Title: Harry Potter and the Wet Bed
Name: Ruurd Woltring
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 20
Posting Date: 10/26/08
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)* S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father4- Crying
N- Aunt5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying
Q- Brothers (not diapered)8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: 13 year old Harry Potter; after finishing his fourth year at Hogwarts has began wetting the bed from the stress of the Voldemorts return and being back with the abusive Dursleys. Petunia invents a new kind of torture.

Note: In my fan-fiction stories that I write Harry started Hogwarts when he was 10 so everything happens one year earlier. He was 13 when he entered the tournament.        

Part 1

"Harry, wake up you worthless little brat!" Screamed his Aunt Petunia 
from the kitchen. He awoke groggily and realized in horror that he'd 
peed his bed for the third day in a row.

"What's wrong with me? I'm really gonna get it now!" He thought as he 
started crying and got out of bed to clean up and hide the evidence. 
Just as he stood up, Dudley jerked open his door and smiled evilly. 
"Dudley, please don't say anything! I don't want another spanking! It 
was an accident, you know I couldn't help it..." Harry begged.

"Ha, ha, you piss pants baby! Go pee-pee in your bed again? Mummy! 
Mummy! Harry's wet his bed again! MUMMMY!!" Dudley screamed at the top 
of his lungs.

"Alright dear, I'll be right up," she hollered back.

"Thanks a lot you jerk," Harry said through tears.

"Ooh, I'm telling on that one, too!" Dudley bit back. Seconds later 
Aunt Petunia stormed through the doorway carrying a wooden paddle she'd 
used on Harry's behind thousands of times before.

"Why you little turd! Do you like going piss in your bed or something? 
I bet you do, you little pervert. You're really going to get it this 
time! Take off your wet pants!" She screamed.

"That's not all, Mummy," sobbed Dudley, "He, sniff, sniff, he called me 
a jerk! Punish him Mummy!" He started fake crying and Harry just rolled 
his eyes.

"There there, Mummy will make sure he gets what he deserves!" she said, 
kissing her child.

"Please Aunt Petunia! I didn't mean to, it was an accident!" he pleaded 
with her.

"FINE! You won't take them off yourself, then I WILL!" She stormed over 
and yanked down his soaked pajama pants and then his yellowed briefs, 
commenting on how he was being such a bratty baby. She walked over to a 
bench he had in his room and sat down. "COME HERE, HARRY!" He slowly 
walked over to her, trying to cover his privates, which were now 
turning a slight pink due to the rash he was beginning to develop. 
"Don't bother covering up your tiny little penis, babies have nothing 
to be embarrassed about! Over my knee, Harry!" she said, grabbing the 
sobbing teen and forcing him down over her lap. She rained down slaps 
HARD on his naked bottom, causing him to cry harder and occasionally 
yell in pain. Dudley just laughed. After about thirty solid smacks, she 
called Dudley over to spank him. "Now snookums, you get to punish him 
for being mean to you. Spank him as many times as you'd like, ok?" She 
cooed. "I'll be back in a minute to finish his punishment."

"Yes Mummy." He smiled maniacally at Harry, who was frantically rubbing 
his red behind and crying like a toddler. Aunt Petunia left the room 
and Dudley began pelting Harry's butt with the paddle.

"PLEASE!... NO!... I'M SORRY... PLEASE STOP!" Harry choked out. 
Finally, Aunt Petunia entered the room with an armful of what looked 
like towels.

"You can stop now if you'd like, Dudley baby." She said. Dudley did and 
Harry curled up into a little ball and sobbed on the floor. "Oh stop 
bawling and go get into the tub. I've run you a bath to get all the 
piss off of you. I'll be in, in a second! DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING JUST SIT 
DOWN!" Harry did as she told him and trudged naked and still crying 
through the hallway and into the bathroom with Dudley laughing behind 
him. He got into the tub and sat down slowly, as the warm water stung 
his sore behind and his rashy privates. He lay down and let the water 
gently soothe him. It didn't last long, however, as Aunt Petunia came 
in a minute later. "Now maybe you'll stop peeing in your bed Harry. Sit 
up, I have to wash you," she demanded.

"But Auntie, I can wash myself," He said, confused as he tried to cover 
himself again.

AGAIN!" She screamed and Harry sat up. Aunt Petunia began roughly 
washing his face and all the way down to his waist. "Stand up." Harry 
reluctantly did as he was told, but started sobbing from the 
embarrassment and covered his member with his hands. "Oh, knock it 
off," she said and she soaped down his behind and his penis, very 
gently. "There, aren't you happy? You've given yourself a rash!" She 
sighed. She reached to the side of the tub and squirted some shave gel 
in her hands and rubbed it into Harry's pubic hair and his balls, 
causing his penis to stiffen. "You disgusting little boy! Don't you 
dare move!" She said and Harry sobbed from embarrassment and stood 
perfectly still as his Aunt shaved away all his hair. She rinsed him 
off and ordered him out of the tub and to go into his room and lie 
down. He grabbed a towel and walked shamefully into his bedroom and 
lay, curled up, on his bed, completely broken and un-aware of the stack 
of diapers sitting right next to him. Aunt Petunia and Dudley walked 

"Ha, ha! Now you REALLY look the part of a piss-pants baby!" Dudley 
laughed. Harry just cried harder.

"Lay on your back and spread your legs Harry!" His aunt commanded. He 
did as he was told and tried to tune out Dudley's snickering. Aunt 
Petunia folded the diapers and Harry knew he was in for a whole lot of 

Part 2

Glad you guys liked the first chapter, this one was also written by my 
cousin, so will the next three chapters. Enjoy

Once his aunt had folded the diapers, she lifted Harry up by the ankles 
like a little baby and shoved the diapers under his bottom. Dudley 
laughed from across the room.

"Be quiet, you!" Harry said through gritted teeth. Dudley just 

"That's it, I've had it! Not ANOTHER WORD, HARRY!" Aunt Petunia yelled 
and her icy hands slapped Harry's already red backside several more 
times, which started him crying all over again. When he stopped 
sobbing, she squirted some baby oil on his bottom and rubbed it in from 
his stinging cheeks to his now hairless balls and little penis. Harry 
moaned from embarrassment as he started to get an erection. Aunt 
Petunia began to powder his backside and front and laughed at his tiny 
three-inch boner poking in the air. "See, Dudley? Even fully grown, 
it's still tiny. Must be because he's such a disgusting baby," she said 
and Dudley burst into laughter. Harry's face burned red, and he covered 
his eyes as tears started to stream out again. Aunt Petunia pinned 
several thick diapers on him, very tightly, and pulled on some clear 
plastic pants. "Stay here in your room Harry, until I get back. And 
don't you even THINK of touching those diapers. Dudley, you're in 
charge while I go to the store, okay, Snookums? I'll be back shortly, 
only an hour or so."

"Yes Mummy! Does Harry have to do as I say?" He asked, feigning 

"Yes, of COURSE Darling! Anything you ask or say... UNDERSTOOD??" she 
said, glaring at Harry. She turned and walked out the door and within a 
few seconds, she was driving down the road.

"Now, you little brat... we're going to have some fun. You heard my 
mother, you have to do exactly as I say." Dudley said evilly.

"What do you mean? What are you going to do to me Dudley!? Don't EVEN 
FREAKING TOUCH ME!" Harry yelled.

"Oh, you'll find out. Don't you dare say a word to Mummy, or I'll make 
you regret the day you were born!" Dudley snapped.

"Believe me, I already do..." Harry sighed.

"Stay here." Dudley ordered as he stomped out the room and down into 
the kitchen. He returned a minute later with a pitcher of water and 
some duct tape. "Don't you dare move or I'll beat the absolute shit out 
of you," Dudley said. Harry knew better than to mess with him and out 
of sheer terror, complied as Dudley taped his hands to the bed post. 
"Drink all of this water up," he said as he lifted the pitcher to 
Harry's lips. It took a few minutes, but soon Harry's belly was 
protruding, he was so full. He laid his head back on his pillow, but 
jerked it back up again, when he felt Dudley's hand on the front of his 

"What are you doing, you creep?" Harry asked, his voice cracking from 

"Don't make me tape your mouth shut, ass wipe, 'cuz I'll do it," Dudley 
said. He continued rubbing the diaper as Harry whimpered and begged him 
to stop. It didn't take long for his young penis to jump back to life 
with Dudley's gentle rubbing, and soon he stopped complaining. "See? I 
knew you'd like it." Within minutes Harry was thrusting his diapered 
bottom off of the bed, straining to get more contact with Dudley's 
hand. Dudley just snickered and obliged by pressing harder onto Harry's 
thickly padded crotch.

"Ungh...feels.. so... goooood," Harry moaned between breaths. Dudley 
laughed and continued. He soon increased his thrusts, and with a groan, 
shot his load into the warm diaper. He flopped down on the bed all red- 
faced and panting, with his arms aching from the tape. He just lay 
there for a few seconds as Dudley stood up and left the room. Harry 
heard him turn on the television to the cartoon channel. He laughed as 
he though about what an immature monster Dudley was, and then realized 
with horror that his Aunt Petunia would be home in a half hour and 
would soon discover the semen stain in his diaper...

Part 3

Harry lay there in absolute horror at the thought of the spanking he 
was sure to get when his Aunt Petunia would discover the stain in the 
front of his diaper. Even though it wasn't much, he knew that she'd 

"Oh NO! What's gonna happen NOW? Aunt Petunia is sure gonna blister my 
behind for this!" Harry started panicking... even worse, all the water 
Dudley had forced down his throat had made it to his bladder and 
pressure was building quickly. VERY quickly. He always had to urinate 
after having orgasming. He squirmed and crossed his legs and tried to 
get his mind off of the need to pee. He knew it'd only be a matter of 
minutes before he wouldn't be able to hold it any longer. His Aunt 
would surely be irritated at the fact that he'd have to wet his diapers 
so quickly. He figured that maybe he could get Dudley to help him... 
maybe bribe him or something. "Um, Dudley?" He listened for a response. 
"DUDLEY??" He finally heard the fat boy trudging up the creaky wooden 
stairs to his bedroom.

"What do you want, worm?" He asked, knowing full well what the bound 
boy needed.

"Um, uh, do you think you could untie me so I could go to the 
bathroom?" He asked sheepishly.

"Yeah, THAT'S going to happen," he smirked. And then asked in a babyish 
tone, "What's wrong? Baby gotta go pee-pee? Did you dwink too much wa- 

"Yeah," He said, blushing. "PLEASE cut the tape. I really can't hold it 
much longer! Will you PLEASE help me? I'll clean your room and wait on 
you hand and foot for the next MONTH! PLEASE??"

"I'm sorry, maybe if you weren't such a bedwetting baby I'd help you 
out!" he laughed. He loved seeing Harry squirm and wriggle on the bed, 
completely helpless to his situation. Harry was now sweating and his 
cheeks were flushed a pale pink. He curled up in a ball in a desperate 
attempt to ease his now throbbing bladder.

"Please. I'll do anything you ask... just PLEASE let me go to the 
bathroom." He said, starting to cry.

"Ummm... no. I like watching you suffer," Dudley laughed. "In fact, I 
think maybe tickling you would be a good idea. Or maybe more water? 
Yup... more water." Dudley said and stomped out of the room and down 
the stairs. That was it, Harry couldn't hold it any longer and in a hot 
spurt, his bladder released into his diapers. He gasped in relief, but 
instantly tried to cut off the flow of pee. He succeeded, but only for 
a few seconds, and crying he watched as he soaked his diapers. For what 
seemed like an eternity, he lay there wetting the thirsty terry-cloth 
diapers which now hung warm and heavy around his most private parts. 
Harry was SOAKED! From the very top of his diaper, all the way to the 
lower part of his bottom was completely wet. He just cried. A minute 
later Dudley returned with a soda. When he entered the room and 
approached the bed he burst into laughter.

"HAHAHA! OH my GOD, you are SUCH a wimp! You couldn't even hold it for 
a minute!" He said reaching his hand down and squeezing the front of 
Harry's sodden diaper.

"Leave me alone, asshole. I HATE you! Why are you always so mean to 
me?" He said through his tears.

"Don't talk to me like that! Besides, you should relax. Here, drink 
this soda and I PROMISE I'll untape you." He said as he popped the top 
off of his drink.

"Really?" He asked. "Yeah." Dudley replied and he lifted the cool 
beverage to Harry's lips. Harry gulped and stopped occasionally to 
burp. Just as he was finishing the last drops, his Aunt Petunia walked 
through the door.

"Oh Dudley-poo, you're such a KIND boy! Helping your WORTHLESS cousin 
out..." She cooed as she walked over to the boys. "Oh my, why did you 
tape him to the bed, Darling? AND WHY ARE YOUR DIAPERS WET, HARRY 
POTTER??" She screamed. "I leave for not even an HOUR and you can't 
even hold it until I get back?" She said smacking him on the legs.

"Mummy, I taped him because I caught him masturbating... Check his 
diaper... you'll see that he got some icky cum on the front." He said. 
Harry was SHOCKED!

"YOU WERE WHAT??" She screamed! "You FILTHY, FILTHY BOY!!"

"NO I wasn't, he's LYING! I wasn't playing with myself, DUDLEY was 
doing it to me!" Harry defended himself.

"HOW dare you say something like THAT about my Dudley! I've had it with 
you, Harry! If there's even the tiniest TRACE of semen in that soaked 
diaper of yours, then you'll be in diapers until you go back to that 
SCHOOL of yours! And that's ALL you'll wear!" she said. Harry knew he 
was doomed. He lay still as Aunt Petunia peeled down the wet plastic 
pants and un-pinned his diapers. She about choked herself when she saw 
the white jizz on the front of his diapers and covering his now 
completely limp and shriveled penis. "Ha! I knew it. You're a dirty 
liar and now you've got yourself a spanking and diapers for LIFE!"

Part 4

"Dudley, go get me the scissors, so I can cut this naughty little boy 
free and give him the spanking he deserves," She told Dudley.

"Yes Mummy, is there anything else I can get for you?" He asked, so 
sickeningly sweet that it made Harry roll his eyes.

"Yes, actually darling, there is. I just bought some baby bottles. 
They're on the counter in the kitchen. Will you please fill one up with 
the prune juice that is in the other bag? Thank you sweetums," She 
replied. As she waited for Dudley to return, she fully removed Harry's 
plastic pants and diapers and got a wipe and cleaned off his semen-
covered privates. "You wait until he gets back, Harry Potter. You'll 
get what's coming to you, you naughty boy. From now on, you are NOT 
allowed to touch your penis in anyway, shape, or form! GOT IT?? Dirty 
boy." She scolded. Harry lay there naked on the bed sniffling from 
embarrassment, and dreading the impending spanking. All too quickly 
Dudley returned with the scissors and handed them to his mom. "Thank 
you my good boy." She cut Harry free and flipped him over on his 
stomach. "Bend over the bed Harry!" He did as she asked, and before he 
was completely in place, she began furiously spanking his already pink 
bottom with her bare hand. Harry began crying in pain, and covering his 
bottom with his hands. "Dudley, hold his hands above his head so that 
naughty boy can get in my way." She ordered, Dudley HAPPILY did as she 
asked, and for the next two or three minutes she continued to spank 
Harry. When she finally stopped, Harry was sobbing and writhing in 
pain. "There. Now DON'T EVER let me catch you doing that again, young 
man! Or this will be ten times worse! Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," Harry choked out.

"Good. Now come downstairs. Dudley, bring the bottle that I asked you 
to fill." She said. Harry followed slowly behind the two of them, 
rubbing his sore behind and wishing he could run away from home. He 
hated the fact that he was wetting the bed, and wished that he could 
just stop as quickly as he had started. "Harry, go stand in that 
corner," She ordered, and he slowly trudged to where she was pointing, 
and then stopped.

"But Auntie, you can see me from the window! Please don't make me stand 
there!" He begged.

"Shut up Harry, that's the idea. Maybe if you get embarrassed enough, 
you'll stop this disgusting bedwetting habit of yours." She snapped. 
Harry did as he was told and continued to cry in the corner, his red 
bottom on view for all who passed by his front window, and seeing as 
all the neighborhood kids were playing out front, it was sure that it'd 
be only a few minutes before the whole square knew. It didn't help that 
his Aunt Petunia had opened the curtains and the window all the way. 
His Aunt walked up to him with the bottle of prune juice and instructed 
him to drink every last drop and not to say another word until he had 
to pee. Harry nodded. He sucked the pasty, bitter liquid down and stood 
there. He could hear the neighbor-kids laughing outside and even heard 
several remarks about his naked bottom in the window. He wanted to die 
from embarrassment. A half hour later, one of the children rang the 
doorbell and asked why Harry was standing in the corner naked. His Aunt 
Petunia very frankly told him that Harry was being punished for wetting 
the bed and for masturbating. After a few snickers, the kids returned 
to their games. It was now that Harry was struggling with the soda and 
prune juice that he'd been forced to drink.

"Auntie! Aunt Petunia!" He called.

"What do you want?" Came the reply from the kitchen.

"I have to wee!" He yelled back.

"Hold it for a few minutes, I'm making lunch." She told him. Harry 
squirmed in the corner and after a ten minutes of crossing his legs, 
decided that he needed to go now, or he would wet all over the floor.

"Auntie! I have to go wee really bad!" He yelled, hopping up and down.

"Ok! Dammit Harry, you're such a pain!" She sighed. She came in with 
several cloth diapers and instructed him to lay on the floor. He 
hurried over and Dudley came in to watch. Not thinking, he reached his 
hand down and squeezed his penis, to help hold in the pee, but his hand 
was quickly swatted away. His Aunt Petunia lifted his legs off the 
ground and shoved the soft white diapers under his bottom. After 
quickly powdering him, she pinned them tightly around him and pulled up 
his plastic pants. "Now stand up and come into the kitchen. Don't you 
wet yet, young man." Harry got up and quickly rushed into the kitchen. 
The thickly padded diapers forced his legs apart, and he looked like a 
big two-year old, toddling through the house.

"Now can I wee?" He pleaded through clenched teeth as he reached the 

"Not yet, you have to ask properly. Say, "Auntie, I have to go wee- 
wees. Can I wet?". She ordered.

"Auntie, I have to go wee-wees! Can I wet?" He asked, the desperation 
was growing in his voice.

"Yes naughty boy, you can go wee-wee." She reached her hand down to the 
front of his diapers and he breathed a sigh of relief as he flooded he 
thick diapers. It came out so hard and fast, that hot pee splashed 
against his plastic pants. He moaned as he emptied his full bladder 
into the now slightly sagging diapers. "There, happy? You dirty boy..." 
She scolded. "Come eat your lunch." It was at this time that Harry 
noticed the large high char in the corner of the kitchen.

"That's not for me, is it?" He whined, already knowing the answer.

"Of course it is, Harry. Babies don't sit in big-boy chairs. And see? 
It has special straps to tie you down with if you misbehave. Go sit in 
it. When you're done with your lunch, we're going to the park." Harry 
robotically trudged over to the chair and climbed into it. His aunt 
strapped him in, and plopped a bowl of orange slime and a plate of 
brown stuff down on his tray.

"What is this stuff?" He asked.

"That's your food-- carrots and squash in this bowl, and chicken and 
potatoes in that one. Eat it all up, or you'll get another spanking." 
She stated, and handed him a spoon. Harry reluctantly tasted one bite, 
and it made him gag. It took him forever to eat the rest. He looked 
over at Dudley who was eating a delicious looking grilled-cheese 
sandwich, and desperately wanted just one bite. But he didn't say a 
word. When he was done, his aunt handed him a bottle of milk and wiped 
his messy face clean. She un-strapped him and told him to drink his 
milk on the couch, and that he had to tell her if he had to wet. He 
waddled into the living room and plopped onto the plastic covered sofa. 
As he guzzled down his bottle, he prayed silently that this was just a 
horrible nightmare and that he would wake up any second. He was only 
half way done when his aunt came in and put him in a pair of overalls. 
They did a great job of letting his diapers show, but at least he was 
wearing something else. She then told him to put on his sandals because 
they were going to the park.

"Auntie, I don't have to go, do I?" He asked.

"Of course, all babies love going to the park." She laughed. "Now go 
get your shoes." Harry complied and within five minutes they were in 
the car. When he finished his bottle, they were there. "Dudley, my 
dear, please un-buckle your cousin," Aunt Petunia asked. Dudley did, 
but squeezed the front of Harry's diaper in the process. Harry was 
about to object, but bit his tongue instead. It took him forever to get 
out of the car. He was red in the face from embarrassment. "Now Harry, 
you go play with the other children and come tell me when you have to 
go wee-wee. Got it?" She snapped. Harry silently walked over to the 
swings and sat down. It was only a few moments before the younger 
children were pointing at him and asking him why he was wearing a 
diaper like a baby. Harry did his best to ignore them and continued 
swinging. After a half hour of slowly swinging back and forth, Harry 
realized that he had to wet again. Not only that, but his stomach was 
rumbling something awful. He got off the swings and sat down in the 
sandbox. He sobbed to himself again, knowing that he would inevitably 
have to poop in his diapers, whether he wanted to or not.

Part 5

As Harry sat there running his fingers through the sand, he began to 
sob quietly to himself. His wet diaper was clinging to his sore bottom 
and hugging his privates in the most uncomfortable way. Due to him 
playing in the sun, it was beginning to heat up and had become rather 
itchy. He reached his hand down inside his overalls and roughly rubbed 
the front of his diaper in an attempt to soothe the itching. 
Unfortunately for him, his Aunt Petunia saw and came storming over.

"Harry Potter, if you even THINK about touching those diapers EVER 
again, I will strip you down and give you a spanking RIGHT HERE were 
everybody can see what a naughty little boy you are! UNDERSTOOD?" She 

"Yes Auntie. But it itches really bad, I was just scratching," he 

"What itches?" she asked

"My... penis itches," He said, blushing.

"Oh, Harry, babies don't call it a penis, you call it a pee-pee. 
Anyways, I don't care. You're being punished, now DON'T TOY with me 
anymore!" She said as she turned to go sit back on her bench.

"Yes Auntie," he sighed. Harry got up out of the sand box and went to 
go play on the swings again. After only ten minutes he realized he had 
to wee quite badly and couldn't put it off anymore. As he hopped off of 
the swing, a spurt of urine escaped and Harry had to crush his legs 
together to cut it off. He ran, knees together, over to where his Aunt 
Petunia was sitting.

"Auntie, I have go go wee-wee's. Can I wet?" He pleaded through 
clenched teeth.

"Yes, I suppose so. But I'm not changing you until we get home and I 
have more errands to run, so I'd think it over if I were you." She 
said, knowing full well that Harry couldn't hold it any longer. The 
frustrated teen let loose and stood there with a look of ecstasy on his 
face as he flooded his already soaked diaper.

"I knew you wouldn't hold it. Not smart Harry. But then again, neither 
are you." As he was finishing, his stomach grumbled terribly and he 
crouched down in pain.

"What's the matter now?" She asked, sounding quite bothered.

"I have to go. #2, PLEASE can I go to the toilet?" He asked.

"NO, of course not. Just go in your diaper and I'll change you later, 
when it better suits me," she replied, not even looking up from her 
magazine. But Harry was determined to hold it, up until it hurt too bad 
to even move. And an hour later, he was curled up in a ball with his 
diapered bottom in the air, underneath the darkest part of the climbing 
castle filling his diapers. Even though it was outdoors, the smell was 
terrible and the poop was absolutely everywhere inside his diapers. 
With the same look of shame that a toddler gets from having an 
accident, Harry trudged over to his Aunt Petunia and sat down on the 
bench next to her.

"Ew, get away from me. I can smell you a mile away!" She said. Harry 
almost started to cry, but bit back the tears, he'd done enough crying 
for this woman in one day. "Well, I guess it doesn't matter anyways, 
because we have to go to the store to buy you some more baby things. Go 
get your cousin, Harry and meet me at the car." She ordered and began 
packing up her things. Harry waddled over to his fat cousin who was 
swinging so hard on the swings that the whole frame was shaking.

"What do YOU want stinky?" He smirked.

"Um, Auntie told me to tell you to meet her at the car." He said, 
blushing and turned around to head towards the parking lot. When he 
finally reached the car, he asked if he really had to go inside. He was 
met with a thundering YES and climbed into the backseat, knowing he was 
up for more utter humiliation.

Part 6

The car ride to the department store was nearly unbearable. Aunt 
Petunia had told Dudley to make sure the �Baby's� seat belt was tight 
enough. So Dudley had taken it upon himself to tighten the seatbelt as 
much as possible around Harry's waist, sqeezing his soaked, and messy 
diaper in his hand. The mess in his diaper caused his soar, and rashy 
privates to burn and itch severely. Halfway to the department store the 
pain in his backside became unbearable. He began crying silently and 
whimpering with every bump the car made.

�Mummy, it smells in here, make him get out an walk,� Dudley wailed 
loudly as he rolled down every window in the car.

�Happy now, the entire car will smell because of you,� she snapped 
glaring at Harry through her rear view mirror. �Stop that whining!�

�I can't i-it hurts,� Harry cried as he tried to squirm. The seatbelt 
was so tight Harry could hardly move his head without choking himself.

�Well it's your own fault that you have a rash and a dirty diaper on.,� 
Aunt Petunia scolded. Harry wanted to argue, to say that he didn't 
choose to wear these diapers, that he was forced to, but he knew that 
would get him nothing but a even soarer bottom. Five minuets later 
after a extremely nasty bump, Harry lost it. He began sobbing 
desperately. His bottom stung like it was on fire.

�Please take it off,� Harry pleaded through tears.

�I told you that I would not change you until we got home.� Aunt 
Petunia snapped angrily. �One more word and I'll spank you as soon as 
we get to the store.� This immediately shut Harry up. As much as he 
wanted the diaper off, he would o anything to avoid another spanking. 
They drove another ten minuets, with Harry crying softly in the back, 
before they arrived at Walmart. (Let�s pretend England has a Walmart.) 
Aunt Petunia parked the car and she and Dudley got out and walked 
towards the store. For a good five minuets Harry felt relieved, 
thinking they meant for him to stay in the car. That relief was short 
lived as Aunt Petunia came back to the car. �Get out now,� She snapped 
opening his door, and undoing his seat belt. She pulled the shocked 
child out and started dragging him towards the store.

�Auntie, please don't make me go in,� Harry begged as he struggled to 
keep up with his aunt. Aunt Petunia suddenly stopped and began digging 
in her hand bag. She pulled out the wooden paddle and swiftly turned 
Harry around and started swatting his legs viciously.

�What did I say,� Petunia yelled as she continued her assault. �Not 
another word of complaint, that�s what I said! Your Uncle will deal 
with you when he gets home!�

�Please stop,� Harry pleaded. Harry knew he was in for it now. He had 
completely forgotten about his uncle, who would be there when they got 
home. He would do what he had been doing ever since he started wetting 
his bed. He would spank him. But if he saw he had messed himself, he 
would take a belt to him. Aunt Petunia stopped her assault on Harry's 
legs and pulled the quietly crying child towards the store. Harry 
composed his self as best he could as his face burned from 

There he was, a thirteen year old wizard, savior of the wizarding 
world, defeater of Voldemort, and he was being forced into a Muggle 
store, wearing dirty, and wet diapers, crying because he had just 
received a spanking and would get another one when they returned to 
Number Four. He ducked his head in shame as he was pulled into the 
store. He looked up when they came to a stop, and saw Dudley less than 
five feet from him. Dudley was leaning against a closed register 
standing next to a cart. Petunia dragged him the remaining feet to the 

�Get in the toddler seat,� she ordered. Harry gave her a pleading look, 
but after a swat on his already soar legs he moved. Staring at his feet 
he mumbled something. �What was that boy!�

�I-i won't fit,� Harry said weakly.

�You'll fit fine,� She said as she stomped over and swatted his legs 
again. Harry yelped, and began climbing in the cart. He stood on the 
conveyor belt and was about to stick his legs in when he was stopped by 

�Mummy, he doesn't need the seat down,� Dudley whined.

�Your right sweetums,� Aunt Petunia said as she lifted the blue seat 
up. �He has enough padding down there anyway.� Harry blushed furiously 
as Aunt Petunia smacked his Diapered bottom. He quickly slid the rest 
of the way into the seat and whimpered as the seat drove the mess in 
his diaper closer to his butt. Then there was another problem, He had 
to use the bathroom.

Part 7

Aunt Petunia buckled the safety belt around Harry's waist, and Harry 
was once again shocked at the fact that he was still small enough for 
the thing. He hadn't been made to go to the grocery store with anyone 
since he turned eleven, when the Dursleys stopped sending him to Mrs. 
Figg's house. She had always made him sit in this damned seat as well.

�Duddykins why don't you go pick out a few knew video games.� Aunt 
Petunia said as she watched Dudley walk off towards the electronics.

Aunt Petunia began pushing the cart through the store with Harry 
blushing deeply in the toddler seat. To Harry's horror she walked to 
the Baby isle. Harry blushed as she stopped in front of the first row 
of things. A wave of Horror passed over him as she place Pacifiers, 
bibs, bottles, baby silverware, baby powder, diaper rash ointment, 
changing pads, and baby wipes. She pushed the cart a little farther 
down and added Baby soap, baby shampoo, and baby lotion. At the end of 
the isle she picked out a large diaper bag with Disney. She left the 
isle and headed towards another. Harry's eyes got wide as he realized 
they were going down the baby furniture store. She stopped in front of 
the playpens and Aunt Petunia began looking at the different brands.

�Can I help you?� A voice asked. Harry twisted around, and saw a 
Walmart employee standing next to the cart. Harry's face flushed red as 
the employee wrinkled his nose from the stench coming from his diaper. 
The pain in his bladder was unbearable.

�Yes, I need a playpen, car seat, and a stroller big enough for him, 
and a diaper pail as well.� Aunt Petunia explained pointing at Harry, 
who had began to squirm due to the diaper.

�Well I think, with him being so small, that he could fit into some of 
the things.� He said as he began to examine some of the playpens. �This 
playpen should be big enough for him to sit in, and he most likely 
won't be able to climb out of it if he is wearing a diaper.� The man 
said sounding awkward. He took the box down and sat it on the floor, 
because it was to large to fit in the cart. He then went over to the 
car seats and pulled one down. �This should fit him as well.� He said 
sitting the car seat on the play pen. He then went over to the stroller 
and rolled one down. �This seat is about as big as out toddler seats 
are so he should fit in it.� The man said. �And this,� He said taking 
down a box with a picture of a diaper pail. �Is our best selling diaper 
pail.� He placed it next to the other things. �Are you through with 
your shopping?� He asked still eyeballing Harry.

�No not yet,� Aunt Petunia said. �I have a few more things to buy.�

�I'll leave these at customer service, what�s your name?� The man 

�Petunia Dursley,� She answered.

�Alright, have a nice day.� Petunia grabbed the cart and began pushing 
towards the grocery isle.

�Auntie, please don't buy that,� Harry pleaded with tears in his eyes.

�Too bad, that's what you get for peeing in your bed.� Petunia snarled 
as she turned down an aisle. Harry began to silently cry as Aunt 
Petunia stopped in front of the baby food. She loaded a package that 
came with fifty jars of different types in the buggy. She then got the 
biggest can of baby formula Harry had ever seen. Harry ducked his head 
in shame as Aunt Petunia started for the electronic section. Once there 
Aunt Petunia left Harry sitting in front of the counter and walked over 
to Dudley. Harry desperately tried to squash his legs together as a 
squirt of urine came out, but the bars between his legs stopped his 
attempt. Aunt Petunia and Dudley came back, and Dudley had several knew 
video games, and a new PSP. As Aunt Petunia grabbed the cart and pushed 
it Harry asked the inevitable.

�Auntie, I have to wee-wee's. Can I wet?� Harry asked sounding close to 

�Fine,� She snapped irritably. �Don't start crying when those things 
leak.� Harry felt tears in his eyes as he wet his soaked diapers. He 
was horrified when a small damp spot appeared in the crotch of his 
pants. Tears spilled from his eyes as he fought to hold back sobs. The 
pain in his diaper felt like fire and he couldn't do a thing about it.

�Mummy, look what Harry did,� Dudley wailed at the top of his lungs, 
causing the crowded area to turn to see what the commotion was about. 
Harry's face turned red as the shoppers gazed at his diapers.

�Look what you've done now,� Aunt Petunia snapped. �Well you can just 
sit in it until we get home, I didn't bring you a change.� Harry ducked 
his head as they made it to the customer service register. �There are 
some things for Petunia Dursley.� She said to the teenager who couldn't 
have been much older than Harry.

�Oh yes,� she said. �A playpen, car seat, large diaper pail, and 

�Yes,� Petunia said with a sweet smile.

�Well, I can ring you up here and have someone take your things to the 
car for you.� She said as she began to scan all the items. She finished 
quickly, and with the swipe of Aunt Petunia�s credit card, she called 
for someone to take the things to the car. A male employee came and 
took the cart the playpen was on and followed Aunt Petunia out to the 
car. She parked Harry next to the car and opened the trunk. The man 
slide the stroller and playpen in and was about to slide the car seat 
in when Aunt Petunia stopped him.

�Can you help me put that in the backseat?� She asked sweetly.

�Sure thing ma'am,� He said throwing a pitying glance at Harry. He 
opened the box and took out the car seat and hooking it into the back 

�Do you think you could help me get my nephew out?� The man nodded and 
came over to Harry. He snapped the safety belt opened and then helped 
Harry to stand and climb out of the cart.

�Thanks,� Harry mumbled trying to keep his voice even.

�No problem, have a nice day.� With that he gathered the trash and 
headed back to the store.

�Get into the car seat and don't move,� She snapped, pushing him 
roughly towards the car. He stumbled, an quickly climbed into the car 
seat. It was a tight fit, much like the toddler seat, but he fit into 
it. �Dudders, do you know how to buckle one?�

�Yes Mummy,� Dudley said in a falsely sweet voice. He came up to Harry 
and strapped the car seat as tight as possible around his small form. 
Harry had tears rolling down his face as Dudley slapped his soak and 
leaking diaper. Harry squirmed uncomfortably in the car seat. He 
couldn't even think of what would happen if any wizard found out about 
this. He would be all over the Daily Prophet. Aunt Petunia and Dudley 
climbed back into the car after putting the groceries away and they 
headed back to the house.

�Aunt Petunia, please let me out, I'm sorry, I won't wet the bed 
anymore,� Harry pleaded as he started crying.

�Shut up, Harry,� Aunt Petunia screeched as she dug in her purse. She 
pulled out a blue pacifier, reached back and shoved it in Harry's 
mouth. �Leave it in there, or I'll beat your ass.� Harry cried silently 
as he forced himself to keep the pacifier in his mouth. Harry cried 
harder as the pain in his bottom increased horribly. He had been 
wearing the filthy thing since noon, and it was nearly five thirty. The 
long ride home was unbearable. So when they pulled into the driveway 
Harry had three things he was relieved for.

One, he would get out of the damned car seat, Two, Aunt Petunia would 
take the soiled diaper off. And most importantly, Uncle Vernon wasn't 
home. Harry sighed as Aunt Petunia got out of the car and went to the 
trunk. She wasn't going to let him out until she unloaded every thing. 
After several trips in and out of the house, Aunt Petunia came over to 
him and unbuckled the carseat.

�Get in the house now,� She snapped. Harry climbed out of the car 
slowly and quickly headed to the house. �Go upstairs and take off your 
overalls, I'll be up in a minuet to change you.� Harry climbed the 
stairs, fining the task harder now that he ha all the extra padding 
between her legs. He went into his room, quickly stripped his overalls, 
and sat on the floor, and spit the pacifier out. He didn't want to risk 
the be getting wet because his diapers were soaked. He sat there for 
several minuets before Aunt Petunia came into the room. �I TOLD YOU TO 
KEEP THAT PACIFIER IN YOUR MOUTH!� She stomped over to Harry and pulled 
him up by his shirt.

�I'm sorry,� Harry said as she pushed him roughly onto the bed.

�Stay there and don't move,� She snapped as she snatched the pacifier 
from the floor and stomped out of the room. Harry sat there, trying to 
keep the tears from falling. She came back in the room with a few sacks 
filled with about a hundred cloth diapers. She put all but one bag. She 
put a disposable changing pad on the bed. �Lay down on the pad Harry,� 
She snapped angrily. He lay back, eager to get the stinging diaper off. 
She quickly removed the dirty diaper and stood up and disposed of it in 
the diaper pail that had been set up in a corner of the room. She came 
back over to him and pulled out a box of baby wipes. She used several 
baby wipes to clean his butt. Then she shocked Harry by flipping him 
onto his stomach and smacking his bottom as hard as she could. �THE 
punctuated every word with a sharp SMACK to Harry's bottom.

�I'm sorry,� he sobbed desperately, as he squirmed to avoid the swats. 
�Please stop, I'm sorry.� He was sobbing his heart out twenty minuets 
later when she finally stopped her assault. She roughly flipped him 
back onto his back. She lifted Harry's legs as if he were a toddler and 
placed several thick diapers under his butt. After powdering him she 
then pulled out a tube of diaper rash cream. She placed a large amount 
in one hand before lifting his legs with the other and roughly applying 
the cream to his bottom. He winced as his sore and rashy bottom was 
rubbed roughly. She laid his legs down and spread them as far apart as 
they would go, and brought the diapers up tightly between his legs. She 
pinned them tightly and then pulled out the pacifier from the bag.

�Stand up brat,� she snapped angrily. Harry stood up and tried, with 
out success, to close his legs. Petunia shoved the pacifier in his 
mouth roughly. And then twisted him around and smacked his diapered 
butt as hard as possible. �Go downstairs into the living room.� She 
snapped angrily. Harry toddled quickly behind her as she led him to the 
living room. He stopped short as he saw the playpen sitting in a corner 
of the living room. �Well go get into it,� Petunia said angrily 
grabbing Harry by his t-shirt and pulled him over to the playpen. 
�WELL!� Petunia took his pacifier out for a moment.

�I-I can't,� He said sounding close to tears. Then she did something 
that she hadn't done since Harry was four. She lifted him up roughly 
and dropped him into the playpen. Harry started crying softly as she 
bent down and shoved the pacifier into his mouth.

�Here, you whined for this thing enough when we took it,� She said as 
she threw a old stuffed stag into the play pen. �If you�re going to act 
like a child I guess you can have it back.� She snapped angrily. Harry 
grabbed the stuffed stag and held it close to his chest where he curled 
up in the corner. He had forgotten about his stuffed animal. It was his 
only toy as a child, and the Dursleys had taken it from him when he was 
six, saying he was too old for stuffed animals. He remembered he had 
called it Prongs. Thinking about it now, Harry thought it was highly 
likely that his dad had given it to him for his birthday. He knew it 
was a birthday present because on the back leg of it had a inscription. 
It read,

To Harry My son

Happy first Birthday

I love you

He was glad he at least had something from his dad with him now. Harry 
was so lost in thoughts that he didn't here the car pull into the drive 
way, or the jingle of the doorknob as it was turned. What he did notice 
however was when his uncle slammed the door and stomped over to him. 
Harry looked up into the fat, purple face of his enraged uncle as he 
glared evilly into the playpen.
Part 8

�I have had it with you,� Uncle Vernon yelled at Harry. �Dudley told me 
on the phone that you tried to use magic.�

�That ain�t true,� Harry protested out of fear.

Vernon got madder and screamed: �DON�T YOU LIE TO ME!� Then, he slapped 
his cousin in his face. Because of this, Harry�s cheeks turned 
completely red.

Suddenly, a dark voice said: �That will be enough, Muggle.� Professor 
Severus Snape entered the room.

�Professor,� Harry said. �Why are you here?�

Snape said: �I came to pick you up, Mister Potter, and delivering you 
at your new family�s house.�

�HE ISN�T GOING ANYWHERE!� Vernon yelled, while he tried to grab the 
dark-haired and skinny wizard. Immediately, Snape pointed his magic 
wand at Vernon, who backed off out of fear.

�You are no more Mister Potter�s family�� Snape said coolly, ��and if 
you don�t calm down at once, I�ll use the Unforgivable Spells on you.�

With one blink of his eyes, Snape had Harry�s thick diapers 
disappeared. Also, Harry wore a clean disposable diaper and his normal 
boy clothes.

�Thanks sir,� Harry sighed.

�You�re welcome�� Snape smiled, ��but we better hurry, before the Lord 
of Darkness finds out.� At this, Harry asked: �Are you saying��

�That�s what I mean,� the answer was. Then, Snape pointed his finger at 
Vernon. �If your son and wife come home�� he said, ��you better tell 
them that Mister Potter is gone for good, and when the Lord of Darkness 
comes over, you�ll pray that Mister Potter never entered your life.� 
With his wand, Snape packed up all of Harry�s stuff. After getting 
Hedwig out of the shed, Harry got on his broom. Snape got on his own, 
with Harry�s stuff underneath it, and together, the 2 wizards flew off.

After a few hours, they reached the house of the Christian family 

�These people will give you a new identity�� Snape told Harry, ��so the 
Lord of Darkness won�t be able to find you anymore.�

�What about my friends?� Harry asked. �They came up with case,� The 
answer was. �Anyway, I hope you have a good time over here, and don�t 
worry about being discovered by the Death Eaters or the Lord of 
Darkness, because the house is protected with every sort of magic.� He 
gave the suitcases to Harry and flew off. Then, Harry rang the bell. 
The door opened and Helena Pearson, who looked exactly like Lily Evans 
(Harry�s mother), appeared. �You must be Harry James Potter,� she 
smiled. Harry nodded and said: �You got that right, ma�am.�

�Come on in,� Helena said. �My husband is in the room.� After meeting 
Jacob Pearson, who looked exactly like James Potter (Harry�s father), 
Harry said: �I hope that I don�t bother you with this.�

Jacob smiled: �Of course not, my boy. You are safe in here and you have 
a new family, and by the way, your new identity will be Grant Pearson.�

Harry nodded and sat down on the couch. Suddenly, his face changed into 
a new one. Harry�s hair got clean, styled and a bit shorter. Then, 
Harry took a look in the mirror. �That�s what I call great,� he smiled.

Jacob said: �It�s good to hear that, son.� After watching the news on 
the television, which showed an article about the unexplainable death 
of the Dursley�s, Harry was brought to �his� bedroom by Helena. The 
bedroom was painted in blue, turquoise and white colors. On the walls, 
there were posters of phoenixes and unicorns. �This room is amazing,� 
Harry thought.

Then, Helena said: �You know, Grant, I don�t think you�ll be happy with 
it, but when we heard from your incontinence, we had no other choice 
but to buy you some disposable diapers.�

However, Harry smiled and said: �Well, I despised it when Uncle Vernon 
and Aunt Petunia put me in them, but if it�s about you and �dad� 
putting me in them, I�m okay with it.�

Suddenly, he felt himself peeing in his diaper and blushed out of 

�It�s okay,� Helena said. �That�s what diapers are meant for, including 
number 2.�

At this, Harry sighed out of luck. Then, he felt the need to poop and 
said: �Speaking about that�� After pushing 2 very big lugs of dark-
brown and soft-hard poop in his diaper, Harry took a sigh, stood up and 
said: �All done.�

Within no time, Helena had the wet and dirty diaper removed and thrown 
away. Harry was cleaned up and put back in a clean diaper. He put on 
his underwear and pajamas, closed the curtains, brushed his teeth, 
kissed Helena goodnight, crept in his bed and fell asleep. In his 
dreams, which were actually visions, Harry saw that Voldemort was 
killed by all wizards and witches. All of the Death Eaters were turned 
back to normal.

Harry smiled: �That will teach that filthy half-blood.� From that 
moment on, he lived happily ever after.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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