Title: How I Got Caught Wearing Diapers
Name: Craig
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 10
Posting Date: 04/05/09
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: How I got caught wearing diapers and a happy ending to the story. I hope you all enjoy reading it.                  
My name is Craig. I�m ten years old. I�m going to tell you a story on 
how I was caught wearing diapers.

Three months ago when I was still nine years old just before my tenth 
birthday. I found a box of diapers, baby wipes, baby powder, baby 
bottles, baby lotion, baby oil and some pacifiers and all of those 
other baby items in my room put away in a box.

I took off my jeans and took off underpants and cleaned me up powdered 
me up and I put a diaper on and I put my underpants and jeans back on 
over my diaper so I don�t get into trouble. I wore it for a good few 
hours up until it got to the point of leaking. I took it off and 
cleaned me up powdered me and put a new fresh diaper on. Mommy didn�t 
suspect a thing.

The next day as soon as I woke up in the morning before I went to eat 
breakfast I cleaned me up powdered me and put another diaper on then I 
went downstairs.

Mommy said good morning and asked me what I wanted for breakfast: Apple 
Jacks, Rice Krispies, Cheerios, Frosted Flakes or oatmeal. I said I 
wanted oatmeal.

I had to go poopies so bad I couldn�t hold it anymore and I filled my 
diaper with pooopies and mommy almost caught me but she thought it was 
my older brother that farted. After breakfast I ran to my room to take 
off the dirty diaper and cleaned me up powdered me and put a new fresh 
clean diaper on.

Later that day my mommy and my older brother went to the mall shopping. 
I went to the drug store (the drug store is just a block from my house) 
to get me some more diapers. (Youth size diapers the baby size 6 
diapers a tad too tight) While I was at the drug store I went poopie in 
my diaper. I came home glad to see my mommy and older brother wasn�t 
home so I was able to get the bag of diapers in the house without them 

I cleaned me up and I decided not to wear diapers anymore that day 
because I almost got caught twice and I didn�t want to take anymore 

Two days later when I thought everything was cool calm and okay before 
breakfast I cleaned me up powdered me and put another diaper on.

Everything was okay until mommy walked passed my room to go to her room 
I didn�t close my door all the way and she looked in and saw some baby 
powder on the wood floor and asked me what that was? I said it was 
nothing and she took my word. My older brother overheard what was going 
on. I was almost caught again.

It was warm outside so I went outside to play for a while and my older 
brother walked into my room to see where this baby powder was and 
forage around for more evidence. It took him awhile to find the box 
with all the diapers and other baby stuff and he found the new bag of 
diapers. He tried to tell on me but mommy would not listen to him and 
pulled down his shorts and underpants and spanked him for trying to 
tell on me and walking in my room and rummaging through my room.

I came in from being outside and I heard my brother crying and I asked 
what was going on. I gave your brother a bare butt spanking because he 
went into your room rummaging through your stuff.

I had to go poopie so bad I ran to my room to take off the pee filled 
diaper so I wouldn�t have a big messy diaper to get rid of or a messy 
butt to clean up and it wouldn�t start smelling in my room. I decided 
to not wear another diaper a chance of being caught because of what my 
brother did. So I went without a diaper for the rest of the day. I 
really felt like I was wearing nothing.

Three days later when I though everything was cool and calm I cleaned 
me up powdered me and put a diaper on. I wore the diaper until it was 
to the point of leaking. I removed it cleaned me up powdered me and put 
a new clean fresh diaper on. Everything was okay that day and nobody 
suspected a thing.

The next day I was playing in my room with the door closed because it 
was cold and rainy outside. I was sucking on a pacifier and playing 
with my baby toys and some of my big boy toys for a nine-year-old.

The next day was warm and dry outside so I went outside to play but 
before I went outside to play I put another diaper on and I took one of 
the pacifiers and tided a red string around it and took it with me and 
put it around my neck and sucked on it.

While I was outside playing mommy was grocery shopping. My brother had 
another chance to rummage through my room again. He notice I cleaned up 
the baby powder so this time he put a little baby powder on the floor 
here and there and he got out the baby wipes and lift the carton of 
baby wipes out in the open and some diapers out in the open and put one 
diaper on and peed and poopied in it took then took it off cleaned up 
and left a few dirty poopie baby wipes on the wood floor and wrapped 
the diaper up and left that on the wood floor hoping that would be 
enough evidence for mommy.

I came in from playing outside and I saw what my brother did to my room 
so I quickly pick it up. He tried so hard to get me in trouble this 
time but he just couldn�t do it.

Part II

Three weeks before my tenth birthday I put a diaper on and this time I 
decide to just wear my jeans over my diaper not my underpants like I 
have been doing.

I had totally forgotten that I had a doctor�s appointment for a 
physical examination to go to summer camp. I didn�t have enough time to 
take off my diaper and clean me up.

 On the way to the doctor�s office I had to go poopies real bad. I 
tried real hard to hold it until I got to the doctors office then my 
plan was to run to the bathroom and take off the diaper besides go 
poopies. I couldn�t hold it any more and ended up using my diaper.

We got to the doctors office and mommy said, �What is that foul smell?�

�I think it is in the air, mommy.� I was really scared at this point 
thinking mommy caught me right there in the car.

As soon as we walked into the building I said to mommy that I have to 
use the bathroom. She said, �No, you don�t have enough time to stop and 
use the bathroom.� Mommy said, �Wow! That foul smell is really bad!�

We got into the waiting room and mommy asked the lady behind the desk, 
�What is that foul small?�

�There is no foul smell in here, but however, because we are at a 
pediatric doctor�s office you might be smelling some dirty diapers.�

We were sitting next to two kids. One looked to be about four years old 
and the other looked to be about five years old and they were still 
wearing diapers. I said to mommy that maybe where the foul smell is 
coming from those two boys are still wearing diapers.

The doctor�s assistant finally called me in the office room and mommy 
came in with me. She said, �There goes that foul smell again.� The lady 
told me to strip to my underwear and put a gown on.

I stripped to my diaper and that is when I got caught wearing diapers. 
I tried real hard to hide it but you can barley hide it when you strip 
off your clothws. Mommy said, �What kind of underwear is that>� and I 
said, �It�s my Fun Pals underwear.�

�No, it is not your Fun Pals underwear; it is too thick; let me see 

�It�s a diaper and you�re the cause of the foul smell! I will be back 
in a minute with some baby wipes, baby powder, and a diaper and you 
will be stripped from this diaper and I will clean you up and you will 
get a bare-butt spanking and I will put you back in a diaper and I will 
punish you more when we get home.�

When we got home mommy punished me more like she promised:

�First, you will be wearing diapers for a long, long time and you will 
be carrying a diaper bag with you at all times full of diapers, baby 
wipes, baby powder and all the other baby items in it everywhere you go 
except at home. I will be changing your diapers and you are grounded 
for a week and I don�t know if I�m going to let you go to summer camp. 
If I do let you go to summer camp you will be grounded when you get 

(I pretended to be very mad and upset but on the inside I very happy 
and excited to be wearing diapers again)

Mommy did lots of research and she found a summer camp that is just for 
boys in diapers.

�Craig, come here.�

�You are lucky you are going to summer camp but you will not be going 
to the summer camp I had you listed in. I did lots of research and I 
found a summer camp that is just for boys who wear diapers and it does 
everything you were going to do at the other camp but the only 
different is that you will be in diapers.�

(I was glad that I�m going to a summer camp that is only for boys who 
wear diapers)

�I will be getting my money back from the one I had you listed in.�

�But mommy, I don�t want to go to a summer camp for boy who wears 

�Yes, you will.�

�But mommy.�

�Don�t argue with me! You will be going!�

�But mommy!�

�Stop arguing with me or you will be getting another bare-butt 


�I have warned you; now you will be getting a bare butt spanking!�

I yelled, �No! No!� but mommy totally ignored me and gave me a bare-
butt spanking and sent me to my room.

Later that week mommy and me went shopping for camping supplies and 
more diapers. I had to carry a diaper bag with me all over the place, 
and if that wasn�t embarrassing enough my diaper was sticking out above 
my shorts.

Part III

The day to go to summer camp finely came I was very happy and excited. 
I will be gone for three full weeks. We got to the parking lot were all 
the campers were supposed to meet and it was full. It was only 8:15 AM 
in the morning. All the buses that were going to take us all to the 
camp was to depart at 10:00. There were 4 buses one was to carry all 
the bags of diapers and all of the other belonging. 9:30 came around 
and a person showed up; evidently he was the camp counselor.

I was right, he was the camp counselor. He told all of us to say our 
goodbyes to our family and told the parents, �You can leave at this 
point, or if you prefer to stick around until your sons leave you may 
do so.�

Some mommies and daddies said their goodbyes and left. Most mommies and 
daddies stayed around until their sons left.

He said his speech then we all put our diapers and other belongings on 
the one bus then we all divided into groups and boarded the bus that we 
were a assigned to and the driver of the bus had to say a little speech 
to us and then we were off to the camp. It was going to take 3 to 4 
hours to get to camp.

We finally got to camp and the camp headmaster greeted us as we got off 
the bus and welcomed all of us to camp and said a welcoming speech. 
Then we all went to get our diapers and other belongings out of the one 
bus then we were to line up in the same group as we were assigned on 
the buses. We went over to where the cabins were. There were 6 cabins, 
10 kids per cabin and we had the rest of the day to get to know each 
other. I got to know everybody in our cabin. There is:

Billy age 10
Tony age 11
Chris age 11
Johnny age 10
Nathan age 9
Luke age 12
Bryce age 10
Brian age 11
Derek age 8

The camp counselor welcomed us to our first full day of camp again and 

�Today cabins 1 and 2 are to do arts & crafts. Cabins 3 and 4 are going 
on a nature hike; cabins 5 and 6, archery and gun shooting. I need you 
all to get with your counselors before go on the hike.�

We got together with our camp counselor and he said, �You all need to 
go back to the cabin and get some supply like lots of water, food and 
other snacks and plenty of diapers and all of you meet me back here. I 
want to make you all have enough of everything.�

We all had enough of everything and we were off to go on the hike as 
planed for the day. The hike was very beautiful and had some nice 
scenery to it. I�m glad I remembered to ask mommy if I could bring her 
camera with me because I got some beautiful pictures. About six to 
seven hours later we finally got back to camp just in time for dinner. 
After dinner all the campers had some time to themselves and you could 
do whatever you wanted. Me and the rest of cabin decided to stay in the 
cabin and get to know each other. Steve, who was in cabin 2, he is 8 
years old wanted join us in cabin 3 so we all welcomed him into our 
cabin. We all found out that Steve is best friends with Nathan and 
Luke. It was time for Steve to go back to his cabin so Nathan took him 
back to his cabin.

Later that night when everybody was sleeping in cabin 3 and cabin 2 
except for Steve grabbed his sleeping bag and a pillow and came over to 
are cabin to sleep. He had a flashlight and found Nathan�s bed and 
Luke�s bed and set his sleeping bag between their beds and slept on the 
floor between them.

Part IV

The days at camp had drawn to a close we had two days left. Everybody 
was unhappy about that so we all exchanged names, phone numbers and 
house addresses and e-mail addresses. The very last day came and we all 
could do what we wanted to do. Later that evening we had a bonfire sang 
camp songs tell stories and share the activity we all like the best. 
The last day came everybody was unhappy and not a dry eye in the camp. 
We all put our left over diapers and our other belongings on the one 
bus then boarded the buses.

Everybody was very tired and sad but very happy to see there mommy�s 
and daddy�s and I didn�t want to come home because I knew I was 
grounded but to my surprise mommy said, �I think you had enough 
punishment. I decided to lift you from being grounded; however, you are 
still going to be wearing diapers for a long, long time still.�

�How were your days at camp?� Mom asked me.

�Well, I made lots of friends. The first day me and the rest of my 
cabin mates went on a nature hike and I got some good pictures. I did 
some archery and gun shooting. I did some bike riding around camp. I 
played some baseball, some basketball, soccer, volleyball and swimming. 
After dinner we had time to ourselves. The last day we all exchanged 
names phone numbers house addresses and e-mail addresses.�

�Sounds like you had a good time.�

�Yes I did, mommy.�

�Did you make plans to go back to this camp next year?�

�Next year is far away mommy.�

�Well, I just thought because you had a good time that you might want 
to go back.�

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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