The James Effect

Summary: Twin boys use their little brother's accidents to fulfill 
their own diaper desires and dreams. The story follows the three little 
boys on their journey from simple bedwetting to full-time diaper 

~Chapter 21 – James’ Birthday~

Three days after the vacation, James woke up feeling much more excited 
than normal. Today was his birthday, and he couldn’t wait for the party 
he was having later. James brushed his blond hair out of his eyes and 
went downstairs.

“Hey, there’s our 7-year old!” his dad exclaimed, as Kevin came up 
behind his brother and whacked him on the butt seven times. His mom 
told Kevin to knock it off, and came over to give her youngest son a 
good morning kiss. After he got his poopy diaper off and a fresh one 
on, he sat down to eat pancakes that his mom had made.

That afternoon, James’ friends began to show up for the birthday party 
and sleepover. Patrick was the first to arrive, while David followed 
close by. Last, James’ other best friend, Jake, came in the door. He 
was the only one without a bulge under his pants. Soon after everyone 
was situated, it was time for dinner. The boys’ dad had made hamburgers 
on the grill, and their mom poured glasses of Coke. Within five 
minutes, everybody had scarfed the food down. Next, it was time for 
presents. James received two new Xbox games, a Lego set, and a remote 
controlled car. After all the wrapping paper was cleaned up, the 
birthday cake was brought out. It was a huge chocolate cake with seven 
candles burning on top.

Everyone sang “Happy Birthday” to James, and it was time to make a 
wish. The 7-year old wished that he and his brothers could stay in 
diapers forever, and then blew out the candles. After the cake was 
finished, Patrick and David went up to James’ room to get their bedtime 
stuff out, while Jake went outside to wait for his mom to pick him up, 
as he would not be sleeping over. But just then, the phone rang.

“Jake, honey, that was your mom on the phone. She won’t be able to pick 
you up, so you’re going to have to stay here tonight.” the boys’ mom 

“What? No, no…I can’t stay over.” Jake said as he began to cry.

“Jake, come here and sit with me.” she said, motioning to the couch. 
The brown-haired boy came over and sat next to his friend’s mother.

“Now, what’s the reason you don’t want to stay over?” she asked. He 
shook his head, indicating that he didn’t want to tell her. She knew 
what that meant.

“Jake, are you a bedwetter?” she asked. The 6-year old slowly shook his 
head yes.

“Well, heck, why didn’t you just say so? That’s not a problem at all!” 
she exclaimed.

“What? Yes it is. If James, Patrick or David find out they’ll never 
stop making fun of me,” the little boy protested.

“Oh, I’m quite sure they won’t. Not only are all three of your friends, 
plus James’ brothers, all bedwetters, but they’re all daywetters too, 
so we have to keep them in diapers all day and night.” she explained.

“Wow,” he said, “I never knew. So what are you going to do?”

“I guess we’ll just have you wear one of their diapers tonight so you 
don’t get the sheets wet.” she said. Jake agreed to this, and went 
upstairs to play with his friends.

Ten minutes later, James’ mom came in to get the boys ready for bed. 
She got a Pamper and an extra pair of James’ footy pajamas out for 
Jake. He pulled down his jeans and underwear, and his friend’s mom 
pulled up the thick diaper over his privates.

“Wow, Jake, you wear diapers, too?” Patrick asked.

“I do now!” he said with a big smile. After everyone got their pajamas 
on, the four boys snuggled into James’ double bed, where they just 
barely fit. They talked about their diapers for a few minutes before 
falling asleep.

The next morning, all four boys woke up in diapers that were filled to 
the brim with pee and poop. James’ mom came in and stripped the little 
guys of their used diapers. She put new ones on James, Patrick, and 
David, and started to hand Jake his underwear and pants. But the 
previous night, Jake had realized what a wonderful feeling a wet and 
poopy diaper hugging his privates was.

“Actually, can you put a fresh diaper on me instead?” he asked. She 
just smiled, and complied with his request. And thus, another boy fell 
under the allure of diapers.

~Chapter 22 – The New Neighbors~

A few days later, the family woke up to the sound of a big moving van 
pulling into the unoccupied house across the street from theirs. The 
boys got their diapers changed and clothes on so they could go down and 

“Cool, it looks like someone’s finally moving in.” Kevin said.

“Do you think they’ve got any kids?” James wondered out loud. As if on 
cue, the movers carried two blue bikes out of the van.

“There’s at least two kids.” Kyle said. But as if two new friends 
weren’t enough, the next few things the movers brought out were a 
changing table and two cribs.

“Wow, cool. The kids over there must wear diapers too!” Kevin 

“Don’t get too excited yet. It could just be that they have two babies 
in addition to those other kids. Let’s just wait and see what else the 
movers bring in.” Kyle cautioned.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” he said. But the boys waited for hours, 
and the only other bed that the movers brought in was a king-size that 
looked like it belonged to the parents of the household. At about 3:00, 
a car pulled into the garage.

“Looks like the family’s here.” James observed. But the garage door 
closed before anybody got out of the car, so the boys didn’t get a look 
at them.

That night, the family went over to introduce themselves to their new 
neighbors. A man who appeared to be in his early thirties answered the 

“Hi there. We’re your neighbors, and we just wanted to welcome you to 
the neighborhood.” the boys’ mom said.

“Well, thank you very much. It’s very nice here.” he said, “And who are 
these fine young gentlemen?”

“These are our boys, Kyle, Kevin and James.” she answered.

“Well, come on in. I’ll introduce you to the rest of the family.” 
First, they ran into a youngish-looking woman.

“This is my wife, Denise. And these are our new neighbors.” he said.

“Pleasure to meet you. Say, why don’t I introduce you to our boys. 
Follow me.” she said. They followed Denise upstairs into what was 
probably the boys’ room. When they entered, James and the twins gasped 
at what they saw.

There were two boys, one older and one younger. They each had green 
eyes and a mess of blond hair. In the room, there were two cribs, each 
of which looked to have been enlarged to fit older kids. In one of 
them, the younger boy was asleep. He had on what appeared to be almost 
ten Pampers diapers and was sucking on a pacifier. The older one was 
sitting in a corner. He also had on about ten Pampers, and was drinking 
milk out of a baby bottle. When he was finished, he let out a loud 
belch, and then put another pacifier into his mouth. In the room, there 
were big colored blocks and rattles laid out on the ground. A playpen 
was in the corner, several bottles of milk were on a shelf, and there 
was a giant pile of fresh Pampers sitting next to a changing table and 
diaper pal.

“Well, these are our sons. The one who’s asleep is Luke. He’s 5-years 
old. And the other one over there is our 8-year old, Kenny. Say hi 
Kenny” she said. The blond-haired boy pulled the pacifier out of his 
mouth and greeted the family.

“Wow, so your boys wear diapers too?” James and the twins’ mom said as 
her boys pulled down their pants to reveal the wet (and in Kyle’s case, 
messy) diapers underneath.

“They sure do” Denise said, “And I’m glad yours do as well. It’ll be 
good for Kenny and Luke to have someone like them to play with.”

“Oh, there’s a lot more boys than us around here who wear diapers too.” 
Kyle said.

“So, why are yours in them?” Denise asked.

“Well, apparently, they like wearing diapers. And as long as they 
behave, who am I to say no?” she said.

“We’ve got a bit of a different story” Denise said, “All Kenny and Luke 
did was fight with each other. One day two months ago, they broke my 
favorite vase when Kenny pushed Luke into it. I read about this thing 
called diaper discipline on the Internet. It’s wear you put your boys 
into thick diapers and make them use baby things. Normally it’s used 
for aggressive teenagers, but I decided to try it out. And you know 
something, it works. Now Kenny and Luke are very sweet and civil to one 

“Well, it’s getting close to our boys’ bedtime, so we should probably 
get going” their mom said.

“Yep, ours too. So, do you maybe want to get together here tomorrow for 
dinner? It’ll give our boys a chance to get to know each other” Denise 

“Sure, that sounds great. We’ll come over around 5:00 then?”

“Fine with me. See you tomorrow!” And with that, Kyle, Kevin, James and 
their parents walked home.

“Hmm, maybe I should treat you boys like that” their mom said.

“Mom, when have we ever fought like they did?” Kevin asked.

“I’m only kidding honey, you boys are very good to one another” she 
said. Ten minutes later, after getting their teeth brushed and PJ’s on, 
James and the twins lay down in their thick diapers and fell asleep.

~Chapter 23 – Big Babies~

The next evening the boys packed a small bag with a toy, a change of 
clothes, and an extra diaper. Then, they headed over to their 
neighbor’s house for the sleepover. Denise greeted them at the door, 
herded them into the living room, and instructed them to sit down on 
the couch.

“Now boys, here’s the deal. In our house, we have to make sure that you 
behave. Now, your mom said that you’re mild mannered, and I believe 
her, but I have to make sure. So what that means is that you will be 
treated like babies and have to use baby things like Kenny and Luke. 
Are you sure that you want to sleepover?” she said. Kyle, Kevin and 
James nodded their heads.

“Alright then. Let’s go upstairs to Kenny and Luke’s room and start 
getting you babied. Follow me,” she said, and the boys happily 
complied. When they walked in, Kenny and Luke walked over (well, more 
like waddled over) and said hi to their new diaper friends. James and 
the twins saw that three more changing mats and cribs had been put out 
to accommodate them. After taking off their pants, shirt, and socks, 
they each lay down on their respective changing mats and had nine more 
diapers taped on over their already wet and poopy original Pampers. The 
boys reached for their clothes, but Denise wagged her finger at them, 
and they understood that they would be wearing only their diapers. She 
handed them each a pacifier and a baby bottle, which she would refill 
whenever they wanted. Denise then picked up James and the twins, along 
with her own two sons, and put them in the playpen, along with some 
rattles, colored blocks, and other baby toys.

“So, what should we do?” Kevin asked. Kenny and Luke grabbed some of 
the blocks and started stacking them up. James, Kyle and Kevin also 
grabbed some and started to stack them. They did this while either 
discussing their diapers or sucking their pacifiers until Denise came 
and got them for dinner. Each boy was put into a high chair and a bib 
tied around their neck. A jar of disgusting looking baby food was put 
in front of them. Kyle almost threw up, and Kenny gave him a look that 
seemed to say “I’m sorry”. After being spoon-fed their “dinner”, Denise 
picked them up and patted them on the back until they burped. After 
that, they were all carried up to Kenny and Luke’s room and put into 
their cribs.

The boys talked about how great it felt to pee and poop their diapers 
long into the night. But eventually, they could talk no more, and the 
five little boys drifted off to sleep.

~Chapter 24 – First Day of School~

A week later, it was time for school to begin. The first morning, all 
the boys awoke with a groan. They got their diapers changed, school 
clothes on, and went downstairs.

“Hey, there’s my two 5th graders and 2nd graders!” their mom said, 
“Ready for the first day?” The three boys groaned at once. She just 
laughed. James and Kevin were both looking forward to school. They were 
both outgoing and were friends with just about everyone. Kyle, on the 
other hand, was very shy, and thus had only a few friends. Kevin was 
his real best friend. He much preferred to be at home with his family.

“Oh, James, Patrick’s mom called last night. She says they’d like you 
to come over after school today, so she’ll pick you up instead of you 
walking home with your brothers,” she added.

After a quick breakfast, the three boys put their backpacks on and 
began the fifteen-minute walk to school. James went into the wing 
reserved for grades 1-4, while the twins went into the grades 5-8 
section to their homeroom. Once there, Kyle and Kevin found out that 
they had all but two classes together, which would make the school year 
much more bearable and enjoyable, especially for Kyle.

After their third class, they were walking together to their next one, 
when Kevin said that he wanted to get a drink, and that he would catch 
up, leaving Kyle to walk up the hall by himself. As he was doing so, a 
kid in 6th grade walked up to him. This boy’s name was Reid, and he 
liked to bully the younger kids, especially Kyle, who, along with his 
twin brother, was small for his age.

“What’s up, shrimp?” he said as he punched the 10-year old in the arm.

“Leave me alone, Reid,” he said. Instead, Reid kicked Kyle right in the 
stomach, which sent him crashing into the lockers on the wall, and then 
crumpled to the floor in pain and tears. Kevin had seen this as he was 
walking back from the water fountain, and came running to the defense 
of his brother. The blond-haired boy punched Reid right in the nose, 
causing it to bleed.

“Touch my brother again, and you’ll get it ten times worse,” he yelled. 
Reid wiped the blood from his face and walked away. Kevin was 
considered to be one of the best fighters in the school, in spite of 
his size, and messing with him was like suicide. The year before, he’d 
sent an 8th grader who’d stolen James’ lunch to the hospital with a 
broken arm (although he’d gotten a week long suspension from the school 
and a one month grounding from his parents as a result). Kevin helped 
his brother up off the floor, dusted him off, and gave him a hug, even 
though there were about twenty people watching. Then, he put his arm 
around Kyle’s shoulder and they walked to their next class.

The rest of the day went by uneventfully until the last class of the 
day. Kyle, but not Kevin, had gym that period. But, when he went into 
the locker room, Reid was there. The bully thought about what Kevin had 
said about hurting Kyle, but decided to risk it out of blind rage from 
what had happened in the hallway earlier. But before kicking or 
punching Kyle, Reid decided to pull his pants down, which revealed his 

Reid stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds, before screaming out, 
“Look everyone, Kyle’s wearing a diaper!” This got the attention of 
everybody else in the locker room.

“And look, he wet it, too!” the bully yelled as he pointed at the 
yellowed part on the front of Kyle’s diaper. The locker erupted into 
uproarious laughter. Kyle sat down on a bench that was in the corner of 
the room and wept.

“Ha! He’s as small as a baby, he wears diapers like a baby, and now 
he’s crying like a baby!” Reid screamed as he laughed. Eventually, 
everyone lost interest in making fun of Kyle and left the room for 
class. But Kyle just stayed on the bench as he cried.

After the last bell rang, Kevin waited for his brother at the place 
they met to walk home together for almost ten minutes before he went 
into the school to look for him. He remembered that Kyle had gym last, 
and went into the locker room. There, he saw he brother, who was still 
sitting on the bench in just a shirt and his diaper, crying. Kevin 
walked over and sat next to his brother.

“Reid?” Kevin asked, motioning to his brother’s diaper. Kyle nodded, 
and buried his head into his twin brother’s arms. Kevin rubbed his 
head, and held his hand.

‘Let’s go home okay? You’ll feel better when we get there” he said. 
Kyle wiped his eyes and said okay. And so they walked home, hand in 

~Chapter 25 – Family and Retribution~

The twins walked in the door, still holding hands. Their mom saw the 
tears streaming down Kyle’s face, and hugged him tight.

“Oh, Kyle, sweetheart, what happened?” she asked. But he was too upset 
to tell her. So he went into the family room while Kevin told his mom 
the story.

“Oh, that’s awful! Well, I’m going to have to do something about this!” 
she exclaimed angrily. Kevin started to walk into the family room to 
further comfort his brother, but his mom called him back before he got 
two steps.

“Now, one more thing. Tomorrow, I don’t want to hear that you’ve gone 
after this boy, okay? Let me handle it,” she said warningly. Kevin 
nodded reluctantly. He had been planning to beat the hell out of Reid 
the next day.

“All right. And hey, come here,” she said, and gave her other 10-year 
old a hug. “You’re a good brother, you know that?” Kevin nodded, and 
then he burst into tears as well.

“Kevin? What’s wrong honey?” she asked. Her son sniffed.

“I just hate to see him beat up on like that,” he said between sobs.

“Oh, Kevin, it’s okay. Just go in there and help each other through it, 

“Okay” he replied. Kevin went into the family room and snuggled under a 
blanket next to Kyle. They put their arms around each other and cried 
together for a long time.

At around 5:00, James came home from Patrick’s house in just his 
yellowed diaper. He had been playing outside with his friend and they 
had gotten really hot, so they took off their pants and shirts. He 
explained this to his curious mother, and then she explained what was 
going on with his two older brothers. The 7-year old then went into the 
family room, and huddled up under the blanket with Kyle and Kevin.

An hour later, their parents brought some dinner in for them to eat, 
which soon afterwards came out into their previously only wet diapers. 
The squishy mess between their legs made them feel a little bit better. 
Kevin had stopped crying, but tears were still flowing from Kyle’s 
bright blue eyes.

Their parents decided that the twins should probably go to bed early, 
since they were no doubt tired from the events of the day. Their mom 
carried Kyle upstairs, while their dad carried Kevin. Their clothes 
were taken off, but their parents didn’t even bother to put PJ’s on 
them. The 10-year olds were laid down in their comfy bed, and the light 
was turned out. Kevin looked over at his brother. Kyle was still crying 
softly, and was also sucking his thumb. His diaper was expanding, but 
Kevin noticed that he was not pushing. Kyle was so traumatized that he 
was coping by retreating into his baby instincts. Kevin once again put 
his arms around his brother’s shaking body and they fell asleep in 
their embrace.

After she was sure her sons were sleeping, their mom called up Reid’s 
parents and explained what had happened. Reid’s mom decided that she’d 
had it with her son’s behavior, and decided there was only one sure way 
to get him to stop. Then, the twin’s mom called the school, and got all 
their schedules changed so that Kyle and Kevin were in all the same 

The next morning, Kyle was back to himself, but was understandably 
nervous about going to school and facing everyone, especially Reid. But 
Kevin assured him that he would always be right next to him (they had 
learned about the schedule change). Kyle smiled a little, and Kevin 
ruffled his hair jokingly. At school, the boys were walking down the 
hallway. A hand fell on Kyle’s shoulder. It was Reid. Kyle recoiled, 
and Kevin got ready for a fight. But they were both taken aback by what 
happened next.

“Uh, Kyle, I’m…sorry about yesterday. I got a little carried away. And, 
uh, you don’t have to worry about me making fun of your diapers, I kind 
of understand now” he said with a hint of humiliation.

“You do?” Kyle asked.

“Yeah, pretty much,” he responded. It was then that the twins noticed 
the bulge under Reid’s pants as he walked away. Good old mom, they 
thought with a smile.

~Chapter 26 – Training~

That night, after the boys were tucked into bed, their parents had a 
talk in the kitchen.

“I’m worried about Kyle,” their dad said.

“Why?” his wife asked.

“I mean, I’m worried about how defenseless he seems to be. I think that 
maybe Kevin and I should teach him how to fight,” he said.

“What? No, he doesn’t need to learn how to fight. He’s just a little 
boy,” she responded.

“Well, look. Kyle was never an aggressive person, and he’s always had 
Kevin to fight his fights. But he seems to cry a lot more than other 
kids his age, he’s probably the most attached to his diapers, and he 
folds easily against bullies. He’s always been soft, and until now, 
that was never a problem, because Kevin was always by his side. But 
now, Kevin can’t always be there, and Kyle at least needs to learn how 
to defend himself. I’m not saying he needs to be Kevin, but he should 
know a little self-defense” he explained.

“Well, I guess you’re right. Tomorrow, you and Kevin can teach him a 
little about fighting. But I want no part in this, okay?” she said.

“Fine. Thanks for agreeing to this. Trust me, it’s for the best.”

Early the next morning, the boys’ dad walked into the twins’ room. He 
sprayed a little air freshener to cover up the ever-present smell of 
poopy diapers, and gently woke Kevin and Kyle up.

“Boys, wake up. Get your diapers changed and come downstairs. We’re 
going to do a little activity,” he said quietly.

Five minutes later, with fresh Pampers on, Kyle and Kevin met their dad 
in the kitchen. He explained what they were going to do, and told them 
to go into the backyard.

“Okay, now Kevin, I want you to show what you do in a fight, but on 
me,” their dad said. Kevin threw three well-placed punches that worked 
well on kids, but was easily blocked by his dad.

“Alright, now that would work on someone your age. Kyle, did you see 
what he did?” their dad asked.

“Yeah, I think so” the little boy responded.

“Okay, now I want you to try that on Kevin” he said. Kyle did the same 
thing, but Kevin blocked them. Then, Kevin landed a double-punch to 
Kyle’s chest. Kyle began to cry, and Kevin sat down, feeling awful 
about what he did to his brother. Their dad helped him up, and told 
them to try again, but this time without Kevin returning the blows. For 
almost half an hour, Kyle tried to punch his brother, but kept getting 
blocked. Finally, he got so fed up that he kicked Kevin right in the 
stomach. Hard. Kevin fell to the ground, and felt his diaper fill up 
with poop involuntarily. Kyle looked shocked at what he had done, 
thinking that he had really hurt Kevin. But after a few seconds, Kevin 
caught his breath, got up, and patted Kyle on the back.

“Hey, that was really good” he said, “I didn’t think you had it in you. 
In fact, I think you made me poop my diaper,” Kyle smiled slyly at his 

“Alright boys, I think that’s enough for today, Kyle’s got the idea,” 
their dad said. Kyle ran up and hugged his dad, thanking him for 
letting him learn to fight.

“Well, you’re very welcome” he said while rubbing his son’s blond hair, 
“I’m very proud of you Kyle, no matter how well you fight. I just 
thought it was best that you know how to defend yourself if someone 
bullies you again,” Kyle nodded, indicating that he understood. Then he 
ran after his brother, and they both woke up James. They helped the 7-
year old change his poopy diaper, and then they all went downstairs and 

~Chapter 27 – Regressions and Cousin’s House~

Over the next few weeks, the three boys began to change. After James 
had started to get a diaper rash, their parents allowed them to have a 
second daily diaper change for after dinner. Kyle began to find that in 
the morning, his nighttime Pampers were wet and sometimes messy, even 
though he had not used them before he fell asleep. Kevin too was 
starting wet at night, although not as frequently as Kyle. James was 
also bedwetting, but this was nothing new. In addition to the 
bedwetting, the boys began to do other babyish things as well. Both 
Kyle and James were sucking their thumbs, while Kevin had started 
sleeping with his old teddy bear from when he was a toddler. They were 
happier than they had ever been in their lives.

Soon, Thanksgiving was coming. The boys had a week off from school for 
this holiday, and so their parents decided to spend those days at their 
mom’s sister, Carol’s house. She lived about two hours away in a 
neighboring city, with her husband and children, 4-year old Sammy and 
his 5-year old brother, Trevor. So the family packed up some clothes, 
toys, and diapers, and headed out. Once they got there, Carol greeted 
them at the door and led them in. In the kitchen was the boys’ Uncle 
Jack and their cousin Sammy. The first thing the family noticed was 
that Sammy was in nothing but a T-shirt and diaper.

“So, Sammy’s still not potty-trained, huh?” the boys mother asked.

“Nope, and we’re getting quite agitated, to tell you the truth” Carol 
responded. Her sister was about to tell her not to be, when Trevor 
walked in.

“Kyle!” he said happily, as he ran over with a big smile and hugged the 
10-year old around the waist. Kyle and Trevor were very close, and the 
5-year old looked up to him like a big brother. Just then, Carol 
noticed a bad smell coming from her older son.

“Damn it Trevor, did you shit your pants again?” she yelled. 
Immediately, Trevor’s bright smile turned into tears. Carol pulled down 
his pants, and sure enough, there was a poopy mess in the 5-year old’s 
Pokemon briefs.

“Well, good job, you’ve ruined yet another pair of underwear!” his 
mother screamed. She dragged him into the bathroom, cleaned him off, 
got him some fresh underwear and pants, but wouldn’t let him put them 
on. Then, she brought him back into the kitchen and proceeded to spank 
him with a spatula several times. It was only then that he was allowed 
to put his fresh underwear and pants on, which he did before running to 
Kyle in tears. Kyle picked him up and rubbed his dusty-blond hair 
around consolingly.

“Whoa, Carol, settle down. Let me talk to you in the living room” their 
mother said. They got some water, and sat down on the couch to discuss 
what had just happened.

“Now, what has been going on?” she said.

“What’s been going on is that I can’t catch a break! Sammy is 4 years 
old and still not even close to potty-training, while Trevor is wetting 
and messing his pants, not to mention his bed! I know they can’t help 
it, but I just don’t know what to do!” Carol responded.

“Well, have you ever considered just keeping them in diapers?” she 
asked, “I mean, it’s annoying to change diapers, but isn’t it better 
than buying new clothes all the time?”

“Well, I’d thought of it. But isn’t it kind of unnatural when they’re 
so old?” Carol asked.

“Not at all! We do it with our boys, and I know a couple other people 
who do it too” she said. Carol thought for a couple minutes, and 
decided that it would probably be best to do that.

“Trevor, could you come here for a minute please?” Carol asked from the 
family room. The little boy cautiously walked over to his mother.

“Trev, I’m so sorry that I spanked you for something you can’t help. I 
just didn’t know what to do. Can you forgive me?” she asked. Trevor 
hesitated for a second, and then gave his mom a kiss on the cheek.

“Now, something still has to be done about your accidents. I know it’s 
not your fault, so I’m not going to punish you for them, but what I 
want to do it have you wear diapers again,” Carol said.

“Diapers? But diapers are for babies!” Trevor said. Hearing that, Kyle 
pulled his pants down to show the 5-year old that diapers weren’t just 
for babies.

“Well, I guess I’ll try them out” the little boy said. He lay down on a 
changing mat that his mom had laid out on the floor, and pulled his 
pants down. One of Sammy’s Huggies was lovingly taped over Trevor’s 
waist. He then looked up at Kyle with his big blue eyes.

“You look great Trev” Kyle assured him. He picked the 5-year old up and 
went to Sammy’s room, where Kevin, James and Sammy were already 
playing. In the kitchen, with the accident problem taken care of, the 
adults finally were able to sit down and plan the week.

~Chapter 28 – The Best Christmas Ever~

One month later...

James slowly began to open his eyes. He looked at his clock and saw 
that it read 8:04. This was too early for the 7-year old, and he was 
about to close his eyes again when one single thought began to pulse 
through his mind. James quickly jumped out of bed, ran to his brothers’ 
room, and began to shake them awake.

“Kyle, Kevin, wake up!”

“Wha...?” Kevin asked groggily, “It’s too early. Go back to bed and 
leave us alone.”

“No Kevin, it’s Christmas!” James happily pronounced. The twins’ eyes 
shot open as they realized that it was indeed Christmas Day.

“Well then, what are we waiting for? Let’s get downstairs!” Kyle said 
excitedly. The three boys ran down the stairs, their blond hair 
flapping and a pile of warm, mushy poop sloshing around in their 
bulging diapers. They got to the family room and were greeted by their 
smiling parents and a floor covered in presents.

“Yay, Santa came!” James yelled joyfully. Almost immediately, wrapping 
paper began to fly in the air as six little hands furiously opened 
their gifts. About an hour later a pile of video games, Lego’s, books, 
movies, and three new bikes sat in the middle of the floor, surrounded 
by mounds of shredded wrapping paper.

“All right boys, let’s get ready to go out,” their dad said. It was a 
tradition in their family to spend Christmas in the city. They would 
get all three meals at restaurants and usually see one of the thousands 
of movies that opened (for some inexplicable reason) on Christmas Day. 
Kyle, Kevin and James went upstairs to get ready. They brushed their 
teeth, got fresh diapers on (Kevin promptly soaked his), and put on 
polo shirts and khakis, the attire required for their annual Christmas 
outing (at least by their parents). Then the three boys came back 
downstairs as their mom was adjusting her earrings in a mirror and 
their dad was ending a phone call.

“Yes, just have it done by the time we get back... all right, bye,” he 
said, and hung up the phone, “Okay, is everyone ready to go?”

“Yes, Daddy” his diapered sons answered in unison, and they all walked 
out the door together.

Ten hours later (7:30), the family returned home.
“Now boys, there’s one more big present we’ve got for you. So go up to 
the twins’ room and see what it is!” their mom said. The words were 
barely out of their mouth when the three little boys bounded upstairs, 
and gasped in delight at what they saw.

The twins’ room was completely transformed into a baby nursery for all 
three of them. The walls were painted bright blue, and there was new 
carpeting that was a bit darker blue. The big dresser that used to take 
up a whole wall was replaced by a much smaller one that only held their 
shirts, socks, and a couple pairs of bigger pants. Another wall now had 
six shelves carved into it. The top one held several packages of Little 
Swimmers, no doubt for when they went to the pool. The second highest 
shelve held their packages of Pampers, which the boys were told were 
now only for when playing sports. The third shelve held many packages 
of GoodNites, which they were informed were for wearing to school so 
their diapers wouldn’t be as noticeable. The bottom two shelves held 
about twenty packages of a diaper they had never heard of, called 

“Now these boys, are a brand new type of diaper. They’ve only just 
started making them. They are designed to fit kids your age, and are 
four times thicker than your Pampers. These will be what you wear most 
of the time now” their dad said. The boys nodded in agreement.

Continuing the tour, they discovered three fold-up, extra-large 
changing tables built to the wall, the purpose of which was obvious. 
Resting on another shelve were bottles and pacifiers. Their parents 
told them that when not eating, drinking, or talking at home, they 
would be using pacifiers. The boys were also told that twice a day, 
once in the morning and once at night, they would drink warm milk from 
a baby bottle while sitting in either their mom or dad’s lap. Next to 
this shelve were three new footy pajamas hanging on hooks, which the 
boys would be wearing at night. Finally, the centerpiece of the room 
was three oversized cribs, much like the ones at their new neighbor’s 
house, which they would be placed in by their parents at 9:00pm, and 
taken out of at 7:00am on school days, or 9:00am on weekends, summer 
vacation, and days off. The last instruction, which came to the relief 
of all the boys, was that they would still be allowed to watch TV, play 
video games, play outside, and play with friends (although friends at 
their house would be forced to be babied just like them). Also 
thankfully, they would not have to eat baby food (this was a particular 
relief to Kyle).

One hour later…

After Kyle, Kevin and James were changed, nursed, and put into their 
footy pajamas, their parents placed them in their cribs for the first 
time. A kiss was planted on each of their heads, a pacifier was put 
into their mouths, and the lights were turned out. James soaked the 
front of his diaper, Kevin pulled his teddy bear close, and Kyle 
unloaded his dinner into his Thickies. Finally, they were truly happy, 
and for the first time as big babies, the three little boys drifted off 
to sleep.


Author’s note: This was my first diaper story, and I hoped you liked 
it. Please send me feedback at the email address:
I may write a character profile later, but that’s not for sure, so 
don’t get too excited about it. Thanks for reading, and may your 
diapers forever remain wet and messy!