Title: The Institution
Name: Infrence
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 20
Posting Date: 01/24/10
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- Pee X- Bedwetting 
H- Poop* Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination*
K- White diapers* 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
  9- Baby paraphernalia 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: College freshman Graham is kidnapped by one of his high school girlfriends who works at a mysterious new warehouse outside of town�                  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 1 (5%)
The Institution
Part 1: A New Year

�Shut up, it�s starting!� Dani punched me in the arm as I tried to prod 
her with a fork. It was January 3rd, and in Ashland, Virginia that 
meant one thing: everyone had poured into the high school auditorium to 
watch the community theater perform their annual New Year�s play.

It was a dinner theater and it should have been that the old crew would 
all be sitting at the same table cheering on the few of us who were in 
the production. Things weren�t quite the same in Ashland this year, 
though. This was my first Christmas back from college. Most of the crew 
had gone their separate ways immediately after high school. All of them 
had gone out of state and were loving their college life too much to 
stay home after New Year�s Eve and were all gone by now. I went to the 
University of Virginia: only a short drive away in Richmond so I was 
staying at home and accompanying my friend Danielle, Dani for short, to 
the show. Danielle was smart as a tack but had decided not to go to 
college, instead getting a job at a new lab that had opened up down the 
road. She practically lived at her job and never got out much so I was 
happy to go watch the play with her when after she�d begged for a few 
days. Even if� �Oh god. There she is.� I slid under the table as a 
blonde girl of about 17 danced onstage as a fairy.

�Oh, get over it,� Dani exclaimed, �you and Sara have been over for six 
months now. Maybe if you�d learned to listen to her and stop being such 
a boy you wouldn�t be so afraid to even see her.�

�Yeah and maybe if she hadn�t been such a feminist bitch and painted me 
as some kind of baboon we would still be together, too.�

Dani sighed, �Listen, one of my friends was gonna sneak some alcohol 
in. I was gonna drink some but if you want me to drive back I�ll let 
you have my share. You know, to take the edge off?�

I didn�t want to ruin Dani�s only chance to drink or party for the week 
but I needed the courage to keep my composure with Sara and her family 
in the same room as myself, �Absolutely.� I said enthusiastically.

Dani left and came back a few minutes later with what appeared to be a 
refill of tea, �It�s mixed� she chuckled as she pushed it toward me.

Not wanting to hesitate I took a gulp immediately. The tea tasted 
strangely like pineapple. I didn�t taste any alcohol in it. Dani�s 
friend must have been good at mixing drinks. I finished the whole glass 
within a few minutes and it started to hit immediately. I suddenly 
became concerned because I didn�t feel drunk. I felt something else 
entirely. I started to lose focus and couldn�t move quite as well. I 
tried to say something to Dani who was barely paying attention but I 
couldn�t manage to form words. I started thinking about Sara. We had 
been together almost nine months during my last year of high school. I 
was madly in love with her and her with me. We didn�t talk about 
marriage but only because we were too busy having fun with one another 
to talk about serious things such as marriage. Then one day after going 
with Dani to get her new job she suddenly broke it off. She said I 
didn�t know my place in the relationship and that I was being a dirty 
man. It broke my heart. Secretly I knew that Sara was the only reason I 
had come to watch this play. I began to think of ways to confront her 
after the show when I was abruptly grabbed by the arm.

�Graham! The show�s over. Everyone�s already gone. Come on!� Dani 
lifted me out of my seat and threw my arm over her shoulder. There was 
another girl I didn�t recognize with her who was also helping me walk. 
I tried to ask who she was but the only thing I could do was drool and 
groan. We reached the outside area and I noticed that this woman was 
dressed in a formal suit identical to the one Dani had on although she 
didn�t fill it out quite as nicely as Dani. Looking down I saw that she 
was also wearing a nametag from Mafos Labs where Dani worked which read 

Things were beginning to get weird. We got outside to an empty parking 
lot aside from a large van labeled �Mafos� that was running close to 
the door. My car was nowhere to be found. The two women began walking 
me to the van. Yanking my arms away I forced words out of my mouth 
�What on Earth is going on here?�

It was too late though. The moment I struggled the strange woman 
grabbed both my arms and swung them behind my back. I tried to fight 
but I was too weak. I felt a prick on my arm as Dani injected something 
into my arm. I tried to cry out but I was immediately immobilized 
again. I only managed to drool. �Don�t try to fight back Graham. You�ll 
be out for another hour with what I just gave you. You don�t want to be 
humiliated even longer than that do you?�

I did the best I could to keep struggling as I was forced into the back 
of the van where another woman, this time in a lab coat, was waiting. 
Evelyn walked into the back with me, closing the doors. In the back 
there was a small bench large enough for about two people along the 
back wall. Under the bench were three different drawers. Hanging from 
the side wall of the van was a pink padded table.

�What the�� I mustered. The woman in the lab coat, Evelyn, began 
cutting my shirt off with a pair of scissors. Evelyn began unbuttoning 
my pants from behind, rubbing against my crotch. Without wanting to I 
started to get an erection through my now exposed underwear. Before 
long I was completely nude and humiliated in front of these two women.

�We�ll have to take care of that.� Evelyn said, pointing at my 
erection. She pushed me down onto the table. Unable to do much I was 
laid down on my back and my arms were pulled up over my head. I felt my 
wrists being fastened into some kind of restraints. Evelyn then went to 
one of the drawers and came back with what I will never forget. She had 
with her a large white disposable diaper and baby powder, along with 
some metal apparatus that I could not make out.

�This belongs to us now,� Dani said sweetly, grabbing my erection and 
forcing the plastic device over it. It was a small cylinder that fit 
over my shaft. It was too small for my erection and I felt a searing 
pain as she forced it on me and my erection went away. The plastic 
cylinder fit snugly over my non erect penis. The cylinder had a clamp 
on it that went around my balls and locked into place with a 
combination, �and you aren�t allowed to do that without my permission 

I nodded my head in fear, struggling against the restraints. Evelyn 
pulled my underwear the rest of the way off and pulled my legs up, 
sliding the diaper underneath. It was warm and crinkled under my butt. 
Before my legs were put down the woman pulled something out of her coat 
pocket and shoved it into my bum, forcing it in deep with her fingers. 
It wasn�t painful thanks to whatever drug I was on and I started to get 
an erection again that was stopped by the plastic device with a jolt of 
pain like spikes. She laid my legs down without saying a word and Dani 
pulled the diaper up and over my legs, fastening it on both sides. She 
patted my crotch.

�You�re being such a GOOD boy!� Dani said in a baby face.

�What on earth is going on!?� I started to scream at her, kicking 
violently. Dani jumped back and grabbed my legs, forcing them down into 
restraints. I started to feel a bubbling in my stomach from my action.

�You�ll find that out soon enough.� Dani said, not as cute this time. 
Evelyn appeared from behind me and forced my mouth open, shoving a 
pacifier in my mouth and wrapping it around my head, fastening it in 
the back.

The other woman looked into my eyes from above me, �I am Dr. Evelyn 
Robertson, but you can call me Ma�am.� And with that she put on the 
blindfold. Afterward I felt her hands grabbing around my ears and 
shoving something in them. I could no longer hear. It was just me in 
the dark, a pacifier in my mouth, tied down with nothing to feel but a 
large diaper and the air of the two women walking by me as they went to 
their seats.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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