Title: Jimmy Gets to be the Big Baby
Name: Alex
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: not given
Posting Date: 07/05/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Jimmy gets to be the big baby.                  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 7 (35%)
When the bell rang, he went to the hallway. He then saw a kid cry and 
called him a baby. A teacher heard and sent him home with a detention 
for the next two days.

The next day, he woke up covered in pee. He realized he was also lying 
in a basket with all of his clothes (including underwear) now soaked.

"Awww..." he said.

His mom came and said "Gwood morning big bwaby," then immediately took 
his clothes off and spanked his bare butt until his cry sounded like a 
baby. She then put baby powder and oil on him and diapered him with a 
small baby-sized diaper that barely fit. Then, she spanked his diapered 
butt. She then had him take a laxative. Then she sent him to school 
wearing only a diaper and a plain white T-Shirt (no shoes and socks). 
He was required to be changed 5 times if wet or messy during school. He 
also had to have a binky or bottle with formula in his mouth at all 
times unless he ate baby food. And every other study period, he was to 
take a laxative and a pill that makes him have a more uncontrollable 
bladder. If he broke any of these rules, he'd get an enema in front of 
the whole school then get spanked (usually the pills made this easier 
but the first day he would get spanked and enema). He also couldn't use 
the restroom.

So many people made fun of him especially right after he pooped 

At night, he'd take the pee pill and 2 laxatives (3 on Saturday and 4 
on Sunday.)

After 2 weeks, his mom gave him this pill she bought that makes him 
push his poop out uncontrollably and stop his bladder from stopping 
pee. It's said to help unpottytrain.

After a month of this, his mom ran out but he still pushed the poop out 
uncontrollably and he had NO control of his bladder. He was 
successfully unpottytrained.

Then the next year, the entire school's boys were diapered.

After that, boys were never potty trained until they turned 17 and it 
became law. Then, the US passes that law. All other countries did, too. 
Now, you'd see 14 year old boys get changed by equally-aged girls in 

Jimmy then became potty trained at 17 then had 7 years of college and 
became a successful businessman who lived to be 94 and had great-grand 


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13 14 15 16 17 18-20
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I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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