Title: In A Daze
Name: Plattown
Email: plattown@verizonmail.com
Gender: Male
Current Age: 20
Posting Date: 01/25/09, Updated 02/15/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Joshua Isaiah Thomas is a 10 boy in the 4th Grade, him and this two friends Shawn and Mike have a very interesting day at school and the following days after.

*This story will be updated weekly.*                

It was third period; half of the day is almost over. I have been 
feeling ill all morning. I have a bad headache and a really weird 
stomach ache. I was up late last night. I had a sleepover with my two 
best friends, Mike and Shawn.

Shawn tapped me on my back: "Are you okay, dude?" he asked.

"I�m alright, just a little tired," I lied.

�Okay, man."

He must have seen me with my head down for most of the class. A few 
minutes later the lunch bell rang and my peers rushed out of the 
classroom to go feed their faces. I slowly got up and started to gather 
my things.

"Dude, I�m gonna go get some pizza, you want some?"

"Naw, man, I�m good," I replied.

"All right, I'll see you in the cafeteria," said Shawn as he rushed off 
with the others. I sat back down to stop my head from spinning. I threw 
my things in my backpack and started out of the classroom towards the 

Once I got into the loud, overcrowded cafeteria, I immediately went to 
the table where Shawn and Mike were sitting. I walked over, sat down, 
and put my head down again. "Shawn, what�s wrong with Josh?" Mike 
asked, concerned. Right then I started to cry, the pain in was stomach 
was too much to bear and my head felt like it was going to explode. I 
told this to Mike and Shawn in-between sobs, "That�s it! You�re going 
to the nurse's office," stated Shawn.

Mike grabbed my back pack while Shawn helped me to my feet. The three 
of us started out of the cafeteria. Taking that long walk to the 
nurse's office was hell. I was in more and more pain with every step. 
We were getting close to the boys� bathroom which marked the halfway 
point to the nurse's office. Suddenly, I stopped walking, put my hands 
over my mouth, darted into the bathroom, kicked the stall door open, 
and puked all over the place. Mike and Shawn ran in after me and seen 
what had happened. Shawn put his hand on my shoulder and told me 
everything was going to be alright. Mike was at the sink grabbing paper 
towels for my face. That�s when my stomach started to burn and I threw 
up again. Only this time I felt a rush of warm, mushy liquid shoot out 
of my butt and start to fill my briefs. Mike and Shawn stood there in 
shock as they could see and smell what just happened. At that very 
moment the both of them grabbed me up by my arms and whisked me away to 
the nurse's office.

When we reached the nurses office Mike went in first to explain 
everything that has happened. He came out a minute later with the 
school nurse in tow. She took one look at me and said, "Awww, poor 
baby. come with me." She took me by my hand and led me into one of the 
exam rooms as Mike and Shawn followed. The nurse, whose name tag read 
Betty, led me to a small bed in the room. I climbed on to the bed and 
immediately curled up in to a ball and started moaning from the pain. 
That�s when room started to smell like poop. That�s when the nurse told 
Mike and Shawn to return to lunch because class would be starting soon. 
Shawn and Mike reluctantly waved goodbye with long faces and exited the 

Nurse Betty walked over to me and sat on the side of the bed and 
started to rub my back, trying to calm me down. I settled down after a 
few seconds and told her how bad my head and stomach felt. she said 
okay and that she will be right back. When she left I rolled on to my 
back and felt something mushy mash up against my butt. That�s when I 
remembered what I had done. I POODED MY PANTS! And not only that I 
pooped them in front of my two best friends. This thought got me upset 
and I started to cry all over again.

Nurse Betty walked back into the room with a bunch of stuff and set 
them down on to the table next to the bed. Betty asked me why I was 
crying again. All I could say in-between sobs was, "I pooped my pants!"

"Well, let�s get you all cleaned up and feeling better. okay?" she said 
with a big smile.

�Okay" I replied, calmed down once again.

�Okay, stand up."

I slowly stood up.

"Lift up your arms."

I did. She proceeded to take off my shirt. She then squatted down and 
removed my shoes socks and pants. She put them into a plastic bag. Then 
she placed a soft pad on the bed and told me to lie down on top of it.

"Can't I clean myself up?" I asked, not wanting to be change like a 

"No, I don't want you to move around too much, get dizzy, fall and hit 
your head." I hung my head and softly said. �Okay". With that said she 
picked me up under my arms and laid me down on top of the pad.

She took out a pair of scissors and told me she was about to cut off my 
undies. I told her no. that these were my favorite pair.

"I will make a deal with you. If you let me cut off your undies so I 
don't make a mess. I will buy you a new of your favorite undies. But 
you have to be good and listen, okay?" I just nodded my head.


She smiled and proceeded to cut the waist of my undies on both sides. 
she put down the scissors and pulled down the front of my undies. at 
the same time my foul odor filled the room even more. I felt like was 
going to cry again. "it's okay stinky. I am going to make you all nice 
and clean" I closed my eyes as I slowly lifted my bum in air.

I was a mess. there was everywhere all over my butt and genitals. 
Nurses Betty started wiping and cleaning my dirty behind. removing the 
layers of poop. placing the soiled wipes in a plastic bag. When I was 
all clean. I felt a little bit better emotionally. but still felt sick 
as a dog. The nurse put a warm blanket over me and told me she was 
going to call my mother and explained what has been going on. and for 
me to rest.

She returned a few minutes later.

"Your mom is on her way from work, so let's get you dressed." I 
proceeded to stand up. Betty squatted down and got eye to eye with me.

�Okay how does you tummy feel now?"

"It still really hurts," I replied.

�Okay, listen to me closely. I am going to have to put a diaper on 

I started to cry again.

"Listen, honey, I don't have any underwear here and your tummy still 
hurts. I don't want you to have another messy accident."

Betty proceeded to lay the big thick diaper on top of the pad. She then 
picked me up under my arms and laid me down on top of it. she oiled up 
butt and genitals then added so baby powder and taped me up. The front 
of the diaper had baby blocks on it, and was really puffy. Betty helped 
me put my shirt and socks back on. She went to the cabinet on the wall 
and retrieved some medicine.

"I am going to give you two little shots. One is for your headache and 
the other is help you sleep and your relax."

I just nodded and rolled on my tummy. Betty pulled down my diaper and 
gave the two bee-sting-like shots. she pulled my diaper back up and 
pulled the blanket over and told me to rest.

I awoke several hours later (I think) in a daze. My head and stomach 
still hurt and the room was spinning and smelled like poop and vomit. I 
went back to sleep. I awoke again this time to someone pulling at my 
legs. I looked up through my blurry eyes and seen it was my mom (I 
think) holding my legs up in the air and holding something looked like 
a washcloth. I once again I passed out and went to back sleep.

I awoke the next morning feeling a little bit better and I could 
clearly see. I tried to sit up but when I began to move the pain in my 
stomach returned causing me to lay back down. When I did I felt a soft 
mushy lump mash up against my butt and spread out. the smell of poop 
once again filled the room. Suddenly I remembered what happened the 
pervious day at school. I remembered everything-- the crying, the 
puking and the pooping-- all which happened in front of my two best 
friend. Remembering all these events caused me to get upset and I 
started to cry-- hard! After about one minute mom came rushing in to 
the room.

"Awww sweetie, what�s the matter?"

I looked up at her with tears streaming down my face.

"What�s wrong with me, mommy?" I said in-between sobs.

"Everything is going to be alright, sweetie. you just got a little 
stomach virus. Shawn and Mike have been calling all the time to check 
on you. They are very good friends. they also told me what happened to 
you at school."

I looked up at her and in to her loving eyes. all I could choke out 
was..... "I�m sorry, mommy," before crying again.

Mom picked me up so I was looking straight at her.

"It's okay, sweetie, it�s not your fault, you are a very sick boy...... 
and a stinky one, too. lets get you changed."

That�s when I realized I have been in diapers this whole time and was 
covered in poop. Mom laid my down and to remove my dirty diaper.

"Mommy...... how long have I been wearing diapers?"

"Since I picked you up from school. By the time I got there from work 
you have already pooped and wet the diaper you was in. so the nurse 
gave me a new diaper to change you in to, which I did. You were asleep 
the whole time. I drove you home and put you to bed after another 
change. You vomited a few times while you were asleep and had really 
bad diarrhea. I think you woke up for a second while I was changing 
you," she said while taping up my new diaper. Mom helped me off of the 

"Come downstairs. I made you some soup."

I took two steps forward. Suddenly I got really dizzy, then-- BAMMM! I 
fell forward. breaking my fall with my hands. Mom quickly turned around 
and picked me up.

"Are you okay, sweetie? I am so sorry. I should have known you would be 
unsteady on your feet."

"I�m okay, mommy," I said with a smile. Mom then placed a hand under my 
diapered bottom and the other hand around my wrist and carried me down 
stairs to the kitchen.

When we reached the kitchen mom placed my down in front of a bowl of 
hot steaming chicken soup and sat down next to me.

"Are you okay to sit in that chair?" mom asked when she seen me put 
both of my hands on the table trying keep my balance. I just looked up 
at her, and before I could say anything she reached over, picked my up. 
and sat me on her lap. She slid the bowl of soup in front of her, 
picked up a spoon full of soup, blew on it. and brought it up to my 
lips. I happily opened my mouth to receive the soup. It was nice and 
warm. and made me feel good. After a good 10 to 12 spoonfuls of soup I 
said I was full.

�Okay, sweetie. let me wipe your face." She picked up a near by 
washcloth and wiped my face clean.

Once again she picked me up. This time she brought me into the living 
room and placed me down onto couch. grabbed a bunch of blankets and 
throw on top of me. She switched on the TV as I snuggled in to the 
mound of blankets. she then put on my favorite show Courage the 
Cowardly Dog and said she will be back in a little while as went off up 
stairs. After about two episodes I felt like I need to pee. I struggled 
against the mountain of blankets trying to get up. I got entangled and 
rolled off of the couch with a soft thud. all the blankets breaking my 
fall. I began to felt a warm sensation in my diaper. I then realized I 
was peeing myself. I tried to stop but nothing happened. I just kept 
flooding my diaper. after about a minute it stopped. I laid there in 
shock. I could not believe I just experienced zero percent bladder 
control. I tried to stand but the mound of blankets made it impossible, 
so I just stayed where I was. at the foot of the couch and got 

After about an hour or so of watching TV I started to get bored and 
lonely. plus my diaper was getting itchy. I fought my way through the 
pile of blankets on until I was free. I was about to stand up to go up 
stairs and find mom, but I remembered the last few times I tried to 
stand. it didn't work out so well. I sat there on the floor in my 
yellow diaper and my baby blue t shirt, getting lonelier by the second.

Then a strong thought popped in my head: I WANT MY MOMMY! So I got on 
all fours and crawled over to the stairs and started to climb. I got 
halfway up the stairs when I had to stop and rest. It was a lot of work 
and was taking a lot out of me. I started to continue my journey up the 
stairs. That�s when I heard her look and scream. It was mom standing at 
the top of the stairs. She rushed down to me.

"Joshua Isaiah Thomas. What do you think you are doing?! You know you 
are sick! you could have fallen down the stairs and broke your neck! 
What were you thinking?!"

I looked up at her with tears in my eyes.

"I missed you, mommy," then I lowered my head. "I need a change."

I had seen her eyes zero in on my sagging yellow diaper.

"I couldn't make it to the bathroom and... I.... I..."

"It�s okay sweetie. It�s my fault for leaving you by yourself for so 
long. Now come over here and give your mommy a big hug."

I reached up with my arms wide open. mom embraced me and held me tight.

"It�s okay, baby, mommy will always be here from now on."

Mom lifted me up while we were hugging and carried me to my room. She 
laid me down and started to change my diaper

"I was on the phone with your doctor and I made you an appointment for 
you tomorrow afternoon."

"Awww mommy, do I have to get a shot?"

"I don't know, sweetie. We will have to wait and see. That reminds me, 
I have to give you a bath tonight," she stated while removing my diaper 
and tossing it away.

"Stay here. I will start your bath."

She left the room. I laid there with my baby blue t-shirt on and 
nothing else. Soon I felt a bubbling in my stomach. I needed to fart, 
so I leaned to one side and let it rip. it felt good I rolled back on 
to my back and felt something weird. It was real slimy and wet. Just 
then mom walked back in to the room.

�Okay sweetie, the bath is all nice and ready." she reached down to 
pick me up but stopped.

"What�s the matter?" she promoted by my unhappy facial expression.

"I had an accident."

She looked at me for a second then picked me under my armpits and held 
me out like you do a stinky baby. She looked down at the bed and seen 
the yellowish brown dinner-plate-sized liquid stain on the bed.

"Oh Joshua, look at your bed.... okay.... let�s get you in the bath, 
poopy butt."

We arrived at the bathroom where the tub was already full of water and 
lots of bubbles and toys. She slowly lowered me into the warm, soothing 

"Lean towards me."

She grabbed a small bucket floating near by. and poured the water over 
my head which made me giggle.

"Oh, you like that, huh?"

She pick up the bucket and poured more water over me. She then grabbed 
the soap and started to wash me. she went from head to toe saying, �I 
want you nice and clean for the doctor tomorrow.�

After I was clean she said I could play in the tub for a little while.

"I'll be sitting right here," she said as she grabbed a magazine from 
the rack next to the toilet.

"Vroom vroom!" was the noise I was making while pushing the little 
plastic boat through the Perfect Storm of bubbles. Every few minutes or 
so I would splash, getting a water on the floor.

After about 15 minutes I stopped playing and felt my eyes close and my 
head start to get heavy. �Okay sleepyhead" mom said noticing me 
drifting off to sleep. She put a towel around her arms. then reached 
down and plucked me out of the water. She carried me to my room drying 
my off at the same time.

"Oh my, I forgot about your bed. Oh well. I guess you will be sleeping 
with mommy tonight Josh. Josh?"

I had fallen asleep in her arms.

Chapter 2

When I awoke I felt really shaky and weak. I tried to sit up but 
someone pushed me back down. It was mom, she was sitting next to me 
with a washcloth and a bowl of water.

"Lay still, sweetie, you have a fever and have been throwing up in your 
sleep," she said, taking the washcloth and wiping my face.

"Mommy, I feel dizzy."

"I know, sweetie, I called the doctor, he said for us to come in as 
soon as possible," with that said. She slowly sat me up, picked me up, 
and grabbed her keys and a blanket. When we got to the car, she put me 
in the backseat and covered me with the blanket, then she jumped in the 
front seat and we were off.

Everything was going by really fast, it was starting to make me feel 
sick and my head hurt so I started to moan.

"Sweetie, put your head down or close your eyes, looking outside is 
only going to make it worse."

I rested my head inside the blanket and closed my eyes. Within fifteen 
minutes we arrived at the hospital. Mom carried me in the blanket over 
to the pediatric department and took a seat with me on her lap. We 
waited about ten minutes, then a nurse came out and called us in:

"Joshua Thomas, exam Three." Mom followed the nurse to the room.

"Just take his pajamas off and leave him in his underwear for the 
doctor," said the nurse exiting the room and closing the door behind 
her. Mom placed me down on top of the exam table and took off my PJs, 
leaving me in my surprisingly wet diaper.

** Knock knock. **

"Come in."

"Hello, I am John Westin, MD, we talked on the phone, Ms. Thomas."

Then, looking at me, he said, "your mom has told me that you have not 
been feeling well the past few days." I nodded my head.

�Okay Josh, I am going to started poking around and asking you a few 
questions." I said okay as he started doing a bunch of doctor things, a 
lot of touching and questions.

�Okay, so good so far, I just have one more test to do, this is called 
the control test, it�s to test your inner reflexes," he said with a 

"Stand up with your knees slightly bent, your back completely straight, 
with your hands up in the air, open palms. I am going to push down on 
top of your hands, don't let me push them or you down, push up against 
me if you have to." He started to push down but I held my ground, he 
kept pushing but could not get me down, I felt like I was winning.

"Maybe if I push up really hard and fast I will catch him off guard and 
win," I thought to myself. I waited a few minutes then made my move, I 
pushed up really hard and fast with a big smirk. When I did this the 
doctor did not move but I felt the back of my diaper expand out really 
fast and fill up with soft warm mushy poop. It happened so fast I got 

�Okay, that�s enough," he said, stopping me from falling and bringing 
me over to my mom to tell me, "I will be right back, Ms. Thomas, you 
can get him dressed. Good job, Josh," he said, winking at me as he left 
the room.

"I won, mommy," I said weakly as she started to put my pajamas back on. 
Dr. Westin returned a few minutes later.

�Okay, you guys are all set, I will give you a call later today when I 
get some results. For now just keep him as relaxed as possible, and no 
solid foods, just oatmeal and soup for now."

�Okay, thank you, doctor," she said exiting the room with me in her 
arms. I was mad, I hate oatmeal.

When we got home mom just put me down on the couch when the phone 
started to ring. Mom got it and picked it up:

"Hello? Hi boys, hold one second." She handed the phone to me.

"It�s your friends."


"Yo! Dude! Its like been two whole days" it was Shawn.

"Yeah man, the last time I seen you, you looked like crap," and Mike.

"I know guys, its been horrible I been puking and pooping non-stop."

"Damn, that sucks, dude, but how are you feeling right now, I mean, is 
it cool if we come over and hang for a little while?"

"I feel okay, I just came from the doctor, but you better ask my mom." 
I handed her the phone.

"Well, you�re going to have to take it easy, he is still a very sick 
boy, okay boys, in like thirty minutes," she clicked the phone.

"Your friends can come over, but you are going to have to take it easy. 
Let�s get you nice and fresh." She picked me up and brought me up to my 
room and proceeded to change me. After I was in a fresh diaper she put 
me a striped polo shirt and pair of jean shorts, she brought me back 
downstairs and put me back on the couch. Right then there was a knock 
at the door, it was Shawn and Mike.

"Hello, boys,"

"Good afternoon, Ms. Thomas," they said rushing over to the couch.

"Hey man! What�s up? We missed you."

"I missed you guys, too. Thank you for helping me out the other day in 

"No problem, man, that�s what friends are for. Hey, I brought my X-

"Hook it up!" Shawn went over behind the TV and started plugging stuff 
in, I looked over at Mike who was sitting on the couch leaning to one 

"Are you okay, dude?"

"Yeah, I just got some stomach cramps."

"You two will better feel better in the next five minutes, because we 
got some gaming to do, I just got Halo 3!" Shawn stated, turning on the 
TV and sitting between me and Mike. We perked up once the game got 
started, after a few minutes we were all yelling and jumping all over 
the place.

"Go, go!�

�over to the right, the right!�

�Watch out! Run!". Boom, we were all just blown to pieces.

"Damn! screw this game. I brought Saw V, you guys want to watch it?"

"Hell yeah, man!" me and Mike replied. Mike got up to put it in since 
the DVD player was closest to him. He moaned as he bent over to put the 
disc in the player, he flopped back down on the couch like he just did 
a workout. As the movie started Mike looked like he was starting to 
sweat, about twenty minutes into the movie mike got up.

"I will be back, I�m going to the bathroom."

Fifteen minutes had passed and Mike had still not returned, five 
minutes later he came downstairs with my mom behind him, she was 
holding all the clothes he was wearing, and was now wearing mine.

"Go over to the couch and try to relax, sugar." Mom went down to the 
basement where the washer and dryer are.

"Dude, what happened?" Shawn asked as Mike put his hands over his face.

"I went upstairs to go poop and while I was on the toilet, I need to 
puke, but I was still pooping, I was almost done pooping but was too 
late, I completely lost it and throw up all over myself and the floor. 
I guess your mom heard me in the bathroom and asked if I was okay, I 
said no and she came in to help. She cleaned me up and said she is 
going to wash my clothes."

He leaned back and closed his eyes as he finished his story. Me and 
Shawn looked at each other and started to laugh, and laugh hard.

"Shut up, you guys, it�s not funny!"

"I can picture you on the toilet, with your pants and underwear down, 
puking in there!" Again, me and Shawn busted out in laughter, even Mike 
giggled a little. We all exhaled after a good laugh, when mom walked 
back in the room.

"How are you feeling, Michael?"

"A little better, Ms. Thomas."

"How about you, sweetie?" I smiled and gave her the thumbs up.

"Good. Shawn, can I see you in the kitchen for a second?" Shawn got up 
and followed mom into the kitchen.

"Shawn pudding, I left some important paperwork at my job that I need 
to have here, I need you to watch Josh and Michael, just make sure they 
take it easy and help them if they get sick."

"You can count on me, Ms. T," Mom came back in the room and grabbed her 
pocketbook and keys "I will be back in a little while, boys, I have to 
get something from work, Shawn is in charge while I am gone. Sweetie, 
sugar, pudding. Be good."

With that she was gone.

"So what do you guys what to do?"

"I brought my Smack Down vs. Raw if you wanna play it."

Mike put the disc in, and we all piled back onto the couch. We were 
playing for almost and hour when thing started getting competitive. It 
was between me and Mike, winner takes all. He was about to win but I 
came up behind him and tomb-stoned him on top of a table and won.

"Fuck this, I�m not playing any more!"

"Oh, stop being a baby!" I snapped at him.

"Fuck you, man! If that was real I would have beat your ass!"

"Oh yeah!" I reached behind Shawn and pushed Mike on his arm.

"Ahhhh!" Mike screamed as he jumped up and lunged at me, he knocked me 
off the couch and started grabbing at me.

"Knock it off, guys, ya'll are going to get me in trouble!" Shawn 
yelled, rushing over to break it up. He jumped up from the couch but he 
tripped over the coffee table and landed on his ankle, he let out a 
loud, high-pitched yelp. Meanwhile, me and Mike were still going at it.

"Get off of me!" I was on my back, Mike's knees were on me stomach, I 
was pushing against his hands trying to fight him off, putting more 
pressure on my stomach.

"You�re hurting me, Michael!" I flipped my self over trying to escape, 
but when I did I felt my bowels release and poop quickly filled my 
diaper, at the same time my flipped caused Mike's face to land right on 
my diapered butt. He immediately got up and froze.

"I am so sorry, I was just playing, then I got mad.... Dude I�m really 

"It�s okay, dude, I�m sorry, too," I replied as he helped me up and we 
shook hands.

"Awww, isn't that sweet, now will somebody help me?" Shawn said 
sarcastically from the floor. We walked over to Shawn and lifted him up 
on to the couch, were we all came to rest.

"I think I sprained it."

"I will go get you some ice."

Mike went off and came back with a bag of ice, and placed it on Shawn's 
swollen. We all sat there in silence for a second, then, "What�s that 
smell?" asked Shawn as the room started to smell like fresh poop.

"Ahhh? Josh.... Did you have an accident?" I put my head down, I felt 
like I was going to cry.

"It�s my fault, I was on top of his stomach, he told me to get off but 
I didn't. I�m sorry man," Mike said remorsefully.

"Its okay dude" I said tiredly, slouching down into the couch.

"Are you okay, Josh?"

"I�m okay, just a little dizzy."

"How about you?" Shawn stated, pointing at Michael.

"I�m cool, just a headache."

�Okay! That means its nap time. Ahhh? Josh.... I guess you need help 
cleaning up, I don't want you to stain the couch."

"It's okay man, its different this time."

"How?" they both said. I unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall to the 
floor exposing my wet and soiled diaper.

"Wow!" Mike said in a daze.

"Damn, man, how long have you been wearing diapers?" said Shawn.

"Ever since the nurse changed me at school," I replied, pulling my 
shorts back up and laying back down on the couch, feeling all the poop 
spread out.

"Your poop must have just went all over your butt!" Mike giggled.

"Yeah," I said to tried to say anymore. I snuggled into the corner of 
the couch. Michael did the same thing on the other side. Shawn got up 
and covered us with some nearby blankets. I was asleep by the time 
Shawn tucked me in, fast asleep.

When I awoke I was in the car snuggled in a blanket next to Mike, we 
were in front of Shawn's house. I had seen mom at the front door 
talking to Shawn's mom, a few seconds later the door closed and mom 
returned to the car. She looked back and seen I was awake.

"Hello, sweetie, I just dropped of Shawn, and Michael is spending the 
night." I looked over at Mike, he was still out cold. When we got home 
mom took our temperature, changed my diaper, put us in PJs and into 

"Goodnight, sweetie," she said, exiting the room. I shook Mike to see 
if he would wake up, all he did was make some soft crying noise, so I 
left him alone and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 3

"I�m really sorry, Ms. Thomas," was all I heard as I slowly opened my 
eyes in the bright sun-filled room. I rubbed my eyes and looked around 
the room, as I did I seen mom on the floor kneeling next to Mike, right 
then was when I felt it, I was cold and wet. The bed was wet, the 
sheets was, and I was wet.

"What�s going on!?" I said, confused.

"I had a little accident last night," said Mike shamefully.

"A little accident, you must have peed five times while you were 
asleep. Josh probably has some of your pee in his diaper."

I started giggling, that was really funny, Mike just hung his head.

"I�m just making fun, don't be so down, sugar," mom said as she 
sprinkled baby powder on him.

"Are you diapering him, mommy?" I asked.

"Yes, sweetie, Mike is sick like you. I do not want to be washing 
soiled clothes and sheets all day."

With that she slid the diaper under his butt and taped it up.

"Okay, sugar, all clean, you can go downstairs and watch TV while I 
clean up Josh."

Mom gave him a pair of socks and one of my polo shirts, he put on the 
clothes and waddled out the room. Mom walked over and picked me up.

"Come on, Mr. Pee-body, its bath time." After a quick bath and a fresh 
diaper mom brought me downstairs and placed me on the couch next to 

"You boys play nice, I am going to make breakfast." as she left the I 
looked over at Michael, he was looking down at his diaper, poking at 

"I�m sorry again Josh, I didn't mean to pee you last night.�

�It�s cool, man, you�re sick like me, you can't help it."

Mike seemed to cheer up a bit.

"Hey, I wonder how Shawn is doing; didn't he hurt his ankle or 

�Yeah, you�re right, I seen my mom holding him, then handing him off to 
his mom last night.�

�Oh, I hope he is okay.�

�He will be fine, he is always the tough one."

"Okay, boys! Breakfast is ready!" mom yelled from the kitchen. Mike and 
I walked into the kitchen and sat across from each other.

"Here you go, sugar." mom placed a big plate of bacon, eggs and toast 
in front of Mike. He looked up at mom with the biggest smile and 
started to stuff his face. Mom went back to the counter, grabbed my 
plate and placed it in front of me, it was oatmeal. I looked up at mom 
with big puppy dog eyes.

"Joshua, don't you even start!�

�But I hate oatmeal!" I said, crossing my arms.

"Come on, sweetie, don't get upset.�

�I�m not going to eat it.�

�Come, Josh, oatmeal is not so bad," mumbled Mike in between bits.

"Shut up and eat your damn meat!�

�Joshua Isaiah Thomas, watch your mouth and kill the attitude!"

I just sat there with pouting and my arms crossed. Mom went to the head 
of the table, sat down and started reading the paper. Ten minutes later 
Mike was finished eating.

"You�re a mess!" said mom wiping his face with a washcloth.

"Joshua, are you going to eat?�

�No!" I snapped back.

"Watch your tone, Joshua, don't make me tell you again, you may be 

I jumped up from the table and went over to the couch and sat down as 
Mike followed and sat right next to me.

"Are you mad at me?�

�No its not you, man, she knows I hate oatmeal!�

�I hear you, but ain't you going to be hungry?�

�Naw man, I'll be alright", I replied as mom walked back into the room. 
"Michael I just got off the phone with your mom, she suggested you stay 
here while you are sick, she has a big project due for work and wants 
you to be looked after properly.�

�Okay, Ms. Thomas, that�s cool.�

�Joshua, have you had enough time to cool off�

�Yes mom, I�m sorry, I know you were just trying to listen to the 

�Thank you, sweetie. I guess you guys can just hang out for now. I will 
be in the kitchen doing bills" she walked off. "So what do you want to 
do?" Mike asked "I got the new Lego Star Wars set, you wanna help me 
build it up?�

�Yeah, okay." we headed upstairs.

I dumped the bucket of Lego blocks on the floor as Mike began to look 
through the pieces. We started to build our space station for our 
little Jedi knights. We were half way done with our space station, Mike 
was sitting on his heels when he reached across to grab a Lego piece, 
when he suddenly stopped.

"Whoa!" he said standing with his hands in his stomach and his knees 
slightly bent, I looked up and seen the back of his diaper poking out, 
so I stood up behind him and pushed him over, *smash* he went right 
through our space station. I walked over to him, laughing my head off, 
when I pushed him he pooped all over himself. It looked like he was 
hiding a turkey in his diaper.

"Ha ha ha, dude are you alright? I�m sorry man, I couldn't help 
myself..... you smell bad."

Mike's eyes got real big and he burst into tears.

"Dude, its okay," I said trying to clam him down, but he just cried 
even harder, this reminded me of when I had my accident in the boys� 
bathroom, as I was starting to feel bad for what I have done to 
Michael. That�s when mom burst into the room. She startled me so much I 
started to pee.

"What�s going on in here?!" she inquired.

"Mike had and accident," I replied, pointing at him.

"Oh Michael, come here," she said walking over and sitting him up.

"You stay right here and I will make everything better."

Mom walked out of the room while Mike was still crying, but now he was 
starting to cough and turn red. Mom came back in the room with a bunch 
of changing supplies and put them down next to Mike.

"Michael, stop crying; you are going to make yourself sick." She tried 
to lay him down to change his diaper, but he started kicking and crying 
even louder.

"Okay!" mom said picking him up and putting him in the corner.

"You sit right here and calm yourself down� you�re acting like a baby!"

I guess that sent Mike over the edge because he started flipping out 
crying and coughing. Mom just left him in the corner.

"Josh, do you need your diaper changed?�

�Yes, mom." She laid me down and started changing me, she was about to 
tape up my fresh diaper when Mike suddenly stopped crying and make a 
choking noise, me and mom both looked over at him, when we did he 
exploded and started throwing up, hard. Mom quickly taped me up and 
rushed over to him.

"Sugar, I told you were going to make yourself sick." I could see 
pieces of bacon and eggs in his vomit, mom picked him up and started to 
the bathroom with Mike puking in his hands the whole way. I rolled over 
and got off the floor, following them to the bathroom, mom put Mike in 
the tub and started taking all his clothes off, she slid off his 
diaper, which was full to the max with poop and poop was completely 
covering his butt. Mike was leaning on the side of the tub with his 
head resting on the edge.

"Sweetie, grab that waste bucket and help Michael if he gets sick 

I grabbed the bucket and sat down next to Mike. Mom started running the 
water, as the tub slowly filled up I put a little bit of water in my 
hand and wiped Mike's face clean, when I did he took a deep breath, I 
put the bucket under his mouth and he forcefully vomited into it, I 
removed the bucket when he was done and mom started to clean him up, 
removing all the poop and vomit from his body.

"Sweetie, go in your room and get the changing supplies and a diaper 
for Michael.�

�Okay, mommy" I put the bucket down and rushed out the room to retrieve 
the supplies. When I returned mom had Mike dried off and on the floor 
awaiting a new diaper. Mom lifted Mike's legs up as I gave her the baby 
powder, she powdered him. I then passed her a fresh diaper. She 
unfolded it and placed it under Mike's bum. She lowered him down on top 
of it and pulled it closed. She taped him up then got off the floor. 
Mike just laid there motionless, mom scooped him up and carried him 
downstairs. She put him down on the couch.

"Sweetie, I want you to stay here with Michael and watch after him 
while I go call his mom," she said covering him with big blankets.

�Okay, mommy," I replied sitting down next to Mike and shearing some of 
the blankets, mom turned on the TV and left the room.

"Mike?!" I said poking at him, I got no response, he was out cold. I 
just sighed and got comfortable, I felt the front of my diaper get warm 
as I relaxed and slowly drifted off the sleep.

"Josh, Josh!" I slowly opened my eyes, it was Michael and he was two 
inches from my face.

"Dude, are you awake?" he asked.

"I am now," I replied, stretching my arms.

"How are you feeling anyways?" I questioned.

"Much better, I think I just needed a good nap.�

�And a diaper," I added, we both laughed as mom entered the room.

"Good afternoon boys, glad to see you guys awake so soon, lunch will be 
ready in a few minutes," she said retreating back into the kitchen. The 
cordless phone started to ring. It was right on the end table, so I 
picked it up.


�Hey! Josh, its Shawn, what up?" I put the phone on speaker.

"Nothing much, man, just chillin� here with Mike.�

�Hi Shawn!" Mike yelled "Wow Mike, did you ever leave?�

�No, I got sick just like Josh so his mom decided to take care of both 
of us.�

�That�s cool, I am about to eat lunch then have mom drop me off over 

�Okay man, see you when you get here." I hung up the phone.

"Boys, lunch is ready!" mom yelled from the kitchen. We both got up and 
made our way to the kitchen.

"Why do you think Shawn is getting dropped off, he lives down the 

�I don't know," I said sitting down across from him, mom placed a big 
bowl of soup and some bread in front of me and one in front of Mike. I 
started to wolf down my food down because I was very hungry.

"Slow down little piggy," mom said, then she looked over at Mike who 
had not taken one bite yet.

�What�s wrong, sugar? Eat up." He just lowered his head.

�Come on sugar, tell me whats wrong?"

�I�m... I�m scared," he replied softly. I started to laugh.

�Joshua, be quiet. Sugar, are you scared that if you eat you will get 
sick again?" he nodded his head.

�Awww, sugar, it�s okay, just eat slow and a little bit at a time... 
hmmm... come here" Mike got up and walked over to her, she picked him 
up and put him on her lap. She is going to feed him like she fed me the 
other day, so I got up and slid the bowl of soup in front of mom and 
sat back down. Mom brought a spoon full of soup up to Mike's mouth, but 
he didn't open.

�come on sugar, trust me, I promise you will like it." He slowly open 
his mouth, mom put in the full spoon and pulled out an empty one.

�good boy" mom said bringing up another full spoon to his mouth. I 
finished my soup and all of my bread.

�mommy I�m still hungry.�

�Okay sweetie, come over here" she reached over Michael, picked me up 
and sat me right next to him. She started to feed both of us, one spoon 
full for Mike and one spoon full for me, thats how it went until the 
bowl was empty.

�Okay boys, let�s get you two cleaned up for company." She carried us, 
one in each arm up to my room and changed our diapers. She then dressed 
us in matching baby blue t-shirts and white gym shorts, she combed our 
hair and styled it so we looked the same.

Mom left us in the room alone; I crawled over to the Lego blocks that 
were still on the floor. I started to put pieces back together, soon 
Mike joined in. After a little while we had built a bunch of space 
cruisers and we finished our space station.

�Bam-bam," I said ramming my space cruiser in to Michael's.

�Pow-pow!" Mike shot down my cruiser with his cannon. *Ding dong* it 
was the doorbell, we both know it was Shawn so we rushed out the room 
and waited at the top of the stairs. Mom opened the front door, Shawn's 
mom was there hold her son in her arms, then mom reached out and took 
Shawn into her arms.

�Have fun baby, I will see you later," Shawn's mom said closing the 
door. Mom put Shawn down on the couch as we rushed down the stairs.

�Hey guys, awww, don't you two look cute," Shawn said jokingly seeing 
us dressed exactly the same way.

�Hey Shawn, what�s.... damn man.... what happened?" I said pointing at 
the big cast around his ankle.

�You guys remember when I sprained my ankle here the other day, well 
when I went sleep but got up to go to the bathroom, so I got up and 
hopped on one foot to the bathroom, when I got there I was hopping over 
to the toilet when I slipped on a puddle of water and landed right on 
my ankle. Mom heard me crying and seen what happened, so she took me to 
the hospital where Dr. Westin said it was broken and put it in a cast.�

�Westin, he is my doctor too.�

�Oh yeah! He is cool, he told my mom not to let me walk at all for at 
least one week.�

�Wow, that explains a lot," Mike said bending over to turn the X-Box 

�Mike.... are you wearing a diaper?" Shawn asked seeing the top of 
Mike's diaper as he bent over. Mike shot straight up and got really 

�Ah... ah..." he stuttered

�Mike peed on me last night," I stated

�It was an accident!" Mike yelled.

�Ha, ha, that�s too funny.�

�Yeah, I woke up, socking wet, and mom has him on the floor with his 
legs up in the air diapering him.�


�Okay dude, sorry" I said trying to stop myself from laughing.

�So... ah... how is it?" Shawn asked

�Hows what!?" Mike snapped back.

�Wearing a diaper... I mean... how does it feel?" Mike lightened up a 

�It�s okay, I guess, it�s really soft and fluffy, and if you have an... 
ah... accident it doesn't get everywhere.�

�Cool," Shawn replied unfazed.

�Okay Dr.Westin, I will pick up the boys prescriptions today," mom said 
hanging up the phone as she walked into the room.

�Okay boys, we are going for a little ride to the store." We turned off 
the X-Box and got ready, mom picked up Shawn and brought him out to the 
car, as me and Mike followed.

�Oh! Does anyone need a change before we go?"

Mike and I just looked at each other with blank faces, so mom pulled 
down the front of our shorts and felt our diapers.

�All clean here," she then pulled the elastic backs of our diapers and 
looked down.

�Okay poopy butt," she said picking me up under my arms.

�I�m not dirty, mommy" I said completely confused.

�Wes you are, silly."

I did not remember pooping at all. Mom brought me upstairs, gave me a 
quick change and clean up. When we returned we all piled into the car, 
put our seat belts on, and we were off.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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