
Jackson and Joey


DiaperBoy Matt





Current Age:


Posting Date:


Story Contents:

A- Post-toddler (4-8)*


R- Sisters, other girls*


B- Pre-teen (9-12)*


S- Babysitters


C- Teen (13-17)

T- Masturbation


D- Adult (18+)


U- Sexual situations

E- Cloth diapers*

V- Gay

F- Disposable diapers

W- Erections

G- Pee

X- Bedwetting

H- Poop*

Y- Accidents

I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*

Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline


J- Multiple diapers*


1- Female Domination*


K- Baby paraphernalia

2- Enemas


L- Mother

3- Restraints


M- Father


4- Crying


N- Aunt


5- Spanking


O- Uncle


6- Humiliation


P- Brothers (diapered)


7- Babying

Q- Brothers (not diapered)


8- Regression

*Denotes Deekerian story elements





The story centers around 3 high school friends who have a few things common, including diapers and baseball.                  

Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]:

8 (40%)


Jackson and Joey

By DiaperBoyMatt



Part I – Enter Jackson and Joey

6:27 am, Friday morning. April 20th.


Joey’s alarm never had the chance to go off…he had unplugged it and hurled it across his bedroom last week out of annoyance at the sound it made. He relied on his mother to rouse him from Dreamland.

“Joey! Wake up dear, its 6:30!” she called through his door. Joey mumbled an unintelligible sentence and sat up in bed. He felt his Goodnite squish beneath his weight and he could feel the coldness of a wet diaper in the morning. Of course, being a 17 year old boy in the midst of his Junior year in high school, the word ‘diaper’ was highly taboo. His mother had dared to use the term once and had quickly gotten an earful from her teenage son. He treaded down the hallway to his bathroom to begin another normal day.

            He closed the bathroom door behind him and turned on the shower, adjusting the temperature and stripping off his pajamas. The floor was cold beneath his bare feet. Now free of his boxer shorts and left in just his wet Goodnite, the stale smell of urine reached his nose. Outwardly, Joey hated the fact that he was a bedwetter at this age, but it had been going on for years, and he had learned to accept it and over time, he evenly enjoyed it. The comfort of his diapers was like a security blanket for Joey, even though he pretended to hate them. He sometimes would even wet himself just so his mom would keep buying Goodnites.

He played baseball for the Varsity team, the East High Eagles, but his supposed ‘bedwetting’ caused him to shy away from many overnight parties and hang outs with the team. Not that he was overly upset; he had a curfew that provided a good excuse for not attending these get-togethers.

            The shower’s temperature was now suited to Joey’s liking and he stripped off his diaper and hopped under the warm jet of water. Reaching for the soap, he soon had scrubbed the pee smell off his body and began to relax for a little while before turning off the water and heading to get dressed. His school uniform was red shirts and khaki pants…a rather drab uniform in Joey’s opinion, but it was just clothes. He would soon be in his baseball uniform out on the field for practice anyways.




6:17 am, Friday.

April 20th.


Jackson’s eyes snapped open at precisely 6:17, two minutes after past his usual wake up time. He no longer needed an alarm clock; his body just knew when it was time to get up. He rose from the bed and dug through the myriad of clothes and junk littering his bedroom floor in search of something clean to wear. He still had some issues with wetting the bed, but it only happened every now and again. Still, better safe than sorry, so he faithfully wore protection at night. He had started out wearing Goodnites, but he had soon taken a liking to the new boxer-style Underjams. They were a bit less like a pull-up and more like fluffy boxers, not that Jackson cared much. A diaper was still a diaper no matter what it looked like, and in all of Jackson’s 16 years, it had always been one. Not being one to waste a perfectly good diaper (yes he was ok with calling it that), he stripped off his Underjam and folded it back up and returned it to its bag along with the other unused diapers. After doing this, he went about the rest of his morning as per usual. Once he was in the shower, he felt the urge to pee but he absolutely HATED it when people peed in their showers. It was a gross habit and Jackson refused to do it. So he held it for a bit before the urge went away, and he finished getting ready for school that day. He was headed out to his dinged up white truck when the urge to pee hit him again. He unceremoniously dumped his backpack in the passenger seat and headed back inside to relieve himself before he left the house.

He reached the bathroom door only to find his younger brother in there with the door locked; his mother was showering in her bathroom and poor Jackson was left crossing his legs in the hallway. No sooner had his brother emerged from the bathroom, Jackson was already inside and closing the door. In his struggle to loosen his belt and untuck his shirt, he let out a small spurt of urine that soon became a flood. About halfway through, he just gave up and stood there while he wet his pants. He noticed the squishy warmth of his underwear and he felt a little tingle go through his body when he finished unzipping his pants to begin the cleanup process.

He hid the wet clothes underneath his bed so his mom wouldn’t find them before pulling out some clean clothes to wear. He was already going to be a few minutes late to school, so he took his time. It occurred to him that perhaps he should wear an Underjam under his boxers just to be sure he didn’t have another accident. He headed the bathroom and slipped on the one he had taken off a half hour before. He felt a slight sense of nerves about this….what if someone found out? He’d be the laughing stock of the baseball team. Jackson dismissed his nervousness and finished redressing. It felt different with the small bit of extra padding between his legs but he soon got used to it and there was almost no crinkling sound when he walked. He felt sure he could get through the day without incident.


2:45 pm.

Friday, April 20th.


After a long day at school, the bell finally rang and Jackson flew out the door towards the boys’ locker room. It was time for baseball practice, his favorite time of the day. He got to go outside and enjoy the fresh air and toss a few balls around with his best friends in the whole wide world. He headed to the locker room and quickly threw his bags into a locker. He opened up his gym bag and drew out his uniform and held it up. The large red number 9 blazed back at him from the jersey and worked on stripping off his uniform.

“Hey Jackson! How’s it going?” he heard his friend Joey call from the door. Jackson was shirtless and standing in his boxers struggling with getting on the form fitting pants.

“It’s all cool, man. How’s life?” Jackson replied.

“It’s going…just not as fast or as enjoyable as I’d like.”

Jackson finished getting his feet into the pants and jumped a few times to get them over his thighs.

“Nice diaper you got there, bud,” Joey said with a giggle. Jackson looked down and suddenly remembered that he was wearing the Underjam today. His face flushed tomato red and his mouth wouldn’t work long enough for him to explain.

“It’s all cool, dude. No need to bust an artery.” Joey said, patting him on the back. Jackson was still beet red but was starting to regain his composure. He had totally forgotten about wearing the diaper. He may as well just tell Joey; they were close friends and Joey already knew half the story now.

“Yea, Joey, about that…I had a bit of an accident this morning so I decided to wear it under my boxers just in case. I honestly had completely forgotten it until you said something.”

“Well, be glad it was just me that saw it and not one of the other guys. There’s a few others that would be cool about it, but there’s also some that would’ve made a huge deal out of it,” Joey reassured him. “If it makes you feel any better, I wet the bed at night and I still wear Goodnites to bed.”

“Really? I never knew that about you Joey,” Jackson said in astonishment.

“Here, how about this. It’s Friday, so how about after practice we go home and clean up and then you can come stay over at my house?”

“Yea sure, I’d like that,” Jackson said, blushing again ever so slightly. He suddenly became aware of how close Joey was to him and that their hands were almost touching. It was a strange sensation that Jackson was used to, but he had never felt it around another boy before. It was that tingly feeling you get when your stomach starts doing flips and you get all excited in certain places. Jackson’s private areas began to tingle and Jackson soon realized this was not the blood rushing to his lower regions, but that he was actually wetting himself. He was suddenly extremely grateful for the Underjam, lest he pee on himself and it go all over the place….or all over Joey. Jackson did his best to keep a straight face while that warm, wet feeling spread around his crotch for the second time that day.


Part II – In Which The Boys Have a Sleepover

7:23 pm, Friday, April 20th.




Joey heard someone knocking on his front door. He had invited Jackson to stay over for the night after noticing Jackson’s Underjam at school, so he figured it was probably Jackson at the door. He had gotten home from baseball practice about an hour ago, and had already showered and eaten dinner. He was just about to settle down to watch TV when Jackson arrived.

“Oh hi, Jackson sweetie! How are you? Come on in,” Joey heard his mom say after she opened the door. “Joey is up in his room, just go on in.” Jackson made his way through the living room and down the hallway to Joey’s door before peaking his head in.

“Hey Jackson! Come on in,” Joey greeted him. Jackson flopped down on the bed next to Joey after setting his bag on the floor. Joey had the TV on ESPN watching a ball game. Jackson turned his attention to the game as well and neither boy said much until a few hours later when Joey’s mother poked her head in the room.

“It’s getting late boys, go ahead and get ready for bed Joey. If you guys need me, I’ll be in my room.”

Joey stood and headed towards the door, “I’ll be back in a minute, I gotta go get my Goodnite. If you brought yours, now would be a good time to put it on.”

Jackson nodded. He went over and looked through his bag and pulled out his Underjam and quickly slipped off his pants and put on his diaper. He then pulled his pajama pants out of his bag and slid them up over his Underjam. Just as he was finishing getting his pants over the waistband, the door opened and Joey returned. He looked almost the same as Jackson in a plain t-shirt and pajama pants with a slight bulge around the crotch. It was hardly noticeable to anyone who wasn’t looking for it, but both boys could spot it quite easily.

“So, uh, what do you wanna do now?” Joey asked.

“I dunno. How about a round of Halo?” Jackson responded. Joey nodded his agreement and started to hook up the controllers to the X-Box for their game. Soon enough, the game began.

After about an hour of running, jumping and shooting, Jackson paused the game. “Um…Joey, I kinda need to pee,” he said.

“Just go in your pants. I already did,” Joey said.

“I don’t know…” Jackson mumbled.

Jackson un-paused the game and resumed the shooting match. He tried his hardest to push all thoughts of using his diaper out of his mind, but in the end, nature’s call won out. He soon paused the game again and set down his controller.

“Something wrong?” Joey asked.

“I really gotta pee.”

“Dude, just go in your Underjam. No big deal. I have more Goodnites if you need another one to change into.”

It took a minute for Jackson’s bladder to let go, but soon he had soaked his Underjam. The boys resumed playing again, both of them sitting in their wet diapers.

Midnight rolled around, and they had begun to tire of the game. They switched back on the cable and began channel surfing while they talked.

“I’m gonna need to go change in a minute, my diaper is cold now,” Joey mused.

“Mine is still warm….I actually am kind of enjoying the feeling,” Jackson said.

“Can I tell you a little secret, Jackson?” Joey asked.

“Sure dude, you can tell me anything.”

“I secretly don’t need the Goodnites…I love the feeling of peeing in my pants, so I only pretend to still wet the bed so my mom will keep them around,” Joey whispered, blushing furiously. “I only pretend to hate them.”

“Dude…that’s a tad bit weird, but its fine with me since I kinda like it too. I always figured I was the only weirdo kid that liked pissing himself.” Jackson replied.       

“Can I tell you another little secret?” Joey said.

“Well you’ve already told me a BIG secret,” was Jackson’s reply.

“I sometimes poop in my Goodnite…” Joey was blushing furiously red now.

‘He’s really cute when he blushes like that,” Jackson thought to himself. ‘Wait, WHAT?! Why am I thinking that Joey is cute?’ Jackson mentally berated himself. ‘Does this make me gay?’

“What’s wrong, Jackson? You look like something’s on your mind.”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just thinking is all.”

“What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing, you wouldn’t understand,” Jackson mumbled. He was suddenly noticing how full and pink Joey’s lips were and how seductive they looked.

“C’mon Jackson, you can tell me…I just finished telling you that I liked peeing and pooping in my pants. How weird can it be?”

“What would you think if I said I think I might be gay?” Jackson said, looking Joey in the eyes.

“I would say that if you were gay, I would still be your friend no matter what. You’ve got my secrets to keep and now I’ve got yours,” Joey reassured him with a smile.

“And if I said I was gay and liked you?”

“There’s always a first time for everything I suppose…” Joey said, changing the subject. “Are you tired? I’m wiped out.”

            “Yeah, I’m ready for some shut eye myself, but first, do you mind if I borrow one of your Goodnites? My Underjam is getting uncomfortable.”

            “Yeah, sure. I’ll go grab one for you after I change out of mine. I’ll be just a minute.”

Joey headed off to the bathroom to get the diapers.

            A few minutes later, Joey returned with his pajama pants slung over one shoulder and his pure white Goodnite fully exposed underneath the hem of his white shirt. Being a slightly short boy, he looked to be about 10 years old, even though in reality he was 17. Jackson found himself staring and almost drooling over the adorable sight before him. Joey walked over and sat down on the bed next to Jackson and held out another pure white diaper to Jackson.

            “You must like what you see. You’re staring pretty hard,” Joey commented.

            “Oh…um…sorry, I don’t mean to be a pervert. You just look really cute in that diaper,” Jackson said. Now it was his turn to blush ferociously. He had just admitted to his friend and teammate that he looked lovable sitting there in just a t-shirt and a diaper.

            “It’s ok. I know I’m absolutely adorable,” Joey said with a giggle. “Here, why don’t you go change? That wet Underjam can’t be very fun to sit in.” He held out the fresh Goodnite to Jackson.

            Jackson accepted the offered Goodnite and stood up to go change. He walked to the door when an idea occurred to him. He turned around to face Joey.    

“You were right about one thing, Joey, you ARE totally adorable. Now all you have to do is wet that thing so I can change your diaper butt.” He turned to head down the hallway to the bathroom when Joey called back out to him.

“OH NO YOU DON’T! GET BACK IN HERE!” Joey called, “If you’re gonna get to change me after I pee in my pants, then I’m changing you NOW!”

“Oh really, now?” was the response. Jackson walked back into the room and tossed the clean Goodnite in Joey’s lap. “Ok, Daddy Joey, change me.”

Joey hadn’t expected Jackson to call his bluff, but he wasn’t backing down now. “You’re going to need to take off your pajamas and lie down on the floor. I’ll be right back…I just need to find a few things.”

Jackson did as Joey asked and lied down on the floor while Joey went to find whatever he was looking for. Joey returned a few moments later with some wet wipes and a small bottle of baby powder. He grinned at Jackson, who was still lying sprawled on the floor.

“You gonna change my diaper or what?” Jackson said. “It’s cold down here on the flippin floor!”

Joey quickly set all his supplies down and situated himself between Jackson’s legs. He reached down for the edges of the soaked Underjam, but instead of just sliding it down pull-up style, he began to tear the side.

“WHOA!! WAIT A MINUTE! What are you doing?” Jackson yelped.

“I’m changing your DIAPER. If I just pulled it off like a Pull-up, it wouldn’t be changing a DIAPER.”

Jackson calmed down after that, so Joey finished tearing the sides of the Underjam. “Ok Baby Jackson, lift up your legs for Daddy Joey,” Joey cooed in baby talk.

Jackson popped his thumb into his mouth and giggled while he lifted his legs up. Joey pulled down the front of Jackson’s diaper and slid it out from underneath his butt.

“Awwwwww, Baby Jackson has a stiffie,” Joey noted. Jackson’s cheeks turned bright pink for the millionth time that night. “And he has a cute little bubble butt too!” Joey continued to coo.

“Diaper please!” Jackson said.

“Hold your horses, baby. I gotta wipe you down and powder you first.”

Joey grabbed the wipes and softly wiped the cool fabric over Jackson’s wet area. Jackson shivered at the contact, especially when Joey ran the wipe over his erect penis. Joey paid a little extra attention to it just for Jackson’s enjoyment.

“Does Baby Jackson like that?”

“Yes, Daddy!” Jackson moaned. Joey found that he was enjoying the situation more than he had expected. Jackson himself was cute with his still babyish face and bubble butt. Joey decided that he enjoyed this game of Daddy and Baby they were playing. He finished wiping off Jackson’s diaper area and moved on to the baby powder. After he had sprinkled a generous amount on Jackson, he grabbed the clean Goodnite, opened it up and slid it down Jackson’s raised legs and fitted it into place over Jackson’s groin.

“There. All done. You were a very good baby,” Joey said while Jackson propped himself up on his elbows. Joey now had a good full view of Jackson’s body. His shirt was slightly short and revealed the top edge of the Goodnite and a little of his toned stomach. He didn’t have any defined muscles yet, but he was well on his way to being a very sexy athlete. His diaper was bunched up around his legs and puffed out at the center, making him look very babyish.

“Ok Joey, now you gotta pee so I can change YOU!” Jackson taunted. Joey stuck his tongue out at him and said, “Yes, O Master of the Diaper-Universe!” Jackson laughed and tackled Joey. They rolled around and wrestled on the floor for a few minutes in just their t-shirts and diapers. Jackson could hear the soft crinkling of the Goodnites and he could feel the warmth from Joey’s body beneath him. He suddenly became aware of the blood rushing to his nether-regions as he lay pinned beneath Joey.

            “Uh oh. Does Baby Jackson have a stiffie again?” Joey asked as he felt Jackson stiffen beneath his crotch. Jackson squirmed harder and managed to roll Joey onto his back and pin him down.

            “Baby Jackson must like this,” Joey taunted. Jackson was blushing yet again. “Would Jackson like it if Daddy Joey did this?” he said, wrapping his arms around Jackson’s torso and locking his legs over Jackson’s diapered butt. He pulled Jackson closer to his body until he was almost choking him. Jackson looked up into Joey’s eyes and held his gaze. Joey never blinked. Jackson ran his tongue over the bottom of his lips softly. Joey cracked a slight smile before leaning up and closing the distance between their lips. Jackson pressed back lightly, enjoying the taste of Joey’s soft, pink lips.

He pulled back after a few moments and took a deep breath. ‘I just kissed one of my best friends…and he’s a GUY. But I REALLY liked it…’ Jackson thought. Joey pulled him back down for another kiss. Joey ran his tongue over Jackson’s lower lip, asking for entrance. Jackson happily obliged and parted his lips slightly. Their tongues ran against each other softly, fighting for dominance. Jackson won and ran his tongue over Joey’s lips and across his teeth, earning him a soft moan from the smaller boy. Jackson ran his hands over Joey’s body, caressing the flesh on Joey’s chest, concentrating around the nipples. Joey’s moans of pleasure grew louder and more needy. Both boys were breathing heavily when they pulled apart.

“Why’d you stop?” Joey pouted.

“Because I don’t wanna go any further. You’re not even gay Joey,” Jackson said.

“I don’t know what I am. I just made out with you and I really enjoyed it, so I guess I’m at least bisexual.”

“I liked kissing you too, Joey. But what would the team say if they found out we both like wearing diapers and we’re gay?” Jackson said.

“Who says they have to know? Now shut up and kiss me again.” Joey pulled Jackson down again for a quick kiss. Jackson pulled back and stood up and headed over to Joey’s bed.

“C’mon Joey,I’m tired. Get up here so we can snuggle and get some sleep.”

Jackson pulled back the covers and slipped into Joey’s bed and rolled over to face the wall. Joey rolled off the floor and padded over to the bed, flipping off the light on his way over. He slipped in and joined Jackson beneath the soft sheets and wrapped his arms around Jackson’s waist.

“So does this mean that you’ll be my boyfriend?” Jackson asked Joey.

“Yes, Jackson. I believe it does.” Joey said. He leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to Jackson’s lips before shutting his eyes. “Goodnight, sleep tight. Don’t let the bed bugs bite.” Jackson said as he drifted off to sleep.



Part III – In Which Joey Gets Changed

9:04 am.

Saturday, April 21st.


Joey awoke the next morning with a strange feeling across his chest. There was something heavy laying on him. He cracked open his eyes a bit and saw that it was Jackson’s arm draped over him. The events of last night all came rushing back in a flash. He had changed Jackson’s wet diaper and then made out with him. Jackson had even agreed to be his boyfriend. Joey felt his private areas perk up at the memory of kissing Jackson. It was also now that he felt the wetness that had seeped its way around his crotch. He reached his hand down and felt the front of his diaper squish. He had really flooded it while he slept. He checked Jackson’s diaper now, and noted with disappointment that it was dry.

            “Put your hand back down there,” Jackson said, rolling over to face Joey, a wide smile on his face.

            “Good morning Sunshine,” Joey said, leaning down to give his boyfriend a kiss. He liked that word – boyfriend. He hadn’t even thought much about his sexuality until last night after he had changed Jackson’s diaper. He had suddenly felt attracted to Jackson and had acted on it. He was certainly glad that he did too, since Jackson had kissed him back.

            “So are you wet?” Jackson asked him.

            “Yep, did that in my sleep. I see that you’re still dry, though.”

            “You know that you promised to let me change you last night, remember?”

            “Yeah, I remember. But I’m hungry right now. How about we get up and go get some grub?” Joey said. Jackson nodded and they both sat up and hopped out of bed. Jackson put back on his pajama pants in order to cover his Goodnite, but Joey’s mom had seen Joey in his Goodnites many times, so he left his pants off.

They walked into the kitchen to see the blinds open and the sunshine streaming inside in golden waves. Joey picked up a piece of paper from the counter and began to read: “Joey – I made you and Jackson some sandwiches for lunch. I went to work, will be home later. Love, Mom.”

Joey looked up at the clock and noted that it was indeed almost noon. He opened the refrigerator and pulled out two tinfoil wrapped sandwiches. After they ate, they headed back into Joey’s room and turned on the TV.

“It’s a beautiful day outside, what do ya say we go play a little ball?” Joey said.

Jackson nodded his agreement and began to pull out his jeans and shirt from his bag. He slipped off his pajamas and went to remove his Goodnite when Joey stopped him.

“Leave it on since it’s dry.”

 Jackson just slid his jeans on over his diaper and finished tying his shoes just as Joey finished getting dressed himself.

“Why’d you leave yours on? It’s already wet.” Jackson asked.

“I’m too lazy to take it off and put on another one right now.” Was the answer Joey gave.

Joey loaned Jackson his extra glove and they headed out into the backyard to toss a few balls back and forth. The sun was bearing down on them hard, and after about an hour of chasing balls all over the yard, Jackson removed his sweaty shirt. Joey’s found his eyes hungrily roaming Jackson’s sweating body and devoured every centimeter of exposed muscle.

“You look really good. It sucks that I’ve never noticed until now,” Joey commented.

“Why don’t you take yours off too? It’s sticking to you from all the sweat.”

While he was removing his shirt, Joey had a naughty idea. As soon as he got his shirt off, he made a point of letting Jackson see him unbutton his pants and slide them down too. He was left standing in just his wet Goodnite from the night before with the hot May sun bearing down on his bare back. Jackson raised an eyebrow at the show he was receiving but he certainly did look like he was enjoying the display. Joey winked at Jackson and threw the baseball back to him. Jackson caught it flawlessly and sent it sailing back.

While Joey was chasing the ball, Jackson took the opportunity while Joey’s back was turned to remove his own pants. Now he too was left standing in just his Goodnite. When Joey turned back around with the ball in his glove, Jackson was bent over in the catching position in just his unused diaper. Joey stared openly and smiled wide. It was about this time that Joey’s stomach began rumbling from lunch. He would be needing the bathroom soon and he knew it. But here he was outside with his new boyfriend, both of them wearing nothing but diapers…. And he had a standing promise to let Jackson change his diaper after he used it. ‘Ah, what the heck,’ Joey thought to himself. He tossed the ball back to Jackson and concentrated on not using his Goodnite just yet.

Jackson too was feeling some bladder pressure. He hadn’t wet himself while he slept, so that was a good indicator that he would soon need to pee. Maybe he could get Joey to change him again; that had been really enjoyable. He tossed the ball back to Joey and each time he did he felt the pressure in his bladder increase until he finally let go and flooded his Goodnite. Joey was busy chasing the ball while Jackson did this.

Joey was still feeling the contents of his bowels screaming for relief. He retrieved the ball and headed back within a good throwing distance to Jackson. Still holding his glove and baseball in hand, Joey squatted down and began to push. He felt his firm load press the back of his Goodnite taut while the poop expanded to fill the seat of his diaper. He felt his face scrunch up with the effort of pushing it out. He could hear a few muffled farts as his poop continued to fill his diaper. Joey looked up to see Jackson taking note of his position. He also felt his bladder release a small amount of pee which added to the wetness in the front of his Goodnite. As soon as he was done pooping his pants, he stood up and tossed the ball back to Jackson, who caught it deftly.

Jackson had been watching the entire time as Joey bent over and balled up his face. It didn’t take long for him to figure out that Joey was going poopy in his diaper.

“Did you just go poo poo in your diaper Joey?” Jackson cooed at him. Joey stuck his thumb in his mouth and looked down at his diaper then back at Jackson.

“Does Baby Joey need a change?” Jackson continued to coo. Joey nodded with his thumb still in his mouth. Jackson collected the ball and gloves and told Joey to go wait in his room. He went and retrieved the wipes and powder from the bathroom where Joey had left them and went back into Joey’s room to find his boyfriend sitting on the floor propped up on his elbows. His legs were spread apart, giving Jackson a full view of Joey’s wet crotch area.

            “Great, now you went and sat in your poop so I’m gonna have to work harder to get it off you.”

Joey’s grin widened while he continued to suck on his thumb like a real baby would.

            “Ok Baby Joey, lie down so I can change you.”

            Joey did as commanded and eagerly awaited his diaper change. Jackson began by ripping the sides of the Goodnite exactly as Joey had done the previous night. He slowly pulled down the front of Joey’s diaper, revealing Joey’s already erect penis and a very full diaper.

            “Uh oh! It looks like Baby Joey has a poo poo in his diapie! Wow, little Joey really pooped his pants FULL.” Jackson teased. “Now lift your legs up for daddy.”

            Joey lifted his legs while Jackson used the diaper to remove as much poop from Joey’s butt as he could. He balled up the Goodnite and set it off to the side before grabbing the wipes. Jackson wiped up Joey’s crotch well, giving Joey’s penis some extra attention. He would’ve given it more, but the mess still on Joey’s butt was calling to be cleaned. Jackson then wiped the remaining poop off Joey’s butt. He generously powdered Joey and rubbed it in.

            “Does Baby Joey want another Goodnite or big boy underwear?” Jackson asked.

            Joey pointed to the bag of Goodnites Jackson had brought along with the other supplies. Jackson put it on him and gave Joey and quick kiss on the lips and a pat on the butt.

            “There. All done, Mr. Poopie Butt.”

            Joey hugged Jackson tightly before moving his hand down to Jackson’s own soiled diaper.

            “Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that. You get to change me now,” Jackson giggled.

            They traded places and soon Joey had wiped, powdered and re-diapered Jackson.

            “Um, Jackson….we have a little problem,” Joey said.


            “That was the last Goodnite.”



Part IV – In Which the Boys Buy Diapers

2:51 pm.

Saturday, April 21st.


“Well, we’ll just have to go buy some more. I just got my allowance yesterday,” Jackson replied to Joey’s earlier statement about being out of Goodnites.

            “Yeah, I have some money too. Let’s get dressed and we’ll ride our bikes over to your place and get your money and then we’ll go shopping.”

            They both put their pants and t-shirts back on and headed out to the garage. Jackson had to ride Joey’s mom’s bike, but since he was about 3 inches taller than Joey, it was a decent fit. The ride took about 15 minutes to reach Jackson’s house. Both of his parents were out and they had taken his little brother with them, so no one was home.

            “I’ll grab a few of my Underjams while we’re here,” Jackson said.

            A few minutes later, they were back on their bikes, riding up to the CVS a few miles away. Jackson had brought a small backpack to hold the Underjams he brought from home and to carry the diapers they bought from the store in. They set their bikes up against the wall. Joey decided to keep an eye on the bikes while Jackson went in (since it was his money) and bought the diapers. Jackson agreed and went inside.

            A few minutes later, Jackson returned sporting a furious blush in his cheeks and two bags in his hands. He hastily put the bags into his backpack and mounted his bike for the ride home.

            “So what did you get exactly?” Joey asked Jackson as they rode home.

            Jackson gave him a playful wink and said only “a surprise - you’ll see when we get home”.

            They got back to Joey’s house and headed inside. His mother was still at work, so they still had the house to themselves. They turned on the TV in the living room and sat down together on the couch.

            “You’re killing me over here! Now show me this surprise!” Joey begged.

            “Not yet. I’m not gonna show you till you need a change,” Jackson teased.

            Joey wondered what on earth Jackson could’ve gotten, but judging by the twinkling in his eyes, it was something Joey would like. He concentrated all his thoughts on wetting himself so Jackson would change him again and show him the surprise. It didn’t take long before Joey managed to wet himself. He stuck his thumb in his mouth like he usually did when he used his diaper.

            Jackson took note of the fact that Joey had apparently used his Goodnite.

            “Does Baby Joey need a change?”

            Joey nodded to him with a grin on his face. “Ok, ok. Go on back to your room while I get the supplies,” Jackson instructed. After Joey and gone, Jackson unzipped his backpack and pulled out the two packs of youth Attends diapers that he had gotten. He relived the moment of embarrassment when he had to pay for them. He had gotten one pack for Joey and one pack for himself, and since he was taller, they would wear different sizes. The cashier had noticed this and had asked who the diapers were for. Jackson had no choice but to say himself and his little brother. On his way out the door, the cashier had teased him by saying, “Happy Wetting!”

            Joey opened up the pack meant for Joey and pulled out on the youth diaper. He ran his hands over the smooth plastic material. This was a true DIAPER, unlike the Goodnites and Underjams, which were more like padded briefs. He stopped at Joey’s bathroom and gathered the powder and the wipes before heading to the bedroom to an anxious and awaiting Joey, now wearing nothing but his wet diaper. Jackson was holding the diaper behind his back so Joey could not yet see it.

            “Ok, you know the drill. Lay back and spread your legs.”

Joey did this, and soon Jackson had removed the wet Goodnite, wiped and powdered him, and was now ready to unveil his grand surprise.

            “So, does Baby Joey want one of my Underjams or does he want his big boy underwear back?” Jackson taunted Joey. Joey inserted one thumb into his mouth and pointed to the Underjam. Then Jackson reached behind his back and pulled out the Attends Youth diaper.

            “And does Baby Joey want the Underjam or a nice comfy Attends?”

            Joey’s eyes opened to be as wide as dinner plates as he regarded the white glory of the Attends.

            “Baby wants dat one!” Joey said in baby talk, pointing at the youth diaper. Jackson smiled – he had hoped (and known) that Joey would choose that one. He lifted Joey’s legs back up and unfolded and positioned the diaper underneath Joey’s butt. He set him back down and folded up the front and carefully taped it on his boyfriend. These had been a good choice, Jackson thought. They fit Joey much better than the Goodnites, which were slightly tight in the waist and didn’t look like much more than a pair of fluffy briefs. The Attends rose up a bit higher on Joey and made him look twice as babyish. After he was done taping up the other side of the diaper, he helped Joey sit up and gave him a once over.

            “You look absolutely adorable in that…much better than those crappy Goodnites,” Jackson complimented. Joey ran his hands slowly over the diaper and felt the thick padding beneath his butt and crotch.  

            “Baby likes dese lots better too. Baby likes dis surprise!” Joey babbled in baby talk. “When is Baby Jackson gonna go in his diapee so Joey can change him?”

            “Well, now that you mention it, I do need to go.”

            Jackson stood up and spread his legs slightly. He was getting ready to go in his pants when Joey stopped him, “Nuh uh. Pants off.”

            Jackson took off his pants as Joey wished and resumed his stance with his legs spread. He felt his bladder release all its contents into the front of his diaper. Joey watched as it turned from white to a light yellow. Then Jackson squatted down farther and grunted. Joey moved around to get a better view. He saw the back of Jackson’s diaper poke out and adjust to hold the incoming load of poop. Jackson could feel the warm mushy poop spread over his butt. He liked the feeling. He finished wetting himself and pushed his poop out harder. He finished poopying himself and stood up to face a grinning Joey. Joey pulled him close and kissed him. Jackson was kissing him back when he felt Joey’s hands roaming his body. One of his hands made its way down to the lump poking out from Jackson’s butt and pressed down on the mushy load, spreading and smearing it all over Jackson’s butt.

            “Now it’s my turn to wipe poop off of YOUR messy butt!” Joey teased Jackson.

            Jackson assumed the position, lying on the floor while Joey retrieved another Attends from Jackson’s bag. Joey carefully ripped the sides of the Goodnite Jackson was wearing and pulled down the front.       
            “Baby Jackson made a big mess in his pants didn’t he?” Joey said.

            Joey carefully wiped Jackson’s butt until it as clean and free of poop residue. After powdering and taping an Attends on him, Joey helped him stand up. Jackson took a moment to admire his baby-ish body in the diaper on. He was still wearing a shirt, so he didn’t look quite as baby-ish as Joey. Joey gave him a pat on the butt and headed back into the living room in nothing but his diaper to watch some TV. Jackson followed him and they both snuggled on the couch until they heard the front door open.

“Boys! I’m home!”



Part V – In Which There is a Newcomer

4:39 pm.

Saturday, April 21st.


            “Oh crap! My mom’s home!” Joey whispered to Jackson.

            “Boys! Can you guys help me with the groceries?” Joey’s mother called out.

            Both boys flew off the couch and back towards Joey’s room. Jackson slid on a pair of pants in a flash and opened the door.

            “CLOSE THE DOOR! I’M NOT DRESSED!” Joey squealed.

            “Well, hurry up and get dressed. I’ll tell her you’re in the bathroom to buy you some time.”

            Jackson slipped out the door and closed it softly behind him. Joey was still struggling to slip on a pair of jeans over his diaper. He finally succeeded in zipping his pants and pulled a shirt over his head before zipping out the door to join Jackson and his mother.

            “Thank you boys. You guys were a great help,” his mother complimented after they had brought all the groceries in.

            “Yeah sure Mom. No problem,” Joey said. He had done his best to get the job done as quickly as possible because he swore his diaper was making the loudest crinkling sounds when he moved. He couldn’t hear Jackson’s, but he could hear his every twitch like an earthquake. He was terrified that his mom had heard it. He retreated to his room as soon as the job was done.

            “Geeeez, I thought she was gonna catch us for sure,” Joey whispered to Jackson once they were both back in the safe confines of his room.

            “Yeah, no kidding. I swore she could hear my diaper crinkling when I moved,” Jackson said.

            “Me too. I couldn’t hear yours at all, but I could hear mine really well.”

            “Maybe we should go camping or something tonight so we won’t get caught,” Joey suggested.

            “I like that idea. I’ll see if we can borrow my dad’s tent,” Jackson said.

            “Ok, I’ll talk to my mom and see if she’ll give us a ride.”

            “I should be heading home soon so I can pack,” Jackson said with a wink.

            “Ok. I’ll get mom to take you.”

            The ride back to Jackson’s house was calm, even though both boys dared not move any more than necessary. Joey’s mom agreed to the boys’ idea of going camping and also agreed to give them a ride to the campgrounds. They decided to meet back up at 6 o’clock.

            Jackson walked in the front door to his house and looked for his mom. She was in the laundry room folding clothes.         

            “So how was your night?” she asked.

            “It was awesome, you have no idea,” Jackson said. She really did have NO idea. “Actually, Joey and I were thinking of going camping tonight. I was thinking of borrowing Dad’s tent…”

            “That sounds like fun. Your dad won’t mind if you borrow the tent. Would you like me to pack you guys up some food or anything?” she asked.

            “That’d be really nice, thanks Mom!”

            Jackson set about gathering up supplies for their trip. He texted Joey and reminded him to bring the backpack full of diapers and supplies. Joey texted him back and asked if he minded if Joey invited another of their teammates, Eric. This was going to be so much fun, especially since Monday was some other worthless holiday from school.

“How are we gonna hide the diapers?” Jackson asked.

“I don’t know, we’ll figure something out.” Joey texted back. Jackson then packed up a flashlight, sleeping bags and bug spray before helping his mom pack up some food.

            Precisely at 6, Joey knocked on the door. Everything was packed up into the car and they drove off to the campsite.

            “Eric is meeting us here,” Joey said once they were at the campsite.

            “Ok cool. But Joey, what about the diapers? Surely we aren’t just gonna change in front of him?”

            “Why not? Eric’s a cool guy, he won’t care.”

            “I dunno Joey. I’m not sure I wanna do all that in front of him.” Jackson said. “And what about US? I won’t get to make out with you or anything with him around.”

            Joey didn’t respond. He had been working on setting up the tent and was almost finished now. Jackson started on building a fire. After he got that going, he stopped and wet his diaper.

            “Hey Joey, can you change me really quick? I’m wet,” Jackson asked.

            “Yeah, I’m in need of a change too.”

            They pulled out the diapering supplies and Joey went about changing Jackson. He untapped the Attends diaper and pulled down the front, revealing Jackson’s boy parts. He got out the wipes and cleaned Jackson up very well. Joey gave some extra attention to Jackson’s penis, causing the taller boy to moan. Joey finished playing with Jackson and finished taping another diaper on him.

            “Ok, my turn now,” Joey said.

            Jackson changed Joey’s diaper just like Joey had done his, playing with Joey Jr. and then putting a clean diaper on Joey. Just as he was finishing, Eric arrived with his bag.

            “Hey Eric. Sup dude?” Joey said.

            “Oh nothing. What’s for dinner, I’m starving!” Eric said. As if on cue, his stomach gave a loud growl. Everyone laughed while Jackson went to fetch the food from the cooler his mom had packed. Jackson started cooking some hamburgers on a small skillet.

            “Why don’t you go set your stuff in the tent?” Joey said to Eric. Eric nodded and went inside for a minute. He came out holding one of Joey’s diapers.

            “Hey…um….Joey? This was in the tent,” Eric said, confused.

            “Oh I know. It’s mine,” Joey replied. Eric gave him a confused look. “Here, let me explain. I have a bedwetting issue and I wear diapers because of it. I really like wearing them, so I just wear them whenever I want now.”

            “Oh ok. It’s cool with me, I was just confused about why they were in the tent. Wait, does Jackson know?” Eric whispered.

            “Of course he knows. He was changing me a few minutes ago…he probably forgot to put all the stuff away, so you ended up finding it.”

            “Does he wear them too? There were A LOT of diapers in there for just one person.”

            “Yep he does,” Joey said with a grin.

            “Yes I do what?” Jackson hollered.

            “Wear diapers and go potty in your pants!” Joey teased.

            “Shut up Joey. You do it too!”

            “Wow…you guys are something else,” Eric commented.

            “You wanna wear one too, Eric?” Joey asked. “They’re actually pretty comfy and unless you want to have to go poop in the woods with the bugs and the wild animals, they’re really convenient!”

            “You poop in it too?” Eric said, wide eyed.

            “Sure, why not?” Joey replied.

            “I suppose I should just wear one…I’ll feel really out of place if I didn’t…”

            “Ok, come with me,” Joey instructed. He led the tall 5’9 Eric into the tent and instructed him to lie down on the floor of the tent.

            “Ok, I’m gonna need you to take off your pants.”

            Eric slid off his navy blue gym shorts to reveal his white Fruit of the Loom briefs. Joey giggled and gave Eric a good once over. Eric was good looking too, but still not as cute as Jackson.

            “You gotta take those off too Eric.”

            While Eric was removing his briefs, Joey turned around and pulled out the baby powder and an Attends diaper. When he turned back towards Eric, the larger boy had tossed his underwear aside. He was clearly embarrassed and was covering his penis with his hands. Joey laughed and moved them aside so he could sprinkle the baby powder on Eric. Within minutes, Eric was diapered and ready for a night full of fun. Eric was about to put his pants on over his diaper when Joey stopped him.

            “Leave them off.”

            “But you guys still have your pants on,” Eric said.

            “Not for long,” Joey replied. He then unzipped and took off his pants, leaving him standing in only his t-shirt and diaper.

            “Dinner’s ready!!” Jackson hollered from outside.

            Eric and Joey headed back outside the tent see a stunned Jackson staring at them in their exposed diapers. “You guys are just gonna go around like that all night?” Jackson asked them.

            “I have no idea, but right now, I’m starving!” Eric said.

            They ate quickly, and soon Jackson was also without pants and in just his diaper and a shirt. As it began to get dark, they retired to the tent for the night. Eric pulled out a deck of cards, so the three boys all played a few hands of Go Fish.

            “Um…Joey…I kinda need to pee,” Eric said.

            “Well, that diaper is taped on. It’s there for you to use, so just go in your pants.”

            Jackson and Joey looked on with interest while Eric set his cards down for a moment while he concentrated on peeing his diaper. It slowly turned from pure white to a solid yellow. Eric grinned widely. “This feels soo weird, but soo cool at the same time!”

            “How about we play some poker?” Jackson suggested.

            The other guys agreed and soon they were dealing out hands.

            “Ooh! Let’s play strip poker!” Joey said.

            “Um…one problem Joey. We’re all wearing a diaper…and those don’t come off very easily…” Jackson reminded him.

            “Point taken. I’ll think of something later.”

            Everyone heard a small fart sound. Jackson flushed and shifted a bit. Soon a strong smell was present in the tent. 

            “Did Baby Jackson go poopie in his diaper?”

            “Maybeeeeee!” Jackson giggled.

            “OK lay down, I’ll change you.” Joey said.

            After Joey changed Jackson, he moved on to Eric. “Alright Eric. Your turn.”

            Eric also lied down and awaited his diaper change. Joey had just un-taped the sides of the wet diaper when Eric said, “Don’t pull it down yet. Just hold it there, I gotta poop.”

            “Couldn’t you have done that BEFORE I had your diaper halfway off you?”

            “Nope!” Eric grinned.

            Joey was left holding Eric’s diaper in place with his hands while Eric pushed his poop out into his diaper. Jackson watched while the back of Eric’s diaper bulged out while he pooped.

            “Ok all done!” Eric said after he finished messing his pants. Joey finally pulled the diaper all the way down and cleaned Eric up.

            “That was the first time in 15 years that I’ve pooped in my pants, but it was way cool!” Eric commented after Joey had finished taping a clean diaper on him.

            “Ok, now it’s my turn!” Joey said. He was then observed making strained expressions while he too pooped in his diaper. Joey’s poop was slightly runny this time, and came out much easier that he had expected. He felt the warm, wet squishy mess fill the seat of his diaper and spread all over his butt and up to his balls. He farted a few times while he was messing himself and he also peed a good bit.

            He stuck his thumb in his mouth, as was his trademark when he needed a change.

            “Ok, so who’s gonna change me now?” he asked.



Part VI – In Which There is a Tickle Attack

1:35 am.

Sunday, April 22nd.


            After Jackson finished changing Joey’s diaper, he pulled the smaller boy up and wrapped him in a tight hug. Eric had gone outside to tend the fire and ensure that it was snuffed out enough that it wouldn’t start a forest fire. Jackson snuck a quick kiss from Joey before Eric returned.

            With all the lights turned off and all the talking ceased, the sounds of the forest crept in upon the boys. Eric had returned to the tent and removed his shirt. All the workouts and practice had done wonders for his body and Jackson caught himself staring. Here was a boy with a clearly defined six pack and an adorable trail of hair going southwards from his navel leading Jackson’s eyes down to the top edge of a white diaper. Jackson found a more beautiful sight to be difficult to imagine. Eric gave one final stretch and a yawn before sliding into his sleeping bag. Joey was already sound asleep and beginning to snore slightly. Jackson also climbed into his sleeping bag and rolled over and closed his eyes.


8:46 am.

Sunday, April 22nd.


Morning came soon enough for the three boys. The sounds of nature failed to wake the sleeping beasts that were Eric and Joey, but Jackson’s biological clock never failed him. He awoke early and slid out of his sleeping bag and got dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. While his mind struggled to wake up, he noted the smell of everyone’s diapers. The tent stank of urine and poop from last night’s activities.

“There’s nothing like the smell of a full diaper to wake you up in the morning,” Jackson thought. He headed outside to begin making breakfast for himself and his fellow diaperboys.

He rekindled the small pile of ashes left from the fire last night and built a new fire. Following that, he proceeded to cook. The smell of bacon was enough to rouse the other two boys. While they were fumbling around in the tent to get dressed, a small sound caught Jackson’s attention. He turned around to see two large black eyes staring at him from near the pile of food. The eyes blinked and the critter made some squeaking sound. Jackson yelped loudly and wet himself in fright.

            “Shoo, you ol’ rotten raccoon! SCRAM!” Jackson shooed. The raccoon took off into the woods making the same squeaking sound. Moments later, Joey and Eric stumbled out of the tent half dressed.

            “What the hell is wrong?!” Joey asked.

            “Sorry guys…Raccoon scared the piss out of me…literally,” Jackson said with a glance downwards towards his bulging crotch.

            “Let’s eat first. I’m hungry and that bacon smells mighty good. Then we’ll change and make plans for the day.” Joey said. Eric nodded his approval and rubbed sleep from his eyes.

            Breakfast was quick and soon, the boys were back in the tent pulling out the diapering supplies. In their haste to see what had spooked Jackson, Joey and Eric had neglected to check their diapers. Jackson went first since his was freshly soiled. Joey untagged the tapes and pulled it down, exposing Jackson’s adorable bubble butt and balls – and the stinking, poopy mess that was inside.

            “Dude, you pooped on yourself too. That raccoon must’ve REALLY scared you,” Eric commented.           

            “Really? I didn’t know I had messed my diaper. I knew I smelled someone this morning, but it might’ve been myself,” Jackson said.

            Joey wiped him down slowly, clearly wanting Jackson to enjoy the attention as much as possible without giving Eric any clue that they were flirting. Joey’s hands worked extra lovingly around Jackson’s butthole and penis, eliciting a soft moan from Jackson.

            “Baby Jackson must really like that,” Joey grinned. He gave Jackson a quick wink before pulling out a fresh diaper and placing it under Jackson’s butt. Jackson let out a very baby-ish giggle when Joey was fastening the tapes. He kicked his legs slightly like a real baby would and stuck his thumb in his mouth. Joey smiled and pulled Jackson up to his body in a tight bear hug.

            “My baby boy is just too cute,” Joey whispered in his ear.

            After Jackson was done, Eric took his place lying on the floor and sliding down his pants. On the outside, it didn’t appear to have been used at all.

            “Do you even need to be changed?” Joey asked. Eric sat up and felt the front of his diaper and ruled it to be dry. Joey reached back and pulled back the rear elastic waistband to check if Eric had pooped. Again, it was clean.

            “You must’ve just wanted me to play with your nuts too,” Joey teased Eric. Eric’s violent blush was all the response Joey got. Eric and Joey traded places so Joey could be changed. His diaper was a dark yellow and clearly needed to be changed. Eric opened up Joey’s diaper and discovered only wetness.

            “Awwww, Little Joey didn’t go poopy on himself?” Eric teased. Joey’s innocent gesture of sucking on his thumb prompted him to continue the diaper change, which was soon completed. Everyone put back on their clothes and went outside to sit around the fire for a bit.

            Jackson suggested walking down to the nature trail and going for a hike through the woods.

            “There’s a tall lookout post down the path with an awesome view out over the river,” he said. The other two boys agreed and they set out. Joey called his mom while they walked, letting her know that they would be away from the campsite for a little while. The boys soon reached the entrance to the trail and began the trek.

            After about twenty minutes, Eric’s stomach began to rumble. He hadn’t taken his morning piss and his bowels were ready for relief too. Realizing that no one had thought to carry the diaper bag with them, he put all thoughts of using the bathroom out of his mind and continued walking. Joey and Jackson were talking animatedly about something or other. They were perhaps a mile down the trial in the heart of the woods. The trees here were tall and bushy, blocking out entire patches of sunlight. The canopy looked like someone had shot holes in it in random places, with shafts of sunlight piercing the shadows here and there. Abruptly, Joey stopped and looked around.

            “Did you guys hear that?” he asked.

            “Hear what?”

            “That sound. It sounded like footsteps back in the trees.”

“All I hear are the birds and the bugs,” Eric said.

“Hm…I must be hearing things,” Joey said.

            They continued along for a bit longer before Joey stopped again and motioned for the others to be quiet.

            “I swear I keep hearing sounds like we’re being followed.”

            “Dude, you’re just being paranoid. The lookout post is only a couple hundred yards away. When we get there, we’ll climb up it and if someone is following us, then we’ll be able to see them,” Jackson said. That seemed to comfort Joey for a moment, but the sweat on his brow said otherwise. They continued along with Joey constantly glancing over his shoulder. Soon the sunlight became brighter and the boys found themselves out of the woods and next to the river and the lookout post. It was a simple wooden tower built with a ladder that extended up to the third floor. Joey raced up to the top, followed closely by Jackson and Eric. They spent about half an hour watching the river birds and the clouds go by. Eric was having a harder time keeping his need for the bathroom out of his mind, but the others gave no indication of their needs.

            “Perhaps, they’ve just gone in their diapers,” Eric thought.

            Joey checked his watch, finding to already be mid-afternoon. The hike had taken longer than he’d realized.

            “It’s getting kinda late guys. I think we’d better head back towards the camp unless we wanna get stuck out here after sunset,” he said. The others began climbing down the ladder and making their way back towards the camp. Joey again felt the sensation of being watched but tried to suppress the feeling. He found that he couldn’t. Every single sound caused him to jump. The distinct sound of a twig snapping underfoot finally caused Joey to order the others to stop.

            “Please tell me you heard that?” he squeaked.

            “No, Joey. I didn’t hear anything. Just the birds out here singing,” Eric said.

            “What birds?”

            Joey’s statement caught Eric off guard. He stood still and listened to his surroundings, noting that Joey was right. There were no birds singing at all. The only sounds were the sounds of three boys breathing. Jackson also had begun to scan the area with his eyes. Nothing moved nor made any noise. The silence weighed heavily on the boys’ minds.


            The sound of the twig breaking again caused all Eric and Joey to jump. Jackson’s laughter caused them to shoot glares at the spot where he stood holding a broken twig in his hands.

            “I got you guys good just then!” he guffawed.

            “Dude, that’s not funny. You really had me freaked out,” Joey seethed. He was furious that his boyfriend would play such a nasty trick on him. Jackson tossed the twig aside and kept going. Joey and Eric’s eyes bored holes in his back.

            “Guys, I gotta stop for a bit. I need to go to the bathroom,” Eric said. The other two boys stopped and watched as Eric unzipped his shorts and slid them down to his ankles, exposing his diaper completely. He squatted down and began pushing for relief. The seat of his diaper expanded and the look of relief on Eric’s face was evident. He let out a long stream of pee that he had been holding for a good while. As he stood back up, he slid his shorts back up and felt them catch on the new lump in the back of his diaper. He zipped and buttoned his pants, compressing the poop into his butt crack and smearing it around in his diaper. The feeling was pure bliss to the tall boy.

            Jackson had also decided it was potty time and had also pulled his jeans down to his ankles while he squatted to push out his own load. Joey had been put in a pleasurable situation – he had two hot boys on either side of him wearing and pooping their diapers. His eyes traveled back and forth between the two while they unloaded into their pants. His attention was diverted from the heavenly sight when he once again heard the sound of a footstep crunching the underbrush. His ears perked up and he searched the trees for any hint of movement. Jackson and Eric were too busy soiling themselves to notice the sound. He heard it again, closer this time. Whatever it was, it was getting closer.

            Jackson had just begun to pee himself when a small rock landed in the dirt at his feet. His eyes widened in surprise and he let out both a loud scream and a loud, wet fart. He looked up, trying to figure out who was the wise guy. Eric was still hunched over pissing his diaper and Joey was looking around for something. A small bit of movement caught Jackson’s eye behind Joey. It was a rapid motion from a good ways away, but the sound everyone heard was on the other side of the path. Everyone’s attention was suddenly diverted to the opposite direction. Jackson was just finishing peeing himself and pulling up his pants when he caught more movement out of the corner of his eye. It was a large figure, hunched over wearing a full camouflage jacket and pants. The figured was creeping up on Joey when Jackson spotted him. He opened his mouth to warn him, but it was too late.

            “BOO!” the figure yelled right behind Joey.

            Joey’s resulting scream was loud enough to wake the dead. “Well, his diaper definitely just filled up,” Jackson thought. Eric had tripped and fallen on his butt when Joey screamed. His face clearly showed the awkward expression of a boy who just sat in a large load of poop. He stood and adjusted the back of his pants to make himself as comfortable as he could until they had a chance to change.

Joey was now facing their attacker, who had pulled back the hood of his camo jacket to show his face.

            “TREVOR!! YOU LITTLE SON A BI-“ Joey yelled before Trevor’s laughter drowned him out.

            “Dude, I scared you guys good!” the newcomer said.

            “What the hell Trevor?!” Eric squeaked.

            “I called Joey’s house to see what was up and his mom said you guys were out here. She said you had gone down the hiking path for a bit so I tried to catch up. When I did, I heard Joey keep asking if someone was following you, so I decided to see how long I could keep you guys going,” Trevor explained. “Speaking of explaining, what’s with the diapers? I try to sneak up on you, and instead I see you guys sitting here shitting yourselves.”

            Joey took the liberty of being group spokesman. “Well, Trevor…we like wearing diapers and using them because we like the feeling of a wet diaper between our legs. It’s just a personal comfort.”

            “Oh I see. The big bad baseball players have a diaper fetish,” Trevor snickered.

            “If you want to look at it that way, then yes,” Joey said.

            “Well, it’s getting dark and it smells like you guys need a change. How far is it to your camp?” Trevor asked.

            The rest of the walk back to camp was quiet. Joey had peed his diaper while they walked, and Jackson and Eric were already both wet and poopy. When they got back to camp, Trevor was told to get dinner going while the other three boys cleaned up. They disappeared into the tent, leaving Trevor alone to his thoughts. Soon the Jackson and Eric emerged from the tent in clean diapers and t-shirts. Trevor’s raised eyebrow was all that was said. Jackson smiled at Trevor and winked.

            “TREVOR!! GET IN HERE!” Joey called from inside the tent.

            Trevor’s curiosity was piqued and he poked head into the tent. Jackson gave his butt a good shove and he tumbled through the entry flap and into Joey’s diapered lap. His nose poked the plastic of Joey’s disposable Attends diaper.

            “Your turn, you little shithead.”

            Trevor tried to struggle, but Joey called for Jackson and Eric to help. Trevor was no match for the combined strength of all three and soon found his pants removed, and his briefs showing. Joey had a dangerously mischievous glint in his eyes. He lunged forward at Trevor and violently tickled the boy on his sides. Trevor’s laughter was too much for him and he was soon begging for mercy lest he pee his pants.

            “But Trevor, we all pee in our pants. Now it’s your turn,” Joey scolded.

            The tickle attack continued and Trevor’s white briefs soon began to change color from white to yellow. Joey expertly stuck a diaper underneath Trevor’s butt and quickly had it taped up and sealed on Trevor without removing his briefs. Trevor didn’t notice a thing while Jackson and Eric tickled him. When they finally quit and Trevor regained his wits, he was sitting there in an already wet diaper with three hysterically giggling diaper boys all around.

            “Well it looks like you guys got me too…you know what they say: If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”



Part VII – Where There Is A Discovery


10:22 am.

Monday, April 23rd.


“So how was your trip guys?” Jackson’s mom asked the boys when she came to pick up the boys the next morning. They finished loading the camping gear into the back of her car and climbed into the back seat.

“It was great fun!” they both chorused. Joey turned to Jackson and winked at him. He slipped his hand into Jackson’s and shifted his body so that their entwined fingers were hidden from his mother’s view.

Earlier that morning, the boys had broke camp and packed up. Trevor headed out early after being having his wet diaper removed and getting his pants back. His house was close by so he was able to walk. Eric’s dad had loaned him the truck for the trip, so after he changed his diaper (and borrowed a few more for later use), he head out too. Jackson and Joey finished cleaning everything up and sat around the campfire talking until Jackson’s mom showed up.

They soon reached Joey’s house and dropped him off. Jackson and his mom headed home for some rest a relaxation before school the next day. As Jackson was unloading the trunk of the car, his mom swore she noticed a white bit of plastic sticking up from his underwear when he bent over. She had also noticed a slight urine smell that followed Jackson around.

A few hours later, her curiosity couldn’t take it any longer. Jackson was sitting on the couch watching television when she decided to approach him.

Jackson, I need to ask you something,” she said to her son.

“Sure, mom. What’s up?”

“Have you been having issues with your bedwetting? Your room smells like pee and I noticed that a good bit of your Underjams have disappeared in the last week...”

Jackson winced when she mentioned the smell of his room. He had noticed it instantly; he had forgotten to slip his wet pants from Friday morning into the laundry basket. He winced even harder when she mentioned the missing Underjams. He remembered nabbing a few extra for when he was over at Joey’s. In his nervousness at being confronted by his mom, he shifted a little bit and let out a small bit of pee into the diaper he was currently wearing. His discomfort with the subject must’ve been obvious to his mother. She knew the sound of a plastic diaper rustling when she heard it – and she had definitely heard it when Jackson had moved just then.

“You know you can tell me anything, right dear? I’ll always love you no matter what,” she said.

“Yea, I know mom.”

“Then do you mind telling me why you’re wearing a diaper right now?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Jackson’s blush was all the confirmation she needed that she had been right about the sound.

“Um…uh…I-uh- I- okay, fine. I’m wearing a diaper. So what?” Jackson stuttered.

“It’s okay Jackson. I really don’t care too much. It’s just a bit of a shock for a mother to have to ask her 16 year old why he’s wearing a diaper.”

“Well, if you don’t care, then what’s the big deal?”

“Honey, I only want you to be happy. If wearing a diaper is what you want to do, then I’m ok with that. Personally, I’d rather you boycott the bathroom than do drugs or something. It’s just gonna take a little getting used to…” she said.

“Um...ok. Thanks mom. You’re the best!” Jackson said, breathing a sigh of relief. He stood up and gave his mom a hug. She happily wrapped her arms around her little boy.

“Do you need to be changed at all? I don’t mind,” she asked.

“Well, now that you mention it…yea, I think I do,” he said with a grin and a blush.

His mom led him back to his room and had him lie on the bed. After telling Jackson to strip, she headed to the bathroom to retrieve another Underjam and a few supplies. When she returned, Jackson was lying on the bed with his pants around his ankles. To her surprise, the diaper he was wearing was not an Underjam. It was some type of disposable youth diaper.

Jackson, what are you wearing? That’s not an Underjam,” she asked.

“Oh yea. I forgot. Joey and I-“

“Wait. Hold on. JOEY wears diapers too?” she said.

“Oops. I probably wasn’t supposed to say that,” her son grinned.

“Anyways, what were you saying?”

“Joey and I were running out of Underjams, so we pooled our money and bought some real diapers.”

“I see. I also see that you aren’t shy about using your diapers.”

He didn’t know what to say to that. He just turned his eyes away and waited for his mother to change his diaper. He soon felt the tapes being pulled back and the front of his Attends was pulled down. He felt the cool moisture of a wipe clean up his crotch area. His cheeks burned with embarrassment at having his mother do this for him. He would have much preferred to have Joey do it.

“I don’t suppose you have some baby powder around do you?”

“Yea it’s in the backpack over there,” Jackson said, pointing toward the backpack he had taken camping.

“You mean you took that stuff camping with you?! Did Joey have to change you all weekend?” she asked with a giggle.

“Uh…yea and yea. We took them with us and yes, Joey changed me and I changed him.”

“Boys...” said his mom. She was digging around in the backpack and retrieving a new diaper and the bottle of powder. Finding both, she finished taping a clean diaper on Jackson and gave him a good swat on the butt as he stood up.

“Next time you need a change, come get me okay?”

“Okay mom.”

After she left his room, Jackson immediately ran for the phone and called Joey. When he answered, Jackson’s excited voice caught him by surprise.

“Dude, slow down. Now what happened?” Joey asked.

“My mom found out about the diapers and said it’s cool if I want to wear them. She even changed me!” Jackson’s excited voice squeaked.

“That’s great man. You’re so lucky…I used my last diaper a few hours ago and mom hasn’t had a chance to go buy more Goodnites yet. So I’m stuck using old briefs for now,” Joey pouted.

“Aw man that blows.”

“Yea…these don’t hold pee for nothing. They’re fine to poop in, but I can’t pee unless I want to just wet everything around me…ooh wait, speaking of poop…”

Jackson heard Joey making soft grunting sounds. He could just picture the back of Joey’s white briefs expanding to hold the incoming load of poop. He could also imagine Joey inserting his thumb into his mouth and giggling like a true toddler like he always did when he went potty on himself.

“Ok, all done,” Joey said. His voice had softened to a deeper timbre. His pleasure was clear.

“I wish I was there to see that,” Jackson said.

“Me too. I love it when you change me.”

“Yea, me too.”

“JOEY! IT’S TIME FOR BED!” Jackson heard Joey’s mom say in the background.

“Sorry man, I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow at school.”

After Joey hung up, Jackson reclined on his bed. He remembered he had a little homework to do, so he dug through his bookbag and retrieved his books and work and set about finishing. After a little while, Jackson felt the need to pee again. His mother had very plainly said that she was okay with his like of diapers, so he set his pen down and relaxed. His felt the familiar warmth and wetness flow around his crotch while he continued to wet his diaper. He also felt his bowels begin to empty on their own. The poop filled the back of his diaper. Jackson enjoyed the feeling of his diaper poking taut and the warm gushiness when he pooped his pants every time. He wondered how his mom would react to him pooping in his diapers, especially since he hadn’t planned to.

He took off his pajama pants and went downstairs to find his mom sitting on the couch. She raised an eyebrow at his bold gesture of wearing no pants over his diaper in the house. He obviously had used it and needed a change.

“Mommy, will you please change me?” he asked in a babyish voice. His mom found this to be too cute.

“Sure dear. Just go on up to your room and I’ll be there in just a second.”

Jackson returned to his room and stripped down to his diaper and a shirt. After pulling out his supplies, he waited patiently for his mother, but he didn’t have to wait long. His mother soon entered the room and set to work.

“Oh my, did my baby boy make a poopie for mommy?” she cooed.

Jackson giggled and kicked his legs slightly. His mom couldn’t help but admire her son. He was an athlete, and his body didn’t hide it. His toned tummy and firm thighs and arms cleverly disguised the little baby boy inside. She cleaned up her son and remembered how he used to be – small and tender. Now he just tall, toned and still tender. She expertly taped on a new diaper and hugged her son.

“Goodnight my baby.”



Part VIII – In Which There Is Cannon Fire


5:37 pm.

Friday, April 27th.


A week of school passed by quite quickly for the three boys. Baseball practice was uneventful since the official season had not started yet. Towards the end of the week, the three began discussing their plans for the weekend and their diaper desires. Since Jacksons’s mother was cool about him wanting to wear diapers, she had allowed him to wear them to school if he wished. He had only done this on Tuesday of that week – the day when they didn’t have ball practice. As much as he loved his diapers, he was not yet ready to flaunt it in front of the team.

Joey had been wearing a few pairs of briefs around all week, wishing he could be like Jackson and have the freedom to wear diapers as often as he pleased. Joey was fine with the multiple briefs set-up, at least until it came time to use them. Unlike Jackson, who could soil himself anywhere and anytime, Joey’s briefs were not very good at holding pee. It wasn’t a very good idea to poop in them either, as he quickly discovered. The smell managed to soak into all the layers and even if he hadn’t pooped himself, the scent lingered around him. Eric had been given a small stash of diapers at the end of the camping trip, but he had not used them yet. He wanted to save them until he could freely enjoy them to the fullest – which meant sometime with his two fellow diaper boys.

Friday finally arrived, and the boys were all excited. They had talked about several things they could do and hang out this weekend. Joey and Eric had their last class together – Civics. They had already talked to Jackson about going to see a movie later that night. Jackson had been happy at the idea of getting to spend some quality time with Joey. He was great pals with Eric too, but Eric wasn’t his boyfriend. The two had decided that soon they would need to tell Eric about that little detail, but for now, it could wait.

The last bell rang and all the kids bolted out of school, anxious to enjoy their short-lived freedom. All three met up at Jackson’s old Chevy truck and hopped up into the bed to talk about their plans.

“You guys still wanna go see a movie later?” Joey asked.

“Sure,” Eric piped. He and Joey continued discussing times and shows while Jackson fidgeted slightly.

Jackson? You okay? You got real quiet all of a sudden,” Joey said in concern.

“Oh yea, I’m fine…I just haven’t quite gotten used to wetting myself whenever. I have to concentrate to do it sometimes.”

Joey mouthed an ‘Oh’ and checked for a wet spot on Jackson’s khaki shorts. When there wasn’t one, he realized the obvious.

“You had a diaper on all day and didn’t tell us?” Eric asked.

“Well, yeah. I wear them almost all the time now, except on days we have practice,” Jackson said. As an extra measure, he unzipped the fly on his shorts and exposed a small sliver of the baby print border that rimmed the front of his diaper.

“Man, you suck. I’ve been stuck wearing old underwear and I can’t even use them,” Joey said.

“I haven’t done anything since the camping trip. I didn’t want to waste the stash you guys gave me,” Eric explained.

“Well, since we’re gonna be in a dark movie theatre tonight and since I hate missing parts of movies in the bathroom, I’m totally wearing one tonight,” Joey stated. Jackson nodded his agreement.

“I’d be wearing one anyways. I like mine too much.”

“Well, if both of you guys are gonna do it, then I might as well too,” Eric said.

“Why don’t you guys come over and we’ll get ready for later?” Jackson suggested.

Once the obligatory phone calls to parents had been made, Joey and Jackson climbed into the Chevy while Eric went over to his Honda Accord and started it up. They were all excited about tonight and couldn’t wait to get to get diapered…and changed in Jackson’s case.


5:47 pm.

Friday, April 27th.

            “So how was your day, love?” Joey asked Jackson once they were alone on the road towards Jackson’s place. He had been dying to have an intimate conversation, but it always seemed like Eric was around. Not to be misunderstood, Joey liked Eric a lot, but he still wanted a little bit of private time with Jackson.

            “It was fine. I’ve been nervous all day over the diaper, and I wouldn’t dare use it during class. Other than that, I had an awesome day. How about you?”

            “It was fine. I missed you though,” Joey said.

            “What? You’ve seen me all day?” Jackson asked in confusion. Joey reached over and linked their hands. Understanding dawned on Jackson and he blushed a light pink. His lopsided smile was just too cute for Joey, but if he leaned in for a kiss now, Jackson would quite possibly wreck…which did not seem like a good idea to Joey. So, against his wishes, he reined in his hormones.

            “Oh...one more thing. I’ve been meaning to tell you, but I wasn’t sure how you’d react,” Jackson said. Joey cocked up his eyebrow.

            “Okay, who is he? Do I know him?”

            “Oh no, silly. It’s not some other boy. I was going to tell you that my mom knows about you and the diaper thing,” Jackson said with a slight wince.

            “That’s IT?! I thought you were going to tell me that you had been screwing around with Eric or something. I totally couldn’t care less if your mom knows about the diapers. It was bound to happen eventually since she’s cool about you doing it,” Joey replied. Jackson smiled and lightly squeezed Joey’s hand as he breathed a sigh of relief.


6:03 pm.

Friday, April 27th.


They pulled up into Jackson’s driveway and soon were heading inside. Jackson’s mom was sitting on the couch watching a Lifetime movie when the boys entered.

            “Hi honey, how are you?” she said pleasantly. “And I see you have our other diaper-butt here too. Hi there Joey.”

            “Hi Mrs. Gardner.” Joey said sheepishly. He was sort of surprised by her boldness, but it really didn’t bother him much.

            “Please, Joey, call me Nancy – you know me well enough by now,” she continued, “Jackson, do you need to be changed? I know Joey does.”

            “Yes, if you don’t mind Mom. And what are you talking about? Joey isn’t wearing a diaper.”

            “I was talking about getting him INTO one,” Nancy said.

            “Well gosh, if your mom wants to diaper me like a real baby, that’s cool with me!” Joey laughed.

            Nancy shoo-ed the boys upstairs to Jackson’s room while she went and got the supplies. Joey stripped down to his shirt and briefs and waited. Jackson took off his shorts, revealing a white diaper with a slight yellow tinge to the front. Jackson’s mom returned soon and began setting out a changing mat.

            “Ok Jackson, you first.”

            “Can you do Joey first? I still need to poop.”

            “Sure dear. Joey – front and center,” Nancy said with a laugh. It wasn’t everyday that a mother got to see her 16 year old admit that he needed to crap his pants…much less in front of his best friend.

            While his mother worked on getting Joey into a diaper, Jackson worked on pushing out his load. He just spread his legs slightly and let go. Soon he felt the warm gushiness of sweet relief. Just as he was finishing pooping, his mom was taping up Joey’s diaper.

            “Okay, stinky. Your turn.”

            Jackson blushed and laid down to allow his mother to change his diaper.

            “Oh, one more thing Mom. Um, we have another one coming. You remember Eric?” Jackson said while his mother was wiping him up.

            “Tall boy from the ball team? That Eric? Sure I remember him.”

            “Well, he’s a diaper boy too. We were all gonna go to the movies tonight and since we all wanted to wear a diaper, I suggested we all come over here to get ready,” Jackson explained.

            “Good lord, how many of you guys are there?” Jackson’s mom asked. It was one thing for Jackson to actually admit his odd desire to her, his mother. It was something else for him to indulge in said guilty pleasure with his best friend, but for there to be three of them was another matter entirely.

            “He should be here soon, so if you don’t mind, he isn’t wearing a diaper either.”

            “No I don’t mind, I’m just shocked that you boys are so open with each other.”

            Jackson just giggled while she finished changing him, but the chime of the doorbell interrupted the moment. Joey hopped up and went to answer the door (in just his diaper and a shirt) while Jackson helped his mom dispose of his soiled diaper.

            Joey took a quick glance through the peephole to make sure it was Eric before he opened the door.

            “Hey dude, what took you so long to get here?” Joey said casually upon opening the door and showing Eric inside.

            “Traffic happened,” was Eric’s reply. His eyebrow raised once he finally took in Joey’s pantless state.

            “Go on upstairs, Jackson’s mom still has the diapering stuff out,” Joey instructed.

            Eric made his way upstairs and soon caught sight of Jackson returning to his room. Jackson showed him in and introduced him to his mother.

            “You too, huh?” she said. “I hear that my son and Joey have managed to corrupt you too.”

            Eric’s face was beet red now, but he nodded in agreement.

            “Alright, DiaperButt Number Three, strip and get down here so I can get you dressed properly.” Nancy told him. Eric did as he was told and soon he was wearing just a baby-print diaper and a t-shirt like the other two boys.

            He soon joined the others in the den where they were on the internet checking out movie times.

            After some deliberation, it was decided upon to go see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie.

            “It’s a good thing we’re all diapered, cuz that movie is almost three hours long,” Joey laughed.

            They had a few hours before the movie started, so they headed back to Jackson’s room and played video games to pass the time.

            “Are you boys hungry?” Jackson’s mother asked as she stuck her head in the door.

            “Yes mom!” Jackson said. He set his controller down and headed downstairs to the kitchen to get something for them to eat. There was a box of cold pizza left over from the night before, so he grabbed that and a few cans of soda before making his way back to his room.

            “Awesome man. I love pizza,” Eric commented. Pretty soon, there was nothing left – barely even a few crumbs. Eric soon felt nature calling, so he let loose and soaked his diaper. He could feel the warmth spread around his crotch and back towards his butt. It felt so good to him. He had forgotten about playing the game and the dreamy smile on his face keyed Jackson and Joey in on what was happening with their buddy. Soon enough, Joey too had wet himself. He stuck his thumb in his mouth and rolled onto his back, giggling and squirming just like a real toddler would. Jackson had a hard time not pouncing on him and kissing him, but he remembered Eric was there.

            “Boys, you guys need to be leaving soon or you’ll miss the movie!” Nancy hollered from downstairs.

            Jackson, do you mind if we change first? I don’t wanna be sitting in a theatre for three hours in a cold diaper,” Joey asked. Eric nodded his agreement. Jackson went and retrieved the diapering supplies and set to work on changing Eric. The tall boy lay down and placed his hands behind his head. He could feel Jackson undoing the tapes on his diaper and soon felt the front end fold away and a rush of cold air on his boy parts. Jackson quickly set to work wiping him down and giving a bit of attention to Eric’s sizable erection. A soft moan escaped Eric’s lips, and Joey shot his boyfriend a death glare. This prompted Jackson to stop playing around and finish up the diaper change.            

            “There. All done,” Jackson said, patting Eric on the butt as he rose up off the floor. Joey followed the same procedure and soon they were all dressed and headed out to Jackson’s truck.


8:35 pm.

Friday, April 27th.


            After getting tickets and snacks, they made their way towards the theatre. Eric, being the tall one, stumped his shoe on the carpeted floor and tripped. Amid the giggles from Joey and Jackson, the poor boy just stood up and brushed himself off.

            “You know…it’s a good thing you weren’t carrying any food,” Joey snickered.

            “Yeah well, I’d rather trip than be short!” Eric snapped.

            “Fix your pants man, your diaper is showing,” Jackson whispered.

            Eric glanced down and sure enough, a good bit of a white plastic waistband was sticking out. He adjusted his pants and ruffled his shirt, effectively hiding his diaper. The boys finally went and grabbed their seats as the previews were starting. The room wasn’t very full – the movie had been out for a few weeks already.

            About twenty minutes in, once the lights were all gone and Joey felt sure that everyone was paying more attention to the screen, he slid his hand over the arm rest that separated his and Jackson’s seats. Jackson glanced down, but quickly realized what was going on. Their hands found each other and they both felt the tingling sensation of intertwining their fingers. Eric was busy shoveling popcorn to notice anything between his two friends.            

            Not too soon after, Eric was feeling the need to pee from all that soda earlier. He relaxed and wet his diaper. Even in the dark room, he was worried that someone would be able to hear the slight sound the pee made as it flowed into the thirsty white material of the diaper. Luckily, not even Joey and Jackson glanced up at the sound. Eric was free to turn his attention back to the movie and enjoy that comforting warmth between his legs.

            After the movie, the trio all made their way back out to the truck, still reveling in the climax of the movie. The fighting had been fierce and but Joey argued that the lovey-dovey scene at the very end ruined it all. Jackson disagreed.

            “The love scene made it special. It gave them something to show for all that fighting.”

            “Geez Jackson, when did you suddenly become such a sappy woman?” Eric teased.

            Jackson blushed and stared at his feet. Joey wanted to say something to defend his boyfriend, but he didn’t know how to really do that and not give the game away just yet.

            “How about we all come to my place for the night?” Eric offered.

            “Sure, but we’d need to run back by my house to get your car and grab some stuff,” Jackson said with a wink.

            “Cool. Let’s go,” Eric grinned as they all piled into the Chevy and drove off.



Part IX – In Which a Heart is Warmed

11:46 pm.

Friday, April 27th.


Half an hour later, at a quarter til midnight, the boys finally pulled up in Eric’s driveway. Eric’s parents were already asleep, but Eric had called earlier to ask about the sleepover. They had agreed, but just asked that the boys keep the noise down.

            The boys all crept down the hallway of Eric’s single-story house to his converted garage bedroom. The room was left of the laundry room, and so it often smelled of fabric softener and detergent. The walls were a dingy white colour…whiter in some places where furniture had been before it became a bedroom. There were a few posters of baseball players on the walls, but no other decorations. Jackson set his backpack down on the floor and sat down on the edge of the double bed. Eric quietly closed his door and then went and retrieved the television remote control. He turned it on and started channel surfing for a bit.         

            “So how is everyone’s diaper doing?” Joey asked.

            “I’m dry still,” Jackson said.

            “Wet,” was Eric’s response.

            “Yea, me too,” Joey also said. He stood and unzipped his pants and slid them down and off, leaving him in just his yellow-tinged disposable diaper and a t-shirt. The other two boys followed suit.

            Eric had gone and fished an old Twister mat and spinner out from the family stash of board games. The boys had set up on the floor, with Eric and Joey on the mat in nothing but their diapers while Jackson spun the little dial.            

            “Right foot – yellow,” Jackson commanded. With much shuffling, squirming, and diaper crinkling, the task eventually was accomplished.

            “Left hand – blue.” Again, they obeyed.

            “Right hand – Green.”

            “Oh crap,” Joey said, twisting into a position that looked mighty painful. “Hold up a sec, Jackson,” he said. He squeezed his eyes shut and shuffled his position around a little bit, but not so much as to lose his balance. He was now nearly straddling Eric, who was spread-eagled beneath Joey. Again, Joey made a face and this time, let out a small grunt.

            “Oh god, are you pooping!?” Eric shrieked.

            Joey didn’t respond. Instead, he pushed harder and felt his poop fill the seat of his diaper and spread all over his butt.

            “Joey that is so gross. I could FEEL that!” Eric protested. “Get your smelly butt off my back!”

            Joey simply smiled and popped his thumb in his mouth, his “I-just-went-potty-in-my-pants” trademark. Jackson was nearly rolling on the floor laughing so hard at poor Eric’s situation. Joey only teased Eric further by lowering his body – and his poopy diaper – as close as he could to Eric’s back.

            “You know you liked it Eric. Quit squirming!” Joey taunted.

            Jackson flicked the spinner again and relayed the command. This time, it was Joey who ended up almost trapped beneath Eric. The smaller boy’s diaper was beginning to sag a little from the extra weight he had just added to it. Eric’s diapered crotch was now nearly at eye level with Joey. He found a comfortable position and everyone could hear the faint sound of pee soaking Eric’s diaper. His face relaxed into a dazed look. Joey only stared in wonder. Jackson noticed that Joey was now sporting a nice sized tent in the front of his diaper. The game continued for a few more turns full of odd positions and twisted limbs.   

            “Left foot – blue.” That was when Joey fell – right on top of Eric’s leg reaching for a blue dot. The sound of two diapers crinkling and a sickening squish sound reached Jackson’s ears while he watched Joey go down first, followed by Eric. Jackson had a hard time holding back the waves of laughter threatening to erupt.

            No one said anything for a minute or so, but then all hell broke loose as Jackson’s snickering became bellowing laughter. Joey and Eric son were rolling on the floor laughing. If it hadn’t been for the laughter, Jackson would’ve thought nothing of watching his two friends roll on the floor in their diapers like real toddlers. Now they were just adorable. Suddenly, Joey reared up and pounced on the still giggling Jackson and began to tickle him. Jackson struggled and attempted to throw Joey off him, only to be tickled even more by another set of hands – Eric.

            “Guys stop! Im gonna pee myself!” Jackson pleaded.

            “That’s the idea,” Joey said, increasing the volley of tickling and beginning to move his hands up and down Jackson’s sides for greater effect. Eric’s hands slid down to Jackson’s thighs and let loose a fury of tingling sensations that added to Jackson’s misery.

            “You know what you have to do!” Eric said.

            Jackson soon realized he had no chance of getting them to stop until he flooded his diaper. He tried to concentrate on wetting himself, but he couldn’t because of the other two boys. He tried harder and this time, he was able to open the floodgates and soak the entire seat of his diaper with warm pee. Joey was totally oblivious to Jackson’s wetting and was still lightly teasing Jackson’s sides. Eric had ceased his antics upon noticing the yellow wet spot growing on Jackson’s crotch. Eric felt his own wet diaper constrict around his hardening manhood. This feeling was new to him, but he still didn’t quite know what it meant. What would Jackson or Joey say if they knew he was getting turned on by Jackson using his diaper? He tried to push the thought out of his mind, but for now it was firmly rooted there. Joey had now felt the warmness of Jackson’s diaper and had ceased his tickle attack.

            Joey could feel the heavy load in his diaper slowly working its way up to his crotch and higher and higher in the back as he continued to horse around with his pals. He was in desperate need of a change, he knew. He still needed to pee, so he just closed his eyes and let it flow. His already overloaded diaper could barely take this kind of abuse, and started to leak. Jackson was already getting a good whiff of the poopy load in Joey’s diaper, but it was made many times worse when the pee began to leak out of the leg holes of Joey’s diaper and down onto his shirt.

            “EWW! JOEY, YOURE LEAKING ALL OVER ME!” Jackson shrieked in surprise. “Dear god, that smells awful!”

            Joey looked down and saw his current predicament. “Um…I hate to ask, but would one of you mind changing me?” He stood and let Jackson crawl out from underneath him. He then sat down on the floor and spread his legs wide open to give the other two a full view of his diaper, which was stained a dark brown all the way through.

            “I will if you let me have your shirt, since you got pee all over mine,” Jackson said.


            While Jackson dug all the supplies out of the overnight bag he had brought for himself and Joey, Eric went to retrieve a trash bag to dispose of the soiled diapers. He took a deep breath of air once he was out of his room, knowing that his room would reek of poop and baby powder by morning. It’s a good thing his parents would be gone by the time they got up in the morning.  

            As he returned to his room, the smell of Joey’s diaper permeated the air. Eric’s lungs burned from the foul smell when he entered his room with the trash bag. Jackson had already begun to change Joey, having untaped the sides of the diaper and folded it down. Eric again felt his dick begin to awaken at the sight of his two friends in the compromising position that is required to properly change a diaper. Joey lay on his back with his crotch thrust upwards towards Jackson’s midriff, while Jackson sat on his knees, with Joey’s sweetly toned thighs flanking him. Both boys were shirtless, Jackson due to getting pee on his and Joey because he was surrendering his to Jackson. Eric’s eyes drank in every detail of both boys’ toned physiques. Eric set the trash bag down near Jackson and circled around to get a view over Jackson’s shoulder of the action. Jackson was wiping the large amount of caked-on poop off of Joey’s butt with a gentle but practiced hand. It took six wipes to finally get all the poop off and for Jackson to wipe Joey’s crotch area clean as well. With the speed and precision of a mother, Jackson had oiled, powdered and slid a fresh, clean diaper under Joey’s butt and taped it up. Joey sat up on his haunches and put his thumb in his mouth and gave Jackson a small hug. Eric wished that were him in Joey’s position.

            “Anyone else need a change while I’ve got the stuff out?” Jackson said, looking at Eric.

            Without answering, Eric squatted and pushed the mess he had been holding all day out into his waiting diaper. The other boys watched with the same curiosity as if it were the first time any of them pooped themselves as the lump poked out and formed in the seat of Eric’s pants.

            Jackson patted the spot in front of him on the floor, motioning for Eric to sit down and get his diaper changed. While Eric was setting his tall frame down...and smearing the poop all over his butt, Jackson relaxed his muscles and pushed out his own load in his diaper. He knew the smell would be masked by the smells from Eric’s still freshly messed diaper and Joey’s still reeking one from a few minutes ago. Jackson’s position of sitting on his knees made it a little difficult to poop, but he got it all out. It squished all over his balls and butt crack, but Jackson only shivered in pleasure.

            Within a few moments, Jackson had changed Eric and had also been changed by Joey. It was already very late in the night and all three boys were nearly falling over with exhaustion. All three boys had stripped down to their diapers and crawled under the covers of Eric’s bed. It was a tight fit for three boys of their size, but none of them had a problem with the close quarters. Jackson and Joey were soon drifted off to sleep facing each other, diapers pressed up against one another. Eric had a little room to spread out since the other two were sharing such a small space. He rolled over on his back and places his hands behind his head on the pillow. His eyes scanned the popcorn ceiling, following invisible paths to nowhere while his mind was spinning in deep thought. How he wished he could be in Joey’s place – sharing those small intimate moments of loving bond with Jackson…being changed by him…snuggling with him in bed…how he longed to do other, more grown up things with the shorter boy. Eric smiled at the irony of that thought…boys in diapers doing naughty, adult things with each other. Eric shut his eyes for a moment and felt how heavy his eyelids were. He rolled back onto his side, facing Jackson’s back.     

            “Ah, what the hell?” he thought.

            He reached over and wrapped his arms around Jackson’s torso and snuggled closer.


9:31 am.

Saturday, April 28th.


            Jackson awoke in the morning with a feeling of security. He remembered in vivid detail the events of the night before and snuggled closer to the warmth that was enveloping him. The warmth tightened its grip. Jackson smiled and let out a soft purr of pleasure.

            “Now that is just too cute.”

            Jackson’s eyes snapped open at the sound of Joey’s voice. His eyes took in the tall, tanned frame that he was snuggling with. It most certainly was not Joey. “Oh shit…”

            “It’s okay Jackson, I think he’s a tad sweet on you anyway,” Joey said.

            Jackson slowly slid back over to Joey’s side of the bed and gave his boyfriend a quick kiss on the tip of his nose. Joey’s warm smile and oceanic blue eyes melted Jackson’s into Joey’s warm embrace. Eric was still sleeping soundly.

            “You know Joey, he is cute…but he isn’t you,” Jackson said.

            They both climbed out of the bed and Jackson noticed that Joey had wet himself sometime in the night. Jackson was a slight bit wet, but only just so. They slowly pulled back the sheets to get a view of Eric’s diaper. He was still dry and still sound asleep.

            Jackson and Joey covered Eric back up and pulled a pair of pajama pants over their diapers and turned on the television. Joey turned the volume down so as not to wake Eric.

            “That was an interesting night, eh?” Joey asked.

            “That doesn’t quite cover it, but yes,” was Jackson’s reply.

            Joey laughed.


4:42 pm.

Saturday, April 28th.


            That afternoon, after Jackson and Joey had gone home, Eric was sitting in front of his television with a Playstation controller in his hands. He was playing some game; he barely could remember which game or the controls for it, since his mind was too busy reliving the previous night and thinking about Jackson and the diapers. He hadn’t used the one he had changed into last night before going to sleep, so he hadn’t bothered to change out of it either, opting to only put on his shirt but leave his pants off. He still had a few spares to change into if he wanted to, but he was remembering how exquisite the feeling of Jackson putting this particular diaper on him had felt. The softness of the fabric against his oiled skin and the unusual gracefulness of Jackson’s rough athlete’s hands.

            He longed to know what it felt like to be Joey – the one that Jackson seemed to show an odd amount of affection for. This was all very confusing to Eric. He was an athlete, not a psychologist. He tried to get rid of these new and strange thoughts of Jackson. He did this by finally deciding to use his diaper. He set down the controller and resituated himself so that he was sitting not on his knees, but now flat on his butt. He spread his legs and lifted his shirt so he could have a good view. After he was situated comfortably, he urged his bladder to release its contents. He felt it obey his command, sending a warm stream of pee into his waiting diaper. It was a long piss, he had been holding it all day after all. He felt the warmth soak into his crotch and flow all around. He loved that feeling so much. It reminded him of his younger years, when all he had to worry about was making sure his mommy knew he was hungry or wanted his diaper changed. This thought sparked an idea in his mind – his mother had saved a lot of his old baby things, including his favorite pacifier.

            He checked the time, his mom would be home soon from work. He went down the hallway on the other end of the house and pulled down the stairs that led up into the family’s attic. He could feel the stale, hot air wafting down from above – there was no air conditioning up there. In the attic was all manner of oddities – his mother’s family photo albums, his father’s old insect collection (all dead, thank god. Eric hated bugs.), and Eric’s old baby items stored in an old wooden toy chest that had once belonged to his grandfather. Eric ascended the rickety ladder staircase and pulled on the chain that turns on the light. He finally spied the old toy chest and went over to it, kneeling to wipe the dust off the top. He could recall having it beneath the window in his bedroom as a young child. He ran his fingers over the smooth pine wood that made up the chest. It had a small headpiece carved in an undulating curve towards the center, creating a heart shape.

Reverie aside, Eric raised the lid of the box, hearing the rusty hinges groan in protest. Inside was a treasure trove Eric had not expected. He had only been looking for his old pacifier that had to be literally taken and hidden from him to finally break his addiction to it. Instead, there was a stack of cloth diapers, complete with a small box of heavy pins and plastic pants. Eric held up one of the diapers and noticed that there was still a very faint stain on the seat that the washing machine and the bleach had failed to entirely remove. Eric could imagine pooping his diaper and crying for his mommy to come change him. How he longed to repeat those days. This thought only reminded him of his original purpose for being up here. In addition, there was also a thick photo album of baby pictures. Eric smiled at that, but set it aside. He finally found his pacifier in a shoebox underneath the stack of cloth diapers. The shoebox held a few other mementos his mother had saved – a small lock of dark hair in a Ziplock bag, a Santa hat and pair of blue baby booties that were so small Eric could barely fit two fingers in the opening. Joy pulsed through Eric’s veins as he had up the old pacifier in his hands. It had Tigger on the front of it and it had been his favorite until the age of 5, when his parents had finally taken it away and hidden it to break his habit of sucking on it.

Still in just a wet disposable diaper and a blue t-shirt, Eric could almost hear a choir of angels singing as he popped the paci in his mouth and began to suck on it. A shiver went down Eric’s spine and he felt complete again. Another thought struck him, and he unfolded one of the cloth diapers. It actually appeared big enough to still fit. Gathering up the stack of diapers and the box of pins and plastic pants, he closed the toy box and climbed down the ladder to the cool refreshing air of the hallway. He trekked back to his room with his prizes tucked under his arm and carefully set out the items on his floor. Giving one last push to empty his bladder, Eric ripped off the tapes of his disposable diaper and removed it. Rolling it up and taping up the sides, he put in the trash can in the corner of the room. Now turning his attention back to the cloth diapers on the floor, he picked up two in a stack and held them up to see if they could possibly still fit. To his utter amazement, they probably would. It would be a tight fit, but Eric thought he could manage it. He set a stack of the diapers together and sat down on them, but remembered that cloth diapers must be folded a certain way to be most effective. He quickly used his laptop to Google the proper folding method, and soon had a stack of three cloth diapers folded and ready to be pinned on his butt. He sat down on the stack and pulled the innermost diaper snug against his side and pinned it on. He repeated this step until he had all three diapers securely fastened around him. It was a different feeling from the plastic-backed disposables, but it was just as enjoyable as those. It was definitely a tight fit, but once he moved around a bit, they would loosen up Eric figured. He slid a clear pair of plastic pants up his tender legs and made sure that there were no exposed edges of the cloth fabric hanging out of the elastic leg cuffs.

Eric tried to stand up but the snugness made even that simple task slightly awkward. He adjusted the diapers to make it more comfortable and then went back to his stash of treasures from the toy box. He sucked on his paci and flipped through the old photo album. About halfway through the album, a small photo caught his eye. The picture showed a small baby boy wearing nothing but cloth diapers and sucking on the very same pacifier Eric had in his mouth. The boy was lying on his back in a crib, with his arms reaching out as if begging to be picked up. Whomever had taken the photograph must have done so around nap time. Eric smiled around his paci at the image of himself all those years ago – so small and innocent. He desperately wished everything was that simple again.

            Closing the photo album, Eric laid down on his double bed, staring at the ceiling, deep in thought. He stripped off his shirt, leaving him in exactly the same outfit he had been wearing (back when it fit nicely) when the picture had been taken. He retrieved his digital camera and went back to the bed. He laid on his back, knees bent and both arms outstretched. He carefully zoomed out on the camera and held it out at arm’s length and snapped a new picture, almost exactly identical to the original.

            A short while later, Eric had printed a copy of the new photo and compared his work to the older photo. It was amazing how the years had changed him; he now had a toned tummy and a decent tan. Dark hair stood out against his golden skin and of course, his diapers looked just a tad bit tighter around the crotch. A major difference Eric noticed was that the younger him was wearing wet diapers in the picture.

            “That can be fixed,” Eric thought as he released his bladder. Warmth flowed around his groin, while a different kind of warmth heated his heart because he realized that the only difference in the boy in the photographs was physical. He was still a young boy who loved his diapers at heart.          

            Eric’s reverie was interrupted by the chiming sound of his cell phone ringing. He set both the pictures down at the computer desk and waddled off to his room to answer the phone.

            A few minutes later, while Eric was still in his room occupied with the phone call, his mother returned home from work. After setting down her purse and keys, she passed through the living room and saw the open doors of the computer armoire. Moving to close them, she spotted the two photographs side by side and picked them up. She remembered the day she took the first one – Eric had been almost 3 and had been just waking up from a nap. She eyed the second picture. It was very similar to the older version – same pose, exact same outfit. She read the digital date in the bottom corner of the picture – IT HAD ONLY BEEN TAKEN AN HOUR AGO! Eric’s mother felt herself smile…Eric had always been a kid at heart and now she had proof. If that was what Eric wanted to be happy, then she was perfectly fine with it. She missed her baby boy.



Part X – In Which it Feels Like the First Time

6 Weeks Later


10:21 am.

Monday, June 11th


Monday morning came too soon for Jackson. He rose and completed his morning routine, deciding that today would be a great day to take Joey to the Picnic in the Park event downtown. Jackson remembered fondly going a few years back with his mom.

It had been a bright sunny day in the South. There were all sorts of people spreading out brightly coloured blankets, some more tasteful than others, and setting up family picnics to enjoy in the fresh summer air. Jackson had been only 12 at the time, and if he recalled correctly, still just as much of a baby then as he was now. He had been guzzling lemonade all day and eventually, it had gotten to him. Being to chicken to go and piss on a tree out of sight, Jackson had crossed his legs and squirmed before deciding that maybe he should go see about a Port-A-John. Well, there had been a long line for those too, and Jackson was desperate. He ran back to his mother but couldn’t make it in time. He had wet his pants.

            The Jackson of the present time smirked at that memory. He had always been a big baby that needed his diapers, then and now. After having spent almost 2 full months in diapers, Jackson was beginning to realize just how much they meant to him. He was pretty emotionally attached now – his mom had tried to discourage his wearing them full time…perhaps only on the weekends, she had said. Jackson had ignored her protests and enjoyed the benefits of his diapers all the time. Jackson kept walking down memory lane while he went to call Joey.


10:59 am.

Monday, June 11th.

            Eric had also spent the last several weeks in diapers as well. His mom had discovered his secret due to his carelessness with the family computer, but she had been very receptive of his desires. Eric’s father had been certainly less than thrilled with the idea of his 17 year old star athlete son wearing diapers again and soiling himself like an infant. He had flat-out refused to indulge Eric’s odd lifestyle. While his wife was a nurturing woman who enjoyed having her baby boy back, going as far as to change poopy diapers again, Eric’s father certainly was not going to do any of that.

            Despite feeling slightly rejected by his father, Eric had continued wearing his diapers and using them. His mother would actually be offended if he didn’t come to her to get changed, and shortly, his old cloth diapers were stained and soiled beyond salvation. As an “end-of-Junior-year” present, Eric’s mother had bought him some large, brand new cloth diapers that he wore now. She had even picked out a pairs of plastic pants that had airplanes and trains on one, and dinosaurs on the other. Eric’s phone rang: it was Joey.

            “Hey, Joey.”

            “Hey, Eric. Jackson and I were thinking of going to Picnic in the Park today. How about you come too?” Joey said, obviously excited by his bouncing tone.

            “Sure, I’ll meet you guys there as soon as I can get ready,” Eric replied.

            “Awesome. See you then!” Joey said before hanging up.

            Eric had only awoken an hour ago and hadn’t bothered to clean up yet since it was summer. He was still wearing his wet night-time diapers and his Red Sox shirt. He had just finished a bowl of cereal about half an hour ago and right on schedule, his guts started rumbling. He spread his legs and unloaded into his diaper, the soft poop squishing all over his butt. That feeling never got old, Eric thought. He squatted down a little lower and gave one final hard push. He had really pooped his diaper full, and he could feel it sagging slightly. Despite this, he had pooped enough to still feel it smeared all over the inside of his diaper. Eric smiled and went to find his mommy, listening to the sound of his dinosaur plastic pants crinkle as he walked.


12: 29 pm.

Monday, June 11th.


The three boys laid out their picnic on the blanket Jackson’s mom had sent. They all sat down in a circle, eyeing all the awesome-looking food they had gathered up. All three could see the slight bulge from the diapers they all wore underneath their pants. Joey had borrowed one of Jackson’s since he hadn’t yet been able to get his own. He greatly envied the other two for having some cool parents, but he hadn’t yet come up with a way to ask his parents for diapers without freaking them out. No matter, Jackson had plenty of diapers and his mom certainly didn’t mind putting them on Joey’s butt, nor did she mind sending a few extra with Jackson for when Joey needed a change.

            Each taking a sandwich and a bottle of Gatorade, they all munched while watching the sea of people move around them.


2:12 pm.

Monday, June 11th.


Walking around the large park, the three boys stopped in front of the row of Port-A-Johns and the long line that extended from them. All three remembered the days when they had been one of the poor, unfortunate souls who would be forced to wait in those lines. Jackson especially remembered wetting his pants the last time he had been to this event.

            Remembering his previous experience, Jackson stopped and emptied his bladder into his waiting diaper. No longer was he bound by the toilet. No longer was he a slave to Potty Training. Jackson could wet or poop himself anywhere he chose, whenever he chose to do so. He finished wetting himself, looking up at the taller Eric and smiling. He didn’t know what he would do if he didn’t have Eric and Joey to share these wonderful years of his life with…and their diapers only drew them all closer.

            “Did you just wet yourself, Jackson?” Joey asked.

            “Sure did.”

            “Mind if I join you in the Wet Diaper Club?” Joey said.

            “Not at all.”

            Joey let loose and filled his diaper to the max with just one wetting. His shorts swelled slightly from the added bulk of the diaper, but Jackson just thought it made him look even cuter than usual.

            “Hey now, wait for me!” Eric said, obviously in the midst of wetting himself as well.

            “I can beat all of you!” Jackson exclaimed, spreading his legs ever so slightly. Knowing what was coming, Joey moved around back to watch Jackson poop.          

            Jackson grunted softly and filled his disposable diaper with a soft, warm load of poop. Joey felt himself getting hard as he watched the small lump protrude through the seat of Jackson’s shorts. Joey longed to give Jackson a swat on the butt to smear the load.

            “I love that feeling of using my diaper. It always feels so good and makes me feel like I was a baby all over again,” Jackson said to no one in particular.

            “I know how you feel man. My mom actually gets upset if she doesn’t get to wipe my stinky butt when I poop,” Eric added.

            Joey listened to their conversation, his mind swirling with vivid imagery. He hunched over and filled his diaper also, but subtlely enough to leave the other two unaware.

            “I just love the feeling of going in my pants. There’s a certain security to it,” Joey said in response.

            “Yep, I agree. A poopy diaper is like a warm blanket,” Eric replied.

            “Don’t you remember all those years ago when you used your diaper and immediately went to get changed? There must’ve been something wrong with us back then. Those were the best times,” Joey said.

            “Yep, but this still feels like the first time,” Jackson said with a satisfied smile.


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13 14 15 16 17 18-20
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I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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