I N C O N T I N E N T D E S I R E S - by Bob FrenskyBobFrensky@juno.com
NOTE: This story has some foul language, and includes some sections dealing with bodily wastes. If you are some sick person that does not like diapers, I would strongly encourage you to stop reading at the end of this sentence. I will not be held responsible for any actions that occur from reading this story, and if you don't like it, too bad, I can't do anything about that. If you are a diaper lover, I hope you enjoy this story and have fun with it. +----------------------------------------------------------+ SUMMARY: Told from a self perspective, Tod who is 14 gets his hands on diapers for the first time, and when he does, he finds a big surprise in his diapers...which he does not want his parents finding out. But when they do, he is in for a big surprise. +----------------------------------------------------------+ "Incontinent Desires..." ...by Bob Frensky ------------------------------------------------ Part 1 ... Desires ... First, let me tell you a little about myself, well, I'm 14 and really love diapers, my name is Tod, and as you can see, I'm a guy. I do not have any bladder or bowel problems like other lucky kids, and I also do not have any diapers, and the worst thing is that my parents do not know about my attraction to diapers. Whenever I go out into the public, I always like to look at little kids and see their diapers, if they are wearing any. The look of diapers on a kid is really cool, it gives me a warm feeling inside, and makes me feel safe and secure. Ya, I woke up this morning, and saw the sunshine glowing on my blanket, it was as though my blanket was on fire or something, I remembered how cool it would be if I were able to be in a wet diaper right now ... how refreshing it would feel on my bottom, and how warm it would feel after I've been sleeping in my wet diaper. I imagined my mom coming in, turning me over, and changing my wet diaper and putting me into a fresh crunchy one. I wish, or course, that I would be incontinent and have to wear diapers for medical reasons. Part 2 ... My Plan ... I am now making up a plan on how to get diapers. Since I have never ever worn diapers since I was a baby, I could never really feel them against my bottom, I could only fantasize and imagine what it would feel like and what it would be like. I have been, unfortunately, toilet trained very early in life, and my mom had no problems with me, that is maybe why I like diapers, because I never have experienced the feeling and feel that I have a chunk of childhood missing. I am trying to think up of a plan to get diapers, which I really want to do---but I can think of nothing at this moment, because everything I think of, always has to do with buying diapers, and so, I cannot do that because of my lack of money, braveness, and a ride to the store. I got an idea that ... what if I ask my dad if I can go to the store to get some school supplies, and preferably, tell my dad that he could stay in the car, and if he does agree to stay in the car, I would happily go into the store and buy some diapers. My only problem was the money, but I remembered that one kid at school asked me to sell one of my old computers to him for 10 or something dollars, but I declined that offer. I thought that this was the only way that I could get those diapers, and so, next day of school, I got my old 286 with me, and traded it in with the kid for ten dollars, boy was I glad I had money now. I also remembered that I needed some notebook paper, so I reserved a dollar out of my ten dollars for 200 sheets of notebook paper. Part 3 ... The Trip to the Store ... When I asked my dad if he could take me to the store, he said that he was busy, well, I thought, there goes my idea, but after a minute or so, he turned around (he was watching a football game!) and asked "why do you need to go to the store?", so I told him that I was out of notebook paper and I urgently needed to get some for school, but I did not tell him about the other plan that I made. Boy, was I excited then. He also later said that I should get ready and he will give me a ride in 15 minutes. I quickly got ready, out my shoes on, put on a coat, and was waiting for him at the doorway. I yelled to him that I was ready in case he forgot he was supposed to take me to the store, and so I saw him coming in a couple of seconds with his car keys and said, "Let's go!". I got outside, he opened the car doors, and we got into the car. He started the engine up, and started driving to a local supply and grocery store called "Bull's-eye". The pressure was building up inside of me every feet he drove, and it made me sweat and plan even harder about buying the diapers, and made me feel better that every foot we drove was a foot closer to diapers. Finally after a few minutes of driving and sweating, we arrived at the store. My dad said, "okay, let's go", and I said, "no, it's okay, I'll go myself", and he said, "well, how are you thinking about paying for your stuff?" and I told him that I brought my own money with me, and so, he said okay and told me to hurry. I quickly ran to the store, I was sweating all over and thought I was going to get a heart attack or something, but fortunately I did not. I got into the store, there were people everywhere, but I managed to pass them all. Another thought got into my head...what if one of my friends are shopping there with their parents and will see me with diapers. I quickly found and went to the diaper section, and went up to the diapers. Man, there was a whole aisle of diapers, Luvs, Huggies, Pull-ups, and a ton of other types. I wanted to take one, but thought that this would be too obvious that I was at the store for just diapers and thought that someone might see me with just diapers, so I thought that I better first go to the school supply section, get some paper, and then use the paper to cover the package of diapers. I did just that, and then went back to the diaper section. I was again looking at all those brands of diapers, and could not decide which type of diaper I should get, and had no clue, but remembering all those commercials of Pull-ups and them being for big kids who were toilet training, I thought that they would fit me best since they were for larger kids and were just like real underwear. I quickly got a package and looked at the size chart. They were the large type, darn, there were people coming...I quickly turned around and pretended to be looking at the cough medicine that was behind me. After the group of people were gone, I quickly got the "LARGE" Pull-ups, put my notebook paper on them, and took off for the check-out counter. I got to the check-out counter, and put all my stuff on the belt, and so, the stuff got scanned and was put into a bag. I said nothing to the cashier since it was none of their business, and just told him to put the "stuff" into a paper bag so that my dad would not see. Everything totaled $9.50, and since I was so excited, I just told the cashier to keep the change. He gave me my check, I said thank-you, and headed straight for the exit. Thankfully, my dad was in the car where was when I left, so I knew that he did not follow me to the store and also buy something that he needed, which would be a real embarrassment and a huge spanking on my butt. I got into the car, and my dad asked me "did you get all that you needed?", and so I said yes. We were driving, and my heart was pounding. It was like the inner me would jump out and start screaming "hooray, I got diapers!!!", but luckily it did not happen. Part 4 ... A Opened Package ... We arrived home, and I walked slowly up to the house so that my dad would not get suspicious that I had something else, walked in, and since it was already 8 PM and tomorrow was school, I told my dad that I will be taking a shower so that I do not have to in the morning. I went into the bathroom with the paper bag that contained the diapers and locked the door. Whooooopieee!!!! I opened the blue and green package of Pull-ups that had a picture of a boy in them, and looked at what was inside. This was the first time in my life that I did this, and thought that this day was the best that I ever had. Part 5 ... What a surprise! ... As I looked into the package of 15 Pull-ups, I smelled them, and they had a slight smell of grapes. I was also surprised of how tightly they were packed and of their size. I took one out, and noticed that it was really small. I opened it up, and to my surprise, it was unreal that I could fit into that small diaper. It looked really nice, and had a picture of Mickey in a car on the front and the back, but it seemed to small. I still thought I had a chance to get into them, but as I was putting them on my 120 pound body, they were already stretched two times the size of the original diaper right at my knees. As I pulled it up a couple more inches, maybe six or seven inches, POP! the side bands broke. SHIT! I thought, I bought these stupid Pull-ups and they do not even fit on me. I thought that I could tear the sides apart, and I did that, but I did not get the feeling of real diapers because I had to wear the Pull-ups in my underwear. I thought about the computer I sold for these stupid Pull-ups, I felt really bad thinking that I could have bought another type of diaper and so it would have fit me well with ten dollars. I had now torn apart the sides of the Pull-up and wore it. I felt a sudden urge to urinate, and I let the pee go. Man, as I was peeing, it felt really warm in my crotch, especially on my dick, and I was enjoying every second of it. Surprisingly, these things failed me, they started to leak since they could not hold in all that pee from a 14 year old's body. I cursed Kimberly Clark for making Pull-ups and showing those convincing commercials of kids wearing pull-ups happily. Before I threw the soaking wet Pull-ups away, I thought to myself, "I probably get the best out of these!" and so decided to go take a dump in them. I sat down in the Pull- ups, and started pushing and pushing. I felt the shit filling up the back of the diaper, and this was hard shit, the shit that is really hard and hard to clean up. When I was done dumping in the Pull-ups, I got up, and smelled the terrible stench that filled the top bathroom air. The smell was horrible. I decided to put a bunch of underwear on myself so that it would be harder for the smell to pass through, and that's exactly what I did. Since there is a closet in the bathroom, it contained my underwear and my brothers underwear. Ya, I have only one brother who's name is Alamanzo. I quickly grabbed all of my underwear, and put each underwear on one- by-one. I counted the number of underwear, and there were five underwear. When I was done putting the underwear on, my underwear were pushing the poop and the wetness against my butt. I thought, since my underwear were pushing the poop against my but, and I enjoyed the feel, I decided that I should put some of my brothers underwear on top of my underwear (he is younger than me by four years, so he has much smaller underwear and more) and man, did it push the poop now. It squeezed so hard, that I barely could move my legs since I would probably rip a couple of his underwear that I "borrowed", and I smelled myself, and smelled nothing since I now had about 10 underwear on top of my Pull-ups. Part 6 ... Getting a lil' Creative ... Since I had 10 pairs of underwear on, I did not smell anymore except slightly if I opened my underwear, I thought, why not sleep in the Pull-ups and pretend to myself that I have a medical problem and am so I punish myself and have to wear my soiled diapers. I quickly go into bed, and then, by surprise, my dad walks into my room and asks me why I did not take a shower and why it stinks in there like 3 people used the toilet at the same time. I lied, and said that I had a bad stomach ache, and that I will take a shower tomorrow when I wake up---and I really would take a shower tomorrow since I would be pretty messy and stinky from the poop I would be sleeping with for 10 hours. Holy Shit! I just remembered that I left the package of Pull-ups in the tub. I quickly got up wrapped in my blanket so that my dad would not see the 10 pairs of underwear and pull-ups, and quickly ran to the bathroom. I looked into the tub, and the package of Pull-ups was gone. Phew, I turned my head and fortunately the package fell behind the shower curtain from view. I was not thinking where I should hide the package, and so, I got an idea of hiding them in my bed since there was a crevice in my bed large enough to hold the package of Pull- ups. I quickly took the small package of Pull-ups into the blanked in which I was wrapped into, and so I went into my room hoping that my dad was not there and fortunately he was not when I walked into my room, and so, I quickly sneaked the package into the crevice. I tucked myself into bed, feeling how the gel and the shit were getting squished in the diaper. I was thinking about my strange desire to wear diapers, and how cool it was that I am finally in a dirty diaper. I quickly fell asleep and had this strange dream about finding this huge diaper and wearing it. I really enjoyed it. Part 7 ... The Next Day ... Ahhh...I woke up at about 7:30 AM, quickly got out of bed, remembered that I was wearing Pull-ups, and felt them. Man, the poop in them was totally hard, which kind of made me sick thinking of how I would clean it up. I looked at my clock ... I was surprised ... my watch was wrong ... holy cow, it was 8:00!!! I quickly ran out of my room, ran into the bathroom, and jumped into the shower. While I was in the shower, I scraped the poop of my but with my fingers, it was sick, I even peed in the shower since I was running late. I was so late that I did not even turn the water to the right temperature, I was so busy thinking about being late to school, I did not even notice that the water was ice cold...like morning old water. I jumped out of the shower with a pretty clean butt...put back all my and my brothers underwear in the closet, left only one of my bottom underwear on that I had an accident in last night, and put my pants on and went to wake up my mom. I was running so late, I woke up my mom to tell her that I was leaving, and went and made a lunch for myself. I also had another problem, where should I dispose of the dirty Pull-ups? Well, I just put them in the crevice where I hid the package of Pull-ups and ripped the sides of another clean pull-up, put in my underwear, and left to wait for the bus that would give me a ride to the school. I noticed that I forgot my lunch that I made earlier, oh well I thought to myself, things could have been worse, and thankfully my mom did not wake up before me and wake me up herself. Part 8 ... At School ... When the bus picked me up, I was really worried about someone seeing or hearing the pull-ups in my underwear, but this was very unlikely to happen since I was wearing big baggy khakis. I felt that I needed a slight piss, and so, I thought about my pull-up leaking, but then thought that if I took frequent drainings into my pull-ups, they would probably soak everything else in time so that it would not overflow. I took a piss while I was sitting, and so it was very strange just sitting here and wetting myself right by a kid that was sitting by me on the bus. I just released the pee that I had built up in the morning and let it go freely and thought to myself ... "what a good boy, your finally learning!". During class, I took a couple more whizzes in the Pull- ups, and nobody noticed that I was doing this and nobody said anything about noticing the pull-ups that I was wearing, which was good. Success, the pull-ups had survived the whole school day, and when I came home, I still had them on and used them for peeing, and since I peed a little at once, they mysteriously lasted me the whole day. Part 9 ... A Wet Surprise! ... Well, almost two weeks passed since I got my Pull-ups, and so since I was using them wisely, I had about half of the package left. I eventually threw away the dirty Pull- ups, I did this by ripping them open, which was very disgusting, and putting all the messy gel into the toilet and flushing it, then, when I just had that plastic diaper itself without the gel, I put the diaper itself into a plastic zipping bag, went to the nearby park, and disposed the diaper itself and sometimes the diaper with the gel. Next day, I woke up, of course, in one of my pull-ups, and last night had not pooped or peed in them since I could not because I did not have anything to pee or poop out, so I just fell asleep in the pull-up for the fun of it. I woke up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth and take that occasional pee in my diapers which I have been doing since I got them. I checked on how my dry diapers were doing, and when I opened them up, holy shit, wooopee! I had wet myself NATURALLY! A bunch of ideas quickly ran through my mind of why I wet myself, I have never wet myself except when I was a baby. I thought that it must have been brought on by a dream about me wetting myself, but I tried to remember and do not remember any such dreams, and noticed that the pee was not fresh, and was a little stinky, so I thought that it happened not too long after I went to bed. I was happy about this cool thing that happened to me, but was afraid of how it will affect me. Sure, it has been my dream all the time to be a bedwetter and be incontinent, but what will my parents say if they find out?, what will they think?, what will they do??? I was also worried that I have some disease that might be harmful to me if I do not get immediate help, and so it is causing my bedwetting. I was also worried that if I keep this a secret from my parents, how will I get all those frequent rides to the store and get more diapers, where will I get all that money, I am sure my dad won't believe me that I am running out of papers so often. I put on a pull-up just in case, and tried to pee, and I did, but only a little came out and it felt like I just peed, which I really did not do myself. I went to school this time and got everything ready. When I arrived at school, I quickly ran to the bathroom before class started, and in surprise, I noticed that my pull-ups were totally wet, not a little, but TOTALLY!!! What will I do about this, I thought to myself???? Part 10 ... A Vacation ... As we were having dinner after I returned from school, I felt my pull-up getting warmer and soggier from the pee that was leaking uncontrollably. My mom suddenly announced with my dad to me and my brother that we were going to have a vacation. We were going to our aunt that lives in Idaho, a pretty close place to us. We were going to be spending 1 week there, and that meant that I would miss one week of school, which was a relief, but the problem was my problem ... my incontinence that struck me. The day has come that we all needed to get up early, take our baths, pack up out last things, eat, and head out for our trek. I woke up, quickly checked my diaper which began being soaking wet since a couple days ago, and changed. I unfortunately had only 3 LEFT!!! I knew I was dead meat. I quickly got on my clothes that my mom prepared, and we headed out of the door, locked up every window and door of our house, and started driving. I as always was in my diaper during the trip, and had no problems disposing of them since we stopped at rest areas and took bathroom breaks and eating breaks and so since it was a public area my parents never paid attention to what was in the restrooms' garbage cans...which contained my pull-ups. At the end of the trip, we finally arrived at my aunts house, she had a new house, so it was interesting. We all hugged at first, my mom cried since she missed her beloved sister, and we all went in hew house to celebrate. We had no particular reason to going to our aunts house, only to celebrate that she got a new house and have a type of family reunion. By the time we were finished celebrating, I had only ONE clean pull up left, and I disposed of my dirty one near my aunt's house, since there was a Dumpster from the building's construction materials. I put the last pull-up on, and wished for the best. I fell asleep, had kind of a bad night, and when I woke up, I was wet as always. This was the time. I disposed of my stinky wet pull-up, and went back into the house with just my underwear on instead of pull-ups under my pants. We had breakfast, and shit, I wet my pants while I was sitting by my aunt. I quickly started panicking and stopped eating. My mom asked me what was wrong, I said that nothing was wrong, just lied and said that I kind of choked on some food. When breakfast was over, I did not want to get up because they would see the dark spots on my pants!!! I quickly got up when no one was by the table, and since everyone was busy talking, I quickly went to the bathroom and changed. After I changed, I quickly ran down to my Aunt's basement and threw my pants into the washing machine. When I came back up to the floor where my mom was, and this time I was in shorts, I kind of joined the chit-chat. My mom noticed that I had changed my pants, and asked me "Why are you in shorts now?", I quickly paused, and could not think of anything to say. My mom asked me ... "Tod, what is going on?"...I did not speak because my mind was blank...and then noticed that I was starting to wet my underwear, and then the pee started soaking through my shorts!!! My mom looked at my shorts with a disgusted look, and said in a calm and worried voice ... "Have you been wetting yourself???????" ... I replied to her that I indeed was wetting myself, and broke out in tears telling her what I have been doing and why this was happening. Part 11 ... The Consequence ... After I told her about me wanting to wear diapers and be treated like a baby, it seemed that she understood my hears desire. She questioned me at first about why I liked diapers, and told me at the end that she understood my attraction to diapers. She told me that after we come home, she will take me to the doctor to check me out to verify that nothing is seriously wrong, and she will from now on buy me diapers, let everyone know that I wear diapers (which I wanted my mom to do), and to diaper me all the time and love me as she always loved me. My mom went to the store about an hour later, bought me some real diapers which were called "Attends", and diapered me. She changed me in the car a couple of times while we were driving home, and when we were home, she took me to the doctor and so the doctor said that my bladder has been "lazy" on me since I just peed whenever I needed to and so the bladder did not remained the same size and shrunk because it was not holding pee anymore and so was not getting stretched out normally and said that I will remain this way probably the rest of my life. I was so happy!!! I had a joy in my heart and kissed my mom and went out of the doctors office with a attend on. +----------------------------------------------------------+ Well, now there's one more story that has a happy ending in the world, and if you try hard enough, you will have a happy ending too in your life with wanting to wear and live in diapers!! ++ MY REAL LIFE: This story is mostly complete fiction, I did have the experience of going out to the store and buying diapers, and I bought the pull-ups that did not fit me, so I had to modify them. By getting enough courage and using the right moment, I also convinced my parents that I want to wear diapers and that this is nothing bad, and so, now I am a really happy diaper wearer and have already been in "Depends" for about one month, and also wear Goodnites whenever I don't want anyone hearing or noticing. Well, good luck with your diaper life, and if you need any questions answered about this story or anything about diapers, please feel free to e-mail me at - BobFrensky@juno.com -! PS: Unfortunately I have not reached incontinence yet! =( Well, bye.