How Wonderful Can Life Be

By Ruurd Woltring, age 20
Name: Zachary
Age: 10
Since my parents (30 and 28) died in a car crash, I had to live with my 
aunt (28) and uncle (30) in Los Angeles. My aunt loved me like I was 
her favorite child, but my uncle was very mean to me. He treated me 
like a criminal all the time. My aunt disagreed with this and all the 
times, she threatened my uncle with a divorcement if he didn’t stop 
with doing these things to me, but he forbid her to do it, because if 
she would divorce him, he would make her life and my life become 
miserable. Now, let me tell you my story.

On a beautiful sonny Saturday, I woke up at 8 o’clock in the morning. I 
always wondered what my uncle was doing in the basement, so I decided 
to take a look. I put my socks and morning jacket on, got into the 
hall, opened a door (with ‘restricted area’ on it) and sneaked into the 
basement. I took a good look at a lot of pictures and discovered why my 
uncle was so mean to me. In the past, he was a criminal, who robbed 5 
banks. Then, I noticed an article of a newspaper from 1981 (7 years 
before I was born) and read: “Xavier Jones has been arrested by the 
police, thanks to a big group of children.” After reading the whole 
article, I knew how my aunt could divorce my uncle. I sneaked out of 
the basement and went to my aunt’s bedroom. I carefully opened the door 
and noticed a little letter, which said: “Honey, I’m going into town 
and I’ll be home before dinner. See you tonight, Xavier.” My aunt woke 
up, noticed me and said: “Hello, sweetheart. Did you sleep well?” I 
nodded and said: “Aunt Nina, I know how you can divorce Uncle Xavier.” 
My aunt became curious and asked: “Well, how then?” “You’ll find the 
answer in the basement,” I said. After showing her the whole stuff, my 
aunt made an evil grin on her face. “That’s a brilliant idea,” she 
said, while she put her arm around me. Suddenly, she realized why my 
uncle was going into town. “He’s robbing banks again,” she said. 
Immediately, she called the police. Together with a few officers, we 
arrived at the bank, which was about to be robbed by my uncle. “Xavier 
Jones!” the head commissar said through his sound speaker. “You’re 
under arrest!” When he heard that, my uncle became furious and yelled: 
“How did you know what I was doing!” I took my own sound speaker and 
said: “Aunt Nina and I discovered each single detail about your past in 
your ‘restricted area’, Uncle Xavier. She can finally divorce you, 
since we both discovered the whole truth. You can’t treat me like a 
criminal anymore.” My uncle’s face turned completely red and ran to me, 
but the police officers grabbed him, handcuffed him, put him into the 
police car and drove him to jail.

“That was very good of you,” the head commissar said to me, while he 
put his hand on my shoulder. “You make a perfect detective.” I blushed 
when I heard that.

When we came home, my aunt said: “I have a little surprise for you, 
Zachary.” She went to her bedroom and got back with a package of 
Pampers Size 6 disposable diapers.

“Wow!” I said. “That’s awesome!”

“Your parents liked diapers, too,” my aunt said. “Before they died, 
they asked me to buy these diapers for you, so you can wear them again. 
Also, you can use them as your toilet.”

“Speaking of using them as my toilet...” I said, “...I gotta pee and 

My aunt took that answer as an agreement and immediately, she took me 
to the bathroom. She made me take my stuff off, got out a diaper, 
unfolded it, put it on me and taped it together. Then, I squatted down, 
pushed hard and grunted. A very big piece of soft-hard poop came out of 
my butt and fell in the diaper. After pushing the 4th piece of poop in 
the diaper, I peed for about 5 seconds and said: “I’m done.”

“Excellent work,” my aunt said, with pride. “Now, let’s get your diaper 
changed.” She got out a huge diaper-changing table and made me lie down 
on it. She put her hand on the under-outside of the diaper and spread 
the poop all over my butt and the inside parts of the diaper. Then my 
aunt unfastened the tapes, removed the diaper, cleaned me up with some 
baby wipes, put them in the dirty diaper, got out a new diaper, 
unfolded it, put it on me, taped it together, threw the dirty diaper in 
the trashcan and washed her hands.

I put my stuff back on and said: “That was really cool, Aunt Nina. I 
hope this never ends, well, at least not until I live on my own.”

“This will never end,” my aunt said, while she put her arm around me. 
“You’ll remain in diapers for the rest of your childhood and youth.”

Each day I was wearing diapers 24/7. Also, I peed and pooped in each 
diaper. The next morning, we had a visitor (John Jones, the head from 
the CIA), which seemed to be an old friend of my parents.

“Your father was a good police officer,” Mr. Jones said. “Before he 
died, he was promoted as a member of the CIA.”

I couldn’t believe it. My father was a secret agent. “He wanted me to 
make a secret agent out of you,” Mr. Jones said. “What do you think of 

I nodded, because I wanted to follow my father’s footsteps. My aunt was 
very proud of me and hoped that I would become the best secret agent 
ever. My first mission was to find the one who killed my parents. I 
succeeded and had finally taken revenge, but then on a professional and 
good way, and we all lived happily ever after.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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