Jake: The
Year After
Created by Baby Jake, © 2004 by Baby Jake
Please do not recreate, redistribute, etc, without permission. I’m not such a
bad guy, so just ask! I’d love to hear your thoughts J.
WARNING! The following
story features heavy violence, vulgar language, minor gayety and very minor
negativity towards gayety. It also features teenagers and pre-teenagers wearing
diapers and wetting them for fun, and/or acting like an infant. If any you do
not feel comfortable, please do not read.
All characters and
situations in this story are fictional. However, Jake is loosely based off of
the author, Baby Jake.
Segment One\
01: Getting Ready
02: Rules
03: Mark’s Background
04: Surprise!
05: Enforcement of the
06: Bored!!!
07: Blackout
Segment Two\
08: An Agenda
09: The Crisscross
10: Mark’s Prelude
11: A Walk in the Park!
12: Nice To Meet You, Alex
13: Moment of Zen
14: Waking Up
15: Leaving
16: Trouble
17: Untitled
18: Blind Fury, Blinding
19: Facing the Demons
20: The Hidden Overture
Segment One – Chapter One: Getting
“Hello is
Alex home?” a familiar voice said into the telephone. “Sure Jake, let me go get
him,” a womanly voice said in return. “Okay thanks…” The familiar voice said,
and then came silent. “…hello?” another voice said on the other line of the
phone. “Hey Alex, its Jake,” the familiar voice said. “Hey there birthday boy,”
Alex said in return. “Alex, are you inviting him over?” Jake said into the
phone, emphasizing the word ‘him’. “He got permission from his parents, so I
don’t see why not,” Alex said. “Alright, rock on,” Jake said. “Is the sleepover
in your room or in the attic?” Alex continued. “In the attic, my mom just put
in the furniture.” “Awesome! Oh, hold on, I got a caller on the other line,”
Alex said, and quickly switched to the other line, leaving Jake to stand on the
phone alone. With the free time, Jake looked around his newly remodeled attic,
examining the baby blue walls with white clouds, and smelling the smell of baby
powder and fresh diapers. “Okay back,” Alex said over the phone. “It was him;
he said he’d be over in about an hour.” “Okay, so he should be showing up about
a half-hour after you guys?” Jake asked. “Should be” Alex announced. “Jake,
time to get off the phone,” Jake heard coming from behind him. “Alright, I’ve
got to go. My mom is calling me.” “Okay, see you soon!”
Jake hung up
the phone, and turned around to see his mom. “Time for a change, honey!” his
mom said. Jake smiled, and walked away from the phone, laid down in the center
of the room, on top of the new baby rug. Jake laid there, in nothing but a
diaper, waiting to be changed by his mommy like he had been wanting for years.
But only a few months ago did his mom agree to support Jake on being a teen
baby by changing him, purchasing baby things, and even making the attic in a
baby’s room. Only today, on Jake’s 14th birthday did Jake finally
get to be changed by his mommy in the middle of a baby’s room did that dream
become a reality. Jake’s mom walked to the left of him over to the shelves
where the diapering supplies, clean bottles, baby books, and baby clothes laid.
She took a bag of Pampers Size 6, since even in a year; his weight hasn’t
changed too much. Even though he weighed 98 some pounds, his waist was small enough
for the pampers to fit, but only just. She took the bag of diapers, some baby
wipes, baby powder, and walked back to little Jake. She kneeled down in front
of little Jake, and tugged on the diaper’s tag, and then the other. She then
pulled down the front of the wet diaper, revealing his front. She slid out the
wet diaper, rolled it up into a ball, and tossed it in the nearby trash. She
then took a baby wipe, and slowly wiped across little Jake’s belly, cleaning
him thoroughly, and then tossed the wipe away. She grabbed the baby powder, and
stood up with both of little Jake’s legs in her hand, lifting him up. She took
the powder, and padded his bare butt, and across his front. While still holding
him by his ankles, she slid a clean diapee under him, and lowered him on top of
it, pulled up the front and tightened the tags tight. “There we go! Clean
diapee!” she said happily. “I could get the hang of this,” she said giggling.
Jake stood up, blushing. “You did a very good job,” he said, smiling in his fresh
diaper. “Well, I’m gonna let you have some fun here in your new room, but don’t
make a mess. We’ve got your friends coming over,” his mom said. Jake nodded in
return, and walked to the right of where he was changed, over to where the TV,
VCR, computer and phone were sitting. His mom smiled back at him, and went down
the stairs, and closed the door at the bottom.
Segment One – Chapter Two: Rules
“Hiya Ms.
Foster,” a kid said, walking through the front door to Jake’s mom. “Hi there
Chris” Jake’s mom said in return. She held the door open, letting Chris walk
into the living room. “So…where’s Jake” Chris asked, plopping down on the couch
heavily from his backpack. “In the attic, sitting on his computer…he should be
down any minute.” She said. The two waited a few moments, until eventually
seeing Jake walk down the steps, wearing a blue shirt with most of the diaper
exposed underneath. “Hey Chris” Jake said smiling, and then continued and
walked through the room and into the kitchen. “So what kind of stuff is going
down for tonight’s bash?” Chris asked Jake from the living room. “I dunno,
haven’t thought of much honestly.” Jake yelled back from the kitchen. “I guess
we’ll just go with the flow like we do every year, huh?” Chris yelled back into
the kitchen, as Jake came walking back out of the kitchen holding a baby bottle
filled with milk, with Mickey Mouse prints. “Want one?” Jake asked Chris,
holding it towards Chris. Chris smiled, and nodded a yes, “Yes please,” Chris
responded. Jake handed the baby bottle filled with milk over to Chris, smiling
gently, and then slowly walked back into the kitchen, and eventually walked
back out holding another baby bottle filled with milk, printed with another
Mickey Mouse print. Jake sat down next to Chris, crinkling his diaper under
him. The two teen babies slowly drank their ba-ba’s and talked, and eventually,
Alex came over, and then Andrew, and soon, the living room was filled of the
sights of teen babies, the smell of baby powder, the sound of crinkling
diapers, and the taste of chilled milk; it was a teen baby’s nursery.
babies” Alex said to the three sitting on the couch “you all might know about
our fifth little one coming.” Everyone nodded at each other and at Alex. “I
trust that you all are aware that he is really shy, and will probably be shy
about his diapers. He may or may not act quickly on being a baby, because his
parents didn’t approve of his want to be a baby, so, since all of us are in
diapers, we shouldn’t be in the room when his parents drop him off, because
they don’t know about this sleepover being a teen baby sleepover.” Everyone
nodded, and then Jake stood up in front of everyone. “Mark isn’t the most
social butterfly, Alex meet him in school, and so if we all could be really
nice to him, it would be appreciated!” Jake said. “Speak of the devil,” Jake’s
mom said, looking out the nearby window “here they come.” Everyone quickly
sprinted behind the couch, and began to listen as Jake’s mom walked to the
door, turned the doorknob and let the newcomer diaper boy come in.
Segment One – Chapter Three: Mark’s
“Hi, we’re
Mr. and Mrs. Mayak, here to drop off Mark for the sleepover,” they heard.
“Yeah, how nice to meet you, I’m Ms. Foster, Jake’s mom” they heard Jake’s mom
say. “Nice to meet you too, Ms. Foster, here’s our cell phone number and home
phone number in case you need to reach us!” Suddenly the four heard a kiddier
voice “Ms. Foster, may I use your bathroom?” The four looked at each other,
smiling. “Sure honey, it’s upstairs, can’t miss it,” Jake’s mom said in return.
Mark smiled shyly, and jogged up the steps, holding on to the railing.
after all three of the parents confirmed that Mark was out of hearing distance,
Mr. and Mrs. Mayak leaned their heads in towards Jake’s mom. “Okay, we need to
tell you something while our son is upstairs” Mark’s mother said quietly.
“Okay, shoot” Jake’s mom said. “Our son Mark, when he was about six years old,
a kid we knew from down the street slept over our house one night shortly after
Mark had been potty-trained. Well, during the night, Mark had an accident, and
the kid found out and taunted him, and ever since that night, Mark had been
scarred to sleep over anywhere.” Jake’s mom nodded, and gently said “Don’t
worry Ms. Mayak; I will make sure your child leaves here tomorrow happily.”
Mark’s mother looked up to Jake’s mom “I understand that, but it doesn’t end
there. Shortly after that, our son was so traumatized, that he had requested
diapers over underwear, and for a short while, we accepted, gave him what he
wanted, but it went further then that. He wanted us to actually baby him! Can
you believe that?” she said to Jake’s mom. Jake’s mom felt the need to laugh,
seeing how just a few feet away, there were four young teens wearing nothing but
diapers, hiding behind the couch. “Well, after an experience like that, I’m
sure a child didn’t want to grow up,” she said instead of laughing. “I
understand that, but it’s just not normal! But anyways, after we refused to
baby him, we decided to take his diapers away. He didn’t approve of this, and
began to trash the place. He became very stubborn, and eventually began
bedwetting again. So just a few weeks ago, we noticed he no longer bed wetted,
so we took his diapers away once again. So, all I want to ask, is if he has any
accidents, please call us immediately” she said. “I certainly will,” Jake’s mom
said. Suddenly, Mark came back down the steps, smiled at the three parents, and
plopped down onto the couch. “Well it was nice meeting you!” Ms. Mayak said to
Jake’s mom as she was leaving. “You too” Jake’s mom said, waving goodbye.
Eventually Mark’s parents left, and drove away, leaving the Mark alone with the
four diaper-boys and Jake’s mom at last.
Segment One – Chapter Four: Surprise!
“So where is
everyone Ms. Foster?” Mark asked. Jake’s mom looked over smiling. Jake, Alex,
Andrew, and Chris slowly rose up behind Mark, keeping as quiet as possible.
“Somewhere around here…do you smell baby powder?” Jake’s mom said, smiling
more. Mark sniffed, and looked up at her “Yeah, why?” he asked. “No reason,
just wondering” she answered. Suddenly Mark felt a hand tap him on the
shoulder, making him jump. He jumped up off the couch, spinning around facing
the four diaper-boys, all were grinning deviously with their diapers exposed.
Mark looked shocked, not knowing how to react. Jake’s mom smiled, turned around
and walked up the staircase leaving the five to talk. “Hi there Mark,” Alex
said, smiling. “…hi…Alex…” Mark said, stuttering. Everyone laughed heartily, and
Mark blushed. Alex hopped over the couch, smiling. “I’m sorry Mark, it was just
too easy!” Alex said, laughing. “What were you guys doing back there?” Mark
asked. Jake hopped over the couch crinkling his diaper, “Well, your parents
knocked, and we hid back there.” Mark nodded, looked up to Jake and Alex and
quietly said “Well, isn’t your mom gonna see your diapers?” Jake looked up,
looked around at the other three slightly confused, and then smirked. “Jake…”
Chris said laughing. Chris then hopped the couch, and then Andrew, and joined
the three. “Come with me,” Jake said to Mark. Jake began walking, and Mark
followed in the back of the pack, unable to get his eyes off of Chris’s diaper.
Jake led the four diaper-boys up the stairs, turned the corner, and walked to a
dark door with a lock on it. Jake turned around facing Mark but said nothing,
turned back around and opened the door. The five diaper-boys walked then walked
a small flight of stairs, and the further they walked, the smell of baby powder
got stronger, the color of the walls changed to baby blue and featured white
clouds painted on them. The five finally reached the top, and arrived in a room
familiar to Jake. Mark’s mouth dropped slowly, but everyone’s eyes widened. The
room was indeed Baby Jake’s Room. The five of them gazed at the new stuffed
animals, the shelves stocked with diapering supplies, binkies, ba-bas, and baby
clothes. They gazed at the large crib with the mobile hanging stars and moons,
the soft sheets with baby prints, and the large sized stuffed bear, all in a
crib lying in front of the large windows, perfect for viewing outside while
trying to go to sleep. They all looked at the large rug that stretched from the
crib to the stuffed animals, covering most of the hardwood floor. The only
non-babyish thing was the desk in the far right corner, which held a computer,
a phone, a small sized refrigerator under the desk, and a TV with VCR and one
or two gaming systems that were originally in his old room on top of the desk.
Jake looked back at Mark, smiled slightly and said “I don’t think she’ll
notice,” to Mark. Mark stepped back, and remembered what he had asked before
Jake led them up the stairs and into this attic-turned baby room.
Segment One – Chapter Five:
Enforcement of the Rules
Chris looked
at Mark strangely, and then looked at the other three, noticing the diapers
wrapped around their fronts and butts. “Hey Jake, somethings different,” he
said with a small smile. Jake turned around, looked at the diapers, going from
Chris, Alex, Andrew. “…you’re wet?” Jake said to Chris. Chris looked confused,
and then looked down at his diaper, seeing that he was indeed wet. Alex and
Andrew looked over, and giggled and Chris blushed slightly. “Erm…no, that’s not
what I meant…” Chris said continuing, quietly. “Mark! He’s…you know…” Chris
said. Jake looked over at Mark and figured out quickly what he meant, which
made him smile. “Mark…your breaking the rules you know” Jake said. “Huh?
What…what did I do?!” he said, worried. “You’re wearing pants,” he continued.
Mark was silent. “You see, this is a baby’s room…this is MY room…and no pants
over a diaper is against the rules…” Jake said finally. “But…I’m not diapered…”
Mark responded quietly. “Well…that’s kind of a second rule…” Chris said. “You
see Mark; this is Jake’s room, which is themed as a baby’s room. The rules are
simple for in this room, no diaper, no entry. And if your wearing one with
pants, you aren’t allowed to enter,” Chris continued, grinning evilly. Mark
blushed heavily, and within no time, his thumb was in his mouth. The four
diaper-boys giggled deviously. “You need to be diapered,” Andrew said giggling
as Jake turned towards the stairs and left the room unnoticed. Mark blushed
even more. He wanted to be diapered, but was very nervous. He had never been
diapered in front of people, except for a baby sitter that came over his house
for several weeks, and secretly babied him behind his parents back. Suddenly
the sound of a closing door broke Mark’s remembrance of the baby sitter’s
visits, only to find out it was Jake and his mother walking up the stairs.
“Okay honey, please lay down!” Jake’s mom said, sweetly. Mark felt
embarrassment as he slowly squatted to the ground, and then laid down onto the
large carpet. The four diaper boys walked over as Jake’s mom walked over to get
the diapering supplies, and Jake followed. “What should he wear?” Jake’s mom
asked quietly to Jake. Jake looked up at the shelf, and quietly whispered back
“Well…I’d say a Huggies Convertibles Diaper, navy blue t-shirt, no plastic
pants, with blue and red pacifier.” Jake’s mom nodded “Go get them while I
undress Mark.” Jake nodded back, and gathered the supplies as Jake’s mom walked
over to Mark. Everyone stared as Jake walked back with the stuff, and joined
his mother.
Mark looked up at Jake’s mother, nervous as she slowly pulled off his shirt,
and tossed it over to Chris. Mark blushed more as Jake laid the stuff down, and
then leaned down with his mom, and then he slowly unbuttoned Mark’s pants, and
slowly pulled them down so that he was now lying only in his underwear on the
carpet. Everyone giggled and gazed at Mark as he blushed heavily. Jake then
slowly pulled his underwear off, revealing Mark bare naked on the floor, and at
that same moment, Jake’s mom took the baby powder and sprinkled on his front
end. Jake himself took the near by diaper, and slipped it under his bare butt,
and pulled the front up over his tummy, and pulled the tapes onto the diaper,
wrapping it around him tight. Jake’s mom then took Mark’s thumb out of his
mouth, and stuffed a nearby red and blue pacifier into his mouth, causing him
to suckle on it gently. Jake smiled, stood up and joined the other diaper boys
to watch as Jake’s mom helped him up, and helped him slip into a navy-blue
t-shirt which left the entire diaper exposed. Mark stood up, and looked into
the mirror, and saw his now-babied self, and smiled for the first time during
the day.
Segment One - Chapter Six: Bored!!!
The five
diaper-boys sat around the room, all were bored. Jake laid in his crib for the
first time, lying on his back looking out the glass windows on the ceiling, he
laid watching the rain droplets splash against the window. The day had grown
dark, and it began to rain slightly, but began to rain more over time. By now, it
was at least 10:30PM. Chris and Mark sat at computer looking on the net,
looking at a bunch of diaper-boy websites. Alex sat by the stuffed animals,
drawing pictures of cartoon characters wearing diapers (like Bugs Bunny), and
Andrew sat by the toy chest drinking his ba-ba and playing with any toys that
looked interesting. For the first time in a long while, it was quiet, with the
exception of the sound of raindrops tapping against the windows, which became
more and more rapid each moment. Suddenly the baby room’s door opened,
revealing Jake’s mom. “Hi guys! Everyone having fun?” “Yes, Ms. Foster”
everyone replied happily. “Excellent, glad to hear it! Guys, it’s raining
heavier outside, and I need to run to the store before it gets too bad, do you
guys want to come along, or stay here in your diapers?” “I wanna stay!”
everyone said in response. Jake’s mom giggled, said okay, and then eventually
left, leaving the five diaper-boys alone in the large house.
Not too late
after, the boredom struck the core of the five. “UGH! We need something to do!”
Andrew yelled, leaping up from his toys. The yell had startled all in the room,
except for Jake, who was still lying silently in his crib, facing the sky.
“Geez Andrew, give the dead some rest,” Alex said from across the room. “Huh?”
Andrew said in response. “The dead…their resting…a yell like that and they’ll
wake up,” Alex finished. “…well I don’t care! I’m BORED…I want something to
DO!” Chris separated from Mark on the computer and paced a bit from one wall to
the other. “…Hey! Jake, your mom got a new digital camcorder, didn’t she?”
Chris announced loudly, but Jake remained silent. “Jake?” Chris asked, but Jake
still remained silent. Chris walked over to the crib where Jake laid, thinking
he was asleep, but he was still awake. His eyes were open, but they looked as
though they were looking through space. “JAKE!” Chris yelled, and slapped Jake
a bit on the face. “Huh? What? Don’t slap me!” Jake said, seeming back to this
world. “What was with you, man?” Andrew asked, who was now standing near Chris.
“Nothing, sorry. It’s the rain…somehow puts me in the zone when I watch it.”
Jake said, sitting up slowly. Chris nodded a bit “Anyways, didn’t your mom get
a digital camcorder not too long ago?” “Yeah, why?” “Because! We could tape the
remainder of the sleepover!” “Doing what?” “I dunno…something!” The room was
quiet again as they thought what they could possibly do. “Well…” Alex said,
breaking the silence. “It’s only as traditional as the yearly sleepover that we
play Truth or Dare…” Alex finished. “Or try to…” Jake said, standing up, facing
Alex over the wood bars of the crib, and thought of the previous time they had
played Truth or Dare last sleepover, and could nothing but genuinely smirk, as
did Chris. “Ummm…sure…sounds good!” Jake responded “But first” he continued…”We
should get dressed, change our diapers, and get ready for sleep.” “Why, it
ain’t bedtime!” Mark said. “I know, but we might as well get ready. Doesn’t
look like we’re going anywhere soon” Jake retorted, looked at the window as
rain poured. Everyone nodded to Jake, and quickly scurried out the door. “Wait!
Guys!” Jake yelled, still in the crib. “The crib! I can’t get out!” Though he
shouted, no one came. Jake laughed a bit as he looked over the neck-high bars.
“Well…guess now I can learn how to take the bars down…” he said, laughing as he
sat alone in the room.
Segment One – Chapter Seven: Blackout
The five
diaper-boys now sat in a small circle in the center of the room, all in their
sleepwear. Alex, a very soft dark blue sleeper with feet, which featured a
large paw print patch near his arm, and underneath he is wearing a Huggies
Ovenites diaper. Andrew, a set of baby blue pajamas with babyish prints
(trains, planes, etc) with a Pampers Size 6 diaper underneath. Chris, a pajama
shirt, which was dark blue with white clouds, and under his shirt he was
wearing a Pampers Size 6 diaper, also. Jake, a pajama shirt which featured
paw-prints and wolves, and under his shirt he was wearing a Huggies
Convertibles diaper with plastic pants that featured starry prints. And
finally, Mark wore a dark blue sleeper with feet, and was wearing a Huggies
Convertibles diaper underneath, also.
“How do I
turn this thing on?” Chris asked Jake as he held the camera, and looked through
the eyepiece. “Um…click the ‘POWER’ button…” Jake said sarcastically in return.
“Oh…heh…thanks…” Chris said as he clicked a button and slightly blushed.
“So…who goes first?” Mark asked out loud. “Hmmm…we could do Rock, Paper,
Scissors, Shoot…” “Okay, that sounds like a –“ Alex started to say something,
but was soon cut off by a sudden change in their surroundings. The lights,
along with the computer, the fridge, the TV and everything else in the house,
suddenly turned off, and the only thing that remained on was the camera in
Chris’s hands. It was obvious that the power had gone out because of the
current weather conditions. “Oh crap!” someone said in the darkness, sounding
like Andrew. “Don’t panic, we’ve got some flash lights over by the computer” Jake
said as he stood up, blindly. “Okay, well you go get them!” Alex said and the
group agreed. The four could hear Jake’s diaper crinkling through the darkness
as he wandered blindly through the room. Suddenly there was a crashing sound
from in the room, and everyone jumped. “OW!” they heard Jake yell. “What
happened?” “The hell if I know, I just tripped over something…I think it was
the toy chest…ANDREW!” Jake said laughing. But although he was laughing, there
was another person in the room who was laughing…hysterically. “Who’s laughing
like that?” Andrew asked. Still, continuous laughter. “I think it’s Mark!” Alex
yelled, and it was indeed Mark who continued to laugh hysterically. It was such
an amazement to the four other diaper boys that it was MARK who was laughing
like that! It was the first time all night he had laughed, period. “Different
strokes for different people,” Andrew said. Jake got up, and continued to walk
towards the computer blindly, and soon, he was holding a flash light and
beaming it towards everyone.
“Okay, so
here we are…in the dark…alone…” Jake said as he sat with the group. “Yup…”
Chris replied in a low-toned voice. “So what should we do now?” Jake quickly
asked, quickly changing the subject. “Well…I’m pretty hungry” Alex said, and everyone
nodded in agreement. “First we should get a bottle” Andrew said “and then we
could run down into the kitchen.” So they all scurried by the guidance of
Jake’s flashlight to the fridge, and slowly opened it. And to their surprise,
the light inside was on! “Jake, the light in your fridge is on!” Chris said.
“Yeah…that must be the backup battery pack…it’ll be on for a few hours,” he
responded. Everyone nodded in understanding and peaked inside, and quickly
found about two small quarts of milk, two jugs of juice, and some small things
of baby food, some small water bottles filled with water, and about five empty
baby bottles and five empty sippycups. “Jake, you want one?” Chris asked.
“Yeah, please” “Bottle or sippycup?” “Bottle of milk is fine, thanks” the two
said to each other, and in no time, Chris gently tossed a baby bottle of milk
at Jake, since the fridge light produced enough light for him to see. Alex was
next in line, and quickly looked around the bottles and sippycups, but only
picked the ‘one’ baby bottle with little animals and pawsy-prints printed on
it. Eventually, everyone had their own bottle or sippycup. “Okay, now it is
time to get some food, since baby food isn’t too fulfilling. Anyone who needs
changing, do so now” Jake said. Everyone looked at each other, and eventually,
Alex, and Chris stepped forward. “Ummm…I need to change my diaper…” Alex said,
giggling. Jake nodded in return, and the three stepped towards the diapering
supplies, by the guidance of flashlight of course.
After getting
the supplies, Alex laid down in front of Jake, and Jake handed the flashlight
over to Mark and said “Hold it up for me, please”. As Alex laid there on the
soft babyish rug, he looked over at Chris who was laying next to him.
“So…Jake…you’re going to change two dirty diapers by flashlight?” Chris asked.
“Well, yeah…” Jake said, blushing. “Your gonna have to clean a third…” Alex
said, pointing towards Jake’s diaper. Jake looked down, and pressed his hand
against his own, and felt that it was indeed wet. As a matter of fact, it was
getting wetter and wetter each second. “Either you’ve got cat-like eyes or I
stink, because it’s pretty dark in here to be able to see my diaper as I wet…”
Jake said, blushing. Alex smirked deviously, and then giggled. Jake kneeled
down slowly towards Alex, and unzipped his sleeper from neck, slowly down to
his diaper-area, just as Alex slipped out of the sleaves so that Jake could
pull the sleeper off, which he did leaving Alex lying on the floor in nothing
but a soaked diaper. The diaper itself was near leaking. The whole crotch area
itself was yellow, and spread all the way to his butt. “WOW…you obviously had
more than a bottle of milk” Jake said, smiling. “You almost are leaking!”
“Well, that’s what Overnites are good for, not leaking!” “Guess you have a
point…” the two said, smiling. Jake slowly grasped the diaper-tapes on Alex,
and pulled, causing the front to fall down. Jake then took a baby wipe and
thoroughly cleaned his diaper area, and then put the used wipe in the used diaper,
and slid the diaper out, balled it up, and rolled it aside. Jake then took
Alex’s legs, and used all of his strength to lift Alex up by his ankles, and
then wiped his butt with another wipe, and tossed it, and then lifted him back
down to the ground, and then took the powder and sprinkled some around Alex’s
diaper area, and then rubbed it in with his free hand. Jake then slid the fresh
diaper under Alex, and pulled the front over his body tightly, and then
fastened it with tapes. Alex stood up and giggled. “Okay, now I have to change
Chris, so you get back into your sleeper” Jake said, smiling. Alex nodded, and
quickly got into his sleeper, and then disappeared into the darkness of the
Segment Two – Chapter Eight: An
The five sat in a circle, in the center of Jake’s dark room. It
was obviously very late, maybe even midnight. They had something to eat now,
mostly sandwiches of different sorts, and a bottle or sippycup on the side.
They talked about various topics, videogames, teenbaby and diaperlover topics,
etc. But after a short while, the babies got bored. Mark looked around at
Chris, who was sitting next to Jake with the camera in his lap, and gently
sighed. “Hey Chris? Have you been taping us eating all this time?” He asked,
sipping a baby bottle. Chris nodded a silent no. “No. Honestly, I forgot I had
this.” Jake looked to Chris. “You know that thing has a flashlight built in and
a Night Mode, right?” he asked Chris. Chris’s eyes widened with glee as he
pulled the camera out of his lap, and held the eye piece up. Jake looked
strangely at Chris, and reached over at the side of the camera. “What are you
doing?” Chris asked. “Watch this…it’s MAGIC!” he said sarcastically. With that,
Jake pulled a latch on the side, and pulled, and out came a small sized screen,
which was obviously projecting what you were aiming the lens at. “WHOA!” Chris
said as he saw the camera. “I told you, this thing is a digital camcorder.”
“And an expensive one at that…” Chris said. “That’s great…” Andrew said, breaking
the silence. “Huh?” “We have a camera; we have Night Mode and a flash light,
but nothing to film!” “Hmmm…good point…” The five thought deeply on what to do,
but suddenly, Alex grinned so deviously it was visible through the blinding
darkness. “What?” Andrew asked. Alex continued to smile evilly, and then
whispered something into Andrew’s ear…and not too long after, Andrew evilly
smirked with Alex. “What?” Chris, Mark and Jake asked. Suddenly Alex and Andrew
whispered in Jake’s and Chris’s ear, leaving Mark out in the cold…and soon,
Jake and Chris smirked evilly with the rest of the room. And then, as they all
evilly smirked, they all looked at Mark. “WHAT?!” Mark asked, seemingly freaked
out by the fact that a room full of people are smiling evilly at him. But
instead of answering, they just laughed. “Who here seems to have the best baby
fashion?” Jake asked. Alex and Andrew stood up, grinning. “Okay, you two take
Mark in that part of the room” Jake said, pointing towards the side of the room
with all of the shelves filled with baby clothes, pacifiers, bottles, etc. They
nodded, and escorted Mark towards the baby clothing area. Mark was confused,
and extremely confused, but Andrew and Alex just laughed, and then explained to
him what he was going to do, and what they were going to do. What they said
made Mark extremely nervous, but it wasn’t like it was the first time he was
going to be treated like this. “Do you think Mark will be a good baby?” Chris
asked Jake as Jake went digging through a drawer by his fridge. “Yeah…” Jake
said as though he was keeping something out. “…I personally think he’s kinda…”
Jake continued, but left the last part out. “Kinda what?” Chris asked, who was
secretly holding a turned on camera behind his back. “I dunno…kinda…’cute’…”
“You think Mark is cute?” Chris asked, for the camera’s sake. “Well, as a
baby…of course…” he replied, and then finally pulled out three more what seemed
like flashlights. “Whoa! Why didn’t you tell me that you had more flashlights?”
Chris asked, getting off the subject from before. “Honestly, I forgot that I
had them. These should brighten the set for the movie when you start to tape
Mark” he said. “Chris nodded and smiled.” “Okay, how is Mark doing?” Jake
yelled over to Alex and Andrew. “Just fine, thanks!” Mark responded. “So who’s
going to be our second baby?” Alex asked from across the room. “I dunno, we’ll
take turns. Maybe YOU will,” Jake suggested back to Alex. “…maybe” he heard
from Alex’s mouth. “Okay he’s ready to go!” Alex said. Everyone looked over,
pointing their flashlights toward him. Mark stood there in the spot light,
wearing a dark blue sleep, with his arm wrapped around a teddy bear and a blue
and red binky in his mouth. In the arm wrapped around the teddy bear, he held a
baby bottle filled with milk. “Okay, Mark, Alex, get into the crib!” Jake said.
“Who’s gonna be the parent?” Andrew asked. “I’ve done my part with changing the
diapers all night…” Jake replied. “…how about Chris?” Mark said, laughing.
“Yeah, why not Chris?” “No…it’s not my thing…” “Come on…” “…fine…” “Try
anything once!” Alex said, laughing. Chris nervously approached Mark and Alex
inside of the crib…
Segment Two – Chapter Nine: The
Jake held
the camcorder as Chris nervously cared for Mark and Alex as they acted like
babies for Chris. In time, Chris actually started to enjoy parenting the two.
But in time again, the three stopped. The camera rolled all through the
process, but it just got a bit boring in the dark.
“Okay…so…I’m getting beyond bored…” Alex said. “We sure do a lot of being
bored…” Andrew said. “Well we’re still here in the dark…it’s little over
12:30AM…” Chris said. “Jake…where is your mom?” Alex asked. “Uh…I dunno…” Jake
replied. “Well…does she have a cell phone?” “Yeah” “Maybe you should see if the
phone lines are up…” Jake looked up at the window. It was now raining, and
raining very hard. “Okay…” he said. He slowly got up, and with the guidance of
flashlight, he walked over to the phone, and picked it up. “It’s dead.” He
announced. Everyone shrugged. “Oh well, guess we’re here in the dark…” “Yep…”
Jake said. “We should talk…” Mark said. “About what?” Jake asked, sitting down.
“I dunno…let’s talk!” Mark said. “We should get to know each other!” “I think
we know each other by now” Chris said, referring to the diaper changes they had
given to each other. “…well…maybe we should get to know each other?” Mark
replied, blushing. “We all know each other pretty well…but we don’t know you
and you don’t really know us” Chris said. “…okay. How about…how’d you all get
into diapers and stuff?” Mark said. The room was silent. “Come on! Jake? How
about you?” “…I’m incontinent! You should have gotten that by now…” Jake said.
“I know…okay…Chris? Alex? ANDREW?!” Mark said, trying to get someone to start
talking. But it was no use, the room was silent still. “How about you Mark? You
want to know about us, but you say nothing about you! How’d you get into
diapers?” Jake asked, shining the flashlight in his face. “Well…it’s kind
of…you know…a…long story…” Mark said. “Exactly…” Jake said, taking the light
out of his face. “If you are not willing to submit details on yourself, what
makes you think we’d want to submit?” Jake finished. “Wow…a little prissy?” Everyone thought, seeing how Jake came on a
bit strong. “Well…I guess…um…uh…I will! Fine! You want to hear about me? I will
tell you, in trade with your stuff!” Mark said, retorting Jake. “Uh…fine!” Jake
said. “Okay, ask me!” Mark commanded. “Fine, how about, how’d you get into Teen
Baby / Diaper Lover?” Jake asked Mark. Mark looked at Jake, and the group, who
were all listening intently now...
Segment Two – Chapter Ten: Mark’s
Mommy! I think I did it!” “You did! Honey, I’m so proud of you!” “What’s the
commotion, guys?” “It’s Markie! He finally did it!” “Really? Mark, I’m proud of
you! You’re growin up to be a big kid now!” “Daddy, I’m a big kid now!” “You
are, sweetie!” “Yay! I’m a big kid now!” That was it, the small, sweet talk
that Mark finally received for finally ‘doing it’. For the first time, Mark had
successfully used the toilet like a big boy, and for a time, everyone was
Mommy? I wanna ask yah somethin’…” Mark asked his parents, who were sitting at
their kitchen table, eating breakfast. It was Friday morning, and Mark was
eating breakfast before school, like he always did. “I wanna know if my one
furw-end fwom school…yoo see…he…um…asked if I cood sweep over his house
tonight…” “Well Mark, that depends…” Mark’s dad said. “Yeah, who is this friend
that invited you?” Mark’s mother asked. “Um…Monty!” he said. “OH! Oh, of course
Markie! Why didn’t you say so?” Mark’s mother said. “Um…I dunno…” Mark said,
nervously. “Honey…what about…you know…” his dad said. “…oh…um…Markie! How about
if Monty sleeps over here tonight, instead of you going over there? You sleep
over there all the time!” His mom said. Although to Mark’s ears, she wanted
Monty to sleep over here. But in truth, they were a bit worried for Mark. It
has been about two weeks since that conversation in the bathroom, when Mark successfully
used the toilet for the first time. And since then, he has been mostly
successful, but mostly is the key word. There has been the occasional accident
into his pull-ups training pants. That would be fine, with one exception: the
fact that he is 6 years old. They tried training him to use the toilet, but it
was no use. He just wasn’t ready, or he didn’t want to use it yet. Finally,
they got him to do it. Now, as for Monty… Monty has been Mark’s good friend for
about a year or two now. He wasn’t the brightest kid in the class, so it was
often difficult for him to learn that everyone is different. He was also quite
bossy. If he didn’t get his way, he’d scream and boss the other kids around to
make sure that he did. Obviously put, this kid would grow up to be one of the
largest bullies in school. “Mommy that’s a gweat idea!” Mark said, excited. The
thought of Monty sleeping over his house completely passed him by. “Great! I
tell you what, sport! We’ll call Monty’s parents while you’re gone at school, and
see if it’s alright!” “Okay daddy!” “Great! Now, off to school!” “Okay!” Mark
said, finishing his breakfast. He quickly grabbed his things, and jogged to the
door. “Mommy! Daddy!” “Yeah honey?” “…I love you!” “I love you too, Markie!”
Mark’s day
at school went good. He learned how to count from one to nine, read about
Clifford the Big Red Dog, and started to learn how to tie his shoes! He arrived
home normally, a hug and a kiss on the forehead, some snacks and some TV time.
“Hey Markie! Guess what?” Mark’s mom asked Mark, who was contently sitting on
the couch watching TV. “What mommy?” “Monty is coming over in a few hours, so
he can sleepover!!!” “YAY!” Mark shouted, excited. And sure as heck, in a few
hours, Monty arrived at Mark’s doorstep…
“…and that’s when Barney came in and gave everyone cookies!” said Monty as he,
Mark and Mark’s parents walked into their house. “Wow, that’s a pwetty cool
dweam!” Mark said, sitting down on the couch. “Okay guys, who’s up for some
popcorn while you two watch the movie?” “Me!” Monty yelled. “Me too!” Mark
yelled with Monty. “Okay, okay! Let me go pop it into the microwave and we’ll
be set!” Mark’s dad said, laughing a bit. “Daddy! Can you get me something to
dwink pwease?” Mark asked. “Of course, sport!” his dad replied, and within a
few short moments, he returned from the kitchen holding two glasses of
Kool-Aid, and a bowl of popcorn. “Okay guys, here’s what! Me and your mom are
gonna go do grown-up things!” he said, handing the glasses and popcorn to the
two. “Like what daddy?” Mark asked. “Bah, nothing too interesting…just some
boring old paperwork and some cleaning,” Mark’s dad said. “So…if you two need
me, we’ll be in the kitchen!” he finished. “Okay daddy!” Mark said. “Alright
guys, enjoy your movie!” Mark’s dad said, winking. After starting up the movie
on the VCR, he left the room into the kitchen. “Hey Mark!” Monty hissed
suddenly at Mark. “What?” Mark asked. “Why do you still call your dad and mom
mommy and daddy?” he asked. “I dunno…” Mark said. “Only babies do that! You’re
a baby!” “I am not!” Mark argued. “You are too! Your mom calls you Markie!”
Monty teased. “…yeah…so...you dream about Barnie! HAH!” Mark retorted. Monty
was silent. “Yeah well…uh…” Monty stuttered. “Now shhh! The movie is
starwting!” Mark insisted, sipping his Kool-Aid.
It was now
half-way through the movie, and the two had forgotten about the stupid and
needless argument from before. But now, half-way through the movie, Mark had
guzzled his tall glass of Kool-Aid, and was now feeling the need to let it out.
“I gotta go baffwoom” Mark said, hopping up and jogging out of the living room.
He jogged quickly into through the hallways as he fought the need to ‘let go’,
which was quite difficult, considering this was the worst he had ever needed to.
He fought it hard as he rushed the corner…but finally…in time…it was too much.
He let go of his pee, right then and there in the hallway. But to his own
surprise…nothing drooled down his legs! Instead…he felt a strange yet familiar
sensation of the warmth covering his entire crotch and then some. Then
suddenly, he remembered! He had on a strange new kind of underwear! It was
thick, blue, and featured pictures of Mickey Mouse! But then he also remembered
his mom as she was putting the strange underwear onto him. “Markie! Remember,
if you accidentally have anything go in these pants instead the toilet, tell me
or your daddy immediately!” And on that note, he did. He quickly jogged over to
the kitchen, and tugged onto his mom’s shirt. “Mommy...I um…you know…umm…-“
“OH! Okay honey…um…go into the bathroom and I’ll take care of it!” “Okay
mommy!” Mark said, and then returned to the bathroom, with his mom following.
Finally, they both entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind them. “Okay
honey, you did really really well to have told me! I’m proud of you! Now, this
is just like before, lay down onto the floor.” Mark’s mom said, reaching into a
cabinet under the sink. “Okay mommy!” Mark said, lying down onto the carpet.
Mark’s mom shuffled around in the cabinet for a few moments, until eventually
pulling out a small package of Huggie’s Pull-ups, and some baby wipes. She then
pulled down Mark’s pants quickly, revealing that he was wearing a pull-up
training pant. She tore the sides, and pulled the front down, revealing his
diaper area. From there, she took a damp baby cloth, and thoroughly cleaned his
wet area, and then disposed of the cloth. “Okay Markie –“ Mark’s mom began to
say, but suddenly, the bathroom door swung open, revealing Monty standing in
the hallway. The two both glanced over to see Monty, standing there. “Oops!
Sorry, guys!” he said, as he reached in, and pulled the door shut gently. Their
mouths were wide open from the shock of suddenly being interrupted. “Oh dear…”
Mark’s mom said. They quickly finished up the process of changing Mark’s
diaper, and both of them quickly got out of the bathroom.
Monty was
standing in front of the TV, obviously waiting for them to get out. “Monty,
honey, can I please talk to you for a second please?” Mark’s mom asked Monty
from across the living room. “Sure Mark’s Mom.” He said, innocently. “Thank
you, honey. Mark, go have something to drink with your dad…” she said. “Okay
mommy!” he said. He quickly walked towards the doorway. However, on the way
there, he quickly glanced over at Monty’s face, and what he saw, was Monty
glare an evilly devious smirk at him…
The next day
happened like normal. They had breakfast, they talked, and then Mark and Monty
went off to school. But since the two were older, they were in different
grades, so the only time they got to really talk was on the bus…and that’s
where the trouble began.
Mark and Monty got onto the bus, but Monty was especially quiet. The two
plopped down onto a seat. “So MARKIE! How was pwe-school?” Monty immediately teased?
“Shut up Monty! I’m in first gwade!” Mark yelled. “Awww, was a mattuh? You need
another DIAPER CHANGE?” Monty continued. “I said shut up!” “Feisty aren’t we,
Baby Markie? Maybe you need your binkie or your BAH BAH!” Monty continued to
yell. Eventually, the argument drew a small crowd. The two argued the whole
ride home, Mark eventually began to cry, and in return, Monty laughed and
teased more. “Go home to your Mommy and Daddy, Markie!” Monty teased. Mark got
up slowly, tears rolling down his face. He now wasn’t sad, he was now enraged.
His hands were now fists and his eyes were filled with hatred. “Awww…trying to
be like a big boy? You can’t, your just a harmless little baby!” Monty said,
laughing. “…you know what babies do, Monty? They dweam about Barney!” Mark
yelled, and began to jump towards Monty. But Monty held him back. “Get the heck
away from me you brat!” Monty yelled. “You know what else they do!? THEY BITE!”
Mark yelled, and without hesitation, Mark took the hand holding him back, and
bit into it as hard as he could. Monty screeched in pain as Mark dug his teeth
into his arm. The pure fury in Mark at the time was quite scary, because all
the wiggling and shaking Monty did, Mark just kept on biting Monty. But one
thing did keep him off: a good, hard punch to the forehead. And that’s exactly
what Monty eventually did. He socked Mark one a good one, knocking him back
against the window hard enough to crack it. Monty, now crying too, held his arm
tightly as some blood drooled down it. But Mark didn’t do anything. He sat
there, in the corner watching Monty bleed. At this point though, the bus driver
obviously heard the cracking window, the crying children and the crowd of
people surrounding them. “Who’s the baby now, Monty?” Mark said as the bus driver
came over.
Completely in awe, Alex, Andrew, Chris and Jake all took a slight step
back. “YOU’RE the one that gave Monty that scar?!” Alex said, laughing. “I
guess so, yeah…” Mark said quietly, wiping a small tear unnoticeably. “I don’t
get it…I mean…I get that much, but how does this explain how you became a
teenbaby/diaperlover?” Andrew asked. “It doesn’t, there’s more to explain after
that.” Mark said to Andrew. “Well, go on…” Jake said. “Well…after that, I and
Monty obviously didn’t talk too much after that. As for the window and Monty’s
arm…we had to pay for the damages to the window. Monty’s parents didn’t press
charges because of the long-term friendship from my parents…but of course that
didn’t last too long.” Mark explained.
“After that point, the stress of it all practically stunted my potty training
for the moment. I began having accidents more often…which didn’t do too much
for my self-esteem I guess. I began to think that I really was a baby…so I
began acting like one. I insisted my parents buy me diapers, which they did for
my potty training…but when I announced I wanted to be a baby, they didn’t let
me. I was a total brat from that point. I didn’t even try to potty train; I
just went in my pants. But I guess it grew onto me, because eventually I
learned how to use the toilet. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t want diapers
anymore. So I thought of a plan…for a year, from my being eight to nine, I
convinced my parents I was done. Then when I was nine, I began wetting the bed
on purpose…” Mark explained. “Uh…how did you manage that?” Alex asked. “A lot
of water, and long nights being cold.” Mark said. “Just…EW…” Andrew said.
“About the fourth time, my parents finally got me some GoodNites. Wasn’t
exactly what I wanted, but hey, they’re diapers…” Mark explained. “Eventually,
my parents got me a baby sitter named Jenny…but for some reason she knew my
entire plan…she even had the baby stuff in a pack of hers…she actually babied
me for quite awhile…but eventually, my parents found a pacifier in my room and
I had to tell the whole thing. But then, when I was ten…I met good ol’ Alex
here. He told me a lot about you guys…and now, I finally got to meet you all
tonight.” Mark finished.
”That’s quite a story,” Jake said. “It’s…the truth.” Mark said. “I believe you.
I just think it’s funny that you’re the one who gave Monty that scar on his
arm.” Jake finished. Mark shrugged. “What about you, Jake?” Mark asked. “We had
a deal.” “I never tried slipping by you like that.” Jake said. “Okay, let’s
here what you’ve got…” Andrew said. “Well honestly, I don’t have anything in
comparison with that…but I can try to explain what’s up…” Jake explained.
”As everyone in this room knows, except for Mark, I was born with incontinence.
This never really bothered me too much…often because I became a teen baby when
I was about ten. I found out all about it via the internet of course. I
figured, hey, I wear diapers, why not go the whole nine yards?” “Well how did
you all meet like this?” Mark asked. “Well… Jake basically only hung out with
me at that time.” Chris explained. “We met each other in school, and usually
just chilled out at each other’s houses.” Chris said. “But then, Jake met a few
Segment Two – Chapter Eleven: A Walk in
the Park!
”Alright mom, we’re heading out!” Chris yelled up his steps. “Okay Chris,
have fun, be back by dark!” his mom yelled back. “Okay, later!” Chris replied,
and shut the wooden door, and then the storm door. “Okay Jake, let’s head up to
the park!” Jake, who was waiting patiently for Chris to get out of his house,
nodded and hopped onto his bike. “Alright, let’s go…” Jake said. The two
quickly hopped onto their bikes, and began riding down the street, towards the
familiar steep hill they always went up and down. “Man, Chris, this heat is killing
me!” Jake complained. “Yeah, it’s pretty rough today. But then, that’s why
we’re heading to the park, where they have swings and water fountains.” Chris
replied, whipping around a corner.
the two arrived at the park. The two plopped their bikes down, and immediately
went for the swings. On their way towards the swings, Jake couldn’t help but
notice the immense amount of people at the park. Not too far away, there was a
basketball court filled with older teenagers, playing basketball. At some
nearby picnic benches, there were a bunch of soccer-moms with their kids having
lunch. Then finally, near by the swings, there were two kids playing football,
passing the ball back and forth. Chris and Jake quickly made it passed the kids
playing football, and grabbed the two only swings left. At first, the two were
silent, but quickly grew into a conversation about all kind of things. But in
time, Jake quickly felt the need to pee, but of course, held it so that he
would just wet his diaper when he’s off the swing. “What the fuck are you talking about? That was in
bounds!” they heard someone say. “What the hell?
Are you stupid or something? That fucking
passing was totally out of bounds!” they heard another person say. Quickly Jake
and Chris found out it was the two kids playing football by them. “Hey, guys?
Can you keep the swearing down? There are little kids around!” Jake
automatically said. Surely, Jake isn’t one to talk. He always swore, but
certainly not around little kids, which there was plenty of at that time. “Who
the HELL are you?” one of the kids asked. “Just someone asking for you to keep
it down for the sake of the kids around you.” Jake replied. “Man, fuck off
asshole!” the other kid said. “Dude, c’mon, keep it down!” Chris said, butting
into the conversation. “Aw, look at that! His gay buddy is coming to back him
up!” one kid said. At that, Chris instantly leapt off the swing, and landed
perfect. “Come over here and say that to my face!” Chris yelled. “Alright,
FAGGOT” one kid said, walking over, face to face with Chris. “You’re calling
him a faggot? You’re the one racing after your little friend over there to get
his ONE BALL” Jake suddenly yelled over, leaping off the swing too.
However, the second Jake landed; he was unhappily greeted with the two,
charging straight for him. But, just like Jake, he was ready. The second the
two kids made hitting distance, Jake hit one in the gut, grabbed his shirt, and
actually pulled it over his face enough so that his nose and mouth was coming
out of the neck hole. Instantly, the kid was on the ground. But this kind of
distracted Jake, so the other kid instantly tackled him onto the ground. Now on
his back with the other kid onto him, Jake quickly socked him one in the face,
knocking him to the side, enabling Jake to roll onto the kid like the kid was
on Jake. Apparently, this surprised the kid…a lot, because suddenly, Jake felt
something very warm on the kid’s crotch area, at first very small, but the heat
on the kid’s crotch quickly grew large. “That
feels like he’s…” Jake thought to himself, but couldn’t finish before he
threw himself up. “Holy shit…” Jake said in utter shock. He glanced at the
kid’s pants, but it was completely dry. “No…way…” Jake said, walking back in
shock. Apparently, the kid saw the change in Jake’s face while he was on top of
him, from complete and utter rage, to complete and utter disbelief. The kid
quickly got up; only this time fear was in his eyes. Jake began to laugh
cynically as he saw the kid walk towards the kid with his shirt over his face.
Eventually Jake brought himself back on his face. “I can’t believe this! I
mean, this is incredible!” Jake said. By now, the kids were on their feet.
Chris was now standing by the kids with his fists clenched. “No…” Jake said,
laughing again. “…Chris, dude, I don’t think these two will start…” Jake
laughed again. “…anything anymore…” Jake finally finished. The diapered kid
looked at Jake extremely nervous…
It was
sunset now, and most of the kids have gone now. After the fight, many of the
parents there decided that it wasn’t a very nice park today. But, the two kids
playing football stayed, as did Chris and Jake. Jake, however, spent most of
his remaining time sitting alone, in deep though, starring at the diapered-kid
a lot, and at this time, Jake sat alone atop a plastic roof of a slide, one of
the highest points in the park. He sat there, starring at the sunset and the
diapered-kid…just waiting for him to say something. And at the moment, Jake’s
patience paid off. Jake sat there, patiently, and eventually saw the
diapered-kid walk towards the slide, and walk up the steps, facing Jake for the
second time all day. It was late into sunset now, so they were barely visible
to each other. “Hi…” the diapered-kid said to Jake, nervously. “Sup?” Jake
asked. “…nothing much…you?” the diapered-kid said. “Nothing much at all, just
admiring the sunset…” Jake said. “Listen kid, about today…” the diapered-kid
began to say. “Call me Jake, and do not worry about it. How’s your face, first
off?” Jake asked. “…it’s okay for now. I’ll feel it in the morning…” the
diapered-kid joked. “Listen…Jake…I know what it seemed like…” the diapered-kid
began to say again. “Kid, I’m not stupid…and I’m not ignorant, either. Don’t
worry; I’m not going to tell anyone.” Jake said. “Why are you being so nice?!”
the diapered-kid suddenly blurted out. “Oh, I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware you
wanted the whole world to know you peed your diaper because I surprised you”
Jake said, sarcastic. The kid was silent. “Listen, I’m not an asshole, I’m not
going to judge you for something you either can’t help, or you want to wear. If
anything, I want to be your friend” Jake offered. “Huh?” the diapered-kid said,
confused. “I think we should talk” Jake said, slowly flapping down the top of
his pants, revealing about an inch of his own diaper. Even in the dark, the
white fabric of Jake’s diaper was obvious, making the diapered-kid’s eyes huge.
“…yeah…we should talk…” the diapered-kid said, in shock. “Hey Jake! I have to
go! My mom will kill me if I’m late!” Chris yelled from the ground below. “Huh?
Oh…okay Chris! I’m staying here for a bit longer, give me a call tomorrow!”
Jake said to Chris. “Alright!” Chris said, and with that, he ran off to his
bike, and rode off, out of sight. “Okay…what’s your number, kid?” Jake asked
the diapered-kid. “Uh…here…hold on…” the diapered-kid said, and he quickly ran
off towards a back pack on a nearby bench. The diapered-kid pulled out a
notebook, and a pen. He scribbled something down quickly, and returned with a piece
of paper. “Here you go, that’s my name and number!” the diapered-kid said.
“Alright, thanks! I’ll give you a call tonight?” Jake offered. “Yeah,
definitely! Listen, I have to go!” the diapered-kid said. “Alright, cool! Hey,
what’s your name, kid?” Jake asked. The diapered-kid smiled, and then
said…”Andrew! My name is Andrew!” he said.
Jake quickly got home that night, and after dinner, he called
Andrew up immediately. “Hi, is Andrew home?” Jake asked. “Sure honey, let me go
get him!” a womanly voice said. Through the phone, Jake could hear sounds
coming from the other line. “Here Andrew, phone is for you. Andrew, you’re
wet!” “MOM!” “What?!...Oh…I was…talking…to the…dog!” Jake laughed at what he
heard. There was no way she meant that Andrew’s diaper was wet! She had to have
been talking to the dog! “Erm…hello?” Andrew asked. “Hi Andrew, this is Jake
from the park!” Jake said. “Oh, good. That was my mom…” said Andrew. Jake
laughed a bit. “Hey, Jake, I can’t talk for long. Almost time for me to get to
bed…” Andre explained. “Okay, that’s fine, same for me. So anyways…um…so…where
exactly should we begin?” Jake said, stuttering. Andrew laughed “Well, first,
how’d you get into a diaper?” Andrew asked Jake. “Well, I kind of need them. I
was born with incontinence…” Jake explained. “…and you?” Jake asked. “Well, I’m
kind of incontinent too, but I wasn’t born with it. I’m what you call a
teen-baby. But…to my mom, I’m just a diaper-boy. I don’t really think my mom
needs to know about me being a teen-baby.” Andrew explained. “Oh, so your mom
thinks you’re a diaper-boy, when you’re a teen-baby in secret?” Jake concluded.
“Bingo!” Andrew confirmed. “So Andrew, you’re incontinent?” Jake asked.
“Yeah…I’ve been into diapers for about a year now. I guess it just kind of grew
onto me.” Andrew explained. “What about you Jake?” Andrew asked. “Well, like I
said before, I’m medically incontinent. But, I must admit, I’m a teen-baby too.
Living your life in diapers kind of goes to your head, you know?” Jake
explained. “Yeah, I get what you say…but you’re a teen-baby too?” Andrew asked.
“Yeah…” Jake said. “Cool!” Andrew said. “So, you got any baby stuff? Any
pacifiers or bottles?” Andrew asked. “Well, not really…I have one pacifier…but
that’s about it…you?” Jake explained. “Me? I have a couple pacifiers and a baby
bottle. But, I only use like two out of four pacifiers” Andrew said. “That’s
cool…” Jake said.
“So, Andrew…who was that kid you were playing football with?”
Jake asked. “Huh? Oh! That kid…his name is Adam…” Andrew explained. “That’s
cool…is he diapered too?” Jake said. “Nope, not at all…he’s one of the ‘cool
kids’ in my grade…” Andrew explained. “Oh? What grade are you in, anyways?”
“Me? I’m in…5th grade.” Andrew explained. “So you’re…eleven years
old?” Jake asked. “Yep” Andrew said. “I’m in 4th, ‘cause I’m ten”
Jake explained. “That’s cool…” Andrew said. “So yeah, this Adam kid…” Jake
said. “Who does he hang with?” Jake asked. “Hmmm…there’s Adam, Monty…and
Justin…” Andrew explained. “THE Monty?” Jake said, emphasizing on ‘the’.
“Yep…the one with the mighty scar on his wrist” Andrew explained. ”Man, I ain’t
even in the same grade, and I know who he is.” Jake said. “Yeah, he’s legend. A
legendary dickhead…” Andrew said. “Yep…” Jake said. “Hey, it’s about time for
me to get going” Andrew said. “Yeah, me too. Hey, we should meet up!” Jake
suggested. “Sure! Here’s my address…” Andrew replied excitedly. Jake quickly
snatched a nearby piece of paper and pen, and began jotting down Andrew’s
address. “Alright, cool! Thanks! I’ll definitely give you a call tomorrow!”
Jake explained. “Cool! See you tomorrow!” Andrew finished…
The next afternoon, Jake sat contently at the kitchen table,
eating breakfast. He previous night was hard to sleep through, he couldn’t stop
thinking about meeting Andrew, so he slept in a few hours. “So honey, what did
you do yesterday at the park?” Jake’s mother asked. “Oh, nothing much…just sat
around for a while talking on the swings.” Jake explained, leaving out that he
fought two people, taking them down without any problem. “That’s nice. What do
you have planned for today?” Jake’s mom asked, washing the dishes. “Nothing
much…oh yeah, I and Chris met someone at the park yesterday, named Andrew! He
gave me his name, number and address yesterday. I plan on heading over there
today…” Jake told. “Really? Jake that’s fantastic!” Jake’s mom said excitedly.
“Where’s he live?” she asked. “Andrew? He lives around here…don’t know exactly
where. I have it written somewhere.” Jake replied. “I see, I see…” Jake’s mom
said. By now, Jake had finished his cereal. “Actually, I think I’m going to
call him now, it’s about 1:30” Jake explained. “Okay honey!” Jake’s mom said as
Jake left the kitchen swiftly. Before he knew it, he had the phone in hand, and
was dialing his number. “Hello?” Andrew’s mom asked on the other line. “Hi! Is
Andrew home?” he asked politely. “Sure is!” Andrew’s mom said politely back.
Within a few short seconds, Andrew got on the phone. “Hey Jake!” Andrew said,
automatically knowing it was him. “Hey Andrew, what’s up?” Jake asked. “Nothing
much man! Hey, you coming over?” Andrew asked. “I sure am…if it’s alright with
you.” Jake said. “Sure it is! Just come on over to my house!” Andrew said.
“Alright, I’ll see you in a few!” Jake said, and with that, they hung up. Now
in his room, Jake took an extra piece of paper, and wrote Andrew’s address,
folded it, and put it in his pocket. Now with the original paper he wrote the
address from, he simply posted it on his Post-It board. “Okay mom, I’m out!”
Jake said. “Okay Jake! Be back by dark!” she yelled as Jake left his house,
hopped onto his bike, and quickly went for Andrew’s house.
Jake nervously approached the blue wooden door, quietly walking
on the wooden porch. However, before he could even reach the door, it swung
open, revealing Andrew. “Hey Jake” he said excitedly. “Hey Andrew” Jake replied
happily too. “Come on in, man!” Andrew offered. Jake shyly walked into Andrew’s
house. “Please take off your shoes…what’s your name again?” a woman asked,
assumingly his mother. “Oh, I’m Jake!” Jake said. “Jake, okay. Hi Jake, I’m
Lisa, Andrew’s mom! You can just call me Andrew’s mom, or mom, or Lisa.
Whatever is fine with you!” she said, sticking her hand out. Jake laughed.
“Okay, nice to meet you Andrew’s mom!” he said, giggling. The two laughed.
“Hey, come on Jake!” Andrew said, luring Jake through his house. “Let’s go to
my room!” he said, pulling Jake’s arm. They walked through the living room, and
into a hallway. “This is the hallway…where we walk to get to most rooms in the
house” Andrew explained. They walked a bit further in. “This is my little
brother’s room, he’s about two” Andrew explained, opening a door. Inside, it
was quite dark. There were windows, but the curtains we closed. “He’s napping”
Andrew whispered. Through the darkness though, Jake could see a crib on the far
wall, by the windows to be exact. “I’m sure you see the crib, that’s where he
is…” Andrew explained. “Okay, let’s keep moving. Right here is my room, by his”
Andrew said, closing his brother’s door, and opening another.
“Welcome to my humble abode” Andrew said sarcastically as the
two walked into his room. This room was a lot brighter than Andrew’s brother’s
room. In the center of the room, there was a light brown bunk bed, which was
quite large. On the top bunk, there were a bunch of stuffed animals, pillows
and blankets just topped up there. And on the lower bunk, there was only one
blanket, one pillow, and one stuffed animal. Obvious, Andrew slept on that, and
stored the extra stuff on the top. It was in the dead center between two
windows, and on the wall to their right, there was a closet by the window. To
their left, there were bookshelves where the closet was, only on the left side
of the bunk bed. “This is my computer desk” Andrew explained, pointing right
next to Jake, instead of the far side of the room. There was, indeed, a
computer desk there. It held a computer, and a phone. Along with a few other
miscellaneous things. “And THIS…” Andrew said, pointing to their right. “…is my
changing table!” Andrew said, with an immense sense of pride. Jake’s eyes
widened as he saw that he was far from lying. There was, indeed, a changing
table that stretched from the right wall, to the doorway. The two walked a bit
further in, so they could see what it held inside. There were about three
case’s worth of diapers stored there, along with two boxes of baby wipes, and
one bottle of baby powder.
“Andrew…this is awesome!” Jake said in amazement. Andrew
laughed. “Yeah, I guess it is…” he said. “How did you get this?” Jake asked,
feeling the cushion on the top. “My mom ordered it.” Andrew replied. “Oh yeah,
I totally forgot about your mom knowing.” Jake said. “Hey, if you’re changing
table is here, and Adam doesn’t know…” Jake began to say. “…he never is here.
He’s never in my room, or in my house for that matter. We’re not the best of
friends, I’ve only known him for a few months, and that’s just for football
practice” Andrew said. “I feel honored to have only known you for less than 24
hours, and have more knowledge of you than someone who’s known you for months”
Jake said, laughing. “Hey, where’s your…baby stuff?” Jake asked, whispering
‘baby stuff’. “Oh yeah” Andrew said, suddenly rushing to his closet. He dug
through his closet for a few moments, until eventually pulling out a small shoe
box. “They’re in here!” Andrew said, excitedly. Jake and Andrew slowly sat down
on the lower bunk. Andrew slowly removed the lid, and inside, there really were
four pacifiers and a baby bottle. There was a light green one, a red and pink
one, a yellow one, and a baby blue one. The baby bottle inside, had pictures of
trains, blocks and other toys as its print. “Wow, you’ve got the whole rainbow
in here!” Jake said. Andrew laughed “Yeah, I guess I do!” Andrew then reached
in, and snagged the green pacifier, and placed it in his mouth. Jake laughed.
“Can I have one?” Jake asked. “Sure! I use the green one and the red one” he
said. “Okay, I’ll take the…blue one!” Jake said excitedly. He grabbed it out of
the box, and examined, and then popped it into his mouth. Jake sucked on the
nipple contently. “So…how did your mom find out about your being a diaper-boy?”
Jake asked, lying down on Andrew’s lower bunk. “I told her…through a note…”
Andrew said, lying next to Jake. “What inspired you to do that?” Jake asked. “A
website I found on the internet…pretty cool…it’s kind of a support site for
kids like us…” Andrew explained. “That’s cool…” Jake said. “Yeah…so…that kid
with you yesterday…who was that?” Andrew asked. “Oh, that was Chris. He’s cool…we’ve
been friends for a while now, like two years” Jake explained. “Oh? Does he know
about your diapers?” Andrew asked. “Nope…never got the courage to talk to him
about it” Jake told Andrew. “Well I feel honored to know more about you in a
few hours than someone who’s known you for two years” Andrew mimicked Jake.
Jake just laughed. “By the way, that comeback you made yesterday about Adam
chasing me to get my one ball…that was actually really funny” Andrew said,
laughing. “Heh…thanks…I guess” Jake replied. “Hey man, sorry I socked you one”
Jake said. Andrew laughed instantly. “That was a good punch, Jake. I give you
credit for that much…and pulling Adam’s shirt over his head was pretty slick.”
Andrew complimented. From that point on, the two talked and talked up a storm.
But of course, it grew late, and the skies turned dark. Jake had to leave
Andrew’s house, head home, eat dinner, and eventually, fall asleep. But the
next day, would surely be a different experience for Andrew, and Jake.
Segment Two – Chapter
Twelve: Nice To Meet You, Alex
“BER-RINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!” was the loud, obnoxious sound that
the school bell made as everyone left the large classroom, including Jake and
Chris. “So, what have you got planned for Jake?” Chris asked as the two turned
a corner in a hallway. “Not too much…” Jake said. “Where were you yesterday,
anyways?” Chris asked. “Oh…I was over some kid’s house…Andrew’s” Jake admitted
as they walked down the hallway. “Andrew? That kid from the park?” Chris asked,
once again. “Actually…yeah…” Jake admitted yet again. “So that was why you two
were talking on the slide!” Chris said. “That’d be why.” “Is he cool now?”
“Yeah, he’s pretty cool…” the two said, trading words. However, a much worse
fate awaited Jake, rather than him chilling with Chris or Andrew again…
The two walked outside of the school, into the playground like
always. The two walked for a bit, until they heard a call. “Hey JAKE” they
heard, coming from behind them. Chris and Jake turned around, instantly. But
what they saw made them wish they were running. They saw Adam’s familiar face,
along with three other kids. One, assumingly Justin, was about the same size as
Adam. While the kid in the middle, obviously Monty, was about twice Justin’s
and Adam’s size, put together. But then they saw another familiar face. A very
familiar face. This face, was non-other than Andrew’s. “I heard you like to
fight” Monty said. Jake’s heart sank into his stomach at the sound of it.
Justin and Adam suddenly stepped toward them, but Monty stayed. “Come on,
Jake!” Monty said. Jake looked at Andrew shocked and confused. In return,
Andrew nodded a silent no, as in “No Jake, I didn’t do it.” But then, Andrew
“Come on you little bitch!” Adam yelled. Chris and Jake were
silent. But suddenly, all four of Monty’s little group, began running after
Chris and Jake in an obvious attempt to jump them. “You hold Chris, I’ve got
Jake!” one of them yelled. And with that said, Justin suddenly grabbed a hold
of Chris, Chris then fell out of balance from trying to run and being grabbed.
Justin held onto Chris tight, keeping him from getting up, off of the ground.
“You get to watch your little friend get the ass kicked out of him!” Justin
yelled as he pinned Chris to the ground.
Jake ran quickly, trying to outrun Monty’s troupe, but quickly
failed. Adam grabbed a hold of Jake’s arm, pulling him back into the center of
the three remaining kids. Monty cackled a bit, as he watched Jake get held down
as Adam held his one arm around Jake’s neck, so he couldn’t run. Suddenly Monty
punched Jake hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him, making him sink
to the ground in pain. “Come on Jake, get up and fight!” Monty yelled, as Jake
got pulled back up by Adam. Andrew, on the other hand, just watched by Monty’s
side, looking into Jake’s face as he got beaten. “Come on Andrew, sock him
one!” Adam yelled. Jake, now on the ground, looked up at Andrew, and Andrew,
looked down at him. “Okay, I’ll give this one my hardest one!” Andrew yelled
excitedly. Adam and Monty laughed as Jake got forced back onto his feet.
Andrew, ‘up to the plate’, looking into Jake’s eyes, seeing pain and confusion
as Jake looked into Andrew’s. Andrew smirked, pulled back his fist, and swung…
He swung all right, and either his aim was horrible, or he had
planned this. Because when he swung, and swung hard, he swung, and hit Monty,
right in the face, and actually knocked him down. “What the hell?!” Monty
yelled as he got back onto his face. And then, to Jake’s relief, Andrew dove
onto Monty while he was down, and began pounding on him hard. Adam let go of
Jake, and ran for Andrew. But Jake was too out of breath and was in too much
pain. He just simply fell to the ground. For good five or ten minutes, Andrew
got the beating for a while. And they wouldn’t have stopped if it weren’t for
some people running over and chasing them away.
“Guys, are you okay?!” the tall woman asked as she looked at
them. Jake laid there, with immense pain in his stomach, a messed up jaw and
countless bruises. As did Chris, and Andrew. Chris got up though, since he only
had to take a few punches from trying to escape. “…no..I don’t think they are…”
Chris said, limping a bit. “My husband following the kids down the street in my
car, he’s talking with the police!” the woman said. She then went over to Jake.
“Honey, are you okay?!” she asked. Jake looked over at the lady, dazed and
confused. “…I’ve been better…” he said, rolling over in pain from being hit in
the stomach. Then she ran over to Andrew, who was lying on his back. “Honey?
Are you okay?!” she asked. Andrew starred back at her, exhausted and injured.
“…yeah…I guess I’ll be okay…” he said, stuttering most of his words. “Are they
okay mom?” a kid asked, running up to the woman. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure they
are. Go wait by the sidewalk for your father, Alex” the woman said. “Okay!” he
said, jogging off to the sidewalk. Jake, Andrew and Chris all eventually pulled
themselves back onto their feet. The woman asked some common questions, where
you live, what’s your name and phone number, etc. But in time, ‘Alex’ and his
father returned. “We chased followed them until they reached someone’s house, I
wrote down the address for future reference” the man said. “Do you kids live
far?” the woman asked. “Well I do…it’s about a twenty minute walk” Andrew said.
“Same here” Chris and Jake said. “Oh…well, we live just a few minutes, you can
come in and call your patents” the woman said. “Thank you” the three said.
“Ugh man my knee hurts” Chris said while they were driven home.
“So what grade are you guys in?” Alex, the kid, asked. “I and Chris here are in
4th, Andrew is in 5th with the gang that jumped us” Jake
explained. “I’m in 3rd! That’s cool!” Alex said excitedly. “That’s
cool…” Jake said, holding onto his stomach. Eventually, they arrived at Alex’s
“So guys, do you want to come up to my room?” Alex asked as they
walked into Alex’s living room. “Alex, they’re a bit hurt. I don’t think they
–“ she began to say, but was quickly cut off. “No, it’s okay. We would like to
see his room” Jake said with a smile. There was something about this kid that
made him feel a bit weird. He had a…hunch. “Oh alright, as long as you want to”
Alex’s mom said. Alex led Jake, Andrew, and Chris through several rooms, and
eventually, they walked up a staircase. “Okay, my room is here” Alex said
excitedly. And with a turn of a knob, the door swung open, and what Andrew,
Jake, and Chris all saw, made their jaws drop. Animals were EVERYWHERE. Mostly
stuffed animals, located on his bed, on his dresser, everywhere. There were
animal posters, paw-printed sheets and blankets, and other animal-themed
objects. And it’s not like it was messy, these things were very well sorted and
organized. It actually looked nice for being so immensely themed. “…wow…that’s…quite
a pad you’ve got running here” Andrew said, walking slowly in. “Thank you!”
Alex said with pride. The room was quite something to brag about, and Jake knew
that. But there was something about this room, and Alex that made Jake think. “The animal theme…everything here…is Alex a
furry?” The four chilled out in Alex’s room for a little while from that
point on. Alex turned out to be a real cool kid, which really interested Jake.
But eventually, they all had to go. All of the kids’ parents arrived, worried sick.
“Hey Alex, what’s your phone number?” Jake asked on his way out the door. “Oh!
Here!” Alex said, writing something down on a piece of paper, and then handing
it to Jake. “Thank you Alex!” Jake said, with a grin. Unfortunately, Jake
wouldn’t get to talk to Alex for a few days. Jake would be quite busy with
other plans. His mother was far from happy about this. She was going to make
Jake learn how to properly defend himself, if it was the last think she did.
However, when Jake finally got a day off from his new training,
he instantly called up Alex. “Hi, this is Jake from a few days back, may I
speak to Alex?” Jake said into the phone politely. “Sure Jake, let me go get
him!” Alex’s mother said. A few moments passed, until finally, Alex came onto
the phone. “Hewwo?...erm…Hello?” Alex asked strangely. “Hey, this is Jake” Jake
told Alex. “Oh, hey, wassup? Alex asked. “Nothing much man, hey, I was
wondering if we could do something today. Maybe you can stop over or
something?” Jake asked. “Hey, sure man! Who’s all there?” Alex asked. “Just me
and Andrew” Jake said. “What about Chris?” Alex asked. “Well, I would ask, but
he hurt his knee pretty bad. Pulled a muscle or something…has to stay off it
for a few more days” Jake explained. “Oh, I understand. Well, let me go ask my
mom” Alex said. A few moments passed, until finally, Alex returned to the
phone. “Yeah, she said I am aloud down!” Alex said excitedly. “Sweet!” Jake
replied, just as excitedly. “You remember where I live?” asked Jake. “Not
really…” Alex said. “Alright, well get a pen and paper, and I’ll tell you.”
Jake said.
“So Andrew, about the other night” Jake said to Andrew as they
sat in Jake’s room. “What were you doing with them anyways?” Jake asked.
Andrew’s face blanked. “I didn’t plan the fight” Andrew said. “It was Monty, of
course. Adam told him all about it, and then brought me into it. Adam told
Monty and Justin all kinds of lies, like you started it, were talking smack on
Monty, etc. That’s obviously what pissed Monty off. I was only part of it
because they insisted that I get revenge, or they’d get me out of the groups. I
didn’t want to, said you two were cool now, and that only brought more
bickering. So I decided to go out of the group, in style and with a purpose.”
Andrew explained. “I see…thanks for sticking up for me by the way” Jake
thanked. “How is Chris?” Andrew asked. “His leg is a bit messed up, and he has
a small few scrapes and scratches, but he’s alright, the best out of all of us
with the exception of his messed up leg.” Jake told. “Yeah…you and I got
pounded on. You practically got strangled, and I got pounded on like dead meat.
Got bruises everywhere” Andrew told. “Same, my stomach seriously hurt from
there after. I actually thought they had messed something up…aside from that I
just have a bunch of bruises, but nothing I’m not used to from bike riding.”
Jake said. “Alright, Alex is here” Jake said, watching out of the window.
“Alright.” Said Andrew. Jake, sitting at the computer, exited a few TB/DL web
pages that were on his monitor…
“Hey guys” Alex said, walking into Jake’s room. “Hey Alex”
Andrew and Jake said. Alex plopped down onto Jake’s bed, next to Andrew. “So
what are we gonna do?” Alex asked. Jake, sitting on his computer chair, sat
blankly. “I dunno, good question…” Jake said. “Oh crap, got to go to the
bathroom, be right back” Jake said, hopping up, accidentally tapping the mouse
on his computer desk, and instantly stopping the screensaver on his computer.
Jake quickly left the room, and closed the door behind him. Jake didn’t notice
the screensaver turn off, or the giant TEEN BABY WORLD logo that popped up,
that Jake obviously forgot to close. But Alex, was staring right at it. Andrew
quickly took notice of it, and jumped up, and closed the window on the computer
screen. “Stupid pop-ups, strangest stuff these days” Andrew said, clearing his
throat. Alex, instead of wondering what it was, seemed to just shrug. “I don’t
really think teen babies are weird, or diaper lovers. I’m not one to talk,
people think I’m weird” Alex said, like he saw something completely common and
regular. “…what?” Andrew said, confused. “Sure, with all the people watching
CSI at the time of that furry-themed Halloween episode they did for 2003,
furries have had a terrible reputation, especially after MTV’s Sex2K episode.”
Alex ranted. Andrew’s mouth dropped wide open. “…you’re a furry?” Andrew asked.
“Well yeah, couldn’t you tell? My room has more of an animal-theme than a zoo.”
Alex explained. “And you, I don’t know about you, but about seeing that popup,
I’d say you’re a teen baby like Jake” Alex said. “What? But how’d you…no way!”
Andrew said, now in shock. “Come on, I hate to say it, but after Jake and you
got beat up. One of you obviously had an accident…and I could tell. I’ve read
about TB/DLs on the internet, they’ve popped up a few times when I’d read about
Furry Fandom, or search for it online” Alex said. “Besides, I know what a messy
diaper smells like, I take care of my cousin sometimes” Alex said. “I could
care less. If anything, I’d really like to give it a try” Alex admitted,
smiling. Andrew couldn’t help but smile blushingly. Suddenly the door open,
revealing Jake. He too, had his mouth open wide. “You know, I knew you were a
furry, Alex” Jake said, walking into his room, shutting the door. Alex smiled.
“Glad to hear it, Jake” Alex said, smiling. “So you want to give our little
lifestyle a try?” Jake asked, acting as though he’s the head of a secret club.
“Well sure, of course. I honestly always wanted to…I just never wanted to try
it on my own” Alex explained a bit more. “Well, we’ll be absolutely more than
happy to. But first, you have to get a few things out of your system that
happened with me when I was first starting out as a teen baby.” Jake said.
“What’s that?” Alex asked curiously. “Shyness, its one thing that I took a
while to get over. You need to be able to buy your own pacifiers and stuff. You
got any money? We can run down the store and buy some baby stuff” Jake said.
Alex, however, nodded a silent no. “Sorry guys, but not today. Not feeling
exactly up to doing it today.” Alex explained. “Well, soon. I’ll lend you a
diaper to wear today” Andrew said. “Well that I can do” Alex said happily.
“What do you say we head down my house, and we can give Alex hear a good
pacifier from my box, and a few diapers?” Andrew suggested. The room got a
cheesy grin. “Sounds good to me” Alex agreed, as did Jake and Andrew. “Hey mom,
we’re gonna head to Andrew’s house” Jake yelled. “Okay” they heard from
downstairs. And soon after that, they left Jake’s house, and went for Andrew’s.
However, just as they left, the phone began to ring. “Hello?” Jake’s mom asked
into the phone.
They walked slowly in Andrew’s house, and were greeted by
Andrew’s mom. “Hey guys” Andrew’s mom said. “Hey mom, this is Alex, his parents
are the ones who took us to their house to call you after Monty and them kicked
our butts” Andrew introduced. “Well nice to see you Alex!” she said kindly.
“Hello” Alex said a tad shyly. “Alright, c’mon, let’s head to my room” Andrew
said, and led them through the living room and hallway. “Here, this is my room”
Andrew said, opening his door. Jake walked in and hopped onto the lower bunk,
but Alex, stood there, starring at the changing table. “Want to get one on?”
Andrew asked Alex. “Sure…yeah…yeah that sounds good” Alex said blushingly. Alex
grinned, and sat down on the table, legs dangling an inch or so from the
ground. “Lay down” Andrew said, smiling. Jake, however, sat happily watching
Andrew about to diaper Alex, for this was the first time he would ever watch
someone diaper someone else, and certainly not be his last.
Alex lay slowly down with the assistance of Andrew’s arms,
slowly guiding him back. “Alright, do you want to pull you pants down or are
you cool with me, because I’m going to put a pull-on, not a pull-up on you.”
Andrew explained. “Uh…I guess I can be fine with you pulling my pants down…”
Alex said, nervous and blushing more than ever. “Okay” Andrew said with a
devilish smirk. Andrew slowly leaned in towards Alex, and unbuttoned Alex’s
pants. “Wait, wait, wait” Andrew said, pulling himself back. Suddenly he turned
around, facing YOU. “Excuse me, I’m a bit rusty, it’s been a while…feels kind
of like it’s been years since there’s been a diaper change around here.” Andrew
said. “Who are you talking to?” Jake asked Andrew. “Huh? Oh…no one” Andrew
said, and with that, he returned to Alex. Andrew stood between Alex’s legs,
Alex’s pants unbuttoned and half-pulled down. “You know Andrew, that doesn’t
look too right” Jake said. Andrew looked around confused, until finally looking
down. “EW!” Andrew yelled, jumping back. The room laughed heartily as Andrew
blushed and got a diaper for Alex from the side of the table. “Alright,
seriously now” Andrew said, loosening up a bit, now standing to the side.
Andrew leaned in…until finally being interrupted by Alex. “I feel so violated!”
Alex said sarcastically, cracking up. Instantly the room started to laugh
again, so hard that Andrew actually fell to the floor laughing. “Come on man,
shut up!” Andrew said laughing hard. “Alright, alright…” Alex said. Andrew got
back onto his feet finally, and once again, leaned forward, placing his hand on
Alex’s pants, and pulling them down, down, down to the point where they are now
on the ground, leaving Alex in nothing but his boxers. Andrew smirked again,
and then began pulling down Alex’s boxers, to the point where they too, are on
the ground, leaving Alex half-naked. But Alex instantly covered up his…junk.
“Everyone has one Alex” Jake said laughing. Alex blushed even more as he was
now lying half-naked on a changing table, about to diapered by someone who he’d
only known for 48 hours. I guess thinking too much really went to Alex’s head,
because soon… “Aw come on Alex!” Andrew yelled as Jake instantly began to laugh
so hard he had tears. “Shut up Andrew! Just put the dang diaper on me!” Alex
shouted blushingly, this time humiliated, and then beginning to laugh a bit.
Andrew quickly lifted Alex’s legs a bit, sliding the fresh diaper underneath
him, and then, Andrew quickly lifted the front of Alex’s diaper over his crotch
area, and sealed it tight with the tapes. “Done” Andrew said simply. “Okay”
Alex said simply also, sitting up in nothing but a diaper and a shirt. “Now let
me get us some pacifiers” Andrew said, walking towards his closet. Alex hopped
off the table, and sat next to Jake. “How goes it?” Alex asked, plopping his
diapered-butt onto the bunk. “Pretty well, how was the diapering?” Jake asked,
smiling. “Exciting, apparently” Andrew yelled from his closet, laughing. “Shut
up, man!” Alex yelled laughing. “Nah, I’m just messing around. I hear it
happens to most people the first time their diapered” Jake explained. “Wonder
why” Alex said sarcastically. “Alright, hear we go” Andrew said, returning with
the familiar box. “The green and red ones are mine, the blue is Jake’s” Andrew
explained. “I guess the yellow is mine” Alex said, shrugging.
“So Alex, how did you get into furry fandom?” Andrew asked,
lying at one end of the lower bunk, now dressed in nothing but a diaper. “My
mom, she’s a veterinarian. I always came into work with her when I was younger.
I had always watched her work so carefully with the animals. I sometimes helped
her, get her a napkin, or get another worker for her. I’d always pay such attention
to the animals, and began to feel a connection with them. I don’t know, it just
grew onto me from being around them all my life. Sometimes I’d act like an
animal for fun, with my stuffed animals…but I don’t do that too much anymore.”
Alex explained, he too, still in a diaper on the upper bunk. “That’s cool. I
understand you completely. I’ve read about furries and furry fans on the
internet, learned about them through some babyfur sites when I’d look up TB/DL
stuff. Their real cool and I do admire the artwork.” Jake said, at the other
side of the lower bunk that Andrew is on. The three sat calmly on Andrew’s bunk
bed. Until...they heard a familiar voice. “Okay, thanks” they heard, coming
from the living room, followed by footsteps coming from behind the door, and
finally, the sound of the doorknob turning.
Jake, Alex and Andrew all panicked as the door swung wide open,
revealing a familiar face: Chris’s. All of them were completely exposed, in
their diaper-wearing and pacifier-sucking activity. “WHA-“ Chris began to say,
but quickly noticed the changing table. Chris looked around, confused. Jake,
the first one for him to see, had his middle and index finger over his mouth, a
silent “Shhhh!” Chris didn’t exactly know what was going on, but he did follow Jake’s
sign-language. Chris quickly stepped in, and looked at Andrew, who, calmly,
said “Hey Chris shut the door please!” to humor his mom. Chris looked around
again, his mouth wide open, as though he forgot where the door was. “The door
Chris” Jake said. “Oh…uh…yeah…the door” Chris said, turning around and shutting
the door silently. Now with the door shut, Chris walked towards the three.
“What the heck are you three doing?!” he whispered. “Well, who do you want to
know from first?” Jake asked. “Am I missing something?” Chris asked. “Well,
yeah, kind of…listen, Chris, please don’t get upset” Jake began explaining,
talking fast. “I’m too confused right now to get mad” Chris said. “Alright,
first off, I, Jake, was born with incontinence” Jake explained. “What’s that?”
Chris asked. “Lack of control over one’s waste” Jake said intelligently. “Okay,
that’s understandable. So what, the binky is supposed to help that?” Chris
asked. “No…we’re all using these for…fun” Andrew said, sitting back into the
corner. “Why?!” Chris asked. “Listen, Chris. Tonight, I’m going to call you
about it. I will explain everything to you, because right now, I’m a bit
nervous. Please let me come up with the right words, other wise, things will
come out wrong, and you’re going to get the wrong idea…Chris, on the years of
our friendship, trust me on this one.” Jake pleaded. Chris looked around, at
Jake, his pacifier, Andrew, and finally, at Alex up top. “Are all of you
incontinent?” Chris asked. “Well, I am…but I wasn’t born with it” Andrew said.
“What happened?” “I became incontinent after wearing diapers for so long…”
Andrew said. “You mean, you wore diapers, even though you didn’t need to?”
Chris asked confused. “That’s, actually, correct. But ask Jake why, tonight.”
Andrew said. “What about you?” Chris asked Alex. “Me? I’m just trying this
thing out” Alex said honestly. “This is my firs time” Alex said. “You mean Jake
told you?” Chris asked. “Actually no, I found out by accident like you did, I
just decided to give it a whirl” Alex said. Chris looked at Jake, as all three
of them got down, and began getting dressed again. They placed the pacifiers in
the box, put them away, and shortly after, all left together. Though throughout
the day, Chris was looking at them all very, very weirdly.
The five babies sat around the flashlight, in the darkness. “So
what happened after that?” Mark asked Jake. “Well, I think the results are a
bit obvious” Jake said, looking at Chris, sitting there, wearing a diaper.
“Well how did that happen?” Mark asked. “Well, later that night, we did have a
talk. I told him about TB/DL, Furry Fandom, and of course incontinence.
Eventually, I showed him some web sites, which explained, in an intelligent
fashion, what TB/DL, and Furry Fandom is.” Jake explained. “Yeah, and though I
didn’t understand it because it wasn’t my thing at the time, I wasn’t going to
let a few diapers, and babyish things ruin a stable friendship” Chris
explained. “Yeah, and in time on Jake’s 11th birthday, as all of you
sat around in diapers in Jake’s room, I decided to give it a try” Chris
explained. Everyone laughed, “Yeah, I remember that” Alex said. “Yeah, I
started out as a diaper lover, then started going into a teen baby, but I think
that’s all I am, a diaper-boy.” Chris explained. “Yeah…” Jake agreed.
Suddenly, like a miracle, everything around them turned on, like
it was magic. Obviously, the electricity is back on again. “Well this is
sitcom-corny” Alex said, laughing. “Kind of…but I ain’t complaining.” Jake
said, laughing too. Finally, after a few hours, the power finally came back on.
“Jake, check the lines!” Chris suggested. “Alright” Jake said. And suddenly,
Jake hopped up, and picked up the phone. “Its working” Jake announced, and with
that, he dialed his mom’s cell phone number. “Mom! Where are you?” Jake said
into the phone.
“I’m sorry Jake! It was supposed to a few minutes, but the roads
got so bad I couldn’t see” his mom said into the phone. “How is everything? Is
everyone okay?” his mom asked, concerned. “Yeah, we’re alright. The power was
out for a bit, but we didn’t really care” Jake told. “Oh my, I’m so sorry
honey!” Jake’s mom said. “No, it’s alright. When are you coming home?” Jake
asked. “I don’t know if I can come back until the storm clears up, some of the
roads are flooded and blocked off by road crews” his mom said. “Well, none of
us here want to have to know that you’re driving around in this storm, pull
into a hotel” Jake said. “But honey, will you be okay?” Jake’s mom asked. “Mom,
we’re good.” Jake reassured. “Okay, I’m going to come back as soon as I can”
his mom said. “Okay, just stay off the roads.” Jake said. “Okay…I love you” his
mom said. “Love you too, mom” Jake said. And with that, the two hung up. “She
can’t come back yet, the roads are too bad. She’s going to pull into a hotel
until the roads get better” Jake announced to the room. “Okay, better to know
she’s fine in there than on the roads” Chris said. “Yeah” everyone said. “I
don’t know about anyone else, but I am tired beyond belief” Alex said. “Yeah, I
think we all are” Jake said.
Segment Two – Chapter
Thirteen: Moment of Zen
It was now dark again, because they had turned the lights off as
everyone slept. All but Jake. Jake sat there, lying in his crib with the bars
up. He sat there, once again, laying face up towards the window, examining the
rain. Something was keeping him up, but even he didn’t know what that was,
probably the thoughts that were passing through his head. Going through four
years of his life, really gave him some flashbacks. He was mostly thinking
about Monty, and the way he had such a reputation. But suddenly, his thoughts
were broken by someone standing up, slowly and silently. Jake looked over,
seeing who was still awake. In short time, however, the figure walked towards
the crib, close enough to see that it was Mark.
“Hey…” Jake said quietly. “Hey, Jake…” Mark whispered, now
looking over Jake. Something was strange about Mark’s face. It looked wet, like
he was crying. “Is something wrong?” Jake asked. “Not really…” Mark said. “Come
on in here, Mark” Jake said, quietly lowering the bars. “Okay” Mark said,
sniffing as quietly as possible. Jake shuffled up against one side to make room
for Mark in the crib. Once Mark was in, they quietly raised the bars again.
“What’s up Mark?” Jake asked, looking at Mark. Mark silently browsed the room,
examining what could be seen through the darkness of the room. “Jake, you don’t
know what you got” he said, taking some of the blanket. “What do you mean?”
Jake asked softly. “This room, your friends, everything. It’s awesome. I just
wish I could have all of this.” Mark said. “Oh…” Jake said. “It’s just so
amazing. I’m honestly jealous. Why can’t my parents do this for me? I mean, I
don’t want too much, I don’t want a huge room, though it would be nice. I just
want some diapers, and some support, in-instead of knowing that my parents
don’t accept the person I am” Mark said. “If only they would just humor me”
Mark explained, whipping a tear. “Well, I know you’ve asked them…” Jake said.
“I tell you what Mark” Jake said. “We are your friends. Anytime you want to
talk to me, sure, I’d more than happy to talk. Anytime you want to come over,
heck, come on over” Jake said. “Thanks…” Mark said with a smile. “Anytime” Jake
said, learning in enough to wipe a tear from Mark’s face, and then doing so.
Mark smiled, and looked deeply into Jake’s eyes. And at that same moment, Jake
looked deeply into Mark’s wet, glassy eyes. At that moment, there was nothing
but the sound of the rain drops. But as Jake was starring at Mark’s eyes, and
Mark was looking into Jake’s eyes, Mark slowly closed his eyes, and leaned
forward even more. Leaned forward enough, to kiss Jake, just like he did.
Mark’s lips softly made contact with Jake’s, and then, he slowly leaned back,
looking back into Jake’s eyes again. Jake, now in complete shock, just opened
his eyes also, and observed Mark. Mark, now blushing and smirking a bit, sat
there and starred back at Jake. Then suddenly, Jake leaned forward again and
kissed Mark back…
Segment Three – Chapter
Fourteen: Waking Up
Finally, it was dawn. The rain had died down, and the sun had
risen. But it wasn’t until about noon that they had finally awoken. Everyone
practically got up at the same time, all but Jake and Mark. Chris yawned as he
stretched and looked around, noticing Alex and Andrew. “Hey…” Chris said,
rubbing his eyes. “Yo…” Andrew said, stretching. Alex yawned for a little
while, and stretched. “Hey where’s Mark?” Alex asked. “Dunno…go see if Jake’s
awake…” Andrew suggested, checking his diaper. “Wet?” Chris asked as Alex got
up. “Yeah” Andrew said, crawling over to his nearby book bag (which was resting
on the wall). “Awww!” they heard Alex say. “What?” Andrew and Chris asked,
looking back at Alex. “I found Mark” Alex said with a grin. “Quick get the
camera!” Alex suggested. “Okay” Andrew said, snagging the nearby camera. Chris
slowly approached the crib that Alex was standing at, curious as to what the
“Awww!” was about. “Oh my gosh that’s cute” Chris said, once he saw them.
Finally, Andrew reached the crib with a running camera. “Shhh” Chris suggested.
“Don’t wake them up yet” Alex said. Andrew nodded, and peaked over, and saw
what the hubbub was about, and even he had to acknowledge it. “Oh wow…” Andrew
said, smiling. Peeking the camera in, he could see Jake and Mark through the
scope. Jake and Mark were lying there, cuddling comfortably and contently, both
of them sucking on pacifiers. Though it doesn’t sound like too much, it really
was a cute sight to see: Jake and his diaper and his pacifier, cuddling with
Mark and his sleeper sucking contently on his cute pacifier, too. “Should I
wake them up?” Alex asked. “Yeah…get the camera out of here first though” Chris
said, laughing. Andrew giggled a bit, and quickly turned the camera off, and
put it back where it was original placed. “Psst! Jake!” Chris said with a grin.
Automatically, and suddenly, Jake woke up. At first, his vision was blurred.
All he could see was the bars from the crib, and faceless figures from his
friends. “Yeah, what’s up?” Jake asked, tired. Chris held the grin, more than
anyone else. “Have a good time last night?” Chris asked. Jake looked over, now
realizing that Mark was next to him, asleep. The sudden smile on his face just
came automatic as he remembered what had happened the previous night. “What
exactly did you mean by that?” Jake asked, looking back with a smile that
practically lit up the room. Suddenly Mark squirmed a bit, and opened his eyes.
“Hey what’s *yawn* up?” Mark said, yawning in the middle of his sentence. “Nothing
much, how about you?” Alex teased. Mark and Jake laughed. “Not too much…not
much at all…” Jake said, laughing. He then removed the blanket that covered the
both of them, revealing Jake wearing a wet diaper, and Mark with an unzipped
sleeper, showing off his diaper underneath. Jake checked his diaper, which he
was used to doing ever since he became incontinent. “Wet” Jake said, lowering
the bars on his crib. “Me too” Mark said. “What? How?” Jake asked. “Well I
wasn’t a moment or two ago” Mark said with a cheesy grin. The room laughed.
Jake and Mark walked out of the crib, and walked towards the diapers and
supplies to their right. “I’ll change you” Chris offered to Jake. “Alright”
Jake responded. “I’ll change Mark’s diaper” Alex offered. “Hey Andrew, I’ll change
you after I’m done” Jake offered. Everyone agreed to their offers.
Jake slowly lay down on the babyish carpet, awaiting Chris to
change him. Quickly, Chris returned to Jake with a fresh diaper, and the other
necessary things. “So Jake” Chris said with a grin as he untaped the diaper.
“…yes?” Jake asked, with a smirk. “About you and Mark…in the crib…clinging onto
each other for dear life…” Chris said smiling wider, as he slid the wet diaper
out from under him. Jake was now grinning more. “What about it?” Jake asked.
Chris took a baby wipe and slid it across Jake’s diaper-area. “Are you two
like…you know…” “Asked Mark, he’s the one that kissed me” Jake admitted.
Suddenly, Chris jumped from surprise, and squirted baby powder everywhere.
“What?!” Chris began to shout, but quickly adjusted his voice. “Well yeah, he
couldn’t sleep…so I told him to come on in. We talked for a bit…then he kissed
me. So, I kissed him back…then we kind of went to sleep” Jake explained. “I
thought you were straight!” Chris whispered. “Bisexual” Jake corrected. “Oh”
Chris said, lifting Jake high enough to slide the new diaper under him. Then,
he quickly taped the diaper up. “Done” Chris said. “Alright, thanks” Jake said,
sitting up. Quickly after Jake’s change, the rest of the room got their
changes. “Okay, I’m hungry. Really hungry” Alex said. “Hungry as an animal?”
Andrew joked. “That’s RIGHT!” Alex said laughing. “Alright, let’s get some
grub” Jake said, escorting everyone down the steps.
Segment Three – Chapter
Fifteen: Leaving
It had been about an hour since the five boys woke up, changed
and ate their breakfast. Now, the kids sat patiently in Jake’s living room,
dressed and ready to go. Each of they’re parents had called, telling them to
each get ready. “So, is everyone ready?” Jake’s mom asked, plopping down onto
the couch. “I am” everyone said. Everyone sat in the living room, like they had
when the day had begun. But something was different. Maybe it was the fact that
there were no bottles, no pacifiers, no exposed diapers, and no scent of baby
powder. Or, maybe it was the strange silence as everyone waited for their rides
home. “So…how’s everyone this morning?” Jake’s mom asked, breaking the silence.
“I’m good” everyone said…
Finally, after a few short moments, there was a knock at the
door. At the sound of it, Jake’s mom quickly got up and walked towards the
door. “Hi! You’re Jake’s mom, right?” they heard. “Yes” she responded. “Hi! I’m
Alex’s mom” she introduced. “Hey mom” Alex said, walking towards the door. “Hey
Alex!” his mom said, looking at him. “We all ready to go? We’ve got to run to
the store real quick” she explained. “Alright” he said. Alex turned around, and
faced everyone in the room. “Later guys” he said, waving his hand. “Cya Alex”
everyone said. From there, he turned around, and him and his mother quickly
left, but suddenly Chris’s mom stood at the door…
After Alex and Chris had left, there was a knock at the door,
and of course, Jake’s mom opened it. There stood Mark’s mother and Andrew’s
mother, standing at the doorstep. “Hi Mrs. Mayak!” Jake’s mom said. “Hey Ms.
Foster” she replied. The two stood there. “Hey mom” Andrew and Mark said,
talking to their own separate parents. “Hey” the both said to their sons.
“Okay, come on honey” Mark’s mom said to Mark. “Okay mom” he said as he slowly
got up, off the couch. “Come on Andrew” Andrew’s mom said. “Alright” he said as
he, too, got off the couch. Quickly Andrew and his mom, along with Mark and his
mom left through the front door, and finally shut it…
“Just me and you…” Jake’s mom said to Jake, who was sitting on
his couch. “Yup…yup it is” Jake admitted. “…want something to drink?” Jake’s
mom asked. “Yes…please” he said. “Alright…” she said, and turned around, and
went into the kitchen. Just as she turned her back, Jake quickly wiped a minor
tear from his eye. Soon, she returned with a bottle of milk. “Thank you” he
said as he took it from her hand. He quickly popped the nipple into his mouth.
“So what do you have planned for tonight?” she asked. “Nothing at all…I’m
probably just going to spend some time by myself. Haven’t had any silence since
for like two days” he said, laughing. “Alright, well, I’m going to do some
bills…” Jake’s mom said. “Alright” he said as he stood up, and began walking up
the steps towards his room…
Segment Three – Chapter
Sixteen: Trouble
Jake sat now sat at his computer, like he usually did when he
was by himself. The day was growing dark once again; the skies had turned
purple in the sun set. When suddenly, the phone rung. Jake quickly turned and
picked it up. “Hello?” he asked. “Jake” he heard. “Yeah, Mark?” he asked,
recognizing the voice. “Jake…I kind of made a mistake…” Mark said. His voice
was weird, like he had been crying yet again. “What’s the matter?” Jake asked,
becoming concerned. “I thought about yesterday, a lot. It became too much and I
kind of…” Mark said, pausing at the end. “Kind of what?” Jake asked. “…I tried
explaining to my parents again about my feelings…” Mark began. “…and?” Jake
asked. “I didn’t even ask them to do anything…” Mark continued. “But, one thing
lead to another…and eventually…I had to explain everything. You, Chris, Alex,
Andrew, your room, everything” Mark said. “…not…EVERYTHING…I hope” Jake said,
referring to the kiss. “…oh…no, not that” Mark said. “But, my parents…they
don’t want me hanging around with you anymore…as a matter of fact, they don’t
even want me talking to you…but I had to tell you this” Mark said. “Mark…” Jake
said. “No, Jake…listen, I’ll see you in school tomorrow” Mark said. “Okay” Jake
agreed. “…see you later” Mark said. “Later” Jake said. Then, Mark hung up, and
then, so did Jake. “Shit…” Jake said to himself.
Segment Three – Chapter
Seventeen: Untitled
The next morning was a dark one, the sun was shrouded in more
rain clouds. But like any other morning, especially a on a school day, Jake got
up from his new crib, quickly changed and got ready for school. Only this time,
he had a strange feeling in his gut. A bad one. But it wasn’t until that
afternoon, at lunch time, that Jake found trouble.
“Hey Mark” Jake said, sitting down next to Mark. “Hey Jake…”
Mark said. “So, what’s up?” he asked. “Well, now is really only the time for us
to talk today. I have an appointment today” he said. “An appointment for what?”
Jake asked. “…a psychiatrist” Mark explained. “What?!” Jake said in disbelief.
“Yeah…they feel that now, I need help” Mark explained. “You do need help” they
heard coming from behind them. Instantly Jake winced at the sound of this,
ever, so familiar voice. “Go away Monty” Mark said, without even turning
around. “Awww…what’s a matter little baby?” Monty said from behind them. “Go
away” they heard another familiar voice say. “Fuck you, Andrew” Monty said.
“Just leave us alone” Jake said. “How’s your tummy, Baby Jakey?” Monty said. “Go…the
FUCK AWAY” Jake said, only this time, yelling it a bit louder, turning around
facing Monty. Monty did nothing but laugh as Jake stood up, toe to toe with
Monty. Monty was now generously larger than Jake, tall and wide. For a small
amount of time, they starred at each other, at each other’s eyes, both filled
with pure rage. But suddenly a lunch-lady ran between them. “Stop this, this
instant” the lunch-lady said. Still, the two starred at each other. “Sit, now.
Now you two settle down, or I will send both of you to the principle!” the
lunch-lady said. Jake smirked, and sat down slowly, not taking his eyes off of
Monty. Finally, Monty walked away, and sat down in a seat far, far away Jake,
Mark, and Andrew. And although Monty was far, Jake still starred at him.
Flashbacks of being jumped by him and his gang filled his head, and only
enraged Jake more, and more. “Jake, you alright?” Andrew asked. Jake still
starred. “Yeah…I’m fucking dandy” Jake said angrily. “Jake…we’re still friends,
right?” Mark asked, breaking Jake’s stone-glare at Monty. “Yeah, of course.
We’ll just meet here” he said. Soon, though, the bell rang, insinuating that
lunchtime was now over, and it was time to go to the next class.
“Now remember class, if zero is being multiplied, no matter what
number is multiplying it, the answer is always, always, ALWAYS zero” the
teacher explained to the class. Mark sat in the back of the room, daydreaming
like always. Suddenly it hit him like a bomb: the need to pee. Quickly he
raised his hand. “Yes Mark?” the teacher asked, stopping her lesson. “May I go
to the bathroom, please?” he asked politely. “Sure Mark, just be quick” she
explained. “Sure” he said, standing up. Quickly he walked by the kids in the
desks, out the door and into the long hallways of the school. Eventually, he
found and went into the boys-bathroom. After finding the nearest stall, he
quickly unzipped and began to ‘let go’ into the toilet. However, a few seconds
into his session, he heard someone open the bathroom door. Then suddenly, he
heard several people walk in, but didn’t think anything of it. After shaking
the last few drops of pee into the toilet, he zipped and turned around, and
finally opened the stall door…but it was to his surprise to be greeted by the
ever so infamous troupe. “Hey, Monty. I wasn’t aware babies could use the
potty!” he heard someone say. Mark instantly winced at the sight of Monty,
standing a few feet from him. “Hey there, Baby Markie” he said in a babyish
tone. Trying to just ignore them, Mark walked towards the door. “Whoa, where
are you going?” someone said, hopping in front of him. “Get out of my way
Justin” Mark commanded. However, he instantly felt himself get lifted into the
air, and then felt himself slam against a wall. “You aren’t going anywhere” Monty
said, holding him against the wall. “What the hell do you want?” Mark asked.
“Awww…does Markie have a wet diapey? Did he have an accident? Does he need to
be changed?” another kid said, assumingly Adam. “Just saying hi, Markie!” Monty
said in a sarcastic tone. “Get your fat hands off me” Mark commanded. “No can
DO” Monty said. “I want to tell you something” he said, in a lesser-tone. “Your
friend Jake has a big attitude problem. Always does, always did. “Tell him that
after school, we’ll be waiting. And he better be ready” Monty said in a dark,
cynical tone. “Now run, diaper-boy” Adam said as Monty let go of him. Mark
didn’t run or go anywhere, however. “ME tell him? What the hell are you
assholes too scared to go tell yourself?” Mark said. “You’ve got a big mouth,
and we gave you the chance” Justin said, coming forth. “If you aren’t going to
tell him, we’re going to have to show him” Monty said, grabbing a hold of Mark
once more. “Come on, Monty. Give me all you’ve got. You’re just a coward, can’t
ask for a fight face-to-face, always have to jump people. You chased me into
the bathroom to tell me secret messages!” Mark said. Monty just laughed, as he
quickly picked Mark up more, and Justin and Adam stepped forth…
Jake sat there in his desk patiently, waiting for the second
hand on the clock to reach twelve. And as he just sat there, and acted like he
was listening to the teacher ramble on, he endured a strange feeling in his
chest. He felt like something was happening, or going to happen…and it didn’t feel
good. “I hope Mark will be alright…I should try helping” Jake thought to
himself. “Gosh…but what the hell can I do?” he continued as he glanced up at
the clock. “BER-RINGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!” he heard, breaking his thoughts. “Okay
students, remember to write that report” the teacher said as everyone stood up
and began exiting the classroom. Jake mindlessly followed the crowd, out into
the locker-room. However, as he was getting his backpack, he was greeted by an
expected visitor. “Jake” he heard, in Mark’s voice. He turned around, but was
instantly shocked at what he saw. “MARK? WHAT HAPPENED?” he asked, dropping his
things and walking towards him. Mark stood there, holding his arm with the
other one, as it was bruised. He also had a fat lip, and a small bruise near
his mouth. “Jake, listen” Mark tried to explain. “It was MONTY, wasn’t it?!!”
Jake asked, furious. “I’ll KILL HIM” he shouted. “Jake, please. Listen, he’s
waiting out in the playground for you. There’s hype, kids are waiting to see a
fight” Mark explained. “Good! Because I swear, when I’m through with him, I’ll
make HIM the one in dia--…I’ll kill him…” Jake said, toning down as he almost
screamed something he shouldn’t. And then, without warning Jake turned around,
whipping his backpack onto his back, and began walking towards the exit.
For Jake and Mark, it was a long walk to the exit. “Aren’t you
forgetting something?” they heard, as they saw three very familiar faces.
“Alex! Andrew! Chris!” Mark said as they walked in front of them. Jake stopped
as they stood before him. “Come on Jake, let’s go get them” Andrew said. “No…I
want to fight them. I want to fight all three of them, by myself. I’ll leave
you to finish them off…” Jake said, and with that, he continued walking
forward, and outside of the school. “Jake can’t handle all three of them” Mark
said. Andrew nodded a silent no. “No, I think he can” he said. “What makes you
say that?” Alex asked. “Trust me” Andrew said. “And besides…he said he took
some form of…self…defense…” Chris said, slowing down. The three got grins, and
instantly went running outside, to join Jake in this show-down…
Jake now stood on the playground, surrounded by people. Mostly
teenagers, surrounded Jake, Monty, Adam, and Justin, as they all stood in the
pouring rain, waiting for one of them to make a move. “Come at me” Jake shouted
to Monty. “Your call” Monty said as him and his friends approached Jake, who
wasn’t intimidated in the least. Suddenly Monty began running full-speed
towards Jake, like when they first fought. Only this was different…because as
Monty swung hard at Jake, Jake didn’t even move. All he did, was step to the
side, grabbed Monty’s wrist, and swung it over his own head, now standing
behind him. Then, he quickly walked towards Monty, bending Monty’s arm wrong,
causing him to fall onto the ground. But Jake let go, as he didn’t have any
intention of breaking his shoulder…yet. Next he had to deal with Adam and
Justin. “Did he just do…an Aikido move?” Chris asked. “I don’t know, what is
it?” Alex asked. “A form of martial art that uses the attacker’s own body and
momentum against them, to throw them and pin them” Chris explained. “Seems
about right” Alex said, looking back at Jake. Jake now stood in front of Adam.
Justin was now lying on his back on the cement like Monty. Jake launched two
arms at Adam’s stomach. Quickly, however, Adam grabbed both of his arms at the
wrists, just stopping them from hitting his stomach. Jake smiled and laughed.
Suddenly, he launched his right arm down, towards the ground, while at the same
time he launched his left arm a few times in different directions, until his
hand was curled strangely by his head. Then Jake laughed. “Should have let me
hit you” he said. Adam quickly realized that he was totally helpless, and off
balance. Jake then walked around Adam, while still holding him, towards his
right arm. Instantly Adam fell back, hard onto the concrete. Jake looked down
at Adam as he fell, hitting his head on a ground a bit. Jake then looked down
at Adam’s stomach and groin, then, immediately kicked him in the groin, and
then, kicked him in the stomach. Adam squealed in pain as Jake continued to
kick him hard. But Jake eventually stopped, and turned around to face Monty and
Justin, back on their feet. “Guys…I’m…out…” Adam said, breathing deep as he
crawled away on the wet concrete. Jake, Monty and Justin both starred at each
other, eye-eye. But instantly, Justin charged at him vigorously. Still, Jake
didn’t flinch. Justin launched a punch towards Jake’s face as hard as he could.
However, Jake’s moves were too much. Jake took his left hand, and snagged
Justin’s wrist, and pulled it away from the two of them. Then he ran two steps,
making him lose balance. But just as Justin began to fall from the sudden
change in momentum, Jake used his free hand, and launched up at Justin’s nose
(like an upper cut). Justin yelled in pain as he fell to the ground with an
instant nose-bleed from Jake’s punch. Jake wasn’t finished though. As Justin
rolled around in pain, holding his nose, Jake quick kicked him, too in the
groin. “Get out of my way” he said to Justin as he stepped over him towards
Monty. With Adam and Justin out of the way, and Jake hardly breaking a sweat,
it was show time for Monty. And Monty, looked slightly intimidated. “Come at
me” Jake commanded. Jake now had quite an audience, but no one expected what
was soon to come. Monty thought for a moment, but of course, ran right towards
him, ready to punch. Once in the distance, Monty quickly launched a punch
towards’ Jake’s heart. But Jake snagged his hand, like always. He snagged his
wrist; side stepped, and launched a leg up, towards Monty’s chins. Obviously,
Monty practically ran into Jake’s kick. Not only did this hurt a bunch (because
getting sweeped hurts your legs) it also sent Monty airborne, from tripping
him. With Monty in the air, and a hold of his entire arm, Jake could
practically guide him where to go. But Jake let him fall to the ground. Monty
flumped to the ground, landing on his stomach. Jake smirked as he continued to
hold Monty’s arm, and step towards Monty, bringing his already-twisted arm,
over his head. Monty was now pinned, and the more he moved, the more Jake was
bringing his shoulder behind him. “Monty that was lethal” Jake said. “Get off
me!” Monty squealed. “First, you are to apologize to these people, my friends,
Me, and Mark” Jake commanded. “Say your sorry for making these kids waist their
time” he said. “No!” Monty said. Jake laughed, and stepped a bit more, bringing
Monty’s shoulder further behind his back and above his head. Monty screamed in
pain as he felt his shoulder being practically ripped from the socket. “I’m
sorry!” he screamed. “For what?” Jake asked. “For wasting these people’s time!”
he yelled. “…and?” Jake asked, stepping just a bit closer. “I’m sorry to you
for…” “Jumping me and my friends” he said. “..for jumping you and Andrew and
Chris!” Monty yelled. “Good. Now, you’re sorry to Mark for everything” he said.
“What?” Monty asked. Jake simply stepped forward again. “One more step, and
your shoulder will tear. I can feel the tension, and I’m sure you can feel the
pain. A couple of months in a cast and a few hours in the hospital isn’t worth
it, just say it” Jake explained. “I am sorry Mark, for doing everything I have
ever done!” “Which is?” “…calling you names…and beating you up!” Monty yelled.
“Good. See, wasn’t that hard, now was it?” Jake asked sarcastically, stepping
back and releasing Monty’s arm. Monty screamed as his arm shot back into the
correct position. “Okay people, nothing left to see” Jake yelled, turning
around, facing his back towards Monty. Suddenly, he felt something. Something
he, Alex, Andrew, Chris, Mark, Adam, Justin or anyone else didn’t expect. Jake
felt his pants, slide quickly down to his ankles, and watched the faces of too many
teenagers turn to shock and disbelief. Suddenly, Monty quickly whipped Jake’s
pants down from on the ground, bringing his diaper to full exposure, his
baby-print diaper, at that. Suddenly, the so many people that were routing for
him suddenly began laughing hysterically at him. Monty, for one, began laughing
the hardest. Alex, Andrew, Chris, and Mark all stood in disbelief in shock, and
instantly ran towards him. Jake stood there in the middle, with his baby-print
diaper clear for all to see, in shock and disbelief. It actually took him a few
moments until he realized exactly what happened. It wasn’t until Alex, Andrew,
Chris and Mark came to him, that he finally realized it all. “You IDIOT” Jake
said, turning around. Monty was now laughing hysterically, to the point that he
couldn’t stop laughing to breath. “He’s…he’s…he’s WET TOO!” Monty screamed to
everyone. “You…I’ll BREAK YOUR ARM!” Jake screamed. And with that, he launched
down, grabbed Monty’s arm, and flipped him back onto his back.
Segment Three – Chapter
Eighteen: Blind Fury, Blinding Humiliation
Jake now sat in his room, inside of his crib, starring up at the
sky through the roof’s window. This time, it was he who was crying. Tears
rolled down his face rapidly as he recapped the whole day through his mind. He
was taken by surprise, and in return, he dislocated Monty’s entire shoulder.
“Holy SHIT…” Andrew yelled as he stood by Alex, Chris and Mark,
who all just heard what they had hoped they weren’t going to. The faint POP
sound that happened as Jake brought Monty’s arm to the ground, and Monty
screaming as his arm was torn from the socket. Jake let go of his arm, and
stepped by him, staring down at him. Jake didn’t even pull his pants back up
yet. If anything, he forgot to as he was blinded by the fury and humiliation.
The only thing that reminded him was the rain, dripping on his naked legs. He
looked around at the crowd. No one was laughing, or smiling anymore. They were
all silent. Jake looked at each and every one of them, until he finally pulled
up his pants. “If I hear one MORE laugh, I swear I will do to you, what I just
did to Monty” he announced. “You know why?” he yelled. “Because there isn’t
ANYTHING that is funny here: incontinence isn’t funny. Not when you had no
control over the situation since before you were born.” he yelled. Suddenly,
the circle was broken. “Mark?!” they heard. “Mom?!” Mark yelled.
Suddenly Jake’s remembrance was broken by the sound of the door
opening, and footsteps coming up the steps. Finally, a familiar person stood in
the doorway. “Jake” he heard, coming from his mother’s voice. “How is his arm?”
he asked, sniffing. “His shoulder was dislocated, and there was some muscle
tearing from the sudden stretch” she explained. “Doctors said in a week or two
he’ll be able to move it…but it’ll be a month or two until he can use it fully”
she finished. “Too bad…he deserves worse” he said angrily. “No, Jake, he
doesn’t” his mother said, walking towards the crib. “Listen, Jake…what Monty
did, and has done, is wrong. But you can’t solve your problems with violence”
she said. “Mom! The three pricks jumped Mark in the bathroom!” he said.
“Jake…that’s one thing. It was self-defense. But dislocating his shoulder
wasn’t called for –“ “Neither was pulling down my pants for the world to see”
he interrupted. His mother sighed. “I understand what you could be feeling
right now. You’re embarrassed, mad, and confused. But, you can’t feel this way
forever. You’re going to have to leave and go back to school tomorrow.
Eventually, you’re going to face those people. And you know what? If they are
too stupid to understand that you have a prob-“ she tried explaining, but was
quickly interrupted. “They’ll have a problem understanding the baby diaper. How
am I going to explain them that?” Jake asked. She was silent shortly. “See?
That’s the problem here” he said. “Jake, like I said. You’re going back there
eventually. And besides, whatever happened to the old ‘I don’t care about
anything, or what anyone thinks’ motto you used to say?” his mom asked. Jake
was silent. “I’d like to go to sleep now” he said, turning away from his mom.
“Okay…well…good night…” she said. She turned around, and exited the room, and
quietly shut the door. “Yeah…I still have Mark to help…” he whispered to
“Mom?!” Mark yelled. “Mark, what happened to you?” she asked,
looking at his busted lip and bruised arm. “It was Monty…Jake…he was…protecting
me…and uh…stopped Monty from beating me to a pulp!” Mark yelled, faking the
story. “Don’t lie to me, I saw and watched the whole thing” she snarled. “But,
I don’t think I am in good shape to go to the psychiatrist” Mark said. She
looked at Jake silently, snarling. “Your right…come on” she said, dragging Mark
away from the crowd…
Suddenly Jake burst into tears, once again. The thought of Mark
made him cry. He wanted to help, but he felt so useless and helpless. Looking
up at the rain only made it worse as he was watched upon by gray clouds. He
looked around with his burning bloodshot eyes, and all he could see was a teddy
bear at the opposite side of the crib. He looked over, grabbed it, and held it
tight as he slowly went to sleep…
Segment Three – Chapter
Nineteen: Facing the Demons
It was now morning. The sun had risen by the time Jake woke up,
still holding the teddy bear tight. As he woke up, the first the he saw was the
sun. Not clouds, not rain, not darkness. He saw the sun, and blue skies.
Sitting up now, he instantly felt that his diaper was wet, very wet. He yawned,
and looked around. Suddenly there was footsteps coming up the staircase, and
finally, his mother appeared back into the doorway. “I’m sorry, did I wake you
with the door?” she asked. “I guess…” he said. “How was your sleep?” she asked.
“It was good…” he said. “Good…” she said. There was another silence. “How are
you feeling?” she asked. “I feel good…” he said quickly. “Good…just hope you’ll
feel good after hearing this. I received a phone call from the school…you’re
suspended for a week” she explained. “Sounds good to me…” he said. “I have got
to do something…I think I’ll take a walk” he said. “Okay…but not now…it’s too
early. First, I think you need a change” she said. “Okay” he said. “Just lay
there, I’ll change you in your crib” she said. “Okay” he said, lying back down.
Between the bars he could see her walk to the shelves, and walk back with the
usual. Grasping the teddy bear, Jake lay there patiently as he felt his mother
tug the tapes, letting the front of his diaper fall. Then, he smirked as he
felt his mother’s gentle touch as she wiped his diaper area thoroughly.
Finally, she lifted his legs into the air to wipe his butt, and to powder it.
She sprinkled some powder onto his cheeks, and thoroughly rubbed it around his
area, until she finally let him back down. She then applied another small
squirt of baby powder, and applied it around his front-area. Then, she lifted
his legs just a bit to put the new diaper under him. Finally, she took the
front of the new diaper, and folded it over him, then taped it tight. “Done”
she said with a smile. “Thanks” he said, smiling back. From there, she lowered
the bars of the crib and let him out. He stood up, and walked towards the
dresser. He opened it, but inside this one, there weren’t any baby clothes,
just the usual ‘normal’ clothes. He put on some pants, then a shirt. Then his
socks and shoes. “Is it still too early?” he asked. His mom looked up at a
clock hanging over his computer desk. “12:45PM, nope, we’re good” she said with
a smile. “Okay” he said.
From there, Jake went into the kitchen and had his breakfast. But
he ate it fast from excitement. When he finally made it to the door, he was
stopped by his mother. “Say, where are you going, just to be sure?” “Mark’s
house…I want to get there before he gets home so I can talk to his parents” he
said, smiling. “Thought so” she said. He grinned, turned around, and opened the
door. Instantly greeted by sunlight, he stepped outside of his house. So with a
smile on his face, he shut the door to his house, and walked for Mark’s house.
The End!
E-mail me at babyjake@hotmail.com!
-Baby Jake
“So Jake…is this really THE END?”
“Probably not…but it may be a while for another story to tell”
“Oh…okay. So…what was the deal with that crazy matrix fight
“Dunno…thought it would be some nice action…”
“But it’s not really realistic. Aikido isn’t all that”
“I know. And besides, this is a fictional story…”
“You know what Jake? I noticed something…”
“The first segment was really TB themed…and the second one was
mostly about diapers…and the third was just…”
“A wrap-up…the first segment was about introducing the
characters, and about fun. The second one was about them meeting, the past,
while the third is about finishing things up”
“What was the deal with all of that violence?”
“Don’t know…the fight with Monty was planned from before I even
started thinking about making another story following us”
“Yeah…was working on a story…and then I thought maybe writing
about us would be better”
“Oh alright…hey Jake…”
“How come Mark kissed you? I mean, it seemed out of the blue,
but you didn’t really expand on that”
“Well, I didn’t in THIS story at least.”
“Oh…alright…got to go”
“Okay, same here”
“Later…I’ll see YOU later…”
[9:02AM 09/04/04]