Author: M.J Bradshaw ( JACOB GETS A BIG BROTHER SUMMARY: This is a fictional story about hard-working lawyers’ assistants father bring up his hyperactive son alone. After he and his wife separated. Due working hard he was unable to balance his work commitments and looking after his two sons. After many careers and babysitters who failed due to them unable to control the children. He had to find an alternative care or leave his job. The story follows the father when he applied for his sons to have a brother to look after his son while he was at working; this scheme was basis in the community centre and was run by the community family support team based there. Being alone to bring his sons up and working long hours. The father was unable to properly potty train his son who remained in nappies and constantly wee in them. Hard working as a research assistant for a large lawyer firm, Jeff Hancock struggled to bring his seven-year-old son Jacob after his wife and himself separated from each other the previous year. His son had special needs as he has hyperactive behaviour problems since he was small. Now on his own Jeff found it hard working sometime till late into the evening when the firm was involved in a large case and organising someone to look after Jacob while he worked. Since his wife left Jeff has employed both babysitters and caretakers to look after his son but all failed as they found it hard to cope with his behaviour. Now desperate, Jeff struggled to resolve this problem as the firm was reluctant to let him go as he was a good asset; being a good father, Jeff considered the possibility of leaving the firm to look after his sons and getting an alternative employment. On Saturday while Jeff cleaned the house while Jacob was at his grandparents. He came a cross a community newsletter. Normally Jeff would not read this and threw it to the bin but an article on the front page caught his attention. The article was about a big brother/sister scheme where volunteers gave up their spare time to give lone parents time alone to pursue their own interests. The scheme was ran by the community family support team based in the community centre. Jeff decided to phone the centre first thing on Monday. Monday came. And after dropping his son at school Jeff drove to the work. Thinking about the scheme. On reaching his office he instructed his secretary that he won’t taking any calls for the next hour. He went into the office and rang the centre. Hannah answered and they chatted about the scheme for quite some time. Jeff explained about his son’s behaviour and inconvenient problems and asked if this could be a problem? “Well. It’s up to the individual volunteer whether to accept on the children they befriend problems.” After sometime discussing this Jeff thought he better do some work and asked if he could come to complete the forms around one. Which Hannah agreed and Jeff ended the call and return to his duties. Jeff attended his appointment and met the Hannah he spoke to on the phone and filled the Big brother/sister forms. The Hannah said that it could take some time before a volunteer could be found to be Jacob’s Big brother. Weeks passed and still struggling to get someone to look after his son, Jeff had no options to take time off from work. But help was at hand as the Hannah from the centre call with good news that a volunteer would like to be a big brother to Jacob. His name was Dean from London. He was a graduate student studding Physiology at Oxford university. After meeting Dean Jeff agreed for him to be his son’s big brother and after a month of having the boys for a couple of hours a day; Dean was granted more privileges in looking after Jacob. This meant that his son could stay on sleep over and take him on holidays together with his son. One evening during dinner Jacob asked his dad if that Dean was spending at the Lake District next Thursday for three days. Jeff told his brad that he will phone Dean later to ask if he will take you both. But you have to be good from now till Thursday. After the Jacob’s soggy nappy he put him to bed. He phoned Dean and discussed the three-day trip to the lakes. Dean told Jeff that his son is welcome to join him. They both talked about the arrangements and agreed that Dean will pick Jacob at eleven on Thursday morning. The following morning the Jacob got up as usual in very wet nappies. He waggled into the kitchen where there father was making breakfast. While they was eating Jeff told the him the good news that Dean said he would like to take him to the Lake District, Brads face lit up and started to get excited. But his father said that you will have to be good for the next three days or the deal is off. Okay? “YEA DAD I WILL.” ==================================== PART TWO: As promised, Brad behaved himself. Finally. As the day for Dean to take him to the Lakes arrived. He woke up very early with excitement as he lay in there bed thinking about what they going to do. As usual, Jacob had soaked his nappies during the night and he decided to have an early shower before his dad gets up. Waggling into the bathroom, Brad removed his pyjamas and pulled the fasteners off his own Huggies and dropped it on the floor with a thud. Now naked. He ran the shower till it got warm and entered and started washing themselves down. The sound of water woke Jeff up and he got out of bed to see what his son was up to in the bathroom as the door wasn’t shut. He could see him in the shower and didn’t bothering to disturb him but went into the kitchen to make prepare the breakfast. Moments later the to Jacob entered the kitchen all dressed and ready to go, Jeff asked did they put you day nappy on? “OOPs no sorry dad I forgot.” Brad took his son back to his room and told him to lie on the bed and proceeded to put another size six pampers on his son. After they both returned to the kitchen and ate breakfast and after Jacob returned to watch Television in the lounge. He wasn’t paying much attention to the morning programs as every time a car went by the house he leapt up and ran to the window finally Jacob saw a familiar care travailing up the street, “ he here he’s here”. The boy shouted but before Jeff could say carm down, Jacob flew out the room heading towards the front door. He opened it and ran towards his big brother with his arms wide open. Overwhelmed Dean said, “Hello Brad, looking forward to spending three days at in the lake district?” The both walked towards Jeff who was standing in the front door. Come on Jacob get in. they all went into the living room where Jeff gave Dean his last instructions he told him that he gives him the right to punish the boy if he’s naughty but it he continues misbehaving to bring him striate back home. After half a hour Dean said well better go. On the way out Jeff picked up the suitcase and a large blue nappy bag and carried them to the car. After shaking Dean’s hand and thanking him for taking his son. Dean jumped in the care and drove away. The journey took hours and they two boys told jokes to each other to break the journey up. But finally they reached a small house which was set back a fair way from the Lake; “here we are Dean said this is my brothers place”. They boys got out and carried there cases into the house and Dean showed Jacob where he will be sleeping. After eating Dean asked “are you wet Jacob?” “Yeah,” the boy replied. Dean told his little brother to go and get the nappy bag and I’ll change your nappy and we’ll go for a walk around the lake. After getting the bag Jacob lay on the couch while Dean removed his little red shorts and unfastened his nappy and brought the front of it down revealing the boy’s small uncircumcised penis. After wiping around his genital area and his bum, Dean put a nappy on the boy and pulled up his shorts. He gave the used nappy to Jacob and told him to put it in the bin. The both went for there walk around the lake, retuning to the house just as dusk came over the water. After eating, the boys watched an action DVD till it was time for Jacob’s bed time. Before taking his little brother up to bed Dean explained that he promised your father to try and potty train you while we are here for the three day, “so before I put your nappy for the night I would like you to use the toilet before you go to be. The both went up stairs and into the bath room, Dean helped his little brother off with his clothes and sat his little brother on the toilet while he collected his clothes and put them in a bag; Jacob sat on the loo for quite a while and managed to wee in it, Dean was pleased and told Jacob that if he keeps sitting on the loo every few hours. He will train his body to stay dry and you won’t have to ware nappies any more, Jacob was pleases with his achievement and said will I still have to wear a nappy tonight”? Dean replied “ yes you have to train you body to control you bladder but it won’t work over night”, Dean put a clean nappy on his little brother and put him to bed; before going to bed himself Dean rang Jacob’s father. When he answered Dean told him the good news about his son using the toilet for the first time witch delighted his father. And thanked him for helping his son to become dry. Both men talked for a while but it was getting late and Dean told Jeff he will ring him again tomorrow night and with that Dean went to bed. The following morning Jacob woke and sat up in bed. He put his hand down the front of his pyjamas to feel if he was well. To his disappointment he was but not as wet as he usually is. With excitement Jacob couldn’t wait to tell his big brother about it, Jacob went first to Dean’s room but his door was opened and he wasn’t there. He ran down stairs and founding his big brother in the lounge, “Dean look I not weed much in my nappy”, “good boy” replied Dean but before we go sailing I would like you to use the toilet before we go sailing”, “OH BOY sailing”. Before running back up stairs to the bathroom. As he entered he took off his pyjamas bottoms and untapped his wet nappy and sat on the toilet. He could here Dean coming up the stairs and shouted on the toilet Dean having a wee”, “good boy”. Came Dean reply. After Jacob used the toilet he returned to his room and waited for Dean to com and put a nappy on, Dean came into Jacobs room and said that he going to try and see if you can last the day with out your nappy on. When you feel like you need to wee tell me and ill help you OK?. With that he took out a pair of underpants from behind his back. Here put these on and you red shorts on. After dressing both boys got in the car and drove the mile down the road to the boat club. After paying for hiring of six foot sail boat. After getting the picnic and drinks on board the boys sailed further on to the lake, Dean showed Jacob how to sail the boat and let him try for him self. Half way round Jacob whispers to Dean, “ I think I need a wee. Dean locked off the staring and told his little brother to come to him. He told him to flop his penis over the top of his shorts and have a wee over the side. Dean looked around and there was no one around so Jacob done what he was told. Nothing happened for a few minuets but soon a trickle of urine came out of Jacobs penis witch suddenly became a full stream, Jacob shouted look am weeing without a nappy on” , Shhhh Dean whispered don’t tell everyone, “ sorry Dean” Jacob replied. Not long after both Dean and Jacob stopped in one of the lake’s banks and had their picnic. Time was getting on and the boat had to be returned by six. So after packing up the picnic the boys re boarded the boat. Before they pushed off the side Dean asked Jacob “do you need a wee before we make our way back”? YEA! As he started to get his penis out, Dean stopped him saying. Not here silly go by that tree. Jacob went by the tree and the both got back on board the boat and made there way back to the club. Pretty soon the boat was moored up and Dean and Jacob made there way back to Deans car, Dean asked did you enjoy your self”? YES it was the best time of my life” Jacob. On the journey home Jacob fell asleep in the back seat and he wet his pants and the seat, Dean carried his little brother up to his room and removed his wet shorts and underpants and cleaned him up an put nappy on him. He covered the boy and left to go and ring his dad. Dean told Jacobs father of his son’s achievement witch delighted his father. He told him if he could get the boy dry during the day nighttime wetting should stop soon later, Jeff thanked him for what he has done for the boy and look forward to see him the day after tomorrow when they return home. Jacob woke up on the final day to it throwing it down with rain. Usual his nappy was soaked. He lay there softly crying, Dean heard this and came to see what was the matter with his little brother, What’s a matter Jacob”?. He asked; “I soaked my nappy again last night”. Remember that you didn’t use the toilet last night before you went to bed. So you went with a full bladder. But we will try you again without nappies again today; I would like you to try use the toilet. After a shower Jacob dressed and went down to the kitchen. After eating and doing the dishes both boys watched the complete set of star wars films on DVD. Only to stop when Jacob went the toilet. By the time they watched all the films it was around four. After eating pizzas the boys went on Deans brothers computer and surfed the nappy sites. Found a good site called Deekers Diaper Page. Both boys read the stories and entered a Sighting report based on Jacob witch make him giggle. They spent most of the evening reading the stories but soon it was time for Jacob to get ready for bed. Sending his little brother up stairs saying ill be up in a while. Don’t for get to go the toilet”, ”OK Dean” after a while Dean went up stairs and found his little brother sill on the toilet. He returned to Jacobs room and put his pyjamas and nappy out ready for bed, He called his little brother into the room and moments later the a little naked youngster waked into the room, Dean told him to lye on the bed while he puts his nappy on. After he was don he told get his pyjamas on. And he put him to bed and said goodnight to him. The final morning and Dean has been up for hours cleaning the house. When Jacob appeared in the lounge Dean has already done most of the house. After breakfast Dean asked his little brother to go and strip his bed and bring the sheets down to be washed, Jacob go upset saying “the bed is dry I didn’t wee the bed”, Don’t worry am washing my sheets as well, Dean put both sets of sheets in the wash and continued to clean the house. With Jacob helping. It took all morning to clean the house and remake the beds. After lunch Dean and packed the suite cases to return home leaving then in the hall way Dean went around the house locking the windows but soon it time to get in the car for the two hours journey home. Later locking the door Dean put the cases in the trunk and they was on there way. While they travelling Dean asked his little brother what did he think of the three days “kewl” Jacob replied,” thank you for taking me and helping me stay out of my nappies. Finally they reached Jeff house and he was welcomed into the house, Dean didn’t stay long as he wanted to get home. Jeff thanked him for taking his son to the Lake District. After shaking hands Dean left.