Created By Baby Jake, © 2004 by Baby Jake Please do not recreate, redistribute, etc without permission. I’m not such a bad guy, so just ask! I’d love to hear your thoughtsJ.


 Segment One


 “Come on honey, we’re going to be late!” Jake heard his mother command from downstairs. “Hold on! I’m getting ready!” he yelled back to her. “Well speed it up, birthday boy!” This made him laugh. To be referred as ‘birthday boy’ made him blush. He looked around his room, viewing everything until finally looking back to into the mirror and finding himself half-naked with a baby wipe in his hand. He smirked and continued to clean himself, and tossed the baby wipe, and than finally gazed over at a blue package written with big bold words: GOOD NITES. He pulled a fresh diaper out of the bag, slipped one on, and gazed once again at him self in the mirror, this time finding himself wearing a puffy white diaper that stretched up to about his belly button. He smirked, and then turned around and continued getting dressed, and then finally left the room.


 Jake walked down the staircase into the living room, and looked at his mom. She giggled and looked at him sharply. “Looking sharp!” she said, smiling. He looked down at himself, but didn’t think he looked any different than any other day. Black shirts, black pants, black socks with black boots. “Uh…thanks!” he said in return. She smiled again, and the two walked out the nearby front door, and hopped inside the car.


 It wasn’t too long of a drive to the local pizza hut, but the two sure did think about a lot to make it seem like hours. Today was Jake’s 13th birthday; he was finally a teenager. In celebration, Jake’s mom did a little more than the usual than the annual sleepover. She signed up an appointment at the local pizza hut, and even let Jake and his friends have their own table, and pretty far from the parents’ table! Jake was satisfied, he really didn’t care, just as long as his friends were with him. Finally, with a screech from the car’s brakes, they stopped at the pizza hut. The two got out, and walked inside. Jake could immediately see his friends, Chris, Alex, and Andrew, all sitting at their table, and they obviously saw him, since they were all smiling and gazing right at him. Jake smirked, and sat down at the table, and eventually, his mom left the four boys alone and went at the ‘parent’s table’, and immediately, Jake’s friends all greeted him with birthday cheers. Chris laughed “So…when are we going to your house?” Jake looked over, blushing from the birthday cheers and then announced “Whenever we’re done eating, I’m seriously starving.” Everyone nodded in agreement. “Hello! May I take your order?” a young looking lad said to the four boys, smiling. “Sure! We’ll take a plain and a pepperoni, large please!” Jake said to the waiter.


 Eventually, the pizzas arrived and the party started. “So…what’s everyone bringing tonight?” Alex whispered to everyone at the table. Andrew shrugged “I packed up a bottle and the remains of my –“ he looked around and then quietly whispered “diapers…” Everyone laughed as he whispered the word “diapers”. “Well, I didn’t bring much…” Chris said. “Nothing, actually…didn’t have anything…” Everyone laughed. “Hey! I gave you three diapers of mine!” Jake said. “…I’m wearing one right now…the other two I wanted to save for later.” Chris said in retort. “What about you, Alex?” Chris said, blushing. Alex shrugged in return and took a chomp out of his pizza piece. “Nothing much... I brought a sippycup and a stuffed animal,” he announced after swallowing. “No... diapers?” Andrew said, whispering ‘diapers’ to the group. Alex nodded a silent no in return. “Why not?” Jake asked with a mouth full of pizza. “Couldn’t get any… I was hoping YOU could pass some on!” Alex said in return. Jake sighed, and put his pizza back onto the plate. “Listen, guys, I’m not a diaper-loaner” he began to state broadly. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’ll lend some, but SOME… I mean, I wouldn’t care, but my mom does have a wallet. She has to buy them, and she expects them to last for a decent while.” He continued. “Oh…I guess that would be why she doesn’t like you peeing in them…” Alex said quietly. Jake nodded. “She says there’s nothing wrong with my ‘pee-er’, so I shouldn’t pee in them.” Jake said, finishing up, and then sighed again. “Listen, Alex, I’ll give you some to wear tonight, but tonight only. I’m running out and she just bought a pack a few days ago… and they’ve been flying by. Everyone nodded. “Okay, I think we should eat these pizzas… then, after my mom goes to sleep, the party will really begin!” Jake said, getting people’s chins up again. Everyone agreed, and continued their brunch, quietly, all up until they finally had to go home. The ride home was a silent one, as they were all thinking about when they could finally escape from the long, plain, and boring clothes covering their one big secret, their ‘true selves’, which is of course: diapers. With, yet another, screeching halt from Jake’s mom’s car, the four boys ran happily up to Jake’s room. But it wasn’t diaper time, not yet. Instead, Jake and his friends played videogames, talked about good times, etc. All up until about midnight, when everyone was certain that Jake’s mom was asleep…


 “What time is it now, Jake?” Andrew asked, yet again. “Dude…it’s…oh…its midnight” Jake said, at first angry. Since the minute they walked in the door, Andrew has been asking what time it was. By midnight, everyone knew that Jake’s mom would surely have been asleep. ‘YESSSS!” Andrew yelled, practically waking the dead. “Andrew! You yell again like that and Jake’s mom will catch us!” Alex said, walking out of Jake’s little personal bathroom. Andrew giggled and blushed, and then slowly removed his shirt, revealing a baby blue t-shirt, and then took his pants down, revealing a Goodnite diaper, apparently very wet already. “You’re a bit wet, Andrew” Jake pointed out to Andrew. Andrew nodded in return, and smiled. “Messy, too!” Andrew said, laughing. The room jumped back, except for Jake. “What’s everyone so worried about? I have to deal with messy diapers all the time!” Jake said, blushing. “We know…but…poop…icky!” Chris said. Jake sighed. “Andrew, everyone, get your stuff out of your bags,” Jake ordered. In a few short moments, all of the diaper boys got their things from deep within their book bags. Andrew dug up a plastic bag, containing a pacifier, a baby bottle, and a few babyish diapers. Alex, a big fluffy stuffed animal and a sippycup with a paw-print on it. Jake went into his closet, and pulled out an already opened bag of Pampers Size 6 diapers, and sat them, along with the other diapering supplies (baby wipes, baby powder, etc), next to his bed. Chris, however, failed to bring out anything. “Aw, come on Chris. Not even a binky?” Alex said as he walked towards Jake’s TV. Chris nodded a no. “We’ll deal with that later” Jake said. “Right now I need to change Andrew.” Andrew smirked at the sound of it, that HE was going to be changed. Andrew nodded at Jake, and laid down on Jake’s soft bed, just as Jake stood over him with one of Andrew’s pacifiers, and one of his packed diapers, along with Jake’s own diapering supplies. Jake popped the paci into Andrew’s mouth, and his eyes grew wide. Andrew quietly laid there, sucking intently on his paci as he felt his diaper loosen when Jake slowly untagged the diaper, and then fold the front end down. He then felt the soft, slow feel of Jake’s professional diapering skills as he thoroughly cleaned around his diaper area, until finally reaching the time to clean the messed area. Andrew blushed as Jake then lifted Andrew’s legs back, causing his butt to stick wide in the air, and then thoroughly clean his butt. Both Andrew and Jake then went into bliss as he Jake began to powder Andrew’s butt, and then rub it around thoroughly, and then with his front. Jake then finally slid a fresh baby-print diaper under Andrew’s butt, pulled up the front, and securely taped it to a tight fit. Andrew sat up, happy as ever to be in a clean diaper. “Thank you!” Andrew said with delight. “No problem!” Jake said, smiling happily. Jake turned around to face Alex and Chris, and found them sitting, watching the TV. Jake giggled, and then disposed of the dirty diaper in his little personal bathroom, and then washed his hands, and cracked the bathroom window a bit to let the stink of the diaper out, and then returned to the other three diaper-boys. Chris and sat on the bed, diaperless. “Alex, come on, you got to get into a diaper!” Andrew commanded to Alex. “Man, shh!” Alex said to Andrew. “Guess I’m gonna have to put them on you,” Jake said. “Who’s gonna change my diaper when I need it?” Jake said, laughing.


 The four sat in a circle in the center of Jake’s room, talking about various things. The lights were off now, since the day had grown late (or early, depending on how you look at it). It was little over 1:15AM, way past their bed time, so the four were growing tired. “So… whose turn is it?” Alex asked, yawning. “For what?” Chris asked, sipping slowly at his baby bottle filled with milk. “To be the baby role-player,” Alex responded. “Oh…tomorrow…it will be…Ja…ke…” Andrew said, yawning heavily. Jake smirked and blushed, trying hard not to fall over unconscious from lack of sleep. “I need to change…my diaper…before going to sleep” he said, standing up to stay awake. “But we just changed you…like a half-hour ago…” Alex said with his head bobbing around. “I know…something that keeps happening lately…I keep wetting…and I don’t even realize it sometimes…” Jake said, walking towards the Goodnites bag. He rarely used the baby diapers because he had to buy those himself, with his own allowance. “Maybe you are becoming incontinent” Chris suggested. Jake shrugged and pulled out the final Goodnite from the bag, and walked into the bathroom. He looked around at the bathroom, and quickly noticed the smell of multiple used diapers. “Ugh…” he said. “Smells like pee…” He walked over to the cracked window, and opened it all the way to let all of the smell out, and began cleaning himself up.


 Meanwhile…”I’m in need of a change before I pass out, too” Alex said, walking towards his backpack. “I’ll change you” Andrew said, and quickly followed Andrew to his stuff. Chris shrugged and finished the rest of his bottle of milk, and laid down. “I think it’s about time to be passing out…” Chris said as he struggled to keep his eyes open. “I think your right…”  Andrew said. Alex laid down, awaiting to be changed by Andrew. He felt Andrew pull the tapes off of the diaper, loosening it greatly until finally the front fell down, revealing why he needed a change. “You wet…AND messed your diaper!” Andrew said in surprise. Alex laughed and blushed. “Thought I’d give it a try…” he said. Andrew grinned happily, and then got a baby wipe, and then began thoroughly cleaning Alex’s wet area, and finally disposed of the wipe. Alex then felt his leg lift over his head, so that his butt was in the air as Andrew thoroughly cleaned his butt, and then powdered it. Same with the front end. Andrew securely taped Alex’s diaper, finishing the change. Alex blushed and sat up, just as Jake walked out of the bathroom. “Okay…who here is about to fall onto their face?” Jake asked. Alex and Andrew agreed, but Chris was silent. “Chris?” Alex asked, but there was silence. Jake jogged over as Andrew passed him by to dispose of the diaper, and to their surprise, they found that Chris was sound asleep! Alex, Jake, (and soon after) Andrew all giggled. “I think Chris has the proper idea here…” Andrew whispered. Jake walked over to his TV, and soon found his little refrigerator (which is where Chris and everyone got their milk from, earlier). “You going to sleep, Jake?” Alex asked, cuddling with his stuffed animal as he laid on the floor. “Yeah…after I finish my milk. I drink this stuff every night before going to sleep. Helps me sleep better.” He responded. “Alright,” Andrew said. “I’m going to sleep…night guys.” “Goodnight.” There after, Alex and Andrew quickly drifted off to sleep, leaving Jake alone for the first time since he had to change before going to the pizza hut. So he did what he usually did every night before going to sleep, he looked out his window, into the night. He loved to look at stars, because it calmed his mind before going to sleep. So did rain, the calm Zen of rain always calmed his spirit. He didn’t know why, but it did. Tonight he finished his milk fast, climbed in his bed, and drifted off to sleep…


 Segment Two


 The next morning, Jake was awoken by something he had rarely woken up to. And when I say rarely, I mean on the rarest of occasions. He woke up to his friends, Alex, Andrew and Chris standing over him gleefully. Chris saw his eyes open first, since he was only inches from his face. “Finally awake?” Chris asked with a devious smirk. Jake looked around, and quickly realized that he had a pacifier in his mouth from being babied. “…huh…oh…yeah…I guess…” Jake said, still half-asleep. Everyone laughed. “What’s so funny?” Jake asked. “Nothing…” Chris said, but he continued to have a smirk. Jake shrugged, sat up and quickly realized what was so humorous to his friends. He sat up, and got a good glimpse of himself. It wasn’t his babyish diaper, his babyish pacifier, the babyish teddy bear not too far from him, or the babyish baby bottle lying on his nightstand that made everyone giggle. It was what he had done overnight. He laid there lying in an overfilled diaper, obviously from bedwetting. “Got’s to get you some plastic pants, Jake!” Andrew said, smirking along with Alex and Chris. “This…can’t be good…” Jake said, surprised with the amount he had let go. “Nothing to be worried about…” Chris said. Jake’s eyes were huge, filled with worry. “Uhhh…I’m going to remain calm…” “I’d certainly hope so, because I’m going to change you” Chris said. Suddenly Jake looked more paniced than ever. “Into what…?” Jake asked. “A…diaper….” Chris said sarcastically, but Jake nodded in disagreement. “I have one diaper left…” Jake said. My Goodnites are gone…and I should only have one baby diaper left…” he said. The room was silent. “So…what?” Chris asked. “I think this time I might be incontinent” Jake said. “And…if I don’t have any diapers left…I’m going to pee my pants…” Jake said. “And situations like that always seem to happen in the wrong time and place.” Everyone got his point, and honestly thought the same thing, but weren’t admitting it. “Well…if you wet your last diaper, and it’s by accident, then you are. If not, your not.” “Well what if I do, and I am, then I am out of diapers with the ability to pee myself anytime!” “Good point…” The two, Chris and Jake, thought about it as Chris changed Jake into his last diaper. Suddenly, when Jake was finally secure into a clean diaper, Jake jumped up, seemingly enthralled for the first time all day. “Chris! The diapers I lent you!” Chris nodded in excitement. “Sure! I can give them back to you!” he said. The two rushed to get dressed, but Andrew shrugged. “I don’t know what the big deal is!” he said. “Okay…let me run this by you one more time. Jake’s mom doesn’t want Jake to pee in his diapers…because not only will this cause him to be incontinent in time, it was cost her money in the long run. Now, Jake is incontinent and he only has one diaper left, the one he is wearing. We need to get him more diapers from my house, and then after he gets back, he can ask his mom to buy more diapers from the store, right Jake?” Jake nodded, but suddenly, without warning, his mouth dropped and panic filled his eyes. He slowly looked down, pulled down his pants, and revealed that he had wet his last diaper. “Oh no…” Chris said.


 The four quickly rode their bikes down the long hill, whizzing senselessly past and between cars in the street, paying no mind to their safety like they always did. They took the longer route to Chris’s house, which involved a lot of steep hills to fly down. They took this way today, not to go sight seeing or to just take longer. They took this way due to the immense heat that day. They figured instead of driving their bikes themselves, they would just let the hills drive them, not to mention the wind would cool them off. Jake, who was going the fastest (and if I do say so myself, was the driving the most dangerously down the main road), was focusing mostly on any urges to pee, seeing how if he did wet, there wouldn’t be a diaper to stop it. Eventually, the four made it to Chris’s house; Chris and Jake were the first ones off of their bikes. “Okay, you wait here; I’ll get your diapers…” Chris said, whispering ‘diapers’. Jake nodded, and sat down on the green grass, still focusing on the need to pee, but was failing to find any signs. “You know, I still do not see the big deal in being incontinent…” Andrew said, walking over to Jake. “I know. It’s not that I may be incontinent that’s bad, what’s bad is the fact that now I’m going to have to hide it from my mom.” “I doubt you’ll be able to for long, Jake…” Andrew said in a confident voice. “…I know…” Jake replied, softly. “What’s your plan for when you get home?” Alex asked, walking towards Andrew and Jake. “Well, first…” he began. “I’m gonna get my mom to buy me more diapers. Then second, while she’s gone, I’m going to clean out my trash can and fix my sheets. From there out, its smooth sailing…I hope…” he said. Suddenly, as though from some miracle, two diapers fell at Jake’s feet. “It’s raining diapers!” Alex said, laughing. The three looked up to find Chris, sticking far out of his bedroom window, smiling. “I wish it was raining water…” Andrew said, looking exhausted. This heat is ridiculous…” “Yeah…for the middle of summer! I mean, my God!” Alex said sarcastically. “Pffft, man, shut up!” Andrew said, giggling. Then even more out of the blue, three water bottles flew down, landing at their feet. “For the road!” Chris yelled. The three agreed, smiling. “I’m not sure if I should drink this…” Jake said cautiously. “Aw, come on! You’ll have one on in just a few minutes! Water couldn’t rush through THAT fast!” Alex said, patting Jake’s back. “Hey Chris! We allowed up?” Andrew yelled. “Sure…but…people are home…so Jake…you can’t really…you know…up here…” Chris said, trying to insinuate that he couldn’t put his diaper on up there. Jake humbly agreed, hopped on his bike with a water bottle in his mouth and the diapers in his backpack. “Later guys! I’ll call Chris’s house when I’m done!” Jake yelled as he departed, and in no time, he was quickly on his way home.


 The ride home, however, was treacherous. The heat and the hills were too immense to ride up, so Jake walked his bike up. And even that was exhausting. Before he even made it halfway up, he had drank it all completely. Although the water did help some, it certainly didn’t give him the strength to walk up the steep hill in the immense heat any faster. Eventually, despite the heat, Jake could see his house from the road. And in no time, he was finally at his backdoor. He walked into the kitchen via the backdoor, sat his bike helmet (hey, he and his friends aren’t stupid, safety first!) on the kitchen table and walked towards the living room. “Mom? Hey mom!” Jake called. “Yes?” She replied, revealing that she was just on the couch in the living room. “Oh…mom…not to bring it out of the blue…but uh…we need more…of my ‘supplies’…” he said cautiously. She had a confused look on her face when he finished his sentence, and then stood up. “Honey…we need to talk…” she said in a soft voice. “…okay…” he said. “Jake…” she began her hand now on his shoulder. “I just bought you a fresh pack the other night…” “…okay…” “Well…is everything okay? I mean, they’re whizzing on fast.” “It’s my diet…I uh…need to alter my diet…” “Jake, please don’t lie to me. You’ve been eating just fine. You know what? I think your peeing in them…” she said, getting serious. “…no I’m not…” “Now Jake, I asked you not to lie to me, and I asked you nicely. I know your peeing in them. You know how? I could smell pee. Not on you, but in the bathroom.” “…um mom…that sounds really stupid. A bathroom…smelling like pee. “ “Are you getting smart?” “No, I’m pointing out the obvious.” “And so am I…listen, you know I don’t want you peeing in your…supplies…because that would cost me more money in the long run. Not to mention that if you did it long enough, you would become incontinent…” she said. This struck an arrow in his heart as he remembered that he had chugged the water, and that he hadn’t gotten a diaper on yet. And there, at that moment, it hit him. He could feel that he was about to pee, right there, and he could also feel that there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop it. He panicked a bit, but tried hard not to show it. “Um mom…I have to…go to…the bath…room…!!!!” he said, in desperation. He tried running, but it was no use. What Jake had said before, he was about to prove. Situations like that really do happen in the wrong place and wrong time. Right in front of his mother’s eyes, he soaked his pants, and I mean SOAKED. The warm pee quickly spread from Jake’s crotch area, down to both of his legs, rolled over his shoes and onto the carpet. Jake’s eyes filled with absolute panic as he saw his mother’s face. “What the hell is this?” she shouted, confused.


 Segment Three


“What the hell is this?! Did you wet your pants?!” she yelled. Once again, Jake attempted to run as he continued to wet himself, but his mother held him back. “You did! You wet your pants! This means you really ARE wetting your diapers!” she yelled angrily. “You know what?! So what if I am?!” he yelled back. “Don’t you take that tone at me, young man!” she scolded, but her words didn’t phase Jake one bit. “Why the hell do you want to know what I’m doing in my pants, MOM?!” he yelled furiously. But suddenly, out of no where, he was slapped, and slapped hard. Jake fell to the floor, not from the strength or speed of the attack, but because he just wasn’t expecting it. And from that moment, and a few after, there was silence. “Get in your room…get cleaned…” she said. Her words shook with rage. Jake took no time to delay, and quickly gotten onto his feet. “…I’m going out to the store to buy more DIAPERS…since you have to PEE in them! That’s right Jake, not ‘supplies’, no, now their DIAPERS. You know why? If you’re going to use them as diapers, then they’re going to be called diapers.” She said. Jake tried hard not to laugh. “When I return, we’ll talk. Until then, stay in your room…” Jake didn’t take any time to hesitate; he quickly rushed up the steps and into his room…


Jake walked into his room, quietly, and quickly discarded the wet pants, tossed them aside, and then slipped on a diaper from his backpack. By now, his mother was out the door and on her way to the car. He looked around for another pair of pants that were clean, but didn’t find any. He had made all of his other pants dirty by playing in the woods, and so they were in the washing machine. And his only clean pants were soaked in pee, so he had no choice but to wear only a diaper and a shirt. He removed the stained sheets from his bed, put them by his wet pants, and walked into the bathroom quickly and opened the cupboard under the sink, but he didn’t see the loads of diapers like he expected. No, instead, he saw an empty garbage can. He shrugged, and then returned to his wet pants and sheets. From there, he took both items and walked downstairs with them. He added them to the wash, and returned to his room, the smell of pee faded finally. The main steps were finished. From there, he cleaned his room from the night before. He did these things, not with full intention to clean, but with intention to distract himself.


Jake laid there in his bed watching TV and drinking some milk from a glass he had in his fridge when he heard it: his mom walk into the front door, and slowly creep up the stairs. He readied himself as he saw his mother turn the door knob, and finally swing the door open with a bag in her hand. “Hi Jake” she said. “Let’s talk” she said. He shrugged, but accepted the inevitable. She tossed the bag down, and she sat at the side of his edge of his bed. Jake, who was covered in a blanket (thanks to their air cooler system) braced himself for any questions yet to come. “Okay Jake, here’s what’s up. I’ve thought about it, and I have come to the conclusion that my expectations of you not to wet your diapers are foolish. They ARE diapers, and I certainly hope you are old enough to accept that, and I would only say something like that if I knew that you do.” She said, beginning the conversation. “And, you were right, they are your pants, and it’s your choice to do whatever you choose to with them.” Jake was silent, listening to his mother explain her part. “But Jake, I seem to have a strange feeling that there is more to this than what I am seeing. And please, tell me what it is.” She said. “…nothing to be concerned about…” he said. “I think it is…” “I don’t. I’m doing it behind closed doors.” He said. “But Jake, WHAT are you doing?” Jake was silent. “Well Jake…whatever reason for you wearing baby printed diapers is, I guess your right. You’re doing it behind closed doors, and it’s none of my business…” she said. Jake’s heart fell to his stomach. Did he just hear her correctly? “Huh?” he said, as it was the only thing he could spit out without looking too obvious. “Jake, I cleaned your trash can, you seem to forgot that. And I’m not garbage picker, but what I saw, lying on the top, was a baby print pull-on diaper. Now I know I didn’t buy those kinds…” she said. Jake felt the intensity build. He wanted to throw himself in front of a bus because he was too tired to remember to put the baby diaper inside of a rolled up Goodnite!  “…it has something to do with what I like…” he said, careful with words. “…and what do you like?” she said, pushing the conversation further a bit more. “…acting…” “Like?” “…just…acting…” “But Jake, what are you acting as?” She asked. However, this time, she had a devious smirk, but quickly wiped it off her face. “…acting…like a…” he began to say with each and every ounce of strength. “Whatever it is, it’ll be okay…” she said, trying to get Jake to say that last word. “…acting...like…a…..ba……by…” he said, struggling to get those simple stutters out. “What?” she asked. “Acting like a…baby…” he said finally, finishing the sentence completely. “I like acting like a baby…that’s why I have the baby diapers.” He said. A smile stretched across her face that was so bright, it put the sun to shame. “See, now acting like a baby is better than say…being a pedophile, now isn’t? It’s better than being a murderer, or than doing drugs. So as long as what you’re doing isn’t doing harm to others or yourself, your fine. As long as it makes you happy…” she explained. She had an excellent point, too. The weirdest part, however, was that she wasn’t surprised. “I guess your right.” Jake agreed, and smiled. “See, now that you have that off your chest, we can get now to business.” She said. “Business? What did she mean by business?” He wondered. She smirked, and got up from the bed, and walked into the doorway. “Come on, let’s go downstairs. We’ll talk this teen baby / diaper lover thing out…” she said. “WHAT?!” he thought to himself. “How the heck did she know what TB/DL meant?” he thought to himself. This really was business. So on that note, he stood up, revealing his diaper. With a crinkle from his diaper, he joined his mother, and the two walked downstairs, where they talked ‘business’. They talked of many issues regarding Teen Babies and Diaper Lovers, and in time, it was agreed. She would support Jake in any way possible, as long as it made him happy…



The story continues in Jake: The Year After.
E-mail me at babyjake@hotmail.com!

 -Baby Jake


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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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