Joey Michael Williams

Summary: Joey Michael Williams gets in trouble and gets diaper 
punishment for it.

I'm always getting in trouble for stupid stuff, like fighting with my 
sister over the remote, or fighting with my brother over the swing set. 
I even got so mad at him one time that I called the police on him for 
not letting me have my turn on the swing.

That is where my mom drew the line and said enough was enough. I was 
always getting spankings for the same stuff over and over again. She 
even threatened to send me to boot camp. That didn't faze me one bit. I 
was also sneaking out of the house at night.

So after the police had left, she took me into the house and told me to 
go get my paddle, we have one for each of us. Our dad made them and he 
even engraved our names on them. As I was walking back from the closet 
with my paddle I was thinking, �What have I done? What have I freakin� 
done? I must be in big trouble now.�

Man was I right. I handed mom the paddle. Then it came, I was told to 
bend over the chair and she pulled my pants down to my ankles. Then the 
actual spankings began! She lifted the paddle and started spanking my 
bare bottom. As she was spanking me she was asking me questions in 
between every whack:

�Joey! *smack* What *smack* were you *smack* thinking *smack* calling 
*smack* the police *smack* on your brother?! *smack*�

She spanked long and hard and boy did it hurt. After she was done she 
told me to take my pants completely off and go and stand in the corner 
untll she told me I could move. She said if I disobey the consequences 
would be a lot worse. So I listened and stood there naked just like I 
was told.

�Okay, here�s the deal. I want you to stay right where you are until I 
get back from the store. Your sister is in charge until I get back. And 
you better do as your told! Understand?�

I said, �yes.�

After my mom left my sister started giving me orders which I didn't 
like, but I had to listen to her because I sure didn't want to be in 
more trouble.

�Okay, you are to stay in the corner, and don't move or I'll give you 
another spanking. I'm going to go on my computer and chat with my 

So there I was standing naked with my nose in the corner. It was 
humiliating. After about two hours of standing there mom was back. When 
she came in the house she told me to go into the living room and lie 
down on the floor.

�I'll be there in a minute. I have to put these groceries away.�

After she got the groceries put away she came over to me and sat a 
shopping bag down.

�Okay, here�s the deal. I decided that since spankings aren't working 
I'm going to treat you the age you are acting. And that age is 2 years 

�What do you mean?�

�What I mean is you are going to be wearing a diaper from now on. And I 
don't want any back talk! Also you are going to be eating from a 
highchair, drinking from a bottle, and I will be giving you your bath. 
Also, you have to use your diapers for their intended purpose�yes, 
poopie, too. The bathroom will be locked, and only me, your dad and 
your sister will have the key to it. And you are not to tamper with 
your diaper or you will get smacked!�

She then proceeded to diaper me. After she got me diapered she told me 
to stand up so she could check to see if it was tight enough by tugging 
on it.

�Okay, you�re good now. I want you to go outside and play.�

�But mom, I'm only wearing a diaper!�

�So what�s your point?�

�I can't go out there without pants! Everyone will see me and laugh!�

�Well, next time you should think before you act. Now go, and I don't 
want to hear you complain any more or I'll take your diaper off outside 
and spank your bare bottom in front of everyone!�

I didn't want that so I listened and went outside. We had a hedge where 
I went to try and hide. My mom came out and grabbed me by the hand and 
took me back out in broad daylight to be seen by everyone.

�Now stay right there! Your sister is going to be watching you while I 
set up your crib.�

My sister then came out and popped my pacifier into my mouth I 
immediately spit it out, big mistake. My sister took my diaper off 
right there and took my paddle and started spanking me real hard until 
my bottom was bright red. After she was done she put my diaper back on.

�Now that should teach you to keep your pacifier in your mouth!�

And it did. I had no choice but to suck it. As I was sucking it I felt 
the sudden urge to poop. I was trying really hard to keep it in but 
then my sister came up to me from behind and started tickling me. Then 
after about 10 minutes there came a loud fart then out came the load of 
crap, and when I say a load I mean a _load_! It squished all up into my 
balls. It was gross. I asked my mom to change me but she said, �No! 
That is part of your punishment. You won't get changed but once a day.�

I had to try and hold the rest of my poop as long as I could. Hopefully 
I could hold until midnight because I did not want to sleep in any more 
mess than I already am. The mess I have now is enough! About 10 minutes 
later I felt the urge to go again. I tried to hold it as long as I 
could But no luck 20 minutes later I let another big load into my 
diaper. It was now leaking out the sides.

I cried for my mom. She came in and said, �What�s the matter baby waby? 
Did you make stinky in your didee widey again?� The whole time she was 
talking to me in baby talk.

�Yes!� I told her.

�Oh, no, no, no, no! You are not allowed to talk! You have to cry. 
Well, you are not going to get changed until tomorrow as I already told 

�But, but, but... it�s uncomfortable!�

�That�s how it feels to babies, and you are now one. And if you say any 
more I'm going to take the paddle to ya. And you are going to get some 
good smackings on the leg! Now go to sleep!�

I lay there thinking to myself, �What have I gotten myself into? How am 
I going to get any sleep like this wearing a messy diaper?� So I 
decided to just close my eyes and try to get some sleep as I was tired. 
Finally after 30 minutes I was drifting off to sleep.

The next morning I awoke to mom changing my diaper. I was glad for that 
It felt better to now be cleaned up and in a fresh diaper. I was glad 
for that It felt better to now be cleaned up and in a fresh diaper. My 
day went as any baby�s day would go. I was sat in my highchair and was 
fed my breakfast�applesauce; then I was put into my playpen and given 
my bottle. As I was in my playpen I drifted off to sleep.

About an hour later I awoke, but I wasn't in my playpen, but was now in 
my crib. I also had a really messy diaper. I had crapped in it big 
time. I knew it wouldn't do any good to ask my mom to change me, she 
would just say no. So I just lay there crying at the top of my lungs, 
until mom came in, she had a pacifier in her hand and popped it into my 

�Now there, there, everything�s alright,� she said in baby talk. �Now 
be a good baby and suck on that pacifier. We are going into town in a 
few minutes. You just lay there until I get back. I'll be ready to go 
in a little bit. I have to get some things ready.�

A few minutes later she got me out of the crib and put me in the 
stroller. Then she pushed me out into the driveway where she got me out 
and put me in my car seat. She then put the stroller in the trunk of 
the car, got in, started the car and we were off. About 10 minutes into 
the ride I felt the urge to poop again. I didn't even try to hold it, I 
had no reason to, so I just let go. My diaper was already filled to 

5 minutes later, we were there. She parked the car, got out, went 
around to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and got the stroller 
out. Then she came around to the side where I was and unbuckled the 
straps on my car seat, got me out and then buckled me into the 
stroller. Then she pushed me into the store. Everyone was staring, I 
was so embarrassed, she then went to the baby aisle and picked out 10 
boxes of Pampers Cruisers size 7, a few more pacifiers and some diaper 
rash ointment, and some baby powder. She paid for the stuff and we then 
left. She put the stuff in the car and then buckled me into the car 
seat again. She started the car and we headed home. Fifteen minutes 
later, we were home. She left me in my car seat until she got all the 
stuff in the house.

She finally got me out and put me into the stroller, and pushed me into 
the house. But she didn't take me out of the stroller, she just left me 
there in my messy diaper with my pacifier in my mouth. I was beginning 
to like the feeling. I soon drifted off to sleep. When I awoke I was 
now in my crib, still in my messy diaper, that I had on all day.

And when mom came into change me, I refused to let her. I fought her 
and told her no. I screamed out the top of my lungs, �NO, I DON'T WANT 

So that�s my life now. I love diapers and won't wear anything else. I 
even enjoy going outside in broad daylight. I love the feeling.�

I hope you liked my story. I will try writing more soon.

Written by Chad Williams. July 27th/2007

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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