefully as his mom finished 
taping his new diaper closed. Josh just nodded to this as his mom 
handed him a pair of dry sweat pants to put on.
	David was sitting on the couch watching some TV when Josh and his 
mom came downstairs.
	"I'm really sorry about walking in on you like that, Josh. When I 
saw the door was open I didn't think about what might have been going 
on. I hope you're not mad at me for it," David told his friend.
	Seeing that David, too, was embarrassed about what had happened 
and really was sorry about walking in on him, what little anger he 
still had going vanished.
	"It's OK. I know you didn't mean anything by it. You won't tell 
anybody about this will you?" Slightly confused by the question David 
queried for a clarification to it.
	"Are you asking me not to tell anyone about my walking in on you, 
or the fact that you wear diapers again?"
	"Both," Josh stated.
	"You can be certain that I won't tell anyone about my walking in 
on you and I won't mention that you wear diapers but, I have the 
feeling that people will find out about it soon enough," David informed 
his friend. Josh nodded his thanks to this, but knew that David was 
correct, people would find out soon enough that he was wearing diapers 
	"Boys, lunch is ready," Josh's mom called a few minutes later. On 
hearing this the two boys raced to the dining room table though, the 
smaller of the two boys did so with a slight waddle. After lunch, the 
two boys spent the rest of the afternoon playing video games and 
horsing around.
	"David! Your mother is here!"
	"I'll be right down Mrs. Kelly!" came the disembodied reply.
	"Well, I guess I have to go now. I want to say that I had a 
really fun time and thanks for having me over."
	"Well, this was my mom's idea, but I'm glad you came over, too. 
Maybe we can have a sleep over some time," Josh asked.
	"That would be fun," David said with confidence. thinking that 
for the first time he could have a sleepover and not worry about if he 
had an accident, or not.
	"David where are you other clothes?" Mrs. Kessler asked her son 
when she saw that he was wearing something different than what he was 
dropped off in.
	"Oh, thanks for reminding me," Mrs. Kelly piped in. "His other 
clothes were so wet when the boys came in from playing in the snow, I 
had him change into something dry."
	David's mom nodded at this thinking for a moment that David had 
an "accident" and got his pants wet that way.
	"David if you'll come with me we can get you back into your own 
clothes," Mrs. Kelly motioned for David to follow him.
	"I want to tell you how thankful I am about what you told Joshua 
earlier. I'm glad that I wasn't mistaken about you being of help to him 
with all that's happened."
	David just nodded at this, but Mrs. Kelly could tell that he was 
slightly embarrassed by this praise. In a short time David was saying 
one last good by to his friend, hoping that he would be able to get a 
sleep over set up sometime.
	"So, how did the afternoon go?" David's mom asked as they pulled 
out of the driveway.
	"It was fun. I'm really glad I came over," David said excitedly, 
as he launched into an account of all the things they did. Mrs. Kessler 
was pleased to hear about the fun her son had.
	"You didn't have any problems with any accidents, did you?" she 
	"I had a small one while outside, but this was mostly from a 
tickling fight Josh and I were having at the time," he answered 
	"What about Josh's problem? Were there any problems with that?"
	"Well, I accidentally walked in on him and his mom while he was 
getting changed. The bedroom door was open and I didn't think anything 
was going on," came the slightly embarrassed response.
	"Well, if the door was open at the time there wouldn't have been 
anything you could do about it," David just nodded at this. After a few 
minutes of silence David's mom spoke again.
	"How would you feel having Josh for a sleep over for your 
	"I'd like that. Since I know he wears diapers again, I don't 
think there would be a problem with him finding out about my wearing 
diapers to bed," David said with a slight yawn.
	"Speaking of bed, I want you to take a nap when we get home. I 
saw some improved GoodNites at the store today and I'd like you to use 
those during your nap so we can see how they work,"
	"O.K. mom,"
	A short time later they pulled into their drive and David headed 
towards the house carrying the bag of diaper supplies his mom handed to 
them. Once in the house, David dropped the bag off in his room and made 
a quick stop in the bathroom before getting ready for his nap. A few 
minutes later he had stripped off his clothes and was pulling out one 
of the packs of GoodNites his mom pick up for him.
	"Well, let's see how these work," David thought to himself as he 
opened the bag and pulled out one of the pants inside.
	"They certainly look larger and a bit thicker too," David thought 
with a smile. After sprinkling the inside of the pants with a liberal 
dose of powder David stepped into them and pulled them up.
	"These sure do fit better than my old ones," David chuckled as he 
saw how these new pants looked him in the mirror. After a moment more 
of admiring the new look of his pants David pulled out a pair of his 
pajamas and pulled the bottoms on.
	"At least they still pretty well disappear under pajamas. Even 
with them being thicker," With this David decided to look at the 
	Improved GOODNITES Disposable Absorbent Underpants for Boys: Now 
stretchier and more absorbent for better fit and protection! Improved 
Large size fits Boys 65-90lbs. Improved absorbent zone and Leak pockets 
at the front and back helps keep boys and clothing drier than ever.
	"Cool!" David said to himself as he finished reading the front of 
the package. As he set it down he noticed that the pack had the outline 
of a boy dotted in with a question mark on it and wondered what it was 
for. With hardly another glance at it David climbed into bed and was 
soon fast asleep.
	Meanwhile, David's mom had gone online to checkout the GoodNites 
web site ( She too had seen the missing shape on the 
front of the package and decided to see what it was about. She was a 
bit surprised to see that they were doing a national search for kids to 
model the pants for upcoming magazine ads and possible TV ads. Thinking 
that there was nothing to lose she filled out the small questionnaire 
listed on the site. Just as she finished sending it and signed off her 
other two boys came charging into the house.
	"OK, you both know better than that!" she told them sternly.
	"I want you both to take off those wet clothes and go dry off," 
She continued before they could get any further
	"But mom, we aren't that wet!" The older of the two complained.
	"Yeah, we're just a little damp," The younger of the two chimed 
	"One...Two..Three.," their mom started counting with out 
preamble. On hearing this both boys took off running for their room. 
Mrs. Kessler smiled at this.
	"To bad this couldn't have worked on their father," she thought 
as she followed the boys up to their room.
	"I want you guys to go get a quick shower as well. I'll get your 
things together in the mean time.
	"But..," 7-year-old Tyler started before seeing the look his mom 
was giving them. Without another word Tyler was led away by his 8-year 
old brother, Brandon.
	"Way to go Ty, you nearly got us both paddled," Brandon said as 
he closed the bathroom door behind them.
	"I wasn't going to say anything wrong," Tyler shot back.
	"Yeah, nothing, except telling mom you didn't need a bath."
	"But.," Tyler started again before getting interrupted by his 
	"Oh shut up and get in the shower," Brandon replied, while gently 
pushing his brother towards the shower.
	"I thought mom wanted us to take a bath?" Tyler questioned.
	"This is close enough and this is also quicker. Brandon stated as 
he started the shower and began washing his little brother down. Inside 
of fifteen minutes both boys were heading back to their room with 
towels around them.
	On reaching their room they saw that their mom had already set 
out some pajamas and diapers for them. Mrs. Kessler walked back into 
their room a moment later and got both boys diapered.
	"Mom? Are these new diapers? They fit better and seem thicker," 
Brandon asked as his mom handed him his PJs and went over to get his 
brother diapered up for the night.
	"Yes Brandon they are. I've noticed that the size 6 diapers were 
getting too small for you and I found that Huggies had just come out 
with a size 7 and thought we'd give those a try."
	"OK, I was just wondering since these feel better and not as 
tight," Brandon's mom smiled at this as she finished diapering her 
youngest boy and putting his sleepers on him.
	"Now I want both of you to take a short nap. I'll wake you up 
when it's time for dinner." Both boys nodded to this and were soon fast 
asleep like their brother.
	"How'd the day go, Josh?" John asked when he came home from 
sledding that day.
	"I had a lot more fun than I thought I would."
	"David didn't say anything about the diapers?"
	"Not a word. he seemed very relaxed about it. I'm even thinking 
about asking him to a sleep over."
	"That might be a good idea, especially if he seemed as cool about 
them as you said.
	"Boys, Dinner is ready!" they heard their mom yell.
	"Maybe you should ask mom and dad about it at dinner and see what 
they say about it," John said as he ushered his brother out of his 
	"Oh good, you're here I was just about to call you again," Mrs. 
Kelly told them as John and Josh took their seats at the table.
	"Sorry mom, Josh was asking me for my opinion on something,"
	"And what might that have been, Josh?" Mrs. Kelly asked.
	"I was thinking about asking David to a sleep over sometime over 
the Christmas Break since today seemed to go so well."
	"Well, that would certainly be a good idea. I could give his mom 
a ring later tonight and see what she thinks of the idea. That is if 
you don't mind my doing this."
	"No, that would be OK. Just make sure she leaves the answer up to 
him. I don't want him to be pressured into accepting if he doesn't want 
to," Josh told his mom seriously.
	"That is certainly acceptable. Now let's eat before everything 
goes cold." With this everyone started eating.
	After dinner, the family broke up to do their normal things. Erin 
had disappeared into her room to finish up on some homework. John and 
Josh went into John's room to play video games after John got done 
changing Josh into his night time diapers. John loved to see how big 
the Thickies diapers made his brother's butt looked and Josh seemed to 
really enjoy wearing diapers again in spite of the fuss he gave at the 
very beginning.
	"How did the new GoodNites work?" Carol asked David when he came 
down for dinner later that night.
	"They worked just fine. For a moment, when I first woke up, I 
couldn't even tell that I was wet till I pulled my pajamas down to 
check them and found out that I had really soaked them," David told 
	"I'm glad to hear that. I was a bit worried at first that they 
might still be a bit loose on you."
	"No, they fit just fine," David answered. Just as he said this, 
Brandon came down stairs from his nap.
	"Is dinner ready yet? I'm hungry," Brandon mumbled sleepily.
	"It'll be ready in a little while. How's your diaper doing?" his 
mom asked.
	"I'm just a little wet," came the yawned answer.
	"We'll see about that. Why don't you come over here so I can 
check it." Brandon went over to his mom and soon felt a couple of her 
fingers going down the front of his PJs and diaper.
	"Brandon, you're absolutely soaked! I'm surprised that your 
diaper hasn't fallen off yet," his mom exclaimed.
	"David would you mind going up and getting me a fresh diaper and 
the other supplies. You might as well wake Tyler up also and grab a 
clean diaper for him," she continued.
	"Sure mom, I'll be back in just a moment," David told her as he 
headed off to do what his mom asked.
	"Tyler, it's time to wake up. Dinner will be ready in a few 
minutes," David said with a shake to his brother's shoulder. getting 
hardly any response to this David shrugged and went about getting the 
things his mom asked for. Still getting hardly a response at all from 
his brother after getting these items David bent down, picked Tyler up 
and tossed across his shoulder and carried him downstairs with him.
	"He didn't want to wake up, so I brought him down like this. I 
figure once he smells food that will get him awake," David said, seeing 
his mom's quizzical look. After laying his brother down on the couch 
David handed his mom the clean diaper for Brandon. Without further 
instructions, David started to undo the crotch snaps on Tyler's 
sleepers and preceded to change him. Tyler hardly even stirred during 
	"Boy Brandon, mom was right, you really did soak that sucker 
down," David chuckled when he looked over and saw that the diaper his 
mom had just removed from his brother was almost four times as thick as 
the one she was in the process of putting on him.
	"Yeah, well, I bet you diaper isn't in much better shape than 
mine was," Brandon shot back.
	"OK, both of you knock it off right now," their mom stated 
cutting off the wet diaper debate before it could go any further. 
Brandon was soon pulling his PJ bottoms back up over his clean diaper 
and everyone headed off to the dining room. Except for Tyler, who was 
still fast asleep.
	The rest of the night was a quiet one. Since Tyler for some 
reason decided to sleep right through dinner, his mom took him back up 
to his room and after tucking him back in placed a bottle of formula 
next to his head in case he woke up hungry later that night. Before 
getting his shower, David went back to his room and finally took off 
the soaked GoodNite he had been wearing all evening and set out several 
of his own cloth diapers. He also got out his clothes for school the 
next day, included in these was another pair of GoodNites. he knew they 
would probably come in handy the next day since his class had a field 
trip planned.
	Both sets of parents were soon relaxing for themselves as soon as 
all their kids were in bed. As promised earlier Mrs. Kelly gave David's 
mom a call about having David over one weekend soon. However, these 
plans changed when Mrs. Kessler mentioned that David was wanting to 
have Josh over as part of a birthday slumber party. Both mom's felt 
this would be a good thing for their sons and plans were quickly made.

Chapter Eight

	"John, Josh, it's time to get up boys. Breakfast will be ready in 
a few minutes. Josh, make sure you get a shower before you get 
dressed," Mr. Kelly announced as he headed downstairs, after stopping 
off to make sure that Erin was up as well.
	Reluctantly John got out of bed and went over to make sure Josh 
was awake as well.
"C'mon Josh, it's time to get ready for school," he said while pulling 
the blankets off his brother.
	"Uhuhn!" Josh mumbled, while trying to turn away from his 
brother. John ignored this protest and started unzipping his brother's 
sleepers so he could get Josh out of his obviously used night time 
diaper. Josh came to full wakefulness when John started cleaning him 
off with a cold diaper wipe.
	"Hey!! that's cold!" John just smiled at this.
"Morning to you too. Dad wants you to get a quick shower before getting 
dressed," John told his brother as he finished wiping off his brother's 
	"All right," Josh mumbled as he finished climbing out of his 
sleeper. John smiled again as Josh walked off to the bathroom stark 
	"It's a good thing this kid isn't modest," John laughed to 
himself, as he set about getting dressed himself.
	"Josh! Breakfast is ready!" Erin called through the bathroom 
	"OK Erin! I'll be out in a moment!" Josh yelled back as he 
finished drying himself off. As before, he walked back to his room 
stark naked.
	"And how are you this fine morning?" Josh's mom asked as he 
entered his room and saw her laying out his clothes for the day, 
including a fresh diaper. Josh was a bit surprised to see that this was 
one of the plain white ones.
	"I thought that these would work better for school," Mrs. Kelly 
said when she saw the questioning look on her son's face.
	"I guess that makes sense," Josh responded as he climbed on top 
of the diaper his mom had laid out on his bed.
	"I must say Josh, I'm really pleased at how you're dealing with 
all this," Mrs. Kelly said as she spread lotion and powder over Josh's 
butt and balls.
	"Well, I was kind of mad about it at first, but after thinking it 
over, I have to admit that wearing diapers are a lot better than 
wetting and messing my pants all the time. I'm just worried about how 
all the kids at school will take this," Josh said.
	"I don't think you'll have much to worry about on that," Josh was 
told by his mom, but in the back of her mind she had the same concerns 
as her son.
	"Well, let's get you down to breakfast before everything gets 
cold," Mrs. Kelly said as she finished taping Josh's diaper closed.
	"Don't worry about getting dressed till after breakfast. I'll be 
taking you to school this morning," she continued. With a nod, Josh 
hopped off his bed and headed downstairs to eat.
	"Hey Josh, I think you forgot something!" John laughed as Josh 
entered the dining room in just his diaper. Josh stuck his tongue out 
at John, but ignored his brother's comment for the most part. John 
chuckled hard at this response and gave his brother a light pat on his 
diapered butt as he walked past. thinking how lucky his brother was to 
get to wear diapers. A second later, Mrs. Kelly walked in to the room 
and took her own seat.
	"John, if everything goes well with the painters this morning, we 
should be able to move your things into your room when your father gets 
home tonight."
	"Good, it'll be nice to have my own room again," Josh announced 
before John had a chance to. Everyone at the table had to smile at 
this. Soon afterwards, John and Erin left to catch their buses and Mr. 
Kelly left for his own job.
	"Well, get you dressed after we get these dishes taken care of," 
Josh was told a few minutes later.
	"OK mum," Josh told her as he started gathering up his own 
	"I hope you don't mind that I made some changes to the clothes we 
picked up the other day," Mrs. Kelly said a short time later as she got 
some clothes out for Josh.
	"I don't mind. I figure you had to alter them some since you 
accidentally got them on the large side,"
	"Actually, I get them large on purpose," She said as she handed 
Josh a shirt.
	"What's with these snaps?" Josh asked looking at the shirt he was 
	"I'll show you," Mrs. Kelly told him as she took the shirt and 
put it on him. Just as she pulled the back of the shirt up through his 
crotch and started fastening the snaps did Josh realize what he was 
	"This is a Onesie!" Josh cried
	"That's right Josh," Mrs. Kelly started, as Josh interrupted her.
	"But I'm not a baby. What do I have to wear this for?" Expecting 
this outburst Josh's mom continued calmly.
	"I never said you were a baby and I'm sorry if these gave you 
that impression. I felt these would work better that a normal shirt 
since you won't have to worry about them becoming untucked. They will 
also help keep your diapers from sagging once they get wet. I also took 
the time to place snaps in the legs, crotch of your pants so it'll be 
easier to change you. As you can see the snaps aren't even noticeable."
	"I'm sorry, it just that all this is happening so fast!" Josh 
sobbed and broke down entirely as the full weight of what was happening 
finally hit him.
	"It's all right Josh. I know all this is hard for you. just let 
it all out," Mrs. Kelly murmured to her son while she held him close to 
her. It was fifteen minutes before Josh composed himself.
	"You OK now?" Mrs. Kelly asked and got a nod in reply.
	"Let's get you dressed then so you aren't late for school." A 
short time later Josh and his mom were heading out to their car.
	Josh felt like all eyes were on him when he walked into school 
that morning carrying his normal backpack and a larger duffle bag that 
contained his diaper supplies, along with a couple of extra changes of 
clothes just in case of leaks.
	"Mrs. Kelly? I'm Mrs. Timmons, the school nurse," Mrs. Timmons 
said a few minutes later as she walked into her office.
	"Now what can I help you and Josh with this morning," she asked 
after the pleasantries were out of the way.
	"Well, as you already know Josh has been having more and more 
accidents lately and we had taken him to the doctors last week," Mrs. 
Timmons just nodded at this and Mrs. Kelly continued.
	"We found out Friday that the accidents were being caused by a 
weakening of the nerves that control his bladder and bowel. They told 
us that this would be permanent and because of this we've decided to 
place Josh back into diapers," Again Mrs. Timmons nodded.
	"And he'll be needing help with the changes?" she asked.
	"Yes, he will," Mrs. Kelly replied.
	"OK. This won't be a problem. We have several kids that come in 
for diaper changes. I'll let Josh's teacher know about this, so there 
won't be any problems with his leaving class when he needs to," Josh 
looked nervous about having Mr. Barrett find out about his wearing 
diapers again and Mrs. Timmons saw this.
	"Don't worry about this Josh, Mr. Barrett has had several kids in 
his class before that wear diapers and I can tell you he's completely 
professional about it," Josh accepted this, but was still nervous about 
	"Here is his bag," Mrs. Kelly said after a few more minutes of 
	"You have a good day," Mrs. Kelly said as she got up to leave.
	"OK. I'll see you tonight," Josh said as she left.
	"How is your diaper now Josh?" Mrs. Timmons asked after his mom 
	"It's wet," Josh told her somewhat embarassedly.
	"OK. Well, hop up on the table here and we'll get you taken care 
of," she told him as she opened his bag and pulled out a fresh diaper 
and cleaning supplies.
	"Well, I can see that your mom has put some thought into this," 
Josh was told, as the snaps on his pants were undone. Mrs. Timmons was 
a bit surprised to see the onesie, but didn't say anything about it. 
Just as she started to untape his diaper the tardy bell sounded.
	"Don't worry about that. I'll write you a pass when we're done," 
Mrs. Timmons said. Josh was surprised at how proficient she was with 
diaper changes. Inside of Ten minutes, Josh was on his way to class.
	"Welcome back, Mr. Kelly," Mr. Barrett called as Josh walked into 
the room.
	"Thank you, sir," Josh responded as he walked up to his teacher 
and handed him the tardy pass and note that the nurse had written for 
him. Mr. Barrett looked at Josh for a moment after he read the note.
	"This shouldn't be a problem Josh. Just ask for the bathroom pass 
and we'll get you taken care of, or if it's an emergency just get up 
and go," Josh was told softly.
	"Go ahead and take your seat. We were just getting started on the 
weekend's homework," Mr. Barrett said in his normal voice.
	"Now that all of you are here, I want you to pass your 
assignments from this weekend to the front of your row and take out 
your math books turning to page Fifty-three.
	For the next two hours the class went over questions they had 
from their homework and were given worksheets to do before the buses 
came to take them on their field trip.
	"OK, class the busses should be here soon, so by rows I want you 
all to take a quick trip to the rest rooms and no horsing around," Mr. 
Barrett said sternly to the whole class, but looking directly at his 
two biggest trouble makers.
	"David, since you're supposed to have your medication soon why 
don't you go up to the nurses office and then wait for the rest of us 
in the main office. Josh why don't you go with him," Both boys nodded 
at this and headed off to the nurses office. Josh was kind of surprised 
to see David bring a hip sack with him, but didn't say anything about 
	"I take it you have one on right now?" David asked cryptically as 
they got out of ear shot of their classmates.
	"Yeah and it's a good thing I'm going to the office with you. It 
feels like it's going to start leaking any minute now," Josh replied to 
his friend. David nodded to this and didn't say anything more.
	"Well, Josh, I didn't expect to see you back so soon. " Mrs. 
Timmons said as the boys walked into her office.
	"Well, Mr. Barrett thought it would be a good idea for me to come 
up, before we left on our trip,"
	"That makes sense. How are you doing?" she asked.
	"It needs to be changed," Josh replied, but not meeting her gaze.
	"Don't worry about that. It's going to happen and it's nothing to 
be ashamed of," he was told.
	"Now then, why don't you go into the back room and I'll be there 
after I take care of Mr. Kessler here," Josh nodded at this and upon 
entering the back room undid the snaps on his pants and shirt.
	"How are your own pants doing David?" he was asked when his 
friend left the room.
	"They're wet also," He told her.
	"I figured they would be. Well, here's your medication," Mrs. 
Timmons stated as she handed him a couple of pills and cup of water.
	"Do you need any help with them, or can you handle it on your 
own?" she continued.
	"I can handle it on my own," he told her and headed into the 
bathroom after taking the pills she had just given him. Mrs. Timmons 
then headed into the back room to take care of her other charge.
	"I see you decided to get started without me," she joked on 
entering the room to see that Josh had already undone his pants and 
shirt. josh just looked at her with a sheepish look on his face, but 
said nothing. With another chuckle the nurse set about changing his 
obviously wet diaper.
	"Do you want to try and use the toilet before I put a clean 
diaper on?" Josh was asked a few moments later.
	"I think that would be a good idea," he replied and jumped off 
the table and headed for the bathroom with his pant legs flapping like 
loose sails. As with almost every other time josh sat on the toilet, 
his bladder and bowels let loose the moment he sat down. Upon returning 
to the changing table he saw the a fresh diaper had been laid out for 
him. With nothing said Josh hopped up onto the diaper and within 
minutes of this his pants were being refastened.
	"You boys ready?" Mr. Barrett asked as josh came out of the back 
room and David was coming out of the bathroom.
	"Yup," they said in unison and started to head out the door.
	"Josh? Aren't you forgetting something?" Mrs. Timmons called? On 
turning around on hearing this Josh saw the back pack that she was 
holding up. turning red, Josh accepted the offer bag with a soft word 
of thanks and then joined his friend and teacher.
	"Josh are you going to need any help with your changes during the 
trip?" Mr. Barrett asked as he lead them off to the buses.
	"Probably," came the almost inaudible reply. seeing his friends 
discomfort David spoke up.
	"I'll be glad to help him out if he needs it, Mr. Barrett,"
	"Thank you, David. I was kind of hoping you'd say that," he told 
him. With this finished the boys were lead outside and onto the waiting 
	"I want to thank you for agreeing to help me out," Josh told his 
friend softly as the two boys took their seats.
	"It's not a problem. I know it'll take you a while to get they 
hang of something like this," David replied to his friend. Just as he 
was about to say something more, another voice joined the conversation.
	"Hey Kelly! Try not to mess your pants on the trip!" A voice 
called loudly. This comment got most of the kids laughing.
	"Why don't you shut up, Pike!" Josh shot back at his tormentor, 
but still turning red from the comment that was made.
	"What was that, Kelly? A baby telling me what to do? You going 
try and make me shut up, or are you going to try and stick your 
watchdog on me?" Pike called back in a threatening voice.
	"Is there a problem back here, boys?" Mr. Barrett asked 
	"Er.. No problem, sir," Came the nervous reply from the bully.
	"Really? Because I happened to catch most of the conversation and 
it seemed to me that there was a problem," Mr. Barrett replied in a no 
longer pleasant voice.
	"Why don't you come up front with me, William, and that way we 
can make sure that no other problems arise." With this said, his 
teacher escorted the troublemaker to the front of the bus. The rest of 
the bus ride went by quietly after this.
	"OK, Ladies and Gentlemen, let me have your attention please!" 
Mr. Barrett called as the bus came to a stop.
	"You've already been split into groups and once we get inside 
we'll split into those groups. None of you are to leave your group, 
except to use the restrooms. If you get separated from your group, have 
one of the museum employees page your group leader and they will come 
and get you. Does everyone understand this?" Mr. Barrett concluded.
	"Let's go have some fun then," he added and stepped off the bus 
to lead them into the building standing before them.
	"Josh, I've moved you into my group," Josh's teacher told him on 
their way into the building.
	"Do you need a change yet?" Mr. Barrett asked Josh in a lower 
voice then before.
	"No, I'm OK."
	"OK. Just let me know when you need to and we'll get things taken 
care of," Josh just nodded at this and ran ahead to join his new group.
	"Hey Josh, I need to use the restroom. Why don't you come with me 
and we can see how your doing as well," David said softly to his 
friend. Josh nodded to this and went off to inform their teacher.
	A few minutes later they walked into the men's room and entered 
one of the large handicap stalls.
	"Why did you need me to come with you?" Josh asked David once the 
door was closed behind them.
	"Because I'm going to need a little help myself," David stated as 
he pulled his pants down. Josh was more than a little surprised to see 
the wet GoodNites pants that his friend had on.
	"I have a bit of a problem myself," David replied with an impish 
grin when he saw the look on his friend's face.
	"Oh," Was all Josh could come up with as answer to David's 
	"Do you mind if I borrow some of your cleaning supplies?" David 
asked as he finished pulling his shoes, pants and underwear off.
	"Sure, that's no problem," Josh said as he pulled the asked for 
supplies from his backpack.
	"You want me to wait outside?" He continued looking at his friend 
standing there in just a shirt and a pair of sagging GoodNites.
	"Nah, that's OK, we're both boys. Besides, I figure that if I'm 
going to be seeing yours when I help you change then it's only fair 
that you get to see mine." On saying that, David pulled off his 
GoodNites and handed them off to his friend while reaching for the 
offered diaper wipe. After quickly wiping himself down, David applied a 
small amount of lotion to his groin and sprinkled some powder into his 
next pair of GoodNites. Within five minutes of pulling the new 
GoodNites pants on, David was again fully dressed.
	"Now, drop your pants and we can see how you're doing," David 
said as he finished fastening his belt. Josh just nodded and dropped 
his pants and undid his onesie. David smiled a bit at seeing his friend 
standing there in a onesie and made no verbal comment.
	"Well, you are a little wet, but it doesn't seem bad enough to 
need a changing yet," Josh was told by his friend a moment later.
	"Do you want to do a change anyway, or wait a bit longer?" David 
	"I think I better wait. The nurse only packed three changes for 
me and we still have a while to go before we get back to school," Josh 
	"That might be a good idea." With this, Josh refastened his 
onesie and his pants and the two boys left the restroom to rejoin their 
group. Little did they know that their tormentor had entered the 
restroom while David was changing and heard the last part of the 
exchange between the two.
	"Oh good, you're back. We were just about to go to the 
cosmosphere," Mr. Barrett told the boys as the walked back up to the 
	"Was there any trouble?" The two were asked quietly as the group 
was led outside.
	"Not a one," David replied for them.
	A few minutes later David's and Josh's group entered the building 
where the museum's Cosmosphere was located. Unfortunately, Billy Pike's 
group was also there. After a short explanation of what they would be 
seeing the room's lights went out and the film started.
	"David, I need that change now!" Josh informed his friend 
urgently as they walked back outside forty-five minutes later. About 
this time, Billy and some of his cohorts walked up.
	"What's the matter? Does baby need to get his diaper changed 
after watching the scary movie?" Billy laughed. Josh turned red at this 
and started to make a move towards his tormentor.
	"OK, MR. Pike! I told you that this was the last time I was going 
to warn you about those uncalled for comments," Mr. Barrett announced 
from behind the boys before Josh could take two steps.
	"Josh you go on and take care of what you need to. David go with 
him," the two boys were told by their teacher. Billy was about to 
rejoin his group when a rather strong hand came down on his shoulder, 
stopping him cold.
	"I think maybe you should stay by me for the rest of the day," 
Billy was told in a very cold voice.
	"I'm really getting sick of all crap that Billy has been giving 
me since I moved here!" Josh ranted as the two entered a small 
restroom. Seeing a lock on the door, David turned around and locked it 
so they would have some privacy.
	"Why don't you lay down for this," David told his still fuming 
	"You know, I don't care if I get into any trouble, the next time 
he gives me any shit I'm going to take him out," Josh rambled as he was 
helped to the floor. David just nodded at this and started to undo the 
snaps that he noticed on the inseam of his friend's pants. After 
getting these unfastened, David undid the snaps on Josh's onesie, 
exposing a very messy diaper. The smell from the diaper seemed to break 
Josh out of his rambling.
	"Sorry about that. That one really big explosion and flash of 
light they used during the movie caused me to let go completely.
	"I could tell," David told his friend with a smile, too let him 
know that he shouldn't take the comment seriously.
	"I had the same thing happen," he added. Without another comment, 
David untaped his friends diaper and started cleaning him up. Little 
was said during this time but David did smile a bit when he saw his 
friend go hard when he started to wipe off the poop that had made its 
way on to Josh's penis. After making sure that all the poop had been 
cleaned up, David poured a generous amount of lotion into his right 
palm and applied this to his friend's butt and balls. Once he was done 
with this he sprinkled powder over the same areas.
	"Raise up a bit so I can get this new diaper under you," David 
said while unfolding Josh's next diaper. Josh did as his friend asked 
and raised his butt up enough so the new diaper could be placed under 
him. Within minutes of setting his butt down on the diaper Josh was 
having his pants refastened.
	"OK, it's your turn now," Josh stated as he got up off the floor. 
David nodded to this and started undoing his shoes. Soon he was 
standing in just his heavily used GoodNites.
	"Hey Josh, do you think I might be able to try one of your 
diapers?" David asked after having taken off his old GoodNites and 
cleaned himself off.
	"You can try, but I really don't think it'll fit you," Josh 
replied while digging out another diaper from his backpack.
	"I think you're right," David chuckled a second later as he 
pulled the diaper up between his legs and found that it barely even 
covered his penis. Josh was having a hard time trying not to laugh at 
how his friend looked standing there attempting to fit into a diaper 
that was far too small.
	"I better just use one of my GoodNites," David chuckled as he 
handed the diaper back to Josh.
	"I think that would work best," Josh laughed back as he handed 
his friend one of the GoodNites, while taking back his own diaper. 
Three minutes later the two boys exited the bathroom and rejoined their 
group. The next hour went by quickly and all to soon the students were 
boarding the buses to be taken back to school. The trip back was a lot 
quieter than it was going out. Josh noticed though that Billy was 
looking at him the entire time in a very unpleasant way.
	"Josh, you and David join the rest of the class in the lunch room 
when you get done at the nurse's office," Mr. Barrett told them.
	"Any of you that have lunches in the room can go get them now, 
but be quiet when you do," He announced to the rest of the class.
	"Now then Billy, lets me and you go have a nice long chat with 
Mr. Tiergardt about your conduct during the trip, shall we," Mr. 
Barrett stated once he had talked to the teacher on lunch room duty. 
Josh and David were just coming out of the nurse's office as Billy and 
Mr. Barrett were entering the principal's office.
	"Too bad we can't listen in on what's happening in there," David 
said with a smile as the two entered the lunch room and got in line to 
get their lunches.
	"Tell me about it, but I have the feeling that by the time this 
is over the whole school will know about how I'm handling my problem," 
Josh answered glumly. David nodded in agreement at this.
	"Well, you know that if you need any help, I'll be there for 
you," David said a minute later.
	"I know and I appreciate it," Josh said, as they got their 
lunches and sat down with the rest of their class.
	"I wonder how bad Billy is going to get it this time?" one of the 
boys was saying when Josh and sat down.
	"I don't know, but seeing how often he's been sent up so far this 
year it won't be good," another boy answered with a brief laugh. This 
kind of conversation was going on all over the table and the only 
people that were sticking up for Billy were the people that hung around 
with him and helped him bully the other kids. All to soon, the kids 
were returning to their classroom for their afternoon courses.
	The first thing they noticed was that both their teacher and 
Billy were back yet and that the wall had been pulled back making the 
two neighboring classrooms one big class room.
	"Josh, the office called and they would like to see you up there 
now," Mrs. Rommel said as Mr. Barrett's class entered their classroom.
	"Uh oh, Josh you're in trouble now," a couple of girls whispered 
to him when they heard this. several people that heard this comment 
started laughing, until Mrs. Rommel started rapping a ruler on her 
	"I was told the principal wanted to see me?" Josh told the 
secretary a few minutes later, adding his name as an afterthought.
	"I'll let him know you're here. You can have a seat till he comes 
to get you," she said while picking up a phone to let Mr. Tiergardt 
that Josh was here. A few moments later the principal's office door 
opened and Josh was asked to enter.
	"Please have a seat, Mr. Kelly," Josh was told by his principal. 
Josh saw that his teacher and Billy were in the other chairs.
	"I'm sure you know why you're here, but I'll explain it anyway. 
Mr. Barrett, had informed me of some trouble you had with Mr. Pike 
during the fieldtrip today and I would like your version of it." Josh 
nodded at this and spent the next several minutes telling the principal 
what had happened. For his part, Mr. Tiergardt, just sat and listened 
to the story being told.
	"Thank you, Mr. Kelly, You can go back to your class now,"
	"Yes sir," Josh stated as he got out of his chair and headed for 
the door. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the look he was 
getting from Billy and he could tell that this little problem was far 
from over.
	Just as Josh closed the door behind him, he realized that he had 
flooded his diaper due to how nervous he was. Without a second thought, 
he made a slight detour and headed for the nurse's office.
	"Mrs. Timmons?" Josh called as he entered the office.
	"I'll be right out," came the disembodied reply. A moment later, 
the nurse came into the main room.
	"What can I get for you, Josh?" Mrs. Timmons asked when she saw 
who was standing there.
	"I need a change," Josh told her shyly.
	"That's fine, I'm just finishing up with someone right now. I'll 
be done in a few moments. Just have a seat in the mean time,"
	A few minutes later the door to the changing area opened up and 
Josh was surprised to see one of the other boys from his grade, but 
another class walk out while still adjusting his shirt.
	"I'll see you tomorrow," Mrs. Timmons called after the boy and 
got a wave and nod in response.
	"Now Josh, if you'll step into my parlor we'll get you freshened 
up as well," Josh was told with a smile.
	"Wasn't that Caleb Jansen?" Josh asked as he hopped up on to the 
table and unfastened his pants so the nurse could get to his diaper.
	"Yes it was and I'll ask that you not spread it around."
	"Don't worry, I won't. I just thought that it might be nice to 
get to know him better now that I know we have something in common." 
The nurse agreed with this. Thinking about how withdrawn the other boy 
was because of his condition.
	"I'm sorry?" She asked a moment later being snapped out of her 
thoughts by a question she only partly heard.
	"I asked if you thought he might want to be friends with me?" 
Josh repeated.
	"I think that given the time to get to know you he'd like to be 
friends very much," Josh was told with a smile.
	"You're not just saying that are you?"
	"No, not at all. You see Josh, I know about that better than most 
people do."
	"How do you know?" Josh asked like the curious 10-year-old he 
	"Because Josh, I also happen to be Caleb's Aunt."
	"Oh. I guess that would be a good reason."
	"I always thought so," Mrs. Timmons answered.
	"How did the trip go today?" she added a second later.
	"It wasn't bad. I had another run in with Billy Pike during it 
though. I think he might know that I'm wearing diapers again," Josh 
told her glumly.
	"I'm sure it won't turn out to be that bad. Mr. Barrett and Mr. 
Tiergardt will keep a close eye on this I'm sure." Josh just nodded at 
this, but didn't really believe it. He thought that in the end it would 
be himself that would be taking care of this problem.
	"You can head back to class now," Mrs. Timmons told him a moment 
later, as she finished taping his diaper closed and pulled his pants 
back up.
	"Thanks," Josh told her while he refastened his pants.
	"You're welcome," she said as she sat down to write him a pass 
back to his class.
	The class looked his way when Josh walked back into class. 
Looking a bit sheepish, Josh walked over to his teacher's and handed 
him his pass. Mr.Barrett just nodded at this.
	"We're doing quiet time for the rest of the day," He told his 
student. Josh nodded at this, went to his seat and started working on 
some of the previous day's assignments.
	An hour later the final bell of the day sounded and everyone 
headed for home.
	"I'll see you tomorrow," David called to Josh as they got to 
where the two boys went separate ways home.
	"OK. I'll se you then," Josh called back. A moment later he saw a 
familiar looking form walking ahead of him.
	"Hey Caleb! Wait up!" He called and started running to catch up 
to the boy. For his part, Caleb started walking faster, in hopes of 
avoiding what he thought would be another confrontation that always 
seemed to follow him.
	"Why did you pick up the pace?" Josh asked a minute later in a 
winded voice.
	"Why should I wait around to get picked on?" the smaller boy 
	"Who said anything about wanting to pick on you?"
	"I figured that's what you'd want to do since you saw me coming 
out of the 'back' room of the nurses office."
	"Well, yeah, I did see you come out of the back room. That's what 
I wanted to talk to you about."
	"Why, so you can spread it around this school that I need to wear 
diapers and get everyone to help you make fun of me!"
	"No. I was thinking that maybe you and I could be friends, but it 
seems that you don't care for things like that," Josh told him angrily 
and started to walk off.
	"And for your information, I need to wear them also," Josh tossed 
off over his shoulder at the boy. Caleb cried the rest of his way home.
	"How did your day go and how did your clothes get so wet?" Josh 
was asked when he got home a few minutes later.
	"It was alright, but I have the feeling that the kid I told you 
about knows that I wear diapers again. David and I had a bit of a 
snowball fight on the way home," Josh told her with a smile.
	"And how do you know this?" His mom asked.
	"Just from some of the comments he was making, but these were 
normal for him,"
	"Aside from this how did things go?"
	"Not bad. The fieldtrip we went on was really fun. I did mess up 
a little on the way home a bit though," Josh added and started to tell 
his mom everything that happened.
	" I think you could have handled this a bit better, but from the 
sounds of things the other boy didn't give you much of a chance. At 
least you were willing to try to be friends with him. How's your diaper 
	"I'm a little wet, but not enough for a changing,"
	"OK. Let one of us know when you need one. Now go up and get out 
of those wet clothes," Josh nodded and headed upstairs to climb out of 
his somewhat damp clothes.
	"Caleb, is that you?" His father asked when he heard his son come 
through the front door and run into his room. A moment later he caught 
the sound of crying from his son's room and went to find out what was 
going on.
	"Caleb?" His father called as he opened the door.
	"Go away!!!" this told his dad that there was something wrong.
	"Do you want to talk about it?" Mr. Jansen asked as he sat down 
on his son's bed and placed a hand on Caleb's back. Caleb just shook 
his head and continued to cry into his pillow.
	"Come on now, It'll be better if you talk about it," his father 
continued while pulling his son into a sitting position.
	"I take it something happened at school?"
	"It sort of started at school, but really took place on the way 
home," Caleb sobbed.
	"OK, take a couple of deep breaths and calm down," Mr. Jansen 
coached his son.
	"Now do you want to tell me about what happened?"
	"Well, this afternoon I was coming out of the back room of the 
nurse's office and one of the boys' in my grade saw me," Caleb said 
while taking another deep breath so he could continue.
	"On the way home he stopped me and without letting him say 
anything first I started going off about how he must want to make fun 
of me because I wear diapers. It turns out that he wears them, too, and 
all he wanted to do was be friends with me," With this Caleb broke down 
crying again.
	"It's alright. Just let it out," Mr. Jansen said softly while 
holding his son.
	"Why don't you take a short nap and I'll come get you when 
dinner's ready," Caleb was told while his dad helped him out of his 
school clothes and into some PJs.
	"Bev, Charles and your cousins are coming over for dinner and we 
can talk to her about this then," Caleb mumbled an OK to this and was 
soon fast asleep.
	"You're early, as usual, Bev," Mr. Jansen laughed as he let his 
sister and her family in.
	"Well, Tim, what can I say some of us actually learned how to 
tell time as kids," Bev told her brother also with a laugh.
	"Where's Caleb? I thought he would be out here to greet us?" she 
	"He's taking a nap right now. This is also something I wanted to 
talk to you about," Tim told her after sending his nephews off to the 
den to play until dinner. after getting drinks for his guests he 
launched into what Caleb had told him earlier.
	"I was afraid something like this would happen," Bev said a few 
minutes later.
	"I do have a student in Caleb's grade that just recently started 
wearing diapers again and he had seen Caleb come out of that area 
earlier today. Josh, the boy who had seen Caleb, had asked about him 
while I was changing him and mentioned that he would like to try and 
start a friendship with him. I told him that it sounded like a good 
idea since I knew that Caleb has such a hard time making friends. I 
didn't think that Josh would try so soon to open this up. I was 
planning on telling Caleb about it tonight so it wouldn't come as a 
surprise to him. I am sorry if this caused any trouble," she concluded.
	"I see. I know that you were meaning well on this and it sounds 
like it was nothing more than bad timing. We can still talk to about it 
over dinner and take things from there. I feel that Caleb having a 
friend his own age that wore diapers as well would help him come a long 
way to accepting his own situation. Dinner is about ready so I better 
go get Caleb woken up and changed," Tim announced looking at his watch.
	"You go check on dinner. I'll go get Caleb up. This will give me 
a chance to talk to him," Bev told her brother and got a nod in reply.
	"Caleb? It's time to get up now," Bev told her nephew with a 
gentle shake.
	"Huh?" came the sleepy reply.
	"It's time to get up."
	"Aunt Bev?"
	"It's me," she said, as she turned on the light next to his bed.
	"What time is it?"
	"A little after seven. It's time for dinner, but first we need to 
get you into a clean dydee," came the reply, as the covers were pulled 
off him. Without being told, Caleb got up, walked over to his changing 
table and hopped up on it.
	"Your dad told me what happened on your way home from school 
today," Caleb was told as his PJ bottoms were pulled off him and his 
diaper was untaped.
	"I figured he would," came the soft reply.
	"I have to apologize to you for what happened. You see, I was the 
one that told the boy you met that striking up a friendship with you 
would be a good idea. I didn't think he would try so soon and I was 
planning on telling you about it tonight at dinner, so it wouldn't 
catch you off guard. I hope you can forgive me about that," She told 
her nephew.
	"I don't blame you for what happened, I blame myself. I just hope 
he'll still talk to me after the way I talked to him."
	"I'm sure once you tell him why, he'll still be interested in 
being friends. Now let's get down to the dinner table before all the 
food gets cold," Caleb was told as his aunt finished taping close his 
new diaper and handed him back his PJ bottoms.
	At the Kelly house, a very similar scene was taking place.
	"Hey Josh, dinner's ready," John said as he walked into his 
brother's room.
	"OK John. Uh, do you think you could give me a hand with 
something first?" Josh asked shyly.
	"I think I could help you with a diaper change," John answered 
with a laugh.
	"Mom said you had a bit of a run in with that Pike kid again," 
John told his brother as he laid out the changing pad on the bed.
	"Yeah, I think he might have figured out that I'm back in 
	"If you want, I could have a *little* chat with him," John 
replied slyly.
	"No, that's OK. This is something I have to handle on my own," 
Josh told his brother sternly.
	"OK, but the offer will be open when you want the help. Now, 
let's get you changed," In moments Josh was flat on his back with his 
pants unsnapped and bunched up around his waist.
	"Damn, Josh how could a little squirt like you make such a big 
mess!?" John exclaimed on seeing all the shit that covered his younger 
brother's butt and balls. Josh just laughed at this.
	"Next time give me some warning will you," John added as he 
reached for the tub of diaper wipes. Five minutes later John finished 
fastening the last of the tapes to his brother's clean diaper.
	"Tell mom I'll be down in a few minutes. I really need to wash my 
hands after that one." Josh just giggled at his brother's comment.
	"What took you so long, John?" he was asked by his mom a few 
minutes later.
	"Josh decided to leave an extra special package for me this 
time," John told her cryptically. Mrs. Kelly nodded knowingly at this 
and didn't say another word.
	Both the Jansens and Kellys enjoyed a quiet night without a clue 
as to what would be happening by the week's end.

Chapter Nine

	"Hey Josh!" Caleb called the next morning.
	"Yeah, What do you want?" came the brusque answer.
	"I need to apologize about yesterday. I spoke without thinking, 
and I want to say that I'm sorry I snapped at you."
	"That's OK. You must have your reasons," Josh said a little 
warmer than he did at first.
	"Yes, I do, and I feel that you have the right to know that 
	"I don't have the right, or need to know, unless you want to tell 
	"You're right I guess, but I'm going to tell you anyway. I've 
only been wearing diapers again for about a year now. I was involved in 
a car crash last winter, and my back was injured in it. The damage 
caused me to lose all control over my pee, though I still have control 
over my poop. Once it got out at my last school that I wore diapers 
again I was made fun of all the time. This made my dad decide to move 
back here over the summer. So far, I've been able to hide the fact that 
I wear diapers from the people hear, and I would like to have it stay 
that way for as long as possible. I would like to be your friend 
though." Caleb concluded.
	"I understand what you must be going through. I've only been 
wearing diapers again myself for about two weeks. I was sick a couple 
of months back, and this made me lose control of my pee, and poop as 
well, but I'm sure you've already heard about this. Josh told his new 
	"Yeah, I did. I just want to tell you that I never even laughed 
at any of the jokes about that." Josh smiled and nodded his thanks on 
hearing this.
	"Josh! Think fast!!" a voice call out from behind them. Josh, and 
Caleb both turned just in time to see a snowball heading right at them. 
Before either of the boys could duck, the projectile hit Josh square in 
the chest.
	"Better speed up some there Kelly," David laughed as he came up 
to the pair.
	"Yeah, well if you wouldn't throw those damned things at me each 
morning I wouldn't have to worry about that, now would I?" Josh shot 
back with a smile.
	"True, but it wouldn't be nearly as fun." Both boys got a laugh 
from that.
	"So who's this?" David asked looking down at Caleb.
	"Oh, Sorry. David Kessler, meet Caleb Jansen." Josh said in way 
of introduction.
	"Pleased to meet you." David said offering his hand to the 
smaller boy. It took a moment for Caleb to realize that the taller boy 
had his hand out.
	"Sorry." He stated shyly, as he took the offered hand.
	"You're in Zimmerman's class, aren't you?" David asked. Caleb 
just nodded, not really sure how to take the friendliness of the bigger 
	"We better get a move on if we don't want to be late," Josh 
chimed in a moment later. With this all three boys started walking 
	"He's not very talkative, is he?" David asked as he and Josh 
walked into their classroom.
	"Sure he is. I just think you scared him," Josh told his friend 
with a smile. David chuckled as well, while the two boys hung their 
coats up and took their seats. Their teacher walked into the room a few 
moments after the tardy bell rang and the day began.
	"Yes Josh?" Mr. Barrett asked on seeing the boy's raised hand.
	"May I go get a drink?"
	"Yes, but make it quick." Josh nodded to this and exited the room 
	Just as Josh was getting ready to finish his drink a hand pushed 
him roughly into the wall.
	"Hey!" josh protested, as he was spun around and pushed back 
against the wall.
	"This is your only warning baby, You better watch your back from 
here on out." Billy told him angrily.
	"I know all about your little secret and unless you want me to 
spread it around school you'll have to pay me $20 a week."
	"Why don't you go Bugger yourself, Pike." Josh replied as he 
broke the hold the other boy had on him and walked back into his class. 
Josh caught the look Billy gave him a moment later when he came in the 
room also and knew right then that the situation just escalated.
	"Mr. Barrett?"
	"Yes, Josh?"
	"I need to talk to you about something," Josh said nervously, 
since he knew he didn't have much time before people started returning 
from their current rest room break.
	"OK," the teacher replied picking up on the boys' nervousness.
	"It's about Billy. While I was getting that drink earlier, he 
came up to me in the hall and said that if I didn't pay him $20 a week 
he would tell the whole school about my secret."
	"I see and what did you tell him when he said this?" Without 
thinking Josh answered.
	"I told him to go bugger himself and I walked off." It was all 
Mr. Barrett could do to keep a stern look on his face on hearing this.
	"I know what it must have taken you to tell me this and I want 
you to know that I'll keep a close eye on Mr. Pike. You better get back 
to your seat now." Josh nodded at this and sat back down just as Pike 
and the rest of his friends reentered the room.
	"I hope we play dodge ball." David said on their way to gym class 
a short time later.
	"Me, too. I love that game. I could really use the stress relief 
right now," Josh replied to his friend as the Mr. Davis, the gym 
teacher walked out of his office.
	"OK, let's get our blood pumping here before we start our 
activity for the day," he called out after getting everyone in line. To 
Josh's disappointment he ended up next to his tormentor.
	"Remember, diaper boy, I want that money tomorrow, or things will 
get ugly," Pike whispered harshly to the smaller boy as they started 
doing some push-ups.
	"And like I told you earlier Pike, Go bugger yourself! I'm not 
going to pay," Josh shot back.
	"OK then, we'll start getting ugly right now," Billy said a bit 
louder than he wanted.
	"Is there a problem down there, Mr. Pike!?" Mr. Davis called over 
at him.
	"NO, sir."
	"I'm glad to hear that. You can do 20 more push-ups for talking 
in formation," the boy was informed. The rest of the class was quickly 
divided into two teams for the day's activity, which did turn out to be 
dodge ball, like everyone had hoped for.
	"I'm going to get that diaper boy, Kelly, out first," Pike 
mumbled to his friends when he finally took his place. Billy soon found 
that this wasn't going to be as easy as he first thought. While Josh 
was small for his age, he was still rather quick on his feet.
	"Here, add this to the ball," Billy was told as one of his 
friends slipped him a piece of glass.
	"This should teach the little shit to pay up," Billy responded 
with and evil grin while he slipped the glass into the foam rubber ball 
he was holding. Billy waited for the moment that his victim seemed most 
distracted and threw the ball right the other boy's face.
	"SON OF A BITCH!!!" Josh yelled loudly as the piece of glass 
caught him across the cheek bone.
	"Josh!! You all right?" David called as he ran up to his friend 
that was now on the floor cussing at the top of his lungs in Gaelic and 
Latin. All the yelling brought Mr. Davis out of his office in a hurry.
	"What's going on out here?!" he demanded.
	"Billy hit Josh in the face with the ball," one of the other kids 
	"It's OK, Kelly. It couldn't be that bad. There's no need to keep 
carrying like this," the teacher said as he bent over the kneeling boy.
	"That's easy for you to say. You aren't the one bleeding all over 
the bloody floor!" And with this, Josh turned his head so he was facing 
his teacher and removed his hand to show what the damage was.
	"Son of a Bitch!" Mr. Davis spat quietly when he saw the gash on 
the boy's face.
	"David, hand me that ball a moment."
	"OK," David said as he leaned over to pick the ball up from the 
	"MotherrFu.." David started, but managed to bite off the rest of 
the curse.
	"What is it?" Mr. Davis called when he saw David drop the ball 
suddenly and grab his hand.
	"Someone put a piece of glass in the damned ball!"
	"WHAT?!!" the gym teacher nearly screamed.
	"Yeah, look," David said point to the ball while holding his 
injured hand. It was then that Mr. Davis saw the blood stained object 
sticking out of the ball.
	"Ricky, would you escort David and Josh to the nurse's office. 
The rest of you go quietly back to your class. I'll let your teacher 
know what's going on," Mr. Davis announced, then turned on the two 
	"You two come with me now!" he told them in a deadly quiet voice.
	"What happened to you two!?" Mrs. Timmons exclaimed when she saw 
the two bleeding boys enter her office.
	"We think Billy Pike slipped some glass into the ball we were 
using in gym," David told her. Josh just stood there nodding his head, 
but gritting his teeth to keep from saying anything.
	"You better check Josh first. He's worse off than I am." David 
told her, as the nurse came around her desk.
	"OH boy!" she muttered a moment later as she laid Josh down on an 
exam couch and pulled his hand away from his face.
	"OK. David I want you to hold this against your hand and lay down 
on the other couch." Mrs. Timmons told the boy as she handed him a 
	"That's OK..."
	"Lay down on the couch now," he was told again quietly. Catching 
the tone used David did as he was told. Mrs. Timmons then turned her 
full attention back to Josh.
	"OK Josh, let's take another look at that face of yours," She 
said with a friendly voice and a smile.
	"OH shit!" She stated a moment later, as she probed the wound to 
see how deep it really was and had a stream of bright red blood shoot 
out at her.
	"David, I'll need some help here. I want you to hold this firmly 
against the cut and don't remove it for any reason," Mrs. Timmons said 
calmly. After making sure that he was following her directions she left 
the room to call for an ambulance.
	"Mrs. Timmons, I wanted to know how the boys are doing." Mr. 
Teirgardt asked as she came into the main office. He stopped cold on 
seeing the blood that was on her shirt. For her part, Beverly ignored 
the question and picked up the closest phone. In moments the call was 
finished and she was heading back to check on her patient.
	Students started coming to the lunchroom doors as the paramedics 
rushed by and into the nurse's office. By this time Josh was getting a 
bit light-headed from the blood loss, but he was still conscious.
	"I've already talked to both of the boy's parents and they'll 
meet you at the emergency room," the paramedics were told as they 
loaded Josh on to the gurney and started an IV
	"David, it's been cleared for you to go with them," she told the 
other boy who was completely overwhelmed with all the stuff going on 
around him. David nodded to show he understood.
	"But what about mine and Joshes' books?" he asked in a daze.
	"I'll have your teacher send them up to the office," she said 
with a smile. David again nodded and followed the paramedics out to the 
waiting ambulance.
	Since he wasn't hurt that bad, David was allowed to ride 
"shotgun" on the way to the hospital. Both his and Josh's mom were just 
entering the ER as they pulled up.
	"What happened David?" Mrs. Kessler asked her son as they 
followed Mrs. Kelly and Josh into the admitting area. David explained 
all that had happened over the previous 45 minutes while he was waiting 
to get his hand stitched up.
	"How's Josh doing?" Mrs. Kessler asked Mrs. Kelly when she walked 
back out into the admitting area thirty tense minutes later.
	"They just took him up to surgery. Apparently, whatever had cut 
him severed an artery and they have to go in and fix it," she told them 
tonelessly. the moment Mrs. Kessler reached out her friend broke down.
	"I hope they nail the little bastard's balls to the wall for 
this!" Mrs. Kelly spat out a moment later. Though they didn't say 
anything, both of the Kesslers were thinking the same thing.
	While all this was going on, John was in the middle of his last 
class of the day. Thinking that it was nice to have a half way normal 
day, not knowing that all this was about to change.
	"Yes?" The teacher asked the boy that walked into the class. the 
boy just handed over a piece of paper to the teacher and softly told 
him who it was for.
	"OK. I'll take it from here." The teacher said to the aide.
	"John, the office just dropped this note off for you." His 
teacher said handing him the folded and stapled piece of paper. John 
accepted the note with an uneasy sense of trepidation. He opened the 
note and started to read.


	Josh was injured in a fight at school and was admitted into the 
hospital. He'll be staying in overnight for observation. We've made 
arrangements for you to stay over night at DJ's. Mrs. Morrison will be 
picking you up from school. Josh will be fine and is not in any danger. 
Your dad, or I will call you later tonight and let you know how things 
are going. We'll see you tomorrow.

	Love Mom.

	"Mother Fucker!" John said in a slightly louder voice than he 
intended to.
	"Are you OK, John?" His teacher asked seeing the expression on 
her student's face.
	"Yeah, I'm OK." John said in a slightly dead tone. She nodded at 
this and ignored the previous comment.
	"You sure you're OK, John?" DJ whispered from his seat behind his 
friend. John just shook his head slightly and handed the note back to 
his friend.
	"Son of a Bitch!" DJ whispered a few seconds later. DJ gave his 
friend's hand a quick squeeze of support when he handed the note back.
	The rest of the class went by slowly for John. He bolted for the 
door the second the bell rang ignoring his teacher trying to call him 
back. DJ managed to catch up with his friend just as John was slamming 
his locker shut.
	"OK, John. Slow down there for a minute and take a deep breath," 
DJ said slowly and calmly trying to settle his friend down.
	"I need to get home!" John said without really knowing what was 
going on and tried to push past his friend. DJ managed to keep a firm 
hand on John's shoulder and shoved him back into the locker.
	"Settle down, damn it! Getting worked up like this won't do any 
good. Now take a step back and take a couple of deep breaths." This 
seemed to get through to the other boy and DJ saw his friend deflate 
before him.
	"It'll be OK, all right. Your mom said that there was nothing to 
worry about and you don't know what really happened. Now let me get my 
stuff and we'll go meet up with my mom and find out what's really going 
on," John was told reasonably.
	Five minutes later both boys were standing in the cold December 
	"Over here DJ!!" his mom called. The boys started heading over to 
the car his mom was in.
	"How's my brother doing?" John asked without any preamble.
	"He was still in surgery when I talked to your mom last." John 
was told.
	"What happened to him?" John continued.
	"I'll tell you when we get back to the house. I know this is hard 
on you, but I need to ask that you not bother me right now. These roads 
have been bad all day and I need to concentrate on what I'm doing." 
John slumped back in his seat at this. DJ put his arm around his friend 
to comfort him during the slow trip home. What normally would be a ten 
minute drive ended up taking almost thirty.
	They entered the house to the sound of the phone ringing.
	"Hello?" Mrs. Morrison answered.
	"OK...Uh huh... All right, I'll let him know," she said before 
hanging the phone up.
	"John, that was your mom. She said Josh came out of surgery just 
fine and should be able to come home some time tomorrow. John relaxed 
visibly at this and asked the one question Mrs. Morrison hoped he 
	"What happened though? All the note said was that he had gotten 
into a fight and that he ended up in the hospital." John asked.
	"I'm not sure John. You mom didn't give me much more information 
than your note has."
	"Now why don't you both go get your homework done. I'll get you a 
light snack and bring it up to you," she told the boys.
	"We lucked out today mom. We didn't get any homework," DJ told 
her. John nodded at this as well.
	"OK, then just spend some time in your room then and I'll still 
bring a snack up to you in a little bit," she told them. The boys got 
up and started for the stairs.
	"DJ, could I talk to you for a moment?" Mrs. Morrison asked her 
	"Sure mom. You go on up, John. I'll be there in a second," DJ 
told his friend, who had stopped to wait for him.
	"OK," John answered. As soon as the other boy departed, Mrs. 
Morrison continued.
	"How do you plan on handling the situation tonight. I know you 
haven't yet told John about your problem."
	"I know. I was going to tell him when we got into my room and go 
from there. I figure if he has a problem with it we have the guest room 
set up and he can sleep there," DJ told his mom, but both hoped that it 
wouldn't come to that.
	"John, there's something I need to tell you," DJ announced as he 
walked into his room.
	"What's that? You wet the bed or something?" John said jokingly.
	"Yes, I do," DJ replied
	"I'm sorry DJ. I was only joking. I hope I didn't offend you."
	"Don't worry about it. I'm used to that by now, but there's more 
to it than that," DJ continued.
	"I also have daytime problems as well." To prove his point, DJ 
dropped his pants and showed his friend the wet GoodNites pants he had 
	"I'm sorry, I never realized that. I hope I didn't make you mad 
with all those jokes I've mentioned about Josh's problem."
	"Nah, you didn't. I thought some of them were pretty funny 
	"You want me to leave so you can change in private?"
	"Nah, that's OK," DJ announced as he pulled off the wet 
GoodNites. John just sat there dazed at seeing his friend naked from 
the waist down. DJ smiled a bit at John's discomfort.
	"You wouldn't mind giving me a hand would you?" John was asked a 
short time later, as DJ lay down on his bed.
	"What do you want me to help with?" John asked, still in a bit of 
a daze.
	"Putting those on," DJ said with a smile pointing to the stack of 
cloth diapers and plastic pants that John was sitting next to ever 
since he came into the room and didn't even see them. John jumped a bit 
in surprise at seeing the diapers. DJ just laughed a bit at this. With 
a shrug, John picked up the diapers and started following his friend's 
	"You did pretty well for a first timer," DJ chuckled as he pulled 
the plastic pants up over his diapered butt and checked to make sure 
none of the diaper was sticking out from under the pants he just put 
	"Er.. thanks," John stumbled. About this time the older boys 
heard DJ's younger brothers walk into the house.
	"I'll be back in a moment. I need to go was my hands."
	"OK" John replied as his friend left the room.
	"Man, you should have seen it there was blood everywhere and Josh 
was cussing up a storm like you wouldn't believe," Donn said with a 
chuckle as he bounded up the stairs.
	I bet the little baby was crying for mama once he got into the 
nurse's office," he continued with another chuckle, just before an 
extremely strong arm grabbed the back of his neck and slammed him into 
a very unforgiving wall.
	"You have something to say about my brother?" John asked in a 
very cold voice.
	"Uh..Er.." Donn stuttered as he looked into the older boy's eyes 
and not liking what he saw there one bit.
	"You better answer the question real quick Donn, before I forget 
that I'm trying to be nice," Donn heard as the hand that was holding 
him applied even more pressure.
	"It was a joke. I didn't mean anything by it," came the squeaked 
	"John, please let go of Donn's neck and take one step back," came 
a firm voice, that managed to break through John's anger. With a sudden 
realization of what he was doing John let the younger boy go and 
stepped back, looking down at his hands in shock.
	"I...I'm sorry, I don't know what happened." John mumbled as he 
collapsed on his friend's bed.
	"Donn, go to your room and stay there for a little while." DJ 
told his brother in a way that told him not to argue.
	"Yeah, right," Donn said as he walked away still rubbing his 
	"It's OK, John. I heard what Donn said and I don't blame you one 
	"I just don't know what came over me," John sobbed as he fell 
into his friend's arms.
	"It'll be OK. Just let everything out," DJ said while John cried 
into his shoulder.
	"Why don't you take a nap until dinner, It'll help." John just 
nodded at this and allowed himself to be steered over to the other bed 
in the room.
	"Would you mind if I wore a diaper tonight?" I sometimes wet the 
bed if I get stressed out," John rambled as he got undressed.
	"That will be fine," DJ said softly, as he turned around to get 
one of his disposables and grabbed the powder and lotion as well. 
Within minutes DJ was returning the favor that his friend had shown him 
just a short time before.
	"You might want to wear these as well," he said while handing 
over a pair of pajamas.
	"Thanks," John answered as he took the offered clothing and put 
them on. John was asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. 
After making sure that his friend was comfortable DJ turned the bedroom 
lights off and closed the door behind him as he left.
		"How's John doing?" Mrs. Morrison asked her eldest as he 
entered the kitchen.
	"I managed to get him to lay down until dinner. There is some 
thing you need to know about, though. Donn apparently had seen the 
fight and was making some uncalled for comments about it. John heard 
them and went crazy." DJ stopped for a breath before continuing saying 
what happened. His mom didn't look at all happy when he finished, but 
he couldn't tell if it was because of what Donn had said, or because of 
how John had reacted to what was said.
	"Thanks for telling me. I guess I'll have to have another talk 
with your brother about knowing when to keep his mouth shut." DJ nodded 
at this as his mother headed for the stairs.
	John awoke a few hours later a bit disoriented. He wasn't sure 
which was more confusing being in a strange room, or the fact that he 
was in a diaper and the diaper felt soaked.
	"What the hell!" he thought to himself, before the memories of 
that afternoon came back to him.
	"John?" a voice called softly from the doorway.
	"Yeah?" he replied.
	"Dinner's ready if you'd like something to eat," Mrs. Morrison 
told the boy.
	"OK, thank you," he answered as he sat up in bed.
	"Are you feeling better now?" he was asked as DJ's mom entered 
the room.
	"I am a little bit," he told her as he flipped the covers off 
himself and swung his legs off the bed and started to get up, only to 
be restrained by a firm hand on his chest.
	"I think we better take something first." It was then that he saw 
that the PJ bottoms he had on were wet. John was pushed back into a 
horizontal position and the PJ bottoms were removed.
	"Don't worry about it. DJ told me that you had asked to wear a 
diaper and why. Judging by the looks of it, I would have to say that 
you made the right decision," John was told as the wet diaper was 
removed. Do you want to have another diaper put on, or would you like 
to borrow a pair of DJ's underwear?"
	"The diaper would be fine, if it's not too much trouble," came an 
embarrassed reply. With a knowing smile Mrs. Morrison walked over to 
her son's closet and removed several cloth diapers and a pair of 
plastic pants. John just looked at them in confusion.
	"All the boys wear cloth diapers at home. It saves money this 
way," she told him. He just nodded at this and allowed his hostess to 
clean off his balls and butt. He turned a bit red when he got an 
erection when she rubbed the powder and lotion in, but said nothing.
	"It's all right. This happens all the time around here. Now raise 
up a bit so I can get these under you," came the explanation and 
request. John did as he was told and soon felt the diapers being pulled 
up between his legs. He sighed at the memories long past that rose up 
at this sensation.
	"Raise your legs up some," John was told a second after he felt 
the diapers tighten around his waist and hips.
	"How do those feel? Not too tight, or loose?"
	"No, they feel fine," John answered with a small smile.
	"OK then, stand up and we can get these pulled the rest of the 
way up." John obliged and the plastic pants were soon covering the 
diapers he was wearing. After helping John into some clean pajamas, the 
two left the bedroom and headed down to eat.
	The rest of the evening went by quietly, though Donn tended to 
stay as far away from their guest as he could and still be in the same 
	"OK boys time for bed," Mr. Morrison stated a couple of hours 
later, as expected his middle son complained about this.
	"Aww, dad just a little while longer."
	"No, I said now," came the reply in a tone that was as final as a 
death sentence.
	"All right." Donn pouted as he followed the others upstairs.
	"Do you want me to get the first shower?" John asked as the two 
oldest boys entered DJ's room.
	"Nah, that's all right. I normally get my shower in the morning 
anyway. Do you need to be changed?"
	"I should be OK till morning. I'm only a little damp right now." 
John told his friend with a smile. DJ laughed at this as he started 
striping off his PJs so he could get to his diaper.
	"That might be OK for you, but if I don't get into some dry ones 
right now these suckers are going to fall right off."
	"That wouldn't be so bad," John said with a sly grin.
	"But I do see your poin,." he added a second later when he saw 
how bad his friend's diapers were sagging.
	"You want some help with those?"
	"Sure that would be great. I've only been doing this for myself 
for about two weeks and I haven't managed how to get them on tight 
enough yet." John nodded at this and while his friend finished removing 
his wet diapers, he got some fresh ones from the closet.
	"How many do you need?"
	"Get three of the diapers from the second shelf and use the 
plastic pants that are next to them," John was informed.
	"You're kidding me right?" John said as he saw how thick the 
diapers that he was told to get were.
	"No, those are the right one. Why?"
	"You mean to tell me that you really wear diapers this thick to 
	"Yeah, all the time. You'll see why in the morning," DJ replied 
with a knowing grin.
	"If you say so," John answered as he walked over to where his 
friend was laying down. With this John took a diaper wipe and started 
cleaning off his friend's penis.
	"I think we might have a problem here, DJ. There is no way I'm 
going to be able to fit these diapers over that." John said with a grin 
while pointing at the obvious erection his friend had.
	"It'll go down in a minute, unless you have another idea."
	"Sure, I have an idea. Close your eyes for a minute." John said, 
thinking back to what Ashley had done almost a month before. Seeing 
that DJ had his eyes closed, John leaned forward to do what he had 
	"What the...!?" DJ exclaimed a second later, his eyes snapping 
open in surprise. John just looked at him and smiled. Ten minutes later 
DJ was looking rather flushed after having just spent the biggest load 
of his young life.
	"That was great!!" DJ whispered hoarsely, as John finished 
powdering his balls and pulled the clean diapers up between his legs.
	"I'm glad you enjoyed it," John said with a smile as he fastened 
the diapers with three large pins on each side.
	"Enjoyed, wouldn't be the word I'd use for that. Where did you 
learn that anyway?"
	"From one of my old friends." John told him while handing over 
the pair of plastic pants.
	"You learned well. Remind me to return the favor sometime," DJ 
said with a smile of his own as he turned off the overhead light and 
climbed back into his sleepers and bed.
	Thirty minutes later all that could be heard was the soft 
breathing of two boys.
	"Boys, it's time to get up," DJ's mom called the next morning. 
She was a bit surprised to find her son in bed with John but wrote it 
off as him doing this to comfort a friend, rather than face another 
	"Uh wha...?" DJ mumbled after she called a second time.
	"I said it was time to get up, sleepyhead."
	"What time is it?" DJ asked, getting the feeling that it was 
actually later than it seemed.
	"It's about 9:30." This caused DJ's eyes to snap open.
	"OH shit! I'm going to be late for school," he said as he tried 
to untangle himself from John's arms. Laughing at the scene playing out 
before Mrs. Morrison placed a reassuring hand on her son's chest.
	"Easy there sport, they announced a snow day because of the storm 
we got last night after you went to bed." With a sigh of relief DJ 
collapsed back onto the bed.
	"Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes. I want you to wake 
your brothers up and come down to eat after you get John up," she told 
him still laughing.
	"John, time to wake up," DJ said softly in to his friend's ear.
	"Uh, just a few more minutes mum... please," John mumbled as he 
rolled over so he was facing the wall. DJ smiled at how out of it his 
friend seemed.
	"C'mon John, breakfast will be ready in a few minutes."
	"Wha!?" John stated as his head came off his pillow realizing 
were he was.
	"Morning John, so nice of you to join the land of the living. 
Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes," DJ laughed as he leaned over 
and gave his friend a light kiss on the lips.
	"Where did that come from?!" John asked in surprise as the two 
boys' lips parted.
	"I don't know. It just seemed like the thing to do. Didn't you 
like it?" came the somewhat hurt reply.
	"No, I did like it. You just caught me off guard, that's all," 
John answered and leaned forward to give his own kiss only this time it 
held slightly longer than before. They smiled at each other as the kiss 
was broken.
	"I think maybe we better get downstairs before you mom comes back 
up looking for us."
	"Yeah, that might be a good idea, but first we have to wake my 
brothers up." John nodded at this and moved to get up, as he did so the 
moderately wet diaper squished between his legs.
	"Uh... DJ, I think I have a problem here."
	"What!?" he asked as he turned back around to face his friend. 
Seeing the look on his friends face told the story and DJ chuckled as 
he continued.
	"Don't worry about it. We'll change after breakfast and you don't 
really need it yet. Those diapers can hold a lot more," DJ added as he 
pulled his fingers from the front of John's diapers with a smile.
	"Rise and shine guys!" DJ called to his brothers as he walked 
into their room a moment later.
	"Go away!!" Donn called as he turned away from his brother's 
voice and pulled his blankets over his head.
	"OK, we do it the hard way!" DJ told his brother with a gleeful 
	"NO! I'm UP!!" Donn yelled as he tried to get out of bed, but 
didn't move fast enough before his brother and John took hold of the 
side of his mattress and flipped it over.
	"Too late," DJ laughed.
	"How about you, Paul?" John asked, looking over his shoulder at 
the other boy.
	"That's OK. I can manage on my own," the younger boy called out 
as he scrambled to get out of bed. DJ and John laughed at this.
	"By the way, mom said breakfast will be ready in a few minutes," 
DJ tossed over his shoulder as the two older boys left the room.
	"You did it again, didn't you?" DJ was asked in a weary tone by 
his mom when they entered the kitchen a few seconds later.
	"Do what, mom?" came the innocent reply.
	"You know what I mean. I could hear your brother yelling down 
here, and don't bother trying to answer since we both know that it 
would be a lie," she concluded with a bit of a smile.
	"If you say so mom, but I still don't know what you're talking 
	"Just take a seat. Breakfast is about ready."
	The rumble of feet a second later announced the arrival of DJ's 
	"MOOMM," Donn started before being cut off.
	"Don't start. I know what your brother did and we've already 
talked about it," she told her middle son.
	"Get up to the table before the food gets cold," she told both 
her younger boys, giving each a slight pat on their diapered rears to 
send them off.
	"Donn, Paul, after you're done eating, I want you both to go 
upstairs and get changed. You still have doctor's appointments today." 
Both boys frowned at this, but said nothing.
	"DJ? Do you think you and John will be all right by yourself for 
a couple of hours?" Mrs. Morrison asked the two older boys.
	"I think we'll be OK," DJ said while giving his friend a sideways 
	"John, I talked to your mom while you were still asleep. Josh is 
doing fine and they should be releasing him later this afternoon. 
You'll be staying here for the day though."
	"OK, Mrs. Morrison. I'd like to thank you now for putting me up 
for the night yesterday."
	"It was no problem and you're welcome," she answered with a 
	The rest of the meal was finished quickly and soon DJ and John 
were finding themselves with the house to themselves.
	"Well, let's go get out of these cold diapers and get cleaned 
up," DJ announced after he saw his mom pull out of the driveway.
	"Great, because I think this thing is about to fall off," John 
replied while hitching up his PJ bottoms.
	"I doubt that, but you are starting to smell a bit ripe."
	"You should be the one talking," DJ laughed at this and led his 
friend upstairs.
	"You know, I think you were right about that diaper of yours 
getting ready to fall off," DJ chuckled as John took off his PJs.
	"I told you they were and yours don't look much better."
	"Ain't that the truth. Well, let's get these damned things off 
and get a shower."
	"OK I'll even be nice and allow you to get yours first," John 
	"Actually, I was thinking we could take it together," DJ told his 
friend with a wink.
	"I guess that would be all right," John said a bit nervously, not 
really comfortable at how fast things were progressing with his friend.
	John and DJ soon found themselves out of their wet diapers and 
walking into the bathroom.
	"You can wash my back first, then I'll do yours," DJ stated, as 
he climbed into the shower and turned the water. John nodded at this 
and looked around for the soap while his friend wetted himself down.
	"Where's the soap?" he asked a moment later.
	"In the cabinet behind you," DJ replied.
	John turned around and opened the cabinet door getting a bit of a 
laugh at what he saw there.
	"Baby bath, DJ?" he asked while a chuckle as he pulled the bottle 
out of its space along with the sponge that was next to it.
	"Why not. It works a lot better during the winter than regular 
soap does."
	"If you say so," John chuckled as he poured some of the bath onto 
the sponge and worked it into a lather.
	"Oh that feels good, John," DJ mumbled as his friend worked his 
hands over his back.
	"What can I say, I've gotten lots of practice from giving Josh 
his baths all these years," John answered as he continued to wash his 
friend. DJ continued to moan lightly during all this. His moans got a 
bit louder when John started to wash between his legs.
	"Don't stop," DJ panted a few minutes later as he felt a load 
getting ready to erupt from his swollen member. On hearing this, John 
picked up his pace and soon took his friend over the edge.
	"OH GOD, that was great!" DJ said huskily as John finished 
washing him.
	"I'm glad you liked it. Like I said, I've had lots of practice," 
John said with a grin.
	"I can tell. Your turn." John nodded and handed over the sponge 
and baby bath. John was soon getting the same treatment he had just 
given his friend, though DJ had other plans as well.
	"DJ, stop!" John told his friend firmly when he started to feel 
his friend press into him.
	"What?" came the shocked response.
	"Please don't," John repeated.
	"I don't want to ruin things by going this fast this soon. I hope 
you understand," John said while turning around to face his friend.
	"I just thought that after last night," DJ started, but stopped 
unable to find the right words to express what he was feeling.
	"I do and feel the same way. That's why I don't want us to rush 
things," John said as he pulled his new found mate into his arms.
	"I'm sorry, I'm just so confused about all this," DJ said while 
	"I know you are. I was the same way at this stage. Give it time 
and it'll work itself out," John said soothingly.
	"Let's finish this shower quickly, we're about to lose the hot 
	"OK," DJ answered softly, still very confused about what was 
going on in his mind.
	"I've got an idea you'll like," John said as the two boys dried 
each other off.
	"What's that?"
	"It's a surprise, but I think you'll like it," John answered as 
he grabbed a bottle of baby lotion he saw by the sink.
	"What are you doing?" DJ asked hesitantly when he saw his friend 
start to strip the bed he used last night exposing the plastic sheet 
that was covering the mattress.
	"It's part of the surprise. Now lay down on your stomach," John 
told him as he finished pulling the sheets off.
	"Why? What do you plan on doing?" DJ asked in a scared voice.
	"It's something I'm sure you'll like. Don't worry nothing will 
happen. If you don't like it just tell me to stop and I will." Sensing 
that John wasn't going to do him any harm DJ complied with his friend's 
wishes. Once DJ was laying on the stripped bed, John climbed on as well 
straddling DJ's thighs.
	"Hey, I thought," DJ started to complain.
	"Relax, DJ. Nothing is going to happen. I swear," John said 
softly in his ear. With this said John poured a healthy amount of the 
lotion into his palm and warmed it up a bit before starting to rub it 
into his friend's shoulders.
	"How's it going down there?" John asked several minutes later.
	"Hmmm," came the sleepy reply.
	"I'm glad you're enjoying it," John laughed as he moved his way 
down DJ's back.
	"OK, I need you to turn over now," John requested another twenty 
minutes later. DJ just smiled at this and did as he was asked. He was a 
bit disappointed when John produced a hand towel hand covered his groin 
with it.
	"We don't need that kind of a distraction," John chuckled on 
seeing the look his friend was giving him.
	"I guess so," DJ pouted in reply. John just chuckled some more at 
this. Twenty minutes later John finished up by putting his friend in a 
fresh diaper. After doing this he went to wash the excess lotion and 
powder off his hands.
	"Now it's your turn," DJ said from the bathroom doorway.
	"What do you mean?" John asked.
	"Well, I figure you'll be wanting to wear diapers when you come 
over, right," DJ said, more as a statement than a question, but John 
nodded anyway.
	"Well, from personal experience, I can tell you that if you leave 
that bush on you'll end up with one major rash in no time at all," DJ 
continued while pointing to John's crotch.
	"So we take the hair off," he finished while pulling a can of 
shaving gel and a razor from behind his back.
	"Now wait a minute, DJ!" John started.
	"Nope, no waiting. I trusted you not to do anything while giving 
me that body rub and now I'm asking you to trust me on this," DJ 
answered plainly. John realized that if their friendship was going to 
grow like they both hoped he would have to learn to trust his friend.
	"OK, Where do you want me?" John said a moment later.
	"You can sit up on the counter there," DJ told him pointing to 
the area next to the sink.
	"Are you sure that will hold me?"
	"Yeah. I'm sure. You are about the same size as I was when my mom 
showed me how to do this," John accepted this and did as he was told.
	"All done," DJ said fifteen minutes later as he rubbed some 
lotion into the now clean shaven area.
	"Now it'll probably start to itch in about a week or so when the 
new hair starts to come in. I would suggest that you either shave the 
area once a week, or use a hair removal product every couple of days to 
keep the area smooth. Now let's get you into a diaper as well," DJ 
concluded with a smile. Several minutes later John to was diapered and 
the two boys were remaking the bed that was stripped an hour earlier.
	"John, what do you think our friends and family will say when 
they find out about us?" DJ asked while they were remaking the bed.
	"I'm not really sure. My family already knows about me. I told 
them this a little over a year ago and they've come to accept it. 
Hopefully your family will also, but it's just hard to judge how 
they'll react. I would suggest you wait a bit longer to make sure that 
this isn't some passing phase," John told his friend seriously. This 
ended the discussion.
	Mrs. Morrison got a bit chuckle when she and her younger sons got 
home to find John and DJ curled up together on the couch fast asleep. 
This did confirm in her mind what she had suspicions of ever since she 
saw the two boys get together for the first time.
	"John, you need to get up now," Mrs. Morrison said an hour later 
as she gently shook the boy.
	"OK, I'm up," he said, groggily. "What time is it?"
	"A bit after 4 p.m. Your mom just called and said that she would 
be here in about 20 to 30 minutes. You'll probably want to get out of 
the wet diaper you have on and back into your regular clothes before 
she arrives, though," his hostess said with a smile.
	"You're probably right. I don't think my mom would be ready to 
have both of her sons back in diapers," John said with his own sheepish 
grin. DJ woke up as John was stretching to work the kinks out of his 
	"Dang, John. You sure pulled a number on that diaper of yours. I 
seem to recall though, that it was still dry when we fell asleep," DJ 
announced with a smile.
	"Ooopps," This reply got both boys laughing as they headed 
upstairs to change.
	"I guess my mom did some laundry when she got home today," DJ 
commented when he saw the pile of neatly folded clothes and diapers 
laying on his bed.
	"The clean clothes on your bed would be a good indication of 
this," John laughed as he prodded his friend in the rump to get him to 
move further into the room.
	"You better clean me up first. I don't have much time before my 
mom gets here to pick me up," John added as he lay down on the other 
bed in the room. DJ agreed with this and got some items out of his 
	"Lift up a second so I can get this under you," John was told as 
DJ unfolded a changing pad.
	"Now let's see about getting you out of this wet diaper," he 
added as he started pulling off the tape tabs that were holding the 
diaper closed. John was a little surprised when DJ applied a small 
amount of lotion to his butt and balls once he finished wiping his 
diaper area off.
	"What was that for?" he asked.
	"It'll keep the area from drying out. Besides, I wanted to get in 
one last feel," DJ chucked as the boys changed places. John had just 
finished applying the lotion as well when he heard DJ's brother, Paul, 
call up the stairs.
	"Hey John! Your mom is here!"
	"OK, Tell her I'll be down in a minute," he yelled back.
	"It figures she'd be early," John muttered more to himself than 
anything else.
	"You think you can handle the rest of this by yourself?" He asked 
his friend.
	"Yeah, just toss me a pair of my GoodNites," John nodded as he 
stopped by the closet, grabbed a pair of the requested item and tossed 
them over his shoulder to his friend. He would have started laughing if 
he had seen that the diaper pants happened to catch their owner right 
in the face.
	"Thanks," DJ called while he opened the garment and sprinkled the 
insides of it with powder. John was just pulling his jeans up when he 
turned around and saw his friend standing there in his GoodNites.
	"Damn DJ, You sure do look cute in those trainers of yours."
	"You really think so?" The boy inquired as he struck up a pose 
that got both boys laughing.
	"Quit doing that! I need to get downstairs before my mom decides 
to come looking for me," John said between bursts of laughter.
	"OK," DJ said with a laugh of his own. In minutes both boys were 
heading downstairs.
	"Hey mom, how're you doing?" John asked, though he was slightly 
taken back by his mom's somewhat disheveled look.
	"I'm fine," She told him, but he had a hard time truly believing 
	"Well, your brother is still asleep in that car so we better get 
going," She added. Mrs. Morrison got up to escort them out.
	"Thanks for having me over Mrs. Morrison," John told her as he 
got his coat on.
	"I was glad to help out. If you need any help just let me know," 
she told Mrs. Kelly.
	"Thank you, but we'll be fine now," she replied as she herded her 
son to the waiting car.
	"Mom, the minute we get home I'll get Josh into bed and then 
you're going to lay down yourself," John said firmly as they pulled out 
of the driveway.
	"I'm fine John, I don't need my own son telling me what to do," 
she answered a bit more sharply than was needed.
	"Mom with all honesty, you look like hell. You probably haven't 
slept more than a few minutes in the last 24 hours," he replied, before 
going on. "I would like you to lay down as a favor to me, OK?"
	"All right John, I'll lay down, if for no other reason than to 
please you," she gave a tired smile at this. Josh was starting to stir 
with they pulled into their garage a minute later.
	"Are we home yet?" came his sleepy question.
	"Yeah, Josh. We just pulled in," John replied. It was then that 
John first saw the large bandage covering most of the left side of his 
brother's face.
	Several minutes later John was helping his brother out of his 
street clothes and after a quick diaper check helped the younger boy 
into a pair of sleepers. Josh was fast asleep within seconds of his 
head hitting the pillow.
	"OK, mom. Josh is in bed asleep. Now, I'd like you to do the 
same," John told his mom.
	"I'll take a short nap after I get dinner started."
	"Mom, I'll be able to get something started and you promised, 
remember?" John said sternly while gently taking his mom's arm and 
gently steering her towards her bedroom. Once he was sure that his mom 
was laying down John went into the kitchen to see what he had to work 
with for dinner.
	"What smells so good?" Mr. Kelly asked about two hours later as 
he arrived home from work.
	"Just something I threw together," John answered, looking up from 
the book he was reading.
	"Where's your mom?"
	"Both her and Josh are laying down right now," Mr. Kelly nodded 
at this and went to check on his youngest first.
	On entering his son's room he found the boy curled up in his bed, 
holding his teddy bear in one arm, while sucking on his thumb. Mr. 
Kelly smiled while looking down at this sight.
	"If he keeps this up we might have to see about getting him a 
pacifier, at least that would be easier on his teeth," he thought to 
himself as he leaned over to give his son a light kiss on the forehead. 
After one last quick look Mr. Kelly left the room closing the door 
quietly behind him.
	"Arthur, is that you?" Mrs. Kelly asked sleepily as her husband 
sat down on the edge of their bed.
	"Yeah honey, it's me," he said quietly.
	"What time is it?"
	"A bit after six-thirty."
	"Oh God, I still need to get dinner started!" Mrs. Kelly 
exclaimed while sitting up in bed.
	"Relax dear, John's already taken care of it."
	"John? You mean our John? The boy that wouldn't go near a kitchen 
stove if his life depended on it."
	"That's the one," Mr. Kelly laughed.
	"And what's really surprising is that it smells quiet good," he 
	"I just wonder what kind of condition my kitchen will be in," 
Mrs. Kelly moaned while laying back down. Just then they heard some 
soft crying coming from Josh's room.
	"You lay back down. I'll check on Josh," Mr. Kelly told his wife 
firmly as he got up and left the room.
	Upon entering his son's room, Mr. Kelly saw that his son was 
having a nightmare. He quickly moved over and sat down on the edge of 
his son's bed.
	"It's OK now Josh. No ones going to hurt you," Mr. Kelly soothed 
as he pulled his son into a protective embrace.
	"It was just a bad dream," he told the sobbing boy. After a few 
more minutes Josh calmed down and fell back a sleep. Mr. Kelly stayed 
with his son a bit longer to make sure he was truly asleep.
	"Mom, Dad, dinner's ready," John called through their bed room 
	"OK, John. We'll be down in a few minutes. Would you mind getting 
your brother up?" Mr. Kelly answered.
	"Sure dad."
	"It's time to wake up for dinner Josh," John called as he sat 
down on his brothers bed.
	"wha?" came a groggy reply.
	"I said, it's time for dinner," John repeated as he pulled the 
covers off his baby brother.
	"But let's get you into some clean diapers first," he added while 
unzipping Josh's sleepers.
	"How's the face doing?" John asked as he undid the tapes holding 
his brother's diaper on.
	"It hurts and itches like crazy."
	"You know how did it?"
	"Yeah, I do, but I'm not going to tell you," Josh said sternly.
	"And why shouldn't I know?"
	"Because I know what you can be like when you get mad and you 
knowing who did it would just cause more trouble than it's worth. I'll 
take care of this in my own way and at a time of my choosing," Josh 
answered and for a moment John was actually worried when he saw the 
look in his brother's eyes.
	"OK. You can handle it. Just let me know if you need any help," 
John answered as he continued with the diaper he was changing.
	"There you go," John stated a few minutes later with a light slap 
to Josh's diapered rump. With a smile Josh put his sleepers back on and 
zipped them up.
	"I'm glad you boys decided to join us while the food was still 
hot," Mrs. Kelly said as the boys entered the dinning area."
	"Josh was needing to be changed first," John responded while 
taking his seat. Soon the family was eating.
	"This is really good, mom," Erin commented a short time later.
	"Thank you," John replied from his seat.
	"Excuse me John, but I was talking to mom."
	"Yes you were Erin, but John was the one who made dinner 
tonight," Mrs. Kelly said to her daughter before continuing.
	"And your sister is right John, this is quite good," She added 
	"I'm impressed John. I didn't think I would ever compliment you 
on your cooking," Erin said with a chuckle.
	"Thanks. I think," The rest of dinner went by with the normal 
banter between the kids though, the one thing that wasn't mentioned was 
Josh's injury.
	"John, would you mind giving Josh his bath and make sure you 
clean his wound?" Mrs. Kelly asked a few hours later.
	"Sure mom, I was planning on heading to bed anyway," John 
answered while turning to his brother.
	"C'mon Josh, let's go get you cleaned up."
	"OK," It surprised everyone that Josh wasn't putting up a fight 
about this, but nothing was said.
	"I'll try to be careful on this," John stated a couple of minutes 
later as he reached over to remove the bandage covering the cut Josh 
had gotten the previous day.
	"Damn!" John whispered when he saw the injury up close.
	"What does it look like? Mom wouldn't let me look when they 
changed the bandage at the hospital," Josh asked.
	"I don't blame her, but you'll be seeing it soon enough so I 
guess you should get used to it," Josh's brother told him while turning 
him around so he was facing the bathroom mirror.
	"I hate to tell you this Josh, but it looks like you're going to 
have one hell of a scar when this heals up," Josh nodded in agreement 
to this and the look John had seen earlier returned briefly. John was 
even more worried than before when seeing this look along with the 
newly made scar his brother would be sporting. John decided right then 
to talk to his parents about it once Josh was in bed.
	"Let's go get you ready for bed before you decide to spring a 
leak on the floor," John chuckled as he helped Josh dry off and put a 
fresh bandage over his cut.
	"That might be a good idea but let me use the toilet first."
	"OK, call me when you're done," John said as he stepped out of 
the room so his brother could have some privacy.
	"All right," Josh answered as he sat down on the toilet.
	While Josh was taking care of his own business, John went into 
their still shared room and got ready for bed himself. Thinking of how 
he was going to explain to his parents what he had seen and his worries 
stemming from it.
	"I'm ready now John," Josh said coming into the room as his 
brother finished putting his PJ top on.
	"OK, Thumper. Hop up onto your bed and we'll get you taken care 
of," John announced while slightly slapping Josh's bed. John chuckled 
to himself as his brother darted past him and hopped up onto his bed.
	"You're not getting modest on me are you?" John laughed when he 
turned back around with the diapering supplies and found his brother 
laying on his bed spread eagle but had his teddy bear covering his 
groin. Josh smiled at his brother and gave him a slight giggle.
	"Well this won't work at all, unless you want me to diaper your 
bear to you," John chuckled as he handed the bear over to his brother. 
Josh said nothing but laughed a little easier than before.
	With a shake of his head, John kneeled beside his brother and 
coated Josh's butt and balls with a generous amount of lotion, after 
warming it slightly between his hands. He then took the bottle of baby 
powder and covered newly lotioned area with a healthy dose of the 
	"Lift your butt up for a second so I can get this diaper under 
you," Josh complied without comment and soon felt the extra thick 
padding under his butt. He gave a small sigh as john pulled the front 
part of the diaper up between the younger boy's legs and taped it close 
	"That isn't too tight, is it?" John asked
	"No, it feels great," John smiled at this.
	"Here put these on as I get your sleepers out," John told Josh 
while handing him a pair of plastic pants. Josh took the offered pants 
and slid them on. Soon after this John was zipping his brother's 
sleepers closed.
	"Now you go right to sleep," John said as he turned off the 
bedroom light and stepped out into the hall, closing the door behind 
	"Mom, Dad, can I talk to you for a minute?" John asked a minute 
	"Sure John, what's on your mind?" his dad said.
	"I'm not really sure how to explain this but I'm a little worried 
about Josh."
	"Worried in what way?" his mom inquired.
	"I think maybe Josh is still a bit unsettled about what happened 
to him."
	"That's to be expected after what happened to him. I'm sure if we 
give him time he'll come around," Mrs. Kelly told her middle son.
	"That's not exactly what I'm talking about. While I was changing 
him before dinner I had asked if he knew who had done this and I'll 
admit this was because I wanted to beat the shit out of who did this, 
but Josh wouldn't give me the kid's name and said that he would handle 
it in his own way and at a time of his choosing. What really got me 
worried was the look Josh had in his eyes when he said this. I can't 
explain what the look was, but it was definitely not a look you would 
expect to see on Josh's face. I saw the same look again when I was 
getting him ready for bed and I should him the cut. I'm worried he 
might try something stupid over this," John told his parents.
	"John, I didn't want Josh seeing that cut of his for as long as 
possible," His mom informed him.
	"I didn't know that at the time I let him see it and I felt that 
he should get used to the sight of it since he'll be looking at it a 
great deal once the bandage comes off," Mrs. Kelly started to say 
something more when she felt he husband's hand on her shoulder.
	"John, thanks for letting us know about this. It's probably 
nothing to be concerned about, but at least now we know that there 
might be one and we can keep a closer eye on your brother. You go ahead 
and get to bed," His dad told him. John nodded to this and after giving 
each of his parents a good night kiss headed off to bed.
	John was still wondering about what was going to come down over 
this. Even with his parents reassurances, he knew something was going 
to happen. With a shake of his head he entered his and Josh's room. He 
smiled a bit seeing his brother fast asleep with his arms around his 
bear and sucking on his thumb.
	"John?" came a soft voice and a shake on his shoulder.
	"Uh?" he answered still mostly asleep.
	"I had a bad dream, Could I sleep with you?" Josh asked.
	"Sure. Hop on in," John answered while moving over to make room 
for his brother. As Josh curled up against his brother, John's hand was 
pressed into Josh's diapered crotch.
	"You feel a bit wet. Do you want to be changed?" John asked as he 
pulled his hand free.
	"Nah. I'll be OK till morning," Josh replied sleepily. With in 
minutes both boys were fast asleep with John having one arm holding his 
brother protectively.
	"Boys. Time to get up," Mrs. Kelly called as she opened the door 
to the boys' room. She smiled at the sight of the two boys curled up 
together with the older boy holding the younger one protectively.
	"Just like when they were younger," Mrs. Kelly thought as she 
moved in closer to wake the boys up.
	"John, Josh time to get up," she called again. This time giving 
each boy a slight shake on the shoulder
	"Uh?" they answered almost in unison.
	"It's time to get up. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes," 
John nodded sleepily at this and got a start when he looked over at his 
clock and saw that it was past eight in the morning.
	"Relax, John, they called another snow day," His mom told his 
before backing out of the room.
	Laying back down, John smiled a bit as he looked down at his 
brother, who was still fast asleep.
	"Josh? It's time to get up," John said with slight nudge to 
Josh's shoulder.
	"UH!" came the muffled reply as the smaller boy burrowed deeper 
under the covers.
	"None of that now," John laughed as he went after his brother. 
Soon the two boys were wrestling under the covers of John's bed.
	"OK I give," Josh yelled between fits of laughter from the 
tickling he was getting from his older brother.
	"I knew you'd see things my way," John said as he got out of bed 
and headed for the door.
Kelly yelled up the stairs.
	"I'll be down in a minute mom!" John yelled as he entered the 
bathroom. Just as he started to close the door he saw Josh go sliding 
by him. John laughed at this, but missed being able to do the same 
	"It's times like this that Josh has the right idea about wearing 
diapers," John thought to himself as he took care of his morning 
	"John, before you go anywhere today I need you to help me start 
moving things into your room.
	"OK. If it's all right, I was thinking of asking DJ to come over 
today. I figure this way we could get even more stuff done.
	"That sounds like a good idea," Mrs. Kelly said.
	"By the way, what was Josh doing in your bed this morning?" she 
	"He had a nightmare and asked if he could crawl into bed with me. 
I didn't see that it would be a problem so I let him," Mrs. Kelly 
figured this is what had happened but just wanted to be sure.
	"I'll get it!" Erin called a short time later as the boys were 
finishing up the dishes from breakfast.
	"Josh, it's for you! It's David!" she called a second later.
	"OK Erin, I'll get it in here!" he yelled back while picking up 
the kitchen phone.
	"Hey David," Josh said as he heard the other phone click.
	"Hey Josh. How are you doing?" his friend asked.
	"Not bad. It tends to itch at times, but the pain's finally gone. 
How's your hand?"
	"About the same. I was wondering if you wanted to come over 
	"I'd love to, but I have to help my mom and John move some of his 
stuff into his room. With any luck I should be free about 10:30, or 
	"That would be fine. Give me a call before you head over."
	"OK and I'll call if the plans change."
	"OK. Well, I'll see you about 11:00 then," David told his friend 
before hanging up.
	"Who was that, Josh?" his mom asked as he hung the phone up.
	"David. He was wanting to see if I could come over to play 
	"And what did you tell him?" his mom inquired thinking that he 
might try to get out of his house work.
	"I told him that I had some things to help with around here but I 
should be free about 10:30, or 11:00," Mrs. Kelly nodded approval at 
this and sent Josh up to help his brother start packing. DJ arrived a 
short time later and was quickly put to work with the rest of the boys.
	With all three boys helping out the room was put into some 
semblance of order and Mrs. Kelly dismissed them while she moved the 
smaller things around. As Josh was getting ready to go over to David's 
house the phone rang.
	"Mrs. Kelly?" the voice on the phone asked.
	"This is John, from Klothes for Kids," Kevin told her.
	"Ah, Yes and how are you this morning?"
	"Not bad. I was just calling to let you know that your order came 
in and you can pick them up any time your ready."
	"OK, I'll be over shortly to pick them up," She told him
	"I'll have everything ready for you," Kevin told her before 
hanging up.
	"Mom, I'm heading over to David's now!" Josh called as he headed 
for the front door.
	"Just a moment Josh. I'll give you a lift over. I have to head 
out that way, anyhow," Josh nodded at this and waited for his mom to 
get her coat on.
	"John! If you and DJ go anywhere before I get back make sure you 
leave a note telling me where you are and when you expect to be home!"
	"OK, Mom!" John yelled in reply.
	Josh and his mom pulled into David's driveway a few minutes 
	"Now Josh, I want you to be careful if you and David start 
playing outside. I don't want to have to run you back to the hospital 
because you pulled your stitches out."
	"Yeah, mom, I know."
	"I mean it, Josh, be careful, and have Mrs. Kessler change the 
bandage immediately if it gets wet."
	"OK, mom you've already told me all this. Can I go now?" Josh 
asked with some impatience.
	"Yes, you can go now," Mrs. Kelly answered with a smile as Josh 
hopped out of the car and headed for the front door. She waited until 
Josh was inside before heading off herself.
	She arrived at the Klothes for Kids a short time later and after 
parking her car she headed inside to the Special Order service desk.
	"May I help you ma'am?" the teen at the counter asked as she 
walked up. Mrs. Kelly hadn't seen the boy before, but could tell from 
his looks that he was related to Kevin.
	"Yes, I'm Mrs. Kelly. Kevin called and said that my order was 
in," she told him.
	"OK, Let me look that up here," he said while typing some 
commands into his terminal.
	"Is there a problem?"
	"There might be. My system isn't showing an order under your 
name. Let me go check with Kevin real quick. It might be that they 
haven't uploaded the order over to my system yet. If you'd like to have 
a seat it should only take a minute," the teen said as he excused 
	"Looks like it's going to be one of those days," Mrs. Kelly 
thought to herself with a smile.
	"I'm sorry to have kept you waiting Mrs. Kelly," Kevin said as he 
walked up to her.
	"It OK. I figured that it might be a few minutes."
	"Things have been a bit hectic here the past half hour. Our 
computers decided to rest themselves right after I talked with you, so 
I've been trying to get everything straightened out," Kevin explained.
	"I know how that goes. I had the same problem myself once or 
	"Well, if you'll follow me we can double check your order and 
make sure everything is correct," Kevin said while leading her into the 
back room. On entering the receiving area Mrs. Kelly saw the teen that 
had originally helped her and Kevin's brother. She could tell right 
away that the first teen must be Kevin's youngest brother. Both 
brothers gave Mrs. Kelly a polite nod when they saw her looking towards 
them and she returned it with a smile.
	"OK here we are," Kevin said a minute later as the two stopped in 
front of a numbered bin. Mrs. Kelly was surprised at the size of three 
of the boxes. Seeing the look on her face, Kevin commented, "those are 
the diapers. It catches most people off guard as to how thick they 
really are."
	"I would have to agree with that," With practiced ease Kevin 
pulled a box cutter from a pouch on his belt and opened two of the 
smaller boxes so the contents could be visually inspected.
	"This is normal procedure," He told Mrs. Kelly when he saw the 
look on her face.
	"Soon after we opened, a customer had placed a large order and 
when she got it home found out that it was the wrong stuff. They threw 
such a fit over it we started having the customers visually inspect the 
orders before leaving the store so it wouldn't happen again."
	"That makes perfect sense."
	"Now then, I want to show you some thing about the diapers. The 
Velcro closure you ordered for these comes with a special feature. As 
you may, or may not know Velcro tends to attract lint in the wash like 
a magnet. To help prevent this and prolong the life of the Velcro 
they've add extra strips of it to use as a wash cover for the actual 
closure strips," Kevin explained as he showed her what he meant," Mrs. 
Kelly nodded in approval of this, thinking that it was a good idea.
	"What's in the other two boxes?" Mrs. Kelly asked a few minutes 
later, as Kevin finished repackaging the items he took out of them and 
resealed the boxes.
	"I'm not sure. The company has them listed on your invoice as a 
bonus gift, but I'm not sure what they are," Kevin told her after 
checking his clipboard.
	"The invoice and box both claim that it's a disposable product. I 
can open the box if you'd like but we can't be held responsible for any 
damage to the product," Kevin told her.
	"That's OK. I'll just open it when I get home."
	"OK, I will have to tell you now that due to a problem at the 
plant this isn't the same style of changing table you ordered. It seems 
that the one you had order was damaged some how during production and 
they sent this one out in its place. I've already talked with them 
about this and they assured me that since it was a mistake on their 
part that it is being swapped at no extra charge." Mrs. Kelly nodded at 
this thinking that she must have done something right for all this to 
happen. With one final check, Mrs. Kelly signed off on the order and 
started to head out to her car.
	"Mrs. Kelly!" she heard a voice call before she got too far and 
saw Kevin walking after her.
	"I just did some calculating and found that due to the size of 
the order we would be able to do a free delivery and set up, if you'd 
	"That would be most helpful," She told him after filling in the 
needed instructions.
	"We should be there in about an hour or two," Kevin told her 
after looking over the form.
	"This really must have been my lucky day," Mrs. Kelly thought as 
she drove home.
	"You boys are absolutely soaked!" Mrs. Kessler exclaimed as Josh 
and David trooped back into the house thirty minutes later. The boys 
just smiled and giggled at this statement.
	"Aww, c'mon mom, we're not that wet," David announced.
	"Yeah," Josh piped in as well.
	"Yeah, right. I want both of you to take your 'not that wet' 
bodies upstairs, get out of those wet clothes, dry yourselves off and 
come back down here so I can put fresh bandages on those cuts of 
	"Now!" she added sternly before either boy could protest.
	"C'mon Josh we better do as she wants," David told his friend. 
Josh silently agreed with this as he followed David up to his room 
stopping long enough to grab his back pack along the way.
	"You can set your clothes over here," David said pointing to a 
half-full laundry basket.
	"OK," Josh said as he started to get undressed.
	"Looks like you need to be changed almost as bad as I do," Josh 
chuckled a few moments later when David took his pants off exposing his 
extremely wet GoodNites.
	"I guess I am a bit wet down there," David said with a slight 
grin. Josh started to laugh at this as he pulled off his pants to show 
off his own wet diaper.
	"What's taking you guys so long?" David's mom asked as she 
entered his room.
	"I guess I should have expected this," She added with a smile on 
seeing both boys standing there in wet diapers. Both boys turned red at 
this, though David knew his mom had seen him in this condition 
countless times.
	"I must say Josh, you blushing really goes along with your 
diapers," Mrs. Kessler said with a smile as she walked over to the 
smaller boy and had him lay down on his friend's bed.
	"David could you hand me his back pack?" She asked while she 
untaped Josh's diaper.
	"You might as well take those wet GoodNites off David. Once I'm 
done with Josh, I'll be diapering you as well," she added when David 
handed her Josh's backpack.
	Mrs. Kessler showed her proficiency at diapering boys by having 
both of them done in less than ten minutes.
	"Lunch will be ready in just a few minutes. Come on down once you 
get some dry clothes on," the boys were told as David's mom walked out 
of the room. Without really thinking, David pulled a set of fleece 
footed sleepers out of his closet and put them on.
	"You wouldn't have anything that would fit me, would you?" Josh 
asked as David zipped the sleepers up.
	"I might have some old sweats around here somewhere," David 
responded as he bent over to look in the bottom of his closet.
	"Here Try these on," David said after a few minutes of searching. 
the sweats he handed over were a bit big on his friend but not grossly 
so. After a moments thought David tossed Josh a T-shirt and pair of 
socks to put on as well.
	"You should see yourself in that shirt," David laughed as he 
turned around to face his friend.
	"Why?" Trying to contain his laughter David pointed to a full 
length mirror that was hanging on his closet door. Josh began laughing 
also when he saw that the shirt he had just put on looked like a small 
tent on him. the shirt he saw went down past his thighs and the short 
sleeves came down to nearly his forearms.
	"Well, It's better than nothing," Josh chuckled.
	"I guess so," David laughed again.
	"Well, let's get those bandages off," Mrs. Kessler said as the 
boys walked into the dining room and took their places at the table. 
Without preamble she took a pair of scissors and cut the gauze that was 
wrapped around David's right hand. Josh saw that David had a two inch 
cut in his palm near the thumb. David flexed his hand a bit since the 
bandage tended to restrict the movement every now and then.
	"OK, Josh, your turn," Josh tilted his head a bit so she could 
get to the bandage a bit easier. Even though she knew what to expect 
Mrs. Kessler was still a bit shocked by what she saw.
	"Damn, Josh. Billy really did a number on you," His friend stated 
softly. Josh's eyes flared a bit at this comment, but he just nodded at 
it since he knew his friend didn't mean anything by what he said. 
David, for his part, moved back in his chair a bit when he saw the 
flash of anger in his friend's eyes and silently prayed that he would 
never be on the receiving end of what he saw.
	Mrs. Kessler normally would have scolded David for cursing, but 
in this case agreed with his statement.
	"I'll put clean wraps on those after lunch. I think letting them 
get some fresh air will help dry out any moisture that got to them," 
Mrs. Kessler said as she got up to get the boys their lunch.
	While the boys ate, Mrs. Kessler collected their wet clothes and 
put them in the wash. After eating, Josh and David spent the rest of 
the afternoon playing video games.
	"Josh that was your mom. She said she would be over in about ten 
minutes to get you," Mrs. Kessler told him.
	"OK, thank you," Josh said in acknowledgment.
	"Why don't you head upstairs and take off the clothes David 
loaned you. I'll be up to change you in a moment," Knowing he did have 
much say in the matter he nodded and went about doing what he was told.
	Just as he was pulling off the sweat pants, Josh felt a slight 
cramp in his stomach and a second later his lunch was unloaded into his 
diaper. With a sigh, he continued getting undressed. A few minutes 
later David's mom entered the room with his clothes.
	"OK, hop up on the bed and we can get you out of that wet 
diaper," she told after laying his clothes on the dresser.
	"You'll want to use a towel or something to protect the bed this 
time," Josh told her. Before she could ask him why the smell of a 
freshly messed diaper reached her nose. She nodded at this. Josh was a 
bit shocked to see her pull a extra large sized changing pad from 
David's closet.
	"I use this when David's sick," she explained while she spread it 
out on the bed. Josh smile briefly at this as he laid down on the pad.
	"Josh your mom is here!" David called as Josh was pulling his 
pants up over his diaper.
	"OK, David. I'll be down in a minute," He called back. Not five 
minutes later he was thanking David and his mom for having him over.
	"And how was your day?" Josh was asked on the ride home.
	"I had lots of fun," Josh answered with a yawn as the days 
activities started to catch up with him.
	"I'm glad you did, but I know a certain someone who'll be taking 
a nap when he gets home."
	"But I'm not tired," Josh answered with a bigger yawn than 
before," his mom just smiled at this.
	"C'mon, Joshua, let's get you into bed," Mrs. Kelly was telling 
her youngest 15 minutes later as she handed him a pair of his sleepers. 
With little protest, Josh put the sleepers on and climbed into bed. He 
was fast asleep inside of two minutes of his head hitting the pillow.
	After leaving Josh's room Mrs. Kelly headed into the small room 
she and her husband used as an office to handle their finances. After 
closing the door, she took the invoice she got earlier than day and 
scanned all the entries to make sure that matched up with her bill from 
when the purchases were made. Once she was done with this she opened 
the envelope that had been enclosed with Josh's cloth diapers. Inside 
she found a letter and survey form. setting the survey aside for a 
moment she read the letter.

	Dear Mrs. Kelly,

	Your family has been chosen to field test a new product line for 
CKM Inc.. Over the last few months we at CKM have been testing a new 
pull-up style disposable training pant for older children. These are 
very similar to GoodNites Disposable Absorbent Underpants, but have 
styled with younger kids in mind. For this reason, we have added Fun 
Pal cartoon designs to the pants along with fade away wetness 
indicators to help the child want to train.
	 We have also had requests over the years for a thinner version 
of our Thickies line disposable diaper. We are proud to introduce our 
new Thickies Streamline Briefs. These diapers have all the features of 
our normal Thickies but are three times thinner! Thanks to a new super 
absorbent biodegradable polymer.
	 Please let us know within two weeks of reading this letter 
whether you would like to join in on this survey and field test. If you 
choose not to then, please accept the trial cases we have sent you of 
the product stated above as a way of say thank you for choosing 
Thickies diapers.
	 You can contact me at 1-800-4-Thicky anytime Monday-Friday from 
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. MST., or visit our web site at 
(clicking on Survey Response).

	 Sincerely yours,
	 Hiedi Oppenhiemer,
	 Regional Director

	"I'll have to look into this some," Mrs. Kelly thought. It took a 
moment longer before she realized why the name of the person writing 
the letter seemed so familiar. It sank in that this might be the person 
Kevin was telling her about when they talked in his office that one 
time. She also had the feeling that Kevin might have had something to 
do with her getting chosen for this survey, but decided not to ask. She 
then turned on the computer in front of her and spent the next hour 
reading through the information on the CKM web site.
	"What the..! Joshua!" John yelled as he picked himself up off the 
floor after having tripped over on of the cases of diapers that had 
been left in the front room. Mrs. Kelly enter the room just as John 
	"John would you mind not yelling in the house," she told him 
	"I wouldn't need to if Josh would put his diapers away instead of 
leaving them in the middle of the floor," he replied.
	"I could understand that, but I was the one who left the diapers 
there, not your brother."
	"Oh, sorry," John said sheepishly.
	"What did he need more diapers for anyway? Once his cloth diapers 
come in we'll have them coming out our ears," John said with a small 
	"Actually, these were a gift of sorts. The company that makes the 
cloth diapers your brother will be wearing came out with some new 
products and sent us some to do a survey on," John was told. John was 
nodding at this, when something caught his eye.
	"I don't think that will be possible, mom," John said a second 
later as he took a closer look at the box.
	"Why's that?" she asked while pulling out one of the new training 
	"They're the wrong size. The box says these are a size small. 
Josh still wears the youth size," John answered. It was all he could do 
to keep from laughing when he saw what the trainers looked like.
	"Damn, those look like they would be large enough to fit me," 
John though a moment later as he began wonder how he could sneak some 
of the pants up to his room.
	"I think you might be right, John," his mom said as she put the 
trainers back in their box.
	"Oh, well. You can take those down to the storage room later when 
you get your laundry from downstairs.
	"OK," John said, but couldn't believe his luck. He decided that 
this would be the best time to take the boxes down and he started to 
push the cases of diapers towards the basement door.
	"Mom, Do we have any packing tape anywhere?" John asked a short 
time later.
	"The other box popped open when I was taking it downstairs," John 
lied smoothly to his mother.
	"There might be some in the study," she told him. With a word of 
thanks, John headed for his parents' study.
	 While looking for the tape he came across the letter that his 
mom was reading a short time before. After a quick glance at it, John 
decided to do the survey himself.
	"No sense in letting good diapers go to waste," he thought with a 
smile as he placed the letter in his pocket. He walked out of the study 
a minute later with the tape and headed back into the basement. After a 
quick glance to make sure he was alone John tossed several of the 
training pants and diapers into the bottom of his laundry basket and 
piled his clothes on top.
	He passed Josh on his way into his room and could smell that his 
brother was needing a diaper change.
	"Josh, why don't you head back into your room and I'll be in to 
change you in a moment," John told him.
	"OK, thanks," after putting his clothes away and finding a hiding 
place for his pilfered diapers John headed off to change his brother.
	"Well, this will certainly make things easier," John commented 
when he saw the changing table set up where his bed stood earlier that 
	"Yeah it will, but I still wish mom hadn't put all my diapers and 
stuff out in plain site," Josh said while pointing to the lower shelves 
that were now piled high with both cloth and disposable diapers, 
plastic pants and cleaning supplies.
	"You might as well get used to it Josh. You'll be wearing those 
diapers for a long time to come and it'll be easier on us for now to 
have them in easy reach and not have to keep digging through your 
closet for the stuff," John told his brother as he helped him onto the 
changing table. Seconds later Josh had his sleepers unsnapped and 
pushed up past his waist.
	"It's a good thing you got up when you did Josh, I don't think 
this diaper could have taken much more from you," John teased as he 
pulled the wet and messy diaper out from under his brother. Josh 
blushed at this and started to frown.
	"Don't start that with me Josh, you know I'm only kidding," John 
told his bother as he sealed the old diaper into the Diaper Genie that 
now sat on a shelf attached to the changing table. After rubbing lotion 
into Josh's diaper area and powdering it, John pulled out a couple of 
Josh's new daytime cloth diapers and fitted these under his 
unsuspecting brother.
	"Why are you using those?" Josh asked as he put his butt down on 
the virgin cloth.
	"Why not, this is what mom got them for," John replied bluntly as 
he pulled the first diaper up snugly between his brother's legs and 
secured the Velcro fasteners tightly.
	"But, I don't want to wear these yet!"
	"Listen Josh, you better get used to wearing them really quick 
because you'll be wearing them quite often," John told his brother 
sternly as he pulled the second diaper up and fastened that one as 
	"Lift up a second" John told his brother as he produced a pair of 
plastic pants. Josh sniffled a bit as the pants were slipped under him 
and snapped closed.
	"Josh, you just quit that. Cloth diapers are no different than 
the disposables you have been using and are certainly no different that 
the underwear you wore before that," John told him as pulled Josh's 
sleepers back down and snapped them shut.
	"There you go," josh was told with a pat to his diapered crotch.
	"Why do you keep doing that?" Josh asked as he sat up.
	"Do what?" john replied in confusion.
	"Every time somebody changes me they always seem to give me a pat 
in the diapers." John smiled at this statement and replied, "What can I 
say Josh, we just like the way diapers feel and we get enjoyment from 
doing it," Josh sat on the table a moment longer while he took in what 
his brother said. With a shrug, he hopped off the table and followed 
his brother downstairs with a slight waddle.
	"How was everyone's day?" Mr. Kelly asked during dinner.
	"I went over to David's and had lots of fun Josh started by 
saying as he launched into what he had done.
	"Well, you certainly had a active day, Josh," Mr. Kelly commented 
as he moved onto his middle son.
	"What about you John?" he continued.
	"I wasn't too bad. After getting my room put together this 
morning, DJ and I went sledding for a few hours and then went over to 
his house to play games the rest of the time," John told his father, 
though he did leave out several things that he and DJ did do."
	"What about you Erin?" Mr. Kelly asked sensing that his daughter 
had something big to drop judging from how she was fidgeting.
	"Well, I had gone over to Linda's for a while and then I went out 
job hunting," she told everyone. This statement brought all 
conversation to a stop.
	"I'm sorry, but did you say you went out looking for a job?" Mrs. 
Kelly asked in slight astonishment.
	"Yeah. Linda had asked me to run her over to Klothes for Kids to 
pick something up for her brother and I saw that they were looking for 
help so I filled out an application."
	"Well, I certainly hope they call you back," Mr. Kelly told her.
	"That's the best part dad, I got hired already."
	"How did that happen?"
	"Well, It turns out the person I handed the application to was 
the store's manager and after doing a quick look he asked be back into 
his office. We talked awhile about the previous jobs I've held, he then 
called in one of the department managers, we talked some more and they 
gave me the job," Erin told her family proudly.
	"What department will you be working in?" Mrs. Kelly asked when 
her daughter finished her story.
	"I'll actually be working in two different departments, but they 
have them combined as one. I'll be in Shipping-Receiving/Special 
Orders," she answered. Just as she said this, Josh started choking on 
some milk he was taking a sip of.
	"You OK Josh?" his mom asked while giving him a slight pat on the 
back. josh nodded but was still coughing a bit.
	"Was it something I said?" Erin asked in confusion.
	"Not at all, Erin," Mrs. Kelly told her daughter while giving 
John a look when she saw him hiding a smile and trying not to laugh.
	"When do you start?" Mr. Kelly asked.
	"I go in tomorrow for training," Her father nodded at this, happy 
that she had beaten them to the punch since he planned on mentioning 
this very subject to her after dinner. Dinner concluded with the usual 
	"John, all your furniture has been moved it to your room and set 
up like we had discussed. It's up to you to set you electronics and 
things up," Mrs. Kelly told him as she cleared the table.
	"OK mom. Dad would you mind giving me some help bringing some of 
the stuff upstairs?" John asked he stood up.
	"I don't think that would be a problem," With this said both 
headed for the basement door and started to bring the heavier things 
upstairs. This took them only half an hour and John was soon busy 
getting everything set up.
	"John, the phone people will be out in the morning to hook up 
your phone line. This will be the same set up as before, you'll be 
expected to apply part of your allowance to help pay for it and you'll 
be responsible for any long distance calls made," he was told by his 
	"I know, mom," he replied as he finished setting his stereo up.
	"I must say that all the work turned out quite nice," She 
commented further looking around his room.
	"Well, it certainly looks a good sight better than when we moved 
in," John chuckled.
	Once his mom left the room, John decided to put a movie in and 
relax for the evening. Since he knew the last diaper change for Josh 
would be handled by someone else, John decided to put on one of the 
diapers he swiped earlier that afternoon.
	"Oh man, this feels great!" John thought to himself as he pulled 
the diaper up between his legs.
	"And they look just like a regular diaper," John smiled as he 
fastened the single tapes on either side to the front tapping panel. 
After doing this, John got up off his bed, walked over to his closet 
door and admired himself in the mirror hanging there.
	"Damn, I look cute in these," He said softly as he chuckled a 
bit. the one thing that really surprised him as he pulled on his 
pajamas was the fact that the diapers fit him perfectly and were 
actually a bit on the loose side, but not to the point he had to worry 
about leaks. Once he had his pajamas on, he climbed back into bed, 
covered himself up and started his movie.
	John awoke with a start the next morning. On looking around he 
found that he was in his own room again and that someone had shut off 
his TV and DVD.
	"Mom must have turned them off last night when she came in to 
tuck me in," He though as he started to climb out of bed. As he put his 
legs together another sensation hit him.
	"Oh man, I thought was just a really great dream," he thought as 
he realized that he was sitting there in a cold, wet diaper. A knock at 
his door caused him to jump.
	"Yeah?" he called.
	"Mom says to hurry up, or you'll miss breakfast," Josh called 
	"OK, Tell her I'll be down right after I go to the bathroom."
	"OK," With this John checked to make sure that everyone was 
downstairs and slipped into his brother's room. Once there he silently 
closed the door, dropped his PJ bottoms and quickly pulled off his wet 
diaper. After using a couple of Josh's diaper wipes, John placed the 
wadded up diaper into the Diaper Genie, pulled his PJs back up and 
headed for the bathroom, after stopping to grab the underwear he had on 
the day before.
	"Sorry I'm late," he told his parents as he sat down.
	"It's all right," he was told.
	"What do you have planned for the day?" his father asked.
	"I was thinking of just bumming around the house most of the day 
since most of my friends have other plans," he answered truthfully.
	"Good, then you won't mind shoveling off the walk and driveway 
after you eat," John was told with a smile.
	"How about you, Josh?"
	"I was thinking of going over to Caleb's," Josh answered quickly, 
think that he might get out of doing chores this way.
	"That's fine, but remember you still have to clean your room and 
help your mother finish putting your diapers away," Josh was told.
	"Aw, man," he said glumly. his parents smiled at this.
	After eating breakfast, Josh was taken into his room by their dad 
to get his morning diaper change as John headed into the bathroom to 
get his shower.
	With his shower completed, John headed back into his room and 
dropped his PJs into his laundry basket and started to pull out his 
clothes for the day. Just as he reached for a pair of his underwear he 
remembered the pull-ups he had and decided to try a pair of them 
instead. He smiled briefly as he caught a glimpse of himself in the 
mirror. John walked out of his room several minutes later.
	"Now I want you to make sure that you salt both the walk and 
drive down once you get the snow removed," his mom told him as he put 
his snow suit and boots on.
	"I know mom. I won't forget," he told her as he opened the front 
	"I guess these things really are hard to notice under clothes," 
John thought as he opened the garage door and got out the shovel.
	An hour after he started John felt the pressure in his bladder 
increase and with little hesitation he let it go into his training 
	"This certainly beats having to try and get out of these boot and 
snow pants in time," John mumbled to himself as the pressure in his 
groin subsided. He managed to finish salting the drive and walk just as 
the phone company van pulled up.
	"Is this the Kelly residence?" the phone company rep. asked as 
she stepped out of the van.
	"Yeah, it is. Follow me," John replied as he put the shovel away.
	"Mom the phone company is here!" John called as he walked through 
the door.
	"OK John. You can show them where everything is."
	"Follow me please," John told the repairman. The two walked into 
John's room a moment later and showed them where the phone jack was. 
John backed off after doing this so he wasn't in the way and started to 
remove his snowsuit.
	Twenty minutes later the repairman left and John was setting his 
Internet account back up.
	"How's everything going back here?" Kevin asked Erin a short time 
after her shift started.
	"Not bad. It's taking awhile to get everything down," Erin told 
her manager.
	"It'll take few days to get the hang of everything. Just be glad 
that you have time to get into the swing of it before the holiday rush 
in a few weeks," He told her with a grin.
	"Anyway, I wanted to see how you were doing so far and to let you 
know that after your lunch break you'll be seeing how the counter is 
	"That'll be fine," Kevin nodded at this and walked off. A short 
time later Steven and another boy walked up.
	"Yeah?" she asked looking up.
	"Kevin wanted me to let you know that you go on lunch in Five 
minutes," Steven told her.
	"OK. Thanks."
	A few minutes later Erin entered the employee break room and in a 
back corner saw the same boy that she had seen with Steven. Seeing that 
he was sitting off by himself she decided that this would be a good 
time to try and get to know him without having to talk about work.
	"You mind if I sit here?" she asked as she walked up to his 
	"I guess so," came the barely audible reply.
	"I'm Erin," she told the boy, who still hadn't looked up from the 
book he was reading.
	"You're in Mr. Fogal's Fourth hour history class aren't you?" she 
continued trying to get some sort of conversation out of him. As 
halfway expected the teen just nodded and continued reading the book he 
had. After a few minutes of silence the boy closed the book and left 
the room without saying a word to her. Erin just looked on in shock at 
the boy's retreating back.
	"Don't let it get to you," another voice said from behind Erin 
causing her to jump.
	"Sorry about that. You mind if I sit with you?" Steven asked.
	"Thanks. Anyway, don't let my brother's attitude get to you. he's 
always like that when new people come up to him," Steven explained.
	"If you say so, but he seems totally different from when I've 
seen him in class," Erin replied.
	"Yeah, I'm sure he is. He does better with large crowds than he 
does one on one. especially when the other person is and I hope you 
don't feel offended, female."
	"Why's that?" Erin asked curiously.
	"Let's just say that, my brothers and I had a less than ideal 
childhood. It affected Aaron hardest of all since he was so young at 
the time. He's working on getting past it but highly doubt he'll ever 
get completely over it," Steven told her.
	"I guess I can safely assume this is the reason behind why you 
and Aaron still wear diapers?" she answered softly. Steven gave her a 
startled look when she said this.
	"How did you know?"
	"I've noticed that neither of you have once today gone to the 
rest room and after these last few weeks of seeing my youngest brother 
having diapers on under his pants I've learned to recognized what it 
looks like.
	"I see," Steven answered uncomfortably.
	"I wouldn't worry to much about it. Unless a person knows what to 
look for I don't think they would even notice," she told him.
	"Well, I need to get back. My break ends in a few minutes," Erin 
announced after a quick look at her watch.
	"Take a few extra minutes and we can go back together."
	"I'd like to, but I don't want to get in trouble for coming back 
late my first day here."
	"You won't get into any trouble. I'll tell Kevin that we were 
going over some last minute things before having you start with the 
front area," Steven told her and for the next fifteen minutes they did 
just that.
	"Ah shit! Here comes trouble," Aaron mumbled a short time later 
as he was showing Erin how to pull up orders on the computer terminal.
	"What is it?" Erin asked in surprise at the slight outburst.
	"You're about to meet the customer that gives us the most 
headaches," He told her as the customer neared the counter.
	"So, is my order ready yet?" she demanded without preamble.
	"Your name, please?" Aaron asked.
	"You know very well what my name is, young man. Now kindly go 
back and get my order."
	"Of course. It'll be just a moment while I bring your order up," 
he told her stiffly. About this time a young boy came up to the counter 
as well.
	"I'm sorry ma'am, but I'm not showing an order having been 
	"Don't give me that! I placed the order with you last week. How 
could you not have it listed!" she yelled back.
	"Would you kindly lower your voice, please? If I could have the 
confirmation number I gave you. I can see what is going on with the 
	"Fine," she responded hotly as she read the numbers off.
	"Thank you," Aaron said as he typed the numbers in. A moment 
later he looked up from his computer.
	"I'm sorry, that order was canceled."
	"What do you mean canceled?!" Mrs. Pike yelled even louder than 
before causing several nearby shoppers to look their way.
	"Yes ma'am, canceled."
	"Listen, you better get my order out here in the next couple of 
minutes, or you will regret it!"
	"Are you trying to threaten me?"
	"I don't threaten. I make promises. Now I want my Goddamned order 
out here. Right the Fuck Now!" she bellowed.
	"Mrs. Pike, This will be the last time I ask you. Please lower 
your tone and kindly stop swearing. The order was canceled and there 
isn't a thing I can do about it." As Aaron finished repeating this, 
Mrs. Pike reached around the counter and pulled the keyboard towards 
her, swearing loudly.
	"Is there a problem here?" Kevin asked as he came from the back 
	"Yes, there is! This fucking little shit purposely canceled my 
order and I want it replaced right now along with a refund placed on my 
credit card!"
	"Ma'am if you don't kindly lower your voice, I will have you 
escorted from the store," Kevin told her sternly.
	"You wouldn't fucking dare! Not with all the damned money I 
fucking spend here!" Mrs. Pike yelled back.
	Without another word Kevin pulled a phone from his belt and 
opened it.
	"Security to Special Orders Please. Code 3. Security, Code 3 to 
Special Orders," With an enraged bellow, Mrs. Pike took a swing at 
Kevin with her purse. Security arrived just as she tried to take 
another swing at him and grabbed her arms.
	"Kindly escort her out of the store," Kevin told the guards and 
turned back to Mrs. Pike.
	"You are hereby informed that you are no longer welcome in this 
store. If we catch you on the premises again, the police will be called 
and you will be arrested for trespassing. Is that clear?" Kevin told 
her evenly. Without waiting for a reply he turned around and headed 
back to his office.
	"Well, that was certainly exciting," Erin replied once the 
commotion died down.
	"Tell me about it. At least we finally got rid of her. She's been 
causing trouble like that since the store opened. I'll bet you anything 
that it was her son that called and canceled the order."
	"I'll take your word for it."
	"Don't worry about it. We don't have very many customers get like 
that," Aaron told her when he saw that she was still a bit shaken up.
	After this, the rest of the day went by smoothly.
	After helping his mom get his room straightened up Josh headed 
over to Caleb's. He was more than a little surprised to see Mrs. 
Timmons standing in the doorway when the door was answered after he 
rang the bell.
	"Well, hello Josh. Nice to see you up and around," she told him 
as she stepped back from the door to let him enter.
	"Thanks," He told her while he took his coat off.
	"CALEB! Josh is here!" she called as she took his coat.
	"Go ahead and have a seat. He'll be out in a minute."
	"OK," Josh replied as he took a seat on the couch. A short time 
later Caleb came out of his room.
	"I'm glad you were able to come over," he said to his guest.
	"It was my pleasure."
	"Want to go play some video games?" Caleb asked.
	"Sure!" Josh answered gleefully. Soon all that could be heard 
from the back part of the house was the laughter of two young boys. For 
her part, Caleb's aunt was glad that she had judged Josh correctly.
	"OK boys, Lets get some lunch into you," Bev called a few hours 
	"But first I think we better get you both into some clean 
diapers," she added quickly. Josh and Caleb both chuckled at this 
giving each other a knowing look.
	"You can go first," Caleb told his guest while his aunt went over 
to his changing table.
	"Gee, thanks," josh said while giving his friend a small shove. 
Soon both boys were sporting clean diapers and them along with Caleb's 
aunt were heading to the kitchen to have lunch.
	"Josh, after we're done eating, I want to take a look at that 
bandage," Bev told him as they ate. With a nod, Josh acknowledged this 
and continued eating.
	"OK, let's go get that bandage changed," Mrs. Timmons said thirty 
minutes later.
	"OK. Let me get my bag first," Josh told her.
	"Caleb would you mind going into your room for a few minutes?" 
his aunt suggested as Josh returned with his backpack.
	"That's OK, I don't mind if he watches," Josh told them as he 
took a seat again at the dining room table.
	"Well if you don't mind, let's get started," she told him while 
taking a seat near him.
	"I must say Josh, the doctor that worked on you really knew his 
stuff.", he was told while Mrs. Timmons took a closer look at the cut 
on his face, "Unfortunately, you'll still have a rather impressive 
scar. These things can't always be avoided."
	"I know," he answered a bit coldly. This caused the nurse to take 
a quick look into Josh's eyes and got the cold feeling that sooner, or 
later Mr. Pike would end up being a patient of hers.
	"Josh, you'll need to be heading home now. Caleb needs to get 
ready for his nap now," Caleb's aunt said while walking into her 
nephews room a few hours later.
	"Aunt Bev!" Caleb cried out on hearing this.
	"It's OK Caleb. I take them myself at times. Besides, I do need 
to be heading home now anyway," Josh told his friend as he gathered his 
stuff up and put his shoes back on.
	"Thanks for having me over and I'll see you Monday," Josh added 
as he walked out the door.
	"Did you have to mention that I still take naps?" Caleb whined to 
his aunt as she led him back into his room.
	"Well, I could have left that part out, but it's too late 
worrying about it now," She told her nephew as she helped him up on to 
the changing table and started to undress him.
	"he'll probably think I'm a baby now that he knows I still take 
naps and won't want to talk with me any more," Caleb mumbled more to 
himself than his aunt.
	"Caleb would you quit that kind of talk. I highly doubt that Josh 
thinks anything of the sort, and like he mentioned he takes naps as 
well," he was told in a exasperated voice.
	"Yeah, I guess you're right," as his old diaper was removed. 
Caleb soon found himself in the cloth diapers that he normally wore on 
the weekends and was stepping into a set of sleepers. Once these were 
zipped up he climbed into bed and was asleep within minutes of placing 
his head on the pillow.
	On his way home Josh started thinking that a nap would actually 
be a good idea for when he got home.
	"Mum, I'm home!" Josh called as he closed the front door behind 
	"She and Dad went out for a bit Josh," John told him.
	"Oh OK. If I don't have any chores to do, I'm going to go up a 
take a nap till dinner."
	"That's fine. Do you need a diaper change first?"
	"Nah, I got changed just a little bit ago so I should be fine."
	"OK, let me know when you get up and I'll change you then," John 
told his brother as he walked back into his own room.
	After waiting half an hour John got on the Internet and entered 
the CKM web site. With more than a little nervousness he clicked on the 
Survey Response tab and started reading.

Thank you for taking part in this survey. It will be split into three 
(3) segments: General Information, Product Information and Product 
Usage. Please fill these segments out as completely as possible.

                            General Information

Child's Name: Last:  Kelly  First: John  MI: T

First Address: 9015 W. 94th St.
               Overland Park, KS.

Second Address* N/A

* use second address if parents are divorced/separated and child lives 
equally between the two addresses.

Child's Birth date: February 29th, 1996

Child's age: 12

Gender:  Male: X               

Child's Father Name: Last: Kelly  First: Arthur  MI: J

Child's Mother Name: Last: Kelly  First: Janet   MI: E

Siblings:   Older                Younger
Brothers:                           1
Sisters:      1

Child's Current Measurements

(Please answer all the following questions in Inches and Pounds. 
Measurements will also need to be taken while child is undiapered.)

Child's Height: 56 inches

Child's Waist:  19 inches

Child's Seat:   13 inches

Child's Weight: 85 pounds

                              Product Information

Product(s) Being surveyed (check all that apply):

                      Thickies Slimline Briefs: X
                      Thickies Fun-pal Trainers: X

Size of Product(s) being used:

Thickies Slimline Briefs: Youth:  Small: X  Medium:  Large:   X-Large:
Thickies Fun-pal Trainers: X-small:  Small: X  Medium:   Large: 

What other diapers/trainers has the child tried, or is currently 
using?: N/A

How did you learn of Thickies brand diapers? (Check all that apply):

Health care professional:
Word of mouth:
Other: X


                                  Product Usage

The following section will deal with how and when the products are 

Relationship to person using product?:

Self:  X

Time when product is most commonly used?:

Night: X
Both Day and Night:

Number of products used in a normal 24 hour period?: 2

Please rate the following on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 being the lowest 5 
being the highest).

                             Thickies Slimline Briefs

Fit:  1 ()   2 ()   3 ()  4 ()   5 (X)

Absorbency:   1 ()   2  ()  3 ()  4 ()  5 (X)

Comfort:  1 ()  2 ()  3 ()  4 ()   5 (X)

Discreteness:  1 ()  2 ()  3 ()  4 ()  5 (X)

                            Thickies Fun-pal Trainers

Fit:  1 ()  2 ()  3 ()  4 ()  5 (X)

Absorbency:  1 ()  2 ()  3 ()  4 (X)  5 ()

Comfort:  1 ()  2 ()  3 ()  4 ()  5 (X)

Discreteness:  1 ()  2 ()  3 ()  4 ()  5 (X)

If chosen to participate in a more detailed Survey what would be the 
best way to contact you?

E-mail*: Yes (X)  No  ()

Phone**: Yes ()  No  (X)

Mail:    Yes (X)  No  ()

* If you answered yes to this question please enter your E-mail address 
in the space below.

** If you answered yes to this question please enter your phone number( 
w/area code) in the space below, along with the best time to contact 

E-mail Address:

Phone Number:   Daytime: N/A      Nighttime: N/A
Best time to contact you: Daytime: N/A  Nighttime: N/A

To be considered for future surveys please enter the 12 digit number 
from the letter that came with these products.

ID Number: 3D09FPN7V2LL

	Just as John finished typing in this number he heard his mom and 
dad come into the house.
	"John could you come down and help bring the groceries into the 
house," his mom called.
	"Sure mom, just let me save what I'm doing real quick and I'll be 
right down," he called back. After quickly looking over the survey 
again john hit the send button on it and signed off his computer once 
he got the confirmation that it had been received. Before leaving his 
room, john quickly pulled a pair of sweat pant on over the trainers he 
was wearing.
	"How was your day?" John was asked as he sat down to put his 
shoes on.
	"Not bad. I spent most of the day getting my computer set back up 
and finishing some homework," Mrs. Kelly nodded at this. She would have 
been shocked to know the one thing her son had also done, but didn't 
tell her about.
	John spent the next thirty minutes helping his mom put the 
groceries away and from what he could tell she never once noticed that 
he was wearing one of the trainers that she had brought home a few days 
	"Mom, I need to be changed," Josh announced a short time later.
	"Could you ask John to do it, Josh? I'm just getting dinner 
	"OK," the young boy replied as he walked off to find his brother.
	"John, I need to be changed and mom wanted you to do it," Josh 
said as he walked into his brothers room.
	"OK, go to your room and I'll be there in a moment."
	"This is just what I needed," John thought as he pulled out a 
clean diaper from his stash and slipped it under his shirt.
	"I think I'll need to talk to mom about getting some air 
freshener for this room Josh," John said as he undid his brothers' 
	"I can't help it," Josh whined thinking that his brother was 
making fun of him.
	"Relax Josh, I was only making a general comment. You really need 
to stop taking these so personally. So, how was your time over at 
Caleb's?" John asked as he pulled out a wipe to clean the poop off his 
Josh's backside.
	"I had lots of fun. We spent most of the day inside, but he has 
lots of neat games."
	"I'm glad to here that. Maybe you could have him spend the night 
sometime," Josh was told as his brother rubbed some lotion into his 
groin and then added some powder. Josh was being told to lift his butt 
up so the new diapers could be placed under him.
	"There you go, Josh. All nice and clean," John said while giving 
his brother a slight tickle as he pulled his pants back up.
	"You can go ahead and restart the movie in my room Josh. I'll be 
in just as soon as I restock your table," John said. Once Josh was in 
John's room John silently closed the door to Josh's room and quickly 
changed his own diaper. John noticed that Josh's Diaper Genie was full 
after he put his used trainer in it. He cleaned it out and put the 
string of old diapers into one of the plastic bags that were now kept 
nearby and took those down to the trash once he had finished refilling 
the diapers on Josh's changing table.
	" John, Josh! The pizza's here!" His mom called a short time 
	"OK Mum. I'll be down in a moment!" john yelled back to her as he 
put the movie on hold.
	"Aww John, why did you do that the movie was just getting good," 
Josh whined as his brother got up off his bed.
	"Oh be quiet, I'll be right back," John laughed as he tossed a 
pillow at his brother. Josh laughed at this and started to hop around 
on the bed.
	"Bet you can't hit me now," he called.
	"We'll see about that when I get back," John chuckled as he left 
the room.
	"Your father and I are on our way out now John. I want you and 
josh both to behave yourselves and to mind what Erin tells you. I don't 
want to hear about any problems in the morning," John was told sternly.
	"We will," John told her honestly.
	"OK. Erin should be home in about half an hour. you should be OK 
till then," She added before giving him a hug.
	"You guys have a good time at the party," John told his parents 
as they walked out the door. Once he was sure they were gone, he headed 
into the kitchen to get himself and Josh some pizza and something to 
drink. While getting the glasses down he saw some baby bottles on the 
top shelf of the cabinet and on a whim he decided to fill one up for 
Josh instead of a regular glass.
	"what's that for?" Josh asked as John came back into his and Josh 
saw the bottle of milk on the tray his brother was carrying.
	"Oh that, I saw these in the cabinet with the rest of the glasses 
and thought you might like to use it during the movie," John answered 
as he sat the tray down on his night stand and handed Josh his dinner 
along with the bottle. he didn't bother trying to argue about getting 
the bottle since he knew it wouldn't do any good. John inwardly as he 
saw josh start to use the bottle. Half an hour later they heard Erin 
enter the house.
	"Mum, Dad?" Erin called as she closed the door behind her.
	"We're up here Erin!" John called in response.
	"Where did mom and dad go?" John was asked as Erin entered his 
	"They had that party tonight remember?"
	"Oh yeah, I forgot about that."
	"So, how was your first day at work?" John asked with interest.
	"It wasn't to bad. We had some lady and her son through a really 
big fit over a canceled order. for a while I thought it might come to 
blows, or something," Erin related.
	"How old was the boy?" Josh asked, joining the conversation.
	"I'd say he was about your age," Erin replied while sitting on 
the spare bed.
	"You didn't happen to get a name did you?" Josh continued.
	"I only heard the last name. Which reminds me, you wouldn't 
happen to know any boy in your school with the last name of Pike would 
	Josh's smile faded quickly at the mention of this name, while his 
left hand unconsciously went up to the bandage on the side of his face. 
Both John and Erin knew right then that this must have been the boy 
that had given Josh the scar.
	"I'm sorry Josh, I didn't know," Erin told him.
	"It's OK," Josh answered coldly. The lack of emotion in the 
answer worried both of them, but there was nothing they could do at 
this time.
	"There is pizza in the kitchen if you want some," John said, 
changing the subject.
	"you guys mind if I join you?" Erin asked a few minutes later as 
she came back by with her own dinner.
	"I don't have a problem. We were about to start a new movie 
anyway. As Erin was getting settled she saw Josh using the bottle that 
John had brought up for him. She too smiled at the sight of this but 
didn't say anything that might embarrass him.
	The rest of the evening went by quietly. After the second movie 
Erin took Josh into his room to place him into his night time diaper 
and after doing this sent him back in to watch the third movie that had 
been rented for the night. Little did josh know that while he was 
getting changed John had gone back downstairs to refill that bottle he 
had been using all evening. Josh ended up falling asleep part of the 
way into the last movie and instead of waking him up John moved him 
over to the spare bed giving him the bottle he made earlier as he 
tucked him in. Josh's parents found him curled up with the bottle when 
they checked on everyone when they got home.
	"How was the party?" John asked the next morning.
	"It wasn't bad. Just the usual shop talk," his dad replied as he 
sat down to read his morning paper.
	"Why was Joshua sleeping in your room last night?" His mom asked.
	"He fell asleep during one of the movies and I felt it would be 
easier to just move him over to the spare bed in my room than it would 
be to wake him up and move him to his own bed," john told them.
	This answer seemed to satisfy his parents. A short time later 
Josh finally woke up and joined his parents and brother downstairs.
	"Josh before you get to comfortable let's get you back upstairs 
and get you into a clean diaper," his mother told him before he got 
more than a few steps from the stairs. With a shrug, he turned around 
and headed back up to his room.
	"Do you want to tell me why you had a bottle with you last 
night?" Mrs. Kelly asked her youngest son as she pulled the plastic 
pants off his pee and poop filled diaper.
	"John handed it to me last night during the movie and didn't feel 
like arguing about it. Besides, I kind of liked it," Josh told her 
looking a bit red when he did.
	"It's all right. I just wanted to make sure you weren't forced 
into using it," he was told as his diaper was pulled down and the poop 
was cleaned off him.
	"Why don't you go get a quick shower to clean up a bit before you 
get your clean diapers on." Josh nodded at this and hopped off the 
changing table. he was a bit surprised to see his mom following him 
into the bathroom. She just smiled at him as she emptied the contents 
of his diaper into the toilet and then left quickly. Josh let out a 
brief sigh of relief at this thinking that for a moment she was going 
to start bathing him again since he had just recently shown that he 
could start doing this for himself.
	Within twenty minutes Josh was in a clean set of his cloth 
diapers and was trying to get a pair of his jeans over them. After five 
more minutes of struggling to gut them on he gave up and opted for a 
pair of his sweat pants.
	"I thought you wear putting some jeans on?" his mother inquired 
as he came into the kitchen.
	"They wouldn't fit over these diapers," Josh told her. Mrs. Kelly 
just smiled at this.
	"I can't say that I'm too surprised at this since I got the jeans 
to fit over your disposable diapers and not those. Now why don't you 
get the silverware and start setting the table," Josh replied with a 
nod and headed over to get the silverware as he was closing the drawer 
he dropped one of the knives and as he bent over to pick it up he felt 
someone slap his diapered butt.
	"Morning Josh," Erin called as she walked past him.
	"Morning," Josh answered grumpily at getting his diaper slapped. 
He didn't bother making a fuss over it since he knew that it wouldn't 
do any good and it would just get his sister doing even more just to 
get a rise out of him.
	After breakfast the older kids headed off to get their own 
showers and get dressed for the day. John, as had become usual for him 
over the last couple of days had slipped on one of his training pants 
along with a pair of his normal underpants. Just as he came out of his 
room Erin strolled by wearing her work uniform.
	"I thought you'd be joining us today?" he commented.
	"I was wanting to, but Kevin asked if I would mind working today 
to get some more practice in," Erin replied. John let the subject drop 
at this.
	"John, would you mind changing Josh over into one of his Attends 
and get a bag made up for him?" Mr. Kelly asked a short time later.
	"Sure dad," John replied as he gave his younger brother a pat on 
the back.
	"C'mon Josh. Let's get you changed," he added with a grin. Since 
Josh turned out to only be wet at this time the change didn't take to 
	"Do I have time to try and use the rest room?" Josh asked as the 
cloth diapers were pulled out from under him.
	"Sure, we can make the time for that," John answered. As Josh 
hopped of the table and headed the bathroom, John pulled out the 
backpack that they used as Josh's diaper bag. It took only a few 
minutes to get things in place and just as John closed the bag his 
brother returned from his trip to the toilet.
	Mrs. Kelly was just about to go up and see what was taking the 
boys so long when they came bounding down the stairs.
	"Josh wanted to make a pit stop," John explained seeing the look 
on his mother's face.
	"That's fine. Now let's get going before the show starts," she 
announced. Both boys smiled at this as they walked past her. John was 
unprepared for the slap to the bottom that he got as he walked past 
her. For her part, Mrs. Kelly was also surprised at the unexpected 
thickness she felt when her hand connected with her oldest son's 
behind. While she didn't say anything then, she did decide to do some 
looking around his room while he was at school the next day.
	The rest of the day went by quickly for all of them and all to 
soon it was time for the kids to head off to bed. Josh was the most 
nervous of them all after what had taken place the week before. Little 
did any of them know what would happen in the week to come.

Chapter Ten

WARNING: This part contains acts of violence which may be disturbing to 
some readers.

	"Get a move on things you two, or you're going to be late for 
school!" Mrs. Kelly yelled for the third time in the last couple of 
	"We'll be right down, mom!" John yelled back. Both John and Josh 
came running into the dining room a few minutes after this.
	"Sorry to eat and run mom, but you don't want me to be late," 
John commented as he threw some scrambled eggs and bacon on some toast 
and headed for the front door.
	"You know, John, this wouldn't happen if you'd get up when you're 
first called," his mom said to his retreating back. John just nodded at 
this as he grabbed his book bag and ran out the door.
	"Hey DJ! Wait up!" John called as he saw his friend up ahead.
	"Hey John, What took you so long?" John was asked as he reached 
his friend.
	"I overslept. I stayed up late trying to get that English report 
done," he replied with a tired look.
	"I know what you mean. I just hope she doesn't pull the same shit 
as last time. Hey, I was wanting to know if you wanted to have a 
sleepover at my place this weekend,"
	"Will your brothers be there?"
	"Nah, they already have plans made."
	"In that case, I'd be happy to accept, if my parents will let 
me." This response got a laugh from his friend. the rest of the walk to 
school went by quickly for the two boys.
	"You already for another fun day, Josh?" David asked as the two 
boys headed towards their school.
	"Oh yeah, this is just the highlight of my day," Josh shot back 
sarcastically, making both boys laugh.
	"Hey, I was planning on having a slumber party this Friday to 
celebrate my birthday. You want to come?"
	"I'll have to check with my parents, but this sounds cool," Josh 
replied thinking at how he hadn't been to a sleepover since before he 
got sick several months before.
	"OK, I'll have my mom call yours after school and get things set 
up." The boys spent the rest of the walk to school talking about what 
was possibly planned for the up coming party.
	"Uh David, could you tell Mr. Barrett that I'll be a few minutes 
late?" Josh asked his friend as they entered the school. Going from the 
look on his friend's face, David had a good feeling what the delay was 
going to be and nodded that he would.
	"Thanks," Josh replied and split off from his friend so he could 
make a stop at the nurse's office.
	"Hey Josh," Caleb called as he walked into the office.
	"Hey Caleb. Is the nurse around?"
	"Yeah she's taking care of some finished business," Caleb told 
his friend with a slight chuckle and nod towards the back room. Josh 
grinned as he picked up on the hint his friend was giving him. A moment 
later the door opened and a young 2nd grader was escorted from the area 
by the nurse.
	"I'll see you at lunch," the boy was told as he left the office.
	"OK, Caleb. I guess you're next. I'll be with you in a few 
minutes Josh," she told him while leading her nephew into the changing 
	"Welcome back, Josh," Mr. Barrett announced as Josh walked into 
the classroom.
	"Thank you," Josh answered with a nod as he handed his teacher 
his pass.
	"Open your Math book to page 75," Josh was told as he took his 
seat. As he took his seat he could feel almost everyone looking at him. 
Trying his hardest to ignore the stares he took his seat and opened his 
Math book to the page mentioned. The sound of Mr. Barrett clearing his 
throat brought the class back to attention. Josh was even starting to 
enjoy the class since he didn't have to worry about Billy trying 
anything. He soon found that this was going to be short-lived.
	"You better watch your back, diaper boy. When Billy gets back 
he's going to clean the floor with you," Billy's one remaining stooge 
told him during the first recess.
	"Yeah, right," Josh shot back as he stepped around the bigger 
	"I mean it! You best watch your back!" Josh was told again as the 
boy placed a hand on his shoulder.
	"Take your hand off my shoulder, please," Josh said coldly.
	"And if I don't?" the other boy threatened.
	"Then, I'll remove it for you. Now for the last time, please take 
your hand off my shoulder."
	"I'd like to see you try and make me."
	"If you insist," Josh said with a gleam in his eye that the other 
boy misread as fear. Without another word Josh reached up and took a 
hold of the taller boy's hand and wrist and with little effort broke 
the boy's grip on his shoulder. Just as he was about to apply more 
pressure to the boy's wrist an accented voice was heard.
	"Is there a problem here, boys?"
	"No, sir. No problem. Just a slight disagreement," Josh told his 
principal as he let go of the other boy.
	"Ah, that's good to hear. Well then I'll let you rejoin your 
classmates then. And Mr. O'Connor, I might suggest you have the nurse 
take a look at your hand before returning to class." The other boy just 
nodded at this while still holding his injured hand. With a nod at the 
two boys, the principal walked off.
	"I suggest you stay out of my way and pass that along to Pike as 
well," Josh whispered to the would-be bully as he walked past.
	"Damn Josh, What did you do to him?" David asked as his friend 
walked by him.
	"It's just a little something I picked up from an uncle," Josh 
	"Uh, right," David replied looking at his smaller friend in a new 
	The rest of the day went by slowly, but news of Josh's little 
altercation with one of the biggest bullies in the school spread like 
wildfire. It gained even more momentum when the word got out that the 
other boy was taken to the hospital because of it.
	"Mom! I'm home!" Josh called as he walked through the door.
	"You can drop your stuff there if you want," he informed David.
	"Hello, David. How are you?" Mrs. Kelly asked as she came in to 
greet her son.
	"I'm fine, thank you," he replied.
	"There're some snacks on the kitchen table, if you'd like some," 
she told he son's friend. Catching the tone used for this David left 
the two alone.
	"I received a call from your principal today. he mentioned that 
you had a 'disagreement' with one of the boys that have been picking on 
you. Is this true?" She informed and asked her son.
	"Yes, it happened. He was telling me to watch my back for when 
Billy comes back to school tomorrow. When I tried to walk past him he 
put his hand on my shoulder to stop me. I asked him politely twice to 
take his hand off and when he wouldn't, I removed it for him," Josh 
told her plainly. Mrs. Kelly just nodded at this since this is exactly 
what she was told by his principal.
	"OK. Head on up to your room. I'll be there in a minute to change 
you and then you can spend some time with your friend," Josh was told. 
With a bit of an astonished look he bounded up the stairs. He was soon 
joining David at the kitchen table. For his part, David seemed a bit 
shocked at seeing his friend in cloth diapers.
	A short time later as the two boys were playing some video games 
Josh noticed a bit of an uncomfortable look on his friend's face.
	"Is there something wrong, David?"
	"Uh, sort of. I've nearly maxed out the GoodNites I have on and I 
don't have anymore with me," came the embarrassed reply.
	"Oh, is that all? I thought it was something really bad," Josh 
	"This is bad. Unless you have something that'll fit me, I'll have 
to head home."
	"Don't worry about it. Just take your old GoodNites off and I'll 
find you something," Josh answered with a grin as he went over to his 
brother's closet.
	"What are you doing?" David questioned as he removed his pants.
	"I'm finding you something to wear," Josh laughed as he continued 
to shuffle through the piles of clothes.
	"Ah, here they are," Josh announced holding up a pair of the 
trainers John had swiped.
	"These look like little kid trainers," David said skeptically 
while taking the offered garment.
	"I know. My mom received them as a gift when my cloth diapers 
came in, but they were the wrong size. They've been in storage since 
	"If they were put in storage why are some in your brother's 
closet?" David asked while he stepped into the trainers and pulled them 
	"John's been swiping some ever since we got them. I think he 
likes wearing them," Josh said with a smile.
	"You mean, your brother likes wearing diapers?"
	"I have the feeling he does. I saw him taking off a used pair 
just after we got them. He doesn't know I saw him, though. How do they 
fit?" Josh asked with a smile seeing his friend in the toddlerish-
looking trainers.
	"They're a little snug, but comfortable," Josh was told as his 
friend put his underwear and pants back on over the trainers.
	"I just hope I can get rid of these before my mom sees them," 
David added. josh just nodded at this and the two resumed their game.
	Ninety minutes later, David was informed that it was time for him 
to head home for dinner. after saying good-bye to his friend, David 
started his short walk home. Within sight of his house, David felt his 
bowels start to cramp and before he could do anything he felt the solid 
mass empty into the back of the trainers he had on.
	"Damn, How am I going to get past my mom with these on?" David 
thought to himself as he walked up to his front door.
	"Mommm, I'm home!" David called as he walked through the front 
door and headed for his room hoping to get cleaned up before his mom 
found out. This, unfortunately, didn't happen as his mother came down 
the stairs as he was walking up them.
	"Welcome home, stranger. Did you have a fun time at Josh's?" She 
asked him. Before he had a chance to respond to the question his mom 
sniffed the air a bit and without warning felt the seat of his pants.
	"Did you have an accident?" She queried. The look on her son's 
face was all the answer she needed. Without a word, she escorted her 
son up to his room and got out his changing pad. knowing what was going 
to happen, David pulled off his pants and underwear, then lay down on 
the pad while his mom got out the rest of his diapering supplies. She 
looked more than a little surprised to see the trainers her son had on.
	With a shake of her head and a smile she ripped the sides of the 
trainers and pulled them down exposing her son's poop-covered bottom.
	"Well, I see you haven't lost your touch there, kiddo," David's 
mom laughed as she started cleaning her son up. For his part, David 
just turned red from embarrassment. David walked out of his room ten 
minutes later sporting a clean diaper. After dinner was finished and 
the table cleared, David and Brandon sat down to do their homework till 
called for their baths.
	"Hey Kelly! Way to go with O'Connor yesterday!" A kid from one of 
the other 5th grade classes called as Josh walked across the playground 
and into the school. He was equally confused when several others came 
up to thank him for what he had done the day before.
	"I really wish someone would tell me what's going on," Josh 
muttered to David as the two entered their classroom. The boys were 
greeted to a loud round of applause when they entered the room.
	"Will somebody please tell me what the heck is going on with the 
clapping?" Josh asked once the noise died down. Before anyone could 
answer the question, the bully from the day before pushed his way 
through the crowd. The first thing that David and Josh noticed was the 
cast that now covered one of the boy's hand and wrist.
	"I think you better say something about what you did yesterday," 
he said threateningly. Josh looked from the cast to the boy's face and 
said the first thing that came to his mind.
	"Oooppss," Josh stated plainly with a shrug and started to step 
around the boy so he could get to his desk when a hand came down on his 
	"Unless you what a matching pair, I would strongly suggest you 
remove your hand from my shoulder, O'Connor," Josh stated in a toneless 
voice. Catching the content of what was just said the hand was quickly 
taken away. This exchange got the class laughing again and continued 
until Mr. Barrett entered the class escorting Billy Pike.
	"You should have paid up, baby. Now the whole school will find 
out what a baby you really are. I might even have to give you a 
matching scar for the other side of that ugly face of yours," Pike 
whispered as he walked past Josh to get to his seat.
	"Go fuck yourself, Pike," Josh replied in an equally soft voice. 
Mr. Barrett, having seen the exchange, but not heard it, decided to 
make a quick change in the seating plan.
	"Allison, would you please gather your books up and switch seats 
with Mr. Pike," He announced.
	"Yes, sir," the girl replied as she gathered her books up. Billy 
had chosen to ignore the request and was still sitting in his seat when 
the girl got to his place.
	"Mr. Pike, I believe I asked you to switch places," Mr. Barrett 
stated in a tone that spoke volumes. After a few more seconds of 
defiance to this request Billy threw his books together and got up. 
While stepping past Allison he knocked the books from her hands and 
kicked a few of them up the aisle.
	"Mr. Pike. please pick those books up and hand them back to 
Allison," Their teacher said in a very tired voice. Once the books were 
returned to their owner and Bill had taken his new seat by the 
teacher's desk, the lessons for the day started. For his part Billy was 
given extra work to do because of the disruption he had caused earlier. 
One thing, though, had seemed to escape everyone's attention except for 
Josh's and David's was the extra bulge that Billy's pants seemed to 
	"I'll meet with you in a few minutes," David was told as he and 
Josh walked up to the lunchroom.
	"That's fine. I'll save you a spot," David replied as his friend 
walked away from the class and headed towards the nurse's office. Josh 
was a bit surprised to see Billy coming out of the nurse's office as he 
walked in. Seeing the smaller boy, the bully purposely pushed him into 
the wall as he walked past. Josh said nothing, but looked back over his 
shoulder at the departing boy. The bit of white he saw sticking up from 
the back of his tormentor's pants all but confirmed what Josh had come 
to suspect. Josh was soon heading to lunch himself after having gotten 
a quick diaper and bandage change.
	"You'll never believe this," Josh announced as he sat down.
	"What?" David and Caleb asked in unison, leaning forward as they 
	"I think Pike is wearing diapers," he answered with a grin and 
started to fill them in on what he had seen just a few minutes before. 
Both of the other boys grinned at the thought of this and knew that if 
it were to become public his days as a bully would be over.
	"Oh Caleb, I forgot to ask you the other day if you'd be 
interested in coming to a sleepover at my house this Friday?" David 
asked shortly before they were to finish lunch.
	"I'll have to ask my dad first, but I'd like that. There wouldn't 
be any problems with my condition, would there?" Caleb asked softly.
	"I can promise you that it wouldn't be any problem at all," the 
smaller boy was assured as the two other boys shared an insider's grin.
	Minutes later the three boys got up from their table and started 
to take their lunch trays up to the drop-off point. Josh was too 
engrossed in his conversation with David to notice that Billy had come 
up behind him. Before Josh could react, Billy had pulled on and yanked 
his pants down, exposing Josh's diaper, and with a quick shove sent the 
boy sprawling to the ground. With great self-control, Josh picked 
himself up from the floor and pulled his pants back up and walked away. 
All the while Billy and his friends were laughing up a storm. Till they 
turned around and ran right into both Mr. Tiergardt and Mr. Wink.
	"Well, I see you didn't learn a thing over your suspension, Mr. 
Pike," their principal said coldly as he and Mr. Wink escorted the 
three boys to the office.
	Josh fumed the rest of the day over what happened in the 
lunchroom. He was bit surprised that no direct comments were made about 
it, but this came mostly from the vibes he was sending out along with 
the look on his face that warned people to stay away from him.
	"You want to come by my house after school, Josh?" David asked 
him during the afternoon recess.
	"I can't. I have a doctor's appointment to get these stitches out 
	"That's cool. I know I was happy to have gotten mine out a couple 
of days ago."
	"I could tell," Josh laughed as he punched his friend in the 
	"Well, time to go back in and have some more fun," David said 
glumly as they heard a whistle start blowing. Josh laughed some more at 
this comment and followed his friend to where their class was lining up 
to go back inside.
	"Josh, Mr. Teirgardt would like to see you in his office," Mr. 
Barrett announced as his class filed back into the room. On hearing 
this several students started joking about Josh being in trouble, but 
this was all done in good fun.
	"OK," Josh answered as he took his coat off and hung it up.
	"May I help you?" One of the secretaries asked as Josh entered 
the office.
	"Yes, I'm Josh Kelly. I was told the principal wanted to see me."
	"Ah yes, Mr. Kelly. You can have a seat over there on the bench 
and I'll let Mr. Teirgardt know you're here," she answered while 
pointing Josh over to some seats. Just as Josh was going to sit down he 
felt his bowels and bladder let loose.
	"I need to go see the nurse. Could you tell Mr. Teirgardt I'll be 
back in a moment?"
	"I'll be sure to tell him," Josh was told with a knowing smile.
	"Mrs. Timmons?" Josh called as he walked into the Nurse's office.
	"Yes, Josh?"
	"I need some help with something," Josh told her cryptically.
	"OK. Well, follow me and we'll see what we can do to help you 
out," She told him while getting up from her chair and led him into the 
changing area.
	"I heard what happened in the lunch room earlier and I'm sorry 
that it had to happen," Josh was told as he was helped up on to the 
exam table and had the leg snaps on his pants undone.
	"Yeah, me too," Josh said.
	"I have no idea why Billy has to be such a jerk. Especially since 
it looked like he was wearing a diaper himself today, though I know you 
can't tell me if it is true or not."
	"You're right, I can't confirm that statement, but it holds more 
water than you might think," she told Josh. She also knew that with as 
bright as Josh was he would pick up the real meaning of what she said 
and he did. Josh just sort of smiled at this and allowed the nurse to 
continue with his diaper change. Just as Mrs. Timmons pulled the front 
of Josh's new diaper up between his legs, Mr. Teirgardt entered the 
	"Is there something I can help you with?" the nurse asked in a 
slightly cross tone because of the interruption.
	"I was wanting to have a chat with Mr. Kelly here."
	"That's fine, but would you mind stepping outside till I'm 
	"It's OK, Mrs. Timmons. I don't mind," Josh said from his place 
on the table.
	"If you're sure," She said in surrender and picked up where she 
had left off.
	"Josh, I've just had a long talk with all three boys about what 
happened in the lunchroom earlier. All three of them have been given a 
one day suspension because this is all I can give them for this sort of 
thing." Josh nodded at this, but got the feeling that his principal 
wanted to do a great deal more to them.
	"I'll be sending a memo out to the entire staff that this sort of 
thing will not be tolerated and that anyone doing any harassment of any 
type will be dealt with firmly and quickly." Josh again just nodded at 
this and thought of something as his pant legs were snapped back up.
	"You didn't call my parents about this, did you?" Josh asked as 
he swung his legs back over the side of the table so he was now in a 
sitting position. All the while he hoped the answer to his question 
would be "No", but somehow knew that this wouldn't be the answer he 
	"Yes, Josh, I did. I felt that your parents needed to know about 
it. Why, is there some problem that this might cause?" Josh replied 
that there wasn't, but knew this was a lie. Knowing his mom's temper he 
knew sparks were going to fly once he got home.
	"Well, this is all I needed to talk to you about. You can go back 
to your class once Mrs. Timmons has written you a pass," Mr. Teirgardt 
told him as he walked out of the room. Five minutes later Josh was back 
in his classroom. Josh found it a bit hard to concentrate on his final 
lesson of the day since he kept catching his classmates looking at him 
	"How are you doing, Josh?" His mom asked as her son climbed into 
the car after school.
	"I'm doing fine."
	"You haven't had any problem with what happened during lunch 
	"No, I think a few people were starting at me at recess and 
stuff, but nothing was said directly to me," Josh answered.
	"That's good to hear, but I want you to let me, or a teacher know 
if anyone else gives you a problem over this. Okay?"
	"Yeah, mom I will," Josh replied in typical ten year old fashion.
	Nothing else was about mentioned about this subject between them 
for the rest of the day.
	"Boy, Josh, the doctor really did do a good job on you," John 
told his younger brother later that afternoon once he saw the five-
inch-long scar Josh now sported on his left cheek bone.
	"Yeah, he did. I'm just glad that it's not as visible as they 
thought it would be."
	"Oh, I don't know I hear some girls like guys with scars and I'll 
be the first to say that it does a certain something for your looks," 
John added with a smile. He knew that for the next week or so Josh 
would need some boosting up because of this since he had always been 
self-conscious about his looks.
	"You really think so?" Josh asked, think his brother might be 
feeding him a line.
	"Have you ever known me to lie about something like that?" John 
questioned back. As much as he wanted to argue this, Josh knew what his 
brother said was true.
	"I just wonder what the other kids are going to say about it in 
school tomorrow?" Josh wondered aloud.
	"If they're really your friends they won't say anything about it, 
aside from the usual stuff. It's the same with them finding out about 
your diapers today." Josh spun around to face his brother on hearing 
the last part.
	"How did you know about that? Neither mom, or I said anything 
about that,"
	"Think Josh, My best friend's brothers are in your class. They 
would have seen it happen and would have naturally told DJ. Who in turn 
called me once he found out about it," John said with a slight smile as 
he rapped Josh on the forehead with his knuckles. Josh shrugged at this 
and turned back around to look at himself in the mirror.
	"I guess so, but you really think the scar does something for my 
looks?" Josh said with a grin. John just shook his head and laughed at 
this last comment from his brother and left the room.
	As John had predicted nothing was said to Josh about either his 
new scar, or the now known fact that he wore diapers again. It seemed 
that a few times one kid was wanting to approach him about something, 
but always seemed to back out at the last minute. Josh decided to leave 
this alone till the kid was able to make the first move. While Josh was 
pleased that most of his classmates didn't seem to care about him 
wearing diapers, he knew it was only a matter of time before Billy 
reentered the picture and then things would turn ugly again.
	"Josh, It's time to get up now," Mrs. Kelly announced as she 
walked into her youngest son's room the next morning.
	"Just a few more minutes mum, please?" Josh mumbled as he pulled 
his blankets closer to him and turned over so he was facing away from 
his mom's voice.
	"That's what you said a few minutes ago. Now it's time to get 
up," he was told as his mom grabbed the blankets and pulled them off.
	"MOOM!" Josh yelled as this happened.
	"Don't 'mom' me, it's time for you to get up," She told him with 
a slight smile on her face. Thinking of how cute her son looked in his 
sleepers, especially with how his diapers seemed to make the crotch of 
them stand out even more. With a few more mumbled words Josh soon found 
himself being stripped of his sleepers and herded towards his changing 
	"Now remember Josh, I'll be in your class today to help out with 
it's Christmas party. Try not to cause any trouble with Billy today, 
OK?" Josh was told as his mom pulled down his soiled night time 
	"I'll try, mom, but if he starts something first I will protect 
myself," Josh told her plainly, as he lifted his butt up so his old 
diapers could be removed after he got his butt cleaned off.
	"I can accept that, but try to walk away from it first," Mrs. 
Kelly continued.
	"I always try, but he doesn't give me the chance most of the 
	"I'm aware of that, but try anyway." Josh nodded to this and soon 
felt his mom spreading some lotion over his groin. He gave a slight 
sigh at this like he always seemed to. Mrs. Kelly chuckled a bit at the 
look on her son's face as he did this.
	"Are you all ready for the sleep over tonight?" She continued as 
she prodded josh to lift up so new diaper could be placed under him.
	"Yup, but I will say that I'm kind of nervous since this is the 
first sleepover I've been on since I started wearing diapers again."
	"Now you know that there isn't any reason for that since at least 
two of the people will also be wearing them."
	"I know, but I'm still nervous," Josh told his mom as she brought 
the front of his diaper up between his legs and fastened the tapes.
	"Well, I'm sure you'll still have lots of fun."
	"I know," Josh said with a wide grin.
	"Well, you're all done here. Now hurry up and get dressed. 
Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes," Josh was told after a light 
slap to his diapered rump. With a smile, he jumped off the changing 
table and went over to where his clothes were already laid out. With in 
five minutes he was bounding downstairs for breakfast.
	"You already for tonight, guys?" David asked his two friends as 
the three walked to school.
	"Yeah, it should be lots of fun!" Josh announced excitedly.
	"What about you, Caleb?" the smaller boy was asked after a few 
moments of silence?
	"I'm looking forward to it, but I'm still worried about what the 
others will say," Caleb explained.
	"I've already told you, There's nothing to worry about. No one 
will make fun of you wearing diapers. If any uncalled for comments are 
made, then that person will be asked to leave," David stated seriously. 
This seemed to give Caleb some confidence. The boys continued their 
walk to school, not knowing about the events that were already 
unfolding that would stun a nation!
	"OK, everyone settle down," their teacher called as the tardy 
bell rang.
	"Now in observance of the holidays and with how hard you all have 
been working these last couple of weeks I feel that you've earned a 
break. So, I've decided to make today a free day. There will be no 
assignments, or school work of any kind today. If you'll just pass last 
night's assignments to the front of your rows to be collected You'll be 
free to do what you want for the rest of the day till the Christmas 
party later this afternoon," Mr. Barrett concluded with a smile.
	"I will ask though, that you keep the noise down so you don't 
disturb the other classes," he added seriously.
	After the requested assignments were passed forward and 
collected. the class split up for their day long recess. Josh, Ricky 
and David choose to play a game of Trivial Pursuit since they felt that 
this would take up most of their time.
	"Mind if I join you?" A voice asked as they were setting the game 
	Looking up, Josh saw the boy that had been trying to speak with 
him the day before.
	"Sure, pull up a chair," Josh answered think that this might be 
the opening the boy was looking for.
	About thirty minutes into the game the boy made the move Josh was 
hoping for.
	"I was sorry to see what Billy did to you yesterday at lunch," 
the boy said as an opening.
	"Yeah, well, as we all know Billy is a jerk," Josh told him. The 
boy just nodded at this. After a few moments longer the boy spoke 
	"You mind if I ask you something personal?" he asked softly.
	"That would depend on what the question is," Josh replied.
	"Uh... what does it feel like to wear diapers again?"
	"Your name is Kevin, isn't it?" David piped in.
	"Yeah, it is," Kevin answered.
	"OK, Kevin, before I decide whether or not to answer your 
question, answer this one for me. Why do you want to know?" Josh told 
him seriously. With all three of the other boys at the table looking at 
him Kevin turned a deep red. With a movement of his finger Kevin 
motioned for Josh to lean forward some. Respecting the other boy's 
privacy, Josh did so and on hearing what the answer was and knowing 
that it was the truth Josh answered the original question. David was 
more than a little surprised to hear his friend talk about this 
subject, but kept his mouth shut while Josh was speaking.
	"It's kind of hard to explain," Josh started. "It's a lot like 
wearing really thick underpants. They tend to get a bit hot at times, 
but this only happens once in a while. They also give you a sense of 
security because you know that if an accident happens then know one 
else will know about it. Over all, they feel really neat, especially 
after they've been wet and the gelled pee starts squishing around," 
Josh told Kevin. For his part, Kevin looked like he wanted to ask some 
more questions about it, but was to embarrassed to do so in public.
	After several more hours Mr. Barrett announced that it was time 
for lunch. After a look at Ricky and David, Josh decided to ask Kevin 
to join them. Kevin was slightly surprised by this because of his past 
involvement in harassing Josh.
	"We better get ready to head back to class," David announced 
after looking at his watch. With a nod all the boys got up and started 
to take their trays up to the counter for cleaning. As Josh was 
approaching the window someone pushed him hard from behind causing him 
to stumble.
	"What the hell!" he muttered as he recovered from the stumble and 
turned to see who had pushed him.
	"What the fuck do you think you're doing, Pike!?" Josh exclaimed 
when he saw his nemesis standing in front of him. Without a word, Billy 
threw a right hook right into Josh's face catching the smaller boy 
completely off guard. Josh got his senses back just as the larger boy 
took a step towards him. With no hesitation Josh kicked up as hard as 
he could between Billy's legs. Later people would swear the kick lifted 
him a good six inches off the ground. As Billy started to fall to the 
ground Josh took a step forward and landed a devastating blow to the 
bigger boy's jaw, opening a 4 inch gash in the process.
	"Now we're even," Josh told Billy as he started to walk away.
	"It's not over yet, Kelly!" Billy whispered to himself as he 
pulled a hunting knife from under the coat he had on.
	"LOOK OUT JOSH! KNIFE!!" David yelled in warning. Josh felt the 
knife bite through his arm as he barely moved out of the way in time. 
Remembering a move that his uncle showed him once, Josh grabbed Billy's 
knife wrist as it passed him and in a savage move snapped the wrist and 
with a continued follow up move snapped the elbow of the same arm as 
well. This move caused the knife to fall from Billy's useless hand.
	"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!" Mr. Wink yelled as he charged 
into the lunchroom. Josh was just about to answer when he heard a loud 
noise and saw the back of the vice-principal's explode in a wet mist. 
Spinning around he saw Billy holding a gun with his good hand.
	"Now we'll be even, Kelly!" Billy laughed as he took aim. Josh 
quickly picked up the knife that Billy had dropped just moments earlier 
and threw it. The knife struck Billy in the shoulder just as he pulled 
the trigger. Seconds later Josh fell to the ground holding his hands to 
his thigh where the bullet had struck him. Seconds later several people 
had subdued Billy and were holding him down. Josh looked up to see 
David leaning over him.
	"I'm sorry David, but I don't think I'll be able to make it to 
the party tonight," He smiled before passing out from the pain.
	When Josh regained consciousness three days later, he found his 
parents and family crowded around his bed.
	"OH man! What the fuck hit me?" he mumbled as he tried to sit up, 
but found he didn't have the strength to do so. Seeing at how haggard 
his family looked his next comment got all of them smiling.
	"You know, you guys look like hell," Just as he was about to ask 
what happened again the door to his room opened and he saw a stockily 
built man walk in wearing a British Army uniform.
	"Uncle James! What are you doing here?" Josh asked in surprise.
	"Well, I might ask you the same thing, Josh," He chuckled as he 
looked over at his sister.
	"Thanks for the call Janet," He told her.
	"Josh is right though, what are you doing here?" Josh's mom 
	"I've been over here for about a week doing some cross-training 
in California. And my CO forwarded the message you left with our base 
chaplain. I heard the news about what happened, but had no idea that 
Josh was one of the people involved. After some quick calls, I was 
handed a week long pass and a plane ticket," he told her.
	"I must say young man, you handled yourself quite well under the 
circumstances," He said to his nephew.
	"That's fine, but I still don't remember what all happened," Josh 
	"That's perfectly all right. I'm sure it'll come back to you soon 
enough," He continued after catching a warning look from his older 
	"Why don't you guys go get something to eat. I'll stay with Josh 
for a while," With a grateful nod from his brother-in-law, he settled 
down into a chair near the head of his nephews bed. Josh drifted off to 
sleep shortly after this.
	"Wake up, Josh you're having a nightmare," his uncle said softly 
as he placed a comforting hand on Josh's shoulder. At the touch, Josh 
bolted up in bed.
	"Easy there," Josh was told as he looked around the room quickly. 
Seeing his uncle standing by him brought everything to the front of 
Josh's mind causing him to start trembling. Seeing this, James took his 
nephew in a comforting embrace.
	"It's all right, Josh, no one is going to hurt you here," he 
murmured softly to the still-shaking boy.
	"He was going to try and kill me," Josh said suddenly in a soft 
	"What was that?"
	"Billy, he was going to try and kill me," Josh repeated as 
everything that had happened a few days before came rushing back to him 
causing him to start to shake uncontrollably and break down crying.
	"It's OK, Josh. Just let it all out," his uncle continued to say 
as he held the boy. A few minutes later the rest of Josh's family came 
back from their lunch and found Josh still being comforted by his 
uncle. Mrs. Kelly hurried over to her son to comfort him as well. After 
turning Josh over to his sister, James nodded at Mr. Kelly and then to 
the door. Seeing what his brother-in-law was wanting Mr. Kelly followed 
him out of the room.
	"Josh's memory about the incident returned while you guys were 
out," James announced once the door had closed behind them. "He 
confirmed what the others had been saying. the other boy in the fight 
was trying to kill him."
	"Are you sure?"
	"About as sure as I can be," Josh said all this right after 
waking up from a nightmare.
	"But the way he said it leaves no doubt in my mind," James 
answered with dead certainty. Knowing what his brother-in-law did for a 
living left no doubt in Mr. Kelly's mind either.
	"I know this will be hard for you to hear, but I feel that once 
Josh is better you should see about having him talk to a psychologist 
about this."
	"My son isn't crazy!" Mr. Kelly bristled and started to head back 
towards Josh's room.
	"I never said he was Arthur, but he will need some help getting 
over what happened. I know all to well about this." James stated as he 
placed a restraining hand on Josh's father's shoulder.
	"Showing that you love him and listening to him when he needs to 
talk about this will only go so far." Josh's father deflated a bit at 
this, but nodded his head in agreement.
	"I thought moving here would be a good move for the family and 
what happens? I damned near lose a son."
	"Don't even go there, Arthur. You did what you thought was best 
for your family. There was absolutely no way you could foresee what 
happened a few days ago," Arthur was told sternly.
	"If you start second-guessing all your decisions then you won't 
be any good to your family and right now they will need your support, 
especially Josh." Again all the answer was received was a simple nod of 
the head.
	"OK, now let's get back and see how everything is doing."
	As the two men walked into the room they saw Josh at the ending 
stages of getting his diaper changed. After the nurse finished up, 
Josh's doctor stepped forward and started examining him.
	"Well, Josh, you seem to be doing quite well so far. We'll be 
keeping you in bed for a few more days. Then we can see about getting 
you started on some physical therapy," he told his patient and then 
turned to Josh's parents.
	"There are a couple of police officers outside that would like to 
talk to Josh about what happened. If you want I could tell them that 
he's not up to it at this time." Before either of them could say 
anything, Josh spoke up.
	"It's all right for me to talk to them now. I might as well get 
it over with."
	"Are you sure?" Mr. Kelly asked while holding up a quieting hand 
to his wife.
	"I'm sure," Josh replied firmly. With a smile at his son Mr. 
Kelly turned back to the doctor.
	"Go ahead and show them in," he told him, then turned back to the 
others in the room.
	"Erin, John, I'd like you to go with your uncle and take a short 
walk." John was about to argue this when his uncle placed a hand on his 
shoulder and started moving him to the door.
	"Josh, I'm Detective Clark, This is Detective Monroe. We'd like 
to ask you about what happened at your school a few days ago." Det. 
Clark said as he and his partner took the last two empty chairs in the 
	"What do you want to know?" Josh asked.
	"How was Billy acting that day at school?"
	"I don't know. I didn't even know that he was at school that day 
till the fight started," Josh replied.
	"I see. Why don't you tell us what happened during the fight," 
Det. Clark asked as he got a little more comfortable in his chair.
	"Well, I was starting to take my tray up to the drop-off counter 
and was pushed from behind. When I turned around to see who pushed me 
Billy was standing there. I was kind of surprised to see him since I 
was under the impression that he was still suspended. Anyway, I saw him 
standing there and without saying anything he hit me."
	"And then what did you do?" Det. Monroe interrupted.
	"I kicked him in the nuts and then hit him in the jaw as he was 
going down. After hitting him I tried to walk away and end the fight. I 
guess Billy pulled a knife and came at me after I turned my back."
	"How do you know Billy was the one who pulled the knife?" Josh 
was asked.
	"I don't. All I know is that one of my friends yelled a warning 
to me about it. As you can see, I didn't quite get out of the way in 
time," Josh told them while touching the bandage on his arm.
	"Well, as the knife passed me, I grabbed onto the wrist holding 
it and snapped it and then continued through with another move and 
broke the elbow on the same arm," Josh continued in a slightly dead 
voice as he relived what had happened. For their part, both police 
officers kept silent, but knew from talking with Billy's doctor that 
the elbow and wrist weren't just broken they were totally destroyed.
	"And where did you pick these moves up?" Det. Clark asked.
	"From my uncle. Since I'm a bit small for my age he thought I 
should know how to protect myself if I needed to," Josh answered before 
continuing with his story.
	"At this point, Mr. Wink came running in to the lunchroom yelling 
to know what was going on. I turned to answer him and I guess my move 
blocked his sight of Billy. The next thing I know, I hear a loud pop 
noise behind me and the back of Mr. Wink's head exploded. He never knew 
what hit him," Josh stated with a shudder.
	"Is this when you were shot the first time?" Det. Monroe asked.
	"No, I didn't get shot till a few moments later," Josh stated a 
bit confused by the question.
	"What happened to your shoulder then?" Josh seemed shocked to see 
the bandage on his other shoulder.
	"I don't know."
	"Please continue then," Josh was told.
	"After Mr. Wink fell over, I spun around and saw Billy holding a 
gun. He started laughing about how it was over now. I picked up the 
knife he dropped a few minutes earlier and threw it at him as he pulled 
the trigger. That was when I got shot. I don't remember what happened 
after that."
	Through all this Josh's parents were silent. Looking at them now, 
Josh was surprised at how pale they seemed to look.
	"What's going to happen to him now?" Josh asked.
	"After he gets out of the hospital, he'll probably be arrested," 
Josh was told.
	"What about the boy's parents?" Mrs. Kelly asked.
	"That's another thing he'll be charged with. His parents were 
found murdered shortly after the incident at the school," she was told.
	"What about Billy's brothers? He had a couple of baby brothers 
and one just a few years younger than him," Josh told them.
	"The boys are fine. For some reason, neither of the babies were 
harmed and the older one was in the hospital at the time. All the 
Kelly's were glad to hear about the boys being OK.
	"Josh, I thank you for your time and I hope you get better soon," 
Det. Clark said as he gave Josh a light pat on the foot.
	"Thanks," Josh said sleepily. With a final nod at Mr. and Mrs. 
Kelly, the two detectives left the room.
	"Damn Shannon, That is some kid," David Monroe told his partner.
	"Tell me about it. I'm just glad that we didn't have to tell them 
that the kid that attacked their son was so hopped at the time it's 
amazing that it wasn't a lot worse."
	"It still puzzles me though, that he didn't even realize at the 
time that he had been hit in the shoulder by that first shot."
	"Tell me about it, but I figure the kid was so full of adrenaline 
at the time he probably didn't even feel the bullet going through." 
This just received a nod in response.
	James, John and Erin returned from their walk a short time later 
to find Josh sound asleep.
	"Janet, you all look like death warmed over. Why don't you all go 
home and get some sleep. I can stay here with Josh." James told her 
softly so he wouldn't wake his nephew.
	"I can't James. I have to be here for him."
	"Janet, you'll do the boy, or your family, no good if you're dead 
on your feet. Now, all of you get your coats on, go home and get some 
sleep," James told them all sounding more like an Army Officer than 
anything else. This got a smile from his sister and she surrendered to 
the situation.
	Over the next few days, Josh received several Get Well cards from 
friends and teachers. Mrs. Timmons even brought Caleb and David by to 
see him.
	"How did the party go?" Josh asked his friend.
	"With what happened, my mom and I decided to put it on hold for a 
	"I'm sorry you had to do that. I know you were looking forward to 
having it.
	"Yeah, well, I think it was better this way because I doubt many 
of the people invited were in any mood for something like that after 
what we saw," David replied.
	"You know Caleb, I won't bite if you get closer," Josh said with 
a laugh at seeing his friend standing back against the wall.
	"Sorry," he mumbled softly.
	"It's OK. How are you guys holding up anyway?" Josh asked them.
	"Not bad. I'm not looking forward to going back."
	"I know what you mean," Josh said.
	"By the way, how were your holidays?" This question seemed to 
brighten both boys up. They spent the next half hour telling Josh what 
they had done. All to soon, though, they were having to leave. Josh 
drifted off again soon after this.
	The next several weeks were tough on the youngest Kelly. With the 
doctor saying that his injuries were healing well, Josh was started on 
a daily regimen of physical therapy. Josh started dreading the daily 
trips to the "chamber" as he took to calling the PT Room. Mrs. Kelly 
was also hard hit for this blaming herself for not having been able to 
protect her child from what he was now enduring.
	"Josh, I have some good news for you," Dr. Harrison stated one 
day soon before the new school semester was due to start.
	"What's that? Am I finally getting bounced from this place." Josh 
said in reply. Half joking, half serious.
	"As a matter of fact, that's exactly right."
	"YES!!!" Josh yelled loudly enough that his parents heard him 
from down the hall.
	"Well, I'm glad that you approve," his doctor said with a smile.
	"Before you check out though, I want you to talk to Dr. Benton. 
He's one of the hospital's psychiatrists that specializes in Traumatic 
Stress in kids. I've set it up for him to come down in about an hour to 
talk to you and your parents. If he gives you a favorable 
recommendation, I'll release you this afternoon," Dr. Harrison finished 
saying this just as josh's parents walked into the room.
	"I see you gave him the good news," Mr. Kelly said upon seeing 
the smile on his son's face.
	"I have told him. I've also told him about Dr. Benton coming down 
to talk with him."
	"Is that really needed?" Mrs. Kelly asked in slight annoyance.
	"Yes, Mrs. Kelly it is. I won't release Josh until I'm satisfied 
that *all* of his injuries have been looked at," the tone in his voice 
relayed that he wouldn't hesitate to keep Josh as long as he felt was 
needed. Seeing this, Josh's mom just nodded.
	An hour later, Dr. Benton walked into Josh's room just as he was 
getting his diapers changed.
	"Excuse me, I'll wait outside till your done," he said, talking 
to the nurse.
	"That's OK, I don't mind," Josh told him as he was walking to the 
	"Are you sure?" Josh was asked.
	"Yeah, I'm used to this by now." With a shrug Dr. Benton at down 
in a chair next to Josh's head and opened up a chart.
	For the next hour and a half Josh went through what had happened 
to him and how it made him feel. Even though he knew that some of the 
things could be used to keep him in the hospital longer Josh held 
nothing back and at times was on the verge of breaking down entirely.
	"OK, Josh, that should be enough for now. You go ahead and rest 
for a while. I need to talk to you mom, dad and doctor about some 
things," he said as he stood up and headed for the door. Josh nodded at 
this at laid back in bed clutching his teddy bear in his arms.
	"How's he doing?" Mrs. Kelly asked as Dr. Benton came out of the 
	"Let's go find a place to sit down and we'll talk about what I 
found out," she was told pleasantly. A few minutes later they were 
sitting around a table in the coffee shop.
	"Let me start off by saying, that you have a very remarkable son 
in there. He's been through something that would have left most adults 
in shock. However, he is showing some signs of post-traumatic stress. 
This, of course, is normal and is nothing to worry about. I do however 
feel that Josh should see a specialist that deals with this area."
	"Are you saying that Josh might be a danger to himself or 
something?" Mr. Kelly asked.
	"Not at all. I'm saying that while Josh is doing well right now, 
he'll still need to work past what happened and I won't lie to you on 
this. The going will be hard at times and your son could very well 
suffer some setbacks, but a specialist will make these easier to deal 
with," he told Josh's parents. Turning to Josh's doctor, he gave him 
his opinion.
	"Aside, from what I just said, I feel that releasing Josh will 
have a positive impact on his recovery." With this said, Dr. Benton 
rose from his seat and excused himself.
	Josh was released later that day and was extremely surprised to 
see that the Christmas tree was still up and that none of the presents 
had been touched.
	"Didn't you guys celebrate Christmas while I was in the 
hospital?" Josh asked in a choking voice.
	"No Josh, we didn't. With you in the hospital, none of us felt 
like celebrating. It just wouldn't have felt right with you not being 
here," Mr. Kelly told his son while pulling him into a hug.
	"Besides, we got the best present we could hope for. And that's 
you walking through that door," he continued.
	"John, why don't you help Josh up to his room and get him in a 
clean diaper?" Mrs. Kelly suggested.
	"OK, mom," John replied as he helped his brother up the stairs.
	"Josh, I have to say that I'm glad you made it home OK," John 
said in a choking voice as he finally gave into the emotions that he 
had been holding back.
	"It's OK John. I'm alive and I'll recover," Josh told him firmly.
	"I know, but when the news got around my school about what 
happened. I just knew you were involved in it somehow."
	"I know and I'm sorry about all the pain I've put you guys 
through because of what I did," John looked at his brother in shock at 
	"Josh, You have nothing to be sorry about! From what mom and dad 
told us, if you hadn't done what you did, we would have been burying 
you right now. So don't ever feel sorry about what you did. You're 
alive and that's all that matters," John announced with firm 
conviction. Josh silently agreed with this. Both he and John were back 
down stairs several minutes later.
	The rest off the evening went by quietly, with each of the kids 
being allowed to open one present. Josh ended up falling asleep in 
John's arms a couple of hours later.